Big Daily Blend

Peggy Fiandaca - Pairing Wine with Pie

Celebrate National Dessert Month with Peggy Fiandaca, co-owner of LDV Winery, who shares tips on pairing wine with pie and a recipe.

Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
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Get ready to celebrate National Dessert Month and Come Over October on this episode of Big Blend Radio's "Wine Time with Peggy" podcast. Hear about the recent harvest at the LDV Winery Vineyard, Peggy's wine term of the month, and tips on pairing wine with pie! 

- Apple Blueberry Crisp Recipe: 
- Pairing Wine with Pie Tips: 

Featuring Peggy Fiandaca, who along with her winemaker husband Curt Lawrence Dunham owns and operates LDV Winery in Arizona, "Wine Time with Peggy" airs every 1st Wednesday at 4pm Arizona time. Follow the podcast here: 

Learn more about LDV Winery at 

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Welcome to Big Blend Radio's Wine Time with Peggy Show featuring Peggy Fiendaca, who along with her winemaker husband Kurt Lawrence Dunham, owns and operates L.D.V. Winery in Arizona. Welcome everybody, it is time for what? Wine Time with Peggy. It is Foliol and I can say Foliol because we're in the south today, but Peggy is in the southeast of Arizona. That's where L.D.V. Winery is based out of their vineyard is in the Chiracawa foothills with the Chiracawa mountains. It's beautiful and they've just gone through harvest. I don't know if there's still harvesting so we're going to get that update, but their winery tasting room is in Scottsdale. So if you want to have a little art and a little wine and some good events, I say you go to the winery, go to the vineyard. They can't go to the vineyard, can they during the fall? By appointment. By appointment. This time of year. Absolutely. And harvest host of people who want to do their RVs, they can come in and cool. Good time of year. Yes. But I hear it's still warm in your area. In the Phoenix area, yeah, we're still in triple digits. Hopefully, first part of October battles come below 100. So it is warm right now. Yeah. Yeah. What's it like in regards to the vineyard and the harvest season? Because like, are you still harvesting? Are you how are you doing? We harvest has completed. We had a fabulous harvest. We got all the grapes safely into the vineyard or into the winery. And right now we're we've all the wines have finished fermentation. And so we pressed all the grapes. So we finished pressing our petite zerah last week. So that was the last of all the pressing, you know, the mechanical way that we do it instead of the Lucy stomping way. That process has been done. That's a Nancy and Lisa. That's exactly right. Uh huh. And so now what we're doing is taking all that juice and tucking it away and the appropriate aging vessel via French show, American oak, whatever, we're deciding to put all the juice in and tucking away into the the winery and and let it start the aging process. And then we shift to activities like labeling. We have a lot of wine to label and get ready for fall releases. So that's what I was going to ask next. Like what's coming up for fall? Because I know the rosé, you were doing that last time we were talking the vineyard. So where are we on releases? So people know because don't you get to start shipping again too? We do. October, we can start shipping once the once the weather, the temperatures come down probably in middle of October. We should be able to start shipping. And so we're releasing a rhyolite vionier. One of the ones that you tasted, yep. That'll hit the market in the October 13th. And then the rosé of Pranash is hitting the market October 13th. And that I'm excited about too. I think rosé for fall is like and even for you know all the holiday events and everything is a super super important wine and vignet too. All of them. Perfect. Perfect for you know we're going to be talking about pairing with fall foods and fall activities with Thanksgiving around the corner. The rosé of Granash is perfect. Think about that for Thanksgiving dinner. And of course the vionier with the you know it has that essence of our place with the rhyolite granite that we have in our vineyard and the volcanic soils. It's picking up some of that beautiful minerality in that vineyard. So it's just a fun, fun wine. We're excited to be releasing both of those. I think Kurt needs wine and pie don't you think? I think so. I think so. He does. The poor guy is just exhausted. But our crew we've had the most the fabulous harvest crew this year. And our crush pad we call them the crush pad crew. They they produced a lot of a lot of wonderful juice this year. So yeah we're thrilled that we can start breathing a little bit easier and and and slowing slow down and he can spend more time up at the tasting room talking to customers and being around us being together up here which in the of the Phoenix area which will be wonderful. And then also I know you do different events so he'll be able to be there. So I don't are you doing wine pairing dinners this you know this time of year or until the end of the year? We don't have any plan but we have Kurt does a monthly wine talk. And so the next one he's doing one on a harvest update coming up in October and he's also talking about volcanic soils. My favorite and right and we'll be tasting wines from different regions that have volcanic soils and comparing them to ours. So we have that coming up. You have all kinds of fun events of course pumpkin painting classes and you know collage classes all kinds of things we got coming up. So I think pumpkin painting is a smart thing because I always thought doing a jack o lantern. Oh that looks easy. It's not. No it's not. And so we have some fun things planned for that. We also have a wine and pie day or weekend coming up. So we're pairing wine and pies and then we also have a pumpkin and wine pairing. So we have that coming up in October. So yeah we're exploring all kinds of things. I was thinking of you because I made butternut squash for the first time. I know that sounds crazy to people. That's the first time. But you know we got another wonderful delivery from Melissa's produce and there was acorn squash and butternut squash and honey nut squash. I had these little ones that are sweet. They're fantastic. And you can do them. We kind of go more on the savory but people put honey in them and make them more of like a sweeter kind of pumpkin. You can almost desert them. And I was like thinking of your wines going ooh and the butternut squash though I put ginger. And I roasted it with ginger and I think a little paprika and turmeric and sage. I put sage. I think I put sage but I know ginger became the prominent thing. And it it was delicious. I mean it wasn't overpowering. So wine wise I was thinking the vignette and what do you what do you know all that better than me? I want to put like a peanut in the water or a grinache with that. You know there's try this in the future. Roast your butternut squash with spinach and cranberries or or if you know this season now as pomegranates put that little pop of sweetness with the spinach and of course some garlic and onion and one if you're in roasted with your butternut squash and pair it with a pea on the wire or or chardonnay you could do if it has a little bit of oakiness to it. Not a you know not a dry like our Sky Island vignette that's more seven-year-old Blanc style but more of a California chardonnay would go beautiful with it. Yeah. Okay I've got I've got two more you know squash questions now now that we've opened the squash box. Okay I've got two acorn squash that I have to walk I walk around the house but I shouldn't want to do with that. I'm going what what what I'm going to do with these acorns and then I've got a spaghetti squash and I love spaghetti squash. It's very similar to what we used to have called gem squash in South Africa. They're like little coyote melon balls. Okay. Boil them and they come out like like spaghetti and you put butter and salt and pepper it's delicious or parmesan cheese. Now I've got the spaghetti squash and the last time I try to make it somebody told me to put it in the microwave. Well you know what happened to the microwave? Oh yeah. Oh boo. Yeah. And of course we thought that was fun because we like science experiments. Yeah. Um you know uh so now I'm looking at this thing going I'm scared of you. What would you do with it? So I'm a spaghetti squash so I would cut it lengthwise in half and um put it upside down in a like baking dish with a little bit of water and bake them until they oh no microwave and and no no boiling you know put them it put them in the oven at 350 and let them um bake like that and then you can kind of tell when they're done because they're getting a little bit you can squish it a little bit with the holder. So take them out and we're talking spaghetti squash right? So take them out and then I use a fork to get all the flesh out you know so it comes out like spaghetti um you know and in strands put it in a bowl with some butter salt and pepper and parmesan cheese and oh to me there's nothing better than that. And wine? And then wine? I would do a medium bodied red or or um a white but not a Sauvignon Blanc again because of that sweetness that there's in there. So you want to put a little bit of um wine with a little bit of body but not over the top and it just makes a wonderful meal um to have like that. I don't like my spaghetti squash a lot of people put like a marinara sauce on it. Um I like the taste of the squash. I guess if you don't like the taste of the squash and you want to bury it in red sauce that's something different. I may have to do that for Nancy because you know I or I have to bury it in cheese like if I'm going to get her to eat vegetables bring out the cheese bring out the bacon you know. So you can oh gosh do the parmesan butter do some bacon too. prosciutto for crispy prosciutto as part of that would be awesome or um sausage sausage or you know yesterday was sausage day. I'm just saying. Uh-huh I missed it. Oh gosh but mushrooms go beautiful with that also. You can toss in some you know real meaty kind of mushrooms as part of that. So yeah have fun with it. I love butternut squash, acorn squash. I like it on a sweeter side. So I did I I bake it also same way but then when it's done I mix butter with brown sugar and put it in the little hole and and then just eat it like that. It's just oh. Now why with that? What would you do? That's a little trickier because it's pretty sweet. Um so I would probably go with um oh boy you might be able to get a sairah maybe or a little bit fuller bodied with that but because it's pretty sweet it makes it difficult. Okay well speaking of sweet we're gonna talk about pie and wine today but before we get to that I love that you're going to talk about aroma and and then three the three types right because yes when we think about pie and we think about fall that's there's these scents that we these aromas that come from pie the aromas that come from you know gingerbread cookies and things like that. And you know those those aromas bring back so many memories you know um and and it's maybe because we close up our houses a little bit more so the aromas of the kitchen and the aromas of the house they just they fill the the aromas fill the house and create these wonderful memories of baking bread or the spices uh in your butternut squash that you're smelling when you're cooking or you know and an Italian house like mine it's pasta or marinara cooking all day on the stove and you smell all of those spices of garlic and onions and so on going so and they bring back such in my opinion happy memories smells yeah aromas bring back all these wonderful memories and I think as we get older we lose as we've talked about in the past we lose our sense of smell so we got to put it to good practice and okay reminding our brain and what these aromas are and wines no different there's all kinds of layers of aromas that you can experience when you're enjoying wine so there's the one two and three you've got three different scents right yeah the types of wine aromas so when you're thinking about the primary aromas these are the easy ones I think that people pick up when they taste are smelling wine and those are from where the grapes were grown basically and you can start to pick out the dominant fruit for example is it cherries or blackberries or blue berries what are the fruit kind of aromas you might be picking up but then you certain wines might offer this more herbal kind of aroma to them and i'm sure or obey you know spice kind of aromas but then there's some wines like a v on the a you pick up all of these floral notes that remind you of perfumes that you might have smelled or flowers that you have smelled those are the primary aromas that you might pick up and then there are secondary aromas that you might pick up on wine and these are kind of more subtle and they're in the background they sneak in they start it's like oh what was that you know that i'm tasting and those are typically brought to the the party by the win winemaking process so you know how the the grape juice went through fermentation might you might smell butteriness i think you've heard a lot of people describe chardonnay with this buttery note to it or you might pick up you know if you ever smelled a parmesan cheese rind just the rind of the fresh parmesan cheese has a distinctive aroma to it and you might pick up that or you might describe it as this nutty kind of aroma to it or characteristics those come from those secondary activities that are in the background aromas of the wine and then that we have what's called tertiary aromas and those are imparted into the wine by the aging process so if you know like all of our reds primarily go through barrel aging so depending on which barrel we put the lines in we'll create those tertiary aromas in the wines so it might bring notes coconut believe it or not or vanilla or baking spices like the ginger or the okay um toasted nuts you might hear people talk about but then they might also talk about this leatheriness or okay that's what i was getting died as you leather and then gasoline tobacco those weird ones cigar like it smells like i opened up a cigar box but those all come from the barrel aging or the type of barrel or where the barrels are from and that or how long the aging process occurred that will impart those kinds of aromas so when you're tasting wine i ask people i always have to close my eyes when i'm tasting for some reason but so i can concentrate see if you can pick up those primary notes of what fruit it is a secondary note are you getting something in the background that helps you describe what the wine is about that brings back in that Nancy is talking about yeah and then what is it that the barrel or the aging vessel is bringing to the party and can you pick out any nuances of that so yeah think about those layers of aromas that you might be um picking up and then of course you'll be tasting those too when you taste it would the diesel be the tertiary one two for the barrel yep because i remember going you know just in the very beginning of wine tasting where i really started figuring out what it was tasting and i remember by tasting this going oh i better not say anything it's embarrassing like you know this is what i'm tasting but i don't want the winemaker to think i'm tasting that like i thought it would be rude like you know what i mean right now i know better but at that point i always thought like you don't you know well you question yourself and what i always try to do with folks is trying not to make it difficult you know there's no wrong answers um and trying to make it approachable so people have fun trying to discover the layers of flavors and the layers of aromas that they're picking up out of wine and giving them the tools to be able to describe it you know what are you really smelling that's why the fun la naz de vin that i do helps people develop their sense of of nose so that they can discern what a strawberry because we forget unless you're eating strawberries every day and smelling ripe strawberries you forget what that smells like and even though it's such a simple fruit people if you do a blind tasting and they don't know what they're smelling they have a hard time saying strawberry even though it's so common and so that when they smell a penal noir um they forget oh man that's like a strawberry patch that's what's in that penal noir is interesting how the smell goes with our taste you know yeah oh my gosh hand in hand absolutely actually i think the aroma being able to discern aromas are more important than it is in the taste because um you have to well you've had a cold and you can't taste anything when you have a cold right yeah you have smell you can't taste and so it's really critical that's like during covid help people lost their sense of taste and i was like that sucks i know somebody who went off of chocolate ever since covid didn't like chocolate and i'm like well that sucks but then in a way i'm like that would be helpful for me but you know but like can we just do it temporarily you know that would be a that would be a bummer you know but exactly i think it's really interesting and when we talk about the power of smell and aromas you know i know real estate agents whenever they have an open house they bake cookies right because you feel like you're at home when you come into a house with cookies how do you not feel good about that you know exactly it reminds you of your mom's house or your grandma's house i mean when i smell bread baking in the oven i'm transported to my grandmother's house on sunday for sunday dinner and she's making um italian bread so it's just those memories of fall and fall brings back those memories we smell the leaves the the air smells different and you know it just is early too it's very early yeah yeah it's earthy and then it can it can bring back memory it brings back positive memories to going back to school in the fall and that's not positive i know for others it might be terrorizing because they they remember going back to school but yeah it's always been a positive memory for me that's cool though that's cool i think you know the fall season i think i didn't really grow up with a fall like we didn't really have that in south africa when i think back in kenya england we did yeah now england i think that's when i first experienced fall and it's beautiful there it's very similar to have we have it here you know they get fall colors as well depending on the farce you go into and things change colors and things are changing colors out here in the south east um but and in different ways that we don't want to go into now but sadly but um the fall colors are are there and right you can smell the change in the forest you know because now they're starting its mulching process you know from all the leaves so the vineyard must change smell like as it you know goes through you know the change of season absolutely so our leaves are starting to change colors and sometimes depending on the weather it's a gradual change so we'll get the beautiful red and orange and yellows in the leaves or depending on if we get an early frost it'll change dramatically and it'll just turn brown very quickly and start to fall off but the the leaves are starting to change in the vineyard of course um you know even in the phoenix area people don't think about changing of seasons they just think it's hot to hotter basically when you're thinking of Arizona but no it's very subtle so right now um in october even the air is changing a little bit and that drier smells a little bit differently so yeah you know the the desert is interesting in the fall to me you know because now you get all the pods which create this different kind of you know view like a different look you know it's and and those pods have a different smell they go from being all green and slick to now we're gonna harden up and you know you know the indigenous people used to grind up those seeds and pods and make you know bread and flour like them skeet you know flour and stuff so to me it's really fascinating and we do have fall colors in the desert everyone um if you look at cactus like the barrel cactus when they go to seed they have those beautiful seed pods that are yellow this wild cactus has it and then you've got cotton woods in southeast Arizona I mean it it is just absolutely gorgeous your area and where the winery the vineyard is is incredible in the fall you know you can you can go there and say it's fall y'all yes you can yes you can and um the lighting is changing I just think the beautiful lighting um changes even you know at dusk and early in the morning the light has changed the smell of the air because the little bit coolness and the fact that we're we just are so dry um it with you know we don't have a lot of the humidity so we get I think a pureer smell of what's going on in the earth outside because of that because it's not clouded by the the smells of humidity and that must lose that blue oh my gosh I used to go down uh close to Nogales in the border area there's these beautiful um it's down by Rio Rico and I love this whole area and on the back roads and it's actually quite safe because there's a lot of border patrol and a lot of them are cute but anyway you know I know I'm just saying a little you know a little you know a little you know a view nice scenery you know it's nice but um there's a lot of picnic areas you can go to and just water and the water is beautiful and then the rocks are really that red red rocks you know and it's got these yellows in it too so and then you've got the prairies out there I mean we've got short grass prairie in Arizona that's why you have pronghorn and everything right so it is just yeah anyway I'll talk about your area for 10 years because I love it so beautiful I can't wait to come home for a little bit um but let's talk about pie and when I think it's so interesting about this what we got pies there's crumbles there's all kinds of tipsy tarts and things but you've got an apple blueberry crisp which sounds really good um but I wanted to touch on we're going to talk about pairing wine with pie and everyone the links as always during the episode notes for Peggy's recipe as well as her wine tips and I think we better put in you've got a wonderful recipe for a better nut squash too that I'm going to put in there so people have some fall recipes from you um since we talked about it you know we should do that um but what I find interesting about pie is not so much the pairing of the fruit which we've talked about before that's in the pie or like pecan pie which would be oh yeah because you're in pecan country too right right it's the the type of pastry because some of the pastries like if you think of a cherry pie can have like this yeasty kind of so what it's almost like you're going from yeast to you know drinkable yeast so could you it does the flavor like does the pairing ever go into that kind of yeast like you have to balance the yeast not just the sweet and sour and all of that correct so yes I think there's several things to think about one is the pastry you know is it a hapté briezei which is a mother buttery kind of um pastry versus a you get to say not me yeah or a um you know a traditional pie crust which is made with lard or you know and so um or a sweeter kind of crust that you might be making so you need to take that into consideration or the topping that you're putting on it are you just putting another crust on top or are you putting a a sweeter crumble of some sort like on your apple pie with um you know brown sugar and butter and oats maybe um potentially so you got to think of that and then you have to think what's in it is it a fruit base pie is it a nut base pie is it a meringue or like a lemon a custard kind of a pie or is it a chocolate pie so you need to think of those flavors then you need to think of the spices that you put in pies you know are they the winter fall winter spices like cinnamon and nutmeg and potentially a little bit of cumin or something in it or are all spice or is it just fruit forward you know so think about all of that so sweetness level the butteriness level the fruit flavor of it or the nuttiness of it will all help you choose the the perfect pairing in terms of um the wine so the pumpkin obviously with uh October pumpkin season is starting you know it's a classic for the holidays a pumpkin pie you know it's um I think ideal to serve this with a chardonnay or a v-ornier but then again if you're going to put loaded up with whipped cream on top uh your pumpkin pie or vanilla ice cream then you also need to take that into consideration okay on that pie ice cream is always important on pie I'm just saying I vote for the ice cream I always vote for the ice cream for anything and I don't care how cold it is outside I don't care I agree with you every day is ice cream day I agree with you that's awesome yeah so pumpkin and then let's look at your recipe the apple blueberry crisp which is interesting because apple and blueberries you're going into my land of contrast you know I like these kinds of dishes oh yeah they're made for each other right yeah I think um blueberries and apples are the perfect mix um or pears you know you could do pears in and blueberries I think is a nice mix also but this has um some lemon in it I suggest instead of using granny smith apples which a lot of people bake with granny smith is a Macintosh or a Macon apple would really be good in this apple blueberry crisp and basically a crisp doesn't have a crust right yeah it's usually baked with the fruit and then with it's some kind of a topping in this recipe actually uses graham crackers which instead of adds a little bit of different flavor yeah wow it's a little spice in there too it adds a little bit of spice so graham crackers oatmeal brown sugar a little bit granulated sugar butter of course in a touch of kosher salt but I also I don't have it in the recipe I put I like spice so I put more cinnamon and a little all-spice in the top you see all spice is interesting to me because it's it's like that's a little bit of everything and when you're pairing something you better know if all spice is in there like yeah yeah it's it's one of those tertiary kind of aromas it's our or the second little jazz it's like a little magical it's a little magic touch to it it's like oh let's just add a little this to see what happens you know all right you have cherry pie pino noir you say right you and apple pie which you talked about apple pie so with the apple pie versus the apple blueberry crisp be different in regards to what you're going to serve for wine with the apples I think the blueberry crisp depending on how many of those spices warm spices you put on it you could even go to like a a granage a lighter red with apple blueberry crisp because of all of those spices that you would put in there less so than in a true apple pie which goes beautiful with a dry riesling again depending on the sweetness of your pies I don't like them overly sweet that cherries the cherry pie can go over the board sweet right and yet some have the ones that are like kind of sweet and soury kind of that's my style right there but I don't know what that what kind of cherries those are I don't know what the difference is I don't I've never made a cherry pie in fact I've never done anything with cherries in my entire life honestly I'm just trying to think I don't other than just eat them like where's their like ripe like you right you get those vendors out there and you're like dude there's nothing like and then you become a witch if you swallow the pit or something right I don't know about that but it's not so far I should bring it up right I think if you spit it at someone like you're gonna zap them I don't know maybe have any how funny how funny how funny bring on the cherries I I'm I'm all into becoming a witch that's fun especially with the way you steer that with that room I do especially in the places that you travel that a lot to the northwest which has incredible rainier um cherries out of Washington are just unbelievable or even in northern midwest and michigan have incredible cherries so blueberries too man you know that's what's really cool I mean even hiking up in um blue ridge mountains you're just there's just bushels of them growing and you just you're like a little bearer as you just eat all these berries and then there's some out there I go I think you're that but I don't know so I better not touch those right don't don't eat the purple berries as they say you know but but um yeah the cherries I mean yeah I just don't think I think I've cooked with like dried cherries or something but never done any kind of pie now I'm gonna have to do this right and what a great thing to do instead of having a big lunch have a beautiful piece of pie and a glass of wine I mean what a great way to stop the show and tell Nancy we gotta stop everything we're gonna have pie and wine thank you said some day afternoon is a perfect day in the afternoon to have have a piece of pie and a glass of wine you know what's your favorite pie of them all I am a cherry pie girl I love cherry pies I love anything cherry but I also love apples I just we just harvested all of our apples out of our orchard we brought them in a little bit sooner because those darn little squirrels and animals were starting to get to them so I have a whole counter full of apples that I will start turning into apple pies and what I do is I will put together the whole basically apple pie put them in freezer bags and mark them for a double pie or a single pie and then I'll have fresh apple pie year round coming off the orchard you've got no land you've got right and you can lay them flat so they fit in your freezer really nice I mean you can also freeze them already in the pie crust but I like to just do the fillings ahead of time and freeze them that way so I just and this is good for you know it's rasasanas today so for all of our friends of Jewish faith yeah happy new year for you and I think we should celebrate twice too you know I'm also celebrating everyone's you know holidays but I do believe apples can be part of rasasana foods especially if you do anything with honey the chicken is also really good so I think that would be really awesome to incorporate some apple pie right oh yes any day any Tuesday is a great day for apple pie okay any days what so um pecan pie is a favorite of ours i'm not allowed to eat it anymore because i'm oh because of the nuts yeah but i'm i'm thinking i'm going to try a little bit here and there because if they've been baked maybe the skins won't be so acidic maybe pecan pie with vanilla ice cream oh gosh and a drizzle caramel on top you can see those soak it in a little bit of cognac too i'm just saying oh yes a little drizzle of that but what would you do for wine with this is the most important pie that's how i celebrated my 21st birthday with pecan pie oh yes i was like oh who cares about cake oh i shouldn't say that i love cake but um pecan pie what would you do peanelar granage it just is a a marriage made in heaven i think because of the nuttiness of the nuts and the kind of savoriness of that pie just goes beautiful with those medium body greds yeah i would have gone for a white wine for some reason i don't know really with a pecan pie no it's typically it's um especially with the ice cream now i'm thinking that's the no no the ice cream and and the wine wouldn't go there wouldn't be friends as much but yeah pecan pie has so many layers of flavors to it that are more in my opinion more savory than like a cherry pie but then it's got all that brown sugar goodness you know and then there's some spice to it it is a very good breakfast dish oh gosh oh coffee yeah with a happy cup of coffee a happy coffee yeah happy coffee and pie for breakfast and it's cold weather outside yeah yeah yeah that's that's the way if you're up in the midwest and you have to shovel snow i say this is the practice first then once you're done you come back in you get a second piece of pie with wine or in the day with a glass of or a bourbon with pecan pie okay i'm i used to do it with konyak konyak would be good too yeah konyak is i yeah i love i do love a good konyak speaking of which i haven't had in years oh oh i'm gonna have to do something like that this year i think a little konyak but i think that's for the end of the night that's the end right i that's the end evening thing but i want wine during dinner and and pie time as well as is important um going back to your cherry pie yes would your rosé work with it because of the granage i think you could possibly get away with you know our our rosé of granage is more full body it's very fruit forward so i think you could you could marry those two together nicely i'm hungry now and i'm a little thirsty i'm just saying i know i have a slice of pie and wine listen we only live once and i say do it while you can just kind of stop and said get it while you can i say we do we should yeah you know everything in moderation you know and and i think um i think food and wine and sitting down around the table with friends or family and sharing stories and and taking the time to really enjoy the aromas and flavors i think it's what it's all about it it's a social activity in my opinion and we need more of that yes we need more of it you know at the beginning of the year you were talking about how scott's dales becoming a blue zone right yes which is about you know living long and healthy lives in the mediterranean diet is part of that and part of the code is that when you have wine or meals that you're sitting in laughter and sharing stories and its community is actually very healthy because we are social animals you know i have a real party animal exactly you know what i mean we need that exactly we need that people you know the people are lonely and and are isolated and so there's a movement across the country that october is what's called come over october and the idea is invite some friends over and enjoy a meal together or enjoy a glass of wine because you know wine and wine tasting and enjoying wine is truly a social activity it is not how many how many glasses of wine can i get down to get drunk no it's the nuances of it it's friendship and so come on over come on over to ldv winery and okay enjoy some wine and yeah that's it that's a little bit over some wine you know that's exactly it that i love that because the fall season it always is that and i think you know is everybody argues about politics and all kinds of issues around the world it's it's important to bond over the love of food and wine and music is a good one too and bond over that and sit when you're having a meal you know doesn't matter who who's been drinking what all their life have an experiment with something new have a conversation about it and it could be your first time having wine good for you like you have a whole new journey ahead and it's an adventure and so that is a way where people can communicate and get together instead of yelling at each other and social media social media is not true friendship you can make friends on it you can i've done that but um truly getting to meet people in person is special it's special yeah so i i'm making a really concerted effort in october particularly is connecting with people connecting with old friends that i haven't seen for my past profession and inviting about for you know an hour let's get together and catch up over with my and why yep and five so i wanted to ask your your listeners to make the effort you know pick up the phone and connect with someone they haven't talked to in a while or meet up with them over coffee doesn't have to be wine over coffee and pie you know just connect reach out and connect with people and make it a goal for october that's awesome i love it i love it everyone ldv is the website to go to don't forget they can start shipping as soon as those temperatures start to drop which we're telling them to so you know god's listen to us right about exactly how they will and so of course go and visit in scott'sdale of this holiday season and fall season go visit get some wine tasting information too so that you can you know entertain you know find out what wines that you're buying will go with what foods start with the wine and then pair the food right yes very good i love it thanks so much peggy you take care and happy fall thank you very much thank you for listening to big blend radios wine time with peggy show keep up with ldv winery at ldv keep up with big blend radio at big blend