GBag Nation

5th hour of the G-Bag Nation: Around the Bases; Texas Rangers Insider Jared Sandler joins the Nation to preview Seattle vs Texas

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20 Sep 2024
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Around the basis is brought to you by Uber Eats. Rangers baseball is coming up at 6.30 pregame, 7 o'clock first pitch with DeGrom on the hill. A lot of exciting things going on this September with your baseball team, even though they are not playoff bound, just so many great story lines, building anticipation for the winner and what happens next year. Here's that cool chuck. - Thank you very much. Let's go around the bases, brought to you by Uber Eats. And yesterday we had amazing baseball history. Show Hay Otani, his historic 50th home run, and of course he entered the 50-50 club. - Yeah and it got more insane after we left. We were like, "Oh my goodness, this is incredible." And then he hit another home run. - So he went six for six, two doubles, three homers, two steals, 10 RBIs. It was his 49th, 50th, and 50 first home runs. Unbelievable day, maybe one of the greatest, if not the greatest days in baseball history. Now, I always wonder if these guys are gonna panic, you know, like Maguire back in the day, so bons, but that's what makes them great, is the ability to block all that stuff out. - That's part of what makes them great, along with the power and the speed and the coordination. - We did have a fan who caught the Otani 50th home run ball. Now, did he keep said ball? He did. So he said, "Look, I'm not giving this back to you. "I'm gonna keep this one." Now, one of the fans involved in the scramble for the ball was an 18-year-old celebrating his birthday. He claims that the ball was ripped out of his hands by an older man. He was celebrating his 18th birthday. He was standing just inside the ball pen door when the ball fell. He rushed to it as others came from the opposite side. He said, "The ball bounced off the table." And it went under, and I grabbed it. Then the other guy had my hand between his legs, holding my arm and took the ball from my hands. So this guy's a high school senior. He said, "Some older gentleman came, "stripped the ball from his hands." Now, he's got the ball. Ten golden of golden auctions. And if you've watched the show on Netflix, it's fantastic. But he has estimated that Aaron Judge, 60-second home run ball, is at about $1.5 million. O'Tani's record ball, as well as his bat, would be valued as at minimum 250K each. And I would assume if you took that to auction, it would raise even more money. So this dude, just the ball alone, he's looking at a quarter of a million dollars. - Well, do you have any evidence, you know? And how would a judge rule on this if there was evidence? - I don't think you can't have any evidence, right? - Every man fight for himself, fight for the ball. I think once you've secured possession, you should have some legal standing. - 'Cause session is nine tenths of the law. - What's the other tenth? You know, I don't know. It does seem like if you could prove it, maybe you would have a chance, depending on what the local jurisdiction would have to say. But I think you got to be tougher in these kind of situations. - Yes, exactly, you just, this kid who's obviously, he can't act like he's been there before, 'cause he hasn't, you know what I'm saying? He's 18 years old, if this is him five years from now, it might be a different perspective on him. But he needed to go balls to the freaking wall in that one. You throw some elbows in. So you got to play a little dirty in a scenario like that. And he got outdone by the vet. - He was trying to secure with his hands. You got to get that thing in the bread basket, getting fetal. - Yes. - Right. - Why the guys? - Why this? - And guys, he's standing bending down the whole time. Like there's a video of the entire skirmish for it. I can't say with any shed of a doubt that this kid in the Miami Marlins red jersey, he was 18 years old. - Had the ball? - Hit that video again. - Said that he had. - He never had full possession, right? - I can't say that he did, right? Without a shadow of a doubt that he hasn't. So it's gonna hit him. - Rolling on the field stands. - There's gonna be a mad skirmish for it. Now the kid, this kid in the eight, in the red jersey blue cap, he's gonna be the closest to it. Now this dude in the black shirt is gonna come wrestling for the ball right here. He's got his hand in between his legs. He's supposedly got hand on the ball here, and the guy wrestles it away. - That simultaneous possession at best. There's nothing that video can do for that kid. - Yeah. - It's a 50/50 ball. - There's nothing you can do. - What happened is the grown man is considerably stronger, and that's why he got the ball. - Well, and he had the edge of his legs are trying to pinch the dude's hand away, and then he's grabbing it with the arm. - Yeah. - When he had better position. - He was a struggle for the ball. Okay, so what you could do now is the kid is start training and try to beat this guy up at some point. - Yeah, I'd like to. - If you care. - I like that. - Yeah, this happened in Miami, and the guy that breaks all the news in Miami is Andy Slater. He's got a Slater scoop for us here. Apparently, allegedly, reportedly, the LA Dodgers reps offered the guy $300,000 cash right there. - Wow. - And-- - That's getting it done if you ask me. - I know, that's what I'm saying. What'd you say, well, Chuck? It was like what? - Minimum $250,000. - Oh, at minimum $250,000. Okay, fair enough. At minimum. - Take the cash. - You know, I'm thinking the same thing in that moment, 300K, it's just a 50/50 ball. You know, it's not like it's-- - I'm taking that 300K and saying thank you very much. - Ah, man, that's tough. I don't know. If I'm armed with the knowledge of 250 minimum, I guess I'm feeling like 300K is probably good enough there, but I don't think he's losing by leaving with that ball. I think that ball is going too fast. - What? - I'm thinking that 300K, if not more. - And I go for half a million. - Yeah. - I mean, maybe more. - I'm thinking of Otani's pace. He's going 60/60 next week, so-- - Whatever happened to the guy who caught Judge's ball here. - Did he get worked on the price on that? That didn't-- - I think he did, 'cause it ended up at Golden Auction, so I think it went for 1.1 million. And I don't think he got nearly that amount of money. - See, but that's what I'm saying. But how did that guy, the guy who caught it, his wife was a cowboy reporter. - Yeah, Bree. - Bree. - Yeah, so I thought something happened where he was holding out for more and didn't get what he wanted out of that deal. - He might have, I think that dude's already a millionaire, so it's, you know, we're-- - Yeah. - I thought somebody got worked on that. - I don't think it's really an issue if he got worked for it, but somebody that this could be life-changing money for, yeah. I mean, you wanna make sure you're making the best decision possible. - In most situations, I'm turning down the club's offer because they're trying to low ball you, but I think in this spot, I'd have done a quick Google and went ahead and walked home with a 300K. The only stipulation at that point is I wanna in cash. - Okay. - Yeah. - And I don't want any public disclosure of this. Okay, it's tax-free money. - Yeah, a lot of tax coming in. - Shoe boxing that thing in the closet. - Man, this could need to get in the weight room. - Yeah. - I mean, I hear you, you know, I absolutely, it's a learning experience for him, but also one maybe he never gets that opportunity. - Well, he didn't know what he was in for. - Exactly. This the kid who's constantly being told, hey, respect your elders, you know, have some tooth about you, you know what I mean? Don't embarrass us out in public. And now all of a sudden, he's the one in the, and who knows how many millions of chances that he's now in this scenario, and he's dealing with a guy who probably has been there done that, a guy who probably was at that game specific for that reason. - Yeah. - You know, a guy who showed up prepared, and obviously credits him probably putting a little bit more of the strategic work in in advance, this 18-year-old kid, you know what I'm saying? Like, what the kid does if he's like twice as old and had been working out, he's got his one hand on that ball, his other foot comes up with a strong kick to that man's chest. - And it's over. - Yeah. - He's a strong push with the off hand. - Yeah, he just sat there all beta like, "Oh, I'm gonna try to hang on to this ball against "a much stronger guy." - I like the King Leonidas kick. - Yeah. - Tonight, we dying in hell with it. - Yeah, that's right. - Yeah. - Thank you, Walter. - Yeah, thank you. - Hey, we got a run 'cause Jared Sandler set to join us, thanks to Sagamore Spirit Rywhisky. We have one more segment here at Shakertons in Arlington, and we're back in the G-back nation. - Hey, Mike Vlinny here. Hosted a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. We're tired of podcast claiming there are a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement. Are you tired of podcast that claim they hit 80% of the games? When really, they just lose like most of us. Think cash to tickets, the spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it, and we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash The Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music) - Welcome back, G-back nation. Thanks to Shakertons in Arlington for having us out. And thanks to Sagamore Spirit Rywhisky for sponsoring this event. And it is time now to catch up with Jared Sandler and talk some Rangers baseball pregame show is coming up in 10 minutes. Segment is brought to you by The Frankles. Life's unpredictable accidents happen if you were a loved one's in an accident due to somebody's negligence called The Frankles for a free consultation. 2-1-4 or 8-1-7-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3. Go to It's Jared's Ranger preview brought to you by Blue Nail Roofing. Sans, how the heck are you buddy? - Hey, what's up fellas? - It's been a great season with you. You know, some would say they wouldn't have minded if the season ended a couple of weeks ago. But I think this is the last pregame chat we're gonna have with you, Broskie. - Oh, is it really? I guess I have next week. - Oh yeah, I guess you're right. How about that? - That's sad, I'm not happy about this. - Well, we've done really well in the six o'clock hour. It's the two o'clock hour where it hasn't always been, has great, but I've loved it with you guys. - It was unscripted appearances can be kind of off the rails. - Yeah, man. - I appreciate you guys. - I appreciate you guys. - A few weeks ago, I'm not sure if you heard that. - What's that? - But on a different note, you know, I wanted to see what you thought about what next year's team is gonna look like. Like how many of the guys who have been in the lineup as regulars are for sure back next year? - Well, I think the guy on the mound tonight is hopefully your opening day starter. I think Jonah Haim is back. You know, I imagine there'll be a little more of a plain time split that resembles maybe what it's been like since the acquisition of Carson Kelly. You know, I think, you know, your middle infield's gonna be back. If Josh Young's healthy, you know, he's obviously a third, Wyatt Langford. But I think it's fair to ask questions about the rest. And even Jonah to that, you know, to that end. But I feel pretty good that, you know, he will be back. You know, I think they have decisions to make with, you know, the rest of that group. And that's not to say those guys haven't been good. I mean, Nathaniel Lowe's gonna have the best on base percentage of his career. But, you know, I think if they wanna shake things up, maybe that's a spot that they look to. So they're gonna have some really interesting decisions to make this offseason in terms of guys who are on their roster under team control and what they wanna do with them. - Where do you think Josh Smith slides in? If you had to make your opening day lineup for next year, obviously there's a lot of unknown. You mentioned Nathaniel Lowe. But, I mean, Josh, if Young is healthy, and I know there's probably an update you can give us on him from today, but Corey's insured, what's the plan with Josh Smith? - I think you go into this offseason thinking, "Hey, if Josh Smith's my 10th guy, "I might have one of the best 10th guys in baseball." And if, you know, we can't fill a spot or if someone goes down, then, you know, Josh is gonna play. I, you know, guys like that end up playing a ton, but I don't know that they're gonna go into the offseason and say, "Josh Smith is our everyday fill-in-the-blank," right? He's there every day. You know, I can play multiple positions, guy. But I don't know that there's gonna be a spot dedicated for him at least going into the offseason. Things shake out a certain way, maybe. As far as Josh Young, he is gonna see a specialist or the same specialist he's seen in Arizona on Monday, just to get a better understanding of why things keep flaring up. I've talked to some people about a similar injury and they've said that sometimes it just takes time and that, you know, they're not super concerned. I think Josh is just, you know, it's frustrating for him, but I think the hope is that they don't necessarily find anything, it's just gonna take more time in the offseason we'll give him that opportunity. - Hey, Jared, here's my terrible question for you though, but-- - Did Jankowski was at the turning point? - Yeah. - No, that, yeah. - Buddy, I think we gotta go. - Okay, we gotta go. - I know you had something horrible in mind, but-- - Yeah, I had something horrible in mind. - Jared, have a great weekend. We'll catch you up with you soon, buddy. - You too, fellas. - Jared's Ranger preview brought you by Blue Nail Roofing. Thanks so much to Sagamore and Shakertons for having us out. Lucius Alexander went four and a half flawless once again. Wolchuck and she have followed and brought us in a remote engineer, Ramone. Until Monday, you're going home with the Jeep Bag Nation on 1053, the fan. - Hey, Mike Villeini here. - I host a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming they're a bunch of pro bettors when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games? When really, they just lose like most of us. Think cash to tickets to the spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it, and we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash The Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music)