FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

From the USS ALABAMA - VP Debate - Cameron Smith talked Gambling - Midday Mobile - Wednesday 10-02-24

Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five more shots of tough. Yeah, I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal we got drink pretty good on it. Did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council I had no doubt about them that doesn't stop if you don't like it Last question were you high on drugs? Right away we go FM talk one of six five and midday mobile glad to have you along on this Wednesday And we are live aboard the mighty a here at battleship Memorial Park my favorite place to do a radio show Right here in the wardroom. So glad to have us back out that means big things happening at the battleship We're gonna get to that in just a second also coming up on today's show Cameron Smith from Give you the latest on the ILA strike here at the porta bobile We'll talk about that in just the second half of the show also last night's debate Of course, that's been the discussion in the morning show and on Jeff show today We'll talk about it with you reminder text line It's the best way to communicate today because I'm not in the opulent FM talk 106 five studios So text me at three four three zero one zero six and as always you can leave us talk back messages when to use the FM talk 106 five app when you if you don't have the app let me stop for a second You don't have the app. We want you to have the app. It's free. It's waiting for you If you got an Apple phone iOS, it's on the app store if you use an Android phone You're a cool dad like me running Android Just like to leave that out and then my friends go you the green bubble in the text Yeah, I'm one of those all of us go to Google play to get the FM talk one oh six five app But just look for FM TA LK 065 you'll see our logo. That's the app downloaded and so many things on there but one of the features that microphone icon lets you record a message you can email to the station and Chime in on this show or any of the other 53 hours a week of live local shows from FM talk 105 all right, so we are here at battleship Memorial Park and Hannah Nelson with the battleship Thanks for having us back out. Yeah, thank you for coming now this when I know we come out here That means we must be darn close to a living history drill Of course, yes, and we have our living history career drill this weekend and actually for the first time ever If you haven't been lately, it's a great time to come because we have our first family day, okay, and so on Saturday all adults are half off admission prices Okay, and so the first 20 people that come actually get a complimentary swag So there's so many wonderful opportunities, and then of course we have the drill which called a battle stations at 1 p.m And planes fly based on weather and mechanical safety and you can watch our social media You know to keep up on any changes or adjustments But this weekend's a great time to come out if you've been thinking about it or you haven't been in a while It's a great time. Yeah, it's always good to come out to him But I will say this coming out in October versus one in the middle of the summer Maybe a little more appealing to some folks once they're on the on the standing on the new teak deck of the USS, Alabama Definitely, I've already I was talking about today though. The weather has shifted and it shows every day It has been so much cooler. Yeah, it is nicer out here if people have not Been part of the living history crew drill. I've talked about it over the years described to people what they're gonna see You talking about the planes we got that there but what's happening what goes on on the battleship well it's I look at it as Because you come in the battleship and it's already you're you're being and like Put into history almost and this is just more so that it's I'm I literally invited my friends because I said This is gonna be so cool like it's it's a reenactment like you get put back in history and a way that you Don't normally get to experience and so people are dressed up everywhere And it's it's almost like you're back in time right in the best when you get to just to watch it Happen and hear all the noises and see all the things. It's just it's very immersive And so it's really fun. Especially for the kids. I feel like they get really excited about it Okay, it's in the big kids like yeah excited about it as well Yeah, we talked about the guns going off and all those things But at the same time like you said the people are dressed but they also can tell you What they're doing and who they are. This is the thing my son and I enjoyed is stopping different people in the crew And they're like, okay, well, I'm a medic or I'm here to put out the fire or I'm here to do XYZ and they can give you like you can learn about those things in a textbook Maybe that it maybe that's for a lot of vertical when you talk to somebody tells me You know, this is what and they're acting just like it would have been somebody aboard a sailor aboard the Alabama Yeah, it's it's like a very it's an immersive history lesson, but and it's really fun. It's not like you're a It's history lesson, but you're you're getting to watch it and hear them describe it, and it's more fun that way And so it's just it's a really exciting thing you you you learn a lot That's what a lot of people come and they learn things that they never knew I learned things I never knew every day And so it's just it's really cool. Especially if you're a history buff even if you're not it's a fun experience So I went to speak to some classes and people were talking I was talking about this weekend and they were mentioning just college students mentioning They haven't been out in a while and they said that that sounds really cool. I didn't know they did that I I want to go like that sounds like a really cool experience. So it's it's just a good Good time I want to talk about this because you said for the first time family day and the first 20 gets swag What time what time is because I always kind of talking to general in the past would kind of give people like the time To get here if they wanted to get here and not have too much time for the before it starts But when it's like those 20 people what time should they be here? I mean It's we open 8 a.m So if people want to spend the whole day and there's plenty to see because you you can reserve hours and still not see Everything true here. So if you're someone who hasn't been in a long time or hasn't hasn't been it would be a Pretty full day and of course the drill starts at 1 p.m. So If you're gonna get it yet if y'all want to check the drill out, it's always been said Get here 1130 so you can get part to make sure you're on deck for the drill. Is that that's the way to it's 1130. All right Also going on people are gonna ask about this before even look at the text line and I think about this for I don't know There are people that are responsible and start doing Christmas shopping in October. I'm not one of them But teak and take still available still have some available it's it's obviously limited supply because we only have so much of it, but yes We still have it available and the the gift shop. You can buy we have it in different variations You can get it in a pen a coaster you can just get the plank if you really want that so it would be a really cool Christmas gift and I want to tell people to if you go check out your Facebook page to get more information about this weekend To scroll down a little bit we talked about last time I was here But this has happened since I've been here with a mr. Tven Mm-hmm coming coming aboard now. Who was that? He was a World War two veteran and he was actually an original crewman for the USS, Alabama. It was It was just amazing getting to meet him. He came from Missouri last Thursday He had just turned 99 years old amazing. You would never know it. He was getting around here like he was in his 70s but yeah, he served on the USS, Alabama during World War two and He just wanted to come see the new teak deck and walk on it and he did he was he was everywhere and just hearing him talk about his experience was It was awesome and despite everything because you know it was around the same time as the hurricane so flights There were struggles with that, but he didn't let that stop him. He got here Yeah, y'all go look at that post and see what an amazing thing of a man who served his country back in the 1940s Board the mighty a and back on it at 99 years old And it more information. I guess Facebook page or the website best place to go. Yes, sir Yes, our social media Instagram Facebook and our website and we update it all the time So you're always gonna know what's going on or if there's any changes to anything But this weekend first time family day living history drill family day So you can change that and be part of it. Thanks for having us back out. Thank you. All right We're coming right back more midday mobile right here at FM talk. What oh six five and live from the USS, Alabama We'll come back Kate catch some text here and some calls and then come up at 1235 Cameron Smith joins me Butts coming up this hour and then scuttle but radio network at one This is midnight mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk Welcome back midday mobile live aboard the USS Alabama I'm glad to have you all along on this Wednesday and time to check in with my buddy David McCrairie at LCM motor cars and talk about that inventory. Hey David We we've got a good inventory like we always talk about but while we've got that we got a Jeep came in two door Jeep and it's a five speed manual transmission. So that's a hunting vehicle. Anybody's looking for one. We had one The other day we sold it. We got another one. We got a real late model toy at a Camry Got a Cadillac DTS, which is an older one and it's like brand stinking new A lot of small SUVs and four-wheel drive crew cab trucks. I mean we got it on Okay, let's talk about options for financing as well. How's that looking? Finance is really good. We've had a lot of people come in a little last week or so Down payments are a little low right now, but we're still being able to make it happen So, you know, of course the more down payment the more choice you have Just come see us. Let us see if we can help you. All right. Do this. Tell folks how to come find you We're at highway 90 implantation in Theodore. It's one mile south of ITN exit 15A You can give us a call at two five one three seven five zero zero six eight or go to the website LCM motor cars comm Thanks, David Good day, you too. There goes David McCurry with LCM motor cars and I would get to this story here And then I will get some texts and texts coming in here at three four three zero one zero six Give you you know the update here on the strike that started this week here the strike started I guess yesterday morning with the International Longshoreman's Association striking against the US MX and we talked about this someone yesterday show how this affects containerized shipping at the port There was some disagreement yesterday whether it affected the coal facilities Because there were people were saying that bulk and break bulk and palatize were not affected. It's just containerized and then people were saying the coal Is also affected. I'm still trying to get the word on that So if you work there or you know or have some reason to know let me know on that But and I'll come back to the kind of the the story But wkg so my buddy Bill Rawls had the story. I guess in the morning newscast and it was about okay We're here. Let me just read read this and it's Haley Kennedy filed the story and said Shoppers were stuck. Okay. Well, the headline is the ILA strike empties grocery store shelves and mobile Okay, so says the International Longshoreman's Association Union members began their strike early Tuesday morning Residents in the port city rushed to the grocery store They interviewed Katie Dixon local shoppers said when I got inside Sam's I quickly realized that people were in panic mode Shoppers were stocking up on paper towels toilet paper and bottled water Saying they were worried about the supply in the future due to the strike Now I just and Ask this question because I Went through the grocery store. I think yesterday. I didn't see anything when I went through a dollar in general I didn't see anything wild No, I mean they still had salsa and sour cream and the very overpriced Tocito scoop chips and all that those looking for Because it's getting ready for the debate last night Are you seeing this and when is panic buying? I mean just when is this ever paid off? It's like people love some panic buying and maybe it's the toilet paper thing over covid Maybe that's the reaction people are having maybe people are is what if you go into the store now This store says at the sands that they were still flying off the shelves Have y'all seen this at your local store? Did you go yesterday or today to the grocery store and did you see? runs on items what and what were the runs if you did see it what was missing what was Yeah, what uh what had that big you know the place where the remember if you grew up in the in the 80s like I did and the pictures of Turned pair of storica in Russia when the store shelves were just empty you look down the row and there's like a one can or something there Is there anything like that out there? I'm missing because I can't be at every store They just it struck me with this this store talking to the the story talking about the uh people making the runs on grocery stores Is it just the one store? Are people maybe getting ready for football this week at are you seeing it? Let me know three four three 0106 all right to the text line here a named texter says the strike is absolutely absurd They're acting like they don't already make 39 dollars an hour with $6 an hour to their pension and free health care um Let's see Jason said I guess he went he said yes and the Vienna says sausage was wiped out. Why is that the go-to? There's a lot of canned things that weren't Vienna sausages. I'm just not I know it leaves a lot of people upset with me I'm just not a fan not a fan of them the potted meats in general not my boy eat them, but Not my favorite thing Also, Jason asking charney surprise that the stolen valor wasn't brought up by jd Baby, but they'd already gotten walls on a the ten men square lie thing with They so the only thing i'll say for the moderators at least one moment last night So they asked a question about the timeline uh when wall said, you know, he was uh in ten men square or whatever from the And they look at a newspaper article that says he wasn't and he his answer first starts off like well I was I grew up middle class, which is like that is the newest hardworking Americans and alabamians They say it so much it's now become a cliche and I grew up middle class is now a cliche I'm beyond both of those things, but he said that and went on this soliloquy here And then the next thing you know, the moderators did come back and say and what about that thing in the timeline And he I think he said he misspoke in other words. He lied on that but Jeff pore brought something up today That uh that I listened to I said, you know your spot on jeff He said we have gotten to a point where in debates It's about gotcha questions and that one gotcha question last night and listen there tons of gotcha questions against jd Vance that one was against walls Is that the purpose of a debate and I think this is maybe more academic than the just general blood sport that we expect in these debates But do you I mean it's it worth discussing That in a debate You phrase you frame questions about policy for the country and how you would design the policy Right versus just being this cult of personality discussion. That's where we're stuck right? It's Hardly can get into policy when it's just like well trump bad and mean and he's a racist there or you know Kamala doesn't know how to put on her shoes or whatever it is In the time we take to do that which that's what we should do here in in talk radio I think in an interview from a show. That's those are good things the gotchas and they sit down Oh, you can't get vice president harris on an interview, but if you could That's where you do those things I actually think jeff brought up a good point. I don't know how we get around it But too many times the moderators are trying to make themselves a star as well, right? They're trying to ask this Hot take question this gotcha question to bring, you know, uh, bring lauding on themselves What about in the debate format? We don't do that and that's both ways That's bipartisan that you don't do it to the democrat or don't do it to the republican You just ask questions about policy and then if the two candidates want to shoot crossfire That's fine But get the moderators out of this habit and they lordos is mostly is leveled at republicans But we saw at least once last night leveled at democrats as well. Well, let's just ask them questions about and what are you going to do? Uh, you know if a wider regional war pops off in the the middle east What are you going to do to bring down the cost of energy? What do you and do those things? And ask those questions. I think are more pertinent to a debate format then when you go into interviews Yeah, if you want to do the gotcha question you lied about this you said this That's fine. But maybe the right place for that is in an interview or on talk radio way more than it should be part of what Is supposed to be a debate for the american people to uh, you know, see the policy ideas of the two sides So or maybe we you know what we need? How about we ai let's get ai to be a moderator now We'll have ai moderators. Well, of course then who builds the ai? I don't know But if you had real ai that was neutral the computer asked the question and then they go go forward from that All right, um Let's see Uh, all right As daniel says the toilet paper and paper towels are made right here in mobile. We're not going to run out. Yeah But daniel remember that though, how did you know during during covid when it was It's the same thing the toilet paper was the same thing as ammo and i've said this before to folks We've had the supply issues on ammo So it's incumbent upon us when we go in and we finally find the rounds for the The rifle or the the shells for the shotgun that we want to shoot That we buy what we need maybe an extra box just not buy all of them because it leads to Panic buying right maybe that's what happened with the toilet paper This texture says fully walmart was almost out of toilet paper and paper towels Backstrap stackers says I wouldn't think Paper products come via container ships. I wouldn't either right. I mean we we make paper. We got trees So I don't think we're You know, I could be corrected. I don't think we're importing a ton of paper products here But if people believe that they're not lying if this is going on on the local at the local stores people aren't going and Thinking about things logically they're going because they're panicked say they've read something on facebook And uh, and then they're panicked buying this texture said I went to rouses after work yesterday and everything seemed very normal to me There you go Um, but here we go. Somebody said sam's and daphne wiped out yesterday afternoon on toilet paper She's the please people. Oh, but it goes on to say I heard it could be people from Georgia Do the hurricane coming right back camera smith joins us next on bid day mobile [music] This is mid day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five All right, uh, welcome back FM talk 106 five and mid day mobile line from the uss Alabama here in the boardroom always a pleasure to come out and do the show here That means coming up this weekend living history crew drill going on at the Alabama talk about that war coming up And this segment the show brought to you by 1-800 god junk. That's my man Trey He's been picking up y'all's junk and my junk and so many other people's junk's immobile in Baldwin county for 16 plus years Let him do that same thing for you. It could be and we talk about the you know, you could have a Used to have a guest room remember like where guests would stay and now it's full of stuff boxes stuff You don't need get rid of it could be an attic that has junk piled in it It could be there's these things called garages y'all if you've ever seen these and you put cars in them and trucks It's pretty cool when you get the junk out of there. Listen, whatever kind of junk you have like that He can get even the big stuff routinely taking down above ground poles swing sets storage buildings The giant trampolines whatever you got junk you need gone from your home Place you're getting ready to buy place you're getting ready so wherever you get the junk you need to go on You need 1-800-God-Junk making that appointment super easy Online or on the phone the name is the number 1-800-God-Junk And it's a good old-fashioned appointment. They actually like work with you find the day You want to do it the time you want to do it to set the appointment you're there they're there And if you say yes when they quote your price they get it done right there So check them out online or pick up the phone the name is the number 1-800-God-Junk All right get to our guest but one quick series of texts I just run through these yes, so there's so many of y'all are reacting to what we talked about a second ago With the wkg had the news story and then some of y'all have chimed in that you saw it as well At some stores that the run on toilet paper the run on all these different Paper products at the stores because of this strike that started yesterday with the the ILA at the portobobile and then a ton of ports from Maine to Texas, but the panic on that And panic buying out there and so many of y'all are just saying hey, you know This is something we make here in Alabama. Yes, I know I don't think there's logic to the I don't know how many Vienna sausages are coming in through the port But they sure as heck are making a run on those as well. I don't think logic is a foot I think it's just panic you have the strike you have possible, you know issues with importation containerized I just don't know Vienna sausages and uh, and paper products are the way to go I don't know. Let's talk to a Cameron Smith with the triptych foundation as as you worry about imports You know being being strangled by this by this strike. Would you think toilet paper and paper towels first? No, Sean. I'm here 37 cans of Vienna sausage and I just think you're missing out Well, so you so you're the reason see it's the first person who goes in and panic buying something You know how you get something to sell in a grocery store if there's very little of it left There's like bear space on the shelves then that human instinct people just buy the thing because they figure somebody knows something they didn't know Yeah, and I got to be honest those uh gurber baby meat sticks They're just not as good Dasty dasty stuff. Oh my gosh. All right. So a lot to talk about last night's debate We I mentioned it before the break Your thoughts on the on the debate Yeah, I actually thought it I Understand politico's and pundits or maybe the only people that are going to watch advice presidential debate on a school night but I thought a couple things that were different they Were kind to each other they disagreed, but you know they showed a little empathy. There were several moments where vants said hey Oh gosh, that's terrible. You know I didn't know that your kid was you know present when there was a shooting It was humanizing for both of them It's clear without a shadow of a doubt that vants is the best On stage presence in a debate of anybody this cycle. It is not out of all four of them out of all four of my great. He's the best He was he was better at defending trump and his actions than trumped himself And I thought that was It was a masterclass on how to handle a debate. He was fact checking the moderators. He was calm. He was very clear Walt's my contrast his folks. He style hit me like a teenager who didn't do the assignment and gets asked questions about a teacher in class um It was not I think he thought well i'll be relatable And he he was his halting style Actually reminded me more of trump where he would just say things and then say another thing on top of that And it was at times difficult to follow What he was saying and when he was asked a simple question about hey, when were you in china in? 1989 He he could have said if I just misspoke on that moves off back a couple of months I was actually there in august and not in the spring And stopped talking, but he massively fumbled that and then called himself a knucklehead And all that's had to do was sort of nod and be like all right. You said it not me and I thought that it was a good debate a substantive debate I think Vance's candor was excellent on the abortion question when he said people just don't trust us I thought that was an admission that probably caused some republican political operatives to cringe But then he said we need to give Women a reason to trust us that we're gonna help support them that we're gonna have their back that families have Opportunity that they'll have opportunity So basically they don't have to choose an abortion and I thought that was a very sharp answer on a topic There's been a lot of trouble for uh for her republicans since the dada's decision and you know, the only thing that was Concerning to me is it became very clear that There is no conservative on the stage on the presidential level or vice presidential level. It is a 90s democrat policy set up Versus the extreme 2024 and I saw a lot of Conservative commentators said wait a minute. This is still big government. There's a lot of overreach. There's there's agreement between walls and vants on things that aren't good for conservatives that are bad policies and I think those were the people that probably the most upset was Wait a minute. Where's the candidate espousing traditional conservatism? And the answer is they're not up for election this cycle Okay, Cameron. You don't have talked about this many times so we are maybe a dying breed in that Because they're and I would argue you know every time we talk about I argue well, there's not a market for it Right there's certain products not available anymore because there's not a market for it So this idea of the smaller government and I want to get to this at a state level too And the lighter hand from government is something that's the way of the dodo and now it's a conservative populist message versus A liberal populist message both of them are going to give you things, you know that that you want It's different for different groups, but it's still not about shrinking government or giving you just liberty Right, I absolutely not and I think that's where we you know what I saw was I liked The way they treated each other. I thought it was in our political context where it's much more savage these days They treated each other well. Um, they had a good exchange. They were pretty calm even where they passionately disagreed I love the tone The substance to me was Okay, I've got democrat light democrat light doesn't work But college it's never as good as the full version of democrats at getting you stuff That's that's the problem for vance and trump is We'll sort of give you stuff We won't give you as much as the democrats will but hey, we're still giving you goodies And I think that is going to be an Achilles heel of wait a minute. They will just give us more because they're telling us This is what we think Meanwhile vance and trump are saying well, we'll still give you stuff. We'll use government to punish companies doing things we don't like but not as much as them and They're still trying to keep conservatives in the fold. So it's it's just a little bit awkward But I this is working hard. I think most folks will address the the question of Which which administration the Biden Harris administration or the trump administration was better for me and I think that's how they'll vote Cameron, let's bring this back to a state level and something i've talked about so many times obviously With you as well y'all i'm just going to read you a couple sentences and then let Cameron run from the run run with this Uh, this paragraph starts off Y'all think about this camera and I did not work together on this beforehand It says look at the areas where government has the most control. How's that going for alabama public education nailed it Medicaid perfect alcoholic beverages controlled. Have you seen how well things are going in the state run cannabis cartel? uh, well said so Too fantastic sentences there as we talk about more government controlled look at alabama where this big conservative state You just laid a quick list out of the places where the states involved in what should be the private sector Well, I was talking about senator all britain's comments that government control was one of his guiding principles in handling gambling and I just and I understand that you and i've talked about that the world does not really want limited government conservatism because man, that's just not fun not 51 No, but i'm afraid until the church is empty I mean, that's what i'm doing here because in the state of alabama the idea that conservatives would say you know what we need Another bureaucracy we need to really get control of gambling and we're going to do that by expanding government and controlling what would otherwise be private industry That's the truth. You can you can sugarcoat it. You can spin it differently. You can say well Look at the attendant harms of gambling. Look at all this stuff. If your answer is Government come in here and create a new bureaucracy to control it. You're not a conservative You just need to come to terms with you're just a big government with a different color and Red versus blue and big government doesn't fly with me and I think that's that was my main point was There are states that auction of licenses Pennsylvania does this for gambling operations You can pick the number and you can do that there are plenty of policy solutions that can give you some of the things you want, but if your goal is government control You're just deliverables who walks different things and I'm going to call it like it is What happens is this all gets washed into the conversation like if I have this on the show and I mentioned something like that Some will say well, you're against The gambling i'm like actually i'm not i'm you know, well i'm fairly fairly just Agnostic to it. I think it's right that people should be able to vote on at same time. I think it has societal wills It's like anything. It's you know, it's great But I believe in people's liberty to do it But like you said why the state has to be the state can be in control in as much as saying here the parameters Right if you're going to run the casino, you got to have a bond to be able to pay off if you know old lucky Cameron comes in there wins a bunch or You have uh, you have to pay this amount for a license, right? We're gonna and and you can't uh, you know, you have to each year reapply for the license and it costs two whatever two million I don't know what they would cost and then your license in the state to run a casino And then you could get this y'all compete against other casinos to see which casino has the best, you know 80s rock cover ban come in or the best All you can eat shrimp and that one wins. I mean, that's like that's how it goes Well, I might imagine Sean that I said, you know There's there people are shooting each other and there's there's harm coming from these guns I'm going to create the Bureau of gun regulation and violence prevention In the state of alabama you'd laugh at me. You'd say absolutely not that's nuts It's the same thing It is the same thing to say well, there's societal harms there people could get hurt You know, look people could gamble too much and lose their house. Well, if that's your logic well people get guns They could shoot someone they could kill someone. I guess we need a big government bureaucracy Alcohol I've been at this for years Well, if we don't regulate alcohol with the government agency, there'll be people drunk in the streets That'll be falling all over the place. You just don't know what would happen I'll tell you what would happen if somebody's drunk in the street. They get arrested and locked up Yeah, it's easy. I don't need an agency to do it I mean, it's it is insane and this reliance on government in a state like alabama and out it was not alone There's a lot of red states that still do this garbage that the reliance on government to solve the problems Is insane and they're just arbitrary in what areas they allow it and what they don't none of the politicians in alabama on the republican side Whatever dream of a bureau of gun violence prevention. They wouldn't do that. They shouldn't do it in these other contexts You know, it's and even on the The abc argument, you know, I I think I was one of the people that was called out and saying that I must want people to be There's been 10 years ago or so when they're pushing back here You're people like me and I was lumped in with a group of people wanted people drunk in the streets and kids buying booze I said wait a second My issue at that point was with the retail component If you still want to have the excise tax, you know, if the people of the alabama think it's a great thing to have the excise tax on the booze coming in Let them do that let them charge that and let them also keep You know, running their stings and stuff to make sure people aren't buying underage underage kids are buying booze. I'm for that that doesn't then therefore ergo mean you need to run retail locations and compete against private business Yeah, well, I mean I I go further than that to say Address the behavior. That's the problem if people are getting drunk in the streets arrest them put them in jail They'll stop if if people are selling to minors arrest them arrest them find them Petalize them say hey you sold to a minor the is the fit petal these $50,000 okay like that will quickly draw out that behavior go after the bad behavior Not the industry or sector and this is this is just easy This is straightforward and on the gambling front. What's even crazier is most people in alabama Don't care about slot machine at a gas station They don't care about poker night with thin guys gambling for $100 each Right, that's not something that's going to wreck culture or society And he don't need a bureaucracy for it the cost of the bureaucracy In in this instance will be more than the cost of the harm to the public Karen people want to read more about this. Where do they go? slash opinion. I have a right for you net as well. There are plenty of avenues But please folks think about if you say you're a conservative make sure your politicians are held accountable There it is. Uh, Cameron. I appreciate it. We'll talk again next week Thanks, john All right, there goes kamer smith and we're coming right back more bid. They will be all live aboard the uss alabama Right here on fm talk 1065 65 This is mid day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 1065 All right, so welcome back fm talk 1065 bid day mobile. We are alive before the uss alabama Always love it out here and even though this show will be ending in a second My man tom clacks and taking over with the scone about radio network at one Right now though and check in with my friend anna and mobile bay coins and find jewelry And uh talk about a great gift ideas, you know, and uh, I mean there are people that actually do christmas shopping in october You're aware of this right Yes, I am very well aware there's people that prepare ahead of time And I actually just got the christmas rounds and they're finally in the shop They're about to go in the front case. So we've got Santa there's patriotic santa. There's santa bars. Yes, baby's first christmas. I'm already sold one of those All kinds of designs These people make it hard on people like me that uh, you know We come mid december when we start thinking about christmas, but y'all got those You also have for any kind of different gift idea those silver rounds to get you get them engraved right there at the shop Yes, I do the engraving myself and then normally, you know people put a name on there and I can do different fonts like script or block And you can personalize in any way you really want to and we have jewelry as well There's jewelry. There's you can get proof and mint says there's the american solar eagles. They're also popular Um, nothing I want to mention is that you can put the solar eagles and the engravenables the rounds and the bars You can put those as an ornament on the christmas tree There you go. Make sure you have a solid branch, but yeah, you put them on they look really good Uh tell folks how to come down and check out those gift items and everything else going on at the store We're at 22.04 government street just a block west of little flower cappie school in church and you can also find us on facebook and instagram Thanks, anna You're welcome. All right. There goes anna mobile bay coins and find jewelry speaking the font thing We don't have time in today's show, but I was thinking about this Random shower thoughts. What is it with gangsters? Right that decided they need the calligraphy script with any kind of tattoos When did that happen the calligraphy script if you're gonna be a bad a you got calligraphy Script on your tattoo. What about like times new roman? Courier I mean what why I think it with that font? I just decided question. Let me read a few of these texts before we wrap up For now it looks like uh, it's yeah, some of y'all are seeing I did not see any shortages on the run of paper because of the strike which really makes no sense but some of y'all did Foley walmart. This was yesterday. I guess almost out of toilet paper uh, let's see the Ben says fully walmart again another fully walmart fully what's wrong with y'all fully walmart uh Last night doing regular shopping notice toilet paper rack was pretty thin got home and found out people are panic buying I don't think the run on Vienna sausage is panic mind hunting seasons around the corner and people are stocking up at their camps I just can't I I'll have to eat something else for right now. Um, let's see This teshers had sam's and daphne wiped out yesterday afternoon on toilet paper, but I heard some people saying it could be okay Yeah, do the hurricane Uh, my friend super mom good to hear from you said the amount of times wall said hey look or but look Was about to drive me insane. It's uh, it's a petty irritation on my part But just damn I did hear that too. I noticed that scott saying yeah point out the toilet paper made here in the usa Uh, but he says look at the toilet paper package says it made in the usa, but with imported materials Okay, so what comes in that they need to put in there. That's interesting Uh, the section says wall said sometimes it's just the gun What the heck is he talking about never heard of a gun killing anyone without a human being being involved Yeah, I heard that too. I maybe he just misspoke. You know like the Chinman square thing matt says shawn. I miss the old days of straight shooter moderators like tim russert The man was right down the line when he had his show old show and when he moderated Yeah, I got to meet him one time. That was pretty cool Uh for his passing all right, uh leaving you in the Okay, trust for the hands, uh veteran of the year my buddy tom clacks didn't scuttle about radio network next right here on fm talk one of six five (upbeat music) (upbeat music)