Grant and Danny

The NFL Is Considering This Rule Change

The NFL is considering this rule change...

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
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Before we get back into people who want to weigh in on whether or not the team name is going to stick as they Continue to win and if Jaden Daniels is the real deal and they become the team with the 8-quarter back Another comment Roger Goodell made in that interview we mentioned last hour on NFL Network was that They have begun talking about and that there is a possibility if needed that they would change the Yardline you start your drive with after a touch back with the new kickoff from the 30 to the 35 That that's something they would consider for next year So that tells you two things Danny. Mm-hmm. Number one this new kickoff right now is not only working in their eyes, but they like it number two That while there have been a lot of returns compared to the past they want even more right instead of some which is more than used to be They want a lot and I'm all in this is correct. I love this starting at the 30 currently Is one of the biggest reasons in my opinion. Why we're seeing less punting not just in Washington where they don't punt at all By the way, go to one oh six seven the fan shop calm for our brand new shirt Which I think is awesome at our one oh six seven the fan merch store It's just the word punt with basically being crossed out because the commanders don't punt very very cool burgundy and gold t-shirt Go by go check it out. It's a good look, but Punting's down all over the league because you're getting the ball to 30 15 years ago It was the 20 then it was the 25 now the average starting field positions the 29 you get to mid field during Phil Gorbins Field gold kickers are the best they've ever been there's been a one miss kick on 116 attempts 40 and in it was the Packers nubby kicker this past week against the Vikings Narvassen I thinks his name who wears the number 44 please stop doing that kicker should not wear numbers that are not single digits as an aside, but Like they can't wear a team number either them not okay if they have to like you're the Yankees You don't have any single-digit numbers available. I can sign off on that you should never wear anything above 19 That is you just don't get to employ a kicker if you don't have a number for them. Oh, that would be my new one I like that you have to cut someone who's a single digit number or a teens number or move them to a different number I like this no employing kickers thing. We're seeing some paddock on no No, I love this and we're on the same ground there big kickers guy. I just 20s 30s 40s like all the way through 90s. It's not college football at the University of Georgia enough already But anyway that guy because of the number he wears he missed a kick It was the only kick inside a 40 that's been missed by a kicker all year. It's automatic right on top of that Kickers are now kicking routinely from 60. Did you see Joey Sly this week? Yeah from 63 and just casual So easy so you don't have to go as far as you used to you're starting Closer to midfield than you ever have before you basically need two first downs and you're in field goal range That's why everyone is not punting also on fourth and short and plus territory is a ghost situation most of the time So if you basically get 15 yards now, it's fourth and two or less you're in no man's land You might as well go for it anyway might as well go so it's kind of become more fun And I think Goodell's noticing that he's going well heck let's just move it up to the 35 and and by the way again, let me cosign wherever I can rubber stamp that I will the the thing that baseball was so bad at forever and that's why we had all these sweeping changes in one-off season where we're like and There's no shifts and there's a pitch clock and there's this and this and this and then what whoa, that's a lot Well football does it incrementally when we we tweak something. Hey, this is working. This is really working Now, let's turn it up instead of waiting 15 years to get a big data sample. They're not waiting around for it They realize we're on to something here. Let's turn it up. Don't you miss good punting a little bit. No, I mean we're friends with Tresway don't you miss that angle punt to the sideline the Dropping up on inside the ten that kicks up with little backspin just so you're not gonna get me to say something bad about Tresler Yeah, I'm a Tresway guy. I don't miss him at all. I don't miss puns at all. Let me be clear. Mm-hmm Mr. Obama stuff. Yeah, but What I'm saying has nothing to do with the commanders not punting. No, I never want to see Tres do anything But hold ever again. I just mean around the league. We're losing a little something if we miss out on the art of the punt I don't miss it. It's like saying. Do you miss like toenail fungus? It's the it's a part of the game. That's necessary That's gonna happen. I don't miss it at all. I don't want to see it those are not the football players I want to see the football players I want to see the lineman the wide receivers the running backs the quarterbacks that the incredible athletes that are running Shuttled cone drills in three seconds that went 300 pounds. I want the incredible thing not the dude that looks like he could be selling beer in the stands Jogging out there and putting football than jogging back off the more football we can have with football players That's what I want. You know, it would be silly and I don't mean silly like wacky I think so silly like Johnny kicks all bill says sell it a little bit If they're going to do the thing next year Let's say where there's still too many teams because there's three or four teams that have quite literally just every single time still Who did the ball through the back of the end zone and giving teams the ball like we don't mess with us We're not doing it because some big returns have been ripped off. We're not dealing with it If they want to penalize that and they do the thing where instead of the first and ten at the 30 It's now the 35. I think they should move the spot for the kickoff out of bounds up The kickoff out of bounds has always been the 40 Mm-hmm, but you won't point time was twice as big a penalty as a touch back. Uh-huh, okay now It's not twice as big but it was sizable from the 25 to the 40 whatever percentage that is But it's a 15-yard discrepancy. Mm-hmm. We're down to a 10-yard discrepancy at the 30 if you move the touch back distance up to the 35 At some point we've got to adjust the out-of-bounds distance to like midfield I'm with that if you just kick the ball out of bounds because you're trying to get cute or something or you're landing in the landing zone Let's really make kickers lives more difficult and let's make the the skill on kickoffs play a little bit If it goes out of bounds, you get the ball at midfield Oh cosign crazy like that sign me right the hell up, but remember all of this when you're wondering how scoring trending up and Percentage of drives with points and percentage of drives with punts. What's it all mean? You're starting Further upfield. You need to get less distance to get into field goal range It just makes sense and it's a huge reason probably also and I'm thinking about it Why why passing numbers may be down another one we haven't talked about right? We're talking about the way teams are defending why take a shot when I only need 15 yards Yeah, but it's also a you know you're not getting out of the shadow of your own ends on anymore like somebody The rare occasion someone has a return 60% of the time in the old way there's a block in the back. There's a hole. There's something illegal So you're backed up to your own 14. That's doesn't seem like much, but that's 15 16 20 extra yards per drive True that you're sacrificing based on field position. Yeah yards per game. Maybe go down Mm-hmm yards per attempt shouldn't really change which has always been a better stat anywhere but I am curious to see kind of where all this trends and we could ask Tyler B. Oddish about some of the specifics of Where drives are beginning and how things have trended differently in the league this year?