
Madison-Mayodan Recretion Events 10.03.24

Lee Mitchell, Director. Volleyball, soccer, football, cheer program; senior activities, classes, lunch, trips, socials; new handicap ramp, digital sign. Holiday Mall Saturday, November 9; Trail of Lights.

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
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It's the first Friday in the month. That means I check in with Lee Mitchell, director of the Madison Mid-End Recreation Department. Lee, hey, welcome back. How you doing? Doing good. How you doing, Mike? Doing okay. Yeah. Well, we're ready to get into the fall season for sure and all of the things going on, so bring us up today. Yeah, well, first of all, our most important thing and our most pressing thing right now is we're actually doing a hurricane relief drive that many people in our community are. We actually just left the police department where we was able to fill up two truckloads to take over to the ballpark for pickup this weekend. So that's probably our biggest, most pressing thing. So if anybody wants to make any donations, you can drop it off here at the wreck or you drop off at Jake Atkins Park or out of park during games. And we're also pairing up the high school to high school doing something with our football game tomorrow night where if you bring canned goods that they'll knock off the ticket price down to four dollars to get in the game and we will be the ones collecting the food to deliver to the mountains for that game. Okay, very good. Our goal is to load the truck Friday here at three or four o'clock and then go over to Michael and continue to load up there. We're gonna leave out Saturday morning at 10 a.m. and we're headed for Rutherford County. As many of you know that the chimney rocket in the lake lower area got hit real hard and our good friend Mac Prescott who I'm calling Prescott who used to be the AD here is from that county. So you know we've got a little personal connection there. So we wanted to go take that food to that area and help those folks out. Sure, yeah, yeah Rockingham County stepping up for sure, aren't they? Oh absolutely. I know Stephen Pulliam down here with with the base camp has taken a load up today and a bunch of guys with chainsaw to help out remove it with tree removal. Very joyous cancer foundations doing the donation. Like I said, we're working with MedMPD. I'm sure Madison PD is doing something and also pairing up with the high schools. So everybody's doing their part to try to help our folks out in the mountains. There really are. Yeah, okay. Well, thank you for that update Lee. Appreciate that everyone. Everyone that's helping too. Okay. Well, hopefully like that we feel as trucks up and get into the mountains. So we had plenty of vehicles lined up. So, you know, we'll take it all we can get. Sure well. Yeah, they need it. Really? Yeah, well jumping into some of our stuff that we got going on this fall. Well, you know, we're just kind of getting some of our numbers. Our volleyball season is just getting ready to kick off along with soccer. Oh, I was right. I was just kicked off this past week. Soccer's are a few weeks in. Really want to highlight our football and football cheer programs because we went from 54 football players last year to 94 this season. So it's Lamar Tatum's done a great job of getting great coaches, getting up to the community so we get the numbers up. And then for our football cheer, we hadn't had a squad in a couple of seasons. And with this new league with you know, it's only one squad. But it's one more squad than we had. So we've got 14 dedicated girls and two new coaches that's doing a terrific job. And we got two high school coaches also that stepped up and really led the charge on teaching girls all these cheers and getting them ready for the middle school in high school. So very proud of that group, four coaches and those four coaches and those 14 kids. Yeah, oh, that's terrific. Yeah, they're getting some good instruction, aren't they? Oh, yeah, absolutely. And then, you know, we just we just ended our registration for winter basketball cheer. Unfortunately, we have a hard deadline on that one because we have to order uniforms because the amount of turnaround on that one, but we did end up with 88 girls in that for that league. So we're very happy with that. And we've got three new coordinators to take over Jeannie Cardwell because if anybody knows Jeannie Cardwell, it takes about three people to feel her shoes. Right. And our new coaches are totally understanding of that. Luckily, this is the three ladies who's been involved in the program for many years and looking forward to see what they do. And so they'll begin practices in the next few weeks. Okay, that's great. And then with youth basketball, we're taking registration now. As you know, that's one of our biggest programs. You know, we'll run multiple sites for practices and then you have games here, you know, three or four days a week. So it's always a big program. You know, if anybody's coming here on a Saturday during games, everybody can see how many people we put in this place. So it's very impressive and I'm excited to see that program taken off again. Sure. Now, some other things we've got going on this with this October. You know, we got our breakfast in Bingo this Saturday. I'm sorry, this Friday at 9 a.m. We'll do a breakfast at 9. Follow about Bingo, which typically will start around 9.45, 10 o'clock. We do have somebody coming in to talk about Medicaid Medicare because, you know, that time's coming up again for your insurance renewals. So they want to give me information on that so you can get everybody taken care of and all questions answered on that end. Sure. They're doing a lady through lunch on Friday, October 11th at 10 a.m. They're going to say these in Stoke still and eating at Stoke Ridge Tavern, which is always a nice trip. We've got our water painting class on October 15th at 1 p.m. That class has actually been growing and they've done a perfect job and I'm really excited to see that program grow. It's kind of, you know, it's always had a good dedicated crowd but actually to see that nearly double in the last few months has been awesome to see. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'm thinking about taking up water coloring. Maybe that's the thing I need to do is go to that place. You've got a good group so come on over. October 15th 1 p.m. We'd like to see you here. I'm putting it on the calendar right now. Okay. Very good. And then we're going to a new jack-o-lantern social on October 31st, which, you know, Halloween at 1 p.m. are doing some, you know, food, games, music, and crafts and they're gonna have a costume contest. That's gonna be real fun for our seniors. Oh sure. And then jumping into some other things that we've got on the senior side, you know, we still have some room in our trips. On number 14th, they're going to, I'm gonna kill this name again, Waldorf Hoth Dinner Theatre up in Whitfield, Virginia. None of that is easy to say but I think I got as close as I might get to it. I think you did a good job. Is that a good to me? Yeah, they're going to do a show called Christmas in the Park. You know, cost is only 20 bucks and deadline for that one's October 18th. And then another fun trip they always do is the, like we discussed last time, they're going November 22nd to the Southern Supreme Fruit Cake Factory. Cost on that one's only 18 bucks and deadline's November 22nd. I'll go ahead and tell you now that one, that one I filled up, and that's always a good one. Again, if you can't go and then you want to get your orders in for the trip, I think Denise in the past has always allowed people to put in orders for fruit cakes and they'll pick them up while they're there and then deliver them back here for our seniors. Oh, that's a deal there, sure. And then the final one, and it's the more of a local one, they're going to go to the old Salem that annual candle tea on December 5th. Deadline for that one is going to be November, I was our December 2nd and the cost that was 20 bucks. Okay. All right, so getting into some of our other things that we've got going on, Dewey's Bakery will be coming, we haven't got the final out of date, but it will be before our big holiday mall in November. So look for that, look for our Dewey's coming in somewhere before November 9th. Okay. We'll get that store rolling. One thing that's going to be a little bit different is we're actually allowed, we're going to be allowed to fill some additional items, so look for some additional items to go on our store outside of just Dewey's product. We're looking, we're working with some local vendors to boost up our store and fill some different items outside of just the big goods, really excited to see what that's going to look like. Yeah. We're finalizing those now, hopefully we'll announce them on our Facebook page soon. Okay, great. And then speaking of holiday mall, just a reminder, Saturday, November 9th, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. We'll have our holiday mall out there on our front lawn. It's always been a big event every year, you know, we'll have vendors and door prizes, professional picks with Santa. Our Dewey's Baker will be open that day and long with some food trucks. It's always a huge day for us. We always see around 500 folks come through here shopping away. It's always nice to see all that on our front lawn. Yeah, October, I mean, November, November 9th for the holiday mall. Oh, yeah. November 9th going to be going to be a big day for us. Okay. And you know, outside of that, you know, just some other things to point out. I'm sure you've noticed we've got our new sign, our new LED sign. Yeah, it looks great. Yeah. Very, very pleased with that. Our folks at brother's sign put that in. You know, the ply line took a little longer than we anticipated, but we're very happy with the result in the end. So very happy with those guys for doing that. And then our Lowry construction putting in our handicap ramp. It's got all the railing in and that ramp looks terrific. It's concrete with with the aluminum rails. It's not going to go anywhere anytime soon, but it made a wider tooth. It's a nice pop-up ramp. So it's really nice for folks that and wheelchairs to be able to get up and down easily. And for us, it's not so hard for us to roll stuff up and down it tooth. It helps us on that end also. Oh, that's a good addition for sure. Yeah. And then the final thing we want to mention, you know, coming up in December, which is not that far away, which I'll hit it again in November, is going to be our big trail of life. So we're trying to make it even bigger and better this year. And, you know, we had a great year last year, but we've, we've, you know, we have a learning curve there that first year is something we're going to make it even bigger and better this season and I'm really looking forward to that one. And we're going to be looking for sponsors for that. If anybody's interested in being a sponsor, we'll have that posted on our Facebook page soon. But we have different, different areas you can sponsor where there'd be inflatables. There are photo booth or the sponsor trail light itself, where we will publicize all our sponsors for that and greatly appreciated on that. Yeah, it's going to be even better than it was last year. So we're looking forward to that one. That's going to be nice. So trail of trail of lights back again and better, better than ever. Yeah, better than last year. Yeah, you're right. Anytime you have those that's always a learning thing, isn't it? First time you do something. Yeah. Well, just like anything that we do here, every year that we do anything, we try to make it a little better than next and learn from mistakes and learn how we can make things even better. So I'm really, really looking forward to year two. Much like our learning curve with our tubing. Every year it's gotten better. We're looking to do the exact same thing with our trail of lights here at the right department. Yeah. Well, thank you, Lee, for the good report and good numbers there on the football program and cheer program with the girls and coaches and all of that. Always a positive information here. So thanks, Lee. Thanks for all of that. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. Thank you, Mike. All right. We'll talk to you again if not before, certainly next month on the first Friday. Absolutely. I look forward to it. Same here. Thanks, Lee. All right. Bye. Lee Mitchell, director of the Madison-Mayadan Recreation Department. He's got a great team there and all the volunteers and all of the activities that are on the calendar every month. So I hope you're listening closely to all of that. You can get more information on Facebook, Madison-Mayadan Recreation Department, and Madison-Mayadan Senior Center. And of course, on the website there, Please support the programs there. Thank you for that. And you mentioned some sponsorship opportunities coming up. That's always available for different things there too at Madison-Mayadan Rec. [BLANK_AUDIO]