
ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders Speaker Series: AI for Pharmacy Leaders, a two-part learning experience

In anticipation of the 2024 ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders, ASHP is hosting a series of podcast episodes. Join our host, Cynthia Von Heeringen, senior education director at ASHP as she interviews Jared White, manager, pharmacy data analytics at UCSF and Ben Michaels, data science pharmacist at UCSF Medical Center at UCSF as they discuss their upcoming sessionsĀ AI for Pharmacy Leaders, Part 1 and Part 2. They will provide background information and forward-facing strategies expressly curated for leaders to stay abreast of this ever-changing landscape. The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.

Broadcast on:
05 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

In anticipation of the 2024 ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders, ASHP is hosting a series of podcast episodes. Join our host, Cynthia Von Heeringen, senior education director at ASHP as she interviews Jared White, manager, pharmacy data analytics at UCSF and Ben Michaels, data science pharmacist at UCSF Medical Center at UCSF as they discuss their upcoming sessionsĀ AI for Pharmacy Leaders, Part 1 and Part 2. They will provide background information and forward-facing strategies expressly curated for leaders to stay abreast of this ever-changing landscape.

The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.

(upbeat music) - Welcome to the ASHP official podcast, your guide to issues related to medication use, public health, and the profession of pharmacy. - Hello, thanks for joining us today on ASHP official. In anticipation of the 2024 ASHP conference for pharmacy leaders, ASHP is hosting a series of podcast episodes focused on highlighting key sessions, hot topics, and can't miss moments at the meeting. I'm Cynthia Von Haringen, Senior Education Director on the National Meetings Team at ASHP, and today we're sitting down with Jared White, Manager of Pharmacy Data Analytics at UCSF, and Ben Michaels, Data Science Pharmacist at UCSF Medical Center to discuss their upcoming sessions, AI for Pharmacy Leaders, part one and two. Gentlemen, thanks for joining us today. - Thanks for having us. - Great, thank you for having us. - Very glad to have you. And just so I can give the audience a little background as well, your session will also be moderated by Dr. Ashley Ramp from Children's Hospital, Colorado. I saw Ashley not long ago at the ASHP Policy Week meeting and she is also very excited about joining this program and really amping it up using her special talents in education or planning this session with you both. So just a couple of questions for our listeners. At the ASHP Leaders Conference, there are competing programs in during our educational format. And why should attendees consider choosing your session at the conference? Let's start with you, Ben. - Absolutely, AI, it's one of many tools that leaders have available to them. And our session is specifically tailored for pharmacy leaders and provides a framework that starts with understanding and ends with executable actions that the attendees can take back with them from the conference. So we'll cover the basics and definitions of AI, we'll delve into how to build a team, how to evaluate vendors, and also discuss a little bit about how LLMs work at a high level with a focus on what can be done with AI versus how to do it. In addition, Ashley has worked with us to build some really engaging breakout systems that I know we're all excited about. Share it anything to add? - Just to echo what Ben kind of talked about, we're really gonna be discussing the current state of AI and as it relates to pharmacy and healthcare. More importantly, the current challenges that maybe face some of the limitations of AI. And then again, which you should consider as you work on your strategy to implement AI. - Well, I agree. I first met both of you. I'd say probably coming up almost a year ago when we started talking about how this was becoming such a hot topic and we worked together at the Futures Conference and now we're working together for leaders. And I know you both will also be presenting at mid-year and hopefully in the future with us as well. But the leaders are concerned. And I took a lot of that back from Policy Week recently that leaders are concerned about what the implications are and how to stay ahead of this. So I think there really is no better way than some usable education where you are going to work through some scenarios and have an opportunity to have some true takeaway. So I think that's really wonderful. And I thank you both for being so engaged with making this program really special. So there are two parts of the program. The first is AI for pharmacy leaders, the what and the why. And the second, the strategies to prepare for the future. So as you said, it's not just where we're at in a news report. It's actually the takeaways that will really make this meaningful. So one other question, what are you looking forward to at the pharmacy leaders conference? Of course, besides participating as a faculty member, let's start with you again then. - Yeah, absolutely. It's really just all about the connections again. And it's that ability to interface and learn with others and hear their specific use cases and questions around AI. Anytime you get a large collection of pharmacy leaders together that are likely all feeling some level of pressure to execute and integrate AI into their teams, we're gonna have a great learning experience 'cause we'll be able to learn from each other. And this learning, what can be done is what's really, really important. Because from there, you can go back to your individual teams and say, hey, now I know this is possible. We need you to learn how to be able to do it and integrate it into your specific pharmacy enterprise. - Jared, anything that? What are you looking forward to? - I mean, aside from it being my first time being at the leaders conference, I'm really excited about that. Same has been some of the connections that we plan to make. And then also just understanding some of the challenges that other leaders are encountering at their organization, how they're preparing for AI implementation. I know here at UCSF, our leadership team, they push us to do some of our best work here. Some of the tools and things that we've built at UCSF has been a direct result of things that have been requested from our leadership or our staff. So really interested to see what other people are doing and some of the challenges that we can possibly take back or even provide some insight for. - I agree, UCSF has truly been a leader here and we are very appreciative of your leadership support and allowing you both to participate with us throughout the year and in many of the planning and research that we've been trying to do at ASHP to stay ahead of this very, very important topic. Well, that is all the time we have today. I wanna thank Ben and Jared for joining us to discuss AI for pharmacy leaders that will be presented at the ASHP conference for pharmacy leaders next month in Chicago. If you haven't already, I encourage you to visit to register for the meeting. Thanks again for joining us for this special edition podcast and we hope to see you there at the meeting. - Thank you for listening to ASHP official, the voice of pharmacists advancing healthcare. Be sure to visit to discover more great episodes, access show notes and download the episode transcript. If you loved the episode and wanna hear more, be sure to subscribe, rate or leave a review. Join us next time on ASHP official. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)