GBag Nation

2nd hour of the G-Bag Nation: Cowboys COO Stephen Jones joins the Nation; NFL News of the Day; Crusty's Corner: Cowboys Questions

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06 Sep 2024
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Post season baseball is here and it is the absolute best time of the year. I'm Rod Bradford of baseballs and boring and we're going to have you covered every step of the way with instant reactions from players and coaches and managers and fans and reporters and everybody else who is immersed in this awesomeness and all the craziness that comes with October baseball. So follow baseballs and boring in the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. This podcast is brought to you by Men's Tea Clinic. Men's Tea Clinic is the team I trust with my total wellness optimization and so should you. Five DFW locations with North Frisco Eldorado Parkway at Dallas North Tolway now open. Call 972 go men's tea or visit It's hour two of the Gback Nation. We are live at Buffalo Wild Wings in Dallas on Lemon. Come on by for some delicious food and beverage to proper football Friday. Week one of the NFL season is already underway a thrilling game last night with Kansas City and Baltimore and we are heading for Cowboys Browns Sunday at 325 kickoff here on your home of the Cowboys as Stephen Jones joins us now here on the family. Good afternoon sir. How the heck are you? Good afternoon guys. I'm doing well. Right on. It's great to hear your voice and reopen another season with you. Thank you so much for that. I do have to ask as we open this up. Is it possible we have a contract announcement for the quarterback in the next couple of days. Our talk is still ongoing. Yeah I hope it's a possibility. We continue to I think have the productive visits and talks and will continue to work. Stephen I mean these quarterbacks it's crazy. You look up it's like this guy gets 55. Next guy 58. Before we know we're going to $70 million quarterback and we've seen some chatter this offseason. Maybe you have a salary cap that is separate just for quarterback. I mean you're in the midst of this competition committee. Is that something you see happening at all down the line? I think it's something that certainly you know people are looking at. I mean obviously you know these quarterbacks are you know the most important position on the team. I think anybody would agree with that and you know certainly they get in situations you know not unlike Dak with us that they and certainly Troy was that way and certainly Tony was that way and you know when you have good ones you want to keep them and so you know they've got good leverage so you know that's something that you know obviously as you look around they you know that you have to have these guys but you know you've got to make decisions on a supporting cast and what goes around them and you know those are decisions teams have to make. Logistically how would that work? Oh you know what I wouldn't say that it's you know any great depth of discussion at this point but too early to make any type of comment on something like that. But the goal is to kind of keep franchise quarterbacks with the team that has them already. Would that be like the goal of a rule like that? Well I think like I said I just don't know it's too early to make a comment on any type of rule. Obviously we have franchise tags in the CBA currently that you know that give you a chance to keep the franchise quarterbacks if that's what the team wants and certainly you know in Dak's case he's going to have a big say where he wants to play. And is it fair to assume if the deal doesn't get done by this weekend probably doesn't happen until at the you know after the season gets done. I'm not going to get into hypothetical. We're working hard got our eye on the ball and not do what happens and I know in the meantime Dak and our team's got their eye on beating the brand. Stephen how do you find a way to draft offensive lineman and plug and play them and get them ready is the way you guys do? Well my hat's off you know in general to Will McClay and his staff and then certainly to Mike McCarthy and his staff and other coaching staff that have been through here when we've drafted linemen you know I think communication is paramount in terms of you know what you're looking for. What kind of what kind of scheme you're running are you running are you running the zone scheme are you running a man scheme I mean all of those are things that you know go in to how you pick offensive linemen what what kind of football character do you want in these guys and you know I think our I think Will McClay and his group have just done a great job of understanding what our coaching staff needs to execute their particular scheme and certainly we've been fortunate to have luck and certainly it looks like we you know we've had good you know we've had some good picks again here obviously with guidance starting at left tackle and BB starting at center and actually like Nate Thomas as well as a as a future guy but you got to you know most of as you see when you look across our line now those guys are all homegrown guys you've got steel and zach to go with those guys so it's a you know it's a great group and certainly thank a lot of them and I think we're you know gonna have a really a solid offensive line this year. Stephen as the director of player personnel when you looked at your linebacker situation it looks like to me that you you said hey not gonna go through what we went through last year it looks like to me you've made a real effort to add players that they've really kind of very instinctual players good athletes guys that can tackle guys that can play in space was that something you just didn't want to live through again what happened to you a little bit last year. I'm sorry I missed the first the position part over yeah the line back yes or the linebackers you know it looks like to me like as you you didn't want to live through what you lived through last year I know you played a lot of dime packaged up because of scheme and maybe because of some necessity but it looks like to me as the director of player personnel you said I'm not going through this anymore we're going to get us some linebackers and you went out and did just that yeah I think so I mean obviously ever schemes different and there's a lot of different ways to have success and you know in this league defensively and Dan went about it one way and certainly you know getting them back in the building we know him well you know he's got a different way that he goes about playing defense and I think both are successful obviously you know what we thought of Dan and you also know what we thought of my exam or both of them successful head coaches but I think as him had an influence on that too in terms of really kind of wanting to beef up a little more in terms of moving forward maybe focusing on stopping the run even more so personnel wise than the Dan did but at the same time we had really successful defenses turning the ball over and getting pressure on the passer with Dan and what you really want is all the above but sometimes that's a that can be a challenge to have the personnel to do all the above but that's that's the ultimate goal is to stop the run and then go get pressure on the quarterback and get the ball but I think there was a you know we knew we needed needed backers the last couple of years unfortunately over shown who I think is going to be a great player had the unfortunate knee injury right off the bat and that really put us behind the eight ball as well and you know required us to bring Bell up who at the end of the day is probably more safety than he is a linebacker but he played some really good football force last year filled in admirably and I did a nice job but obviously we're going for some backers there that little a little heavier handed and put Bell back and he can bring it there from the safety spot and you know you draft Carson though and I mean he looked like just an outstanding prospect coming out of Wake Forest and then he's getting an opportunity another rookie there but kind of talk about him and the evaluation when you will the scouts when you when you drafted him I think you probably had a plan for what he could do but here he is going to likely start for you this week in week one yeah I mean from the day he's walked in the door he's impressed around here and you know this Brian Zims a tough guy to impress absolutely especially at that corner position Zims you know he cut his teeth as a back-end coach and you know he knows just what he wants in the secondary but you know he's had his eyes on Carson as I said from the day he walked in the door you know in terms of what we saw in the draft you see a big guy a physical guy who can tackle but also run and cover and with his length he you know he's what you're looking for I mean you you look out there and you see digs and you see a big strong guy out there you can go get the ball you know the training camp from week one you know he kept showing up he's gonna be 21 now but he was 41 in camp and he kept showing up you know making plays on the ball intercept getting picks intercept in the ball just did a great job for us and I know you know our guys feel really comfortable that you know with playing being out here for the you know first month of the season that Carson's gonna step up and do a great job for us. Stephen Jones with us yeah Carson one of four rookies starting for the Cowboys for the first time in in history in week one browns eight and one at home last year Stephen how confident are you you going in that you know everybody's ready to do what it takes to get the win. Well that's a really good football team and you look at what they got accomplished last year they did it with I take four or five different quarterback playing quarterback and made it to the playoffs so hats off to them and the coach up there does a great job they've done a great job with their personnel they got some really really top football players so I mean this is a well coached team that's got really good personnel and to go on the road there in the first game we we have our hands full and are playing a you know a playoff caliber football team and you know that's what you got to do you got to go on the road and win these games and it's going to be a big challenge for us. There's certainly a team that ran the football really well last year you went ahead and brought in Jordan Phillips Linville Joseph towards the end of training camp how you feeling about that defensive tackle room right now heading into week one much much better I mean you know as you mentioned we're brought two full grown men that are played in this league and play with heavy hands and are big against the run but the one that's really coming on is my feet Smith and you know he's back up to win 320 plus kind of you know what we wanted him out when he came in here he dropped some weight I think wanting to be quick and rush the passer I like the way you know feeling like Dan wanted him to do more of that but boy he's had a great camp and he is really going to benefit from being around Phillips and Linville Joseph and then of course it goes without saying oh so great football player great three technique for us last year and it's really playing great football here through training camp and as we enter the season so we really feel good about that group with defensive tackles and then we got of course Chauncey is really that's like coming into his own and he'll bring us a great element they are rushing from the inside and playing that big in spot outside on rundown Stephen if you asked me last time you cared about what I thought about your team was 2005 but the if you asked me if hey who's a breakout player for you I would say that Jalen Tolbert would be that guy I felt like it camp him and Brooks initially the battle was pretty close and then Tolbert found a way to separate I you guys in the personal side seeing the same thing or am I seeing that the wrong way well Tolbert's just done a great cooks has been giving around on your little brine but cooks has been a great mentor and leader for that room and in particular Jalen Tolbert and you're really fashioned this work ethic after cooks who's one of the true pros in this league one of the best guys we've had through this building that wasn't homegrown that's come in here and made a huge different first-class man on and off the field but you're correct he had he got he got a lot better last year and then I think he's only gotten better through camp and not that Brooks hadn't done a great job too but I would say that JT right now is our number three and then the one you got to look out for though that's part of this rookie class is Forne and he does some things that the you know that the rest of the group you know the Tolbert's and the Brooks can't do is he's just got really strong hands and really go get a ball and you know snatches it and you know he missed the first week of camp and got a little bit behind but boy did he come strong and I know our I know we think a lot of him and uh don't be surprised he'll probably start out this season being inactive several times but at some point look for him to make a move as well you bring back Zeke week one he was top of the depth chart but how do you envision that running bag room and in that plane out this year yeah I think we've got a really good room that can all of them have their strong points certainly Zeke you know we know what he did for us two years ago in terms of getting the ball in the end zone in particular and that was something that when he left we struggled with was you know getting the ball in the end zone once we got in the red zone so I think he's going to bring that element to the table I think you'll see everybody participate another coming up with packages produced and then as you know uh you know we were able to work uh you play through them up in Minnesota they had a good relationship but getting down and cooking here is a guy too that'll give us options as we move through the sea Steven there were a couple articles written about this cash spending trend and how the cowboys have ranked 30th the last couple of years could you help explain what the cash spending in terms of the cap or even means and maybe a philosophy that goes along with that I mean at the end of the day a team I think anybody would confirm this in analytics our gonna teams are going to spend the same amount of cash over a four-year period now some people stay middle of the pack through all of it some people spend really high amounts and are at the very top in terms of their cash spending and then they have to go down because they spent so much cash and push things out that uh then they've already spent it but it's counting against their cap in terms of pro racing and so uh you don't spend as much cash but you uh unfortunately you've spent the cash in previous years and uh that's still counting against your cap I know you know the last couple of years we had the year before that we had uh the big spend with Doc in a mari one year that really pushes to the very top and you know depending on what happens here we probably go be you know right there at the very top again when we're done hopefully with CD and then if we're able to get something done with that we're going to end up having a lot of cash outlay and cash spend but basically my point is you know that's one of the unique things about the NFL every team is going to spend the same amount of money if you spend to the cap every year on their players which most teams do thank you for that Steven and thanks for joining us again for this season it means a lot to us we look forward to it and give him hell up there we'll be pulling for you look forward to a great year with you guys thank you cheers Steven Jones with us friday's three o'clock here in the GBAG nation okay uh we're live at Buffalo Wild Wings we have cowboy stuff to give away did sound like the conversations are continuing yeah this is my experience and when Steven and Jerry go silent it's that's the way they do business it's like they do not want to do anything to jeopardize potentially any comments might be construed as something negative or positive they don't want to you just don't want to talk about it and so Jerry was on this morning avoided that Steven this afternoon avoiding it with us so yeah it's my just my experience that you know they've they've got something they've got it kind of where they want it but let's see if this thing could get pushed across the line they don't want to jeopardize anything that way i know we all picked browns i mean cowboys to start but does browns eight and one at home cowboys about 500 on the road last year do anything for you as far as adjacent i just i look at that some of the teams that they played in the court and that's just from watching tape jet back quarterback play Arizona bad quarterback play Jacksonville wasn't particularly good you know the teams that they did play that the home they're the opponents their division opponents gave them a lot more of a battle in home then they went on a run where they were playing some really bad offenses Chicago was bad on offense so i would say that that could be a little smoke and murray right there to me just because i was watching bad offensive football going into cleveland every week going into cleveland every week okay so that that's but hey i could be dead balls wrong about that i'm just saying i like it when i was watching and we laughing about me in sax yesterday yep 49 saxes but i was trying to add a sec but every he were every one of those but was it Arizona the Jets it was Chicago it was teams that just were challenged offensively to to get the job done and i i'll i'll stay with that thought about that eight and one right there tear them up thank you thank you steven wolchuck NFL news of the daytime then yeah let's do it jailin rams he's back on top of the mountain we've got a mari talking about his match up with digs and the raven suffered a big injury post-season baseball is here and it is the absolute best time of the year i'm rott bradford of baseball and boring and we're going to have you covered every step of the way with instant reactions from players and coaches and managers and fans and reporters and everybody else who is immersed in this awesomeness and all the craziness that comes with october baseball so follow baseball as i'm boring in the free honesty app or wherever you get your podcasts hey that's next to the nation welcome back it is the g-bag nation life buffalo wild wings on lemon in dallas come join us for some delicious food and beverage see if you can take down eric gia follows recently posted 15 wings in three minutes hello he went off uh there's video of it you can find an ad g-bag nation on acts as uh we're live above a low wild wings and we have a cowboys gives hats t-shirts plus you can enter to win a pair of tickets to win an upcoming cowboys game right here g-bag nation okay uh going into the weekend uh nfl news of the day coming up here in just a second i gotta tell you you know i'm trying to get confidence from brian but my gut is telling me to flip flop right now and pick cleveland okay i just want to be transparent you dirty little dog i know are you talking about bro you are never dawson sir you are never going to beat the charges i know i know this is not good for my approval rate i do like the way your code actually the consistency of being yourself okay thank you just for the payoff situation no this is not bad payoff no this is just for our thoughts for sunday's cowboys okay it's just planned for pride i love the game i'm still going to warlands against carolina general uh we've all picked the cowboys right yes we need you to flip flop because if we have a consensus oh kiss a damn sure bet the cleveland rounder so yes hashtag do your part dawson flip flop your ass off here and go pick the brown good smear to the word yes go into dawson this week everybody knows i don't know jack about sport anyway you know so i'd say this i think we'll watch the games if you flip flops and the cowboys do win double bet payoff oh no no he's he saved us if they win now i'm just saying if he to flip flop he to get the flip flop he can do it but he gets him he has a do a bet payoff if he loses double bet payoff double bet payoff a dp wow dbp on the first week of the season to let him flip but you see i don't know how i feel about that was a major integer segment spritzing by the frankles lives unpredictable accident happen franklin franklin franklin the go-to attorneys for car and truck rex and dfw if you are loved ones been in an accident contact the frankles for a free consultation two one four or eight one seven three three three three three three three thirty three go online to and here's wolchow thank you very much we've got the injury report out final one ahead of sunday's match up cowboys browns only player that's out for your cowboys john stevens the tight end we assume that would probably happen he's got a hammy he's been officially ruled out uh everyone else that was listed on the injury report kaolin karson demone clark kneel and makwamu mazi and walleye tom is full participants today they're good to go uh and questionable is jack conklin the starting right tackle of the browns out which we knew is dredrick wilts the left tackle so now uh there's reports coming out of cleveland and we talked to dale writer about this yesterday they might do some alternating like yeah we'll just see what happens at that tackle spot but conklin plays he might be the left tackle and then maybe right tackle ends up shifting around but yeah conklin's a hell of a player they like jones is the right tackle that's their deal jones last year yeah you know he was an interesting prospect coming out of ohio state just a mammoth of a mammoth guy huge yeah but a little bit slow food i know our buddy vachlan bardy was a big big fan it is but he played much better than his draft selection would have indicated last year for cleaver absolutely did yep tough guy to get around him and hudson are the two guys that will probably fill in yeah so that's something to monitor uh heading into the weekend stealers have officially listed russell wilson as questionable for their opener against the falcons he's got a hammy they've also ruled out wide receiver roman wilson he will not be playing the rookie wide receiver that they selected in the second round adam michigan who really quick good route runner but he's going to be out shout out to jailin ramsey he has agreed to a record three years 72.3 million dollar deal with the miami dolphins he is now once again the highest pay corner in all of football it's a little over 24 million per year and this is right after patrick sertan gets his deal done uh with the broncos ramsi's like yeah right let's go ahead and make me the highest pay corner again and miami said woolblige i like the idea of ramsi getting the espn notification about the sertan deal and immediately getting on the phone with the powers that be and so let's go ahead and get this done while he's like i i don't even know if he's playing in in this sunday's game he's banged up late since he's been a dolphin not much but when he's done it i'm pretty sure like his first game as a dolphin might have resulted in why did i feel like that all of a sudden they were going to move him to safety late in his career uh you know he was gonna make those that and he was gonna make those that and he was going to make that because he was gonna make that curls woodsson uh transfer you know from corner rod woods and all those guys all still ahead of him he's he's still a damn good corner yeah they haven't got to the place where they're like hey we're still paying you we got to get something out of you we'll just position switch-a he's still really dang good i mean they definitely wouldn't be paying him right now if they didn't have top-tier corner respect form but that is pretty dang funny sertan had that record for five seconds yeah he did and then the corner the corner money i mean everybody keeps wondering they're like man these wider severs keep getting paid and uh but what's going on like the corner market yeah and there's there's not a lot of elite corners like that so honestly it makes the digs deal it's aging very well yeah for the for the cowboys but Blan's gonna be up next here in a couple of years and the hope is of course ron blan can come back week five and play congratulations to patrick mohomes last night as his outstanding hall of fame career continues they get the win week one in a thriller against the ravens but he became the all-time passing leader in chief's history in the second quarter when he completed a full crab is kelsey passland dawson yes he did all right so when dawson had that mark since 1975 and pat mohomes i would i would like to see a picture then in in honor of lenn dawson of patrick mohomes in the locker room full uniform with a tab coke or tab soft drink and a cigarette in his hand you ever seen that picture yeah lenn dawson half-time he's got a like tab which was a 1960s 70s soda you know like a diet diet yeah he's got it he's got a bottle down by his feet and a smoke in his hand at half time well yes i'd like to see in in honor of him i'd like to see mohomes that's a badass photo with the same picture yeah that's awesome okay can i be honored like can i be open and vulnerable that's something i've seen this picture millions of times and you didn't know he didn't know dawson i thought it was joe montana oh can you the number i believe you know i thought that was joe montana the color similar and the jersey number 16 so hey and the face that number for you i mean that just looks like the same way that joe montana would be ripping someone to tweet out that picture for me i you know me i don't absolutely yeah we'll get that thing out right now i put on the i'll put on the site let me see that lenn dawson but that's the picture i wanted to see a mohomes i like that idea in honor of that yeah that that would be a fun photo for for mohomes in honor of lenny i i think of joe montana way less badass now for the record yeah you know i went down in japanese hey the first time i ever met ken stabler he walked in he was worth the saints in like my friend stan brox like oh this is ken stabler i knew ken stabers he had a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth and a couple ashtrays on top of the locker he was incredible those little quarterbacks were awesome that is cool raven suffered uh the l yesterday on the field but they also suffered a loss in their defensive core is kyle van noi and he had uh a fractured orbital bone that he suffered during the loss he he broke his face less yeah he's 33 he's under go further testing to determine the severity of the injury but that sounds awful uh the orbital fractures when you break one or more of the bones that make up your eye socket yeah oh wow that sounds like a terrible injury awful thoughts and prayers with kyle van noi i mean entire van noi family that might be one of the worst injuries you can get you wonder why i mean i mean it's it is what what did we just see we saw the joell and bead facial paralysis yeah what would you rather have the i guess you'd rather just break your orbital bone because they can fix it you feel you could possibly with with that yeah i guess like modern medicine that you know it's the first in your nose right remember when marshall would be remember when marshall talked about running through a mofo's face over and over and over again and at 33 years old kyle van noi you're like or at what point do you decide you don't want to work in a in an environment as you put in your own face on the line this would do it for me i think so yeah this would do it uh final news before we get to amari cooper talking about trade on digs apparently devan white i mentioned yesterday he's not going to play yeah his exit from tampa bay was not good this might be like one of the craziest oh yeah transformations in a career that i've ever seen because you look three years ago devan white is considered one of the best line backers in all of football now apparently the eagles were trying to trade him right before the final cuts were made nikobi dean and zach bon reportedly outplayed devan white during training camp so i don't know what the future holds for devan white not only with the eagles this year but just in the national football it seems like all of a sudden his play has deteriorated since saying what's happened with devan white here yeah yeah because he was one of the greats yeah i mean the the bucks when the super bowl you're thinking like holy hell this dude's gonna be him and levante david maybe the two best line backing tandems in all football and then now you have fred warner and re green law yeah crazy all right here's uh amari yesterday taken to the podium he answered a variety of questions but the one i liked him versus travon digs digs first game back since suffering their injury last year couple of teammates couple of bama guys how you feeling about this matchup amari yeah man um did play with digs for two years uh what's the same school um have a good relationship uh he's a great player you know i mean very very dynamic player has great ball skills has great uh iq for the position um excited for the challenge this is this is why i play the game this is this is what i love most about the game to go up against the best um and to challenge yourself this is why i fell in love with the game with football so it's gonna be a great matchup i can't wait i mean these two they're gonna go at i mean digs you know loves to talk uh i mean i remember hard knocks i think it was one of the final episodes like they the practice they get back at the forward center in amari and digs or chirping back and forth forth and honestly amari cooked travon at that time but digs is his mature become a much better player but that's hey welcome back travon here's amari cooper your old buddy that now you got to go out there and guard again so that that's gonna be fun to see those two back on the field against each other and i couldn't help but notice when amari was talking about dak still a lot of weeds in the conversation there for amari i think there's still a lot of love there from amari towards dak cd and a lot of players that uh he still calls friends in that one of our favorites uh you know it was it was great to get to know him better a couple of seasons ago when he joined us for the cowboys player show of course now it's eric kendrick's thursday's at 520 we got that uh started last night and then the tradition of zak and tank and amari cooper he knocked it out of the park last night eric did so well we're looking for to continue in that series yeah a lot of people were concerned you know anytime you have two erics it feels like you may have none in a scenario yes yeah i'd agree i'd agree with that he shined he just came you he shined through there was one was clearly better there's no question yeah it was pro broadcaster if he wants it by the way i think it takes the other spot he wanted it really to flip this trip to interview us yeah looking forward to it he's not going to interrupt me i'm saying that we're live at buffalo wild wings in dallas on lemon come by when some cowboys prizes delicious food and drink your force and pepper wings okay it's time now for the crustaceans corner though brian what do you have on deck for us yeah let's talk about some of these things going into this game i do have some questions for my guys and we'll do that next come to buffalo wild wings on lemon and dallas now have maybe a late lunch early dinner you know enjoy some quality beverages fellowship with the nation and there's cowboys goodies they're giving away hats t-shirts and the like and you can enter with a pair of tickets to an upcoming cowboys game right over there with buffalo wild wings here lemon in dallas it's time now for crustace corner brought you by reliant air conditioning gimmick free ac repair and replacement here's the king brian thank you very much general thank you reliant appreciate you guys thank you for everybody hanging out with us here today at buffalo wild wings it's been a lot of fun today really enjoyed this all right as we get started on the corner i on friday is what i always like to do zebra report zebra report air that appreciate you being engaged in the program today yes sir cleat blakeman is going to be your official today uh we got cleat got cleat he's the only cleat i've ever heard of you were two and oh with cleat last year perfect and uh both more home game so but my man cleat 63 percent of the time the home team wins when cleat is the official oh he gives that home cooking yes you get a little little home cleatin yeah for sure uh he's only made a couple of changes to his crew but for the most part his a veteran crew let's just kind of go through their 2023 calls on this veteran crew and see if we uh what we can maybe learn offensive holding is their number one call watch out watch out tell that yeah you got two rookie offensive linemen but there also the browns are compromised a little bit too with their group amen so this thing might swing either way my personal overunder for gaiton holding penalties is one and a half where do you guys gonna go i'm gonna say just one okay wall chucks hitting you under on that probably going me over on that do a little over believe yourself okay topside taking the over taking the over hey if you confidence you're gonna get the hands right yeah he might change his mind you never know that's good point uh but hey miles Garrett hey miles Garrett yeah for a rookie like i just set the bar for me with the wings it fits in like i feel good if i'm tired of gaiton i come out of there with two holding penalties i'm saying they've got maybe one sack they've got some other rusher guys too i'm about setting the bar too high for my 40 minutes x okay miles Garrett defensive pass interference the next most uh called penalty it's at 20 that they had last year okay here's a crew now you got to be worried about delay of game oh 16 of them oh we'll have at least one of those your your minimum minimum or baby will snap the damn football all right you don't have to worry about that you get your your road team and hostile environment delay of game get ready for one of those but marjax had at least one last night did he not yeah at least one yeah at least one yeah i mean i mean it happens it does especially on the road in week one rookie center yeah i will be absolutely blown away if you don't have at least one delay of game if not to just here's the deal don't don't call the timeout right okay nine times out of ten just eat the penalty and move no you don't eat the penalty but i think you're gonna be blown away when we reconrene on monday you could have phil costa phantom snaps all kinds of crazy things could go on with the rookie if bb goes full costa okay i'm not gonna bail on bb smart enough where he's like i'm seeing the clock going i need to snap the football that just needs to be read he's a club just don't need to see dax clapping his hands no violently what about the stomp the big what are you doing the over hands are more than a day of ball that's it'd be odd if she's had his head up his ass he's like oh i'm sorry i'm sorry hold on just thinking about the post game spread and uh the final one you know uh well we've got two more defensive holding at 15 okay defensive holding and then here we go roughing the passer seven for this guy so keep an eye on those those are the big calls the week cleat blakeman your official this week thank you brian dossen sir last night the buff uh the buffalo the baltimore ravens could have scored a touchdown there to tie the game if you're if you're in the same situation it's dallas cleveland and that goes off where it's my man mike mccarthy has to make the call does he go for two to win the game mike mccarthy would not go for two in that situation there's no way would you go for two um in that situation i would not have uh because you like ribbon mike mccarthy and you're like oh no i don't think i would i don't think mike would in any situation but in that in that deal where the last eight minutes of the fourth quarter we're in control we're getting what we want we're getting stops i i think i want to continue to play this thing out okay i like what you did there i think it's more intriguing to do it when you're playing a patrick mohomes where it's like he's probably getting the ball in overtime and he's going to go down and get a touchdown so that's putting a lot of pressure then on my offense to go back out there at least if they get the ball first they've got a score uh against cleveland and the browns no i i'm kicking the field go on playing for overtime how about you there chieftain yeah you're talking about there right at the end right at the end right at the end if that thing if that thing it's a walk off it's it's going to be a walk off here yes would you think mike mikarthi goes for two uh does mike mikar i think listen man i think some of these things are blinking lights now like to me that's a blinking light go-forward situation and i think on a blinking light situation especially with a revamp they've added even more to the analytics department i think this is just one of those yes it's an obvious you go for it here you're not it why why are we playing for you plan for overtime i mean i i tell you what i'm always one of these guys that believes that you got to know the condition of your team and i like what you were saying dawson sometimes you when you're like if you you're playing my home yeah you're playing my homes and you're like there's no way in hell we can go back out there and get a stop yeah i'm playing to shawn watson he see mike off that ball up to me in overtime and i can win the game that's that's that's a good thought right there woolly how many times do you or how many how aggressive do you think mike mikarthi is going to be on fourth down in this game i think mike proved last year he was pretty aggressive during the season so i think he carries that over this year i mean and maybe you have a little bit of hesitation depending on how your offensive line is playing like how are the house got in looking now is bb looking hell house terence steel looking over on that other side too so depending on the offensive line but but i do think mike proved last year he's willing to take some chances so i think he's going to be pretty aggressive in some fourth and shorts especially if you're in your plus territory on the brown side of the field i think it'll be more aggressive than generations past but just slightly below average probably overall and i hope his defense is playing so well that he'll be confident we're going to punt and in three minutes we're getting this ball back maybe in a short yard situation now they feel even better with having Zeke in the backfield i mean you know jerry does based on everything he said uh but i do think in this particular game on the road good defense probably low scoring i think he's going to be more conservative see i worry about that i kind of feel like and zach you made a really good point about their quarterback you know if you're going i mean once again you're thinking like well we could we could stop this guy it's dawson say we can get the ball back but i wonder if i wonder if it's one of those tone setting things for you know hey we're coming here and this leads me to my next question uh chief if you win the toss do you want the ball or do you want to play defense first in this game tomorrow in cleveland i uh jeez i guess i i guess i want to defer to the second half why is that uh well i think that you can really build confidence with your defense and going up against this offense i think you could really go out there and maybe lose some confidence from the start with a bunch of rookies on the offensive line and here's miles garret and oh my gosh the first drive we got sacked and things are already kind of going away from what we want to do here i think dishon watson your defense goes out there you could go three and out immediately and now boom we're cooking with gas it's a new year it's a new team right but eric what were you calling them after that green bay loss frontrunners right this team needs to get the ball and go down the field and score you need to play with the lead that's the key to cowboys victories take the ball i you know i like the ability to to reignite the game and your chances of winning with the score late in the first half and to start the second half i don't feel like the cowboys have had a lot of success doing that yeah the double dip hadn't worked out much yeah it doesn't work for them so maybe i've just talked myself into trying to take it first and playing with a lead i'm kind of to that point where i think that i'd go out there and try and just establish something on defense go out there and hope that that quarterback makes a mistake you get the ball hey i understand that turn on that i would be i don't think you know i you know it would be demoralizing though if all of a sudden they take that ball go 70 yards yeah you take the ball in the end zone and all of a sudden now we're talking about a mike zimmer defense they're not covering anybody they're you know all of a sudden dishon watson looks like you know whoever you want to quarterback you want to put back there i would worry about that a little bit willy yep final one here do you worry about crowd noise being a problem at this game you know it's dog pound and that's something i probably should ask uh darrell writer like how crazy is the dog pound we know about bills mafia yeah but i i think that cleveland fan base is there they're coming off an 11 win playoff season i think they've got high expectations for their football team i mean i i do think it's gonna be a loud environment yeah uh yeah i don't think the cowboys have handled it great on the road um and yeah defense great crowd a crowd that pry feels like you know this is gonna be our year they're gonna be fired up for week one yeah i i think it's definitely a factor sunday i was reading yeah you're talking about the home field advantage yeah browns yeah uh yeah i mean with the way they've played and uh how how much more difficult it is to communicate and things you have the rookie center uh yeah i i do think there is some home field advantage there but i still am surprised at the cowboys being a two and a half point dog yeah i kind of feel like to me this you've got the quarterback that can kind of handle this situation though hopefully the center they get everybody on the same page there's probably going to be a lot of silent count here in this football game i just hope that the center is the assignment race got the two pro bowlers next to them i think that's going to be a big benefit sure definitely to help him because there's going to be some nerves from that left tackle of that center for sure so anyway but yeah i i think the crowd will be a factor but i'm glad that you have the quarterback that can that can handle those kinds of things thank you guys appreciate that thank you brian crusties corner every afternoon 340 brought you by reliant air conditioning g back nation we're live at buffalo wild wings here we have uh you know two and a half hours of show remaining rangers pre-games coming up at six thirty and we're back with hurricane Slater chain Slater NFL network live in brazil we'll talk cowboys we'll talk eagles packers and more next in the nation post-season baseball is here and it is the absolute best time of the year i'm rod bradford of baseballs and boring and we're going to have you covered every step of the way with instant reactions from players and coaches and managers and fans and reporters and everybody else who is immersed in this awesomeness and all the craziness that comes with october baseball so follow baseballs and boring in the free honesty app or wherever you get your podcasts