The Time To Talk

Mayor Adams Indictment! Harris, Black?

Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
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Is this the end for NYC Mayor Eric Adams?

As for Kamala Harris, is she Black or not? Does it matter?

All right, mayor Eric Adams mayor of my beloved city of New York indicted today. Could he end up in a cell with Diddy? Was mayor caught up in a Diddy freakoff thing? Is it something like that? I mean No, it's nothing like that Feliation maybe no, it's not that let's talk. Let's get into it. This is the time to talk podcast And this is the news on the indictment regarding mayor Eric Adams from NPR Here's the unsealed indictment which was unsealed this afternoon Thursday for nearly a decade of Adams political career first as a borough president And then as mayor the indictment alleges he sought and accepted improper valuable benefits such as luxury international travel Including from wealthy foreign business people and at least one Turkish government officials seeking to gain influence over him By smuggling their contributions to Adams through us based straw donors Adams overseas contributors defeated federal laws that serve to prevent foreign influence on US elections the indictment alleges Adams is accused of using New York City's public matching funds system to compound his gains with the indictment alleging that because of bogus claims Adams 2021 mayoral campaign received more than 10 million in public funds Early in September federal investigator seized devices from his police commissioners schools chancellor two deputy mayors and other trusted confidence Both in and out of city hall all have denied wrong doing now Let's look at the actual indictment Let's just see what they what they What the counts are take a look at that Mayiam is indicted federal charges count one conspiracy to commit wire fraud federal program bribery and to receive campaign contributions by foreign nationals Count to wire fraud. That's always bad count three solicitation of a contribution by a foreign national And I believe there's two more. Yeah, yeah count four solicitation of a contribution by a foreign National that's a storm. We just went and then count five bribery Hmm So Now some history Adams here is the first sitting mayor indicted on federal charges and of course He's putting his foot down. He's not going anywhere. You know is I'm not going anywhere. It's all bullshit Basically, all right, and that's always the case right nowadays They just sort of put their foot down. They play it, you know through straight defiance politicians Don't do the graceful bow out or the disgraceful bow out even nowadays They just go full-on denial and defiance until they get kicked, you know dragged kicking and screaming out Well, we're gonna see how this unfolds I'll do updates here and there in this story as it becomes available, but What I want to get into today what I want to get into I want to get into a little Kamala Harris stuff should I have I've been to much uncommon? Let's get into Kamala Harris. Let's talk Kamala Kamala a black Kamala is black Doesn't matter. Do I care? What specifically do I care about regarding this subject of her blackness? It's time to talk. Let's get into it by now. We've all know they've just been this controversy right suggesting that the Kamala Harris You know Kamala Harris isn't in fact black most recently Janet Jackson stepped into the racial do-do in a conversation with the Guardian Where she said the following well, you know what they supposedly said she's not black That's what I heard that she's Indian Harris his father's white Jackson is quoted the same That's what I was told. I mean I haven't watched the news in a few days. I was told that they discovered her father was white Of course, let's not forget David Mir asked Trump about his comments at the NABJ on the He asked during the debate. He asked him about his comments that he made where he insisted that Kamala was not black and first. She's black now. She's not black Right now in addition to Trump It's not hard to find many others who share in his conspiracy which purports that Harris is simply pretending to be black or Amping up her blackness when convenient to do so depending on the crowd now that last part I'm gonna say is obvious right her adopting regional and cultural dialects in efforts to pan into a specific crowd has clearly been proven She's done it now. She the only politician ever do that. No, so I kind of kind of give her a pass for that I really don't care I mean in her case, it's very obvious, but whatever beyond the fact that she fakes dialects and plays up her love of fried chicken Colored greens hip-hop and classic jazz albums How does any of this even matter? Well? Recently my girl Candice Owens did some digging did some research You I remember what that is right when someone in journalism or the news and media Personality actually takes the time to investigate a story and try to make some sense of the facts That's what Candice did she came up with some stuff. She found birth certificates death certificates of Harris's grandmother and did some digging into whether the woman in the photos that Harris published as Actually, you know, whether she's the right woman or not and it went on and on and Candice like, you know, you want to look at that you can go go ahead and her channel check check a look at that But I think in the end does it really matter do we really care now? This is not to take away from Candice's investigation and reporting I applaud it But I am much more concerned with the rest of the media simply not reporting on real data as its surfaces clearly It seems a canus canus did in fact uncover some truth So again, I go ahead and take a look at that report that she didn't, you know, you'll see But all that said as far as I'm concerned. I'm just gonna say it. I'm just gonna say it Harris is black. I know this just keep it real She has an Indian mother and a black father when I see her For all this time long before she even was thrown into this position I saw her as black as I was a light-skinned black sister if I saw her back in the day You know, I saw those old videos and Montel Williams and Willie Brown Whether I support her for president or not is relevant. She did to me. She's a light-skinned sister She went to a all-black university. It shouldn't matter There's a pride thing for the black supporters black women supporters nationwide They want her to be one of us one of them right a black woman But then on the flip side the non supporters were wanting to take the time to brand her as not black Are working to simply dismiss her as one of their own in some way? They think that disqualifies her it demeans her credibility her value But that to me is wrong because it's far easier to dismiss the qualifying totally disregard Harris as a candidate for the presidency Simply by listening to her speak looking at her record and finding out what she stands for Not whether she's black or not So she's black all right moving on I said what I had to say now if you've been with me You've noticed and you've watched listen to the show You know how I feel about free speech and how I loathe the current climate of suppression censorship shadow banding etc Such a by the big tech companies and their government handlers Well, I always wondered what it was what was being done You know who's gonna stand up to it who's gonna bring all this to the forefront of the American consciousness, right? It's not gonna be the legacy media by any stretch Well, it turns out a very distinguished group of independent journalists activists media personalities Scientists doctors and more have been together for a rally to be held this Sunday September 29th in Washington DC It's called rescue the republic and go to the website www.join the resistance dot org and I'm gonna be there I'm looking forward to it. The esteemed list of speakers includes Russell brand my hyper articulate brother from across the pond Matt Taiba one of the world's greatest true like one of the old-school journalists and indie media voices Tulsi Gabbard Dr. Robert Malone Colonel Douglas McGregor, Dr. Pierre Corey Jordan Peterson Jimmy door Love Jimmy door Zuby and Robert F Kennedy Jr. Plus many more from 12 to 7 p.m. In Washington DC I will be looking to talk to many of these incredible people and will of course put those interviews on all up on this podcast once available in the meantime It's a short one keep talking keep the bait and keep discussing and dissecting information news and opinions work to use various sources of information Information to formulate your own opinions and be in control of your life and your choices I will see you on the next one and if you haven't subscribed Do so now take the journey with me and keep the discussion going leave your comments below be sure to share like follow and all that Good stuff. I'll see you in the next time of talk peace