GBag Nation

1st hour of the G-Bag Nation: Top Sports Stories at 2pm; NFL Playoff Predictions; GBAG of the DAY; Restroom Revelations

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04 Sep 2024
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Here we go. Our number one of the g bag nation on one oh five three the fan. Welcome. Me and hope you're having a great day. General at your service salute to you. There's broad as you got Lucius in the pimp cup over there. Master control here. 75 and fits you. We'll chuck and she'll follow are in the house. And of course Carter Freeman's coordinating your video. How the heck are you guys doing? Hey, I want to ask you make the call. G bag. You make the call. Sure. My earbud seems to pop out of my thing here as you notice. Yeah, as well. If I put that in my ear, is there a chance I could be electrocuted? No, you try. I don't think so. You think? It's kind of like exposed wires and stuff like that. That's audio wire with all that hair you got in that ear. I think it'll clog it up. Okay. Let's give it a go. Protected. I mean, those are some pretty high dollar headphones, weren't they? It were. Yeah, they were. Now they're. I don't know. It's kind of, it's kind of trash. Like you don't want to. You don't know your own strength. The trash. You definitely go viral. That's sure, brother. Jared didn't get to make the call for us last night. Oh, yeah. He doesn't have his headphones on. What am I doing? Lucius is talking to you. I don't know where buddy. No, Jared did not get a chance to make the play by play call, but he was the analyst. Did he get it in? I mean, that's the perfect opportunity to spice up the radio with us night though. Bang, bang, bang. That bang, bang. That we're going to do that. Brian wasn't listening on the radio. I was trying to watch the Cleveland Browns, guys. To be honest, Lucy, she had a question for me. I was just telling you, if you did get shocked and a little executed here on the radio, yeah, we go viral, brother. You think so? We are out of here. We are on Dateline, the channel for six o'clock news. I do it right. Like local radio hosts, electrocuted while broadcast date. Next at 10. But at first, do you like kittens? Are you going to throw water on me while the electrocutions going on? Well, I think that'll help get the to start it up. Yeah, I'm Dr. Thank you. We put it on the bet payoff board. 817 says he's been shocked by worn out of your buds before. What are we doing? I think it can happen. Shippy's been shocked about this board before. Okay, I'm going with the one electrical current running through that situation over there. I might, I might, I might just have to go with the bad headphones. Like when we bring guests in here, like, Hey, we're a professional organization here. Have some bad stuff. We got to stop that. Hey, Frank Caliando. Oh, I'm sorry. You can't hear in the right way. Very well, Frank. Hey, Frank, can you hear me? Well, no doubt the Yankees heard from our guy, bang, bang, Wyatt Langford. They did last night, grand slam, walk off night, thening against the Yankees for three was the score. And the rangers end up winning seven to four of Aldi and Strowman tonight. In that clubhouse, you got to be thinking, can we get back to 500 right now? Sure. I think that's one of the goals. But the other like goal, just, you know, what Langford's kind of been doing, producing some big hits and, you know, has a key spot in the lineup, no matter where they're hitting him right now. I just feel like we need this guy to go on and be that superstar going into year two, if the rangers are going to make a big resurgence in 2025. So that was a lot of fun. They've won six of the last eight games now. Yeah, look, we were, I was listening to Boj earlier with KMC. It sounds like Corey Seeger's probably going to be on the IL later today and get that announcement. So, I mean, for Wyatt, this is exciting. I think we're all looking for what ways of optimism can we carry into the off season and certainly what Wyatt's doing now. I agree with what Mike was throwing around where, hey, who do you want up bases loaded game on the line situation? It's Seager. And then right now, I think you do probably have to make a good argument for Wyatt Langford. I think Josh Young's in that conversation, but while Wyatt's done, it's him and Jackie Robinson. That's it in the history of Major League Baseball to hit a walk off Grand Slam and inside the park homer and hit for the cycle in the same year. So it's awesome what he's doing after struggling at first. And now he's really seeming like he's finding his groove at the big league level. Superstar makeup, you know, you're watching show. Hey, go for 50 50. What's Langford capable of? Is that is that 40 40 potential, Annie? I think he's got that ability. I mean, he's got tremendous speed. He's fat. I mean, show. Hey, long strides, obviously huge lot of town in that body. So much town. It's like a moose. But Langford is faster, I would say. So if you if you told me, like Jared was like, hey, have you ever seen Shohei run? And I was thinking, man, maybe I need to go on YouTube and kind of check him out, but he's like a freaking race. He does cover some ground. Yes. And we're going to talk about an edge rusher for the Browns tomorrow that covers some ground. But there's it is amazing how that Shohei is still in these bases. But to me, I do feel like that why when I mean, it's like singles turn into doubles with these guys. If it's hitting the right spot, he immediately is not even thinking about he's just running, you know, and he's getting there a lot more often he's getting out. So, you know, good for him. He is the guy. The thing that's going to make me the happiest in the off season. If we have anything that we can really hang our hat on is again, see why getting signed. Yeah, that's that's the one that's the one that's the one that's going to make me the happiest. And I would appreciate some of these guys finishing up the season, you know, with a with some good positivity going into, you know, in the spring training next year. But get this general manager done. Let's make sure that the guy who's putting all this together is in place for several years. And you know, he can continue to build on to find guys like Wyatt Langford and others. There's a couple of big time barometers like, do you bring back a Volde? Do you bring back see why? And you know, if you do those things, then I think you're you know, well placed to be highly optimistic about what this team could be capable of next year with all the, you know, I mean, DeGrom, Mally, possibly rocker. This thing could really be special. It is a it's Dack watch 2024 though. I was over there today. What would we say it? On it all quiet. I asked it. All the people asked everybody would know this Matt Pittman throughout some he was on with Sean and RJ. Yeah, this morning. And these buddies with Dack, I saw them hugging it up pretty good at the when when he was there, he's the official pitmaster of the Dallas Cowboys. He was out there in Oxnard. Nice to spend some time with him. But yeah, he was he was dropping some knowledge that he felt like the things were pretty close. And then he kind of signed off on that. I tried to circle back to see if he was really a cowboy insider here. Follow up reporting. There was some momentum building yesterday. Possibly. I think the Cowboys would like I've reached out to people. I've reached out to some people that would usually contact me back about things and the fact that they've gone silent a little bit. That's interesting. It kind of tells me that maybe I just need to not text them anymore. I hope the pitman drops that story. Hope he breaks it. Yeah. That would be awesome. That would turn everybody has to say his name. That would be cool. Yeah. Barbecue legend. Yeah. Matt Pittman. By the way, I got a brisket queso you need to look at. But on another news, that's Dack Prescott's favorite queso that I make and he's going to be signing after throwing all six of his cell phones around his mouth down. It's a meltdown for sure. I got scooped by the meat guy. Yeah. Meat church. Matt's a holy gospel rub from meat church is the rub for the orange magic wings. And it was his tutelage years ago that sent me in the direction. He said he was pushing this morning a hickory seasoning. He's using right now. So yeah, that sounds wonderful to be on the shelves. But yeah, they've got a lot of different flavors that you could throw those profiles. He's got a pretty strong. So you got the Matt Pittman report. Yeah, the man Pittman report the Diana Rucini report. Yeah. You know, when she said they're only apart in years, that to me says, yeah, this thing is so close. The one side or the other will budge. They're just trying to get see if they can get it exactly the way they want it. Yeah, we'll see if, you know, the one team, the team has the history of kind of, you know, allowing that to happen. And maybe they're trying to hold ground here. I don't know. I would tell me a lot if I knew which side was thinking of the, if, in fact, one is looking for long years and the others looking for short. What do you think the, what do you think the number is though? Because I just feel like, man, for DACT, it would be, it would be pretty cool because it would just really show who, how bad did DACT really want to be here? We can, we can talk about how excited we are about, hey, if we have to move on, we have to move on. Would you be surprised that it came under fifth, and if he came under, like it came at 58, he's done. If it's, if it's under 60 million, I'd be stunned. Yeah. Yeah, it would be. It would definitely surprise us. What is the pecking order right now? Is it Peru at 55? I think somebody, no, Jordan Love just got the 57 or whatever. But I'm saying if you put that thing at 58, well, who's the next quarterback? Who's the next Purdy? Purdy's the next one in the next offseason. It'll be Purdy. He'll be in there. And I'm sure there's one or two more, but the cap has gone up so much. I think it's very realistic to think, you know, 58, 59. I think they could say 60 minimum. I would be surprised if the deal gets done and it's not 60. I'd be like, wow, DACT really wanted to be here then. I'm going to, I'll bet you, I'll bet you meet ball sub. It's less than 60. It's less than 60. I'll take the bet. Okay. I would take that too. Okay. I just want to meet ball sub. I'll pay four to five to we got that covered for you. Don't worry about it. Cowboys and Brown Sunday 325 here on the fan. I do believe we're going to have a Dak press got deal before then. Maybe even tomorrow night in the pregame show for opening night, get everybody tuned in talking about a contract. Can you see that the NFL would hate that right? Would they hate that? Oh gosh, yes, that wouldn't get people fired up to tune in. They want to focus on the game. They don't remember how they're in the Super Bowl. They never want anybody to ever announce anything for their stay stand along events and stuff like that. You don't want to show it up. You don't want to show it up the whole, the whole, the whole broadcast would be about Dak press got signing. Okay. So what's the best time to announce this in today? Today, today, today, because they got a game Friday night too. You got to use Packers and Brazil. Yeah. So maybe Saturday. But see, you don't want to do Saturday because that's kind of what we always talk about the Friday news dump, right? And so nobody really paying attention on Saturdays. But yeah, you could, I would be surprised if I wouldn't be surprised if Jay Glaser on Fox's pregame show, because his relationship with McCarthy and the Joneses would be the guy that breaks it on a pregame show on Sunday. So it makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised at all. We'll see if Schefter and those others can kind of rally. It might be somebody we're not even thinking about like we're laughing about. Yeah, we're laughing about Matt Pittman. It wouldn't surprise me though. So a jewelry Epstein might be one that that, you know, do it. Yeah, because she's really close. She had a great relationship with the player. So they might throw her a they might throw her the opportunity. Maybe it'll be Edward or now working for WFA a exclusively on local TV. That's it. That's cool. Can you still see WFA TV broadcast? Like, is that a thing still? Does it depend on your provider? No, I'm talking about like you can walk down there and see them actually, bro. That's the way with the window. Yeah, the victory plaza. Oh, yeah. Okay. Where are they now then? I don't know where they are. I think they're across from the Dallas Morning News. I think that's I had I saw on Twitter posted a video of him walking. Is that space available? Because I'm going to put a podcast studio there. I think it just got bought. Oh, did it. Yeah, they're putting something there. Oh, I just read about that actually a few weeks. I need to look that up. You sure do put a podcast right there at that victory plaza right by the double AC. They got to have a space for me over there, don't they? I would imagine. I mean, you know, one place or another. I'm asking questions. I know. I'm asking questions run your numbers real quick. We can do for you. Okay. You're asking the right kind of questions. Yeah. That would be a really interesting, you know, let me know if there's space down there. Carpe Omnia has officially been replaced. We were just talking about it. Just rooted. Oh, yeah. Mike McCarthy says rooted is the team's theme for a season. I guess it's based on bamboo and in the fifth year bamboo, like gross to full maturity. Is that what it's really based on? I thought it was a taught archer tweeted quick. I was thinking it was something to do with trees and roots. And this is this we're standing where we're holding firm and says it's based on the foundation that's been built here over five years. My dad gave me some good advice about living your life in five year increments and what you can learn in that time and space, not trying to do too much too fast. It was a life lesson. But yeah, then he talks about the bamboo and stuff and this is McCarthy's dad saying this. Yeah, this is McCarthy talking about his dad. Well, apparently his dad, that's a good one with tiki head bar. What are we doing over there? Man, sometimes that that bartender has great life wisdom. Yeah, he just likes slinging drinks. Everybody else. Yeah. Sing us a song in the piano, man. I see here. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on this planet. Yeah, and it takes over a whole yard. So you got to keep it in check. Yeah, yeah, they say if you plan it, you better be on top. You got to keep it in check, brother. Yeah, it's been recorded growing at an amazing 47.6 inches in a 24 hour period. What? Damn. Yeah, it explodes in that fifth year. It grows like it can grow 80 feet in a year. Yeah, it'll choke out everything on your yard and just so it can survive. Yeah, it says it can be it can be harvested in three to five years versus 10 to 20 for most soft woods. Okay. So just to give you some context. Okay, very interesting. That's not a soft one. Derek Eagleton. It's hard. Has tweeted that the Cowboys has never started four rookies in game one of a season since the 1970 merger. Okay, any any merger. I'm all here for. Okay, see now I thought let's make history. I was on the show this morning there at the break and I thought about the dirty dozen in the seventies, the team they had. And then I came up with the the team that we had with Parcels are actually with Dave Campa, where we played Ross. Oh yeah, across the corner, Brian, Brian and then Andre Girard and all played. Yeah, it's three. There were three of the guys. Derek Ross looks like a player for a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. And in 2020, you had lamb stealing digs and an O2 Williams, Gerard Bryant. There you go. But yeah, this is the first time that four are going. So salute to Geit and Beebe, Leah Fau and Carson being a little piece of history here. Mora NFL news coming up at three o'clock with your news of the day. But a lot going on, including the viewing for Kenny and Quinlan last night. Unbelievable. You boys were there. Yeah, we went by and it was there was a g bag flag right there. We signed it and he's got the family had the entire log of all of his what you drink and what you think is that he hadn't written out. I mean, Eric and I were going back reading some. I mean, it meant a lot to the family. The funeral was today at 11 a.m. for and he told us they were able to go. And I mean, it was, it was sad. It was, it was tough to see Kenny in the open casket thing. I mean, certainly that's one that pulled jarring. It is. No question. He was looking damn good, though. He really was. And he was just a few feet away from that G bag flag. It was nice to, I believe he's going to be actually buried with it. I believe that's the plan that his son Cody wants to do. And shout out to Cody. Shout out to Tuesday, his Tuesday. And we met Max and landed. Yes, we did the hockey playing grandsons. Are you kidding me? The, the red curly lettuce on the older one with a, with a hockey gas like inches long on his forehead. It was fresh. Like that dude needed stitches right then and there. He is a hockey play and mofo is awesome. And we got the background, the history on the rock and roll tequila. Yes, we know it came about. No way. He loved that, that guitar glass. And it is a badass. It is awesome. Great. It's cool. Yeah. And he, when he saw it the first time, he was like, yo, what is this? We got to get this. He had a friend who could make lamps out of glass bottles. And so that became the original one. And then that was a staple forever. The rest is history. What a new lamp for Christmas, according to Tuesday. Yeah, Tuesday's going to be making some rock and roll lamps. Oh, very nice. Well, salute to the whole family. Definitely one of the most significant and iconic flag plants in the history of the G bag nation, Kenny and Quinlan to be buried with a flag for October 2025, right around the corner to one for just accidents and that they went today to the funeral, saw rodeo Ron. And it was the two of them that folded the flag, I guess, before that's awesome, putting it where it had to go. Wow. Okay. Okay. I hope Rodeo had a flash going on. He did. I hope he had a flash. Well, Tuesday said rodeo breath. We just missed rodeo Ron yesterday when we went to the viewing. And I asked you could still smell them. Did he come in drunk? Yeah, we could smell the gym big. Oh, yeah. There's no doubt in the T levels. Just weeks off that guy. Okay, we got a run G bag of the day coming up at two 30. Barnwell gave his playoff predictions. Who's in who's out? It's next here in the nation. Welcome back to back nation segment of the nation is brought to you by the Frankles. Life is unpredictable accidents happen. Franklin Frankles are the go to attorneys for car truck wrecks and DFW. If you are loved ones, been in an accident, contact the Frankles for your free consultation. It's two, one, four or eight, one, seven, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, jump online to It's also brought to you by cars for kids. Donate the day cars for kids dot org, seven minutes till the G bag of the day. We'll check. Give us some barnwell content here. Who's in who's out of these playoffs? All right. So barnwell's made his predictions for the 2024 NFL season teams that are returning to the postseason. He's got the chiefs of Kansas City. Yeah, the Ravens. I'll agree with both of those of Baltimore. Both of them in the bills of Buffalo and nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo bill. He's got your Dallas Cowboys back in the playoffs as your division champions, the Detroit Lions, the green Bay Packers and the San Francisco 49ers along with their division foe LA Rams all back in. Now this, these were the tough ones. These were the fringe teams who's in who's out filthy. They're out. Bye bye out, not in, not in according to barnwell. Get out of here in, instead of the Eagles, it's the bears of Chicago, Caleb Williams as a rookie leading the bears into the playoffs. Matt Eber flus is going to be the head ballcoach of a playoff team. It's what barnwell believes tough to believe rookie quarterback can get it done, man. Tough division, it's a tough division. It is a tough division, but there's a lot of talent on that team. We'll see if ever fluency put it together. You got a, you got a mic that's off. So yeah, he's got lines back. I got bad. I got different headphones on today. Let me give you some good. Hey, by the way, it's nice being with you. If you want me, I'll come back at 340 due crusties corner. You're a great guest. And it's, you know, I'll just leave after that. Is that what you want to do? I had these headphones. I'm just kind of like, you know, I'm like, it'll mess you up. It's like bad headphones in the gym or something. I, you know, I mean, not feeling them. Whatever you need, crusty. No, I'm good. You know, I gotta be in your pocket. I just, I can't believe I busted my other thing. We get you like an Afghan and a couch over here, put a wheel of fortune on you can take a nap. I gave Eric these originally. Yeah, I gave these to Eric. And so now he's like gifting them back. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah. Well, that's what happens when you pay it forward, dude. See, this is the give them back to you when this is done today. But anyway, yeah, Chicago bears three out of division. I hear myself out of the division. Okay, here you go. Carry on. How last NFC team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, look how funny those headphones look on. They do look goofy. They're way too small. They're hugging their portion of the head faces to fat. What do you think about it? I think it's the head. I don't think it's the face. Yeah, it's just the general. It's really the headphones. It's not a you think it's a little boachies. Not bad. It's sort of an all income. I was looking at your headphones in your face. You know, they were talking about it. I can't hear a damn thing. I can't hear. This is like 1968 headphones. You can't hear. Do alive. You can't hear. We wish that we couldn't see you out. We got the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. They're not making the playoffs correct out of here. Yeah, they were fringe last year. You know, who's in though in the south is division champs, Atlanta. It's New Orleans. Whoa, this might be one of the more balls he picks. He's got it's the Saints of New Orleans, black and gold B. I know you're celebrating with that pig from barnwell. Derek car leading the Saints to the playoffs. According to Billy B. All right. AFC arrow get you to the playoffs. Willie. Yeah. We might need to watch dog. Oh, barn. I know this is going to be way. He's usually into Orleans guy. I don't think he's in the way. Does he do we do we do we do we do we watch don't get bill over there as barnwell like a got a little French something going on in there? I don't know. I mean, he is a big Frenchman, but I don't think he's from New Orleans. All right. Out is Miami. Dolphin's not making it according to bill. Sorry, Eric. Wow. I fall from grace. I'm apologize to me. I'm in the J E T S jets jets jets jets. It's a bit now. Yeah. He's doing it. Well, I tell you what the quarterback, right? Hey, hey, they got a shot. That team's they have of course they do if the 40 year old quarterback often Achilles in front of a fragile offensive line and a part of a dumpster fire organization can stay healthy. Maybe they can make the play off. They definitely could. So pretty loaded roster out Cleveland not making it according to bill. That is no surprise. Well, Will Chambers is also a believer in New Orleans. He just texted and he said maybe I'm a little crazy. We know that well, but he's also well, he's also got the commanders winning the NFC East the same way you did. He's also a drink and for about the 50 50. You think he's already opened the bottle? Heck yes. We got the bangles in Browns out Steelers out chargers in and the final team in the AFC according to Barnwell. It's the AFC South division. He's got Houston out. Doesn't believe that they're going to be able to repeat fail bill fail in Jacksonville, the Jags. Doug Peterson's my friend and I don't even trust him. Yeah, I mean, I'm just, I don't think the Jacksonville picks that crazy. No, I don't think it's that crazy, but I mean, and the Texans do have a very, very difficult schedule and they're finally having to deal with some level of expectations, but it's hard to imagine that coach that quarterback and that roster not getting it. That kind of remind they remind me of what we did in Green Bay in the early 90s. We got into the playoffs and then from that point on it was just run and go and do it because they're the first year you believe and you got the right place. Yeah, it's established. You keep adding bodies. You get the coach in the quarter right now. Yeah, you got the coach, the quarterback, the playing caller. I mean, I think Bill is wrong about this one. Yeah, I think Houston's still going to get. And even if they don't win that division, like I could see the Jags or even the Colts maybe winning it, but I think Houston's getting in as at least a wild card team. And the Chargers, one's interesting to me. I mean, I definitely could see the Chargers maybe getting and sneaking in there. I was a winner this year. He absolutely is a winner. I can't believe in the Steelers. I don't think they'll have a losing record because Tom will never does, but that quarterback deal just seems really, really ugly to one forces. Stroud did it as a rookie last year. You're right. You know, and he was amazing, poised as a veteran. Most of them are just, you know, just trying to stay above water and get it figured out. And then, you know, year two, you can limit the mistakes and start to put together a career. It's just so rare that Stroud did it. I'd be shocked if we saw it happen two years in a row. Dak, RG three, there's some other ones to come to mind. It's possible. Maybe Caleb special calling me a crybaby for what eight one seven? She crying about you doing there. Also wants to talk about some baseball. So we will we'll talk baseball. We gave you the update. He wants you to talk base. He wants you to talk base. Yeah. We got See yours hurt. See yours on the injured list. I do have some rain. Elvis Elvis Andrews is officially going to retire as a ranger tomorrow. Oh man. So there's an update on your Texas Rangers. Listen, I'm, I'm in line with DFW sports fan. And I know 95% of you, unfortunately, are no longer watching or listening, you know, it's not good. It's not, it's not a fan base that digs in and watches. I'm just, I'm just a DFW guy, you know, just a kid, man, just vibing with the audience, not watching the Ranger games because they suck. You know, did I just make it about them? You did. That's my bad. Why did you make it personal? Definitely been a disappointing. That wasn't personal. It was personal Dawson. You've been on this rant lately. You're making everything personal. I just thought I was talking about the way they played the game. The music expressed by Gavin Dawson. Exactly. I represent Gavin Dawson, Gavin Dawson only. Look on your face was terrified. I was terrified. Like I was talking about your mom or something. Maybe, maybe maybe that office. What maybe you got? Maybe you got a little too much Homer in you too. I do. I'm a real homer. Can't admit what's really going on. Yeah, I'm a homer. I admit it. Time to go into the pimp cup. Here's Lucius. Speaking of a homer. Oh, I was thinking of a home wrecker. Oh, home wrecker. No, no, I've never been that I knew unless I'm talking about my own home. I just liked my own house. Get me out of here. All right. So our champion so far of G back of the day is the playmaker Michael Irvin. He was on it is what it is podcast that is Ken Ron and mace former rappers. Well, I shouldn't say former rappers because mace just did a freestyle that everybody's going crazy for. He had lost 20 pounds. He's looking good in the game. Looking like 90s mace. Ken Ron, you know, Ken Ron's always rapping. So the rappers and sports guys, Ken Ron and mace, they had to play maker on. He is going to join these guys. I don't know every Monday and every Friday, I guess. He is their NFL correspondent. Anyway, I don't know who's sequencing these stories, but they are wilding right here. As soon as Mike dipped, listen to the next story. We have a lot of weeks to see the progress happen, man. But thanks, Mike. We appreciate you on the first day, baby. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My brothers, man. I appreciate you, man. Thanks, though. Okay. So before we end the show, we just got a couple more topics to discuss. So Michael Jordan's son, Marcus Jordan was caught sniffing a white substance in some photos that went viral earlier in the month next to his new girlfriend. Of course, a lot of memes were thrown around. But what was you guys's initial reaction to seeing those pictures? For Mike to get on talking about that. Okay. One trigger. Know the audience. You gotta know your audience. Who's sequencing that situation, man? You know, Mike was going to be there. You're going to do the cocaine story right after that. Come on, you're wild. I think that was an ambitious host lady. Yeah. You think it was? Yeah, ambitious host lady. I feel so too. I feel her fingers. She was she was doing it today too. She went to like Miami. So the stories today were both about the Florida teams losing. Did Miami winning? Yeah. Right after that? Yeah. You're doing too much, Lucius. You're doing too much. You're doing a lot right now. You're doing a lot. She ain't speeding yet, though, but she's doing a lot. Okay. Let's go to Oklahoma. Head coach Mike Gundy. Oh, geez. He's a grown ass man. I'm 40. Yeah. He's got to be like 60 now. I'm glad that you said that because he knows lyrics. I think he got a perm, by the way. Did he? In his hair. It's earlier than ever. A little boo far. A little blow out. Yeah. I think you boofed to hear. He really raised Cyrus look. Yeah. Aiki breaky. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah. He has some IT problems being the older man. He doesn't know how to fix the IT situation, but he knows how to fix the IT situation. I can't. They won't let me hear it. If anybody's a good IT guy, we'll get the guy from Michigan down here and let him hook me up. Even though he didn't do it. What was that song in? What was that song you should know? Damn. Yeah. It was kind of a partial rap in the shower. He called me I didn't do it. It wasn't me. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. What was it? It wasn't me. Yeah. That's right. It wasn't me. You should know it. No, that was you. I want to see who you're pointing at. Hey, man. You should know it. I think you just cheating on your wife last week. I think he pointed to a young lady. Oh, what a young lady. I think he pointed to a young lady because if you play back, listen to her response. I think if you get it. Oh, you heard this. You know it. Even though he didn't do it. Where's the what was that song in? What was that song you should know? Yeah. The song is that it was kind of a partial rap in the shower. He called me I didn't do it. It wasn't me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you should know. Yeah. We're just with this coach. He pointed right at her on that one. Yeah. Hey. Hey. It wasn't me. It's a good song. It is. That's when they used to talk before it's the song. Yeah. Yeah. They'll do that anymore. And we'll talk in the morning. It's all that you catch them. Unless it's a bunch of threats. Let's see what else we've got here for you. What's your 2000? Yeah. On the money. That's a good start to a song. Picture this. We're above one. Yeah. Yeah. How can I forget? I said, Andy Murphy joke. Hey, it wasn't me. It wasn't me. It wasn't me. She'll let you catch you. Yeah, exactly. Like his buddy was like surprised. Exactly. Jared Sandler called in yesterday for some smoke. Oh, we got Jared. I think. Yeah, he got a little Jared. Oh, he wants to get spicy. Dawson. Yeah. Oh, this is perfect. Wait. So this is true. I think Buffalo might be the sixth or seventh wild card team is Jared Sandler joins us now to protect his guy, Jack Leiter, who I have been corrected. That was good yesterday, giving up one run per inning pitch. Jared, good afternoon. How you doing? Yeah. No, no, I just I don't think we love you guys. And Dawson, I heard you the other day when you were very passive aggressive with Broadus. I know how you can be. I heard the drive by shot there. That's cool. I was just trying to help you via text, not sound like a total. Okay. So you say you're trying to help me via text. Jared, this is not how you would be via text in the middle of a segment. Be honest. Did you watch the game suggesting that I was dishonest? That's where you got sideways with me, Jared, just so you know. But did you watch the game? No, I didn't. Okay. So I saw his numbers. I saw his numbers. I understand that. Okay. But I was just trying to help help you out because if you watch the game, then it would be a different approach. But did you watch the game? Right after that. I'm proud of you for admitting you didn't. Yeah, you're okay. You could you could have danced that one. Yeah, that would have been bad. You know, many game watching arguments have happened on this. Oh, gosh. Well, I can't watch that again. It's like the worst thing you could tell us call somebody, but you don't even watch the damn game. I go home and I still watch more. Yeah. Here's how it ended though. Is even one of the top Rangers prospects anymore as the number two overall pick? I guess that's my bad for having expectations too high on a guy. You're spinning this because you don't know how else to combat me other than by playing the Oh, I guess it's my bad. You're not listening to anything I'm saying though. Okay, that's the second. So you get me in the last 30 minutes screw you Jared. Goodbye. Goodbye. Yeah. They gave each other to see you. They was all playing at the very end. See it. See it. She had two left. How many minutes before I was in the truck last night before I was on the phone with Jared Sandler. No, dude. Are you okay? Are you mad at me? Yeah, I told Jared and he'd be all right. You think you think Kevin? He seems pretty man, man. I said, you'd be all right, bro. You'd be it's a long week. Don't worry about it. We're just getting started. Don't worry about it, bro. That is good. I do. I do. I do love having Jared on the show. He's great. Yeah. Yeah, Jared's amazing. He's a star star. That was a great back and forth. You never know when Mount Sandler will erupt. And the whopper looks happy on the shoulder, brother. I'm telling you, all right, right now. Do we need to vote? Yes, please. Is it Michael Urban on with Kim and May as our champion? It's uncomfortable, isn't it, Brian? You know, all about people replaying your fights. Yeah, I mean, it is. You don't want you, but I'm going to vote for you today. So just go to me. I'm voting for Dawson today. You're voting for Jared Sandler calling in. I voted for Dawson. Yeah, this agreement. Uh, Mike Gundy has IT problems as your other nominee. That's what I'm voting for. Chief. How about you? I'm voting for Screw you, Jared. Yeah, that's why I'm here, Loochis. Jared said, Hey, man, put you when he said, Hey, man, put me on. It's only Fred. I get to stand for stand up for myself here. It's only fair. Put me on standing up. He was attacking me. I felt attacked yesterday. We'll chuck who you voting for. Yeah, I'm going to go for the attacker. You're Jared Sandler. And then like when Dale Hanson said Barry Switzer was attacking him. Yeah, exactly. That was assaulted him is insulted. Okay, coming up next year in the nation, it's time for some restroom revelations, Chief. You've never seen an alpha level deuce dropping like this. In Kentucky, who is still at large restroom revelations next on the fan. 972 says Jared was in the right no matter how you try to gaslight Gavin. Well, I will tell you, first of all, I'm not above gaslighting you. Okay, but I'll tell you this, which one of us is doing the gaslighting, the one looking at the evidence and the stats and letting the stats be the stats or someone that has an alternate view of the stats and is interpreting it that it's actually good to give up one run per inning. Which one is gaslighting? Which one is real and which one is an interpretation creating, you know, perhaps a false reality. That's what I would find that suspicious. Huh? What do you say? It's time now for Eric Chia follows restroom revelations. Here's the chief 877 881 105 through any of the tollos to come up with the nickname for the latest delinquent defecator. We'll get into the breaking news right after this. All right. Now, unfortunately, it seems like we do have a Cowboys fan dip in their toes in the poo wars, if you will, and we will get to that momentarily. But as the headline goes, we got ourselves a manhunt. Louisville police are frantically searching for a man who keeps taking dumps on a random person's front porch. That's the direct headline. Ward Joel's was all over this beat here for wave three news. You've heard of porch pirates, he says exclusive. But what about porch poopers right now? L and P D looking for one man who's been pooping on. Now, keep this in mind, one homeowners porch multiple times this week. This is a different iteration of the mad pooper from a few years ago who was didn't necessarily have one victim in mind. This person has seen somebody out. Any connection? Here's the news story. It all started with this Sunday night, a young man in a red shirt walks up to one Louisville home well after midnight and begins peering inside. The homeowners have no clue. After a few seconds, the man runs away and his socks and disappears into the night, but the next night he returns and leaves a horrific surprise. Tuesday morning, I went out to my front porch and noticed this. What I thought was a cat poop. The homeowner who wishes to remain anonymous, but who will refer to as Jim then checked his doorbell camera and realized it was no cat at all. And it turned out to be a person. And not only did he defecate, but he also urinated on our welcome mat. He didn't even have much either. He just gave me what he had. Now, man, that was cat poop. That's a waste of effort. You don't have to pray for the guy. I'd say he's at least in his 40s. Probably not getting his fiber. What are you doing? He said, hold on a few times. Okay, so that's what's amazing about this guy. And that's just part one of the news story. We'll get to part two here in just a second, but that's what's incredible. They have exclusive footage. Wave three news does of the doorbell camera for these people. This guy is not trying to be sneaky in any way. There is no, he's not trying to be inconspicuous. He's literally, he's up there and he's showing full face. He's pulling pants down, just letting it rip right there on the doorstep. He's looking at the gate does not care. We thought it was bad. He is now. Yeah. That was shot. He was like, he was lifting weights on the porch. He's just doing out of here. And he's a young buck. Like you're, you're saying like, maybe he's a, he's a guy, his guy in his mid 40s. This dude's probably in his 20s. I cannot believe he's still at large, but it gets even, I guess, a little bit, a little bit crazier. What's even more disturbing is that the man returned a third time the very next night. Jim got an alert on his phone and tried to confront him, but the man was already gone. You have no idea who this guy is or why he's doing this. I have no idea. I have no idea. We're good neighbors. We, you know, keep to ourselves. We behave ourselves and I can't imagine that somebody would want to do some kind of retribution. Jim has now filed three police reports for each night. His home has been targeted, but so far, no arrest. Just a big mess. He's now forced to clean up. I'm relieved that he's not violent or he's not trying to force entry. He's just doing his deed, but it's very disconcerting and disturbing and in Louisville, war jealous. Wade news. He's not trying to force. He's not violent. He's just defecating and urinating in front of my house. Gosh, it's good. You think he's just doing this for comic relief? That's what I think is interesting that he's singled out this one person. It makes me think that anonymous Jim here who's during these interviews is like, it's a blackout interview. Like, like he's some sort of insider, uh, criminally or whatever. So he, he's definitely, he's trying to stay anonymous, but it does make you wonder why, what is it about this dude's house, this dude's porch that keeps bringing this serial defecator back, you know what I mean? It makes me think that maybe there is some type of this feels more personal than anything. You know, the other lady and it was a lady. The last time mad poop related and this has been like probably three, four years now. Yeah, that's Colorado, right? He was Colorado and she was just going. There was no rhyme or reason for where she was going, but this dude keeps going back and he's now done it three, four times. So there was a couple of years ago, we had an issue down on Katie trail with, uh, we did. Yeah. Runners just stopping and letting it go because they were on really long runs and had to use it apparently out there, apparently mid run. Yeah, emergency, like whatever situation understandable, it's a one off, you know, you learn from that. But this guy is, this guy's being a bit malicious. And again, it's alpha deuce dropping at the highest level, looking into the doorbell camera and dropping out his, his cat litter. I thought it was cat. Pretty ridiculous. Yeah. I mean, pretty, pretty hilarious. And he runs anonymous so incredible story. We will continue to track it. I think, uh, I think what you do is you get your younger family members gathered and you come up with a price, right? For what it's going to take for a few nights of their services. Yeah. And you have them, you know, prepared and laying hiding in the bush. Probably. Yes. You know, maybe with plastic gloves and dog poop, you know, but we're throwing poop at this dude. A lot of it. Oh, I like. Okay. You go on the, you go on the offense there a little bit. That's right. I'm going to get some hazmat suits. Yeah. Yeah. We'll make sure we're safe. Yeah. I'm not going to cut any corners. Can I can ask a question here, then, uh, your guy Wade, is that Wade who's doing the story? Did we say that I heard this name Wade? Yeah. His name is Wade Joel's. Okay. Wade Joel's Lord Ward Ward Joel's first name Ward was doing the story. Yeah. Is his career going down the tubes then right now going down to talk going in the tubes? Well, but that's, but what I'm saying though, is he, I happen to report this. This is putting him on the map. This is his big moment. I kind of feel like this is kind of their disrespecting a little bit. This is his big break. This is a I don't think maybe in the 90s is to be disrespectful. But these days, no, you're going viral. You think you think that so he, you think he's a badge of honor? Yeah. Oh, you think this is a badge of honor? Yeah. Absolutely. He, he graduated from like Missouri journalism school to cover poo. Probably stories. Yeah. I kind of feel like to me, they said, Hey, uh, Ward, get out there and, uh, cover the story. I would go, you know, yeah, pound sand. I'm I think this is one of the best news stories we've received and I would just say I would think you could finally wipe a story like this off his resume. Absolutely. It could drop it anytime. Yeah. I just don't know. I, I think if they're giving me this story, I, I would do something else. Like is there an opening in weather I can handle or something? You know, I'd be something else. Well, we do need to address the unfortunate elephant in the room that is Cowboys fan dipping his toe into the poo wars that the FSU guys started. Oh, here's the sound. I'm Jordan Garnan. I'm a stand up comedian. A couple of years back, I got a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl tattoo claiming that we would win Super Bowl 51. And then I went back to back and did 52. It went viral. Obviously didn't happen, but I'm a man of my word. I got the tattoo. I kept it. I haven't changed it, but I'm going to top you, Mr. FSU. If the Cowboys do not win the Super Bowl this year, I will not only eat dog poop, I will actually eat human feces, human. I will eat human. That's how confident I am that the Cowboys are going all the way to the share that on it. I don't Welch. He doesn't. Well, he doesn't. Well, and now we are, we have stooped down to the watch. This guy eat human poo to the Philadelphia Eagles level of rabid disgust. That's what I mean. I mean, I'm human poo worse than horse poo. I don't know how you're ranked. Yes. Yes. That's a good question. Yes. Absolutely 100%. And yeah, I'm not in favor of this anymore. Let me see the person. Let me see the horse. This is horrible. We don't want to be doing this as Cowboys fans. I know it takes us down. Disappear. Take it down. They're not going to win the Super Bowl. Now you're going to have to eat crap, or you're going to do what the other guy did, which is bail. You will Welch. He fails. Is this one of those Cowboys fans that's like really in New Jersey or something, and it is really like a toxic Northeasterner that happens to be a Cowboys fan? I don't know. Maybe we can get Jordan on the show. I'll find out. Yeah. He's apparently a comedian. So hopefully he's a he's a Northeastern. I can't wait back. But yeah, pretty unfortunate there. We have now arrived and stooped down to the levels of FSPU and filthy fans. Comedians specializing in bad bits. I think so. I think so. Okay. Coming up next is time for the NFL news of the day. We'll check where you're taking it. Shout out to Michael Parsons for this audio gold. We've got extensions. Yes. Shout out to the neck of Davis Mills. That's next. Okay.