Kap & J. Hood

10/4 9 AM: Locker Room Silence?

Hour 3: The guys discuss the Bears still trying to find their identity on offense as well as having an alpha voice in the Locker Room. Kap has a field day and fired up the Brewers were eliminated from the playoffs by the Mets. They opened the Friday Folder and the Kap & J. Hood Cut of The Day.

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04 Oct 2024
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It's a Captain Jay Hood morning show on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. With David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you, we've got Shane, we've got Jay Moore, we've got you. We hope that you're going to have a great weekend still to come in the Friday folder at 935 cap has an opportunity to really delve into pop culture. You will be able to make some selections musically. Yes, they find folks at MTV have reached out and asked if I would be willing to participate and counsel Jay Moore in the voting for the Grammys this year. Oh, they asked you to counsel him. Yes, my playlist on my iPhone was named Playlist of the Year. It's just born in the USA a hundred times. Rosalie is on there too. We're going to find out how many groups and artists do you even know just remember kids. If you want to be in the radio business, sports radio business, you must like Springsteen. God. I liked them before I was ever in the business. Oh, please. That's something no hoodie about the elderly white sports talk hosts and Bruce Springsteen. No question about it. It's elderly. I've lived that all my life. I've seen it. There's no question about it. Shout out to Brian Hanley. But nonetheless, going to see Springsteen at the end of the earth. Great concert. Yep. 15,000. Oh, there's Chuck Garfai. Dude. I understand. My guy. Chuck. Shane, you're just part of the business. It's just it. Not for me. It is. Not for me. But for Cap? Absolutely. I admire Hanley for being all over the world seeing Springsteen. I think that's cool. I saw, I've seen him 20, 26 times and I'll bet you Hanley and Chuck combined I've seen him 150 or more. I saw, I've seen him in Minnesota. I've seen him a billion times around here. I've seen him in New York and I've seen him in Paris. What is it with the Springsteen people, we're like, I get seen an artist more than once. But it's specifically Springsteen fans that are all like, I've seen Bruce 80 times. Brian's seen him more than 200 times. I'm not kidding. Chuck, I know is well north of 100. How different can the shows possibly be? I mean, that's set list though. I mean, but it's never the same set list. Yeah, he changes everything. That's crazy. When we went to see him in Paris, dude, first of all, we're on the train from Brussels to Paris, the high speed like, not Amtrak, but that kind of thing. And there were these kids with their moms, they, I'm going to guess they were 8, 17, 16, and the one kid is singing, "Borne" and the, you know, ew it. And I said something to him, he goes, "No English." I'm like, "What?" He knows that though. He could sing every word of like every Springsteen song. He's like 16, 17 years old. That's big English. But knows Bruce. See that? It's unbelievable. That's just, I just think that's insane. Well, hell, listen, Shay, if Prince was alive, it would, you know, working around our schedule, I would be able to see him in a multiple places too. I mean, only see him in the Midwest, but I would travel to see him and tell him four times. There's always in Chicago or Indianapolis, it's the only two, but the thing is, if he's a lot, I'd go see him at the ends of the earth too, trying to, of course, navigating around our schedule to get that done. I told you, I met him in 1979 at St. Paul's Central High School because one of my best friends at college on our football team, a teammate, I'm a Monroe Walker. Said, "Hey, do you want to go see my game this afternoon when we get done with walkthrough?" Sure. We go there. There's this guy dressed in, you know, you know how he dressed in all those funky clothes. He was tiny and he walks up, "Hey, Monroe, how are you?" And he shakes his hand and he goes, "Meet my friend, Cap." I go, "Hey, nice to meet you." I'm like, "Who's that dude?" He's like, "Oh, he's going to be big. He's already playing the time machine at St. Paul with, what was it, a morth day?" Mm-hmm. And the time. And the time. And he said absolutely a hundred percent, that guy's going to be a star. And he became the star that he was, but I met him in 1979. Yeah. And all that, like your LeBron James telling a story and just start ripping up. I met Prince in '79 and I knew then this guy, he was going to have hit records. Yep. I met at a hundred percent. I would like to see Jimmy Hendrix today in 2024 too. You got a story about Jimmy? No. No. Okay. He's great. All right. Tom Thayer was on the show yesterday, Cap. Tom Thayer, Thursday. Yep. He's the best. And Tom was talking about something that I think that we have not talked enough about on the show is about what's needed in the locker room for the Bears. Like, we look at it as on the surface, Cap's got to get better, the defense is solid, Ibra Flus, is he going to make it to next year? But he mentioned something that was, he thinks it's very important for the Bears. And that is needing an alpha in the Bears locker room. Listen. I mean, you know, you've got to have a couple of alpha males in that locker room that are holding people accountable to getting the weight room, to get on to the practice field, to make sure they understand their assignments, to put a little bit of pressure and angst in that locker room where sometimes you make it a little uncomfortable. And that was the great thing about Nick Michael, man. Steve McMichael, whether you're an offensive lineman, you know, Demarcus Walker is kind of like that. Whether you're an offensive lineman or a receiver or defensive back, McMichael always had that accountability where, listen man, show up, shut up. And so to me, find me, develop me, you know, anoint one, something is, you know, an alpha guy is always needed on football teams. So thoughts there from Tom Thayer, he's exactly right. And as I watched the post game of the baseball game last night, the interview with Francisco Lindor. I don't know if you saw it where he cut it short. Hey, I got to go. They're taking a team photo over there on the field. And he split, but he said something in the interview where he said, I said to our team back in August, are you doing all you can every day to take us where we want to get to every day? And if you're not, you better start right now. And I, my wife said to me, that's a leader. Look at that guy. And of course, he's a great talent, a great player. And I hear a great teammate and a good dude. But the way he said it, he was holding his teammates and himself and his coaches and his manager and his front office, all accountable. I think Thayer is right. There is no only Crews in that locker room who, all in styles, not for everybody, but Olan's a tremendous leader and a great player. Erlacher was another guy, held people accountable. Who is that guy in there? I don't know. You know, I don't know if every fan should be privy to know what's going on in the locker room as far as leadership. But I think that sometimes it bubbles over onto the field of play, where you may not know what's going on behind the scenes on top of the average fan. But you could see the leadership. When you see players play, you could tell that person's a leader, sideline decorum, dug out decorum, that kind of thing, Cap. And I think for this team, as it slowly builds together, we talk about the offensive identity, this is the identity of the football team. It's larger than just what's the offensive identity. It's all of it. It's all of it. Who, like, who is that guy? Correct. Like, this is why, and I know for some, it's kind of like, oh God, they're going to bring up Marseilles Lewis again. But there is something to having an old head in the room that's seen everything agree that could be able to bring over and foster over young players and saying, hey, you know, when I played in my prime, this is how we did things. This is how to be a winning player. That kind of thing. I always think that there's a value to that. You know, I've talked about this before, baseball, basketball, football. They're so concerned. The GMs are so concerned about the roster spots and the roster composition, and you can't have guys that can't play. There's a value there for Marseilles Lewis. There's a reason why he's on the roster because he's a coach inside the locker room. 100%. Doesn't mean that even if he loses not doing the job or the position coaches are doing the job. Ultimately, players want to talk to players candidly called the record correct some things you can't say to coaches, some things coaches can't say to you. But your teammate? Oh, yes. Yes, Mercedes and Caleb have become very, very tight, Colin, he very, very tight. And that's awesome to have Marseilles Lewis there. And I think he'll play one more year, call it in a career after an even 20, which is super cool. But that all said, you want to have one of your top stars that's producing at a high level. Whether that is Caleb Williams, tough to do that as a rookie or Jalen Johnson or Brisker or Gordon or Edmonds or Edwards. Give me one of the keen and Allen DJ more. Who's the guy that not only does his job at a high level, but he holds everyone else accountable 24/7. The Bears and the Panthers are coverage starts at 7 AM on Sunday right here on the home of the Bears. ESPN 1000. Some thoughts from our guide, Tom Waddle. Waddle Wednesday. We always talk to Tom about a lot of different things regarding the Bears. But he started off the show making fun of cap talking about numbers, but Waddle comes in with the stats. You recall this, right? And good stats. And then cap is just trying to give some stats and some context to what's going on. And he calls you like, what is it, Johnny? Johnny's stats. You've got them like that. Yeah. What about Tommy? I was doing some preparing for this conversation, which I love every week. I was doing some quarter of the season auditing on their offense. And I know this is a lot of stuff that you already know, but for the people out there, through four weeks, this offense is averaging 253 yards and 16 offensive points per game that ranks 30th in both categories. They're 29th in rushing offense, averaging 87 yards per game, 3.5 yards per carry. Their passing game is 26, averaging 166 yards per game. After facing two top 10 offenses in the first two weeks, they face the two worst defenses in the national football league and the Colts and the Rams. And the next two weeks, they get the Panthers and Jags. Those two teams are basically 28th and 30th overall. The moral of my story here is it's go time for the offense. I've preached patience for good reason because I think it takes a lot of time for everybody to get on the same pace. There's a lot of new here. I like some of the adjustments they made last week, but it didn't solve all of their problems. Now they've got to incorporate some shot plays and become a more explosive offense. But I think as you guys were talking, you've got a really good opportunity the next two weeks to really not only get a W, but to also get your offense on track. Now you got to stack improvement, not just stack in W's, but you got to stack offensive improvement, I think, to just again, confirm to everyone in that building in the offensive meeting rooms that what they're doing can work. You know, and again, we would talk to Waddle every Wednesday at 8 30 right here on Captain J Hood. It's awesome. You know, what stood out the most about that 92 seconds is Tommy without saying it, man, the Bears still have a lot of work to do offensively. Yeah. You already said the 29th and 28th in some of these categories. You're still in the bottom of the league at some of these offensive categories, cab. You still have a lot of work to do like as much as we were impressed by some of the stuff that Caleb and and DeAndre Swift did and just, you know, bringing in a duck Kramer at full, but all these different things, right? Anything to do to win a football game, bears still have a lot of work to do, a ton of work to do, but I see growth each week. Yeah. And as Tommy told us, they're close. Like he thinks they're close to hit a big one, the DJ or Rome or whoever it is, DeAndre Carter. Let's go. Time to do it. I think that I think he really tells you like with these games coming up Carolina and Jacksonville, that's your opportunity to really show what you can do. Those two, those two teams don't know where they're going. The Bears have a direction. They have a direction. Those other two teams don't. They don't act like it play like it. Imagine if the offense matches what the defense does on a regular basis. Now you've got something now you're cooking and specialty. Put them all together. Yeah. The special teams again. Can't forget about the kicker with the big leg Taylor special teams player of the week, by the way. Che. Here's your name. That's fantastic. Thank you. I think it is special teams player of the week. And I kind of like them both ways. All right. We will have the Friday folder coming away at nine thirty five being a banner. It's soldier for special teams player of the week. No, but it does flip the field when he kicks it 66 yards in tougher conditions as the season goes on. I like having that big leg. Just saying. Hope the coverage unit can continue to cover the puns. You know, I've always said that she's on the wrong show. You should bring that rhetoric to twelve to three hundred percent. I think they would enjoy the bashing of the special teams over there saying San Francisco with them. Always thought that he's not. Hey, Shay, all I would tell you is that with Taylor, if that's the best that's in special teams, get the best. And if he's going to be there for a decade doing the job, let him be there for a decade. Everybody's fine. Everybody can't do that. That's fine. We got trash talk by the old gentleman that walked by in the panther's hat about an hour ago. He just came by. What did he say? Point that his hat like we're going to get you. Okay. Old man below. We're there to compete. My friend. What's he doing? Cap. Shay. Lock the door to just be careful. The old man panther is lurking. Be careful. Shay. Wow. He got in here too. And he said, I listened to you guys talk about the panther hat guy and then I walked by him on a totally different street. This is like doing laps around town. Now he's back. Just be careful. I mean, at hands like 95, that's not great. It's satin. The black panther hat with the teal and black logo on it's super cool. That all teal thing. Weird panther hat he's got on and he's just confronting people on the street. He knows his team's going to lose, right? I hope they do. But at the pink panther, that'd be a better hat. You're a lion pant. So better beat him. Cap and Jay Hood weekday boarding seven to ten. Brain gas. Cap and Jay Hood are back and you know this man Chicago's home for sport. ESPN Chicago. Hey, who dressed Ryan Clark today or did he have an eye injury and not be able to see what he was putting on? I just think he was hungry cap because could you describe your radio guy? Describe his suit jacket today like it's super cool that he has the breast cancer like pink ribbon on his left bicep. But half the jackets pink and half is great. Just go with the whole pink thing for breast cancer. You know what I think? I just think he's a big fan of Neil Paul the nice green. That's exactly what it looks like. That's what I think of it. The chocolate in the middle. Yes. Yeah. The chocolate in the middle. Pink on the side. Bring on the side. Hello. It's terrible. It looks like a sociopaster with that. I have texted him at times because I know him. He's a good dude and said, dude, I need your tailor. There's some great stuff he wears like he'll step out and try different things which I like to do. Yes. This one's bad. Sure. Are those Neapolitan bars? Those look amazing. He should just broadcast from the pink side. Turn sideways. Sure. That's it. If you like the ice green, why don't you just, why don't you just lick his suit jacket? Same thing. Wow. That looks amazing. Doesn't, so you say the ice green bar looks amazing, but his suit jacket does not. Looks horrible. Okay. By the way, you know who can really dress? Steve. Thanks. Steve M.A. Okay. That dude can dress. Love is close. Phenomenal. Well, New York. Oh, here we go again. Down. They did it. And the crew will, um, yeah, we'll have it in here tonight. Really a crushing end to what was a fabulous season for the Milwaukee Brewers. Had to. On this. That one. And some sting on it. Kid, get out of my way. This is me broadcasting Bob Euchar from American Family Insurance Field. And that one stung on the Brewers Radio Network brought to you by Gruber Law. Oh, sorry. Ah, so there you have it, Cap. One call. Gruber does it all. That's it. So there you have it, Cap. That'll be all. That's it. Take that. So, so, uh, the Brewers done, but you know, I had fun, but the 40, my video watching that out, too. But cap, the postseason in baseball has just been so fantastic. But it always is. Got a hundred 62 games. We all we are locked in on Cup and Sox baseball and everything else in between, but boy, I didn't like that postseason. That was a hell of a game. And of course, you should congratulate our friend here, Shane Orling. His team will take on Cleveland Saturday. He's going to congratulate you having to congratulate him. I congratulate him immediately. I said to him, how cool is that he's going to go with his dad to game three, right? This is the first time you've said it. How about that? I said to you the other day, how cool will that be going in the game with your dad? No, because they haven't won yet. You were off yesterday, but you put, you said you put my name in the book of life. I did. So I know now that I will at least go to heaven. I know you were thinking of me yesterday that thank you. I told you before you won it. I said, Shay, if you get to that game with your dad and I told you the lesson, take pictures, chronicles, memories. I can't. My parents are gone. We'd love to be able to do that. Super cool. What was the game you went up? The lions? Yeah. Did I not text you and say make sure you take plenty of pictures? You know, Cap, the really great thing that we have to remember too is there's something like I believe it's like 28 and 12 now without heavy bias. That's unbelievable. That's why the Tigers are winning. That's why right there. They got the magic. Like the Mets have the magic, but the Tigers have the magic too. They do. I think it's really cool that you put Shay into the, the walk of life. I think that's great book of life. He's got the action. He's got the motion. Oh yeah. The boy can play. He certainly can. Dedication devotion. Wow. He's turning all the night, the nighttime into the day. It's good. Do you have him in the walk of life? Does that cancel out? Like if he puts me into the book of life as in, well, let's be clear. I don't put you in the book of life. You ask for me to be engraved. When I was in synagogue the other night with my brother and sister law and they, the way it's thought, the book of life opens on Russia, Sean, and it closes on Yum Kipper. And like Yum Kippers, like Catholicism, you do confession. We do one day. We got it. And take care of it out of here. You guys do it all the time. Yes. And supposedly according to legend, the Bible that they closed the book of life. So I said, I said a prayer for a friend of mine who has cancer, said his name out a lot. Anybody need to be prayed for my friend and I said his name. And then I said, when I did my prayer, please take care of you guys. Please inscribe them in the book of life for the next year. Does he got that going for you? Does that cancel out if he then texts me and says, I got you in the book of life, kid. You got that going for you. That's good. Does he cancel out the energy with the pad on the back? No, it doesn't. No, because it was from the heart legit. You and hoodie and J Moore. You know, the only ones I asked for my family, people close to me, people near and dear to me. I asked. And of course, for myself, I guess the music goes play in the background while you're doing that. Like the closing credits of a movie, The Walk of Life, the Walk of Life. And Cap was there saying, "Woo, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Here comes Johnny singing, "I got a woman!" Great, man. Down the tunnels, trying to make it pay. Cap, there's nothing like being in the book of life. Exactly. You know, I feel like the priest, the pastor, the rabbi, the imam, all of it. They take it too seriously. Like the services are, oof, stale. Yeah, I feel like, "Get up there and brothers and sisters!" Let's all join hands. Let's ask the good lord to put us in the book of life. It's a different kind of church you think. Love your brothers and sisters and treat people the right way. I'll give you followed my mantra, "We'd be in a better place than this world." Love the brother next to you. That's right. Open up your manuscript here and half of it's in Hebrew. I don't love the brother next to you. Let's just simplify it. There, rabbi? Rabbi! He's got the action. He's got the motion. Oh, yeah. The boy can play. Dedication. Devotion. He's turning off the night time into death. That's what we want. We want balloons, fireworks. It's a celebration. Like the Baptist church? Kitches. I kind of, I kind of vibe with that. Yes. The guy, I'm proud of my heritage, but the Baptist church. Now, now that's how you pray. You won't say that when they go past 12 for the kickoff on Sundays. No, it needs to be like a 20-minute, 30-minute thing. Oh, okay. That's 20-30. Okay. Join hands and let's get this out. Let's get it out. Okay. It's got to be done by kickoff. I didn't come here to hang out for two hours. Let's get it on. It's the book of life. That's it. What are we all here? We all want to be inscribed in the book of life. Let's join hands. Let's sing some songs. Let's make people feel good. And let's go. See you and your own kipper. Have a good one. Take that. Am I joining you if they play dire straights there? That's it. That's it. That's a toe tapper. They should have a bar. I'm not saying you get smashed, but have a cocktail, pour some water. Let's go. It's too modeling for you. It's way too modeling. Way too much, I see. And it was funny because the rabbi married my nephew last spring. That's odd. He didn't marry. He was the official. Oh, I see. And so he texted my brother on Wednesday. Hey, I'd like to ask you and Wendy to come up and open the arc here during the service. And he's up there. Rabbi Jonathan Frieden. And he says, yes, I'd like to call Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg up to open the art. Yeah. And my brother looks at me. Guess we got passed over. I go, yeah, take that. And then they did it again later in the service we'd like to ask Mr. Mrs. Hood to come up. Yeah. Wow. They took two others after you. And then I'm like, what is this thing going to be over already? Oh, my God. I did. I said that. I'm looking at my phone. I'm like, enough already. I've been in here an hour and a half, enough. And one more time we're going to open the arc and with Dr. Bruce and Wendy Kaplan, please come up. He goes, take that. Up he went. Yeah, strides to the dish. Yeah, I recorded it. I stood up and I turned on the video on my camera and I recorded it. Yeah. But you want a little bit more pageantry with your, yeah, what a more with your op beat five. Like the sermon. It just gets a little boring. It's too. It's too modeling. I understand. You expect a little more. Yes. Yeah, one. Can we just take the Baptist feel and drop it in the synagogue? Yes. Hmm. That'll work. Yeah. A lot of celebration. A lot of singing there. That'd be awesome. Yeah. How about that, Jay Moore? A little bit more of the Baptist. See, here comes the Panther guy again. And what is this guy doing? Look at him. He's pointing at the hat again. You get out of here. People are trying to get married Panther, man. That beautiful couple. They're wedding. She has a flower wedding gown. That's amazing. He had a home run right there, brother. That's restaurant quality right there. That's it. You want to kick your coverage there, brother? That's good stuff right there. Oh, doctor. Good. That's good stuff. Enjoy. That's enjoy. It's a toilet right there. Boy, nice couple there. And the groom was handsome as well. Yes. Friday folders next on Cap and Jay. Yeah, yeah. Kaleep. Follow Chicago's home for sports on Twitter at ESPN 1000. Cap and Jay Hood are back on ESPN Chicago, Chicago's home for sports. It's time for the Friday folder on the Cap and Jay Hood show. [MUSIC] Time for the Friday folder here on the Cap and Jay Hood Morning Show. And the Friday folder is brought to you by... That would be Loomal Notties, baby. It's a Friday. My friends, Chris Black and Adam Abdullah always tell me Friday is a pizza night. So go to for the location near you. You want to ship their tastes and treats around the country of all Chicago favorites? Taste of Chicago. Dockdown. Here's Shane Norland. Well, Woody, we got to talk about this Grammy situation. We were going to quiz cap as he votes for the Grammys after winning a bet with Jay Moore. But unfortunately, the Grammys are left coast elitists. The ballot is released on Pacific time and we're going to have to wait till next week. Oh, we stay on the air until they're released. That's the old radio bit. You just lock the door and we stay on until they're released, then we do the bet. Step aside, Granny. That's how we do that. That's the old way to do radio. Cap's got Grammy votes. Get on the way. Are we on it, Chicago? Nope. Cap and Jay Hood are staying till next week till Jay Moore gets the ballot. The Jayhawk would just be incensed. He's so mad. We get a countdown clock outside. Yeah, until the Grammys come down. That's right. 24 times seven. Okay, we'll do the ball drop. Exactly. We're in front of the studio. Woody, what the F. Why are you still in here? What the F. What are you guys doing? What the F. Unlock the door, hoodie. Nope. Not doing it. Stay on the air. Break the glass, Jayhawk. Ball drop actually pretty good. The metaphor when Cap's ball drops, then he can vote on the Grammys. There you go. All good. So we'll wait for that. We'll do that another time, right? Next week? Yeah. We'll never get the ballot. We get the ballot. We have till the 15th to submit. So we're good. He's not going to know a single song. He's not going to know a single artist. My partner is actually up on it because of his grandson and the younger people in his family. There's Chapel Rowan in there. Certainly. See? Pink Pony Club. Oh, Jay Moore is already doing better than I could have anticipated. How about that? We're gonna get one more in here for Chapel Rowan. I'm going to save it for the voting. So he has time to do research, Woody. Here's Jay Norley. We got to talk about the CHSN antenna debacle. So Sully wrote a column in the trip about the antenna and the process of buying one, getting it connected, something else we've done since the 80s. What are you doing? Well, Pink Pony Club, write up my playlist. Take that, Jay. This is a great radio cap. Okay. Okay, turn it off. That sucks. All right. That sounds phenomenal. It is good. Biggest crowd for her in the history of Lala Palooza. Take that. Okay. That's great. However, don't play that in my funeral because that's where it would belong. Wow. Go ahead. Sir, funeral music. Sully got his antenna and start scanning to find CHSN. Can't find it. He can get all the channels around it, but not the CHSN channels. They won't scan on the antenna. I heard Mark and Lincoln Park call Carmen your yesterday said he had the same issue. Carmen and Black are talking about YouTube TV will just not even play ball. They have no interest in a regional sports broadcaster of any of them. None of them. Right. So CHSN not available on YouTube TV. It's currently not on Comcast. The antenna situation that they have provided is an alternative apparently doesn't work 100% of the time. My question is pretty simple. If it's this difficult and you have to jump through this many hoops to watch the Blackhawks, Bulls and White Sox, all of whom we expect will be on the bad side of good. Are people going to watch? I'm not going out of my way to give me antenna. They need to fix this. I am because I want to watch the game. That's fine cap. I'll just do the radio. I'm just telling you like I'm not trying to buy an antenna to watch the Bulls and the Blackhawks. Look, you want to to shutter and sunset NBC sports Chicago? Okay. But from the other channels standpoint, you have to get your blank together. You just can't say, hey, we got this new channel that's happening. Here we go, new channel. And then nothing. No infrastructure. That's not going to work. Cap, you can't do that. So how much is the antenna? Okay. All right, 10 bucks probably. Yeah, it's going to be between like, if you want an HD antenna, you're probably paying 20 bucks. And I can get this on Amazon. You can get it best by Amazon wherever any electronic store. I'm not the swiftest with the technical stuff. So like Brett, my son, he's the guy that sets up all the TVs down on the basement with the remote that's got 72 inputs. I'm like, okay, you got the games all set? Yeah. Tell me when and I'll come down. Yeah, take care of it. I got them all. You can buy me one, Uncle Cap. I'll buy you one. I'm not, I'm not buying an antenna to watch Chicago sports. I'm gonna buy you one. That's fine. That's my request, because I'm not doing it. You come in here, you want to roll in and talk about the bulls, I'll just read the box score. How about that? Half the talk shows in America are doing that. So you, you go ahead and watch and I'll just read the box score and we'll, we'll try to put a show together. They, but my point is, is that's, it's nonsense. They got to get a deal done with Xfinity. They have to. This is, it's insane that I've got to go. It's enough that I've got all these different platforms and all these different apps. Now I got to go back to 1985 and find an antenna to watch my sports style. Come on, man. Come on. This is 2020, 2024, Cap. Figuring out. Hey, you know, you knew this channel was coming. So make sure that everyone can get it. As many people as possible. We're Xfinity people. We've been watching the bulls and the socks and the black hawks on Xfinity and you don't have it. Somebody asked you a question. If you're them and I don't know the answer to this, I'm not being a jerk here. I'm just asking the question. Yeah. If you're Brooks Boyer who's running the, the deal. Yeah. If you're Brooks, why would you not just say to YouTube TV? Hey, how about for the first year you can have it free? You got to get people to watch. That's correct. Why wouldn't you do that? That's correct. It's a good business model. Right. So you get your blind together. You build the cost of the money you're losing into your budgets for the year and you go, you can get the antenna. You try and get people to do that. You could stream us, try to get people to do that. Shay gets it. You get RCN, right, Shay? For now, but I will not be having cable in about 15 days because they've changed the agreement where I live. So I'm not going to get CHSN. Here's my point. Like if you're, forget about us and us finding ways to watch how many of the fans who watch Bull's Black Hawk's White Sox games are really going to jump through hoops to get this channel. If they have to change a service provider or go buy an antenna and figure it out, open up, they're going to lose after viewership. I can't believe Brooks, the smart guy. They're not going to not get a deal though with XFINITY. They're not. And I've got to watch. Me personally, I need to watch. So I'm going to go on Amazon today. I'm going to buy this antenna. And I think it just, you plug it in the wall and there's a cable is what I'm being told you plug into the back of your TV. What is this? Sports Vision? Yep. Come on, Cap. Don't disagree. This is ridiculous. Don't disagree. But I'm still going to make the effort to try. I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it. I want to watch. Shay, what else do we have in the folder? We can get to this week. Who do you mention to me? You wanted to talk about John Amos who passed away in August and came out this week that he passed away. Yeah. Me and the McDonald's people. We've got this little misunderstanding. See, they're McDonald's. I'm McDonald. Who is this? He's up for you. Oh, thank you. Well, I just happened to be passing by this floor and I saw those Japanese T roses. It reminded me of this afternoon and I just couldn't hear this. Who is this? What's going on? And what happened this afternoon? Nothing. We just had lunch together. That's a lot. James, this is Oscar Harris, the head of my department. Oscar, this is my husband James. Hello. Not happy right there. So what does he know more for, Cap? John Amos coming to America or good times? Wow. That's a tough one. Or, uh, root? Isn't that too? He was. Okay. So wait, he was in good times. That was a horrible episode when he died on it. Remember? Yes. That's correct. That made big news. Devastating. Devastating. Got killed in an accident. They said he is sending for the family. Oh, yeah. That's great. Um, coming to America. What was the other one you said? Roots or what else? I think, I mean, it would be those three major roles for me. I mean, people. Oh, he was in die hard, too. Was he? Yeah. Wasn't he the leader of the rogue group? Yeah. And he dies like trying to get on the plane. He's, yeah, falls into the engine. Yeah. Die hard to electric Boogaloo. Yeah. So, uh, I would probably say for me, no, best remembered for coming to America. Apparently, Jay Moore, do we have this right that he died a few months ago and we just discovered it now? Yeah. Uh, August 21st. And it was just announced. How do we not know that? Family didn't want to announce it, I guess. I actually really appreciate that. Let, let the people mourn in private and in silence. We, the public doesn't need to be aware of these things necessarily. August. How old was he? 84. He was awesome, man. Great life. I liked that guy. There's an uptown Saturday night, too. He was. Yes. Uh, Bill Cosby and uh, Sidney Poitier. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. So absolutely adds off to John Amos with a great career. All right. And that is a Friday folder right here on the Captain Jhood Morning Show. Coming up, the Captain Jhood cut of the day. It's right around the corner on Chicago's home for sports. That would have went viral. It's for Friday. It's time to get it in for the weekend. Now back to Captain Jhood to the levels. All the way up, ESPN Chicago. Time now for the Captain Jhood cut of the day. Brought to you by David Flum and Matt Moore's Chicago cut steakhouse. It's Friday and I suggest you get a burger. They're burgers best in the city. It's incredible. The fries, it takes three days to make their fries. The process, unbelievable. And go with the menorial ice cream pie for dessert. Jay Moore. Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. Oh, whatever. It's not boring. Okay, then you're boring. All right. There's a dude in a panthers hat walking by the studio right now. Right now. Yes, it's him. It's a baby. That's like, we've got a lot while I listen to the ABC seven studio. Shake a, shake a boy. And let's not let's not attack. Hold on a second cab. Let's not attack Panther fans. If you see the old man walking down this, don't attack him. Please, he was an older gentleman. He's an older gentleman. I look that hat. It looked like the loam era. It did. It looked like you'll have. Yes. That's, that's, let's leave that man alone. And get you all, folks. The camp in Jay Hood, cut of the day. Brought to you by Chicago cut steakhouse on the south, north side of the Chicago River. It's simply a Chicago favorite. You got to go. We need to correct. I don't know why you read these tweets to me. The person that was walking and he's still walking around, by the way, downtown is his Carolina hat. The color is teal on that hat cap. Is it not? It's because it's old. It's worn. Yes. It might have originally been blue, but someone asked you and told you that it's their colors are not teals that she said to me. Correct. I think it was Lamont Battle, who is a very loyal listener of ours. And he said, come on, Cap. Their color is Carolina blue. Let me tell you something right now. That color on that hat is no Carolina blue. It was good. You know, I wear my Carolina blue Jordans once in a while. That's correct. No shot. Lamont. I know people want to just be quick to correct because they can do a Google search. That was never that old man's walking around with a teal Carolina hat for one of a reason. And he's still walking around downtown, pointing at the panther as if they're going to win the Super Bowl this year. So that's what we saw. We're just reporting what we saw. That is correct. Andy Dalton has him feeling a type of way. He might have, you know what, he might have flown in. Usually, you know how the city works, Shay, is that, you know, a visiting team comes in, their fans comes in. They walked the streets of Chicago. They go to the shops and the restaurants and all that. He's the only one. I think it's the only Panther fan that's going to be a total field. That guy. We saw more A's fans when they were at Wrigley than we've seen Panthers fans. Well, it's a gaggle of A's fans. He's their Connor stallions. Oh, God. He's the one that's going to spy on the Chicago Bears. Today is National Body Language Day, Cap. Oh, when was body language a thing? Do you remember when you first heard about that? Someone's body language being bad? Yes. Okay. When Carlton Fisk hit the home run in 1975 at Fenway, and he was standing there like bending his body and wait trying to wave the ball fair. You remember that? I do recall that. That was the first time I ever heard someone go to see how Fisk's body language helped that ball stay fair. That's the first place I ever heard it. That's what it is today. Also, World Smile Day. If you see a stranger, just smile at him because someone always needs sunshine. Yeah, like this guy right here. That dude's got the same haircut as me. Right there. He looks good. He's smiling. Yeah. So, World Smile Day. Yeah. That is what beautiful wife with him. See? Look at that. Yes. See that? So, World Smile Day. Love it. First Friday in October. Also, National Manufacturing Day. Feeling. Yep. Absolutely. Did not know that one. We thank you everybody for listening and calling in and being part of the program here on Cap and Jhood. Don't forget, it's Greenie, the Carmen Yurco, broadcasting wife of Buffalo Wild Wings in Vernon Hills. Stop by Cap. That's up my neck of the name. Buy my gold there. Wild Wings, Sylvie and Black Nip Dollar. Thank you, Shane. Check that out, boys. Get me directions. Check that out. Okay. Back after that. Thank you, Shane. More of Victory Monday. Coming up on Monday. So long, everybody. Take that! From Chicago.