GBag Nation

Dallas Cowboys LB Eric Kendricks joins the Nation to talk Saints vs Cowboys; preparing for the Ravens; Being a vet; Diet

Cowboys linebacker Eric Kendricks joined the Gbag Nation to talk about the team's prep for the Ravens this weekend, what it's like playing a mobile QB like Lamar Jackson as opposed to a traditional pocket passer, which kind of QB he likes playing against, and more!

Broadcast on:
19 Sep 2024
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And a good afternoon sir, how the heck are you? - What's up? - Hey, you tell us how was practice? You having a good day? - Yeah, practice was really good. Just finished walkthroughs actually, just like three minutes ago, headed over here, really crispy, really clean. - So how different is it getting ready for Lamar Jackson offense? - You know, I think everybody kind of, you know what to expect, but you don't know what to expect. It's like, obviously they have a ton of weapons on offense, but he's the ultimate weapon with his legs and his arm. - The running quarterback is that like the most difficult layer of an offense, trying to stop that teams with the running quarterback. Just that dimension feels like it's such a game changer for offenses. - Yeah, definitely, you know, you could do everything right and you know, they can kind of slip through the cracks and move the chains. So it's just about, you know, not getting discouraged, you know, getting back to the rhythm and trying to get them off balance and uncomfortable. - Would you rather play like an MVP level pocket quarterback or a dual threat? - It depends, you know, sometimes they're the same person, you know, sometimes it's like a, (laughs) but at the same time, I think it just depends on the kind of game you're trying to play. I just, you know, I just know that this point in my career and, you know, even when I, you know, starting in my career, you know, I always want to play against the best. So, you know, this is definitely one of those quarterbacks. - How about Derek Henry, man? 6'2", the size and speed combination for him. I imagine like if you look at the running backs cross the league, he's probably the one you're thinking, "Damn, I'd rather not have to face you on a Sunday." You know, I've faced him a couple of times, you know, I've, it's one of those things where it's like, you know, you know, I accept the challenge, I want the challenge, but at the same time, you know, I've, I don't think he's 6'2", I feel like he's bigger than that 'cause I've definitely stood next to him, you know, during a couple of interviews and I'm like, looking up at this dude like, "Man, this is like 6'4", 6'2". - Hey, Erica, you were one of the guys last week that stood up after the Saints game and when we was talking about, "Oh, you burned the film and move on." And you were the guy that said, "No, you learned from this." When you sat down and watched the film, what did you learn from the Saints game? - You know, you learned, you know, how they, you know, how they try to attack our, you know, our leverage and things like that and things that we do wrong, obviously things that we can do right, but it comes down to the little things, you know, little things become big things and, you know, if you don't get them corrected early in the game, you know, you can get pounded on them. - What were some of the things that you noticed that they did really well that caused you problems? - They did a, they did a really good job of, you know, obviously motion, you know, changing up the looks, starting with one formation and ending with another formation, but the formation was, they kind of hit it through how they started it, but at the end of the day, you know, it was up to us, you know, we had, we should have recognized that how they were trying to attack us and realize what they were kind of building. So, you know, going forward, it was definitely a good learning lesson. - It's the Eric Hendricks Show, brought to you by Kureg and Dr. Pepper. At this point in your career, do you like being the veteran guy who can have some of the answers for the younger guys on weeks like this? - Yeah, you know, but sometimes I don't have the answers, you know, sometimes those guys got to give me the answers, you know, sometimes I got to get inspiration from those young guys, you know, I, you know, I like to think that I have all the answers, like I know all the, you know, all the trades, all the tricks, you know, the, you know, every single look, you know, when I do have a lot of advice and I do have a lot of knowledge to share, but at the same time, like, you know, I get inspired by, you know, just seeing these young guys play and in the passion for the game, you know, it gets me excited to keep playing. - Are you more comfortable meeting Derek Henry and the whole or being open field opportunity with Lamar? - Honestly, you know, probably, probably in the whole, I feel like, you know, space is, you know, always the hardest thing in football and, you know, obviously corners have the most space on them all the time, so ultimately respect to corners, for sure. - Man, did you see the Chargers got a 300 pound full back? - Oh, yeah, that's my boy, Scott. Yeah, you know, Scott, Madlock, you know, I was with him last year on the Chargers. Really good dude, really, just an ultimate team guy, so it doesn't surprise me, you know, in moving both sides of the ball. - That's crazy, he's playing a bunch of different positions, but the idea of a 300 pound full back seems pretty insane. If you had, like, when you think over the course of your career, who is in terms of, like, toughest back to bring down, we think of Beast Mode, we think of Derek Henry, is there somebody that would surprise us? - I think someone who surprises you is, I always say Chris Carson, but at the same time, I think that I gotta give the flowers to Aaron Jones. I feel like Aaron Jones is kind of like a undersized, I wanna say undersized because, you know, he got some weight to him, but at the same time, like, I feel like he's kind of deceptive with his strength, and he runs between the tackles, you know, I feel like he obviously, we know he can get to the edge, we know he's good in the past game, we know this and that, but those dirty yards, he's not scared to get him, and, you know, I've had some battles with him for sure. - How many battles did you have with Prime Zeke? - Oh, yeah, for sure. Oh, my gosh, you know, me and Zeke always played against each other, you know, whether he was blocking the path protection or I'm tackling him in a run, so many, for sure. - It's a Patriots, Jets tonight, Thursday night football, do you like watching the game when you're away from it? - Yes and no, you know, if it's a team that I have, you know, a bunch of friends on and stuff like that, definitely got a check in on him, but most of the time, I just like to do my own studies and get ready for my own games and, you know, put my time in that kind of film and then kind of separate from it, you know, I know that you can learn a lot from, you know, watching the TV copies of stuff too. - Yeah, you just tell us, Eric, you're watching top chef working on those nice skills, you know, you're trying to figure out how to get on chopped, and you know, and cook with the octopus that they're gonna put in that bag for you, right? - Yeah, you can't wait too long to make the ice cream, you know what I mean? - Oh, there you go, you know what, you know what? - Yes, you can't, hey, when you go to the ice cream maker, you're probably gonna lose, that is a losing maneuver right there. - You can't figure out how to use it. - Yeah. - That's happened a few times. - Oh, they forget to turn it on. - Yeah, oh, that's a big one. - Oh, we forgot to turn it on, oh my. - My meat's undercooked, dang, that's a killer. - Did you guys make anything delicious this week? - Oh, yeah, last night, I didn't make anything, so I can't claim, you know, anything but-- - You're just being nice, man. - I'm just being nice, last night we had a little coconut rice and broccoli and some skirt steak, so. - Hey, Mike Villetti here, host a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa, it's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming there are a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games? When really, they just lose like most of us. Think cash to ticket's the spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it, and we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever. You get your podcasts. (upbeat music) - Oh, it was incredible. - Oh, it was incredible. - I had a little leftover today, I put it in as a go box, just had it for lunch. - So are you typically a pretty healthy eater, or is there, okay, I'm here for a cheat day, what would a cheat day look like? - A cheat day for me. - Um, man, I think just pizza's just an all-timer. I mean, pizza's just hard to miss. Burrito, something. - Wow, okay, what are you putting on the pizza? - Pizza, pepperoni and black olives. And you gotta have ranch, period. You gotta have ranch. - Yep, there you go. - Pepperoni black, oh wait, how do you feel about pineapple on pizza? - You know, see, that's where you lost me, you know? I can't do the warm fruit on my pizza, I don't like that. - Yeah, what's open to you, California folks, doing that kind of stuff out there, yeah. Yeah, when they do that, you just kinda, you're not, I'm not, you're not from here, right? - Nope. - Nope. - You know what California's do you really well, though, is that tri-tip? - Oh yeah, that's a big Fresno thing for sure. We got this place called Dog House Grill, - Wow, that's not good. - Get the tri-tip going, you know. Bland knows about it, you know, he went to school out there, so. - He's a dog, you get the big tri-tip sandwich with the barbecue sauce and the ranch dressing on the side. Big basket of fries, shout out to Fresno. (laughing) - Are you typically- - Sally. - You bring your lunch to work every day, or is that just a special leftover night? - No, I do it for the most part, you know. I try to keep my diet pretty clean during the season. Six of the foods that I know are gonna keep me healthy, less inflammatory response, you know. I obviously enjoy myself every once in a while, and I'm not, you know, I'm not psychotic with it, but definitely has changed as I've been in a league. - See, okay, now this, I promise this is my last food question for you for the day, but. - He loves. - Were you a guy that would trade your lunch when you were in school? Were you like, you know, would you like bringing something really good to lunch, and you'd always trade, or would you always try and upgrade your lunch when you were in school? - See, I was a free lunch guy, so I had the school free lunch, and then I always try to mooch off of my friends who had the extravagant packed lunches, you know, and try to just, you know, scavenge off of, you know, maybe a little skittles here there, you know, you know, some dots and some lunchables, but. - Yeah. - I feel like the lunchable, when you got the lunchable at school, it was like, no one can mess with you. You know, like, you got the big box lunchable. - Yeah. - You know, your day's gonna be good, you know, everything's all right. - You know, Eric, how long into your career before it clicked for you in terms of the professional, like the way you eat and taking care of your body and all that kind of stuff, how many years in before, you're like, oh, I gotta change some things here. - So I feel like I always took really good care of it early on. I feel like I developed good habits in college, thankfully. You know, I feel like we had a really good program at UCLA that taught us the body maintenance aspect of it. So when I got to the little dig, I took that portion of it seriously. I feel like I was always someone who was underweight and always had to like, you know, fight to keep my weight. So it was like, at first, it was like anything go, like anything I can eat, anything that, you know, my stomach can handle, I was eating to keep my weight up. And then as I, you know, as a guy, so like year six, you know, I had to start like eating cleaner, you know, as far as like, I realized that, you know, you can't just eat anything. And yeah, you need to eat a lot, but it's about the fuel you put in. And, you know, I've been doing a lot better since. - Did you find something that liked your stomach definitely did not handle well, because our guy, Brian Broadus, can not do orange shoes or soy sauce. - Yeah, I'm bad when you were in that time. - Yeah, yeah. - You've run into the toilet. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Golf Course, Riviera Country Club out there about the seventh hole there. - It could just do it. - It could make it and had the golf towel luckily there for that time. - That makes sense. You know, I feel like for me, nothing really gets me crazy like that, but I do, one of the common foods that I do not eat here, like I don't never eat it. It's peanut butter, can't do it. It's my least favorite of all time. - Wow, okay. See, I've heard it could be a gut irritant for some folks. - It's a strong, it's just a very strong flavor. Like any you put peanut butter or anything, it's overtaking whatever digits in. - That's fair. That's 100% fair. You put it in a smoothie, or you put like a banana in a smoothie, it becomes a banana smoothie now. So I totally get that. I am curious, how many years into the league before you realize, yeah, you know what? I might need some of that toward all stuff. - That was day one, baby. - I mean, that's, you know, like, that's, you know, that's, it's up to the person. It's up to the individual person or how you feeling, but, you know, I feel like that's what it comes down taking care of your body and things like that. I feel like, especially with anti-inflammatories, I feel like I had a really bad injury in college. And, you know, I found myself taking anti-inflammatories more on a daily basis to just get by in college. But, you know, here I am, you know, 10 years in, and, you know, knock on wood. - Yeah. - I, you know, I'm not taking any for practice or anything like that. So that's a great step. And, you know, sometimes you have to use them, and players use them all the time. But at the same time, like, to limit that is probably the best. - Yeah, sorry, Eric's so nosy about stuff like that. - Hey, I'm sorry. - I'm serious. - I mean, you gotta take care of your body, man, period. It's, you know, it's obviously a brutal game. You know, people are hitting each other and falling on the ground, so you gotta take care of yourself. - But that's awesome at this stage in your career. I don't know if there's that many players that have been in that long that can say that, Eric. - Take pride in it. - So congrats on that. And here's to you guys putting a hurting on the Ravens on Sunday. Thank you so much for joining us, sir. And have a great weekend. - Let's go. - Cheers, Eric Hendrix Show. Brought you by Keurig and Dr. Pepper here on your home of the Cowboys. - I'm team yourself, but I'll beat your ass. - Sorry about that. He's gonna get annoyed by all the references to the stage in your career. You know, he's been in there at a high level for a long time, and some guys can do it, you know? Some guys are just like, you know, you know, hanging in there well into their 30s, and it looks like Eric's well as well as we had to do it now. - You think that was an indelica question there about the old... - Nah, he's gonna answer it, you knew he was. - Yeah, I don't think he's gonna get an ass because he won't answer. - He's wonderful. - He's very open. - It's brought you by Keurig and Dr. Pepper, and that's our first break. That is a massive expressway for the ages, maybe an all-timer. That's soccer format. We went 45 minutes plus. - Hey, shut up, injury time, huh? - Let's go. - We took a page out of the PJ Karlissimo book. - Let's keep it going, boys, we say. - The expressway in addition to the finest? - Yeah, yeah, let's do it, man. We have some rabid football fans that need to be checked, and I kind of like what this guy is doing here from a media standpoint. - What the hell did I do? - Check this guy out next year in the nation. - Hey, Mike Felenny here, host a cash to ticket alongside my partner, Jim Costa. It's really simple. Are you tired of podcasts claiming there are a bunch of pro betters when they live in their mommy's basement? Are you tired of podcasts that claim they hit 80% of the games when really they just lose like most of us? Think cash to tickets to spot for you. We're real, we're transparent, we're having a hell of a good time with it, and we sit there and we're there for the sweat with you guys. We're just trying to figure it out just like you. Follow and listen to Cash the Ticket on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. (upbeat music)