The Big K Morning Show

Economic impact of U.S. Steel

Big K Morning Show Hour 3

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
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down the left sideline this past for Holstein is caught on a dead run since seriously on his way 20 15 10 touchdown 82 yards Holstein to sincerely and for Lee his previous long past caught was 17 yards college football the voice of Pitt Hall of Famer our play by play master Bill Hillgrove who joins us every Thursday at this time and you can see Bill on the radio via our video stream at kdk radio calm bill good morning and then you'll realize I have a face for radio well how about those Panthers for a know they had a bi-week E line Holstein Eli's four times he is the ACC rookie of the week I don't know that that's ever happened coach Dar doozy said last night he's not sure that ever happened for one player in a whole season wow he's been terrific and you know if there's one thing where they have to improve its consistency you know let's see let's see a performance where they get a lead and then are able to better dictate terms of the game and maybe that's the next step they have to take and that was Youngstown State 73 points they put up so then now you go into ACC play little different and North Carolina kind of licking their wounds they've lost two in a row one to James Madison 70 to 50 sound like a basketball score and then last week they didn't allow a point the first half end up losing 21 20 to Duke what do you make of this Mac Brown team well I think that they're going to bring their best against Pitt I think they're going to be out to prove that those were flukes that that's not the way this team is defined and if you look at the Tarheels they're pretty talented although you know they're on their third quarterback of the season and they have got good running backs they've got really good receivers and how about the size it tackles Larry the left tackle 68 325 and the right tackle is 67 340 so you know they've got some muscle and I think the Panthers have to deal with all of those things and try to deal with them well what about to build the North Carolina defense that Pitt is going to be tackling here yeah they've got some people who can you know cover the sideline to sideline they've got a pretty good pass rush even from their front people and you know I and I think if Pitt has had a problem it's been protecting Eli Holstein you know just too many sacks so let's say if maybe this Pitt offensive line can rise to the occasion because Carolina can bring it on both sides of the ball and as coach Narduzzi pointed out think about the quarterbacks North Carolina has played since he's been coach you had Mitch Trubisky then you had Sam Howell for a while then you had Drake May so this North Carolina team has been kind of a nemesis for the Panthers over the years and they're hoping to get over to the hump it's homecoming there in Chapel Hill it'll be emotional day but you want to start the ACC play with the W right yeah and I think I buy into our do's these logic history really doesn't affect this team these guys were too young to remember that disaster where North Carolina won the game on a play where there were five people in the backfield and it wasn't called but Pitt fans remember and so let's see if they can you know chase those ghosts and then come up with it with a win because a win at this point in the season would certainly put them in the top 25 not that that's important you know I buy it in our do's he's saying and the players do let's go one and O every week and then let's figure out how many wins we have at the end of the season but this will be a tough one but if it can get a lead I think they can dictate some terms all right let's turn the page to Sunday night football Steelers Cowboys you've called a lot of great games between these two over the years and I don't know Bill I think Sunday night football has come what Monday night football used to be in terms of national interest and Steelers Cowboys always draw big ratings they do and I think it'll be a barn burner I look for a really good game and you know it's very interesting the week or week and a half ago the Steelers were undefeated and you know a lot of people were on the bandwagon and all of a sudden they lose one game and you know some of the people have jumped off that bandwagon but you know that's the nature of fans I think the Steelers are pretty good I think they have to have a better pass rush on Dak Prescott this week than they did last week and you know I know the Steelers fans looked at some of the replays and thought that TJ Watt was held a few times it wasn't called and then you know how about the league saying oh we agree with you that call on Mitch Patrick was baloney well you know it's too late a lot of good that could have been extended one of their touchdown drives and you know but you can always play the what if game no matter what Sunday or Sunday night you can talk about speaking of what if questions Bill there's been some reports and a lot of chatter on social media about the possibility of the Steelers picking up Raiders receiver Devante Adams I'd like to know what you think about this you know I and I remember that Brandon I uke stuff and everybody get fired up about that I think there are two other teams that have a better shot at Adams than do the Steelers and what's wrong with you know the little guy number 19 being your second receiver that pass he cut down the middle against the Chargers and took it to the house Calvin Austin he's got some some ability so I think maybe it's a rushed to judgment when you're you know a player saying I want treated yeah and Calvin Austin had some injuries early on in his career and he's finally to the point where he's healthy and you saw his explosive ability once he got rolling all right Monday October 14th bill will be honored as man of the year by the Saints and sinners at the same time Bill I remember being on the gateway clipper fleet when Myron Kope was the man of the year years ago you were there and I'm sure you're excited about this because a lot of people are gonna want to salute you as we will do it the Lamont by the way that's Monday the 14th again so congrats thank you very much we should have some fun that night for sure and where will your charitable donation for this because that's a great component of what they do we're going to include Santa's kids which you know we provide Christmases for some families that otherwise wouldn't have one mostly in the Eastern suburbs and it's it's a good cause and so I'm very happy that they're honoring me and happy that perhaps Santa's kids will benefit just a little bit well we have some surprises for you and I'll see you on the charter tomorrow headed to Chapel Hill Billy thank you you're welcome guys always a pleasure H2P and as Myron would say hmm ha the great Bill Hillgrove thank you Bill this is the big K morning show and every week at this time we check in with Christy graver she's the food editor with Pittsburgh magazine Christy good morning good morning happy October yeah I know this is one of your favorite months of the year for many reasons so let's start with why well there's something about seeing a scary movie on the big screen so there are lots of opportunities this month to do that we have a list of 30 horror flicks playing at local feeders on our website I think I'm going to go see Halloween three season of the witch at row house cinema in Lawrenceville on October 25th this is the one that doesn't have Michael Myers in it but what it lacks in Michael Myers it makes up it up for in Pittsburgh made of Tom Atkins so I love Tom Atkins yeah Tom Atkins is from Mount Lebanon right originally he's a Pittsburgh guy he's still here so so what's your favorite horror film of all time if you had to pick one of the original dawn on the dead in Monroeville mall and thanks to George Romero in a big way Pittsburgh has become the zombie capital of the world it is and I think my my apartment is the zombie capital of Pittsburgh so you know the one line that I always remember from Night of the Living Dead the original and they did a remake with Tom Savini directing yeah it's good too but the original classic black and white Bill Cardill's in it all these people of Pittsburgh you know but they're coming to get you Barbara what a classic it still goes to me chills legitimately today all right one of your roles as food editor is to also sample some of the brewery works in places where you can get adult beverages so yes there's big news for people in Ross yeah somebody's got to do it I'm happy to do it and if you're from the North Hills you've probably been to the Perry town so this local water watering hole has been around in various forms for generations it's like 120 years old or something like that but after a long closure it's back it is now the Perrytown tap house and it is a bar and a restaurant but it is also a tribute to its founder Jason Hunt last December 42-year-old Jason died in his sleep and his dad Joe and his best friend Steve took the reins and they spent the last year putting their heart and soul into this into his dream and it's it's really beautiful if you were there before it was kind of rough around the edges but it's they've restored it lovingly I'm so happy it's back in business Miranda Gifford is the chef and the food is just excellent so welcome them back it's it's a really good place and you'll probably see me there at the bar having a beer what a great tribute to Jason and such a tragedy lose him so young at just 42 so that's the Perrytown tap house in Ross that's right there on 19 right yep it's right there you can't miss it and look for Christie all right this week in Pittsburgh history do you remember where you were whenever this giant's 40-foot-tall 3-foot 3-story wide duck floated into Pittsburgh this happened 11 years ago which blows my mind September 27th 2013 and the Steel City had great cause for celebration for this thing a local businesses fed into the water file frenzy they offered a variety of duck the meals and cocktails and pastries and mini duck mementos I think we need another enormous inflatable mascot to unify the city like I'm proposing a Minonga halo monster on the lawn every October there you go or it's some giant zombie that would be great to by the way where I am seated in the air chair here at Katie Kay if I look through our big glass window into our newsroom there is a mini replica of that duck and periodically I see people that have them didn't they release like a whole bunch of those in the river there was some kind of charity thing involved where they have this duck drop and then they were numbered and you have a number and if they pull if your duck was first you know down the river you won some special prize I did not win but that sounds great I think they should do that every year just make it part of Pittsburgh because it's just so cool we were the first city to get it so we were we loved the and first it stuff here in Pittsburgh hey before you go last week we talked about some of these frite houses that obviously are open for business this is gonna be a great weekend weather wise to go out and do anything what are some of the big ones I know Kenny Wood has their fall festival yeah I went to Kenny Wood and it was it was great lots of weird food - I wrote the Black Widow and was almost got sick but I can't do that anymore and there's a haunted acres manner I hope I'm saying that right because I always get a few that was really good I was at Deven House last year it was really fun so yeah there's lots of things though there's one up in Butler County just north of Cranberry it zombies are the corn yes and you get on a hay wagon and they have paintball guns yeah and they take you on a hayride a haunted hayride at night into the fields and zombies attack but you shoot them with paintballs it's so I did that the inaugural year so many years ago that was my first venture out after having my daughter that was my first story back into journalism after having her so it's really great I'm glad there's still going on yeah apparently by the way they have this guy that looks like speaking of Halloween with the mask on walking around and he kind of sneaks up on people and terrifies you so be be alert all right Christie have a great weekend we'll see you at the Perrytown tap house at some point and we'll talk to you next Thursday all right thank you Larry right Christy graver read all about it in Pittsburgh magazine Pittsburgh magazine calm this is the big K morning show and this hour we welcome Paul God from the Pittsburgh business times you can see Paul in all his glory through our video stream at kdk radio calm Paul good morning good morning and I appreciate you leading in with the clash a London calling that's great very good very good identification I know there's an app that you can put up and it it'll tell you you got it all right let's talk about the story you did about the economic impact study done about us deal as you are acutely aware a lot of controversy about this kdk TVs John Delano just talked to Kamala Harris she doubled down on saying us still needs to remain a us company based here and Donald Trump has said the same thing the rare agreement on any issue but important to this region for all the obvious reasons so what does this economic impact study reveal I think well first of all it's really important to say that the economic impact analysis was done by the company by us steel and ipon steel to delineate a little bit of the you know how much it's going to impact the the area the the Mon Valley works the Pittsburgh region so they're you have to take it with a grain of salt but they're kind of putting a little more flesh around what the one billion dollar commitment that Nippon steel is made to the Mon Valley works if the deal goes through and but it's sounding like so we get it the union members are generally against it the stockholders are for it they voted 99 percent to do this deal but then you have both presidential candidates saying they're gonna stop it Joe Biden kicked the can down the road a few weeks ago to say well well you know to move it beyond the election what do you foresee happening in this deal it sounds like it's really in limbo or maybe not a real possibility yeah that's that's definitely way above my pay grade in terms of what might happen there's certainly been a lot of twists and turns about it it is important like you mentioned it that the review the security review and a lot of things have been pushed to laugh to the election I think that we might have a resolution at that point the companies both say that they expect the deal to be completed by the end of the year time will tell whether that's optimistic or not it is definitely something that a lot of people have a lot of interest in from the stockholders to the employees the other thing that's interesting about this study is that it's sort if you think about it it's talking about how many construction jobs there would be at the Mon Valley Works if they put a billion dollars of investment in there and that is sort of us another way the company is sort of trying to sell the deal and and and it's also another union aspect of it it's pits sort of one union the United Steel workers which represent the employees against say the building trades I think that everybody in the building trades would love to see especially with the new terminal at the airport and the UPMC Presbyterian tower being completed they'd love to see another big big project and that would be they say 5,000 jobs I wonder after the election how long it'll take to officially address this and if there might be some change of heart we won't know that for sure Paul but we do know that if we lose U.S. deal in this region it would be a major economic blow yeah it would be it's a very interesting and it's definitely more than just here but here in the Pittsburgh region it'd be felt very highly I had an interesting discussion yesterday in Union Town with the head of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and that's a Japanese company that is has a lot of operations here's long had operations here and you know I've heard anecdotally that Japanese companies had been concerned about what was happening and what the climate was for investment in the U.S. and the CEO told me that they are obviously aware of it but it's not impacting their investment and that they also saw it as politics and then it would get resolved at some point well that's encouraging for those who would like to see U.S. deal stay here however that configuration works out to be read all about at the Pittsburgh Business Times Paul thank you appreciate your time as always thanks Larry take care have a good day you got it and Paul got with the business times and John Delano had an exclusive with Kamala Harris as a follow-up you can see his entire interview at kdka televisions website here's just a little snippet of Kamala Harris talking about this U.S. deal nip on deal so how will you block nip on but keep our steel jobs right here so let me tell you where I'm coming from I feel very strongly that U.S. steel needs to remain a U.S. company and that the people working there need to be American workers and I think that is also why I am proud and I do have the support of the steel workers union but if you block this foreign acquisition how can you guarantee that there will be support will it come from the federal government to make sure that these furnaces stay open and the jobs are kept here in Pittsburgh it is my priority to keep the jobs in Pittsburgh understanding again that the folks who are doing that work are doing hard work good work it is part of not only the tradition of American industry to do that work but it is part of what we need to invest in the future. Kamala Harris with John Delano kdk TV and again you can see the entire interview we appreciate John sharing that with us I love this song I just had to pause for a minute Paul I saw the stones last time they came here it was such a great show and what was most amazing to me was watching Mick Jagger run around the stage for hours at age 81 too crazy and Keith Richards just turned 80 and I we talked about this on his birthday the memes that came out and said Keith Richards is still alive and Richard Simmons has gone it has me rethinking this whole health craze that's going on about nutrition and exercise. Speaking of great rock bands I wanted to throw this in Pink Floyd has sold their music catalog their name and likeness to Sony music for 400 million dollars. Wow I'm a big fan I think the dark side of the moon is a masterpiece. So during covid when I was walking a lot more outside just to be outside I put it on to walk around the lake in North Park and for the first time in years listen to the entire album uninterrupted uncut and I thought and this is the way it was meant to be listened to the whole thing is meant to begin you drop it on the turntable and the only time you stop is to turn the album over right I said this is genius. Yeah it sure is really a so 400 million mm-hmm for their catalog good for them. I wonder what they would pay me for an old Sears catalog I still have. I mean you know what that brings memories back for me remember when the catalogs would come to your house shortly before the holiday season how much fun it was paging through to look at all the toys and stuff. Yes it was great. I got a couple of stories I want to run by. Okay one is there is now research that finds that condom use is down among sexually active teens and young adults. Uh oh CBS's Alison Keys. Remember condom ads like this one where a man shops with a screaming child with a caption use condoms that's not so much the case now and students at the University of Mississippi say to this interest in the bowls of condoms at gyms is indicative of changing attitudes. Few teens and young adults are wearing condoms even though people aged 15 to 24 made up half of sexually transmitted diseases in 2022. Alison Keys CBS News. Now not every state mandates sexual education and less than half require information on contraception exceptions. But what may be surprising to many Paul is the sexually transmitted diseases that are going around retirement homes and villages. Right. Did she say this was that the University of Mississippi? I believe so. Yeah it's interesting that the people would be that careless about birth control in a state where abortion is much you know much more difficult. I think you have to leave the state to get an abortion. That's why I mean that does make me scratch my head. That's why that issue is you know that whole the whole thing about all of it is kind of up in the air and so it'll be interesting to see where all this goes over the course of the next really after the election and then a few months after we'll see where all of that goes. I guess what I'm saying is too Larry as an adjunct to that is is that you know if you don't want to have an abortion or have to deal with the question of abortion then wear a condom right? Right. I can see it just doesn't add up. Meanwhile I want to share a little bit of an interview when I saw Jimmy Carter turned 100 and keep in mind he's been in hospice for well over a year. Yes he has. And his wife passed even after that. 100 years old yesterday was it? No it was Tuesday. Yeah. But then I thought about you know John Chumway and I interviewed President Carter on this very show in 2011 and we were surprised to have the opportunity but it was only because he wrote a book but wait till you hear what book he wrote. Time now for the pattern or do that. Wait a minute. Where's Jimmy? Good morning it's Jimmy Carter. Good morning Mr. President Larry Richard and John Chumway. Good to you and with all the folks around Pittsburgh. Yes from the world's first radio station KDKA. All right I bet this is over Ilana. Special Ilana. Mr. President I almost chuckled when I heard that your new book that was coming out was the Bible. I thought that already had been written. Well it's a little bit embarrassing to me but what was Donovan did is you know this is the most popular of why they sold Bible and they wanted me to take 200 of my teachings about individual passages in the Bible that I've done in Marinette the Baptist Church for the last 30 years or so and let them use it to illustrate how the individual scripture verses or passages applied to modern-day life whether they were written in Hebrew text 4,000 years ago or so or whether they were written a couple thousand years ago when Jesus Christ lived so I agreed to let them do this but and I'm very proud that they decided to do it but I'm not presumptuous enough to equate myself with the writers of the Bible. How about that and he went on and John asked him if he had a favorite Bible verse and it was John 3 16 which you have seen over the years it became popular at sporting events. He saw it everywhere that one guy with the rainbow wig. I mean he made a I mean that was a statement. Right. You could not associate that rainbow wig without John 3 16 and he showed up everywhere. I mean you couldn't it but it was really an honor to get to talk to Jimmy Carter. A Sunday school teacher in Plains, Georgia a farmer who wound up being a governor served in the Navy by the way. Submarine service wasn't it? Yeah. And then after that you know he went on to be the president of the United States and then after that as you were saying just the other day what a remarkable life he lived after the presidency especially his association with Habitat for Humanity. He and his wife the late Rosalind did so much for so many people set the bar high by example by doing and not talking right about what he was doing. See him you know wearing a hard hat with a hammer in his hand. Yes. You know in a bandana around his head it was very cool to have a chance talk to Jimmy Carter. I love Shumway's question though. I thought this Bible was already written. Way to go Shummer. I love that Shummer's the best.