GBag Nation

Crusty's Corner: Broaddus takes a look at the "All 22" game film of the Cowboys Defense

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23 Sep 2024
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I believe we're gonna get some Crusty's Corner 2.0 right here, and focus in on that defense. Segment of the nation. Bronchi by the Frankel's, Life's Unpredictable Accidents happen, Franklin, Franklin. The go-to attorneys for Karntruck Rex and DFW. If you or a loved one has been in an accident, contact the Frankel's for a free consultation, 2-1-4 or 8-1-7, 3-3-3-3-3-3-3. Go online to We're about 20 minutes away from Big Mike's pressure. Here's Brian with some more of the corner. - Thank you very much, General. Appreciate that. Appreciate it by allowing me to do this. She would Bill Belchick said today about your Dallas Cowboys on defense. - Same team, right? - Issues are fixable. This is the same thing they ran into last year. Look at the draft. The draft is over for agencies is over. I wouldn't expect a lot of big trades here. I think there's enough talent in Dallas to get this thing straightened out, but they gotta look in the mirror and look at each other in the eye and say we're gonna do it. - Yeah, Micah says they have too many people trying to be Superman. - You know what? I don't know, this is where I'm at a disadvantage now. And I used to have an advantage because when I'd watch tape, I could walk down the hall and ask somebody a question. And I probably could text the defensive coordinator and ask him a question, but he's up to his rear and alligators right now. Probably didn't wanna be hearing from me. But I wonder if there's some things that they have tried to do, scheme-wise. When I mentioned the crash ends and he played some 5-2 in that game, he played some 5-2 last week and it kind of worked for him. And it just did it a couple of times. In this game, it seemed to work for him a little bit. But I wonder if where these fits are. And I keep using the word fits because when you're playing against a team that runs the way that, well, especially against the Ravens because of all the read option stuff, you've gotta play, somebody's gotta take the ball and then somebody's gotta take the defender without the ball. You gotta, you gotta, you're playing kind of that way. And it's not easy to prep for in a week, but, and then that's where they talk about preparation. Did they do everything, the study? Was everybody on, you know? There's a lot of work that goes into defending this, but I wonder if the Cowboys just scheme-wise tried something in this game with their edges and their linebackers weren't on the page and their safeties weren't on the page and their corners weren't on the page. That they were gonna try and say, okay, let's gamble a little bit with Micah. Let's gamble a little bit with Tank and just play, see if we can force things if we could get there before the ball, you know, because they got beat a couple of different times. I'll tell you another thing that really hurt them in this game was, was their tackling or lack of. You know, they were in position to have, when you guys go back and you get your, your NFL, the film that comes in the NFL network stuff or the top-up. Yeah. Yeah. You're gonna see, you're going to see some situations where they had guys in position to make plays. I know with over some, they had 17 missed tackles in that game yesterday, 12 of them on Henry. Yeah. In that, in that football game. So to me, you know, that's one of those times where you look at it and you say, okay, we were in position, we couldn't finish that. I really did believe that when you look at Kendrick's, you know, when you look at Overshone, you know, guys like that, those guys finish. Those guys are, those guys, you know, when you watch them, they finish. But Overshone didn't finish yesterday. You know, Kendrick's, Kendrick's led your team in tackles, but this is a problem with this team. When you, when you, when you, when you get in position and you don't finish, then you have these huge plays, these explosive plays, these runs of 10 plus that they, they give up. Cause they're, there's several times you're going to watch and go, oh, that's pretty good run defense right there. You know, gain a three. Oh, another one, gain a three. And then all of a sudden they hit you for a 17 or a 15 or something like that, because you didn't tackle, you didn't take the right angle. And you, you just didn't have a guy in the gap or somebody playing in the gap. Is, cause I was talking to John owning about this and he was talking about the amount of single high that they're playing and how does that then put them at a numbers disadvantage when you're playing specifically against a team like the Ravens where the quarterback can then run cause now you're able to add another blocker for the quarterback that's unaccounted for. So now all the pressure is on say Donovan Wilson or whoever it is back there to fill. You don't have enough guys to be able to come up and rally. - It seemed like to me though, and I need to go back and look at the metrics on this is that they played a lot of eight men in the box yesterday to try and, and I need to, I need to look at the number, Chief, do you have your next gen numbers up? Do they, do they give you that, that number where they say how many times they play in the box or the numbers they play in the box? - I can try and find it here. - Yeah, cause I needed to, cause I was, I was curious, like to say the thing that bothered me the most yesterday was the, the replacement or the lack of a replacement for a player that might have, you know, they're like, okay, we're gonna take a, we're gonna take a chance here. I mean, are you playing the scheme the right way? - Yeah. - And maybe that's when he's talking about hero ball and stuff like that, you know? Are you doing what you absolutely have to do? - They're calling them that they're playing P-wee level football. - Yeah. - Well, I don't know if they're in the wrong place, they're just getting whooped on blocks. They're just getting blocked out of the play. - I'm gonna tell you that, I'm gonna tell you this Dawson, seriously, the Saints game was worse than this one. - Yeah. - It really was. The Saints game when you, when you sit down and you just-- - You scored like six touchdowns in a row. - Yeah, and you watch it, you're thinking like, like, okay, you understand the Saints physically just, I mean, there were guys on the ground in that game. - Hey, Mike Villeney here, host of Cash The Ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcast claiming there are a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcast that claim they hit 80% of the games? When really, they just lose like most of us. Think Cash The Ticket's the spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash The Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music) - This one though, I just kind of feel like though to me that there was some fit problems and lack of tackling problems that led to some self-inflicted stuff. We talked about Carson missing, that's a 57 yard play. Overshown in the hole, there was one time where it looked like it was gonna be about a three yard gain. It ends up, Henry ends up to the outside and it's a 17 yards or it's, it was just, it was hard to watch because they had guys in positions to make plays. They just couldn't finish the play. So to me, that's, when you start to look at this defense, is it, you know, the Saints. - That sounds like progress then. - Well, it just got a long way to go. - I don't know, like, I don't know like yesterday, I thought the, I thought the scheme let them down. More so than the scheme and their inability to finish. That, they got their ass handed to them against New Orleans. But I think when you watch this game, you're gonna think, oh man, it didn't, it, 'cause I left the game yesterday thinking that it was like the New Orleans game and it really wasn't. When you watch all 46 running plays or 48 running plays, how much they had and you're thinking, okay, good job. They're a good job. Okay, here's the bust. And they're trying so hard not to give up stuff on the edge now. They're trying to run everybody to the edge and get in position and what happens is they get everybody on one side of the field and then the ball just cuts back and they don't have anybody in position to make the play. You have to play with discipline and I don't know if, I could say yesterday I didn't see all the discipline that you really, really need, especially with the way that Jackson runs the ball. And when he pulls the ball, that's- - I've never seen Michael look frozen. I mean, Michael- - Well, hurt the Eagles. - You ever wanna say the Eagles did that to us? - He wasn't sure, like you could see, but like he was literally like, more Jackson had him just completely stop- - I think there's things, I think he was, I think he gets frozen because he doesn't trust what's happening behind him. I think that, I think that Micah might be worried like, okay, if I go flying down inside and try and make this play, is there somebody that's gonna replace me on the edge? - Yeah, but from what I understand, if you're that conflict player in the zone reader or the whatever, read option, you gotta go for one of them, you can't stop. - Exactly, you're just in No Man's Land, like commit to one of them at least. By the way, it was 33.3% stacked box percentage for the Cowboys yesterday. - 33%. - Yeah, so I saw a worker put out that the Ravens called 74% of their offensive plays is designed to runs, which is the most since 2006. 74% of that offense design runs eight, 161 yards before contact, 113 after contact. - I mean, a lot of it's just the individuals like DeMone Clark and Lea Fau aren't going to make plays, they're not gonna diagnose properly, they're not gonna close and finish the tackle properly, your defensive tackles aren't good. And then you get the misdirection going, which draws me just a half step the wrong way before they flip it back the other. Now you're giving, you know, the offense leverage. Now I'm actually out of position, and even if I was in position, you would favor the other guy to beat me the majority of the times. - The thing, I think that Lea Fau played a ton against the Saints and wasn't good. He played a little bit in this game yesterday and he was much better. I don't know if he's your base player, but playing him limit, maybe some of the limits, some of his snaps helped him in that game yesterday. And playing overshown more, might've hurt him a little bit. They need to figure out a balance there. And I know that overshown is one of your guys that can close and tackle and all that, but playing him, all those snaps, I think hurt him yesterday. They need to get a better balance with those two guys. And Clark didn't play much at all in his football game. So we'll see. They also, like say, Carlos Watkins, I didn't think was in the snaps that he got. - Yeah. - I didn't think he was a negative player. - I'm great overfill. - Okay, I mean, Linville Joseph was awful. - Linville Joseph was not good at all. - We got to talk, I got to ask you about Mazi though, 'cause I remember yesterday, I was like, I think this might've been Mazi's best game. - It was, it was, it was. If you watch now, the thing with Mazi, and you always, you know, the bar for him is low at times. - Yeah. - This was the most active he had spent. This is the most disruptive he's been with throwing blocks off and getting to where he needed to be. There are a couple of times that they turned him and he lost the ball and you could see it go through the middle and they were able to get positive plays out of that. - Yeah. - But if you watch him play, I say it again, the bar's kind of low for this guy. But this, this, as far as the Dallas Cowboys go, I'd be interested to see, and we'll see what pro football focused those, that grade on him. But I don't think he was your worst defensive player yesterday. - Well, pro football focus, John Oning, who will join us later this week. - Yeah, he was, he was just raving specifically about the fourth quarter for Mazi Smith. - Yeah, I think that Mazi, I think there was far more activity with him. There was far more of him getting rid of blocks. And there's still times where he's laid off the ball. There's still times you deal with that and you can tell. But Linville Joseph is a liability for you right now. At that, he just can't move anymore. And they really, they single block him. They don't really even double team block him anymore. - No need. - They single block him, so that's a problem. But I feel like that when you look at Osa, you look at Mazi, those were a couple of two of some of the, some positive guys in this, on this defense. I know it's the defensive tackles, but they were far, far worse against the Saints than they were yesterday. - Well, thank you, Brian. - Thank you. - Trustees corner 2.0 here in the G bag nation. Most afternoons, 340 here on the fan. Coming up next, it'll be time for the Mike McCarthy press conference. We'll get his thoughts on updated stories as you hit the late afternoon here on a Cowboys Monday on your home of the Cowboys 105 through the fan. - Hey, Mike Vlini here. Hosted a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming they're a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games when really they just lose like most of us? - I think cash to tickets is the spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it, and we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music)