Geek Blurb

Episode 139

This week…it's Judgment Day: we talk about the making, and overall cultural impact, of James Cameron's 1991 Sci-Fi epic, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, we talk about the new Anime series on Netflix, Terminator Zero, Ray recommends the series LOVE on Netflix, we talk Dirty Dancing, Ray talks about Jonathan Larson's RENT and Tick…Tick…BOOM, Ray reviews the new film Jackpot on Amazon Prime, Ray gives his initial thoughts on Bad Monkey on Apple TV+, Ray reviews the return of Only Murders in the Building season 4 and finally we talk about the 3 episode premiere of season 2 of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on Amazon Prime

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Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2024
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This week…it’s Judgment Day: we talk about the making, and overall cultural impact, of James Cameron’s 1991 Sci-Fi epic, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, we talk about the new Anime series on Netflix, Terminator Zero, Ray recommends the series LOVE on Netflix, we talk Dirty Dancing, Ray talks about Jonathan Larson’s RENT and Tick…Tick…BOOM, Ray reviews the new film Jackpot on Amazon Prime, Ray gives his initial thoughts on Bad Monkey on Apple TV+, Ray reviews the return of Only Murders in the Building season 4 and finally we talk about the 3 episode premiere of season 2 of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on Amazon Prime

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Join us on Keep Blood, the show you can't ignore Wait and Kevin, Kevin deep until all things go low Come and book, movie, start fighting action Thrilled with your new TV shows, we keep it real real We're missing the attitude and wrestling at its peak You're stylish, you're from the 80s and 90s Memory, sweet, seek Pineapples for a lot of ratings You need touch, geek, culture and our blood We love it so much Keep blue for a thrill We love it so much Keep us Where we talk about it at all From superheroes to wrestlers We stand tall We're in Kevin The dynamic duo in sight Keep us Shine in front Shine in bright Did you hear about Pluto? Let's rest our bright Keep blood taking you on in the start Launch your flight From movies to TV You cover it all Join us in every week We'll have a ball Welcome everyone Good evening We are live on YouTube And we are on episode 139 of our podcast Believe me, we have lasted this long Yesterday, well, number one We survived a year again We made it through Judgment Day Yes, we did Did not die We did it We did it, everyone Skynet did not take over So yesterday during Judgment Day I decided that I was going to watch A movie that's near and dear to both of our hearts Terminator 2 Judgment Day Normally, this is where I would play the theme song For Terminator, however Now that we're on YouTube, I cannot do that So we're going to talk about this movie And the impact it had in not only pop culture But movie making in general Arnold Schwarzenegger's career The first movie, of course, made him a star This one, he was already a star He had a ton of great movies out But him continuing going into this sequel Was this the first sequel he had done I believe it may have been Did he do two Conan's before this? Maybe Conan, you're right Maybe it wasn't Conan's movie But this is a big budget Big budget blockbuster Directed by James Cameron, of course Coming out of Aliens, I think a few years before this Took him seven years to make the sequel We're going to talk all about the reasons for that Well, which is odd, because James Cameron never takes his time with anything He just goes right, full board and everything doesn't take his time Doesn't take 13 years between Avatar sequels and all It's never done that before It never happened But this movie connects not only the past From the past movie where you have Cyberdime Miles Dyson, who is the person who creates Skynet The T800 from the first movie The arm and the chip that's left over From the end of the climax of the first movie Connects all of that and promoting a dystopian future Of robots taking over the world And their task is to save and protect its savior Who in the first movie, if I does John Connor Ends up being a kid in this movie, they go back to 1991 John Connor, this time played by Edward Furlong New up and coming actor, they found him in a I believe it was almost like a YMCA in LA They were hunting for this character We're going to talk about the casting in a little bit But they were hunting for the right person to play this role Because John Connor is the leader of the Resistance You want somebody that has some sort of a Good repertoire on screen, of course Especially with Arnold, especially with his mother Somebody that can act his way out of a paper bag Somebody that has just good gravitas in general But obviously influenced by the 80's culture of kids at the time Bart Simpson, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The arcade was played a huge part in the beginning of the movie And then you see Sarah Connor, who was playing by Linda Hamilton Coming back from the first movie However, she's prepared for war She's been preparing for war ever since her first movie And she's been in a mental institution because she got arrested for talking And because she's talking crazy about robots are coming Doomsday is coming, Judgment Day is coming She was locked away, so that's where she is in the beginning of the movie And her whole entire task is to protect John Because John is the future This movie, big difference between this one and the first one Arnold Schwarzenegger is the good guy At this point in his career, he's the biggest movie star I wouldn't be surprised, I'm guessing the reason for this Big huge face tournaments because of that We'll talk about the logistics in a little bit I think a big part of that too was He auditioned for Kyle Reese in the first one And then halfway through the audition He turned to James Cameron was basically like Why don't I just audition for the tournament Instead of that being the right call by far Because the dynamic between who ended up being Kyle Reese And him as the tournament was perfect Right, yeah, he had to really talk Arnold into doing that role But the best part, the whole reason we're doing this Is because I watch this movie The most menacing villain Probably top three I want to get your opinion on this too Of any movie ever Is T1000 played by Robert Patrick I kind of compared him in the notes to Jaws We talked about that last week We were talking about the tornado in Twister He is a menacing force in this movie That you're always worried that he's going to come out of nowhere And just attack them Because he's had such a unique power source Where he could turn into this liquid metal Come out of nowhere, make blades, kill people, run super fast We're going to talk about all of that stuff in a minute So I have a ton of facts on this movie I did a lot of research I was surprised, this was the last minute decision To put this on the podcast this week But this movie is just... It's Judgment Day, we've got to talk about this movie It's a big deal and in sci-fi Big deal with Arnold Schwarzenegger's career James Cameron's career, everything But the one thing that we're going to talk about now The end of the movie, there is one plot point That is open to interpretation His arm gets left behind Arnold's arm gets ripped off by the T-1000 And one of the machines in the factory At the end of the movie And... Is that plot hold? I don't know if it was ever talked about in a book Or a game or anything But that arm is not destroyed Arnold, at the end of the movie, of course If you've seen the movie, number one, if you haven't seen the movie What the hell? Number two, if you've seen the movie, you know Arnold is destroyed, the T-1000 is destroyed The chip, the arm, everything that is robot Robot technology is completely destroyed Except for that one arm that gets ripped off of Arnold Has never been brought up in any of the sequels There's been four sequels to this movie, by the way And still no definitive answer of what happened to the arm I'm wondering if that may pop up Plus the T-2 TV shows We're going to talk about the second one in a little bit But here's some facts about the movie The first three minutes of this movie Set in 2029 in the future When the robots have already taken over Cost more than the entire first movie's budget James Cameron showed children in a playground We've seen that in this movie a lot This is a recurring visual Shows up three times First is a normal day Then it's covered in ashes the second time And finally it's on fire He did this to symbolize Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory He also shows four mechanical horses in the playground That means the imagery of four horsemen in the apocalypse Very visual interpretation of that Like you mentioned Arnold was originally going to be Kyle Reese He wanted to be a heroic leading man James Cameron had to talk him into being the villain By the time Terminator 2 came along It became the opposite He was afraid the audience would reject a Terminator that didn't kill James Cameron told him it's okay We're going to write it into the script You're going to see that John Connor is going to give him that no kill attic It's all going to have to do with the story He actually worked out perfectly John doesn't want him to kill anybody because that's just the way he is The original part of John Connor was given to Charlie Corsimo Now you don't know the name I'm sure However, if you've seen Hook, if you've seen What About Bob You know this kid right here This was the original John Connor He had to turn down the role because of the movie What About Bob He already had a prior commitment so he turned it down They went and found Edward Furlong and they cast him in the role instead He was 13 Edward Furlong at the time Going through pure puberty I know if you've ever noticed the dubbing in this movie You know some of it's a little mixed up here and there is because He was going through pure puberty In the scenes of the industrial complex at the end of the film He had to stand in a hole to maintain the same height difference with Linda Hamilton Because he was growing so big in this In this eight month time period of filming the movie They had to redouble a lot of it in post-production Because his voice had broken by the end of the filming Compared to what it was in the beginning Terminator 2 included plot points originally intended for Terminator 1 The Terminator vs. Terminator was going to be Arnold vs. Arnold They ended up changing it to a liquid metal That was also a factor in the first one James Cameron wanted liquid metal They ended up putting it into the second movie Technology wasn't there at the time That's basically what it was The CGI tab didn't get there One of the very first movies we talked about on this podcast was Abyss If you've seen that movie That's kind of where the transition of CGI was going in James Kramer's career He was trying to get this so close That he could do the liquid metal to a CG standard Like ILM would end up doing eventually But they had to keep It's kind of like what Titanic took a while to get there too Because Titanic used the same technology Avatar as well He was waiting for the technology just to get just right in order to Make it look great on screen And I think by the time this came out it did look pretty great Fifty percent of the rights of the franchise It was owned by Hemdell Film Corporation And they didn't want the other corporation, Carol Co, to produce a sequel Or Cameron to direct it They actually wanted another guy to direct it Who directed Predator and Diehart Joel McTiernan In the late 80s Hemdell hit financial difficulties And Karoko kind of came in out of nowhere with a $5 million bid To the rights of the Terminator franchise And they had no choice but to accept it So that's basically how the movie happened The deal was struck in 1990 And in 1991 release date was announced prematurely by the producers With a stand once then created a Terminator Assembly line Teaser trailer, I don't remember this But James Cameron had to write, produce, film, and edit the movie all within one year So deal was struck in 1991 Like I said Took one year for James Cameron to write, produce, film, and direct And edit the film Four had to come out It was a very quick process I'm surprised because the movie is so great Not a lot of flaws in it Nope, but yeah, it was all done within one year Arnold tore the skin from his hand Trying over and over again To get the iconic one-hand through cock shotgun Seeing done on the motorcycle He actually ripped the skin from his hand The original idea for T-1000 was Billy Idol He dropped out after a motorcycle accident They also had the idea of bringing back Michael Bean Arnold facing himself like it was an original plan from the first movie And Steven Segal was the other option They ended up going with Robert Patrick His inspiration for T-1000 was David Bowie meets James Dean He kind of get that from that character that he was playing He was hired by James Cameron after seeing Die Hard 2 I don't remember, I haven't seen the movie a lot I guess he had a small role in that He was trained for running for months just by breathing through his nose So he showed no sign of fatigue while filming He practiced shooting a pistol without blinking from the blowback Like a machine He studied the head movements of American bald eagles And copied them for the T-1000 Oh, thank God This was studying Great White Sharks I think in Die Hard 2 he was just one of the bad guys I think they just show him like once in like the fan When they travel, he's been a long time since I watched Die Hard 2 But I think that's who he was But yeah, he also studied Great White Sharks And he also, James Cameron purposely kept sweat off of T-1000 Because it's a different robot He wanted every shot to differentiate the two cyborgs And his older brother He is the older brother of Richard Patrick Who is the lead singer of Filter The sound of the T-1000 transforming Was recording of dog food coming out of a can There's also achieved by wrapping a microphone in a condom And sticking it into a mixture of water and flour Brought to a boil In one of these scenes in the beginning where Arnold is supposed to be naked This is what it actually looked like behind the scenes Arnold is wearing beach shorts Practical effects, done by Stan Winston The bowl holes in T-word-1000 were kind of like a blooming metallic burst Remote control through a robot Teramator exoskeleton in the beginning was fully animatronic Controlled by 12 robot puppeteers Each person who T-1000 replicates in the film Is an actual twin of the host actor So they could actually face off with the same shot Instead of having to do it in post And with that that time, like I said, CGI Very, very infancy of this technology So it actually made sense Including Sarah Connor, Linda Hamilton's real twin life sister What twin sister in real life is Leslie She filmed her scenes as well Linda Hamilton trained in artillery combat for 13 weeks Judo marksmanship and learned to expertly pick locks She took out an earplunk in the elevator scene During filming and during a firing of gunshots Became permanently deaf in one ear The Miles Dyson character was turned down by Denzo Washington Because the character looked too scared and he sweat That's exactly the exact quote from James Cameron That makes sense That's somebody protecting their own image I guess you could say Somebody Iraq does basically every project he works But ILM had to digitally remove Robert Patrick's junk In the time travel scene in the beginning of the movie ILM had only six people on their team Before this movie came out because of this movie They had to up the manpower to 36 persons The task involved Terminator 2 It would have taken one person to make this movie It would have taken them 12 years is what I heard For the facts of this CGI in the film only equal to about 3 1/2 minutes of the whole entire time After the film was released Cameron received a letter from the nuclear laboratory Thanking him for making what they call the most realistic depiction of a nuclear bomb going off ever Hiroshima would have looked something like this Of course the scene you see Sarah Connor with all the skin ripping off of her and stuff He hired a lot of experts on nuclear warfare to get the scene researched just right The gun is in roses scene where Arnold is going through the hallway with the gun in the box of roses Was inspired intentionally by the band Guns N' Roses Arnold even appeared in the music video for the song Guns N' Roses Head on the soundtrack James Cameron would not allow young John Connor to carry or use a firearm at all in the movie He was an advocate for that The original ending was going to be a flash forward to 2027 Showing that doomsday did not happen The judgement didn't happen The deleted alternate scene saw an adult John Connor As a U.S. senator And Linda Hamilton as a grandmother Complete with old age makeup And it was going to be August 29th 1997 Cameron went, she had a little joke about Michael Jackson turning 42 in the original script James Cameron received $6 million for writing and directing Source Enneger was paid $15 million huge at the time It equates to about $21,000 per word On top of this, he also was given by the producers A Gulfstream jet worth $14 million Now, just, that's all the facts I have But this movie, of course the video game, my background today Arcade game, I remember that more than the movie When I was at that age, I don't remember exactly when I saw this movie It was on cable or something, the first time I saw it I remember probably my first time seeing it The video game was great, we used to go to the dream machine and play it A lot of people who had the birthday parties there It came out on SNES and Sega Genesis Which was kind of trash because there was no gun We had to use the D-pad a little bit But I remember this movie Mainly from, I think it was Abe Zacharias And maybe Jed Fisk talking about it when we were in like Fucking, we were like eight years old or whatever Talking about awesome and badass it was I don't know if they actually seen it at the time We're just bragging that they'd seen it Because that's what kids do when they're in like Second, third grade But I absolutely love this film It's so hard for me to rank If I like this one or the first one more I think I like the first one a little bit more because then you are setting And the human versus terminator aspect of it It's a little more interesting But then this movie you get like Robert Patrick and Arnold facing off so it's Awesome also So yeah, some of these movies, I probably saw them Eventually when I was like 10 or 11 But yeah, these movies are great Yep, great and of course it just Every dystopian movie after this Everything that has to do with time travel In the future that's been destroyed By the past is kind of imitated off of this movie Arnold's legacy Of course, he's known for all the All the one liners from this movie And then he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other 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things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he's known for all the other things And he didn't have a chance to see it Become to fruition But Tick Tick Boom was something that was kind of a passion project before rent And when he died, they took this project And a whole bunch of other stuff from the Library of Congress When they took his papers there And Lin-Manuel Miranda, who, of course, Hamilton Went in, he directed Tick Tick Boom Went in to the Library of Congress Got a whole bunch of his old tapes Scripps, songs, everything Put him into Tick Tick Boom Including this play that John Larson did Called "Boho Days" Which is a song in this soundtrack But that was the original play that he did in the early 90s Before rent It kind of mixed everything together And made Tick Tick Boom Did songs that were in the Library of Congress Mixed them into that play And kind of also told the story of John Larson Through the play Especially after the rent stuff happened And after he died I believe in the original play The original play came out in 2001 And I believe it was talking about rent at the time How he was writing a musical And that's basically, Tick Tick Boom did that too He was in the middle of trying to figure out his next big thing But he never saw it come to fruition But if you've never seen Tick Tick Boom I suggest that of a rent It's a great story, a great movie Was it that up there? Was it up the waters? Was it Oscar for film of the year? Was it just his performance? Andrew Garfield was up for performance It may have been up for Oscar too There's a lot of nominees for Oscar nowadays Yeah, great movie Watch that one Rent's pretty good too if you're into musicals A little bit too musical for me But Tick Tick Boom is great I watched another movie come out on Prime Called Jack Pot This star is John Cena, Aquafina And Simu Yu This is set in 2030 It's a dystopian lottery Kinda like Hunger Games meets The Purge Created during the Great Depression of 2026 Wow, that's not too long Far away And basically the basic premise of this movie is In California and LA, they have a lottery If you buy a lottery ticket You are in a drawing If you get drawn You can win the big Jack Pot If you last 24 hours And everybody else who won a lottery ticket Has a chance to kill you And win your big winnings If they kill you And Aquafina is the girl in this movie Who wins the lottery Wends it and gets chased for 24 hours And John Cena is kind of like a Higher gun to protect her He gets a little certain portion of the lottery If he ends up helping her survive the 24 hours Decent movie directed by Paul Feig Of course, he's done Ghostbusters Bridesmaid We don't talk about Ghostbusters that much The 2016 one Because it's crashed With reason? Yes But Paul Fe, he was involved in the office He was involved in Freaks and Geeks He's involved in a lot of stuff That I liked in the early 2000s Had a lot of cameos Sean Michael Scott Of course, Stiffler from American Pie Adam Ray Machine Gun Kelly Billy Stanley from the offices Decent movies Is on Amazon Prime called Jackpot Very good I started watching Bad Monkey on Apple TV Kind of boring This stars Vince Vaughn Kind of boring Set in Key West But kind of Miami He goes back and forth to Miami And they actually bring up Miami Metro PD But the show was kind of boring I didn't get any further Than the first episode But I did get into Only in the murders in the building Season 4 premiered this week Very first episode It was great I was surprised as they usually with this show They do The least three episodes They only premiered one episode this year Which is fine, but it's very good They've all gone to LA And they end up meeting these actors That are going to be playing them on screen They're going to be doing a movie About only murders in the building Their podcast and even Longoria Is going to be playing Selena Gomez Zach Alpha-Nakka is going to be playing Steve Martin and Eugene Levy Is going to be playing Sorry, Martin Shorts is going to be played Zach Alpha-Nakka and Steve Martin Is going to be played by Eugene Levy And there's an awesome cameo by Scott Baccula Because the joke from the very beginning Steve Martin had a show called "Brazo" I can't remember what it's called But he had a show when he was younger It was kind of like a Matlock Detective kind of thing And Scott Baccula took his job Scott Baccula Of course from Quantum Leap And he actually had a quick cameo in this Because his stunt double Who is Can't remember her name His stunt double is the same stunt double That he has and she's gone missing But great so far First episode And it's going to be a weekly thing On Hulu It's pretty good Lord of the Rings Rings of Power Season 2 First 3 episodes premiered yesterday It's on Amazon Prime Problem with this show is just too fucking slow Did you watch it? Did you have a chance to watch any of this yet? I'm not. I'm going to watch it After we're on tonight I'm only going to watch one episode I want to take my time with it I'll probably throughout the week So next week we'll give our impressions Of the first four episodes But yeah, I've heard really good things about it But it is probably slow Because Lord of the Rings in general is kind of slow Good, but slow To me anyways But a lot of people are preparing it to like the two towers As far as pacing and stuff like that goes So I'm looking forward to it Yeah, it's very slow So telling the story The first season told the story of making the Alpha Rings And we know There's more rings that need to be made And that's basically what the first three episodes are all about Beginning to try to make those rings So yeah So we're on is a big part of it now So we've got the big bag going forward So we'll see where that plays out And one more thing you want to talk about Before we get to our news One thing that's been taking up a lot One thing that's been taking up a lot by time This summer is I started talking to a bunch of people on Twitter Obviously now we've kind of moved everything over to Discord But we wanted to re-watch the DCEU And the DC anime Film started with Flashpoint Of course and started with Man of Steel So every Tuesday we're doing an anime movie Every Thursday we're doing a live action movie We missed a few here and there As far as re-skill but we watched them all finally My summer of DCEU and DC animation is complete Flashpoint is still my number one animated movie I absolutely love that movie But I hadn't seen about probably more than half The ones in the anime universe And Dark Side Apocalypse War Or just League Dark Apocalypse War Is outstanding Fantastic, it was the last one In the bunch The one before that Wonder Woman's bloodlines That fucking trash Like that movie is just It hurt me to watch that movie Yeah, that was too far out of that And of course on the DCU And my ranking didn't change I still like Man of Steel Why So like his Zack Snyder just a little lot You see a lot more now That I'm more into Superman Because we did watch Justice League You see much more of him Being like the traditional Superman And Clark Geno and whatnot And Blue Beetle we watched last night I'd almost seen it one time When we talked about it in the podcast Whatever two years ago A year ago, yeah, it came last August And everybody noticed The first time we watched it that The shield that Ted Kord had made Was just a Nintendo power glove So I fucking loved that I kind of boxed out for that when I saw it I never noticed that the first time we watched the movie But yeah, it was a fun summer We were just watching them Let's get on and talk about them for about a half hour Give rankings, reviews, stuff like that There was a good time and something to look forward to On Tuesday and Thursday nights all summer So yeah, I just wanted to bring that up real quick And so that won't be taking up My time anymore Thank God, because I loved it But at the same time, it gave me two nights Where I couldn't like watch anything For, you know, just to watch it Alright, but yeah What I think is Ted Let's get into the news And it's not a new song on the trailer, aren't it? First trailer Superman The Christopher Lee story This trailer is amazing I can't wait for it to come out This comes out in the theaters on September 21st and 25th Shortly after Probably, we were kind of speculating December Probably by Christmas time On Max, or Thanksgiving I wouldn't use the Resident Watch as Christmas Day It could be, yep One Thanksgiving But it's all about the story of Christopher Reeves And of course his accident And it's the Philotropic work that he did For spinal cord injuries And all about Christopher Lee Foundation Everybody who's seen this Says it's amazing Including James Gunn So I cannot wait to see it as well Another movie, a trailer That I actually hunted down after I heard about it Is called Woman of the Hour This is a story I've always heard about About the dating game in 1978 Where a man went on the dating game One of three contestants Actually won During this time on the dating game He was actually on a murderous killing spree Killed a bunch of women The woman that actually dated him Survived Did not get killed, luckily, because During this time he was killing a bunch of people He ended up getting caught a couple years later Or a year later, in 1979 When he was arrested Andy Kendrick, who is from Portland, Maine She was in Twilight Pitch Perfect movies She's directing this His directorial debut And yeah Does look really good I thought I had a slide for it That's the next thing, don't ignore that But yeah Looks pretty good New trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 I had not watched the first two These movies do look pretty good Have you watched any of these movies? I was never a Sonic I was never a Sonic guy growing up The third one comes out When the third one comes out we'll watch them all And talk about them Because I do want to see him I think I've seen parts of the first one But I don't remember Yeah, James Marston He's in every single one of these And of course he was side-crossing Yeah, and he wears a sweater And on the sweater says Donut Lord A whole bunch of donuts on it I don't know what this I have no idea what he does in the movie I guess he's Sonic's friend Sonic is living, I have no idea But brand new trailer for Terrifier 3 Yes, let's go I can always Set a Christmas time This actually looked pretty funny Yeah, I don't know about these movies I know what they're gonna do to Try to make us throw up this time Because they've pretty much done everything they can At this point to make us throw up Yeah Weekend box office last weekend Deadpool and Wolverine at 18.3 million Alien Romulus 16.2 And it ends with us as 11.8 So we're getting at the end of summer Box office is definitely slowing down The crow BOMBED Yes, $4.6 million in the opening weekend Against the $50 million budget So it's a pretty one of the biggest losses Of this year so far It's like Borderlands, Borderlands came on a digital Today which was really like three weeks after They viewed so we should be looking for this On digital in about two weeks Yep, yep Um Yep, and we'll see other, oh Trap came out today We're gonna be reviewing that soon as well Um, Rest in Peace to Sid Vicious, Psycho Sid Sid Justice Sid Uli For WWE WCW, he passed away 63 years old, he had cancer Um Um I know him more from WCW, we're gonna talk about that in a minute You know him from growing up His matches in WrestleMania 8 WrestleMania 13 versus the Undertaker Um I know him That infamous fall In the ring from the top Rope where he broke his leg It was live on television And not only did he break his He broke his leg on the bottom Bottom half of his leg But it broke and it was just hanging and dangling You could not miss it was Direct screen Grab on television for WCW It was a pay-per-view, I believe I can't remember I think it may have been Scott Steiner at the time It was a gruesome injury And that's the first thing I remember from it But he just posted Just a couple weeks ago one of his last posts Was he is hopeful that 2025 will be the year that he gets inducted To the WWE Hall of Fame I'm guessing that'll probably happen now He was a big part of the Early time, right before the Attitude Era And he was a big part of the company Of course, WrestleMania Big part of the WWE WCW before then And he made it to just as a good guy Turned on Hulk Hogan For the first person to kick out of the Of the Hogan leg drop, is that correct? Yep, I told you so Yep, yep So rest in peace to him This is the next slide I headed Up prematurely, however Jurassic World, new movie is called Rebirth, starring Scarlett Johansson Mahershala Ali Comes out sometime in 2026, I believe No, 25, it's come 24 Before Superman Two weeks after that It's that Superman And Fantastic Four, I'll get released In the same month, next year Movie is going to take place five years After Dominion By the way, if you don't have that movie on digital And you didn't want to pay for it It's $4.99 right now on iTunes And so one movie I don't have because it's a trash movie Yeah, but I ended up buying it Because I've just completed this as far as movies are so sure But it follows a team That is racing to secure DNA samples From the three most colossal creatures Across land, sea, and air I'm guessing Tyrannosaurus, pterodactyl Brockesaurus Who knows, but Yeah, July 2025, you're right So excited for that I'm sure you're not excited for this NBA at Netflix has a docu-series Starting five Drops October 9th Follows five NBA players to the 2023-24 season One of the players is your Arch-enemy LeBron James LeBron James But it does follow Jason Tatum Throughout the year in which they win the championship And have one of the greatest seasons of NBA history For the Boston Celtics So I am looking forward to this Okay, cool Yeah, it comes out in Netflix On October 9th Matrix and Back to the Future Coming back to theaters Matrix 25th anniversary September 19th And 22nd of next month And back to the future, part two 35th anniversary Coming out in theaters on October 19th and 21st We went to the 25th anniversary 10 years ago Yes, that was awesome Back to the future The first movie 30th, I remember That was 30 year We just didn't stay for the third one We did not stay for the third one The greatest part about that was The exact time Back to the future part two It was the exact time that happened The time travel happened The exact same time as the movie played Or something like that When he goes into 2015 it was the exact same time When the movie was being played Yes, that was exactly what it was A documentary that we're both looking forward to I'm so glad they finally have a date September 25th for Mr. McMahon And Netflix documentary series 60 episodes Well, we talked about this before But this documentary has been filmed For a very, very long time It's supposed to be a career retrospective of Vince McMahon Oh, yeah, true During the filming of this Is when all of the stuff came out For Vince last year So not only does it talk about his career And everything that happened in WWE, WWF, and the early 2000s, late 90s But it also talks about all of the allegations That happened last year So you get a lot of it I'm sure Vince probably quit the interviews after that However, I'm sure Other people had a lot of opinions on it But this is done by the people that produce Tiger King I've explained a lot of cool stuff from this 6 episodes, I can't fucking wait It's gonna be great It comes out on September 25th Wolves George Clooney, Brad Pitt Directed by John Watts Coming out on September 27th On Apple It's gonna be on Apple exclusive Streaming I was wondering about that last week But I did have an official date for that Beel Juice and Michael Keaton on Hot Ones A lot of promos for this movie coming out next week A lot of people are saying it's pretty good If you like the first movie, you're gonna like the second one Just premiered a couple of days ago And a review embargo is gonna be lifted I think this weekend But Beel Juice and Michael Keaton Had a face-to-face on a fake Hot Ones kind of thing that they were doing But yeah Wendy's Coming out with a Krabby Patty this fall They're gonna be having a whole Krabby Patty Of course, if you've seen SpongeBob Squarepants That's the place the SpongeBob works And they're gonna be having a pineapple Under the sea frosty And a hot and crispy medium fry I don't know I guess they must have a They must have like a buffalo spice on there Or something, I don't know But yeah Quentin Tarantino says his Star Trek movie Was never going to happen Um Yeah, I think they kind of May have been just a fast pass project Yeah, I think we knew that That's like Ryan Johnson's Star Trek trilogy Yep, yep He also says this week gone viral that he refuses to watch Toy Story 4 Because the third movie ended The story as perfect as you could I've actually heard this before I agree with him I've not watched Toy Story 4 The same exact reason he just said The story ended perfectly Yeah, I don't think I have either But yeah, he's right We talked about it before Wondering what the streaming platform subscribers are I saw this online I wanted to bring it up Netflix has 260 million now Think about this You're charging the minimum 699 With ads for Netflix And you have 260 million subscribers monthly Imagine the amount of money You're going to take Netflix Even Amazon Prime 220 million Disney Plus 150 million This is all worldwide Max 95 Paramount Plus 63 Hulu 48 million Peacock 28 million ESPN Plus 26 Apple TV 25 and stars I had no idea stars was even around But there's number 10 of all of these For 15 million To be fair, Amazon Prime It's a boost because that just comes with Amazon Prime It comes right Anyone that has Amazon Prime Which is a lot of people Automatically get it so that boosts their numbers But yeah, that's pretty incredible Netflix has that many subscribers 260 million, that's crazy Travis and Jason Kelsey Have a new deal with an Amazon Wondery Which is their podcast studio They have exclusive ad sales and distribution rights To their new heights podcasts They have a million dollars No, not only are they making money In football, but they're making money with podcasting too There is Hope Kevin Have you been watching Bel Air? I really got a catch up Because I enjoyed the first season Is there a three now? That third one just aired last week or four Okay, because I got rid of Peacock Right before season two And we got it again right after season two I just never went back Maybe I'll put that on the list for this winter Usually, there's some really good deals with Peacock I think I got mine for a whole year For $1.30 for $20 It's $20, that's pretty like three months They run that deal It's worth the first week The original Jeffery actor from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air actually Was in this last season He has an interaction with the Jeffery From the new series as well In this series I want to bring that up because I know you watched that show Additional version of Marvel vs. Capcom fighting collection Coming out on September 12th This collects all the Marvel Capcom fighting games The arcade games I believe there's like 12 or 13 of them On this set The physical version was out on November 26 But if you ever, like we talked about Terminator 2 in the beginning of the show But if you ever went to an arcade Chances are you played Marvel vs. Capcom And the arcade 2 because these are big games Back in the 90s We're going to have a whole complete collection Of all those arcade games from the 90s and 2000s Coming out digitally on September 12th So that's kind of cool Borderlands 2 came out today Borderlands the movie came out today On digital If you want to torture us Maybe we'll watch that I don't know It looks so bad The cats are so weird It's Eli Roth so I will watch it When I have nothing else to watch It's such a backlog of movies I'm going to probably hold off on that one Best Eli Roth movie In your opinion I mean my opinion is obviously Thanksgiving So we watched that last year It was fucking incredible For me it's probably hostile And then Thanksgiving And then you did cabin fever So that's three That cabin fever She's I forgot he did that one too Coming out with a retro GameStop retro New store They may be churning their old game Store some of them into this as well But it's going to be a new store front They're going to be selling a lot of retro games A lot of retro game systems It's going to focus on that The systems are going to include All the original Nintendo games All the original Xbox Xbox 360, PS1, 2, 3 Genesis, Dreamcast, Saturn PS Vita It's kind of the big thing right now Ten years ago the prices weren't too bad Now it's crazy to try to buy The retro games I was buying some a couple months ago But I had to stop because it was getting too expensive Plus I lost my job Big news this week Was Ted Lasso was eyeing a Season 4 green light With most of the main cast Returning Jason Sudeik is coming on as a producer I believe Apple's Going to be releasing the new iPhones In a couple weeks If this is true This will be announced Probably around that time They're going to announce that Because this shows huge for them They're number one thing Besides shrinking there's a couple of shows they have On their streaming platform It's still like number two on all the streaming On Apple TV There isn't a lot of stuff on Apple But it's funny because everything that's on Apple Gets rave reviews They put a lot of money into hiring The right people for their projects Like there isn't enough on Apple to make You want to be a regular subscriber But every couple of months they drop something like Ted Lasso or shrinking And it gets rave reviews The other thing is they don't have a lot of IP It's all original content too They don't have IP Ted Lasso's original story Strengthens an original story I can't wait No word on if Jason Steakus is going to be acting in it But I believe Hannah Warrington Brett Goldstein and a few others Have already signed on for roles So it's going to come back in some form Didn't leave it wide open Season 3 ended on a perfect note Ted Lasso went back home I always did think that would be great To see him in his element in home Speaking of comebacks Oasis officially coming back getting together Since 2009 They have not been performing together They haven't even been talking to these two brothers Did you see their Twitter interaction? One of them goes "Hey unblock me, I gotta tell you something" And then he goes "Okay unblocked, what do you have to say?" And the other one just goes "Bitch" They are great If you ever hear them in interviews Talking about each other They complain about each other all the time But coming back Doing a whole bunch of concerts In the UK Probably coming to America To if they can survive that long The last time they were together They got in a big huge knockdown drag-out fight Right before they were going to be performing Their whole tour got cancelled So we'll see how long this one lasts Before the same thing happens again Kind of like calling for the soundtrack Of the 90s for sure Yes Also, speaking of wrestling earlier A.J. Mendez who played A.J. Lee on wrestling Married to CM Punk She wrote a book a couple years ago Crazy is my superpower The series is heading to A&E I think she talked about this a few years ago But it took steam again this week Because I think it came out somewhere else It's still being shopped around But this first time I've heard about it really But yeah, A.J. Lee, I think she was great At the time, women wrestling Was kind of second back burner stuff Then the woman revolution happened Actually became a thing And she's kind of the forefront to that Seeing where that goes I know the movie About Paige is pretty good With the rock produced That kind of same note Nikki Glaser, straight off the Tom Brady Rose Is going to be hosting the 82nd annual Gloathing global awards Coming out January 5th of next year She is very funny A lot of the great jokes from Tom Brady Rose Were from her And results in her And Tony Hinchcliffe But I thought she did a fantastic job I've been following her for over a decade Now it's just really funny It's good for her Brand new documentary coming out on Disney Plus On December 13th, Elton John, never too late Full documentary about his life His whole entire life And his career So I cannot wait for that I know you're a fan of that I love Elton John in general Yeah, I love his music too Somebody can wait until I was much older Sam, Sam, yeah The only thing I ever got into Was a little bit of the music But like, Tiny Dancer, almost famous I just saw it, but A complete unknown Film about Bob Dylan Directed by Jayce Mangold Brand new poster for that with Timothy Chalamet His Bob Dylan came out today Edward Norton, Elle Fanning, and that as well Coming out on Christmas Day Brand new poster For Pinocchio Unstrung This is the movie set in the Poon Pooniverse It's the very first next movie in this universe Coming out where they're going to be having Style Disney character Not Disney characters, Fantasy character Avengers movie at the end We're all of them assembled, but Pinocchio is going to be the next one And Pinocchio looks like he stabbed Japeto in the hand So yeah, we'll see all about that soon Todd Phillips is talking about the Joker Comes out a little bit over a month from now Up to over a second, I believe He's talking about the music in the movies Talking about it not really being a musical But the music in the movie is really just dialogue It's just Arthur not having the words to say what he wants to say I kind of got that feeling from the trailers too He's very In his head I think Lady Gaga is going to help him get there too But I cannot wait for this movie A couple new character posters Came out this week too with Lady Gaga And Lucky Phoenix as Joker A brand new game based on The Batman Reportedly in development No other information on that as well Did you say it was default behind James Gunn? I just saw that Literally within an hour of it being posted online Somebody asked James Gunn about it Unfortunately not Yeah, so strike that reverse it We will not go by that Agatha all along Brand new trailer came out this week The teasing who this character This little kid character is A version of Billy One-on-one to the sun But they teased it in the trailer I cannot wait for this They took a lot of inspiration The thing about I heard about this show this week They took a lot of inspiration From old 70s 80s horror movies But they also are Doing all practical effects for it I believe there's not a lot of CGA effects They did a lot of camera tricks A lot of practical effects Which we heard about So that's pretty cool if they're doing that A lot of horror tricks and stuff like that So this comes out on September 18th The first two episodes on Disney+ That's made cool Agatha all along Disney shared a 85th anniversary Of Marvel video yesterday It showed some first looks At Daredevil born again, Thundercats At the very end of it they showed The official first look of Paris de Fort as the Red Hulk Full face of him coming out of the podium That we saw in the comic hall trailer That looked really good and seen in HD Fantastic Four Currently filming We see some more screen shots Of what they're doing in the background We see a helipad On top of Baxter building We see a city street It looks like a 1960s inspired 1960s inspired 1960s inspired Time Square in New York City We also see a statue Of Fantastic Four Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, Sue Storm And Ben Grimm All in their characters, we're not sure if this is going to be in front of the Baxter building Or what, but it's a big huge statue This was made for the film And we also see the very first practical Ben Grimm The thing I think this may have Oh my god sorry I think this is kind of just like There just before the CG, but this character Is going to be a CG no matter what Yeah, I think it's for lighting Trying to try lighting and maybe get some shadow or something Because the character is going to be CG They already announced that it's going to be a CG They just, I think this is mostly for lighting And just set up stuff like that I think so too Yeah, it's basically and they did the same with Hulk They did the same with Thanos They just kind of dressed the set to make it So they can make the CG easier later Especially, this really comes out in less than a year 11 months from now, this video is going to be on the side I have no idea how they're going to make it That's like your time Yeah, I mean like Superman is going to make it obviously But like not really this as much as like Jurassic World I don't like, this was very pre-production Way more Jurassic World was even announced So it's going to be interesting Of course they're doing a lot of stuff practically Outside of obviously his CG for Ben Grimm The thing, I could see them Being able to if they don't have a lot to do in post But they're going to be cutting it close Because the five month shoot It's not going to wrap until the new year Give or take So it's going to be interesting to see them nail it Yeah, I'm excited for all of next year Not just Marvel Not just DC but everything We talked about 25 crazy year And finally in news We get the first official look at Gambit, Channy Tatum Surviving After Wade and Wolverine left the void We see a deleted scene for Deadpool and Wolverine Teasing Channy Tatum's Gambit As he's looking back at the camera You see one of Marvel's sparkle circles In the glimpse of his eyes Like he's about to leave the void Setting up maybe something will happen later on Or speculation he'll be in Secret Wars Or some sort of an X-Men who knows But after his performance and the rave reviews Everybody's talking about Gambit The year of Gambit is what they're calling it I really hope we see them again sooner rather than later Channy did an amazing job Yeah And that is it for the show Next week is the beginning of the month We have a show and tell We're going to talk about Only Murders We're going to talk about Rings of Power Episode 4 September is Football Month We're going to start talking about Football Next week I'm going to watch the Blind Side Never saw that We're going to watch that next week Have you seen the Blind Side right? I saw the Blind Side I actually saw it on a plane I believe The best way to watch a movie Clearly, not a plane We're going to talk about that next week Labor Day, if you're interested on Netflix Joey Chestnut versus Kobayashi We're going to show down live Next week Beatle's Juice, Beatle's Juice comes out Rebel Ridge comes out This movie, I don't know if you see the trailer or not If you haven't hunted down Looks very good, lots of action Comes out next week as well September 13th, Transformers 1 Trail looks pretty good for that Killer's game, I can't remember what that was about But I put it in the calendar On the 18th Agatha, all along Premiers On the 19th the day later, the Penguin Premiers Twilight of the Gods also Premiers that day The Zack Snyder, Thor, Norse mythology On the 25th Mr. McMahon documentary Probably the one thing I'm excited about this month More than anything And 27th Wolves And Mega Lopolis Francis for Folkland's movie We talked about last week A lot of stuff next month Football season is upon us Blind Side next week I've got a few other ones in the pipeline I want to talk about Let me get into October, we've got some good stuff then too We've got Batman Long Halloween Which I started reading prematurely this week We've got the Joker, we're going to re-watch that Before the new movie debuts And yeah, a whole bunch of Halloween stuff That you're going to be curating for the podcast as well So everybody, stay tuned Thank you for listening Thank you for watching, sorry that I missed You missed the first 10 minutes, but you can listen to it in podcast form And we will talk to everyone next week Peace There was this Where the geek blurb crew Here to enlighten you Talking all things geeky from movies To wrestling to our podcast Is the place where you want to be For all the latest news And nostalgia from the 80s and 90s We review comic book flicks And sci-fi hits Riding the wave of action movies With all the cool bits From Iron Man to Star Wars We cover it all And when it comes to wrestling We never drop the ball Cheap blood, cheap blood We're the kings of the nerds Creating movies and pineapples Our opinions never flirt Join us each week for geeky chat With the latest dupe And a dose of nostalgia So if you're a fan of the comic book craze Or a lover of sci-fi And all its nays Tune in to geek blurb We're here to entertain Bringing you the best And geek dumbets are domain ♪ It's our domain ♪ [MUSIC PLAYING]