FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

VP Debate Reactions - Jeff Poor - Mobile Mornings - Wednesday 10-02-24

Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
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news sports weather from Dr. Bill Williams traffic info from Kane and one of the Gulf Coast most familiar voices its mobile mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton our wig wanted today and Dalton Clint Eastwood directing a movie stage of 94 crazy he held cut yesterday and woke himself up so you have you have that in the news Dalton just and I hope to have a long career in this we've talked about this right we have yeah what have we said you can't remember huh no I can't remember but we've talked about continuing this show of course as long as we as long as we can as I can but what is what does that look like and you're like hey I'll always I'll always be there for you have I said that big Danny I think you made that part up no I will man and you know you're going strong so I don't even know why this would be a conversation I mean we're young man you walk an hour at three sometimes four hours every day you're out there in the 110 that keeps you young oh well you're you're probably better shaped than I am right now so anyway but it is remarkable that the man could be doing work like that directing other people you know you're the director you're you're the foreman on the job you're in charge of everybody and when you're 94 and putting out new movies and you've had the career he has I feel like movie critics should just take a break you know don't we don't need right we don't need a critical analysis going to make those yeah if folks want to go watch the movie directed by 94 your Clint Eastwood let him yeah don't critically review this he had one that was a critical success I do believe that he I think he directed it and it was also in he was the old guy living in Detroit in the changing neighborhood yeah I love that Grand Torino yeah that's right good movie was a good movie yeah so he was and when he did that people went he is old he's old he's old he was 20 years ago it was that long it may have been yeah 20 years ago okay 15 years ago maybe wow he's very prolific 94 years old I'm amazing he keeps it going yeah there were a couple men on the debate stage last night much younger than 94 years old and I don't know it would love your take two five one three four three zero one zero six I guess my overall take of watching the debate it was much more civil so I'll give them that they talked to much more about policy than we saw in the Trump Kamala debate and I just you know advanced to me you take all four candidates including Trump and I think easily Vance is the best at at getting up there on the stage right and then talking through what he's done so well and what I was saying what a lot of people were saying when he was chosen as the VP candidate because remember how many people were up Republican yeah we're up in arms that he was chosen yeah they said should have been Haley I said he said he said little political I mean governance he's done it for a very short period time as a US senator but what I had said was what he is good at is taking the Trump policies and basically being a teacher and saying what those policies are in a pretty clear direct way that's easily consumable by folks who maybe don't really understand what policies Trump is trying to enact or maybe so many people there their idea of the different Trump MAGA policies are tainted with and you know some many times false analysis by the mainstream media I think Vance is able to kind of rebut that and also for the folks who are actually interested in what Trump has done and plans to do Vance is much much better even than Trump at putting it out there in an easily digestible kind of format and I thought he kind of threw maybe through walls off his game you remember everyone talking about Vance from the the mainstream media had made him out as this despicable fascist hates everybody he's weird remember that and he came out and there were moments where he could have really gone at walls neck he could have gone after him overall and that's what I was worried about because it was so superior to walls I would think in many intellectual ways if he wanted to do that he he could have Alabamaed him and walls was Georgia in the first half and you didn't do that yeah you were saying like he may come off as a bully as a bully he went that way right but he was actually pretty pretty you know he started out by saying and he found ways that he and walls quote-unquote agreed on things and then he would kind of turn it he would pivot into why walls agrees with Trump policies I thought you know for everyone out there who says it was a tie and I know we have was a James saying it was a tie earlier and I think they had the CBS polling where 42% advanced one and 41% said walls one I'd love to know what debate you guys were watching it and what world did walls have a better debate than Vance did last night I was just predisposed to Vance's bad guy I think a lot of folks are well but for me it's sorry it's impossible for me to get around and I know politicians embellish they use hyperbole when the Republicans do that it's you know put on the front page of papers that they're lying that's where Trump gets you know that's how the media takes advantage of it some time because of that but walls has been directly caught yeah in lies he's used to further his campaign like we misspoke he misspoke right and then the latest break man the latest one to come out yesterday and actually you know news of this started coming out on Monday and then was a made more public yesterday I guess more reports but walls for years has been saying that he was in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square massacre in 89 remember his wife said he chose the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre as their wedding date because that date meant so much to him right for one reason or the other well and he's told that story to a ton of people he was there during the spring uprising in China that's not true they found papers old newspapers from them from Nebraska where he's from originally where he's talking about his upcoming trip to China which would have come in August of 89 and so it's directly you know provable that he wasn't in Tiananmen Square even though he has said so many times even on recent podcasts that he was and he was asked about that last night I need to find the whole cut because the first time he was asked by Margaret Brennan about the discrepancies in his story about being in Tiananmen Square and this is before you even get to the stolen valor yeah or what have you the numerous lies he's been caught in but his first answer was well I grew up in a small wit Midwest chest you know are you caught in a lie here tell us the story well I grew up in a small town I was riding my bike down the and by the time I'm 17 I joined the National Guard I love teaching so I'm and so he tells this whole backstory yeah without really answering answering and so she actually and the one credit I'll give to Brennan from last night's debate was that she pressed him on that other than that she pretty pretty horrific in her her debate co-moderator job but here she is kind of pressing walls on that and it got awkward governor just to follow up on that the question was can you explain the know just the whole I said on this was I got there that summer and misspoke on this so I I will just that's what I've said so I was in Hong Kong in China during the democracy protest went in and from that I learned a lot of what needed to be in in governance thank you governor so I don't think the audio is nearly as awkward as the actual visual of him kind of looking like he got caught there but that was just a small part of the debate the other thing that went viral was certainly a slip of the tongue from walls where they were talking about school shootings and JD Vance he said his party says they need to beef up security in school it's not a good thing you don't want your children to feel unsafe and unfortunately putting security in schools has kind of that effect sure they think but so he gave his answer which he's been giving a lot on the campaign trail and then walls at one point he said sometimes it's just the gun sometimes it's just the gun like he said Vance is trying to make this big deal about mental health ensure that's an issue sometimes it's just the gun but he also had this kind of slip up said he's made friends with school shooters which I'm sure is not what he meant to say that office with those sandy appearance I've become friends with school shooters I've seen it look the NRA I was an NRA guy for a long time they used to teach gun safety I'm of an age where my shotgun was in my car so I could fessent on after football practice so that went viral of course saying you've become friends with school shooters I think it's an obvious yeah yeah obviously I didn't mean it but the internet doesn't care right and they also talked about we don't care because you just played it well we we described this yes yes probably a slip of the tongue yeah they also talked about immigration the questions they asked by the way the second question it was either the second or third question that was about Hurricane Helene and they didn't frame the question as has the federal response been good enough what can we do to ensure that communities including inland communities are more prepared for something rare like this happening in the future do we have our do we have too many important assets in that area you know is it the massive NOAA weather station that's in Asheville for some reason which I guess they're safe most of the time but we now know how low lying it isn't but anyway none of those questions were asked they pivoted to to climate change they never really got into the economy until much much later in the debate and there were no questions about the Russia Ukraine war or anything but they did bring up the Springfield Ohio controversy and Haitians making up a pretty pretty large part of that town now and walls spoke a bit about the rhetoric coming from advanced and Trump on that subject the issue on this is this is what happens when you don't want to solve it you demonize it and we saw this and and Senator Vance and it surprises me on this talking about and saying I will create stories to bring attention to this that vilified a large number of people who were here legally in the community of Springfield the Republican governor said it's not true don't do it there's consequences for this there's consequences we could come together senator Langford did it we could come together and solve this if we didn't let Donald Trump continue to make it an issue and the consequences in Springfield were the governor had to send state law enforcement to escort kindergartners to school I believe senator Vance wants to solve this but by standing with Donald Trump and not working together to find a solution it becomes a talking point and when it becomes a talking point like this we dehumanize and villainize other human beings and so he got his point across there but how about that line if Trump would stop talking about this then we could solve it like like they'd be working in the background to you know fix this problem but that led him saying that to another viral part of the debate from last night and remember going in they said they wouldn't be fact checking the candidates well that lasted all of about 15 minutes they started they started fact fact checking Vance they started fact checking Vance that's exactly right and after a couple times he was kind of like you know what I'm I'm through with this I'm gonna talk this out and they even cut his mic here at one point as he was explaining and I'll play it here how the Biden administration has created quote-unquote legal loopholes to have you know this mass amount of what should be considered illegal immigration just by using the CBP1 app right the Customs and Border Patrol app yes on the phone you got an app right so he they fact checked Vance on immigration and then he he comes back at the co-moderators like this and just to clarify for our viewers Springfield Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status temporary protected well thank you senator we have so much to get to I think we're gonna turn out of the economy thank you Margaret the rules were that you got the fact check and since you're fact checking me I think it's important to say what's actually going on so there's an application called the CBP1 app where you can go on as an illegal migrant apply for asylum or apply for parole and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand that is not a person coming in applying for a green card and waiting for ten years thank you senator of a legal immigration Margaret thank you senator for describing the legal process we have so much to get to senator so much books since 1990 thank you gentlemen we want to have has not been on the books it's in 1990 it's something there is created for it gentlemen your the audience can't hear you because your mics are cut we have so much we want to get to thank you for explaining the legal process so there you go that was I think those were most of the viral moments of the debate overall but it's a good thing they talked policy and we're civil but that made for I'd say a pretty boring debate but I had to rank the debaters I'd say Vance number one easily even over both presidential contenders yeah and so James I think this is an interesting take he's got Vance has and of course James is no fan of Republicans basically correct no no fan of Trump I would say okay James probably like some Republicans Vance has the professional prowess and needed to come across as president as president material he sounded good and appeared to be empathetic at times I that that's a part of Vance that when he wrote that book and we did the series of interviews after writing the book he'll build the elegy that's the Vance I remember they came across with somebody who was highly intelligent and also highly empathetic as well Walt's came across as someone you can sit down with and discuss the issues of the day and figure out the ways to fix it so I think that's kind of a thoughtful text from James I appreciate that yeah you know it walls is a great guy to sit down and talk through problems with if you just know that he's lying to me just know that what I'm saying is probably not true like all the time he's just been caught in some of the misspokes already that you know I love to get caught 821 Dan adult and FM talk 10065 and mobile mornings morning from Ben and Dalton eight 25 oh mobile mornings good to have you long two five one three four three zero one zero six what a join the show you can call us or you can certainly tax was right to get to some of these texts together flurry of them here in the last half hour so yeah we're talking about the walls Vance debate from last night Stella Wall Street Journal began their article here or at least a portion of their article Vance the Republican Vice Presidential nominee showed a talent throughout the evening for articulating the tenants of Trumpism often with more discipline than the movement's leader and the abortion conversation came up as well and I thought Vance did a as good a job as he could at trying to win over some of the more liberal voters when it comes to the I guess they would call themselves pro-choice many would call pro-abortion but of course we know how he did that rhetoric has gotten and Vance and Trump have clearly made it a part of their campaign to reach out to some of those moderate voters right now so he I thought had a pretty good answer on that Pat says I think it was a good debate despite all of the lies being told they agreed on the fundamentals let's see community notes want to be and if you'd like us to use a different name for here I think sometimes Jeff names these but that's fine it says it was a tie at best Vance never answered a single question are you kidding me what debate did you watch Vance answered pretty much every question except for the the January 6th question which you know he won't answer honestly because so many people can't accept the truth that there were so many oddities about the 2020 election and it's not something that you can even that day oddities about that day right answer so I'd say that's the one question that Vance maybe didn't clearly answer the rest of them he would even circle back and say and to answer your question and give a pretty direct answer on it so yeah I'm not sure what you saw on that let's see Michael says also walls was caught in another lie about his son witnessing a school shooting it was a complete fabrication there was a shooting near where his son was and I haven't seen the reporting on that I was wondering when he brought that up and they were talking of school shootings and he said he didn't say Gus's name but he said my 17-year-old witnessed a shooting at a community college and I was part of his answer and then Vance says I didn't know that about your son witnessing a shooting you know so I'm so sorry that happened yeah thought he played that pretty well and then you know if the fact checkers determined that to be false then the Vance looks good either way Don says good morning Dan adult and I'd like to just comment if I may of course you can Don on okay this is about the the show maybe we'll come back to you here he's calling you the best so there you go Dan Brennan is the best if you Google the definition of Dan the man Dan Brennan's face would appear we appreciate that Don thank you Don Doc says Vance spoke well walls quote unquote misspoke the real Sam says I just wished that Vance would have explained why Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord because he did so for good reasons and the regular person has no idea and I wish that Vance would have explained why the border bill was not good that border bill would have locked in some really bad stuff for the border that would have been permanent but the regular person has no idea Squall Vereen Vance nodded at walls too much as well as walls says the public isn't really going to care about any of what they said unfortunately and I I probably agree with you I think there are a lot of well I don't know how many I think there are some folks who have not made their mind up on this election as hard as that is to believe and and what's you know you know the one the thing the thing to me that the overreaching thing and even with Vance but the mainstream media has distorted who and what Donald Trump is to such a degree that there are people that they buy they lap up everything they say and write and then you think well it's just this hate for Trump no no so he picks Vance and suddenly in the mainstream media he's a target for ridicule as well and I don't think Vance is that kind of he's not that person at all and he's not weird he's not you know he's pretty good dude yeah do you think anyone came out of that watching that debate last night and said boy they were right that JD Vance is a weird guy I think they did the opposite I think you're right this texture said even the Democrat talking heads were upset by walls performance and when we get back I might play a short clip of the media in their response last night now a news drumroll thank you Kane a 34 FM talk one oh six five and mobile mornings coming back to the text line here in a moment two five one three four three zero one zero six oh you know we talk a lot of news on here but of course Dan and I love our sports as well especially football season and been having a very fun football season made even more fun by using underdog fantasy and went up to 1,000 times your money just by choosing higher or lower on your favorite player stats like touchdowns passing yards and more all you need is to pick at least one player at least two players one from different teams and you can add more and more to that 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must be 19 plus in our state of Alabama and present in the state where underdog fantasy operates terms apply if you're concerned with your play call 1 800 gambler or visit NCP gambling dot org you know it's interesting about me and Vance is that by reading that book which I know it's a bestseller that made many of you have read it I suppose but I did read it and I was so impressed with it and then I was so impressed with and I wasn't surprised that I was impressed but when he got on shows to push the book you know does an author will do he he just had this natural intelligence and empathy a lot of trades that I think most of us would say that's a good trait to have and so when he got into politics I was a little bit leery of that because it was like yeah you know we I have certain views on politicians they're not all flattering politicians are like us I get it they're there are many things they're good at this they're bad at that whatever but when I saw the reaction to him as the Trump running mate right away it seemed to be very negative and I understand that he is kind of they took the job is Trump's mouthpiece in a way and so he is the mainstream media also like I said they've distorted who Donald Trump is to the point where it's been pretty shameful so right away he caught fire as well and I was thinking to myself that's not right and what I like about what you said about last night's debate was that he showed some of those traits mm-hmm last night by not piling on by not elbowing walls in the back of the neck you know he was he was civil about things and I think that's who he is yeah he could have been aggressive he could have been threatening and I think he had a right to do so with so many of the lies that walls has said but he didn't and I think he's trying to pull in some of those folks who are undecided but maybe the only thing holding them back is the rhetoric that's been used by Trump maybe that's the only thing holding them back from voting Republican and if that was what he was trying to do then I think Vance did a pretty good job of that last night just by being more agreeable and more you know clear-headed as far as laying out the policies of a potential Trump second president and let me just say one more time it's not just what Trump has said and what what he's done it's not but it's the coverage of what Trump has said and the lens that's put through the distortion as I call it he he can't win I mean he can win the election but in overall in the in mainstream media he's never gonna win well let me play this quick super cut for you then we'll get off the debate except for some texts that might be coming in at 251340106 this is some of the media reaction after the debate last night including Geraldo Rivera he had some NBC commentary here Chris Cuomo who's on News Nation and CNN's John King and Jake Tapper and then a big meltdown from MSNBC here's a super cut there is no doubt in my mind however Governor walls did in terms of sincerity that Vance won this debate just Governor walls have a problem with the truth no they were talking at one point Vance wanted to correct something about how Haitians got into this country and he was right and the moderators wouldn't let him correct it it's very interesting but at the beginning the two issues driving the campaign right now or Harris has a big deficit on the economy Harris has a big deficit on immigration and Republicans were happy tonight and Democrats a little bit nervous that it won those two issues Vance carried it JD Vance is much more experienced at this at public speaking it defending himself at pivoting it's the audacity I I'm very good that we're in your nine and no one knows how to cover the audacity the audacity is it is it so much it isn't stop it stop stop are you effing kidding me and they should have they should have dropped that at bomb right I mean I should just wait this is a debate this may be the only chance people have to see the difference that should take there from MSNBC that the debater the moderator should have dropped the F bomb but yeah you listen to that doesn't sound like any of them thought it was a clear walls victory in the debate last night but what does it mean I don't know yeah what does it mean that's that's that's a good point we talked about it for 20 minutes now what does it mean but really we don't know but we talked we cited and Quinn even cited some debates in the history vice presidential debates it did have a effect it did steer the course to some degree right so up in North Carolina it is just heartbreaking what's happening up there what you know what's the response been I don't want to be too political on this let's first get what Governor Roy Cooper said about the recovery at this point still the number one priority is making sure that we are saving lives there are 92 search and rescue teams who are active right now and who are still bringing people to safety I was in Asheville today at the landing zone where we are bringing in food and water I was also there with administrator Chris well of the FEMA they delivered a million liters of water 600,000 meals we have sent out hundreds of pallets to 20 different locations throughout Western North Carolina maybe the cynic in me but there was some politics in that statement did you notice it yeah he was talking about the federal response right come on the heels of Trump and others saying that the federal world has been lacking right yeah so he he is he said he's a Democrat and he came across he'd he defended you know subtly but he defended said you know I was with so and so from FEMA and they've done this and they've done that so anyway and I'm sure they've done all that but there has been some question about what the federal response has been to this thing it's just and maybe I don't know it doesn't feel that rapid you know it and you know we're not on the ground there we know people that are on the ground to hopefully we'll hear from them here very soon on this on this show but I've seen a lot of people saying that they should have been utilizing more resources including our military and use Fort Bragg to help folks who were stranded on roofs and things of that nature so I don't you know it might take some time to kind of look back on this and say what could have been better about the response okay this is Governor Cooper again about people in distress so we've had 2,900 calls over the entire time to our 2-1-1 to say that we can't get in touch with somebody I don't I know that a lot of people have gotten in touch with their people as our cell phone service is gradually coming back up I talked with several people today one this morning when I was there saying that they hadn't heard from their brother by this afternoon they had so there's not a real tally of that to my understanding but what I do know is that when we get these calls there are teams that are going out and doing welfare checks and knocking on doors to see if people are there in addition to continuing to rescue people from these waters we still have some rising wood rivers and the potential for more damage can you imagine can you imagine being there right now can you imagine being a citizen of Asheville and how bewildered you must be right now you're also very hot you're also very hungry more than likely and you don't have enough and you're probably thirsty and and your your community is gone yeah I mean by by by large by large the community I guess can be rebuilt for sure but the one that you knew on Thursday is gone yeah the church you prayed in might be gone the place you went to work the the bar you'd go to have a few drinks you know that for some was completely wiped out yep then a couple days and I know there's probably I know there's some folks listening who are prepared for pretty much any kind of scenario and they're thinking right now and that's probably what all of us should be doing is saying if I was in that situation a storm we didn't expect for one reason or the other or some other massive you know disaster comes upon us do I have enough water do I have ways to ensure that I have cold air running or hot air depending on the time of year I do have enough food if I can't get to the store or there's shortage of supplies for months and there's people out there and you know preppers used to get a really bad rep I think that has changed especially over the last you know five six years but it's something I have to keep in mind too are you prepared and many of you are and I'm not nearly as prepared as I should be are you prepared if something like what happened to the folks in Asheville happens to you or happens to a family members that you have do you have them set up to be prepared to go without a water source a water source coming from a city or municipality or state are you prepared to go without that for a few weeks are you prepared to prepare to go without power for a few weeks because there's people in Asheville in that area up there right now who were prepared for this and are having a hell of a lot easier time than the folks who weren't hmm I don't know exactly yeah I guess there were some that were prepared but when you just think of your day your daily day you know just what you do every day very few people would be prepared for a disaster at that level for this long and now we're only nearly a week in what four or five days yeah and you know I'm not casting dispersions on the people who weren't prepared yeah ask majority aren't and have asked majority wouldn't be around here but when you see things like this you kind of at least for me maybe I'm just speaking personally I am speaking personally makes you think man if if I were stuck in that situation it'd be great to have some water water cantines big cantines filled up and ready to go for a situation like that have your generator ready to go maybe some solar power solar power if you need make sure you have the fridge and the freezer stocked there's some people that were ready for it and not casting dispersions on the folks who weren't because how who expected this yeah but it's just I think a great reminder that things like this it might not be a hurricane but this can happen anywhere I mean you've got you you're almost like you've got a farm full of people and dogs I mean you have you have two young daughters and I think we should make that clear it's different than having two teenage or grown-up daughters yeah two young little girls yeah a wife you've got a ferocious dog who got a you got his first victory the other night in a tussle with a a wildlife creature and and then you got a little dog who's like he's he said God's doorstep so you got to keep an eye on old Murph yeah yeah I mean you you have a lot of concerns where I don't have that now yeah and then I'd probably you know you'd probably come over so we could add that to the that's the list yeah say hey Don thanks for thanks for parading Brennan around it's the best ever he's now on my sofa yeah yeah dirt digger says I prepare always when hurricane season starts don't know when one will hit I'm I there's I've known preppers and there's different levels of preppers sure if there's some that think nuclear Armageddon's right around the corner and they're prepared for that that's not as far-fetched as one would think if you watch what's going on in the Middle East right now yeah but even basic things like if you get stuck if we have another ice storm like we had back in what 2012 crazy and somehow you get stuck out there you have the things in your vehicle that will keep you alive if you need it through the night through a couple nights so just things like that and then maybe yeah I will make an effort I had a fellow on from where I grew up who wrote a series of books on apocalyptic scenarios basically and he knows all about this stuff so I'll do my best to get him on here get in the future just for some basic things to get ready in case some disaster strikes you talking about up in Monroville up in Clark County yeah yeah Grove Hill so yeah Clark County so you know a guy an author is from there and the Clemson defensive coordinator is from there yeah from Fulton Alabama how about that used to have like you're from best buddies with his cousins for some time and go over there for Sunday dinner had no idea he would eventually be the Clemson defensive coordinator like he is today he grew up in Brooklyn there's another guy's a playwright it's a 849 yeah those books by the way Jeff moats once upon an apocalypse if you're interested a good series there we're going to check in with Jeff poor on the way good morning Dan adults and FM talk one oh six five mobile mornings lots and lots and lots and lots of text we appreciate that this morning talking about the debate some of them about what's going on in North Carolina right now which just man if you have a heart I'm sure it breaks for sure Jeff Paul joins us now with the Jeff Port show which is on the way good morning Jeff good morning guys thanks for having me on of course and you got another great list of guests coming on today who can we expect on the Jeff Port show Jerry Carl be up first on the program we'll get his reaction the most kind of going on politically nationally and then Joey Clark who we always have on Wednesdays and then I just felt it was appropriate I don't know why but Tim Walsh's former colleague there Parker Griffith the official Democrat response to the Jeff Port show will be with us in that 11 o'clock hour has Parker Griffith been to Tiananmen Square we know was either possibly during the Tiananmen Square massacre as Parker Griffith mentioned that at all not let's say a happy hour there it's a time so I don't think I've never heard happy hour in Tiananmen Square I had the same sentence I think it's funny regarding the debate last night that you know everyone of course and we've given our take on it and who we think wins but it's so funny that we're having conversations about who had the better debate when one of them absolutely was caught in the middle of another lie it just watching walls kind of putter around up there about the Tiananmen Square thing and then for folks to come up an hour later and say I thought he should had a really good showing you know he he did it he did an alright job you know except for that whole part where he was caught in the middle of a massive lie yeah I don't know it's just that's part of the thing about politics is it's so disingenuous that people will just throw that to the side like it was a 15-yard penalty it was a big one yeah I think so he started out slow kind of I didn't think he had a terrible debate like a lot of people did though I mean it what really can maybe a see how much I thought it was better than Kamala Harris mm-hmm and perform but you're right I mean that's what's gonna state out people's minds I think my only kind of I'm getting ahead of y'all here but my my only like qualm with JD Vance I don't think he had a good January 6 explanation yeah you know and obviously the abortion stuff consumed way too much oxygen I don't know why Republicans can't say what they are I have sent for the last 40 years what changed in the last five six years on the issue of abortion I guess Dobbs was a big deal but that they seem a little wobbly on that yeah and you know Quinn when we talked with Quinn Hill here yesterday he said there have been vice presidential debates that have altered the course of a race for better or worse affected it affected it what do you think do do VB debates like that last night have any overwhelming effect on the election no I don't think so I mean like maybe if you I don't know who these are really for right now I think everything's baked in and you you just this is sort of validated if you watch the MSNBC's in the Fox News is I mean they said they are saying you you could have missed the debate completely and not watched it and heard what Rachel Maddow said and that totally would have been expected or you could have heard what Sean Hannity said that totally would have been expected and you wouldn't have known anything I mean you would just watch you had predicted their take on the debate would be and I think that's kind of reflection of the public you take away from these debates what you want to take away from them 1819 news delivers the news and now you kind of in the news can you explain that in just a minute or so yeah so we leave Stephen Reed who is officially a part of the Harris campaign we we sought to get his travel records and and some other things associated with his office filed a public records request what back at four for about six months with the city's attorneys finally they came to us and okay we're gonna grant them but then they also sent an invoice for six thousand dollars expecting half of it up front so you can have the records but at the pretty steep price yeah so and I they just threw a number at this very arbitrary without any explanation it said this is what it's going to cost so we're gonna see what we could do but don't expect that this this was could drag on for a little while yeah it doesn't doesn't really sound a bore above board to me for some reason asking for thousands of dollars for public records Richard water bill like how much yeah how much I'm how much water do you crazy Jeff looking forward to your show today also especially that conversation with Congressman Carl coming up here in our number one I know some people are thinking maybe his next title will be mayor but we have a long way to go before that so I look forward to your show Jeff hey yeah thanks for having me on and y'all stay tuned yes sir Jeff poor the Jeff poor show it is on the way we had good time today kind of debate recap and just the people in North Carolina whatever you can do good God love them and North George as well in sure that Tennessee yeah Valdosta still without power how about that yeah amazing eight fifty nine FM talk one of six five Dan and Dalton back with you in the morning beginning at 6 a.m.