FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Erica Thomas from 1819 News - Midday Mobile - Thursday 10-03-24

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five was shot a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal We got drink pretty good on it. Did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council. I had no doubt about them that doesn't shock if you don't like it Last question. Were you high on drugs? Right 1207 FM talk 106 5 and this is midday mobile glad to have you here a next couple hours we get to talk and Text phone number and the text line 343 0106 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 also reminder with the FM talk 106 5 app which is free and you can grab it today over at the app store or at Google Play You can do a talkback message as well. Let's your recorded message and sends it to the station and we can play it back here on the show All right a lot to do on today's show Erica Thomas joins me in just a little bit also Dale leash and hour number two I saw this We're coming at first of all coming off the newscast When would end? Yeah, we got the strike going on and then the USA radio news cast talking about the number of of containers This is odd too because last night I was looking at Container shipping container swimming pools. That's what I put myself sleep with last night Which by the way side note if you've ever used one of these make a swimming pool let me know but yeah the story about the number of containers that have that have fallen off of ships and now they're finding the Finding stuff washing up on beaches story from AP. I mean it sounds like pretty good stuff if this would wash up on our beaches It would be good hot wheels bicycle helmets Lifesize plastic turkey decoys made for hunters. They say yeah, we get that I wonder if they're the real good ones Like the avian X or Dave Smith This is a colorful squirt guns and Crocs a lot of Crocs floating around out there from Containers well right now those containers are gonna have more time at sea if anybody also if anybody is And join a little time with tomorrow of course Snapper season Friday Saturday Sunday Mondays and we're still fishing snapper if you're going offshore Can you give me a picture how what are our numbers or any of the people bar pilots out there? Can you all tell me on the text line? Let me know what you're seeing out there. How many ships are at the Anchorage south of the lighthouse? You know normally we've got three maybe sometimes six What are we looking at right now waiting to come in to the port? How many container ships now? as Conversations I've had and there was some disagreement about this the other day, but this affects the container terminal specifically, right? So containerized shipping the way I've been told that bulk shipping is still open coal And steel because I was wondering what that meant for for example or solar middle You know up the river the needs needs those products up there the way I'm being told right now that's still working But we'll we'll watch this now the containerized thing and we're gonna get into all the panic buying. We'll discuss this And I think I know who's behind it But somebody to unnamed texture here and texted this question and and I thought it said I wonder if you can sue the ILA if their strike puts you at a work. Well texture I don't have an answer for that. I have been thinking about Ancillary businesses have been you know TV news stories where they go down to lunch counter places and you're normally busy With people that work there at the port that are not busy now because people are on strike. I guess but the What about the truck drivers? What about the people that haul? Right that it and sure different They're not part of ILA, but they need the containers to come off the ships so they can put them on the back of the Put them on the back of the trailers there and haul them wherever they're going So yeah, I do wonder that so I don't know how and and texture how far out Do we go how many steps removed from the strike? Do you go with that? I don't know I don't I mean you can sue anybody doesn't mean you're gonna win But you can whether you say on the indictment part you can indict a ham sandwich you could sue I don't know if you would would win there if somebody's you know the fact that they didn't work If they didn't work that Put you out of work. I I don't know. I don't maybe there'll be something I don't know and this is so legal Eagles out there y'all let me know I mean you can sue you can sue for anything, but you have a chance of of having the case heard and and winning I don't know all right this person that they're a truck driver for Southern Intermodal Express, so yeah, well those are the people I've been thinking about right? I mean, I'm sure there are other the lunch counters and all those things That are affected, but also just the direct the people whose job it is to drive the trucks to pick up the containers The toilet paper thing that let would dress this and we'll get back to I see a lot of texts are actually in the Discussion of the actual strike, but the toilet paper run and we'll have a Conversation about this as well with Eric at Thomas from 1819 news. She joins me about 1235 This is we've seen this before it's not novel. Unfortunately, it's not novel you have a Reaction by some people that don't have information That causes a scarcity and sometimes you have it this happened from people that do have information and it's warranted in this case I know how many texts I've read here in the last three days from people going do they not know where we make the paper I get it somebody didn't They reacted that the water thing is extremely funny to me too that people unless they're taking that up to the people in the Appalachians That are suffering so badly, which by the way 200 now we're looking at 200 fatalities Let alone let alone going into how many people lost their homes and everything else, but yet 200 And I hate to say it, but I think that not that number comes up going forward. Yeah, they said the death toll right now 200 Total between Florida George North Carolina, Virginia, I think a Tennessee in on that But maybe some of those supplies are going up there. So maybe it's warranted, but here here's what happens It's the same thing it happens with ammo it happened if you go in and they're The best way to sell something would be to have a short stocking on the shelf right have a portion of the shelf empty So people feel like okay, somebody knows something. I don't know they're gonna get it and then I'm gonna buy it and I'm gonna hoard it Because I don't know when I could get more of it right. There's a built-in idea of scarcity whether it be real or not because the scarcity is only is Something's only as scarce as you believe it is Right, so if you believe it's scarce, then you buy it and it leads some more scarcity drives the next person next person next person Oh, I did say who I thought but I think big bidet is behind this actually the toilet paper Right, I think they're they're they're getting people to have the idea that they're not gonna be able to get toilet paper back like the COVID days and I think a big bidet is behind this But yes, you have this you have this run Going on at when it when the wave breaks. I don't know Because now that there's so much discussion of it even people that say I'm not gonna fall for that If nobody's looking and they're at this store. They may grab an extra Big pack of that as they go now Paul on the text line says he has eight packs of bottled water and a hundred and thirty five rolls of TP Sam's brand there you go now Paul. We won't give out your address, but you know things get tough you may You may have to put the razor wire up and get the gun ports going to defend that Yeah, fire dog says they aren't lost shipping containers. These are artificial reefs. Yes, but I don't have the numbers on them. So they're not Far off if I don't have the numbers on them. I'm not I'm not interested if you can give me the numbers on this lost shipping containers I'd be interested Okay, here's a texture I named Texas said some bulk is working. So this is back to the question I know this is kind of nerdy, but I think it is important in this discussion said some bulk is working the ILA strike The ILA is striking break bulk though. Okay, so Monday I got in a discussion with the people that I thought were in the know here and they said break bulk and Palatized and bulk would be working, but this person and that's people I'm most interested in that they're on the line in the business said Some bulk is working, but break bulk is they're striking to break bulk. So we'll watch that Trucks are being loaded as normal with company employees and temporary labor. Okay, so the truckers. So so let me know truck folks that are And said they were worried about their business. Are y'all still being loaded and and carrying Caring containers That I'd be interested here. I almost like it with all of us together We can put together a Like frequently asked question or a fax list That's not a X. That's a CTS a fax list of okay, we know this I don't think I've had any argument that this strike is affecting containerized shipping which when we think about the imports But I've been thinking about since the word go on the exports, right? And I know there's so many other things coming out of our state the one I go to though Just easier to think about because I've heard the stats on how how high the volume is these refrigerated frozen containers that take the chickens From east central and northeast Alabama and ship them around the world Those aren't getting out of here. So I don't know what I don't know what this is gonna do on the ag side if you're a producer and you're Said to produce certain amount of chickens or certain amount of chicken each day week or month What that means B. Dark says there's nothing on them boats. I can't live without I don't know there's Probably some plastic gizmo from China. You just got to have in time for Christmas I think I what is there any big toy this year can maybe Dalton could help me zero It was the tickle me elmo of this year. Is that something that's coming from China? Will this lead to? Kids crying at the Christmas tree. They didn't get the plastic gizmo from China. They should desperately needed to make them happy Okay, come on right back to the text and then that air cat Thomas talk talks with me about 1235 She's got a couple stories about this over 1819 news You're listening to midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1006 5 call Sean now at three four three zero one oh six Oh The way I got a couple reminders here for tomorrow make sure you get your Pick them your picks in college pick them done. I Remind you to remind myself as well Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of us out there in this so make sure you get those picks in and in addition Tomorrow your chance to win that hundred dollar gift certificate from Mason Hills farm for all that a great meat for grilling Nice thing is if you win win college pick them and spring hillways hardware hooking you up with everything you need for grilling tailgate and all that Mason Hills farm you'll have that hundred dollar gift certificate in your pocket boom you win both and You know we're coming to your house. All right, so make sure to get those things done and your chance win coming up tomorrow My gosh the text let's get to these Jerry Fort Morgan said Sean. I'm surprised you don't have the marine traffic app It'll tell you every ship in the Gulf. I Need that when I do have on my desktop back here about 10 yards away from me from the studio I have the the the one that tracks all the river traffic where all the barges are in the river Did y'all realize I was that boring of a person like if I want to take a break from work for a second I go look there's a push boat going right there. They're a Davinger straight. I'll come going into the Tom big Be here somebody coming yeah, I do that Texture said the ILA lashed down the containers falling off the ships Okay Don't know what I mean if you get get you in a big storm I don't know this just is interesting that story while we're talking about this popped up today About these shipping containers fallen off all of the world I'm just I would like one just to fall off at my house and Somebody who can weld come come by cuz we'll make a swimming pool. It's gonna be big time. Let's see And another other I mean y'all name yourselves on the text, please Nick name or something like that said finding out there's a lot of downsizing the world going on right now I was a victim of it on Monday could this be the tanking of the economy by the Democrats on their way out the door seems fishing to me at best It also can be the fact that you know with the in so the inflation comes raise interest rates right oh Jerome pal and then they're coming back down, but the lag effect Right the lag effect could still be cut and the tough thing is To get it people don't like it because it's it's not a pretty way to put it But when you're gonna play monetary policy here, right and you're gonna mess with interest rates if they're too high How do you bring them down right you make money more expensive to get? the net and in outcome of that is people lose their jobs and Then that's a real way. There's money not going into the economy and and it brings the interest rates The interest rates then get people to lose their jobs less money in the system and the interest rate can come down So maybe this is a a holdover from you know those those hikes for the interest rate. I'm sorry about you losing your gig He said at Lowe's last night also Seen at the Dollar General stores, and he's showing me carts full of paper products You know and I hit I think yeah I think we hit you know what's dollar general last night, but I did not go by the paper aisle, but I don't I Didn't think I didn't notice any more than the normal amount of mayhem in the dollar general because it could be it could be lost because there's always you know Boxes in the in the aisles and all that kind of stuff So Larry and Daphne says just do what my wife does ever since COVID she always brought an extra pack of toilet paper She said we will never be without again. There you go. She's taking charge Um Randy says an alternative TP is under the toilet seat bidet Larry this was saying I think this is all you're looking for the conspiracy and I wish one of those conspiracy podcasts would pick up My bro get idea and run with this. It's big bidet this pushing this Hey he goes into the Discussion how the bidet works for him. There you go Randy. Well, that's uh So thing I think I think we need to look into that nobody's what nobody's talking about is how big bidet is behind us Brandon said the flatbeds etc. Can still get loaded at Some at some state docks. All right, so they're they're doing the workarounds, right? They said there's Now buddy buddy just hit it The Mardi Gras throws and we know those babies are coming Imported right you open up a box if you did open up a box of of beads you can smell you can smell China in every box They're and those are probably coming right now. So buddy, you're Spot this will be interesting folks. I know in the Mardi Gras throw business or y'all y'all got issues with this because I can imagine You'd be getting them now if you didn't already had them. It didn't already have them Roger and Boeing counties is maybe the Buzz Lightyear stamp toilet paper these morons Keep mine Okay, good so Matt is helping us. He said this this year's Chris must have Christmas gift is the Tim Walz bug-eye buddy Whiny doll That would not come into the house If you had something that should I mind I'll go ahead Let's see Gene saying ships to come to mobile carry between three to five thousand containers that ship stuck in the sues canal carried about 20,000 units Okay Go remember that one that then went to they blocked the sues You're like hey, yeah, like almost reminded me when they're trying to turn it And remember the scene in Austin powers when he's in that narrow hallway in the in the vehicle is done. Don't don't that he's doing like a 35-point turn CB Carl says we live ready for this kind of crap water TP canned goods whiskey beer, etc But I did pick up I did pick up a good time to buy new boats overalls and maybe ammo. Are you all closer? Those are good. Like I've often said if you're looking for my Christmas list and just look for the ATF Right alcohol tobacco and firearms. I'm into all of them Oh Earl, I'm glad you texted this so I've been the earls He just said have you noticed the difference in the red lights on airport? P.M. My wife traveled it this morning both ways and never hit so many greens. Thank you Earl I'm knocking on wood. We got wood here in the studio or at least it's like particle board It's wood-esque I've been thinking the same thing Earl riding down the road. I'm like did Did did it did did our conversations on this show and then? Are talking to people with the engineering traffic engineering department for the city of Mobile did it pay off? Did it did something happen here cuz Earl I noticed the same thing and I drive airport a long ways both ways every day and I've Been happy. So, thank you for bringing that up You know be dark. I don't know it depends on how big of a storm be dark saying what would happen What would the ships do if there was a storm in the Gulf right now? You know at a certain level they would have to move but those big ships with routine navigate seas that are unreal Let's see Pat says these people stocking up are going to feel completely idiotic when they restock the shelves this week and Let's see Dr. Mariana said Yeah, well tell Earl. I'm on my fourth red light here on airport life out loud Well, it's been good for Earl has been good for me Dr. Mariana and the thing if you go back if y'all didn't hear the interview it would have been a week ago Monday And the discussion with about the light sinking in the city of Mobile one of the many takeaways from that interview I found out is the lights Are synced for you to drive less than the speed limit? So I always thought you should be able to drive the speed limit and they would all be synced up It's actually a little bit less than the speed limit gets you at the right place to get more green lights But Earl I saw the same things dr. Mariana disagrees with us, but We'll have to keep researching all right Erica Thomas joins us coming up next This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1006 5 I 1235 FM talk 1006 5 and midday mobile I'd have you here and I always gonna talk to my friend Erica Thomas from 1819 Where she's reporting on shorter Can you give us any like we a bunch of people been texting in for the last few days about the shortages? What about in South Baldwin? In South Baldwin, that's where I first noticed it actually had half a roll a toilet paper the other night So I said I didn't know that there was a panic at all. I had no idea So I went up to Dollar General in Foley. Well, it's really bunched core And they were out all they had was like was that stuff that kind of dissolves as soon as you touch it Right, right. Yes. I can't use that So So my goodness what happened, but you know at Dollar General Sometimes they don't get stuff on the shelves very easily rare because they're short staffed and So I thought well, I guess I just they hadn't brought those boxes out yet But I went to Walmart and it looks like the TP apocalypse over there There was just 50 boxes thrown everywhere like I mean the only ones available were the The ones that were cracked open a little bit that nobody wants because you don't want toilet paper They're vice-tut Right, but I got it cuz I thought there was you know, that's all that was left. I was okay And and then I Shared something in in the group chat at 18 not seen and they were like yeah, it's happening here And they were sending stuff from all over. I mean it wasn't just Alabama either. It was all the way to New York people were freaking out because they thought That because of the dock workers strike we weren't gonna get toilet paper where'd they think that toilet paper came from? That at least one thing we're not importing from China. I Don't know I assume they probably did think it it came from China. I mean It's on most on a lot of products. It is safe to assume that But at least you know check it out before you go Freaking out and then once everybody else freaks out everybody has to or you're gonna be without toilet paper I remember that happened to me during COVID I was out of toilet paper and had to use the dissolvable con for I mean and I had I used to go camping a lot So I would really did have some toilet paper that was like biodegradable I had to get that out go through my crossbase and find that it was bad I ended up getting a bidet after that. That's how bad it was That is getting any toilet paper. I think that's who's behind this by the way. I Think yeah, I think I think big bidet is behind this whole thing. They've orchestrated this. This is my conspiracy to drive it, you know To drive people to a bidet for fear of not being Yeah, they're certainly missing a great marketing opportunity and they should jump on it quick They should have already and and I'll tell you I I am not a marketer of the days But I recommend them because it's just changed my life It makes every day better. Well, there's some people on the text line We're gonna put you all into a chat page because there are people on the text line There's that same thing there. They're preaching this so well. Yeah, this is maybe I mean that little big or go home with your bidet. It's gonna be worth it. I had a portable one. I mean, I'd like Right, you're only like 20 bucks on Amazon. It takes a lot to render me speechless, but I think it happened The portable wood you showing up what's in the bag, right? You know, I got my clothes here my bidet I'm gonna be spending the weekend with you. That's fine. So it's fine when you go to the airport, you know, and they're like You gotta you gotta do what you guys do one of your stories outside of that Well, of course part of this bigger story is what we've talked about for for days here And you've been writing about as well What's happening here with the ILA strike and the the shutdown in the containerized section your headline ship pile-up Inevitable as dock worker strike continues and he said mobile based logistics CEO says no need to panic over toilet paper But the the pile up here. This is the thing that you know, we with routine have Some number of ships waiting at anchorage the bar pilots to bring them in into the to the harbor right into the mobile river Sometimes it'll be as little as one, you know, three maybe, you know, six or seven would be a lot But yeah, there's a lot of ships that are heading here and heading to ports everywhere that What are they gonna do they're gonna drop it? How many are gonna be out there? What did you find out in this story? Well, I mean first of all I want to say this page and Jones Inc company is is very cool They're based at a mobile a lot of people might not know they even exist, but but they do logistics for routes in six states And so any ships that are coming in are going out there saying hey, this is the best time. It's the best place This is the best price you can get To to come in here, and so it's just really cool that that happening, you know in mobile that that they do all that So so I talked to the CEO Michael Lee and he just he really helped with a lot of information and he said, you know, we knew this was coming ahead of time So we were able to prepare some diversions ahead so some of those ships were already going to the west coast because You know, they knew that this was gonna happen and it was it were items that really needed To to not be stalled and so they're able to do that but not everything some of those ships were already on the way and so for some of those there is going to be a Power up, and he said you'll be able to see it. It'll be obvious not yet, but it will happen and so Some of those could be moved to Mexico and then the goods railed into the US or in some cases They can be flown into the US, but he said that's a lot more expensive. So But they're gonna have to do that for some, you know factory production products such as machine parts and high-tech equipment They'll probably end up flying some of that stuff in but it's gonna be more expensive and when it's more expensive the ship where you're gonna see That impact in in prices Yeah, and that's I mean I guess that's part of the squeeze the ILA once it put on people right But then there's also the the ancillary even though people are telling me today That there's some workarounds going on and the Intermittal truck drivers are getting loaded. I think But yeah, you have this strike here And these ships don't come in Or they go somewhere else. It's not just the what work goes on the dock It's once that container leaves and all the different people involved in it. That's gonna you know, that's gonna ripple through the economy Yes, and he did talk about that too. I mean the whole the entire economy everybody in the U.S. is gonna see some type of impact from this if they do not Either invoke the Taft Hartley Act or come to an agreement on their own Yeah, and that would do if they did that act and it did you know said maybe because of the hurricane, you know We have emergency so they go back to work for 90 days Do they negotiate during the 90 days or do they just come back in 90 days and start the I mean politically it'd be better for you know If you're looking at the presidential election whichever side you think is gonna benefit or get hurt by this But then they would go back to strike in 90 days. I would guess Yeah, I mean that typically how it works, but in in that time they would figure out and they would negotiate, you know An agreement, but I mean these people. I'm just not so sure. There's a lot of people Michael Lee said he believes this isn't gonna last long. He thinks that ILA is gonna settle But I mean from what I'm seeing they're pretty headstrong, you know, and they see what they can do They see the power they have right now on the economy and on individual people and they're saying It's not us you better you better give us all this money and and do this and this or or we are it's gonna hurt every citizen and I think that's unfortunate, but hopefully Hopefully Michael Lee is right and this will be a short-term strike All right speaking of power see the get ready for this segue from that power to Alabama power, right? And I know that the news has come out that That there's a settlement, you know with the EPA and Alabama power But a lot of people if they don't read any further than the headline thinks that then it's everything's fixed and solved and Well, the groups like Baykeeper said not so fast Yeah, well, this is what happens when Alabama power sends out a press release, you know that they send out the press release saying hey We have reached an agreement and so It really didn't offer a lot of information, but the mobile Baykeeper as you know They've been they've been on top of this since the beginning and they really want to make sure That that that collash is taken care of and and they said yesterday, you know This is great the two of the aspects of this settlement are just wonderful But we still have an issue here and we're still not going to let it go And that is to remove the collash right to an upland site Yeah Well, so Alabama powers closure plan, which is has written would allow collast remain it saturated in the groundwater the EPA can still enforce That is a violation and that matter is not settled And it's not even addressed in the agreement and that is what you know cane from the mobile base keeper. He told me that he said so while You know, they're not they're not sure if there's enforcement actions Going on, but they're gonna they're gonna keep watching themselves And they're hoping you know the EPA is still working on addressing this issue even further So they think that this is kind of part of the ongoing Negotiations that have been going on since January Between that between Alabama power and the EPA and hopefully and maybe even before January actually I think I remember somebody telling me they were sitting at a table Trying to discuss how to move forward with this collash like in December last year Oh, that's been going on for I mean, it's been going on for a long time and Discussions of of moving it, you know, I think you have this latest, you know Deal made with the EPA, but yeah, you do have a question that's bigger here and it's like I've been talking about this for years And so if this is this danger for up, you know We got chronic leaching and then we get the danger of an acute Levy failure, which I don't know how how big a chance that is happening But we can talk about it, but every year that goes by This thing I guess people could sit back and say it maybe it's not as important as I told us it was because they let It go year after year after year and look nothing's happened Yeah Well in another part of that is it was interesting Alabama power wanted to point out, you know There's no dangers to drinking water human life animals or an environment and really the truth is that EPA didn't make those allegations But if you look at compliance records, you can see that in the past that water has been Tested and arsenic levels are seven times higher than the federal Health by skyline, so you can't deny that that could put humans or Wildlife or an environment, you know in harm's way. That's That's carcinogenic. There's there's an issue here. There there's a need to protect the health and safety of our community And that's what mobile bankkeepers coming in and I think, you know Kane has a lot more information than I do as usual, but His studies their studies have gone back a lot further But he he said In a press alert released yesterday that plant berry remains a ticking time bomb that could lead to disastrous consequences And so I think that that sentence right there is what we need to say, okay Who who's gonna be responsible? What needs to happen? You know get down to the details and get this figured out because if it the word like taking time bomb is gonna scare anybody We don't want to be sitting on that and like just think about last week when that hurricane came through What if that would have hit us? What what would the results of that ban? What does that look like? You just never know it could happen. Yep. Well, it could We are a little bit different than you know looking at the tighter mountains and and rivers in Western, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, you know, it is different, but yeah, this is that idea of the acute failure, but the one I think is More important probably didn't get the attention of look we have a big failure of the levy there and the Lord knows I was driven by those levies many times in my life on the Mobile River But the chronic thing is what you mentioned earlier. That's the thing. I think We should vote not that you don't focus on the other one I know that's probably has more drama to it But just day in and day out at this leaching is going in when those you know the the levels are seven times more than they should be that one in itself is enough I think and Yeah, and by the way, Baykeeper folks at one o'clock tomorrow We'll be on with us. We'll talk about this in depth Erica They want to read these stories and more. How do they find it online? Just head over to 1819 news calm and you can check us out every day. We are our reporters. They're amazing We're all over the state We're gonna do stories that you really don't see anywhere else and so go to 19 news calm check us all out and all of our email addresses are at the bottom of each story So if you want to get in touch with this you can click on the email address and send us a note good stuff Erica We'll talk again next week Thank you. All right, there she goes Erica Thomas and we're coming right back more bid day mobile This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five 12 52 FM talk one oh six five midday mobile I have to have you here on this a Friday Eve edition of the show some of y'all call it Thursday My man blame price calls it, but I know he knows what's going on with the kabotas at Paris tractor. Hey, Blaine What's going on John? Well, it's going on if you hadn't noticed it's October both season starting soon Of course next month gun season starts a lot of people thinking about hitting the woods and I am a you know Rodney yesterday, I've got one of those kabota RTVs those things are First of all y'all made them some of them are should darn nice. You feel like you're in a car, but yeah, they're super popular Absolutely, we've got plenty of those in stock right now We've got them in gas models diesel models and some of the diesel we got the enclosed calves with a heat That's what I'm talking about. That's out of control by the way. Just let them let them know back in kabota I mean, I know there's plenty of people, but it's out of control. This is nicer than my truck, but go ahead It's very nice, especially, you know, if you get into the middle winter hunting You can be in that thing with that heater rolling and and it's real nice What about so those right now? Where are we on financing? They just came out with with new programs this week And we still have got that zero interest finance and on all of kabota and land product equipment Wow, okay, TV side-by-side the mini X's the skid steers Trackers zero turn lawnmowers. We've got all this in stock right now with all the implements to go along with that And they're still holding strong with that zero percent Finance and through kabota right now. How is that selection on skid steers right now? We do have a good selection on on those in the open cab and the enclosed cab You've got a bunch of different attachments in stock for those right now whether it be pallet forks, grapples the rotary brush cutters or the drum mulchers we've got a little bit of all that right now and Something else has been popular lately has been our PJ dump trailers. We've got a good selection of those as well If you're doing some storm cleanup or if you're in the business of it We've got those and they're those PJ dump trailers are really nice as well. All right people want to check those out How do they find you? We're right here on highway 59 and middle Robert still come by see us Monday through Friday 8 to 5 or Saturday 8 till noon If you can't make it by to see us give us a call that two five one nine four seven four one seven one Hey, thank you, Blaine. We'll talk soon. Right later. All right. There he goes Blaine price over at Paris tractor in Robert's Dale And by the way Dale Lee's from land yap joins us coming up probably about let's see a no math magician here about 12 minutes from now Let's see What's more but a talk on there? Oh, by the way, Erica Chris and Orange Beach says he's got an inside track on On toilet paper, so he will hook us up. I'm good. I think I'm good I named texture. Oh firecracker. Thank you firecracker said Biden Harrison the dem see the strike as a financial and political boon for them Joe says there has to be a joke here behind big bidet. Thank you Remember that's why I said it that way like big bidet is behind us. Thank you Joe I appreciate it when I know that somebody got the the extra little bit of craftsmanship on that and nice to know that Erica is squeaky clean though This Marty said between my wife and I have about 500 t-shirts that is a thing, right? And that's it. I have the The boxes right those clear whatever you buy this dare light boxes or whatever that they go under bed I was moving stuff there. They actually vacuum it on the bed and I said this is out of control Why am I keeping these t-shirts Marty says That they have 500 t-shirts. We wear the same 10 between us as long as I Have a sharp pocket knife in a pile of old shirts. We won't have to worry. Okay Let's see people I guess somebody saying scabs probably talk about the people working at Doing the offloading down there Let's see I guess yeah, and I don't know who somebody earlier said some of the Some of the offloading and stuff is being done. I guess that's the container terminal by other folks not the obviously the union members I Teach you just says no one seems to be looking into the Biden administration telling unions beforehand They would not interfere interfere with their strike to get their votes Thank you. Oh, this is from okay Text right I guess I can use yeah, so Craig said anything from China goes to the west coast So it does not affect Marty Graw beads. All right. Thank you. See this is this is the intel. I need it So our Marty Graw beads don't come in here. They come into Long Beach or something I guess and truck them in it says that the also I LA break bulk are on strike But there are work around unions. Okay, so break bulk is on strike as well, but they're working around it. All right You know, okay, so another texture said kind of what Erica was saying Imagine if Helene had gone up the river. So I thought about that, but we have different topography with those poor people It's over 200 people dead now in the mountains And down to the coast from Helene and you see the flooding. Obviously, you know, you've been watching it here We are different doesn't mean I'm not worried about the levy system You know, but we have a different kind of I've looked at that levy when the mobile river stage at Barry steam plant Which is one of the gauges we watch on the mobile river has been I think that high point if I remember correctly It was up like almost 16 One time there's probably been eight nine years ago in a spring flood and it didn't top the levees at that point The rain here drains off differently than does it doesn't once again. So texture doesn't mean I'm not worried about this I've been I'm for removing the coal ash and putting it up on site. I Don't know if that same scenario for a hurricane would you know fill up the coal ash ponds and then burst the levy that way or a river would rise But day in and day out it's leeching into the water table. That's the thing that Has got to be most worried and like I said one o'clock tomorrow We'll be talking about that in depth right here on the day mobile. All right, then Alicia's coming up out right after the news You (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]