Geek Blurb

Episode 140

This week we start off the month with a Show and Tell, Ray talks about episode 2 of Only Murders in the Building season 4, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 episode 4, we talk Euphoria season 1 (Max/HBO), we start our month of September Football movies with The Blind Side (2009) and Jerry Maguire (1996), we review the new M. Night Shyamalan film Trap, we talk James Bond/Dr. No and finally this week to get prepared for our full Alien Romulus breakdown in the coming weeks, we breakdown the first 4 Alien films: Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Alien 3 (1992) and Alien Resurrection (1997)

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Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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This week we start off the month with a Show and Tell, Ray talks about episode 2 of Only Murders in the Building season 4, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 episode 4, we talk Euphoria season 1 (Max/HBO), we start our month of September Football movies with The Blind Side (2009) and Jerry Maguire (1996), we review the new M. Night Shyamalan film Trap, we talk James Bond/Dr. No and finally this week to get prepared for our full Alien Romulus breakdown in the coming weeks, we breakdown the first 4 Alien films: Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Alien 3 (1992) and Alien Resurrection (1997)

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Show us on key flood to show you can't ignore We ain't kevin' diving deep into all things below Comic book, movie, sci-fi, and action Thrilled over dealing new TV shows, we keep it real real When we're missing the attitude, error wrestling at it's peak Your style drift from the 80s and 90s, memory sweet seek Pineapples for a lot of ratings, if you need touch Keep culture in our blood, we love it so much Keep lookin' for a threat, we love it so much Keep us, where we talk about it at all From superheroes to wrestlers, we stand tall We ain't kevin' the dynamic duo inside Keep us shining bright, shining bright Did you hear 'em loud, true love, let's rest up, right? Keep on takin' you on a nostalgia fly From movies to TV, we cover it all Join us in every week, we'll have a ball [music] Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of Geek Blurm Live on YouTube, on podcast, if you're listening on podcast 4 We're gonna start the show off with a show and tell [music] So many geeky things that we could pull off from the show [music] We've been collecting shit for years and now we're whipin' it out [music] So it's time to showcase all the money that we whisked it well [music] Another month, another month to show off our shit This month, I've decided to describe my whole entire D&D minifigure collection that I've had for, I don't know, almost a decade now Um, just ended a campaign, just started a new one Um, I will show that off in a couple months when they get that figure But, um, first figure I had was this one It was a fighter, fighter figure that I got One of the first campaigns, my friend Justin made it for me, painted it Um, has a flaming sword Um, then Justin came up with the idea, actually both did, of having a fighter figure Kind of like Hellboy, who threw bombs His name is Chuck Nitro And that's the figure he did on, um, hero, Pero Forge He did that figure and he painted it, I believe Um, but he throws bombs, you see a little potion there with smoke coming out of it Kind of looks like Hellboy red skin Um, and then the last campaign that we just ended, I decided to be a dragonborn Um, and I made it kind of being like, um, scorpion from moral combat This is what, this is what he looks like Um, kind of a cool figure, nice tail Kind of got the same guard as Sub-Zero But I made the character more like scorpion He had a dragon companion, this is him, Drake And then, towards the end of the campaign, this is kind of what he looks like That was his weapon, it was kind of like, uh, scorpions With that he has in Mortal Kombat Oh, nice Um, and then, of course, the dragon grew, wings Came larger and became a, uh, rideable figure at the end of the game Campaign that we just ended Um, we just started a new one, um, and uh, shout out to all of my D&D Compodge Rays, and we get together every other week to play Um, yeah, I'm excited to get into this new game My new character is pretty damn cool and I'll talk more about it in a couple months Nice, nice I just have, um, I got this on Amazon Superman's, the ultimate guide to the man of steel has, uh, gold On the sides of the paper, but, uh, yeah, get ready for Superman Obviously, I've been buying a lot of comics, which I need to stop Um, yeah, but yeah, basically it goes over the story of everything I mean, we've already talked about comics are great, but they're an expensive hobby Um, but it's pretty much from the start to end, you know The golden age and all that stuff, and every bad guy has their own stuff Uh, each age kind of has like its own story type deal That's cool Um, I love those type of books Yeah, it's a very good, uh, uh, coffee table book, I guess you could say Yep Um, so yeah, it's good I've enjoyed reading it, funding through it from time to time Nice, yeah, I love those types of books that have, have the whole entire history of things I have a couple more books like that too, but Um, getting into what we watched this week, I'm gonna start off talking about only murders in the building, this show is actually doing very, very good this season Season 4, uh, got renewed for season 5, it was in the news, we'll talk about it now Um, but yeah, it's just the comedy timing of everybody on this show Not only the three main, but just everybody The whole entire ensemble and plus the special guest stars that they have every year Has been fantastic, um, and I cannot wait to see what's gonna happen It's each week on Hulu on Tuesdays Um, rings of power episode 4 Um, last week I kind of complained that this show is slow However, there is a lot of connections to the book and this week was no exception to that Um, a character that was cut out of The Lord of the Rings movies by Peter Jackson Was cut out from the animated show in the 70s that came out of The Lord of the Rings Tom Bobadill Um, I'm not really sure where he is Popular character Very popular, very, very, very popular Almost the way they treat him is almost like a god Or almost like some sort of a being sent down He's been there longer than any of the wizards, any of the ancient like elves Any he's been there the longest He's been through there through the beginning of time Um, his wife made a really quick audible appearance as goldberry um And also old man ironwood In if you read The Lord of the Rings, old man willow is kind of lives around Tom Bobadill He has this old man ironwood in this episode It's kind of a tree that's the sentient kind of not like an ant But you do see ants in this as well Uh, we saw those in The Lord of the Rings Um, but um, we see the burrow downs and the burrow weights Which are also cut out of The Lord of the Rings Or a big part of the Tom Bobadill story in that as well Um, right before Tom Bobadill saves Frodo and the Hobbits in the beginning of that book But um, and of course we did see the ants Um, if you saw Lord of the Rings, you know, those are the tall tall talking walking trees Um, we see them in this as well Um, they're kind of they're kind of pissed just like they were in Lord of the Rings Because the goblins were destroying the whole entire forest But um, we also see harfoots and now the stores Another halfling kind of connected to the hobbits We're not sure what's happening with the hobbits I'm not sure if they're, I'm not even sure if they're in the shire yet Or if this is kind of the intro to how they get to that shire, I have no idea Um, I gotta, we gotta bring in somebody that actually knows some shit about this Because you know, I've read some, I've read parts of the books I haven't finished Lord of the Rings, all of them Um, but Maybe I would just, I would jump on at the uh, maybe for the finale I think so, I think Adam maybe watching, I don't think Justin is off the talk to him to see But um, so after all that, I didn't really have a lot to watch This week because, we're just kind of in a standstill right now So I decided to watch Euphoria, a show that you've been recommending for a while Show I've been wanting to watch with Zendaya Beautifully shot, it makes you feel like a creepers great Yeah, it does and uh Because, because all of these kids, they're all, it's like the new Hollywood casting call They're all kids, like this show, I don't think this came out in 2018, '19 I didn't show the person, yeah All of these kids now are all superstars Zendaya had already done Superman at this time, she was a Disney Spider-Man And now Spider-Man, she was a Disney star back in the early 2000s Now she's big, she's huge, she's in everything, she's just saying that Challenger's movie last year Um, it reminds me of Atlanta, um, because we had Atlanta starting, there was no name except for Don Glover, and then by the time they got season three, they had to delay season three and four Because they were all so big Right, it doesn't remind me of that too Um, but just the whole entire cast ensemble, all of these kids The big one in this right now, Sydney Sweeney, I mean, she got her start on that first season Topless, a lot, so if you love Sydney Sweeney, you fucking love this show Um, you also, let's say the other guy that was, um, the lead guy Take him already Yes He was huge He was huge, she was super mad Superman, she was a character Yes, but yes, he's gotten a huge career out of this as well Uh, we'll talk about it more next week when we get into season two because I'm going to watch season two this weekend But uh, the other, the other kid that plays, um, who died, uh, I can't remember his name Oh, um Yeah, I'm blanking my name too, but Feds is my character He is my favorite character too and it sucks that he's part of the best, yeah, he's awesome Um, but there's one episode I want in particular that I want to talk about in this season It's the chili cook-off carnival episode If you've seen this show You'll know exactly what I'm talking about this show from beginning, this episode from beginning to end Had so much tension, so much built up It's just hunter shafer in this show is fantastic Also, like her relationship was in diet throughout the whole entire show has been great so far I also watched the two COVID specials that came out, um, I believe in 21 2020 and 2021 or 2021 2022 for christmas and new years I don't know if you watch those or not the very like one sided episodes The first one is send dia sitting in the Diner with komen demingo. Did you see that episode? I don't think I saw those. I didn't know they're in there. Yeah, they're they're not in part of the season They have to sit search them separately And the other episode the other episode may be one of the best episodes of euphoria that i've seen so far It's all about hunter hunter shafer going to a psychiatrist talking about all of her problems Sets up a lot of stuff that happened in season one and breaks it down a little bit more when she's talking to her psychiatrist psychiatrist a little bit Or a therapist wherever she is Um, those are really good the hunter shafer one was the best but the whole entire season as a whole has been great And I actually I stopped I I finished this on monday And I've been holding back to watch season two because I want to talk about season one this week Next week we'll get into all of season two. I'm probably gonna watch it after I get off here tonight. Yeah. Um, two is something Um, I have to really like ash ash is awesome. Yes. Um, yeah Did you see I can't remember is this backstory in season one or is that season two? The ash episode where he came to live with fez? No, you must not yet. I'll get a season two Yep, okay. Yeah, that's the other thing I like about this two two things the beginning of the sea series I don't know if it changes or not, but the episode titles are all rap songs Um, and every episode begins with an intro or a Our background background to a character on the show that you that you kind of are getting to know Um, and of course zendaya is a big part of that hunter shafer has been a big part of that Can't remember her name on the show, but um But yeah, uh, yeah, it's just such a great show. It's on hpo if you haven't seen it Some dark stuff in there. A lot of drug use. Um, zendaya is a drug addict. She's in she's in high school Um, she can't seem to kick that Colan de mingo. Yeah, a lot of we hear a lot about Colman de mingo. He is great the episode If you haven't watched that go back and watch that this weekend Um, the uh, euphoria special episodes. I think they came out right before covid because they were filming Season two, and it wasn't coming out for like another year So they did these quick little uh intros uh special episodes that were around christmas time of I believe 20 2021. I think the second season about 22 to 23 Um, but yeah, this is this is a great show and I can't wait to finish it And we'll talk all about season three speculation now that it's been delayed over and over again because of uh, what's his name? That passed and then I think another producer I passed as well or left it or left the show or something Um, there's a lot there's a lot of stuff going on with that, but we'll talk about that next week Um We're in the beginning of september We're gonna start off with a couple of football movies one i've seen before I'm coming back to revisit it, but what i've never seen before and i'm glad I did Um, the blind side starring sanger bullock Tim McGraw the country singer Uh lily colons who is the son of phil called the daughter of phil colons Um cafe baits is in this And quinton errand as michael or michael or is a real football player Um, I believe this is early 2000s. You know might know more about the the whole story of this Um, he is a football player who kind of lived in a pavers life Uh, was homeless a lot live in house and couch to couch um, and this family takes him in and kind of Doesn't adopt him We'll get into the true story of this as well because there's a lot of controversy with it But um takes him in and gives him this lavish lifestyle gives gives him this um, uh Just this just chance to do something and be something he ends up going to a private school and Makes it into the nfl and I think he's in a couple seasons in the nfl. I don't think he made it Yes, he was drafted by the ramens. He was pretty good for a few years Yeah, but uh all of story all about that. I thought the story was fantastic I thought everything about this movie was great Looked into it a little bit more. He found out there's a lot of controversy with the actual History of what happened what they took for uh creative liberties for the movie Um, the guy michael or wrote a book Um pretty much denouncing his whole entire family that the movie depicted Sandra billoch being the one character them his so-called mother um and Yeah, just crazy and he talked a lot about the adoption. It wasn't really an adoption. It was a conservative ship Um, he's trying to break that now. Um, it was basically to get him get him into college Into a college that they all supported. I can't remember. Was it uh, oklahoma? I can't remember what it was. I mean, so yeah, there's some one of those one of those schools They tried to get him in and they had to do a concerted Conservatorship to make him part of the family And then he got investigated by the end up end up Nc double a and uh But it ended up going in anyway Family ended up making millions while he made nothing which was an which is incredible I made nothing from the movie or the book or anything of his life story Um, he says his full original story is full of inaccuracy So I don't know I don't know though. I don't know the whole story other than watching this movie this week I thought the movie was really good. Um, I think the movie itself stands stands by itself But if it's full of lies and and shit like that, I don't know but overall great movie But I also went back and watched a movie. I saw it got 20 years in one of those movie, uh, 1996 Yeah, directed by Cameron Crow who if you know Cameron Crow, I love Cameron Crow Almost famous one of my favorite movie by him is kind of autobiography movie that he did A few years after this I think the next movie he did Um, but Jerry Maguire this movie is just great for the time it was and it has a lot of one liners just became Pop culture lexicon early 90s on and still some of the shit we still say now like show me the money Cuba Gooding jr. Became a huge superstar because of this movie Show me the money was the big one. Um, the very end of the movie. Um, I'm not I'm in a butchered I know I am but um You had me at hello. I mean, that's a big huge thing. That was and that was in the pop culture lexicon for years still is some of the stuff Um, movie of course stars tom crews right in the peak of his career Still, I mean he's still making movies. He's still in the peak if you want to say but Uh slowed down a little bit compared to what he was doing in the 80s and 90s, but um made rene zelwinger a star Um cali Preston who at the time was uh, she's she's passed since then but she was she's married to um, john javolta, of course the Scientologist Uh in that Scientologist community Uh cuba gooding jr. Like I mentioned bonnie hunt plays a sister rene zelwinger Um Regina king. I think this might have been one of her first movies as well. She was great in this she played the wife of uh cuba Gooding uh jay more right around the time of mad mad tv. I think he was on a mad tv Or one of those shows, uh jerry o'connel another one of his uh first uh big huge movies um eric stolts He had a really quick cameo in this of course back to the future if you know the history back to the future He's he's a big part of this show Um allie wentworth who was on in living color a few years before that erry spears. He was also on uh mad tv Uh drew blood. So he was in this he had a quick cameo Troy acumen as well Uh glenn frigh who was friends with uh cameron crow. He was in this quick cameo drake drake bell played a young kid at the beginning of this movie flips off jerry mcguire And jonathan lip nicky A kid who is just like hilly joe osmond that we do not see anymore When we do what's always weird he always has his like a dyed hair or piercings or something weird with this kid However, he is just a memorable part of this movie he was a little kid that kind of fell in you fell in love with he became friends with jerry mcguire Um became had a really good repertoire with uh tom cruz throughout the movie. I thought this movie Looking back on it as the dogs when I saw this what were what were we? 14 99 actually 996. I believe he was right before the millennium Uh, yeah, so we were like 14 15 15 Singing it singing with adult eyes puts it a whole other perspective And it just it just hit me a lot a lot more than it did when I was when I was younger But movie has everything that you want it has uh it's our radius So it has a little bit of sex a little bit of this a little bit of that a little bit of love story um The football aspect of it kind of to the background, but there's a little bit of it in in in here as well Um, but yeah, just a great movie. I've never seen jerry mcguire go ahead and watch that in the same with the blinds blinds side It's a great movie too. Um So we're gonna talk about a brand new movie that we watched you watched a few weeks ago. I'm I just watched it last weekend trap M night shalomolons Shyamalan's movie Uh brand new movie the trailer pretty much gave up the whole concept of this movie out Um, however, if you know shalomolon, you know his filming style, you know what he does There's a little bit hints and mysteries throughout Uh talking and of course this movie stars joss hearten it Um, we always I used to talk about um, we don't see him anymore But now we've seen him everywhere he's been in a few big movies in the last the last year or two Starting with Oppenheimer last year, but um Also, silica shalomolon who was the daughter of m night was the lead singer of this kind of a Taylor Swift slash Ariana grande slash concert Performer who ends up being the whole main part of this story Um and haley mils plays a who if you know, um, miss ballis the original Saved by the bell. She was miss ballis. She was also an um Parent trap way way way way disney movie way way way back in the sixties But um, she's in this as well. She kind of plays a criminal psychology Psychologist who was trying to figure out who is this guy that is in this He's he's obviously they they know that a serial killers in this stadium He has somebody held hostage. They found a not getting too many into too many spoilers. They found a um a concert ticket with his with a Where one of his victims was taken and it was like a little piece of a concert ticket And they kind of pointed at where he was going to be that night So they blocked off the whole entire concert with police officers. He's locked in there with his daughter Well, I thought she was great in this movie as well. Oh, yeah, um But they locked off the whole entire place trying to find this killer and he's has to try to figure out how to get out of there without being cut Um overall story is great the music in this. I think I think um Shyamalan's daughter did a fantastic job. She I think she wrote everything. I know she performed it I think she wrote it as well helped write it. Um, but overall trap was a good movie Um one of one of Shyamalan's good good ones kind of leaves it wide open at the end too And I remember we speculated Uh about six months ago about this movie when we first saw that saw the trailer for it About what if this was connected to One of his other movies the sixth sense, right? And you can't the the thing about this movie there is one point in the movie where he sees his this image of his mother He keeps seeing her coming up back and forth that that imagery kind of reminded me of haley jell osmond Seeing those ghosts back in the day. Um, yeah, but I don't know if that'll ever connect to that But that would be a really cool connection to that universe If uh, all of his serial killers and haley jell osmond came back I wonder if he would ever do something like that. You don't see it you see haley jell every once in a while here and there But it'd be great to see him come back in the Shyamalan Last time I saw him was like the aterons movie I think that was on my song. Yeah, he's been doing stuff like that. Little cameo's here and there Perhaps good. Um I like how they They only show you like half of the movie in the trailer like this entire half of the movie you don't see Yeah, um, yeah Because they just show the concert and that's literally like the first half of the movie, which is cool Um, yeah, I enjoyed this movie a lot It doesn't have a huge shumbl on ending like the big huge twist and turn it's kind of just a straightforward thriller Um, but like I said, it does leave it open for maybe a sequel later on so we'll have to wait and see um, so Alien Romulus just came out you We are Going to talk about that one one day it's streaming. You loved it So I've watched alien. I've watched aliens Because I actually watched them over at your house. That's why I watched them Haven't watched them since so I don't I've I've watched Prometheus I've watched alien covenant which came out last like five years ago Yep, I didn't I understood I understood the movies of course But there's a lot of little glimpses a little Easter eggs in those movies that I'm looking forward to getting into that's why I'm doing this alien watch Um, I'm doing this before alien Romulus comes up So we can kind of get a little bit of the background before we get into The big talk of the new movie that's everybody's reaping about including you Um So I started off re-watching alien 1979 of course. This was directed by riddly scott Um right after star wars you get a lot of the uh, you get a lot of the special effects from star wars were kind of Utilized in this as well I don't think ilm did anything had anything to do with this movie. Uh stay I did stay at minston have something to do with this Believe me did the models. I think right. Okay. Yeah, um, but this movie did get an academy work for best visual effects in 1980 Um, of course stars to gourney weaver. She's in all of these four movies. We're going to talk about today. Um And tom scaring in home who is a geek icon of course lord of the rings he played bill bow Um Here here adene stanton you you may not know the name, but you know the face is in every 80s 90s 2000s at he and the last movie I remember him being was in the avengers maybe Um and john heard another pop culture sci-fi hero. I mean he was in hell boy. He was in this of course Um the the iconic scene of this was recreated in space balls by the way of the alien coming out of the chest the chest burst thing out of them Um, but this movie I remember I liked it a lot And I liked it just as much as watching it the second time and of course, I'm looking for the little pieces I'm looking for the name of the ship. I'm looking for the name of the company that's running this off I'm looking for all of that stuff and I know that all plays a part into alien Um The new marbles. Yes marvellous Um, so then I went back a few years later aliens came out directed by james cameron. This was 1986 Um for some reason really scott didn't come back. I don't know why yeah, but james cameron came in Um, did he do any I told you the story about this right? I told you the story about how he got the job Okay, um, so they called him in because he was just did he'd only done piranha to at that point Um, we did it was they called him in for a meeting. He did it terminated right there. Yes Um He was he actually got this job before doing terminary. He said he would do this probably if he got to determine her first um, so they called him to the pitch meeting and this was after terminator was already like They called him back in and terminator had already been a success at that time and They go. What can you do to make this franchise like turn this franchise into something? He just walked up. They had a chalkboard. He just walked up you wrote aliens step back Look at the chalkboard drew an s to make aliens looked at it again and drew a dollar sign on the s and just sat down There they go, huh And he basically said this right need for a budget because he had already been doing like pre trot and in termer at that point And he was like this is where I think I need for the budget. This is where I think I needed he goes This is my idea and they go, okay, and they gave him the money to make the movie, but he got to make a uh termer one first Okay. Cool. Yeah. I mean we talked about terminator in length last week. Yeah, um Yeah, James Cameron came in directed the hell out of this movie um For some this is an this is an iconic sci-fi movie a lot a lot of people's top sci-fi list um I'm kind I like this movie, but I think aliens alien I just like I just like it because we mentioned we mentioned and then a lot lately how the jaws aspect of movies How you have this alien chasing you through the small little area That was terrifying in the first movie. Um, yes very claustrophobic it's very Movie it's kind of the same thing the first one the first aliens are much better like Just straight up horror film claustrophobic terrifying film where this is just It has those elements, but it also has action to it way more action in it Yeah, it opens up the whole world too and this movie brings back the gourney weaver, of course Yeah, michael bean which we talk about throughout throughout the show all the time and you know, you know who's originally cast in that character, right? No Dexter's dead. He was he had already shot for three weeks and he got you got caught in a hotel room with crack And so oh Because they're filming it they're filming in europe but he got deported Okay, I have heard I have heard that story. Okay. Um Paul riser. This is right before mad about you right around that time Uh bill pakston another one of his beginning roles. I think between this and weird science Um mark rolston. Um, he was in rush hour. He was in shot shank Um, he was the bad guy and one of the bad guys in shot shank and link lance henrichson as bishop and he comes back A couple of times. Um, and I believe he is in the video games as well. Um, the other thing They do great on these alien movies before going further the androids I'm at this point at this time. We didn't I mean the only thing we really had we had robots and star wars We had the one but they didn't have any like real android human like um robots And I think uh and home played a great one in alien and so did uh, so did this guy lance henrichson played bishop Um and home in the first movie it kind of became the bad guy and this one lance henrichson had to prove himself That he wasn't that the that he wasn't as bad at the technology wasn't bad And had to get the trust of segorni weavers character ripping because because she is so um So pissed off of what happened in the first movie, but Also, I wanted to bring this up to newt new character brought in this movie Um, she says in this movie. They mostly come at night mostly I've heard that before had to look it up because I had heard it way before this movie and of course It was from south park. It was one of the first seasons of south park where eric cartman is talking to his cat during the cat orged the episode Talking about the mostly come at night mostly Yep, the cat But yeah, it's it's a great movie. I think I like the first one a little bit more kind of like you mentioned last week we're terminator Like two or two one just sets up everything I think alien does the same thing for this series as well. I think I may like that a little bit more than aliens I do like the character buildup in this movie aliens better. I think I think you like hell I think aliens has way better characters in general. Yeah, how different they are all the army people I mean you had the girl that played john cotter's mom was also in aliens like yeah I love you that I love you that he's worked with or I'd end up working a lot with like michael bean You literally called him after the other guy got caught like with drugs in the hotel room Because they had already finished term there and he's like can you come do this part for like A couple months news like yeah, sure so like I think the casting this one and polarizer is such a slimy piece of shit in this movie too Yeah, um, yes I think the cast is better in this but enjoy alien a little bit more and that's also because I'm also a huge horror fan so Um and a lot of this movie. I was hoping we see some of these characters again And then we get into alien three in 1992 Where it's a continuation of aliens However, the beginning of the movie she lands in a prison And everyone on the ship except for her dies including new Including michael bean who doesn't come back. I have a feeling that if I know you know more of the history of this series I don't know if you want to talk about it now, but what was supposed to happen here I think it was just going to be Cameron didn't want to come back. So he didn't come back And so they changed everything around and of course A few years ago, we were supposed to get um Neil bloom camps alien three This is around 2010 And that was going to have newt who had only ever been like actors that played new to only ever been in aliens Um and michael bean was going to come back and they're basically going to do that whole We're going to erase all the sequels after the second one type of like they were like halloween stuff like that Um, but that got canceled because we're at least got one do fucking permuthius Right. Okay. Oh god. That boy is my blood. You know, I do like permuthius for the lord Um, I would have much rather had new bloom camps. Yeah, three Especially after watching this movie. Um, alien three This way does have a heart in my heart I do like this movie because I was very young when I saw it and it's very nostalgic for me But i'll let you get in your review um film day view director of uh of a lot of movies including one of your favorites Yeah, uh, david fincher a bunch of my favorites. Yup, my club seven Seven network is one of my favorite movies of all time. Yeah, I fucking love david fincher Um social network is a great fucking movie curse of benchman current uh curious case of benchman button another great movie Um girl with a dragon tattoo another great movie. He did house the cards too on netflix He was a directing producer of that Um, but of course seven is just a fucking great movie zodiac's a great movie too He did that but this is his first film debut Um, so gorny weaver returns Um, like I mentioned when the ship landed newtless killed Uh hicks is killed Um lance henryxon returns his bishop has a has a cameo in the middle of the movie and the andi comes back as well as the live live version of the of the person that the robot was based off of um Charles dance Who is? Tywin and game of thrones. I see him in a whole bunch of other stuff. He plays that kind of a Weird love interest until the middle of the movie Um and charles s dutton Who was in rudy minuses. Yeah, he said everything. Yep. Um, but he is great in this as well I like the characters in this movie But it felt like everybody was dying off way way too soon way too quick back Yeah, I know what those what I know that's what these movies are all about at this point in 1992 Um, and it was very much a studio movie. Um, david very very very little control Um, he's pretty enough. He's didn't ask it. I heard. Yeah. He started off the whole entire Yeah, um So I wanted to get into all this the groaning weaver movies before next week is next week. I'm going to watch the next three Um, and this movie came out in 1997 alien resurrection and I remember the previous coming out for this movie at the time We were in middle school. Maybe yeah middle and middle school at the time. Um, this was written by joss wheaten directed by john piers junez a french director This is the only american english-speaking movie he ever directed In french go I actually brought this up to you earlier in french class in middle school We actually watched the movie the the one movie that he is critically acclaimed for called the city of lost children It started ron promen who he brought back ron promen of course from hell boy Ron promen was in this movie and a lot of the characters that were in alien resurrection Were in this movie too. He uses a lot he recycles a lot of those same actors in all of his movies Including the guy in the wheelchair. The reason why I looked this up is because i've seen that guy in the wheel chair before And i was actually thinking wait a minute. I know this is a french director Maybe that's the same guy that was in that movie because we watched in french class probably 20 years ago And sure enough it was it was the same character that was in that with ron promen in the mid-night I think that movie got in 1995 But um this movie brought in like I mentioned ron promen brad dorif who was in Chucky he was in lord of the rings. He played one of the crazy guys in that um Michael wencott the bad guy from the crow he sent a lot of stuff too, but I remember that and we're no one owner writer Um, this is right after all the stuff with tim berton of course in the early 90s, but um This movie just was if everything else if we were going up a steep steep hill We got to alien's three were kind of Kind of pillowing off the top of the hill Alien resurrection is the deep steep Climbed down, but not really a climb falling sliding falling and crashing Alien resurrection is to this franchise when bad man and robin was to man basically Oh, he really you get that rickly you get you get that fucking great shot of ron promen on the ladder We just goes we leans back. He does that he has the guns. He just shoots the alien That's a dope shot and you get the aliens in water. So they tried some new things here. It just Screen 1997 cash grab. It just screams at this was this was the epitome of what a studio takes control The whole entire franchise and just wants at this point It's not action figures at this point. It could be I don't know, but it's it's more of Just for the just for the just for the fun of it. Just let's fuck with something Um, and that was that come from movies I've had that history of that too, but kind of reel that in a little bit, but It's it's sad to see this happening Um having a lot in the 90s and this is just the this is just this is just the case of what happened with this movie too But um, I think what they did to the ripply character was horrible. It's just two yeah 200 years after she died She did die in aliens three Um, but this is 200 years after that they cloned her. We're not really sure how she was cloned Considering she was burned in a pit of fire and in the third movie Um, but they cloned her They cloned her with an alien inside of her so they cloned her as she was pregnant Which does not make any Sense in in a medical standpoint even if cloning was a real thing like actually happened But they cloned her they cloned the alien and they kept birthing and they kept trying to get she's the eighth iteration of the clone Sigourney weaver in this movie and there's a whole bunch of aliens that have been birthed Um, and it's just it's just a wacky fucking movie and what they did to her character She they kind of made her like a hybrid character, which is weird um Oh Yeah, so It's just a trash movie. I wanted to get I wanted to get this out of the way I wanted to get the Sigourney weaver movies out of the way I know that was such a period of time with this franchise and it took a whole turn Um, so next week we're gonna talk about alien alien versus predator, which I think I went to the movies and saw with you I wouldn't have seen our miles. I've never seen it. So I saw it somewhere. Maybe I went with somebody else but I'm gonna talk about I'm gonna talk about alien versus predator. Um, we're gonna talk about uh I think there's two alien versus predators. There's one that came out like 2007 Um, and then and then the movie like you mentioned was rebooting To a to a prequel prometheus in the early 2010s And then alien covenant was a sequel to that Michael fast bender came back for those movies that a fantastic shot playing david I remember that part of the movie But I want to see the connections between that and everything else. Um, the other thing I got from this It would have been great to see I know they did it in comic book form It would have been great to see the termator versus aliens. I know they did that in comic book um, but but yeah overall, um Beginning in the franchise is great. I just took a steep steep fall towards the end, but Um, I do I do like Sigourney weaver. I understand why she's kind of like the sci-fi queen Everybody everybody wants it for all their sci-fi movies. Uh, of course James Cameron kept using her over over then in the avatar movies now So, um, yeah Um, you want to talk about one more thing before you uh, before we get into it This is something that's like two years in the making is my bond watch um ever since I Signed up for letterbox. I wanted to watch the bond movies because I never watched them in a row like you did a few years ago You did that what five or six years ago? Wait before five years ago. Yeah, um, I never did it from start to finish And I was just seeing random movies. So I'm doing it from start to finish. So this week I'm watched dr No, I'm probably gonna do one to two weeks depending on what's going on in my life. Um, probably bang it out a lot more once work ends in a few weeks Um, yeah, dr. No the very first James Bond film um Has great bond girls and Sylvia Trench and honey writer. Um, great names too. Um obviously Sean Connery's debut in america as an actor. Um, he was a steel worker before this Uh got the job as bond. Um, Ian Fleming hated the choice of hinge bond. Um, could not stand the choice of him as bond. Um, the guy um broccoli, uh, basically had him and one other person up for the role and Went to his wife and he's and he basically was like, what do you think? And she's like, he's one of the sexiest men I've ever seen and that's why he got cast Um, and of course Sean Connery famously won sexiest man on earth and when he was like And when he was like 70 or something, remember that people magazine Um But yeah, this movie's awesome. I love all the bond movies. Um, even the bad ones. Um, I gave it a three out of five on leather box Um, the first bond layer was awesome. The bad guy has no hands. Um Really enjoyed it. Um, just like an hour and a half Classic spy thriller. It's not like the obviously action pack movies that we ended up getting with Daniel Craig and yeah, whatnot But uh Very good movie. Um, it's really they're watching a movie that was made in the 60s when you watch a lot of movies that come out now Like it's a whole different aesthetic the way that everything's filmed is completely different. Um Like bond has that like one thing where like To find to find out if somebody was like in his closet He like took a strand of hair and he like put it over the thing and then he saw the hair was gone And um, so there's a lot of fun a lot of camp Um, see, I'm looking forward to watching, uh, probably one or two this week. Also, I'll probably watch one tonight But I just wanted to talk about that. Well, you had all this other stuff to talk about it that I watched enough I've seen it all before Yes before. Yeah, it's been It's been probably 20 25 years since I've seen a lot of the bond movies Um Like I probably haven't seen any outside of gold knife and even um The purest browsing error since they were in theaters Um, so it's been a long time for a lot of these movies So to watch them now as a fully grown adult and not as a 18 year old kid or whatever It is going to be an experience. I'm sure Well, if you if you want to I we're talking about this on the podcast, but I kind of want to watch these too again Um, if you want to do one a week, we're just playing on one a week and we'll be done in a half a year Want to just do that Well, i'm doing more than one a week. I want to do like one or two a week But i'll let you know which ones i'm watching and then if you want to watch that when you're doing it or whatever Like I I definitely want to go back and I want to watch um a gold gold finger Um, I like that movie. I want to watch a date on george lee's and being one too. So Just let me know and i'll watch this Let me know which ones are worth watching again. I've been doing it. I've been doing one a week at least until i've done work But uh, yeah Yeah, cool. Um, so that being said let's get into the news And it's not a new seven-month trail around it Uh, i've got some good trailers this week first one is A weird movie in said in the puniverse, which we talk about every so often Peter pans is never land nightmare Um, this trailer looked fucking weird. Um, same campy shit that you got from Um, the puniverse movie and the one of the poo blood and honey Um, peter pan kind of kind of weird in this movie. I'm not sure. I think he's flying in one part of it We're not really sure the sci-fi aspect of this. I'm not i haven't watched blood and honey So I don't really know what that's all about either, but um, I know there's just a kind of live-action horror remakes of those movies Yeah, you fucking let you watch blood and honey and you skipped out on your bastards. I said, oh, fuck but honestly Was one heard Um, this movie is coming out the same year as bambi the reckoning Um, pine panochio on strong is currently being filmed. I believe Um, and it's going to be all connected to everything and they're of course going to be doing that big poo diverse Avengers like Mickey Mouse one the Mickey Mouse one also part of this. Uh, no, that's totally separate Oh fucking yay Yeah, box car willy or whatever his name is Um, but yeah, um, we got a new trailer for minecraft Um, this actually is really good I don't know if you've seen my I don't know if you've played minecraft or not. Um, it's a kind of a building Yeah, um, I played I used to play hours and hours building on this Um, but yeah, it stars jack black stars jason mo with a weird fucking hair color choice Twitter blew up over this trailer It's not a positive way Uh, although that's that's your it depends on what you're talking It depends on who you're talking to because I've heard a lot of people who love this game Love the trailer and the way it looks. Um, it looks a lot like the uh, like the game. It's all squared uh Creator choices for for that like the game. Um, so villages biting a lot of people are just a clown on the mower for How he looks now, especially a certain fan base. Um, they plan what they plan on the chick from pizza maker, right? She's in this Um Just some article was just completely racist about her inclusion. They obviously clown on jack black Um, because he doesn't look anything like the character he's supposed to Steve So yeah But overall, um, I'm kind of looking forward to it because I did play that game a lot in the early 2010s Um, I know you saw this probably before alien Um, Romulus a we saw the really quick teaser trailer of alien earth. Uh, this comes out on disney plus in 2025 Um, and I don't know much about this other than They're going to earth and that has never happened in the franchise as far as I know Um But yeah, uh comes out on disney plus which I thought it was an fx. Maybe it still is an fx thing Maybe it's just by, um, I'm forgetting the showrunner director's name, but it's by somebody who's really fucking good So i'm looking forward to it. Okay. Um, I can't They readjusted the trailer for megalopolis. We got a new poster for that as well Um, starring adam driver Jean-carlo espezito Um, a few other odd replies that shyla buff we talk about this all the time the trailer that Created the news buzz a couple of weeks ago with all the fake quotes on it Well, they took all the quotes out and just released the trailer pretty much without the quotes So we actually saw a brand new trailer Um, this movie comes out the end of the month. Um, still don't know what the movie is about Time travel multiversal who knows I know I don't know Um, he said has some sort of control of his environment. We're not sure how it happens The adam driver character but um setting this kind of uh, metropolis megalopolis type of world versus for copula Um, yeah, that's all we know. So we'll have to wait and see on that Um, brand new trailer for wicked. I'm excited for this comes out on Thanksgiving um Uh, some new footage looks great. Um, new trailer came up today for wolfman Um, continuation bloom house Um, uh, director the guy who directed the invisible man Um, and and what what was his big break? I was one half miss he was the guy and saw the guy in the In the basement with film carrials, uh leeward hall. It's on the james wands like best friend schoolmate classmate Um, yeah, he did the invisible man and now he's doing his own little universe of this stuff It looks like um since the actual universe by universal was trash and no one liked it and they cast town crews in the mummy movie That was fucking awful. Um, but yeah, this is it So good. He is so the director. So this isn't part of the universal monsters or just a reen and retelling of the universal They canceled all that they canceled everything after like this first movie Um, so this is just him doing his own wolfman interpretation. Okay, okay Is it a 20 bloom house you said? Yeah, so it's just him doing just same thing as you did with uh, invisible man Which I thought was a fantastic movie. I love it. He's got He's by the way. It is universal because I see the little universal picture on the right So you had to have something great telling they're retelling the whole universal monster story So that's actually cool with him. Yeah, um, so a low budget. Yeah The creature from the black lagoon must be being done by blue house too. I don't remember we talked about it last week Um, but they are doing that too. So yeah, they're they're going into the whole universe Yeah, james wands is no deal with universal. So it's probably his studio three universal not bloom house But yeah, it's all gonna be connected. Okay. We'll talk. We'll talk about that later. Um mr. Mcman brand new full trailer of this documentary comes at the end of the month I cannot wait for this documentary. It's the one thing i'm looking forward to this month Um, but yeah, it's just it's just vince being vince and then of course the news broke in the middle of filming Of all the controversy that came out last year. So I cannot wait to watch this. I think Wrestling community is excited as well. I don't think wf is too consider too excited about it right now, but Uh, oh well fans are gonna love it. No, I think it's I think They're gonna be very excited about it because what they're gonna basically do is take this and be like it's not run like this anymore He's not in charge type ship. Yeah We're gonna Netflix in january So to have this be just a hit piece. I'm right wouldn't look good for Netflix either So they're probably going very hard on vidsook man. They'll probably have an extra episode They didn't have already planned where they basically just renounce everything that he's ever talked Um, wow is my guess something like that. I'm not sure I don't think it'll be the same ending they had planned when he was open. I don't think you're right. I don't think so too Also, we got to remember this was directed by the guys who did tiger king They're known for that controversy at the end like yep Blowing up the dust on the whole story. Yeah, so you know what the wait and see um weekend box office last week Deadpool and wolverine won the box office with 15 million um William Romulus 9.3 million and uh it ends with us a 7.4 million Not bad for the end of summer um Labor day weekend um deadpool moverine for the whole weekend made 19.4 million dollars a movie Not on digital no word yet on when it's gonna be had on digital, but um, I'm looking forward to it because I want to see it again um But it also surpassed 600 million dollars in the domestic box office sales. So yep huge movie Business for one studio that doesn't put things out immediately um like it would even be at a theater is for like it could be at a theater is for like four months before they even think about putting it out digitally Wait, Disney does their stuff. Yeah the time the timeline for the marvel movies is usually about three three and a half Yeah, because probably guardians Guardians came out in may so yeah, I'll probably this out Thanksgiving guardians came out in may and it was on Disney plus or no, it was on digital sometime in october in like disney plus like Disney plus was like november So it'll be yeah, it'll probably be thanksgivingish Um, I'm kind of pissed because I want to know a lot of people didn't watch this show, but if you've watched sandman on nephlix Um, this movie was set in that universe of sandpinnant man. I don't think a lot of people do that but or this tv show Um dead boy detectives it was canceled air to whole season last year Um, it came out on april 25th. It was great. I actually talked about it on the podcast Um, and I was hoping we'd see a second season because it didn't set up for it, but um, no Netflix did cancel it Um, we still have sandman coming so we're not we're not out of the sandman universe completely on nephlix but um Yeah, it just sucks Netflix does that a lot with shows that you like they cancel it Um, and you've seen that a lot more not with just nephlix with streaming and generally we've seen a lot of shows Being canceled we talked about acolyte. Um, a blemish on star wars you never hear about something star wars being canceled However, it was just did not take the community star wars community by storm like they hoped Um, and I don't know if it's you know, everybody can blame kathleen kennedy You can blame whatever you want for that show, but um It just did not work did not hit the way all the other star wars stuff had hit in the past before Um, disney had taken over. Um, but yeah, um I wanted to bring this up We talked about we just talked about missing man But I want to bring this up because you brought it to my attention then it took the internet by storm Hulk Hogan went on uh jake paul's or is it jake or logan paul's podcast And I don't know what he's promoting. I don't know what he's doing but He has he has a lot to say for some reason Um, I think it's because he's not in the limelight anymore It's a syrup controversy. He's even all over the trump circuit too, but it looks like in the photo It looks like he has a beer in his hand. So I might be promoting it. I think he has a new beer coming up Maybe one of them is calling it walmart. So that might be it. But okay Um, but he compared himself to chris ben wah Claiming that fans are very forgiving now if you know in history about whole kogan a decade ago Of course the sextape came out with bubba loves buns life That was that but a little bit after that A racist tape of him saying the n-word to his daughter brook on the phone came out and cut pretty much cancel him And then he got was it stated his daughter brook or was it? I thought it was his son who was in jail at the time for killing that kid. Maybe it was Yeah, I can't remember. I think that's what it was when he was like speaking in carny So I didn't think it was a big deal like yeah, so it's just well He's speaking in carny except for that one word was not in carny. I remember let's say to it You can't you can't put that in carny But the exact quote that he said on the podcast if chris ben wah can do the crap that he did And the fans still love him, you know, they're very forgiving and then he starts laughing I made some major mistakes in my personal life. They're very very forgiving. They've come they forgive you What what is he talking about comparing himself to chris ben wah who killed his family? Um, yeah, hogan is hogan is out there very much out there Um He was posting this week. I don't know if I sent it to you guys on our on our chat on on facebook, but he just he had posted a picture on Instagram of him playing the guitar. I think I played I had it on one of our our our pictures in the beginning of the podcast Um, and he asked me and he asked on there What band do you think I played for back in the 80s? He's kind of him playing the guitar and stuff and of course the notorious thing was him being the lead singer or the league Guitars for metallica when they first we talked about that in the beginning of the podcast, but hoe kogan is a funny funny person I don't think he means to be it's just He's a piece of shit though. Um Uh speaking of pieces of shit while Looking in the political part of it. The apprentice releases on october 11th 2020 for He was a piece of shit before he got into politics. Yes. He was and I think he would even I think he would even say that he was an asshole Back then I don't think he'd have any problems saying that although he has an ego on him So maybe he would but this movie is all about donald trump all about him. Uh, they are the deal I believe this old I don't know who directed this it comes out on october 11th. Um, but yeah, um, but what's service? What's it coming out? Uh, I have no idea. I didn't didn't look at and look it up. Um, probably Probably the cock. Yeah, because I just say that because it's uh, I think that's when it's show aired on so yep um Joey chestnut and kobiyashi happened on labor day. Um, and joey chestnut annihilated kobiyashi 80 83 to 20 83 to 67 Um, that's our theme of our generation. Yep. Uh in all in in 10 minutes, uh, 83 fucking hot dogs And I know the one the one rule The one rule that they changed through this competition and the one that they do in fourth of july is you couldn't wet your hot dog in water You had to do it dry. Um, and I know a lot of people do that side of You're difficult. How do these songs do that? It sucks down the role so it's easy so it's easier to shoot No, but i'm thinking to be making heavier with the water. Yeah, I don't know Yeah, I mean i'm just saying though like that just I feel like it'd be way harder to eat it if you couldn't do that But you could freak at the same time. I'm guessing so you wash it down. Yeah, yeah, maybe Yeah, but joey chestnut reigning champion even when he's not in the fourth of july eating contest Uh mentioned it earlier only murders in the building renewed for uh season five on hula excited for that Um, reacher. I show i'm looking forward to getting into probably in the next year or so Um, a spin-off series is currently in development amazon prime. Uh, it's going to be starring one of the female leads of the show Um, they're currently writing it. It's gonna be coming on on amazon in the near future Um Twilight. I don't know if you've seen any of the movies a movie. I don't know what you've seen any of them Nope, um first movie was pretty good. I actually got me into the franchise Then I slowly started losing interest when the movies got weird. Um, especially the second movie. I did not like it but um Netflix are going to be doing a midnight sun animated series of twilight midnight sun is a retelling of the whole entire Twilight story Uh midnight sun is retelling story through edward's eyes rather than through bellows eyes. Um Yeah, who knows um sparkly vampires not my vampires. I like them with fangs and eating and eating blood and and uh killing people at night and Sparkling in the sunlight is weird to me. So um Kiki Palmer um set to star in a remake of the birds a movie. I've never seen it's on my list of washing very soon starring tom hanks keel in the 80s story fall um it's going to be her uh kind of doing a gender reversal role as the lead of this uh series Um, it's going to be produced by Seth McFarland Um south park will come back in 2025 Um, and they're going to be skipping the electric election coverage on purpose They don't want to get into it. They pretty much said what else what what can we say that we haven't already said so um George rr martin. I'm sure you know a little bit more than about this and I do Um has slammed the house of dragon season two changed from the book um and warrants of more toxic toxic changes to come you only get into this We talked a little bit about this one. Uh, this show aired. Um, a little bit about the differences is that in the book he has uh Two sons jaharis and maylor and instead of having them blood and cheeses kill jaharis. He asked the mother who to kill And she wants to keep the two the boy and the girl together whatever. Um, he's lost in the air So he chooses maylor and then a guy with the knife Tells maylor. Remember your mother once you did and kills jaharis in the show. He just killed jaharis There was no choice. Nothing like that. Um, the implications down the line are Kind of big. Um maylor has somewhat of an effect. He ends up um Bega steward for one of the people in the tardarian side, but he's also like only like three years old. Um and I mean I don't want to spoil anything, but um, I think that they could easily just write around him not being involved Um, like he does have a place in the story But like you could remove him at the same time because he's fucking three years old Or like they said the creators have told georgia or martin that they haven't decided he's going to be in the show or not They just didn't want another young child in this season because there's so many kids now in the in the show They didn't want to just have another kid just be there. So, um, I don't know. Um, if he's ever going to be in the show or not Um, to me the biggest implication was the fact that now he's not traumatized by the fact his mother chose him tonight Um and she plays out a little bit more in the books boss over being three years old He may or may not remember that uh in real life the books forever Um, yeah, he took down the blog post almost immediately, but the internet's the internet So I went through and read it because people screenshot of it. Um, I'm pretty sure HBO told him take it down Um, it's uh, because he also put in uh, spoilers For what's to happen. Um, right so it's really he's working with HBO on this and then Went out and bash the show. He's technically a producer on Thought that was kind of weird. Like it's not like season eight of game of thrones Which he fucking said anything about anyways. All he said was well It's gonna be different in the book because i'm giving him more time. Um, but yeah Um, like the book is that fuck I know that the books take it fast It's like 74 years old Is this book or is it 2011 the first year of the show? What do we do in here, george? Uh in mckellen A crush over playing gandalf in the new lord of the rings films of the gallam movie Um, which i'm guessing at this point We can pretty much take to a fact that it's going to be a prequel to uh, the hobbit or prequel to lord in the ring Some somehow of course golems and it's what it's got to be but um, yeah Uh and mckellen of course gandalf is an iconic character in those movies I could not see anybody else playing that character. So what is he in his late 70s now? Um, I would hope I'd hope that he would come back to do have that character Oh, it's supposed to be shan connery and he didn't understand the material so he passed on it Yep, that would be interesting um Netflix has acquired a three-part documentary a docu series on Um, this is dody is this is zodiac speaking Um, which is going to be new insight into the unsolved murder case of the zodiac killer Um, here we've seen the movie zodiac starring mark ruffalo. Um, um, um, or downy Something is best love that movie. Um, yeah great moving. Um, this is going to be a document and talking about all of that coming out on nephlix Um, new se- new secrets revealed. Um, and new We all pretty much know who it was, but this should be interesting. I love i love nephlix documentaries like this give me two Um, and now today, uh, ocean's 14 movie is in the works George Clooney and brad pitt will reprise their roles Um, they're out promoting that wolves movie that comes out at the end of the month on uh, uh, on apple Um, so they're talking about bringing back oceans franchise. I've only seen the first one I don't know. I haven't seen that 12 to 13. Yeah All three of they're in three movies together. I think right. Yeah, um, 11 12 13 one there the woman one Um, never saw the woman one. Um Yeah, all three movies you remember fantastic. They're like if you like the first one you'll like all three of them Right. Okay. Cool. Yeah, I'll do it back and watch them. Um Tonight's show star and Jimmy Fallon. Um, nbc is cutting the show back to four days a week and they're going to be doing reruns on fridays Um Pretty iconic timing. I mean I believe it was the show that's afterhand late night with um with seph miers. They cut the band out completely Um, so they're doing budget cuts for late night. Um, not a lot of people are watching late night It's all the quick views next morning on youtube or facebook or social They're not they're not getting the actual tv views For ratings. Um, it's all it's all done. Like you said tiktok is a big thing And now Podcasting, I've noticed a lot of people are doing that now like they'll do like they're two hours show and then just Do a little clips of each one and put that on their youtube channel with the full show Um, it's just people's attention spans these days and we're sticking to their phones So that's the way she goes quick videos unless you're driving If you're listening to this on a podcast, you're probably you're probably driving and Uh, it just makes it a lot easier. Um, phantom of the opera adaptation is in the works of disney plus Um, it's going to be a young teen um kind of uh, teen version remake of this uh franchise movie was the movie was done in 2005 with um with um What's her name from shameless and um, oh, yeah dry butler or bar Am I saying that right? Drawer butler. Why does that seem? Is he in the movie? I never saw one of these. Yeah, he plays the phantom in that Yeah, that was that was one of his first that was one of his first movies that was done before 300 I believe Um, but yeah, um, they're gonna be remaking that for a teen audience Um, speaking of making a lot of money Earlier, Selena Gomez officially a billionaire. She has a beauty brand. She made a ton of money up on them She actually hit the billion a billion dollar mark today or this week Um, so not only is she in only murders. She's in TV. She's in music She's in the beauty market And I think she's a big huge part of Sephora if you if you know the the makeup brand where they sell Where they sell it in the mall, but um, yeah, she's she's making a sweet penny from that Um I want to talk about this. I don't know if you heard about this movie or not Um, movies called the thicket just came out today and the only reason I'm bringing up is because Uh, James Hadfield is playing it kind of like a cowboy-like character, but there's also a whole bunch of other people in it Um, Peter Dinkley stars him juliet lewis Um, Andrew solfes the comedian sent it as well Um, I don't know anything about this movie other than James Hadfield sent it and it looks it's like the only time he's ever acted in anything Um, but yeah, um, we're looking into that more. Well, maybe we'll talk about it when we found out more but Um, Bill's just beauty juice came out last night Uh debuted last night to 12 million dollars and thursday night previews Um kind of excited to see it, but I'm probably gonna wait for it to come on additional unless uh, unless it's just five And a lot of times we have a digital release for it for some fucking reason They do it by halloween They said it makes perfect sense that makes perfect sense. So But it's gonna do big numbers this weekend for for the end of the summer kind of Hit so that'd be cool. Um, speaking of beals juice Michael Keaton's going going around and of course A lot of people like Kate Hudson Um Katie Perry's real name is Kate Hudson Well, Michael Keaton's real name is Michael Douglas Because of sag after rules he had to change his name to Michael Keaton Um, Keaton is his middle name. Um, but going forward he wants to change his name to Michael Keaton Douglas Um, I believe one of the movies that he's gonna be doing is coming out the end of the year Um, the official credits are for gonna be On the call on the call sheet are going to be Michael Keaton Douglas So going forward he's gonna be changing his name. I think that's kind of cool Um, I was always I was always it was always weird that sag after wouldn't let an actor have the same name as a live actor now Um, but that's been that's been the case for a while. Um, so Um, also speaking of beal juice the original Tim Burton was talking about the original idea for beal juice Was Sammy Davis jr. Um, he also was looking at sam kennison and deadly moor Um, sam kennison huge at that time, but sammy davis jr I think he was in the 60s when the beal juice came out and he died a few years after that, but of course rat pack member Huge huge in the 70s 60s Um, it would have been interesting to see sammy davis playing beal juice, but I think michael keaton was a perfect choice for that role Um, yeah, but yeah Um, came out today entertainment weekly sammy shell geller and patrick damsey in full 90s miami cop Um, garb for dextro original sin Um, excited for this Me too Um, we see yeah, we see her with a clipboard and a crime scene we see Patrick damsey with a mustache and white hair We also see the guy who plays batista who's a dead ringer for batista Yeah, he is Show he looks just like him. He looks just like him in the picture, but yeah, um I also want to talk about Hunger games Um, the guy who was in challengers mike mike faced by feist. I don't know how to say his name Um, there's rumors of him being in the hunger games the next hunger games movie sunrise of the reaping Um, as hamish alburn Abernaki who was in the hunger games movie played by um, played by um, woody harrelson i was gonna say it looks like woody harrelson It's woody harrelson. Yeah, um, but yeah, uh, that kind of be interesting. I did like him in challengers I wanted him to be the flash. I want him to be there. I want him to be great flash too Um, yeah, yeah, uh, yeah, uh, yeah about to wait and see on that. I want to bring this up I know you've got me into whiplash. Um, we'll be starring, uh, miles teller jk simmons I watched over your house. I believe uh, they're coming out with a 10th anniversary coming back to theaters Um, I don't remember april us. I've never 20th the end of the month. So, um, I don't know I don't know if you saw this in theater or not if you would want to see it, but I did Oh, it does come out coming back to theaters. Um, I'll get into the dc news of the week creature commandos if you should come out to semper fifth on max Um, cannot wait for this is this this must be a weekly show. It's a hbo and max. It's just max. Okay So This weekly show Um, yeah, we got some new pictures from entertainment weekly from the uh from the show We got frankenstein playing by david harbor brick flag senior played by uh, frangrilla Um, we got um, dr. phosphorus gi robot the bride Uh, needam mezor scana who that is and rick flag senior of course in that picture there And we got another close-up picture of the characters as well. I'm looking forward to this Um, I mean beginning of the dc u so the very intro kind of giving us the taste what we're going to be getting with james Got the universe going forward. So, um, looking forward kind of excited. So um, do you think do you think we'll see our first glimpse of superman in that? I doubt it. Um, you got it. I really do doubt it. Um, They'll probably talk about it. I guess. Yeah, but I don't think i don't think corn sweat will be revealed Um in an animated movie Or show. Um It just wouldn't I don't know the story. There's the story might require him to be But I don't think he will be it'll be interesting though. Yeah Um Talking about the batman too. Um batman won't appear in the penguin spin-off show. They announced that this week Um, it will not include in the movie batman 2 will not include supernatural villains like gentleman ghost Um, they're kind of kind of trying to keep it to a real life world mary. I think it's going to be court of owls Um, and then we're going to get the fantastical where you get the fantastical batman with uh With james guns, which is why I think he's wanting this series continue because it's going to be completely different than what he's doing. So Yep, same reason we got joker as well Yep, but a joker too. Um, yeah, the new movie is going to be a mystery film again So everybody's saying quarter owls like you just said so looking forward to seeing what happens there Um joker 2 came out and one of the I think it was france or somewhere over overseas And uh previewed and critics saw it fan saw it Getting mixed reviews uh praising jot walking in phoenix and lady gaga But the story and overall arc of the movie Um, I saw one spoiler if this truly what happens I think that may be what the fans are kind of pissed off about don't talk about it here The first one um didn't exactly blow people away critically and raise outside of his performance Like I think it was only at like a this was like a 58 on ron today I just think the first one was like a 68 or something like that So it's not like the first one was this huge like everyone loved it No, everyone loved his performance in the movie. It was just a bunch of uh tropes with fucking Scorsesey painted on top But uh, a lot of people are saying that lady gaga's character is not fully fleshed out Not the of course not the harley quinney you're used to Um, it's kind of kind of what the reviews are saying, but um But a little bit of history of what's going on with them what happened with the movie while they were filming it Um, a lot of the times they would have the script read it and they end up tearing up the script is starting all over Rewriting as they're going um you hear that a lot about stories that kind of have a have a Bad history, I guess of of of of bad things happening on the set or or bad production happening Um, so i'm not surprised after hearing the reviews that this was happening as well. So Um improvising the script going as you're going it's kind of weird But um, we also have got our first glimpse of heart heart first glimpse of heart Harvey dent Um, I don't know this actor harry latte Um, but he's gonna be in a joker fully adieu Um, we got a new poster as well post that Um, a brand new poster. We're getting new posters all the time for this But uh comes out in a little bit over a little bit less in a month from now on october 4 Um peacemaker season two sees robert patrick return has talked about him a lot last week um, of course played uh he played um his father So very excited for that um The office Has a brief cameo in a dc comic All the characters from the office. I don't know who is breaking in Um, I guess it's a nightwing comic um, but somebody's breaking into the office of dunder mifflin and you see all the characters from the office in the background You see phyllis. You see dewyte. You see jim. You see kelly power Creed. You see stanley in there. Um, so yeah, you see kevin, but yeah, um Um, big one remember this week was james brolin was reportedly offered the role of how jordan in dc's lanterns Uh, how do you feel about that? Not great. Um, I know they mentioned like chris pine, matthew mcconnah. Hey and Timothy elephant. I had that in the nose And that was a big one. That was a big one. Yeah, um, we're also apparently on the shortlist. Um, they're obviously going for an older how the younger john Um, yeah, I wish it wouldn't I mean, I think josh role is fantastic don't get me wrong. Um, but I do not like him for that role at all Um, I I think chris pai would probably be out of who we've seen the shortlist would be my favorite My guess is they've just brought people into audition And just like micholas holt came into audition for uh superman only to be cast as something else down the line. Um, So we'll see We'll see I don't think it'll be chris pine because I think james gun is separating himself from the dc Dcu universe. Yeah And since he was already part of wonder woman, I don't think they're gonna want to rehash the care Actor in the universe. He's just out of the people they've mentioned. He's just the one i would pick But yeah, it makes sense of why he wouldn't all in favor would be interesting. I would like that a lot too I do like him. I like him old one. I like him a lot. Um Batman adam wes a story came up this week of him at Allegedly getting kicked out of this out of the city of aspen calorano Band not returning for 15 years because he slept with so many women That they banned him from the whole entire city Um, this was taking it went viral this week. What uh world star picked it up. I think it went on tmc too but uh, yeah, um Venom coming out next month venom the last dance And we got a glimpse of a new character the venom frog No idea why this character even exists to this universe Um, I just want this movie to be done and just get it over with I just hope sony just implodes really but it's not going to happen Um, also saw this fan art. I know ryan gozling is the number one I mean if you if you've seen I think the movie was drive that he came out with a couple of years ago But fan art of him as johnny johnny cage or johnny storm johnny play. Sorry johnny blaze. Yeah, I was going to mix that Um, but yeah, it looks he looks great Um, of course if you've seen drive it's pretty much his character from drive where they flame him shirt. So, um Damien priest Was going to be playing a character in black pantheral condo forever um, he's gonna play the uh, the Atuma who was one of the uh atlanteans Who was who was not who was working for namor? Um, but he ended up being cut out of the movie because I believe the speculation was wnb. He didn't want him doing it Um, they also heard that with seth rollins when he did captain america brave new world Um, he was cut out of that movie and I believe It was, um, becky lynch was cut from her turnals too. Um, not sure why Um, I don't know ww kind of kind of likes to keep a close hand close grass on their on their characters if they create Yeah, we also like getting producer credits producer credits as well. Yep Um, finally in news Uh marvel studios head of tv and animation doing a lot of promotion for all the stuff that's coming out Um talks about and addresses a chance of a spider man 98 the spider man cartoon from the early 90s This was my bread and butter. Um, but the exact quote where um, there's always potential right Um, I don't want to close the door on anything But I think that for now for the seo for for the foreseeable future x-men 97 will own the 90s And how much we're bringing in guest stars or tell stories from other marvel carriers in that era is to be determined Now of course if you saw x-men 97 this spider man did show up in that show Um, very quick glimpse of the character a couple of times, but um If anything, this is would be the show that I'm looking I would be looking forward to the most probably even more than x-men Um, because I love that spider man iteration. I think a lot of people dim Um, and a lot of people hope that if they ever do an alien symbiote saga again That it would be more towards that rather than what they've done in live action so far with venom. So Um, that's it for our show this week on next week. We're going to talk about only murders episode episode three um rings of power episode five Um euphoria we're going to break down season two. We're going to talk about season three and where the show could go for this Go go for from here um football movies next week i'm going to talk about the movie school ties Um, i'm going to watch another one that i've seen before i'm not sure yet what that's going to be But also can i continue an alien in marathon part two with uh alien versus predator alien predator rick wean and rick Requiem rick wean rick wean rick wean and for me for Prometheus and alien covenant Um a movie came out on netflix today. I saw the trailer too. I sent it to you earlier I called rebel ridge this has a lot of action and it looks good. I haven't heard anything about it If it's any good or not Um, we don't look into that Um, the movie that comes out next week that I cannot wait to see probably not gonna go to theater and see it But killer's game with dave patista. Um, that's a big one and trace formers watch us next week You're gonna try to see it. Yeah, um, but that's it for now Agatha all along comes out in a couple of weeks peggling comes out at but right around the same time So excited about that so we'll get into all that later. I'm gonna hold us the stuff I want to get into some movies and we're re-watching watching for the first time Um, so yeah, uh, thanks everybody and we will talk to you next week face it was this Where the geek blurb crew here to enlighten you Talking all things geeky from movies to wrestling to our podcast Is the place where you want to be for all the latest news and nostalgia from the 80s and 90s We review comic book flicks And sci-fi hits riding the wave of action movies with all the cool bits From iron man to star wars we cover it all and when it comes to wrestling, we never drop the ball Cheap blurb, cheap blurb, where the kings of the nerds trading movies and pineapples are opinions Never flirt join us each week or geeky chat with the latest scoop and a dozen nostalgia that So if you're a fan of the comic book craze or a lover of sci-fi and all it's nays Tune into geek blurb, we're here to entertain bringing you the best and geek dumbets on domain (upbeat music)