GBag Nation

5th hour of the G-Bag Nation: Around the Bases; 2 Guys 1 Booth: The Best of the Cowboys Radio Broadcast Week4; Crosstalk w/ The Fan After Dark

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28 Sep 2024
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I'm Rod Bradford of Baseball's and Boring, and we're gonna have you covered every step of the way with instant reactions from players and coaches and managers and fans and reporters and everybody else who is immersed in this awesomeness and all the craziness that comes with October baseball. So follow baseball as I'm Boring in the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music) - Hour number five of the GBAC nation here, one bet pay off to go. Brotis is gonna shave his eyebrows here before too long. As a wool chuck has a proper round trip where we'll go around the basis. We got some breaking cowboy news as well. And here he is, Zachary. - Yeah, we'll start with the Cowboys news and this is from Ian Rappaport as Demarcus Lawrence will be out at least four weeks with a midfoot sprain making him a prime candidate to land on injured reserve at this point he'll be in the England. - We're shaving at 105th of the Twitch and YouTube, Brotis and Classic, Brotis Fashion is just jumping into it with no fanfare. One eyebrow is over 50% gone. - It's stringy. - Are you dipping it in some soap and water? You're just going dry on that? - Nevermind. - Oh, he's got his mic off. - I'm sorry, soap and water. - So no. - Soap and water with a random 99% bick razor. - Do you? - Like, is that a thing? We usually just use soap and water to... - Yeah, soap and water, shaving cream, shaving cream. Yeah, I guess that's kind of what I've gone. - But the soap will help you, you know, get it nice and slick a little bit. How's it coming off there? You feel like it's... - It looks like it's a little bit more struggle. - More thick and coarse on those eyebrows than you thought. - I don't know, it's kind of coming off, I thought. - It's coming off, it's coming off. - It's funny though, man. I think we're going to be, like honestly, the first one's going to come off and then we're going to look and we're not even going to be able to tell it's that much different than the one that's still on. - We might not notice it all. 'Cause it's just a fair, it's a fair color. - It feels like it's coming off. - It's coming off. - I'm not sure if that's just a gob of soap on the left side or if that's still here. - That we'll see, but yeah, bad news when it comes to Demarcus Lawrence. Next four weeks for the Cowboys, they're in Pittsburgh, Lions at home by a week, they're not staying for him. So you just assume he's going to miss all three of those games. Maybe they avoid putting him on the I. Or just because you got a bi-week mix in there, but not great and hopefully Micah can come back soon rather than later. - Don't get so open your eye over there. - I'm trying not to. - Bad news on Demarcus Lawrence. Yeah, that sucks on tank. - Yeah, it really does. I mean, I don't know where those teams are really going to generate pass rush from without those two. I mean, I'm hopeful maybe Marsha and Neland can step up. - I mean, you're awesome. - Between those two, you're like losing maybe a half sack of game. - Yeah, I mean, they're potentially your two best defense players. - Sorry. - Sorry. - I know, but they have been playing well. - But to this point, I mean, yeah, what tanks got on the season two sacks, Micah's got one. - Yeah, I mean, listen, Micah demands so much attention from these offenses, his presence alone there does so much for the Cowboys defense. Not having Micah is going to be excruciating from a pain standpoint because even with him, there's not enough that really scares the offense. So they're able to just key in on him and he's still trying to be as disruptive as possible. But I mean, the pass rush is concerning even with Micah, but without him, it's going to be non-existent. - Yeah, these quarterbacks are going to have all day. - Yeah, I mean, Daniel Jones had a clean pocket the majority of the night last night and that was with Micah rushing. So this is going to be a tall pass for at least a couple of weeks here. But the tank injury news, that's bad. All right, so we got one completely gone. - Yeah. - It's completely smooth. - Yeah, it is. - Think you're good. - Yeah, I can see how smooth it is from here, man. And look, can you, I can't tell. - I don't think what you can tell. - Yeah, you can tell from here, I can. - You're close enough? - Yeah, okay, so the left one is gone. - Yeah. - The left one's gone, about to do the right. - It's pretty gone. I mean, you can, after we're just gonna go check in the bathroom, if you need to like clean any up, clean areas. - Okay, and it would honestly be a good job. - If he gets like a little razor burn or something up there, it'd be kind of funny though. - If I just cut gash myself. - No, I'm not a full gash or talking. - Just like blood pouring down in my eye. - Yeah. - I'm just looking for something. - Yeah, like a wrestler, so just go ahead and cut yourself a little bit and believe like that. A wrestler. Chimmy Snuka, super fly, just cut my forehead and just blood pouring down my face. - Dig in there, Brian. - Like a real badass. - How'd that feel, man? - It feels weird. - Yeah. - Yeah, but I bet it does. - But again, I did this because I don't have any eyebrows. - Yeah, this was definitely-- - Once again, Brian skirts the deal. - I mean, you're still cutting your eyebrows off. - I mean, this is much better than wool chuck's pathetic payout from earlier, you know. - We can keep going with that. - Yeah, that's true. - I just wanted to throw some sacks. - I didn't know why you guys didn't try and throw some more 'cause-- - Yeah, I mean, I gave you the blueprint. - Waiting. - I mean, Brian got a good hit in there. - Yeah. - It dropped perfectly. Boom, right on the go. - Here we go, more on the right eye here. - I didn't like the optics of it. - Why? - I don't know, I just, in my mind, I just don't think it's painful, you know? It's like a bad bag through clothes. A heavy sack. - At 20 miles an hour sack. - This one's taking a little more. See a little more. - You just gotta have more confidence in yourself that you're gonna be able to drop it in there. - Well, I know, but like a bet payoff should be guaranteed pain. Like when Colby Sap kicked me between the legs violently, you know? - Did it hurt? - Yeah. - Of course it did. - We can do that. Maybe Dawson could kick Walchuck in the nuts before shows end tonight. - But a good old kick in the-- - I really, it doesn't bother me that much. I just think in light of last week's epic fight that you two had, you know, I'd stir that pot a little bit about it. - That was a lot of that whiskey, I think, was talking there. - Yeah. - It was two dudes that had a lot of whiskey. - They got very upset. - That's why them cowboys just shoot each other. - Yeah. - Let's go outside. - Let's not shoot each other, damn it. - You know, let's just draw. - Let's go settle. - We got about enough of you. (laughing) - We're gonna go first. - All right, watching those Western movies, I always thought, wow, these guys had short tempers, but that makes a lot more sense. - It's the whiskey, bro. - Yeah. - It's whiskey. - It's the whiskey. - Yeah. - It's whiskey. - Hot whiskey. - And you're tired of dusting this bar. - Yeah. - You had to tie up a horse to get in there. - And the no AC, and there was no AC in those days. - Everybody stinks. - You smell like Eric peeing on themselves. - Yeah, it's true. That did the smell of that was, it actually ended, I underestimated. - I guess it's a good thing I can't smell. - I told you, it smelled, you're like, oh, you're not smelling anything, yeah? - Okay, so the two one four says, I don't have anything to say because I chose to be sprayed with water and I bead out. I thought that was a pretty fun payoff. - It was fun. - You know, and the video's probably good too. - I thought it was fun. - I was very unsettling. - I enjoy velocity water. - Yeah, just pump faking on you and getting you to flinch like that was really fun. - I enjoyed it. - All right. - Let's open the eye. - Is this the other one off? Getting close. - Ooh, yeah, I really can't tell a difference. - That payoff paid, good job. - Wow, goodbye. Next week he's gonna shave his head for the ultimate bet. - By the way, this week. - Dusty, you know me too well. - We've added to the payoff board the Brian Dable dying of beard. And we've also in that same vein through on the Joe Burro, you know, like the Slim Shiesty kind of deal that he was doing. - Blonde hair? - You know, dye your hair blonde. - Honestly, he might need to go back. He might need to get rid of the blonde. He is, they're on three. - It's not a scalp dying. It's an actual hair dying. I don't think Broadway's cool. - What if he paints his scalp? - I think the next one I do, I think the next one I do will be the Mrs. Doubtfire. I do actually like Helmet Man, where we paint on Bratus, a full on cowboy's helmet. It's silver dome, blue stars. We paint even on like a face mask onto his face. And he's got to do that. That would actually be a pretty fun one. - And like a remote? - Yeah, on remote would be great. So the toes can see it live in the flesh there, but like painting on a full on cowboy's helmet would actually be funny. - It'd be good, yeah. It'd be fun. Shout out to the Rangers. They're pursuing creating their own regional sports network. - There we go. - At the end of the season. - Thank you. - So this is great news. - Maybe that's gonna get a gig. - This is when the season ends. Of course they got their current contract with Bally. That's gonna end on Sunday, last game of the season. So this is gonna be an ambitious route here for the Rangers. We don't have a ton of details on this, but according to a report from the Sports Business Journal on, well today, Diamond off to the Rangers, a competitive rights fee to remain with Bally, but the team rejected it. So Rangers officials did not confirm or deny the report, but it is worth noting that the Rangers current situation essentially makes them a free agent. So if an RNS model proves to be too ambitious and undertaking, there is nothing that would prohibit them from returning to the table later in the off season. So they can go ahead and try and do this. I mean, I hope they do. This would fall suit kind of what the stars are doing with Victory Plus. - You said that was an RNS model? - RSN. - Okay, RSN model. - That sounds interesting. - What does that mean, Dawson? - Regional sports network. - Thank you for-- - I see why about this on Tuesday, right? He didn't really have any thoughts. - I guess none of this is finalized yet. So they're workshopping it, but I think this would be fun. And hopefully it then allows all Ranger fans to be able to consume the product. - I wanna believe that if they get their cash flow freed up, they'll be super aggressive, but I feel like the way that Ray framed this opening week, he's maybe not only a cheapskate, but he's also worried about the luxury tax implications. He doesn't wanna lose draft picks 'cause that's the ultimate card for a cheapskate owner to play, you know? So hopefully we get this TV money flowing. We have a big spending, we get the Japanese Sasaki dude, you know, first baseman that could bomb. - Sasaki bomb. - Yeah. - We hopefully we get all those things, but I don't know, I can't trust this owner. - The Sasaki chants are gonna write themselves if that dude struggles that I'm feeling for him already. We should see if Jared can notice anything different about Broadway 'cause Jared just walked in studio. - He might have been listening on the radio. - He was listening, he was podcasting his balls off. - Yeah, he was doing given range mistakes. I got a big game tonight, dude. So he's-- - He thinks he's my bastard, he doesn't realize it's broadest. - Yeah, so Jared is looking right now at broadest, trying to figure out what's different about him after a bet payoff that removed, not one but two body parts. - Oh, he's eyebrows. - His eyebrows, but the fact that it took that long. - Takes a second, though, right? - The rim of his glasses were blocking it. - There you go. - We call that, we call that, yeah, we call that. - We kind of teed him up for that one. - Nailed it. - It's gonna help him here, but when he removes him, it's still even not like obvious, right? - I think, yeah, you're not like bushy eyebrow guy where it's like, yeah, like if Zach removed his eyebrows, that'd be one wild. - It'd be wild. - I think your daughter would cry. - I think she might. - You wouldn't know he were. - It'd probably be worse than like, you shave your beard. - I'd like to say her name on air, but though I didn't know. - Yeah, Liza, pick him up. - Well, I just wanna make sure of him. Did you know Walchuck's middle name was Marmaduke? - I didn't know what it was. I remember one, it was probably this time of the year. - It is with an animal. - Rangers playing meaningless, baseball, West Coast. And Zach was behind the board when he wasn't like, lying his way out of it, like that one time. And he was trying to get me around for Jared talking for 45 minutes straight. - Yeah, he was trying to get me to guess his middle name and I remember it was saying kind of bizarre, but it wasn't Marmaduke, right? It wasn't, okay, it was like a bizarre like. - Yeah, it was an M word. - It is an M word. It was a family. - It's like a British, like a English, yeah. - Maurice. - Melvin. - It's a great name. - Maurice. - Melvin, Marvin, the Martian. - Yeah, that was it. - Thanks, Jared. - Oh, Jared, you're the man. All right, shout out to the Dodgers. They've clinched yet another division title. As Shohei Otani is going to be in the postseason, 11 times in 12 seasons. The Dodgers have now gone ahead and been NLS champs. They gotta win over the Padres. They're also going to be going into the postseason and congratulations to them, although the Dodgers have a situation brewing. Freddie Freeman rolling his ankle. Hopefully this is not something that ends up lingering and hurts their chances. - Pardon me for being ignorant. - You're ignorant. - What races are still going on? Are the twins and the Tigers and-- - Yeah, okay, so I'm glad we got that up so I'm sorry for the Tigers. - The Tigers are still trying to get in here. Now, the Whiteside-- - The White Sox. - The Whiteside's actually trying to play spoiler here. So the Tigers lead the twins by two and a half games. They got three to play here, okay? - So should Minnesota win tonight? Oh, I guess last night, they already played and they did, I believe, win. So you got the White Sox that pushed back Garrett Crochet, start to tonight just so the Tigers would have to face him. So the Whiteside's who have not cared about winning whatsoever, but they hate the Tigers. They're like, you know what? Why not? Let's go ahead and try and play spoiler. - I'm digging this. - So push the Tigers for making-- - Hey, if you're trying to win, I'm digging this at the end. - I like it. - Instead of trying to quit and let them get in. - Why not? - Yeah. - And Crochet, it's poor six and 12, but actually he's had a damn good season. But it is funny. The White Sox who have been historically bad this year are like, hey, maybe we can go ahead and knock the Tigers out of here. - Dude, did the White Sox have a guy that's lost 20 games? - Yeah. - They had a lot of straight games. - They had a bunch of guys that have lost over 119. - Well, I'm in a pitcher. - They did. - A pitcher. - Yeah. - Oh, no, sorry. - But yes, they did have a pitcher. - Man, we actually had that for a round of the base. - Hey, do we know? Do we know what the Otani-- - Yeah, we have that story. - The Otani playoff pitching plan is yet, have we put any, like, do we know anything yet on-- - No, but-- - They call my buddy Dave Roberts. - They haven't ruled it out. - Yeah. - They haven't ruled it out. That was the latest that I had heard. - Okay. - But nothing official on if he is indeed going to pitch. Yank, he's have also clinched the AL East and, you know, shout out to Aaron Judge who continues to hit homers. He could possibly get another 60 homerun season. - Yeah. - Pretty damn amazing. He's got five years, 60 homers for the Yankees. All right, there's around the bases. - Brought to you by Uber Eats. - Brought to you by the damn Uber Eats. Who I love dearly. - Mostly Uber Eats, guys. Thank you, old Chuck. Good bet payoff says the 2-1-4 for brought us. You have to keep the fan text open all show and look at it. - See that? - I think that's the way that we have on the board. - That is on the board. - Yeah, but we had the HR with like, there was a mental health concern for us. - I see, so I don't know. - You know what? - We haven't fully gotten that one approved yet. - If you get that approved, that would be a very tough one for me. That would be tough. - I don't think. - Because I don't want to let you SOBs ruin my day. - Right. - How about 817 reverse Mohawk or regular Mohawk? I'd be willing to do that. Do you think if I lost my eyebrows, you'd be able to tell a lot? 'Cause they're kind of like lighting. - I don't think so either. I don't think so either. - They're a light. I think I just dig in with that razor over there, Brian. - Yeah, just get the double one. - Get my ledger cleared for the day. - Hey, I'm in favor of that. Hey, throw that thing over to him. - It's a safety hazard. - You know, you shouldn't use a used razor for another person. - Did you have a two pack? - Yeah, you have multiple. - I just got one. - You just got one. - I'm sorry, but I would not feel comfortable. - Oh yeah, that broadest has that dirty blood. - Yeah, I don't want to do that to Dawson. - You got it. - You got it. - No, I just don't. - I've heard that in the NFL, man, because some of those do then they got an infection, staff infection. - Do I need to get hit in the ball some more? I mean, what's the deal here? - No, you're good. - 'Cause I ain't know. - I know, bitch. - Okay. - Well, that's good. We're whiskey flowing again, it's time to run. Two guys, one booth coming up next, and audio celebration of the game that was is next here on 1053. ♪ It's been a long year ♪ - After investing billions to light up our network, T-Mobile is America's largest 5G network. Plus, right now, you can switch, keep your phone, and we'll pay it off up to $800. See how you can save on every plan versus Verizon and AT&T at (upbeat music) Up to four lines via virtual prepaid card to left 15 days, qualifying unlocked device credits, service ported, 90 post days with device ineligible carrier and timely redemption required. Card has no cash access and expires in six months. Post-season baseball is here, and it is the absolute best time of the year. I'm Rod Bradford of Baseball's and Boring, and we're gonna have you covered every step of the way with instant reactions from players, and coaches, and managers, and fans, and reporters, and everybody else who is immersed in this awesomeness and all the craziness that comes with October baseball, so follow baseball as I'm Boring, and the free Odyssey app, or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music) - The fan. All right, welcome back, nation. It is time for two guys, one booth, and one of Salute Douglas Bearclaw there with the Cowboys, said, send him a flag and he can have Eric Kendricks hold it up when he's doing the show on Thursdays. Eric Kendricks Cowboys players show Thursdays at five, - He played really well yesterday. - Nice, here with us in the G-Bagnation. If you want broadest film takeaways, Crusty's Corner every day at 3.40, he stood and delivered just a couple of hours ago, and you can get that with instant rewind functionality on the app, or Twitch, YouTube, wherever you get us digitally. - Yeah, me and Bobby doing love with the star, too, and I think it's, we actually posted our post-game stuff from last night. Bobby was nice enough to stick around in some of the conversations that we normally had at Zack and Bobby and I had. So, check that out on your platform, your honestly platform. - All right, let's rock it. Of course, Flagtober 2024, tomorrow you can get the entire schedule. Come get your Whataburger 2024 G-Bagnation flag and iconic image. We're only gonna do it one year, and it'll be an all new flag next year, but this one is a can't miss item. Segment's brought to you by the Franckles. Life's unpredictable accidents happen. Franklin Franklin, the go-to. Car and truck wreck attorneys in Dallas, if you're a loved one's hurt in an accident, not your fault, 214 or 817-333-3333. Go to Here they are, wool chuck, gia fala. - The only way to relive a nine hour cowboy game day broadcast here on your home with the Cowboys 1053, the fan is especially on a victory Monday or Friday like today. Here it is, two guys, one booth. - You want a little of this? - Let the record show that didn't call out Michael's the wrong name or anything like that during the pregame. So that was a step the right direction. And also let the record show that Brad Cham was calling for a little bit more Zeke touches as well. - That is well. Yeah, we actually had a caller last night that said they need to elevate Dalvin Cook and they need to just run Dalvin Cook and Zeke 30 times again. - Yeah, and that's good football thinking right there. We start, I was driving home, listening, and I hear Cham railing against the, I guess the in-house entertainment there at MetLife State. They just did an interesting thing. Now it's a night game, you don't have a whole lot of those, but they blacked out, they turned off all the lights so they could have their celebrity DJ, whoever that is, doing his DJ thing with phones and lights. - You know, Post Malone is down there. He was on the sideline. - Yeah, well, we're in a brand-in-off region. - Yeah, let him perform for goodness sake. - I don't need a DJ when I got Post Malone. - I don't, it's just odd, all the lights go off. I thought the NBA season didn't start for almost a month. - Man, that'd be crusty, huh? - It was in like the DJs and, hey, what'd have been cool with Post Malone had of gone ahead and performed? - I remember one time, one of my last games there, is it the Baja Men, who, Baja Men-- - Who let the dogs out? - Who let the dogs out, they perform. - That's badass. - I was on the-- - Half-time show? - It was a half-time show and the Baja Men showed up, they set up a little stage and they, who let the dogs out? And everybody was singing along with it, it was pretty fun. - Man, we still don't know who's up performing for Thanksgiving yet, do we? I don't think that's been announced. - That's not been announced yet. - Maybe very soon. - First Charlotte Jones. - I was kind of hoping they were just gonna go back to back Dolly, just Dolly again in the cheerleader outfit. - Yeah. - That really caught you down. - Iconic. - It was iconic. - Let's get to Kickers, be people too. - I would invite Chief to sing the National Anthem. I know we have the guy that plays the horn. - He wouldn't be the worst. - I think Chief would be pretty good singing the National Anthem. - Hey, thank you. I was hoping that I was gonna get the call for something like that. - Honestly, I was kind of worried for you, but not, you should not sing any time you want. - Really? - That was pretty rough. - Above average. - No, that was impressive. For the National Anthem, I think you kind of messed up a line, but I mean, who am I? - I don't know. - But I thought it was well done. - Hey, I've always respected your scouts a year, and you know that. - Been to a lot of stadiums, heard it a lot of times. - Yeah, there's definitely been some bad renditions. No doubt, that one, not one of them. - I want them. - Let's get to Kickers and their numbers. Do you care what number the Kicker wears? - The Giant's Kicker, thank Joseph. - Where it's number 34. That should be reserved for like a full bag or running, right? I mean, Kickers are always in the teens. - Nailed it. - Other than college. You know, 98's. - Everybody's wearing everything now. - Well, that's true. - Well, I know, okay, I'm sorry. - You had 11 playing linebacker for granted, I love it. - Stick with it, babe. - Yeah. - Don't let Brad back you down like that. 34. - Yeah. - Had a good point. Not something that really bothered me in the moment, but now that he says it, the hell is the Kicker doing 134? - It's wheels off, it's unstable. - You know, what's going on? - Yeah. - Stop it, stop it now. - Yeah. - Look like a D2 college program running around out there. - Come on. - What's your ideal Kicker number? Is it single digits? Or do you like the college? - 99. - 99. - 99. - 99. - Not a bad bet. 69, you know. But no, I would say 17. A quarterback number. - Yeah, baby. - 17. - 17, I think it's perfect. - About one. - One's a good one. I think that's a punter number for me. - 10's a good soccer number. You are kicking it, you know? 10 could be good. - 10's the best player on the team, right? Or is it the best player? - Yeah, nine's usually the striker. - I thought we gave it to Cooper Rush. - These days, I thought it was number one, was like the guy. Is your best player? - In soccer? - Not in soccer. - Oh, oh, we were, okay, I'm sorry. - Yeah, I think they didn't do it. - Yeah, there has been some of that as well. - One goal. - I'll go ahead, no, not to that. All right, looks like somebody came into MetLife last night carrying a bag of Fs. - Which is a call. - A handoff, yeah. - Oh, it wasn't a handoff, yeah. - Yeah. - Which is a call that you almost want to say, the coach brought in a bag of Fs and it was empty, so he had no more to give. And I'm going to give it at my own 40. I'm going to give it at my full bag. - Well, shock, shock action. Then I feel like there's a lot of the playbook there. It's just a bag of Fs. - I could tell, dude, I'm serious. When Sham was talking about feeding Zeke a little bit, I was like, he's got the eye of the tiger tonight. He's about to go, he's about to go and have four quarters of, well, just pure dominance. And that's an example. - Well, we did get a TD and it was on a screen. Holy hallelujah. - How about that? Rico Dallerade, downtown Daller. - Oh, baby, my guy Cooper, baby. Just hauling ass down. - Shout out to Rico Dallerade. - Shout out to Ferguson, an old Tyler Smith, getting body on body. - Tyler Smith, yeah, good block. - Lamb is in a slot on the right this time. Snap to Prescott, looks right. Now goes screen left. Dallerade with a block to the 10 to the five. He's into the end zone, touchdown. And that, of course, made the score seven to three. I believe this was Brad Sham's shining moment last night. - A long red zone and the Cowboys cashed in and Aubrey for the extra point. 208 left, first quarter. Dallerade has its first lead since 1941. (laughing) - Dallerade, it's been very good. Very well, it's been long, very good. - My dad hits me up during every game and has something aligned from Sham that just has him cackling. - Seven time stamp, that was the one. - That was the one, that was the one last night. - Yeah, that was a good one. Firstly, since 1941, having fun with it, there's probably a better one from Christie later on. But now we get to an interesting raincoat analogy. - Diggs had him at about a three or four yard gain and he just fell off. Like if you put your raincoat on a bad hanger and it gave, it just fell right off. - Unfortunately, Malik Hooker was right there. - That happens to me, I find that issue with the towel situation in the bathroom or, you have like that hook or whatever I'm putting the towel on there. I can't tell you how many times. I'm trying to use the towel three or four times and then it falls on the floor. I feel like the floor is dirtier than me. I hate when it falls on the floor. - Yeah, you gotta wash it now. - Yeah, that's, I find that issue constantly. Both times a week. - I'm with ya. They always are cold ones. - You just can't be lazy about it. You know, you gotta be like Jordan Lewis, details, details, details. You get it on now. - It's tough. All right. Wow, McCarthy was not doing a Sunday approved words. - I know for a fact that Mike McCarthy went to Mass today 'cause I saw him down there and I believe he just invoked his Lord's name. If I read his lips correctly, it was a good Mass. It was a local priest. - Well, I also think there was a relative of some type down there because he started with son of a, and so I'm son of who, son of Micah, son of-- (laughing) - Yeah, I think he called that dude a P-word too. The guy that was down there late in the game, '98 or whatever. (laughing) - He really, really good. Son of a few words. - He was sort of Micah. (laughing) - McCarthy treated him the same way Dawson would treat that 18 year old kid who's suing the Otani ball guy. (laughing) - Yeah. Tough enough. By the way, Brian, thanks for the Stella 0.0. Just cracking on the other one. - That's all it's there, you know? - It's been quite the extra good. - Yeah. - And sprayed in the face with the accident with the wifey. - My goodness. - Yeah, it's been a hell of a bit. - Quite a Friday night. - Yeah, it sure has been. All right, we also had a great moment with CD Lam. Although there was a bogus talent in call, this was a glorious TD. - From the 45 first down, shotgun, good blitz pickup, and press that down the left side to glam work the tackle. 35 out one, three men into the end zone. Touchdown, CD Lam. - That was fantastic. - Great crowd, man. Great crowd. The crowd sound. - Yeah. Oh, the crowd sound was on the line. - Yeah, the crowd sound was on the line. - It was getting it done. - A lot of Cowboys fans. - Getting it done. - Tension fighters. - Yeah. - We might have a better home field advantage away. - At, you know what? Probably true. - Especially against a bad team, you know? I don't think a Cowboys fans here want to go see it, but maybe if you're a New York Cowboys fan, you know, it's your one chance a year. - Well, Chuck's making the trip to Pittsburgh next week. - He's going to see it. - Yeah, I wish I'd get a refund for that one, but I'll be there. I'll be there and I'll let you know how many Cowboys fans are in attendance. - Well, Chuck was literally telling me the other day. He was like, I just can't wait to see Micah up close and personal for real. You know, like really watch the line get out there and dominate at Heinz. - You might play. You never know. - Oh, for sure. - Yeah. - Please get up low. - We've seen miracles happen before. Here's Babe Loffenberg with his stat of the day. - What's your favorite statistic? - Oh gosh, time of possession. Giants before that play had 1754, Dallas 1006. - Oh, so they must be leading. - Cowboys lead 14 to six. - Oh my. Brad knows time of possession is probably my least favorite stat. - Is that your least favorite stat? Time of possession? Maybe, maybe it's meaningless. - Yeah. - There's something to it, right? - There's certainly something to it. - Defense is probably exhausted. - Yes, exactly. - Which one tells you more of where the game's going, turnovers or those explosive plays? - Oh yeah, that's the debate right now. I think the explosive plays have won out for me. I think the in terms of what matters more. - I think I'd probably lean that way too. 'Cause a team can get a turnover and then do nothing with it. - I kind of feel like too, this is something I learned from Mike Lombardi. It would be that missed field goals are like a turnover. - Absolutely. Especially with the long field goal. - Yeah, absolutely. This was pretty darn good. - Christie Scales, leading brand, right to the tequila bottle, watching the Scowl Boys team. - How for you to say it. Oh, who are you? - Now you're not a beer drinker that I know of. - Have you been watching this team? - You will. - Yes, I have. - Bad went straight to the heart stuff. - I will. - After they gave up to the 74 and the ground. - To the tequila, if you must know. (laughing) - If you must know. - Yeah. - We've been driving people to drink for a while now. - Ooh, absolutely. - Sometimes they drive you to drink so much, you need an IV like Babe did last night in the booth. - And I'd mentioned earlier, it's very humid here. - Oh, oh. - I thought I might need an IV on the field earlier, Brad. When I was down there for pregnant. - He'll get you one. - I don't think so. - Dude, I'll tell you what. Nothing feels like you come back to life after having a dehydration situation. - Yes. - And then that hits your veins and you're like, oh my gosh, you're wolverine out of the water, you're a brand new person. - Two bags worth one time after a marathon. - Double bagger? - Double bagger. Ran the, I finished the South Bend marathon and right at the Notre Dame Stadium is where we finished in the 50-yard line. Finished it, took a dead left into the medical tent, let me go. Well, sir, would you like to try and drink? I'm like, ma'am, I work in football, I've seen this. I know what heat exhaustion is. Just hook me up. - Did she try and treat your nipple chafing? - No, it's already, that was way past that. - She feeds you fed a chinny on the front now. - Yeah, I tell you what, that's a bad look too when you're wearing white. - Yeah. - And that, and the bleeding part happens, but that's part of it. Seriously, like you go, you do stuff like that, you do stuff like that and people like, they get it, they know it's a problem. I mean, you're like, it's part of running. It's part of running. - It's a warrior out there, kind of strength. - You gotta put band-aids on your nipples and then they'll- - They have guards. - They have guards now. - They have guards, yeah. - Is that the worst place to bleed? - And from your experience? - Probably your toenails falling off. - My big toenail fell off, my big toenail fell off in the San Diego marathon and I looked down at my shoe at the end of the race and it was completely blood. My whole tennis shoe was blood. And I didn't feel it until the very end, until I got stopped, I looked down, I'm like, gosh. And then my toenail was gone and it completely had ripped off. - How much talking do you do in these marathons? I imagine you, you know- - Brian brought a Super Bowl champion, division, one long snapper here. - You just run a lot of these. - No, you just kind of encourage everybody you run with. You know, like if you're with, it's funny how you'll run with pace with people and you kind of see them the whole race. You know, you see and then you finish and you kind of congratulate them. But I'll never forget, there's a guy that had a pacer and he had, if you want to run four hours and 30 minutes, follow me. He brought them home in four hours and 28 minutes. That group that went with him, that's what those pacer's can do for you. Sometimes if you're, it's just a little secret out there, if you see a pacer, that guy or gal can help you get to the end if you're running in these marathons. - I'm looking for the 11 hour guy, you know? - Yeah, you can learn marathons. - Let's go with the pacer. - Pacer's cool. - Yeah. - Well, thank you, boys. - Well, we'll close it down, hold on a quick. One last one, I know we said we weren't going to do this, but we're going to do it. It's the last time, Bayless, the last time. - Oh no, here we're getting on to you guys, one booth. - Funny, it was pretty funny. All right, let's hit the phones, 877-881-105-3. Let's go out to line seven. Is this Bayless infusion? If I am mispronouncing that, I apologize, sir. - No, that's me. I just want to say, yo, Bobby. - Yeah, I know. - You going to make it to work on time this week? - Yeah. - All right, I hope so. Also, that guy, Big John, I disagree with him. He did not raise the IQ on the morning show. You brought it back down. That's all I got to say. Thank you for taking my call. Have a good night, y'all. (laughs) We should get him for G back of the day as well. - Like his style. - What were you calling him on the program last night? - What was it? - One trick, Pony. - Oh yeah, yeah, Bayless, 'cause two weeks in a row, now he's just, this guy's a one trick, Pony. - Yeah, it's like, we know it now. - It's good trick, though. - Yeah, we know. - If you have a lethal move, you know what I mean? - But with Bobby right there, sitting with us. - And then he didn't make it better. - Did Walt Chamberlain need to do anything but dunk? - No. - He could have played a lot. - No need. - Yeah. - He could have played a little D. - You know what, he has not defended Bobby's awful on your part, big of you. - No, he's how much trouble he's telling. - He should be ashamed like a guy at Pied on himself today. - We kid because we care. - Shown. - Okay, eyebrows. - Flagtober is starting tomorrow. - Nine a.m., see me, girl. - DFW, nine a.m. with Brodus in Garland. - I'll be chosen. - It is 6.30 in Grand Prairie. We're doing a big ol' loop around North Texas and handing out G back nation flags and participating in Whataburger locations. The flags will only be there as long as we are there. So please join us on schedule and it starts tomorrow. We hope to see you and brought to you by Whataburger and Southern Leisure, Spaz and Patio. And we're back to cross talk with the fan after dark, see what they got cooking here in the nation. Thank you very much, Lucius. The fan after dark coming up here from seven to 11 is gonna feature CA and Fred. Perfect time to promote Flagtober right here. Had to been probably 12 years ago. CA was planting the flag at the top of every hour in the G back nation with the Oui. And we said, "Hey, let's do a real flag." - Yeah. - Right, and so we got together and we got these little flags that were made up and you handed them out of the AAC and we had all the different events. And then the next year, Texas Motor Speedway came on board and made the full size flags. But Flagtober's tour day, DFW is tomorrow. 105 to the or go to @gbacknation on Twitter and the entire schedule is there from nine in the morning till 6.30 at night. We'll be making a giant lap around North Texas and delivering the Whataburger 2024 G back nation flight to you for free. - And it's beautiful. Have you got one hanging on the wall in here? - Yeah, it's fantastic. - It's the Whataburger logo and the Whataburger colors, but it's G back nation all over this forward. And you're also great. Lucius does that perfect Whataburger impersonation that guy. - Yeah, he does. - I mean, it's like, it was meant to be. He's been, you've been doing that Whataburger guy for years. - Yeah, I haven't heard him in a long time though. - Go ahead and give it. - I haven't heard of him, man. - Give us a little quick, like. - Who's the Whataburger guy? - He does, he does the commercial. He sounds like this, he got his Whataburger. And I was gonna say, why don't you say, we got the tour and. - Crispy onions, frost, great meat, flatbread burger. (laughing) - That's good, man. - I mean, this is almost like it was meant to be. - That's right, I'm hungry now. - Yeah. - Last year when the Rangers had the Whataburger Rangers jersey promotions, it just became so clear that, you know, it matched up as a co-branding quite well. Cheesy, you know that. - Was your first flag like one of those like, just a mini, like a mini flag? - Yeah, it's a little desk flag. - Yeah, I didn't know that. - About the size of a tablet. - Yeah. - What's smaller than that? - Yeah, maybe if people could put them on the, I mean, it was just a nice little flag. You put it on your desk. - And then by year two, it became the full fledger. - Oh, yeah, I think I still got one of those little flags. I have to bring it in one day. - We do a different flag every year, some tollos have managed to collect all of them. - Like Jordan's. - We look forward to seeing you out there tomorrow. It's of course, brought you by Southern Leisure, Spas, and Patio. Chris, I know Fred's still on his way in. What do you guys have planned for this evening's broadcast? - Okay, I'm gonna start off. Eric Nadill made my mind whirl when you're talking about the last game in Oakland Coliseum. I'm gonna do a Sea Stories right off the bat because Fred's stuck in traffic, he's on his way in. He can not walk in the door anytime. I got a Sea Stories confidential about all the different things that I have seen at Oakland Coliseum. I've seen the World Series there. I've seen other baseball games there. I've seen Cowboys games there. - Shankings. - I've seen some crazy looking, those big dress-ups. - Shankings. - Those big dress-ups. - They were dressed up. - That attached to that stadium, that stadium is a basketball arena where the A's go to say Warrior's Place. I was there. - Oracle, right? - Yeah, Oracle. - We're all through the wall and I've been there. - And the NBA-- - I've been through a ball through a wall? - Oh yeah, I'm telling you, he was really upset about a loss. (indistinct) - No, that's okay. - Okay, okay. - I gotta make sure I'm listening. - NBA All-Star Game was there as well. So there's some stories to be told about that. We got a couple of memories from a Texas Ranger and also, you know, we're gonna get into the Cowboys game and the fact that even though they won, you know. - Yeah. - I don't mean anything. It just stopped the bleeding, basically. - Yeah. - And it's a short show. It's like, you enjoy the fan after dark and why you can't because it's in a one-hour edition because-- - Oh, it's a one-hour deal. Because Rangers Angels right after that. - It's a D'Gromnite. - Very know. - Oh, D'Gromnite, let's go. - Oh, yeah. - Looking forward to that. - And Jared's in the house. He's got the pre-game show coming up here in about an hour and seven minutes, I suppose. I did want to extend condolences and g-bag heartfelt feelings for the K-104 family loss. - Yeah. - Man, that's just a unbelievable story. - Yeah, Sam Putty passed away on Monday and it's been quite a three weeks, for me personally. 'Cause I mean, y'all knew I'm a granny passed away. She was 102 years old. So that happened. Dad's birthday was like right in between her passing away and the funeral. My birthday was the day before her funeral. Her funeral was on the same day that Charlotte were having their 75th anniversary. I was there for five years. So I was planning on being at that. Cancel that, granny's funeral, came back a couple of days later, Sam passes away. And then a couple of days ago, I found out, well, my fraternity brother went to college with the same as Rick Bullard. He passed away. - Thank. - And it's just been, I'm telling you, it's been an emotional world. But you know what? The crazy thing about it is all of them led very good lives. Sam and Rick were surprises. But you know how they say things happen in three? That's three. - Yeah, that's one of them. - I don't want to see anybody pass away anymore, so. - Yeah, yeah. - Thank goodness, it's over for now. - And again, I appreciate all the warm thoughts and wishes from all the tollos and everybody who come up to me personally, but everybody with the K-1, 4 Family Skip Murfing Company, Nanette, Skip, and Wig, and I, we're all doing fine. And there's gonna be a big service for Sam. And you know what? Sam was more than just a news guy. I mean, he was Daddy Bone, Slammy Maca Valley. These are all his nicknames. 'Cause he was-- - One pocket, yeah. - Yeah, one pocket, he said a two pocket, one pocket. He was a pocket before a pocket. He was a character. He was a radio guy. Lucius, you did a great tribute. And thank you for that tribute a couple of days ago. Also, Bobby Belt did a tribute for Sam and y'all are playing some of his songs. The best way to describe Sam on his songs, he was John Legend before John Legend. But he was silly. I mean, it was the funniest one. - Yeah, I didn't know that side of Sam until Lucius played with you. - Players are like, yeah, it was terrific. - Which you look like E.T. (laughing) Long as she's good to me. - Hilarious. - Big fat girl under Christmas tree. You look like Nanette Lee, big little woman, I ain't going on. I want to marry my mother-in-law here, all kinds of songs, it's crazy. - Well, right on, dude. Have a great hour. Good to see ya. Chris Arnold threads on the way in. Thanks to Lucius Alexander and the Pimp Cup over there at Master Control. Just went five again, flawless. Producing engineering and hosting. Thanks to Wolchuck and Chia Follow and Brian Broadus. Pregame's coming up at eight o'clock till Monday at two, you're going home with the Jeep Ag Nation at ease. - He's better over here. AT&T customers switching to T-Mobile has never been easier. We'll pay off your adjusting phone and give you a new one free. All on America's largest 5G network. Visit to switch today. Pay off up to $650 via virtual prepaid master card in 15 days, free phone up to $830 via $24 monthly bill credits plus tax, qualifying port and trading service on Go 5G next to credit required. Contact us before canceling entire account to continue bill credits to credit stop and balance and required finance agreements too. Post-season baseball is here and it is the absolute best time of the year. I'm Rod Bradford of baseballs and boring and we're gonna have you covered every step of the way with instant reactions from players and coaches and managers and fans and reporters and everybody else who is immersed in this awesomeness and all the craziness that comes with October baseball. So follow baseballs and boring in the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music)