FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Dale Leisch from Lagniappe - Midday Mobile - Thursday 10-03-24

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

there will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping there will be no booing and no unruly behavior with that this is painful and it will be for a long time that's right this man knows what's up after all these are a couple of high stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper no step too high for a high stepper this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 10065 was shot a tough guy I mean I think everybody knows that you know Sean they took some licks he hangs in there yeah what's wrong with the beer we got I mean the deal we got drink pretty good don't you hear what I said so this is a babe council I had no doubt about them that doesn't shock it if you don't like it you're bad last question were you high on drugs right here we go our number two of midday mobile on this Thursday I'm Sean and we checking in with my buddy Dale Lees from land yap in just a second text line and the phone line same digits 343 0106 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 also when you use the FM talk 10065 app which is free and waiting for you at the app store for iOS users Google play for Android users just look for FM T A L K 1 0 6 5 no point between the 6 and 5 just 1 0 6 5 you'll see our logo that's the app downloaded and one of the things you can do with it is leave us a talkback message lets you record a message emails it to the show and we can play it back as well and let me ask this like I always poor Dale Lees when when he comes on with us I'll be talking about something's before we even get into his stories I just saw this though birthday today you know back when I did music radio back in the early days Tuscaloosa Birmingham we'd always do that oh you know I think we probably played the Beatles birthday something stupid like that and here's the celebrity birthdays for today plus you know Miss Cherry over at the you know the five points mall but we would do the birthdays I saw this today Dale Leesh chubby checker it has a birthday today okay chubby checker okay do the twist right how old do you think chubby checker is oh shoot he's gotta be he's gotta be a hundred okay I didn't think a hundred but I thought later 90s it did maybe this is the fact that I'm now 52 ages seem different he's only 83 he must have been 12 years old when the twist came out or something like that I mean it must have been a teenager only 83 yeah I definitely I definitely overestimated I was trying to figure out when he was popular and like a chapel laid out his currently chubby checker 83 Lindsey Buckingham with Mac is 75 75 for Lindsey Buckingham and chubby checker is just eight years older I was blown away yeah yeah you're gonna tell me the fact dominoes like 70 now and I'm gonna be I'm flat I am absolutely slabbergasted good you had the same reaction I did I said to go way down yeah I saw that I said you gotta be kidding 83 so I of course did what I always do first place I saw it I don't believe that I have to go get a couple other sources so did that and in fact he is 83 years old so all right you are you are not calling us from the world headquarters of Lanieff right now you are in a parking lot somewhere in our fair city right yeah I'm getting my tires checked out before I go on a road trip and so oh I thought you were I thought you were somewhere buying toilet paper no no I'm I'm not gonna do that because the majority of our toilet paper is made here in the US or in Canada and I don't know if anybody's been to Canada lately but you don't need a boat to get there so you can go by boat but yeah yeah no you could a long way take a boat sure sure but this has been just going to Detroit and walk across the bridge you can do that too but this is pan this is the I mean if they're doing you know a sociology study of humans and panic I mean we're seeing it again here that just takes some people buying it because they didn't think through the logic you just rolled out and then everybody else he's scarier city and they're they look like the people in a Godzilla movie running you know to get the stuff yeah yeah like Costco is completely pardon the pond wipes out almost wipes out a toilet paper and like the things that you have to worry about with this longshoreman strike things that won't things that will be hard to come by are like chocolate and alcohol and then and then fruit right like bananas and cherries specifically which are things that are classically not great at buying and bulk yes so you know paper products should not be an issue things I mean who knows right who knows for I'm not I'm not I'm not an expert in the economy but I but I do know where Canada is and so you're gonna be needing toilet paper yeah yeah well you know somebody somebody hasn't stand up for hardworking Americans who have been misled by someone to think that they all need to buy toilet paper at the same time y'all can you all can hold on to what you have now because it'll be fine now the you know this of course the other the other alternative the other alternative is that they're all having gastrointestinal issues at the same time you gotta maybe take that and everybody's really got a poop thank you this show is I mean completely off the rails today it has been it's been two hours of this but that's so I should expect nothing less Dale this this is of course stemming off this I guess we're in day three of the ILA strike affecting our port as well as so many others out there you what do you hear in it from a city level here commentary from the mayor mayor did not comment we reached out to the mayor's office for comment I believe and I mean we're told really there is no there is no comment from the mayor on this it doesn't really involve city government as of yet and so I so there was no comment I will say I will say that this only affects East coast ports and Gulf Coast ports so you're thinking you're thinking Paul Tamar you're thinking Delaware you're thinking mobile you're thinking New York trust in Savannah if you're gonna have rule Tampa yeah yeah yeah all that stuff if you're if you're getting if you're getting stuff from like Long Beach California you'll be fine so but but yeah no the ILA the I'll East East Coast ports ILA workers at East Coast ports to go on strike the big the big local thing I think the big local connection to it here is a part of the reason they went on strike was an automated gate at the port of Mobile now I was told did you see yeah did you see this near because I was told that in combination of you know reading stories talking to the people you know that they're representing the different groups and then I have this a text line that we get hundreds and hundreds of text a day and that kind of try doesn't mean all of them are accurate but I got my people the people that are working in these things on both sides give me information it's see I've been told that that automated gate thing was already it's it's not something brand new the right no I don't think so I think it's just you know how things come up things come up you know things come up during like negotiations and I think it's just sort of like well we're negotiating this contract now let's bring this up even though it's not new this this you know brings up a concern so I think it's I think it's just like a bargaining strategy like it already exists but now we're gonna complain about it because the contract is up which is I mean in fairness it's probably what we would all do you know if you're having an argument with your wife or let's be honest she's arguing with you and winning she's gonna bring up stuff you did months ago that you don't even remember and you're like oh no so so to she's smarter than you right so like that's what's gonna happen so I think that's part I think that's part of it I'm not sure when the automated gate was was put in but I have I think I have heard the same thing you've heard so the end of this that's the that's the thing too and I'm just guessing I would like to hear from people in ILA are are they at some level striking in solidarity with people that you know maybe the situation at a at a port on the east coast or somewhere else on the Gulf Coast is not great theirs might be great or okay maybe not great but okay but because they call for the nationwide strike you're in the union you strike yeah I think it's I think I think a lot of it is is solidarity I am not sure about I am not sure about how you know local I LA members feel about the strike I don't think we've Brady's I think reached out to a few but I have not reached out to any but I will say that you know mobile is not the biggest port that we're talking about that where this strike is happening so yeah I would imagine it probably has more to do with conditions at bigger ports Baltimore I guess at Baltimore New York New Jersey that sort of thing okay let's go back to I've mentioned the mayor as well you got a pretty fast sit down with the mayor Stimson about him's is well you know turning it in here after what 13 months or whatever to go or yeah I guess less than that 11 months ago yeah so your takeaways here I know because the next part of this is speculation who's next but thought it was interesting and I enjoyed in the story to you know reading through it but you pulling out different council people speaking to it and what Joel Dave said is exactly what I've been talking about since this announcement was made and you not talked about as well is the fiscal change in the city of Mobile right people are thinking about it and you name all these things that people can see that this since this has been responsible for but the thing that Dave talked about is the thing that fired me up to made me you know really believe in this mayor is to turn things around I mean we were in a lot of trouble money wise yeah and and and you've noticed now I mean we've gone through various economic downturns density took office and and we've been able to we've been able to weather the storms probably better than most because of that financial stewardship and we you know we have a reserve now you know not only do we have what is legally required for reserve which I think are not legally required but like makes fiscal good sense to have too much of reserve in case you know there's a storm damage or something that you didn't see happening that's gonna cause you to have to spend extra money you got that plus you've got you know a ton extra that I mean now some of that will some of that went to the airport some of that went to the civics the new Civic Center arena project but but by and large he's able to weather financial issues while also somehow building up a reserve when in you know before he took office those things were kind of in the negative so I you know the bond rating has gone up you know which lowers the interest rate it yeah which lowers the rate that lets you pay off debt faster I mean this is it'll put us in a yes it'll put us in a better financial position when we do borrow money for the civics in a which we will have to do okay now there were things that yeah thinking about this I know that data Dalton and Robert talked about this morning that there were projects that were ongoing that when Mayor Stimson when he was elected became his project right now as the mayor of things anytime like GulfQuest some of these will be handed to somebody else after August of 2025 so who's that gonna be cuz y'all have I mean there's been a bunch of speculation y'all have actually put it into a running frequently asked questions list over at land at will you run for mayor what do you feel in here well I know who won't run Joel Davis is not gonna run yeah he said in no uncertain terms absolutely not when I asked him so so he's not gonna run I mean I think some of the newer members of council probably aren't interested you know you're gonna see I think you're gonna see you're gonna see some interest from Connie Hudson obviously you're gonna see some interest probably from Gina Gregory maybe William Carroll people that are already in government that just kind of be moving up or moving over so to speak I think that think Lawrence Batiste is a is a definite possibility we've talked about him before he said his watch right you not talk about that last week he's kind of said as much already in the past that he would be interested yeah yeah Paul Paul pryne she's interested again last time I checked he lives in Maryland so he'd have to move but anybody if you won't have to be in the city for 90 days before either before the election or before qualification and there's a month there's like a month difference there so the elections in August qualifications in June or July so it doesn't really make that big of a difference but I don't remember but but yeah you know you have to live in the city so he'd have to move I've heard Jerry Carl's name mentioned I believe he'd have to move unless he would I don't know I don't know where the lines were drawn after the last annexation but I don't think he was he's not in he lives by me he he'd have to move but he did you know he said on the show Monday he didn't say no I mean he said they were praying about it like so many people said prayerful consideration so it wasn't a no right I just I think it's fine to think about how God rarely tells these people no in my experience you know they pray about it then they say God put it on their heart to run and they do I'm not I'm not I'm not trying to cheapen it like it's very important they should they should pray about it they should have to family I just I'd like for somebody to say like yeah I prayed about it and God said no thank you you know I'm waiting for that that is that is interesting what about what about the name here that has been part of the City Council and County Commission Steve Nodine what did he say I think I he definitely wants to run for something he had mentioned I think before the symptom announcement he had told Scott Johnson our reporter that he was interested in interested in running for council at the time he may have pivoted to to to want to run for mayor now that he is that he is you know not that it's unopposed so we'll see either way it's gonna be real interesting to see who enters the race because I think it'll be quite a few people this is the first time since Sam Jones ran the first time that we haven't had an incumbent office in the city mobile it's the first time since I've been writing to Lanyon we've had it haven't had an incumbent in office I got there right right after Sandy was elected so there'll be a lot of people be it'll be a little bit of a circus which is always good for us it is indeed tell folks if they want to catch you on the daily because we're talking about landing up and you know the issues out now but I check in with y'all every day how do they do that hey mobile calm is the website you know please you know follow the links and subscribe you get all of our all of our stories and photos and videos every single day it's basically a daily newspaper digital and digital forum so check it out lanyon will be on calm like you said we come out every week in in paper form you can check that out to purple boxes and anywhere you see a new stand all right good stuff and reminder chubby checker 83 years old man that is gonna blow my mind the rest of the day thank you there you go talk to you next week man yeah there goes bondbone dailation we'll be right back 83 this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five by 126 FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile on this Thursday check in not to the text line here to to to to to see oh Jerry I sent me a link you've found about that marine app and I got a switch to the marine app I've got all my desktop I have the one that shows freight in the river systems but this one is showed offshore seven seven ships at anchor one started inbound so we'll be looking at eight at anchor out south of farewell buoy as the stoppage is gonna bleed to a parking lot out there of course everybody who likes to fish laying just went that's that's that's there's a silver lining to that look here's a text from peacock who I met yesterday he was doing some work around the building here good to meet peacock I love meeting y'all in person it means a lot to me we stop and get to visit for a second he said peacock said I go to several affected businesses by the strike it's affecting more local places than people realize and that's you know that's the ripple effect right so that the it nothing against the the TV news story I would probably find a you know wet behind the ears TV reporter I would go to the local lunch counter that's nearby that usually has people that work at the docks there and you know show that their seats empty I mean that's a it's okay story to do but then we got you know the intermodal truckers that seem to be getting some work now but then beyond that how many ripples does this not just on people worry about supplies it's people worried about work and those businesses have a reason for them to come to work this texture says so we live in a right to work state the doc needs to take full advantage of that if the union doesn't want to work so be it someone will be glad to take their place a named texture here changing the subject which one do you think we'll have the first cool snap to bring the redfish into dog river you see what's important to me well I don't think we a name texture need the cold snap I think there are obviously three weeks ago I was catching them how am I gonna rat myself out yeah well heck with it yeah within within with the inside of the bridge or maybe you know I could see I could hear the music in the river shack okay there you go and Dan and Daphne do you have an app so we can listen on our phone well yeah we got it it's the FM talk 1065 app so Dan if you'll go to you have if you say you have a iPhone either way if you have an iPhone go to the app store if you have a android phone go to Google play and just look for FM TALK 1065 see the app download it's free does all kind of stuff it's like a multi tool for your phone from streaming the station to the first place our podcast post to show schedules you've get a traffic information on there you've got the what you can text from there you can call from there you can leave a talkback message our social media feeds with all the breaking news all in one place yeah it's pretty cool the FM talk 1065 app go get it today Marty says William Shatner captain James T Kirk is 93 and Rob Lowe is 60 I'll have what they're having yet Shatner at 93 that's how about the fact that Shatner is like a decade older than Chubby Checker it's a joke I don't know the Chubby Checker thing left me a little bit slack job I would have thought he'd been up at his night she must have been like a seven years old when he got everybody to do the twist the texture says I believe the Union boss is purposely misleading the Union workers with his astronomical agreement offer a few years from now they'll be cut out of a job because of smart machines and overreach and contract negotiations the Union boss will get a kickback from the companies and will be living a happy life here listening to mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 5 135 FM talk 106 5 and midday mobile good time to think about this it's gonna do for I know it's like for me it's kind of crazy to think about Christmas shopping here in October but listen I can see the changing of the seasons in dollar general when I go in there which I know for a lot of people would involve whether they have toilet paper or not but for me it I can see the Halloween stuff already being moved out and the Christmas stuff coming in which reminds me Christmas is gonna be here before we know it you can do something really cool this year for Christmas gift maybe for a special you know the spouse or a love one or child or maybe for both of y'all what about an e-bike so by man Clint Jameson and adventure earth bicycles who two years ago got me back into bicycling so I hadn't heard bikes as a kid big time you know that was my wheels and then some in college but afterwards other than occasionally like hopping on somebody's bike and ride around the block or something like that what didn't do the bicycle thing then I got an e-bike and it has become a big part of my life and it's like I've said before you can completely just running run it on electric you only had to pedal it which some people do for me what I love about it is I can get exercise I put it like an assist mode you can have it in just regular mode or assist mode or full there's a throttle you can add as much electric to it as you want but it makes riding more fun so I do ride a pedal a lot and they get out and do it instead of saying you know you buy a bicycle and say yeah man I'm gonna get in shape I'm gonna do this bicycle thing then you ride it a couple times you're like this is hard and you don't do it well with e-bike you're gonna want to do it it's just fun to ride and Clint has a huge selection since back when I bought mine is just growing and growing the number of makes and models he has 75 in stock at any given time and there's different e-bikes for different uses right and different people you have off-road, on-road, hybrid all those things exist in the e-bike world and he's got a great selection for you to check out I would suggest if you're going to get that perfect e-bike for Christmas you go see him maybe here in the month of October and reminder to they're a good old-fashioned bike shop repairing bikes that you have or if you buy a bike from Adventure Earth Bicycle e-bike or Donny bike quarterly you can bring the bike in like I've done and have all the work done on it have the bike turned around fresh and ready to go check them out at the corner of Little Flower and Airport or Midtown kind of catty corner to cross from Ruth's Chris or go see you know online if you want to and look at the selection everything inside to get you outside at Adventure Earth Bicycles alright let's go to the text line here which by the way Chris I wish I had a place I guess we could do it through Facebook or whatever but Chris shared a picture with me of a lamp he found on his route yesterday it is a like the right term I'm gonna call it a Tiffany lamp it's not Tiffany but it's those it's like a bedside lamp that has the has the glass work right you know that over the top of the bulbs so it shines through and you see a lot like in green cut glass and whites and all this this one right here how the heck you thought this is a it just is bam out across the front of it that's fantastic Chris I need to share that out there some people reacting to the chubby checker news all the B dark is listening to Chuck Berry's 16th greatest hits on vinyl that's cool and then I just I was blown away that so Shatner's 93 and Chubby checkers 83 that's Fish River Frank says checker introduced the version of the twist at the age of 18 in July of 1960 in Wildwood New Jersey at the Rainbow Club the twist went on to be the billboard hot 100 not just once in 1960 but again in a separate chart run in late 1961 and I says I thought it was incorrectly a 50 song I thought it was a 50 song - right didn't that song maybe it was recorded in 50 and barely you're saying first time it yet says it was released in 58 okay but you're saying it hit the charts in 60 it's just about I don't know it's just I I would have missed that question and I do pretty good in the world of music but if you said is Chubby checker 83 I'd have missed that one let's see the Jason says Sean we're all encouraged to be free thinkers and the union model only promotes group thing not to mention it feels a lot like another government program that protects the lazy that way I put myself in that situation you know so I could see we've talked about this before I I see this maybe not so black and white or there are a lot of unions and then unions for government employees that bother me absolutely they do look back historically did we have a value to to unions yes we did they were they did some great things in this country and maybe at some level in some places they're still doing great things but there's a lot of places where it's absolutely abused Jason I agree I wish I knew more detail in this ILA strike you know if you go to strike the wage thing and you could see a variety of numbers coming into my text line of what the hourly rate is but you know my point is what would the market bear the hourly rate where the working conditions like I think those are things you discuss at the union you know what should we be getting paid what can the company bear before they get rid of us at the same time you're talking about them getting rid of you and that's one of the things if you're striking because automation coming AI or whatever automation coming the trouble with that is in striking because of that possibility of automation aren't you kind of and I know there's a couple of ILA people that listen to the show so let me know don't you risk them saying well that's exactly why we're gonna do it the if you're saying that hey we want the company maybe to say they're not going remember the thing in the Hollywood strike where they were gonna use AI to you know use people's voices and actors and and the writers and all this stuff and use that to put into the AI machine to kick out movies or copy or whatever you know that that was their issue maybe at the same here on this if you're if you're telling the company then automation you're gonna do automation so we're gonna strike because of it do you think and this is not a rhetorical question I'd like to hear from people that are you know this affects you directly do you think you tempt that company whatever it is whether it be the ILA or some other you know so whether it be on the docks or some other business do you tempt them to go okay well this is exactly why I'm gonna use it yeah I'm in a business and we like I said the other day we're very different and by the way no we are not part of some you know the story the other day yet you didn't hear I was ripping about the Odyssey buyout not just because of the Soros angle but because of the fact that they got 80% of the debt wash from that company must be nice but this business because of consolidation and radio automation I think we were probably we weren't first or second generation I think you know automotive and other production automation hit pretty hard but it hit very hard in the radio business it was a you went for and like I said we're a different station we got a lot of people here we do it kind of the old fashioned way people think I'm crazy which is probably arguable I may be but the automation took took stations I worked in as a as a young pup there when I got into commercial radio it was a student at the University of Alabama worked at the college station and getting picked up and going to a commercial station and it was just a hive of activity the number of people that were there in different positions and you like it was noisy not in the studio but it was noisy walking through the halls you know where there are three stations there there's an AM and two FM's and it was just what going on and people and it's you go back to that same place now and you could probably hear a pin drop and that's because automation if if we would have we had no concept back then but if we would have gone on some kind of strike there which none of us were in a union but if we'd have gone on some kind of strike I think it would have moved moves would end up happening through even faster now maybe that's not the same as doing the job that you know the heavy-duty job you're doing on the docks I get it but I do wonder that if this doesn't help them make their decision going forward I it's if it's wages it's working conditions I'm gonna stand with people in a union I mean if you're getting you know nowhere near what you should be getting or you have a dangerous place to work that's one thing but if you're saying hey y'all are gonna use automation well they got to stay competitive and the other people are using automation don't they have to use automation Abby in Midtown on the text line here hi Sean thanks for all you do I was working in Covington yesterday North Shore baby and went to Costco shells were full but people were buying TP and paper towels pretty sure those products are made here in the US you're correct Abby however the wood pulp they used to make it is apparently shipped in which would be crazy I think there's some additives shipped in we still have even though we don't have it right here like we used to you know growing up remember every time the I grew up in the city of Mobile every time the wind would blow east you knew it when you walked out the house you go there's a paper mill but there's plenty of mills still in Alabama not as much as used to be but there are are we not making and I know I've got people here that have connections or work with the paper companies around here are we using the pulp from elsewhere because we have John noticed we we do pretty good on that growing pond tree stuff around here you know the the prices are down to believe me if you're trying to sell some but it's a we got plenty of them out there all right Joel in summerdale says I think it's a little extreme to have a two hundred thousand dollar salary there's no dock workers worth two hundred thousand dollars a year is that the number that's why I hope we can get all this stuff in one place you know like the the facts here because I have seen and I've said that I've seen everything since day one somebody showed me something that said $17 an hour to somebody else who showed me a couple of y'all showed me it was 36 to 39 dollars an hour but just saying hey that that salary is not or that wage is not right well you have to put that on the back drop of the job how many people want to take the job so I just saying that because you don't make thirty nine dollars an hour they shouldn't I don't think that's fair either the B-Darks has to be thankful for what you got don't be selfish all right be right back more bid day mobile this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five I don't know if this might be a good time a Amtrak monitoring their Amtrak maybe it's good time for you to test riding riding people cars up and down the road or up and down the tracks and see I imagine the issue here on the containerized side is not only affecting the trucks but the train traffic that they're loaded on to as well you know and CSX who knows you will tell you what we'll get my buddy John Sharp back on for more updates but it's this slow moving train to you know I think it's supposed to be this like by the Super Bowl or something this year that Amtrak is gonna be running out of here to New Orleans and you know the story but hey if they want to do a little test shake down runs maybe traffic's not so bad on the train tracks right now if y'all know I don't know if I've even noticed you hear less train traffic or not I mean obviously there's gonna be open things like coal and stuff that'll be they'll be hauled so that I don't think they'll be empty but what about the and is this a good time like I began the show somehow I went into the rabbit hole Lord knows what I probably was researching what's going on with the you know the container with a strike over container shipping and my phone decided to show me that you can make a swimming pool out of a container and I spent you know good part of my evening looking at that maybe it's a good time to buy those container sales for they the cheaper for us to get them to make you know swimming pools and storage buildings and full stuff out of them don't know we'll look at it just looking for an opportunity in the market the text line here let's get a few of these and then a couple more stories for you wrap up today texture says Shawn I really enjoyed really enjoyed your show just for info my granddaughter okay my granddaughter works at Chick-fil-A and makes $21 an hour so anybody working at the port ought to make it ought to make it at least that I'm not a union guy I'm actually anti-union but it's that kind of pay they're making people talking about $17 an hour they need to raise and the first 20 to 25 percent the raise actually is going to pay for the Biden inflation so I don't begrudge those guys getting a 50% pay increase at all and I think the automation that is the automation where they will not be required to hook up the containers physically anyway wouldn't let you know about that comparison last follow up on those automatic those automatic machines and computers don't pay union dues no they do not so I just I wonder if this part of this is if you if you're striking over the possibility of automation if you're not making those companies go I mean there's a lot you run a business and there's things you think yeah ought to do right but you you're busy doing the things you have to do to keep the business going until something you know until there's a pot boiling right and you got to go boiling over you got to stop it and if that is it that may move them to go to more automation than less I don't know that that's what they're thinking I'm just bouncing ideas off the ball here with you this texture says OT crayon operators can make $200,000 a year lift operators make 81k a year without overtime but have great insurance and pensions this texture says how are the ILA members not may able to make it on seventy five thousand dollars a year in mobile okay this first see I appreciate it like so many of y'all have some front-line information this texture says the wage depends on the type of ship they're working could be a 17 or 36 or a 39 is that for their hourly rates so it's a texture is a smaller a smaller ship you make 17 an hour 36 for medium and 39 for bigger help me understand it and so Bama here texting text and says if you look at your toilet paper packing most is made by Kimberly Cork global it says on the packing made in the USA from domestic and imported materials and quote I think the core of the toilet paper rolls are imported we had a place in Mobile called Mobile Paperboard that made cores for KC Kimberly Clark along with other products they've been closed down for years nothing but a driveway in a slab where the plant was I don't think we have anything to worry about but not all the toilet paper rolls are made in the USA okay so there you go this is the cardboard in the middle of it hmm and this from the mailman so John I don't think it's about them getting raises but more about the percentage of the raise are trying to get reasonable request will be 10 to 20% raises but they're trying to get 50% or higher of a raise I'm not a businessman but that's ridiculous and unreasonable and unrealistic and could cause it cost them their jobs in the end if the business goes under trying to meet their demands right and wouldn't that possibly push them mailman to they realize that that's what they're gonna face in another strike another strike doesn't that edge them towards not that they're gonna automate the whole thing but anything that they can automate wouldn't they wouldn't they do that Pat says Facebook just told me Amazon is going on strike now anyone have context I don't I don't if Facebook can tell you it may be right it may not be right I don't know so we'll see I think will there be solidarity strikes with other people in you know that work in that are vertically integrated with the ILA maybe I haven't heard that but maybe that happens Adam says Sean on Fox this morning a reporter was at a restaurant talking to patrons about the elections he interviewed a lady who was a Harris supporter and asked her why she was voting for her her response was that she wants to be able she wants to be able to vote every four years because if Trump wins might not get that opportunity again it's very concerning that so many people are just dumb and ignorant true now both parties will tell you this is the most significant election whenever it is in the history I would just look at some tells here there's fundraising going on from Democrats for the presidential cycle in four years if they believe this is the end of it they probably wouldn't be fundraising on it so I just do I do I bothered by the thought of Vice President Harris's President Harris for four years yes I am do I think it's the end of our Republic no do I think it's bad for our Republic yes I do Bill says they can't they can't get tired so the costs get pushed on to the consumer any truth to the 1000 Haitians being bust of Fair Hope now we talked about that I guess last week when Sheriff Lowry from Baldwin County was in he he doesn't know there's a bigger story that maybe it's happening for Mobile County and Baldwin County together the thing if you'll go back and listen the podcast with Sheriff Lowry I asked him several different ways and he's like there's no one to call that's the thing that got me going crazy is that there's no phone number that somebody like a sheriff of a county could call to get the answer to that question unbelievable we'll keep working on it Paul Fonbaum on the way next we'll do it again tomorrow for the Friday edition of midday mobile y'all have a pretty good afternoon you