GBag Nation

G-Bag Full Show - September 20th, 2024

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21 Sep 2024
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Hey Mike Villeini here, host of Cash The Ticket alongside my partner Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcast claiming there are a bunch of pro bettors when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcast that claim they hit 80% of the games? When really, they just lose like most of us. Think Cash The Ticket's the spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash The Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever. You get your podcasts. This podcast is brought to you by Men's Tea Clinic. Men's Tea Clinic is the team I trust with my total wellness optimization and so should you. Five DFW locations with North Frisco, El Dorado Parkway at Dallas, North Tolway, now open. Call 972 go men's tea or visit Yeah buddy, here we go. It's our number three, our number one of the G Bag Nation. I meant to say it's a triple bet payoff Friday here on the show and we're live in Arlington, brought to you by Sagamora Spirit, Ry Wiski. General at your service salute to you. There's Brian Brotus, former cowboy scout and a Philly executive. You have Wolchuck and Chia Falo in the house. Lucius Alexander is back in the Pimp Cup at Master Control. He's got you covered here for the next four and a half hours. And Carter Freeman's coordinating your video. You can watch us at 105 through the Twitch and on YouTube. Chia Falo, I believe is going to do a national anthem here for us coming up before too long. Yeah, I mean that sounds like the move, that sounds like the plan. So I'd like to get maybe some of that Sagamora coursing through my veins or something like that just to give me that extra little pet in my step, you know what I'm saying? But a little liquid courage. At any moment that you guys need me to impromptu bust out into, you know, when you get to have a hankering for some patriotism, you just let your boy know I'm ready to get going on. Yeah, I think we should do that at 220 there when we're picking games. Yeah, you know, because it's basically the start of a major sports event every day in the G bag nation when we get the show underway. So we need an anthem, you know, to make it official. I would, when do you think this place will get the busiest post five o'clock? We'll check once there to be a good live. I think that's what adds the element to this payoff is having as many people here as possible. We need the tollos to show up in full force here. No heckling though, no heckling, no heckling, no heckling. Well, what student sectional, we're not throwing stuff at my guy. You know, just, you know, be, be respectful here. I think we got a total of 12 patrons here currently when it reaches 40. Oh, thank you. Okay, I love that. I love that idea. 41 for dirt. And you're going to be nice and you're going to be nice and lubricated because Jenny's about to bring over some glasses so we can start dipping into that, that sycamore rye. Let's go. Let's go. I am so round. Let's go. Two people to my right is Brian brought us. I was thinking Bishop. Sick of butter. That would be eight tablespoons of butter I'm holding in my hands right now. Sorry. No, no, thank you. This fly is just like, what is going on? I don't know. Why is it over there by you? It's kind of buzzing around by you. Buzzing around the couches here. Yeah. It was next to you. And you're bad. What do you got in your battery? I had butter. I had butter in my hands. Brian posted on social that he was going to do this, this butter payoff. You know, didn't want to do the Mrs. Doubtfire. Yeah, because I was coming from the cowboy for a future day. Yeah. I was coming from the cowboy. So he's, he's chosen stick of butter, but there might be some complications here involved. Yeah. Complications. We weren't thinking about Brian. Yeah. Derek Eagleton sent me a text and said that he had a friend in college that did this and went, went, went blind to bring blindness. So delicious. I don't know. You know, it's, I've kind of reading the cholesterol. This, the whiskey might get me before the butter. Gosh, this Sagamore is going to be delicious. Hey, bottom's up. Cheers. Cheers football Friday. Let's go. It is a football Friday. I'll pass it over. Don't worry. Don't, don't get jealous. I see your face over there. Don't, don't start. Oh, we got Jenny's bringing more. Jenny's bringing more. Shout out to Jenny. Let me, let me get a whiff of this. Yeah. Let's go. I'll snort that thing a little bit. Yeah. Gosh, I love this Sagamore. Hey, is that thing opened up beautifully, huh? I'm not even usually a right guy, but this Sagamore ride might change my mind. Did you just hammer that home? Yeah, I did. Wow. First shot of the day. There he goes. Brought us back. Back there with the wool chuck. That is smooth. You guys are channeling your own inner Bobby belts right now. There's a couple of drunks over here. A couple of drunks. Four and a half hour journey here until 6.30 when the pregame is going to start and Jacob de Grom's going to be on the hill for our baseball enjoyment here coming up this evening. So that's a lot of fun, but as we do every single football Friday here in the nation, we open with a prediction. I'm going score a gummy. Okay. 3412 Ravens. Oh, that does more gummy? Yeah. I think so. All right. Is that all? I think 30 field goals or do we get a safety mix then? That's field goals for the Cowboys, four touchdowns, two field goals for the Ravens. Man, I'll tell you what, I like the Ravens too. If you're the Cowboys, you got to prove me wrong, you know, but I'm going to go with the Ravens. 28 Dallas 23. I think this could be a really, really high scoring game. And but I'm going to take it. Ravens 28 Cowboys 23. Give me 26 20 Baltimore, Baltimore. Don't loan wolf this thing. Well, let's give this team some bulletin or material, maybe you know that you're all leaning in on this. We don't believe in them. They need to know that. They need to feel that right here from Shaker to Ravens coming in here, desperate team, you know, Derek Henry and Zeke, they were taken in the same draft class. I mean, I know we're talking his Zeke wash, maybe Derek Henry's a little washed here. They're doing mixed and matching with that Ravens offensive line. I don't think they're any damn good. If I'm Michael Parsons over there, I'm looking my chops. I think Mike Zimmer, Eric Kendrick's, that defense had to eat a lot of humble pie last week. They're going to be ready to go and offensively, look, Nate Wiggins, is he going to play supposedly had a great day of practice? He's got to get cleared. They can't cover anybody on that side of the football over there with the Ravens. Jake Ferguson's back, baby, Fergie, CD lamb, give me the Ravens 30 to 13 in this one. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Channeled your inner pack. McAfee. There sure did. I sure did. This team's got to prove it. I'm not picking them to beat a team that I consider good until they go out there and do it. And I think both more. I can envision a Ravens team going 0 and 3. In fact, the Cowboys have only beaten both more once in their entire history since they moved and became the Ravens, so that was Dax rookie year. And I don't know if they're going to be able to muster up that magic. I hope I'm wrong. I hope the Cowboys do this thing to go to two and one. But I think Baltimore is going to eat. It's just too much of a difficult matchup for me to be able to contain both Lamar and Derek Henry for four quarters. I think I think this thing could get ugly. You know, difficult matchups as you look out into the remaining 15 games of this season, what's your update? You know, after seeing nothing is fixed on the defense might be worst. Nothing is fixed on the offense might be worse. You know, I think obviously next week, Giants, there's a win there. Yeah. Steelers maybe. Steelers to be nice. I'm going to be there for that one. I hope they beat the Steelers. I got Welch up willing them to victory that particular Sunday night in Pittsburgh. I think, you know, lions, Niners will see if Detroit's right of the ship by then. I think they got the Niners number, don't you? The Cowboys. Yeah. You know, it's about time. Just a lot of averages. There's there's probably a win against Atlanta coming. But who knows? Hey, no guarantees, man. Brought us learn that the hard way, huh? Yeah, sure did. As he holds a stick of Mandarin. I think they probably split with Philly, six mandarin, the giants and Gander is what the Texans isn't a win. Hold it. The Bengals isn't a win. No. Panthers. We picked him nine and eight. Yeah, I know. But I'm asking you to update it now. I don't want to update. I don't like the question. I don't refer you to answer this. For this Baltimore game, though, I mean, this is one that the day the schedule came out, you chalked it up as an L. Yes. And there's been nothing. I mean, the Ravens have lost games, so you feel like maybe they're not quite what you thought maybe they were going to be. But it's not like they've looked bad in these games necessarily. Yeah, they were. Last week, they're a playaway in Kansas City. Absolutely. So they still strike a ton of fear into you. And after what the Cowboys did last week, how can you trust them? Now, I do think credit to McCarthy, since he's been here, they do respond well. They do. I do expect emotionally this team should be ready. But ultimately, I just don't think defensively you've got enough guys. Like on that defensive line, I just don't see how for four quarters, you're going to be able to contain Lamar Jackson, Derek Henry, Justice Hill. Like that trio of dudes with a little sprinkle is a flowers here and there. And then obviously the tight ends, but just specifically in the trenches, even though the Ravens don't have a good offensive line, this is a get right game for the Ravens offensive line. Now, if you told me the Cowboys were desperately seeking a running back out there in the trade market, I would be like, oh, OK, well, you know, maybe by the time we get to week seven or week eight, the running game will have a different feel to it. Jerry Jones this morning here on 105 through the fans said something that got the attention of one of our favorite ESPN writers, Old Billy Barnwell. And Nick Harris had quoted Jerry this morning with KMC masterpiece. He says, a few of the media have gotten out here and written some stories early about how we needed a running back in the draft or how we need a running back and they're trying to cover their, you know, what, as we go into the season, Bill pointing out the Cowboys ranked 31st out of 32 teams in rush yards over expectation next gen stats model projects. Cowboys back should be gaining a league high 5.3 in attempt. They're getting 3.7. Jerry Jones says that's hogwash. This is just media members who said we needed a draft one that are covering their, you know, much two weeks into the season looking at this, you know, we can debate whether the Jerry really believes what he's saying or not. But I think it's clear they're not going to be trading for a running back. What we have is, is what they're going to have. Yeah, I'm with you 100%. They have a lot of deference for Zeke. There's been, there's been plenty of people in that building that have appreciated Rico Dattle for a long time. So I don't think they have, they have any concerns. And it sounds like when Jerry talks, it sounds like he values pass protection from his running backs more than actual running from his running backs, which is interesting. Yeah, he's got a $60 million quarterback he has to keep up right. Yeah. Yeah. And they've been very intentional with the way they've constructed this. So after two weeks to say, oh yeah, we were totally wrong, they, I don't think they want to do that. They somewhat did it with the defensive tackle. But to me, that's the other one. We're talking about running backs. You need defensive tackles. You tried. We've known you need defensive tackles all off season. In August, you decided to do something about it. But when you do something about it, in August, that's usually not going to work out for you. Proof of the putting two weeks in, not working out for you. So how do you remedy that situation? Because to me, that's why you're losing on Sunday to Baltimore. Yeah, they, I feel like to me, they, they didn't want to add anything. And I know you guys are going to kill me for saying this. They didn't want to add anything because they wanted to see if Mazzy Smith could play. That was the whole idea. You know. That's a developmental year. Yeah, they, they were thinking that, hey, okay, Mazzy went through everything he went through last year. Let's see if Mazzy Smith, our first round pick could play. That's my guy, right? Well, I, I know, but, but if you look at, to me, they're thinking there in that building would be, why do we want to, why do we have to add when we've got this guy? Why can't we see? And this gets into coaches too. Coaches telling Jerry and Steven, yeah, Mazzy will be fine. We'll do stuff with Mazzy. Yeah. Don't worry about Mazzy. You know? I mean, and so like, okay, if that's case, let's not do anything here. Let's, let's let Mazzy play and see how it goes. Well, I, I, that, that you got blocked on adding because of wanting to see what Mazzy Smith was going to do. They still brought in three defensive linemen though, which, which says to me that they're, they're drafting Rogers saying, they drafted Rogers. They had Davis on the team already. So they went into that and then they realized that wasn't going to work. Yeah. And then that's why in August, you see them bringing in Linville, Joseph and others like that. Yeah, you draft Justin Rogers in the seventh round and Carl Davis, who you watched, we all did, right? Yeah. Who couldn't play. Right. They, they are trying to eat their own cheese or drink their own Kool-Aid. If they thought that position was not alarmingly an issue. Hey, at least they addressed it and said, look, this is a problem in August. But the guys in the bodies they brought in are not NFL caliber players. This again goes back to when you sit out all a free agency and you bargain shop at the Dollar Tree, this is what you're going to get on NFL Sundays, right? And they're a dream of adding a running back guide when Jonathan Brooks went to the Carolina Panthers at the top of the second round. That was the guy that they envisioned. We can try and get him in the second. You'll take Jonathan Brooks. Well, that wouldn't have helped you right now because he's still not playing yet. He's still recovering from that ACL. But to me, they did have a vision of adding a running back. Unfortunately, the way the board fell, it just didn't happen in the draft. And after that, it was, we're going to rock with what we've got and we'll address that next year. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the thing is, you know, and maybe we should appreciate it, you know, because when you come into the league as a running back, your best years are your first three or four years, and if this isn't a championship type of season, let's wait another year or two until the rest of the roster is ready to go. But if I was a Jones boy right now, I would be thinking, holy crap, our offensive line can play. We should be getting 5.3. Let's get a replacement level running back and see how good we can be playing ball control. But they don't either, either recognize that opportunity. They're too loyal to Zeke, this is embarrassing though that, you know, that Jerry thinks it's good enough. We'll get Steve's thoughts on it coming up at three o'clock. G-bag survivor, bet payoffs are going to get underway. And we've got to pick from the week three slate to try to find a winner and avoid more bet payoffs next week. We're live here in Arlington, thanks to Sagamore, spirit rye whiskey and we're back in the nation. Yeah, buddy. Welcome back. It is the G-bag nation here on 1053, the fan. We're live in Arlington, brought to you by Sagamore, spirit rye whiskey. Come say hi to us here at Shakertons. Flaktober 2024 is now just a couple of weeks away, one week away. What is this weekend? Two weeks I think. I think we're underway next Saturday. Ooh, let's go. Next Saturday, the 28th I guess that would be Torde DFW will be on get your 2024 G-bag nation what a burger flag, an iconic image, inspired by last year's Rangers, what a burger jersey. I think they did it with Josh Young, maybe a couple of other players. And you know, what a burger has always had the best swag and fast food. And so this is just a continuation of that. And we think then once again for sponsoring, stay tuned for the Torde DFW schedule and your chance to get the 2024 what a burger G-bag flag here starting next weekend. I think maybe Friday we're going to be at Southern Leisure. Southern Leisure. It's become a tradition, I believe that's three years in a row we picked off Flaktober there. So we'll probably be up there and flower them out next weekend. Okay, it is a triple bet payoff Friday. It's time now to take a look at our week three games, see what we feel comfortable picking and lay out the sked here for this afternoon segment is brought to you by Cars for Kids, donate today It's brought to you by the Frankles, Life's Unpredictable Accident, it's happened Franklin Franklar. The go to attorneys for car and truck wrecks in DFW. If you are a loved one's been in an accident due to somebody's negligence call the Frankles, get your free consultation, 2-1-4-4-8-1-7-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3, go to I was thinking about Cleveland at home against the Giants. I'm worried that the Giants find a way to win a game. Yes, that Cleveland won't score and it'll be like 13 to 10. You're kicking field goals and stuff. Something like that, or New York just decides, look, let's run Daniel Jones, he's actually one of the better running quarterbacks in the NFL, and if they come with that kind of a game plan, which I think their desperation might be kicking in as they're on the hot seat, I think that might happen. So I don't want to pick a bad football team in Cleveland with a putrid offense and then be sitting here Monday, like how the bleep that I picked them. So I'm going to actually go with the Raiders at home against Carolina, the Dumpster Fire there, the Oakland coming off of a high which worries me a little bit, but there's nothing that I have conviction in right now. Maybe things will coalesce by mid-season and I can come into these survivors with some confidence, but right now I'm second-guessing at every turn. Dude, is anybody here confident today? Does anybody feel good about one of these? Yeah, I do. I do, yeah. I do. I do. As you have your stick of butter on ice right in front of you, you want to start eating that? Should you? Since you're 0 and 2, how about broadest 0 and 2 still having football picking hubris? Yeah. That's incredible. Give me the 49ers over the Rams. I think the Rams are just beat to S right now. I agree with that. And they're in trouble. They really, really are. And they're not going to, you know, San Francisco coming off the loss, they're now back at home. Wow, it's a horrible pick. Yeah. No, I'm just messing with you, but I like for me, I would be worried right now. I would be thinking San Francisco's hurt too. It's a divisional game. San Francisco is less hurt than what we got going on in the Rams. The Rams are a bit of a mass unit at this point. The Niners are just about as banged up as anybody except for the Rams. But then, oh my gosh, broadest just took him, took him bite out of the stadium. He should. Yeah. Just eat that stick of margarine there. That's a hell of a win. I'm with you though. Gosh, wait, talk to me about that. What is that? It tastes like butter. Not too bad. You want some bread? Is it overwhelming? Is it too rich? It is very rich right now. I worry about it melting in my hands a little bit. Yeah. That kind of thing. But I'll wipe him on. We'll stretch back. We'll be cool. I'm here for you, buddy. I think sometimes people try to play up a radio bet payoff like, oh, this is the worst. Roddessus does the opposite. He tries to pretend that this is not bad. In reality, he's trying not to puke right now. Like last week, his face was being melted off and he tried to play it off like, oh, this is just nothing. Doesn't hurt. What are you talking about? He went a little bit. He played it off. I was in perfect condition last week, sir. I don't believe it. I don't believe for one second. You're a judge of character, I would say. Well, I'm friends with you. I think that's obvious. Is there some kind of a state fair, hottest food competition because I swear Brian would win it? Yeah. He might have a shot. The ranked here is unrivaled. It's all about just middle toughness, boys. Exactly. Well, Chuck has none of that. What are you taking shots at me for? Well, you're the one that's encouraging me to eat butter right now. Well, that's the bet payoff. I think you're doing a fantastic job with it. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Hey, did I eat the pickled pigs fee last week? Not great. Well, yeah, you did. Hey, I nailed it. I got it done. So I think the mental toughness was definitely not a guy. I've gotten my back waxed on here. Hey, I don't want to hear anything when it comes to the bet payoffs in me. There should be no shaming for any of you. Everybody's had it pretty bad. And I think what Dawson's about to get with a bunch of it mentally, it's hard. It's easy to do. Dawson's about to get a pickled juice, extravaganza mystery mix into his face over the course of the next four and a half hours, four hours or so. Roughly. Yeah. When are we allowed to start this? You said like 5.30. I think we're pretty well good to get rolling. I mean, unless we want to kick it off with Stephen Jones, you know, that very first question. Do you think Stephen Jones has ever eaten a stick of butter? No. Honestly, I want to get the backstory of Derek Eglton saying that a buddy in college did it. Like what was the reason behind that? So far, the vision is good. So Eglton hit you up and set a buddy of his in college did this and he was left temporarily blinded. Uh huh. By the way, Brontas is now at least 60, 65% through that, that stick right now. He's eating the stick of butter like it's a damn twinkie. He is. This guy is going to be blind for the Stephen Jones interview. He might be. He might be. No, I think it is. I've got whiskey to drink too to get to sing. We got the whiskey. So we're good. Oh my God. Somebody is like, we need to get this century egg in here. I love drinking whiskey with just ice. There's just something awesome about this. This rye is really impressive. Shout out to Saginaw. Yeah, that Saginaw rye is delicious. You know what this tastes like? It's kind of like if you go to the movies and they over butter the popcorn. Yeah. That's what this is right now. Okay. It's too much butter. It's just butter. It's too much butter. Yeah. Too much butter. Did you think it all about eating it with like a fork and knife or? Not really. Yeah. I just want to get it done. Take man's power in that thing. Yeah, I just am. I'm hammered it pretty good. Hey, I'm hammering the Bengals to get their first dub of the season at home on Monday night football against the rookie Jaden Daniels who's yet to throw a touchdown pass. I'm sure this will bite me in the rear end, but I'm limping in feeling decent that Joe Barrow gets his first dub of the season. No, I think that's the lock of the week. I think you're going to be safe with that one. Unfortunately, I burned the Bengals week one against the Patriots and that did not work out well. You're going to go with the 49ers. They seem to handle the Rams pretty well and the Rams offensive line is really bad. I feel like I'm in trouble now. I sniffed double bet payoff. Yeah, you should have no faith that Wilchokes got this on the only one sitting here free today, boys. You keep talking. Be jealous over there. Yeah. Well, Chuck, what have you done for me lately? You know, we'll just want to know in his last one, he's a very much whatever you've done for me last. Yeah. We're live at Shakerton's. They have some amazing fried cheese courage that I'm snacking on. Some egg rolls have been delivered and the Sagamore is flowing. Join us. We'll pour you a shot here and it's time now for the G bag of the day into the pimp cup. Here's Lucius. I'm going to tell you right now, boys. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear you? Got you. Good for him. I'm done. He ate it. Good for you, brought us. All right. I'm going to tell you right now. Oh, hold on. What was that show where they had to eat stuff? Fear factor. Yeah, evidently fear is not a factor for you. Finally, foot last week felt like a fear factor deal. Yeah. That was disgusting. Wow. That was interesting, boys. Hi, Lucius. Hey, man. How you doing? Was it thick and creamy? How was it, brother? Lucius, you should be proud of me. Yeah, pay for the picture. I went and got the cheapest stick of butter because you recommended it. It happens to be blue bonnet is the cheapest stick of butter you can get for a buck. Good for him. Buck 49. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's like 35% plastic, you know. Yeah, whatever I just did, I just got it done. So I get to play next week now. So here we are. All right. Well, let me let this down because right now, boys, I shouldn't even be doing this. I shouldn't even be doing this. I'm working off of one deck. One deck. One deck. Oh, yeah. I'm letting you know right now. So please be patient with me a little bit here on a Friday. Bob's is good, though. Hold on. Is it a full deck? Yeah, it's a full deck, but it's only one deck. And as a DJ, you need two or three decks to make it happen. You know what I mean? All right. Let's see. Our winner right here. Let's see. Now, Marshall's head coach, Marshall football head coach, Charles Huff, has an offer for Ohio State players that they can't resist. I'd love to have some of those guys from Ohio State, too. So if they want to transfer on down, we've got a tutor, a tutors biscuit, NIL, all you can eat. So if any of those guys that run really, really fast at Ohio State like tutors, biscuits, I promise you, all you can eat all day. If you transfer here, but yeah. I want to meet tutor. Who's tutor? How do you get the name? Tutor. Tutor. Tutor in his damn biscuits. We, Abby's nickname as a kid was to toot. Yeah, I had to stop calling her that little toot nine or 10. Yeah, we call her toot or toot, you know, I managed to get embarrassed. Okay. Yeah. I thought it was good. Like tooty from that show. Facts alive. Back to the day. I'm not mad at that. I'm fart. Hey, you. All right. Let's go to key from key and pill. You guys familiar with key and pill? Yes, sir. All right. Key from key and pill was on the rich eyes and show. And are you familiar with the substitute teacher bit that he does? Yes, with the names. Yeah. Like he'll totally mess the name up. A wrong. A wrong. Well, he did this with NFL names. Check this out. You all ready for a roll call? Yeah. I'm going to call these names. If you hear, just say yes. Where is Ladidi Mecconk? Mecconk. Ladidi Mecconk. Are you here? Ladidi. It's Ladidi Mecconk. Oh, Lad Mecconk. There he is. All right, boy. Your name is Ladidi Mecconk. When I call your name, say here. Where is the Rake Maier here? Where is the Rake Maier? Yay. I don't know. I don't know. Rich, where are these people? Where are the students at? He might be in New England. Let's see if we guess this one right right now. There he is. It is. Yes, there he is. That's what I said. The Rake Maier. Where is Dukay Relay? Dukay Relay. There's Dukay. There is Dukay. Hold on. Hold on. It might be Dukay. Dukay Relay Relay. What is in there? Let's see what he is. Okay. Now he's in Miami. Oh, he's also a man. Dukay. Is that Dukay Riley? Yeah. You Drake Maier? Yeah. Yeah, I was trying to come up with the names. Let's see. Good bet. Yes, good bet. Good bet. Salute to the Wells brothers who have just arrived in their Tolo Baby T-shirts. Oh, yeah. Wow. Wow. Well, buddy. This thing is here at Shakerton's in Arlington's. Great. Great. Say hi. Hey. All right. Let's see what else we got right here. There was a Chicken Loose in Dallas this week. A Chicken Loose in Dallas. Chicken. I don't know. You mother f***ing lied to me. Is this a chicken? Is that chicken? Who is in the middle of Dallas? Bro, what is that? What is that? I love he's scared of me. Bro. Bro, what is that? It got dreadlocks. Bro, is that a chicken with dreadlocks? Is it looking at me? Hey, friend. Oh my God, we are at a QT on Forest Lane in Dallas, in the hood, and it's a whole chicken with dreadlocks. Yo, what is a chicken doing in the hood in North Dallas? I'm surprised I ain't nobody fraud you up here over here. Wow. It's pretty awesome. Our neighbors have chickens. Yeah. Sometimes they get out. We see them in our flower bed. They're trying to nest there. Yeah. I came up with some chickens in my neighborhood too early in the morning. Yeah. Can't be doing that with those zero lot lines. No. Let's see. Okay. This is a old one. This is not one, in fact. This is not one. Yeah. To the listeners, if it sounds difficult me in doing this broadcast, it is right now. If L.A. don't sound like himself, it is shaky right now, just telling you. Austin Villa. Dawson, I need you help. Austin Villa. Austin Villa. Yeah. That's a damn Bailey soccer team. Sean Duran. You heard his man? No, sir. Oh, damn. Apparently he had the goal of the season. Oh, no. Okay. Well, it's not really not about his goal. It's really about the call. You know what I mean? I'm going to be a little bit more than I am. I'm going to be a little bit more than I am. I'm going to be a little bit more than I am. I'm going to be a little bit more than I am. I'm going to be a little bit more than I am. Yeah, he killed that. That man got some lungs on him, bro. He got some pipes. Pause. All right. Let's do the count, man. So I can get back here and try to fix whatever is going on in the pimp cup. Yes, sir. The boys need to get back into this SAGAMOR as well, even eyeball in that since this segment started. Is it Charles Huff? Is it Lad MacConkey with Key and Peele? Is it the chicken? Or is it the goal? I'll vote for the goal. How about you guys? Chief. Give me the champ. I mean, if we're going to vote for the goal, then, yeah, me, I'm going for the goal as well. No. Right. The biscuit coach. We're tied at two. We'll check. I'm going to be with the goal by a score of three to two in your new Chee bag of the day champion. It's quite a banger there from Aston Villa's John Duran and a call there from, sounds like some Colombian dudes. Yeah, we're playing. Yeah. Pretty happy. They're country mentality, dramatic fashion, a colossal, as they call it. All right. Okay. When we come back, Chief, where we heading? We got a Friday staple, Biggest L, Biggest Dub, 877-881-1053, where have you taken some L's this week? Well, importantly, where have you gotten those personal victories? That's next right here on the fan. Well, thank you very much, Aleutius. It is the Chee bag nation. We are live in Arlington, thanks to SAGAMOR, SPIRIT, RYWISKET. And we're live at Shakertons. They're just off 30, I think Collins. It's easy to find. Okay. Time now for some Biggest L, Biggest Dub. We have Stephen Jones coming up in just 13 minutes, Eric. Take it away. Yes, sir. Thank you very much. 877-881-1053, where have you taken some L's this week? More importantly, where have you gotten those personal victories? Here's British Ian. Taking an internet L right now, not sure about you guys over there, but no one's taken a bigger L. I mean, we'll just come out of the gates with it. Oh, old Diddy this week. Oh my goodness. It doesn't really get too much bigger in terms of L's than what Diddy's got going on right now. Well, it sounds like, you know, the people that were unfortunate enough to be trapped by him. Yeah. Well, one of the allegations, these guys are like slaves, basically. Man. Fair point. Yes. They've been taking decades long L's, and now they finally get the first semblance of a dub as they see Diddy finally starting to pay the price for his ridiculousness. You know, to me, the most interesting thing about this whole story is just what power does to men, you know, for sure. It's unbelievable. Oh my gosh. Yeah. It is very, very easy to abuse. And especially when it's something that, I mean, at what age did Diddy become a super beast? You know, an icon. Like in his 20s. And then for the round 92, 93. So I mean, he is, he's, he's had the power for a really, really long time, you know. And it is, it is crazy what, what individuals will do. And just all the videos that are like resurfacing now, like I saw a video of Mike Tyson, like moving his hand from what looked to be like on his leg in an old like 80s, 90s video. And then Justin Bieber at 15 years old, he's like patting him down as if he's wearing a wire. Devin Haney's got a pool party picture, which Ryan Garcia's had fun with, quote, tweeting and make fun of, making fun of him. It's just, it's nuts. How many celebrities have been linked because those parties, I mean, it was like, it was a who's who of people. I mean, I wonder, and now supposedly he's on suicide alert. I mean, this is, this is, it really isn't saying he looked like he was on a suicide alert when that video of him on Charlemagne, the God show, where he's playing in back clips of things that he'd said at a party was like, holy crap. Yeah, he liked calling other dudes daddy a lot. That seems to be something. That's not me. That's AI. That's AI. Yeah. A lot of, a lot of damning things as it regards old Diddy and then the ensuing elves that will be taken by other folks when these, when these particular videos come out. I mean, how many other celebrity folks are going to be caught up in this situation? It's just crazy. It would be possible, very possible, I think to be at a party like what was described, the Lakers were in back in the day, right? Like a Magic Johnson party, right? And then there's this added layer of criminal activity that could be going on that you're not aware of, right? That's my thing. Like right now, like LeBron said, ain't no party like a puffed daddy party. That doesn't mean he was complicit in any of the criminal activity. No, it does not guarantee anything like what Diddy is being, of course, accused of, but it certainly doesn't look good. Nobody wants to have any type of thing resurface that involves them being anywhere near one of those parts. No, like I saw him at home. He was still leading a post that he made wishing Diddy a happy birthday back in 2014 when he was still in love. Like, everybody's trying to just remove themselves from this altogether. No question. No question, man. It's an absolutely insane situation and no one takes a bigger L this week than Diddy, a very well-deserved L for sure. Now the 682 Biggest L laid off from his job last week, but biggest dub to meetings with recruiters scheduled for next week. So he's already on the come up a little bit. Congratulations, man. So that's back. We had a game Wednesday night down 2-1 with 90 seconds to go. Joe overcoach it, get a free kick at about midfield, coached it perfectly. Oh, OK. I said, put Vicki in right now, right? Vicki, Vicki, is it? You want to win? You put Vicki in. Vicki's the fastest striker you've ever seen at 13-year-old female, right? Why was she playing earlier? Well, I hadn't taken her out of the game, Brian. OK, so we tie, we quit asking damn questions for him. Of course. I just was curious. Vicki sounds like a monster. You have no idea. You have no idea. You have no idea. You have no idea. OK. That was real. So of course, she tallies. We tie it 2-2. She didn't want it earlier. 20 seconds later, free kick for the opposition just outside the box. And for the second time in the last four games, we lost on the last kick of the game. No. Just gut wrenching. Oh my gosh, dude. Not a worse feeling in sports. I was going to say, do you find that usually hurt your team so much more than when they just get run in a particular game? They're crying. They're crying. Like half the team's crying. It's so sudden. It's so unexpected. And oftentimes you go from so high where your win probabilities are like 98 and so you're feeling great. And then boom, a huge emotional swing. That'll bring tears out of you as well as the coach, I'm sure. I was fighting them. Yeah, I believe it, man. I believe it. I was fighting them. Now, did you guys see-- The parents kind of meeting in small groups and talking about you. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Really? [LAUGHTER] Did you get this guy out of here? It's like, hey, Beth, we've got to do something with Dawson. Come on. That's the thing. I don't know. I don't know. Old coach malpractice is what they call him. Yeah. Just in the parents' group message. [LAUGHTER] Did you hear what he said last night? Yeah, I'll tell you what. My internet's betraying me right now. But did you guys see the story about the Texas individual who was arrested, a historical arrest by a robot police person? Robocop? Robocop? Like an actual robot. It's like, did you ever see the movie Chappie? This has become real life now. OK. So you saw this wall chug? Yeah. This dude's in his hotel room. There's a movie called Chappie. Yeah. And a robot police officer. Same director from District 9. But you don't see movies. So I don't even know. That's what I'm saying. You're asking a lot of me right now. I'm just asking the other two that might have seen it. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. 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I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. I'm just asking the other one. Hey, Mike Vlinny here. Host a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming there are a bunch of pro bettors when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games when really they just lose like most of us? Think cash to tickets the spot for you. We're real. We're transparent. We're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Yes, sir. Here we go. It's our number two of the G bag nation here on your home of the Cowboys 105-3. The fan and we are live just down the street from the stadium as we are in Arlington here at Shaker Tins. It's brought to you by Sagamore Spirit Rywisky as Stephen Jones joins you now here on the fan. And a good afternoon, sir. How the heck are you? Good afternoon, guys, looking forward to getting the Sunday and getting the Ravens in town. Yes, yes. This is an exciting match up and a week after playing, you know, a physical offensive front there that use misdirection. Here come the Ravens that also do that. How confident are you that we got some answers this week on defense? Yeah. I feel good about it. I was with obviously talking with them after practice today and overall thought we really had a good week and know what we need to do to obviously improve upon what happened against, you know, what really turns out really hot Saints team. But got a great week of practice. I think everybody understands how important the execution is on the defensive side of the ball to really execute and do the things that, you know, we're trying to get done there. I don't think, you know, I've heard a few things that people are saying a lack of effort or something like that. I don't think that's the issue as much as it is just executing the defense. And obviously we're getting ready to go against one hell of a raven football team. I think they're number one in the league and rushing and so that's what we're going to have to go out and do is execute and be prepared. This is a team that's, you know, a really good football team that's owing to. And obviously, you know, they're looking for that first win and I'm sure put, you know, pushing, pushing, pushing, but we're going to be pushing, pushing too. And whether offense, defensive, special teams, I know Mike had great messaging with our team this week and, you know, feel really good. We're going to go out and play well. Yeah. I love the conviction that Mike had with the media as far as we're going to get this fixed. What do you think gives him so much confidence? I just know we know our football team. I mean, this is really, I know we got a really good football team and, you know, won 12 games last year. I know, you know, people want to group, you know, the Saints game in with the Packers game and say that's our identity that we just obviously don't feel that way in any shape, form or fashion. Feel like we've got a one hell of a football team that needs to, you know, obviously tighten up some things and execute and I think good things are going to happen to this group. How are you feeling about that defensive tackle spot right now? Mazi, it looks like listen is questionable in the final injury report. Yeah, I think he's going to, Mazi was out there today and looked good and I think he's going to be ready to roll, but obviously we'll see how tomorrow goes with, you know, pick it back up a little tomorrow in terms of the way Mike prepares the team, but still good Mike, you'll be able to play. Stephen Jones here with you in the G back nation. When it comes to tightening up and executing, how much of that is, you know, getting experience for a team that is, you know, having more rookie starters than you guys have ever had? Well, I think obviously, you know, we've got the offensive line where, you know, I thought we're actually playing well and I think we'll continue to be better. I mean, it's real tough to evaluate a running game when you're playing from behind like we did from start to finish and down multiple scores. So a lot of the game, it's hard to get in a rhythm with your run game, but, you know, I think that offensive line group's doing a great job and then, you know, I just think we've got some really good young players between Neelen and, you know, obviously Carson is doing a good job force out there. I think he'll step up and play well for us and Marist and, you know, it's just a good group of guys and he classified, you know, if you want to over show them as a rookie as well because the injury couldn't play last year, but we really like the group. They just got, as I said, they got to tighten it up and execute as them would say and I think good things will happen to this group. Yeah, but, but on offense, you're right, this offensive line and I don't know, you know, if the metrics are the end all be all when it comes to giving a score, but they say that you're blocking it up really good in the running game and, you know, I wanted to ask there because some of the, say you're blocking it up pretty good and getting significantly less than expected when it comes to, you know, yards over expectation. Do you guys feel like you're getting enough from the running back position to take advantage of the holes they're getting? Well, we'll continue to evaluate that situation. Obviously, as I said, it's tough to, you know, really evaluate anything after two games. We like our group of guys. We obviously, people want to bring up to Alvin Cook and he's obviously not unlike Zeke. Been a very successful runner in this league and people want to know when his chance is going to come and certainly, you know, we have all the confidence in the world. Michael, make that call when it's time if he wants to have a little change up there. But I like our group of guys between Zeke and Rico and Deuce and then go down and into that mix. We're convinced our guys are, as you said, I think our offensive lines and solid, solid group and I know this running back group will get into a rhythm run in the ball. And I think good things will happen. How important is it to get Jake Ferguson back and what level of him can we expect to see any type of pitch count? And do you guys in general, do you view him as sort of your, your second most lethal pass catcher? Well, he's just so instinctive and then on top of that, he brings that edge to that offense, you know, with his attitude and his play style, it's just outstanding and I thought Steenmaker did one hell of a job last week filling in for him, but it'll be great to get another weapon back for Dak and, you know, the biggest thing on the offensive side of the ball. You know, we didn't, you know, we didn't punt the ball till the fourth quarter. I don't think and, and so, you know, at the end of the day, we're moving the football. We just got to, we got to convert those long drives into touchdowns and, you know, everybody in the organization knows that the players know what the coaching staff knows it. We're moving the ball well, we just got to, you know, put kicking field goals as much as we love our field goal kicker and as good as it is, we got to, we got to get touchdowns and let it make those field goals extra points. Stephen, can you kind of walk us through the decision to go coach Carlos Watkins? I know you're having some trouble with some, some injuries and stuff, but was this one of those times that you kind of said, was he maybe the first guy on your list when it came to a, hey, if we have to go get a defensive tackle, that's the guy we're going to go try and get. Yeah, you know, Brian, we've had Carlos here take a lot of and he's a, you know, really solid guy, you know, in the, in the room, he brings a lot to the, we think he brings a lot to the run game and just, you know, Phillips, you know, he's coming off a risk injury and just felt like he wouldn't, you know, 100% in using that risk. And, you know, when you're a defensive lineman and you can't use your hands and your arms, that's a, you know, that show, you know, put you on the short end of the stick. So Carlos, as you said, Brian, you know, better than anybody have teams keep their, their, your list and Carlos was at the top of ours and on the commander's practice squad and he was a guy that made sense for us to go get. Stephen Jones with us here on the fan, Stephen, I mean, the Cowboys fans travel extremely well, but haven't grown up a cowboy fan. It always bothered me when we seem to get invaded by the opposing team's fans. That certainly happened with the Saints. And apparently the reports are we're going to get a flock of Ravens fans from Baltimore. Is that bother you when you start to see some of the opposing fans at AT&T? Well, it happened. You don't love it, but I also understand it. I mean, people who don't get here very often and, you know, we hadn't played the Saints a lot here in this building. And of course, it's an easy, you know, an easy ride for a lot of Saints fans that are, you know, just right across the way and Louisiana. And so we know on occasion that's going to happen. Obviously, we prefer to have everybody sitting in that seat, a Cowboys fan, but we're certainly the beneficiary of that on the road most of the time in terms of, you know, having large percentages of cowboy fans and opposing team stadiums. So understand it. I mean, you're not going to ever now and then you're going to have these teams that hadn't been to AT&T much. They want to experience North Texas and what AT&T stadiums about. But if we had our preference, honestly, no, I'd like 100% of them to be cowboy fans, but also know that can be unrealistic. If Zim likes to go with the overshown spine Lamar, does he have what it takes to track down maybe the best running quarterback the league's ever seen? Yeah, it's hard to put that on anybody. I mean, he certainly, I mean, at two time MVP, I think almost unanimous both times. And, you know, the guy's supremely talented when it comes to moving around and he's not to mention he's just a great quarterback, but no, if anyone can do it, I'm betting on overshown. He's got the speed, the juice to do what we're going to ask him to do. And I think he'll do a great job doing it. I'm thinking he'll be, have a great day. How do you guys look at running quarterbacks in general or specifically with Dak? I mean, I, I kind of look at it like it's such a weapon, but you don't want to get the guy hurt. So I want to do it as much as it takes to get to the playoffs and then the postseason all bets are off because we just need to win the game. How do you look at it, Stephen? Yeah, I mean, they're obviously at the challenge when they're legitimate, like, especially like Lamar. And then on top of that, he can throw the ball. I mean, he's accomplished throwing it, but you know, when you got to count for the quarterback as a true runner, I could tell you, I don't care what defensive coordinator they'll tell you, it's, you know, it's another challenge. And, you know, he's just probably one of the best ever, I end up back there and run with the ball in terms of his burst and his explosion and his speed is, you know, you don't see it very often. Stephen, there's an article on ESPN today where they took anonymous individuals from around the NFL and voted on some analytics topics and your Cowboys were actually voted as the most improved as it pertains to overall analytics, capability and implementation over the past two years. I'm curious, how has that changed the way you guys prep for games up until Sunday? And how has that changed some of the way things go down on Sundays? Well, analytics is a part of any company now. If you're involved in any business, analytics is important and certainly sports is no exception. I mean, whether you're talking baseball, another book came out many moons ago, Moneyball was when people first started getting their hands around it, but with A's and what they did there. But, you know, analytics is an important part, it's not only important for how you evaluate football games and all the things, the tendencies and things that go with it, but it's a huge deal when it comes to evaluations of players and talent and, you know, how you go about it. And that's off to our group who brought in a guy to run that area for us, John Park, who's just outstanding and was just turned out he wanted to be a Cowboys. And I do think he's one of the best in the business and he's put together a good group of people with him that do their job really well and hopefully as we go forward, it'll continue. It's paid dividends, I think in our evaluation process and hopefully it'll eventually get us to where we all want to go with this football team. Stephen, you know, for my pre-game show, I got to do a lot of work, a lot of film work to kind of get ready for it and I was watching the, you know, the Ravens and the secondary and stuff and I was thinking that there was going to be some opportunity potentially for branding cooks and I kind of wondered if the organization kind of sees things the same way with, you know, is there can be some opportunities for him to make some plays, particularly with how great of a route runner he is. Yeah, I think Brandon's outstanding and not only is he a great route runner, he's still even after his time in the league, he's still got rare juice in terms of being able to get over the top and we certainly, you know, need to take advantage of that when giving opportunities and I know that that has all the confidence in the world in him and certainly getting CD back rolling again. Tobord had a good game last week and Queen Schoonmaker and Ferguson, you know, something like that'll creep up on the opposing team hopefully and make some big, big plays for us, which we'll need when we play the Ravens here. Can't wait, Steven, enjoy your weekend and give him help, we'll be pulling for you. Appreciate it, always good being home with guests. Salute, there he goes, Steven Jones here with you on your home of the Cowboys 105-3, the fan, Brian. Yeah, we're always pulling for you until we have to make our picks. Yes, man, I would love it if they'd win every game, you know. I want that to happen so much, but I think we've seen. It's going to be, it's going to be a real battle this weekend, I mean, it really is. You know, you could, you could be tough on them and they're going to be tough on you. It really is. I'll be, I'll be interesting to see how the, the test of wills here. Can you play run defense? Can they run the ball? Can you make them throw the ball? Can they play pass defense against you? I mean, there, there are some things that you could go through this, this game and this matchup and feel like that the other team has a clear advantage over the others. I mean, it's, it's, that's, that's why this one's going to be tough. I mean, maybe, maybe I'm off. The Ravens are 0 and 2, but I, I feel like they're one of the better 0 and 2 teams at the time. They're good. That's a good football team. They, they, they were a toe away from beating the Chiefs and, I mean, last week they could have easily beaten the team. They were up 10. They could be 2 and 0. Yeah, they were up 10 in the fourth. They've had struggles with like finding ways to finish games, which is surprising for a Harbaugh team. You would figure they would, they would be able to do this, but they've given up double digit leads in the fourth, you know, they've given up drives when they had to have a drive. They, they haven't exactly been very good at doing that. And so, yeah, it's, it's for all the talent that they have their times you're going, man, I can't believe they just did that, you know, in a way of like, well, that costs them the game. Yeah. And if you feel like they're better codes, talent and all that, and they do something that is just ridiculous and find a way to lose. I feel like I almost went into a Fred Davis time warp there when I was asking about the running back. But I had awareness. I pulled it together probably in under 30 seconds total time elapsed. But anyway, I liked his answer better than I liked Jerry's this morning where Jerry was like, I don't know what you're talking about. We don't need another runner. He's like, we're going to evaluate this. Yeah. You know, we'll get a look at Dalvin whenever Mike wants to. But I like that because shoot, I, I feel like if you would go get it just an above average running back, things are going to look dramatically different with your ability to control the clock. I think as the season goes on, this offensive line is just going to get better with the two rookies. That's another guy. So I mean, for me, absolutely that that's a position they will have to continue to evaluate again. I just think as the Bobby Belt dug in that we had fun with, I think they might kind of be dug in with where they are with that group right now. I just, you know, there's something I see the metrics as far as the numbers and things like that for the block plays and the running and all that. But my eyes don't show me that when I watch the tape, you know, and I'm not trying to give the backs a pass here because there have been some holes where they've run to darkness so they've not made the right cut and, you know, and you're kind of, you're kind of sitting there like, oh, that could have been a little bit better or, oh, they chanted the ball to Zeke and now there's just a sea of brown seal jerseys in the hole or black Saint's jerseys all in the hole. It's just a, he's a tick slow. Yeah, and that's the thing about it is I don't know when you start to talk about metrics if I really believe that one and I don't know if this is a good run blocking offensive line. I just, I want to believe it is, but I don't have a feeling because of the sample size. When you talk about it, they get behind in the game. They can't run the ball early in the early, the first game they did, you know, they just completely shut it down in the first half after that. So I don't, I don't know. I mean, if the metrics tell me, oh, it's well blocked plays, I watch 15 plays. I think four of them were well blocked. Yeah. It's an 11 of them. I'm going, I wouldn't consider that a play where the back has a chance. I think they're so cleanly blocked, they should be like 40, 50 yard runs and they're going for 40 yards. Yes. Maybe that's the case. And that's what would change the average. Yeah. You know, when Tony Pollard was getting over six, it wasn't sixth in attempt. It was a bunch of three and a half and then an 80, you know, and I don't feel like they're presenting that threat at all. But I mean, after two games, I'd probably go with your film over the metrics. Yeah, I just feel like to me when you, when, when, and there have been some plays where they have not blocked it well and there have been some good plays, but it's such a small size of thinking, wow, if the, if this team really run the football, I have, I, I don't think they'll be able to run it this weekend, not with what I've seen, how the Ravens played defense. Was it safe to say though, that, that Deuce Vaughn and Zeke would not be performing well even if they had a verifiably good offensive line? I don't know, because there's a couple of times where, where, where Deuce got the ball, it was like a four yard game. If Deuce would have maybe bounced it outside, it might have been an eight to 10 yard game. Yeah. You know, so. See, that's what I'm saying. Not enough vision. It's, it's, it's. More quickness. Yeah, there's, there's that kind of though with, with Zeke, I think there is a lack of quick. Now, one of his big plays at last week in the game, he caught a swing from Dak that they said was a run because it was behind the line of scrimmage. It ended up like an eight yard play, but it's a throw behind the line of scrimmage that they blocked outside and then he was able to get the eight to 10 yards and I was going to turn up, turn up and he just kind of drifts out of bounce, you know. So I don't know if you, if you, that same play to, to Vaughn or to Dattle, maybe it's a little bit more of a, maybe you get more credit for it right there. Well, thanks to Steven Jones for joining us here every Friday at three o'clock. It's the G bag nation on the fan pregame at what, noon, Sunday, 12 30, 12 30, right? Yeah. Right on. Okay. We're coming back with the NFL news of the day. We'll check what's cooking. What does Emmett think about these Cowboys is a playoff team, a new king of trash, Jack and an unfortunate record watch. That's next on the nation, shoot. Yeah. Welcome back nation. We are live here in Arlington at shaker tins. It's brought to you by Sagamore spirit. Why whiskey? Come say hi. Tip your weight. Staff. They're taking great care of us. Segments brought to you by soda, the state of the art. It's brought to you by the Frankles. Life's unpredictable accidents happen. If you're hurt in accident due to somebody's negligence, call the Frankles for a free consultation. Two one four or eight one seven, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, go online to frank up for him dot com. We'll chuck. You have our NFL news of the day. Thank you. He better. Very much. Oh, I got it. Better freaking brought it with you. Are you kidding me? You bet I brought it, even though I'm, I'm balancing between hotspot, local Wi-Fi, whatever I can find that works in the moment. There you go. So I apologize for not being in the zoom right now. I know Carter Freeman's back there like you bleeple. I'm so sorry. I keep trying to open it. It keeps kicking me out. This will get corrected at some point, but let's get some injury news for you. Who are we getting to some audio? The Bears, the Bears have ruled out wide receiver Keenan Allen. He's going to miss a second straight game against the Colts. So no Keenan. And this is after Roman Dunezay's dad's already posting clips of his son getting open. And this is just two games into his career with the Bears and Caleb Williams as his quarterback. I was going to ask you guys, this is a record, right? Two games into a career, a parent doing the out of context, then highlighting their son and not getting the ball, not showing anything about the rest of the play, having no idea what is on the plate of the quarterback. Just my son breaking open. He was open. He's there. Like if you just throw it to my son and play, Caleb Williams is pure wedding and spinning and trying to avoid sacks left and right, but hey, Rome was open. And that's all that dad cares about. And that's, you know, a parent right there. Yeah. No, that's definitely apparent. He had no idea that Caleb Williams was having to pull himself out of Will Anderson's navel at one point during a play and he's expecting Roma Dunesay to catch a ball because he's got a half step of separation. And I heard Caleb was quite the fuzzy navel fan. So I think that's going to get corrected. I think he throws a touchdown Roma Dunesay. That's my bold prediction for this week. Roma Dunesay, Caleb Williams, they find pater together. We'll relive it on TD2's. I was just surprised because I always thought Will Anderson had an Audi. I thought that was a part of all his combine reporting on him. In fact, I was almost guaranteed that he had an Audi. Somebody told me like three years ago, he was an Audi guy. Do we got ballsacked on that one again? It's not the first time we've gotten sacked. All right. Justin Herbert has been diagnosed with a high ankle sprained. Chargers are undecided on whether he's going to play on Sunday. Oh, yeah. Come on. Jim Harbaugh is going to look him in the eyes and he's going to be like football is to be played. And Justin's going to be like, yes, sir. And he's going to get his butt on there. On that field, he's going to get the pads beat up on him, buy coach Harbaugh before. That's right. Wait. So it's his ankle as well. Apparently he's got a hand issue too. He's implementing no high fives for the quarterback. That's like a team issue. Now he's got a high ankle sprained. He had a whole team meeting, don't high fives the quarterback because he's got some type of sore hands. Yeah. Well, this is one of the monitor heading into Sunday. Now, Joe Nixon's officially not playing. He's doubtful. That means he's out. Hey, if you were anything like me, sneaky Cam Acres. Yeah. Cam Acres is going to get the start. So Cam Acres is poised to start it running back this week. Joe Nixon doubtful Damian Pierce has a hammy. He is expected to be out as well. So Cam Acres will get the majority of those carries for your Houston Texans. And according to Espin, that's ESPN in France, Bryce Young is open to a potential trade following the benching. Here are some possible landing spots for Bryce Young. Tell me which one you guys like the most. Edmonton. Saskatchewan. Excuse me. Okay. I think he would look great in the BC Lions. The dolphins of Miami, the J E T S jets jets jets of New York, the Rams of LA or the Hawks of Seattle. This is where I think that every every power five school should have the option out with the N I L to have one former player be a guy that is like a celebrity shot, so to speak, for a season and Alabama could right now if they wanted to be like Bryce and move over Jalen Miller match up next week against Georgia, you can bring Bryce down back for that game and he can get paid for N I L style, you know, like everybody wins here. There's, there's, tell me the single person that loses in that scenario other than of course, you know, I guess it would be Jalen Miller, if he's getting benched for. Yeah. That would be the single person. Yeah. You just answered your own question on that one. It would just be Jalen Miller. Otherwise, we'd all kind of love to see that. I think that'd be fantastic. But it was set. That's how it went down back in the day. I wouldn't mind seeing him going with a section in the Rams in LA as the air apparent maybe to Matthew Stafford. If there's anybody that can figure it out, it's McVey or McDaniel, maybe, you know, two guys that I think I'd take Bryce young to start forming over Skylar Thompson just to see how it goes. If, I mean, it totally, what are you giving up for him, I think is a, is a huge question. And I think it's a day three pick. Would you take him? Yes, sure. But for what you think it's a day three picks are like five, six, seven. Yeah. There's no way Carolina is giving up on him for that. Probably not, but I don't know that they're going to be getting anything. You know, teams know they're out on him. They've not with him. Sam Francisco got a four right now. Sam Francisco got a four for the, they're the only team that did the Cowboys overpaid massively. Look at Zach Wilson. What did he get traded for? Seven. Yeah. Like all the other quarterbacks that got traded, the Cowboys look like the Schmucks they gave up a fourth round pick. No, nobody else has done that. Well, because Jerry also got ahead of it a little bit. We got another full season of all those quarterbacks and seeing how bad they were before they got dealt. We got ahead of it with Trey Lance before we knew for sure he was a bag of ass. And we got a lot of tech saying he's going to go to the 49ers. Maybe they say, Hey, we believe in Bryce. We're going to rock with him by, by Brock Purdy. We're not paying you. Makes a lot of sense. I would love one of these coaches that feels like I'd like to see it. I'm a QB whisper. Yeah. Yeah. I'd like to see that. Where's my whispers at? The teams you mentioned, I think Miami makes the most sense if they have the draft capital to go get a guy. I'm sure they do. If it's not a lot, maybe a three is the sweet spot that gets it done. Maybe a two. No chance you would do that though. No. I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up. I don't think any team would want to do that. At most, it would be a four and that's only if I really had a high evaluation on it. And I do think a team like Miami who feels like a team who in their minds should be competing at least for the playoffs and now boom, our quarterbacks down. And so maybe out of desperation, thinking you're just a quarterback away, you'd be willing to give up a little bit more. But holy smokes, man, if they give up a two or a three, I mean, that's a that's a picket. It's a picketing outside of the facilities type of you're you're an idiot. I think I'd give a three, you know, the argument is there that, hey, this is a short guy. He's going to need good protection, good weapons, stability around him. We have the kind of offense to create space and take advantage of his reading ability and his accuracy. I think Bryce Young could be a winner in Miami and a three would be a small price to pay for it. Let me try sneaking a couple audio cuts here before we wrap up NFL News today. Here's Emmett Smith on with Kay Adams, the up and Adam show. Cowboys playoff team in your mind, Emmett, just be honest with us. I'm not sure last week was just a debacle. It's just was a debacle period and we then then rise up like we should have and maybe we don't have that talented of a football team to rise up and do what people expect. We do have a few injuries here and there, but bottom line is next man up and right now I feel like some of our players with this be on offensive side or even on the defensive front, we could be playing with some what I would call back in the day plan B and playing C gots. So McCarthy, he has his work cut off. Mike Zimmer has his work cut off on his way. Does it play off team? Not really look last week. Emmett. That way is look last week. So honest, really. I mean, ever since the Super Bowl run, you know, I was at radio row, I mean, he has just been honest and really echoing the sentiments of the entire fan base and I agree. The way they look last week, that is not a playoff team. The schedule is not easy. We're going to find out this week. Can they make any corrections against another team that's going to run the football on you? I can't believe the Cowboys are a playoff team unless they trade for a running back. Last year, you had the illusion that Tony Pard was still an all pro level player. The league didn't figure it out until late that he really wasn't that good anymore. And now, you know, you're it's clear the offensive approach that you can bring misdirection and physicality, run it right at them. Yeah. So there's narratives that have developed in a blueprint on how to beat the Cowboys. That's even worse than last year. You know, I can't imagine them being a playoff team unless they go get a runner and the offensive line is in fact as good as what the metrics through two weeks have said when it comes to to run blocking. If both those things are true, they could be a playoff team. But if you if you punt on running back like Jerry Jones suggested, they are going to this morning when he joined KMC masterpiece, your your offense isn't viable. The league knows how to stop Dak Prescott. You have one wide receiver, you know, Jake Ferguson was all pro and Tobord and Brooks were really good wide receiver twos and threes. You might be able to make this work. But the Cowboys couldn't make it work when they had a redundancy. They had a Mari Cooper, Michael Gallup and CD lamb. Yeah. And when they couldn't run, their offense was still broken then and that was with Dalton Schultz. So they put up 17 points in the playoffs. Now it's Dak and CD lamb against the opposition. When you're used to it being like Dak and a pretty loaded passing core, it's it's it's it's not there. And you know, I I just don't know if the Cowboys care to invest a lot to save this season. I think they might think their ceiling is too low to really throw assets at this season to save it. All right. We'll get to Cam Taylor, Brad, when he had to say about the commander's offense right before the top 10 at four 20. There's your NFL news of the day. Thank you all Chuck. Five here in Arlington, thanks to Sagamore spirit Rywiskey. And we want to salute our host here at Shaker Tins for having us out today. It's it's an enchanted afternoon. We'd like for you to join us. Flagtober starts next week, the 2024 Whataburger flag is on social. You can see it. Jeff Zarrabek from the athletic is previewing the Ravens. Have a Friday news dump is well coming up at four o'clock and we're back with more here in the G bag nation. The corner has been moved to the four 40 this afternoon as we have a special guest joining us here. Brian brought us will deliver crusties corner coming up in one hour as Jeff Zarrabek of the athletic previewing the Ravens of Baltimore joins us now here on your home of the Cowboys. Okay. Jeff's going to join us in just a second. It is a triple bet payoff Friday. If you're just joining us in the two o'clock hour brought us in classic brought us fashion just housed his edible bet payoff and entire stick of butter despite his former boss, Derek's Eagleton Dallas Cowboys dot com warning him that a fraternity brother of his in college went blind temporarily temporary blindness. Yeah. After eating an entire stick of butter, but Brian was not phased or scared. No, and that time frame of reference there temporarily feels a little bit, you know, too vague for me to want to dip my toe in those waters, but brought us just hit it out the park, man. There's nothing to do with that. Totally disgusting. As Jeff Zarrabek of the athletic joins you now here on one oh five three the fan in a good afternoon. Sir. How the heck are you? Good. How you guys doing? We're doing wonderful. What do we make of these Ravens coming in here at their own and to, but there's not a lot of Cowboys fans that are confident that they're going to actually beat Baltimore on Sunday. What's your read on this game? Yeah, I'd say there's not a lot of Raven fans are confident they're going to beat the Cowboys either. It's just kind of weird. You know, like I obviously I went to a surprise for the Ravens. Not that anybody is surprised they didn't wait an arrow had in week one. That's a tough assignment, but to lose a 10 point lead to the Raiders and your home field sort of prompts some, you know, sort of prompts some, you know, uncomfortable questions about is this team is good as everyone expected them to be. What's the upside here? So, you know, they said all the right things this week. I don't think they're panicking, but this is the team that hasn't been owing to nearly a decade, you know, so they understand they're waiting into much wind territory and, you know, I'd expect they respond accordingly, but they have a lot to figure out. It's just been a very mistake prone, inconsistent team for two weeks. Jeff, what's the offensive line looking like right now? I look like coach was saying he might be moving some parts around. Yeah, I, you know, that's been sort of a push in the beginning of the season questioning the guys who were starting. You know, they've been rotating at right tackle because they wanted to kind of ease in rookie second round pick Roger Rosengarten. He did really well when he got a chance against Max Krollsby last week, which could bold could bode for a bigger role for him. The guy that's really been struggling is right guard Daniel Filele so it wouldn't surprise me if we see more of rotation at right guard rather than him getting every snap. So there's a lot of things they could do they could they could add some experience there with the guy like Josh Jones has been on their bench. So I think it's pretty clear with some of the things John Harbaugh's been saying this week that they're going to do some different things there. I don't think it's going to be a massive new look. I mean, you have who you have, but I think some other guys are going to get a shot there on Sunday even if it's a part of a rotation. Jeff, what's the situation with Marlin Humphrey and studying the tape of the team seems like they're playing him a lot more at the nickel spot than even I've ever seen him play and there is there's something going on that they just trying to to get their best guys on the field trying to get the rookie from Clemson on the field where why are we getting so much nickel from Humphrey. Yeah, I think that's a big part of it. You know, they view Nate Wiggins as one of their top three corners. Now he still has to clear concussion protocol he was in a car accident last week and didn't play on Sunday, but he's been practicing the last couple days of the non-contact jersey. I'd say that one's trending up for this week which would you'd probably see a lot of him and Brandon Stevens on the outside and that Marlin Humphrey in the inside looking in last couple of years Humphrey's kind of been more effective in the slot than he is on the outside. I mean, he's a physical guy. I think inside get some closer to the ball and the line is scrimmage a little bit. You can get away with a little more contact on the inside rather than if you're on an island out on the outside, so but I think overall the idea is to get your best corners on the field and moving him inside is the way to get the rookie Nate Wiggins more involved. In general though, are they trying to keep things as much the same as last year without McDonald? Now with Or is he trying to implement some new things? Yeah, you know, I mean it's a different team in a lot of ways because they lost so many free agents. You know, they left Patrick Queen and they left Judevian Clowney and they left Gene O'Stone and they lost Ronald Darby, so you lost four or five guys and almost your entire defensive coaching staff, so there's going to be some changes as a result. But overall, I mean, this is kind of the Ravens defensive philosophy. It wasn't Mike McDonald's philosophy, it was sort of the Ravens defensive philosophy. They want to be versatile. They want to, you know, disguise quarterbacks. This isn't the blitz heavy defense of Wink Martindale's past. We don't see that as much, they'll pick their shots more. It's a lot of young players playing. They like to load up the field with DBs because that's, you know, that's kind of been their strongest position group, because as many DBs out on there as possible and improve the speed a little bit. So, you know, there's been some new wrinkles with that core, but it's not a defense that is radically different. I just don't think they're as deep or as strong in the personnel given all their free agent losses in the off season. Jeff, the metrics will tell you that this team is struggled with pressure and especially struggled with pressure with blitzing. Is that something that you have noticed yourself, just being at the games and evaluating scene at life? Are you talking about their offensive struggle to deal with pressure? The defense, the Ravens defense has struggled with the blitz or creating pressures. Yeah, I think that's fair, you know, I think that's fair and I think that's kind of a little bit expected. I mean, they're, you know, they're playing a bunch of different guys. I think they're still trying to figure out the personnel. Some young guys are getting, you know, kind of, you know, being thrust into bigger roles than maybe was anticipated right away. And, you know, they're the 30 second pass defense in football and, you know, a lot of the attention has been on the secondary because they've so many assets as part of that group, you know, whether it's foot-round picks or long-term deals, but yeah, you know, that's part of it what you brought up. I mean, the pass defense is all three levels. I mean, we've seen their inside linebackers get picked on in coverage. I mean, the Chiefs isolated them all night. You know, we've seen, then we've seen secondary breakouts on the back end. I think a big part of it, just defense not swaying from your question too much, but I think a big part of it is they need their best players to play like their best players. Sure. Roblorn Smith has not played very well the first two games. At least in week one, which might have been his worst game, it's a Raven, was a bit better last week. Kyle Hamilton has been battling stuff, hasn't been around the football a lot. Now I'm dating out of BK as, you know, more penalties and sacks right now. So there's some soul search in this week from their defense. They had extra meetings to try to iron some stuff out. It'll be interesting what, you know, what we see from that group because they seem to understand they're not playing up to expectations. Jeff's Arabic of the athletic here talking Ravens, do you think it's possible that what we've seen so far from the Ravens defense is what you're going to get for the most part? I think there's some of that, you know, and again, the biggest storyline that didn't get a ton of attention this offseason involving the Ravens was not just, you know, Mike McDonald was brilliant last year. I mean, he just had the hot hand pretty much all year. They didn't go down the AFC Championship game because of Mike McDonald, that's for sure. But it's like their entire staff. I mean, you know, you have four guys from that staff who either head coaches or defensive coordinators now, you know, with Anthony Weaver in Miami and Dennard Wilton in Tennessee, obviously orgs with the Ravens now, a couple of other staff members left. There was a huge, you know, brain drain, as they say, from a defensive staff. So this is a lot of ways, the new staff with a bunch of new players. So I, you know, this is a group that should be playing better come, you know, November and December down the homestretch just because they'll be more experienced and people will sort of, you know, be able to find their footing. I think early, there was an expectation that there would be a little bit of drop off drop off and it would kind of take a while to get back to playing defensive football as they as they'd like to be playing it. I think we were all pretty stunned to see the loss last week to the Raiders. I mean, they had a lead and then all of a sudden here comes Vegas coming back. Is that has not been an issue under a horrible, just an inability to close out games? I'm curious somebody who's there and what your take is on all that. Yeah, big time issue. I think they've blown more fourth quarter leads in recent years than any team in football. You know, I mean, you look at it two ways. One is they pretty much have had a lead most games. I mean, this is a team that is in every game. They rarely get blown out. Most of their games can be one possession. They're in the lead a lot. So they're doing enough to build leads and to be out in front and be in every game. But they're not doing enough to consistently close games. And, you know, it just been, it sounds simplistic, guys. But they've just not been very clutch in recent years. I know you can go a lot of different ways with that. But just mistakes at the wrong time and not getting that crucial stop late in games or not getting that crucial score late in games. It's been all three facets. And, you know, even last week against the Raiders, you know, the defense allowed points in the last four possessions, that that was big. But the offense didn't score their last couple possessions. And when a couple three announced their last two, where if they scored points in those drives, they would have had a multi-score lead and they would have won the game. And they're special teams, you know, they had a bad punt in the game. They had a bad decision to take up all the end zone. They're special teams to let them down the fourth quarter too. So it's not just one facet. It's kind of been all areas. I mean, when you consistently blow leads, it's usually not one thing. And for them, that's been the case. They just need to be a lot better down the stretch and make winning plays. Because, you know, oftentimes they've been their own worth enemy in four quarters. Thank you so much, Jeff. Have a great weekend. Enjoy the game. You as well. Thanks, Scott. Salute, Jeff's Arabic of the athletic. They're talking Baltimore Ravens here. Cowboys and Ravens Sunday at 3.30 here on your home of the Cowboys. OK, we are live here in Arlington at Shakertons and presented by Sagamor Spirit, Ry Wiski. A little bit of a Friday news dump coming up, Chief? Yes, sir. We wave goodbye to a legend. And no one has more at stake this college football weekend than this guy next. Hey, Mike Vlinny here. Hosted a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming they're a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games? When, really, they just lose like most of us. Think cash to tickets, the spot for you. We're real. We're transparent. We're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Steering the nation. Shoot, yeah, we are. It's our number three of the G back nation on 105, three. The fan live at Shakertons in Arlington. Come on by get you some of this Sagamor Spirit, Ry Wiski. They are presenters here today in Arlington and salute to everybody involved. Salute all the tollos that have made it through already. You're taking pictures. They're getting fired up for their 2024 G back nation flag brought to you by whatever. You can see images of that on social media. The funnel begin next Friday. Here's the chief with the Friday news down. OK, lots to get to here, including the individual with the most at stake. This college football weekend 8, 7, 7, 8, 8, 1, 1, 0, 5, 3. What is your must watch college football game of the weekend? You only get one. Is it arch versus Louisiana and row? Is it OU's first SEC matchup? The revenge game for Josh Hypel in Tennessee coming to town as a road favorite in a pretty large way or is it the Utah Oklahoma State? You got USC Michigan got a handful of fun games here, so I just want to watch. Josh, just I totally get that. I think plenty of people are going to be like, dude, that's the appointment television. Whether you're a Longhorn fan or not, of course, it's Louisiana and row. So they're not necessarily the draw here, but everybody all eyes on arch. I totally get that. I totally get that. I can't wait to watch him for four quarters, you know? I mean, there's a lot of football to be played. I think you got people really excited about the future and the present of the Longhorns. But you know, if you stumble a little bit in this kind of a matchup, then I think that would go the opposite way. So it's a very intriguing story and a guy with a last name that could absolutely put this state, once again, at the very center of the sport. Big search is in the building. That's a beautiful thing. Shaker, Tinsarlington, place to be right now. And I'll tell you what, no one has more on the line, even more than arch, even more than Quinn Ears, even more than Josh Hypel, even more than Lincoln Riley, name that individual in college football. No one has more at stake than the K-State fan who is alleging that he is going to cram a five-layer burrito Taco Bell style, cram it up his cram hole, upon K-State losing to BYU this weekend. So that's a tough one to do that with, right? That's like how, from your experience? No, I have no experience doing that, but when you think about it, how's that going to work? How often have you thought about that? And don't until you just told us that story, really? Yeah, man, I've actually, you know, there's been a time or two, you start thinking about things. It's like a beefy five-layer burrito. It just sounds pretty good. Maybe. Well, when you start thinking about like the worst things you could do, like the worst ways to use a five-layer burrito, I think this is basically at the top of the list. And on the heels of the FSPOO fan, doing what he did and understanding the level of curse that he just placed on his own, like, if you're going to be this guy that's stepping up to the plate, you better be serious about this. I mean, it is disgusting. The only thing I could see worse would be actually eating that five-layer burrito, chief. Really? You'd rather eat it with your back hold in your mouth hold? That's incredible. Wow. If it's physically possible. You know, I don't know. Wolfchuck seemed to have some experience in that department. He's got some conviction. No, there's no experience. I mean, it's just imagine. Think about it. So I am. I have. That's not going to work. You need something with a little more substance. I mean, Eric, we did talk about this off air. Thank you. That sentiment twist probably seemed like the better play. Yeah. If you're going to have to do anything from Taco Bell's menu, I mean, you need something that can hold together. I mean, feel free to touch that into like what if you had to do something from Taco Bell? You know, like with this case, they got to do it. It seems to be going all in. I don't know. Cruncrap. Taco would work really well, I think. Cruncrap supreme would probably be pretty bad if taco. Oh, you would go that over the the old cinnamon twist, the twist doesn't sound like a very good plan. Now you were a big fan of those rolled tacos. The taquitos. Yeah. They basically are. Can you roll that up real tight for me? I'm just saying it would really just make it a tour to you. The last thing you don't put anything in there, you don't want the tostano, you know, you don't. The Mexican pizza. We got a vote for the Mexican pizza. Wow. That's that's bold. That's I mean, that's fine. There's a lot going on there. Yeah. Oh, man. It's just flexible. My goodness. This guy. I don't know. This is a this is a bad idea from start to finish. Now this the dude who did this though hides behind the account that is Saint Bill Snyder. So it's a sort of an anonymous case state fan. So I don't know. But this guy might have to delete his account or whatever, but just definitely something to monitor. You don't have to do this. We've proven this like we haven't had the guy who or he had other stuff. So the Eagles fan did eat the horse stuff a couple of years back and it worked out for him. Because what did they end up doing? They got back. They got back. But here's the deal. The FSU guy. He has now placed acre. They're 0 and 3. That's fine. That's fine. That's not fine. Lose all the games. You go into that way. I'm not eating poo. You're going to lose all the games. Fine. That's that's going to happen. Get ready for a century. Yeah. Would you rather do the poo or the the five layer bit? You know what, give me the damn poo. Oh, you guys didn't want to swim in poo river. Yeah. Now you want to eat it. Now you want to eat it. Well, we'll check does. Hey, speaking of eating. I don't know if you got to wear this. There was. There was. Let's make that very clear. We got some news. Get you some of that butter. I'd just say that would help. Here in the dump, we got some news culinary wise the you know that the Thomas brand of bagels. We've now joined forces here collision course style with fruit loops. If you ever wanted a fruit loop and a bagel at the same time, hello, the Thomas brand of bagels. What a time to be alive for you because your dream has now become reality. I think we're doing too much with the fruit. What do you think about that one there? So is this a is this a fruit loop size bagel? No, this is a mini bagel. Okay. So this is like probably I would say about 50% of a run of the mill regulation bagel. So what you have is a bagel with chunks of fruit loop in it. Yeah, baked into it or whatever. Yeah, I like that. So I don't know. It's got a lot with the old fruit loop. They're doing a lot. Yeah, but I think it speaks to the versatility, the staying power, they continue to try and evolve. They're not. They're not comfortable with the status quo brought us. They're not just like, Hey, we're fruit loops. We've made it. We could just rest on our laurels. They can. They've been around for a hundred years. Let's take some. Let's take some risk. Oh, yeah. Let's make a bagel out on that on this. This is going to just cut the crap out of your mouth. I think coming out it might hurt too. Fruit loops are one of those that you got to let soak a little bit. Yeah. Just 90 seconds. They can, they can be hard. Would you hard? What would you put on this if you were going for nothing? Just butter. Just butter. I was thinking like a new teller situation. Yeah. Put a little bit in here. Wait a minute. Chocolate and fruity doesn't work for me. I get that. Yeah. Okay. Wait, wait. No, no, no, no. Tell us the story. All you've been doing is eating Nutella for the last week or two. My wife's been doing this thing where she toast the bread and then puts Nutella on it. And she just walks in the living room and expects me not to want to have a bite and then follow up question, can you do one for me? Right. I want to mean four. Yeah. And we're just stacking them up now. So you're like four slices of bread with Nutella on it? Yeah. Yeah. Exact sourdough bread. Yeah. Butter, toast, Nutella, two thumbs up. Why is the sourdough a factor in this thing? The sourd, it's a damn good bread. She's making great sandwiches with it. Oh, no, it's a great bread. But I wouldn't think of putting chocolate on it. Well, I'd go brioche for that myself. Thank you. All right. Okay. Well, maybe we'll give that one a shot. You know what? If you want to have sourdough, have the sourdough and him bread shame you over here. I don't think anybody's ever held sourdough shamed before. That seems like a pretty top tier bread. It's not that better than the bread bowl. It's the sourdough with clam chowder and thank you. You love sourdough. I do. But I would say that chocolate with the sourdough, I don't know, not until you try it. Yeah. Eric has like five of them a day. I can confirm as much conviction as wall chuck has on the inability to put a five-layer burrito up is, you know, I have much conviction and that thing's going to just mush everywhere. I have the same type of conviction about how good that sourdough and new tell a situation is. Give it a shot. Bad news. Sad news. Don't mean to make us all emotional here. But Bobon is reportedly heading to Turkey to fix his basketball career. Oh, dude. Riddle. What do you think it maps? I just don't understand players that Bobon on your roster. Bobi. Yeah. All best, all best, buddy. I know. We've already signed our cheerleader guy that then we resigned. Yeah. Morris. Yeah. Morris. Oh, Marquis. Yeah. Do you prefer the toughness or the goofiness? I don't know. I mean, every locker room's different. I prefer the goofy. Yeah. I miss. I miss my friend. I know. It's one of those deals where you didn't know when you were watching him that that was going to be the last time everywhere he went. He got like a best friend on the team and the entire fan base is like more Bobon content, please. He's just, he's one of the goats. Oh, also basketball news wise. Yes, you will. And Bead got more money from the Sixers, so I guess he's there to stay for a little bit longer. Yeah. That was a 500 million for his career. I'm excited to see what type of new evolution he has to his injury creativity to post season time. You know, just three more years of understanding that we get to see him in a Philadelphia Sixers uniform, just absolutely test the limits of what the body is capable of in terms of being injured. It was the facial paralysis this time around. Remember that one? Yeah. It was like, never seen this one before. My face doesn't work. Sorry. I can't perform when it matters. It's on me. I think Gout's in the future for him. There's no question. Gout, Gout would, Gout would, I think Gout's in the future for him. It's, it's what? This year it's Tyrese Maxi and Paul George with Embiid. I, I think Philadelphia fan might be like one of the sports fans that has a similar feeling of hopelessness to the Cowboys. Yeah. How's that? Whiskey's good. Shout out to that Rice Agamoy. That's a dominant. Hey, seemed real dominant. Best basketball news of the day. The Grizzlies are going to be rocking their classic Vancouver Grizzlies throwbacks. Oh, hell yes. Oh, multiple occasions next year. Yeah. That's one of the coolest. It's a crazy logo. You used to have a hat of it and then I don't know what happened to it. Yeah. I lost somewhere, but. Those Memphis Grizzlies jerseys and then the purple Toronto Raptors and the retiring Vince Carter's number, they need to bring that back for that night. Hey, listen, I'm, I'm not going to push back on that. I think that's a, that's a great idea. I am looking forward to that. Wow. And then of course you have the news about what, what are you bitching about now? Nothing, man. I just said, oh wow. Okay. Thank God. Thought another bad take was coming out of your mouth. If you missed it, much like we say goodbye to Bobon. We also wave goodbye to the Wojbom this week as well. Yeah. Because he decides to hang out. One final one. You know what? Might be the top 10 list today. Oh, is that right? Yeah, maybe. Top 10 Wojboms. I'm looking forward to that. Well, Chuck, on a football Friday live from Shane. Wow. He actually did some work. I'm fixing it in. Yep. That's going to be a good idea. Hey, I think everybody's talking about shoms and there's no question bidding war. I mean, his back just went up, but I think the ESPN winner here is going to, is going to be Wendy, our guy, Windhorse. He gets to now step up to the forefront because Woj, he's had to like, he's had to like, not report on things over time when, when horse has in order to make sure that Woj is still feeling like he's the guy and you can't have a contradictory sort of report on if Woj has something, but you have something a little bit different. Sorry, Wendy. You're going to have to scale back on that one. So I think this is big for Wendy. Congrats to him. There's your dump. Thank you. There he is. We've got a news dump. As he mentioned, we're in Arlington. It's brought you by Sagamore spirit rye whiskey and we'll Chuck's top 10 is coming up next, buddy. What do you got? Yeah, we've got the best trash sharker in the NFL right now and then the top 10 Woj bombs. What are the bombs that absolutely took over America next in the nation? Welcome back. It is the G back nation here on one oh five three the family are live in Arlington brought you by Sagamore spirit rye whiskey still to bet pay offs to go. We're live at Shakerton's and she follows going to do a live version of his national anthem. I'd say he's at about .06 right about now been going, you know, sipping on this Sagamore spirit rye whiskey throughout the afternoon. Anyway, you know what's time for the top 10 of 4 20 segment is brought to you by cars for kids donate today, cars for kids dot org. It's brought you by wind a nation. Go to and it's brought to you by the Frankels. Live some predictable accidents happen if you're a loved one is in an accident due to somebody's negligence call call the Frankels two one four or eight one seven three three three thirty three thirty three go to Frankels from dot com. You should know that you're about 15 minutes from Krusty's corner with Brian Broadus. You'll you'll get his very latest questions here going into this football weekend. Here's Wolchock with his top 10 Zach with an H. You're Wally bully. Thank you very much top 10 Wojiboms in honor of the great Adrian Wojnarowski retiring from doing Wojiboming. He's not going to be Wojiboming us unless it's like it gets a player that he's recruited for Saint Bonaventure and then he'll be honest, he just quit it and he was like I got enough money. I just want to go work for my college. I'm out of here, man, but I love it. I love the move. I think it's great. Yeah, more people should do this. All these people that have made enough money to just do whatever they want now and they keep doing the stressful thing, I'm like, yeah, what are we doing? It's my identity. Yeah. Okay. Well, who knows what I am. I can't wait to ask abroad is that question the post game. What is this team's identity? Yeah. That's one of his favorite. Well, hey, I got that for the pregame. What the hell? Well, you better, you know, start putting in more effort to think about your own damn original. What's that? Mad work. Okay. Geez. My God. But from. We've got Tom Rinaldi on this week. He'll make you cry. Oh, but Tom's a great guest though, and I can't wait to listen to that. I hope I don't call me Andrew. No, you won't. But you might call him Rinaldi. Here is Cam Taylor Brett, who ended up having one of the great calls last week where he was absolutely just being totally disrespectful to his aviary worthy, then had maybe the interception of the decade, what he had that one handed interception snag. Nobody knew who he was. Now everyone. Don't wonder he's so confident. He's confident again this week. He's going up against the commandos. And this is what he had to say about that offense. Nice college offense, Kingsbury the OC. That's awesome dude. That's a great line. It's a bar. And now he has he's earned our confidence after what he did last week, calling his shot with Xavier worthy felt like that was bulletin board material. Mahomes and he read they're going to dial it up and make this guy have four quarters of a living hell with the speedster worthy. That didn't happen. And then what happened? Walter's giving him the interception of the decade. And so this is a guy who clearly rises to the occasion. This is what gets him going broad as when he's doing the survivor challenges and he flips that mode where even though he's disgusted or in huge pain, he just talks as to the little nitro gummy bear. And he's talking as to us. I mean, honestly, I hit him in the freaking face. He was doing the same thing to the the the margarine or what hits you in the freaking face, Brian. But then brought us shows up and dominates whatever his task is and it sounds like this guy's the same way and he's calling it like it is with the Kingsbury offense. That's why Jayden Daniels doesn't stand a chance. Yeah, I think you're you're locked. I'm getting more and more nervous by the second when it comes to Brian and I's picking the 49ers. No George Kittle. George Kittle has officially been ruled out. What about Deebo? No Deebo. No Deebo. No George. No McCaffrey. But Trent Williams. Trent Williams is in. Brock Purdy. Purdy is in. Iukes in. Jordan Mason is in. Who Fung is back? Fung is back. See there you go. San Francisco doesn't lose two in a row. Yeah. And I mean he's tenant. They they did. They lost three in a row last year actually. I'm not this year. They're not. They're they're plenty. It's a Rams team that is. And we're banged up to them. Yes. That's what I'm banking on. Like that offensive line is banged up and battered. They're two starting receivers are out. I'm just hopeful that the less of the injured is San Francisco here. But I am very nervous about this that I could be having to do a bit payoff of eating a stick of butter. God knows what I'm going to have to torture myself with. Eric, we got a tweet. What is the name of the fancy Italian joint y'all mentioned from time to time on the radio? And I can't think it like what is the fancy what that went out there and Carrollton or something like Magiano's. That's not fancy. It's a nice place. It's a nice place. It's not fancy. Right. I can't think of a fancy Italian joint. We really mentioned you see one. Gosh. Kenny's Italian. We mentioned. Good food. All good food. All good food. Don't don't speak of all of the garden. Why? Eric gets really offended. He lashes out. I mean other than the bottomless breadsticks and the salad. What are we talking about? We're talking about swinging and missing. I don't know, man. Those breadsticks. I could live on those breadsticks. Campieses. Campieses is really good. It's definitely what it gets talked about. The one over on, yeah, Mockingbird. That's an OG. Covinos and Dow and Plano is a staple that I grew up going to right around the corner from the house. I don't know. We need to workshop this, Eric. I'm not sure what the fancy Italian place is. What do you think about the frozen pans of lasagna? Is that just horrible? Stofers? Yeah. I couldn't even tell you if I've ever even had one of those. Nice. Nice. I really don't think I could. I love them. Yeah. No. I believe it. When you eat your spaghettios, I believe you're happier now. That's what I don't do. You know what? Don't shoot at your take shots of Chef Boyardee. I'm sorry. Okay. The raviolis are actually not bad. Right. They're pretty solid. He's getting it done. Not bad. Like those were made with love. Shall we? 8, 7, 7, 8, 8, 1, 1, 0, 5, 3? What's the biggest wodge bomb you'll remember? We start off with your honorable mentions, just looking in here. The Milwaukee Bucks have decided to boycott Game 5, sources till he has p.n. Boycott Game 5. I'm trying to remember what- I think that was in the bubble. Oh, okay. That was a- I think that was a George Floyd. Oh, wow. Yeah. During all of that. We also have Oklahoma City is trading all star- Excuse me, Paul George to the Clippers for a record-setting collection of draft choices. Which really was until Rudy Gobert got traded and then it was a record-setting. I mean, Danny Ainge, he is just fleecing everybody. Yeah. If Philadelphia doesn't work with their trust the process and then OKC doesn't work, boy, that's tough. At least the maps are going to work for their team tank. 58,000 retweets, the Cleveland Cavaliers have acquired Donovan Mitchell in a trade. Yeah, these are all recent WOGE bombs. I feel like you've got to go back a good 15 years to get the ones where it was like, "Holy crap, who's WOGE and how does he know this?" When he was working for the- Yahoo? The vertical or whatever. Yeah, Yahoo. That's the thing they're not going to be on here because he was like, "It's all about the interactions." Okay. Well, it's like which ones took off the most fireworks. Yes. I know we're the biggest WOGE bombs. Well, then number one has to be the sources till ESPN that Chris Paul repeatedly made fun of James Harden for having man boobs during practices. I don't know the last two seasons. I don't know that that one made the list. That has to be number one. But that's hilarious. The other one will mention is we got free agent forward, Kawhi Leonard, his informal runner-ups that he's planning to sign with the Clippers. That was back in 2019. I got 102.4,000 likes in 61,000 retweets from WOGE. You think the Clippers are going to regret that? Yes. Yeah. How could you not? Very good analysis. A lot of very- Brooklyn is making a clean sweep tonight. Brooklyn will sign KD, Kairi and DeAndre Jordan sources till ESPN. That is your final on-roll mention, just something outside of looking in June 30th, 2019. 103.6,000 likes, 61,000 retweets. I can't even remember how many games they played together, but it was so few and far between. It was a handful. Yeah. I mean, it was not many. It was just not many. There's been so many of those in the NBA now where these trades just, I mean, heck, what about the- what about when Brooklyn decided to get the Boston Celtics, Paul Pierce and Kevin Gardner, when they were at the end? Last legs. Like, just some dumb moves, man. Oh, man. No. 10. Houston has agreed to trade Russell Westbrook to Washington for John Wall in a first round pick. December 2nd, 2020, 164,000 likes, 61,000, or 76,000 retweets for a load. Yeah, dude, I just feel bad for anybody that's had the unfortunate reality of acquiring Russell Westbrook post MVP. You know, I just think it's a losing proposition. Number 9 OKC has agreed to trade Russell Westbrook to the Rockets through Chris Paul, first round picks in 2024 and 2026 pick swaps in 2021 and 2025. Wow. I think that's going to pay off for them. That sounds like a good deal. That sounds like a good deal. Great value. If they can go back in time, they needed to trade Westbrook to the Rockets when they moved James Harden. Yeah, they should have. Mm-hmm. Number- That would have been amazing. Build around KD and Harden in a Baca. Yeah. That's what they should have done. They're a Baca right there. Oh, very, very impressive. They had the Girth and tonnage. Number 8, the Trail Blazers are trading guard Damian Lillard to the Bucks. That ended up getting 180 likes and 88,000 retweets. And that's been a stinker, man. That is going to be a huge topic to start the season coming up here. Is that going to, in any way, look like what they thought it would look like, what they hoped it would look like? That was an ultimate backfire situation. And I'm interested to see how-- I mean, the honest stuff, dude, how much more time does he have on his contract? Not much. Yeah, and hurt last year. It'll be interesting if they can stay healthy, like how much better they can do. But it's clear that Drew Holiday is going to help you win a championship more than Damian Lillard. Well, it's not an article, actually, that the NBA is in deep, deep fear. Giannis leaves Milwaukee. Happens to join your Dallas Mavericks. Wow. Now, financially, I don't know how that works. But there are some people inside the NBA that are nervous that could happen. Does that happen when Kyrie's contract is up and maybe? Yeah, so the deal for Giannis right now goes through the 20, 27, 20, 28 season, but it's a player option. So technically, before that 20, 27 season, he could opt out if he wanted to. But he would be leaving 62 million for the season. It's a lot of money. Number seven, jazz star Donovan Mitchell has tested positive for the Coronavirus league sources till ESPN. Oh, wow. Jazz players privately say the Rodrigo Bear had been careless in the locker room touching other players in their belongings. Now a jazz teammate has tested positive. That was which number seven, well, it's bomb go bears. Yeah. It feels like a different time, different world like that we went through that totally did. We were in, uh, in surprise that night, weren't we, Brian? We were. Eric and I were on air. We're watching nuggets, Mavs and a lot like live. We're getting Chris Arnold calling us from the double AC that they have canceled the game. They're canceling the NBA season. CA introduced us to the term social distancing at night. He was like, this, you're going to hear this a lot. Social distancing. Social distancing. Yeah, we were gathered, I think in Jared's, uh, room. Yeah, it's me and Jared. Yeah. We had that, that for one of those freak out. We were going to watch the, yeah, we were going to watch the Mavs game and have a freak off. Yeah. And baby oiling. Damn. And then you realize you had Coronavirus. You're like, I guess this is our last opportunity. Let's really have that. Get your freak off. They're about to take this away from us. Number six, the nets are trading hardened to the Sixers for Ben Simmons, Seth Curry and Andre Drummond and two first round picks. About five wauch bombs. Number five, this one, RIP, this is his hard to read. Kobe Bryant was on his way to a travel basketball game with his daughter, Gianna, when the helicopter crashed. And those aboard the helicopter also included another player and parent. That was number five. Into the pimp up, we go for the Pelicans have agreed to a deal to trade Anthony Davis to the Lakers. By the way, I saw Ingram Hart in three first rounders. I saw that they have some girl, dad, Kobe, fours. Now I was thinking about picking them up. That'd be my first pick. First pair of Kobe's, but I thought that would be appropriate. Top three wauch bombs, three as LeBron has agreed to a four year, a hundred and fifty four million dollar deal with the Lakers. Two, Kobe is among those dead in a helicopter crash outside. No way, dude. You didn't have to do it twice. Seriously. Yeah. But number one, he's, he's like Anchorman, like whatever the list says he reads, biggest, biggest wauch bomb of all time. The NBA has suspended the season. March 11th, 2020 at eight thirty one p.m. Three hundred and thirty two point three thousand likes and two hundred and three thousand retweets. Wow. Thank you, Wauch. Thank you, Wauch. And thank you, Wauchuck. Thank you. Saginmore spirit. Right. Whiskey for having us out here today. We are live at Shakertons in Barlington. Join us. We're having ourselves a time and there's two more bet pay off still to come. It's time, though, for Crusty's Corner, Brian, what's in store for us today? Yeah, on a Friday, you know, I've got questions, but I've also got to talk about your official. We'll do that next. Thank you very much, Lucius. It is the G back nation here on the fan. Thanks to Saginmore, Rice, Spirit, Rywiski here for having us out. We're at Shakertons in Arlington. It is time now for Crusty's Corner. And it is brought to you by Reliant air conditioning, gimmick-free AC repair and replacement. Here's Brian. Thank you very much, Gerald. Thank you, Reliant. Eric, is it too much to ask you right now to stand up with things? Uh, no, I mean, it would not be if that's what you guys want right now. I would like Crusty's Corner. I'm making a request. I need 90 seconds of the National Anthem before I start Crusty's Corner here. We just need to make a public servants announcement that we will be having the National Anthem. You want to wait? You want to wait to make the announcement on that? Maybe, like, what you drinking, what you thinking? Okay, I'll wait. You guys make the call, man. I'm like, I'll wait. I'll wait. I'll wait. What you drinking, what you thinking, you got about 30 minutes to get your ass out here. Shaker Tins in Arlington. That's good. I want you to hear it. To the National Anthem live in person. Toelos, please don't let me down. We need you. I need you. Shaker Tins in Arlington. We'll have Eric Nadell 520, Chief 530. All right, I just, I was, I was, I'm glad we're here. Yeah, don't make me sing while Nadell's on the line. That would be fun. Well, Nadell is on the line, Eric Chiafalo will sing. Damn music critic. No. That's pretty good. No, he isn't music guy. It does make sense for any, and that's a guy who's heard many a national anthem. I mean, let's be honest, he could actually see if I'm in the pantheon of some of the greats. I think you will be. I have confidence. Some of the greats. Hey, man. You never know if greatness is installed. What's your confidence level right now? Somewhere between Carl Lewis and Roseanne Barr? Yeah. I would say somewhere between what you say, point six and point, point oh six and point oh eight. Not because you were taking a simpier whiskey, and I thought maybe it'd be a good opportunity, but I like what Wolchuck did by kind of calling out the tollos, getting them out here, like to witness. Give me a student section, man. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to have this student section out here. I get it shortly. All right. Let's talk about who's going to officiate your game this weekend. It is going to be Ron Torberg is your official for the run. Ron. Now, if you guys watch the game that was played in Brazil, yeah, Ron Torberg was the official that night. Great. You get a flag. You get a flag. You get you slipped because we don't know how to prepare football field. You get a flag. I remember watching that game. Yeah. Ron Torberg. He called your week one matchup in Brazil. He got week two off, so he has not called a game. This will be his first game back since his since his game there in Brazil. But I want to point out just a couple of things about Ron Torberg through the years. No crew has called more penalties on offensive lineman than these guys. Okay. So who's on red alert then for the Cowboys? Well, both teams are struggling with holding calls right now. Just across the board. Yeah. So usually, Ron's kind of not favors the home team here. He's usually a friendly visitor guy. Wow. Tyler Smith. Yeah. Well, Geiton. Geiton. He Geiton could be on call here. Hey, so let's make her a point of attack. Scoon maker, man. I'll tell you what. That guy was supposed to be a blocker and every time I turn around, he's three yards in the back. You know, that guy had a pretty good game. I don't want to hear. No, no. He had a good game. He caught the ball nicely. It's just funny that he was supposed to be the blocking tight end. It's funny. I don't find it funny. I'm just saying though, you asked me who both teams have kind of up there on the holding calls already this year. I'm sorry that somebody tried to tell you Scoon maker was good. Yeah. That was me. I tried you and Bobby. Yeah. Bob was a skinny guy. He shouts on the tight end. Yeah. My God. The Cowboys are taping for Will. Cowboys. I'm always caping for Will. No, and Will McLeigh I trust. You're a Will guy. You know, you should be. He's done a great job. Absolutely. Love you, Will. Thank you for everything you do. And Will McLeigh I trust. Yeah. The Cowboys are three and five in the Dak era with Ron Torberg as your official. Three and five. That's under 500. I mean, honestly, like these nuggets make a difference like we saw it last week. That dude they called the game does not let the home team win. Yeah. I mean, there were some crap calls in that game. Sean Smith. Sean Smith. Go believe yourself. Sean Smith. That's a little violent reduces your win probability to as if Dak had thrown 40 passes in the game. That's basically we're looking at. I mean, if they hadn't gotten their ass kicked so bad and they had a chance and I would have probably been like this game was very poorly officiated. The problem was they lost so damn bad that the officiating issues didn't even matter. All right. I told you the Ravens are three and three with this guy. So they're kind of, they're kind of waiting there. They don't love seeing them either though. No, they don't. But better than us. Better than us. All right. Just last year, just to give you an idea. Uh huh. Small sample size from this year. So kind of go back and look at last year and maybe with the crew did. Offensive holding 45 of them. That's his number one call. Defensive holding they had 14 was that tell you 31 31 less calls offensive holding defensive holding. How about that defensive pass interference. He had 12 face mask, which is kind of a should be pretty simple to see, but this is the last week. See it last week. Yeah. Roughing the passer. I always like to point this one out. It's six last year and delay a game five. He kind of comes from the school of letting you play a little bit. He's one of these guys. But we saw in week one, his history says, we'll let you play, but week one was far from let you play. I think we want, we want to tight whistle as the Morfinesse team, don't we? Until the Cowboys become a physical team. We don't want reps that let them play because you don't get big boy. I think you're going to get big boy. All right. We got some questions for my guys. Got some questions here. Bring them. Dawson. Sir. At the end of this game, Dak Prescott will have outplayed Lamar Jackson. I think that's false. Now although our guests back there at the 340, Jeff covering Ravens really painted a picture of despair for this Ravens defense. So I'm a flip flop in a positive way. Dackle out playing, Brian. Little chuck at the end of this game, you and I'll be doing the post game show and you'll be talking about Dak will have outplayed Lamar Jackson. I think Dak will have outplayed him as a passer. I think that the Cowboys will be able to hit some big chunk plays this week. But I think overall what will make the difference in this football game is Lamar's legs. And therefore overall just entire to get the quarterback position. Lamar Jackson will have played the better game. Chieftain. Yeah. With wall chuck, I do think the Dak to CD lamb connection should be pretty on point when you've seen what Mahomes and Rishi rice did together in week one and then you see what Gardner Minshu and Devontae Adams were able to do together in week two. But ultimately I think the defense for the Cowboys will let them down in a way that has Lamar Jackson running on them and ultimately being the victorious quarterback. I think we're judging the Ravens defense in games where they had to think about the run game. This Cowboys run game is so pathetic. It doesn't matter if your guys can cover or not because a lot of it's going to be double teams and you really don't have to double team anybody but CD lamb. Yeah. Like you know this is it's a tough spot to be in right now to try to generate some positivity about where the Cowboys offense is. Willie. Yeah. We're talking about the Cowboys running game. Give me the final rushing totals for them. Uh, I think is a team they run for 98 yards on how many attempts? 20. Wow. It's a good day. That's probably I think I would take that right now. Heck yeah. What? 20 rushes 92 yards 98 98 yards. I'll go 20 rushes 50 yards. How about you chief? 20 rushes I'd probably go about 60 to 65. Do you think Dallas is going to even try and run the ball? I think they will because they they tried to start the game last week. Sure. And, and so I think they will at least come out trying again and they keep saying the thing where they haven't been able to really work it. I think they want to and I think they know how important it is to get the run game going with the way that defenses are playing them. Uh, so I do think they will attempt, but if, if Baltimore is going to punch you in the mouth in the first quarter, then they'll get away from it, but I absolutely expect that first quarter to be almost like, really, we're going to run it again on first and 10. This is Dax call more than shotties or mics. Uh, actually, yeah, it seems like, yeah, Dax Prescott, I think, has been running the offense since the bye week. True. Have last year. How about this with Dawson for the final one? Yeah. In the battle of the kickers, the Cowboys have the better one. Oh, yeah, soccer man has done it. He is, uh, he has taken over for Tucker as the best kicker in the league, the accuracy, the distance. We've never seen anything like him. There's never been a better kicker than Brandon Aubrey. Willie. Yeah, he's about to be in the Hall of Fame, uh, because he's going to kick this weekend, a 72 yard field goal. Wow. Chief, how about you in the battle of the kickers, the Cowboys have the better one. Yeah. I think that's one of the things as you're starting to talk about reasons for optimism in this game. The Ravens are a team that for the last maybe decade have had that weapon in their back pocket that is Justin Tucker. And so if the Cowboys can manage to keep this a close one, I like their chances more with the kicking situation, Justin Tucker, he's dead leg down. He doesn't have the range. He just doesn't have it. He saw his clutch factor, but that's got to be a 45 in in shot. Whereas with Aubrey, there's, there's not a spot on the field or a time in the game where you're questioning him. I think it's a no doubter. Aubrey, the baton has been passed. Could you guys see a 60 yard field goal for the win? 100%. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I could see this. I feel the way the Cowboys do win. Well, if the Cowboys, they scrape by with a game winning type, but they're going to have to be able to keep pace on offense, right? Yeah. They're going to score offensively. I could see this being a close game. I mean, we actually saw this in Baltimore. If you remember the Des Bryant, yeah. Yeah. Right. When he was a Raven, onside kick. No, no, no. As a Cowboys. Oh, okay. It came down to an onside kick. It was very, very close. Cowboys narrowly lost that game. I could see a replica of that at AT&T Stadium. I'm sure. And maybe it does come down to Brandon Aubrey's leg. I think you need to take away. So if you talk about a Cowboys win, take away in field goal range, get you to 18 points. Thank you, gentlemen. Appreciate you. Thank you, Brian. Crusty's corner. Most afternoons. 340 brought you by Reliant air conditioning. The five o'clock hour is coming up next. Five thirty chiefs going to do his bet payoff. Get out here. Shakerton's in Arlington. Get out here right now. That sounds pretty good. Where are we going next? We've got a little football's finest on a football Friday morning and room for the Saints in Jim Harbaugh, the football guy that he is strikes again next. Hey, Mike Valenti here, host a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming there are a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games when really they just lose like most of us? Think cash to tickets the spot for you. We're real. We're transparent. We're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. You're in the nation. Yeah, buddy. Here we are live in Arlington at Shaker Tins, brought to you by Sagamore spirit. Ry Wisky. Happy Friday to you Expressways coming up here at about 20 minutes. We'll have what you drinking and what you think won't have LA live will have Eric Nadell and so much more. Here's the chief with an addition of the finest. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Thank you very much. It is football's finest. I got a couple of Harbaugh stories here for you. Now we're about to take on one of the Harbaugh brothers, head coach of the Ravens. So but which one of these stories feels more like a guy who today has earned the right to be considered the one seed for human being who most embodied just being a football, life or truth or badass. We'll start with the Ravens head coach because he has decided that in preparation for our Dallas Cowboys and of course, Micah Parsons. He says, John Harbaugh spent some time at the beginning of the practice today in Baltimore working as a pass rusher against his offensive line that has been struggling. His quote was that he felt like in the walkthrough, they needed a little speed, quickness, athleticism on the edge. And so he felt like he was the guy to provide that. So the guy who is at times in Baltimore's practice trying to emulate Micah Parsons, it's actually their own head coach, John Harbaugh. Wow. Give him football guy the century if he can pull that off. My goodness, man, I wonder if he's given him a good look there. Yeah. I do. I do. I mean, on those run plays, you think he's getting up fueled enough, far enough to really emulate what Micah can do and provide? Why am I thinking that if he said, I'm going to play Mosse Smith this week. I would feel better about that. Yeah. Well, maybe a little late off the ball, you know, that would be an easier guy to try. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. All right. I'm going to play one of these defensive tackles. They're both. Here we go. He's like down in a four-point stance. I'm Jordan Phillips and my wrist hurts and I don't want to be here. Just all of a sudden, Linda Baum is just reaching him like every. That's fantastic. I would actually give him a pretty real look at what they're going to be facing on Sunday. I don't want to laugh at that anymore. Yeah, it's not funny. Well, it's funny because it's true and that's what makes things funny. I feel like I could have given you a decent look of Stefan Gilmore last year, you know, as long as we're on that theme with the lack of foot speed. I feel like both Harbaugh's, though, are really, really driven and focused. Jim's just weird, you know? Yeah. I think John harnesses it and focuses it better. OK, so Jim and why he is up for the guy who embodies football more than anyone today is there's a story from Joey Bosa, past rusher of the Chargers, who's still familiarizing himself with his new head coach, Jim Harbaugh. And he was on the Chris Long podcast and so it's two NFL players, Ed Drushers, chopping it up, Chris Long for Ohio State Buckeye, of course, his head coach, Michigan Wolverine. Oh, yeah. He played against him in college. Yeah. He was with Michigan. So he might not have liked him. He might not have been a Harbaugh guy. Yeah. That's fair. But he tells Chris Long on the podcast, Joey Bosa says, yeah, Jim Harbaugh, he gets in the ice bath. So he takes the ice baths with the players. But the caveat being that he goes in with full tucked in shirt to his khakis belt on. I believe he's still got his shoes on. He goes khakis. He goes on in the gold. Yes. I believe he's got his, his call sheet and his headset on as well, just because that's the kind of guy he is. So look at these Husker highlights. But why wouldn't you, man? If you're Jim Harbaugh and you're doing heavy back squats with your shirt tucked in and you're wearing khakis, why wouldn't you also get into the cold tub with that as well? Freaking new Nebraska. Is he still doing those heavy back squats? Like his jog off the field last week was more flabby and unathletic than I've ever seen either of the two Harbaugh brothers. I think he's passed his peak a little bit physically. He's probably doing sad to see. Yeah. No, that is a little disheartening because you did see him at training camp getting on some of those sled pushes and stuff. But maybe he's more of a showman now than a real actual grinder as it pertains to that. I mean, we know his affinity for home milk and steak and so maybe he's kind of overdoing it on that side of things and not getting after it in the weight room. But he is getting after in the cold tub and he's just full fledged khakis belt on shirt tucked in. And so because of that, he's doing this every day. He's doing I don't know if it's every day just when when when the mood strikes, you know, when he's feeling the inflammation more so than than other days. But I am now adding it to the payoff board when we're at southern leisure spots here in a couple of weeks. If I have a payoff, I will do the Jim Harbaugh ice bath where I do a segment from their cold plunge, which will be crazy cold and I'll wear nice slacks and a nice shirt tucked in with and a belt. Yes. And I will get in full fledged that way in honor of Jim Harbaugh. That'll be a pay off. I would not want to do. I would not. I could not handle that medical. Yeah, you're getting out pretty easy with your turn, but payoff. What makes you say that? Well, Chuck, it feels like we got a. Has it commenced? I mean, like we haven't even done it. This was supposed to be a full show worth of just spraying on him. Oh, of Dawson, you're right. You know what we need to do? The entire expressway would be nervous to do it now because of the headset, to be honest with you. Oh, because of the headset? No, it's fine. A little electric. You should ain't gonna hurt him. Right. He's worried about the cost of the heads. Well, I also don't want to kill him. I don't worry about that. Worry about the headset. I'm sorry, Dawson. I actually care about your well-being. No, you're good, man. You know, I was willing to battle you guys on this when you were sober. Don't listen to him. If I die, I die. Dawson, that's the guy that went to across the street and got salsa to put the bottles of school on it. Yeah. He's not thinking about your well-being. Hey, I did not get the spicy salsa, Brian. There were two solstice. Yeah. There was the regular? The spicy. I went regular. Here's the one with just some vinegar in it for your eyes. Yeah. No, I thought it was a good bet payoff idea that you're, like, trying to lead a segment and your co-hosts are spraying water in your face. Okay. And you're getting drenched and you're, like, getting startled. I thought it would be good for the audience to listen to you, like, "Ha ha!" They keep spraying him. Yeah. And then you guys were, like, "Yeah, no, let's put cayenne pepper in the water." It was happy. No, but yeah. It's my bad. I was gonna just stay corrected. He had the bottle, but... Yeah. No bodily fluids, you know. Yeah. I got some bread and butter pickled juice over there with a little bit of vinegar. See, I've been looking at this. That's gonna be fine. You put this on the webcam. This is what Chief wanted to put in my face. I want to... Yeah, just a dash of it. Just a dash. It's a bet payoff. It's just a little bad. It's not just like, "Ew, let me squirt some water in my face, you know? Come on. Are you kidding me? I ain't bleeping pickled pigs feet last week. You candy asses?" He actually... I've done way more intense bet payoffs than you will, Chuck. If you want to go down this path... I don't think you have. Did you ask Stephen Jones the minute and 12 second question? Did you wax your back? That might be number one. Did you ask Stephen Jones the minute and 12 second question? Did you wax your back? That might be number one. Did you ask Stephen Jones the minute and 12 second question? I got the big outside to the freaking street with the G-bag flag in a Speedo and Truffle shuffle. No, you didn't. No, you didn't. Okay, you got the top two, but I'm pretty sure I got numbers three through ten on the all time. Nobody's done any more bet payoffs that are more bad-ass than me. I'm holding the top spot and I won't hear any ifs about it. Well, I did eat a raw steak. I'd have to see you do that. You're probably number two. Thank you. I'll take that. Me and Brodish is getting disrespected. But, Brian and Eric... We had to put our frickin' nuts on the line. A frickin' P-word. I have it all, man. These things have all been so easy for me to do. Brian's over here just, you know, having a leisurely day at the office. I am. That stick of butter was glorious, man. I'm so happy. I ate that thing. Hey, that really was disgusting watching you do that. Now, the haircut I will give you credit for, that was... The haircut. That was fun. I enjoyed that. Honestly, you've gone for it. I don't really have any bone to pick with you. I give each other two idiots. I give Dawson more respect for the Bangkok burger than maybe these things. Oh, that was intense. But the idea that Walt Chuck is going to be shaming me and Brodish now... What's your good bed pale? Have you ever done? Are you crazy? Don't be a dead serious. I mean, let's start with the little nitro gummy. Ooh, the little nitro gummy. That's the only one you've got. Okay, let's also talk about the three and a half foot cheeseburger that weighed like ten pounds. You wouldn't do that. That was something you would do on a daily basis just as you as a human being. That doesn't even need to be a bad payoff. You'd have done that. Totally. I would have done that. I don't know, man. He did his show from this place dressed up as a chick one time. Well, that was... I was Jimmy Butler. I was Jimmy Butler. I did go all out at Harley Quinn. Walt Chuck hasn't dressed up any time. He half-assed it with the fakest little broadest wig and made it seem like he was broadest dressing. Because his dress ups are lame. Didn't shave his face. Didn't shave his head. This shacks would go in. If you're from Micah Parsons not getting 15 sacks, then I know I did. So I've shaved and back waxed. If you're going full broadest, you're shaving your face. I shaved my face. Not for the broadest. Not for the broadest. Right. Exactly. No, that's fine. But I had already shaved my face for the Micah Parsons. This is all you get for the lashing out at us because I don't think you've made a single good point here. I don't. You had the nitro gummy. Otherwise, I dressed up. I put fingernail polish on my face and wore a wig as Harley Quinn. And what the frickin do? I painted my face. I went all out. I wore the-- So hard. The outfit. I'm so sorry that you did that. Until you dress up as anything noticeable. There's a dress up once or weak bet payoffs. No, they're not. They're hilarious, dude. Wait. If anybody's not a single person, we'll text in and say they didn't like the Harley Quinn. Because I did the broadest once, I thought it was weak. That's because you didn't go all the way with it. I'll tell you what. That's because you didn't go all the way with it. His impression was the best thing. His broadest-- I did go all the way with it. That was good. I did go all the way with it. I did go all the way with it. I just said, like, Mrs. Doubtfire next week. Now, that's an incredible one. That's full send right there. That will be it. Yeah. Okay. So, Mrs. Doubtfire is more impressive than Harley Quinn. Anything that you've done, 100%. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It is. Walt Shucks got a little something going on right now. I like what Walt Shucks going on. Walt Shucks a little bit salty because he got accused of the five-layer burrito thing. He still hasn't recovered from it. I'm not letting you recover from it. Because he has some insecurities about five-layer burritos in his own ass. Because I love five-layer burritos. Why would anybody waste that? So, I don't, he's latching out in a huge way. But the Harley Quinn was an awesome. The Harley Quinn was bad in one seven. Didn't like the Harley Quinn 682. Who did? There you go. You cherry pick. That nitro gummy wasn't that bad. You guys are acting like it was. Yeah. He tried to act like it was the worst thing in the world. Try a one-ship challenge. Yeah. Okay, well, Chuck, I can't wait for, I can't wait for the nitro gummy for him. I'm not that blind. I need a bag of one-ship challenge. Today, he wants to stand up and do the freaking National Anthem. Oh, that's so hard. What did you want me to do? That's embarrassing. You know what I'd like you to do? Let's whack your chest. As if I hadn't done that already before in my life. Well, currently whack. Let's do it on air, baby. I mean, wall chuck is hilarious. It's absolutely that time of the month for wall chuck. And on behalf of the show, I would like to apologize. No, it's that because he is acting out of character. He's high emotion. Why don't you go read another bomb score, okay Eric? The hormones are all over the place, and we can't take him seriously for the rest of the program. Hopefully- Sorry you got called out and you're upset about it. Hopefully by Monday, wall chuck will be back to be in himself. Maybe by Sunday, we'll see. Maybe. Maybe not. It's time now. To hit the express way. Oh, here we go. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be back live at Shakertons in Arlington, where Chiafalo is going to do his bet payoff, even though wall chuck's been trying to shame him for it. I think it's a pretty good one. I think it's pretty good. I think this is better than the dress ups. Okay. All righty. And then we also have Eric Nadell talking baseball, LA lives coming up at 540, and we're back with more here in the Jeep Bag Nation on 1053. The fan- Yeah, welcome back. It is the Jeep Bag Nation here on 1053. The fan got an hour and eight minutes left in the show and so much to do, including Eric Nadell here. Eric Chiafalo's bet payoff in a few minutes. The express way is brought to you by the on-time experts segments brought to you by soda, that state of the art. And the Eric Nadell show is brought to you by Tylock, George, Eye Care, and a good Eric Nadell joining us shortly here. Let's get the phone calls fired up. It is that it is time for the one segment of the week where you're encouraged to call in while intoxicated when the process is catching a buzz. That's right. It's time for what you're drinking. And what you thinking? At eight, seven, seven, eight, one, one, five, three boys, obviously the Sagamore spirit rye whiskey is flowing here as we're live at Shaker. Shut up. It's bringing the chronic vaginitis out of Wolchuck over there. Oh, speak for yourself. His blood is clearly thinning as it is leading out of his body. Somebody is but hurt over there because he got called out and the text agrees with me. The text does not agree with you and I just, I can't fathom that anybody, I don't think, I don't think anybody should be shamed for all the payoffs. I think everyone has taken their licks pretty nicely over the course of the couple of years that we've done this. As Eric Nadell joins us now here on your home of the Rangers 105 to the family will pick this back up in five minutes. Erica, good afternoon, sir. How the heck are you? You have to mediate between these boys who don't play well with others. Yeah, you might have to. It might be the biggest nosebleed fight we've had in the history of the G bag nation. Did you guys ever fight like this when you're on a night? Yes. Yeah. At least once or twice. A couple of times. It always ends well. Eric, how do you mediate something like that? What do you think? Oh, I think alcoholic beverages are probably the best solution. And we've had plenty of those, Eric. Thank you. Maybe so, Eric's mixed in. Yes. I think that could be wonders right now. Very open, Eric. Actually, that's a good idea. Now, what would you think a Kumar Rocker's second start? Is this concerning for you in any way? Well, the thing that I wonder about is, is he going to be able to throw that breaking pitch enough for strikes? Yeah. And your last ball velocity was down yesterday and his fastball. Man was off yesterday. But to me, the even bigger problem was the Blue Jays weren't swinging his breaking ball. And he wasn't landing it for strikes. And that now is going to be the scouting report. Don't swing at his breaking ball until he shows you that he can support for strikes. So that's really what I'm going to be looking for in that final start of the year that he makes an open next Thursday. But I'm not concerned about the fall in velocity. You know, he said he was backing off a little bit and obviously coming back off of Tommy John's surgery, you're not always going to have your best velocity. So I'm not concerned that way, but I'm really curious to see how he's going to adjust when he can stop swinging at that slider or curve or whatever he wants to call it. Okay. And then what are you hoping to see from DeGrom here in about an hour and a half? Well, pretty much the same sort of thing we saw last time with better command and maybe a little sharper break on the slider. You know, I thought he still had a mediocre sliders in his first start. You know, they were still 91, 92 miles an hour. I wouldn't say they're easy to hit, but they weren't Jacob DeGrom's slider. So I'm hoping to see a sharper slider tonight. How many discussions have you had about the historic night for Shohei Otani? I mean, this has got to be like all the rage, right, for the foreseeable future. I'm just blown away. It's just so unbelievable. It's so incredible. You know, freakish to think that, you know, they gave him all this money and some people ridiculed them because he wasn't going to pitch. And then he goes out and does things that nobody's ever done before. Just phenomenal. He's, you know, he is totally in a class by himself. You know, on the one hand, I regret not getting to see him 19 times a year, which we did, you know, for the first five years of his career when he was playing for the Angels. But on the other hand, I'm glad our pitchers aren't subjected to it. Hey, Eric, you know, I have to ask you the weird question. Are you making the final trip to Oakland? I wouldn't miss it for the world. OK, I'm so excited. I'm so excited. You're going to close that place down, aren't you? Yeah, I have so many memories there, both good and bad. You know, one of my very first games was there back in 1979. And in that game, the athletics turned a triple play. And it was a totally confusing play. They were runners at first and second for the Rangers. And they were running and the pitch was bunted up in the air. And the third baseman for Oakland, Wayne Gross, tried to catch the ball. He trapped it, but the home plate umpire, Bill Kunkle, ruled that he had caught it in the air. Oh, no. So both of the runners could easily be doubled up, except for the fact that Wayne Gross threw the ball into center field. Ooh. So next thing you know, there are runners going everywhere. One guy's going back to tech. The other guy's just running, almost passing the other guy. In the meantime, the center fielder throws the ball back into the infield and I don't remember which infielder got it. But he just started touching every base and tagging every guy he saw. Eventually, it was a triple play that should never have happened because the ball was not caught in the air. But we didn't have any sort of a replay system or, you know, or a challenge system back then. And that was the very first game I ever did at the Coliseum back in '79 when Charlie Finley owned the team and he knew he was going to sell it and he was letting the scoreboard lights burn out and not replace him. And he couldn't even look at the scoreboard and know what the count was because somebody bulbs were missing on the scoreboard. Man, as a fan in the '80s and then in the 2000s, there were just so many iconic players that came through there. Who's your favorite Oakland A to call of all time, or maybe even just be a fan of? I love Dennis Eckersley. I just thought he was superb. The way he made the adjustment from being a starting pitcher to being a reliever, you know, the stand-up guy that he was when he gave up the Homelander Kirk Gibson in the World Series. You know, he was always extremely cooperative with the media. Very quotable. He had his own language. He had his own names for different pitches. He, there was, they called it X-Speak and he's just a, just a really good dude and he had the, you know, he had the flamboyant mustache, you know, really emblematic of the A's back in those days. Even watching Ricky was great too, you know, there's never been a base, you're like Ricky, you've never been a lead-off hitter like Ricky, both of those guys, you're really fun to watch. All right, Eric, what you drinking and what you thinking on this Friday? Well, I'll tell you what I'm thinking because I have been out running errands all day. The traffic in Dallas today is worse than any day I can imagine and I've lived here for almost 50 years. And I'm talking about starting this morning at about 11 AM, I went out to start running errands. Didn't matter what street I was on, the toll away, I-35, Northwest Highway, Walnut Hill Lane, Lovers Lane, every street has been backed up and it's been like that all day. I don't know what's going on. It's as if somebody drops a million cars into Dallas today and put them on the roads. It's, it's just really, really weird. It sounds like you could use a drink after that. It sounds like I'm strongly considering it. I haven't been drinking much lately, but when I, when I get out the road, I think I'm, I think I'm hitting the gluten-free beer. There you go. Enjoy. Everyone is called Holla Daily. It comes from, uh, it comes from Colorado, but they, they sell it in most of the liquor stores here. So if you're gluten-free and you want a good beer, grab a Holla Daily. I'm on it, man. That sounds terrific. Thank you so much. And we'll chat with you soon. First, guys. Yes, sir. It is time now to go around. The broadcast position will give you what we're drinking and thinking, I believe Chia followed as a bet payoff coming for you in the middle of his, but, um, well, if you ask Wollchug, it's just something I want to do and it really doesn't mean anything. I never said it with this. He's responsible thing. Never said it with this. According to Wollchug, this is something I do every time I go out, you can keep lashing out because clearly you know what I've said is true. I'm sitting here. I vomited, I vomited with the straw darks. I did it appropriately. I, I was ironing out a hole into a hot dog wiener with a coffee straw. And then two weeks later, brought us in Wollchug, had the most clearly hollowed out, ready to go hot dog wiener to take a shot at a scotch with. We've got a drink. We got a drink. Johnny Haldor today. Hold the black whiskey out of it. It was handled it like true men. That was the early days of our bet payoffs here is season three and the most dramatic so far. Currently I am drinking a fountain soda, a diet coke of course here from from Shaker Tins. I've been able to, you know, say no to the Saginaw or spirit rye whiskey over nine years running now. But what I'm thinking is what Mike McCarthy said, not enough carries to evaluate the runners. I, I only need four steps, right? I don't know what, what the, how, how much more do you need to see people run slowly and get tackled before you're like, wow, that's not a good runner. You call yourself an NFL football coach. You are an offensive guru and you're watching Zeke, Vaughn, and Dowdle play the position of thinking, yep, need more time. You saw him for six weeks. What, what, what do you need training camp and preseason for then? Oh, no, we got to get to the regular season and let half of it play out before we know our running backs can't play. That's annoying. It's fine. You know, these guys are in must lie situations. You got a tough deal and Jerry, Steven and, and Mike are all trying to put something that makes sense on really an unfortunate situation that is the Cowboys running back room. Brian, you know what I'm talking about. And aging running backs usually get better as the season goes on. So to think that in week one, they're going to be their best version week two, not fair, you know? Yeah, sure. You know? Yeah, they're going to get better as the year goes on. Great point. Chief here's Brian. What you drinking? What you thinking? I'm going to hear myself and boy, it's really very good. Delicious. Delicious, right? Whiskey. What I'm thinking is, I'm facing this screen for Sports Center and I might have another bet payoff next week, pick in San Francisco. Yeah, I'm not feeling it about that. It seems like every time I look up, somebody from the 49ers is not going to play in this football game, whether it's Bosa, it's Bosa out there talking about, it's looking rough. Wow. I could see Mrs. Doubtfire next Friday from the leisure spa place. This is why I'm not a believer in Brock Purdy. He loses just a couple of pieces and he gets into a more realistic setting. My gosh. They start losing games. This could be, this could be a nightmare. That would be amazing. But yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Walchuck, drinking, thinking? Yeah, I've been drinking the Sagamorine, which is delicious. Need a refill here in just a moment and I'm thinking I'm scared to death about this Raven steam coming into AT&T Stadium on Sunday. I'm hoping for the best of the Cowboys to get a win. I'm doubtful that it happens. But yeah, I'm very worried about this 49ers pick Brian. Yep. And I'm happy if I lose, the tollos can pick my bet payoff. I don't give a damn. I put my bet payoff against anybody and I think if we stacked it up, there's no question I've done the best. Okay. Wimbledon will have to determine that in an online poll, maybe a Twitter poll next week. We're going to finish with Chiefs. So let's go into the Pimp Cup where Lucius Alexander is standing by, screening your phone calls, working like four or five jobs back there at once in the Pimp Cup, what you drinking and what you think. I'm doing it all. I'm doing it all. Let's see, man. I'm drinking water. I've had a whole lot of it thinking that Dana White, you see Dana Wise get into the boxing game? No, no. Yeah, bro. Dana White teaser. He's about to get into the boxing game, which in my opinion, it's just my opinion. I think that's pretty awesome because this dude right here, he sets up fights. Yeah. You know what I mean? And when they're needed to be, it's not like, he doesn't wait until the guys after their prime, they set up the fight. If the fight is right there, he's going to set that fight up. So maybe he might put some pressure in the boxing world to have these fights when they're supposed to be set up instead of waiting forever. I mean, canelo can't duck better feet as anymore. Yeah. I like the sound of that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe he could change the fight game once again, Chief, drinking, thinking, whiskey, sagging more rye, which is really the best in the business. And we appreciate him. And I'm thinking that it is time to unveil another week bet payoff. Week's off. Should we all stand up with you? I was wondering, like, no, we definitely understand that we didn't stand up. I don't think this one's weak. Never. This is one of the better ones. You've got a bunch of American flags in here. So stand at attention, boys. Absolutely. Stand over the heart. Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hail at the twilight's last gleaming, whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight at the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the hope of the brave? We will jump. America. Yes, dude. That was awesome. You freaking killed it. We did it. Let's go. Eric Chio, follow with a national anthem sending us into an adaion of what you're drinking what you're thinking at eight, seven, seven, eight, eight, one, one, five, three. After me, every major sport event here in DFW, we need an anthem and chief has delivered. That's right. Where are we going first, Lucius? Let's go to Polo. Polo. You're the G back nation. What are you drinking? What are you thinking? What's going on, y'all? Hey, I'm from a homeboy tattoo, right? Yeah, I'm west. We'll watch this. It was changed. It was like two weeks. I don't care if she had a baby or not. He watched edition. You want me? Yeah. Anyway, what I'm thinking is, like I told y'all last week, I told y'all when I called Gio, follow it up. That's not y'all. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to find it. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. 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I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I'm trying to get it out of here. I know you ain't a pimp, but pimp remember what I taught you. Keep your heart three stacks. Keep your heart. A, keep your heart. Three stacks. Keep your heart. Man, these girls are smart. Three stacks. These girls are smart. Play your part. Play your part. Play your part, man. These girls are smart out here, play boy. This is LA Live for Friday, September 20th. 2024. It is a feel good Friday or a freak off Friday as long as you got consent here in LA Live. Yeah, buddy. We made it. We made it to the Friday vibes. Let me switch the vibes up. I'm sorry. Let me switch these vibes up real quick because I got to do the proper thing here on the Friday. It is the 20th and let's see. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Rest in paradise, Frankie. We've got 20. No, no, not 20. We got 48 hours of liberty, yo. 48 hours of liberty. Don't crash out this weekend, gangster. You're more valuable than you think you are. Believe me. Avoid the law, dogs. Hold up. Mind your speeds. Don't drink and drive out here on these roads. You heard Eric Nadel, it's already packed out here, man. Y'all be careful, bro. And if you got a California license plate, I need you on 10 and 2's. 10 and 2's. I need you to be paying attention out here and keep up with traffic, okay? Keep your emotions in check this weekend. Your emotions can get you in trouble the most. Yeah. Because your body and mind tells you, hey, man, you're not supposed to take that. But you got to think it through. You got to think it through. Ain't that right, Freddy? Yeah! I don't want to see you on Dallas Texas TV this weekend. R-D-F-W scanner this weekend, okay? So in other words, please don't crash out. We'll give you a quick weekend warning for what we get out of here. This weekend's safety briefing. Do not add to the population. Do not subtract from the population. I'll be the one. Do not end up in the hospital newspaper jail. If you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Yes, establish dominance. You think PD established dominance quickly? I don't know. I probably don't. Yeah, I don't know, man. Protective custody. Yeah, there you go. Protective custody. Yeah, for sure. Protective custody. I hear he's in one of the worst jails though already. He's in tombs, brother. He's in the tombs right now. I can't believe they put puffy in the tombs, but he's down there. No shoelaces. No sheets. You know what I'm saying? He's on that suicide situation. Yeah. Yeah, no shoelaces. No sheets. Don't crash after this weekend. Don't be a puff. Get consent. And if somebody says no, bounce. Let's see what else we've got right here. I do have a G back in the day call. I might as well get to it. I might as well get to it. Austin Villa. My name is Sean Duran. Yes, dude. You put me on this guy a couple of hours ago. I've been watching highlights of him 20 year old from Columbia. Austin Villa was one of the most coveted players in the transfer market. And he hits bangers like I haven't seen since baby David Beckham. Elbow deep in his bag right here. Yeah. They call this the goal of the season. And I think it's the call of the season as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, dude, this guy makes the game more enjoyable because he's not out of range. It's like Steph Curry when he gets across mid court. You're like, wait. You can go from anywhere. Shoot there. Yeah. Incredible. Okay. Well, that's amazing. I like that call too. So I hope he keeps doing this thing is whoever's doing that call. I want him on the call for it. The best part to me is the understated cake or lasso. You know, just like it goes in and then it out. All right. So I've got some news bloopers for you guys. This is clips for you to hear while you're out of the studio because, you know, it's kind of hard to talk to people that aren't here. So I might as well just play you some audio and bounce on out of here. You know what I'm saying? You're good, man. Broadus feel me. Broadus feels me. Hold up. The vibes. Hold on. I can't get on my knees. Therapeutic. Yeah. Doggy. I had a moment like this this week. I couldn't remember the word custody. I couldn't. You couldn't do it. I think thunderstorms will be a welcomed not sight. When you hear something. Sound. Sound. Yeah. I feel you. That's weird. That's weird. That's weird. It's a long week of broadcasting right there. Speaking of long week of broadcasting, this broadcasting right here got a days mixed up, which it happens. But when you think it's Friday, it hurts. Good Thursday morning. Welcome to Wake Up. I know it is 5am. I am Justin Kore. And I thought it was Friday, but I'm all through the rendering house. Here's what's in the news today. Hold on. Nothing ruins your Friday like it being Thursday. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Oh. It's the best when you're on that Sunday night though. And you're like, wait. Tomorrow's Labor Day. Oh, that's so good. Yeah. That is amazing. Yeah. That is amazing when you forget. When somebody tells you it's a three day weekend coming up and it's like Wednesday. Yeah. You're like, oh, what? I just almost got energy to do my job there. It's amazing. Yeah. That's because I'm a person. Yeah. This broadcast right here had a hard time getting his plane off the runway. When step to step in. Whoa. Step four step. Yeah. Step four step. Every little step. Get in there, buddy. Hey. Shout out to my pops, man. I don't know where you at, dad. I mean, I do know my dad. I don't want anybody to jump to conclusions. I don't know where you're at, dad. I don't know where you at right here. He's a retired man. All he does is wear white linens and he takes flights and eats shrimps. You know what I mean? We'll just pinky up all the time right now. So I don't know if he's in town or not. But shout out to him. I wouldn't have this sauce if it wasn't for you. Pop. Send us a postcard from Paradise. My guy probably somewhere in Martha's Vineyard like always. I don't need to be anywhere. If I can just have no obligations, no entanglements, responsibilities, I think I could be in Paradise anywhere. Yeah. That's what they do. That's what they do. What is coming through this town? I'm not sure. But then that cold, cold front comes through and significantly drops the dew points. Is that what it does? Yeah. But then that cold, cold front comes through. Yeah, here now. Cheeses. Yeah. Hey, this newscaster right here is up the cow's utter on live television. It's the richest and farmers get paid more for that extra butter fat in the milk. And let me tell you, that is creamy and tasty. Wow. Wow. Got somebody's daddy. Body temperature. That's a week. I think that should be added to the board. Yeah, man. Bring a cow down here. I'll do it right now. To it right now. Let's see here. What we got? What we got? Running up against us. Let me play some of these. And I'll leave the rest for next week or something. Whenever we get news bloopers again. Bloopers. This is a strange story. I had a campgrounds. RCMP are searching for a man who has been spotted completely naked at a campground several times over the last month. And as Terry Fakowski reports, they want to find him and find out why he's naked. [laughter] Find out why he's naked. We got Fakowski. We're going to get him on. What a healthy naked. There's only one man for this job. Where's Fakowski? [laughter] Hey! Tell me it's not me. Get that vibe! Get that vibe! I want you to go into the weekend with them vibes, man. Five maze and freaky Beverly. And vibe out this weekend. Hey! [music] Last one. We got a newscaster trying to record a segment. She was live out there on the streets. And a bug landed on her. Now I guess you guys heard that before, remember? Yeah. Remember the guy down in Houston? A bug landed on him? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What really happened? What was that? [laughter] Gee the damn bug. Yeah, well this lady right here. A bug just landed on her arm. She kind of panicked. I guess she tried to record this segment a few times and everything just keeps going wrong. Then allegedly pulling his penis out. [screaming] Wait, wait, wait. What? [laughter] [screaming] Okay! Whoa! I sent the penis. I sent the penis. I sent the penis. Poor guy, Shakerton. She was trying to eat his hot dog, ready to drop that. [laughter] Oh, that's hilarious. Oh, we'll see. Don't do better now. Well, I got him a four more but I'm not going to get to it. I'm going to let the vibes ride as I let you know that I'm up against it. My name is Lucius Alexander and I want you to be safe this weekend. I'll be back to rock the house on a Monday. Lord willing in the creek don't rise. I'm talking about the body of water. [screaming] There he goes. L.A. live with Lucius Alexander. Every night, about 540 here in the G back nation. Maybe a few minutes later on a Friday night, what you drinking and what you thinking. Thanks for all your phone calls. Thanks for the vibes Lucius. Yeah. Reset there. Yeah, Clint's the pallet. Will Chuck, what would you like to do next? Let's go around the bases, Otani's 50th home run ball. The Marlon's manager says, "Believe walking that man." And these teams have glitched post-season bursts. That's next to the nation. Hey, Mike Villeini here. Host a cash to ticket alongside my partner Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming there are a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games? When really, they just lose like most of us. Think cash to tickets the spot for you. We're real. We're transparent. We're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever. You get your podcasts. [music] Our five of the G back nation on 105, three of the fan. Around the bases is brought to you by Uber Eats. Rangers baseball is coming up at six thirty pregame seven o'clock first pitch with DeGrom on the hill. A lot of exciting things going on this September with your baseball team even though they are not playoff bound. Just so many great storylines building anticipation for the winner and what happens next year. Here's that cool chuck. Thank you very much. Let's go around the bases brought to you by Uber Eats. And yesterday we had amazing baseball history. Show hey Otani. His historic 50th home run and of course he entered the 50-50 club. Yeah and it got more insane after we left. We were like oh my goodness this is incredible. And then he hit another home run. So he went six for six. Two doubles. Three homers. Two steals. 10 RBI's. It was his 49th 50th and 51st home runs. Unbelievable day. Maybe one of the greatest if not the greatest days in baseball history. Now I always wonder if these guys are going to panic you know like Maguire back in the day. But that's what makes them great is the ability to block all that stuff out. That's part of what makes them great along with the power and the speed and the coordination. We did have a fan who caught the Otani 50th home run ball. Now did he keep said ball. He did. So he said look I'm not giving this back to you. Keep this one. Now one of the fans involved in the scramble for the ball was an 18 year old celebrating his birthday. He claims that the ball was ripped out of his hands by an older man. He was celebrating his 18th birthday. He was standing just inside the bullpen door when the ball fell. He rushed to it as others came from the opposite side. He said quote the ball bounced off the table and it went under and I grabbed it. Then the other guy had my hand between his legs holding my arm and took the ball from my hands. So this guy is a high school senior. He said some older gentleman came stripped the ball from his hands. Now he's got the ball. Ken Golden of golden options and if you've watched the show on Netflix it's fantastic. But he is estimated that Aaron Judge 60 second home run ball is at about $1.5 million. Otani's record ball as well as his bat would be valued as at minimum 250k each. And I would assume if you took that to auction it would raise even more money. So this dude just the ball alone he's looking at a quarter of a million dollars. Well do you have any evidence? You know and how would a judge rule on this if there was evidence? I don't think you can every man fight for himself fight for the ball. I think once you've secured possession you should have some legal standing. It's nine tenths of the law. What's the other tenth? You know I don't know. It does seem like if you could prove it maybe you would have a chance depending on what the local jurisdiction would have to say. But I think you got to be tougher in these kind of situations. Yes exactly. This kid who's obviously he can't act like he's been there before because he hasn't. You know what I'm saying? He's 18 years old. If this is him five years from now it might be a different perspective on him. But he needed to go balls to the freaking wall than that one. You throw some elbows. And so you got to play a little dirty in a scenario like that. And he got outdone by the vet. He was trying to secure it with his hands. You got to get that thing in the bread basket getting fetal. Yes. Right. Why is this? Yeah. You guys he's standing bending down the whole time. Like there's a video of the entire skirmish for it. I can't say with any shed of a doubt that this kid in the Miami Marlins red jersey who's 18 years old. Had the ball. Hit that video again. Said that he had. He never had full possession. Right. I can't say that he did. Right. Without a shadow of a doubt. That he hasn't. So it's going to hit. Rolling on the field stands. There's going to be a mad skirmish for it. Now the kid. This kid in the eight in the red jersey blue cap. He's going to be the closest to it. Now this dude in the black shirt is going to come wrestling for the ball right here. He's got his hand in between his legs. He's supposedly got hand on the ball here and the guy wrestles it away. That simultaneous possession at best. There's nothing that video can do for that kid. Yeah. It's a fifty fifty ball. There's nothing you can do. What happened is the grown man is considerably stronger. And that's why he got the ball. And he had you know the edge of his legs are trying to pinch the dude's hand away. And then he's grabbing it with the arm. He had better position. He was a struggle for the ball. Okay. So what you could do now is the kid is start training and try to beat this guy up at some point. Yeah. If you care. I like that. Yeah. This happened in Miami and the guy that breaks all the news in Miami is Andy Slater. He's got a Slater scoop for us here. Apparently, allegedly, reportedly the L.A. Dodgers reps offered the guy $300,000 cash right there. Wow. And that's getting it done if you ask me. I know. That's what I'm saying. What did you say? Well Chuck? Okay. Oh at minimum 250. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough at minimum. Take the cash. You know, I'm thinking the same thing in that moment. 300k. It's just a 50-50 ball. You know, it's not like it. I'm taking that 300k and saying thank you very much. Ah, man. That's tough. I don't know. If I'm armed with the knowledge of 250 minimum, I guess I'm feeling like 300k is probably good enough there. But I don't think he's losing by leaving with that ball. I think that ball is going too fast. I'm thinking that 300k, if not more. And like over half a million. Yeah. Maybe more. I'm thinking that Otani's pace. He's going 60-60 next week. Whatever happened to the guy who caught Judge's ball here. Did he get worked on the price on that? I think he did because it ended up at golden auctions and I think it went for $1.1 million. And I don't think he got nearly that amount of money. See, but that's what I'm saying. And how did that guy, the guy who caught it, his wife was a cowboy reporter. Yeah, Brie. Brie. Yeah. So I thought something happened where he was holding out for more and didn't get what he wanted out of that deal. He might have. I think that dude's already a millionaire. So it's, you know, we're. Yeah. I thought somebody got worked. I don't think it's really an issue if he got worked for it. But somebody that this could be life changing money for. Yeah. I mean, you want to make sure you're making the best decision possible. In most situations, I'm turning down the club's offer because they're trying to low-ball you. But I think in this spot, I'd have done a quick Google and went ahead and walked home with a 300K. The only stipulation at that point is I want it in cash. Okay. Yeah. And I don't want any public disclosure of this. Okay. It's tax-free money. Yeah. A lot of tech's coming in. Shoot box in that thing in the closet. Man, this could need to get in the weight room. Yeah. I mean, I hear you, you know, absolutely. It's a learning experience for him. But also one maybe every, it's that opportunity. Well, he didn't know what he was in for. Exactly. This kid who's constantly being told, hey, respect your elders, you know, have some tooth about you. You know what I mean? Don't embarrass us out in public. And now all of a sudden, he's the one in the, and who knows how many millions of chances that he's now in the scenario and he's dealing with a guy who probably has been there done that. A guy who probably was at that game specific for that reason. Yeah. He showed up, prepared, and obviously, you credit to him probably putting a little bit more of the strategic work in in advance, this 18-year-old kid, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. I mean, what the kid does if he's like twice as old and had been working out, he's got his one hand on that ball, his other foot comes up with a strong kick to that man's chest. And it's over, you know? Yeah. Or at least a strong push with the offhand. Yeah. He just sat there all beta like, oh, I'm going to try to hang on to this ball against a much stronger guy. I like the King Leonidas kick. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. Thank you. He's spotter. Yeah. Thank you. Hey, we got a run because Jared Sandler said to join us. Thanks to Sagamore Spirit Rye Whiskey. We have one more segment here at Shakertons in Arlington and we're back in the G-Bagnation. Welcome back, G-Bagnation. Thanks to Shakertons in Arlington for having us out. And thanks to Sagamore Spirit Rye Whiskey for sponsoring this event. And it is time now to catch up with Jared Sandler and talk some Rangers baseball pre-game show is coming up in 10 minutes. Segment is brought to you by the Frankel's, Life's Unpredictable Accidents happen. If you were a loved one's in an accident due to somebody's negligence called a Frankel's for a free consultation, 214-817-3333-3333, go to Jared's Ranger Preview brought you by Blue Nail Roofing. Sand, how the heck are you buddy? Hey, what's up fellas? It's been a great season with you. You know, some would say they wouldn't have minded if the season ended a couple of weeks ago. But I think this is the last pre-game chat we're going to have with you, Broski. Oh, is it really? I guess I have it next week. Oh, yeah. You're right. How about that? No. That's sad. I'm not happy about this. Well, we've done really well in the six o'clock hour. It's the two o'clock hour where it hasn't always been as great, but I've loved it with you guys. Those unscripted appearances can kind of get off the rails. Yeah, man. But I appreciate you guys. But I appreciate you guys. A few weeks ago. I'm not sure if you heard that. What's it? But on a different note, you know, I wanted to see what you thought about what next year's team is going to look like, like how many of the guys who have been in the lineup is regulars are for sure back next year. Well, I think the guy on the mound tonight is hopefully your opening day starter. I think Jonah Heim is back. You know, I imagine there'll be a little more of a plain time split that resembles maybe what it's been like since the acquisition, of course, in Kelly. You know, I think, you know, your middle infield is going to be back. If Josh Young's healthy, you know, he's obviously a third white Langford, but I think it's fair to ask questions about the rest and even Jonah to that, you know, to that end. But I feel pretty good that, you know, he will be back. You know, I think they have decisions to make with, you know, the rest of that group. And that's not to say those guys haven't been good. I mean, Nathaniel Lowe's going to have the best on base percentage of his career. But, you know, I think if they want to shake things up, maybe that's a spot that they look to. So they're going to have some really interesting decisions to make this off season in terms of guys who are on their roster and under team control and what they want to do with them. Where do you think Josh Smith slides in? If you had to make your opening day lineup for next year, obviously, there's a lot of unknown. You mentioned Nathaniel Lowe. But, I mean, Josh, if Young is healthy, and I know there's probably an update you can give us on him from today, but Corey is it short, what's the plan with Josh Smith? I think you go into this off season thinking, hey, if Josh Smith's my tenth guy, I might have one of the best tenth guys in baseball, and if we can't fill a spot or if someone goes down, then Josh is going to play. Guys like that end up playing a ton, but I don't know that they're going to go into the off season and say, Josh Smith is our everyday fill in the blank, right? He's there every day, you know, I can play multiple positions guy, but I don't know that there's going to be a spot dedicated for him, at least going into the off season. Things shake out a certain way, maybe. As far as Josh Young, he is going to see a specialist or the same specialist he's seen in Arizona on Monday just to get a better understanding of why things keep flaring up. I've talked to some people about a similar injury and they've said that sometimes it just takes time and that, you know, they're not super concerned. I think Josh is just, you know, it's frustrating for him, but I think the hope is that they don't necessarily find anything. It's just going to take more time in the off season will give him that opportunity. Hey, Jared, here's my terrible question for you, though, but did Jankowski was at the turning point? No. Buddy, I think we got to go. Okay. I know you had something horrible in mind, but Jared, have a great weekend. We'll catch you up with you soon, buddy. You too, fellas. Jared's Ranger preview brought you by Blue Nail Roofing. Thanks so much to Sagamor and Shaker Tins for having us out. Lucius Alexander went four and a half flawless once again. Wulchuck and she have followed and brought us in a remote engineer, Ramon until Monday. You're going home with the Jeep Bag Nation on 1053, the fan. Hey, Mike Valenti here. It's just a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming they're a bunch of pro bettors when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games when really they just lose like most of us? Think cash to tickets the spot for you. We're real. We're transparent. We're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music)