Bible Reading Plan

Day 164 - Read 1 Kings 11-12

Solomon married many women from other tribes against God’s command. His heart was turned from the Lord to other gods. God raised adversaries against Solomon because of his disobedience. God promised to take eleven tribes from the son of Solomon and make Jeroboam the king of Israel. Solomon died after reigning for forty years, and Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, was made the king of Israel. He acted harshly, refusing to listen to the counsel of the elders. Israel rebelled and made Jeroboam their king, leaving only the tribe of Judah under the leadership of Rehoboam. Jeroboam made two golden calves and the people of Israel gave sacrifices to these false gods.

Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
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Solomon married many women from other tribes against God’s command. His heart was turned from the Lord to other gods. God raised adversaries against Solomon because of his disobedience. God promised to take eleven tribes from the son of Solomon and make Jeroboam the king of Israel. Solomon died after reigning for forty years, and Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, was made the king of Israel. He acted harshly, refusing to listen to the counsel of the elders. Israel rebelled and made Jeroboam their king, leaving only the tribe of Judah under the leadership of Rehoboam. Jeroboam made two golden calves and the people of Israel gave sacrifices to these false gods.

Hello and welcome to our daily Bible reading today. We're looking at first Kings chapters 11 and 12 Solomon married many women from other tribes against God's command. His heart was turned from the Lord to other gods God raised adversaries against Solomon because of his disobedience God promised to take 11 tribes from the sons of Solomon and make Jeroboam the king of Israel Solomon died after reigning for 40 years and Solomon's son was made the king of Israel He acted harshly refusing to listen to the council of the elders Israel rebelled and made Jeroboam their king Leaving only the tribe of Judah under the leadership of reoboam Jeroboam made two golden calves and the people of Israel gave sacrifices to these false gods Follow along with me as I begin to read starting first Kings chapter 11 verse 1 Now King Solomon loved many foreign women along with the daughter of Pharaoh Moabite Ammonite Edomite Sidonian and Hittite women from the nations concerning which the Lord had said to the people of Israel You shall not enter into marriage with them neither shall they with you for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods Solomon clung to these in love He had 700 wives who were princesses and 3,000 concubines and his wives turned away his heart For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods And his heart was not wholly true to the Lord his God as was the heart of David his father For Solomon went after Astra the goddess of the Sidonians and after Millcom the abomination of the Ammonites So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and did not wholly follow the Lord as David His father had done then Solomon built a high place for kimosh the abomination of Moab and for Moleg the abomination of the Ammonites on the mountain east of Jerusalem and So he did for all his foreign wives who made offerings and sacrifices to their gods and the Lord was angry with Solomon Because his heart had turned away from the Lord the God of Israel who had appeared to him twice and had commanded him concerning this thing That he should not go after other gods But he did not keep what the Lord commanded therefore the Lord said to Solomon Since this has been your practice and you have not kept my covenant in my statutes that I have commanded you I will surely tear the kingdom from you and will give it to your servant yet for the sake of David your father I will not do it in your days, but I will tear it out of the hand of your son However, I will not tear away all the kingdom But I will give one tribe to your son for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem that I have chosen And the Lord raised up an adversary against Solomon. Hey dad the edomite He was of the royal house in edom for when David was in edom and joav commander of the army went up to bury the slain He struck down every male in edom for joav and all israel remained there six months until he had cut off every male in edom But hey dad fled to egypt together with the certain edomites of his father's servants Hey dad still being a little child They set out from median and came to paren and took men with them from paren and came to egypt to ferro king of egypt Who gave him a house and assigned him an allowance of food and gave him land And hey dad found great favor in the side of ferro So that he gave him and marriage the sister of his own wife the sister of taphanese the queen and the sister of taphanese bore him ganubath his son whom taphanese winged in ferro's house And ganubath was in ferro's house among the sons of ferro But when hey dad heard in egypt that david slept with his father's and that joav the commander of the army was dead Hey dad said to ferro Let me depart that i may go to my own country But ferro said to him what have you liked with me that you are now seeking to go to your own country And he said to him only let me depart God also raised up an adversary to him reason the son of eliada who had fled from his master Hey dad is her king of zoba And he gathered men about him and became leader of a marauding band after the killing by david And they went to damascus and lived there and made him king in damascus He was an adversary of israel all the days of solomon doing harm as hey dad did And he loathed israel and rained over syria jerebohum the son of nipat and ephraimite of ziridah a servant of solomon whose mother's name Was zirua a widow also lifted up his hand against the king And this was the reason why he lifted up his hand against the king solomon built the millow and closed up the breach of the city of david his father The man jerebohum was very able and when solomon saw that the young man was industrious He gave him charge over all the forced labor of the house of joseph And at that time when jerebohum went out of jr. The prophet ahajah that shalomai found him on the road Now ahajah had dressed himself in a new garment and the two of them were alone in the open country Then ahajah laid hold of the new garment that was on him and tore it into 12 pieces And he said to jerebohum take for yourself 10 pieces for thus says the lord the god of israel Behold i am about to tear the kingdom from the hand of solomon and will give the 10 tribes But he shall have one tribe for the sake of my servant david and for the sake of jerebohum The city that i have chosen out of all the tribes of israel Because they have forsaken me and worshiped astrath the goddess of sundonians kimosh the god of moab and millcom the god of the ammonites And they have not walked in my ways Doing what is right in my sight then keeping my statutes and my rules as david his father did Nevertheless, i will not take the whole kingdom out of his hand But i will make him ruler all of the days of his life for the sake of david my servant whom i chose Who kept my commandments and my statutes But i will take the kingdom out of his son's hand and will give it to you 10 tribes Yet to his son i will give one tribe that david my servant may always have a lamp before me in jerebohum The city where i have chosen to put my name And i will take you and you shall reign over all that your soul desires and you shall be king over israel And if you will listen to all that i command you and will walk in my ways And do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and my commandments as david my servant did I will be with you and will build you as your house as i built for david And i will give israel to you and i will afflict the offspring of david because of this but not forever Solomon sought therefore to kill jerebohum But jerebohum arose and fled into egypt to shi-shak king of egypt and was in egypt until the death of solomon Now the rest of the acts of solomon and all that he did and his wisdom Are they not written in the book of the acts of solomon? And the time that solomon rained in jerebohum over all israel was 40 years And solomon slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of david his father And rhea bohum his son rained in his place chapter 12 Rhea bohum went to shakim for all israel had come to shakim to make him king And as soon as jerebohum the son of nibat heard of it for he was still in egypt where he had fled from king solomon Then jerebohum returned from egypt And they sent and called him and jerebohum and all the assembly of israel came and said to rhea bohum Your father made aryoke heavy now therefore lighten the hard service of your father and his heavy yoke on us And we will serve you he said to them go away for three days then come again to me So the people went away Then king rhea bohum took counsel with the old men who had stood before solomon his father while he was yet alive saying How do you advise me to answer this people and they said to him If you will be a servant to this people today and serve them and speak good words to them when you answer them Then they will be your servants forever But he abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him and took counsel with the young men Who had grown up with him and stood before him and he said to them What do you advise that we answer this people who have said to me lighten the yoke that your father put on us And the young men who had grown up with him said to him Thus shall you speak to the people who said to you your father made our yoke heavy But you lighten it for us thus shall you say to them My little finger is thicker than my father's thighs And now whereas my father laid on you a heavy yoke. I will add to your yoke My father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions So jerebohum and all the people came to rhea bohum the third day as the king said come to me again the third day And the king answered the people harshly and forsaking the counsel that the old men had given him He spoke to them according to the counsel of the young men saying my father made your yoke heavy But I will add to your yoke My father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions So the king did not listen to the people for it was a turn of affairs brought about by the lord that he might fulfill his word Which the lord spoke by ahajah the shallow knight to jerebohum the son of nibat And when all israel saw that the king did not listen to them the people answered the king What portion do we have in david? We have no inheritance in the son of jesse To your tents. Oh israel look now to your own house david so israel went to their tents But rhea bohum rained over the people of israel who lived in the cities of juda Then king rhea bohum sent adoram who was taskmaster over the forced labor and all israel stoned him to death with stones And king rhea bohum hurried to mount his chariot to flee to jerezalam So israel has been in rebellion against the house of david to this day And when all israel heard that jerebohum had returned they sent and called him to the assembly and made him king over all israel There was none that followed the house of david, but the tribe of juda only when rhea bohum came to jerezalam He assembled all the house of juda and the tribe of benjamin 180,000 chosen warriors to fight against the house of israel to restore the kingdom to rhea bohum the son of solomon But the word of god came to shimiah the man of god Say to rhea bohum the son of solomon king of juda and to all the house of juda and benjamin and to the rest of the people Thus says the lord you shall not go up or fight against your relatives the people of israel Every man returned to his home for this thing is from me So they listened to the word of the lord and went home again according to the word of the lord Then jerebohum built shikum in the hill country of ephraim and lived there and he went out from there and built penul And jerebohum said in his heart now the kingdom will turn back to the house of david If this people go up to offer sacrifices in the temple of the lord at jreuzalam Then the heart of this people will turn again to their lord to rhea bohum king of juda And they will kill me and return to rhea bohum king of juda So the king took counsel and made two calves of gold And he said to the people you have gone up to jreuzalam long enough Behold your gods. Oh israel who brought you up out of the land of egypt And he set one in bethal and the other he put in dan Then this thing became a sin for the people win as far as dan to be before one He also made temples on high places and appointed priests from among all the people who were not of leivites And jerebohum appointed a feast on the 15th day of the 8th month like the feast that was in juda And he offered sacrifices on the altar So he did in bethal sacrificing to the calves that he made And he placed in bethal the priests of the high places that he had made He went up to the altar that he had made in bethal on the 15th day in the 8th month In the month that he had devised from his own heart And he instituted a feast for the people of israel and went up to the altar to make offerings