The Passion Project

Content Creation with Matt Corpuz

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
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Hey everyone welcome back to the passion project joining me for episode two is a friend and coworker of mine He studies journalism and communication at ucon and is in his final semester actually Here to talk to me about his passion for content creation. Please welcome Matt Corpus Hey guys I'm excited to be on the passion project Emma was telling me a bunch about and I got a chance to listen Our first episode with brand. He said that was pretty cool. Very supportive. Thank you So if you don't mind just starting off telling me and everyone listening a little bit about yourself outside of your passion and like outside of my passion. I'm My huge sports fan. I grew up playing basketball, but even before that. I was kind of like the nerdy type I still kind of am like I as a kid I read books and like for like maybe like a seven year old that's kind of weird like when people ask Oh, what do you like to do for fun? I would I would just tell them my like reading books and they look at me weird like I was into like comic book heroes like I still am in a spider-man like that's you know He's a cool fictional character And then I kind of fell in love with basketball and like the fifth grade and that's something I try to keep close to me ever since like I know means of my like a collegiate athlete, but I just enjoy playing the sport and you know Hopefully after college I get to do something with that. Yeah Is that why you chose Yukon? The story behind choosing Yukon People wouldn't believe me when I tell them this so when I was younger my my grandma actually she She works for people that donated to the school. So she would always get a lot of free like For Yukon merch a lot of it like the vintage 2010s like Final Four basketball stuff and she would just give me these shirts and like This is a cool shirt. What is that like husky thing in the middle and she's like oh, that's a school like that's a college So maybe that's something you can consider when you're older and like keep in mind. I was like maybe eight years old I didn't know what college was so After more research I kind of had my eyes set on Yukon like I applied to other schools But at the end of the day like Yukon one is close to home and to like or the basketball capital of the world So that's like also just like a big factor for me. Yeah, definitely so okay, so content creation how How did that? start like what in height were you young like how did you start getting into it and how did it become as Important to you as it is today. I feel like a lot of the stories that you're gonna hear for me today Are probably really ridiculous and you're just like how the hell did you like? No, that's that's entertaining. That's good. Um, but I know when my one this gets published and you know posted and stuff and my cousins listening to this shout out to my cousin Jay if you're listening to this, thank you so much for putting me down the road that I currently am on My older cousin and I we were pretty much like brothers. So like I would always sleep over at his house We kind of just like hang out and stuff But there's just one day in the seventh grade where like we were just in his room like typical teenager stuff Like we're just kind of like laying down nothing to do. It's like keep in mind It's like literally like the start of the fall season So like the leaves are falling like the weather is getting a little more brisk But I'm just like dude. I'm so bored. What should we do? And then he's like, um, I have a tripod in in my closet You want to film a YouTube video? I'm like, what are you talking about? Any of this like jank like tripod like at it all right for people that don't know this I had to tape my phone to the tripod Basically got like scotch tape and wrapped it around like My phone and it stuck up like it didn't like it didn't fall. Thank God, but My first ever video it was just like a I called it a vlog I don't know why I was a vlog like you see me like my face in it for like maybe five seconds like saying hi to the camera like keep in mind. I was like Still eating puberty so my voice hasn't cracked yet. It was really bad, but It was just just a basketball video. I mean at like when I first started the channel like I wanted it to be like a basketball channel, but Somehow like pretty much my whole graduating class of middle school and like the rest of my middle school found out about it And I don't know like it was just something I wanted to continue like everyone had asked like oh my god When's your new video dropping like what are you gonna post next like can I be in it like for me? I was like, oh my god, like I had not expect like by no means like did any of this go viral But like I just I just thought to myself Wow like I kind of just took a chance on something that I never would have expected And it kind of like kind of got the ball rolling with like a lot of things for me And there have been times or like I've stepped back from like content creation and YouTube and it you know Those are just like droughts that like I feel like people have in their lives like you just as you go through life you like kind of like just develop and change but I always find myself coming back to it because like at the end of the day I love like making videos for people to see like even if like by all means like no one watches it Like I I love putting up videos for like people to like see like What I have going on in my life and like maybe what other people close to me like have going on in their lives Do I think it's pretty cool? So yeah, do you ever? Because like I last year made little vlogs with my friends, but obviously they weren't popular or anything But it's it was more like to look back on is that does that kind of play into why you do it, too? Or is it more just to make it and put it out there? I'd say it's a mix of both um the latter like Making and putting out there I would say that's kind of like a secondary thing like when I first started like the goal for me It was to just kind of get stuff out there because like at the time like it's middle school like you know We're like tiny teenagers like no one's gonna like expect much like I don't know apparently my videos are in high demand Like we're in a middle school in my hometown and everyone's like no like ones in or like next like corporate CV video dropping Like I don't know like I'm just like kid trying to figure out my stuff too. So like that's that's impressive though That like people were into it cuz I was I'm surprised to That I feel like in high school and stuff like that age people are Judging like if it's someone if I knew someone in my grade that had like a youtube channel But like was very serious about it. It'd be like In fact, I know what you mean like sometimes I still feel that like feel that way but like You I kind of just learn to like block it out like at the end of the day. It's like um I mean to your point again like I do post these videos sometimes to look back on like It's so funny that you mentioned that cuz recently I just caught myself looking through someone like my older college videos when I like You know got back in a youtube and like we were still wearing masks like oh It was so like different and like my style of video and like what I've filmed Yeah, and the people that were in it was so different to what it is like now like I've I think I've just seen like stylistic choices and like development like Over like the years like I've had like really good videos really crap videos that like obviously like I thought I put in work But kind of just don't get flushed out in the algorithm. Yeah, thank you youtube for that. I appreciate that so much um But then again, like sometimes it's just nice to have these like videos like on the web you can look back on and you're just like oh wow like It's basically just like reliving a memory. Yeah, essentially. So Yeah, definitely is it more than a hobby would you say like do you I forget what you said when we were talking about this last week, but Is this something that you want to like pursue as you want to do it as a job? Right now it's a hobby. I like don't get monetized for making youtube videos I don't even read but you do get paid for the foundation. That is true like You know, that is true. Like the job I have here on campus Like M&I like we we make social con social media content For the school and it gets like flushed out to different social channels and stuff So I mean it's kind of like youtube in a sense where like you get paid for it, but um, yeah, I mean I as of now it's like it's been kind of just a hobby because I'm just like getting into it again and just like Filming whatever really but also just things that like I find of interest like today like I'm on this podcast with Emma And like that was something I was looking I've been looking forward to this week because like I knew I can make a video out of this but also like At the end of the day like I could like kind of help a friend out and kind of just like talk about like what I'm passionate about Which is just sitting in front of a camp like sitting in front of like my iphone I'm wiggling it up as we speak and um Like my my TikTok tripod that I have behind me and kind of just filming videos like you make TikToks No comment. No comment. Wait, I have to find your TikTok No, I found your youtube. Okay. Well, that's that's the most important one. That's the good. Yeah, it's the most important one. Um, but Again, like everything you're mentioning now like everything's like just happened to me recently like today like I had like a resume critique with my professor in the journals in department and um She's like so like what do you want to do? And I'm just like oh I have not been asked that question in like years and I had to sit down or in that moment. I was like Okay, well You know, I'd like to do what are you passionate about? Yeah, I'd like to do something like within the line of content creation But also I'd like to be a journalist like whether that be like A written journalist a reporter or like a someone that shoots videos like I I'd like to do that but I'd also like to have like Part of my life that like I can make videos about like document like documenting my life Not like being like a Documentarian. I think that's a term per se but like I'd like to like put stuff out there for people that can like see and like I don't I don't want to say influencer because I feel like that's such a like a taboo term and like niche, but like I want like my videos. I just want people to see them like Have a good laugh like eat dinner like have it on their phone while they're eating dinner and just like get a good laugh or something Like, you know, because you never know like what someone's going through and like sometimes like Stupid videos like mine could just like chew people up. So like that's that's what I get out of it Like that's like for me. That's like that's my why mission statement. I guess that's why I do it so For those listening last week Last week mat and I got to go to a documentary film premiere In Hartford and that's part of our job and that's kind of how This whole started of like oh come on my podcast or whatever And we're interviewing people. So that was leading me into my next question of what you kind of were talking about right before but interviewing and like that kind of side of journalism because you are a journalism major is that Does that interest you like career-wise? Out of curiosity. I mean I'm taking a few like interview classes and I'm taking a documentary class too. So I mean all of this is really cool stuff because it's kind of overlapping like I see like the term is like double dipping like I'm taking several like courses that double dip into like different areas like My documentary course touches on interviewing I think that's interesting like last week like Evan and I we got to get to interview people at the bush know, which is in Hartford um about a documentary premiere. I I was talking to my professor about this today like again like these are just like Experiences like you just kind of plug in with what we're talking about um I basically was telling her about like oh like I got an interview like People at this like documentary premiere um last weekend I don't know like at one point like I was just in a flow state like Like Emma do you remember like how we had to like trade off them like every so often? Yeah, there was some moments. We're just like oh my god. I don't know if I want to like trade off Like I'm like in a flow state. We're like I'm just like oh my god. Like I'm in a rhythm. We're like I kind of just want to like whatever people like whoever comes up to me that you bring like I'm I'm just gonna ask some questions like I think Once you get into like the habit of like, you know Accepting rejection and then like when people do come on like you kind of just get into this like rhythm of Okay, like you kind of just get a gist of what you're asking like what you want to get out of the interview But I think interviewing is a skill that I feel like has gone a lot better I don't think I have any content on my channel that relates to like interviewing but like Just over the years. I think that's a good skill to have because Personality plays like a big part of it. Like if yeah, you know if you're all tensed up and stuff while interviewing They're not gonna reciprocate. That's it. They're gonna reciprocate it back. They're gonna be stiff And I want to talk to you, but um, yeah, I noticed that in the video like I was like If you're if you're loosened up and you kind of crack a joke or you kind of just break the ice and introduce yourself then you kind of like You gain their trust slowly and you break that like barrier So I do find interviewing and like documentaries and filming interesting I think all of those things kind of just like overlap with each other in this like What's the word again venn diagram? It's like a venn diagram of like Venn diagram of calm journalism and I don't even like social media Yeah, you could even just splice like entertainment in there because a lot of that stuff like applies. So Yeah, what do you think are some common misconceptions related to content creation? And you're like your passion, which is content creation Misconceptions because I was thinking how It's very Not like It's not stigmatized, but it's like It's not always, you know, it's kind of Made fun of in a way for a lack of a better word One misconception, and I think I mentioned this to you like last week like A lot of people don't think that content creation like is like serious in a sense because people are like oh like They see a 15 second video And they're just like That would take me like 30 minutes. The truth is when it comes to content creation and stuff like that like I make longer form videos So You have to keep in mind I have to storyboard my own ideas for the most part since my channel is kind of more at this point like a lifestyle vlogger just documenting stuff storyboard and then You could choose to do this or not think about what you want to incorporate what b-roll do you want to incorporate what music you want to incorporate actually filming it to this day filming has probably been like the like my weakest link like I mean honestly like my final final products I make it work but like filming I feel like it's the hardest for me just because like sometimes like You kind of get in your own hand. You're just like, oh my god Like I don't want to whip my phone out right now and just like record this But I feel like sometimes you just have to swallow your pride next up that you know Like no one's like if you whip your phone on record No one's really gonna care what you do And stuff because either way this is gonna get posted out to however many people watch it Um editing which is my favorite part. I don't know why so many people hate editing videos. I enjoy it What do you use to edit cap cut On your computer on my computer. Yeah, but I I do know how to use like premiere prone stuff but I Technically Technically speaking I just I like using cap cut. It's a lot easier to navigate and they have really cool like transitions and like text boxes pro No, I have the regular one, but pro I know has a lot of cool things like you could do like If you make like short form content, you could do like motion tracking So if you have two people you could like You know the camera go like go to them and then I could cut to the other person if they move and stuff Like so that's pretty cool, but um Yeah, there's uh Yeah, I mean back to that misconception like people just think content creation isn't serious But you have to realize that people make money off of content creation like that's their job So the people that make 15 second videos on tick talk about like what um gaming Politics those people at the end of the day are getting paid to do that stuff and it may not seem like it because you're just seeing a 15 second video on your feed, but those people are Getting paid they're getting sponsorships and they're making a living off of that And I just I just think that kind of like is a testament to kind of the society where nowadays everyone Is like pretty much everyone's just kind of Technologically advanced or has some sort of knowledge and has a way around social media and stuff. So Yeah, everything's online now like even it's not even just fun stuff like that like what you do but even companies and digital marketing and like literally everything's on social media. So it's definitely important how do you personally kind of Balance everything as a student and now you only have one semester left. So I would hope you like you've gotten pretty good at it over the course of your undergrad but yeah, how do you think with because you have jobs and Classes and then this is obviously something to do for fun, but it's still important to you You want to make time for it? This is going to sound really bad Sometimes I kind of just go in it every at the start of every week. I kind of Have a mental framework of it and kind of just wing it. Sometimes I don't That's kind of what I like about life. Like sometimes you just don't follow the script you're given Sometimes you just make your own like script and stuff, which I think is pretty cool Yeah, like at the start of the week, I'll be like I'm gonna do this do this x y and z Sometimes I don't like sometimes something else will get thrown into that and it'll make my week a lot more interesting. So in terms of balance I think with just having you know like a like a job, you know, like Emma and I like working together and stuff and just having a job at the foundation like That's pretty manageable because they they're very understanding of like, um, we're we're student workers like the but you know in that In that um job description, the first word is students like at the end of the day like you're a student like you Go to class, you know, you just pass class and stuff. So I mean my philosophy I've also got it just from my mom is that education comes first like that's just like a principle that I've kind of lived by And even I mean even to this day in my like last semester like that's something I try to like stand true by because You know having an education is important like content creation like I could I could always do that like on the side, you know Um, but I try to just you know keep my academics like in line first and then Things like work work is like a secondary thing. So like right after educational kind of Clop that in there, but in between all of that I like to just allocate time Like to my friends and like coworkers and stuff and it's like social events. Um So to my roommates Christian. Joe. If you guys are listening to this. I love you guys. Um You guys have made the star of the semester Pretty awesome. We're like I don't like what like a month or two in but a month. Oh my god. Oh my one Okay, it is going by fast. It is but I've to you too. I've I've enjoyed every second of it So if you guys end up listening to this, thank you Um, but it really just is like I think it just comes down to like what your priorities are and what you want to get done. Yeah Because everyone's life is different and everyone has so much like on their plate or just maybe they don't have anything on their plate when In turn they pick up something new. So I think you're right like as I over the years. I kind of just like established like When I should prioritize one thing over the other like this week for me Is pretty light in terms of like assignments and like upcoming things, but um because of that I'm able to film Uh a video which I'm actually in the process filming right now have dedicated to this podcast So, how do you think like over the years your relationship with your passion has changed even just I mean You mentioned how you were looking back at the videos during We're wearing masks and stuff and that was only a few years ago It sounds like you you started doing this again. Like picked it back up fairly recently What kind of shifted? Um um I mean a lot of the shift happens like happened to like Right after covid. I mean we're still kind of like in it But like at this point like the pandemic was like all we had to do is wear masks and go to school and kind of just like slowly integrate back in society, but I just remember like one day like filming like a vlog because like at the time I was like I was at the Stanford campus. So like it's a much smaller campus there, but you were at the Stanford campus I was I don't know. Did I mention that? I don't think so. Oh well for how long? Year and a half So until halfway through sophomore year if I explain it's a little tricky. I was My sophomore year. I was here and then I went to Stanford and then I came back my senior year If that makes sense, it's a little it's tricky to kind of like like wrap your head around Were you here as a freshman? Yeah, but it was like online like my my first like year and a half. I'd say I it was all online class. No first year was online My sophomore year in the fall. I I dormed. Are you are you graduating early or late? I don't know. I don't even know. How old are you? Whoa, I'm so confused Uh, I'm 22. You're 22. Yeah, I feel like I told you that You're O2 2002. Yeah, I'm 2002 But like I have an extra semester because of my my double major essentially like I don't think I'm Graduating late early that makes sense But I get it like I'm graduating in December But like in May when the graduation ceremonies or commencement happens like I'll be walking on like stage Wait, this is For my own knowledge when did what year did you graduate at high school 2020? Okay, now I get it cool because I was like, I was like, what do you mean you were online because if you were a year above me We didn't yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, so you're like two years. Yeah. Wow Interesting crap. I kind of forgot the question. I was answering. I don't even remember what I asked. Oh over the over the years Um, yeah, no, so I kind of just like filmed a video there And then I got a decent amount of views like just like I get my regular viewers that view my videos with on some people that Like I was talking with the time that like we're supportive of me like if anything like those people back to Sanford kind of helped push me back into like Content creation and just getting back in this way of things even if it meant like critiquing like Something I could fix like I think like that like I appreciate so much because it just goes a long way for me and helping me kind of just build my channel and the type of videos I make but Since then it's just it's really just been about like documenting like either really big things that are happening in my life or like Even like little little vlogs, you know, this will be a little vlog But I still think it's pretty major in my life because this is like the second podcast I've been on the first one I've been on I've talked about content creation But like this one I actually feel like I kind of just get it like it feels like a conversation like the last one I kind of felt like I was just being like We were just giving questions. I was just being like interrogated almost but you know, this one feels like I could you know It's pretty cool. Good because this is only my second episode So I'm trying to make it I'm trying to make it as conversational as possible But without sounding like an interview. Okay. I have a bit of a I wanted to pivot slightly So you you're into like fashion a little yeah, right? Yeah, the the fancy shoes that he's wearing right now. What is that like sax fifth loafers? I call them my crocodile steppers exactly so So What do you think is the worst fashion decision you've ever made your face um I'm so curious to hear this. I think the worst I feel like to this day I kind of do it, but it's not as like intense um I would get the really really crappy graphic teas I sold that target for like eight dollars And I would wear those with cargo pants like that was a huge thing for a while It's still kind of is but like people have kind of died down from that. Um yeah, graphic teas were really big like now like if I had looked at myself like Two years ago in the mirror and how I dressed and looked at myself like on this day that we're like recording this podcast I probably been like dude. What are you wearing? Yeah, I feel like that's inevitable. Honestly just growing up. I think also just like I think like when it comes to fashion, like you just see people you kind of want to like Dress up as or you see as like inspiration like what I'm wearing right now I don't even know like what this would resemble, but I just saw some like dude on tik-tok like Making like uh ways to style loafers. So I'm like, okay Today seems like the type of day to just like put together an outfit with my loafers because I just have them like in my closet. So um But I guess worst like oh, I just thought of one too. Only certain people know this and that's a good thing I used to like I have I think it was my junior year of college. I had a lot of like rings, but they're really like crappy like quality rings Um, that's besides the point. I would stack like one. I'm like pretty much each or every other finger and it would It would look ridiculous I don't know how people wanted to talk to me without looking down at my hands and be like why do you have like 50 rings? Like on your like both of your hands why? Why so you're trying something it didn't last didn't like it. I only wear one now. Yeah So, what do you think? This is also just changing the subject, but I'm I'm just curious What do you think since you only have one semester left so sad? What are you gonna miss the most about ucon? And basketball basketball could be secondary, but I'm gonna miss the people here Like I feel like I've met so many like great people Like not just like here at stores, but in Stanford like some of those people I might have Stanford that are here now like they're my closest friends And I feel like if I hadn't pivoted that way in my life and like kind of Like gone that route, then I don't think I would have been in the position. I am so honestly the people Yeah, like whether that's my roommates like my coworkers just people I see in class and like talk to like every like once in a while like And even my professors like some of my professors like have kind of put their trust to me and kind of You know, expected me to do things and you know, I've kind of met those expectations and because of that like We have such a strong relationship. So I'm gonna miss the people. I also just think the campus is beautiful. So I'm gonna miss like cow town The smell of cow manure lovely lovely Did you did you meet your roommates like at Stanford? Um one of them did actually go to Stanford. Um, funny story of my roommate actually that relates to my youtube videos and Just content creation. So one of my roommates Joe, I'm gonna put you on the spot because you're the roommate that I'm talking about. So Joe, right You're not a last year. We won the national championship. Yeah, how can I forget? There was a there was a darti the day after and um I'm trying to uh, no, that was right after a while. Yeah, um, so There was a darti The day after we won the championship and keep in mind. I was already compiling footage for a vlog I was planning to release within the week after within that week Just documenting kind of my like few days that like my roommates and I and my friends were experiencing ucon basketball um but after that um That video because usually when I promote my videos, I like kind of put the link on instagram with like a little snippet of it I'll also put it on like snapchat not just on my story, but like with ucon like their community story. So based on your like graduation year, you could like post something there and like 1,200 people will see it. So yeah, um, I always do that. So like, you know, if you guys see me on the ucon 2024 story, please watch my videos um, but I posted the national championship vlog and um You know, I kind of just like a post like saying like oh like go check it out if you haven't already And like the picture of me is like I'm on top of my roommate like from last year's shoulders So max if you're listening to this. Yeah, you probably remember that but I was on top of my roommate's shoulders and it was a just Screencap of me like, you know, kind of just like rowdy at this darti And then I get a friend request from this kid named joe I'm just like, what the hell is joe? So I accept it and um After that, I just kind of I'm like, yo, like what's up? You added me? It's like Yeah, dude. I I saw the vlog. I saw the vlog you posted. I was at that same darti and like No way a random person watched my vlog. That's like really nice. So I hadn't thought much of it like keep in mind in the moment. I was like, all right cool kind of rush it like under the rug two weeks later Joe posts on his snap story that he's looking for two roommates off campus so My friend uh krish and I who's also my roommate now We were in the talks of getting off campus house and being roommates We just needed to find a third though so We took a crazy gamble on on joe And uh, we met him. I think a week later outside of his dorm and we just talked It was just kind of like I I'd like to see a pre-interview and technical terms, but We kind of just got to know him a little bit And we all locked it in and ever since it's kind of been that it's been a crazy start to the semester with those two so I honestly think like A big part of my day too like when sometimes I'm feeling down is like knowing I'm gonna come home to like awesome roommates that could just instantly like change like the like vibe for me and stuff so definitely like again, it's crazy how like Life works in the world works because like I did not think I was gonna have like My third roommate and meet him because of a youtube video that I posted so I mean, it's just a testament to Sometimes if you like are feeling insecure. Just don't know whether or not to like put something out there Who's gonna stop you and why should you stop yourself from doing it? You never know where it's gonna lead to so yeah, the right people might find it exactly so Lastly just to finish up I like to finish with advice for anyone listening and so over the years What do you think? First, what would you tell yourself when you were just starting out like the seventh grade? Yeah, math Or also what advice would you give to those trying to find their passion? Okay, so Advice to seventh grade math Just thinking about that's making me physically cringe because I could see like I could just picture my face like in that first ever video Like I had different glasses. My hair was so much shorter. It's like a little it was a jank as like comb over it was bad Advice to seventh grade math is Don't be Don't be scared at the moment and kind of embrace it like I think At one point. I mean, I was in seventh grade like I should not be having to deal with so much pressure, but like I Mean if I were to tell myself when I was younger just like embrace the moment make the most of it because you never know How long it's gonna last and what you could get out of it? Uh, so definitely yeah just embracing the moment and just You know, even if there was a lot of pressure stacked up against you kind of just using that to your advantage and leveraging off of that Yeah, and that's for anyone who's looking to You know pursue a passion. I would I mean in simpler terms, I would just say just go for it. Like what do you have to lose? Especially if it's like Something you have been thinking about doing for a while and maybe it's something new to you. I would say just go for it because Really who's who's gonna stop you the only person stopping you is yourself. Yeah, no one else in your life is gonna stop you from it Outsiders are not gonna stop you from it. It's it's pretty much all on you and For my basketball fans out there pretty much the balls in your court It just comes it just comes down to what are you gonna do with the ball? Are you gonna pass it your teaming and it's gonna go out of bounds and you're gonna lose possession. Are you gonna? You're gonna size up the guy in front of you and take the game winning shot. So Yeah, amazing Well, thank you all for listening to the passion project special thanks to map for joining us Thank you for having me of course and keep tuning in to learn more of each of our guests Each episode and see you next time Oh so cool