GBag Nation

3rd hour of the G-Bag Nation: NFL insider Jane Slater joins the Nation live from Brazil; Woolly Bully's Top 10 NFL season openers; Friday News Dump

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06 Sep 2024
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I was feeling a little low, but we got the Friday energy going great. It's a proper football Friday. Cowboys pregame at noon on Sunday, noon, 1230. 1230. 1230. Postgame, we're on it. Yeah. 30. Yes. Joining us now here is an esteemed 105 through the fan alum and reporter on the NFL network. It's Jane Slater live in Brazil, here on your home of the Cowboys in a good afternoon. Jane, how the heck are you? I'm loving it. I'm going to give you a little flavor. This is some of the pregame warm-up music. I don't want to give too much, or Gavin will get bad about a copyright thing. But yeah, we're having a lot of fun out here. I'm already seeing the fans come into stadium, and what's interesting about it, guys, is it's not just Green Bay Packers fans. In front of me, I've got Tampa. Did we lose Jane already? Oh, there you go. Yeah, I've got a Patriots jersey and... It's gonna be one of those days. Halfway around the world. Halfway around the world. This is good. Yeah. Jane Slater reporting live from the stadium in Brazil, home of tonight's Friday night football affair. This is why they didn't want everybody to be on their phones outside, because we were all going to find out just how bad their service is out there. Yeah. It looks like an eagle takeover too there in Brazil. I mean, I wonder how many arrests there's going to be after this game. Oh, with Philly at least 20% of the traveling fan base? Holy moly. I imagine it's suspect, or it's going to be likely arrested at some point. Yeah, I think it's going to be crazy. They're probably all going full Ryan Lockty at this moment. Probably. Yeah. Probably. Well, maybe we'll get Jane back on the line here before too long. Obviously, a great Cowboys, an NFL reporter, and was looking forward to asking her some questions, not only about the Cowboys game, but about this matchup this evening, gentlemen. I do feel, and now maybe I'm off. We had Golet Jr. on a couple of weeks ago, and he might have grown up an Eagles fan. And I asked him, doesn't it seem like the Eagles were kind of dying on the vine, and then you lose Jason Kelsey, the pass rush is gone. Fletcher Cox is gone, but he was confident. To me, it's one of those easier things to detect, like, which are going to be the team that were playing well last year that are fixing to fall apart. I think that's got the Eagles name written all over it. Brian, am I wrong? There's so many things going on. The fact that they started 10-1, the collapse, the coaching situation, the two new coordinators, one year get fired. Now you go get two veteran coordinators. Vic Fangio, what they were talking about him in Miami, the players were like, hey, good riddens, Vic, you know, so I think it's just more changed, less continuity. It just seems like the Philadelphia keeps welcoming, you know, more potential issues. You know, we call kind of understanding, you know, we have some respect for Kellen Moore and some of the things he's done, but man, there's, there's a, anybody yet to really totally take advantage of maybe what Jalen Hurts has, and now it's all going to be thrown into, into Kellen Moore's lap, and he's going to have to find a way to get, you know, he's, again, Hurts has had success, but the ability to, to kind of finish and stuff like that has been, I think, a little bit of an issue. As James Slater rejoins us now in the G back nation, Jane, sounds like you're painting quite a picture, a lot of different NFL fans down there in the stadium, it's a celebration of the NFL. Yeah, sorry. I lost their little international situation we had. All good. Yeah, it's a lot of fun here. You know, I think what's been interesting is, look, obviously I was nervous about coming down here too, not dissimilar from what AJ Brown and Devonta were saying. The league really put us on notice about being safe down here. And I guess the best way I'd describe it is, I work in New York City a lot with the league, and this is three times as big in terms of population. And, you know, obviously there's a bigger disparity too in terms of wealth. The iPhone thing is real. I met some local, Brazilian guys and one of them had had their cell phones sold while they were pumping gas about a month ago, apparently they sell the parts here. So it's no different than any other city you go to, you just be smart, you know, I've gone out, I've, you know, gone and had drinks and I've, you know, gone shopping by myself and I haven't felt unsafe once. So I hope the fans that are here are having the same, you know, experience and, you know, I talked to somebody in the league office, I said, so where is it next year and their hope is to do it in South Paolo again? Oh, okay. Well, I mean, I saw a report that they want seven international games maybe for next year. Do you get the vibe from talking eight? Wow. My gosh. Do you think the partners enjoy this? Do they like the international games? It's interesting because Jalen Hertz and Jordan Mylata were here yesterday and we were talking to them and they were genuinely excited. I mean, Jordan Mylata is obviously from Australia and we've been talking about getting one in Spain, Australia. I think they did, I think there's, there's talk of Switzerland, which would be incredible. But I think that there are players that really see, well, this is good for your brand. You get a country of 23 million people buying jerseys and buying into you, that's huge. And that's really sort of what the league is trying to do. But of course, there's some players that know that this is a game that counts. It's week one. You know, they landed here late on Wednesday night. They got their walk through at the stadium on Thursday and then we've got a nine 15 kick here. So they're going to get done at one, get on a plane, land back in their respective cities. And then, for instance, the Packers, they've got a new kick in Green Bay next Sunday. So it's not ideal, but I think for a lot of them, and I love this messaging from a lot of the teams is you're getting to do something that no other NFL players done. And that is the first ever Latin American day or South American game ever. And that's not me just being a mouthpiece. I just think it's a really interesting, fun thing to do. And Nick Sirianni even said this, and I love this, he said for a lot of current players and staff, our introduction to football was underneath the Friday night light. And that's what this Brazil community is getting to have because we're having this right now under the light, you know, nine 15 here, Brazil time. So I really, really enjoyed this. Jane, I respect the fact that you took the NFL manual for safety and just threw it out on the street. I really do. The fact that you said the hell with it, I'm going to go have drinks. I'm going to go have drinks with Brazilian guys, and I'm going to go, I'm going to have Corona's up to all night, I'm going to get up with a hangover and do this and walk around in the streets. Jane, I love you for everything you do for the NFL. Listen, Hurricane Jane has been put to bed. I am not the same girl that was 105 degree to fan that you were. Come on, Jane. Come on, Jane. Very wholesome. I know. I had to have a, I had to have a cappiniera when I went out the other night. Yes, sure you did. I felt like Ariel, a little mermaid, I was like, I want to be part of the world. I can't just sit in my hotel room. They didn't tell us we couldn't leave the hotel. They just told us to be really safe about it. And if you're here, you know, take an Uber, don't get in a taxi cab, check the license plate, go out with a friend. Like I haven't gone out by myself, and we weren't staying out late either. We wish the Rosewood Mansion, which we have in Dallas, it was an absolutely stunning, some of the architecture here is just absolutely beautiful. And the only thing that is taking advantage of my wallet has been the shopping. I would fly down here for the shopping bar nine, and I haven't even broke the bank. It's just, I've really leaned into Brazil, guys. Did you learn any Portuguese yet? Yes, I shoot up, which is helped, all that I've got is thank you. Baldia is good morning, so you know, even last night I watched the NFL game, I watched on the Portuguese broadcast, which was, I thought, thrilling and a little bit more beautiful than Spanish at times. What's the word for aspirin and like greasy cheeseburgers? I told you, I'm on my fit journey, I literally had two drinks together. Sure. I did. I did. This guy is here. He tried to get me to go out last night to Skybar, and I said, "No, I got a 12-hour day." Wait a minute. He was here and not going to the Michigan game. Yeah, two Texas, two Texas alone going at it. Yeah, do you guys have a red eye to Ann Arbor right after the game? Yeah. Yeah. I know, I'm like, Vince, get me on the PJ, let's go. James, later here with you in the GMag Nation, she's live in Brazil. The side of tonight's Eagles Packers game. How good is Philadelphia, Jane? How much of a struggle is this division going to be for the Cowboys relative to Philly? You know, it's interesting because growing up in Dallas, obviously, you're taught to hate the Eagles. I've always enjoyed covering them before people are unfollowing me as we speak, but I do think that the offensive line, I think, was going to be one of the biggest concerns. You haven't seen a guy play center other than Jason Kelsey since 2010. We haven't even talked about it because Cam Jurgen was handpicked by Kelsey to take over that job. Now, take one. Barkley is another one. How are you going to look? I mean, how good is he if, you know, the Giants are willing to let him go to an indivision rival. You know, Nick Scaryani seems really hyped up about him as if there was one particular run this week where he pulled down his sunglasses and went, "Wow, that was awesome." But him and Kellen more apparently vibing. He talked yesterday that those two flew down here, sat next to each other on the plane. Both of their kids play on the same TV football team, but I think if you can get that offensive line doing what it needs to do, Dallas, Goddard, he's doing some injuries in training camp, but he's obviously good to go. You get Kellen more in here and you've given Devon Taysmith, you know, AJ Brown, and if Jalen Hart can have, you know, a better year, I think that there's something very interesting here. And then defensively, we'll see what Vick Fangio, I mean, Vick Fangio's a guy that allegedly had the blueprint against Dallas, remember, when he was at the Broncos, you know, we'll have to see how it goes. Now, this Queenie and Mitchell kid is the one I'm going to be looking forward to seeing tonight. He's going to be playing a lot there opposite Darius, or they're going to be using him a little bit, I've been told. And then you'll see Cooper Dajean and like some special tactics, he was injured at camp. I don't know how much you're going to see him tonight, but, you know, Vick Fangio is a guy that had the Cowboys numbers, you know, a couple of years back. So I don't know. It'll be interesting to see how this whole thing goes down tonight. Jane, I care less about the Eagle Talk right now. What's Prescott going to do? What's Prescott going to do here? When's the deal getting done, Jane? When's the deal getting done, Jane? I know you know exactly when this deal is going to get done. What's the number? I don't think it's getting done tonight or this weekend. I've had Bob. Jane. I'm like, man, I'm trying to shop and enjoy a cap in Europe. I've reached out to some people. It's my understanding that for a long time, they were just conversations. Like, there wasn't even any meaningful numbers being exchanged. Like, this has been so different than the contract talk in the past. And I do believe that there is a big sense from Dak, and people get so upset about this and I don't know why. They're like, oh, he's so green. I'm like, no, he wants to get paid. What a quarterback gets paid. One of the reasons is, and he said this at camp to me, was, look, you're looking out for the next QB. You know, there are some guys, you're like Tom Brady, you know, would take the, you know, the hometown discount. That doesn't help other guys that don't have a supermodel wife. And so, you know, I think he's looking to get paid, what he believes his market is, and this is no different than the CD lampings. You know, we know what the numbers are going to be. I think it would take the Cowboys coming to the table and giving them that number that quote, unquote, makes sense, and he wants to feel respected. But I do believe that there is sort of a sense from his side unless you show him that, you know, let's play the season out. He's done it before, gambled on himself, and it paid off. James Slater, live in Brazil, I feel bad for those poor unfortunate souls who aren't enjoying Brazil as much as you are, Jane. It's, you know, and I think that's what's sad is there were, I had two free tickets to this game, and I had brought it up to a couple of friends. Hey, you want to come down there and I just, you know, it's sort of the fear-mongering and, you know, we're responsible for it sometimes as journalists, as you know, putting out bad news. And look, I'm not saying Brazil is, it's not like you're going to Switzerland. You've got to be careful, but I do think it's unfortunate that people are missing out on some of the culture. And what's so interesting is, you know, you go to Europe or, you know, I've gone to Mexico and there is plenty of English here, you have to have Google Translate at all times. I mean, it is, it is, it's all Portuguese. And so I just love fully immersing into that. Bad ass, dude. Well, have a great weekend and we'll catch up with you soon. I'll see you in week two with the Cowboys and Saints. That's cool. There she goes. James Slater, NFL network here in the G back nation on 105 through the fan. You got the reference, didn't you, old Chuck? Little mermaid veteran himself. I got the reference. Hell hell, I just came back from Disney baby. That's right. Okay. Yeah, I can't believe it getting home tonight. Packers Eagles on TV. It's going to be glorious. Now that is, I believe Peacock only. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Good call. Good game tonight. Got Anderson Rangers too. But you ought to listen to them. Well, I mean, yeah, listen, and that's the thing that I'm going to do. I'm going to listen on the Odyssey app to, or Alexa. I just, I just depend on Jared saying I'm going to tell me everything and you know about the Rangers. I don't even want to. Yeah. He's our eyes and ears. Hand up with the talking points, sir. Okay. Top 10 at 420 coming up next. Well, Chuck, where are you taking it? Let's do a trip down week one memory lane, 10 greatest performances in week one history in the national football league. What's a week one memory that you've got, 8, 7, 7, 8, 8, 1, 1, 5, 3. Let's party. Let's do it next in the fan. It's time for pitch hit and run, the official youth skills competition of Major League Baseball. Give the kids in your community a chance to flex their superpowers and they could earn a trip to the national finals of the 2025 World Series presented by Capital One. So go ahead. Be the one who powers their dreams and sign up to host the local pitch hit and run event. It's a free and fun way to promote baseball, softball and your organization. To learn more, go to pitch hit run dot com. Welcome back, nation. We're live at Buffalo Wild Wings in Dallas on lemon. Come on by for some early dinner. Get your Friday started properly. It's a great place to watch sports here. Segment is brought to you by cars for kids. Donate today, It's probably about the Frankel's life's unpredictable accidents happen. If you are hurt in an accident and it's not your fault, call the Frankel's for a free consultation. 2-1-4 or 8-1-7-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3. Jump online to Chiefs got a Friday news dump coming up at 440 and football's finest at 5. We're about an hour from what you drink it and what you're thinking here on a Friday. Salute to Kenny and Quinlan, but we want your phone calls here coming up in an hour. We'll talk with Eric Niedel as well and here's we'll check with your top 10. The woolly bully. Zach with an H. Thank you so much, General. Top 10 greatest performances in week one in the history of the National Football League. 8-7-7-8-8-1-1-5-3. What's your favorite week one NFL memory? A lot of food lists today did have a total of reach out and was like, "Man, all these food lists might want to hold yellow that one." Okay. I hear you. We're going to change it up for you. I'll take that constructive criticism. We won't. Say again what you just said. I'm sorry. I was looking at the Lynn Dawson picture and just a small picture, marveling at that. Is that why you're pitching the 10 over there? Oh, you know what everyone was talking about. You went 60 minutes. I said tab. It's a Fresca. I thought it was. Dawson, you remember tab, right? Just tab also. No, it was a terrible drink. Okay. If somebody handed you that, they really didn't care about you as a person. Like here, have a tab. Oh, God. I don't care about you as a person at all. Yeah. I have this. Dota left in my fridge. You can have this. Here's a tab. Here's a cup of gasoline or a tab. Ooh. Yeah. Go ahead and take that. Dawson really got into care. Someone wanted to hold the other of the top 10. Oh, yo. Top 10? Yeah. Just in general, the whole set. It's the first person I've ever had hit me up and text me that. So I scrapped the entire segment. Just didn't. They didn't like it. And I've had people when I'm out and about in the wild, they do like the top 10 because that's a segment that like the wives and the kids. Yeah. Like everybody can kind of get in two together if you don't like sports radio. It's a fan. I try and bring fun with it, but you know, hey, it's a football fight. I didn't let one person ruin your day like I would. No, no, but I had already planned to do a football thing today anyway. So just for them, I wanted to make them feel special. Like I did this for you. I forgot what you just like. I do this for you. The pork thing booed in. I forgot to mention booed in yesterday for pork thing. We did yesterday. Oh, yeah. I don't know. We gave you two pork segment opportunities. And I know. To show love to booed in. Hey, I was talking about sacks. Yeah, you were. You were an ounce boat in. Yeah. You were face first in this. I was face first in that. Yep. We got some text. The rocket is male Troy Aikman over time game Washington. 1999. Beautiful game. My first day ever working with the Dallas Cowboys. Loved it. That was an incredible memory that I will have as well. That's one of my favorite week one games. How about that 45 35? I think it was 2007. Cowboys beat the Giants at Texas Stadium. That was on their 13 and 13. I think Sam Hurd had to help the game that day. Oh, wow. Shout out to Sam Hurd. He's about to get out, I believe it is. I think he's pretty close. He might be close or he might already be out. I don't know how you could be any better than 1992. Although as much as I enjoy watching the Cowboys beat Washington, I always love watching them kick the New York Giants ass as they did several years over the last 15 years. But yeah, 92 beat in the defending champs. Yeah. That's stunner. That wasn't stunner. And that led to a great, great run. I mean, last year held 40 to nothing. That one was over at first like Ryan and I are watching Giants removing the ball down the field. Right. Then here's the blocked field goal. No egg, binogany. Boom. Down the sideline. That was all she wrote. It was completely crazy. That's right. That's the crazy stat that we'll have for looking back years from now on that season. Who scored the first touchdown that year? And who was it again? Noah, egg, binogany. And I want to hear Brad Shams call though. I remember we played that for two guys one boot. Yes. He struggled with that name. He did. I mean, listen, week one, week one, that was not, that was not a very respectful thing for the football gods to do. Bring up stuff like that. We'll check a terrible human being. Text it. My stink. You could also text in right now who their pick is to be the obscure first touchdown of the season for the Cowboys. Who? Who you guess? Who's this year's Noah? Who is this year's? I. No egg, binogany. Who gets it this year? The random touchdown for the Cowboys first one of the year. Hunter Lipky is my vote. I like that. That's a good place to start. I know. You know? I can't remember how Jerry about this game this morning. Andrew Booth. Andrew Booth. Yeah. Wow. Zimmer's guy making a play. I was kind of thinking our guy Eric Hendricks. Ooh, I'd like that. I'm so workshop. You were saying obscure guy though, right? Eric Hendricks is pretty obscure to be the first touchdown of the season for you. I mean, the odds of your starting linebacker being your team's first touchdown of the season, you could, I mean, you would clean up if you, if you nailed that prop. Dawson, what kind of odds can I get on that? Probably four or five hundred to one. Oh my goodness. Yeah. Easily. Hmm. So number 10, top 10 best week one performances in NFL history. We go to 2018. How about Ryan Fitzpatrick fits magic with the Tampa Bay Bucks in a great game. He threw for 417 yards in a 48 point offensive explosion in a game that saw the 36-year-old get a victory with the Tampa Bay Bucks. Pretty incredible. 12 rushing attempts as well for 36 yards for the 36-year-old in that game. Number 9, 2003, Angkwan Bolden. I want to say this was his first game. He has a rookie. Holding 10 catches, 217 yards, two touchdowns in his debut. Most receiving yards in a rookie debut in NFL history with the Arizona Cardinals. I actually, that is one that really, really rings the bell. I mean, that rookie, that rookie year for Angkwan Bolden, no, I'm serious, bro, I'm serious. The rookie Angkwan Bolden season, let alone that first game, was, I mean, that was a dominant, dominant season. You got some votes for Terence. Speaking of a guy who broke his face, yeah. Here's the, broke his jaw or whatever and showed up the next week, just ready to rock and roll. Yes, he did. We got some love for, Terence Steele is the first touchdown. Oh, yeah. There you go. There you go. Has that a fumble recovery? You think they're drawing that up? I think that's in-man or the line of scrimmage delay. Yeah. Yeah. How about a Caitlin Carson pick 6? I'm here for that one over here. I'm here for that one over here. Hey, and then as number 21, he primed his way into the end-top prime steps. I love that. We got some tags coming in. Oh, Sam Hurd apparently released back in 2023. There we go. Welcome back, Sam. Garrison Hearst, 1998, he had that walk-off touchdown in overtime against the Jets for the 49ers. Was that the thing where he was stumbling bumbling for, like, 50-something yards? Guy ran a 4-9 and somehow he beat the entire team to beat him. Yeah, I know. But he had 225 total yards from scrimmage and two total rushing touchdowns in that game. But I think it was like a 98-yard walk-off touchdown. Yeah, he was, he was very sunk. From the sidelines, he was spinning around and falling and all that. Okay. Okay. Let him fall in with some cards. There we go. There we go. That one stings a little bit. I... Foley. Wow. Yeah, good Foley. Yeah. That's a pull right there. That is a pull. Sounds like a punchline. Number 7. Glen Foley. Boston College. You guys don't know your quarterbacks? No, I don't know Glen Foley. I'll end it then. Number 13. Shane, what are we doing over here? Shane on me. 27 games. That's a kid. Kareem Hunt, arguably the best career debut of all time in a week one, broke the record for scrimmage yards in an NFL debut. He had 246 total yards. 148 of his yards came on the ground, added 98 on five catches through the air and had three total touchdowns as the Chiefs dismantled the Patriots 42 to 27. In fact, that was the game where Belichick Postgame said on the Cincinnati, which became legendary. And we're on to Cincinnati. Number six, and this one got texted in by Atolo. 95. How about Emmett Smith? Emmett Smith, 164 rushing touchdowns, of course, NFL all time later, but he had 163 of those yards and four of those touchdowns in a week one of the 95 season. Was that when Jerry came across the field with the Nike logo stuff? He might have. Yeah. That might have been the same game. Giants in Cowboys. He had 7.8 yards per carry on 21 attempts. What a day for Emmett Smith as the four touchdowns for him. Legendary moment. I like this 4.69 offering up a first touchdown of the season. He's really painting the picture here. Cooper Bebe scores it. Well, Chuck, you're going to love this. It's going to be unfortunately on a Zeke fumble, but Bebe is going to scoop that bad boy up. He's going to stiff arm his way to pay dirt. Okay. I'd love. I don't know. Is he allowed to? Can we pick up the fumble and carry that forward or is it dead at the spot? No. I think that's I'd love to get a fumble. You just get a fumble. It's a guy like live ball. Annexation of Puerto Rico type of thing. Yeah, but unintentional. But I think it's a muffed punt you can't advance. Is that it? I knew there was one that you can't advance. Yeah. But I'd love a Cooper Bebe. A big man touchdown. I'm all four. 817. We're at the B-dubs off of lemons. So get on out here and party with us. All right. Come on party. Number five. Jerry Rice 1994. Seven catches, 169 yards. Atlanta? Monday night football. He also had a total of 23 yards rushing. That one against Atlanta. It was Raiders. Yeah. Niners Raiders. He had his record breaking, 127th touchdown, finishes career, 208 total touchdown, still in all time record. For we go to 2022, Patty Mahomes threw for 360 yards, five TDs as he leads the Chiefs to a 44-21 win. Shock over the Cardinals. Number 3, 2011, Tom Brady, 517 passing yards. What year was that? 20-11. Okay. Is that a loss? It was a career high for him. They get the win. He also had four passing touchdowns, ended up leading the Patriots, of course, to a 13-3 season. They go all the way to the Super Bowl, but they did lose to the Giants that season. Derek Thomas 1998. You got the baller? Yeah. 28-8. Chiefs get a blowout win over the Raiders. That was the day that Derek Thomas had the record six sacks. Dave Craig. Man. Unbelievable. Dawson, you were on the board that day. Yeah. Okay. Can you tell me who the Raiders quarterback was? Oh, is it Raiders? Raiders. Yeah. Oh, I thought the Chiefs were playing the Raiders. The Chiefs were playing the Raiders. What year? 98. Rich Ganon. Not Rich. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 1998. Was this Jeff George? Jeff George. Jeff George. Yeah, Jeff George. Football guy of the day, David Dawson. But number one, greatest week one NFL performance, Peyton Manning, in 2013, making his Broncos debut against the Ravens. Had a bad neck. Couldn't have been very good. Be through for seven bleeping touchdowns in the game, which is still tied for an NFL record. Pre-bad neck, maybe. For passing touchdowns. Also at 462 yards. But it helps when you're throwing to guys like Wes Welker, Julius Thomas, Demarius Thomas, RIP. Loaded. Each of them had two touchdowns apiece. What a legendary game. What the hell are the Ravens doing that day? I don't know. They didn't play defense. That's really covering. Yeah. It was in downside of Joe Flacco. Okay. We got a run nation. We're live at Buffalo Wild Wings though, and Lemon would love to see you come on by. They have the best cheese curds I think ever. You get a batch of these cheese curds, making some wings. I wasn't expecting that, man. An amazing salad. No, the cheese curds here. The salad was excellent. The honey chicken salad I had was outstanding. We got a run though. When we come back, it's time for a Friday news dump, right, Chief? Yes, sir. It absolutely is. We got some big culinary news. Plus, after what we heard from Stephen Jones earlier about Mazzi, how would you have approached the 30 pounds off-season weight game plan if that was your job over the last couple of months? That's next year in the nation. Happy football Friday to you here as we go into week one of the NFL season. It is the G back nation here on the fan. How do you feel about this Cowboys team? What you drinking and what you're thinking is coming up in five through your chance to wrap with us about it? It's time now, though, for a Friday news dump. We go over to Eric Chiafalo, who has the details. Yes, sir. Thank you. We had Stephen Jones on earlier. He confirmed to us that Mazzi Smith is back above 320 LBS. I think that's a huge dub going into week one. That was an off-season question. Can we get Mazzi back to the physical specimen that he was supposed to be when he was on Bruce Feldman's freaks list for college football the year before he became a Cowboys? So that's great news. If that was your job over the last six months to put on about 30 plus, what would be your strategy? 910 says high protein diet and balanced macros. That's one way to do it. I think that's one way to do it. I think you just want to-- I think you really want to hammer home the-- Jack-in-the-box tacos would be either way. Yeah, carbs. Yeah, it's a big love to the Dairy Queen tacos, the other two. Yeah, the Dairy Queen tacos are really good, kind of underrated. I want to lead with fats and carbs, but I also want to be packing in lots of lean protein so I can get muscular as well. But the thing about Mazzi Smith and other athletes like him, they're so strong they can carry extra fat, so you're not worried about being shredded. You just want to be as big as possible so your giant legs can throw around this massive bowling ball, basically. So I'm opening with French toast, lots of it, a bacon cheddar omelet, four or five little baby sausages. And then I'm working out hard. And then I'm working out hard all like late morning to try to build towards probably like two New York strips, about 30 ounces of steak for lunch, along with baked potatoes and pasta. Yes. Yes. We're not even to dinner yet. No, we're not even to dinner yet. And I know obviously it goes without saying you're working in milkshakes in between 100% peanut butter. With all sorts of peanut butter and different bananas. What's going to stimulate my appetite though? You know? We're going to have some technical lagers, like Eminem and Matthew Perry talked about when they were in the throes of the opiate pills that made them so hungry, that's why they blew up. Right? But you don't want to go down that path. So you need a non-narcotic appetite stimulant of some kind or another. There you go. Okay. So that's when you welcome in your team of weight gaining advisors, right, to step in and say, what's the thing that you need to add to that milkshake, a little wink, wink. So hopefully, hopefully, yes. Canvas. Non-narcotic. Yeah. Canvas make you hungry to eat. I thought you were taking this in a way. You guys are trying to do it like a healthy way. No. I mean, as an adult player, I feel like that's the way it's going to be. He could probably eat four pizzas every day and stuff like that, right? Listen, pizza would be a part of the... He said pasta. That's also synonymous with pizza. Maybe in one day it's pizza. Maybe one day it's pasta. Maybe it's one day. I was just thinking, if you just ate just garbage, you could put 30 pounds on it easily. You just ate garbage stuff. Yeah. Ice cream. Ice cream and whatnot. But you want to also be giving your body the best chance to put on more muscle. Okay. You know what I'm saying? You don't want fatty, gross, fat, right? Like what I'm working with here now. You want some good, healthy fat. You have some of that. Yeah. I mean, you're a mozzie. You're a one technique. Right. You can have. Definitely. But you also want to have protein, broadest. I don't know, man. At least it'd be a meat lover's pizza. Like a sloppy one technique, guys, pretty good for me. I don't need to have some bodybuilder, dude. Well, also in the news dump we find out this week. I don't know how long you guys have been aware of this, but Titino's pizza. Yeah. They've also busted out now the breakfast little pizza rolls. Okay. Well, I know Kevin Hagelin wouldn't eat these, but sign me to hell up. So these are like... I'm thinking of those bagel bites things that they make. You're trying those? Yeah. Yeah. The bagel bites are good. Cheese. I mean, the bagel bites came up with that. Absolutely. Yeah. But this sounds delicious, Eric. Like a pizza roll, but a breakfast version. Titino's does pizza rolls, but now they've also got a breakfast spent on it. So maybe Mazzi was working in some of that here in the off-season regimen. We know he's allergic to peanuts. Yeah. Stay away from the peanuts. Yeah. I wasn't aware of that. Oh, he's a pop-tark guy, though. No, remember the thing about it, he missed the game because the food allergy... Oh, because of all the milk or something? Yes. She is a big pop-tark guy. Now, we also... So there you go, pop-tarks. That's Dawson's talking about like a little healthy lean protein stuff. Give me a box of pop-tarks. We can go. Yeah. So where's the big old ring-bay packer defensive tackle that we're the last... What's your Gilbert round? Yeah. What a Gilbert roundie. He like whoppers and stuff like that. We need to get the Gilbert round diet. That's what we need for Mazzi. Yeah. I got to tell you guys, though, people talk about pop-tarts. They're just... They're not very good. What? I think there's convenience. Look at it. You are wasting an opportunity to eat junk food if you go to a pop-tark. As the man who says, you like the Legos, right? The Eggo-waffle thing. Legos are delicious. Those are delicious. Those things are delicious. Welcome to the cardboard bottom of a... I know the text has my back on this. I'm just eating pop-tarts because they're high in calories. Let me say this. And you're lazy. What's better than the pop-tart is the... You just call me lazy? If you like pop-tarts... Yeah. I do. The toaster strudel, though? Yes. It's definitely a... It's definitely a whole pop-tart. Thank you. 100%. Oh, why did you bring that up the first time? Instead, you just call pop-tarts trash. Well, I did say I would start with French toast and omelettes. You know, I think that's pretty junk foodie, Brian, and I'm agreeing to milkshakes. I just want balance. You're trying to build up Mazzi Smith with like candy bars and... I'm telling you what, I just need him to kind of take dudes on up front. You want him to be like... I need to take it in Matilda. I just like eating that chocolate cake. Hey, I need Halodinata is who I need. Like big take-on dudes. That's a guy who believes in protein. All right? Halodinata? No. Okay. He would have gotten really excited about pork segments yesterday. Yeah, I think Halodinata would have been if they're digging the pit for the big, the big pig in the whole pit. The whole pit. Yeah. You're dang right. Yeah. Okay, that's really healthy. Well, you've got to have some protein in there. I think that's really all we're saying. You're strong. Quit having Dawson's back on this. You know he's wrong. You're in the minority here. Yeah. Yes, but we feel like I am. We do have Tatina's breakfast scrambles inside of pizza rolls, which is pretty exciting. It's a good idea. Now, we also... What else? Also here in the news dump, we have... We know Virginia Tech football took a giant elder Vanderbilt last weekend. Anchor down. How bad is this, Brodus? Is this commonplace? Yes. Is this commonplace? Yes. You're one game into your season, and you are posting all over your campus and on your social media for walk-on interest meetings, and if anybody who's in the class wants to come and try out for your football team. Oh, wow. Is this something like... Were you good in high school? Yeah. Have you thrown around a football before? We're pretty much looking for anybody. We'll take anybody. Do we have... You've got events papali out here somewhere floating around. Bitch, where are you? I'm thinking that is... Yeah. We're talking about... Is it a kicker situation? No, Brodus. The number 25 ball carrier, like the advertisement player they have looks like an athlete. Like Michael Wick? Come be with us. Come be our best player. You're trying to find their next JJ Watt. You want to be a star? Yeah. You want to be a superstar? So I don't know. That just felt... That was alarming to me. I don't think... If coach told me, hey, as the operations guy, hey, go post a bunch of posters, like trying to get guys to come and play, I think we'd be in trouble. He's being tasked with walking around campus in the same place. If I'm coach, I don't post those flyers. I think that's embarrassing. It is. Yeah. We got nothing. I'm like... That is the ultimate sign of... I mean, respect to the self-awareness here. He's looking at his team going, man, we've just got... Is this one of those coaches that's like, I don't need these NIL players. This transfer portal stuff is nonsense. I think he's trying to embarrass his guys. Ooh. Okay. It might be motivated. You're walking around campus and you're seeing a post... Mentor warfare. I like this. Yeah. Siaop. Yeah. Also, finally, here in the news dump, we have the fun fact of the day. Rick Ross is in possession of the largest residential swimming pool in the entire United States of America. The biggest pool that we've seen thus far? The biggest. The biggest boss has the biggest pool that we've seen thus far, at least as it pertains to the continental United States. Now how many gallons do you believe of water are in the big boss Ross pool? That's a math question. Wow. I don't want any part of it. $40 million? I will. Don't get it. As soon as you ask a numbers-related question, we're going to make ourselves look like the more doesn't it are. Let me ask you this. How close is Dawson? Seriously. I'm asking $40 million. How close? How close? How close? How close? How close? That must be really low. $40,000. I was going to tell you, it's in the thousand. How many? $40,000. I like the $40,000. Perhaps the hundreds of thousands. I'm imagining a pool like Eakers. What's the dimension? It's a lake. It's a lake. 40 billion. 40 billion. It's Lake Dallas. It's like, okay, what's the dimensions of the pool please? Okay. Not that it's going to help. Yeah. I don't think I have the actual. No, you asked unanswerable questions. I gave you information. Play with the information I gave you. Play with me. Don't go reaching for more information. We have you with the information you left. Dawson guessed $40 million. I was wondering how close? Did you not tell by my response that he was way off in one direction? I was way higher, way low. I was hoping that you would at least tell us. So, okay, here's what I'll tell you. You don't know very much. This is why it's the news dump. Here's. Because we don't know the news. You're run of the mill pool. Dawson, I bet at Casa de Dawson, you're talking about a pool with roughly, give or take 20,000 gallons. Okay. Okay. 20,000. Yeah, I'm going to multiply that by 20 and come to 400,000 gallons. Boom. Now, that's the way you do it right there. 350,000 gallons of water is what fills up the biggest pool in America, which is in the backyard of Rick Ross, no more questions, your honor. Thank you. The jury can be dismissed. Dawson, I'm glad you got more information. Bigger than all those casino pools and all the resort pools and everything. Residential. Okay. So that's the caveat. Okay. You know, that's pretty awesome. Here we go. Congrats to Rick Ross. I heard he's a billionaire now. That's pretty bad. He's got a nice plane. Yeah. Right there. He bought the pool to celebrate. Okay. Okay. What you drinking? What you thinking coming up at about 525 will chat with Eric Nadell with you as well. Live at Buffalo Wild Wings on Lemon. We got great Friday vibes going talking football. We have Cowboys merged to give away. You get into win a pair of tickets to an upcoming Cowboys game. Just get here and we'll point you in the right direction, Chief. What's next though? Football is finest on a football Friday where we welcome a new man into the bad take all the fame next year in the nation. It's time for pitch hit and run. The official youth skills competition of Major League Baseball. Get the kids in your community a chance to flex their superpowers and they could earn a trip to the national finals at the 2025 World Series presented by Capital One. So go ahead. Be the one who powers their dreams and sign up to host the local pitch hit and run event. It's a free and fun way to promote baseball, softball and your organization. To learn more go to pitch hit run dot com. (upbeat music)