GBag Nation

1st hour of the G-Bag Nation: Top Sports Stories at 2pm; GBAG NFL Picks Week 3; GBAG of the DAY; Biggest L, Biggest Dub!

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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Hey Mike Villeini here, host of Cash The Ticket alongside my partner Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcast claiming there are a bunch of pro bettors when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcast that claim they hit 80% of the games? When really, they just lose like most of us. Think Cash The Ticket's the spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash The Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever. You get your podcasts. This podcast is brought to you by Men's Tea Clinic. Men's Tea Clinic is the team I trust with my total wellness optimization and so should you. Five DFW locations with North Frisco, El Dorado Parkway at Dallas, North Tolway, now open. Call 972 go men's tea or visit Yeah buddy, here we go. It's our number three, our number one of the G Bag Nation. I meant to say it's a triple bet payoff Friday here on the show and we're live in Arlington, brought to you by Sagamora Spirit, Ry Wiski. General at your service salute to you. There's Brian Broadus, former cowboy scout and a full executive. You have a wool chuck and she'll follow in the house. Lucius Alexander is back in the pimp cup at Master Control. He's got you covered here for the next four and a half hours. And Carter Freeman's coordinating your video. You can watch us at 105 through the Twitch and on YouTube. She'll follow, I believe it's going to do a national anthem here for us coming up before too long. Yeah, I mean that sounds like the move, that sounds like the plan. So I'd like to get maybe some of that Sagamora coursing through my veins or something like that, just to give me that extra little pat in my step, you know what I'm saying? But a little liquid courage. At any moment that you guys need me to impromptu bust out into, you know, when you get to have a hankering for some patriotism, you just let your boy know I'm ready to get going. Right on, yeah, I think we should do that at 220 there when we're picking games. Yeah, you know, because it's basically the start of a major sports event every day in the G back nation when we get the show underway. So we need an anthem, you know, to make it official. I would. When do you think this place will get the busiest post five o'clock? We'll check once there to be a good live. I think that I think that's what adds the element to this payoff is having as many people here as possible. We need the tollos to show up in full force here. No heckling though. No heckling. No heckling. Student sectional. We're not throwing stuff at my guy, you know, just, you know, be respectful here. I think we got a total of 12 patrons here currently when it reaches 40. Oh, thank you. How about that? Okay, I love that. I love that idea. 41 for dirt. And you're going to be nice and you're going to be nice and lubricated because Jenny's about to bring over some glasses so we can start dipping into that that sycamore rye. Let's go. Let's go. I am so ready. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go, Sagamor. Two people to my right is Brian brought us. I was thinking, Bishop, sick of his eyeball and I was sick of butter. That would be eight tablespoons of butter I'm holding in my hands right now. Sorry. Thank you. This fly is just like, what is going on? I don't know. Why is it over there by you? It's kind of buzzing around by you. Buzzing around the couches here. Yeah. It was next to you and you're bad. What do you got in your battery? I had butter. It's probably the butter in my hands. He imposed it on social that he was going to do this butter, a bad payoff, didn't want to do the Mrs. Dow fire. Yeah, because I was coming from the cowboy for a future day. Yeah. I was coming from the cowboy. So he's chosen stick of butter, but there might be some complications here involved. Yeah. In both complications, we weren't thinking about Brian. Yeah. Derek Eagleton sent me a text and said that he had a friend in college that did this. Oh, thank you. Went blind. Went blindness. So delicious, I don't know, you know, it's, I've kind of reading the cholesterol. This, the whiskey might get me before the butter, gosh, this Sagamore is going to be delicious. Hey, bottoms up. Cheers. Cheers football Friday. Let's go. It is a football Friday. I'll pass it over. Don't worry. Don't, don't get jealous. I see your face over there. Don't, don't start. Oh, we got Jenny's bringing more. Jenny's bringing more. Shout out to Jenny. Let me, let me get a whiff of this. Yeah. Let's go. So worth that thing a little bit. Oh, wow. Gosh, I love this. Not even usually a right guy, but this Sagamore ride might change my mind. Did you just hammer that home? Yeah, I did. Wow. First shot of the day. There he goes. Brought us back to back there with a bowl chunk, but it's smooth. You guys are channeling your own inner Bobby Belts right now. A couple of drunks over here, a couple of drunks, four and a half hour journey here until 6 30 when the pregame is going to start and Jacob de Grom's going to be on the hill for our baseball enjoyment here coming up this evening. So that's a lot of fun. But as we do every single football Friday here in the nation, we open with a prediction. I'm going score a gummy. Okay. 3412 Ravens. Oh, that's a score, a gummy. Yeah, I think so. Okay. All right. Is that all? I think 30 field goals or do we get a safety mix then? That's field goals for the Cowboys for touchdowns to field goals for the Ravens. Man, I'll tell you what, I, I like the Ravens to if you're the Cowboys, you got to prove me wrong. You know, but I'm going to go with the Ravens 28 Dallas 23. I think this could be a really, really high scoring game and, but I'm going to take it Ravens 28 Cowboys 23. Give me 26 20 Baltimore, Baltimore, don't, don't loan wolf this thing. Let's give this team some bulletin material, maybe you know that all you're all leaning in on this. We don't believe in them. They need to know that they need to feel that right here from shaker to Ravens coming in here, desperate team, you know, Derek Henry in, in, in Zeke, they were taken in the same draft class. I mean, I know we're talking his Zeke wash, maybe Derek Henry's a little washed here. They're doing mixed and matching with that Ravens offensive line. I don't think they're any damn good. If I'm Michael Parsons over there, I'm looking my chops. I think Mike Zimmer, Eric Hendricks, that defense had to eat a lot of humble pie last week. They're going to be ready to go and offensively, look, Nate Wiggins, is he going to play? Supposedly had a great day of practice. He's got to get cleared. They can't cover anybody on that side of the football over there with the Ravens. Jake Ferguson's back, baby. Fergie. CD lamb. Give me the Ravens. 30 to 13 in this one. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Channeled your inner pack. McAfee. I sure did. I sure did. This team's got to prove it. I'm not picking them to beat a team that I consider good until they go out there and do it. And I think both more. I can envision a Ravens team going 0 and 3. In fact, the Cowboys have only beaten both more once in their entire history since they moved and became the Ravens. So that was Dax rookie year. And I don't know if they're going to be able to muster up that magic. I hope I'm wrong. I hope the Cowboys do this thing to go to two and one. But I think Baltimore is going to eat. It's just too much of a difficult matchup for me to be able to contain both Lamar and Derek Henry for four quarters. I think I think this thing could get ugly. Speaking of difficult matchups. As you look out into the remaining 15 games of this season, what's your update? After seeing nothing is fixed on the defense might be worst. Nothing is fixed on the offense might be worse. I think obviously next week, Giants, there's a win there. Steelers maybe. Steelers would be nice. I'm going to be there for that one. I hope they beat the Steelers. I got Welch up willing them to victory that particular Sunday night in Pittsburgh. I think, you know, lions, Niners will see if Detroit's right of the ship by then. I think they got the Niners number, don't you? The Cowboys. Yeah, you know, it's about time. Just a lot of averages. There's probably a win against Atlanta coming. But who knows? Hey, no guarantees, man. Brought us learn that the hard way, huh? Yeah, sure did. I think he holds a stick of Mandarin. I think they probably split with Philly. Smartly. The Giants. And. The Texans isn't a win. The Bengals isn't a win. No. Panthers. We picked him 98. Yeah, I know. But I'm asking you to update it now. I don't want to update it. I don't like the question. I don't refuse to answer this. For this Baltimore game, though, I mean, this is one that the day the schedule came out, you chalked it up as an L. Yes. And there's been nothing. I mean, the Ravens have lost games, so you feel like maybe they're not quite what you thought maybe they were going to be, but it's not like they've looked bad in these games necessarily. Yeah, they were. Last week, they're a playaway in Kansas City. Absolutely. So they still strike a ton of fear into you. And after what the Cowboys did last week, how can you trust them? Now, I do think credit to McCarthy, since he's been here, they do respond well. They do. I do expect emotionally this team should be ready. But ultimately, I just don't think defensively you've got enough guys, like on that defensive line, I just don't see how for four quarters, you're going to be able to contain Lamar Jackson, Derek Henry, Justice Hill. Like that trio of dudes with a little sprinkle is a flowers here and there, and then obviously the tight ends, but just specifically in the trenches, even though the Ravens don't have a good offensive line, this is a get right game for the Ravens offensive line. Now, if you told me the Cowboys were desperately seeking a running back out there in the trade market, I would be like, oh, okay, well, you know, maybe by the time we get to week seven or week eight, the running game will have a different feel to it. Jerry Jones this morning here on 105 through the fans said something that got the attention of one of our favorite ESPN writers, Old Billy Barnwell. And Nick Harris had quoted Jerry this morning with KMC masterpiece. He says, "A few of the media have gotten out here and written some stories early about how we needed a running back in the draft or how we need a running back, and they're trying to cover there, you know what, as we go into the season, Bill pointing out the Cowboys ranked 31st out of 32 teams in rush yards over expectation. The next gen stats model projects Cowboys back should be gaining a league high 5.3 in an attempt. They're getting 3.7. Jerry Jones says, "That's hogwash. This is just media members who said we needed a draft one that are covering their, you know, much two weeks into the season looking at this. You know, we can debate whether the Jerry really believes what he's saying or not. But I think it's clear they're not going to be trading for a running back. What we have is what they're going to have." Yeah, I'm with you 100%. They have a lot of deference for Zeke. There's been plenty of people in that building that have appreciated Rico Dattle for a long time. So I don't think they have any concerns. And it sounds like when Jerry talks, it sounds like he values past protection from his running backs more than actual running from his running backs, which is interesting. Yeah, he's got a $60 million quarterback he has to keep up right. Yeah. Yeah. And they've been very intentional with the way they've constructed this. So after two weeks to say, "Oh, yeah, we were totally wrong," I don't think they want to do that. They somewhat did it with the defensive tackle. But to me, that's the other one. We're talking about running backs. You need defensive tackles. You tried. We've known you need defensive tackles all off season. In August, you decided to do something about it. But when you do something about it, in August, that's usually not going to work out for you. Proof of the putting two weeks in, not working out for you. So how do you remedy that situation? Because to me, that's why you're losing on Sunday to Baltimore. Yeah. I feel like to me, they didn't want to add anything. I know you guys are going to kill me for saying this. They didn't want to add anything because they wanted to see if Mazzy Smith could play. That was the whole idea. Yeah. That's a developmental year. Yeah. They were thinking that, "Hey, okay, Mazzy went through everything he went through last year. Let's see if Mazzy Smith, our first round pick could play." He's one guy, right? Well, I know. If you look at, to me, their thinking there in that building would be, "Why do we have to add when we've got this guy? Why can't we see?" And this gets into coaches, too. Coaches telling Jerry and Steven, "Yeah, Mazzy will be fine. We'll do stuff with Mazzy." Yeah. Don't worry about Mazzy. You know? I mean, and so like, "Okay. If that's case, let's not do anything here. Let's let Mazzy play and see how it goes." You got blocked on adding because of wanting to see what Mazzy Smith was going to do. They still brought in three defensive linemen, though, which says to me that they're-- They drafted Rogers saying-- They drafted Rogers. They had Davis on the team already. So they went into that, and then they realized that wasn't going to work. And then that's why in August, you see them bringing in Linville, Joseph, and others like that. Yeah, you draft Justin Rogers in the seventh round, and Carl Davis, who you watched-- We all did, right? Yeah. Who couldn't play. Right. They are trying to eat their own cheese or drink their own Kool-Aid. If they thought that position was not alarmingly an issue. And hey, at least they addressed it and said, "Look, this is a problem in August." But the guys in the bodies they brought in are not NFL caliber players. This again goes back to when you sit out all a free agency, and you bargain shop at the Dollar Tree, this is what you're going to get on NFL Sundays, right? And they're a dream of adding a running back guide when Jonathan Brooks went to the Carolina Panthers at the top of the second round. That was the guy that they envisioned. We can try and get him in the second. He'll take Jonathan Brooks. Now, that wouldn't have helped you right now, because he's still not playing yet. He's still recovering from that ACL. But to me, they did have a vision of adding a running back. Unfortunately, the way the board fell, it just didn't happen in the draft. And after that, it was, "We're going to rock with what we've got, and we'll address that next year." Yeah, yeah. I think that's the thing is, you know, and maybe we should appreciate it, you know, because when you come into the league as a running back, your best years are your first three or four years. If this isn't a championship type of season, let's wait another year or two until the rest of the roster is ready to go. But if I was a Jones boy right now, I would be thinking, "Holy crap, our offensive line can play. We should be getting 5.3. Let's get a replacement level running back and see how good we can be playing ball control." But they don't either recognize that opportunity. They're too loyal to Zeke. This is embarrassing, though, that, you know, that Jerry thinks it's good enough. We'll get Steve's thoughts on it coming up at three o'clock. G-bag survivor, bet payoffs are going to get underway. And we've got to pick from the week three slate to try to find a winner and avoid more bet payoffs next week. We're live here in Arlington, thanks to SAGA more spirit rye whiskey and we're back in the nation. Yeah. Hey, Mike Vlinny here. Hosted a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcast claiming there are a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcast that claim they hit 80% of the games when, really, they just lose like most of us? Think cash to tickets the spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it. And we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, buddy. Welcome back. It is the G-bag nation here on 1053, the fan. And we're live in Arlington, brought to you by Sagamore Spirit Rye Whiskey. Come say hi to us here at Shakertons. Flaktober 2024 is now just a couple of weeks away. One week away? What is this weekend? Two weeks, I think. I think we're underway next Saturday. Ooh, let's go. Next Saturday, the 28th, I guess that would be. Tour day, DFW. Tour day, DFW will be on, get your 2024 G-bag nation, what a burger flag. An iconic image inspired by last year's Rangers, what a burger jersey. I think they did it with Josh Young, maybe a couple of other players. And you know, what a burger has always had the best swag in fast food. And so this is just a continuation of that. And we thank them once again for sponsoring. Stay tuned for the Tour day, DFW schedule and your chance to get the 2024 what a burger G-bag flag here starting next weekend. I think maybe Friday we're going to be at Southern Leisure. Southern Leisure. It's become a tradition, I believe that's three years in a row. We picked off Flaktober there. So we'll probably be up there in Flower Mound next weekend. Okay, it is a triple bet payoff Friday. It's time now to take a look at our week three games, see what we feel comfortable picking and lay out the sked here for this afternoon. Segment is brought to you by Cars for Kids, donate to It's brought to you by the Frankel's Life's Unpredictable Accidents, happen Franklin Frankel are the go-to attorneys for car and truck wrecks in DFW. If you or a loved one's been in an accident due to somebody's negligence call the Frankel's, get your free consultation, 2-1-4-4-8-1-7-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3, go to I was thinking about Cleveland at home against the Giants. I'm worried that the Giants find a way to win a game. Yes, that Cleveland won't score and it'll be like 13 to 10. They can feel goals and stuff. Something like that or New York just decides, look, let's run Daniel Jones. He's actually one of the better running quarterback in the NFL. If they come with that kind of a game plan which I think their desperation might be kicking in as they're on the hot seat, I think that might happen. I don't want to pick a bad football team in Cleveland with a putrid offense and then be sitting here Monday like how the bleep that I picked them. I'm going to actually go with the Raiders at home against Carolina, the Dumpster Fire there, the Oakland coming off of a high which worries me a little bit but there's nothing that I have conviction in right now. Maybe things will coalesce by mid-season and I can come into these survivors with some confidence but right now I'm second guessing at every turn. Dude, I mean, I'm the same, is anybody here confident today? Does anybody feel good about one of these? Yeah, I do. No. I do. As you have your stick of butter on ice right in front of you, you want to start eating that? Since you're 0 and 2, how about broadest 0 and 2 still having football picking hubris? Yeah. That's incredible. Give me the 49ers over the Rams. I think the Rams are just beat to S right now. I agree with that. And they're in trouble. They really, really are and they're not going to, you know, San Francisco coming off the loss. They're now back at home. Wow. It's a horrible pick. Yeah. I think it's a horrible pick. But like for me, I would be worried right now. I would be thinking San Francisco's hurt too. It's a divisional game. San Francisco is less hurt than what we got going on in the Rams are a bit of a mass unit at this point. The Niners are just about as banged up as anybody except for the Rams. But then oh my gosh, broadest just took a bite out of the stand. He should. Yeah. Just eat that stick of margarine there. That's a hell of a win. I'm with you though. Oh my gosh. Wait, talk to me about that. What is, how is that? Tastes like butter. Not too bad. You want some bread? Is it overwhelming? Is it too rich? It is. It is very rich right now. I worry about it melting in my hands a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. That kind of thing. But I'll wipe them on. We'll shucks back. We'll be cool. I'm here for you, buddy. I think sometimes people try to play up a radio bet payoff like oh, this is the worst. Brodice does the opposite. He tries to pretend that it's not bothering me. In reality, he's trying not to puke right now. I think last week his face was being melted off and he tried to play it off like, oh, this is nothing. It doesn't hurt. What are you talking about? He went home and cried. He played it off. I was in perfect condition last week, sir. I don't believe it. I don't believe for one second. You're a judge of character, I would say. Well, I'm friends with you. I think that's obvious. Is there some kind of a state fair, hottest food competition? Because I swear Brian would win it. Yeah, he might have a shot. The feet of strength here is unrivaled. It's all about just middle toughness, boys. Well, Chuck has none of that. What are you taking shots at me for? You're the one that's encouraging me to eat butter right now. Well, that's the bet payoff. I think you're doing a fantastic job with it. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Hey, did I eat the pickled pigs' feet last week? Not very well. Yeah, you did. Hey, I nailed it. I got it done. So I think the mental toughness was definitely not a good one. I've gotten my back waxed on here. Hey, I don't want to hear anything when it comes to the bet payoffs in me. There should be no shaming for any of you. Everybody's had it pretty bad. And I think what Dawson's about to get with the bunch of it. And mentally, it's hard. It's easy to do. Dawson's about to get a pickled juice, extravaganza mystery mix into his face over the course of the next four and a half hours or so. Roughly. Yeah, when are we allowed to start with this? You said like 5.30. No, I think we're pretty well good to get rolling. I mean, unless we want to kick it off with Stephen Jones, you know, that very first question. Do you think Stephen Jones has ever eaten a stick of butter? No, not honestly. I want to get the backstory of Derek Eagleton saying that Buddy in college did it. Like what was the reason behind that? So far, the vision is good. So Eagleton hit you up and said a buddy of his in college did this and he was left temporarily blinded? Uh huh. By the way, Brontis is now at least 65% through that stick right now. He's eating the stick of butter like it's a damn twinkie. He is, dude. This guy is going to be blind for the Stephen Jones interview. He might be. He might be. No, I don't think it is. I got whiskey to drink too to get the sink. I got the whiskey. So we're good. Somebody's like, we need to get this century egg in here. I love drinking whiskey with just ice. There's just something awesome about it. Dude, this rye is really impressive. Shout out to Saggamore. Yeah, that Saggamore is delicious. You know what this tastes like? It's kind of like if you go to the movies and they over butter the popcorn. Yeah. That's what this is right now. Okay. It's too much butter. It's just butter. It's too much butter. Yeah. Too much butter. Did you think it all about eating it with like a fork and knife or? Not really. Yeah. Done. You're hammering that thing. Yeah, I just am. I'm hammering it pretty good. Hey, I'm hammering the bangles to get their first dub of the season at home on Monday night football against the rookie Jayden Daniels who's yet to throw a touchdown pass. I'm sure this will bite me in the rear end, but I'm limping in feeling decent that Joe Barrow gets his first dub of the season. No, I think that's the lock of the week. I think you're going to be safe with that one. Unfortunately, I burned the bangles week one against the Patriots and that did not work out well, but I'm also going to go with the 49ers. And if you seem to handle the Rams pretty well and the Rams offensive line is really bad. I feel like I'm in trouble now. I sniff double bet payoff. Yeah, you should have no faith that we'll chokes got this. I'm the only one sitting here free today, boys, so you keep talking. Be jealous over there. Yeah. Well, Chuck, what have you done for me lately? You know, we'll just want to know in his last one. He's very much whatever you've done for me last. We're live at Shakerton's. They have some amazing fried cheese curds that I'm snacking on. Some egg rolls have been delivered and the SAG of more is flowing. Join us. We'll pour you a shot here and it's time now for the G bag of the day into the pimp cup. Here's Lucius, I'm going to tell you right now, boys, can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear you? Got you. You heard me? I'm done. He ate it. Good for you, brought us. All right. I'm going to tell you right now, legend. Oh, hello. What was that show where they had to eat stuff? Fear factor. Yeah, evidently, fear is not a factor for you. I take foot last week, felt like a fear factor deal. Yeah. That was disgusting. Wow. That was interesting, boys. Hi, Lucius. Hey, man. How you doing? Was it thick and creamy? How was it, brother? Well, Lucius, you should be proud of me. Yeah, paid the picture. I went and got the cheapest stick of butter because you recommended it. It happens to be a blue bonnet is the cheapest stick of butter you can get for a buck. Good brand. But 49. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's like 35% plastic, you know. Yeah, whatever I just did, I just got it done. So I get to play next week now. So here we are. All right, well, let me let this down because right now, boys, I shouldn't even be doing this. I shouldn't even be doing this. I'm working off of one deck. One deck. One deck. Yeah, I'm letting you know right now. So please be patient with me a little bit here on a Friday. Vobs is good, though. Hold on. Is it a full deck? Yeah, it's a full deck, but it's only one deck. And as a DJ, you need two or three decks to make it happy. You know what I mean? All right. Let's see. Our winner right here. Let's see. Yeah, but now Marshall's head coach, Marshall football head coach, Charles Huff, has an offer for Ohio State players that they can't resist. I'd love to have some of those guys from Ohio State, too. So if they want to transfer on down, we've got a tutor, a tutors biscuit, NIL, all you can eat. So if any of those guys that run really, really fast at Ohio State, like tutors, biscuits, I promise you all you can eat all day if you transfer here. So, but yeah. I want to meet Tudor. Who's Tudor? How do you get the name Tudor? Tudor. Tudor in his damn biscuits. We, uh, Abby's nickname as a kid was to toot. Yeah, I had to stop calling her that little toot, nine or 10. Yeah, we call her to toot or toot, you know, I'm at a start getting embarrassed. Okay. I'm at that. Yeah. I thought it was good. Like tootie from that show. Facts of life. Back to the day. I'm not mad at that. What's your experience? She's called them fart. Hey, you. Let's see. Let's go to Key from Key and Peel. You guys familiar with Key and Peel? Yes, sure are. All right. Key from Key and Peel was on the Rich Isons Show. And are you familiar with the substitute teacher bit that he does? Yes, with the names. Yeah. Like he'll totally mess the name up. Hey, A-ron. Hey, A-ron. Well, he did this with NFL names. Check this out. You all ready for roll call? Yeah. I'm gonna call off these names. If you hear, just say yes. Where is Ladidi Mecconk? Mecconk. Ladidi Mecconk. Are you here? Ladidi. It's Ladidi Mecconk. Oh. Lad Mecconk? There it is. All right. All right. All right. Good boy. Your name is Ladidi Mecconk. When I call your name, say here. It's DeRocque Maye here. Where is DeRocque? Where is DeRocque Maye? Yay. I don't know. I don't know. Rich. Where are these people? Where are the students at? He might be in New England. Let's see if we guess that's right. I don't know. There he is. It is yes. There he is. That's what I said. DeRocque Maye. Where is Duque Relay? Duque Relay. There is Duque. There is Duque. Hold on, hold on. It may be Duque. Duque Relay. Relay. What is in them? Let's see what he is. He's in Miami. Duque. Is that Duke Riley? Yeah. Drake Maye? Yeah. I was trying to come up with the names. Let's see. Good bet. Yes, good bet. Salute to the Wells brothers who have just arrived in their Tolo Baby T-shirts. Yeah, I love it. Wow. Wow. Tolo Babye. Salute to the Wells brothers who have just arrived in their Tolo Baby T-shirts. In Arlington. We still say hi. Hey. Hey. Alright. Let's see what else we got right here. There was a Chicken Loose in Dallas this week. A Chicken Loose in Dallas. Chicken. I know you motherf***ing lying to me. Is this a chicken? Is that chicken? Where is in the middle of Dallas? Bro, what is that? What is that? I love he is scared of me. Bro. Bro. What is that? It got dreadlocks. Bro, is that a chicken with dreadlocks? Is it looking at me? Hey, friend. Oh my God. We is at a QT on Forest Lane in Dallas. In the hood. And it's a whole chicken with dreadlocks. Yo, what is a chicken doing in the hood in North Dallas? I'm surprised I ain't nobody fraudged you up here over here. This is pretty awesome. Our neighbors have chickens. Yeah. Sometimes they get out. We see them in our flowerbed. They're trying to nest there. Yeah. I came up with some chickens in my neighborhood too. Early in the morning. Yeah. Can't be doing that with those zero lot lines. Yo. Let's see. Okay. This is a old one. This is not one. In fact, this is not one. Listen, it's if it sounds difficult me in doing this broadcast, it is right now. If L.A. don't sound like himself, it is shaky right now. I'm just telling you. Austin Villa. Dawson, I need your help. Austin Villa. Austin Villa. Yeah. It's a damn Bailey soccer team. Sean Duran. You heard his man? No, sir. Oh, damn. Oh. Apparently he had the goal of the season. Oh, no. Okay. Well, it's not really not about his goal. It's really about the call. You know what I mean? It's something that I can do to the barclay. I can do to the barclay. I can do to the barclay. 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