Grant and Danny

NFL Considering Rule Change, Tyler Biadasz Joins G&D To Discuss The Hot Start, Double Play

10.3.24 Hour 2

1:00- The NFL is considering this rule change...

20:40- Tyler Biadasz, center for the Commanders, joins G&D to discuss all things Commanders as the offensive line has been very good so far.

37:00- What's going on in our lives that has nothing to do with sports?

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
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a Thursday. Grant and Danny means we're creeping toward a week five in the NFL season. You know, we wait forever for the start of football. And then like that, it's a quarter away. Yeah. Week five already is preposterous. The local footballers have a bright future. It is time for you to plan yours as well. The exclusive sponsor of our show can help the law firm, Condorian Murat. They will help you update your last will and testament set up a trust for you and your family. Schedule a free consultation with our estate planning attorneys today. Visit Tell them we sent you. You'll get a discount. Cam Tyler Beoddish is on the show in 30 minutes to talk about how Washington's offensive line has played so well. We're giving out caps tickets to the home opener in one hour, right at four o'clock here on the fan. Before we get back into people who want to weigh in on whether or not the team name's going to stick as they continue to win. And if Jaden Daniels is the real deal and they become the team with the eight quarterback, another comment, Roger Goodell made in that interview we mentioned last hour on NFL network was that they have begun talking about and that there is a possibility if needed that they would change the yard line. You start your drive with after a touch back with the new kickoff from the 30 to the 35 that that's something they would consider for next year. So that tells you two things, Danny. Mm hmm. Number one, this new kickoff right now is not only working in their eyes, but they like it. Number two, that while there have been a lot of returns compared to the past, they want even more right instead of some, which is more than it used to be, they want a lot and I'm all in. This is correct. I love this. Starting at the 30 currently is one of the biggest reasons in my opinion, why we're seeing less punting, not just in Washington where they don't punt at all. By the way, go to one oh six, seven, the fan for our brand new shirt, which I think is awesome at our one oh six, seven, the fan merch store. It's just the word punt with basically being crossed out because the commanders don't punt. Very, very cool burgundy and gold t-shirt go by go check it out. It's a good look, but punting's down all over the league because you're getting the ball to 30, 15 years ago it was the 20, then it was the 25. Now the average starting field positions, the 29 you get to mid field during field range field goal kickers are the best they've ever been. There's been one missed kick on 116 attempts, 40 and in it was the Packers, Nubby kicker this past week against the Vikings. Narvason, I think his name, who wears the number 44, please stop doing that. Kickers should not wear numbers that are not single digits as an aside, but they can't wear a team number. I'm not. Okay. If they have to, like you're the Yankees, you don't have any single digit numbers available. I can sign off on that. You should never wear anything above 19. That is, you just don't get to employ a kicker if you don't have a number for them. Oh, that would be my new one. I like that. You have to cut someone who's a single digit number or a team's number or move them to a different number. I like this. No, I'm pulling kickers thing. We're seeing some paddock on. No, no, no, no, no. Are we in the same, we're in the same ground there? The kickers guy, I just 20s, 30s, 40s, like all the way through 90s. It's not college football at the University of Georgia enough already. But anyway, that guy because of the number he wears, he missed a kick. It was the only kick inside a 40 that's been missed by a kicker all year. It's automatic, right? On top of that, kickers are now kicking routinely from 60. Did you see Joey Sly this week? Yeah, from 63 and just casual. So easy. So you don't have to go as far as you used to. You're starting closer to midfield than you ever have before. You basically need two first downs and you're in field goal range. That's why everyone is not punting. Also on fourth and short and plus territory is a go situation most of the time. So if you basically get 15 yards, now it's fourth and two or less, you're in no man's land. You might as well go for it anyway. Might as well go. So it's kind of become more fun. And I think Goodell's noticing that he's going, well, heck, let's just move it up to the 35. And and by the way, again, let me coast on wherever I can rubber stamp that I will the thing that baseball was so bad at forever. And that's why we had all these sweeping changes in one off season where we're like, and there's no shifts and there's the pitch clock and there's this and this and this and this and that's a lot. Well, football does it incrementally when we we tweak something. Hey, this is working. This is really working. Now let's turn it up instead of waiting 15 years to get a big data sample. They're not waiting around for it. They realize we're on to something here. Let's turn it up. Don't you miss good punting a little bit? No, we were friends with Tresway. Don't you miss that angle punt to the sideline? The dropping up on inside the 10 that kicks up with little backspin just so you're not going to get me to say something bad about Tresler. I'm a Tresway guy. I don't miss him at all. I don't miss punts at all. Let me be clear. Mr. Obama stuff. Yeah, but what I'm saying has nothing to do with the commanders. Not punting. No, I understand. I don't ever want to see Tres do anything but hold ever again. I just mean around the league. We're losing a little something if we miss out on the art of the punt. I don't miss it. It's like saying, do you miss like toenail fungus? It's the it's a part of the game that's necessary. That's going to happen. I don't miss it at all. I don't want to see it. Those are not the football players. I want to see the football players. I want to see the lineman, the wide receivers, the running backs, the quarterbacks, the incredible athletes that are running shuttled cone drills in three seconds and with 300 pounds. I want the incredible thing. Not the dude that looks like he could be selling beer in the stands, jogging out there and putting football than jogging back off. The more football we can have with football players, that's what I want. You know what would be silly and I don't mean silly like wacky. I think so. Silly like Johnny kicks all bill says sell it. Little bit. If they're going to do the thing next year, let's say, where there's still too many teams, because there's three or four teams that have quite literally just every single time still booted the ball through the back of the end zone and given teams the ball. We don't want to mess with us. We're not doing it because some big returns have been ripped off. We're not dealing with it. If they want to penalize that and they do the thing where instead of the first intended to 30, it's now the 35. I think they should move the spot for the kickoff out of bounds up. The kickoff out of bounds has always been the 40, but at one point in time was twice as big a penalty as a touch back. Okay. Now it's not twice as big, but it was sizable from the 25 to the 40, whatever percentage that is, but it's a 15 yard discrepancy. We're down to a 10 yard discrepancy at the 30. If you move the touch back distance up to the 35, at some point, we've got to adjust the out of bounds distance to like midfield. I'm with that. If you just kick the ball out of bounds because you're trying to get cute or something or you're landing in the landing zone, let's really make kickers lives more difficult and let's make the, the skill on kickoff's play a little bit. If it goes out of bounds, you get the ball at midfield. Oh, cosign, crazy like that. Sign me right the hell up. But remember all of this when you're wondering how scoring trending up and percentage of drives with points and percentage of drives with punts. What's it all mean? You're starting further upfield. You need to get less distance to get into field goal range. It just makes sense. And it's a huge reason, probably also, and I'm thinking about it, why passing numbers may be down. Another one we haven't talked about, right? We're talking about the way teams are defending. Why take a shot when I only need 15 yards? Yeah, but it's also a, you know, you're not getting out of the shadow of your own ends on anymore. Like somebody, the rare occasion someone has a return 60% of the time in the old way. There's a block in the back. There's a hole. There's something illegal. So you're backed up to your own 14. That's, it doesn't seem like much, but that's 15, 16, 20 extra yards per drive that you're sacrificing based on field position. Yeah, yards per game. Maybe go down yards per attempt shouldn't really change, which has always been a better stat anywhere. But I am curious to see kind of where all this trends are. We could ask Tyler B. Oddish about some of the specifics of where drives are beginning and how things have trended differently in the league this year. The center for the commanders joins us here in about 20 minutes on the fan. Let's go to the phones though. 806361067, Danny, we've been talking to people about as the teams standing within the fan base improves the way they're talked about nationally gets better. The team names going to start having a more positive connotation. Yeah, I think it's inevitable. And I think this is part of the strategy. The way I view it is the name change, a new stadium, you know, and then to a smaller degree, a rebrand or, you know, new uniforms or different things. These are all levers that an ownership group that's smart, by the way, these are not stupid people. These are billionaires who figured a lot of things out about how to market things, about how to, you know, build brand brand equity and all that kind of fancy stuff. The different levers they can pull to try to engineer the fan base or re-excite the fan base or to build the group, right? Well, the easiest way, the path of least resistance is that the football team be good. And I know that's annoying. I used to get so annoyed over the years, whenever there was any kind of name change conversation where adults are trying to talk about some of the logistics, whatever. And somebody would call them and go, just win. That's all that matters. Just win as if they've solved the problem and solve the puzzle. Like, Oh, okay, we'll just do that. We'll just do that simple thing. They've been neglecting to do. I just wish someone would have said it earlier. I never thought about that. It's such a what a crazy thing to think about trying to do. So here's the thing. If they're able to actually do that, which is really hard to do, but if they're able to do so, they don't have to do the other things to build the interest. There's less urgency in their mind. A restaurant does not have to be run as well. And the service doesn't have to be as good if you are addicted to the food. You don't have to do too for long or buy one, get one or whatever. If the food is why you're there and you know it and it's the best you can get anywhere and you love it every time you eat it, you're probably going to deal with a little bit more that you don't love at the restaurant. Let's go to Jay and Leesburg on the fan. What's up, buddy? Hey, Brandon. Thank you so much for taking my call. You guys are awesome. Appreciate your attention. I want to give a quick shout out to my Brian Munday. And I just want to say that regardless of how much we win, I will never accept myself personally, will never accept the commander's name or the entire brand itself. I'm 33 years old and been a lifelong Redskins fan and I have yet to buy a single piece of commanders or Washington football team gear. In fact, I still look for Redskins gear anywhere I go, everywhere I go. And I actually, you know, I think a caller said this earlier on the show that they found websites where they customize and make Redskins, Kay and Daniel Jersey or other players, Jersey. So I still continue to do that. So by Redskins, Jersey, and I'm having my first child actually this December and I already bought four or five ones, these Redskins ones for her. And I refuse to ever dress or anything commanders related. If they change the name, I mean, I know it might not go back to Redskins, but if they ever change anything else, I might think about dressing her in that in the future, but commanders just wreaks a dance nighter. And, you know, obviously we all hated that guy. So yes, we did. First of all, congrats. You have no idea what you're in for. It's the best and having a daughter is the coolest thing in the world. So congratulations, buddy. That's number one. Number two, I admire your stubbornness, not necessarily in this regard, although in this regard too, but just generally, yeah, I like that you are seemingly you're you put your flag in the ground, you're not moving. There are people out there like him. My point is not that he's ever going to change his mind. He might, by the way, doesn't know it yet, but maybe three super bowls from now in 10 years of Jaden Daniels is Patrick Mahomes to boy no, again, I'm not predicting anything crazy hypothetical time. I'm just suggesting maybe just maybe commanders is not going to be something that you dislike or think about dance nighter when you see it. But regardless of that happens or not, I don't think that's what they have to worry about. I think what they are thinking is all of the kids in your son's class, who are wearing messy jerseys will start wearing Jaden Daniels jerseys and they'll start wearing Ryan Williams jerseys when they draft the 17 year old wide receiver out of Alabama and he becomes the best receiver in the league. And he's Justin Jefferson 2.0. Let's say they are banking on the random 25 year old dude who's from Chicago who now likes the nats and the caps and just watches his fantasy football team on NFL Sunday ticket and red zone who falls in love with Daniels and the team and buy season tickets. Enough of those guys coming over. They're banking on when they're good, just like 10,000 people stood outside the arena to watch a Stanley Cup game or the entire Navy yard was shoulder to shoulder in front of the Metro out here by the bullpen to watch a World Series game with a bunch of people that didn't know who Mac Scherzer was a month earlier. They're banking on that happening for this team as they win. And if it happens, then the people like you and him and me and others that don't want to buy commander's gear just aren't going to matter. It doesn't matter. Try to quantify it this way. For all the lapsed fans, the paradigm before was how do we get them back? How do we get them back? How do we get them back? The disgruntled only Redskins fan, the disgruntled. I'm not going to the stadium. Danny Ruya type fan. The disgruntled I won't buy jerseys as long as Dan Snyder is in charge fan. How do we get them back? How do we get them back? This is a paradigm shift to how do we find new? You can win some back by good performance on the football field, a better stadium, a new stadium, whatever. But some you're never getting back. I think it's a smart point here, but it's a sea change. It's basically saying, we'll do everything we can to welcome people back in the fall and welcome. We love that equation. But the most important thing is new is to build new, which nobody was doing for decades because they couldn't get out of their own damn way. How many sports fans are there in the DMV? How many sports fans are there that are not diehards of NFL teams already? That's the group that you need to win over, essentially. You're going to try to win the other group over the Danny who has as well that the guy listening who's 57 years old and went to RFK with his dad and his livid that it's not Redskins. They'll win as many of them back as they can. They're going to try. There's things they need to and should do like getting back to uniforms that are just not these, the new ones that are different than the old ones, regardless of what they tell you. They're different. They should not wear the ones that they wear currently. They stuck with burgundy and gold, supposedly although they didn't, and they told you the jerseys weren't going to change and then they changed. They'll do little things along the way, I'm sure. But it's it's about the millions of people that they that are living in these condos down here in the Navy Yard that may be from here or may not be that go to Walters on a Sunday to watch six games. And all of a sudden, Jaden Daniels is the hot ticket and you're playing Lamar in the Ravens in week 11 in a primetime game and they go, dude, I'm going to watch Jaden. All of a sudden, you're playing an NFC postseason game where the Eagles are in town and it's the NFC Championship game and they're going. Everyone's talking about it at work all week. I also recognize too that fandom is different than than my age group. I just local teams, that's the only interest that the only we could see. The only thing I could possibly ever be associated with. I mean, it's it's your generation too. But even younger for my son, his favorite player is some dude named Holland. It's not spelled that way. It's like Haglund or something like that. He loves that guy. I don't know where he's from or what he does, but he's from Manchester City. That was impossible for me to think about. But for young people, they like my homes. They like Kevin Durant. They like whatever the star is and that can be your gateway to caring about a team. Let's go to Mike and rested on Grant and Danny. How are you, buddy? I'm great, guys. You're making some great points. I just wanted to kind of connect a dot with one of our owners. Magic Johnson wore one of the worst names originally on his jersey. When that team moved, imagine the generation that had no connection to the Lakers of Minnesota. And my point is, and Danny, you touched on this earlier, the brand does become more powerful than the name itself. And I think that that over time, if this team reaches greatness, this new regime takes this team to a dynasty level, no one will be talking about it. No one will remember Dan Snyder. All of those bad feelings and emotions will be gone. So the brand can be bigger than the name. I think that's a great point. Yeah. Everyone thinks of Dan Snyder when they see the name right now or a lot of people do. I don't actually, but I know Danny and so many people do. That's not what you'll think about when you eventually, it was three, four years from now, you might think of Jaden Daniel's touchdown passes to Terry McLaurin. Let's go to Drew and get Graysonville on the fan. Hey, Drew. Hey, Juan, I think you guys have made some excellent points that winning changes the economic equation for merchandise sales and things like that. And that's important. But the other thing, and you know, Josh Harris said this too, is he's not an S minus guy. And no matter what, the commander brand is an S minus brand. Right. So if he wants to, you know, and so, and even for fans that want to get behind it, there's a guy that goes to all the games that calls himself the commander, but he looks like Captain Crunch. It's just the, you know, it's a caricature. So at some point, I'm kind of hoping that the ownership says, hey, we don't have to spend the money, but if we want to be a quality organization, we've got to evolve the name. And I'm not saying he's going back to, you know, Redskins, but, and you could keep, you could do some compromise. You might keep the W and change the name to, to something else, you know, that starts with a W or there's, there are some compromises and compromises. Everyone doesn't get what they want, but, but you might be able to do better than you're at. And I kind of trust that Josh Harris is not done trying to make this team as good as it can be in every different way. Love it. Good call. I appreciate that. My favorite show of all time is The Wire and Stringer Bell, who was a frankly, a notorious drug dealer on the show, was taking business school classes, based on like a real character. And he went to his professor in business school and he said, what do you do? He was talking about drugs, which is the irony of it. He was like, what do you do if you have an inferior product in a crowded marketplace? And the guy said, change the name. If you don't have an inferior product anymore, that's what we're talking about, right? If the, if the product is inferior, there's no brand association. If it's an F minus, everybody's competing for your sports attention dollars, the national's capitals, Local 53 hockey, everybody's doing it, right? You don't, you only have so much, it's not in a limited budget. If everybody's competing and you're inferior, that's when you could try a new brand. If you don't have to, you don't need to do that. Grant and Danny with you on the fan got an excellent show today, including Tyler B. Adish commander's center, who's going to be on the show here within the next 10 minutes, looking forward to catching up with him about how well this O line has played his early thoughts on Jaden Daniels as a rookie. We've also got those tickets to see the capitals on their opening night on the 12th, which is just nine days away at Capitol one arena. If you want to be there, you got to be listening coming up in 40 minutes at four o'clock on the fan. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] GND on the fan, Tyler Biotish, the starting center of the commanders. He's scheduled to join us in just a couple of minutes. By the way, tickets are available for Sunday's game. To the commanders and the Browns, you can get your tickets at Appreciate them making Biotish available to us today. We will chat with him in just a couple of moments. I just saw this scrolling on Twitter during the break. I'm at Grand H. Paul Sundani. Is it funny, Danny? So there's one particular sports book. I can't speak to all of them, but the guy that runs the book came out and said that the most risky proposition for them this weekend is a commander's win. Basically, that's where they're most leveraged, which is to say that the majority of the money that they've got on any team, the most betting being done on anybody, is on the Washington commanders to cover against the Cleveland Browns. >> What a time to be alive, my friend. >> His quote was, I don't remember seeing that in this business. So this is normally reserved for the 9 and 0 Baltimore Ravens, right? The Tom Brady and Bill Belichick led Patriots. Every single week, the books, everyone's betting on them. We tried to move the line up enough, but if they win, we're going to take a bath this week. The thing that people are most sure about is that the commanders beat the Browns by more than three. >> What a strange universe this is. And again, just a matter of a week. >> Now, that should petrify you. >> But of course it does. >> Because just generally speaking, it is almost a luck that whatever the vast majority of the public thinks is going to happen any given week does not. >> This is very smell testy, Q Kevin Chan. But again, just what do they want to lose? I'll be fine. >> I think your next point is the good one. >> Yeah. This is the joy, right? >> It's happening. >> This is where, because you already said it very well, this is for Kansas City's playing Jacksonville this week, four and over zone four. This is the Super Bowl contender versus team whose coach is going to get fired an hour. Like this, this is the good team versus the disaster where they go that we can't make this line too big because people are just going to play the best team. >> So many people are on the commanders that they're going, oh man, we're going to lose so much money if Washington wins that game and covers. >> I would be curious, there's no way to find this. When the last time they were the most bet on team to cover a number was for any football weekend, it would have to be pre gambling being legal in this country in most states. And if it hasn't happened, it hasn't existed, but it's the confidence nationally. I think locally, it's probably too far to say that people are expecting the rug to be pulled out. But I think we've got that voice in our head certainly more than they do on the shouty shows on all the major networks where they've just decided that commanders are going to win the division. >> Well, because they'll move on to the next thing, right? It'll be the next topic. The next, is this the greatest this of all time? Is this the greatest that of all time? >> Yeah, two weeks, if the Eagles have won by 30 and back-to-back games, Hertz is an MVP and Sirioni is the coach of the year. >> Yeah, like if AJ Brown gets healthy and runs rough shot in two weeks, it'll be a new story. But so for them, they're not left with the emotional baggage and damage of believing for the first time in decades. Really believing and honest to goodness change is happening for the first time since 2012 for a lot of us. So yeah, we're left with it. It's like when the coach comes up, the new coach is like, where's the support? Why aren't people supporting? We're going to be, we're going to arrive violently and things are going to be different. The last eight guys told us that. Okay, so sorry. We're going to be a little bit hesitant to share our feelings. We got dumped a lot. >> To that point, though, into those thoughts, I want to give this staff and specifically Dan Quinn credit for this. I think he's done a really good job of not doing the Ron Rivera thing of, we're three and one. You better be there. Remember Rivera was like, we have earned it. You guys should be at this game. And Dan Quinn's going, we got to keep chopping wood. We've got to make you guys want to come to the game. We've got to make you guys want to be part of what we're building here. And I think it's just a very different tone than how Rivera did it. And it's been so refreshing. And I love the way Dan Quinn talks about home field advantage and getting people to come back out. It's been pretty cool. So is the way the commander's offensive line is played, by the way. And with that in mind, let's go to the Bette QL guest hotline. Bette smarter to beat the books. Download the Bette QL app visit Bette QL dot com. First year center here in DC, Tyler Biotich joins us on Grant and Danny. He has been one of the leaders up front of an O line that ESPN's got ranked number one in run blocking number eight and past blocking. Tyler, thank you for the time. How are you? Hey, how are you doing? Great. How are you doing? We're great, buddy. Appreciate the time, man. So you, those external grades are for, you know, slubs like Grant and I to kind of try to figure out and quantify what our eyes are seeing. How would you grade so far what you and this O line have done through four weeks? We feel like it's pretty damn good. Yeah, I mean, I think we've done some pretty good stuff. To this point, I think that, you know, obviously, you know, there's a lot, lots of work on it. I think, you know, that's just the standard that we hold ourselves that. And, you know, we have some stuff to clean up and even be better. So I think, you know, it's the point of that. I think we're doing a pretty good job so far. But, you know, there's obviously a huge, huge growth that we can get to. Tyler, from you, it's center over to your right with Cosme and Wiley. I mean, you guys have pretty much been on the field for every single snap. Obviously, Nick Allegretti has been a mainstay, but missed a few snaps at the end of the game. But you guys are now basically 5050 rotating at left tackle, which is fairly uncommon. And it doesn't seem like missing a beat. Coleman's been awesome. Lucas has played pretty well. First of all, how abnormal is that just based on your experience college in the NFL to have like a platoon at left tackle, so to speak? And what do you make of how those guys have played? Yeah, I think, you know, I think the biggest thing in my experience, you know, there's definitely been some rotations in my career so far. But at the same time, you know, we've handled that through OTA's. We've had no that through camp and we've had have we do now with BC and Lucas. So I think, you know, they've done a great job of, you know, just helping each other out, seeing what they're seeing on the field, and when they're in, they're prepared for that. But at the same time, I think, you know, we're just jailing and we're still, you know, early in the season where, you know, you just keep stacking those great opportunities of lessons. And obviously, you know, the biggest ones are whether we win or lost, but just learning from those and having that growth throughout the pre-season, but also through the first four games, because that's the most unscattered that you're going to get. And Tyler, I'll be honest with us here on GND. We don't know you tremendously well yet. I feel like you're a really nice dude off the field. Are you one of those guys that like all of a sudden becomes like mean in a menace when the whistle blows? Or are you like always nice, kind of like laughing and smiling while you're knocking guys into the dirt? Like, are you a trash talker? Do you get mean? Like, does your heart turn? In the field, but I am outside. So, um, definitely. I love that kind of that. Tyler, be honest on GND was with the Cowboys. The first four years of his career became a starter about quarterway, um, left in the season. In the last three years, a mainstay in Dallas, Dan Quinn loved what he saw, brought him over to DC, a former pro bowler, anchoring this offensive line up front. What do you make of the way Jaden Daniels played as the rookie of the month? You know, I think there's, you know, the who he is, um, on and off the field in his work ethic, um, shows tremendously. I think the way he handles himself and how poised he is, um, in any scenario, doesn't matter what the situation is. He's always in the moment, and that's the hugest, you know, biggest part. I've seen up at this point in the consistency and the growth that he's had since OTAs to camp to pre-season one to the first game of the season. So now there's huge growth points at his, um, career even to this point that he's just, you know, taking those steps and he's, he's handling success in the right way. And game after game, he's learning each and every time. So he's done a great job. To be honest, and the commanders are home against the Browns on Sunday. Tickets are available. You can go to to get your hands on some. He seems like one of the guys in a way that's hard for a superstar. He was a Heisman Trophy winner, number two overall pick. But he seems like he's able to kind of get along in the locker room with the crew. I saw you guys were sliming him for his Nickelodeon award the other day and having fun. What's his personality like? Yeah, I think, I think it kind of goes back to what I said before, he's always in the moment. He's having fun with the two and he's a competitor and he's always having an edge on and how he can get better. But when we're in the moment of whether it be on or off the field, you know, we're having a great time and we're, you know, and we haven't had, you know, we've only had since what he's been drafted about a time. So we've had numerous amount of opportunities, whether it be, you know, dinners and hanging out after or even, you know, have that experience too with the Nickelodeon award. He just, he just not, well, yesterday. So I thought it's just he's in the moment guy. And that's the best part about him is that, you know, he's continuing to grow each and every day. Tyler, you obviously, new to the team this year and a couple other guys are as well on that offensive line. How long does it take for you to get comfortable so that it's second nature where you know in two to the wood, Sam Cos was going to do all the great is going to do where various tackles or guys that you're playing with, how long does that comfort and cohesion take to really and truly build where it becomes natural? Yeah, I think I think the biggest part is just making sure that, you know, we're locked in and we're consistent throughout the time we have together. And Matt goes all the way back from the time we were in with OTAs and, you know, we're all coming here and, you know, bringing every single day and showing our personalities is, you know, see how each and every piece of the puzzle can fit, right? And how we could gel together. And I think that's a huge part about it is the biggest thing is having experience with one another. So, and that's, you know, DQ had us, you know, playing in the preseason. That's which was great for us and join practice. That was great for us to build not necessarily this culture, this team, but to build with each and every position group and how to, you know, obviously build chemistry and unity within the align. And it comes with experience, whether it be practice, meeting room and just being in the moment and being consistently, you know, doing what you need to do and how do you want to fit this or how do you want to block this and what's this call and how we're going to react to this and at least stunts and everything like that. So, and that's the biggest thing, I think. Tyler, staying out West last week seemed like a big deal to help you guys and basically, you know, not get too high after what was one of the great wins in recent franchise history. You end up handling your business against Arizona, but now you come home to friends and family in the area. You're not basically like locked in the hotel just with your teammates. How do you guys guard against now this week? Maybe going into that Cleveland game, feeling yourselves a little bit. Yeah, I think I think the biggest part about like the travel that I thought was great was that you had time to, you know, how we just talked about it and how you got to job with one another and just keep on building and, you know, that brick by brick mentality and, you know, what kind of short week, how can we better, how can we be better, you know, obviously being on the road, you know, going all the way to, you know, a different time zone, all that, all that stuff. And, you know, I thought we, you know, we hit that out of the park. And so, there's huge growth lessons I think we can build off of, but I think the point coming off of a huge win is like that is, okay, how good, how great can we be? So like, how can you, how can you take the little details and how, how about those plays that maybe, you know, maybe didn't hit as well as we could. And just those edges that you just want to keep, keep on your way to, you know, chasing success and obviously, you know, you know, being at that attitude level of how great can we be. And that's how, you know, you're just nailing out the details in the meeting room and really staying consistent on top of that. Tyler Beottish with us here on J&D, a couple more moments left. Why are there so many ineligible receiver downfield penalties? Like, what is going on? Do they come and warn you guys? I mean, league wide. Yeah, like, not just you guys, but everywhere. It's like every other plane now, like every RPO based results in it. Like, you guys need a lobbyist to get that out. Like, that's absurd what's happening right now. What's going on? I think that's just the emphasis around the league. I think, you know, every year, I would say that there's going to be emphasis on whether it be new or not necessarily new. But, you know, I think that's the how you, how great can you be based on officiating throughout each and every year? I think each and every year, there's, you know, some stuff that, you know, the referees or NFLers is looking for, whether it be, you know, you know, illegal formation not being, you know, on the last scrimmage or, you know, whether it be excessive celebration or whatever the case may be. I think the biggest part to take away from that is that it's how the game's getting called. And, you know, I think every, you know, referee, crew, you take that into your study and you take that and how the league is getting called right now. And you take that into your prep as well. I think that's a, that's a huge, huge part of the game. Tyler, I know, I know why. Who knows? I know he doesn't line up right across from you, but we'll end the conversation here. The Browns are in town Sunday. Miles Garrett, it's not practicing right now, but assuming he plays, he had two sacks this week. He's got four already through four games, one of the best rusters in the league. Just generally, you know, what kind of test is he? Why is he so good? And how do you guys kind of as a unit collectively, try to slow him down? Yeah, I think, you know, he's a great player. You know, he's one of the best in the league. And that then in that race, you know, we were expected for that. But also, you know, that's the prep we have to take and take full force to, you know, whether he's practicing or not, whether he's playing or not, who knows, right? Like, but at the same time, we're prepared for him. And we're going to be prepped in the right way as if he's playing. And he's a, he's a, you know, a bullseye on, on him on his team that, you know, we, we take very consideration of what he's done in the league and probably previous years and even up to this point. But, but no, we prepped like he's playing the game. Tyler, we appreciate you joining us, man. Good luck to you. Keep it up, man. It's been a blast to watch you guys. Appreciate it. Thank you. There you go. Starting center. Tyler Biotis of the three and one commanders on Grant and Danny. Tickets are available for Sunday's game at Thanks to them for getting Tyler Biotis on the show. Our double play is next. What's going on in our lives? Nothing to do with sports. And we're giving away tickets to the cap's home opener in 15 minutes. [inaudible] Big thanks to Tyler Biotis for joining us. Nice little week. Luke McCaffery on the show on Monday, Austin Eckler stopped by on Tuesday. Tyler Biotis on Thursday, maybe next week, we'll work on the defensive side of the ball. Let's give them one more decent week of production. And then we'll start thinking about maybe getting some of the players on defense to join us. But I will say I like what I saw from Frankie Louvoo, Dorrance Armstrong, Jeremy Chin, Bobby Wagner, some of the new additions flying around, making plays against Arizona. That was by far their best performance of the year. You start repeating those sorts of things. Neither giving up 14 points is not many teams are going to do that over the course of the year in terms of average. But if you play a lot better than you did the first couple of weeks, I think some heads will start to turn. And I think the only way to go is up after they were on a record setting, not in a good way, tracked through the first three weeks of the season. My buddy texted me yesterday. He said, isn't it possible that they had six or seven new starters? And it was just going to take a few weeks in a new scheme to get better. And I said, totally. Also, their quarterback and defensive end positions are not going to be a strength hard to be very good on defense when that is the case. But it might be a little from column A, little from column B. We got the tickets to the caps open or got to be listening in 10 minutes. It is time for our double play on Grant and Danny driven to you by your local Washington area, Honda dealers, stopping for a great deal on the rugged and capable Honda pilot. Contact your local Washington area, Honda dealer today. Quick reminder tomorrow we're out and about. Come join us Atlas Brew Works, Alexandria brand new location. You can stop and check out their 15 taps, dozens of TVs, great pizza and wings. Friday, two to six. That's tomorrow. We're actually going to be there till six 30. The new Atlas Brew Works in Alexandria for information. Go to the fan Had the kids were at home today, obviously home today, home tomorrow. There's no school. No, there's no school. There has to be school, Danny. No, it's a weekday. Well, this, this one's a religious holiday. I'm not sure what tomorrow is. I don't know. I just know that there's no school, but adults don't have to go to work. Anyway, we went to silly first watch there in Fairfax, a place that I love. I go there all the time. That is a good breakfast. It is a great spot. So it just so happened that all three eggs, you're a bacon or sausage and then a pancake. Then of course, we order to side of biscuits and gravy to split between the three of us, which I ate the majority of because I'm a great big fatty. Anyway, point of the dude's story is there were three different kinds of pancakes at the table. Both kids got full. I had a bite of each one. I was able to sample in direct sequence regular pancake with butter syrup, blueberry pancake butter syrup, chocolate chip pancake butter syrup. I decided then and there I've had pancakes with anything you can imagine in there. We've done blueberries. I've done strawberries. Go raspberries. I've done they're so the gourmet places that'll put bacon right in there as part of it. Anything you can do. I've done peach pancakes. I've gone up and down at the ends of the earth because I love the pancake mango. I did actually did that. You do stick. I did that in Hawaii. I did coconut pancakes too. All delicious. All good. The chocolate chip pancake is one of those one bite of it is incredible. A second bite still very good. By the third or fourth big bite, you're like, this is probably too much. Really? Yeah, because it's so chocolate. It's so rich. It's already a heavy food stuff as it is. It's heavy. And by the end of this full allotment of pancakes, you're talking about your high stack here. I don't know. I can finish this. I don't know if I can eat again. You know what I mean? The blueberry pancake maintains its lightness. May I ask though, is that the performance enhancer is kicking in perhaps? No, it's a great question. It's a fair one. That's a flavor profile thing. OK, now I'm not telling you it's bad. I'm telling you a think about a full lumberjack portion of pancakes, right? Like you just that's what I'm saying. Like you're a man. If you have that club in the bag, but I hold up it. I do now. I mean, I eat a lot, but I want you to imagine we're like, you and me are real met. Imagine that. I'm going to close my eyes and go to that far off only for a moment in the moment. It's gone. We were in the woods. We're chopping down trees. Yeah, flannel shirts, hats. No, no, we're not Tom Wilson, but hats, pants, boots, gloves to protect our hands because we're working with the fur axis. Yeah, right. We got low and we're we're chopping trees. We're hauling lumber, huge, heavy morning, right? We had to work early in the morning and when everyone else is on their way to work, we're going to work our days done, basically. Oh, sure. We roll into first watch and you want that lumberjack stack of pancakes to fill your tummy, right? I don't know that I could do a chocolate chip pancake in the same volume that I could do a blueberry pancake or the regular pancake in the same volume makes sense. That's what I'm trying to. That's what I'm trying to say. Okay, I think that's fair. Still delicious, but my God, it's just so heavy. I think that's fair. So I think I'm ultimately ready to make a ruling here that the blueberry pancake is the best extra ingredient insert into the pancake. That's my assertion. The blueberry. Others are great. There's nothing wrong with others. It's you're trying to compare people that are handsome. Like, we know that Chris Hemsworth's handsome. We know that Chris Evans is handsome. We know a lot of people are handsome. Why does one have to be more handsome than the other? But if you have to rank them, the blueberry is the Chris Hemsworth. I'm not a bloob's guy. I know you're not. So I'm not going to do a blueberry pancake. I just recently found out that I liked pancake. I know, I know, but I'm certainly not going to be adding fruit to them any time. That's not that's not your bag. I'll start with chocolate chips and see where that gets. We're giving away caps tickets at the top of the hour. If you want to be at opening night, you got to be listening to Grant and Danny and our beltway blitz coming up in just a few minutes here on the fan. Also, as we continue, what should we expect from Jaden Daniels and the commander's offense on Sunday against Cleveland? This is the best defense statistically that they have played. Now, how good are the Browns defensively? I'm not so sure. We could dive in on that. But this is the best defense that's been on the schedule so far. Can they keep humming? We'll get into that early next hour on G and D.