The Time To Talk

The 2nd Assassination Attempt on Trump!

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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A 58 year old man is apprehended in Florida after being identified as a suspect leaving the scene of a possible assassination attempt on Donald Trump at his golf course.

Hello today is Monday September 16th and it is time to talk. Welcome to the time to talk podcast. We're going to talk yesterday, Sunday September 15th, a second what looks like assassination attempt on presidential candidate Donald J Trump, former President Donald J Trump, a second attempt. Now, there were no shots fires. Let's just get that out of the way, right? I think initially people thought there might have been shots fired by the alleged shooter suspect who they they have in custody. Who they caught sometime after. Secret Service had had discovered him. We'll get to that in a minute. But there were no shots fired by him. Only Secret Service. The Secret Service spotted him and fired upon him and then they apprehended him. He was in his daughter's vehicle on like I 95 shortly after this guy's name suspect is Wesley Ryan Wesley wrote 58 year old from Hawaii is last known address. And this guy previously was kind of on some fanatical supporting Ukraine stuff where he wanted to go and support and fight for Ukraine and all those stuff so far as his fanaticism or like whatever his profile is psychologically speaking. What we know so far is that he was kind of a, you know, off the kilter guy who was just obsessed with Ukraine Ukraine's safety and fighting and gathering up the masses to go over there and fight and die for Ukraine. That's what we know about this guy. Now, I want to get into why I even decided that I need to come on here because I'm not sharing with you news. You know, if you're watching anything you're paying attention, even if you're watching the legacy media, which we don't speak of. You know what happened, right? So what am I really sharing with you? What I really want to discuss here and I want to just get your thoughts as well. I want to talk about this is the idea that, I mean, this is in like two months that this man's almost been shot, right, or he's, there's been some sort of some activity around that the first guy actually did shoot. And this guy didn't get any shots off, but the fact that there's been two situations with shooters this guy, they found two backpacks and a K 47 with a scope. And they found a GoPro camera. I guess this guy is going to record his activities and upload it later. Had he been successful. Now, what I want to talk about and what it stands out is extremely obvious to me is this guy was in the bush. So here, a couple things. Trump was golfing and it was around the fifth or six hole somewhere. I believe the fifth hole that this guy was apprehended or like that's where his location was or something to that effect. Trump wasn't even supposed to be golfing that day. So it was not like there was like some major event or something that was publicized or something that was, you know, on the normal schedule of events or him to go golfing and Trump went golfing. And it was a random last minute decision. And yet this guy ended up in the bushes or the shrubs somewhere off the fifth hole of the golf course in position to fire upon a presidential candidate. That doesn't seem a little odd to anybody. Now, I don't want to go down the path because I feel like, you know, the idea that everything is a conspiracy. It's not that it's conspiracy. It's just that you start to question things. When you question things, yeah, I guess to somebody who doesn't want to entertain any other possible ideas. We call those people objectively just stupid. If you can't possibly entertain other ideas. But when certain things look you right in the face, the fact that you scratch your head in question doesn't make you a conspiracy there is it makes you somebody who uses your brain and assesses information and does some sort of sense of deductive reasoning or try to come up with conclusions. That's what that's called. This guy ends up in a field by himself with an AK-47 in a scope on a random day that Trump was supposed to go golfing that wasn't in the schedule and on top of that he does it at a hole. I brought up the fifth hole for reason because apparently from our reports that was like a vulnerable spot for security. So it was like a good spot to be if you're a shooter. How would he know that? How would this guy know that? How would this guy just show up on that day and be there on top of all that? How was it possible he could service? Oh, just happened to spot the guy in the right spot. And then there was a witness that saw him running from the bushes. I need to know what the lay of that land looks like. How many pedestrians or how many people are hanging out in that area where someone happened to see a guy running from the bushes get the license plate of his car, you know, think really fast. Oh, it might be someone trying to assassinate the president. Did someone like preemptively preemptively know that? And then they get the license plate and then they apprehend him later. It just seems way too convenient and it seems way too like they really are trying. I'm just going to say it. They really are trying to take this guy out. And I don't think that's a good look for the country. I don't think it's a good look for the world. We are in some really dangerous times right now. And this on our political system, the strain, the stress, the anxiety, and the further division amongst our people, whether it's your Trump supporter or a Harry supporter, doesn't even matter. We are just going down this hole of destroying democracy, destroying decent values. And the more these things happen, I think one of the issues and the thing I want to talk about for a second is the idea that when the first assassination attempt happened, where they were actual live rounds and got his ear shot and got that famous photo, they were people on social media, you know, making memes and such and wishing that he didn't miss and know how the guy missed. That's just uncalled for people. That is uncalled for. If we want to take a page from, if you're also pro Democrat, all the Harry supporters are pro Democrats and you're so Michelle Obama and Obama are the heroes of everything. Well, let's go back to Michelle Obama. When they go low, we go high. Really? Okay. So continue that. Guys, show your support for the Obama's and for Harris and for the Democrats who believe in the way in American way and democracy. Don't go low. Go high because we don't need the division. It's not about supporting Trump. I've said on this channel, I've said on my podcast, it's not about my support for Trump. I have issues with Trump. Tons of them. I'm not voting for Trump. Probably not. Okay. But I also don't think we should be in a country where somebody is, you know, going to be taken out every other month or something. We're having assassinations. This is unprecedented. We have never had a situation like this before and we've got to act accordingly. We've got to act accordingly. This is just not good. On top of which immediately, you know, I had my wife had CNN on when it first happened. I was actually out. When I came back, that's when the news had broken. She had CNN on. Why? But I listened to CNN's sake and right away, they were going with the Iranian possible threat, right? There's this narrative that Iran has had their hand in wanting to assassinate Trump, which is just, sorry, I'm concerned bullshit. It's just more of an excuse to go ahead and rattle the saber for the military industrial complex to start another war with Iran. That's what this is really about. We want to go to war with Iran. And that is obvious if you're paying attention. So pay attention because that's what that's what's happening here. It's really crappy. This guy was 300 to 500 yards away from Trump on the fifth hole in the golf course. He had no business being there and it was a random day and yet this is what happened. This is just another thing I want to point out is regarding that first assassination attempt. Okay. There were people who were claiming that, Oh, it was orchestrated by Trump. It's a publicity stunt. Right. Now, I'm not going to deny that the possibility crossed my mind as well. Right. Again, the idea that we think, we question things, we look at things, we see the strategy behind why that could have been done. But I will tell you now, anyone listening who, even if you thought that and you still think that, let me just squash that. There's no way that that happened. There's no way. You don't orchestrate your own assassination with live rounds where other someone else got killed, even if you're willing to sacrifice. Let's just say, let's just say that Trump administration, the Trump people and his team and him were so devious and so just like void of any type of humanity and they decided it would be okay to let someone in the audience die or get shot. Who cares about them? It'll make it look better. Even if they did that, you're still taking the chance with your candidate, with your guy getting shot in the face or in the ear, in the head or dying. That is not something you orchestrate an attempt to pull off. You could have the best sharpshooter in the world on your team going, don't worry, I got it. Anything could happen. One wrong turn. It's impossible to orchestrate that. Just use your brain. There is no way Trump could orchestrate standing there and move his head just the right direction, just so you catch my ear. Now, if you want to tell me, there were no bullets fired. Maybe, is that what you're saying? There were no bullets fired. So he got down and cut his own ear or they did it for him really quick before he popped back up. So there actually were no bullets. So he was not in danger. And the only bullets were the guy that got killed and the other people who got injured, somehow they got shot by someone else. Is that your theory? Okay, make that case. Let me know in the comments below. Let me know. But I just want to put that out there. That first attempt on his life was not an orchestrated event by Trump. I just think that's a little ridiculous and I wanted to speak on it really quick since we're talking assassination and such. The other thing that strikes me is Biden, who, again, I don't know if you guys know this or not, if you're paying attention. We don't have a president. We don't have a president. We've got like a fake, you know, vice president who's been uplifted as the darling of the media and the Democratic Party and she's been thrust into the spotlight as the shining savior of hope and democracy. But we don't have a president who's running the world right now. And I'm saying that because so far at the time of this taping this podcast, he hasn't even said anything about the assassination attempt or the alleged that someone being found with an AK-47 in the woods in the bushes on the golf course, right? He hasn't even said anything. Harris gave a scripted line in her X account, but Biden hasn't said anything. Come on. Come on, people. What's going on? What's going on? I spoke. I've said what I had to say. We got to, you really have to pay attention what's going on, people. And you don't want to celebrate the idea that somebody almost got shot again, or something could have happened. Like, you just don't want that. What you want to do is win the best way you can get it over with. Let's see what happens. And I don't even think that's going to go smooth. I wouldn't be surprised if there's another assassination attempt. Let's hope not. We don't need this. We don't need this for either side. No one should have their life threatened or go through this. It just makes everything that much more miserable. And what we need right now is some freaking solidarity, man, to quote Mr. Pink from Reservoir Dogs. Some of you will get that reference. But anyway, yeah, we got to chill out. And this is bad. Let me know in the comments below what you think about this. Let me know what you think about whether this whole push of always sort of associating Iran with the possibility of wanting to get rid of Trump. Who do you think's trying to take him out? Who do you think's trying to take him out? Do you think someone's trying to take him out? What do you think? Let me know. Time to talk podcast this week. We'll see what's up. I might try to do a live. Stay tuned. I appreciate those who have subscribed and all those who comment and say what you got to say. I hear you. I respect everything you guys have to say. It is what it is. I'm always going to agree. We're not always going to agree. But that's what it's all about. I much love that everybody. Have a great week. And I'll see you next on the Time to Talk podcast sometime this week. Peace.