Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Things Are Beginning to Work Out

One divine connection can change your life in a matter of moments. Keep demonstrating your faith in everything you do. You never know who is taking notice.

Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
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One divine connection can change your life in a matter of moments. Keep demonstrating your faith in everything you do. You never know who is taking notice.

with his blood he has saved me with his power he has raised me to God be the glory before the things he has done. Father God on this morning, May and past the Amy we join our faith which are wonderful people we pray that the Holy Spirit would minister to them this morning we pray that the Holy Ghost would encourage them help them to grow in their faith in the knowledge of God help them to grow in their wisdom, their knowledge, their understanding, help them to become so much more sensitive to the Holy Spirit to his promptings, his leading, his guiding, his thoughts, help them to stay sensitive and help them to be encouraged and help every single person under the sound of our voice to overcome adversity. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray somebody say, Amen. So on this morning I'm talking about things are beginning to work out as we pick up from yesterday where boys introduce himself to Ruth and I want to begin in verse 13 this morning. Ruth said, "I hope I continue to please you sir," she replied, "You have comforted me by speaking so kindly to me even though I am not one of your workers, you know God has a plan and he's putting it into motion." Ruth and Naomi had come back all the way from Moab. Ruth was a foreigner but little that she knew she was about to get her citizenship. It was about to just work out for Ruth. God was about to bring her from the bottom to the top from lack to abundance, from empty to full, from not knowing to being confident and having that confidence in God, from doubt to faith. What a God we serve, from confusion, to receiving clear direction, from not having nothing to having everything at a disposal. That's what God will do when we are in His perfect will and we are in His plan. Are you hearing me? Verse 14, "And mealtime boys called to her, come over here and help yourself to some food. You can dip your bread in the sour wine." So she sat with his harvesters and boys gave us some roasted green to eat man. He's being super nice. I hope my daughter's listening to this story. He's being super duper nice. She ate all she wanted and still had some leftover. She's a good man. He's a provider. Verse 15, "When Ruth went back to work again, boys ordered his young men, let her gather grain among the sheaves without stopping her and pull out some heads of Bali from the bundles and drop them on purpose for her. Let her pick them up and don't give her a hard time because I'll cut you down." So here is God so moving on boys is hot because he's fallen in love with Ruth. He's attracted to her and all of it's to work of God. Timing is everything. Timing in God's time, God, he has that he have that man for you. Ladies and for you men, he have that lady set aside for you and at the right time things will begin to work out and come together. He knows how to do it. Boaz was just running his business, not even knowing God was about to soon shoot somebody into his life. That would change his life forever. He would go down into history of the Bible as being one of the forefathers of Jesus Christ. What a God we serve. My God. And Boaz could be sensitive to Ruth because Boaz's mom was Rahab. Rahab, the one who was Rahab who helped the spies in Jericho. That was Boaz's mom so he knew what it is to be a part of a family that had to integrate and come from another country. Rahab was a part of Jericho but she joined in with God's people and look at what ended up happening. Watch this now verse 17, "So Ruth gathered Bali there all day and when she beat out the grain that evening it filled an entire basket. And plus Boaz have these young men dropping stuff by the loads for Ruth. He's worn all the way and he's working his faith. She carried it back into town and showed it to her mother-in-law. Ruth also gave her the roasted grain that was left over from a meal. Now Naomi ain't no fool, she's old veteran. She sees it. She didn't walk this road. So Naomi said, "Where did you gather all this grain today?" Curiosity was getting the best of her. I talk about my grandmother. We used to call her mother Eddie. We used to call her mother and some other grandkids call her mother Eddie. I love my grandmother but man she had to be the nosiest woman on the planet. "Lord, I've mercy. I feel a mother, Eddie and I together as one and watch this. So Naomi asked, "Where did you work?" May the Lord bless the one who help you. So Ruth told her mother-in-law about the man in whose field she had worked. She said, "The man I work with today is named Boaz." Look at God putting this thing together. May the Lord bless him, Naomi told her daughter-in-law. He has shown his kindness to us as well as to your dead husband because these are his distant family. That man is one of our closest relatives, one of our family redeemers. So God led Ruth into the field of somebody who could be a family redeemer, which you know that culture was a man who married a woman died. The next closest relative who was a male would marry that woman that was just a part of that culture and it was Boaz and somebody else but we'll get into that a little later. So Ruth just happened to stumble into the field of one of the people who could become a kinsman, redeemer and marry her rightfully so-called near-day culture. There's got to be the hand of God. She's a foreigner. She don't know the people. She don't know the folks like that but I'm telling you God can bring you from a whole another country and order your steps and help you be in the right place at the right time to meet the right person that he have ordained for your life. That's the kind of God I said. He did it for me. I'm a foreigner. I went to the right Bible school at Med Pass to Amy and the rest is history, right? Now watch this. Watch this, y'all. So Naomi is getting curious. Naomi said, "That man is one of our closest relatives, one of our family redeemers." Then Ruth said, "What's more, Boaz even told me to come back." Oh, Boaz making the moves, yeah. He Boaz told her to come back and stay with his harvesters until the entire harvest is completed. Bo say, "You ain't got to go in no place else." Because Boaz is setting the stage for his own self. Smart man, he who find it, a wife find it, the good thing and obtain favor of the Lord. Let all the ladies shout amen and type amen under this video. Watch this now. Verse 22, "Good!" Naomi exclaimed, "Do as he said, my daughter, stay with his young women right through the whole harvest. You might be harassed in other fields, but you'll be safe with him." Woo! Come on, woman, claim it. God has a man that you'll be safe with. Naomi said, "You'll be safe with that man." There is something about him. He is godly. He knows how to carry himself. And Boaz got the twinkle in his eye every time Ruth come around. She got a twinkle in her eyes and a pep in her step. Come on, somebody. Look at God bringing this thing together. And you got to understand Ruth lost her husband. Her first husband had died, but just because you have somebody who died doesn't mean that your life is over. He'll do it again. If he did it before, he can do it again. Lord, have mercy. Look at God about to mend together this woman's broken heart and heal her grieving soul. He knows how to make it up to you. Some of you never dream you could fall in love again, but we serve a God of another chance you're about to overcome adversity. Some of you may be in a different situation. It may be divorce. It doesn't matter. We serve a God who loves you and cares about you, and he'll give you another chance. It's not good that man be alone. God said it. Watch this. So Naomi said, you'll be safe with him. So Ruth work alongside the women in Bull's Fields and gathered grain with them until the end of the Bali Havas. Then she continued working with them through the wheat harvest in early summer. And all the while she lived with a mother-in-law, things are beginning to work out for Ruth. Things are beginning to work out for Ruth. Things are beginning to work out. I'm talking to somebody under the sound of my voice. Things are beginning to work out. God may not do a big explosion, but you got to pay attention to those little small things that God's doing. He's dropping little hints here. He's dropping little hints there. God's working this thing together for your good because you love God, and you are called according to His purpose. What a mighty God we serve. What a God we serve. What a God we serve. What a God we serve. He cares about you, Saints. Lord of Mercy, Father in the name of Jesus, me and Pastor Amy join our faith, which are wonderful people that's tuning into this broadcast. God's strengthened and encouraged their faith. Things are beginning to work out. Even if it's just a little here and a little now. God's you are behind the scenes weaving together your master plan, and we trust you, God. Come on, somebody lift your hands to heaven and tell them, say, God, I trust you. I trust you with my life. I trust you with all the next steps in my life. I trust you with my future, God. My life is in your hands. Thank you, God. Thank you for hearing us this morning. Thank you for hearing us this morning. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray somebody say, amen. To support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have downloaded the shawnpinda ministries app. Amen. 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