GBag Nation

Full G-Bag Nation - September 4th, 2024

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05 Sep 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by Men's T clinic. Men's T clinic is the team I trust with my total wellness optimization. And so should you five DFW locations with North Frisco, El Dorado Parkway at Dallas, North Tolway now open call 972 go men's T or visit men's T Here we go. Our number one of the G bag nation on 1053 the fan. Welcome me and hope you're having a great day. General let your service salute to you. There's brought us. You got Lucius in the pimp cup over their mass to control here 75 and fits you. Wollchuck and Chia follow are in the house and of course Carter Freeman's coordinate in your video. How the heck are you guys doing? Hey, I want to ask you make the call G bag. You make the call. Sure. My earbud seems to pop out of my thing here. As you notice. Yeah. If I put that in my ear, is there a chance I could be electrocuted? No, you try. I don't think so. You think? It's kind of like exposed wires and stuff like that. That's audio wire with all that hair you got in that ear. I think it'll clog it up. Okay. Let's give it a go protected. I mean, those are some pretty high dollar headphones, weren't they? They were now there. I don't know. It's kind of it's kind of trash. You don't know your own strength. The trash. You definitely go viral. That's sure, brother. Jared didn't get to make the call for us last night. Oh, yeah, he doesn't have his headphones on. What am I doing? Lucius is talking to you. I don't know where you buddy. No, Jared did not get a chance to make the play by play call, but he was the analyst that he get it in. I mean, that's the perfect opportunity. I was listening on the radio last night though. Bang, bang, that bang, bang. That wasn't listening on the radio. I was trying to watch the Cleveland Browns guys. To be honest, we should get a question for me. I would just tell you if you did get shot in a little bit, you're cuted here on the radio. Yeah, we go viral brother. You think so? We are out of here. We are on Dateline, the channel for six o'clock news. I do it right. Local radio holes electrocuted while broadcasting next at 10. But at first, do you like kittens? Are you going to throw water on me while the electrocutions going on? Well, I think that'll help get the to start it up. Yeah, I'm doctor. Thank you. Put it on the bet payoff for eight one seven says he's been shocked by one out of your buds before. What are we doing? I think it can happen. Shippie's been shocked by this board before. Okay, I'm going with the one the electrical current running for that situation over there. I might I might just have to go with the bad headphones. Like when we bring guests in here, like, Hey, we're a professional organization here. Have some bad stuff. We got to stop that. Hey, Frank Caliando. Oh, I'm sorry you can't hear in the right well, especially the other one, Frank. Hey, Frank, can you hear me? Well, no doubt the Yankees heard from our guy, Bang Bang, Wyatt Langford. They did last night, a grand slam walk off night, then, and against the Yankees for three was the score and the Rangers end up winning seven to four of Aldi and Strowman tonight. In that clubhouse, you got to be thinking, can we get back to 500 right now? I think that's one of the goals. But the other like goal, just, you know, what Langford's kind of been doing, producing some big hits and, you know, has a key spot in the lineup, no matter where they're hitting him right now. I just feel like we need this guy to go on and be that superstar going into year two, if the Rangers are going to make a big resurgence in 2025. So that was a lot of fun. They've won six of the last eight games now. Yeah, look, we were, I was listening to Boach earlier with KMC. It sounds like Corey Seger's probably going to be on the IL later today to get that announcement. So, I mean, for Wyatt, this is exciting. I think we're all looking for what ways of optimism can we carry into the off season and certainly what Wyatt's doing now. I agree with what Mike was throwing around, where, hey, who do you want up bases loaded game on the line situation? It's Seger. And then right now, I think you do probably have to make a good argument for Wyatt Langford. I think Josh Young's in that conversation. But why it's done, it's him and Jackie Robinson. That's it in the history of Major League Baseball to hit a walk off Grant Slam and inside the park homer and hit for the cycle in the same year. So it's, it's awesome what he's doing after struggling at first. And now he's really seeming like he's finding his groove at the big league level. Superstar makeup, you know, you're, you're watching show, hey, go for 50 50. What's Langford capable of? Is that, is that 40 40 potential any? I think he's got that ability. I mean, he's got tremendous speed. He's fat. I mean, Shohei long strides, obviously huge, a lot of town in that body. So much town. It's like a moose. But Langford is faster. I would say. So if you, if you told me, like Jared was like, Hey, have you ever seen Shohei run? And I was thinking, man, maybe I need to go on YouTube and kind of check him out. It's like a freaking race. He does cover some ground. Yes. And we're going to talk about an edge rusher for the Browns tomorrow that covers some ground. But there's, it is amazing how that Shohei is still in these bases. But to me, I do feel like that why when, I mean, it's like singles turn into doubles with these guys. If it's hitting the right spot, he immediately is not even thinking about he's just running, you know, and he's getting there a lot more often he's getting out. So, you know, good for him. He is the guy. The thing that's going to make me the happiest in the off season. If we have anything that we can really hang our hat on is again, see why getting signed. Yeah, that's the one. That's the one that's the one that's going to make me the happiest. And I would appreciate some of these guys finishing up the season, you know, with a, with some good positivity going into, you know, in the spring training next year, but get this general manager done. Yeah, let's, let's make sure that the guy who's putting all this together is, is in place for several years and, you know, he can continue to build on to find guys like Wyatt Langford and others. There's a couple of big non barometers like, do you bring back a Volde? Do you bring back CY and, you know, if you do those things, then I think you're, you know, well placed to be highly optimistic about what this team could be capable of next year with all the, you know, I mean, DeGrom, Malley, possibly Rocker, this thing could really be special. It is a, it's Dackwatch 2024 though. I was over there today. What would we say it? All quiet. I asked it. All the people asked everybody would know this Matt Pittman throughout some, he was on with Sean and RJ this morning and he's buddies with Dack. I saw them hugging it up pretty good at the, when, when he was there, he's the official pitmaster of the Dallas Cowboys. He was out there in Oxnard. Nice to spend some time with him. But yeah, he was, he was dropping some knowledge that he felt like the things were pretty close. And then he kind of signed off on that. I tried to circle back to see if he was really a cowboy insider here. Follow-up reporting. There was some momentum building yesterday, possibly. I think the Cowboys would like to say down this week. I've reached out to people, I've reached out to some people that would usually contact me back about things and the fact that they've gone silent a little bit. That kind of tells me that maybe I just need to not text them anymore. I hope the pitman drops that story. I hope he breaks it. That'd be awesome. That would be awesome. That would turn everybody has to say his name. That would be cool. Yeah. barbecue legend. Yeah. Matt Piven. By the way, I got a brisket queso you need to look at, but on another news, that's Dak Prescott's favorite queso that I make and he's going to be signing after throwing all six of his cell phones around his office. It's a meltdown. It's a meltdown for sure. I got scooped by the meat guy. Yeah, meat church. Matt's a holy gospel rub from meat church is the rub for the orange magic wings. Right. And it was his tutelage years ago that sent me in the direction. He said he was pushing this morning a hickory seasoning he's using right now. So yeah, that sounds wonderful to be on the shelves, but yeah, they've got a lot of different flavors that you could throw those profiles. He's got a pretty strong. So you got the Matt Piven report. Yeah, the Matt Piven report, the Diana Rucini report. Yeah. You know, when she said they're only apart in years, that to me says, this thing is so close. The one side or the other will budge. They're just trying to get see if they can get it exactly the way they want it. Yeah, we'll see if, you know, the one team, the team has the history of kind of allowing that to happen. And maybe they're trying to hold ground here. I don't know. I would tell me a lot if I knew which side was thinking of the if, if in fact, one is looking for long years and the others looking for short. What do you think that what do you think the number is though? Because I just feel like, man, for Dacta, it would be, it would be pretty cool because it would just really show who, how bad did Dact really want to be here? We can, we can talk about how excited we are about, Hey, if we have to move on, we have to move on. Would you be surprised that it came under fifth? And if he came under, and they're like, it came at 58. Yeah, if it's, if it's under 60 million, I'd be stunned. Yeah. Yeah, I would be. It would definitely surprise. Awesome. What is the pecking order right now? Is it Peru at 55? I think somebody just know, Jordan Love just got the 57 or whatever. But I'm saying, if you put that thing at 58, or who's the next quarterback? Who's the next party? Purdy's the next one in the next off season. It'll be per deal being there. And I'm sure there's one or two more, but the cap has gone up so much. I think it's very realistic to think, you know, 58 59. I think they could say 60 minimum. I would be surprised if the deal gets done. And it's not 60. I'd be like, wow, Dacta really wanted to be here then. I'm going to, I'll, I'll bet you I'll bet you meatball sub. It's less than 60. It's less than 60. I'll take the bet. Okay. I would take that too. Okay. I just want to be ball sub. I'll pay for it if I have to. We got that. We got that covered for you. Don't worry about it. Cowboys and Brown Sunday 325 here on the fan. I do believe we're going to have a Dacta press got deal before then. Maybe even tomorrow night in the pregame show for opening night. Get everybody tuned in talking about a Dacta contract and see that the NFL would hate that right. Would they hate that? Oh gosh. Yes. That wouldn't get people fired up to tune in. They want to focus on the game. They don't remember how they're in the Super Bowl. They never want anybody to ever announce anything for their staying, stand along events and stuff like you don't want to show it up. You don't want to show it up the whole, the whole, the whole broadcast would be about Dacta press got signing. Okay. So what's the best time to announce this in today, today, today, today? Because they got a game Friday night to you. I think it's Packers in Brazil. Yeah. So maybe Saturday. But so you don't want to do Saturday because that's kind of what we always talk about the Friday news dump, right? And so nobody really paying attention on Saturdays. But yeah, you could, I wouldn't be surprised if I wouldn't be surprised if Jay Glaser on Fox's pregame show because his relationship with McCarthy and the Joneses would be the guy that breaks it on a pregame show on Sunday. That makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised at all. We'll see if Shefter and and those others can kind of rally. It might be somebody we're not even thinking about like we're laughing about. Yeah, we're laughing about Matt Pittman. It wouldn't surprise me though. So a Jory Epstein might be one that that, you know, yeah, because she's really close. She had a great relationship with the player. So they might throw her a they might throw her the opportunity. Maybe it'll be Edwarder now working for WFAA exclusively on local TV. That's it. That's cool. Can you still see a WFAA TV broadcast? Like, is that a thing still? Does it depend on your provider? No, I'm talking about like you can walk down there and see them actually, bro. That's the length of the window. Yeah. They're the Victory Plaza. Oh, yeah. Okay. Where are they now then? I don't know where they are. I think they're across from the Dallas Morning News. I think that's I had I saw on Twitter posted a video of him walking. Is that space available? Because I'm going to put a podcast studio there. I think it just got bought. Oh, did it? It's something to win. Yeah, they're putting something there. I just read about that actually a few weeks. I need to look that up. You sure do. Early broadcast, right there at the Victory Plaza. Right by the WAC. They got to have a space for me over there, don't they? I would imagine. I mean, you know, one place or another. I'm asking questions. I'm asking questions. Ryan, your number is real quick. We'll see if we can do for you. Okay. You're asking the right kind of questions. Yeah. That would be a really interesting, you know, location. Let me know if there's space down there. Carpe Omnia has officially been replaced. We were just talking about it. Just rooted. Oh, yeah. Mike McCarthy says rooted is the team's theme for season. I guess it's based on Bamboo in the fifth year Bamboo like gross to full maturity. Is that what it's really based on? I thought it was a taught archer tweeted quick. I was thinking it was something to do with trees and roots. And this is this we're standing where we're holding firm and says it's based on the foundation that's been built here over five years. My dad gave me some good advice about living your life in five year increments. And what you can learn in that time and space, not trying to do too much too fast. It was a life lesson. But yeah, then he talks about the bamboo and stuff. And this is McCarthy's dad saying this? Yeah, this is McCarthy talking about his dad. Well, apparently his dad. That's a good question with tiki head bar. What are we doing over there? Man, sometimes that that bartender has great life wisdom. Yeah, just like slinging drinks. Everybody else. Yeah. Sing us a song in the piano, man. I see here Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on this planet. Yeah, and it takes over a whole yard. So you got to keep it in check. Yeah, yeah, they say if you plan it, you better be on top. You got to keep it in check, brother. It's been recorded growing at an amazing 47.6 inches in a 24 hour period. What? Damn. Yeah, it explodes in that fifth year. It grows like it can grow 80 feet in a year. Yeah, it'll choke out everything on your yard and just so it can survive. Yeah, it says it can be amazing. It can be harvested in three to five years versus 10 to 20 for most soft woods. Okay, so just to give you some context. Okay, very interesting. That's not a soft wood. Derek Eagleton, it's hard. Has tweeted that the Cowboys has never started four rookies in game one of a season since the 1970 merger. Okay, any any merger stat? I'm all here for. Okay, see now I thought let's make history. I was on the show this morning there at the break and I thought about the dirty dozen in the seventies, the team they had. And then I came up with the, the team that we had with Parcels are actually with Dave Campa, where we played Ross, Brian Bryant and then Andre Girard. Yeah, that's three. Three of the guy. Derek Ross looks like a player for a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. And in 2020, you had lamb stealing digs and an O2 Williams, Gerard Bryant. There you go. But yeah, this is the first time that four are going. So salute to Geiten, Beebe, Lea Fau and Carson being a little piece of history here. Mora NFL news coming up at three o'clock with your news of the day. But a lot going on, including the viewing for Kenny and Quinlan last night. Unbelievable. You boys were there. Yeah, we went by and it was, there was a G bag flag right there. We signed it and he's got the family had the entire log of all of his what you drink and what you think is that he hadn't written out. I mean, Eric and I were going back reading some. I mean, it meant a lot to the family. The funeral was today at 11 a.m. front. He told us they were able to go. And I mean, it was, it was sad. It was, it was tough to see Kenny in the Open Casket thing. I mean, certainly that's one that pulled jarring. It is. No question. He was looking damn good, though. He really was. And he was just a few feet away from that G bag flag. It was nice to, I believe he's going to be actually buried with it. I believe that's the plan that his son Cody wants to do. And shout out to Cody, shout out to Tuesday, his Tuesday. And we met Max and landed. Yes, we did the hockey playing grandsons. Are you kidding me? The, the red curly lettuce on the older one with a, with a hockey gas like inches long on his forehead. It was fresh. Like that dude needed stitches right then and there. He is a hockey playing mofo's awesome. And we got the background, the history on the rock and roll tequila. Yes, we out came about. No way. He loved that, that guitar glass. And it is a badass. It is awesome. Great. It's cool. Yeah. And he, he, when he saw it the first time, he's like, yo, what is this? We got to get this. He had a friend who could make lamps out of glass bottles. And so that became the original one. And then that was a staple forever. The rest is history. What a new lamp for Christmas, according to Tuesday. Yeah, Tuesday's going to be making some rock and roll lamps. Oh, very nice. Well, salute to the whole family. Definitely one of the most significant and iconic flag plants in the history of the g bag nation, Kenny and Quinlan to be buried with a flag. Flaktober 2025 right around the corner, two on four just accidents and that they went today to the funeral saw rodeo Ron. And it was the two of them that folded the flag, I guess, before that's awesome. Putting it where it had to go. Wow. Okay. I hope rodeo had a flash going on. He did. I hope he had a flash. Well, Tuesday, something ready. Oh, yeah, yesterday when we went to the viewing and I asked you can still smell them. Did he come in drunk? Yeah, we could smell the gym. Oh, yeah, there's no doubt in the T levels. This week's off that guy. Okay, we got a run G bag of the day coming up at two 30. Barnwell gave his playoff predictions. Who's in who's out? It's next here in the nation. Welcome back. G bag nation segment of the nation is brought to you by the Frankles. Life is unpredictable accidents happen. Franklin Frankles are the go to attorneys for car and truck wrecks and DFW. If you are loved ones, been in an accident, contact the Frankles for your free consultation. It's two, one, four or eight, one, seven, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, jump online to It's also brought to you by cars for kids. Donate the day cars for kids dot org, seven minutes till the G bag of the day. We'll check. Give us some barnwell content here. Who's in who's out of these playoffs? All right. So barnwell's made his predictions for the 2024 NFL season teams that are returning to the postseason. He's got the chiefs of Kansas City. Yeah, the Ravens. I'll agree with both of those of Baltimore, both of them in the bills of Buffalo and nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo bill. He's got your Dallas Cowboys back in the playoffs as your division champions, the Detroit lions, the green Bay Packers and the San Francisco 49ers, along with their division foe, LA Rams all back in. Now this, these were the tough ones. These were the fringe teams who's in who's out filthy. They're out. Bye bye out. Not in not in according to barnwell. Get out of here in, instead of the Eagles, it's the bears of Chicago, Caleb Williams as a rookie leading the bears into the playoffs. Maddie River flus. It's going to be the head ball coach of a playoff team. It's what barnwell believe tough to believe rookie quarterback can get it done, man. Tough division. It's a tough division. It is a tough division, but there's a lot of talent on that team. We'll see if ever flus can put it together. Yeah, you gotta get a mic that's off. So, yeah, he's got lines back. I've got bad. I've got different headphones on today. I'm just giving you some good. Hey, by the way, it's nice being with you. If you want me, I'll come back at 340 do Crusty's corner, and I just leave after that. Is that what you want to do? These headphones are just kind of like, you know, I'm like, it'll mess you up. It's like bad headphones in the gym or something. You know, I mean, you're not feeling them. Whatever you need, Crusty? No, I'm good. You know, I gotta be in your pocket. I just I can't believe I busted my other thing. We get you like an Afghan and a couch over here put a wheel of fortune on. You can take a nap. Look, I gave Eric these originally. Yeah, I gave these to Eric. And so now he's like gifting them back. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah. Well, that's what happens when you pay it forward, dude. See, this is the give them back to you when this is done today. But anyway, yeah, Chicago bears three out of division. I hear myself out of the division. Okay. Here you go. Carry on. Carry on. Last NFC team. The Tampa Bay bucket is pointing those headphones. Look on his head. They do look goofy. They're way too small. They're hugging the portion of the head. My face is too fat. What do you think about it? I think it's the head. I don't think it's the face. Yeah, it's just the general. It's really the headphones. It's not that you think it's the little boat you should come back to. Not bad. It's sort of an all income. I was looking at your headphones in your face. You know, they were talking about it. I can't hear a damn thing. I can't hear. This is like 1968 headphones. You can't hear. We'll do it live. You can't hear. We couldn't see you out. We got the Tampa Bay bucket of years. They're not making the playoffs. We're out of here. Yeah, they were fringe last year. You know who's in though in the south is division champs. Atlanta. It's New Orleans. Whoa, it might be one of the more balls he picks. He's got it's the Saints of New Orleans, black and gold B. I know you're celebrating with that pig from barn. Well, Derek are leading the Saints to the playoffs according to Billy B. All right, AFC their car will get you to the playoffs. Willy. Yeah, we might need to watch dog. Oh, barn. I know this is going to be way. He's usually into Orleans. I don't think he's in the way. Does he do we do we watch dog and bill over his barn? Well, like got a little French something going on in there? I don't know. I mean, he is a big Frenchman. But I don't think he's from New Orleans. All right. Out is Miami. Dolphin's not making it according to Bill. Sorry, Eric. Wow. Hey, fall from grace. I'm going to apologize to me, man. In the J E T S jets jets jets. It's a bit now. He's doing it. Well, I tell you what the quarterback, right? Hey, hey, if Roger's healthy, they got a shot that team. They have course they do if the 40 year old quarterback often Achilles in front of a fragile offensive line and a part of a dumpster fire organization can stay healthy. Maybe they can make the playoffs. They definitely could. So pretty loaded roster. Uh, out Cleveland, not making it according to bill. Oh, that is no surprise. Oh, well, Will Chambers is also a believer in New Orleans. He just texted and he said, maybe I'm a little crazy. We know that. Well, but he's also, well, he's also got the commanders winning the NFC is the same way you did. He's also drinking for about the 50s, 50s. You think he's already opened the bottle? Heck yes. We got the bangles in Browns out, Steelers out, Chargers in and the final team in the AFC, according to Barnwell, it's the AFC South division. He's got Houston out. Doesn't believe that they're going to be able to repeat fail bill fail in Jacksonville, the Jags. Doug Peterson's my friend and I don't even trust him. Yeah, I mean, I'm just, I don't think the Jacksonville picks that crazy. No, I don't think it's that crazy, but, uh, I mean, and the Texans do have a very, very difficult schedule and they're finally having to deal with some level of expectations, but it's hard to imagine that coach, that quarterback and that roster not getting it. That kind of remind me of what we did in Green Bay in the early 90s. We got into the playoffs and then from that point on, it was just run and go and do it because the first year you believe and you got the right place. Yeah, it's established. You keep adding bodies. You get the coach in the quarter back now. Yeah, you got the coach, the quarterback, the flag caller. I mean, it, I think Bill is wrong about this one. Yeah, I think Houston's still going to get it. And even if they don't win that division, like I could see the Jags or even the Colts, maybe winning it, but I think Houston's getting in as at least a wild card team. And the Chargers wants interesting to me. I mean, I definitely could see the Chargers maybe getting sneaking in there this year. He is absolutely is a winner and I can't believe in the Steelers. I don't think they'll have a losing record because Tomlin never does, but that quarterback deal just seems really, really ugly. 214 says, Stroud did it as a rookie last year. You're right. You know, and he was amazing, poised as a veteran. Most of them are just, you know, just trying to stay above water and get it figured out. And then, you know, year two, you can limit the mistakes and start to put together a career. It's just so rare that Stroud did it. I'd be shocked if we saw it happen two years in a row. Dak, RG three, there's some other ones to come to mind. It's possible. A one special calling me a cry baby. For what? A one seven? She crying about you doing there. Also wants to talk about some baseball. So we will. We'll talk baseball. We gave you the updates. You want you to talk base? You want you to talk base? Yeah. We got, the seagures hurt. Seagures on the injured list. I do have some. Elvis Elvis Andrews is officially going to retire as a Ranger tomorrow. Oh man. So there's an update on your Texas Rangers. Listen, I'm, I'm in line with DFW sports fan. And I know 95% of you, unfortunately, are no longer watching or listening. You know, it's not good. It's not, it's not a fan base that digs in and watches. I'm just, I'm just a DFW guy. You know, it's the kid, man, just vibing with the audience, not watching the Ranger games because they suck, you know. Did I just make it about them? You did. That's my bad. Why'd you make it personal? Definitely been at his point. That wasn't personal. It was personal Dawson. You've been on this rant lately. You're making everything personal. I just thought I was talking about the way they played the game. The music expressed by Gavin Dawson, represent Gavin Dawson. Gavin Dawson only. Look on your face was terrified. I was terrified. Like I was talking about your mom or something. Maybe, maybe, maybe you're, what? Maybe you got, maybe you got a little too much Homer in you too. I do. I'm a real Homer. Can't admit what's really going on. I'm a Homer. Yeah, I'm a Homer. I admit it. Time to go into the pimp cup. Here's Lucius. Speaking of Homer. I was thinking of a home wrecker. I was speaking of a home wrecker. It's my home wrecker. It's kind of a home wrecker. No, no. I've never been there. Never been there. That I knew. Unless I was talking about my own home. Just relates to my own house. Get me out of here. All right. So our champion so far of G back of the day is the playmaker, Michael Irvin. He was on, it is what it is podcast. That is Ken Ron and Mase former rappers. Well, I should say former rappers because Mase just did a freestyle that everybody's going crazy for. He lost 20 pounds. He's looking good in the game looking like 90s Mase. Ken Ron, you know, Ken Ron's always rapping. So the rappers and sports guys, Ken Ron and Mase. They had the playmaker on. He is going to join these guys. I don't know every Monday and every Friday, I guess. There you go. He is their NFL correspondent. Anyway, I don't know who's sequencing these stories, but they are wilding right here. As soon as Mike dipped, listen to the next story. We have a lot of weeks to see the progress happen, man. But thanks Mike. We appreciate you on the first day, baby. Yeah. Yeah, all my brothers, man. I appreciate you, man. Thanks, though. So before we end the show, we just got a couple more topics to discuss. So Michael Jordan's son, Marcus Jordan was caught sniffing a white substance in some photos that went viral earlier in the month next to his new girlfriend. Of course, a lot of memes were thrown around. But what was you guys's initial reaction to seeing those pictures? For Mike to get on talking about that cocaine. Know the audience. You gotta know your audience. Who's sequencing that situation, man? You know, Michael's going to be there. You're going to do the cocaine story right after that. Come on, you wild. I think that was an ambitious host lady. Yeah. You think it was? Yeah, ambitious host lady. I feel so too. I feel her fingers. She was doing it today, too. She went to like Miami. So the stories today, we're both about the Florida teams losing. Did Miami winning? Yeah. Right after that? Yeah. She's doing too much. You're doing a lot right now. She ain't speeding yet, though, but she's doing a lot. Okay. Let's go to Oklahoma. Head coach Mike Gundy. Oh, geez. He's a grown ass man. I'm 40. Yeah. He's got to be like 60 now. I'm glad you just said that because he knows lyrics. I think he got a perm, by the way. Did he? And his hair. It's earlier than ever. Little boofart, little blowout. Yeah. I think he boofed the chair. He really raised Cyrus, look. Aiki breaky. Yeah. Well, yeah. He has some IT problems being the older man. He doesn't know how to fix the IT situation, but he knows how to fix the IT situation. I can't. They won't let me hear it. If anybody's a good IT guy, and we'll get the guy from Michigan down here and let him hook me up. Even though he didn't do it. What was that song? What was that song you should know? Damn. Yeah. The song, it was kind of a partial rap in the shower. It called me, I didn't do it. It wasn't me. Wow. What was it? It wasn't me. That's right. It wasn't me. You should know that was you. I want to see who you are. Hey, man, you should know it. I thought you just cheating on your wife last week. I think he pointed to a young lady. Oh, I think he pointed to a young lady because you play back. Listen to her response. I think if you get it. Oh, you heard this. You know it. Even though he didn't do it. What was that song? What was that song you should know? Yeah. The song, it was kind of a partial rap in the shower. It called me, I didn't do it. It wasn't me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You should know. We were just with this coach. He pointed right at her on that one. Yeah. Hey. Hey. It wasn't me. It's a good song. It is. That's when they used to talk before at the song. Yeah. Yeah. They'll do that anymore. They'll talk about it. You catch him unless it's a bunch of threats. Let's see what else we got here for you. It was your 2000. Yeah. On the money. That's a good start to a song. Picture this. We're both not good. Yeah. How could I forget? That's a Murphy joke. Hey, it wasn't me. It wasn't me. You let you catch you. Yeah. Exactly. Like his buddy was like surprise. Exactly. Jared Sander called in yesterday for some smoke. Oh, we got Jared. Yeah. He got a lot of Jared. Oh, he wants to get a smoke with Dawson. Yeah. Oh, this is perfect. Sure. Wait, so this is true for a true Jared. I think Buffalo might be the sixth or seventh wild card team is Jared Sandler joins us now to protect his guy Jack Lider who I have been corrected. That was good yesterday, giving up one run per inning pitch. Jared, good afternoon. How you doing? Yeah. No, no, I just, I just think we'll help you guys. And Dawson, I heard you the other day when you were very passive aggressive with Broadus. I know how you can be. I heard the drive by shot there. That's cool. I was just trying to help you via text. Not down like a total. Okay. So you say you're trying to help me via text, Jared. This is not how you would get somebody via text in the middle of a segment. Be honest. Did you watch the game suggesting that I was dishonest? That's where you got sideways with me, Jared, just so you know. But did you watch the game? No, I didn't. Okay. I saw his numbers. I saw his numbers. I understand that. Okay. That was just trying to help you out because if you watched the game, then it would be a different approach. But did you watch the game? Right after that. I'm proud of you for admitting you didn't. Yeah, you're you could have you could have danced that one. Yeah, that would have been bad. You know, many game watching arguments have happened on this. Oh, gosh. Well, you watch the game watching the worst thing you could tell somebody, but you don't even watch the damn game. I go home and I still watch more. Yeah. Here's how it ended, though. Is even one of the top Rangers prospects anymore as the number two overall pick? I guess that's my badge for having expectations too high on a guy. Yeah, you're you're spinning this because you don't know how else to combat me other than by playing the Oh, I guess it's my badge. You're not listening to anything I'm saying though. Okay, that's the second. So you get me in the last 30 minutes screw you Jared. Goodbye. Goodbye. Yeah, I gave each other to see you. They was all playing at the very end. See it. See it. See it. She had to laugh. How many minutes before I was in the truck last night before I was on the phone with Jared Sandler? No. Are you okay? Are you mad at me? I told Jared and he'd be all right. You think you can get it. He seems pretty man, man. I say, you'd be all right, bro. You'd be right. It's a long week. Don't worry about it. We're just getting started. Don't worry about it, bro. I do. I do. I do love having Jared on the show. He's great. Yeah. Yeah, Jared's amazing. He's a star star. I was a great back and forth. You never know when Mount Sandler will erupt. Man, that Whopper looks. He'll go tap you on the shoulder, brother. I'm telling you, all right, right now. Do we need to vote? Yes, please. Is it Michael Irvin on with Kay and May as our champion. It's uncomfortable, isn't it, Brian? You know all about people replaying your fights. Yeah, I mean, it is. You don't want you, but I'm gonna vote for you today. So just go to me. I'm voting for Dawson today. You're voting for Jared Sandler calling in. I've voted for Dawson. Yeah, this agreement. My Gundy has IT problems. Is your other nominee. That's what I'm voting for. Chief. How about you? I'm voting for Screw you, Jared. Yeah. That's why I'm here. Lucius, Jared said, Hey man, put me on. He said, Hey man, put me on. It's only fair to I get to stand for stand up for myself here. It's only fair. Put me on standing up. Oh, he was attacking me. I felt attacked yesterday. We'll chuck who you voting for. Yeah, I'm gonna go for the attacker here, Jared Sandler. And then like when Dale Hanson said Barry Switzer was attacking them. Yeah, exactly. That was assaulted. That was assaulted. Okay, coming up next year in the nation. It's time for some restroom revelations, chief. You've never seen an alpha level deuce dropping like this. Oh, no, in Kentucky, who is still at large restroom revelations next on the fan. 972 says Jared was in the right no matter how you try to gaslight Gavin. Well, I will tell you, first of all, I'm not above gaslighting you. Okay, but I'll tell you this truth. Which one of us is doing the gaslighting? The one looking at the evidence and the stats and letting the stats be the stats or someone that has an alternate view of the stats and is interpreting it that it's actually good to give up one run per inning. Which one is gaslighting? Which one is real and which one is an interpretation, creating, you know, perhaps a false reality. That's what I would find that suspicious. Huh? What do you say? It's time now for Eric Chia follows restroom revelations. Here's the chief 877 881 105 through any of the tollos to come up with the the nickname for the latest delinquent defecator. We'll get into the breaking news right after this. All right. Now, unfortunately, it seems like we do have a Cowboys fan dip in their toes in the poo wars, if you will, and we will get to that momentarily. But as the headline goes, we got ourselves a manhunt. Louisville police are frantically searching for a man who keeps taking dumps on a random person's front porch. That's the direct headline. Ward Joel's was all over this beat here for wave three news. You've heard of porch pirates, he says exclusive. But what about porch poopers right now L.M.P.D. looking for one man who's been pooping on. Now, keep this in mind, one homeowners porch multiple times this week. This is a different iteration of the mad pooper from a few years ago, who was didn't necessarily have one victim in mind. This person has seen somebody out. Any connection? Here's the news story. It all started with this Sunday night, a young man in a red shirt walks up to one Louisville home well after midnight and begins peering inside. The homeowners have no clue. After a few seconds, the man runs away and his socks and disappears into the night. But the next night, he returns and leaves a horrific surprise. Tuesday morning, I went up to my front porch and noticed this. What I thought was a cat poop. The homeowner who wishes to remain anonymous but who will refer to as Jim, then checked his doorbell camera and realized it was no cat at all. And it turned out to be a person. And not only did he defecate, but he also urinated on our welcome mat. He didn't even have much either. He just gave me what he had. No man thought it was cat poo. That's a little small. Even have much. That's not cool. He didn't want to hurt her. Welcome, man. I had to waste it. You know, not to profit. I'd say he's at least in his 40s. Probably not getting this fiber. Yeah. What are you doing? He said, hold on a few times. Okay. So that's what's amazing about this guy. And now it's just part one of the news story. We'll get to part two here in just a second. But that's what's incredible. They have exclusive footage. Wave three news does of the doorbell camera for these people. This guy is not trying to be sneaky in any way. There is no, he's not trying to be inconspicuous. He's literally, he's up there and he's showing full face. He's pulling pants down, just letting it rip right there on the doorstep. He's looking at the gate. Does not care. We thought it was cat poo. He is now. Yeah. That was shot. He was like, he was lifting weights on a porch. He he's just doing out of here. And he's a young buck. Like you're you're saying like maybe he's a he's a guy. He's a guy. He's a guy in his mid 40s. This dude's probably in his 20s. I cannot believe he's still at large, but it gets even, I guess, a little bit, a little bit crazier. What's even more disturbing is that the man returned a third time the very next night. Jim got an alert on his phone and tried to confront him, but the man was already gone. You have no idea who this guy is or why he's doing this. I have no idea. I have no idea. We're good neighbors. We, you know, keep to ourselves. We behave ourselves. And I can't imagine that somebody would want to do some kind of retribution. Jim has now filed three police reports for each night. His home has been targeted. But so far, no arrest, just a big mess. He's now forced to clean up. I'm relieved that he's not violent or he's not trying to force entry. He's just doing his deed. But it's very disconcerting and disturbing and in Louisville, war jealous. Wade news. He's not trying to force entrance. He's not my one. He's just defecating and urinating in front of my house. Gosh, it's good. You think he's just doing this for comic relief? That's what I think is interesting that he's singled out this one person. It makes me think that anonymous Jim here who's during these interviews is like, it's a blackout interview, like, like he's some sort of insider, uh, criminally or whatever. So he, he's definitely, he's trying to stay anonymous, but it does make you wonder why, what is it about this dude's house, this dude's porch that keeps bringing this serial defecator back, you know what I mean? It makes me think that maybe there is some type of, this feels more personal than anything, you know what I mean? The other lady, and it was a lady, the last time mad pooper lady, and this has been like probably three, four years now. Yeah, that's Colorado, right? He was Colorado and she was just going, there was no rhyme or reason for where she was going. But this dude keeps going back and he's now done it three, four times. So there was a couple of years ago, we had an issue down on Katie trail with, uh, we did. Yeah. Runners just stopping and letting it go because they were on really long runs and had to use it apparently out there, apparently mid run. Yeah. Emergency, like whatever situation, understandable. It's a one off, you know, you learn from that. But this guy is, this guy's being a bit malicious. And again, it's alpha deuce dropping at the highest level, looking into the doorbell camera and dropping out his, his catlin. I thought it was cat. Pretty ridiculous. Yeah. I mean, pretty, pretty hilarious. And he runs anonymous. So incredible story. We will continue to track it. I think what you do is you get your younger family members gathered and you come up with a price, right? For what it's going to take for a few nights of their services. Yeah. And you have them, you know, prepared and laying, hiding in the bush. Probably. Yes. You know, maybe with plastic gloves and dog poop, you know, but we're throwing poop at this dude. A lot of it. Oh, okay. You go on the, you go on the offense there a little bit. That's right. I'm going to get some hazmat suits. Yeah. Yeah. We'll be safe. Yeah. I'm not going to cut any corners. Can I, can I ask a question here then? Your guy Wade, is that Wade who's doing the story? Did we say that I heard this name? Wade? Yeah. His name is Wade Joel's. Okay. Wade Joel's Ward Ward Joel's first name Ward last story. Yeah. Is his career going down the tubes then right now going down a tort going in the tubes? Well, but that's, but what I'm saying though, is he, by having to report this. This is putting him on the map. This is his big moment. I kind of feel like this is kind of their disrespect. No, this is his big break. This is a, I don't think maybe in the 90s is to be disrespectful, but these days, no, you're going viral. You think you think that so he, you think he's a badge of honor? Yeah. Oh, you think this is a badge of honor? Yeah, absolutely. He, he graduated from like Missouri journalism school to cover poo, probably stories. Yeah. I kind of feel like to me, they said, Hey, Ward, get out there and cover the story. I would go, you know, now pound sand. I'm, I think this is one of the best news stories we've received. And I would just say, I would think you could finally wipe a story like this off his resume. Absolutely. It could drop it any time. Yeah, I just don't know. I, I think if they're giving me this story, I, I would do something else. Like, is there an opening and weather I can handle or something? You know, I'd be to something else. Well, we do need to address the unfortunate elephant in the room that is Cowboys fan dipping his toe into the poo wars that the FSU guys started. Oh, here's the sound. I'm Jordan Garnett. I'm a stand up comedian. A couple of years back, I got a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl tattoo, claiming that we would win Super Bowl 51. And then I went back to back and did 52. It went viral. Obviously didn't happen, but I'm a man of my word. I got the tattoo. I kept it. I haven't changed it, but I'm going to top you, Mr. FSU. If the Cowboys do not win the Super Bowl this year, I will not only eat dog poop. I will actually eat human feces, human. I will eat human shit. That's how confident I am that the Cowboys are going all the way to this year. That on it. I don't Welch. He doesn't. Well, he doesn't. Well, now we are. We have stooped down. Now we're going to watch this guy at human poo to the Philadelphia Eagles level of rabid disgust. That's what I mean. I mean, right? I human poo worse than horse poo. I don't know how you're ranked. Yes. Yes. That's your question. Yes. Absolutely 100%. Yes. I'm not in favor of this anymore. Let me see the person. Let me see the horse. This is horrible. We don't want to be doing this as Cowboys fans. I know it takes us down. Disappear. Take it down. They're not going to win the Super Bowl. Now you're going to have to eat crap or you're going to do what the other guy did, which is bail. You will Welch. It's just one of those Cowboys fans that's like really in New Jersey or something. And it is really like a toxic north easterner that happens to be a Cowboys fan. I don't know. Maybe we can get Jordan on the show. I'll find out. Yeah. He's apparently a comedian. So hopefully he's a he's a north eastern. Like a way back. But yeah, pretty unfortunate there. We have now arrived and stooped down to the levels of FSPU and filthy fans. Comedian specializing in bad bits. I think so. I think so. Okay. Coming up next is time for the NFL news of the day. We'll check where you're taking it. Shout out to Micah Parsons for this audio gold. We've got extensions. Yes. Shout out to the neck of Davis Mills. That's next. Okay. All right, here we go. Our two G back nation 105 three the fan. We do have Danny Cannell coming up in 20 minutes. We'll be talking college football with him. The big Michigan game coming up. That'll be a good conversation here. He's got a hard stop at 37 guys though. So don't be too long winded with him. Just wanted to give you the heads up for that time. Time to look at me. He's the goat, isn't he? He is. Holy cow. That was a three question interview. Yeah. So you read Karl Strop supplies to us. We were there so long and when three minutes late needed an IV after listening to that guy. Wow. Here's wall chuck with your NFL news today though. Thank you very much. We're gonna get to Micah and some of his comments here in just a moment. But news of the day. Shout out to Patrick Sir Tan. What do you like to say? He just got today, Eric. The fatty fatty boom ball. Hell. Yes. He said her heck. Yes. He has agreed to terms on a massive four year extension worth $96 million bleeping dollars with the Bronco 77.5 million guaranteed 24 years old as that deals done making him a rich, rich man and well deserved. He's been one of the best corners in the NFL. If not the best since he became an NFL player. So he's he's fantastic. Commander's Guard also gave former Texas Longhorn, Sam Cosby, a four year, $74 million contract extension. That includes over 45 million guaranteed. He's been a different player. He played tackle at Texas, not good. Right. But as soon as they've kicked him inside the guard, better, much better. Probably. I mean, it might be one. They're only good lineman. It's very possible. Yeah. They're trying to stay ahead of it. They did need to replace a bunch of those guys there on that on that crew. Now, when it comes to Alabama and Sir Tan's deal, in terms of the total of former Alabama Crimson Tide players that have gotten deals this year, they've made $1 billion this off season and former Alabama NFL players in their contracts to, of course, got the big deal. Patrick Sir Tan being one of them. Derek Henry, his new deal, of course, with the Ravens. I mean, the list goes on. I think Jalen Waddle got paid. Yes. One of them as well. Don Murray Cooper. Didn't Mario, Mario Cooper get some money? I think I'm already got a little bit of a bump as well. I mean, it's crazy, but they all got paid this year and a billion dollars from one school. It just shows you the power of the Crimson Tide. Now I talked yesterday about Dury Slay, Slay's crawfish a little bit. No, he was talking about he didn't want to go play in Sao Paulo, Brazil. And you know, with the NFL, what are they doing? They're sending us here the crime rates crazy. I was asked Jane, Jane's there for NFL Network. I was like, is it really that bad? Like, are you scared to go out? She said, no. But Uber drivers will kind of tell you like their spots to avoid. So maybe we can get Jane on tomorrow and she can kind of give us an update on what life's like there in Brazil. But Dury Slay took social media. Said, I want to apologize to anyone I offended. That wasn't my intention. I'm looking forward to playing in your beautiful country. And I've heard y'all are very passionate, just like our amazing Eagle fans. Just a few more days can't wait. Can't wait. You and full Bart Scott, especially to you gang members, I offended. Yeah, I think the people from Brazil are really going after him. That's actually a good point, too. Yeah. You want to make sure you save your fan, man. Oh, Brian, I think the worst part about it for me would be the flight. Isn't it? Isn't that a long flight? Nine hours, he said. DFW to Brazil is 10. Yeah. Wow. So it's nine hours. So you're adding three or four from Philly. How long's the London flight? You got to go in 2014. That was about nine hours. Yeah. You're flying. That one is a lot faster, of course, going from here to because of the jet street. Well, the Eagles are not going to have Devin White, the linebacker. They signed this free agency from the Bucks. He's ruled out with an ankle injury. So there's a starter they're not going to have Friday night. Hollywood Brown, chief's wide receiver, also not playing in the season opener tomorrow. We did know that, but it has now become official and fantasy football fans for the big sigh relief. Jamar chase showed up. Full pads to practice today. Sure. I know Diana or seen you scoops city on the athletic was saying, Hey, if he didn't practice, that's indication. He's probably serious. He's not playing Sunday, but he did show up. Joe Burroughs said he's good to go. So it looks like Jamar chase is not going to hold out. He is going to play week one for the Bengals game checks guys game. Yeah, I'm missing that. The neck of Davis Mills, one of the best necks. What happened to the history of the sport? Long neck. Oh, no. Himmer Mike Glennon. He's sticking around. Texans are signing him to a one year, five million dollar deal to be the back of the strap. The neck lives on. The neck lives on lives to fight another day. We got you, bro. Hey, my Glennon guy got saggy turtlenecks. He's like, yeah, yeah. Lenin and Mills, like we should have a neck off between the two of them, which one's longer. Yeah. Hmm. I think Travis bring your three best neckers. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Three of us got a roster we can use. Oh, I got a fresh out dog. Oh, I thought I'd ask you first. I thought maybe I had three. We might be able to use a fresh out, bro. All right. Just let me know when you get three now. Travis ETN is a new name to throw into the mix. It's just an honorable mention for a current big time. Oh, really? That guy in the NFL. Yeah. No, he's hiding in plain sight that way. It's Martin Hanks. Oh, Martin Hanks. Yeah. Right. Well, it depends on what you're going for. You're going for more length. Are you going for more Paul Puslow's knee to Kio Spike's girth? Oh, okay. Kio, we'll see his. Yeah. Yeah. That was big. Not a gorgeous. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No questions. Those are guys without necks. Yeah, but short, but like I guess that's a fair way to put it. That's like, that's like less tonnage. It's like head on shoulders, not even neck. You know who might have been the perfect mix of length and girth as it pertains to the neck is late in Vanderash and crazy enough. He had neck issues. Yeah. It's crazy. It's final tough. Cal pits uncertain for week one against the Steelers. Falcons tied in. So when you're getting, uh, he's got a hammy. Oh, yep. That's a ham. I got the car today. I parked too close to the guy next to me. I think I pulled my hamstring. Did you get out of the car? I noticed you limping around, but I thought that might have been the bunion or the gout. No, no, I could have swore that was a gout. Yeah. No, I'll let you know that. But man, I pulled the hamstring, getting out of the car. It was a little too close extended. No, I had to like kind of snake my way out. It didn't work too well. Slytherin. Yeah. Didn't work. Didn't work. It sucks getting old, man. It really does. Come back player of the year. Actually, he didn't win that award. Oh, what are you making up stuff over there again? Demar Hamlin. Uh, he's making his first start nearly two years after he's now moved back to the front of the Bill's depth chart. Well, that's an example of some of the talent, no longer being there in the building, to some extent. And the guy rallies and you're going to do that. Are you watching dog in that depth chart? He is a little big. That's a mighty golf season fan over there. That's my bill in the playoffs. Are they out? No, they're in the playoffs. They're in. They're not out. She's not going to win the division. Ooh, who is? We saving it for not not the chance of the dolphins. It's the dolphins. It's the dolphins. Barnwell says, let's go. Yeah. Barnwell's got the saints going to the dance. Dude, I'm all for it. More Mike McDaniel audio. Give me the fence. I'm here. All right. Let's go to Michael Parsons. Pants. He's wearing, by the way, joggers, McDaniel. Yeah. Big jogger guy. He's a big jogger. They just lights them up a little bit like a pre jogger deal. Are they skinny guy pants? Is it what those are? We're skinny guy pants. Then he wears like two sizes, two big shoes. Remember that was the thing that he gets made fun of. Dawson, you like those pants, don't you? Well, I'm a soccer coach. I can't hate on them too hard. You're that guy shows a little ratches himself and sniffs it. Shows a little too much path. It's a little too form-fitting for my chicken legs to be honest, but I won't turn a pair down. Oh, we got to go for a logo with the team. Oh, when it comes to the next, and Javon Kurz still out there looking for a gig right now. All right. Michael Parsons talking today. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Jay Ron Kurz, not Javon Kurz for me. Jay Ron Kurz, thank you for that correction. So much for following my brain right now. I bet Javon Kurz could, in a Mike Zimmer defense, next to Mike Parsons, I bet he could go get you as many sacks as our rookie kneeling. All right. You need one sack from an old retired veteran stud. The market's where where the switch one to going for where I saw where in the weight room today on his Instagram. It's like, yeah, he is. He is so just physically where can get you. He looks like he could still play. So it's Michael Urban. All right. Here's Micah today at the star. What does he want to be this year? Matthew Stafford, definitely. Whoops. We got two Micah cuts. We'll get to the Matthew Stafford one in a second. Yeah, I got it. Yeah. Thank you. You're good. I clean that up in post. Don't worry about it. I appreciate you. Yeah. It's the killer, the hitman and assassin. You know, the killer and sloppy. You know, he's probably going to get caught. You know, he's not very good at what he does, but he's a killer. You know, it's wrong in the streets. The car like that. You got the hitman. The hitman might not get caught, but you know, who did it? You know, like, you know, he's probably a little bit more clean. And that assassin, you know, you know, he's there. Yeah, you know, you've done it. You know what I'm saying? So each time you really want to develop, and I think at this fourth of your mark for me, I think I'm ready to be an assassin. He's ready to be an assassin. Wow. He doesn't want to be the killer, but he's ready to be the assassin. That's quite the word picture there. I do look some of his analogies, man. I mean, he was barely there. He would not know he was there in the off season. So maybe that was just him practicing. Oh, Dawson's on to something. You're saying he's an assassin late in the season when it matters. From far far away, assassin wasn't even there. Yeah. So killer's the lowest rung of this. Yeah, he said sloppy. He said sloppy. Yeah, because it's simply on the dictionary, it just says like a person or thing that kills. That's a killer. But once you get to the hitman, it's a person professional. But then you get to the assassin. That's a person who murders an important person for specific type political reasons. Did you want to be the assassin? Like, you're going for the quarterback? I think the hitman's probably what he wants. The hitman sounds badass. Hey, man. You get paid to do it. Yeah. Yeah. But he, I think you're right where he's trying to go after the quarterback. I'm not here to get paid, right? The assassin, the assassin's kind of doing it for the game a little bit. Oh, that's like personal game. Yeah, there's something more invested there might be political. You might be an agent working for, you know, and assassin's probably on a retainer. It's like James Bond and assassin. They're like John Wick. I think so. I think so. John Wick is an assassin. James Bond is an agent. He's an agent. Yeah. Yeah. Agent double seven. Get back to Micah on his podcast session. He was going through the most underrated players in the national football league. He's going through the list of assassins. And he did do that afterwards. But here was his most underrated quarterback. Matthew Stafford definitely doesn't get his light because of his time in Detroit. But he's also Super Bowl champion. I think his career is definitely super underrated. They don't ever put him in a category where he's the right thing. He's easily a top 10 quarterback, top five, depending on what you're looking for, what attributes. And just being around him over the past three, four years competing against him. He's definitely one of the more complicated guys to go through with no look passes. He's been doing that. His ability to read defenses. I mean, Matthew Stafford really does it all. He does. And he's gotten a lot of love this offseason. Neil Williams, ZJ Stroud, myself, Bobby Belt going after it. Matthew Stafford, for whatever reason, I don't think it's the praise he deserves. But Micah, the latest to say, hey, underrated. He also said Brock Purdy would be the other underrated quarterback right now. It's hard to argue. Purdy does a lot of winning in the postseason, but he does have a great team around him. I think that's the next thing he needs to check off. Like the injuries, if you don't have Debo, you don't have Trent Williams. Like, are you able to now elevate your game to get some dubs? It's the one thing Purdy has not quite done yet. I mean, Stafford's just had so many years with double digit interceptions. You know, he's kind of like a he's got some far venom. Yeah, I was going to say, yeah, like a modern version of far, but you know, I think when it comes to reading the defenses and you need an upgrade arm to make a big time throw and he's an athlete, he'll go get, you know, fourth in one. He can go run for super tough long first downs. Yeah, I would definitely think that. And yes, it's all due to being with the Lions, you know, we evaluate quarterback wins and losses and going to two playoffs with them. And those Ross, I mean, he had Calvin Johnson granted, but the rest of those rosters, I mean, they were a bad call away from beating the Cowboys in that wild card game. That was they picked up the flag. Thank God they did. And then we went on to Green Bay. We know what happened there. A final thing here. NFL news there cousins underrated. No, I don't think cousins is underrated because cousins is also one that's like ranked in these top 10 lists. And that's he's probably right there with that. I mean, he kind of finds ways to win games. Yeah, like he's a right quarterback. I mean, when when he goes out, there is team falls apart. What do you guys think of passer rating as a stat? I think QBR is now kind of overtaken passer rating. Yeah, for sure. Because I mean, Stafford just he lives in the 80s and 90s, only has had a couple of years in the 100s for passer rating where Kirk Cousins consistently is in there. Yeah. But I feel like Stafford's a better player. Right. Like I would take Stafford. I mean, and Stafford finally got on a good team wins four playoff games in a Super Bowl. If if Stafford does not win the Super Bowl, do you take him over Kirk Cousins? Because we were always doing radio where it was Dak, Eli Manning, Stafford, Cousins, we all had him lumped together, right? And it's tough to really differentiate like once you've got your top two guys, which I believe are Mahomes in burrow. And then I'd probably put Alan, even though there's things you can pick about his game. And number three, the after that, it's basically like ice cream flavors. Like we always talk about in the draft. None of like all of these guys have things that they need to prove. But the Super Bowl is what sets apart. The playoff success to me that Stafford now is accomplished is what sets apart him to. I wonder if this is a year that Rogers finally falls off the cliff. Could happen. Very likely that it could happen. Yes. It appeared like it was maybe already happening late in Green Bay. And then you have the injury last year, you know, and it might just, you know, hit you a front and center this season. All right. NFL news today, every afternoon three o'clock, we have Danny Canell coming up next right here. It's the G bag nation on 1053, the fan. Welcome back to G bag nation. Thanks for making this part of your day. Let's talk some college football with one of our favorite college football guests, Danny Canell here on the fan segments brought you by window nation go to window nation dot com slash Cowboys. You can buy two get too free. It's brought you by cars for kids donate today, cars for kids dot org. And this segment's brought you by the Frankles life's unpredictable accidents happen if you're hurting an accident due to somebody's negligence called the Frankles for a free consultation. Two on four or eight, one, seven, three, three, three, three, three, three, 33 or jump online to Frankle Danny Canell joining us courtesy of bed online check out bed online for updated college football playoff conference Heisman and college football week two lines and a good afternoon. Danny, how the heck are you? I was doing better before the season started as a Florida state grad, you know, now Oh, and two has not been kind. But first we get a college football was awesome across the board. So I'm doing pretty good. How about you guys? We're fantastic. And we are licking our chops for this Texas, Michigan match up this coming Saturday. I don't know for you. I mean, I've seen some Michigan fans that they're talking big. Some people are projecting Hey, Texas isn't even going to score 10 points there at the big house. What do you think about this matchup? Well, if I was a Michigan fan and I had just watched that Fresno State game, I wouldn't be talking too much smack after what they put on display. And week one, now the question is, was that just an aberration where they had a little bit flat? Maybe they were looking ahead to the Texas game, which I do think is probably that what happened. But Texas is going to be in for a physical ball game. That is the one thing that pops that Michigan still does have. Will Johnson, one of the best defensive backs in the country, he had a pick six in that game. He's going to challenge Texas is wide receivers. But I cannot wait to watch the matchup sort of the chess match in the game of Steve Sarkeesian, the offensive mastermind going against Wink Martindale, who is Michigan's defensive coordinator, who's there for the first time. He's back in college. He was with the New York Giants. He spent some time along most of his career in the NFL. He's going to have some blitzes dialed up to try to confuse that offensive line to try to confuse Quinn Ewers for some errant throws. That's to me, it's sort of the game within the game. Danny, who had a better win USC or Notre Dame? Oh, that's a great question. I'll say, USC, I'll lean USC because I do feel they answered some more questions for me. USC looked so good on both sides of the football. And that was the one thing like Miller Moss, he had six touchdowns in the bowl game. But it was sort of like, well, that was just a meaningless bowl game. Like bowl games don't mean as much. And what he's showcased going toe to toe with Garrett Nussmeyer, who a lot of people think is going to be a top five take in the NFL draft going like trading jabs. Like it was a lot of fun. That game was a ton of fun to watch. But then probably more impressively was the defense for USC, which was absolutely atrocious last season. The last couple years really for Lincoln Riley. And they brought in this new defensive coordinator. And they didn't really bring in a lot of new personnel, but they looked physical. They looked well coached. They tackled outstanding. So I thought they were a little bit more impressive not to take away from anything that Notre Dame did. Because I thought that was one of those, you know, defensive slug fest. But I do want to feed their quarterback, Riley Leonard, take another step forward in the past game. Both those offenses started a little bit. And what I'm trying to figure out is it more because the defenses that were on display, which were outstanding. Or is it kind of, you know, some concerned potentially for both of those teams on the offensive side of the ball? So I'm going to get myself in trouble, because those are two big fan bases with Texas A&M and Notre Dame. But watching that game, Danny, I'm just, this is the pretendrable. These are two teams that come in super hyped every year, but realistically are not going to be competing for anything substantial. Yeah, I would tend to agree with you. This is one of those things about the 12 team playoff, the expansion, it's going to give a lot of team and fan bases a lot of hope, right? Oh, we can make the playoffs and they're going to. But then I think there is going to be a pretty big gap in their disparity. And the teams that are going against the top tier teams like Georgia, like Ohio State, some of these really complete teams that are out there. So I don't disagree with you, but I will say this, it sure does feel like Notre Dame punched their ticket. And I don't know if I would have said the same about Texas A&M. Clearly they would have been in a much better position than losing the game, but Notre Dame's schedule is an absolute cakewalk. And I was joking about Florida State. That was supposed to be one of their harder games, who they do play in South Bend. All of a sudden, they might be a two touchdown favorite in that game. And then the team, we were just talking about USC. That's the finale. Notre Dame's probably undefeated at that point. They're going to be favored in every game this season. They might be favored in that one. We'll see how it unfolds. But even if they lose that, I do think an 11 1 Notre Dame team is in the playoffs, no matter any way you look at it. Danny, did Nebraska figure out their quarterback situation? Well, it sure feels like it. And he looks pretty good. You know, in a blowout, that's always you kind of have to take that with a grain of salt. We'll find out about him because it is a big stage. You know, there's going to be a lot of eyeballs watching that game because they're going against Colorado. We know what Colorado brings to the table. A lot of brash, confident, bold, you know, statement, bold declarations from them and outstanding offense. The thing that I think is going to be really interesting is Dylan Riolo, their freshman quarterback who looked great so far, he's going to have an opportunity at against a defense that got sliced and diced all last year. And then it continued against an FCS opponent where their quarterback looked awesome. So there are going to be some opportunities for Dylan Riolo to look really good. But on this stage, you always kind of wonder, how's he going to respond? Is he going to the lights too big? It doesn't feel like that anyway whatsoever. So I feel pretty good about him. But there's always that little bit of man. He's still a really young player. How's it going to look when he's out there with, you know, on that type of stage? What about Miami? Are they, are they the real deal? You think? I mean, they should be able to win that conference pretty easily. Yes, they should. And they're clearly the front runner right now with the way Clemson looked and then Florida State fallen off the map. But I felt like this season coming in, I was pretty bullish on the cane. They have the best roster that they've had here since joining the ACC. We're talking almost two decades that they've been in the ACC. And they've had talented teams. But this is by far the most talent they've had across the board. And it really does start with Cam Ward, who I thought was the most attractive quarterback in the transfer, a transfer portal market this off season. You saw it on display in Gainesville. He's dynamic. He's cool, calm, collected. He never panics. He did have one ill-advised pass that was kind of like, he does remind you of today's quarterback, which is sort of that Patrick McCombs, Caleb Williams style, where it's a little bit more gun flinger type, where you're just kind of going out there. Sometimes there's nothing there. You sit back, you buy some time, and you go for that big play. He got burdened on one of those early in the game, had an interception. But like most great quarterbacks, it didn't phase him one bit. He followed it up. And I would say the only caveat with that conversation is Florida. How good are they? But I tell you, going into the swamp, week one opener, it was going to be loud. It was a hostile environment. And they embarrassed the Gators on their home field. So I do think Miami is the real deal. Talking about this conference in the ACC, SMU at 2-0, first year in the conference, are they a sneaky team that could maybe even make that conference championship game? Absolutely. They definitely could. That's the interesting thing about the ACC now is there were really three teams coming in that everybody kind of was like, oh, yeah, it's going to be some mixture of these three teams. And it was Miami. It was Florida State and it's Clemson. Well, we saw Clemson look to struggle mightily against Georgia now. I do give them a pass because Georgia embarrasses a lot of teams. So we'll have to see Florida State though in two, and it's like dire times there. So they're out of the race. And then it's like, OK, well, who's going to step up? Georgia Tech looks pretty good. And oh, by the way, Virginia Tech, who was a trendy team to be that pick, they lost a Vanderbilt on the road. So why wouldn't it be SMU at this point? And I've got to tell you, a game on the beginning of the season that I wasn't that nervous about all of a sudden that first ACC game with Florida State coming to town, I think they have to feel pretty good about their chances. So yeah, I think Rhett Lashley's team has to feel as good as anybody right now in the ACC. Danny, when you looked at Alabama, Kaylin DeBore, as it usually Alabama will schedule one or two games where they kind of get their, you know, get their bearings and stuff. But how would you assess the Alabama's coaches debut? Oh, it was as solid as you could get. I mean, I do think like if you were really nitpicking, there's some concern that you do have. You know, a couple big plays were there that Western Kentucky's quarterback missed. But I mean, talk to Oregon who barely beat Idaho and F.C.F. squad, you know, talk to North Carolina State, who was losing in the fourth quarter. Bama was in control of the game from start to finish. They've looked apart. And that's kind of what I believed all the time. I know people like Georgia, people like Texas, I do too, but do not count out Alabama. They will be in this race come November towards the back end of the season. They'll be a factor. I don't know if they're good enough to be that national championship contender just yet. But absolutely think they're in that conversation. It's one of the 12 teams that, you know, are getting that invite at the end of the season. Danny is Clemson. We were talking about ACC and it just kind of clicked with me about Clemson. As you mentioned, is Davos, sweetie beating punished for not playing in the transfer portal game? Yes, there's so I love Davo and I love its philosophy. I used to have that philosophy probably 10 years ago that, you know, I didn't really like transfer guys. I viewed him as quitters. I saw him as guys that didn't want to be into the long haul. And you know, kind of the old school mentality of yeah, I want guys that are homegrown that are guys that came in together and you keep a class together for four years and five years. That is all changed. I've adapted. I've adopted myself changed my philosophy. I've adapted today's game just in the perception of the way I view teams. Most every coach in the country, I don't think there's anyone that has just ignored it. It really is the equivalent of an NFL franchise saying, you know what? We don't want to tackle free agency. We'll just went through the draft and it's like trying to win a fight with one arm tied behind your back. I do hope because I kind of root form and this kind of bucking the trend and doing it more old school. I think they can rebound because their talent is there. They do have a ton of foreign five stars across their roster. But I thought you saw the depth get exposed because for a half they were right there with Georgia, right? It was an ugly game low scoring and then they get out score in the second half with some of the depth starts to come to the forefront. So yes, I do think Davo is being way too stubborn and it's not like he has to turn into beyond Sanders and bring in 50 new players. He could just pick and choose five or six guys, bring them in at positions of need. No one will get upset. It won't disrupt the chemistry in the locker room and they can hopefully get back to where their fan base wants to be. And that's being one of the national title contenders. See, the thing is, this is where it gets tricky. Clemson can be good. I just don't think they can be great until he adapts his mindset. Danny, which is the season wears on? Which games are you excited about? And I'm not asking specifically the games, but are you more like the these big 10 teams traveling to like the old Pac 12 teams? Are you know, we got like Michigan going to Seattle to play? Are you more excited about that or what's going on? Maybe in the SEC with Texas and Oklahoma or even what's going on in the big 12 with some of these now across the country matchups? Jimmy, all of it. All of it. The one thing that I would like to see change, and we saw a lot of them on display this weekend, and it kind of hurts those smaller schools. I'm kind of done with the, you know, let's see. Ohio State play Akron is a 49 point favor. We saw multiple SEC teams put up 60 and 70 points versus FCS schools. I just what I really would look forward to is when there's power for which is what you know, power for now is what we're calling it, where there's 10 power for games, you know, that's what you have on your schedule. And then you get two games where you can take a break. There are too many right now. The SEC still still only plays eight. The ACC only plays eight conference games, and then a lot of them schedule lighter opponents to kind of pad your records. But the reason, you know, and I'm more old school. I didn't love seeing the Pac 12 dying. I don't like seeing losing some rivalry games, although we are getting back an incredible one in A and M in Texas. But I am a fan of the matchups. Like you could just go down the list and look at Penn State traveling to USC. Like that game is going to be phenomenal. Ohio State going to Oregon, you know, in October, there's matchups across the board. Bama, excuse me, Georgia going to Texas, Georgia going to Alabama, which has already been there. But there's just so many games that are really key matchups. I just want more of them. I'm a little bit selfish because I'm like, let's get rid of some of these blowouts. Give me more of those matchups that are so compelling with some of those big brands going head to head. Well, we want more of a Danny Canell talking college football. We'll take it whenever we can, Danny. Thank you so much. Enjoy the games, buddy. You guys are awesome, man. Great catching up. We'll talk to you soon. Enjoy the game this weekend salute Danny Canell brought you by bed online time now for Krusty's Corner brought you by Reliant air conditioning gimmick free AC repair and replacement brought us where you taking it. Yeah, I'm going to talk to you about this Cleveland Brown offense. We'll do that next. Thank you, Lucius G back nation here on 105 three the fan time now for Krusty's corner. It's brought you by Reliant air conditioning gimmick free AC repair and replacement. Here's Brian. Thank you very much, Cheryl. I appreciate that. Thank you to Reliant as well for being part of this. If you're new to the broadcast, this is the part where I take a look at the opponent, the weekly opponent for your Dallas Cowboys through the, through the offense generally on a Wednesday and the defense on a Thursday. And then we'll do the referees on Friday. So just try and get you ready for this broadcast of this week coming up in the game. So hopefully you'll get something out of this. If you're into the podcasting scene, just got a new Bobby and I did a love of the star that's posted. So after our show today, feel free to give it a listen and tell us what you think. But we're really proud of what we've done there. And it should be three of those a week for you now that the season started. So hopefully, everybody will take a, take a listen to that as well. Okay. This, this Cleveland Brown offense. And in what the little bit of the, some of the struggles you'll go through early is because you don't have a lot of games. You have to go back and say, watch games. And what I did was I went back and watched the games where Deshawn Watson was actually healthy enough to play. And then he got hurt. So then you have to kind of deal with that, the shoulder problems and things that he was dealing with that caused him to miss the majority of the season last year. But I went back and watched the games that he was able to play and how the team responded. I will point this out that before we get going, I think yesterday I talked about this a little bit yesterday. Bless you, Eric, by the way, I do talk about running game modes is no longer being there for the Cleveland Browns. Yeah, offensive line coach, Bill Callahan. Yeah. And, and so they've replaced him with a guy named Andy Dickinson. And Andy was with them. He was with Seattle the last several years, but he was a guy that was at Cleveland and went on to beat Seattle's line coach. And then they bring him back and they brought him back. So, you know, that's something that, you know, you keep an eye on with, I think, Bill Callahan, I had the utmost respect for. I think that everywhere Billy's been, you know, with the exception of the head coach and stuff at Nebraska, he is when he's the offensive line coach, he's going to be creative. If you're going to have a physical front, you're going to be able to run the football. He just, he just makes players better. And this crew right here is how boys run game really never recovered. Yeah. I mean, they've Dallas had some really, some good players when you look back at with Ron Leary and Frederick and guys like that. Doug Free. Doug Free. I mean, he did. He took a, he took a group of guys that have talent, but boy, I mean, he made them even better. And I think he did the same thing to help this Cleveland Brown offensive line. But I'm going to talk about Deshaun Watson first, because when you look at Watson, the thing I noticed with him is he's not always just accurate. He did have the, if you look at metrics, he was the fourth lowest when it came to completion percentage. He was at 45% when he was under pressure. So if you find ways to get to him, and I'm going to tell you a couple ways, I think you can get to him, but he's a guy that makes receivers work for the ball. He's got a really over the top throwing delivery as like he's up on his toes. And sometimes it causes the ball to sail on him a little bit. He's got some guys that, you know, Amari Cooper, we all know Amari Cooper, he's a good bad ball catcher. There's several times you see guys running routes and he's throwing the ball and they're having to go down to get it. We're still in the ball. It's too high. He's got arm talent. There's no question. He just doesn't know where the ball's going to go. And what I have to think about, the Cowboys need to think about is you have to guard against his ability to scramble. That's, that's where I think that, that when Kevin Stafansky, the head coach, primary play caller, Ken Dorsey's now in the building with them as a coach, as the office coordinator, Ken Dorsey did a good job of working with, with, with Allen, Josh Allen and his accuracy problems in college. So I guess that's why you bring a guy in like this, trying to help him become a more accurate quarterback. But I mentioned you have to guard against that scramble because he'll run out of the pocket. If he sends his trouble at all, you know, you have to bring him down in the pocket. This guy is strong enough to shake off poor tackling. You get around him and all of a sudden it's an arm tackle. He'll just, he'll just push you aside and keep going. So you got to make it, make sure it's not a weak tackle. You get an opportunity to bring him down, bring him down. I felt like he could be a little late with the ball to the outside. It gives DB's the opportunity to drive on a lot of his passes. And I think it makes it far more contested catches than probably what you want from your quarterback. Mari Cooper, I mentioned him. He's going to play in the slot. He's also going to play in the outside. He's quick out of the break. He will lull you to sleep and then he'll just explode in his route. So how, how they match him up, maybe inside with some Jordan Lewis, you know, will Jordan Lewis be able to handle his quickness? Will Carson when they put him on the outside? When you look at Cooper, Cooper is one of the best receivers in the league when it comes to sideline catches. He works with such small space on the outside and you think you got him covered and he'll make a play. He'll just extend and then tap, tap out of bounds. He'll go. It's brilliant. The adjustment that he's, he is. Don't you think that's the play for them? You get Mari Cooper matched up against the rookie and you pick on Carson until he knows he can cover you. I think to me personally, the guy that I would pick on is Lewis is who I would pick on. I would put him. I would make Lewis have to cover all the ground and just let and let Cooper run route. Interesting. You know, when you, when you play the slot, you're more open to use. You can use the whole field. When you play on the outside, you tend to have to maybe sure they can use the sideline. But I was telling you about Cooper, we've all seen him. It's his ability to adjust on the sidelines is really, really impressive. You know, he's, he's the best when you put him on those vertical routes, the post routes, the corner routes, the go routes. Those are the routes that he really, really will excel out as well. But you know, this, this, I think where you look at maybe the place to attack this group. Now, they've got some questions on their, their offensive line, and they've got questions at their offensive tackles and their offensive tackle. When a Judrick Wills, he's not been completely healthy with the knee and then Jack Conklin is another one that's been dealing with injury as well. They've struggled with that. DeWand Jones had been a backup last year and he played a lot of games for the, for the Browns last season. And he's a guy that if Conklin or that Willis can't go, then you'll see him in the action. So there's some questions about their offensive tackles availability. We got the injury report just a little bit ago. They were both limited in their reps to practice today. We'll just keep an eye on that. That's huge, man. I mean, questions with the health on the O line, shuffle and things around, perhaps losing the best offensive line coach in the sport in this off season. You don't have Nick Chubb in the backfield. I understand the guy who's replacing him with solid last year. Yeah, Jerome Ford. But I mean, and then you factor in a bad quarterback. I mean, my gosh, well, in Mary K. cabin who was on this morning, we shot an RJ. Neither of those tackles have practiced at all. Yeah. And you know what? That's, that's clearly the focus. I think if they do play, then we'll see how they're, how well they play without the reps that they've had for the training camps and things like that. I think that Willis is a better player than Conklin myself. When you watch him, he's gotten better. You watch him, the left tackle, the reps that he's taken and he could be pretty impressive. He's very athletic with, and he's gotten better each year where I feel like you need to attack these guys. This is two spot. I don't think Wyatt Teller, the right guard is particularly good. I don't think he handles power all that well. And then Ethan Posek, the center, neither one of them, when they have to deal with combo blocks, or they have to deal with twist stunts or any type of games inside, neither one of them play with very much strength. Welcome to Mike Zimmer's double a gap. I think that that's exactly, I would not be surprised. And both teams, I think are going to do this when both defenses, I could very well see covering these guards up and then letting like Ethan Posek go one on one with hat when they go with against Michael Parsons. And Parsons see if he could win that match up with him because we've seen the double a gap blitz stuff with Zimmer. But if, and I think the Browns are going to do the same thing to the BB, I think they're going to cover both your guards and put, and then, and put, you know, and put Garrett on that, on that over the center. Well, this defense key was Zim's OC in Minnesota. So they know each other very, very well. They do know each other well. And, but to me, it's the right guard in the center of the two guys that I kind of feel like you need to attack on this offensive line. When you, when I feel like that they're tied in is a good player, David and Joku, I think is a good player, where you're going to deal with him is in the flat mainly. That's where a lot of his catches are boots, boots, swaggles screen, screen game is huge for these guys. And I have a feeling with Watson, if they're going to try and kind of make him feel comfortable, just they're going to have to, they're going to have to understand that David and Joku, it's block, block, block, and then get out of these block blocking. You know, so now you're kind of lulled to sleep thinking he's going to stay in and protect. And now he's out in the flat and they're going to catch the ball. But he's a guy that's really, really good at catching it, getting up the field. He's an athletic tight end. And he can make some things happen for the running back. They'll do things. They'll get you an 11 personnel. They'll try and spread you out and then hand the ball to these backs and let them just work off that a lot of that zone blocking stuff where they'll get it's a gap to them. And then they'll just take that gap and then they'll let the backs cut off that. So a lot of different things they could do. But I think losing their line coach will hurt him. The questions of some health at the tackle, the lack of accuracy at quarterback and some weakness on the inside at their positions at their guard in the center. I think that bodes well for the Cowboys in this matchup. Well, thank you, Brian. Thank you for getting some great reaction on text of the 817. I think Brian just said, we're about to face Trey Lance. And I'm good with that. Brought us as the goat says the 214 with the info been looking forward to the pregame analysis during the week. It is back. What are we doing tomorrow, Brian? That would be the Brown's defense. And I've already taken a peek at them. And so said, there's going to be some things. You think that you have some advantages on against their offense. That would be true. They've had some advantages against you on their defense. So it'll be it'll be something we'll talk about tomorrow. And we'll get into that tomorrow at 340 here in the nation, brought you by Reliant. Little sports, hodgepodge coming up, Chief. Yes, sir. Let the gamesmanship begin in Ann Arbor, plus a new installment of why you got to bring up old stuff next year in the nation. Yeah, buddy. Our three G back nation on 105 three, the fan were a couple of hours from Jared Sandler joining us as we'll be talking Rangers, Yankees baseball with him as we go into tonight's six 30 pregame. All the big storylines going around with this baseball team. And there's a lot to get to. Okay. Time now though, for a sports hodgepodge. And here's the chief. Okay. So tell me if you guys believe what is being alleged here on Texas, Longhorn Twitter. We have Tory Raspberry, Tory, apparently a message was shared in the Texas parents group alleging that one of the parents has heard that Cooper Manning, father of arch, yeah, paid to have the Texas flag fly outside the graduate hotel near campus in Ann Arbor. And the people are not happy about it. Oh, buy in. I love it. It's a good bit. Yes. First trip ever, Michigan and Texas have never played in the regular season. Last time they met up was 2005 the Rose Bowl. I like it. Talk trash. I love it. Yes. I'm just trying to decide. Like, I don't know, it's Cooper Manning, the alpha dad who's willing. He's clearly got the money to throw out, but is he wanting to go plant the flag of hostility right there in the heart of Wolverine country as your son and his team or getting, especially for a, you're writing a check that your son doesn't even necessarily get to cash is the backup quarterback. If you're yours, his dad, maybe you say, Hey, watch my boy. Go do so. I love the buy in from the backup. You know, a lot of parents will be like, well, if my kid's not playing, I ain't even coming. Just let me know. Right. We're not even going to show up. He's like all in, even as a guy that went to a different school. I do like that level of commitment. Eric, help me here. Okay. I didn't hear the first part of what you were saying, but did you say this is the Texas player hotel, where they're staying? This is this flag. This Texas flag is flying outside the graduate hotel near campus in Arbor. Okay. So this is not the hotel that the team staying at, right? No, this is where Michigan players or whatever Michigan law or I was because I've been, I've been on the road with teams that like have like stated hotels that the hotel itself will put the flag up your flag up. Like they'll have the road, the road team stay in there. That makes sense. Yeah. Like this is a hotel, not a dorm room. It's not like one of their, their player. See, I thought, I thought he was, I thought he was paying to put the flag up at an Ann Arbor hotel where Texas was staying. Love it. Oh, yeah. I don't know many details other than what I see the screenshot circulating on, okay. I'm buying it. I think it's great. Well, I mean, hopefully, unless Bennet brought us in this because him and him and him and, yeah, how are your son Bennet? Our two friends. All right. Let me ask. Yeah. Let me ask. Is Bennet going to Ann Arbor? No, he messed up. He messed up. Yeah. He messed up. He had a chance. He had a ticket and he had to put in like his request. They said, yes, we'll give you one. He let the request lapse. Oh, so we got to hammer fail. He failed. He didn't get it. And damn it Bennet. He had my, his mom had the airline ticket. He had a place to stay. Everything was lined up. He lost his ass. And when it, when it happened, when he got the news, he said, Hey, I lost the ticket. His mom and I just said, Hey, you learned a lesson. We didn't, it wasn't like, well, let's get you another one. Let's, you know, like I was talking with Derek Eagleton. He said, I don't want to put his business out there, but him and chill him and Clarence Hill are going to the game. They're flying up. These tickets aren't cheap to this thing. Not at all. That's an opportunity that you'll regret not taking advantage of. He went to see last year, he was in Tuscaloosa for the Texas Alabama game. And he was hoping that, you know, get to be a part of another one, but he learned a lesson. Like, you know, if you don't follow through with what you're supposed to do, there you go. He had a ticket. He just didn't follow through. Ouch. Yeah. So let's see. Let's see if Arch's dad did this. Okay. I wonder how much it costs to do that. Like how much to get an Ann Arbor hotel to fly the Longhorns flag, knowing it's not going to be good for business. These people are going to remember what you did. Yeah. Yeah. It's a big question. See, that's why I thought it was the hotel that Texas was staying at. Yeah. That he, because I like graduate hotel. I've been on the road. I've been on the road before. I was on the road with the Cowboys, and they, the hotel we're at, they put the Cowboys flag up on me when we pulled in that. It helps when you're America's team, though, you know, but yeah, but it doesn't help if you're Cooper Manning, you don't have the cash to write a big check. No, he was probably they all came together. Is your dad and your brothers like, helping take that on big money that you can just throw bags around? He's a, he's a made manning. You don't think that you think Cooper's a part of Omaha productions? Maybe. I guess the, yeah, they'd loop him in. You're right. I feel bad. I think Archie Cooper, I think they're all in. I think they're all part of the moment. I would just feel like a bum walking around like I'm big shooter guy, because my brothers and dad were famous. No, but you did. You are big shooter. You shot out arch. You did. And that guy's got some potential. Now, aren't you pretty good? I think, right? She's got the money to do this. Arches got over three. No, you're right. You're like, do this. Maybe you're broke him off a little cash. Yeah. Like your dad, you just need a quickie. Here's 10. You know, I'm good for it. You know, I'm good for it. Hey, uh, hey, uh, aren't you thinking about doing this bit? Yeah, arch. Can I buy some money for your old man? I need some cash for the hotel, too. All right, 235 bucks. That's the cheapest ticket right now to get in the door for Michigan, Texas. Most expensive ticket over $2,500. Hi, holy crap. Derek, Derek gave me a pretty pricey number when he is more than 2,500. It was less. Okay. You got to spend big if you're going to the big house, because if you get the GA up north, you're like a half mile from the field. You need some damn by nine. Where are we sitting? That's got to be probably aware. Yeah, I was talking about, yeah, but it's a stadium. It's a bowl. So if you're not liking the upper deck of something, it's a bowl. It's just stretched out. You might not be close. I don't know, but you're in the stadium, right? At two, three in the building might be abstract. They're on a bit. I'd rather be in my recliner. Who rose up? Mooney to mayor. Big time Wolverine, fan, texting two on four, flying their little flag, tell them to fly a national champion flag. Mooney to mayor. Go blue. I like that. Here we go, boys. I like it. It's over. It's over. Enjoy the flexing while you can, Mooney. It was a good run. You know, maybe in another 20 years, a good coach will come back to you. Get Connor's talents back. Maybe you got a shot. I think Connor Steins deserve a deserves a national championship ring, but a statue outside the big house. I think so. Well, you gotta maybe they should like carry him off the field. He got a game ball. Yeah. Of course he did. Hey, why we got to bring up old old stuff? TMZ got the leak from somebody in the Southern cow atmosphere. Dude, this story is amazing. I mean, why you got to, why you got to do it to my guy? Miller Moss. He's off of a huge victory as the now star quarterback of the USC Trojans. He hands LSU, their first loss of the season. And now we find out two and a half years later that he had been investigated by the school. Did Miller Moss now the quarterback for the Trojans a little less than three years ago after he was involved in a feud with his roommate. He says Miller Moss two and a half years ago, the university conducted an investigation related to a personal dispute between me and a roommate. I fully cooperated, took accountability for my decisions in the matter. It was resolved. There's no reason for the news to come out about him rummaging through the belongings of his roommate in a video and grabbing a t-shirt on the bed before telling someone off camera, quote, I'm stealing this shirt, dude. In another clip, he can be seen farting into a pillow. He took off the bed before telling someone in the room to take a jacket out of the closet. So there was some, there was some college dorm room shenanigans taking place, classic, you know, prank. Always will be boy apart on the pillow. You mess with a couple of his clothes, but the roommate did not take too kindly to this. So he reported to the authorities. And now the Miller Moss story is coming out. They should have come out in real time. Okay, two and a half years later. Yep. And now somebody's going to get the leak. They waited for this moment. They're like, we're going to wait for Miller Moss to do something cool. And then we're going to drop the he's a pillow farter guy. Yeah, Riley called it out. He's like very interesting timing here, huh, that this story is coming out. And then it sounded like he was being a little aggressive towards TMZ. Like you better watch out. He's not the kind of guy to mess with. He will fart on your pillow. He's going to sue the hell out of you. I don't know. Clearly. Am I getting hit with a wicked case of his poop guy? Maybe he's Riley Moss is undercover. If someone requires to me, I would hope they would be the Laramie Tunsel gas mask thing. That's what I would want. I would want to be remembered as that guy with that. You know, one of your old friends has footage of you taking the whole dolphin college. Yes. Somebody has some like old pictures of video of me like doing something really stupid on the ski slopes or something like that. I want to be a member for something like that, not farting in a pillow. Yeah. Well, we can all get what we want. I mean, that's still pretty, pretty dang impressive. Yeah. I would say. Give me the Laramie Tunsel gas mask thing. That's why I want to be remembered as a guy that had the gas mat. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. That's a guy. He's a fun guy. Yeah. Not the farting in a pillow guy. That's not a fun guy. It's crazy how much the world has changed. Wasn't that just like eight years ago, the Laramie Tunsel gas mask. Now I don't think anybody would even felt like the sports center crew be laughing about it on set. I would, I would be in the, I would be in the war room like, we need to trade up for Laramie Tunsel. He's not fun. If he falls to us, we're trapped in that guy. Get ready. What stands out to you guys about this college football sentence? Sentence elite. Did I say that word wrong? Sentence was just an interesting inflection at the end. I say elite 2027 wide receiver booby-feaster will visit Oklahoma this weekend as they face Houston. If your last name's Feaster, you can't name your kid, maybe it's a nickname, but booby. Come on, booby-feaster. Remember there's a booby-clark that you play for the Cincinnati bingles, I think back in the day. I have to booby miles. Booby-feaster, son of a gun. Booby-feaster was, you'll feast for you. Do you think he got the name because he was a feeder? Oh, well, I mean, yeah, he got after. That's, I'm saying that like mom, like he, he loves some booby. Oh, he didn't become booby until he was like two, three years old. His real name, his real name is, his real name is Emmanuel, but then his, but his nickname is Booby because mom was like, boy, he was aggressive. That's a first ballot. He loved that booby. Was a name Hall of Fame type situation there. Booby-feaster, definitely. He's apparently a pretty dang good player as well. So, yeah, congrats to Carter Freeman and the Oklahoma Sooners getting a chance to woo booby-feaster with their big weekend versus Houston. That's pretty dang exciting stuff right there. Now we also have still Alabama. What did you just say? What did you just say? Tite to spill. That's the way it's spelled. Oh, okay. All right. I see what you're doing. Yeah. Nice work over there, broadens. I'm trying. He's proud of himself. Now we also have some basketball news, actually. Well played, actually. Sometimes I tell you what, if you give me, if you give me like real headphones to work with, I have a chance early in the day. I had no chance early in the day. No, you've been really in your bag today. We've all been impressed. Hey, you guys are talking about boobies earlier. Auntie, we call her Aunt Booby. Aunt Booby. My whole life, Aunt Booby. Never thought it was just a pet name, whatever. You know, a little nickname. Then some point in my life, I realized, oh, Aunt Booby, I get it now. So your buddies were like, yeah. Oh, Uncle Jules, I get it now, bro. See what you was doing. Uncle Jules and Aunt Booby. I had an uncle Jules once. What happened? He ended up just not being a good dude, to be honest. Really? At one point, I didn't want Uncle Jules. No, no, he was married into the family. He's not a bi-blood uncle, but he ended up being a bit of a bleephole. But there's your sports hodgepodge. We'll get to the basketball stuff a little bit later. There it goes. Eric Chia follows. That's the Jules. That's the Jules. We need to get back to that story. We brought that one up. It's the nephew of the radio, dude. I'm done with this segment now. No, he dropped me and everybody else. I can assure you that. Bleep you, Uncle Jules. We're about an hour away from the express wave. We'll give you the Micah Parsons audio from his weekly podcast, what he's thinking going into week one of the NFL season. But up next, we'll chuck the top 10 at 4.20 buddy. What do we got? Top 10 Jules. I posted a poll. We've got the top 10 tailgate foods in honor of the return of the national football league. What are you going to be grilling and cooking up over the course of this weekend? That's next in the nation. Shoo chat. Welcome back nation to one for says love y'all. General try not to fight with Jared again this evening. I promise we're not going to fight. You know, we just, we might throw back some, some friendly jabs at each other. But yeah, it's all good segments brought to you by the Frankles. Life's unpredictable accident. It's happened. If you are hurt in an accident, due to somebody's negligence, call the Frankles for your free consultation. Two, one, four, eight, one, seven, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, go online to Also brought to you by cars for kids. Donate today at Yes, sir. Time now for wool chucks. Top 10 at 420. Here he is. Zach with an H. You're woolly bully. Thank you very much. The top 10 most popular tailgating foods. What are the 8, 7, 7, 8, 8, 1, 1, 0, 5, 3, as we have the return of the national football league tomorrow night? We do. That's very exciting. I was going to throw out a tailgating food because, you know, our guy, Matt Pittman from Meatchurch legend, we have some audio of him talking about Dacta. Actually, I think we're going to play in the expressway. He just posted this video, delicious party, not wings, ribs for football, watching their maiden two hours on a smoker. You cut them before you cook them. Yeah. You know, the thing Matt has done a really good job, if you want to learn about cooking and he explains it in such a good way and an easy way to follow along, he's like, listen, you don't have to do this. You drive to, you know, he just wants you to get out there and cook. But if you're into that, if you really want to learn how to, how to barbecue stuff or cook stuff or make specialty stuff, he's really, his videos on YouTube are incredible. Great educator. Amazing cook. Yeah. And it's, and he explains it in such an easy, no doubt friendly manner that you're like, oh, that looks too intimidating. He's like, listen, he's walking you through it. He is like, Hey, I trim in briskets. I mess them up all the time. You know, it makes you feel like, Oh, geez, if I cut a big dash into this thing, it's going to, no, he makes you don't worry about it. It just get outside and cook. I love the game day rib, too. Some of the dips that he has put out there. Oh my gosh. But wait, they asked me about the brisket mac and cheese. Oh, yes, please. Bobby was like, well, how do you like, do you think you should put bacon in a mac and cheese? Well, Sean was gushing about this Costco mac and cheese. Apparently he had already Pitman goes, Pitman goes, well, yeah, you put bacon in it. Sure. But you can also put brisket in it too. You know, and it makes it even better. Yeah. He said his dad was his dad had triple bypass. That's surgery triple bypass surgery. Like two weeks later, his dad goes, Hey, can you make me some of that brisket mac and cheese? That good. Yeah. I love that. Oh, very quickly here on your home of the world. Champ Texas Rangers. Yeah. So we can say for a little while longer. Okay. Corey Seager officially is on the 10 day IL. He's got a hip issue. And it might be one of those things where maybe we don't see Corey Seager again this year. I think the team will have to evaluate that. But he could return as early as September 16th against the Mariners. But at that point, no need to. Yeah, two weeks left of the season. Let's get all these guys some extra rest of the last year. They deserve it. Yeah. And then tomorrow before the game. Very special. Elvis Andrews is going to retire as a Texas Ranger. There will be a press conference that will include Michael Young and Ron Washington. How about that? Along with Elvis. That is pretty badass. So hey, congratulations, of course, on a phenomenal career for Elvis, which I'm sure will result in maybe being the newest induct dean of the Texas Rangers Hall of Fame here very, very soon. Deserves it. Shout out to Elvis. All right. Let's talk some tailgating. What do you guys got going on for this weekend? Epic football Thursday through Sunday tomorrow. We got Chiefs Ravens. We got Eagles Packers from Brazil on Friday, an amazing slate of college football action, starting with Texas and Michigan at 11 on Saturday. And then your Cowboys are back 325. We'll have a right here on 105 through the fan pregame with Eric and Brian. I'll have half time post game with Brian. This is a legendary football weekend. What will you be grilling up? And what's your favorite tailgate food? Lucius tailgating foods, my man. You got a hell gating situation. If it's a known game, give me those breakfast burritos, please. Oh, made on that flat grill situation. Yes. Yeah, I'm here for you. Right. Can't go wrong with breakfast burritos. And that's a play on Saturday. He's right. I really game was just that's an incredible, incredible. Yes. Absolutely. That's a big time move. I know Walt Chuck, you'll do a little Sunday run to Watterberger from time to time. You know, double up on those taquitos and things like that. I mean, it's sort of the same idea there. And that's fantastic. I think the chicken wings are obviously hugely important, but I'm going to go with the, I'm going with the cheeseburgers. And I'm going with the, the guacamole where you just douse it in salt and you douse it in some, some lime. And you're pretty much job well done. It's the easiest thing in the world. I'm with you on that. The Buffalo chicken. Did you miss it one year? No, the guacamole, the mac and cheese. The mac and cheese. I think a big key to is keeping the avocado seed or whatever, the big giant deal in there, keeping a couple of those in the bowl. Yeah, you work around it. Yeah. Absolutely. There's something I think there's a presentation aspect to it. But then I also think there's like a flavor saver situation. Kind of like a football in there. It's like a little bit of a fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, you're not choking on that. That's too big of a C not. But that's why you want to have some vitality with the chips as well. So here's your top 10. Number 10. We've got the Italian sub coming in as the best as a tailgate item. Tailgate food. Okay. So we're, we're getting like a sub tray and we're bringing like a giant sub that feeds 20. Yeah. I think you're hitting, I think that you're hitting the six footer here. You got to toast that thing. Yeah. Yeah. I'd like to get a toe. I mean, I guess a game day cold cuts. Not gonna hurt you. I mean, they were doing this, I believe the giant's game. You had Tommy DeVito's parents making cold cut sandwiches for people. Yeah. Okay. So no, that wasn't cold cuts. That was chicken cutlet sandos. Chicken cutlets? Yeah. So I mean, the game day sub is definitely something that people are using. And an Italian sub, I mean, it might be one of the goats of the sub sandwiches. So it's hard to argue that. Yeah. Nine is pulled pork. I love it. Yeah. Yeah. You get some rolls. You get a big old pork butt. You smoke that thing up. Yeah. You're rocking. What if we're doing what if we do the King's Hawaiian pretzel? Okay. Oh, I love this. I was going to bring it up. If I had to bring something to our tailgate party, I'd go back and circle back. You guys like the pretzel bun with the beer cheese and the brats. Remember what that did? Yes. Yes. The brat burger deal. The brat burger with the with the pretzel rolls with the beer cheese on top. That's what I would bring to a tailgate party if we were all going to do and something. Yeah, there's a lot of versatility with the pulled pork. It makes a pulled pork tacos sandwiches. You can have it just straight. Number eight, and I'm surprised it's low on here, is the chicken wings comes in at number eight. That is that is crazy. How low does it synonymous with with tailgate? I do. I agree. Can I ask a question, Dawson, and you do a lot of wings. Is it hard to cook a bunch of wings, like a bunch of wings, like for a tailgate, like a hundred wings. Yeah, like, yeah, as a hundred wings. Would that be right there around 80 wings? You're getting to the point. You can't watch them all. You're going to need multiple cookers. You know, you get a big, like industrial cooker to go over about 75. The full bags at Costco, they sell them fresh in these little packages. Is that 30 or 40? That gets to like 60. And that will fit on like a regular size trigger or, you know, green egg. But any thing over 60, you're kind of like it's a little bit too much. Going to need to get two involved. There you go. Yeah, two different cookers. Two and fours got love for the nachos. And the 682 is saying the avocado seed actually helps the block from turning brown. Yeah. Okay. That's the other thing that I think I heard about. Yeah. It keeps it fresh. Yeah. It's a good play. And I like to like, I like to put it in the fridge for a little while bringing out cold. I agree with you guys. I like to chill a hundred percent. Yeah. It's better that way. Number seven is chili. I think it once October gets here, now we're in Chile. Yeah, I am not interested in an early September game. Like this weekend, Chile out there for somebody. We're not doing the chili, but give it a month. Give it a month. And we'll break out after Texas. Oh, you weekend like that. Okay. In the third week of October, it's a really good give it a go. Yeah. Six is Buffalo chicken. I think, by the way, chili on a hot dog is better than just chili plain. If you're going tailgating, you know, yeah, and chili dogs. Yeah, you might as well dog you. Yes. Maybe a chili dog with all the fixings instead of just a bowl of chili. Okay. Maybe you even throw it on a cheeseburger too. If you're going to do dogs and burgers and then you have the chili. Now it's like, I mean, we do some chili tacos. Yeah. You could do the tacos. You could do the nachos. Hey, you can, you can use the chili as a dip if you want to get those toasty, those scoops. Yeah. Scoop them up. Okay. You're going to get the queso, aren't you? Well, the Buffalo chicken dip comes in at six. That's a good one. That's the last of the dips that we're going to get. Okay. Real quick. There's no dips in the top five. Okay. Real quick. Somebody tell me how to keep queso. I keep it warm, but it has to be stirred like every two minutes. And then you get that before it gets like where it's plaster. Yeah. You know, I if somebody would tell me how to keep queso with a consistency is not like plaster, I would do more queso. But I felt like I have to constantly they had Sean's party. I'm like lifting the thing and helping out and stirring. Yeah, because it gets to like that plaster. I don't want that. If you overheated, it turns plasterous. It's just if you leave it sitting, maybe a fondue pot on low. That's what I'm saying. It was in it was in a slow cooker. Got to keep stirring. Everyone's got to keep. We got to get like one of these. We need to do like a war, like a whirlpool kind of deal where you're moving and it's just moving. Yes. You know, like something ice bath. All right. You might have an idea that could make us millions. We don't need to be talking about that on the air. Six eight. We didn't milk. Ad milk is the secret there. Maybe we can try to just put a little milk in there. But no, I'm saying I could see the milk to thin it out, but then it's going to warm up the milk. When you make biscuits and gravy, when you put milk in, what does the milk do? It seizes the flour up. So it's going to make it thick. Yeah, thick, I guess, honey hot fried party ribs, getting texted in as well. We got bacon wrapped poppers. That sounds delicious. That sounds delicious. I'm doing these ribs this weekend, man. Yeah, let us know. You do the fish ribs. You do not pivot in strips. Okay. Right. Here's the top five. That's one of those and bring it in on. Okay. Number five, we've got the cheeseburgers. Yeah, it's hard to beat a really good cheeseburger. Oh, cheese. The moose is right with the flat top cooking on the flat top for me. And there's the, there's like the, just the convenience factor, just the simplicity of it, you know, where it's like, fix it, fix it how you want it. Yeah. Yeah. And you're tailgating your grilling. What better dogs and burgers, brats? You know, these, these, this is the way. Lots of beers from Costco. Yeah. Yeah. Gas mask. Maybe if occasionally, maybe a little pop hot. Just the gas mask. That's part of it. Yes. While somebody's cooking, you could be wearing the gas mask. Okay. The gas mask returned. Number four is the nachos. Yes. Yeah. That seems very, that seems dicey. Why? Seems dicey for tailgate. Yeah. Everybody can enjoy some nachos. I'm just saying transporting nachos. Does it seem like, no, I'm with you, like parking lot nachos. Yeah. It's going, you're, you're, you're really, you're trying to tackle something that's a lot here. I got, I got a bowl. We're, we're, we're in my chips. I need a separate plate for the chips. It's just, if you're in the elements, you're going to be battling the hell out of them. It just doesn't seem like very conducive to like, if you're talking like, okay, we're going to make them while we're there. Yeah. Great. Yeah. It's, I think it's like a top three watch party at the house item. Yes. No question at the house. 100% parking lot. I think you can make these there and be fine. You've under your under a tent. Well, elements aren't going to get it on that. I, okay. I love you. I'll challenge you. I'll challenge you. You're ambitiousness. No, no, I'll challenge you. They're not just. They're not just. No, no, I'll challenge you. And I think it, I think you're going to be like, oh, damn it, this sucks. Yeah. You could be on that. I think you're going to see it. I can't say I put together the nachos there to tell again. I've only done them indoors, you know, at home, at the watch parties. Yeah. We're on to something. If you're going to do nachos, please make a better than just the cheese. Nachos are the Jared Goff of, of, of football. Only good indoor items. Yeah. They're an indoor team. Eight time drop off when you go on the road. Yeah. They're splits indoor to outdoor, like completely two different teams. I like the same. You might make, how about we make your golf nachos? I like this, like name them. I like this, you know, kind of half ass. Right. Number three, Dawson's given a shot this weekend. It's the ribs. Yeah. Yeah, dude. Party ribs cutting them first, dunking them in barbecue sauce, putting them back on the smoker. See, like, gosh, when you're, and what is the, what's the, do you have to wake up? Like, we got a 325 cowboy kit. We're good. I'll, I'll start this process at 11 a.m. Wow. You know, yeah, one hour prep time, two hour cook. We're good to go. Do you think that by cutting them in half, they cook quicker? Yes. Oh, for sure. Okay. Okay. Five, five or five, seven, five perfect case that doesn't congeal. I use two cans of delays, jalapeno cheese dip, a pound of ground beef or pork in a big can of a hotel, and then add spicy, uh, had green chilies to it. So it keeps it moist and apparently it does. And keep it moving. Five five nine says cream of chicken. Interesting. Into the chicken can do a lot of good things. All right. Here's your top two best tailgating foods. Not really a shocker here. Number two is the hot dog. Yeah. And the chili dog can factor in here. Let's go. But number one, and Chris beam, you'll be very happy. Hey beamer. It is the beer brought the beer bro. Yeah. Beamer who runs all the operations over on the media side over there at the Cowboys beam. I think of a job. He said he would like for a green bay packer brought. He'd walk three miles in snow. Holy cow. Free to snow. I thought it was going to be like a mail it in pizza. Like you just bring boxes of pizza. We didn't even have pizza list to here. Nope. Didn't even make the list. Proud of our country with the way we did this because the chicken wing is usually the headliner and the rib gets forgotten about. But clearly there was some big hitters in that top five. Dawson's right. Over 60 wings. You're taking your taking chances. You probably shouldn't take. Yeah. Yeah. You know, cooking for, I mean, it's much better for a smaller party or get together. Yeah. You, you, you, you, you really went with the not show. You were only there with like 30 wings at a party. Somebody's going to laugh at you. Yeah. What are you doing? What are you like? It's like bringing a six pack of beer and like you show up with a six pack going, Oh, hey, here. Yeah. Thanks for. Yeah. Thanks for. Yeah. What are you trying to do? Yeah. We're at one hour from LA live with Lucius Alexander. We are about 45 minutes now from the Expressway. We have Mike Apartian's audio. We have a Matt Pittman insider report on the Dak contract that could be approaching. But coming up next, what are we doing? We'll check. Oh, let's do a little football audio bonanza featuring man Campbell, Rob Ninkovich and our buddy tank Lawrence. That's next. Yes, sir. Thank you, Lucius. It is the G back nation here on 105 three, the fan in addition of the finest at five, the Expressway at 520. We have Mike Apartian's audio. We have Matt Pittman from meat church who was on talking about, you know, what he thinks with the Dak deal. Apparently they're good buddies, Brian. They are really good buddies. When they were out of camp, I was, I was watching them, uh, dap it up the cook crawfish and stuff together. So anyway, that was, uh, yeah, he's, he's being a little bit of a Cowboys insider right now on the radio. It's very interesting. Yes. Okay. So, and then by the time we get to six 30, it's Rangers pre game. We'll have Jared Sandler on a huge sports afternoon here for you on the fan, including right now, a football audio bonanza with wool check buddy. Take it away. Let's do it fellas. You want to start with our buddy, Tang Lawrence, Rob Ninkovich or man Campbell, man Campbell, man, man, man, man, man, manly man. All right. Here he is. Man Campbell has himself a new commercial and it's with Applebee's. It's a good one. Whole areas. If you haven't been able to see this yet, and I would still encourage you to watch the video of it because I will say as man Campbell comes up and is taking an order as if he is a waiter, he is hiding his mouth with the menu. That is something that will play into this. And because this is radio and not visual, I wanted to just inform you on that. So here is how the man Campbell brand new Applebee's commercial sounds. Welcome to Applebee's. Can I interest you on America's favorite boneless wings for just 50 cents each? I have the 50 cent of your mouth. I think it's still your order. I'll have the 50 cent boneless wings. I'll have the same. Perfect. I'll never see it coming. He's good, man. The delivery and everything. I thought man Campbell crushed this. It's pretty good when you watch it. Like you say, he's kind of bent down. He's got to cover and he's got to cover your mouth. The kids look at him is pretty funny to the kids like. And then he puts up the menu to his mouth. 50 cent boneless wings. Pretty good stuff there. I love it when these unhinged guys that don't really fit in with the other CEOs make it. Whether it's Ed Orgeron or Mike Leach, you know, Dan Campbell is just, you know, and these guys are so quirky that they could very easily never get the opportunity to be a head coach. But by a twist of circumstances, they got it and damn it, they're good at it. Yeah, absolutely. Coach, do you think Nick Saban's getting better or worse as a pitchman better? I think the commercials with like he has with Dion Affleck. I think they're getting better. I think the last one he did with the is it the bed and breakfast first? Yeah, he's got a kind of weirdish. But I thought he did a great job. I like the Affleck ones myself though. I kind of, but this last one, I'm like, man, this doesn't seem like I couldn't believe he was a shirt on in the hot tub guy in that commercial. He definitely doesn't have acting chops. No, you know, they're not bad. He looked, he looked really uncomfortable on the set the other day when like when McAfee's going crazy. He saw what McAfee did in Ireland. And then he's like, and then he was getting hammered. And then he's now he's next to him. McAfee's got his shirt off jumping around and stuff like that. Nick's got to look at him like, I got what 14 more weeks of this? He's going to lose. Yeah. He's going to end up. I mean, he was you swearing. He did swear. He did swear. It was great. Okay. Let's get to our guy, Tank Lawrence. This is our buddy from two years ago. Did the player show tomorrow? Yeah. First edition with Eric Kendrick's coming up at 520, looking forward to this. But Demarcus Lawrence going on the level up lifestyle podcast. And he was recounting a story of, well, it's the end of his third season and he had gone broke. Well, the end of the third year ago, completely broke. You know, I get that phone call from my accountant and he's like, Hey man, like you don't have no more money in your account. I'm like, what do you mean? No more. You mean like zero dollars? Like, what are you saying? He's like, I mean, like negative $100. But I never forget like two minutes later, my dad calm. He's like, Hey son, you know, I need you to help me out. I need something like that. Man, I ain't even let him finish telling me the way he needed help. And like dad, like, and I'm completely broke. He's like, what do you mean? Like, you're in the NFL. What are you talking about? That man, my account just said I got zero dollars. He's like, huh, what's going on? Are you stupid? When he said those words, like he hit my soul, he's like, are you? You had a huge blessing right here. And you didn't not steward it. Well, you did not squandered it. Yeah, I definitely squandered it. And it's like, now you have to really take accountability into what you're bringing into your life. Who's that doing interview went right there? You're squandered. You threw it away, man. You just blew it. Tell us about it. I mean, he's already talking about like, how he felt in that moment. Are you stupid? Am I? And here you are kind of a little bit you're kind of scared. Definitely didn't steward that catch. I would have never done that interviewer might be just as broke as him. You could be. So that must have been terrifying, though, after year three, it was not clear he was going to stay healthy or get a second contract. Very, very clear, though, that things turned around for the better form after that. Yeah, the franchise tag alone that they put on him was for $17 million. And then, of course, he's made over now a total of $117 million across his career. So, you know, I'm sure things are things are much better now. I mean, as a second round pick, you're only making a million. So and not, I mean, only is still a lot, but that's hundreds of thousands. If you buy a house in a couple of cars, your first year of money is gone. Yeah. So we got a $2.3 million signing bonus as a rookie, but his base salaries for those three years were 420 K, 670 K and 703 K. I wondered it. You feel like he's gotten better as an interviewee? Yes. Yeah. Remember we had him on. He was, I mean, he was working at it and stuff like that, but I kind of feel like that was. I think he's gotten. Yeah. He's got like, he's got an on-air personality. He's gotten that. Yeah. He's kind of developed. Yeah. All right. We'll wrap up the bonanza here with Rob Ninkovich, former New England patriot. He is not a fan of one Matt Jones, former Patriots, number one pig. Now, a member of the Jacksonville jazz jaguars. Here's a Nink talking Matt. Do you don't like us either? Oh, yeah. Now I don't like you. I don't give up. I don't give up. You think I'll smack the shit out of me. I don't like you. I don't care. I'm fine with him. He does not like you. I don't care. Do you care if somebody doesn't like you? No. Exactly. I'm just telling you. I hope he has a great career as a backup. That makes a ton of money. What's the, I just love how everybody's like, he's got to look at him. We should never got rid of him. Oh, God. There's people out there. It didn't work out. It didn't work out. They needed to change the demeanor, the demeanor alone between Matt Jones and Drake May are completely different. Oh, yeah. Like I could listen to Frick. Yeah, you know, I just got to keep working and got to get better. And, you know, I'm just going to keep working hard. And we're just everybody together. And, yeah, it wasn't wasn't my best. And I got to be better. And over and over and over and over again. I want to, I'd rather listen to Drake May talk then. Yeah. Yeah. My modeling career didn't work out. So, you know, now I'm back down here in Jacksonville and I got to go. My mom is picking me like it's just I don't, yeah, I don't, I'm a nice guy too. I'm a nice guy. I don't know. You got a frickin bicycle club. I'm in a bike club club. I need some. I needed some more nuts. Yeah. No, I am. I want that out of my core. His Mac Jones impression is actually pretty damn good. That is how he sounds. That's almost as good as your Andy Dalton impression. Let's have fun and play together. That was one of those hype up speeches where you're like, man, we might need to. Can we fast? Can we rewind and start this whole plan over? It's like everybody been to new cheese. Stand the huddle, guys. Stand the huddle. Let me get the full playoff. Okay. Stand the hot. We all clap in unison fellas. Come on, guys. Ready, break. Yeah, there's your bananas. Thank you, sir. It is the G back nation here. 105, three, the fan coming up next in addition to the finest chief, which he got in store. Well, I got a browns nugget for you and one good reason why the champs could be toast in their own division next here in the nation. Shoot. Yeah, it's our number four. Yeah. I'm number four. The G back nation. Look at this time flies when you're having fun. We're talking sports here with you. Expressway is coming up in 20 minutes. You'll hear from my comparison. If you might have time for the 10 things the Cowboys must do to win the Super Bowl. Yeah, right here though, it's an addition to the finest. Here's the chief. 817 just texted in who the F is this Zach Gell on this sports minute said Cowboys don't make the playoffs, but the bears do garbage take. We got a garbage take alert here. There's a lot of bets to make right now on the Cowboys because the public is so down on them. They're treating them like they're going to go from winning 12 games to winning seven games because you lost hiring Smith. Doran's Armstrong. Yeah. Like what's that different? Hey, Dante Fowler. Yeah, sure. Yaddish buncha big launches average to below average players. There's something to be said for that depending on a lot of rookies at important spots. I mean, see them being a contender. Sure, sure, sure. But there has been and there has been an over. So I mean, when the opening line came out for this Cowboys Browns game, Cowboys were favored. Now it's their two and a half point dogs. What's changed? I don't, I don't really know. I don't understand how they could be favors weeks ago favorites. The rookie lineman that could be. I mean, I think the Brown should be also in the Ricky Lyman, the loss of bland, maybe. Yeah, the one loss could swing some things. But then you look at the Browns. They're loss of Chubb. That's huge for a team that, you know, runs the football like they do. Well, I do have a little nugget here and I know tomorrow brought it, you'll be breaking down the Cleveland Browns defense and we'll see. We'll see how much this jumps out to you because I am confident in a cowboy victory on Sunday in Cleveland. And I, I'm expecting this to be an under hitting situation. I mean, at the very least Cowboys cover the, the two and a half as a road dog. But Cleveland as it, as it pertains to their defense, they allowed 7.2 yards per pass attempt on the road last year, but at home, it was only 4.7. Yeah, they're a completely different defense when at home, their one defense held up better at home under four yards per carry last year on the road. It was closer to five yards per carry. So that is something to consider. You, you will be getting the best version. If they're anything like last year's version of themselves at home, they are a much better defense. And we've seen the Cowboys, especially if they want to do the motion stuff and when you get to Buffalo, all of a sudden on the road, the offense doesn't quite work as well. So I don't expect to come out of the game feeling good about the Cowboys offense, but I think they can score just enough. I mean, the over under is like 41 and a half or something. And I think that's totally fair because I don't see both teams touching 20 points. That's two defensive oriented football teams where that's the strength. You've got massive question marks about the Sean Watson. And this is what we've been knocking on deck for, right? Can you beat a good defense and Cleveland? They don't get enough love for how damn good they are on that side of the football. They're corners. They got three corners. They can play. They got an all pro and Denzel Ward. You've got Zadari Smith and Miles Garrett at the edge. I mean, their defense is the real deal. Juan Thornhill, who came over from Kansas City, Grant Delpitz developed into a nice player. I know you're going to break him down tomorrow, Brian, but I mean, Dalvin Tomlinson's a big boy in the middle of that defensive line, Cooper, BB and that strength. I think God, they're starting Cooper in this one, but this is going to be a tough, tough task for the two rookies. Welcome to the NFL week one. I saw 67% at draft Kings is on the Cowboys at plus two and a half right now. So a lot of people like the Cowboys at plus two and a half. Hopefully they come through. Who's the rookie that is that you're most concerned for on Sunday? Is it Guyton? Is it Bebe? Is it Carson? I think those are the three important ones. Lea Foul is going to be doing some playing for sure. But I mean, your left tackle, your center and your corner are about to get thrown into the deep end of the pool here. Can I circle back real quick? I was just curious. Home games last year versus San Francisco, Arizona, Jacksonville, Chicago and the Jets. That goes along with the division games they played Cincinnati Pittsburgh and Baltimore. So at home, they played dog ass team. They got the 49ers. Yeah. Okay. They played them really well. They play them better than anybody else. They won the game. Yeah, I think was out that game. Yeah. It's always Debo. It's the week after they beat San Francisco beat Dallas. They went to Cleveland and I think lost. But those take out Cincinnati Pittsburgh and Baltimore, take out the division opponents. He played San Francisco at home, Arizona, Jacksonville, Chicago and the Jets. I would say that the Chicago, the Jets, Arizona, those games are probably bad, bad games of offense for the opponent. Yeah. Yeah. Not even worth watching it when you're scouting the team. Yeah. I would. I would not watch those games if I was breaking down me. Well, hey, that's a great thank you for doing that because that's a, that's another one of those cases where sometimes it can fool you. The concept, the context matters on that for sure. I was just curious in top five defense. No, it doesn't change the fact they're an awesome defense, but no, no, you're absolutely right. I mean, if you, if you look at, if you look at the, if you look at the, they give up 200, right, they give up 215 yards to San Francisco. They gave up 58 yards, total yards to Arizona. They gave up, let's get past that. They give up 293 to Jacksonville. They gave up 236 to Chicago. The jets, the jets got them for 360 in this game. And that was it. Those were the games that we were dealing with. So, yeah. Well, I expect the, the Cleveland defense going to be legit, but answer the question now, the rookie, okay, guys. I think the Geiten miles gear at matchup is that one. Now, I think Geiten, he has shown, and he showed it at Oklahoma, he can correct and adjust in game, but miles gear it is a different beast. I think he's the best defensive player in the sport. And that is, that is such a tough challenge in your first NFL game. Geiten would be one for me. I wanted to run this past Michael Embarty and Michael Barty hired Jim Swartz in Cleveland. You know, he, he was, Mike was the GM there. And so he knows Jimmy pretty well. I think, and I wanted to run this by Michael. And I said, Hey, I think that the, I think that Swartz is going to attack Terence Steele in this game and not Geiten. Well, the last time we saw Garrett and Steele, that was not good either. Those Terence deals first start. And that was a sad, sad deal. I have a feeling that I was a sack fumble in the blink of an eye. Yeah. They are going to, they are going to realize that Cleveland's looking at this game and saying, who's going to get all the help? Sky. Yeah. It's going to get singled up the most. They'll probably be Zadaria Smith and Terence Steele. Yeah. Well, that means unless they move Garrett over, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. I think they're going to move Garrett over. I think they're, I think they're going to attack. Well, that's who you should be helping. Whoever has miles Garrett, that's the guy you should be helping. Well, that's, but, but you're looking at, you're looking at your, you know, you're looking at the program. Yeah, you want to slide to him. You want to slide, you want to be able to slide. But everybody's worried about, everybody's worried about guiding in this game and guiding can actually, I think, match up in a way of, he's got length, he's got athletic ability, he's got more upper body power than what Terence Steele has. But if I'm Jim Schwartz and I'm watching the tape, that's why I asked Lombardi this question. I said, he goes, he's going to attack, he's going to attack Steele, get ready for this. And he feels like too, he goes, watch what he does with BB. And like he's going to cover all those, he's going to cover all the, like he's going to cover Martin and he's going to cover Smith. So BB then is one on one with, with a rusher with, with Miles Garrett. Yeah. He gets no help. Yeah. I mean, that you want to, like, I don't think they're going to let Miles Garrett wreck the game. They're going to chip, they'll put a tight end, okay, this is which I hear you as often as you can. This is the problem. You can't chip him when he's inside. And he'll rush over the center. He'll rush over the center. Okay. Now you're worried about, you've got a rookie left tackle, just say, but he is a rookie left tackle. Yeah. How many opportunities you think he's had to work with, say, Zeke or battle in these chip situations? Not much. Yeah. That's where, that's where all of a sudden you're like, if you're a tackle, you would rather not get any chip help because backs will mess up where they're supposed to be. And as far as you want it to be like a little bit like offset, these backs get too aggressive and then they all suddenly get in your way. Now you're not able to set because you got a back hit in your left shoulder. Now you can't pass set like you need to set. Well, that's, and with Guyton, whose hands and feet aren't always aligned right now, that could be a problem. And this is, this is the issue to the run into as, as well on that, on that outside because Miles Garrett, I'm giving all my stuff up for tomorrow. Yeah, you don't have to do that. No, no, it's cool. I don't, we'll circle back. I'll talk about some other things. But the thing about Miles Garrett, the way he plays, he doesn't give you any hitting surface. He gets a lot of, he gets a lot of direction and a lot of covering a lot of ground with his first step, but then he'll get really small. And so now you try and put your hands on him and he doesn't really give you might get one hand on him and then try and get the second hand on him, but he's shouldered to you. And now he's by and now you get a chipper. And I've seen him, like the team that chipped in the best were the Ravens. The Ravens have this big full back, number 42. Oh, yeah, record. And he put, they put him over there. So they got big tight ends in this big full back, but there was coordination between the two between the tackles and record and these backs that they were able to kind of handle. And then so they started moving him to the other side to get away from the chip help. So you're, you, he's banking, what Swartz is probably banking on. If Zeke is not the back in there when they're having chip help, well, that'll be able to be aware. Zeke will be aware of who he's got. Well, he better be. That's why he's here. Yeah. There's, I wouldn't be surprised in this thing if Zeke is the third back in this, and this going forward. And just in terms of how much touches he gets. No, you mean like how he plays. Really? I think he's only going to start week one. He's RB one on the depth chart, right? I would be surprised if Dattle is your primary starter. Deuce funds the backup and Zeke is your third, your third guy. Okay. As far as blitz pickup guy, short yardage, maybe short yardage guy, throw the ball to guy, not make mistakes guy in the, you know, in the scheme of things. Yeah, I wouldn't, I wouldn't be surprised if all of a sudden they were okey-dokiness. If it was really a meritocracy, I think it would be that way. If you're like power ranking the, the back. We all realize that, you know, but, but like my guess is they will, they will be like their deference to Zeke as the starter is just like, I feel like that sense will start week 22 with Pollard. It was just nasty. I just kind of feel like that maybe they're going to look at their team and say Zeke as the third guy makes much more sense for us than him being the starter. I hope so. Yeah, I hope so too. That would be some common sense way of, maybe when Kristi Scales, we talked to her on the field to give us an idea about that rotation on the pregame show. I just, I just, Zeke is better off is blitz pickup guy, chip guy, short yards guy than he is primary back guy. Well, as the NFL zigs, Jim Harbaugh zags, welcome to Los Angeles, where the Chargers, I would like to introduce you to Scott Matlock, a six, four, three hundred pound full back. Let's go. Who's also a ginger with one hell of a chin strap beard. Hell yeah. This is pretty incredible physical football back and, well, better than ever as it pertains to the Los Angeles Chargers. This is incredible. This guy was a interior defensive lineman for them. He wore the number 99, but his athleticism knows no bounds. They see in training camp. This guy's got some, some other capabilities here. He goes from 99 to number 44 on the jersey, still 300 pounds at six, four, and he is listed as a full back slash D line on the depth chart. He's number one in the full back depth chart. I love this. And he caught some touchdowns at Boise State, soft hands throwing the football. This is it like we're going to get big man TV. Yeah. He's been building for this moment. You know, I'm guessing now we'll get at least four or five. Usually in a season you get one or two at most big man TDs and we cannot wait for it with this guy being a 300 pounder full back and Jim Harbaugh is just nature. You know, he's going to want to see a big man TD as much as humanly possible work where I mean TD Tuesdays are about to be history. What do you think is this going to work Smith? I mean, Harbaugh has had so much success everywhere. He's gone last four or five stops. Yeah. I'm not here to doubt Jim Harbaugh. I know they're in a tough division, obviously with my homes and Andy reading company with Kansas City, but to me, he's going to be building. And I again, like I say it jokingly about zigging when zagging, but he's building a physical football team that we can week out teams are not going to be really prepared to handle for the most part. And I and I believe in Justin Herbert. So I think the most important thing, do you have a quarterback and a head coach? I think the Chargers do. So I buy on the Chargers, maybe not year one. You know, I could see them being a wild car team in year one, but over the next half decade, I expect them to to build into a real legit team who cares about the trenches, physicality. And when you have a good quarterback with that and a good coach, you're going to do some serious winning. Yeah, everybody thought he was going to take a skill guy and he took that big tackle from the other day. Yeah. And now Alt versus Max Crossview, equal on that's going to be another fun matchup. Everybody, everybody said skill. They're taking skill. They're taking one of these wide receivers. Neighbors are going to take one of these guys. He says, no, they got sophisticated. How sophisticated is the Michigan blocking scheme when you compare it to a Shanahan system? Let's see. I got fooled by watching Michigan blocking scheme with Luke Skoon me. Skoonie. You know, I got fooled by watching Michigan defensive lineman play too. Yeah, that was another one. The tackles, the ends have been pretty good. They, they, Blake Korm was a big, a big part of how they ran the football and they got Edwards was another, another guy on Edward. She's back. It's back. They, they, they, they have some physicality running the football. Can you imagine being a linebacker though and having to do some whole plug-in with a 300 pound full back screaming downhill? Are you kidding me? No. And I think that's the interesting thing is, as the defensive players get smaller after the first four, you know, is this a, is this, you know, you said Zig when the NFL is hagging, it'd be really interesting if anybody else beyond Jim Harbaugh was doing it. I'd be like, you're an idiot. You're a caveman trying to take the sport back decades into the past, but I won't be surprised if Jim Harbaugh figures out a way to get it done, especially if you have a legit quarterback. And when it's time to, Hey, I need, I'm still going to need no matter how my team's built, I need my quarterback for at least three to five plays a game making a, you know, big time. Hey, this one's on you right now, bro. And I think he's got that in Herbert. So yeah, I'm excited with what they got going on with the chargers and a 300 pound full back is just absolutely insane. And then one college football nugget for you. I don't know how familiar you guys are with the tradition for the past six years or so in Columbus with Ohio State and the football team, but it's their let's dance tiktok situation. They've been doing a pre game where they gather around together and they do these tiktok dances and then they like to get embarrassed by Michigan. They're dancing at the big house and they're doing their tiktok, Jackson Mahomes, Juju Smith Euster bit. And then they lose again to Jim Harbaugh speaking of. And so they have apparently Ryan Day has finally put his foot down and said there will be no more pre game dancing stuff that has gone on in years past. Because it's made him look foolish. I think they actually might have a chance now. What does Michael Parsons want to become this season and what did he learn from his conversations with Tom Brady? We have the cuts and we'll play him for you react next year in the nation. Yeah, buddy. Here we go. LA lives coming up in 17 minutes right here. Everything that's been breaking in the world of sports, including Micah Parsons weekly podcast. We have the audio coming up here in just a second. We'll start with Matt Pittman from meet church. This was with Sean and RJ right? Yes, sir. Okay. Segments brought to you by cars for kids donate today cars for kids dot org. And this segment is brought to you by the on time experts, a proud sponsor of our expressway commercial free every afternoon of this time all the way to the top of the hour. So Pittman is like the official pit master. He's a he's a barbecue celebrity, absolutely blowing up. And as the official pit master of the Cowboys, he's got relationships with a lot of these players, a lot of music stars, you know, have him out to cater their concerts. And you know, he's just like the pit master to the stars. Anyway, he was talking about his prediction for a deck and the contract situation. We assume talks are still ongoing with week one coming up. And here was his perspective on it with Sean and RJ. I think I got everything in there from the official pit master of the Cowboys, Matt Pittman. Keep killing it. Hey, we're going to try and hey, little parting shot. The deck deal is closer than it is further away. Oh, wow. Oh, so you have that choppy was at the height of pleasure here. So wow, like that. He's a big dad guy. If that if that comes together, I think that makes, you know, Micah a certified insider. Yeah, Bobby Bobby needs to find another gig. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who's the new host, the love of the star with Ryan runs. Exactly. But what a pro to just like on the way out, like, Hey, oh, by the way, he lobs a grenade and then he just runs away and the explosions behind him and choppies, you know, having to change his pants. It does make a lot of sense. They would get it done before the season starts. It would also make a lot of sense that the elevated discourse, the, you know, the, the war of words in the media last week is just, you know, too great negotiating sides that have had epic battles before, I think throwing their final shots. But I expect this to get done here, you know, before kickoff Sunday, I don't know the exact day, but I think over the next four, four days or so, we're going to see resolution on this. Okay, let's get to some Micah Parsons audio for you. G back nation. What he wants to become this season, Micah going viral. Here he is, it's the killer, the hitman and assassin, you know, the killer and sloppy. You know, he's probably going to get caught. You know, he's not very good at what he does, but he's a killer. You know, it's, it's raw in the streets, call like that. You got the hitman, the hitman might not get caught, but you know, who did it? You know, like, you know, he's probably a little bit more clean and assassin. You don't even know he's there. You know, you know, you're done. You know what I'm saying? So each time you really want to develop. And I think at this four for your mark for me, I think I'm ready to be an assassin. Yeah, you know, I think after listening to that a second time, I think you want to be the hitman. Yeah, some people are saying the hitman's more badass because you're kind of looking the guy dead in his eyes like, Hey, you the last thing you saw was me as I put you to sleep forever. Yeah, yeah, you you are a little bit more up in your face. And that's more like, you know, a football player. I think maybe as an assassin, maybe like a golfer, you know, I'm silent. I'm sneaking in here. I'm getting the job. I don't know. I don't know if the assassin plays in any sport analogy now that I'm thinking about it. That's got to be basketball, a shooter. Yeah, assassin. Yeah. Three pointers putting you to be assassin. Yeah, definitely basketball. Yeah. And they're both great. I mean, if you if you get called the assassin, if you're known for being the assassin, I mean, John Wick, you're feeling incredible. If you're known as the hitman, I think you're also feeling pretty incredible. Yeah. But I like where his heads at. Ultimately, the assassin is going after the top of the hierarchy. Sure. He's coming after your quarterback. Yeah, I like that. That's good goals. You know, I think his heads in the right spot. Okay. What he learned from conversations with Tom Brady this offseason. Here's my comparison. Yeah, I think Tom gave me the idea to just pick it up and practice and bring in that spirit and hold everyone accountable. Even when things are looking good and finally using my voice, he's like, he's like, out of all my years when we want to see what I know what it looked like. So, you know, he was like, man, this is not we practice. And he said that year in Tampa, when they weren't winning, he was like, man, we got to give the like a phone. Like, he's like, come on, man. Like, this is how you do it. Like, this is how the discipline and structure, the commitment, everything that it takes to dial in for these six months, that's the type of stuff that I'm looking for, man. And that's why I think for me, I got to bring more out of the guys. And I'm, you know, I'm bringing my best self every day. And I'm pushing myself, trying to show a standard of play that we need to sustain and that we need to show weekend and week out. Yeah, you know, and from what we could tell in Oxnard, he was doing that, you know, he's making that effort to be that guy and hold the teammates accountable. They're rare. They're the guys that are willing to look at their peers and say, hey, we need to do better. Usually players don't want to risk it, you know, and usually players are complaining about the coaches doing this or doing that. And you can be part of the cool club by just sitting around bitching, you know, the real players say, I don't need the acceptance of my teammates. What I need is to make sure my teammates who are a bunch of slappies are focused, you know, and as a coach, you appreciate the rare times you get a player like that. They can keep everybody on task because you can say it as much as you want. You're the old guy, you know, and they're going to tune you out. They can't tune out the player that's up in their face, especially if the player's really good, you know, so I think all great teams have an element of that. And, you know, maybe my proportions can be that guy for this Cowboys defense. Help take him to the next level. Okay. How does Zimmer plan on using you? Here's more, Micah. I know y'all look at that love PFF stuff, but I'm going to say I'm moving on a lot. Like, I don't think there is a side. I think he's, you know, I got my own personality and stuff. It's going to be exciting. I'm going to say that, you know, and I think I'll probably play every single person. And I think this is the first year where I could be in the two eye, you know, I could be in the three. I could be in the four. I mean, it don't matter. Like, give me a linebacker being a slot. You know, I could almost be the safety if you look at it that way. In some person. I mean, different positions you think you'll play. I don't know. He got the packaging, but you know, at the same time, it's all about calling a good game. You know, if we're giving up a lot on first down, it's going to be hard to get in those packages. If we're giving up, you know, they're winning in the marks of the field sticks, you know, all that stuff matters. But if we do what we do, I think I could play a lot of different positions. I just don't think they have enough other great players around that can rush the passer that you're using might going to be a decoy for like, if we could get Mike to be in a decoy here, that guy's going to win his match. It just the guy's not on the team. Yeah. Sure. I mean, like, we got to see what Neilan can do as a rookie, but that definitely wasn't his strength, at least from what we saw at Western Michigan. Carl Lawson. I mean, that's the guy that they're going to have to try and see. Does he have anything left? Maybe he doesn't. Right. So I agree with that 100%. But the way that they can match him up, maybe tank steps up, you get some one-on-one matchups, OSSA in the middle. But this is probably the defensive player of the year this year. I think everything is lined up. The way Zimmer is going to utilize him, and it's also contract time. Like you're not going to be more committed than ever. If you're Mike Parsons, but I also think everything's just lining up here, Mike Zimmer is going to be able to utilize his skillset even better than what we saw with Dan. Yeah. And the best way to do it is where is he coming from? But he's got to be on his way towards the quarterback like over 95% of the time. Yeah. I think where Mike is, it'll be interesting, depending on what you think that Michael Parsons plays, if you think he's a linebacker or an edge, these linebackers might lead the team in sacks. With the blitzes. With the blitzes. I love that. Yeah. And he might, and this is where also too, where maybe a little bit of Jordan Lewis too, with the slot points. And the safeties. I mean, here's Smith did a lot of that with him in Minnesota. I can see Mark East Bell and Wilson. Tank. Tank will hopefully get his share of those. But I think it's going to be Michael Parsons and a lot of linebacker, other linebackers. And I think it's going to be some secondary guys. This, this team might not it, it'll be about the pressures. They'll create pressure, but you get sacks. I don't know if it's going to come from your defensive lineman or your edges for that matter. Yeah. I agree. I agree, especially with the way Zimmer dials it up. And the guys that he's bringing in there, you know, so I'm totally with you. But I'm with you, Dawson, where it's like, yeah, it's just about where is Mike coming from for the most part? It shouldn't be dropping into coverage unless it is such a surprise element that you really do full the defense because of it. And somebody comes home because they were worried about Mike on the offensive line and he was dropping into coverage. But for the most part, that dude needs to be getting after the quarterback. Alrighty. One more cut here. Then we'll get to some of this news that's been developing. How much does Zimmer's vision fit with yours? Here's Micah. I think we'll learn. I think I just had to show Mike, you know, what I'm capable of and what I can do. And everything that he thought I would be, I probably think I achieved that more. And, you know, he come up to me and was like, man, you say you want to do this. You say you want to do that. And he was like, man, if you just do this detail so you could be the best ever. And I think he just, he just opened up to my idea how I see things, you know, there's not too much more six-step for me. You know, he's like, all right, we'll get you out there. I was like, I'm making living and getting people out of space, Mike. Like, I play six-tech if you need me to do it certain times, but he's like, don't worry, we got you there. You know, we just, there's certain things that, you know, I think, I think it's just part of life that you evolve and we grow. And I think I've been with him. I grew as a player. And definitely on the mental side. And he grew, you know, into his players and he adjusted me. So I think we evolved in a good way. Like, I mean, I'm about to meet again, probably after lunch right here. So you know, it just goes to show our relationship and how we're getting closer and how the faith he has in me and to the system. He's talking about, he said earlier about two I, that's inside taking three I, that's inside technique. Six I is, if you're five technique, you're playing head up on the tackle. If you're six I, you're playing outside the tackle. So he said, Hey, don't put me in a lot of that six I, you know, he says, I'll play it if I have to. I think that's where Dan Quinn, I think that's where Dan Quinn felt like that he needed to play Michael Parsons. Yeah, hand down six I outside rush guy. The fact that Mike is saying, Hey, put me some inside, put me, you know, he feels like that he has a better shot of winning some inside matchups. They were just showing some highlights on ESPN. And it was a couple of different Russians. He had a sack against the Rams where he just destroyed the guard. I don't think it's Carolina to here. Yeah. So he, he, he feels like that him playing inside that A gap B gap that kind of attacking that area might be better for him than playing hand down outside. Not that he's not going to play it, but I don't know how much he's going to play it here. I mean, he has so much speed, you know, I, the deception of and the wondering where is he coming from his ability to cover ground. He's predictable out there. We can help out there oftentimes our offensive lineman is the left tackle. Yeah. You know, I just, I do think Mike Zimmer is going to be better for Micah than what Dan Quinn was. You could, you could slide to him. And I said, it's hard to chip. You can't chip a inside player player. It's, you can't chip it. Then the back, the back would have to step up. And you know, you're not going to chip everything on the edge gets chipped. They could also space you. And I say space is they could put a tide in over there and remove you from it. Instead of being a sick side, you become like a nine, like an outside nine. Yeah, like a wide nine guy. And that that buys you space to that buys the quarterback. You have to come another man to get to the quarterback. And then not to do you might you might have to deal with a back a tide in whoever's to that side. Yeah. So spacing is something to weigh. We'll get into Miles Garrett tomorrow because spacing doesn't affect him like it does others. You know, and that's something I kind of felt like, you know, when you play against these, the Joey Bose's, the Nick Bose's, these guys that are really good passion spacing, spacing hurts them because it puts them further away from the ball. And but this guy, it really doesn't do that. Well, I'm excited about Micah coming up the middle, especially with how quickly these quarterbacks are getting the ball out. I think it just cannot hurt at all. And the effectiveness of your pressures, I think coming up the the middle can, you know, have more of a disruptive factor on the rest of the play, even if you don't get the sack. What do you guys think about the big commander story? They suspended the employee who made comments about the team's players being anti gay and accused Jerry Jones of being racist and anti gay. And called Roger Goodell a $50 million puppet. Yeah, team says it suspended its VP of content. Ryle and teen is his name. He had been with the organization for four years for comments. He made an undercover reporter for the O'Keefe media group. He met this gal on a dating app, right? On Hinge, met with her twice at local restaurants. According to James Keefe, the CEO of the O'Keefe media group, the interviews took place at a restaurant in Washington, D.C. in June. The language used in the video runs counter to our values at the commander's organization. Team spokesperson said in a statement, we have suspended the employee pending an investigation and will reserve further comment at this time. It's funny. They call it the, they say the interviews, but like he probably just thought he was on a date. Yeah. Yeah. Those are just having a dream. Now what do you do for a living? Yeah, a content creator. You mean our dates is funny. I bought dinner. So what is he going to get? Bleep cannon now? I mean, I suspension that's indefinite. Washington. This is, this is to kind of control the story. And then the next thing will, they will say conduct detrimental. Especially that organization. You can't, you can't, you know, people say things about the legal all the time, the commissioner, I get it, but they'll, they'll, it's in your contract that, if they determine that is detrimental, they will fire you. It's in your con, you can't say anything, even if you get spied on, even if you think you're having a private conversation. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. I wonder what sort of protection he might have. Like if he has evidence that homophobic language was being used or racism was being used and people were just overlooking it. Cause I, I guarantee what he's saying is, has a very high probability of being based in evidence of what he observed. Yeah, but you, you could say that, but you can't let it get out that you're saying that. That's the problem that he has right now. I know, but there's like discrimination. Why was I fired? If I was blowing the whistle on something that is against the law, you know, it could be more of a mess for Washington. He's got real receipts on it for sure. Yeah. It's leveraging a different deal, but yeah. And this, I mean, it's still a messed up way. It's just how he got caught. I mean, it is kind of, wow, but yeah, he's gone. Yes, indeed. He's gone and, you know, I'm, I'm interested to see how the story continues to evolve. Eagles linebacker Devin White ruled out a Friday season opener against the Packers with an ankle injury. He'll not be making the trip with the team to Sao Paulo, Brazil. He's always heard, isn't he? He's listed as a limited participant on Tuesday's practice report before being declared out officially today. Okay. Project Veritas strikes again. Do folks like that really belong in NFL offices? What does that mean? I'm not sure. Not sure what that means. Project V, not familiar. Project Veritas. Project X haven't, haven't heard of that, sir. I mean, I know what compound V. Maybe that's the, the immediate conspiracy. I'm not, I'm not quite sure. Did you just walk into that one? Yeah, I'm not sure. I was just trying to get some feedback going here on the text. Oh, it's the NFL. Are you surprised though? No, it's the NFL. They had to make a rule, the Rooney rule. All right, well, we'll look at you. No, you're right. My whole life, you couldn't be a black quarterback. Now all of a sudden, there's like 18 of them in the league. They don't have one here. You're gonna be not very good. Yeah. 360 Jerry's not anti-gay. He's a glory whole kind of guy. There's a blast from the past. One of the great days there in, in Oxnard. All right, it's time to go into the Pimp Cup. We're Lucious Alexander. Here we go. Man, how's LA? I hit a wall about four o'clock. I'll fight for my life in here in the Pimp Cup right now. I know that feeling. All right, fighting for my life. Today was a leg day. Oh, yeah, I was listening to this song too. Hold on, see. While doing squats, I felt like a superstar, like a superhero. I kept throwing those weights on that joint. Oh, yeah, Madonna was in her bag on this one, bro. Oh my gosh. You were up at least 10, 15 percent today. Oh, I was doing too much. That was going fast and slow. Yeah. You gotta capitalize when you hit a moment like that. Yeah, man. I had a cup of coffee before I hit the gym. That's huge. That's everything. It woke me up. Madonna was huge in the 80s, but like every 15 years now, she just comes out with a straight banger, has a video, pretends like she's 20 years old again, and then just leaves. Those keep you weird. I was killing it to this one. All right, shot to the leg day. It's a hump day. Let's get into it right into the great ring. Hold on. I was killing it. All right, let's go. All right, that's the last time you sold a fire up this hook in this battle. It'll make it dance. You get parallel and go down. Gosh, everybody get high. What? You're going to answer this. You got it. What's one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time? Oh, you got to give them the hot towards spinner that thing. Get me? I don't get you. I think you got to demonstrate. Hock towards spinner on it. Spinner on it. It's blood naked. Impression. You have to dominate it. Yeah, it was good. L.A. live for Wednesday, September 4th. I believe it is the fourth one. Just a minute. It says support. 2024. It is a butt naked Wednesday here in L.A. live words from this badu. I was born underwater with three dollars and six times. Hey, L.A. live is sponsored by kissable dental and then no bill guarantees. Book a line at kissable Your kissable journey starts today. Would you say earlier, Eric, about some squats? Oh, you just put some food here. He was getting parallel. I surely was. I put my butt all the way to the ground a few times. Coach said if I don't see splinters in your ass at the end of this, then you weren't getting it done. But was on the ground. I'm screaming in that gym. Hey, I got some random hump day info for you right here. I've seen today. The original Batman, Adam West. Adam West. Adam West. I met that guy. Well, where? Dallas Convention Center. He was signing autographs in front of the Batmobile. Oh, he's like the Wilt Chamberlain of Act. Oh, that's badass. It was like 1990. Him and Burt Ward. That was Robin. Yeah. Well, the original Batman, Adam West, was allegedly, allegedly sprinkled in, allegedly, slept with so many women in Aspen, Colorado, that he was banned from the city for 15 years. What did it mean from the city? Yeah. All the flandering and all the drinking and the booze and even the cops told them, Hey, man, you got to get on out of here. He just got in the character. He was in that email, you doka life style. I'm just telling him, man, if he had something the utility belt for. Hey, here we go. Yeah, he had to get permission to come back to the city, allegedly sign permission. Was there a bat signal that brought him back? Yeah. Yeah. Over the mountains, it was a bad signal. Yeah. Oh, wait, I can come back to somebody put somebody put their panties on the flag, bro. He was up to eight women's a day, eight women's a day. He told us to the independent back in 2005, about 76 years old, when man started, you know, confessing. Yeah. It's the real reason they called them Batman. So shout out to you and rest in peace. Is that eight arrivals as well? Is that eight apexes? I don't know what that is. I think it's cat when he says eight women's a day because we're the men in that damn town. Yeah. Well, that's why he's not a lot back. They're like a man. Sorry about that. Honey was doing while honey is sleeping with Batman. All right. Yeah. Did you know Adam West moved into town? Wow. Bam. I ran into him today. I ran into him today. Me and Betty. Six of our friends. Oh, gee, back of the day, we do it every weekday on the fan at 2030. If you see anything floating out there, it'll be afraid to hit me up. What have you. No, he was married to a lady from 1970 to 2017. Damn, corporate average. And then he was, wow, man, there's a lot going on here from 1957 to '62 and then from '50 to '56. So yeah, this Marcel Leer was like his wife for all those years. So he must have been like, he must have been doing some stuff well. Well, maybe she joined in. It was the '70s. Yeah, I've been participating. Yeah, I was swinging. Yeah, that was group stuff back then, man, into the group thing. Yeah, you can hit me up at Lucky Lucius P.O. social media, Lucius Alexander on Facebook. You can follow us all if you find G. Bag Nation on Twitter. Now, our winner right here is very controversial. Good lord. Man, you guys are really kicking it up there on the social media. It's like you always do, though. It's like you always do. Jared Sandler called it to the G. Bag Nation yesterday with some smoke for our General Gavin Dawson. Oh, we got Jared? Yeah, he got, oh, Jared, he wants to get some smoke with Dawson. Yeah. Oh, this is perfect. I think Buffalo might be the sixth or seventh wild car team as Jared Sandler joins us now to protect his guy, Jack Leiter, who I have been corrected, was good yesterday, giving up one run for inning pitch. Jared, good afternoon. How you doing? Yeah, no, no, I just, I was listening to the love you guys. And Dawson, I heard you the other day when you were very passive aggressive with Broadus. I know how you can be. I heard the drive by shot there. That's cool. I was just trying to help you via text, not sound like a total. Okay, so you say you're trying to help me via text, Jared. This is not how you address somebody via text in the middle of a segment. Be honest. Do you watch the game suggesting that I was dishonest? That's where you got sideways with me, Jared, just so you know. But did you watch the game? No, I didn't. Okay. So I saw his numbers. I understand that. Okay. So that was just trying to help you out because if you watch the game, then it would be a different approach. It's trying to help you out. It's trying to help you out. I was trying to help you out. First, I had to dunk on you first and help you out. I mean, his word, I mean, I guess, I don't know. You be careful because he'll come call you up. Yeah. Here's how it ended. No, he wanted to smoke. Yeah, he did. He wanted to smoke. He lives for the smoke. But on the on the other side of his mouth, he's like, oh, no, I'm not I'm not trying to do anything. I'm just trying to help you out. He can't help it. No, he can't help it. I mean, he's fighting his confrontations. He's throwing jabs. Yeah. And then be like, what are you talking about? Back it up. Back it up. Back it up. Back it up. I just wanted to help out your pathetic little baseball brain. I mean, what's the misunderstanding? That's the energy. Here's how it ended. Is even one of the top Rangers prospects anymore as the number two overall pick? I guess that's my bad for having expectations too high on a go. You're spinning this because you don't know how else to come back. Other than by playing the, oh, I guess it's my bad. You're not listening to anything I'm saying though. Okay, that's a second. So you've given me in the last 30 minutes. True you Jared. Goodbye. Bye. See you. See you. See you. See you. See you too. All right. Oh boy. That was just so incredible, man. Thank you all for that. Thank you. You're welcome. I love that. I haven't gotten a chance to say thank you. I got a deal with it. Bang bang. I agree with the jack lighter point you made in terms of he's been disappointing. I don't think a range of fans we feel that way to this point, but he still has time to turn it around. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, maybe he'll be a number four starter for you, which apparently would would be a great result of being the second overall pick. You're just hoping to get a starter pick in the top five. Yeah. This is L. A live 105 through the fan on a butt naked Wednesday. It's a hot day. We made it, baby. Getting close. Got a question for the tollos that I asked on Facebook. Shout out to Facebook too. I like how they give you like a Facebook memory. Every time you log on, it says, Hey, did you know four years ago? Yo dumbass sent this out. And I'm like, Oh, I didn't delete. Thank you. The memories every day. Oh, you sent this out too, idiot. Thank you, man. Yes, I asked this to the tollos that followed me on Facebook in lieu of the NFL football season starting this week. Tomorrow, in fact, name a Dallas cowboy that should have won a Super Bowl in a Dallas Cowboys uniform. This is a layup here, people. Do you wear? Yeah. Okay. I'm glad you said that. Number one answer on the board, Jason Whitten, where in Romo that triplet situation combined right there. That's number one. Okay, so this isn't necessarily somebody who did win a Super Bowl somewhere else, but not here in Dallas, but just in general. That's fine. I mean, if you felt like there should have won one here in Dallas, there was a chance. I mean, it was giving it his all. And maybe he just didn't have the right. It just didn't quite curl for him. I mean, Mark's where was definitely where it's where it's amazing. You say that because the next one was the only answer is do you wear? Okay. And now we got Roy Williams, the safety. Oh, it's a pick up a hunter, man. He was so good his first few years with Aaron Woodson. Then he took away his finishing move. When it took away his finishing move, the horse call, I was in. Des Brian, of course, ladies and gentlemen, Des Brian, it's in the building. Marion Barber, R.P. Sean Lee. Damn, Sean. Travis Frederick. Travis Frederick was a good one. Tyrant Smith. I was going to say that I wasn't sure, but yeah, when Tyrant, Zach Martin and Frederick, I think all are kind of together. Yes. They surely are. And they're definitely altogether on my list. Scratch them, scratch them, scratch them, scratch them. Don Meredith. Don Meredith. Yeah, he had some struggles with those Green Bay Packer teams, those Lombardi teams. That was the ice bowl was a tough one, how they drove that ball. And then he lost a game at the Cotton Bowl on a very last second play. Would you say Danny White, all those lost conflicts, Danny White? But Danny White won a Super Bowl as a punter. Well, he was on the team. Yeah, he was on the team. That's what's going on. What squad? Who's on the 77 team? I think it was. Oh, okay. I think I'm right about that. Okay. It might have been Mitch Hoops. Maybe I'm wrong. Oh, Mitch Hoops. Mitch Hoops. Let's see Danny White. I think I'm right. Somebody said to 2012 Pac-Man Jones, his or a Super Bowl. I don't know what's going on with that particular year. He joined the Cowboys in '76. So that would have been, he would have been on the '77 team, right? Now you go look at you, brought us? Just about anybody over the last 30 years should have won a Cowboys. That was one total set. Donnie Gray. Donnie Gray is a cowboy, but he never played for the Cowboys. Donnie Gray is a rodeo man. And he has championships. So maybe that's a family member. Just want to give Donnie Gray some shout outs and something like that. Oh, Donnie Gray. This guy, by the way, White was 62 and 30 as a starter. Yeah, he was really good. They went to the NFC championship game and then we just lose. They just lose. Yeah. This sucks, man. I better hear it. He hates to hear NFC champions. You're like, ah, amazing the difference now because we're like begging for it. Yeah. Please. Please. Please. Everyone on the 2007 and 2014 teams should have won a ring. What's the 22,000? What is that? 2007? I don't know. That was the 13th. That was the last year. They lost the giant's article. They lost the giant's article quarters with that interception. All of that in the lights. Yeah. Great. Had the drop. No, no, that would have been a touchdown. That was they were the number one overall seed. Is it Texas stadium? Yeah. The vision around you. Donnie Gay. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah. Thank you, sir. Yeah. Donnie Gay. Oh, the bull rider. Yeah. I say great. Okay. Donnie. Yeah. Donnie goes a bull rider. Yeah. I typed it. I'm all thumps. Isaiah Stanback made this list. Are they being funny? Matching crayon. Get up the big path. What a batch of crayon on the list. People think you should deserve that. I know 17 was really damn good. Yeah. So they went to Cabo. Yeah. Jessica Simpson. Poor girl. Randy Moss. Randy wants to play the best play. It's never one or eight. He's got to be right. Yeah. I think they're sick. Could he have been? He could have been a cowboy, right? Yeah. He could have passed on him. I see what they do. He passed on him twice. I see what they do. I see what they do. It's not the boy scouts. Jim Garrett. Jim Garrett. Yeah. That's just a bug weed. Can't draft him. Come on. Come on. Imagine. I told you that tons a lot to take in him. Oh, what else we got right here? You could pick name a Dallas cowboy that should have won a Super Bowl in a Cowboys uniform. We got Bill Parcels. Oh, Dan Bailey. And Bailey. Herschel Walker. I mean, the darn franchise is built on this. But it's a Walker. You, you, I would consider him a Super Bowl champion by moving on from him. Thank God. Yeah. You got all those picks. So he actually helped you win a Super Bowl. By proxy. He should just get a few. You should get a ring. Yeah. Charlie Taylor. Shout out to Charlie Taylor. I didn't know he was almost a cowboy. End up going to the at the time Redskins. Redskins. Charlie Taylor. A player. Grand Prairie. Good player. Yeah. Terrell Owens. everson walls. I didn't know everson walls didn't have a Super Bowl. Came in like 80, right? Yeah. So he would know. Yeah. Everything was definitely. Rookie record for picks still, I think, with like 11. Digs tied it. Okay. But the rookie record. Yes. Somebody said the great Quincy Carter. Yeah. Yeah. It should have happened, man. But, you know, Romo and him didn't finish the deal. And it would have happened for him. Just like the. What was the other situation we're just talking about? 2014. Yeah. I don't wear it. I forgot. 2014. That's my God. That's the market. Is that the green bag? That's the catch. Yeah. That's the catch. Marco. He's held the season. He fumbled on that though. That fumble really was bigger play. That was really pepper strips that he's going for a touchdown. Name a Dallas cowboy that should have won a Super Bowl and a Cowboys uniform. Ronald Leary. Ronald Leary. Yeah, there you go. Martine gramatica. Was he did he was he kicking the extra point? You know, the field look himself. All right. Was he kicking the field? Yeah. Yeah. He was. He was. So Robo Bob will go back and watch that play. This thing bothers me. Yeah. You watch the game, Brian. I could just whiffs. All you gotta do is just get some kind of body on Jordan Babbel. You leap hole and Romo's getting in for a touchdown. Come on, Martine. If we did the post game that day, would you have said that? Would you have said that? Yes. Let's go. I hope he's up back on the team next year. Romo makes an unbelievable play just to pick it up and try and score. I thought he could have gotten the first step. He was an inch away from the first down. They had the review with Witten right before. Yeah, that one stuck. Oh, yeah. Who was the ref that day that crowns? There you go. Bleeding self to you guys over. Somebody. Somebody, please wait. Oh, man. I'm watching this now. Let's see what Martine does. Yeah. He just. Oh, yeah. He is. Yeah. He's he's shying away from contact. What year was that? Was it? Oh, six Colts won the Super Bowl. You know who beat the cold set? You're a Texas stadium. The Cowboys. He's jumping out of the way of contact so that the defender can chase down Romo and get him at the ankles. It's heartbreaking. But to be fair, Martin gramatica looks like a like, he looks like a making wish kid is out there playing football. But I just do something to warm up. It's insane. Just throw your body in there, Martine. If I told me it was a seven year old, I'd be like, I believe you. They used to make those uniforms. Those things called the hutch uniforms with no padding in the helmet. I got you get it for Christmas. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. I was hutch. I was a Troy. Yeah. I was 20% bad Jersey back. And then like he's like, Oh, look, I got pads. You got the yard. I wore a dragon one, too. Your brother would just wear you out. Oh, yeah. Second cuss sitting on the curb. Oh, you're the only one with the helmet. Now you're trying to run over other people. You know what I mean? Nobody else has the helmet and they're people without the helmet. We're doing better than you with the helmet. The helmet hurts so bad. Right there in the front. Right there in the front. All right. And the other number one answer for the Dallas Cowboys that should have won a Super Bowl in a Cowboys uniform. This story is still not finished. We have Dakton Zeke. Okay. Here we go, baby. Correct. Let's go Dak Prescott. Come on. This is the perfect quarter. I think he's like the third number three quarterback all the time when it comes to Dallas Cowboys, right? Yeah. Number three, five. What? Acement stall block, right? Acement stall bucked in tech. Who else is? I mean, you could go romo or the guy who did we just mentioned Danny White's going to get an NFC championship games. Yeah, that part. That part. There will be people that the playoffs success. They're just not willing to put that. He said 2006. We were in the playoffs. He's going to finish with the records. I mean, he's the best passer rating. That was the Seattle loss. And he's a perfect quarterback. Like when it comes to talking to the media and just being established like that, it's true politician. He is in the game in a hell of a leader. All right, y'all. Lord willing in the creek, don't rise. I'm talking about the body of water. My name is Lucius Alexander. And that's my time. There he goes. Lucius Alexander's L.A. Live every night, about 540 here in the G. Mag nation on 105 through the fan. Okay. When we come back, it's time to have a proper round trip. We'll go around the bases. We'll talk with Jared Sandler about your Rangers stories of the day and get you ready for the pregame coming up next in the G back nation. Protect your vehicle's engine with a full synthetic oil change and save with mobile one at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Purchase five quarts of mobile one full synthetic motor oil and receive a $10 O'Reilly gift card after rebates. See store for details. 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