FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 10-03-24

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03 Oct 2024
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one more time and I'm going to talk with you about it. From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porshow. I don't think this way. Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff for show of the talk 10065. Anybody else? Anyway, Albert Georgia this weekend on 10065. If you don't want to see the gory, I guess you can list to it played out on the radio. Anyway, not enough of that. Cut up on the program. We had to move some things around so we won't get to any guests until the 1030 block, but you get my rambling commentary from this point forward until April brief. Oh, go in a 10 o'clock hour. We're going to be going to be going to be going to be on the center and he's going to be with us. And this is a, I guess kind of an important conversation when it comes to the grocery tax. He was a grocery tax sponsor. I want to say grocery tax. What I mean by that. The reduction of Alabama's grocery tax. You know, we talk about how all these other states don't have a tax on food, but Alabama does so that we can handle of being a low tax state. But on any way, people of the legislature can claim the mantle of Alabama and be a low tax state. I guess he was the chief sponsor and well, we've come to find out the municipalities want to lower their grocery taxes as well or some of them do. Not all of them. And they're not able to because this law has sort of a, they put a floor in that doesn't allow. So right now, it's come to be an issue for the Sea of Hoover up near Birmingham, but what's going on here is Hoover's trying to lower its sales tax on groceries because the city collects a portion, the state collects a portion, so on and so forth. And Sea of Hoover by statute is not able to. And we're talking to Senator Jones about that and see about a fix for the grocery tax, which is there's not much moving on it. They put in all of these like, they put in these provisions that the education budget has to grow so much before we can part way with the grocery tax. I just we'll get into that in a moment. Everybody here's the dirty little secret about the education budget in this state. And I saw Todd Stacy hired the Tricia Powell crane and everybody talks about how important the education system is and we must have coverage of this and we must have emphasis on this. What do you think the real emphasis on education in this state is all about? Is it about the kids? No, it's about the teachers and the administrators. The teachers union, it's hard for them to fly under the radar, but they're flying under the radar and you're not getting a reduction in your grocery tax because we have to make sure the sacred cow or golden calf is satisfied and that's just I don't know disappointed. We don't. There's probably so much excess in that budget. There's nothing that the state does puts more into more emphasis on roads, bridges, public safety, everything pales in comparison with education. Frustration of mine and we know what the dirty little secret is about Montgomery and education funding. But we don't really talk about it in the probably the more honest terms that we need to. But that, I digress, Carly Dobson coming off of the bait appearance with Shamari figures yesterday morning during this program should be our guest in the bottom of the 11 o'clock hour. So you want to stick around for that as well. 2513430106. If you want to be in touch with the program. All you gotta do is text me. There's plenty of opportunities. I guess said we're wide open for the first hour and a half of the program. We will, like I say, kind of stagger, stumble our way through what's going on in the world. I guess the big news is that really big news is do people care about the Jack Smith indictment being unsealed? It seems a little timing. Jack Smith seems like a bitter man. And there's scant news coverage of it. I think the media or some of the media are finally getting it. This is that this isn't really going to be what they, I mean, it's going to be too little too late. They're not going to get anything done before the election. They can unseal every indictment. They can even file new charges. This is Mueller Report 2.0. This is an overreach. It was always an overreach, but the overreaches are never meant to actually connect, right? The overreaches by the DOJ, they politically charge the DOJ, are meant to just create a cloud of doubt for the public to make you think something well, indictment, well, that must be pretty serious and they were able to get that through a grand jury. Well, in Washington D.C. with a voting population that went like 90% for the Democratic candidate in the last two cycles. A grand jury is probably not really hard to get his indictment against anybody associated with Trump. This, this isn't working for him. That ship has sailed. I mean, you can only ride that pony for so long and just give out. I don't know, like, if Trump's elected president, does he just parted himself? I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to that. This is silliness. This has got to stop his law fair. It's the first time we're in, like, well, okay, we'll let the process play out, but you can't run a country and have your own department of justice working against you. Look, the voters said, hey, this is the guy, if he is elected, the voters will have said this is the guy we want to run a country. And you know what, elections have consequences. I would say the same is true for Biden, for Harris, for Obama. You can't have your own DOJ investigating you. But the media will try to make a big deal out of it. But at some point, the true test is that the will of the voters, not the civil servants, not the judges of the criminal justice system and the federal government. If you can't make that, that can't be the arbiter. I just like blanket part, everybody on January 6th, too. We learned our lesson. I hope. No rioting on Capitol Hill. And don't let the feds entice you into rioting. Don't let the Capitol police wave you all through. It's a trap. The quote Star Wars. Um, let's see what else we got here. Still a little bit of residuals coming out of the vice presidential debate until Tuesday night. And I tell you why this is like, I'm not necessarily a very scientific indicator, but the social media enthusiasm now for JD Vance. You sense it. You could feel it. Now, social media is like Twitter, Facebook, any of that in the real world. No, but there's something to that. There's a trend there that can't be ignored. People feel good about that part of the ticket. Because up until that point, the media were telling, you know, people who do not know who he was did not know who JD Vance was. He was so unfairly portrayed by the media. That they're they're evil. They're not objective. They're not interested in painting a picture. I mean, it's like be very highly skeptical of Republicans, but be very open-minded when it comes to Democrats. It was on display during the vice presidential debate and I don't think they were angry, but there was an arrogant sort of Margaret Brennan and Nora O'Donnell. Nora O'Donnell's kind of been that way always. For the last 25 years. But CBS news Republicans had an idea of making it clear that they were angry, but they were angry, but there was an arrogant sort of Margaret Brennan and Nora O'Donnell. But CBS news Republicans have to stop enabling. You heard my rant about that yesterday. If you want to have a debate on a legacy mainstream media news outlet, the only way you can be able to do it is the way they did it in June with Biden. There may have been some home cooking there trying to get Biden off the ballot. And that's why it seemed a little more on the fair side. But Republicans cannot they can no longer enable this. We need to know someone to be how do you watch the debate and not see how creepy and weird he is. I would tell you something. Community notes. You only get the other side of the stage and I don't know about the facial expressions and I was a knucklehead. I'm going to you're you're wrong on this one. You're not reading. I mean you're you're just admit you're a left wing ideologue. If you call him if you call Vance creepy and weird standing next to your guy then I mean you do you have no credibility. There's something off there. I think that Democrats of mine they had a standing for Tim Waltz but there's I don't know. Just a weird manner. I mean in general you could see there's an uncomfortable sort of persona and I don't I don't be grudge here for being nervous to begin into that debate until Tuesday. I mean I'd be nervous but I'm also not running for vice president. I wasn't governor of a state. I guess we can't say Paul in Minneapolis two major American cities but he was nervous and it's just there isn't I mean he's not really sure of himself and he says weird things. If you think that I mean JD Vance is weird the only reason you think he's weird is because there's no other explanation for that. If that guy were a Democrat you'd be your rising star. Where is Kamala Harris by the way? Is anybody seen here lately? One more thing. Toilet paper shortage. How about how many of you be honest have gone and stocked up with toilet paper and the media stories are as such people stop buying toilet paper because it's you don't need to buy it. There's it's not it's something that we import or comes in on a through a port of entry or whatever. Well people may have started buying it up for dumb reasons but now people are buying it up because of the panic. You may have launched this panic by the way to because somebody said oh my gosh we might run out of toilet paper we better go to Costco and buy it all. That may have started from the port strike but the rational actors here like all these dumb people are buying up on the toilet paper we better get all down there too. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore Show at FIT Talk 1065 We'll have long songs too Let's win them! A couple of guys in first class on a flight from New York to Los Angeles Welcome back to the Jeff Moore Show on FIT Talk 1065 They just sticking around on this Thursday morning 251343 0106 you need to be in touch with the program. You text me and we'll respond to whatever it is that is on your mind. Still to come on a program about an hour a little over an hour for an April Marie Fogel. What do we got here? A new text here. Kamala Kamala is too busy. Just see that the other day with Orinowski and Jim Acosta on CNN. Kamala is too busy supporting the I.L.A. Vance Weird really does he go around smelling little girls hair. I just look if Vance were weird but there is just this is a manufactured storyline for dumb people. There are a lot of manufactured storylines for dumb people and they stick with Democrats. It's like this wish casting this fidelity to whatever the talking point of the day is. It is bizarre. It's groupthink behavior from Democrats. Am I wrong? Like, okay, you see J.D. Vance? What's your first thing? You know, like, just looks like a guy. Okay, I don't know, like, any other guy in America. And these people are going to "Oh, he's weird looking." No, he's not. You heard that on MSNBC and that's what you are like decided as a good little, a good little apple polisher that you are going to go along with that and that you're going to get your merit badge. You're doing your part. You're part of the cool kids club that don't really like you at the book club tomorrow night. Maybe you'll even like, what else can you virtue signal? Well, you're going to wear your Ukrainian mask to their community notes? I mean, so what? It's not 2020 anymore. I mean, you never can show that you're doing it for the team. B. Dark says maybe they are buying for store victims, but it sure ain't doing anything. Back to the toilet paper crutch, but that's just it. The story is, like, what may have been the spark that ignited us. Maybe it's some people buying out of fear and not really understanding what the dock worker strike means. Well, I'm not going to take any chances. I'm going to buy toilet paper because I can't do without toilet paper. Well, then that creates the panic that the real that instigates the real thing. People are buying it up because it's not like filling your tank full of gas. I mean, you'll use it eventually. On a texture, I can anybody honestly listen to Kamala and far left walls, and possibly that they are the best interest of this country at heart. We have a band values built that built this country. We have abandoned values that built this country. That's what we have. We have abandoned a lot of cultural values and we rely on the state to do the heavy lifting. It's like the family. I think so much of the country's problems would be resolved had we kind of abandoned this moral poverty, right? Where government has replaced the father as the provider and a lot of things. When you can't say that about single mothers, well, I'm sure the single mother does the best she can. In some cases, there are success stories, but typically behavioral problems and you know, like the reason we have the nuclear family structure as we have for centuries. I mean, it's evolution. It's just like part of the world. And when you take the government and you try to replace it with that, things go crazy. And that sort of sets things off in a spiral world. Be right back. This is Epidog. 106-5. Mona tried to tell me to stay away from the train line. She said that all the railroad men just drink up your Hey, I was country. I was in tune. Yeah, I was country. From my at-down to all my poo. I still am. And look down. Welcome back to the Jump Force Show. That's a talk. 106-5. They just stick it around on this Thursday morning. Oh, once you get text like 2513430106. So you know you just Biden fly by visiting the Carolinas, Georgia, but flying by. Do you guys remember? Katrina and George Bush when he did the quote unquote fly by. Do you remember how people lost their damn mind? Do you remember Kanye West George Bush doesn't care about black people? Wow, there's a. There's a part of history that has evolved, if you will, but. So I guess flyby's and natural disasters are okay now. Is that right? That it's okay to do a fly by now? I mean, Bush was like so unfairly portrayed as like because he didn't get on the ground and start throwing paper. Oh, you can't do that either. Throw in paper towels around. You have to. Yeah. Well, what do you have to do? Just have a D next to your name. Does that satisfactory? Good morning. Enjoy your show. I think it'd be funny if all these dock work. Docs hired non-union workers. It would be like the NFL strike many years ago. All the scam players showed up or played some good football. All sudden union and NFL players want to come back. Would I? I should know more about the duties of a dock worker. I mean, maybe some of the machinery. Sort of the planning, making the trains run on time or whatever. And that's the not the literal definition, figurative definition. Um, could you hire replacement workers? So I wouldn't be opposed to that. I. What do I get? Like, Sheldon Sullivan would do if a Dalton, Dan, Atlanta, and I unionized. And then in a, because we weren't making whatever we think our salary ought to be. I mean, I mean, I mean, there's a lot of people on strike. What do you think you would do? You'd probably be listening to, um, syndicated programming or something. I mean, that's how easy it is. I saw. I noticed that quite that easy. You know, I don't know what kind of skill sets required. Josh, data, Carvey is Biden is the S and L skit. First S and L skit I've liked since the nineties. You may like it, Jeff. And something like I do. I like I will flip through that stuff and I just have it yet. You find when you have children taking time to catch up on what's going on in pop culture. It moves down the list. Uh, how much money is the state federal, is the state federal government spending on investigating Trump starting before he was elected? First time presidential candidate. We spied on, uh, how much money is the government spending the taxpayers money to go after Trump for six years. I'm paying lawyers. From Daniel and Foley, probably a lot more than they should, but, but it's, it's, we, Donald Trump's mandate, if he wins, is to clean that mess up. Yeah, we can't when there's, there's, there's no, you are the president of the United States. And I, you know, whatever it takes, clean that up, get those people out of there, send them to their lower end left wing think tanks. They're, they're drive by lawyer, billboard lawyer, crash and fall for whatever, but you got us. There's got to be a culture change. It's a mandate and if that's what has to happen, you got to do it first thing you do as soon as you get into office. You can't. You got to put somebody in charge of that. Because they're going to, they're going to be looking for a reason to create some kind of investigation to hold over you to keep you from doing that. That's what they did last time with this Russian nonsense. And they held the country hostage. Like I said, elections have consequences. If you don't want that to happen, don't vote for Donald Trump. If you're Joyce Vance. All right, he's other like talking head liberals did, did go, go vote right in Liz Cheney's name or something. But if he wins, that has to be part of the mandate. Like we, they, they cannot let the bureaucracy run this country anymore. You're always going to have the bureaucracy, immediately, not so far a service or whatever. You can't just go clean house there. But did these, these prosecutors who abused their authority. Got to go. We cannot rely on the Supreme Court to be the failsafe for everything. Because it takes too long, justice is slow. But we, you can't, the justice system has been abused. There weren't any ILA workers checking trucks at Alabama ports, they get as a light or APM. Let's see. These are all from the previous show, so I can move on. But Ben writes, I think FEMA being broke is the big story of the day. So I get what people are saying with Homeland Security and the resettlement and the money they're spending on illegal immigration versus disaster relief. But I don't know that, I don't know that they are, I mean, money has to be earmarked, I guess, for these specific parts of DHS. You can't just move it from ICE to FEMA. FEMA blew through their budget, sure, but FEMA always blew through its budget. And this is what they do, they lower the expectations with FEMA. So when there is a crisis, Congress can come in and spend a bunch of money and have no guilt, no qualms, whatever, just go with it. Leah, morning, Jeff, I have been told that unskilled workers started $20 an hour to docks. All they had to do is be able to walk and breathe. Well, I might quit this job, I'm going to do that. No, I'm just kidding. Sean, would still out to George Soros, please don't strike. The station is the best from dirt digger. We're not striking. I was a member of the Union when I worked at Barunos and they kind of, it's kind of a dirty little thing they do. You're new on the job, you're standing there and you're like, I don't know. What the hell am I doing here? And the Union guy shows up and hands you a piece of paper to side and he just, everybody does it. You know, he's just a side right there, no big deal. And then you get the Union juice, take it out of your paycheck. A name text, go on to Jeff. Good morning, a name text here. If Trump wins, which I pray he does, he should turn over the FBI to Giuliani. I don't know about that. And the CIA to Pompeo, I don't know about that either. And let them reshape it, get rid of the top power, promote people that are in the middle ranks and with Giuliani in charge and in charge of the FBI. It'll be the greatest thing ever to happen. I think this is a guy named Rick Riddell who I actually know would be a good place to start. I don't, Giuliani, I don't think he's Giuliani's problematic and Pompeo is just on the outs with Trump. You know, I wish what I wish would happen and they probably won't. There's just sessions and Donald Trump can like patch up their differences and not even give him a formal position. Just like, Hey, what do you think about this? What do you think about that? But that'll never happen. Daniel says he's correct on the twenty dollar warm body workers. Shut, don't buy up the dude wipes. Don't about the dude wipes. Those might be actually manufactured in like somewhere in Southeast Asia. That sounds like a product of Thailand. You might have to do with that. You do lights for a while. I named textured Jeff. What is somebody going to hold the DOJ accountable for paying Jack Smith's federal funds for being a special prosecutor when he is not being confirmed affirmed by Congress? So therefore the job is not stationed and they should have to pay all the money back to the treasury that he has been paid. I don't know that that works, but I do think the Supreme Court will eventually rule his prosecutions unconstitutional. And he is proceeding and acting under the, at the direction of the DOJ. They made a mistake, a tactical mistake by going that direction. But maybe that's how they thought that they had to do it. I don't think you had the way you hold the DOJ accountable there, a name texture, as you vote for Trump. What does that look like? What does November 6 look like if he is declared a winner? Can you imagine? A name texture. Jeff, I forgot about Ricardo. He would be great and there are others. Yeah, I think so too. I don't think I'm going to get Pompeii or Giuliani in there. Giuliani, I mean, he did exactly, he tried to be a loyal lieutenant for Donald Trump throughout. When the Billy Bush tape came out and everybody sort of laid low and abandoned Trump right before the 2016 election. One person didn't. One person was not afraid. He whittled all the shows. If you recall, Access Hollywood tape comes out on a Friday afternoon. At that same time was the WikiLeaks drop to there was a lot going on. I remember it. And then that Sunday morning, the Sunday shows, the only Trump surrogate that was willing to go on and go to bat for Donald Trump was Rudy Giuliani. Jeff, why does quit Hillier not like JD Vance because he was wrong about JD Vance? Michael Goldberg, Quinn Hillier, Cameron Smith, all these guys that are smarter than you and I because they read a couple of books that don't like JD Vance for some reason. And they're so wedded to that notion about JD Vance. Oh, I said some crazy things. Well, you know what? So then you're like intellectual fathers like William F. Buckley or whatever said things, but what's happened is you got up there on the stage and performed well. And now there's like this coping mechanism underway with these guys. It's, it gets incredible. The guys who like are kind of the never Trumpers, but they didn't go full Democrat. They didn't follow along with Joe Scarborough and Nicole Wall. They just sort of they're like too cool for school to be bag of, but they're not insane enough to be woke. They're just kind of out there on this island and they just steered everything. It's like the two grumpy old guys in the muppets. They're just kind of in the back making like sarcastic comments, looking down at you stupid people for liking your cult figure. Talking about how populism is for dumb people. Do not tell you populism people win. If there's enough populism, it's about winning elections. It's not about like I say, winning the debate trophy. Are getting that a plus and getting that gold star on your on your essay. It's just like you got to like take your emotional attachments, put them aside and look at this clearly. And the problem with guys like that is they never did that. They're not looking at this objectively. It's hard. I mean, I get it. Maybe you have your biases, but don't let your emotions be part of your biases because Donald Trump's a stinky mean dumb guy. I can't like him. I'm just mad that you like him is what I mean. There are people who are mad like angry about it, like emotional about it. Like politics is something you get that emotional over and you're willing to like die on that heel. What kind of value system do you have in your life? My choice for FBI or AG would be Tom Fitt. Judicial Watch has always brought hundreds of charges against the deep state and also state switching them to clean up their voter rolls. I don't know about that. All the reason I would say you need that judicial watch to be. You need that to continue to function. That's been very, very important. And Tom Fitt goes away. He's learned how to navigate a lot of this. Then who's the watchdog now? Dan, Iowa workers started $20 a cap after six years at 39. And all golf and East Coast ports, not bad and mobile, not so much in New York. 77% would put them $2 short on the West Coast. Just information. I don't have an opinion. That from Dan. I mean, just you. One more text we're going to break. This is Jeff from Indiana. But unless Congress can sit, he cannot legally be a special prosecutor unless we no longer abide by the law. Congress has to approve the executive branch appointees. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. We'll be right back. This is FM talk. One, zero, six, five. My heroes have always been cowboy. And they still are insane. Sat in search of one step in my own themselves. And they're slow food and green. Welcome back to the Jeff Port show with FM talk, 106 five. Hey, just staying with us on this Thursday morning. Rescue efforts underway. Have you heard these stories in North Carolina about certain people not being allowed in to help? There's a lot of weird reports coming out. And some of it seems very artificial or conspiratorial. And this is like a once in a thousand years event in Western North Carolina. And these are some backwards places, Burnsville, Spruce Pine up in the mountains there. I'm a, I grew up in Western, when they grew up, I was born in Western North Carolina. We live there for a time or two growing up. I spent my summers there. I know it pretty well. I was up there as recently as August. If you were already a listener of the show, you would have remembered. I took my three year old. We went from Fair Hope to Washington, D.C. but drove the entirety of the Blue Ridge Parkway. From Cherokee all the way to Williamsboro to Virginia and then Skyline Drive all the way from there to Front Royal. And then over on 66 to D.C. and then back to Fair Hope. And you go through all these places and once you realize, I mean, it's like. All of these little towns are built in these valleys. You don't build a town up on a mountain necessarily. And all that water coming down and coming down in these big, big amounts. But the velocity accumulates coming down the mountain and then it just kind of piles up in the valley. And as a matter of fact, when we were in Boone, my three year old and I, I mean, it was that other tropical storm that came up through there. A lot of our trip was when we were rained on the portion through that Northwestern part of North Carolina up into like southwestern Virginia. And it rained on us all the way to Roanoke and then it kind of cleared out after that. But you could see like trees and things falling and I mean, the wildlife was out in the road. And these are places that get a lot of rainfall annually too. So it's a once in a lifetime event is just understanding like the difference. And I know we get a lot of flooding down here for a hurricane parts of Mobile, but this, the rate, the speed of the water coming down and it piling up like it did. And it really is like a flash flood, serious flash flood situation. Daniel, some people thought he was racist and white privilege and they all see now it doesn't matter. Everything is better than sleepy Joe talking about JD Vance. Did anybody read Hillbilly Elegy? I gave you my heart. That's a take away from it. I want the residents of the Carolinas and Georgia are going through. But does the hurricane impact affect the election day? I think it does in North Carolina. We'll be right back. I didn't talk about that on the other side. This is the Jeff Pore show at FM Talk 106-5. [Music] I thrown away the blues. [Music] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Pore show. I don't think I've done it this way. [Music] Welcome back to the Jeff Pore show at FM Talk 106-5. Thank you for staying with us on this Thursday morning. Thanks. I need to be in touch with this program. The way it works. She texted me. I respond. It's just a more efficient means of communication. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. I'm still going to come on a program about 30 minutes from Mary Fogel. Then at 11 o'clock hour, we doubled up. Andrew Jones, state senator from Cherokee County and Carolyn Dobson, who's running for Congress in the second congressional district. So, you'll make sure you stick around for that. Let's see. Let's get to back to what we were talking about here. So, before it to break, texture, not to take what you think away from the residents of Carolina and Georgia are going through. So, does the Hurricane impact affect election day? All two grounds. Yes. People are not going to be thinking about voting a month from now with their lives sort of in this state of despair and the state of chaos. That's for sure, number one. And that's a, it's a very Republican voting part of North Carolina. Not so much around Asheville or Boone. So, Watauga County and Buncombe County. But the rest of it, there's two blue dots up where that state is and then Asheville, which is just hippie central. And then generally speaking, the rest of West North Carolina is very, very Republican. So, that's something to be aware of if that's a swing state. But I think there's an added dimension to this. And this has to be, this has to be the narrative that the Trump campaign makes sure that they make clear to these poor people. In Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, wherever you've been impacted, Virginia. This administration has put more resources, more effort, more fly by night tactics into patient resettlement. The CHNV program. Immigration, legal and illegal. Asylum seekers quote, unquote. Then they have for the people in the disaster area. They were not prepared to call off guard. You got Joe Biden pulled a George W. Bush apparently and no one seems to care. They got to own it. And the media aren't going to make him own it, but you don't have to own it in the national media. But you got to make sure that you own it locally. Like you start running ads up there. You start, you make Joe Biden own it and by extension Kamala Harris, I think that's how you win the election. I don't care, the media will screen and will say, this is so unsavory. This is so unfair. But you know what? It's true. They have their emphasis on the wrong thing. What's important? Domestic policy are your like little ideological fever dream about the border. I think you got to make the Biden administration all this dock workers strike. The shortages on the shelves, even if it is panic buying, you don't have panics. We don't have a strike. And you potentially don't have a strike if we don't have Joe Biden in office. We have a transportation secretary. Where's he at? Damn Yankee. These people are pretty shameless. They're blaming Trump for the Iranian attack on Israel. A Pelosi yesterday on MSNBC said that. That woman's insane because she's not insane because she actually believes that. She's insane for lying about it. She's driven to this crazy state of mind because of just this. When it all costs, get the power any way you can lie through your teeth if you have to. There's no damn way you could blame Donald Trump for what the Iranians have done. You know, it's one of the probably thinks that, but they're going to blame all these things that happened while Biden was president. It troubles at fault. Why did it take him so long? Now, if it happens like within a year of inauguration, maybe I'm open to that argument. Three and a half years, you don't get to blame it on the last president. And they've been doing this a lot. Immigration, they're hollow, like manufactured, contrived reasoning that immigration and the border is so chaotic is because Donald Trump told Republicans what to do. He told Republicans not not to go along with the James Langford bill, who by the way, I got to meet last week at Auburn or go home again. Told them not to go along with it, which is just false. Do you think Mitch McConnell is like, well, Donald Trump says we can't go along with it. Or was it just a bad bill? Give me a good faith effort from Langford, but not a not a good bill, not something Republicans need to be supporting the ILA Union ball should be arrested for domestic terrorism. No, I think you do have some constitutional rights that you have to at least address before doing that. If the federal response doesn't approve, I believe, come of hope, the people will get out to vote somehow and the conspiracy is that the feds are slow to come in and like restore order because they don't want those people affected voting. If you take that approach, I mean, I guess in the city of Asheville, North Carolina place I'm familiar with that was the big city for Brevard, Hendersonville, Wadesville, all those surrounding areas, Canton and I mean, those are their voters. It doesn't get any bluer, I mean, maybe, maybe parts of the research triangle, maybe parts of Greensboro, but that's a very, very blue, rigid, ideologically rigid part of the state. He's sure. I mean, Democrats have won that seat in the past that Western North Carolina, it's where Mark Meadows was from, it's a, it's a swing congressional district. It has been passed. It may be a little more Republican these days, but in the past, it has been a Democrat seat and there's enough Democrats at the cycles going right for a Democrat to win it. So I don't know if they're, they're, maybe they're hurting themselves. They don't get things kind of sped up there, but you're right. I think people are going to look around and say, wow, a government's supposed to take care of me. Government's supposed to make sure that it's supposed to play daddy and make sure that I'm fed and warm and have a roof over my head. And guess what? It's just just not doing that. It's failing you. Learning like, oh, wow. Well, I'm always, uh, but I think, well, hope is maybe a better word. Uh, it will impact their views on government in general and say they need to deliver the victory for Donald Trump because they're in a disaster in an area, but like, what the lesson needs to be, so you got us, you know, even if this was an unexpected event and you just got caught in it because you've seen these flash floods and there was no need to evacuate. No one was telling you to, but that being said, um, you need to learn from it that government government is, is not what it is not a deity. It is not something you need to put before God. You do, you don't need to replace faith in your life with a faith in government. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, still seeing a lot of pictures of toilet paper shorts as a tea stores all around Alabama, um, that there's, there's a lot of like, think pieces and the, like TV news in this state, how you people don't need to be buying that up. If you haven't bought your toilet paper by now and you're low on it, you may be in trouble though and it's not like, Hey, you don't have anything to worry about. That says the wrong message and you may initially not have had anything to worry about the, the coworker strike may be a silly reason to go out and buy it up, but the reason you go buy it up now is because everybody else is buying it up because of the panic. You got to react to the panic. You got to react to the market. You can't react to what the, the so called experts say sometimes maybe long term and they may be right, but your behavior shouldn't be dictated by experts. You'd be able to be dictated by what you see with your own eyes because that's, this is like a classic illustration of sort of the deference to authority that we are supposed to live our lives through, according to the mainstream media. Don't believe your eyes. We have the experts, the academics, the policy think, think guys, who will tell you you got nothing to worry about, but people are irrational. They're not going to listen to your experts and you as an individual had to react to the irrationality of people and they don't tell you that, do they? That's what you got to know. All you just do without toilet paper, oh, oh, oh, oh, I don't buy any toilet paper because I saw channel six tonight. This is all silly and it's a manufactured crisis. Well, it's a manufactured crisis, but it's still a crisis. Oh, well, I'm going to show them I'm just going to do without. Well, you do without it your old peril. You react to what's going on if people are panic buying. Well, guess what? Maybe a sheep and go panic buy to. I hate to say it. That's just the way it is. We have to react to dump it. We had to do it on the highways all the time when people run stoplights or stop signs and just slam on your brakes. You can't just keep on plowing on through because you probably could kill somebody. Even if you are right, according to the textbooks, I mean, human behavior is what it is as chaotic. It's irrational and people are going to be people, I'm not saying people are acting out of malice or some part or bad faith, but you got to understand people. The way they think sometimes leads to these panics. Meanwhile, the Georgia Pacific or whoever makes toilet paper, probably like bringing on lots of text. You're reacting to that 2513430106, we'll be right back. This is F.H.E.P. talk, 106.5. Text slide, 2513430106, come up to the next section of the video. We're going to get through a real quick here, fire dog, Democrats, learn question mark. You must have hit the old Fair Hope wacky Tabaki. I pass that place all the time and I'm just out of curiosity. I want to stop, but I, it's always like, I don't have time for that. I know what's talking about there though, fire, fire dog, ah, and a texture. I believe the Union boss is purposely misleading the union workers with astronomical agreement offer. A few years from now, they will be out of a job because of the smart machines and overreaching contract negotiations. You also get a kickback from the companies, that's the way it works. I think this automation stuff is only going to be fast-tracked with these strikes. And what about the workers, well, I'm sorry, your jobs obsolete. It's the way the world is. I, you know, we, we, you could slow it down and try to like incorporate yourself into this new brave new world, but guys, that's the way the cookie crumbles. You can't negotiate this as part of a, some kind of collective bargaining agreement that we're not going to let talk technology proceed past this point. Um, all the T move orders are stuck on the ship and T move makes some garbage though. You'll be like looking at, uh, especially the radio equipment or something or for the Faroe Bureau and all of the knock offs, wow, man, you know how many pairs of socks I've gotten over the years, Oh my, you didn't have to, that's TMI right there. Jerry, a second year civil engineer student at West Georgia University could have predicted what two feet of rain would do to that place. Why did you say West Georgia University? Is that Auburn? Is that, that's your joke there, Jerry. I bet you the second year civil engineer student at Auburn is a little higher, more sought after than the second year near student across the state, but they didn't think two feet of rain. Who would have thought that storm system that that tropical storm would just sit over that area? Damn Yankee 90% of toilet paper used in the United States is made in the United States. The other 10% made in Canada zero toilet paper is important, but yes, you're correct to people who panic need to perish. It's called natural selection, but I get back to this, we're not, we're past the point of the, the, the, the, the run to run on toilet paper because of the strike. That was like phase one. Phase two is the run on toilet paper because of the panic. I mean, it's just like you got a, if you don't, if you don't react and you don't stock up, what do you do it? Well, I'm not going to get into the conventional wisdom. I mean, like don't believe you're lying eyes here, but there's a shortage of this necessity. And you need to make sure you take care of yourself. And if you just listen to the experts, well, maybe in a few days you'll have some available as a restock to shelves. What are you doing to me time? Huh? I'm not listening to them, those, those fear mongers on the social media. Ah, that stuff is, I don't listen to the social media. I want that 30 minutes of my life back. What do you think a Kevin Boone? Do you think he's stocked up a toilet paper? Barrow City Councilman there Martin, regarding the immigration thing recently Biden Harris has tried to take credit for increased border crossings. It needs to be pointed out that every year, the couple of hottest months the crossings are always down for the obvious reasons. Yeah, I guess I don't think it moves the deal. I think people are just smart. I think people are like, hey, there's a problem down there. And they could say, well, my border crossings are down under, but no advise it. No one believes you go. I'll collect $200, I'll pass, go go to the Drake to jail. All right, back. This is the Jeff for show and I've been talking one of six, five. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Thanks for joining us now on the line, we did this every Thursday, April, April, November, April, April, April, April, April, April, April, April, April. 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