PeeWee's Predictions

College Football Week 3 Predictions

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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(phone rings) - Hello. - Is this P-wee? - The one and only you know it, Rol. Ha! (upbeat music) - Welcome back, P-wee. - Episode four, hey, it's, how are you feeling today? Man, we've got some weather here around here. How's it, how are you feeling? - Man, I'm feeling great. You know why this is episode number four? - Why is that? - Because Bama is still number four, just like I predicted. - You're right. - So bring on the tide. - You have any feelings? - Because of number four. - You got any feelings about this week? Hey, listen, there's been a lot of weather come through the Southeast this week. Does that affect players? Are they, are they locked and ready? Or how does weather affect these games for these guys? - Well, if it doesn't affect them, what's it on the fact of Alabama? I mean, Waylon's got a team ready. They're ready to weather the storm. That's why the cold storms roll in, 'cause they played South Florida last week. And they weathered that storm. And now we're getting the physical storm of what's just happened. That's why I brought that out. - I got you, the force of the tide brought it on. - Yeah, yeah, they weathered that storm. Now we're physically gonna weather this storm. Alabama's gonna be fine. - Now, a lot of people think we're playing Michigan this week if you listen to the previous episode, but in fact, we're playing Wisconsin. - We'll be definitely. - Yeah, we will. We're traveling to Wisconsin. Is that gonna affect anything being up North versus being down here in the human South? Which is, we're getting a break right now, 'cause you know, getting into fall and that helps, but is that gonna affect anything going that far North up in to Madison up at Camp Randall? - No, no, not out, no, not the University of Alabama side. That's the reason why we've been having these cooler temperatures preparing them for that. I mean, they're gonna get up there and just be used to it. It's gonna be like just everyday practice to them. - So, Wayland, he actually planned this change of weather just so that would happen. - Well, I think he's a praying man. Yeah, well, thank you, you. I've never met him, really, just to be honest with everybody. I've never actually met him, but I mean, coincidence all this has happened like this, that weathered the storm of South Florida. We get a physical storm. The weather cools down right before we're going up to Wisconsin, but I don't see that just been happening, Sam. I mean, do you? - You know, it's hard to say. It's hard to say. I like to hear your take on it. And I think that, I mean, who can pick against you? I mean, I don't know how we could go against what you're saying. - All the numbers are adding up. - All of your numbers have added up. As a matter of fact, if you just follow the math people, just follow the math and you'll see that his numbers add up. - Well, can I say something? - Well, I'm all ears. - I played NCAA the other night, and I played 15 minute quarters, but by the way, the whole home on the game, okay? And I played 15 minute quarters, Alabama against Wisconsin. And I won 80, 83 to 46. And I'm just telling you, Alabama is gonna roll all over Wisconsin. Jalen Milroy, 212 Russian yarders. I'm telling you that. I stand by that. I stood by it from week one, and I stand by right now in week three. - How many yards? - Two hundred and twelve for Jalen Milroy. - You're right. - He's gonna, he is gonna run like he never run before. I'm telling you. And it's not gonna be cause he has to come be because he wants to. - That's, I mean, do you say, I even looked it up. That's exactly, I've got my notes here, and you're exactly right. That's what's happened. - So I don't forget, I don't have to make notes. I got all in my head. - He, you're good. Now, Wisconsin's undefeated. They've only played Western Michigan and South Dakota. - How do you think they're thinking about playing the tag? - Yeah, they're scared, flapped to death. They are, they're so worried. See, Alabama, I'm telling you, Alabama set that up last weekend, South Florida, said, we're gonna make it tough. So Wisconsin don't, don't prepare as much. Don't practice as hard, and they're not ready to play the game. And that's what they did. They could have beat South Florida by 104. - But again, you said this out of respect, he didn't. - Oh, out of, yeah, total, total respect. Yeah, I wouldn't, yeah, I won't do that. And he won't set it up. Give Wisconsin where they're like, ♪ Oh, it's a tight ain't nothing Alabama ain't nothing ♪ Well, you come see, come, come Saturday at 11 a.m., Central Standard Time. You're gonna see what's gonna happen. The tight, you know what, all they're gonna hear, they're gonna hear one thing. You know what they're gonna hear? They're gonna spend my dollars or it's gonna hold on to you somewhere else in the moonlight. That's what they're gonna hear. - A little Dixie land a lot for 'em. - Yeah, that's it. - Well, and they're gonna be scared, slapped to death. Alabama might put up, they might put up the 83 on them. I mean, they really might, they could. - Well, I'd like to get in, you know, I'd like to modify, you know, we did top 25 last time, and I really think that for the sake of people's times, I think that we do the top 10. I think it'd be great. This is, in fact, Peewee's predictions. So we do need to get some predictions in here, and we're gonna wrap this up with some more Alabama, Wisconsin, but I'd like to look over the top 10 and see where you think that these are gonna fall, if that's okay with you. - I'm ready. - We got number one, Georgia, playing Kentucky. Now, Kentucky's one in one, Georgia's two in one. Georgia's looking really good this year. Almost, they look like a force, you know. They look really good. I was actually in dog countries and Athens today, and there's buzz there. I mean, it looks, things are looking good there. What do you think about this game? And Al, so what do you think about Georgia this year? - I'm glad you used the word buzz. I would like to add to that. Buzzer, they're gonna land a buzzer, a goose egg. They are not going to beat Kentucky. This is the week that goes down. You wanna know who the real deal is? The real deal is Texas. Texas is the real deal. - Okay, number two, Texas is the real deal. You know, they're playing in Kentucky. That could have something to do with the way you feel about this. What do you think the score is gonna be for this Georgia Kentucky game? - Georgia is actually gonna lose, I mean, to Kentucky. Kentucky's gonna beat Georgia. That game is going to be 24 to 18, Kentucky. - Wow. That's so upset of the week clearly. If they knock off, number one, Georgia, they will disrupt a lot here. How far do you think Georgia follows if that happens? - Georgia will follow the number six. - Wow, Georgia falls to number six. I'm ratting this down. - Wow. - Everybody can see it. - You know what, it's almost plain to see you. I don't know why we're even talking about it. This is just, if you just watch college football, you know, this is coming. - Yeah, I do. Kirby's sport is gonna be livid on the sideline. I'm telling you. - Now, how did you feel about, how do you feel about Kirby's sport? You know, he was at Alabama for such a long time, really close with Coach Saban. How do you feel about him going to Georgia? The success he's had at Georgia, do you think that he needs to, you know, does he owe that to Alabama? Is this almost like an extended Alabama? Or is he almost like a traitor? And now he's somewhere else and we don't like that. How does that fall with you? - Well, you know, people, whenever I was defensive coordinator on the flag football team, people for, for pay-wee football, people would call me Kirby's smart. So I like Kirby's smart. But let me tell you something about Kirby's smart. He is a traitor. He should have stayed right there at Alabama and stay in his lane, which is defensive coordinator. He's not a head coach material. - Well, so what would you credit the past two seasons that he's had that for? Is that just carried over from Alabama? - Saban, Saban, Saban's name in the University of Alabama to recruit? - He's not even, Jared, he's not even a good coach. - Have you heard him speak? - Right, yeah. I mean, I've heard him. I've, yeah, I've seen it, I've seen it. - I have to. Now he's defensive coordinator at Beth. Not head coach at Beth. - Do you think Georgia keeps him or they get rid of him? - Georgia will hang on to him 'cause this is alma mater. So Georgia will hang on to him just cause of that refender. - Not because of any of his success, national championships, just because he's been there? - Just cause he's been there, right? Just, hey, that's why Georgia is. That's why they do their people. - Right, they're loyal. I mean, they can't more credit call those years. - Yeah, I could think of his name. I was trying to play his name. I couldn't blink of it. - Yeah, they kept a marquee ball around. - Yeah. - Just cause that's where he went. - Yeah, Mark was a good guy. I liked Mark. Okay, let's move on. Number two, Texas, who you've claimed is the real deal. Now they're gonna play University of Texas at San Antonio. So kind of an in-state game here. What do you think this game, how do you think this game ends up? - Oh, this is a blowout. This is 49-0 Texas. - Okay, 49-0 Texas. - Yeah, that's not even close. Okay, this is gonna move to number one. - That's right, cause Georgia's fallen this week. - That's right. - That's right. These are the facts. I mean, if you're hearing this, we can't help that they're the facts. We're just reporting them. That's all I'm doing. We got Chris here. I'm just bringing this to the people, helping people see what's gonna happen. Now Ohio State, number three Ohio State has a bi-week this week. So they're not playing. So, you feel like they'll hold that spot at number three. - They're gonna say it number three, cause they ain't playing nobody, literally nobody. - Right. - Who is a bi-week on the third week? - That's a good point. - Are you that sorry? They're that sorry of a team. Do they gotta take their bi-week on the third week? I quit football. - And they, you know, when they come back next week, and we'll talk about this game, they play Marshall. So, you know, that could be a wild game. You never know. Marshall soon has to play people pretty tough. But let's skip number four, the Crimson Tide. - Really good. - And let's go to number five Ole Miss versus Wake Forest. Now your own record for liking Lane Kiffin, how do you think he fairs in this game? - Let me think something about Lane Kiffin. I don't like Lane Kiffin. I really, really, really like Lane Kiffin, okay? And Lane Kiffin is going to take this game. He's going to put a 62 to three. - Wow. - And he's gonna be mad about the three. He's gonna be real mad about the three. - Well, the over under is 64 and a half. So, you know, you'd be right there at the over under. So, you mean... - I know my numbers. - You do. I mean... - I know idea that was over under, but I just know my numbers. Hey, I ain't a professional predictor for nothing. - I ain't the proofs and the numbers. If you just listen over the past three podcasts, you'll actually see how accurate you are. - Hey, I said Alabama one dropped and they didn't drop. - That's what I... - I think they didn't move up, they didn't move up. - That's what I'm saying. - We got number six Missouri versus 24 Boston College. This is probably the biggest game in the top 10 here because we got two top 25 teams playing. What do you feel about Missouri versus Boston College? - I just told you, I don't like the name of Missouri. I'm going against them. Boston College, that's them and they beat them. And that score is 17 to 12, Boston College. - 17 to 12, Boston College. So Mizu is out on this one. They're gonna... And where, how far do you think they fall? - Oh my goodness, what number is Boston College? - 24. - The point was number is Missouri. - Number six. - They dropped number 10. They dropped a four spot. - Mizu drops to number 10. - Okay, number seven Tennessee against Kent State. What do you got here? - You know, I win whenever, no, that one Kent State was a Kansas State that I bound to play in Sugar Bowl. All right, so yeah, that's Kent State, that's a different state. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. - So, let's see, who's Kent State playing? That'd be Tennessee, number seven Tennessee. - Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee, traveling. - Yeah, it's actually at Neelon Stadium. - Oh, that's a home. - Yeah. - So Tennessee don't have to travel. - Right. - Kent State does. - Right. - So, I'm gonna say this, Tennessee, Wednesday game. It's gonna be 47, 34. - 47, 34, Tennessee. - Yeah. - All right, number eight Penn State has a bi-week this week. I'm assuming you think they're gonna just hang out at number eight? Or will they move up because Georgia loses? Or you think Georgia drops to six? - You've got two in the top stand, they're moving, okay? So, they're moving up two spots, actually, and not even playing the game. - So, Penn State moves to number six. We got two people at number six. Georgia and Penn State will both be number six. (laughs) - Well, that towards the country versus gonna come in, Penn State's gonna be back down to number seven. - I got you, I got you. Now, this is a big game. Oregon versus Oregon State. - Oh, that's Penn State rivalry game, what's that again? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Who has become a part of rivalry? That's a hard word, it's like rivalry, a crowd of robberies. - Yes, I'd like for you to practice a little bit more. But yeah, what do you think this game is? Who do you think's gonna win this game? Now, Oregon's favored. Who do you think's gonna win this game? - Oregon wins this game, that's a duck. They're gonna let it roll off the bat like a duck duck. - Ducks beat the beavers. - They, the ducks beat, the ducks beat the beavers. - 53, 24. - 56 to 24. - They let the beavers roll off the bat. - Right, that makes sense, total sense. - Like how beavers, you know, beavers they live in water and ducks let water roll off the bat. - Right. - It takes 24, Oregon ducks. Go ducks! Number 10 Miami, who you have said, Miami's, you took quote to you, Miami's the real deal. - They are, Miami, Miami play. - Number 10 Miami versus Ball State. - Oh, a blowout, this is a blowout from the word go. 53, 14. - 53 to 14, with that kind of score like that, you think they get those 14 points, possibly in the fourth quarter, playing against third string, maybe four string. - Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. They get those in the first quarter and it goes downhill from there. - Oh, and then Miami says we're not letting up. You already scored points on us. - I'm talking about, I'm telling you, Miami's defense come out in the second quarter. All the way through the fourth quarter is nine star, no play, I'm not holding back. I'm getting the ball. You're going to see, and I'm not that great this number, three interceptions and one fumble recovery on this game. - Wow, the hurricane's going to get all that. - The hurricane's going to be better this week because we've actually seen a hurricane, is that why? - Yeah, that's exactly what it is. They've seen the hurricane and they are ready. They're like, hey, the hurricane actually missed us, but we saw the effects of the hurricane. We're bringing that same kind of tenacity to this ball game. - Tenacity, nice. - Thank you. (laughing) - I said that word today, actually. - Well, that brings us to number four, Alabama, Wisconsin. I want to talk about this a little bit more. - Pay my dollar! ♪ I'll give you my holiday, mail to moonlight ♪ ♪ Hold her up tonight ♪ ♪ Play a little football ♪ ♪ We're gonna roll, can't roll all night ♪ ♪ But we're playing in the morning ♪ ♪ 'Cause we don't care ♪ ♪ Alabama's gonna roll all roll all on there ♪ Go ahead. - Alabama's going to Wisconsin. We've talked about this a little bit. Now, I know we've talked that you've never been to Kent Randall, I have. I really like the stadium there. It's a fun place to play. It's a different environment than Tuscaloosa, Bryant Denny Stadium. It's really a different environment than anywhere in the SEC. Do you think that affects Alabama when they go? It's just a different feel, you know? Not just weather, but the whole environment's a different feel. - No, they are laid back, people are beyond it. Just forgetting to say it's gonna kill. I mean, what do you do at camp? You relax, you have some fun. That's what Alabama's gonna do. They're gonna coy with this team and have fun. I'm telling you, this is a blowout, camp Randall. That's not even, that's Death Valley. Death Intimidated, Irish Stadium. Death Intimidated Florida, whatever that is. Death Intimidated. - To swap. - Yeah, to swap. Death Intimidated. - What do you think about all the-- - You think about all the-- - You think, you think on the-- - Death Intimidated, that's intimidating. But you call it camp, camp Randall. Yeah, that's not intimidating. We're gonna run all our-- - You think it's intimidating when you say down on the plains or between the hedges? - Not down on the plains. That sounds like a little house on the prairie. That's why they play the little house on the prairie. They're all over, down on the plains. - Do you like the Colosseum? You like the Tennessee calls? There's the Colosseum. - Now listen, I can't stand Tennessee, but I had to say Colosseum. That sounds like, what was that movie? Back in the day, it was about two hours long. I never could make it through the end, but it had the gladiator. - Gladiator. - Gladiator, gladiator. They go into the Colosseum. - Yeah, that's tough play, because you're locked in there with a bull. - Right. I don't think the bull was in the gladiator maybe, but I see what you're saying. - Wonderful. I thought there was a bull in the gladiator movie. And he got locked in the gladiator movie. He got in the Colosseum. Didn't they turn bulls loose? He had to fight. - I think it was a lion. - Well, okay, there's an animal in there. - Right. - It was mean to, yeah, the Colosseum, I like Colosseum, 'cause they're my physical radiator. - Right. - So Jaylin Miller has bought a bull house on the prairie. It's the case, Paul. - Right. - So Alabama wins convincingly 31 to 16. That's what you have predicted. Do you think that that score is gonna change now that you've seen Alabama played two weeks? Are you sticking to your guns from the first episode, or is it 31, 16? How do you feel? - I hate to contradict myself. I can't stand somebody. - You haven't done it yet. - No, and I hate to do that. But I had to move the score. I have to. I've ever seen them play. I'm telling you right now, this game, Alabama scores 16 in this game to 16. - 60 to 16. So you got Wisconsin still putting up 16. Just Alabama's gonna put up almost 30 points more. - Yeah, because I played on the NCAA after that, I had three. - I forgot about that. - That's last ranging. - Right. Well, you know, I know you're not making any plans to go up to Wisconsin, but I would like to ask, you got any plans for the game? - I'm a tough boy. - Do what? - I don't go up North, I'm a Southern boy. - Right. - Okay. - You got any plans for this game? What does this look like for you this weekend? - Oh, this weekend, I say that's a house, okay? And I'm staying downstairs on my 75 inch telegasm and I'm watching this game at 11 a.m. kickoff. And I'm just enjoying myself. I'm gonna watch it. I do hope this week and I have, I can't confirm, but I have made some phone calls. Please stop with the Nick Saban commercials on Home Depot and the rental houses and just stop. Let's just stop. I have made that phone call. And so we're gonna see if I listen and I'm gonna watch the game and I'm gonna see this. I see Nick Saban come on there, I will have to change the channel for a commercial. - Now, are you okay with him being on game day? - Oh yeah, I like him on game day. I think he brings a lot to table on game day. I really do. Matter of fact, I think that him and McAfee are great, they're bipolar. You know what I mean? They're great options for each other. Which I think a lot to the table. I think that's why game day needs. And I think that's why he retired with game day needs that. - Right. - 'Cause he is just, he just continues to sculpt the way that we view college football, Nick Saban. - He does. Yeah, I mean, he does. Just like whenever he said, they ran through us like, you know what? They're a ten horn, you know? I mean, he don't, he don't, he don't miss his words. - Right. - He brings the seriousness, the game day that they made is what he does. And I like that. - Right. And let's face it, he's the most knowledgeable guy in college football, I mean, but okay, I'll rank it this way. I rank it Peewee. Then I rank it Coach Saban. And then who would you put it number three? - Number three, I will probably have to go with, I know some people are not gonna like this. And I'm gonna reference it with that. But. - Wait, you're gonna reference it with that? - Yeah. - Okay. Mike Schullen, they were just stuck. Now he didn't perform well. He didn't get a lot of wins, but he didn't know it was stuck pretty good. - Listen, I haven't questioned anything that you've said so far in this, but I have to ask Mike Schullen, all people that you could have put at number three spot, you pick Mike Schullen. Over your beloved Ole Miss, former Alabama Lane Kiffin. - Look, I want to think about Lane. And if I'm being honest, I'll tell you about Lane. But Mike Schullen would be ahead of Lane just cause he's older. And he has a thousand mistakes in Lane's name. - Well, listen. - Listen, anyone listen to this, I'm just as shocked as you guys are. I'm blown away, perplexed, dumbfounded. I don't know what other words to use. - Hi. - Do I know? - I like the name Mike. Okay, I like, so my name Mike, that's somebody who gets a dump, okay? And I like that name. - Gotcha. Mike Schullen. So I'm not even gonna continue to ask you who else would you put on this list? - So on the coaching, and who knows College Football Order. - Mike Dubach, that's another Mike. - Yes, it is, that is another Mike. - I like that name. I would go with Mike Dubach. Mike Dubach, I don't like the way he left Alabama, let me be clear. I don't like the way he left Alabama. - So. - But he noticed that. I mean, we're talking about people just doing knowledge, right? - No, if we're going for ladies, man, playing hip is number one. He can get the ladies, I'm telling you that right now, 'cause if I was a lady, he'd have me. But I'm not a lady. - So, I just wanna recap this. You have Nick Saban, I had Nick Saban, then I had Pee Wee. Really, just for this podcast, I said that, but then you took it. Would you still have those, isn't one and two, Nick Saban, then you? - No, I wouldn't, honestly, I wouldn't put myself, and I'm not trying to be arrogant. - I would never heard you be that way. You're not a racist. - I would put Pee Wee above Nick Saban, because I knew what Nick Saban was gonna do before. Nick Saban knew what he was gonna do. I would tell him, I would say, I was screaming TV. Like, okay, for instance, I hate to bring this up. It makes me sick to myself, but I have to. They kicked six for one second left. - Why would you bring that up? Why would you bring that up? - I don't think I had the TV. Saban, let it go, let it go. Let's just take this thing to overtime. That's what I'm screaming to see, but take it to overtime and let it go. They know, and I say, but I want my sex. I want to have a kick-stick historic moment attack my scene. That's why I put myself ahead of Nick Saban. - You still carry some resentment from that game? - Oh, I do, because he knew better. I knew better, which means I know better. - So, back to what I was saying. So, your list, if I can just confirm the sunny throughout this town, you have Pee-Wee, you have Saban, then you have Mike Shula. - Yeah, Mike Dubos. - Yeah. - I mean, I'm gluttin' for punishment here. - Who is, who's number six? - Tommy Tuberville. - By what you want to do about old Tommy, Tommy B. Alabama, like six years in a row, nine years in a row. - Okay, Tommy Tuberville, I gotta have a top 10 here. Who's after Tommy Tuberville? - And after Tommy Tuberville, Terry Bradshaw. - So, Terry Bradshaw, in college football, you have Terry Bradshaw, you know what? Who am I to question you? - Why would you? - I have no idea why I would. Who's after Terry Bradshaw? - Mike Gundy. - Mike Gundy. - I like the name Mike. - Yes, you do. - I mean, what are we doing? - Got two more. What's our nine, 10? - Number nine, that would be, what was that coach that was, he died? - Now, Mike Leach is his name. - Mike Leach, his name is Mike, I knew it was Mike. - So. - Mike. - Did you like him 'cause his name or? - Anyway. - I like him 'cause his name was Mike and he said, he said all the while stuff that I always brought it back around to what he was really trying to play. I like Mike Leach. - Right. - Now. - And then, I asked but not Leach. - Yes. - I have to go, and I can't help it, it's my good. We call my people to still love Mike Leach. - Well, you put Mike Leach in here. - Well, I have to go, he still loves. What was the Florida coach that ended up at Ohio State? - Urban Meyer? - Yeah, I like the name Urban. - Well now, why do you like the name Urban? - Because it's not a very common name, but it makes you sound like you're with the time. I'm Urban Time, like Urban Meyer. And I like my own, I like the heart though. - Makes so much sense. So these people, and I just wanna go back over this list for everyone listening, these are the people, these are the top 10 people who know the most about college football. Number one, of course, Peewee. Number two, Sabin, Nicholas Sabin. Number three, Mike Schulah. Number four, Mike Dubos. Number five, Lane Kiffin. Number six, Tommy Tuberville. Number seven, Terry Bradshaw. Number eight, Mike Gundy. Number nine, the late Mike Leach. And number 10, Urban Meyer. These are the heads, the top 10 geniuses of college football. Would you like that when you reflect back on this? - I love that, you put us 10 together. You know what you have, you have a conference. - If you had these 10 together, could we still have the BCS and picking the top two and everybody bein' okay with it? - Oh, without a doubt. Without a doubt. That's all you need is those top 10 right there. They know what's going on. - Clearly. - Oh, without a shadow of a doubt. Not even a shadow of a doubt. - Right. Well, hey, let's wrap this up. You got any message this week for the tide or whaling shores? - Yes, I do. And I would like to say this, both the whaling shores and the tide. If I was in that locker room with those men and some young boys, you know, we got a 17 year old out there catching the ball. - Yes. - You don't realize that he's 17 years old out there making plays. They're 17 years old and you've got the driver's license. This boy's out there making history. Okay? So what we're gonna do, we're gonna get up. We're gonna go out there. We're gonna make history against some beavers and we're gonna win this game. We're gonna make them go back and we're just queuing on some wood somewhere because we out here kicking the high knees. What we're gonna do, we're gonna catch the ball. We're gonna throw the ball. We're gonna run the ball. We're gonna insert the ball. We're gonna recover the foam ball in the ball. We're gonna take the ball into the end zone. We're gonna win with the ball. That's what we're gonna do. We're gonna be on the ball and we're not gonna stop. And I think that's right now. We ain't gonna give up. We ain't gonna back down. We ain't gonna be scared of nobody. We're gonna get up. We're gonna run that ball. We're gonna score and we're gonna win this game. See the same battle roll, kind roll. - They're the badgers. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]