The Todd Herman Show

The Left Declares War on The First Amendment- Censorship Via Magic Words Ep-1867

The Left has openly decided to declare war against the First Amendment. They are not even pretending anymore. Bill Gates, John Kerry, and Kamala Harris have called for the end of free speech. The Mockingbird Media is in on this attack as well. 

What does God’s Word say? 
John 1:1-5
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
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Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
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Good morning to everyone watching live. We appreciate you doing that and to everybody who is watching and they're listening later. We appreciate you equally. Just a programming note, a reminder that we're making a change with sub stack and it's going to become kind of a more intimate thing. It's going to be me doing videos and often chatting with you would turn on the live chat feature and we'll hang out together. We're doing that because I want to have content available for people who subscribe and have been with us a very, very long time that is not on YouTube and there's an increasing amount of content that's going on YouTube and I made you a promise that was going to make sure that sub stack was special that way and I intend to keep that promise. So it's going to be kind of cool stuff because it'll be just you and I chatting. In fact, I think it's going to be very, very cool. We're doing this for a commercial reality. YouTube is the biggest podcasting platform in the world bar none and because we're actually succeeding in reaching young people by wrapping the word of God up in news and pop culture and that's why I do what I do quite honestly and thank you for making that possible. We'll get started now with the help of God almighty into today's topic and that is the left is openly decided to declare war against the First Amendment openly, they're not even pretending anymore. Do this with the help of the Lord who invented free speech. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times through which God has decided we should live. So we're going to question for you. Let me ask it this way. Do you think let me start again? No, I'm not just reaching for the edit board. Oh, Herman's lost it. No, no, I haven't. Let me ask you this. Do you think I could prove to you that God is pro free speech? That God is a backer of the topic of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution that recognizes our right to free speech exists because God created us, but I can. If you go to one of the most beautiful verses in all of the Bible, this comes from John chapter one, verses one through five, the entire chapter John, the book John is in a beautiful book. It's one that many of my friends who are helping people come to the Lord recommend that they read right away because it's so beautiful and it speaks to the, um, the deity of Jesus and the fact that Jesus always existed with God, the Father and the Holy Spirit. It's so beautifully written in the beginning was the word. In the word was with God and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning through him. All things were made without him. Nothing made that has been made was made that has been made in him was life and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. For John who walked with Jesus, who was a friend of Jesus to say that and to say it that way is an inspired thing directly inspired by God. Now, what would that mean that that God was the word? The word was with God and the word was God. Well, clearly he's referring to Jesus here as the word, but how could that be? Words are for us. They were invented for us. God doesn't need words. First of all, God, the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus are a triune God locked together. They don't need words to communicate with one another. They're all knowing, all seeing have always existed, always will exist. Knowing all things means you don't need to communicate much. You just know. You may have minor tiny little experiences like this in life where you know someone very, very well and you walk into a room and you see them and you instantly know what they're feeling. You don't guess. You know. My friend that's hurt. My friends were really glad to see me. My friends angry. You just know. Jesus and God are the words, love, truth, honesty, charity, empathy, justice. They gave us words to express concepts to one another because they don't need the words like they don't need clocks. They don't need counters. They don't need night and day. They don't need food. When Jesus took on human form, he communicated through the mouth of the human, the word. He demonstrated his access to deity because remember he had kind of forfeited his deity by praying to the God the Father, giving thanks and asking that his will be done sometimes through Jesus. Very materially, in fact, in raising Lazarus from the dead and performing all these miracles. If God was not in favor of free speech, he could eliminate it. There would be things we can't say. And so far as I can tell in the Bible, there's only one thing we can say or think that really, really bothers God to the degree that it's an unforgivable sin. And that is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. And I have yet to meet a theologian who could really explain that one. So be careful what you say about the Holy Spirit. God is pro-free speech. The mockingbird media and the left are not. The people who think they run the world, who think they have power and don't understand that they have no power over us, but that which the Father grants for his own glory, his own good, they also hate free speech, which is another way they stand in verse entirely to the word. We have the word of God, but also the word that is Jesus. So we'll dig through some of this together, beginning with the debates. Look, debates are big business. And this was a big night for CBS. It was a big night for ABC, and it's a vice presidential debate, but it got pretty good views. And afterwards, it got a huge number of views on social media. As people watch in to see these dishpan eyes of Tim Walts, as he's failing to prepare, he's scribbling down notes at a very calm JD Vance. JD Vance was so calm in this that it almost gave me, well, almost comfort. And I don't take comfort from Washington, D.C. I take comfort from honest people who know how things are working right now. My friend Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer, Boer Capital Management is one of those guys. He's just bothered by world events as you are. It's just that he sees them differently. He sees them as a fiduciary, whose job is to put your financial interests well above his own, always, every single time. Consequently, he makes decisions that might keep you away from having huge, huge rides on stock like Nvidia. You might not get that huge high. His goal is to make sure you never get the huge bottoming out. He operates on risk management and by knowing the rules, and right now there aren't any. So risk management is even more important. He does this by actively managing every single portfolio. Find out from Zach if you are ready for retirement. Find out if your portfolio is set up for risk management. Find out if it's being actively managed and if it is and if you're in good stead, he will tell you. He just told a friend of mine's dad. You don't need me. You did great on your own. You're good to go. So find out. Go to that's K-N-O-W. Know your and simply ask for a free, no obligation chit chat, either video, phone call. You can even go see him in person. It's or call 866-779 risks. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual around any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate. And actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Trek 24308. The two political agitators pretending to be moderators during the debate do not like it that JD Vance chose not to be shut up or stifled as Archie used to say to Edith on all in the family. And if you're too young to know that show, look it up. Here's JD Vance refusing to be dummy checked, not fact checked, dummy checked. Thank you, Senator. We have so much to get to. I think it's important. We're going to turn out of the economy. Thank you. The rules were that you guys were going to fact check and since you're fact checking me, I think it's important to say what's actually going on. So there's an application called the CBP 1 app where you can go on as an illegal migrant, apply for asylum or apply for parole and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand. That is not a person coming in applying for a green card and waiting for 10 years. Thank you, Senator. That is the sanitation of a legal immigration Margaret by our own leader driving the legal process. We have so much to get to Senator. They're talking over and attempting to JD Vance very calmly handles them, very calmly, very respectfully, and they can't stand it. In the beginning was the word. You can disagree with JD Vance's opinion that this is a bad idea. You cannot disagree with the fact that the app exists. That's exactly what it does. There are people and we played the video on the show of people who've downloaded the app and used it to show that in a matter of minutes, we're ready to fly into our country and to place you into a position convenient for us in terms of the Electoral College and then making sure that we register you to vote so that we have a ballot near name that we could use fraudulently. In the beginning was the word. God is truth. When you trample on truth, whether or not it's the word of God, when you're trampling on material truth, you're kicking sand that God's face because he is truth. He is justice. Do you get that? If you're going to declare war on something, understand that on which you are declaring war. This comes from the New Yorker, the New York Times, three headlines. Is it time to torch the Constitution? Some scholars say that it's to blame for our political dysfunction and that we need to start over. The Constitution is sacred. Is it also dangerous? One of the biggest threats to American policies might be the Constitution. And then this, coming right out and stating it's nakedly, elections are bad for democracy. Now, clearly, the handwriting lineers wrote that last one to get clicks and to get engagement and it's clickbait, except for the fact that the editorial makes that exact case. The whole of the smart people, only the people who are demonstrably smart should be allowed to choose are so-called leaders. How do you demonstrate smartness? Well, you agree with who? It's a smart people. How do you know that the smart ones? Because they agree. That form of consensus, of course, has nothing in relation to the truth. It has nothing in relation to intelligence. We shared yesterday in the show that the fact that curiosity is a sign of intelligence, if you're always asking questions, always seeking to learn, curiosity is a sign of intelligence. If you're not curious about your world, it's not not necessarily be that you're stupid. It might be that you've been taught that curiosity is a very, very bad thing. It's been modeled for you, trust your betters. This is what the argument that voting is bad for democracy is about, but it's also part of the motive for people who are world bosses. Curiosity bugs them because questions bug them because they are the smart ones. If you've ever had an opportunity to question a really smart person on a really simple thing and watch them get bugged, it's pretty instructive. This isn't on the level of our so-called democracy, our republic falling apart, but let me give you just a tiny little example because it's tiny and it's interesting and it's sort of funny. When I worked at Microsoft, I was making the case that we should take a separate business unit, set it up as a media company, media tech company because Microsoft was compromised on this front. What I mean by that is, when MSN had traffic and it was a big website, to some degree it still is, but when that was happening, everybody got access to it. So the product teams and the software teams, we need to push windows and we need to put you. So it was just this mess. So what I said is, look, let's set up a media company on the outside and let us give some links and some traffic out of Hotmail, et cetera. Let us operate independently and let us as a bet. Go purchase YouTube and let's spend a good amount of money on YouTube, but leave them alone. Let them build what they're building and continue to become the juggernaut that they're building. Now, this was when YouTube was just beginning, but those of us who are in the online video world at the time saw where it was headed. It was obvious. It's not that you're smart. It's simply that you can read graphs. And I made this case to a senior vice president who is a really, really smart man. He is unbelievably intellectually gifted. And we were in this discussion and I said to him, we should make this purchase. He said, this is a fact. This is the exact quote. Todd, no one is going to sit there and watch videos of cats peeing in toilets. And I said to him, really? Even the people who post them and their friends? Oh, no, I understand the circle of influence. I understand the long tail. But what if the next video is a video of cats playing and then of cats doing other things? And what if people set there for 20 minutes and suddenly there's a video that's a documentary about cats? And what if that turns into a 40 minute view session and now it's 400,000 people watching that? Well, that's not going to happen. But it is. It is happening. This is the long tail of user generated content leading to the big tail of content we pay to have. He couldn't see it. Now, people see different things. I'm not claiming to be smarter than him. But the chart was right there. It turned out that it was this. He'd already placed his bet. He'd already gone to the powers it be. His bet was to build our own. Everyone remembers that, right? Our viral video service at Microsoft. I mean, don't you remember soapbox? You don't. But it was Microsoft. He'd placed his bets and the people who are running the world have placed their bets. And their bet is they can shut you up, but they don't know what they're at war against. That senior vice president did a lot for me. I am deeply, deeply thankful for him on that topic we disagreed. He did not understand what is a war against. He thought he was at war against a video sharing service. He was at war against the world's second most important search engine and first most important media search engine that thing he never saw. Bill Gates didn't see it. He actually liked our video service. He actually premiered it in Las Vegas at an event with Jay Leno. That happened. Big, big, fun day for me. Bill Gates hates your free speech, which is so bizarre. Because Bill Gates used to organize meetings at Microsoft where you could speak freely to him about where you thought the company had gone wrong. He solicited these things. He used to go through these FTP servers we had where you could put up a strategy paper or whatever paper, product, paper, product pitch. And if Bill found that interesting, he would take it and read it on vacation. And you might get a call from one of his tech leads, like I did. Bill's really, really curious about this. Would you agree to brief them on it? Would I agree to brief Bill Gates on something? Yeah. And I sent that to my boss and his boss, and they were with me in three minutes. Come in here. We came in. This is a big deal. And we'll help you build your presentation. We'll create the presentation. We'll present the presentation effectively is what they wanted to do. So what happened? Bill Gates has placed his bet with the powers that be. The powers that surround him, his fellow leaders of the world. And a lot of it is going right down into the code that is our bodies, the code that writes us, software that writes software, hardware that's created for us. It is readable, repeatable, understandable, and shareable. It's language. And that language can be hacked for its own good. Your body needs amino acids. It needs them in a great deal of ways, a number of ways to sustain muscle, to build muscle, to keep you healthy in other ways, but really it's based upon muscle. Life compromises that age, compromises that doing things like restrictive dieting compromises that and can actually reduce the amount of muscle in your body. Now, if that happens, that happens as we age, but you can slow it down. When you see reduced muscle, you see increased stress on your skeletal system. You see increased stress on your digestive system, but there's an easy, simple hack I've been using for about two years and I only recently got permission to share it with you. So this is new. Masszymes is a digestive enzyme mix from my friends at By Optimizers. It took them 243 experiments before they would let me use it and let you use it. That capped off with a test, side by side, an actual academic look at this. Turns out that when people use masszymes, they see a 1,200% increase in what I just told you you need, amino acids in your body, to help sustain muscle and even to encourage muscle growth. You can get this by opening a bottle, taking three tablets a couple times a day, which is what I've done for a couple of years. Go do this now. Go to By You get 10% off masszymes and all their products at By Optimizers, By Stop letting poor digestion stop you from reaching your full potential. It is By, 10% off there. Here's Bill Gates. He has placed his bet. He's talking here about his need to be able to shut you up. We should have free speech, but if you're inciting violence, if you're causing people not to take vaccines, you know, wear those boundaries that even the US should, you know, have rules. And then if you have rules, you know, what is it? Is there some AI that encodes those rules because you have billions of activity and, you know, if you catch it a day later, the harm is done. This man is stating that a discussion about a medical approach should be overruled by an AI written by people like him, that it should be disappeared from society, that the ideas in case in that should be disappeared from society. Let's take a good old-fashioned medicine. I used to eat ibuprofen a bunch. I didn't understand that it was destroying my liver. No, that's not true. I did understand it. I didn't understand how it was happening. I didn't understand that it destroyed my gut lining and therefore put particles in my bloodstream that didn't belong there. That's just ibuprofen. And Bill Gates has absolutely no issue with us discussing that. But what about this? What about steps and measures to make sure that you don't need medicines? I mean, he's talking here about a communicable disease. So let's lead into that. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Okay, let's give Bill the benefit of the doubt that these injections, these medicines are helpful for stopping disease. Okay, benefit of the doubt. What about if we go upstream from that? What about if you encourage people to not eat things like fake meat? Why? Because they put an enormous tax-interdigestive system. Why? Because you're not designed to eat that stuff. Your body is not designed to take something that's been through 2,000 steps of refinement so that it appears to be meat when it's in fact carrots and beets and goo and soy. And in those amounts, your body is never meant to eat those things in those amounts. Carrots are designed to be hard to eat. Do you ever notice your kids sit down and eat a bunch of carrots? I eat carrots three times a day. Effectively, my source of carbs is carrots and potatoes. And sometimes I'm not all excited to eat them, but it's a fuel that works for my body. But you can't sit down and eat that amount of carrots and make you sick. Our bodies aren't designed that way. But when you refine something down to the point where it goes and sometimes bypasses the digestive system and goes straight into your blood sugar, the impossible burger is so very tasty. I feel so satiated. And here comes my insulin eye that you're now going to chase from vegetables and soy and seed oil. This is destroying you. Should we not be allowed to have these conversations? Because people who don't eat that stuff on a consistent basis are more healthy. People who don't eat processed foods on a more consistent basis are less likely to go out and get respiratory viruses. Funny thing, since I lost all this weight, I don't get my twice a year. What I used to think was bronchitis. I found out later was a it was a bacterial infection. I was getting twice a year. How come I don't get that anymore? Is it because I exercise, I do crossfit? Is it because I drink 400 ounces of water day, 360 grams of protein? Why is that? You know what it is? It's because my digestive system is not being assaulted by processed foods. It's not meant to process because I'm not living with inflammation. So can we go further upstream with this? Let's go up to this stream. The Garden of Eden. The closer you can eat to the Garden of Eden, the better off you are, which is a way that some vegans argue. I'm not a vegan. My daughter is. I don't think it's actually great for our health because of the sin world. Our bodies changed. We need things we didn't need in the garden, but not processed foods. At what point does it become so disconcerting that a guy like Bill Gates will compare a discussion about a medicine to inciting violence? Because that's what he did. When the violence is economic violence aimed at the big, big bet. And the big bet is viewing our bodies as code. Code that needs apps. We're an uninstalled user base. And Bill Gates wants to install stuff on that user base. John Kerry is very similar to Bill Gates. John Kerry has a similar view in regard to free speech as Bill Gates. And I think the dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing and growing and pause, anguish, anguish. I know some parents who are anguished that they ever give their kids access to social media, but anguish, who is experiencing anguish? He is. Bill Gates is because as he's going to make the case here, it used to be that you used the power of government and PR to go to news producers. And at one time in this country, there were three producers of news who mattered. Three people back in the day of TV dominance. And if you don't understand TV dominance, think of this. There was an old program called I Love Lucy or the Beverly Hillbillies is a great example. When the Beverly Hillbillies was on TV, 84% of people who had TVs were watching it, 84%. You're lucky to get 6% of people with TVs watching anything. And in terms of nightly news, you had some 60, 64% of Americans with TVs tuned in to three channels. So you had them and some newspaper editors, and that's all that mattered. You have the Associated Press, you have their opinion writers, you have the New York Times, and you have three producers of three news shows, and all you needed to do was give them special favors. You'll get access to Secretary Kerry. You'll get access to this trip. We'll give you these sweet CIA headlines that you can write. Sometimes they're prepackaged news stories, and you can look like you found this information out in your own. All we need you to do is say that this is true, but it's not true. Yeah, but we need it to be. So when John Kerry is talking about anguish over social media, think of that word. That's a big word, even for a guy who's not that gifted or intellectually part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It's really hard to govern today. There's no, the referees we used to have to determine what's a fact and what isn't a fact. They've kind of been eviscerated to a certain degree, and that people self-select where they go for their news or for their information, and then you just get into a vicious cycle. So it's really, really hard, much harder to build consensus today than at any time in the 45, 50 years I've been involved in this. There's a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you're going to have some accountability on facts, but look, if people go to only one source and the source they go to is sick and has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation. Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just hammer it out of existence. So it can be out of existence, hammer your opinion out of existence, hammer what you say out of existence, hammer your conscience out of existence. Easiest one to reach for, of course, is this, that there has never been the case. It has never been the case that a man is a woman or this, since we talked about nutrition. It was never the case that the human body was designed to eat grains in the amount that would on a daily basis, on a daily basis, that would take you months of labor to achieve. It used to be that in the days of processing grains manually, you're talking months at what weeks, maybe months of labor to reduce something like a really, really, really refined flour in amounts that would matter to you, in amounts where you could eat bread every single day and cakes every single day, particularly if you weren't someone who sourced your own grains. It was never the case that our body was designed for that to have these things as staples because it's hard to get to. Barley is hard to eat. I used to eat handfuls of barley seed and I love that. That's much more than way we were designed to eat. But the government came along and said, here's the food pyramid. This is how you should eat. It was never true. And you can track obesity rates and heart disease races back to that. But the government blasted that through those media entities. The food pyramid, it's going into all the schoolbooks, all the textbooks. There were cartoons about the food pyramid. Do you remember the cartoons about the food pyramid? That came from one source that came from the United States Department of Agriculture. How did they decide one end of the food pyramid by lobbying? The grain lobbies and the fruit lobbies, they had huge lobbying groups, the cheese lobbies. They had huge lobbying groups. So they built this. They used one source government to push it through five to seven producers and some editorial writers and the AP and then into textbooks. And boom, you have a generation of people, multiple generations of people whose bodies were destroyed by this. And John Kerry says there's anguish over social media where you can watch people who have changed their lives by changing their bodies and then changing their bodies and changing their lives. Sometimes they've maturely changed lives of others. There are people who seek to do that. My friend Steve was told by his doctors, you have a degenerative disease and there is no cure. You're just going to have to slowly, slowly sink in to physical disorder. And eventually, no, you're not going to be able to dance with your beloved wife, Kelly. Funny thing, I was in Mexico with Steve and Kelly about six months ago. And Kelly was talking about the fact that she loved to dance. We're there with some of the members of the podcast family, et cetera. And Steve was kind of have to take us out to dinner in this beautiful place in downtown part of our arta. And Kelly was talking about dancing. And I just said to Steve, I said to Derek, I said, you should dance with your wife right now. You guys think I won't? I was, I'll do it right now. And you know what? I have video of that that I sent them. I should have pulled that up. So they danced right in the middle of this restaurant. And in fact, the violin players came over. And played for them. This was a guy, this was not supposed to happen. He'd been told you have a debilitating disease. Now, he is a quant, a mathematician. So he started to do some research on the data, the survivability of this. And in this process, he found a place in Saudi Arabia that could treat him in a way that America couldn't. He went and got some of the first generations of ethically gathered stem cells. Nothing to do with abortions ever. Placentas and umbilical cords. And guess what? Oh, that prognosis turned out to be wrong, if not a lie. So Steve used his wealth at his knowledge and how to form businesses and started in part of our New Mexico, renew health care based upon what happened to him. I'm here to tell you that I recovered from surgery, shoulder surgery 48 times to 50 times faster because of the stem cell's amazing ability to fight inflammation and to build back muscle and tendon and cartilage. If you are like Steve and people told you end of the line, don't believe it. Go right now to renew It's Tell them you're a member of the Todd Herman Show family, be it podcast, YouTube, radio show, and they will take really good care of you. They'll tell you if they can help and how. It's John Kerry is very similar to Bill Gates in that he's feeling some anguish, anguish about social media, anguish that they can no longer with one phone call, shift the opinion of a third of the country if not half or control it. See, this is an aspect of free speech and censorship that most people don't understand. When you ban the discussion of an idea and you make it weird, it's misinformation, it's racism, it's a conspiracy theory. For a lot of us, that doesn't matter. We don't care what the government says about us. We're going to speak our minds. But for other people, it does matter. They won't say it. They're the same people who sit in the midst of a broken family reunion and act like they love everybody. We can be cordial. We can be loving to the people we love. I was just at a family reunion. I'm well aware that there were people there who don't particularly like me. So I didn't impress myself upon them. I went and shook their hand and said, I'm so glad you're well. And if they wanted to speak to me more, they would have. That's okay. It's honest. They don't want honesty. Hillary Clinton is another example of the war against the First Amendment and boosting Trump back in 2016. But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda and whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence because she says in some cases criminally charged. Guess what? She's probably very gleeful and was probably instrumental in seeing Douglas Mackie criminally charged. Remember him? He's the guy who simply retweeted a meme that said that you could vote for Hillary Clinton via text. That's all he did. But they called it sarcastic terrorism. What is that? That's a post-Civil War law designed to prosecute members of the KKK who threatened black people away from polling locations, sarcastic terrorism. And he may well go to prison. He's on appeal right now. Hillary Clinton spoke of there are some Americans who engage in propaganda. She gathered political donations from big donors and small donors. She hired a disgraced, utterly disgraced law firm Perkins Cooey. Perkins Cooey, according to media reports from well, countless media sources, do I really need to count them? Politico, New York Times, they'll finally admit it. All this happened. That Perkins Cooey effectively said, you know what, run your opposition research through us. Either Hillary said it or they did or they agreed to do it, just according to these media reports. And they said, just funnel it through us. That way, what we'll reflect it is legal services. No one needs to know that you're paying a dirty, rotten, lying company like Fusion GPS, my opinion, they're dirty, rotten, lying. They're journalists for hire who don't really create journalism. They create literal propaganda. Hillary Clinton had that created. In my opinion, the money was laundered through Perkins Cooey. Then they took that report. They gave it to people like John McCain who hated Donald Trump. That was merchandise then up into the FBI and was born an international statement of truth. Donald Trump works for Vladimir Putin. Everybody knows it. It's clear. There was a multi-million dollar, if not a billion dollar investigation on this, they didn't find a single thing to make a single shred of truth out of those claims. They lied to the FISA court. They lied to the American people. They committed perjury and none of them went to jail. Douglas Mackie might go to prison for retweeting a meme. I was in prison and you did not visit me. Lord Jesus, as you treat the least of these, so you treat me, do not lord your power over others. That's from their Bible. In the beginning was the word. The word was with God. The word was God. God is truth. When Hillary Clinton declares war against the First Amendment, she's declaring war against the truth. It's not just in America. There is a shocking video that comes from none other than the treasurer of Australia. I'll play for you in a second. But Hillary Clinton has been busily claiming that Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, I'll never get it right. That she'll be a great president. That there's enthusiasm for her and it's all very organic, very, very organic enthusiasm for Kamala Harris. Well, you know where she stands on the topic of free speech. He has lost his privileges and it should be taken down. And the bottom line is that you can't say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation. And that has to stop. They are speaking to the American people without any measure of oversight or regulation and that needs to stop. Let's pause for a moment. Should there be regulation and oversight when you and I speak together? I mean, yeah, on the podcast, but let's remove it. Let's say that we did another live event. And the one we did, what we did in Seattle, when we weren't stupid, when I wasn't stupid, doing it on a Friday night when there was a University of Washington game and a Seahawks game. We had about 3000 people show up. That was cool. Very humbling. That's 3000 people. I mean, shouldn't there be regulation and oversight in a setting like that where I get to say whatever I want? I mean, people could leave and go tell 10 friends. In fact, I think I told people, leave and go tell 10 friends. That would be 30,000 people. And if they told 10 friends, now you're talking about a lot more, what? 300,000 people. So why is it that they want to do this with tech because they can? And because they want to get back to the day of the unifone, the uniparties megaphone, the unifone where they can form opinions and enforce them through social pressure. And this is a global thing. I can't believe the treasurer of Australia. Want to see what he thinks should be punished speech? He shouldn't think should be allowed. It has to do with economics. I'll share that with you in a second. There is something that I think of as the economics of morality, where we can, we should, choose to purchase products from companies that back our morality, that back our play in terms of viewing people as objects, not to be manipulated. But as in fact, people created by God, loved by him. And there's a company that does that with a product you're going to need for the rest of your life. It's soap and it's so simple. Let's just make this a simple equation. The company from which you buy soap now or companies probably include chemicals in what they make. Alan soaps does not. It's all natural. They probably make their soap overseas, probably in China or India, probably in the case in China, involving slave labor. They ship that over here with unnatural ingredients made by the hands of slave labor. You use it to wash your body. They give money to causes you don't support and starve causes you do support. And it ends there. It's all about profit. But there's also a morality to business. Alan soaps is a moral business because they have a mission greater than simply profits. And they want profits. They have to to be continued to operate in John, who runs Alan soaps as a businessman. The company is named after his son, Alan, who works there every day diligently. When he's not inventing fragrances of soaps, he's packaging them. So why? Because the rest of the world won't hire him. Sorry, they won't. Alan's a brilliant kid, but he's nonverbal because of autism. And he walks in unique ways because of some very difficult physical challenges that have led to 18 operations. It's not a sob story at all. If it was a sob story, it would be the Alan Foundation. This is about buying soap from a company that gets it made in America by family of three generations of soap making expertise. And it's also this it was one person working there. Now it's two also with autism and three. Late onset autism happened to a young woman who now works at Alan soaps proudly and happily. So decide it's a simple equation. Alan slash Todd to get 10% off all their products or continue to have the stuff shipped in from China. Alan slash Todd. It's not quote just things like election integrity. It's not things like medicines. It's also economics. We should be limited as to what we say about economic policy. This is the treasure of Australia, Jim Chalmers. Yeah, we think misinformation and disinformation is a big threat to people's safety and to our society and to our economy as well. And we want to hold the big tech platforms to account and the steps that we are taking when it comes to misinformation and disinformation are about protecting and cherishing and advancing free speech, not censoring it. We're going to cherish in advance free speech by outlawing it. By outlawing it. Because we can't have you going around and saying things about say a central bank digital currency, we can't have you saying, but wait a minute, if you get a central bank digital currency and we no longer have cash, then the government can stop us from buying food if they don't like what we say. Well, that's a threat to democracy. No, I mean, not not the central bank digital currency. It's a threat to democracy for you to talk about the central bank digital currency that's going to end democracy. Didn't the Bible warn us about something like that? By golly, I think it did. It will not be either to buy an or sell. That's somewhere in the Bible. You know, it's just in the Bible. God wins. So let's stand on the side of this victorious as victors. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. Please make every effort to walk in the word. A light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. You