The Todd Herman Show

CBS News on Kamala Harris BEFORE she seized power; Democrats push for brain-dead voters Ep-1868

CBS News had some questions for Kamala Harris before she seized power or the people around her helped her seize power. And, Democrats are pushing for brain dead voters. No, I don't mean propaganda wise, I mean actually chemically making people pretty brain dead. And then, Tim Waltz and the Longshoremen's Union boss: In other words, a dumb guy and a thug guy.
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03 Oct 2024
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Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Hermit Show CBS News had some questions for Kamala Harris before she sees power or the people around her help her seize power and Democrats are pushing for brain dead voters. No, I don't mean propagandilize. I mean, actually chemically making people pretty brain dead and then Tim Waltz and the Long Shoreman's Union cat. In other words, a dumb guy and a thug guy. Look at this all with the help of our YouTube channel, and God Almighty. The Todd Hermit Show is 100% disciplined by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. No, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City excite. Todd Hermit. Today is the day the word has made and these are the times in which God has decided we should have. I'm reflecting upon the fact that it's historically speaking. It appears really likely that Jesus Christ was the first person to use the word hypocrite in the way it has become common parlance. There's a whole theory around this where Jesus grew up and where his father worked as a carpenter, that is his earthly father, Joseph. There was a, there was a theater built and there's this theory that maybe Joseph worked in that theater. There's no doubt that Jesus would have been aware of the theater and that the actors were there and there were regular plays. So later in life, Jesus took the word hypocrite and applied it to people like the Pharisees. You also use the phrase whitewash to meaning shiny and white on the outside, but very dirty and dusty on the inside. And with actors, of course, people performing performative faith, you know, doing loud prayers and announcing how much you just given to the poor when in fact you've given very, very little and a percentage of your income. So he applied that word. The people in the Mockingbird media embody this in every way. And it's so fascinating because it's almost a turning back into the original meaning of that word. In other words, actors, this is so very clear. If you see the line of questioning that was given to Kamala Harris by CBS, the home of 60 minutes prior to her seizing power, it's also very clear. When you watch PBS pretend that Hillary Clinton is a reasonable thinker when it comes to what ends of democracy mean, and then Fran Leibowitz says something about the Supreme Court that would indicate she, in fact, is the end of democracy. I'll show you all this in a second. So get prepped. You can prep yourself for a life of health pretty, pretty easily. I mean, there are regimented things you need to do, exercise mental health, vitamin D, spiritual health being in God's word as often as you can or as often as you will force yourself to be. Sometimes it is forcing yourself. There's other little helps along the way. I use mass times. I used to weigh almost 400 pounds. Now that I've dropped down to an over a long period of time, 208 pounds and about 9.9 percent body fat. And I don't say that does any kind of AM special or nothing like that. I don't consider it that it's a lot of hard work and a lot of sacrifice, but there's some tricks I learned along the way. One of them is mass times. This is a potent series of diversity of enzymes. It took them 243 experiments before they could get to the point where maths and weight at by optimizers would even release this. Now I've been using it and now I can tell you about it. It came to be something they could label a breakthrough when they got a test done at Berkshire International University in Bosnia, side by side. You who are eating food without the mass times help, in other words, most of us get one level of nutrition. In this test, they found that people who took mass times saw a 1,200 percent increase in the amount of amino acids in their bodies when they took mass times, as I do, that helped support muscle growth, muscle gain and digestive health and comforts, and it's as easy as opening the bottle and taking three tablets a couple of times a day. Go to, you'll get 10 percent off mass times and in fact all their products. So stop letting poor digestive processes and health keep you from getting to your full potentials, Before the people around her engineered the seizing of power from the crepits mentally the crepit figurehead Biden, the people at 60 minutes in CBS had a line of questioning for Kamala Harris. We were talking to some Democratic donors and they have told us that should something befall President Biden and he is not able to run, that there would be a free for all for who would run as president. You are in the spot that that would be a natural for you to step up, but we're hearing from donors that they would not naturally fall into line. Why is that? Well, first of all, I'm not going to engage in that hypothetical because Joe Biden is very much alive and running for re-election. Is he? I mean, yeah, his heart is beating and his brainstem sends signals. Her body language, the smile that came right after she looked over at a staffer. She looked to her right over there for some form of guidance. I can almost guarantee that there's nothing else there but a staffer and the conversation continues. But you did know, I mean, that is a concern and a legitimate concern, I would say. I hear from a lot of different people, a lot of different things, but let me just tell you, I'm focused on the job, I truly am. I'm focused on the job, I truly am, the job of keeping the border wide open, the job of coddling criminals of raising money for people who burned down American cities and the job of working behind the scenes with Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer and others to institute a coup, I'll let her close this off. Our democracy is on the line bill and I frankly, in my head, do not have time for parlor games when we have a president who is running for reelection. I do not have time for parlor games as a woman playing parlor games. You don't take a shot at the king, even if it's a figurehead king. If you intend to miss, you come locked and rhetorically, in this case, loaded. They only go after other presidents when they are in fact materially loaded, if you know what I mean. So it was a reasonable question to good one from CBS. So let's compare this to some of the other members of the mockingbird media and my assertion that they're acting. The people at PBS are well aware of the fact that Donald Trump stepped down from office after he was, you know, after he was supposedly lost the election, or they told him he did. I don't believe he lost it. He left peaceably. He's never admitted he lost, but he left peaceably. They're well aware of the fact that he told people to proceed peacefully in general risks. They know all these things. They also know that Hillary Clinton attempted effectively another coup with her faked oppo research on Donald Trump that went before the FISA court presented as fact when in fact it was fiction. They know all of this, but Anna Noise on PBS found herself fawning all over Hillary Clinton as newsbusters put it, even as Hillary talks about the end of democracy. From what I'm seeing around the country, the people I'm talking to meeting with on behalf of the campaign, there's an enthusiasm and an urgency because it's not only about electing someone who I think would be a terrific president on the merits, but stopping someone who could literally undermine our democracy for decades to come. Friend Leibowitz went on Bill Maher's program with a suggestion about something figurehead Biden should do. But this wouldn't be the end of democracy, right? I mean, she's not acting when she's concerned about democracy and Hillary Clinton's not acting when she pretends it's Donald Trump with a plan to end what they call democracy. But I've been obsessed all year with this idea that they had four years to get Trump, five different trials, and somehow they let it go away. Like he's not really going to get it. The trials are not going to be apparently involved in this election at all. The Democrats had time to do this, time, four years. And they had the power. No. They were in office and the attorney general was Merrick Garland. And yet it all went away. And now the Supreme Court has ruled that he's not liable for any of this. Right, because what he had was Supreme Court, okay? So, you know, the Democrats had elected people. The Supreme Court is completely his, you know, I mean, it's so disgraceful. In this court that it shouldn't even be allowed to be called the Supreme Court. You know, I mean, it's an insult to Motown to call it Supreme Court. So, someone really doesn't want to bother me. It's not even a court. It's only a court in the sense that the court of the League of the Sixteenth was a court. You know, I mean, basically, it's a harem, okay? It's a harem. It's Trump's harem. So I always feel sorry for the three real judges on the court. You know, I know a lot of people have jobs, not me, not you. And you have to go to work every day and there are people you don't like at work. But can you imagine having to go to work every day, a veto? You have to go to work with a veto with Kavanaugh, you know, I mean, it must be horrible. So what Biden should do, not that you asked, but when they passed that law, this Supreme Court passed that ruling, you know, where they said, you're not the president, you're the king, which is what that ruling is. You can do whatever you want, you can never be, you know, held responsible. I thought, you know, Biden's still the president. No one seems to notice, but Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court, dissolve the Supreme Court. I'm the president, I'm the king now, like you said, and go home. Friend Liba Witz is a liar, and she knows she's lying. She absolutely knows that the ruling from the Supreme Court did not say that a president can do whatever he wants, so she goes on TV and she acts. And I mean it, someone gave her the Motown line. Everything else was hers. If you read her writing, everything else was hers, the line about Motown that came from Bill Maher's staff, I'm certain of it. The ruling she's talking about said that a president carrying out his official duties is very, very difficult to convict in court. That's always been the case. This simply affirmed that. If Biden, the figurehead were to come out and say, I dissolve the Supreme Court, he steps outside of his constitutional duties and friend Liba Witz knows this. Bill Maher knows it as well, and Bill Maher will often call people out on that, but that was good TV, good acting, good hypocrites. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for popularizing that phrase. It's useful. Tip number two, the Democrats backed by George Soros, who incidentally has been allowed by the, the FCC, an expedited purchase of 200 radio stations, a bunch of them, talk stations and the Odyssey network. They expedited that despite the fact that there's 25% foreign ownership, despite the fact that George Soros is a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States of America. The Democrats in partnership with George Soros have done two things that compliment one another. Well, many things that compliment, but these things are very direct compliments. Number one, George Soros purchased the offices of district attorneys and prosecutor attorneys, depending on how the system works in the States of DAs. And on the other hand, he has propagated as much access to hardcore drugs as possible, beginning with the entree drug, marijuana. Those two things combined create a real problem for American cities. It creates a real problem for the minds of American youth, who are having pots normalized at ages of 11 and 12, and it's not the pot we grew up with, and I know I sound like grandpa Jimmy Swaggerton, if you're too young to know Jimmy Swagger, Google him. They want a chemically dependent society. They want a slow society. If you've ever heard the phrase, bread and circuses, you should hear the phrase, bread and circuses. But what does it mean? It means distractions. It means as an empire is falling apart, entertaining the little people with little things. So that used to be things like the role in Roman Colosseum, and we have our version of that, football, et cetera, nothing wrong with football. I used to watch it until the NFL announced they hate people like me. But the bread and circuses approach doesn't always work, and so now you have these intoxicants. It's creating chaos in the cities, which plays into the hands of Democrats because they're pushing the country through a color revolution or a culture war, like, or cultural revolution. Choose your phrase. The fact of the matter is this, they're campaigning now on statewide offices for more access to more intoxicants, and it's going to lead to more brain dead type voters making decisions based upon who's going to guarantee me access. After these drugs, I've gotten hooked on either to feel good or even to function. On the whole other end of the spectrum, there are people who are using access to the brilliance miraculous technology that God built into us, and it is tech. It's tech that builds tech, code that writes code, hardware that creates hardware, and no one in tech will ever get near its genius. The lines of code in our DNA are the cleanest lines of code ever written, absolutely, absolutely sparse language that promotes everything to do with life. I work with a group of people at a clinic called Renew.Healthcare, and they studied the human body and how to help us avoid surgeries, recover more quickly from surgeries, get out of pain from things like neuropathy or injuries, even to recover from traumatic brain injuries. When you've been told there is no recovery from this traumatic brain injury, they tapped one of the most powerful materials God makes, the human stem cell. Not from abortion, they wouldn't do that. From placentas and umbilical cords, then they cultured those stem cells so they can put into your body 46 or 50 million of them. Those stem cells enter and just think 46 million construction workers. The first thing they do in your body is they attack inflammation, which is to cause a lot of pain and dysfunction, and then they go about rebuilding tissue or cartilage, muscle, tendon. It's miraculous because it's based upon God's code. If you've been told it's pills for the rest of your life, surgery, or simply not being able to walk, I know a woman who went in there hemispherically paralyzed. In a wheelchair told this is your life now. That wasn't. She walked out a few weeks later. Go to, it's, tell them you're a member of the Todd Herman Show YouTube family, podcast, or radio show family, Yet Florida, in a Baptist church no less, this is at St. John's first missionary Baptist church. The speaker is named Nikki Fried. She's the chairwoman of the state's Democrat party, and she has in mind a very, very important voter initiative, which we'll compare, against what the America or the human mind is capable of doing, even when it's in great forms of injury. We are electing Democrats up and down the ballot, and we all have two other important things on the ballot. We've got a memo for, if you've all heard about, and we've got a memo for each, and finally legalize cannabis here in the state of Florida, and stop putting black and brown men behind bars, because the blacks can't stop selling the pot. That didn't happen in the separate country of Washington State or California or Oregon, so-called black and brown men, a dehumanizing phrase purposely dehumanizing, just to put people down to the lowest common denominator of their humanity, that is the melanin level in their skin, their color. They kept going to jail in prison, because the cartels understand that the illegal stores can only serve so many people, plus they've got a bunch of pots sitting around, and they're not armed. And in many cases, they can't take credit cards, so there's cash, and so they rob those places. And they take the drugs, they take the cash, just like they would to a street dealer. It hasn't changed a thing, and it's not going to, but what will change is an American society with massive access to intoxicants like this that get more and more intoxicating, this as the third leg to the tried is happening. The cartels are being given open access to American cities to operate openly. They're not going to say, "Hey, don't, don't, don't, don't sell the fentanyl to the kids. Just keep them marijuana. They're kids." No, they're bodies, and the Democrat Party is pushing for this. There was a guy named Father Augustine Weta. This is the whole other side of this equation again. This goes to the power of the mind and the power of what good people can do when they really study God's designs for us. This guy was undergoing brain surgery and was awake. And then he says, "So what hymn are we singing, Father?" I was like, "Him?" He goes, "Yeah, let's sing a hymn." I was like, "Well, you choose." So they said, "Amazing grace." And then all the surgeons and the narcissists and the nurses, they all sang "Amazing Grace." I said, "Thank you for singing that hymn." He goes, "Well, you didn't do it for you." He says, "We do this after every surgery." No way. And then he said, "Just because it's science doesn't mean it isn't a miracle." It comes from a great Twitter follow that I use, Chris Stefanik. And he brings up a lot about the Catholic faith and he is a Catholic, but a lot about the work of the Lord Jesus. And in that case, of course, this great moment in an operating room where a guy who just had his brain cut open or was having it sewed back together is singing a hymn. See our brains are powerful. And people who understand how powerful they're all can help them in ways. And people who understand how vulnerable they are could hurt them in many ways. Remember, the Bible tells us to not get drunk, unwind, do not get intoxicated. It doesn't say, "Don't drink it." It says, "Don't get intoxicated." So why are we pushing intoxication in society? Because once again, and this is a demonstrable fact, I don't debate anyone on it, there is not a single item in the Democrat agenda that does not stand adverse to the Word of God, not one. That might be something you should pray about if you vote Democrat for one of your pet causes. Story number three, Tim Walts says something about being a union guy. So when you say something like that, I'm a union guy. That's all in. No matter what, I'm pro-union. But is that a reasonable position? I mean, Tim Walts has proven himself to be not a particularly smart man. Or people don't lie about things like, "I was in Tiananmen Square." No, you weren't. Not when it happens. I retired at this really high rank in the National Guard. No, you actually never achieved that retirement at that rank. That never happened. I didn't sign a bill that lets doctors have babies die of exposure if they survive an abortion. Yeah, but you did sign that. That's all demonstrable. What do you mean the debate with JD Vance? A man whose eyes get wide his saucers when he's asked a very predictable question isn't the guy that God's blessed with a lot of intellect. He's blessed this guy with something. God gives blessings to us all, the common blessings of food, water, air, but he's blessed him with something, but it's not intelligence. On the other hand, the guy who runs the Longshoreman International Union, Harold Deggett, has been blessed with intelligence. But how's he stewarding it? This is a combination of two men, one not smart one, very, very smart. And how are they each stewarding their gifts? We all get gifts. There are the common blessings. There's food, water, air that rains down upon people who follow the Lord and people who don't. We also get blessings in the form of how people steward those things into products that can help us. I consider coffee to be a blessing. I do. I thank God for a warm cup of coffee in the morning. I don't thank him enough for it. I didn't this morning, so I'm doing it now. Thank you, Lord. And I choose my coffee this way. It used to be for what got me high. That literally was it. In here, I'm talking about brain intoxication and all that all the time in the program. Don't do that. And I chose it for what got me high. Now I still enjoy the mental boost from caffeine. It's miraculous in that way. I still enjoy the fact that it's a powerful anti-oxidant. Love that. I now love the taste of it because I use bone frog coffee. I actually enjoy it. Bone frog is made from the ground up. See, there are coffee companies and they're just brands. They're just labels. They don't really roast their own beans. They don't do that. They don't really make their own blends. But let me give an example of bone frog coffee. They have a coffee called goat locker. This is a tradition in the Navy where enlisted officers get access to this private room that the big leaguers, even an admiral, would have to knock to enter the goat locker. Tim Crookshank, the founder of bone frog coffee, is a retired Navy SEAL. He did three deployments on our behalf. He was also a buds instructor that is helping people become Navy SEALs. And he honors the Navy in this way. That blend took him three years of research and experiments before he would release it to the public. No doubt in partnership with Dave Stewart. Dave loved Tim's story, loved Tim's vision of raising 10% of proceeds for the families of fallen Navy SEALs at the Navy SEAL Foundation, of the bags of coffee, saying God country team. So Dave came on board and mentored the team. This is a dark French roast that doesn't have a hint of bitterness. Some of the best coffee I've ever had. It's my favorite of their brews. You can try it. Go to If you want to try more of their coffees, get this sample packs at six four samples or just go all in with goat locker. It's, 10% off your first purchase. And if you're ready to get up to the subscription level and start saving money, that would be the time to do that, 15% of subscription coffee. This is a guy who occurs to me to be pretty thuggish and the telegraph reported that it seems that he has connections to the Genovese crime family, although he's never been convicted of that. So let's be fair. These people today don't know where the strike is. When my men hit the streets from main to Texas, every single port will lock down. You know what's going to happen? I'll tell you. First week, be all over the news every night, boom, boom. Second week, guys who sell cars can't sell cars because the cars ain't coming in off the ships, they get laid off. Third week, mall starts closing down. They can't get the goods from China. They can't sell clothes. They can't do this. Everything in the United States comes on a ship. They go out of business. Construction workers get laid off because the materials aren't coming in. The steel is not coming in. The lumber's not coming in. They lose their job. Everybody's aiding the longshoreman now because now they realize how important our jobs are. Now I have the president screaming at me, "I'm putting a teffali on you." Go ahead. Teffali means I have to go back to work for 90 days after cooling off period. Do you think when I go back to 90 days, those men are going to go to work on that pier? It's going to cost the money, the company's money to pay the salaries while they go one from 30 moves and now maybe to eight. They're going to be like this. Who's going to win here in the long run? You're better off sitting down and let's get a contract and let's move on with this world and in today's world, I'll cripple you. I will cripple you and you have no idea what that means. Nobody does. Let's talk about crippling people. What happens if a longshoreman doesn't pay his union dues? What happens if a longshoreman listens to that guy and understands that guy takes home 900,000 bucks a year pre-tax, that that guy drives a Bentley, that that guy has yachts. One of them is 76 feet long and is apparently called the obsession. He would cripple a longshoreman. You're not going to give me my rake? This job you got there, be ashamed if I cripple you. That's union? It's thuggery. In the case of many unions, you no longer have to pay the dues. For instance, there's a ruling that came out of a battle in the separate country of Washington State. You can't be forced to be represented by a union even if you're a teacher. But they won't tell you that. In this case, this guy gets to use force to steal money from working men and women who may not want his representation. They might like the contract they have now, or this is more likely the case. There are star performers in the field of being a longshoreman, people who love their job, diligently pursue it and do what we're told to do as Christians, which is when you're working a job, act as if you're working for Jesus himself, even if you're working for a very, very hard boss. They might be the people who would deserve a raise. That guy doesn't care. He wants as many bodies in as many work positions as possible so he can continue to get about a million bucks a year off the backs of people who earn on the West Coast at the big ports an average of a hundred grand per year doing dangerous work, sometimes unfortunately becoming actually physically crippled while they do it. That man is in my judgment a pure thug on both ends of this against the American economy and by virtue of forcing people to give him parts of their paychecks. Tim Walts. Are you talking about Governor Walts? Can you address that? I mean, voters say they trust Donald Trump on the economy more. Why? If you're listening tonight and you want billionaires to get tax cuts, you heard what the numbers were. Look, I'm a union guy on this. I'm not a guy who wanted to ship things overseas, but I understand that, look, we produce soybeans in corn. We need to have fair trading partners. That's something that we believe in. I think the thing that, I'm a union guy, he says, after sauce awry. Why? Millionaires and billionaires. You don't want to have tax cuts, but you want a no doubt, multi-millionaire to be able to blackmail people into giving them part of their paychecks or he'll cripple them professionally. Huh, unions, there used to be a purpose for them. Maybe there still is and maybe you're a member of a good one, but you shouldn't be forced to give over your paycheck. An honest days pay, an honest days work, in fact the Bible tells us do not withhold from a worker their pay. Lord, thank you for reminding us that there are people like that who seek to be served while they leave the serve and let us do the opposite. This is the Todd Herman show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (gentle music)