The Nathan Crane Podcast

Arturo Gaitan: From Church Rebel to Spiritual Mentor | Nathan Crane Podcast

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04 Oct 2024
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Welcome to the podcast. This episode is brought to you by Masson Beljansky, providing natural supplements for helping your body's healing and wellness, inspired by over 40 years of groundbreaking research. Your picture is so serious, it is. Man, your beard is longer every time I see you. Believe it or not, I caught it, I used to have it at the belly button and I caught it twice already. Oh my gosh, that thing grows like, keeps going, keeps going. I have no idea, good, good man, I have no idea why I left that girl like this. I don't know, probably it was, I don't know, some philosopher or something in my past life, but I don't like books anymore, so anyways. Yeah, you look like a Tai Chi master or something, somebody from Asia, a Qigong master or philosopher from Asia. Probably, but at the airport they think differently, I went the other day to a month ago, I would have to go to pick up a car and San Jose and this lady from TSA saw me and she told the other guys, she pointed at me and I'm like, I probably looked like a Saudi or something or terrorists or something, but it was bad. They touched my balls. Oh yeah, they went for all the jewels, huh? They will for all the jewels and I just, he asked me, do you want to do it in private? I said, no, do it here in front of everybody, you know? And that's it. At the end, I just tell everybody, he's just making sure that there's a real package and yeah, everybody was good after that. Yeah, that's too bad that that kind of discrimination still happens in this country, you know? It's kind of crazy actually, actually all over the world, it happens. That's the crazy. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. Now that's everywhere. How you doing, Senor? Good man. Good. Yeah. Good to see you. We're rolling here, so we're just going to roll with it for everybody who doesn't know. This is our total guy, Tan. But do you go by a different name now? No, I'm still have the same name, but people call me different things. Yeah. What do people call you? Oh shit. Oh, sorry. Am I allowed to say bad words sometimes? Yeah, yeah, you can cast. I wouldn't have you on because I know you like to cast sometimes. Okay, okay. It's not that I like is I've been programmed like that, you know, like my mother programmed me like that. But anyways, I don't know. They call me different things like creature magical creature art weirdo, so many different things. I don't want to mention it. Art. So you go by art. You still go by art. Oh yeah. Art. Yes. Arturo. Yeah. So those we don't know. Arturo 10 is was one of my very early spiritual teachers, mentors, friends, family members, somebody who taught me so much about spirituality, about my life. I tell people all the time, Arturo, that one of the things that I'm so grateful for that you taught me was how to think for myself, you know, as a young, I think I met you probably when I was around 20, 20 or 21, so young, you know, 20 year old that's trying to figure out life, getting on my feet, right, I moved to San Diego, you know, starting over really diving into health and spirituality and met you. And one of the things that you talk so much with me about in teaching me meditation and how to think for myself and how so many of us, like you were just talking about, all of us are programmed, right, we're programmed by our parents, we're programmed by our society, by our schools, by our teachers, by belief systems that dictate and determine our lives and helping me recognize that at an early age and then saying, look, it's so essential that we learn how to think for ourselves because if we don't, we're just doing everybody else's thinking and going along in this life unconsciously, you know, with all of these behaviors and patterns that are very often sabotaging our lives and leading to so much pain and suffering. And so, you know, it's one of the things that I really attribute so much, you know, gratitude towards you for helping me think, think for myself, really. I think it's such a gift. Yeah, yeah, no, no, thank you, thank you, Nate, and I think that is essential. But you said that's the perfect word, it is essential that every human should be allowed and teach, you know, like they don't teach us that. And actually, it is very unfortunate to see that even in the education system and everywhere since later you've been programmed to don't think for yourself, it's like they have all these expectations that has nothing to do with your true self, you know, and what every time that even in elementary school, I was freaking kicked from seven elementary school because they actually told my mom that I was retarded because they, I don't know, I don't know if I remember that they told that to my mom and it's like, well, I think that she thought at some point because it was very difficult to deal with me because it was the kid that asked questions, you know, they asked questions since little and I'm questioning everything and seeing the world differently and coming up with all these ideas and consciousness and particles and seeing things like, okay, this kid is delusional, this kid will be retarded because he doesn't answer when we ask them a question, he asks questions, but he doesn't answer. Well, I was busy in my mind, you know, I was busy and the teachers asked me questions about the stupid things and in my perception, they speak very slow during that time and it's like they're doing my, they asking me a question in the slow motion or two, like, oh my gosh, when it's going to happen. So I didn't, I didn't answer anything. So yeah, they sent me to the doctor. Fortunately, they were not pushing kids to take medication. So I was out of medication for a long time. The challenge, no, no, because no, the medication, I said that little challenge because I guess that we, I am one of the very first now called ADHD and all these kids, hyperactive kids, and I was like that my entire life, what like completely red spectrum, you know, it's like I actually they thought that I was autistic too. Probably I am. I don't know, man. I don't know. You're probably a little autistic. Like, yeah, I have reactions sometimes, you know, like when people talk to me, what the fuck? I've been with you and seen your laugh attacks where you just can't stop laughing for like I've probably seen you laugh nonstop for like 10 or 15 minutes and when I'm, when you're gonna have a laugh attack and then I'm just laughing and then it just goes on forever. But you literally have laugh, I've seen you have laugh attacks where you can't stop laughing. I don't know if that's autism or not but I'm handling that better, you know, I'm mixing anger now, mixing anger with a laugh attack. So I can stop the laugh attack. So I can call myself a little grounding about how the world is. So okay. I'm effing angry now. Okay. That's good. And then they are laugh continue. But yeah, he's getting better now, you know, right now, now you grew up in, didn't you grow up in Mexico City? If I remember. Yes, I did. Mexico City. Mm hmm. And so, and that's where you got kicked out of seven elementary schools. Yeah, from church too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I remember you used to question the question, the preachers and the pastors about God and they wouldn't answer your questions. Yeah. Yeah. And they were lying, you know, I had to expose them because they were lying. You know, during that time, I believe that once God talked to me, you know, what I'm going to refer to God, it could be for people like universe, whatever they believe, you know, I discovered that human beings can believe, they can believe whatever the heck we want. That's the truth. We can believe whatever we want at the end is a belief. But yeah, I remember in the mass, this priest was getting, I've been observing things during my grandma always take me to the church and I've been observing things like, oh, there's a technique. The guy started talking, they make them feel miserable, they make them feel guilty. And then they pass the little basket to get money. So every time that he does that, he pass the basket, I'm like, okay. So one day I had the opportunity, well, I was next to this little chowie kid that's supposed to say that he was very happy to be there and he got stuck. So I grabbed the mic and I just say it, say it out loud that the priest was lying to them that he's calling them sinners and because they, and then he's going to pass the basket. And I remember I said, you know, God talk to me. God talk to me and explain me that, you know, nobody's a sinner. Like if you make mistakes, if you do any of these sinners, when you go to sleep, the metaphorical meaning of you going to sleep as a human is death. And if you have the opportunity to open your eyes the very next day, it means that God forgave you and now you, is your choice to don't repeat whatever the heck you did the previous day, you know, so they kick me out. Have you heard of PEMF therapy for cancer? 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I think more and more people are waking up to the spiritual truth that, you know, we're not born sinners as many, unfortunately, you know, as beautiful as Christianity is and as much as I love Jesus and Jesus' teachings and learn a lot from him and learn from the Bible, I study the Bible every day right now, you know, there are things in the religion aspect of Christianity that, just like you said, I think keep people living in fear, in constant fear and actually prevent people from waking up to their highest self, to the highest truth, to, you know, having a true connection with God, to having that true realization of God. I think it's that it is that fear in some of those teachings that are preventing so many good-hearted, you know, caring, sincere people from actually achieving what they're trying to achieve, which is having, you know, a pure life, a good life, a life of deep meaning and purpose, a life where they feel a true connection with their Creator. And it is that. And being told that you're a sinner, there's nothing you can do about it, you know, you can, Jesus basically died on the cross for your sins. So you can pretty much sin all you want, but, you know, ask for forgiveness and Jesus has already forgiven you, but there's nothing that will get you into heaven unless you believe in Jesus, otherwise you're going to go to hell and burn no matter how good you do on the planet. It's like what? Right. There's like, ever since I was a kid also, there was nothing about that that ever made sense to me. And I was like, there's something so untrue about this. And something similar happened to me when I was a kid and I have to, I'll have to ask my mom because I don't remember the exact story, but there was something similar where I remember as a young kid being in a church and then being kicked out and then never going back again. And so I was like, never went back to church as a kid with my family. For whatever reason, I have to, I'll have to ask my mom and figure it out. I feel that you told me that you tried to burn the church during that time, but I might be just kidding. I wouldn't doubt it. I mean, I was like, I think I was three or four years old and I was spray painting. My neighbor's trailer, you know, brake lights and the, and I was out with the older kids and they probably, you know, convinced me to do it or something or my rebellious nature just did it. I don't know. And, you know, the cops came and got us and brought us home and my mom wanted that cop to, I still remember it. She wanted him to scare me so bad so that I would never do anything like that again. Well, it didn't work, obviously. Didn't work. He took out, he took out his handcuffs and he slammed them, we had a wooden round. I remember a round table and he slammed them on the dinner table and he goes, if you ever do anything like that again, you're, these are going to be put on you and you're going to jail. And blah, blah, blah. I remember being scared as a kid, but for some reason it didn't, it didn't scare me enough. I know, I know so many, I know many stories about you, so I believe that. Oh, yeah, it is, it is, you know, it is unfortunate because I, I believe in Jesus. I always believe my entire life, you know, I practice kind of his life since, you know, I was a 12 years old, all obsessed about it. But I didn't want to believe because they forced me to believe. I want to believe because I saw, I saw, you know, I look up to him. I look up to that, that, that, that character, I look up to these things. And you know, like as many teachers, you know, like Buddha and so many others, but it's very interesting because I always feel attracted and, and I didn't like the fact that I have to, I remember when they used to tell you when you're little and they said like a, the only way for you to communicate with God or, or have some contact with God is through us. Like, who the F you are, who the F are you to tell me that I, you know, the dude is talking to me since little, you know, but anyway, you know, you started growing up and you realized more things. But it goes back. I think that he goes back to all these programming that we're having, you know, it's like it's everywhere. I, I recognize very early in my life that I had a little perspective of theory because I, I remember the very first things that they start telling us, including science, which, you know, I'm not, I'm not talking against religion. I think that we need religion and we need science. And I think that nowadays I can see how this systems or whatever the heck is happening around the world, they want you to be a godless. Why? Because at least when you have God in your heart, in your mind, or you have some type of a structure, you are a more solid person, but it's like, it's like there is a plan for you to be godless. So they way they can control you easier and you're a little mindless creature that just walking over this earth where they don't want you to be healthy. They don't want you to be over 60 or 70 and they want to raise wisdom. That's what they want. They want to raise wisdom. They just want a little like a strength force and that's it. But it was very interesting because I remember around seven years old, I used to watch my grandma deliver babies, you know, she was a doctor and she was delivering babies and I was looking through the window, you know, and finally she grabbed me and she saw me and I'm like, fuck, she discovered me. And then I, I remember that she grabbed me and then she grabbed my ear and she's like, yeah, are you a pervert, like, what do you mean, she's like, do you like crutches? Like, yeah, I do, but not that way, you know, like, so she asked me, like, what, what you're watching, this is private and, and she's like, what you're watching, like, and I'm like, imagine my answer, you know, the light, it's like, what light, I'm like, I used to, I don't know in my imagination or whatever, or in my eyes, I see this little ball of light, different ones, different sizes, going on top of the belly button and it's going down, going down, going down and suddenly when the baby comes out and breathe for the first time, he goes in, you know, it's like a boom. And I'm like, that was fascinating for me because it makes me understand that in order to have a human with a life, in order to have life, there is a condition, it's a condition of some energy, some light, of somehow, I think we call it soul this time, right? Let's call it soul, the soul and the body is the condition for love and life, for being alive and, but also that is going to trigger or a mingle as an everything to have this survival mode and everything is going to be conditioning. And that's why we condition everything, we're conditioned, we condition others, we condition our love, we're coming from, we're beings that we're coming from conditional love. And everybody's always looking for unconditional love and unconditional love in my perception and my theory is that it's very short, you know, you need to learn to live a little bit longer with it because the only part where you are in unconditional love is when you detach yourself from something and that is the moment that you live in pure unconditional vibration. And that's what I understood when I was a kid, but of course, what kid understand that without being called, okay, it's crazy, don't listen to him, he has a lot of great imagination. And you know, I was very happy to have a great imagination. He's retarded, he's autistic, kick him out of the church, kick him out of school. No, it's amazing what you're saying. You know, this is in the ancient yogic teachings from the Vedas and Upanishads, from the ancient spiritual texts of India, of when the soul comes in to the human, to the body, and this is something I remember used to say to me, it's these simple teachings that have stuck with me all these years, one of the things you would say is, you know, you're a human being for a reason, human being, human physical part, the body, right, the being, the spiritual part, the soul. It's like, oh yeah, human being, okay, that makes sense, right, and then you talk more about that. Well, you know, you look at these ancient texts from India and these incredible teachings of the soul that comes into the body, just like you're talking about. And why we as human beings, the reason we experience so much suffering and anger and hatred and resentment and fear and all these things, challenging lives and painful lives and all these things that we go through, aside from the karma conversation or the law of, you know, the law of cause and effect conversation, is they teach that the soul becomes attached to the body and thinks that the body is everything, right, that the human is everything. The being then thinks it's the human and forgets that it's the being, right, the soul, this infinite God connected, you know, omnipresent part of ourselves, the higher self or our soul or our spirit, then comes into this human experience and goes, oh, I'm a body, I'm limited, I'm physical, I get pain and I die and gets attached to it and believes this is who I am. And the whole journey of, you know, coming to our highest self and our spiritual awareness and freedom and liberation is recognizing that we are the soul, that we are infinite, that we are one with God, that we are a child of God, right, that we are not this body and this body drops and goes back to the earth, our soul moves on infinitely ever, growing ever, expanding, you know, ever moving and never dying and that alone creates liberation and freedom in the mind and frees us from all suffering, right, this is what the Buddha taught in his way and this is what Buddhism's about, this is what the great Indian rishis and masters have taught in their own ways and this is what, you know, you've discovered in your own life since you were a kid, right, going through all of your life. But I'm not the only crazy, what you're telling me that I'm not the only crazy one here? No, it's crazy to think and believe it or not, my people, my thing like, is it for real? Like, you know that I promise myself when I was at age at seven, when I accepted my destiny, I promise myself that I will never read books, you know, I know how to read but you know I don't read books, I've been trying to, just people call it channeling and I've been doing that my entire life, it's like books haven't been part of my journey because I supposed to keep everything that comes to me as pure as I can, it's a belief system that I have. So when you're telling me all this, it's like a really, seriously, I'm feeling here alone and it's like my entire life and all these things probably already in all the books. The problem, just channeling the books is crazy because you know, it's so funny that I came across to the controversial bookstore, the first metaphysical bookstore since 1963 in San Diego and when they were about to close, I got it. I got the bookstore, you know, it was a very bad business but I wanted to keep the books for people because a lot of people get benefits from that and people asked me like, Arturo, you don't like books, what you're doing? I'm like, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing but I'm just gonna keep it alive. The guy who doesn't read books ends up buying and owning a bookstore. I know, right? But you were teaching there though, right? You were doing psychic readings and teachings and all kinds of stuff. I mean, that's what you were involved with when you were there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've been doing a lot. I developed a thing that I was 13 years old when I developed some emotional healing tools and a method. I created a method and I remember that I started applying it to me because I was 13. I remember that I was so depressed. To be honest, I was so effing depressed of life and humans. I was so disappointing at life, you know, my hands used to be very, I was a kid and my hands always get very hot still and I just wanted to put it on people because I felt they're suffering, you know, I felt that I, and I guess that at this point would be, I wanted to naturally heal the person, you know, from illnesses or something. But my mom always hit me and beat the shit out of me every time and ask me to shut up every time that I'm opening my mouth. And I remember when I was at nine, I went to the kitchen and I said, okay, that's it. I'm going and I became very suicidal and at nine, you know, it's like I don't have a shame to say that I became very suicidal, I went and grabbed a knife and tried to stop myself like, I don't know, eight, nine times. And the knife didn't go through because I grabbed a butter knife. So I grabbed a butter knife. I didn't know that that didn't go through, but you know, you watch movies and everything goes through. So you didn't go through. So it failed and four years later at 13, I was so depressed again because I was feeling so much hate, but I didn't know why. And I never felt it in my life like that. And to make this story short, I went into my father's house and I took pills like a bottle with 90 pills. I just took them all and keep passing and passing it and cover big belly and 30 minutes later, I'm feeling great. I don't sound like that. Everything is great, it is beautiful, but you're not dying, you just expect to die. It's just stupid. I'm sorry. It's just stupid. And then after that, you see them in front of the bottle and you're just looking at the bottle. And in one of those I start reading, you know, see, you don't have the tendency to read. So I read, I took vitamins, I keep talking vitamins, man. And I was like, okay, so I'm with the jitters for a couple of days. But I understood, so I started downloading these methods. Nowadays, are methods and I discovered why I was feeling hate and I was hating my mom. I felt hate towards my mom. She used to be the crap out of me every day and I feel the hate and I don't want to feel like that, you know. I prefer for her to hit me, that me keeping feeling like that in my heart. I wasn't that person, but I was. And I decided to start applying these methods. I started doing womb regressions to meet, carving these connections to myself and working on myself to reprogramming. I was a kid. I was recording in tapes in those world bands. World bands. I think that is cool. The Walkman. The Walkman. Yeah. Walkman. Yeah. And so I just like start reprogramming myself to, to be a better kid. So my mom doesn't beat the crap out of me. So I didn't notice that I was discovering a method that nowadays it helps me to help people. But yeah, that's, that's how everything happened, man. And then I decided not to take that much of vitamins. You know, with the cold and flu season here, it's critically important that we enhance and strengthen our immune systems. Yes. Would you agree? The problem is though, that there's so much confusion out there when it comes to what actually works for our bodies and for our health. Well, I'll tell you what I used. I used Meisson Beljansky's Wellness products. Meisson Beljansky's products are backed by science to not only help empower the immune system, but can support detoxification and contribute to our overall health. Coming from Europe, the all-natural Beljansky formulas are now available in the United States and are recommended by top doctors everywhere. A lot of the colleagues I work with, functional medicine practitioners that work with patients with all kinds of diseases are recommending Meisson Beljansky's products to their very own patients. As a special sponsor of this podcast, Meisson Beljansky has included a very special discount offer for all of my listeners. You can get 15% off your first order using the promo code Nathan. And you'll always enjoy free shipping when you order four products or more. You can grab your wellness products today at Meisson That's M-A-I-S-O-N-B-E-L-J-A-N-S-K-I, Meisson and use code Nathan for 15% off. Yeah, I remember you telling a story, I think, of your mom taking a broomstick and beating you so hard with a broomstick. Is that right? Do I remember that? Oh, yeah. That's what just went over them. Yeah. It's so crazy that you, I mean, this really spiritually advanced kid comes into a family that's, and your dad with all his issues, right? And your challenge is there between your mom and your dad into this really challenging family. You know, this really kind of spiritually advanced kid who just wants to help and love the world and, you know, getting beat and going through all these very challenging experiences as a kid. But it's, I mean, I know in my own life, you know, all the many of the challenges that I went through as well, right? Drug addiction and homelessness and in fights and, you know, kicked out of my house and so many issues, almost dead at 17. And like, I look back and I look at that and I go, now I understand it, right? I needed to go through that. I needed to go through that karma. I needed to have those experiences. I needed to learn from that. I needed to learn how to forgive, you know, my own parents, forgive myself, forgive myself for hurting so many others, right? And forgive others who hurt me and to know what it feels like to be lost and lonely and afraid and addicted and, you know, all these challenging things that literally millions and millions and probably billions of people go through in their lives and then come out the other side of it and learn how to be free from that, right? And so it's like, I'm actually grateful for it now where there was a few years, I think even by the time I met you, I don't even know that I was, I had come to like terms yet with my past because I was like a different, I like buried it away, right? And I don't, I probably didn't even tell you about it until probably a couple of years of actually, you know, spending time with you because there was a lot of shame there. There's a lot of shame of all the stuff that I went through and it took me quite a while to fully heal and learn from that. But that's, that's really part of, I think, our spiritual growth is learning from our mistakes, our challenges, the brutal experiences that we go through and we can either hold on to them and let them dictate our lives and live a sad, mean, angry life or we can learn from them and forgive and grow and find ways to turn that pain into purpose, right? Yeah. Which is what you help people do. No, man, I'm, I'm proud of you. Like you seriously, I remember you the first time that we met and I was doing a presentation and you were so skinny, like very skinny, this kid, very skinny kid and everybody's trying to talk to me. And then you, you come and you said, I will never forget, you said, how do you do that? And I'm like, do what, you know, I'm literally, do what, that thing. And you said that thing, like, what thing is like, the feeling that you make all of us to have, and then we started talking and then you told me, you started, you know, with the time, you start telling me your story, all your stories, you know, instant diary or something like that. So many different things that you've been through. And I remember that you were very serious about change, you know, you were very serious about change. And I see you now, and I'm telling you, man, from my heart, I'm so proud to see what you come up with, you know, for yourself, by yourself and I think that I'm very happy that we met and that, you know, that we have the opportunity to, to touch a little life because you've been touching more lives, you know, that's what we do humans see humans, we have the capacity to touch a life and make it better or make it worse. It's all a choice, it's all a choice, but also the person that is going to be touched needs to be willing, you know, it's all about the willingness, how much the person is in the need to have that change, instead of being afraid of the change, how much of that. And no, I am proud of you, man, like seriously, like, when you told me everything, I'm like, okay, you need to change, you need something, if that's what you want, you know, because we're nobody to judge anybody, somebody wants to be messed up, okay, you know, that's what they want with their life, is their choice. The problem that I'm having is when there is not a choice, when you're being programmed or something and those programs are dictating your life and you don't even have the capacity to have a choice, that's a problem. I noticed that because everybody says I need for granted, oh, we all have a choice, no, you know, in my studies of my own thing, I discovered a long time ago that people really is like they don't have a choice, the programs are so strong and so hard that literally is like you don't have a choice, you just continue going, you continue existing because that's it, that's all about, if that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, and I remember in that first time, thank you for saying that and thank you for helping me those three or four years that, you know, we were together at almost every single day. I mean, there was so much that you helped me discover in myself that helped me transform my life for the better in so many incredible ways. I've mentioned, I know we were, you know, we fell out of touch and we can talk a little bit about that too, like we, and then I just saw you for the first time, I don't know how many years in San Diego a couple months ago, which was really, was in San Diego, I was like I need to reach out to Arturo, like I just had this feeling that I needed to reconnect with you. But I want to go back to the first time that I met you, I think I was already, so I was getting into real estate and I was with Tom and those guys and, and I think how I went to that presentation you were giving was like, they're like, hey, this, this guy's given this amazing presentation, this hotel, we got to go check it out. But I think I was with Tom and them, I can't, I can't remember exactly, but, and like you were getting involved with starting a new business with these guys or some new, some new marketing company, network marketing company, I think there was being launched at the time. And yeah, we got to go listen, so I remember sitting there in the audience and just going, this is the most amazing presenter I've ever seen in my life, like what is going on here? It was like, you know, small room, probably 50s, 60 people in there, right, 70 people in a little hotel room. And it was like, you had everybody just laughing and motivated and inspired and crying. And it was like, this is the Mexican, Tony Robbins on stage here, like, but, but even more spiritual focus, you know, and that's, I don't remember coming to you and saying that. Like, how did you do that? I can imagine at that stage in my life, I was already a couple of years into like, my health and healing and spiritual journey that what I saw you do was so remarkable, it was just like, I could see myself coming up and be like, how do you do that? Little did I know that, you know, we would get involved in business together and then you'd become, you know, my spiritual mentor over the next few years, introduced me to my wife who's in the other room, you know, I know, I know, you officiated our wedding and insanitas and were big energetic support with our daughter being born and so many, so many amazing things, you know, and in such a short time, remember the long conversation sitting with you where I was going back to Oceanside, I think it was, I think this was a point where, well, actually, here's what I want to say. I want to say that one of the things that amazed me about you and gave me so much insight into our human capabilities, our human being possibilities, just even just little taste of it was how I would see you say, okay, we need this, we need this, we need an office, right, for this new business, but we don't have any money and you're like, I'm going to get us an office and I'm like, what? And then like three days later, we have an office with no money and it's like, you know, you're like, yeah, I just sat in meditation or quietly and visualized this thing and visualized us having the office and then this guy came to me and said, call this person, I called this person and boom, boom, boom, and like three days later, we're in an office with no money down, right, in like the perfect place we need, I would see those kinds of things happen, these manifestation things that you would say, oh, we need this, we need that, you're like, okay, I'll do it, even without, you know, the resources that most people are like, oh, I don't have money, I don't have this, I don't have that, I can't do it, you always found a way to make it happen and it was always through very unique things and it was, if I remember, you can correct me if I'm wrong, if I remember, it was usually you would be meditating on it and visualizing it and going through the creation process and then things would happen, right, like you'd get ideas or inspirations, call this person, do this, go there, go over here, drive there and you would just follow those and then all of a sudden it was like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and we have it and because of that, because of seeing you do that first hand, you know, I realized the possibility of that and that since I've done in my life, you know, over the last 15 plus years, again and again and again and again and again as well, people talk about the law of attraction but don't, I think don't really understand like the true power that we have when we're really connected and really focused on what we want that we can, we can create and manifest anything almost instantly. Yes, no, it's funny, I still doing it, actually I have a little club, I've been teaching, I started years ago but this year I decided to make a club and I have this little group and everybody, when I teach them how to do certain things, I have this lady, she's funny, she's in her 60s and she says, I don't know why I'm signing in this shit but I don't believe in everything but whatever, she has to get the word fuck it. So it's funny because I'm teaching her something and to the group and she calls like a three days after when she applied what I teach and she says like, she called Francesca, Francesca, she managed my time and everything, she's like, Francesca, yes, who's this? So and so, okay, what's going on, she's like literally Francesca says, what the F, what the F what, like that thing that he teaches really works, I said, she said like, what do you mean, like, well, I received a phone call three days ago from the Social Security and they told me that they owe me 30 grand for years and there was a glitch on the system and she's like, are you sure that those 30 grand are for me and she's like, yeah, so we're going to send you the 30 grand and she's like, I got my 30 grand, I just like I don't know where something that's supposed to be missing but anyways, yes, I've been practicing manifesting without knowing all natural and when you mention the law of attraction to be honest during that, during some time when I knew all these things and I saw people trying everything, I saw people going for the law of attraction, I saw people going for the power of the now, you know, power of now and I'm like a, I started like a bullshit, bullshit, no, no, like a, I understand you need to enjoy life as you go but see God universe, whatever you want to call it, he gave us the ice on the front, it means that in order to have a life, you need to have future, you see the future, I know they said that the future is not there yet, the past is gone, well, no, look, you cannot turn back, so it means that if you really try, the past is going to hurt you, the past is going to hurt you, so you have prohibited to live in the past, but you need to live in the future and that will make your now, the power of now is like this, it's gone, every second is gone, there is no power in the now, the power is in the future and that will make your now enjoyable and one of the things that I noticed and I always teach a lot of my teaching, you might remember this, instead of the law of attraction, I call it the law of distraction, I call it the law of distraction and the law of distraction pretty much what it is is very, you need focus, you need power of focus in order to achieve whatever the heck you want, of course there is certain law, you know, we live in a universe that is quantum which means that an amount of particles will determine if things happen or not for you and in order to create and make those particles in the same position for you to achieve your manifesting, you need to focus, you need some power of focusing and your focus is everywhere, the world is designed to get you out of your focus, so it's the law of distraction, so the less things you have, the more distractions you have, the less focus you have, it's automatic, a lot of people some thing, I need to focus more and they making the effort but they still have the same distractions, there is a way to really start clearing yourself, your vibration from attracting those distractions, it's not, it's energetics but it's not just a discipline, the energetics will bring you a discipline, the more that you get rid of distractions, if higher your power is so focused and then your manifesting power is gonna happen, you know, yes, like you said, if I need an office, my mischievous mind is not like, okay, I need an office, where do I want the office, I want this place, okay, let's start seeing what's available right there and then, you know, I call the person like, hey, who's the owner of this person but you need to talk to us, no, so I research the owner, go to the owner and say listen, I need an office, an office in your plaza, can I have one, yeah, it's this much, I don't have money but I'm gonna have it, just give me a month and I will get you money, like, they start laughing at me like, are you for real, I barely speak English, right, and like, somehow they give it to me and yeah, and it's not the first time this happened before, fortunately I don't need to do that anymore, I come up with the money now before and I do it more in the normal way but I still, with my mischievous manifesting, yeah, I have something that is called the Manifesto's Club and it's a small group of people and it's fun, it's fun but yeah, you're right, I've been operating like that my entire life and you said Tony Robbins, no, not really, I'm gonna tell you one thing about, I think that motivation is important but motivation doesn't last, motivation doesn't last, I really wanna make a difference in people and long time ago I decided that I accepted who I really am and I decided that I need to help whoever is ready, humans, any human to become their best and do the healing and reprogramming that they need to go deeper, to fix the problem not to just cover the problem, you know motivation, everything is motivation, you know, your family is motivation, your soul is motivation, the world is motivation or not, at the end it's been dictated but yeah, very nice for you to remind me that, I guess that's what I'm gonna make. Well, yeah and you mentioned something I wanna hear your thoughts on, about living in the future and creating the future so that you have joined now in the present, the contradiction to that that I've, I would say that I see now is, you know, and I think who points this out really well as some of these great Indian teachers that I'm speaking of, Yogananda's, you know, one of them, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's another one, there's some really great spiritual teachers who I would say are enlightened beings who share, you know, just profound wisdom, really pulling back from the ancient times, you know, the Bhagavad Gita, the Ashtavakra Gita, some of these great spiritual texts that are just incredible, like just reading them and meditating on them can really open so many powerful dimensions within ourselves but that one of the conversations I've been listening to and really meditating on a lot lately is desires, right, and desires that if you think about it, any desire, especially that comes from our ego or from our human, from our mind, any desire, whether it's, you know, a new house, a new car, a great job, a great, you know, relationship, a great this, a great that, whatever that your desire is, that, you know, you wanna be a professional basketball player, whatever that is, like it's so great to you during that whole time until you finally achieve it and once you achieve it, there's nothing left there, right, like and you see this with, you know, astronauts who basically come back from space like totally depressed and suicidal because they achieved their greatest life thing they've been working for for their whole life and now what now they have nothing left, right, or nothing left to live for or even people who get, get that house, well, yeah, they got the house, right, I'm happy for like a week, now, now the reality sets in, oh, we gotta maintain it, we gotta spend more money on it, we gotta clean it, we gotta, oh, it falls apart, oh, we gotta do these things and all of a sudden, you know, reality sets in, they're no longer happy with that house and two years go by and now they want a bigger house, they want a better house, oh, now they're dreaming of the next house that that's what I'm gonna be happy, right, or that relationship, that's what I'm gonna be happy when I have that final person and so the challenge I see with, like, manifesting the tricky area I think we have to walk is, like, is the desire coming from our ego, this physical desire, 'cause I can tell you, I've achieved so many of the dreams I've set out to achieve and there is no lasting happiness in any of them at all, the happiness is fleeting, so where happiness has to come from, I truly believe is in our soul and in having a true connection to God, to our highest self, to our highest truth and I think that's the only thing in my belief so far that actually can bring us true lasting joy and happiness is not living in the future or the past, actually, but living, you know, if we want to call it the now or the present or whatever, but not being at it, we can create from the present thinking about the future, we can create the things that we need, but it's the attachment to those things and the thinking that those things are gonna finally bring me happiness and not being happy now with what we have, which is causing everybody suffering, if you think about it, right? I think that it is, all that is very good and is great, I think that, you know, I have my theories, I have my theories and one of the things, the very first thing that I notice is there is a difference between desires and purpose and purpose is big, purpose is almost like a eternal happiness, you know, it pretty much, it gives you that bike, it gives you that vibration, that energy, I never seen, I noticed limitations in some belief systems, you know, if it's a form of limitation to think that a desire, it would limit you to your happiness, I think that some people have no high vibration with belief systems or they have no purpose yet, but they start with little desires that will get them there and at some point purpose is gonna come for them, I really believe that, for me everything is possible, I believe that if I am possible, everything is possible, right, you know, it's like how the hell we are here, we are and it is possible, so everything is possible and then we need to convert it into probable, but one of the major things that I feel, and you're right 100% about like, you need to have that connection with your soul, you need to have that connection with your higher soul, with God, with universe, whatever you wanna call it, it doesn't really matter, I always, I always tell people this, I said there is four main, four main emotions in life for a human, humans has these four main emotions, fears, sadness, anger and happiness, this three, people look at it as negative, they're not negative, they're essentials, they're essentials because they make you to survive, see, fear, sadness and anger make you, make you to survive, everything else comes from there, like frustration from anger, depression from sadness, you know, all the type of fears that we have comes from two main ones, fear of falling, fear of loud noise, everything comes from there, fear too, fear of what is it, fear of failing and fear of what? Fear of falling, yes and loud noise, do you know when we come out of the womb, when we born, inside of the womb there is no noise and there is no gravity, so when we come out, when we come out, we experience for the first time and triggers and activate or amaze the last to manage our emotions in the future, we feel gravity which makes us feel falling and we listen to the loud noise, like for example fear to succeed is directly connected to fear of falling or shame is directly connected to fear of loud noise, how is fear of succeeding connected to fear of falling? Because if you fail, falling is failing and there are so many different things, they're saying that some people don't choose, some people are afraid to succeed because really subconsciously they're afraid to fail from that success and so that stems from an innate fear of falling just as like a human being and we're afraid to fall, correct, see and the fore one which is happiness, see these three I call them essentials, these three emotions are essentials, now a lot of people give for granted that happiness and happiness is an essential but it's not and this is where you write 100% about you know, you need your soul, you need God, you need something because what is really happiness for me in my little theory that I have here is people mistake happiness and essential happiness, what it really is, it's a fucking consequence man, it's a consequence, so a consequence of what is a consequence of inner peace and when you have inner peace, you're naturally happy and see the connection with your creator, the connection with the universe, the connection with your soul, it gives you peace, see even momentary peace like for example, you have somebody that is depressed and this is so true, I have it done before, you give 10 grand to a person, let's go into the material aspect, right, you give 10 grand to a person, that person is out of depression automatically, it's so happy, it's jumping and it's so happy, right, it's gonna be momentary and like you said, the 10 grand, they're gonna be gone probably faster than anything else and they're gonna be back in their misery, right, but during that time, they think that is the 10 grand, but it's not really the 10 grand, it's that the 10 grand are giving them a sense of peace, yeah, and they're doing peace for a moment, it's giving them freedom from their fear, it's giving them a sense of freedom from the emotions of whether the sadness, the depression, they forget about those emotions and so they have a little bit of freedom from that, right, it's temporary, it's artificial, it's a fake freedom, but it feels like freedom, it is freedom momentary, you know, why, because in reality, they're gonna get busy, back to get busy with their problems and that will keep them busy and they're not gonna have inner peace anymore, that's, but yeah, it's just probably a different perspective, I guess that I, my experience of, at this point, been working with thousands and thousands and thousands of people in one-on-one sessions, like, I have many one-on-one sessions in all these years and I'm telling you, it's a process, you know, it's a process for everybody, everybody's different, everybody comes from a different perspective and sometimes my work is to see like, okay, where is the actual root cause of the problem and I guess that I'm a very bold person in a way that they say that I'm a rootless in a way when I have to present them like a, well, this is your bullshit right here and they're like a, wait, what? Like, yeah, this is your, you hire me to show you your bullshit and I'm showing you your bullshit and you want to call it differently, call it differently, I'm gonna call it differently and they start having their emotions, oh, you don't care about my emotions, no, I don't, I don't care about your emotions, I care about your good emotions, see, I'm here to help you to go through that. Not everybody needs help or at least certain help, but a lot of us, we sometimes we just need a little push, sometimes we just need to have a little help with realizations, but that's pretty much what I figure out in all my journey, my entire life that happiness is a consequence and if somebody really wants to be happy, they need to learn to be in peace. That's what they need to learn because when you learn to think by yourself and you start learning to come the fuck down pretty much, right? And remove those distractions that is still your peace. Naturally, you're gonna see that's why I have left attacks my entire life is because somehow inside, I'm in peace, I'm not fully in peace sometimes, you know, especially when you drive in San Diego, you're not in peace. You practice your angry bird or something like that, but even you learn to enjoy it too, you know, you learn to, you see how you can transform that anger into passion, but yeah, at the end, the key in my life, at least for myself is to learn to be in peace and don't allow anybody to steal it. You need to create that character that when somebody is coming here and trying to steal your peace and try to just like a make you miserable because their life is miserable, you have the right to stop, you know, it's not that human is bad. It could be bad because the truth is there's bad humans too. There's bad humans, good humans. That's the reality of things, you know, I used to think that all humanity was good. I still wanted to believe like in my purpose, my life purpose has to do with seeing a better humanity, you know, my started with a desire. What's your first desire? I just, my desire, I was a kid, you know, my desire is to see everybody in peace, you know, it's like, peaceful, like, I have peace, like, no, you're done. You don't have peace. Like, oh, my God. So, but yeah, that's, it starts with a desire and we cannot limit ourselves. If a desire is the only thing that somebody has, guess what? That's great because the next thing, that person might get a realization that the next thing could be a purpose and a good purpose. If that's what they want. Yeah. No, it's a good, it's a good point. I think that the biggest key takeaway there is when you're at peace, you're going to, you're going to be happy. And so the key is finding peace. I think also to clarify that, yeah, and I also don't mean desires are bad and we shouldn't have them. I guess what I'm getting at is that, or at least what I've discovered in my own life is the desires that we have, if, if we can really tune in to our hearts, to our soul, to our highest self and really discover what our higher desires are, right, and meaning that are connected with a higher purpose. And then even then, the practice of not getting attached to that, not getting attached to the outcome of that, what in, what the great, you know, what the Bhagavad Gita talks about is, is Bhakti. And Bhakti meaning devotional service to God. So whatever work you do, for example, you do it by not attaching to the fruits of your labor. And so by doing that, so good or bad, right, so whatever happens, whatever I do today in my job, in my work, in my family, doesn't matter, good, bad mistakes, awesome, amazing, but don't be attached to the outcome. Give that up, give that up to God, for example. And that gives you that peace, right? A simple example of this in my own life, lately, is like, I've started playing basketball again. And when I played basketball in the past, you know, if we win, you still have knees for that? Well, yeah, I mean, they're holding together, you know, for the time being, hopefully, forever. Yeah, there's a little knee pain there, but you know, not attached to not attached to the pain, letting that go. But in the past, like, you know, if I wasn't playing well, and we lost, like, I, you know, I've regulated and balanced my emotions so well over the last 20 years that if anything bothers me, it takes me five seconds to maybe a couple minutes to be gone with it, right, very rarely anymore in my life will something I will hold on to as like, well, keep me in a, in a, let's call it a negative emotion, sadness or whatever. So let's, let's call it like, it would, it would bother me, you know, 10%, 15% for a couple minutes and then let it go. Well, now, what I'm doing, and this is so funny, right, talk about the, the lessons that God gives you when you commit to something. As I'm committing to this at an even deeper level, even in something as simple as playing basketball, that no matter what happens, win or lose, I stay at peace. I don't get super excited about it. Oh my God, I won. Yeah, I don't, and I don't get upset about it. I leave feeling happy and peaceful and content no matter what. And so since I started playing in the last few weeks that I have this joke with my daughter, my daughter, I've literally lost like every single game that I've played. Every night, like, I think maybe I've won like two now, potentially, but like, I've really lost like, I don't know, money or 30 games and I've just played terrible. And like, I've just, you know, every single one. And I'm like, all right, I get it. Thank you. This is perfect. You know, thank you for this teaching, for this lesson. And I leave every game feeling peaceful, content, happy. I'm like, if I'm going to do something, like, don't be attached to the outcome of that, no matter what it is, good or bad, if I want to truly live a life of equanimity and peace and contentment and happiness. And for me, it's working. You know, I can say that that is definitely working. And I can see in the past, simple things or big things, getting upset about something, not going the way I wanted it to, or, you know, being attached to an outcome of something and yeah, getting so excited. All this happened. This is great. We've made all this money or we did all this or helped all these people. This is wonderful. But still, you know, that takes you on this rollercoaster, right? And it's like ups and downs, ups and downs, ups and downs versus this kind of nice, even, you know, peacefulness and happiness in our lives that I think all of us, I think, I think that's one thing all human beings have in common at a soul level is that we want to, we want to be at peace. We want to have happiness. Whether people admit that or not, you know, it's like, right, I worked with thousands and thousands of people as well, mostly cancer patients, mostly people going through chronic disease. And so I see the dark side, the challenges, the fears, the angers, the resentments, the self-loathing, all these things. And every single person in common wants to at least have a sense of peace and contentment in their life. And, you know, and there's a way to do that. That's what, that's what you teach people. And that's what we're saying here is that there is a way to have that in your life. It's not necessarily easy, but it's simple, right? Simple, but not easy. You're right. I think you said one of your saying was always keep it simple. What was it? Make it, yeah, yeah, say it. Make it simple. What was it? What the heck? Why, you know, that's the thing. I remember graphics so good. I come up, apparently, Francesca Ben recording everything that I said has thousands and thousands of pages of content, things that I said, and I don't remember anything. I think it was a two part sentence. I mean, make it simple. Make it simple, right? That was one of the parts. Be yourself. Make it simple. There you go. Be yourself. Make it simple. And so talk about what that means to be yourself. Because there's a lot of deep meaning in that when you say be yourself. Yes. So one of the very first things that I notice and I'm going to put probably a simple example of this. I'm going to put it like, for example, a relationship. That's when you can see that you are yourself or you're not. And there is a big misconception, a very messed up misconception about this. I help a lot of people, you know, I help people of, I have kids in my practice. If I kids, I have 96 years old ladies that have a problem with other things, you know, with skin or something. Anyways, but a really good example of that is when you go into a relationship, any relationship, but let's put a specific love relationship. You are in a love relationship. And I always said that a difference between a good relationship and a bad relationship is that, you know, be yourself make it single. So here it is. So there is this individual and this other individual. There's two individuals that there are the way that they are. Period. They met each other, they like each other. I said they need to step out of themselves for a moment and get into this other circle where both of them are inside of the same circle. And the biggest problem that comes up right there. And that's a misconception about being yourself is that these individuals, they start exchanging, right? And if one of the individuals doesn't exchange with the other or is not willing to exchange, start saying like, Oh my God, you want to change me. This is who I am. And the other person is like, well, you're hurting me. You're messed up. Are you saying that you're a messed up person and you're not willing to modify that, not even for the relationship? See, that's where the misconception is. People think that being yourself is being an asshole, right? And, and, but you don't feel or think of yourself like an ass is just somebody else is letting you know this is what you're doing. And, and people are, you know, being behind this shield of misconception shield that says, this is who I am. You want to accept me or not. Well, it all depends. Right? If you're inside of this circle where you want to have a relationship, you need to be willing to be the new yourself, the new you every time. See, because there is principles in the universe. And the only constant is change. And we change. And we are pushed to change. That's why we are in a relationship, right? Because you're pushing yourself to make some changes, some adjustments for yourself. So who you are, you are that person that you are an ass. But then you come to the conclusion that you're hurting somebody and you can choose to don't be you are that person. You are the person that you don't hurt that person anymore. And you can see your behavior and you can see and you decide to be better or not. See, being yourself is big willing to have that character, to have that essence that you born with to be that soul that you are, but also be willing to transform yourself every second of the step, every step, every second of your life, when change is presented. And you don't want to just call steel because nothing is going to move you, nothing is going to, nothing is going to make you to have any type of change. If that makes sense. So it's the willingness to be to have that character to have all that combination of education, genes, influences from the stars, mercury, fucking retrograde, whatever it is, but also willing to step into the next second and the next moment of your life where you really realize that, okay, this is who I am. I am somebody that has I'm expanding just like the universe. I am in polarity, just like the universe. I adapt just like the universe and I have direction just like the universe. Those four principles rule our life every day. And that helps us to be who we are, not who we were, because I always said that we are now who we really are in the future already, who we are already. And because we're building ourselves in that way. And at the end, comes down again to the biggest power of everything choice. But that's that would be that, but the tradition for me, you know, yeah, yeah, no, it makes perfect sense. I think, you know, the big takeaway there for me is is so true. What you said is everything's changing always, right? Everything in this material universe is always changing. The yogis would say that ever the only thing that doesn't change is your soul and God. That's the only thing that's infinite, that's never changing, that's always pure, that's untouched, untarnished, that cannot be affected by anything. But everything else is always changing, always, you know, growing, dying, being created, being destroyed. And in recognizing that if we're not changing, then what are we doing, you know, in a relationship? We're not changing, if we're not looking at improving ourselves, our behavior, our mentality, our spiritual well-being, our physical health, then we're dying, right? We're all dying slowly, every day anyway. But can you imagine when you're going to reborn for those that believes in reincarnation, you're going to reborn and you're going through a spaceship and this couple extraterrestrials are checking out, you have your backpack, yes, you have all the things, yes, all the consciousness that you have in your soul, in your conscious consciousness, yes, perfect, wait a second. Do you know that you're born as a Mexican now? Okay? Okay? Do you know that you used to hate Mexicans? Wait, what? Yeah, in the previous life, you cannot do this this time. Now you're going to pay for it. Welcome to your karma. Right? Yeah, yeah, it's so true. It's so funny. And I mean, you can, if you've done past life, this is a crazy story. We could, we're going to have to do, I know we're running out of time, there's so many things actually keep coming up, they want to talk to you about this, that session I did with you. Remember when, when you got that, the job for the, the mushroom coffee company, graphic design and websites and stuff and you're like, and you are bringing me along with you and you're like, yeah, he can, he needs to be here to work with me. And, because you were really just helping me out. I mean, I was, I would have been lost without you that time. And you're like, yeah, yeah, he can do all this stuff and like, good, I saw your capacity. Okay. You saw, you saw my potential. You'll need to start accepting that shit. Okay. They're like, yeah, can you do websites? I was like, yeah, like you can do a graphic design. Yeah, you can do this, you can do that video editing. Yeah, yeah, I'd never done any of it. Same thing. I knew that I could do it also. Like in turn, I was like, yeah, of course I can. Like I was so, I had so much belief. And a part of that was like, I was with you. I'm like, well, I'll figure it out. He'll teach me. Well, you know, it's like, I'll figure it out and I'll do a good job. And we did do a good job for them. Actually, we did a really good job. We did. We did their websites and marketing and business cards and flyers and grew their, you know, sales people and did all kinds of stuff. Anyway, we were in their office one day and you took me through some kind of what I thought was like a healing. I don't remember why. I think I was telling you something I was going through and you're like, well, let's do this session. And I think you actually took me through a past life regression. Do you remember that? Yeah, I have a, I have one of the methods that I have is a past life regression. I might do it a little bit different, a little tiny different than whatever they have in hypnotherapy out there, because since little I, I believe that I can see the souls. So yes, we did a, it was a process of a past life. So I never asked you that until now. I had that feeling that it was a past life regression. I didn't know because, because I saw myself as a yeti. Do you remember that? I remember that. Yes. Yeah. And you're like, you're like, look down at your feet. I looked down at my feet. I just started laughing. I had a laugh attack. I couldn't stop freaking laughing because they were so big and furry in the area. And I was like, what is this? I looked at my body. I was like a full blown yeti. And I'm like, what is going on? I was just cracking up, you know, and, and then, but how I was trending, like, how I was traveling was through, like, teleportation, but like portals. Yeah. Here's the crazy thing. Here's why I never thought of that as like a past life regression until, until recently was because there's, there's a modern day, like a spiritual teacher from India today, he goes by Sri M. And he talks about the yetis actually seeing the, like stream, uh, Sri SRI, SRI, and then just the letter M. Okay, God, we got M. And this talks about actually seeing yetis in India and the yetis exists. And they actually have these, and I've heard about it somewhere else that they actually have the, and they stay hidden from humanity with certain powers. And they actually have these ability to travel like interdimensionally, like through portals and things like that. And I'm like, what? Wait, what are you guys talking about? Like, it was crazy to hear this. I'm like, I had this exact freaking experience in, uh, in a hypnosis session and a meditation that Arturo guided me through when I was like 21 years old, you know, whatever it was 16 years ago. And I'm like, and I did all these things. And then you guys are talking about that actually living today, yetis can do all these things. And it was crazy because the crazy thing about what I was, you didn't influence one thing about that process, right? I remembered the whole process. And all you did was ask questions the whole time. Look down. What do you see? Look up. What do you see? Where are you going now? What do you want to do? Well, you know, and all that stuff. And it was like, all these things happened. And then I came out of it. I was like, that was crazy. There's, I just saw it as like a self healing, self loving thing, not as like a past life thing. And now I look back and I'm like, maybe I actually really was a Yeti in a past life. Oh, you're living the beer now. You're getting back to your furry self. Right? Yeah, my feet, my feet don't, they're not as furry though. So, you know, oh my gosh. Well, yeah, I remember that was really, really cool. That was really healing though too. Because I remember at the end, you had me look in the mirror and then, hug myself and love myself and then merge those two into one. I remember I was like crying at one point. Like, it was a really powerful experience actually, super powerful. Yeah, now I have, I just did, I found out, well, I have this client, this lady that she was, she has been suffering from, she went to the doctor and she has been suffering from fibroids on the womb. In her, in her, in her womb and she has fibroids and they had, she has big like a three big tumors. And so they're going to do a CAT scan and she came to me. And so I'm asking her some questions. I'm doing an assessment. I look at her magnetic field. I'm like, okay, I think that, I said, you have a traumatic, I think that you, this is coming from a traumatic event. And she's like, how come, so I started getting more into assessment and I found out that something that happened to her before. So I decided to do a time frame regression. I have a method that is, it's all the regression that I do. It's a time frame. So I went there, uh, scraped and reframed the, the, what happened to her. And so she told me that the next day, the very next day, she started having a lot of cramps that night, but the next day, a lot of blood started coming out of her body, like a lot of blood. And she said, she described like a, it's like a little alien come out of my body. And, and I'm like, okay. And she said, and guess what? I said, what happened? She said, everything is tough after the first day, everything is tough. Three days after I went to, to have my CAT scan because she had a lot of pain. And they did the CAT scan. And they said, uh, well, you don't have two more anymore. You don't have fibroids. Uh, you have liquid. Like if something burst, have the liquid that shows that something just burst. And, uh, but you don't have it anymore. Probably you might have a little tiny one. The size of the, uh, the size of the point of a pencil or something, which is, she's like a, it was the healing. I said, I don't know what it was, but the good thing is that you don't have them anymore. You know, because what happens is once a lot of people think that we, we should pause to suffer because that's our punishment. Not necessarily if we get the lesson, you know, I, I understand that all of us, we've been through things to become who we are today. The question is, do we need to go through that in order to, to become who we are today? Not necessarily. Life always gives us the option to, you, which way you want to learn it through suffering and pain or through understanding. And we need to just practice to become better in the way that we understand things. And that's, that's why my, my entire purpose, Nate, is, is just to help people to heal. It's, it's very simple for me. If somebody feels stuck, it doesn't matter if it's for a day or, or a decade or whatever time it is, it is, if there is a rule for me. If you feel a stock about anything or you can see future, you cannot see direction or anything, something is trying to come out and tell you, I need healing. Period. It needs to be healed. And then you need to reprogram because a lot of people goes into healing and they say, oh, it's the brain is that the truth is, is our entire body. And as I said, we, we've been teach to live in planetary time instead of universal time. See, planetary time has a different vibration that universal time in planetary time. We live in a 247365. So tomorrow at 10 a.m. Today at 10 a.m. tomorrow is going to be 10 a.m. Okay? That's it. So it's always the same time. So the formula, there is time equals time. We live in a circle and in a cycle, right? But then when we go back and says like, okay, 10 years ago, we go back in time, 10 years ago, the reality of our universe and our planet is like a, we keep moving. We're not in the same space that we were 10 years ago. I call that universal time. Universal time allows you to be a little bit healthier, you know, allows you to be a little bit more successful in whatever way you want to be. Because in this vibration, you don't have the, the to be stuck in time because the formula here would be distance equals time. So in distance requires actions. And that is going to be making your time to be in a different perception. Because at the end, your life is built by your perception. How you perceive life subconsciously or consciously, that's how your life is going to be. But when you measure time by distance, you can speed up or slow down or don't move. But in time, you almost never move. If you, if you think about it, in time, just, it's time. You know, next week is going to be next week in the morning. And then you look back and you're like, oh, where's my black hair? Where's my curly long hair? Oh, you're bald. It's like, it's gone. Time is gone. But in a distance, it doesn't matter. Because you keep moving forward, because you keep doing something for yourself and from others. If that's your purpose, if that makes sense. So healing and reprogramming, that is, that is pretty much, that is my passion. You're stealing that reprogramming and creating good experiences. And everybody needs it. All of us need it. And with the time thing, yeah, I mean, time is just a measurement. I mean, that's the reality, right? It's like, we just measure the distance that it takes to go somewhere. If you stop the measurement, does time actually exist? Exactly. I mean, that's why I wrote this whole thesis that was arguing against your gentleman there on the wall, the theory of relative. You know why I have it here, right? Oh, you have no idea why I have it here? I don't know. I've been telling everybody, you know, I respect everything. You know, I respect smart people. I respect not smart people. I have respect for everybody. But I don't agree with certain things. When they told me that he was little, and he defended a kid on the school that the teacher was taking advantage because the teacher was saying that God exists or doesn't exist and evil exists. And Einstein started telling the teacher, okay, those darkness exist. The teacher says, yes. And Einstein says, no, it's just an absence of like, whoa. We didn't pay attention to the question, but anyway, whoa. And he's like, does God exist and the teacher? No, does evil exist? And the teacher says, yeah. I said, no, it's an absence of God. Whoa. I said, motherfucker, wait a second. Does darkness exist? Yes, it does. Even if it's when there is an absence of light, but it does exist, right? Does evil exist? Do you want any more proof? Do you want any more proof? What I mean is just a perspective. And that's why I have this because it's always reminding me to be more honest and accept when we are wrong, you know, accept when we are wrong. And I have it here, no, because I super admired, I admire his work, but I don't admire the bullshit. So reminds me, Arturo never become a bullshitter. And try to catch yourself if you're doing it. Yeah, yeah. I love it. Sorry. No, that's awesome. No, I mean, brilliant man, for sure. But yeah, we can we can the intellect will get us into trouble if we if we allow it to, right? Yeah. And just bullshit ourselves and others trying to convince ourselves of something so extraordinary when sometimes it's so much more simple than that. So I know we've only got a few minutes left. I still want to talk to you about some other things, but maybe we'll have to do this again in the future if you're up for it. Yeah, no, it's been awesome. Arturo has been so good to reconnect with you. And you're always bringing such interesting perspectives to my life and interesting things to think about and laughter and joy. And it's no, it's been really awesome to reconnect with you. And yeah, how can people get in touch with you? I mean, I know you do coaching and you have online programs and you've got a lot going on, like what's the best place for people to follow you and connect your website, all that stuff. So I'm a weird social creature, so I'm not exactly social, but somebody does social for me apparently. I don't know. I don't have a lot of following. I've been kind of on the ground my entire life, but my website is Arturo Gaitan with I instead of Y for Gaitan. I think that in English people pronounce it Gaitan, Arturo Gaitan dot com. And I'm having and I have people can can know a little bit more probably how I work. I have an app. My app is called Arturo just the name AR to URL. That's my app in the App Store and on the Google Play. Well, I did. You got lucky with that. Just your first name. Yeah. And then there I have like a free seven day transmutation meditation. He said, it's a meditation that I come up with long time ago that I helped you to reprogram. They can try and check it out. I have a I have an upcoming event on the October eight is it has to do talking about where all the the key of all your suffering starts in this lifetime that has to do with a womb is the the event is going to be called womb, like the womb that we when we are inside of our moms during pregnancy is going to be womb. And they can access that in Arturo Gaitan dot com forward slash womb. There is a simple page where they can they can submit a form so we can send them an invitation. I'm just going to send invitations to whoever subscribe there. And it's it's for a little webinar that I'm going to do on the eight where I'm going to be explaining a lot of the things that I do. And because I'm updating one of my programs, I have a program that it has to do with is 100% healing and reprogramming. And it's coming in the update is starting in November. But I want to give some information before that. And this is a program that been in the market for probably three to four years already. I have a big group of people that have it done. And I'm doing an update and I'm going to do it live. So it's going to be more comprehensive. It's already a monster of program. My purpose is to create a mega monster. So nobody else needs any more psychiatry or medicine or drugs or things like that. But yeah, if they if they want to look up to that and I have a little store also, I own a little metaphysical store in San Diego, it is called be intuitive. And they find me there. And they're finding me online as a And if they want to check it out, what's coming forward slash womb. And for that specific event, or I guess that it means to Graham, I think that my name is Don Arturo. I think that is D-O-N like a Mr. Arturo. But in Spanish, Don Arturo D-O-N and then Arturo, or Don Arturo Vitan, something like that. And I think that I have Facebook too. I'm not sure. Oh, yeah, I do. Man, you know, I'm a little introverted with all that social thing. But yeah, I found you on, okay, you have the be intuitive center on Instagram. You have Arturo metaphysics on Instagram. See, I don't even know that. Arturo metaphysics, there. Now I'm following you. Awesome. But you got a little baby Yoda on there. It looks like. So Arturo Gaitan is G-A-I-T-A-N. Arturo You do sessions with people too as well, right? Individual sessions. And then forward slash womb for that upcoming webinar. So awesome, dude. Thanks so much for coming on the podcast. It's been, yeah, it's been a real truly, truly awesome to reconnect with you. Yes, and you're me too. Very nice to see you and say hi to the family. And send you a lot of blessings, a big hug for everybody. And you know, always sending good, the sprinkle of magic for having a lot of good life and a lot of happiness. And just, just getting peace and being happy and enjoy this countdown that life is a freaking countdown. And we, it's our responsibility to live the best that we want to understand or not. It doesn't really matter. But at the end, it's your life. And you decide how you want it to be. And at the end, you're not going to be able to take, not even your body. But you can take all your experiences. You can take all your feelings. You can take everything with yourself. And that's the scary part. You're going to come back at some point with all those experiences back. So you fuck it up. You're going to have to pay for it. That's a love. That's a love. Let's, let's do the best. Do the best that you can now. Thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Really. I appreciate you so much. All right, man. All right. See you. See you. Bye. Thank you for listening to the Nathan Crane podcast. Please make sure to subscribe and share this on social media. Then head over to for your free ebook. So when we're talking about, you know, what are these underlying cause and conditions of these chronic diseases? Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, they all have very similar, if not, identical causes. And that's the thing is when we get to the root cause of these diseases, we can not only prevent these diseases from ever happening, but empower our bodies to heal from them. In every one of ourselves, we have tens in hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions that are happening every second that are cycling back and forth. And so it's sort of a yin and yang. And, you know, for me, the soul, soul's purpose is evolution. It doesn't care about comfort. It cares about evolution. And so I think so long as we are following our soul, then we will evolve. And I think what sometimes blocks us from living our purpose, from manifesting that next level of our expression is we have not evolved. There is also a time for letting go all the expectations and relax and just breathe and be grateful for what you have achieved. [Music]