Out Now With Aaron and Abe

Out Now Horror Special 2024: One-Hit Wonders

Broadcast on:
05 Oct 2024
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we are now recording and this is out now with Aaron and Abe I am Aaron and Abe is unfortunately not here he's on a bit of a vacation but he'll be back soon enough for more bees out now as a film podcaster and I discuss new movies weekly however every now and then we have these special bonus episodes whether it's one of our fun commentary tracks are so good the different but this is well it's the start of our October series of horror specials which we do every October now we're in 2024 which means we have an all-new set of specials which should be a lot of fun and for this inaugural episode of the out now 2024 specials we are talking one hit wonders one hit wonders in the genre of horror yeah I feel like that will produce a lot of fun discussion but we'll get to all that after I introduce my guest here first up joining us from Joe Blow don't call it a comeback he's been talking horror for years it's Jimmy Oh hey welcome I'm back I'm back also joining us from the Brandon Peter Show I call him the pop father he tells me to stop it's Brandon Peters hey oh ready to start these up again very excited and and joining us from the film seizure podcast it's the 20th September 29th which is obviously the right day for new blood hits Jeff Arbuckle hey how's it going thanks for having me glad to have you here Jeff and yeah like I just said it is good to have new fun guests on the podcast so real quickly what tell us a bit about your about the film seizure podcast what you're all about yeah so it's me and a couple of buddies of mine long-time friends we just like to get together talk about movies sometimes they're nostalgic sometimes they're something we recently discovered sometimes they're good sometimes they're bad something sometimes they're in between so that's how I've been been doing that for about oh gosh six and gosh I can't remember now what year are we in about six years now yeah I like we've been doing this we've been doing out now for 13 which is ridiculous we do we've been doing these horror specials Brandon what do you want to say like 2016 or 17 something like that I think it was I feel like it was before that it might be at this point but we've been doing them but it's fun to do these on the early days but my my own my main thing is if you get a podcast going for over a year good for you yeah you all know how this goes it's not easy to just put these together especially for free exactly yeah but oh well I'm happy to have you here thanks to Brandon for for recruiting another some some new fresh blood because it's just fun to get where people talk about horror with us but this should be a lot of fun so what we're doing we're talking one hit wonders in the realm of horror and before we get to what we generally do which is go through kind of a top five we've all assembled for this category at least just five films we've picked unnecessarily ranked or what have you before we get to like our specific choices that I want to talk about the idea of this topic because I thought it was a cool one first to dig into who would get into the in the spooky season as we definitely like to call it and talk about the idea of one hit wonders what I when I when I think of this I think obviously of just directors or writers or what have you that you know broke out with a horror film or just like decided to make a horror film something they've never done before or just doesn't wait a lot themselves but also never went back to it again or moved on to other things or whatnot not even staying like horror adjacent as they're just like just kind of moved on to a completely different genre so I I've assembled films based on that idea but I got it's kind of through this guy out at you guys I'm just curious when you hear the idea of one hit wonder and horror what what is your takeaway from that Jeff let me start with you what do you think of that well I mean I think we all kind of come from an era where people would get started in horror because it was something cheap it was something easy to kind of score if you're an actor it was something that you would probably break out in I mean we think of like Kevin Bacon and Friday the 13th or something like that but we also think of like you know it's it's something that is typically cheap and easy to turn around money wise so that's how people would get their sea legs right that's how they would pay their dues so that's kind of how I thought of it but yeah it is kind of interesting to see who comes out of that like you know and and how they are able to further their career if they try to reject it or if they embrace it or whatever them yeah no Jimmy I thought you what do you what do you what do you think of when I was where what was your thought process I guess we just kind of do yeah I guess it was just one of those things where I'm like well you know that could actually be a lot of things that could be you know at first it was like oh who's made one film that did really well and then all their other films sucked which there's a few those but it actually led me on an interesting journey and I think I picked a couple of not necessarily I don't think the names you'll think of per se but I yeah it was interesting it's an interesting idea I think that's a beauty of horror we all have fears you know and and even someone who's not known for that like there's a reason Jordan Peele has become a horror legend he wasn't you know he was a comedian it was funny now he's making this cool little horror films so it's like I know I think that's that's a beauty for sure no that's what I thought and I look forward to hearing you know you're I'll be forward to hearing everybody's pics because I am as much as it's fun to see like oh our minds crossed paths we got the same ones but also you know seeing some unique ideas and what not that'll be fun too but I'm ran a real quick what he would tell you I kind of many different definitions through this here there was you know of course the person that launches in horror and then never returns there's the person that launches in horror stays in horror but never makes anything as significant as their first there's people who have had long careers and stop at horror way late down the road and that's kind of it there's people that you know middle of it there's you know we I made the significant one and then just it was just a bump along the road but I want to before we're talking mainly pretty much creators here on this but I want to pour one out from a man Cropsey the slasher monster that never got a sequel didn't even come up in the reboot trend of the 2000s treated as if he was this iconic monster when upon release like the film feels like it's the first of many to come and it and he set up and this nobody ever went back to Cropsey ever kind of weird and he comes in the in the summer camp probably the 13th knockoffs but like so did sleep away camp and we got plenty of those and there's always talking more sleep away camp but Cropsey just well granted he has his name Weinstein attached to him that's probably why now he's never coming back but I mean in the 2000s you'd have thought those two would have like drooled over bringing back Cropsey which launched Miramax into existence but he is the monster that I mean Harry Warden or the the minor from you know my bloody Valentine you could say but you know because he never got sequels it did get a reboot and there's a Blumhouse one coming soon too so mad man's Cropsey adjacent right yeah yeah yeah we one can dream right get more of that Cropsey in there but then sometimes though I will have to say though Brandon sometimes you just embrace what we got yeah yeah no burning the burning is pretty great yeah Holly Hunter Jason Alex Andrew Fisher Steve and like it's oh yeah it's a nice little the body triumvirate I mean it's still always it's still always highly recommended in the non you know franchise slashers of the 80s it's always always at the top and that that raft scene that everybody talks about oh yeah yeah it came out of the day I was born before I was four or five years before I was born it just knew it was gonna make my way to my life at some point so yeah to be documented here in this podcast that's that's really the ultimate goal exactly we don't get a lot of summer camp horror these days do we okay let it out I mean kids still go but like like if you have like like fierce treatment then that was like an 80s throwback kind of chapter right yeah it seems like the idiot did we just lose it that was like a gay conversion but that give that Kevin Bacon one what is it like in and out or something like that well I mean you do have a nonviolent nature so yeah that's not like a summer I mean I know what you're saying yeah I'd be like summer camps is it because it's impossible to make a Friday 13th movie it's too hard so yeah but that's the reason well the lawyers agree with you so yeah it's like we all want buddy right guys they know how to they're like but it's just too hard like that's that's the reason it but yeah it doesn't like summer camp stuff like she's like but yes like in the woods in urban led that kind of stuff is still around and varying degrees I was just thinking about that out loud anyway what hit horror wonders all right the cool we've got into where we're at the the thesis of it all let's let's talk about some specific movies Jeff I want to serve you what's what's the first film that you he would you want to bring up here I I think it's one of my all-time favorite like just creepy vibe horror films that you just don't really fully understand everything that's going on and that's carnival of souls her carbine yeah he did he like he didn't just do like he's like the guy who pinched hit with the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth of the last game of the World Series and hit the home run to win it all and then retired immediately or at least we did a went back to what he did although he did also make one of the all-time greatest workplace accident yes movies shake hands with danger but but her car view was just like just inspired by just seeing this thing in Utah you know this this old you know kind of like Salt Lake bathhouse type of amusement park and just created something so interesting and so wildly like a kind of stream of consciousness in a way where it's like I know I understand what I'm seeing but at the end I'm left for like three or four more hours thinking about how it all fit together and what it meant and all of that and I've seen that movie so many times now that I just I get lost in it and it's it's just it's it's almost a perfect weird spooky this time of year type of movie yeah I saw it as a kid net haunted me forever like it's just spook it's ate the lures you it lulls you in it's eerie and just like the imagery and just the thought of what you're seeing and stuff and and it's one of those the first movies to have like a really abstract kind of like storytelling ending to it and everything else it's yeah it's always it's a classic for sure yeah and you're you're like you're caught up with the whole with the with the main character - that came to Silla Gus she's she's so interesting looking - that you're just you can't help but to just stare at her staring at whatever it is she's trying to comprehend and it's yeah I don't know it gets me every time very good I'll remind listeners by the way I'm gonna I'm writing all the the films that we mentioned down so every episode there'll be a master list of all the films we mentioned for anyone that wants to check out anything that we've discussed today Jimmy let's go to you next what's your first bill well I you know I was who I start with so I I decided I'm gonna start with something that now a lot of people talk about because he does have the option to make more and I think he will but I'm gonna talk about The Rental Dave Franco one of the funniest guys really talented really you made a pretty damn creepy film and I know it's not everyone's cup of tea because it's such a I mean for an hour you're just basically dealing with the horrors of romantic you know entanglements but that last half hour that last bit when it you realize the shit's going down that's chilling man that is that that is a really I not third act just chills me to the bone because it's so realistic it feels like it's something that could easily happen and all the performance I mean you have damn Stevens you have Alice and Bree you have this amazing cast they really were it really worked and I think I hope Dave does more I hope he does more horror because I think he has a good sense of it reminded me a little bit of Ty West for yeah I can see that you know like it's just a really interesting film and it you know if you've ever stayed in Airbnb you probably wondered what's in the shower you know I mean that there's some real stuff in there I think it's really good film really underrated and I I I Lee again hope see they do more and yeah I dug up like forgot to mention to time any winner for being the funniest guy on TV Jeremy Allen whites also in the rental so I mean you have that gone for yeah absolutely yeah he's less funny there that he is in the in the kitchen so yeah no rental I like that movie I it's got a cool end shot as I recall too as well yeah cool brand what's your first film all right I'm gonna start with somebody who had I mean there's not much from them but they made one that was quite impactful and I still this day like what a lot Scott glosserman who did behind the mask the writers of Leslie Vernon it's a found footage slasher movie in a way that makes it work and it's both it's both it's engaging but they and spooky and scary and thrilling toward the end it's got one of Robert England's best non Freddy roles as he plays a very dr. Loomis type character that comes in like comedically a lot he's whatever he appears but it's you know this study it's like darkly comedic as this like news crew follows this next Jason Boor he's guy around learning his how he does everything and it's it's quite fascinating but quite you know macabre but macabre you're watching like what you're like these people just eagerly watching for this guy to kill people and not help and do a thing and then you know the tables end up turning on them but I feel like in the 2000s as we were in the remake craze there were some people desperate to get the next like slasher icon out here because Victor Crowley comes around this time - Victor Crowley gets sequel stuff like that that happened quite a bit but Leslie Vernon is one film and done which they've said they're want to do another one but we shall see that comes to fruition but we still have this which still holds up still quite impressive and this I remember it had a pretty good marketing campaign behind it with it like nice trailer and stuff but yeah that's what I got for my first one yeah Leslie Vernon versus Cropsey I'm sure it'll be yeah my guys I was looking up I was looking up Scott Gosser on Wikipedia to see what else he's done and on Wikipedia I'm told he made a documentary called truth and numbers everything according to Wikipedia I believe you and Jimmy both talked fondly about quite a bit during these episodes and I finally cut up with like you know I don't know 70 years ago now at this point or something but still I really I quite like it I'm a big fan we quite like you so yeah we're going to the doc of interview that's what I'm saying I'm gonna make it the same I have what did I do here okay so I guess my list just to put the narrow it down what I did was I just have the first five that I thought of that's what I did I did more research to see like what I did I did more to see what else I have like a whole long list of other movies but I'm like what what was that come to mind when I think of this thing and that you know I think there's all cool movies so that's you know I wanted to go but the first one I have is a Bill Paxton's directorial debut Oh yeah down to yeah this movie rules but you know that but you know it's Bill Paxton who's obviously been in his share of horror films he's played iconic horror characters at this point whatnot but like in terms of him being a filmmaker this I remember this just caught me out of nowhere it's like Bill Paxton made a horror movie and then the reviews were coming in like Roger Abraham like four stars and I was like I need to see this movie has a great cast you got McConaughey in the lead you got Powers Booth you got young Jeremy Sumter young Mato Larry you know as his children the premise is like in a lesser film the kind of structure it goes for by having a narrator giving you a kind of a book back kind of thing that could easily fail except it doesn't here like it plays well even into the kind of reveals this film has it doesn't feel like it's cheating it feels like it has the right energy to handle this kind of storytelling very effectively and for being a film that's like about a man who feels he's religiously inclined to murder people it knows how to handle that well without you know exploiting the nature of religion it's doing its own thing it's giving you a terrifying performance from from from Bill from Bill Paxton has as this as this very committed father and it's just really well made it's never it's not like a you know it's not jump scare heavy it's not it but it the atmosphere is there it's moment-to-moment kind of very visceral in terms of what it's doing especially because it involves his children and how difficult it is to seeing it through their eyes like what's going down exactly no I think it was just a really effective horror debut and then he never he made a golf move you wish I love that never made another move again so I mean yeah it's just really one and done it's odd that they don't really share they don't share any screen time at all but I feel like there's a great chemistry between Paxton and McConaughey through that movie that you can kind of see and I feel like we they would have been a great team up to have more stuff kind of line no I agree I he certainly he got out you know this is a kind of hey in the 2000s where he's kind of like a bit at sea as far as the kinds of movies he's making and this is one that just really stands out to me as far as what he's doing here so yeah no big fan of a frailty hmm I didn't even think I to be honest with you that's one that's kind of I mean it's kind of slipped my mind over the years you know and it's like but then when it's mentioned it's like that is a good movie I feel that way too where like yeah it's not one where I like we need like a cool screen factory release a frailty or something just to like get that back of the public vernacular because it is a lion's gate has it so we're doomed I mean to be honest whether you're not even gonna be able to release this episode without them claiming it the jokes on us it gets like a 4k steelbook release like two weeks later like the hope would be that an overseas company yeah like arrow umbrella yeah like the overseas rights are different yeah umbrella they give you a small axe comes with that it's a lion's game but not this what the whole box set of small acts or like a small they give you both Steve McQueen small axe and one small accident it's like okay it's a little overkill but I guess so that's never been released in the UK by the way mm-hmm on home video so I don't know where the foreign rights are but yeah Jeff you're right I mean it is a February it's you know it's a one and done it's not you know franchise-able miss it I mean you could make a God's hand series I guess that people picked up by God and wanted to do regardless it's one where when you met like everyone that's side likes it it's a well-reviewed horror film like it got a lot of good notices but yeah it just kind of like sits out there in the ether when you're not really putting that in in a discussion it is under seeing not underrated for sure so yeah exactly correct using the under our word all right next movie Jeff what's up I think I need to since I talked about Carnival of Souls the first time around I got to go to the other one that is very weird but very moody and very much a movie where I where you can't always understand fully what you're seeing and that's Messiah of Evil Willard Hike and Gloria Katz far far far better known for their work with George Lucas on like American graffiti and Howard the Duck Indiana Jones but I mean Messiah of Evil is one of those movies I just kind of caught randomly on like a like a Roku app like ten years ago or something where it was like a and one of the channels was playing it and I was like this is weird man I don't like it's it's kind of a zombie sort of thing it's a kind of a cult kind of thing it's kind of a vampire sort of thing but I'm sure it has something to do with society and if you don't integrate with these people they eat you and that's the best I can describe it but it is so like it really it's it's another one like like Carnival of Souls where I watch it and I'm just I'm like sucked into it and it's like I never will I never want to go to a small beachside towns grocery store when I don't see any other cars in the parking lot because they're gonna eat me and it's gonna be scary it's very likely that will yeah I mean yeah very very likely I mean who knows what's going on up there in northern California right I just got I was just up there and I left because I didn't want to that blood moon will come down you gotta get the hell out of there I haven't seen this one and part of the fun of these episodes is so like in milk Jimmy and Brandon and whomever else we have on for all the knowledge they have so I can see some cool movies I didn't know about now I will use the under R word this is criminally underrated my book I think this is not just underseen but underrated for the it's just it's a good vibe movie well it's on shutter and hoopla so it's rarely available oh yeah it's added to my cue and it's in the public domain that it's on there you can see it anywhere so so you can watch the YouTube copy is well great yep it was one of the hottest titles from I think code read DVD when they when they had it and they would go out of print a lot and they put it back out and like someone else put it out though recently there was a 4k recently yeah his code read is defunct now thing because they passed away but that was a hot one of their hot of sellers alright Jimmy what's next let's go I'm gonna go real classic on you guys there's a 1955 film called The Knives of the Hunter no no no Robert Mitchum is phenomenal in this movie he's terrifying about a preacher like most of them and he's a psycho and he's going after these a lot of money and he doesn't and and Shelley Winters is wonderful in this and it's one of the creepiest images I've ever seen in any film in this film and Charles Slud is a legend he's one of the greatest actors alive that lived he's not alive now but he only directed two films and this was this was one in my opinion probably one of the best psychological horror films ever made period so yeah if you haven't seen Night of the Hunter watch it ASAP it's excellent excellent film it's a fantastic film I really agree it was on my yeah my other list my in case it doesn't come up we gotta mention it list it rules I'm happy it has a 4k it's a great one no notes Brandon what's next all right next for me I'm gonna go with somebody in more recent times to came out probably more on the indie scene with being quite notable but really still in horror but hasn't anything as big as the battery which was Jeremy Gardner yeah this movie came out it's a zombie movie about two guys super low budget and like it came out every time you think you've seen it all with zombies they always surprise you and there's some new fresh kind of attitude or take on it and this movie this is one of those movies that came out when it came out I was like oh I tell everybody about it and it's like a real honest relationship between two dudes and like just sort of some of the like kind of like things that you don't see that some people are afraid to touch upon in terms of like emotions things being crazy and like like there's a there's a part where in this movie where the guy like sees like a naked zombie and he decides to masturbate to it because that's all he's got this is zombie word huh who doesn't masturbate to zombies I mean really well I I haven't yet Jimmy oh he's needed that word at the end no I try that one button I the living dad does it for me sometimes but I haven't really gone all the way yet so but yeah so I mean this movie like it's got some really intense and suspenseful situations from just such a low budget production such a like ground like everybody run over here and film this type type thing real low crew but this was a very cool movie was a shot factory ended up putting it out I believe and when it came out on Blu-ray so I was fairly happy about that and a lot of detailed stuff about the production which makes you even more impressed with what they were able to pull off but we can still be waiting for another great one from Gardner but he's still out there doing indie horror and stuff but like this is a to me a biggie and if you know of it and around the time it came out it was a lot of word of mouth going on about it yeah you you brought this went up to my attention fairly early on I'm certainly a fan of it as well it has a pretty packed screen release of them not mistaken to like there's a lot of stuff on there I believe but regardless now it's a good movie that I hope people more people do catch up on because it's quite it it is the best kind of zombie movie where like the zombies are kind of inconsequential compared to like the overall story that's taking place and what it wrote it remind me of films like from like Benson and Morehead that are very you know they're very indie they very much rely on you know generally themes about like two guys do one stuff and lo and behold I see that Jeremy Gardner was actually in spring one of their films but I mean I just feel like that this speaks to kind of the kinds of things that all those guys are kind of aiming for when they make their movies but yeah the battery it's a good one for sure what's my next stop here I have of course what a movie that I love talking about whenever it comes up ravenous from director Antonia Byrd this is a wonderful it's one of the one of those standard period historical drama slash cannibal dark comedies that you get every now and again that old well I'm a huge fan of this film with the star a features a guy Pierce and Robert Carlyle among others some cancelled some not you're only Jeffrey Jones Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is not Jeffrey Jones yeah Beetlejuice is like this rights to Jeffrey Jones yeah but I know rabbit is outside of things that are outside of the booze control just a really really cool movie that I'm a big fan of director Antonio Byrd who was brought in I believe like they had another director and she was brought in at Robert Carlyle's assistance because the first director wasn't working it's written by Ted Griffin who would go on to do like the oceans elite the first oceans and like matchstick man among other things so like it really feels like a what do we just did a horror thing and they do it and it's great like it's it was a huge bomb at the time it's a very weird movie it's got a fucking killer score by Michael Damon and Damon Alber and the blur that I love but the film itself is yeah it's this like what if the Donner Party except it's like about a group of soldiers stuck in the mountains and actually cannibalism makes you a superhero it's the better you accept your bet you accept your bet you use your powers for bad guy Pierce is like a coward who like barely look at his own shadow but he has to do something about things that happen once Robert Carlyle gets on the scene and he's his own kind of weird in a very eight nineties Robert Carlyle sort of way it's great this movie rules it's it's so much fun I think I've let all these movies are like available now it's fun to talk about like movies that are like cult favorites or whatnot and they all have like fancy releases like a screen factor release you mentioned beside evil has a 4k release I like the week you like nerd out about these horror movies to be like also they have the best possible releases because I know rabbitous that's it's just that's a movie that like in even my head I can feel the score right now it's great it has its own dark sense of humor to it it has a an energy that just feels like there's not movies I can really compare this to which is also something I really like about it because it's so off beat in what it's doing and it's not a wonder why it's a cult favorite and not like some kind of movie that was I hit at the time because it's just it's nasty people are eating stuff a lot of stuff so yeah big fan of ravenous all right Jeff what's next so here I'm gonna pull I'm gonna go deep on this one because this is a movie made by somebody who I'm not even sure is a real person because they only made one movie and I can't believe that they only made one movie so this is something that vinegar syndrome released some years ago a movie called blood games about a a girl softball team who comes into the small town and beats a guy's baseball team to the point where the main guy of the movie who's the who's the main star of action USA and and hack-a-lantern it's a it's a max dad from sunny oh yes okay yeah and his dad who is Ross Hagen basically needles him to the point of taking revenge on these girls by hunting them down doing some pretty nasty stuff and killing some of them until it gets to the point where the girls start hunting them back so it's kind of like this cat and mouse game where it's like two sides are hunting each other and it keeps building and building and building because these girls are their bus kids I think their bus breaks down or something but the person who made this supposedly is named Tanya Rosenberg but it's the only movie she ever she ever made and I'm not sure if it was just like a like an Alan Smithy sort of situation where it's like we're just gonna put a name on this movie or what but I once wrote a review about this saying basically she didn't have to make another movie because this is a perfect movie in my eyes and she didn't have to make another one to prove herself she could just retire and sail on off into the into the sunset so I you know it's like Kirk Harvey made those those educational and work movies Tanya Rosenberg made a movie about a softball team to beat a bunch of guys and pissed off the guys and then left and said I did it I made the perfect movie see you guys later all right very good it's on Pluto so you can watch it for free right now so okay blood games another one I don't know that's along with the VHS had the girls of the baseball bats yeah it was like a pink cover yeah yeah that was not their regular game uniforms by the way it was just what they wore on a machine yeah I know right all right very good Jimmy what's next well I you know I I'm kind of going a little personal on this one it's a friend of mine that's so I bet it's a movie I really like to really appreciate it Bo is a keen he you know obviously the guy sent some great movies would you know I remember the times obviously but he did a movie let me see the gear it was called boarding school oh yeah I think yeah it's it's a what I love about Bo is he's kind of just doing what he wants to do now he's really making these little cool independent movies and this is deals with a young boy wanting to dress like his grandmother and also weird shit happening around at this boarding school because I think he's got problems it's a pretty remarkable movie some really good performances will patent is terrifyingly good in it I think it's a terrific film it's a very underseen that's an underseen movie it's for everybody because it is a very you know it's perhaps a maybe a little woke you know for some I guess because it deals trans but I think it's I think it's a pretty remarkable film it's a very brave film I think I love when Bo is does he's made some Aviva some really cool films that are just they're not off the bus safe my favorite Jason state the movies yeah yeah exactly exactly I mean the guy's a real talented he's just a genuinely interesting director and I remember seeing boarding school like way before like everyone else and I was like wow this is really it's just a cool flick I I hope that people do check it out it's an interesting movie I look it up is it I I wouldn't say like every time Bo is yank and comes out of a new movie I'm like I gotta go see it but at the same time like he has such a diverse philosophy would you look at like is it's he he did fresh how's his first movie right with Sam Jackson yeah I just saw that recently that's a solid movie and then yeah remember the Titans up uptown girls like it's just this guy's career but it's like you know he does the job so he does he he's really getting in indeed now and he's getting in the indie spirit and he's making a really powerful small budget movies and they're just great they're really risky really bold and and boarding school was one of those it's on a prime video right now so it's actually pretty yes it is the scene all right Brandon what's next all right I got a I got a well-known household name no stranger to horror stuff but as a director Stan Winston launched with pumpkin head and then never returned to horror which pumpkin head is a move like I maybe I saw at the right age or something but I think it's a perfectly cool witchcraft monster movie with an iconic monster that you know it produced some produced a sequel and some straight to sci-fi sequels isn't really I mean he's been you know mine for that but he used like in the 90s like he was a thing like he go to those what's that a sharper image store I went to one of those and they had like all these like life-size replica monsters up in their ceiling and pumpkin head was one of them like right next to the predator right next to alien is like oh okay he's got a legitimate status here but the movie is Lane's Hendrickson in a pretty cool performance it's kind of like kind of hurts cuz there's like a child that starts all this and it's a little tough tough to take in and it's like one of the only other things I at the time when I saw it it has a John de Cuino who was on C-quest D-S-V and I was like oh because I was like oh it's a guy from C-quest but it yeah it's got like it's some really really good with his like horror atmosphere with like you know lightning thunder it's like classic stuff wind and leaves going around it's a fall movie you know it's teens you know in a house you know mess with shit and something comes to get him type thing but it's got a really good really nice arc for Lance Hendrickson in terms of your classic revenge stories to kind of you know see someone realizing I can't I went a baby went too far but you also have his back to oddly because you saw what happened to his son yeah so I like pumpkin head I had seen that when I was younger too but I don't think I ever revisited it and then like recently when the cinema snobs been doing those reviews of all the of all four as a four of them anyway I think there's four of me yeah yeah I never saw anything cool yeah but damn that's my but I was like man I should revisit that because yeah you're right the look of it is just it's a cool looking movie mm-hmm yeah that's with the back of the box is a cool look at cool look in the car buckle right there on the disc it says cool as shit some guy in the rental aisle yeah he's I close to him shout out to my friend tall Ken who he's been doing a lot of like a horror research with some of my guiding hand but he recently cut up with pumpkin head and he was very impressed by it he most people are it's a it's an personally made movie and I didn't realize that Stan Winston only just kind of did that and didn't really go back to making more like notable horror films but you know when you like what you like you know I mean if you want to count the like Terminator thing at Universal Studios well I mean I follow that under awesome not necessarily a you know horror so I mean it's great and it's one of the best uses of 3D I still think I've ever seen yeah but it's not a horror movie it's got the it's got the T1 million it's not terrifying and as that one line from Arnold he was my college roommate that ride like 20 minutes on my next film has nothing to do with the T1 million but does everything to do with vampires it is Tomás Alfred sends let the right one in Tomás Alfred said is a solid director despite making the snowman which is a abhorrence movie but let the right one did I'm a big fan of lots of people were that's why they rebated with batteries and it made no money but regardless let the right one did that movie's fine I'd like to remake it's it does its job it's just like we didn't really need it but it's still it's not bad but that they're out in just a good nice story about bullies and figuring figuring yourself out when you're young young romance to an extents and the nature of vampirism in a small child like there's a lot going on in this that I quite appreciate I think it's very stylish it's one of those films when Blu Ray's were first coming up because it's 2008 I love seeing snow and HD like that was what it came to Blu Ray what Blu Ray was first happening like Blu Ray it you know at that time in general was like you know looks great like you know things are clear what have you but something about the look of snow I was so intrigued by just like really captured by attention I think because generally snow at night too because you have like the mix of the black and the white and it just really shows off like just how detailed it can be so seeing let the right one in a film that is full of darkness and snow it really it's just a really well-designed movie in those ways also I mean the kid performances are great I have to look it up because I don't know these names offhand because this movie is sweet but yeah Kari head-to-brand as Oscar the young boy and Alina Lee Anderson it's better as Eli Ellie I'm sorry just I think those are just really strong performances in a film like this it has a number of great moments that deal with how a modern vampire functions in the world there's an end scene that I think is terrific and the use of very specific perspectives what you're saying this is what you're not seeing there's a lot of just cool stuff in this movie in general a big fan of left the right one and I think it is a one of my favorite vampire movies in general but at least especially like the this century I think it just is really effective stuff Winter horror is also a lot of fun yeah yeah it's just you're yeah and I never really thought about like seeing snow and like high definition before but yeah that's kind of cool yeah it is not like cuz I ended Brandon I was like we reviewed Blu-rays and so like looking at what I'm assessing it's like there's something that just is so like this this gets me more excited for some reason other things just like about the look the whites presented so cleanly and usually for the films and I'm watching when that happens it's like something darks probably get you know there's bloods gonna splatter on it's just like it's a canvas for some for so many different kinds of things and so really stands out to me all right brand-new still there yeah okay cool great Jeff let's go back to you what's your next one yeah so this one might be a little bit controversial to some because of what it spawned okay but I got to go with the duo that did the Blair Witch Project okay because it was Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel yeah Daniel Merrick first of all the mood I had I had never seen a movie like that when I saw it and and I kind of have this whole story about how I saw it I saw it I was on a road trip with my girlfriend at the time to visit family of hers in Boston so we actually saw it at Harvard there was like a theater like right next to to Harvard's campus it was the only theater I've ever been in the had an actual balcony but it was closed during the afternoon or I would have gone up in there like Cisco and Ebert but it was packed because it'd only been out for about a week or so at that point and it was still kind of like trickling out and like it was an experience and it I mean I had already known that it wasn't real at that point but it still did something to me wait it wasn't real oh yeah and I hate to tell you about paranormal activity also but there was real though Cloverfield was real oh yeah as Cloverfield is real yeah those poor people yeah yeah and and especially those poor two people that John Goodman kept in his in his fallout shelter in the sequel yeah but no the but later that night we went to go meet up with an old friend of hers and here we are like late night and wherever there was we were like just like by this wooded area now granted this was Boston not Marilyn where the movie took place but like I'm just I'm like white knuckling the steering wheel of my car while they're talking in the back seat like just staring at this darkness wooded area I'm like can we go now please it's like I verified right now but it is just it's it's a movie that I know some people don't like the genre of like the found footage stuff people don't like the shaky camera or the I mean the fact is that for them for the majority of the movie there's not a whole lot going on except for people losing their minds essentially and getting angry at each other but it's so effective because I can always think of like what would happen if I was stuck in those woods as somebody who doesn't like to be in the woods and camping or anything like that I'd be like get me the fuck out of here I mean I'm done with all of you and now there's a witch that's going to kill me so yeah I mean it's just it is it's a movie that still affects me the second one is terrible the the third one that came out a few years back is better but it's not I mean I still have a lot of questions like guys it's been 20 years well how come you're still looking for the people that you know are not coming back but anyway it's it's just it's an effective movie and yes there's a lot of bad found footage that came afterwards but the marketing the way that it it affected the people I saw that with and the people that were affected by it and people like me it's just it's a movie that I have a lot of fond memories of and I watch it every couple of years and I still feel those fond memories of 25 years ago well fortunately Blumhouse has another one coming they're gonna answer all the questions I think we've had lingering for both Blair Witch Blair Witch book of shadows of course and Blair Witch I don't need that blue a blum house I had the original movie and I had that documentary that the sci-fi channel did right around that same time that was all I needed the problem with Blair Witch which a movie I think is fine it's that it only works once with what they did with it because it was the woods right from Lingard and Barrett it's like and then they change titles to the Blair Witch you don't you can't really replicate that it's like okay good for that audience that got to see that switch up but after that it's like there's no real gimmick there be on hey we made a secretly Blair Witch movie that movie it's fine like it's creepy and stuff but it's you know you can't it's not the phenomenon that was this random found footage film that really you know revolutionized things are some people and has people that you know rubes like Jimmy still believing that it was it was real well I think the great thing about that and that I think it's always it's what I love the most about a really good monster movie is that you don't really see what's chasing you and that your imagination can run wild now with Godzilla with you know all of those types of guys yeah I need this I need I need to see those guys yeah I've signed up but yeah but yeah I'm signed up for the spectacle of that of that almost action sci-fi movie whereas this is like I don't know what's out there and my imagination starts to run wild and then later that night actually staring out into the dark and woods did not help me sleep at all that at all actually the night I saw it I had to go I went to go to someone's party that was sleeping out in the woods it's weird that we didn't really like work because I camped a lot when I was younger it never really like should be of that for whatever it just I don't know but I it is a movie where if I'm like you know watch you get a loan and I don't think I've ever watched it with a crowd I think I've only seen on my own but if I'm watching it and I'm like into the vibe of it's like it it works it does the show in the same way that like like Bradley talked about like evil dead works for me if I'm watching it like if I'm like sink I'm block if I'm locked into it I can actually get into the horror boostness of it beyond just like the camp factor Blair which though is a movie that is legit creepy it's weird to me that the I mean I guess I get it because it's rep it's new at the time for found footage so it's like I could see why a backlash would form but I could easily see like this having become like a classic then and then now would be like made fun of or something just because of the way people watch films but then you look at something like skin a ring which only became a hit because of tiktok which is bizarre to me it's a movie that requires staring at not a lot for a big period of time and yet people ate it up on eight second chunks on their phone for like for weeks and yeah I wish that was just a tiktok movie and just like yeah no longer than three minutes and then I would have been like this is great yep yep maybe the bum house will take some notes but I know how to make the next Blair which also another early reason as to why I've always hated the Razzies is that Heather Donahue won a Razzie for this movie like she's fucking great in this yeah I think it's fantastic and at the same time like shortly after that movie came out I was like well I know Heather's all right because she was in all the steak and shake commercials yeah right she would talk about slice and the pickles the long way and it's like she's fine she made it out once saw her at the beauty bar ruined the whole movie for me she's tall by the way okay she's very tall but no that movie like still effective and like with found footage I think we've talked about it here I think we did an episode we're like as a tool it can be really good sure as just your gimmick to save money let's see who's behind the camera I guess but like there are like great like the rec movies are wonderful and there's always some but I've noticed like I did a horror convention days of the dead and I talked to quite a few people that are like in the still into found footage movies are like a lot bigger pop version like all right yeah I think it said speaks there's not anything within horror and that's why like horror bands like there's someone out there that probably loves Dr. Giggles yeah probably you know that's great that's great yeah yeah we did we did a found footage episode so I know there's at least 20 found footage we definitely like that's for sure was the McPherson tapes on there because that one's kind of a fun one I have to look it up I would be surprised aliens and the directors by the way too I know Edwards Eduardo Sanchez he's done a few like he's had shorts and things I know that because he has like one in VHS 2 for sure and and he did you exists exists Bigfoot yes that one was okay I didn't I bet it's not to it's not overly special but it's like yeah but it's like it's a Bigfoot movie I'm okay all right monster in the woods cool all right Jimmy what's next well you you you brought up vampires I'm gonna continue because I think my favorite vampire movie is near dark Catherine Bigelow who's only done action movies pretty much she the closest maybe blue steel but not really I mean near dark is a damn perfect film talk about Bill Paxson Lance Enrichton Jeanette Goldstein Jenny Jenny right Adrian Pazdar I think it's a marvelous movie that never actually I don't think it once says they are vampires but kind of obvious they are I Bill Paxson is freaking fire in that last Henrichson it's such an amazing film and it's it's scary it's romantic it's it's a damn near perfect I mean it's a little heavy on the action as well because that is her specialty she's a Catherine Bigelow is a great action film director but I I think it's a my favorite vampire film I like a better than lost boys yeah that is a good one it's got the it's got the great like the the one vampire who like basically offs himself but like and then just burning away as the Sun comes up I would almost argue because I did think about Catherine Bigelow as I was doing my research over the weekend that and I was kind of thinking it's like you know the Hurt Locker is kind of a horror movie - Detroit Detroit's pretty scary I'd say Detroit's the it might be the scariest movie she's made but you're not raw I mean yes she makes no thrillers for sure yeah and she and she did shoot out of the gate with that that you know and it's like I mean it's a it's a I mean I it's an ambitious movie because it does something different with vampires at a time where it would have been just easy to just do the gothic horror thing again you know yeah that rather that diner scene so I think is a sure is a sure fire stand out for me for sure I do love that scene a lot that's just the essence of everything she's doing and what the actors are doing I don't know if Bill Paxton has ever been cooler in a scene movie right there the glasses and his jacket and all that like he's great you're dark and blue steel blue stills like you know you move that a few degrees to the left and it's a slasher movie I mean it's like yeah bro yeah yeah it's like Cobra yeah yeah yeah all right Brandon what's next all right so I'm gonna go with somebody who toward the end of their career drops a horror movie they had done multiple episodes of both Alfred Hitchcock presents and Twilight Zone leading up to this but they took on the biggest fad of the time that be Stuart Rosenberg with the Amityville horror okay most known for cool hand Luke yeah yeah this this was the you know the hot topic the book of the time and yeah he comes in here does it it's a gigantic success spawns I mean there's still people trying to put Amityville on whatever they can to sell a home or streaming movie even now they're only there the Amityville candidate is big but it's not quite as big as what you would be led to believe if you look things up but yeah he he comes here with this this movie a little like you know powerhouse attempts with a big cast cashing in on the newswave and the novel that came out as well to emphasize this true story since you know Jeff brought a player which being sold is you know true story this is believed to be true through and through to this day by people even though it might have been people trying to get out of a home investment but but yeah it's got the lot of classic things that would ring forever in horror even if it's I mean it's an effective movie I would say but I've never held it in such high esteem but I respect it for what it's doing I like the second one better to be honest with you I like that one it's weird and definitely interesting it deals with the original murders but this is a based on the Lutzes moving in and yeah it's Margo Kitter's great in this movie and I yeah he this is just a you know towards the end of my career stop make one of the most iconic horror movies of all time and move on and did a couple more movies after but yeah just a journeyman picks up a horror but like the fact that he had with as many credits as he has that he hadn't done a horror movie randomly was kind of interesting let's play some over-under with Amityville how many films do you think have the title Amityville in them oh geez probably I'm gonna go with a hundred and five okay I mean are you talking official or just randomly have it I mean like horror films that you have the word Amity in them yes I'm gonna say 71 I think it's I want to say it's lower I think it's about 50 something 60 I could be wrong I'm probably on it yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna say what did you say Jeff 71 71 I was gonna go with like 46 is that where you're going with yeah my 105 was joking but okay well that you're that mean that puts you close is 47 47 films the 47 though 47 4 brand in use with 47 one out yet yes the Amityville or hers is the most recent one not a great title but the one with that one hasn't been used before just to just to be clear the three previous Amityville's before the Amityville occurs Amity death toilets yeah that well I said curse I said yeah Amity El Amityville elevator Amityville Emmanuel and then oh wait which but wait which Emmanuel is it is yeah well or is it black Emmanuel let me let me do this research but yes the Amityville curse is the most recurse I did say curse most recently Amityville is the Django of horror yeah Zapata that is a pot of horror and the Emmanuel of horror so it's a white woman okay so so it's yeah okay so it's a one either now whatever now we will not watch this yeah I mean if Laura Gymser is making one I'm like I'll watch it but the one that I like the my favorite ones the fourth one the one the riff tracks didn't with oh the one that he went yes Pat ideal the evil escapes yes yeah that one cracks me up from Sandor Stern I was like the one of the early straight to video ones the Amityville 1994 it's about time that's a great title but but that's a fun one Tony Randell not Tony Randle oh is he the a one or two yeah yeah yeah and and warlock - yep the really crappy warlock movie was there a good war like not really no and hell and hellraiser 3 apparently did yeah hell raiser 3 warlock I like how we were like in the war like wishmaster like are there any good ones yeah wishmasters what I always get to feel is like I feel like if like I've seen the verse what I'm like it's not much here I don't feel like I need to go down his rabbit hole these these boutique labels make me feel nostalgic but I know they're garbage right how many fucking masters do I really need to see to get the idea of this alright I have I have my next film here so not necessarily Stuart Rosenberg type but in the in the realm of like huh this person made a horror film actually this is out the gate this is like their first one I believe because they've just gone on and made other films joining the slasher craze Roger Spada so it of course with error train choo-choo error train one of my favorite 80s slashers I think this movie rocks with Jamie Lee Curtis and and David Copperfield of course horror movie extraordinaire David Copperfield but this is what New Year's right the New Year's horror film set on a train of course I like that if I'm remembering it correctly I don't have it's been a minute like it is we do like know who it is from the get-go right it's not there's not much mystery there as far as who's doing but but he is wearing like multiple masks which is fun it's like a groucho mask like a goblin mask or something it's something like he's got you know he's training things up see months you know like what Halloween did something we got to do something to this like New Year's there's a kid that got pranked Jamie Lee Curtis is involved for some reason David Copperfield doing magic in the train like cool I like all of this stuff it's all very it's all it all comes together spot us what is that you know he who's he makes a bond but he you know he makes a number of things like but this movie has a way to get started like no I think he he equips himself well here and the rub with like Halloween knockoffs I I I am quite fond of this one you know the same way that I like the kind of non-franchisey slash movies like we mentioned the burning earlier or what's the other one with the Jimmy what is it the the the prowler yeah you know those like this one but it's not it's still slasher you know it's in the realm it's in the ballpark and so I'm a fan of territory yeah it's kind of like that one and and the first prom night kind of stand out a little bit as far as those Jamie Lee Curtis post Halloween slasher movies but yeah I think territory is probably the best of those kind of early holiday related slashers I like road games very good prom night if we count road games we count road games is pretty good yeah I mean I wouldn't say it falls in the same it like it's a horror movie of sorts but I wouldn't say that's really like it's for wish for a horror wish we talk about a last year brand home for our Australian horror episode I really like that movie but I like yeah it's not you know it's not like a slasher codes per se right goodbye did you guys bring up thirst in your Australian horror movies because that's one of my favorite the vampire the kind of the vampire under society kind of you know like milking people for their blood to survive now you sometimes you have yeah well it's the only way to do it this is not the park Chad look thirst it's a different no this is the late 70s yeah okay Ospoitation for sure okay I don't recall it coming up and I don't think it did we talked about a lot of movies so like there's still a few of my cue that I have a wife because we talked about so many Australian horror films last year but I'll keep thirst well I would recommend that one but yeah yeah territory rocks all right we're at our where our last ones each here now Jeff back to you so what's your what's your last pick here you know I'm gonna go with because I still have like three or four people I could pull from and it's like I could I could talk about that guy or I could talk about this person but I'm actually gonna go to one that we actually recently talked about or that we recently recorded an episode for film seizure on that is part of our spooky month that's coming up here and Novahiko Obiyashi for house oh a 1977's house I love that movie you know here's a guy who comes in from directing commercials and doing all these kind of wild like just you know like freeform thought of just what is effective for this moment and you know he he asks his daughter about what would be scary in a movie and you know and it's this movie that is seven teenage girls who all have extremely different personalities and purposes for the movie and it's just it's batshit insane and it's I get something different out of each time I watch the movie it's just it's it's a fun one I mean he ended up making a lot of other fantasy movies and they always labeled this like the first fantasy horror movie but yeah I mean it is it's something else and it's something that should be taught in film schools like how you can use different forms of media to you know in different aspects or different ways of editing together a scene or editing different ways of shooting a scene or animation or you know whatever it's so much fun I was curious if he had directed any other I'm sure he directed other movies but other like horror adjacent movie horror he did do a manga that was a horror adaptation or he did an adaptation of a horror manga yeah but but that was much much later it's hardly nothing as impactful as how yeah I mean houses yeah yeah house is definitely the the one that gets talked about and like any chance the shutter can talk about on one of their documentaries they will you know in the half so he was at a free he's got a long career long career yeah he made a his he made short films in the in the 40s and he just stopped making films in 2019 that's his final lap worth of cinema his last film he's retired now he's a - he's like oh like every like she's like every year in the 80s and 90s he had a movie and even 2000s he was still kind of like every couple years he kept it going and some of them are like romantic movie like like you know what what I'm sure what we would call it chick flicks or whatever you know over here but like he's he's got such a wide range of different stuff that he's done thrillers fantasy movies like romance dramas war dramas it's it's crazy yeah oh I see he just passed he passed he passed in 2020 I get it he was he died at 82 I misread but but yeah he had one cancer still long life while a big career what is not Japanese in the work ethic like to cash me a key he has over a hundred movies like yeah Alex got what like nine right yeah I mean Alex on a roll though yeah post 2008 geez he's slow down now I ain't kuber check out after like 13 or whatever you know he took time between yeah all right Jimmy what's your last big here I you know I got to go with obviously I'm gonna go with a classic a more known one obviously Neil blue beauts classic the wicker man no I'm kidding it's not Neil the view version it is of course the Robin Hardy version the wicker man I I love folklore it just gets me and this they and it there is not one scene of Edward oh what's the word yeah it is a it's a marvelous film very unsettling and and that that ending is just ooh it's just cringe inducing and and Christopher Lee Brett Eklund I mean it's a really cool film and Robin Hardy really didn't this was it he wanted to do more than you know he was working out there and so it's a shame I would have been interesting to see someone like that getting opportunity today because I think that sequels are a little more obviously they're a lot more popular nowadays that's all we do get a lot but I would have been interesting to see a proper like a proper sequel to that and see a proper trilogy the wicker man I think it'd been interesting yeah Robin Hardy was one of the people I had on my on my list too I was like who yeah but yeah I mean like in nowadays like full-core or so like A24 would gobble up something if he wanted to do if he was around do one you know it was this would fit right in with what Ari Aster's doing absolutely absolutely mid-summer I mean yeah I came to the wicker man fairly late given how much I appreciate horror and it's one of those films where it just it did it did exactly what I was hoping which was like revealed to me why it's regarded as highly as it is and I just instantly loved it it wasn't like a let me pull this over like this is this fucking rules like this is this is everything about this is I'm so on board with it I think it's because of my apparent love for full-core as well something I was like I just kind of discovered us I started watching more of these specific kinds of moves like this is not a really response to I like the there's a leisureliness to it that I appreciate something about I feel like I'm being lulled in to like what it what the atmosphere is and what the environments in the city is are like what and then by the time it pulls the I got from under you I'm still kind of like in it but it's also like oh yeah now now we're in terror mode now another bad things that we have the wicker bed great movie got a fantastic deluxe 4k release last year yeah and it's got a great hook from the start to oh yeah you're in on that you're okay to like sit and hang out with it when it's yeah hang I mean you're just like oh this is you know it's got that you know Twin Peaks in the next decade would take that yeah just like I don't I get my central mystery right away it's intriguing as hell and now we just kind of paint around it and and have some fun and I always touch back at the right points yeah and I also really like that you don't really like the hero like word word is sucks yeah he's kind of an asshole and yet at but at the same time it's like as he ramps that up you join him and it's like something's not right here he's right I don't like him but he's right yeah there's something wrong here and there's a there's a girl that's you know it's like why do you keep the the misdirection and everything it's yeah it's it's an interesting movie in that regard to just from the characterization writing the characters and you know because when you first meet Christopher Lee he seems perfectly cool you know he's hell he's charismatic it's like what this guy seems to do what's up like yeah I always trust the guy who play Dracula you know always what do you mean Count Dooku Count Dooku I call him Darth Tarantus myself but funny I'm always looking for an opportunity to say Duke somehow so and it's just a real she and Edward would have the deal with all those ogos on set all the time that they're really oh all right Brandon what's your final feel all right so my my final one is a combo here trying to cheat at the last second I know I had an interesting thing when I was going through them but one a little bit stretching but all the invasion of the body snatchers okay from Don Siegel to Philip Kaufman to Abel Ferreira to Oliver Hirsch Beagle not really a lot of horror coming from any of them Siegel he you know famously worked a lot with Terry I'm not Terry Eastwood how I mix that up yeah I don't know but he comes into the original vision of the body snatchers doesn't really do much horror around there at all Kaufman same same thing and he makes one of the greatest remakes we've ever seen that surpasses they were in my opinion surpasses that a great role yeah I was one of the best horror films of the 70s and all time showed that to my 10 year old daughter recently still effective she was she she does the point thing to me now all the time when I watched that with my friends one summer and I would do I it wasn't just I would do it to them it was I would sneak into their house when they're like at work and they come home and they'd be like you know I'd be in a closet or something waiting with my fingers it would be the best that's how much we were doing oh my god like I got they got my friend got me a couple times right like go on a deck like I have a deck outside there's a pool down below and what he be standing like down by the pool like pointing up so I walk outside see what's it got there it's the best right right so Abel Ferreira that's kind of stretching at one because he touches and things very much like horror a lot of time and low rent things yeah didn't he do the addiction Brandon that was yeah so he's yeah this first one was the drill killer so right that's yeah so he's he's the stretching one but he does you know body snatchers in the 90s and then that's a good I just watched that one that one yeah that's a good one yeah you're left with a lot of quite like they knew that they had a killer of a line from Meg Tilly the whole where you're gonna go what you know you can't run there's nobody left like you they had they knew they had it because they repeated it at the end and slowed it down to make it that much creepier and it's like yeah it this this seems like the other movie seemed like it's the start of the invasion this one seems like we're in the middle of it and that's terrible okay you guys it's been a while since I watched the 90s I like that one yeah I think I think it's because I could use it with the what's the Donald Southern puppet master I think I can use the two of my head so if I'd forgotten like which ones which at this point that's a little different I mean but it's in the same realm like okay it's a bad movie I mean I mean it's just like what it's doing it's like it's a similar kind of thing but yeah and then if you guys that's one Hershenberger yeah if you tell me what your favorite Hearst burgle films are my point is made which I you know we'd all like I would like to see the full cut of that film but you know with that recent arrow release that's come out and it doesn't include it on it we can pretty much assume that thing is unable to be found unless there's like that would be my selling point on trying to get people to buy a boutique version of the invasion would be that longer cut but it is yeah you need to release the Donner Cut campaign to get that thing out there and that's not gonna happen if it exists for this movie yeah it had a great trailer I remember being really excited to see the movie and then I started that I was hearing like the Wachowskis and and McTeague were brought in to do reshoots and reformat this whole thing and I was like well I mean they brought they brought their hitters in I mean clearly it's only gonna be better than that not bad out that way we're about due for another version of that yeah it feels like one of those should be made every decade or two decades yeah we get it we get it we already got a star is born that means we're due for an invasion that's how it works I mean you could you could totally I mean right now is begging for one to to happen with today's culture yeah especially that damn Nicole Kidman when killed it that that movie so we're talking yeah that one that's bad yeah that movie really did suck ass sorry I like I was yeah I just that having PTSD from that movie there was at least there's three good ones though yeah they're the bad things say sorry and it's just how it works there there is a TV show I think it's called brain yeah brain dead that's from the single that did oh yeah what is it the good wife like though those those producers it had a Mary Elizabeth Winstead in it yep a lot Tony Shaloop was in it and it's that's like as close as we've gotten to the modern version of invasions because it's like a politic it's like a political TV show but it's comedic and it's like aliens and invaded the DC and like all the like most of the leaders all have brains and their bugs in their heads and what not like it it's a fun it's like like one season got canceled it's too weird I get it but still it feels like it was too weird for CBS that yes yes yeah in a way in a way Battlestar Galactica plays out kind of similar to that in some way well and the other problem is is that you know then you had like the war the world's TV series tried to shoe horn in dirt you know I try to get in on that action it's like no no that's not that's not you guys you guys are the are the you know the pew pew's with the big ships and you know your guys aren't body snatchers this is weird and yeah I mean you play the body body snatcher yes because right that well yeah because they're they're like original but like yeah I'd like war the world's TV show exists in my memory as a kid being far better than it is when I bought the cheap ass DVD set of the series I enjoyed to watch some of that and the the faculty of course which is 90s yeah that was another body snatchers riff that was I think very effective yeah yeah I'll be curious when the the 4k of that finally comes out if we get some Rodriguez interviews because I know he didn't have the best time making that movie but it certainly has a falling I love it so it's fun your guy Harry Knowles and it's it's got John Stewart giving a very fun for words in that movie so mm-hmm to say something positive about the supporting guest of that movie move on but last movie that I have what do I have here I am going with oh this is fun director Craig Gillespie a filmmaker who has made a variety of things some are good some aren't he made a Fright Knight remake that I think kicks ass like I am such a big fan of and I did I love the the original the tone Tom Holland version but the 2011 version with Colin Farrell as as um as Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry the vampire I I really dig it like every time I see that movie I'm like how is it this good and then I look at like Craig Gillespie and I'm like how of this guy like the director of Lars and the real girl that I Tanya be like a kick-ass Frank Knight remake for Disney like and it's yeah 3d when it came out Anton Yelchin god bless it he was great in that movie David make love in big love in Tony Collette David 10 it was a fun Peter Vincent I'd be like the like the like the vampire action stuff that Dave Franco by the way Jimmy that he's in there too it's like a bundle the bullies it's got like neat action ideas there's a lot of like one takes that it goes for which are like they just like threw a lot of the wall I guess or make it like a Fright Knight reboot but I dig it I dig the things I like the way the vampires work in that realm like the way they burn up and shit like it's just it was good it's really I'm a big fan of the the Fright Knight remake Fright Knight also a series batting three for four was it one two and they both have one two they both they both have sequels and both sequels are like the sequel to the remake of Fright Knight is like it's Fright Knight again but just in Europe like it's same plot in Europe that's the and it's just redoing it again and then the original Fright Knight part two which if you wonder what happened why you can't find that anywhere to get just watch that monster series on Netflix and you know you'll know what happened to those rights or were they're weirdly held okay it's a Menendez picture and that and the Punisher with Dolph Lundgren all had and there's one other movie have really weird home video rights because things weren't finished and murders happened and it's all sorts of weird some people put things out in odd spots but the Fright Knight - like rights are weird because of that I got a weird low key release because of it I wonder if that's still a thing where like random groups like dentists and shit like bi-stakes and movies and just hold on to things like I feel like we have better control now but I wonder if there's like a things out there like there's that Bob own Texas Chainsaw mask for a long time yeah I know but I mean I mean now I mean I wonder if anything exists in there are squatters on YouTube that try to claim things on behalf of like a director and it's like you don't own those rights and they usually relent but they try to like we try to take the rights yeah there there are squatters like that but I don't know if there are many like like significant movies where it's like oh yeah just the private person has bought the rights so that they can figure out some sort of really I'm sure the once you get into distribution they realize oh crap this wasn't easy it's like now now I have to make a deal with somebody else and yeah I'm sure that's where the reason why there's not many of those people like that well yeah Friday night part two is saw it's just yeah it's pretty much ungetable regardless Friday night a big fan yeah yeah the remake was fun like it's yeah I did not expect that out of it either it was yeah it was a nice surprise but you know every now and then there's a there's a remake that happens that that it just works you know it just yeah I mean well then we talked about invasion body snatchers but like yeah I mean remakes have been a part of Hollywood since day one and I mean one of the most famous movies in a from another era been her was a remake so it's they're out there you know I mean it's just it just depends on if you have the right vision or if you might have to stick too close you know the multi-salk it is the third one yeah that's right yeah exactly right yeah no it just I mean some of the you know in the 2000s it just you know the the idea it felt like you were just flipping through a catalog like what's next to remake what's and then you know not all of them are bad but it was what idea is Michael Bay up to tonight that's that's we were saying and the hitcher let's do that one all right yeah oh god please don't mention that I hated every make so bad it's not good no it's not good that that all of the fog remake that's that's the worst one that one is yeah yeah it's terrible it killed Tom Wilkes movie career that's what it did yeah I'm willing and what's your name Megan Grace they both she ended up getting taken but she got she got taken three times yeah it was taken yeah I was the title of the fourth one they shared the trash it's too long for SEO well that's our those are our lists do you guys have any others that you were like someone around possibilities I've got I've got others I got I had what to to tease later in the month Gore Verbinski the ring I have Fritz Kirsch who did the first children of the corn and then nothing else in terms of a guy who create he would do horror again but his first movie launched an icon was the one of the first movies of a one of our biggest stars career talking about Mark Jones with leprechaun oh yeah yeah his next one was like rumple still skinned and was straight like nobody I didn't realize I was the same director that's very funny but but no I mean the leprechaun I'm the quality of the movies notwithstanding everybody knew the hell leprechaun was he made eight million on a one million dollar budget Jennifer Aniston and her original nose are in that movie she bought a new one with the profits yeah and you know they made a second one and then he became the straight to video horror king before all the other ones jumped to that boat he went to space early and he went back to the hood to the hood and back to the hood and yeah for I mean for a good can find me on the commentary for that movie all right really let's come back to the hood yes all right someone had to do it some one had it was fine I had a great director was yeah for like you know good ten years everybody who love I mean he made it into Wayne's World 2 as a reference like it was yeah hot topic everybody oh never got no one thought it was good but we all watched the pecan we all knew what the hell he was yeah I have a few here misery from Rob Reiner yeah oh yeah I'm done the train there John Badum's Dracula yep I had that's his blank check movie he does horror and then never again Donner's the Omen Donner doesn't really go back to the horror well ever after the donor I had a note here for him because he does do three tales from the crypt episodes yeah and he has so much TV that's where a lot of them get caught up like I was like oh like freakin he does tales from the crypt and then he has the Guardian and bug later but the freak can I count it out because yeah he has a lot of he he even like um fucking yeah yeah he he stays pretty horror adjacent so I had a question for you Aaron yeah Danny Boyle do you consider sunshine in the horror realm or is that that's why I left them off cuz like 28 days later came up and I'm like well he's done like he's his stuff is like yeah sunshine I would say is at least horror adjacent and like even trance his hitch cocky and like it's there he's he skirts that line he makes yeah in 127 hours like survival horror to an extent right it's so it's he's he's there he's in that in like train spot he has nightmarish imagery so it's like yeah he does like a one and done that kind of thing is this and he's making and he's making 28 years later right now right so that's not that's what I think it's not 25 yeah yeah um you know a horror adjacent Terrence Young with wait until dark I considered oh oh Demi with sounds of the lambs I mean he's not doing any I had him on my was the right in the middle of his career he drops the best modern horror film ever made although you know what I he did something wild that is a that last half like that when Ray Liotta goes it's very intense for sure yeah yeah great movie see bond June Ho with the host although like some of his films are they're spoilery like nerd memories of murder whatnot yeah paranormal activity or impelly I mean it's it's his one of two films in area 51 went nowhere so I mean some of the newer guys Michael Sonoski with a quiet place day one I don't know if he intends to do more horror but like the director of pig made a solid horror movie like I don't know yeah Zach Cracker with barbarian that he but he's gonna make more horror I assume it's just he's ready to go what's he mean he saw stuck he's on some crappy franchise he got he just got announced for something to yeah yeah this is another movie everybody thought he was doing got canned and then you saw in some franchise he just is just announced what is it let's see here yeah find it in the news really quickly and I'm not getting it because things are slow but in the meantime needed a cost of candy man was another one hmm I don't know if I got Bernard Rose with candy man the first one oh yeah both yeah both game I had him on there yeah or even what's his name who did two what's his name Kinsey guy Beauty at the Beast you can't even to what's farewell to the flesh then the flesh oh my god Bill Condon oh yeah you mean the Twilight guy he did work with vampires I am where we'll fair enough they did he did work with vampires and werewolves of those terrifying twilight yeah I mean twilight is the ultimate you got scared resident evil that's what Zach Quakers working on okay yeah now speaking of Bill Condon there was well one also he had he wrote a strange invaders back in the early 80s that's that's a classic from me watching that as a kid and like being terrified of the little blue ball alien guys that's a lot of people forgot exists yeah right I remember that one perfect they had a lot of yeah they were like product placement things for that one too right yeah a lot of candy ads and stuff yeah the but he also he made gods and monsters which I actually included James whale because even though he did four horror movies there would be no universal classic monsters without him doing Frankenstein bride of Frankenstein and invisible man yeah those are like universal built their entire franchise on him making some of the best pre-code horror ever I mean it's it's he's certainly like a legendary fear I wouldn't call him one and done like he made no he made for but but he also he was he was mostly a musical and comedy guy sure like it's straying outside of his as like it yeah as a so he had a like he has this like run and then he's out yeah yeah yeah and I also very transgressities and openly gay director maybe transgressive horror films back in 1930s so right absolutely I also had Richard Kelly for Donnie Darko mm-hmm I mean I don't deny what you know there's no rules here there's no no one's gonna go like like like like the box is like a war I guess I don't know well I had I had one that I was like yeah Tom Savini for the night of the living dead Remake as a director like he never really directs anything as notable but I mean like this is only his horror his whole deal is like you can't I was like that's kind of stupid but I think it kind of it kind of fits though I mean it you know was his only directorial film similarly like Drew Goddard with Cameron in the woods but like he's like a guy like up till then he doesn't do much after but like up till then he's like contributing like Buffy Angel like all sorts of things so Mary Heron with American Psycho she's got a couple others but like that's obviously the most notable film that she's made is a director I know Josh oh go ahead chronicles mm-hmm yeah I mean yeah the last one that I had that I thought about mentioning was Ernest Dickerson for Demon Knight he was a cinematographer on Tales from the Dark Side and when he jumped over to directing he did a couple I guess what would have back then been called urban action movies but Demon Knight was probably the one where he really like put his you know put his sensibilities particularly into like Jada Pinkett's character and it's I love that movie it's I like I like bones quite a bit yeah that was later yeah but yeah he was he was a guy who like demon Knight definitely make sure that he's he's the talking head when that when when there's documentaries or you know series made about talking about horror movies that's like oh yeah he's he put his own style to that let's see a broken lizards club dread I was thinking about okay it's a solid slasher like I like it's I believe what Jay Chander Seikar is the director they're like yeah but you know it's those guys making the movie I cannot see I cannot see the name Penelope without saying oh Peter Luke there's and there's Bill Paxton again Jimmy Buffett knockoff and he's hilarious in that movie but that's their only really the only time those guys have never done anything that's like close to horror they made a slasher film that happened to be a broken lizard comedy I just watched this last night again in theaters actually in 35 millimeter Sean Durk and Martha Marcy May Marlene a movie I really really like and I mean I it's a paranoia thrillerizable but I mean it's got it's got some some imagery in there that's pretty rough and who could forget Claudio Fagrassos troll - come on that's his deal that's his that's his thing you call him a bird ole lazy when you go Claudio you go all right that's what that's what he's known for that's his hit right there yeah great movie don't piss on hospitality I won't allow it I there's one I consider then I was realized oh yeah he has so many movies I forgot that he has other were but Robert Wise is the haunting but he's also made he so he was so old he goes back to the 30s and he's made like universal lobster but he made like the body snatcher and things like that but within that career within that career within that career for is not the thing he leaps too very often and I know Jimmy you're a big kind of a haunting for sure he's old he walks to it he was I got to meet him I got to talk about that movie it was really cool yeah it was a very he got to they had some controversy because of the the the gay character in it and it was it was very they had to cut some stuff that he put in there and he's all bummed but it's interesting so haunting is one of the best movies ever made is on my show and talked about the haunting too so if you want him to talk about it for an hour there you go there you go yeah well you know all right I think we've had some sufficient fun talking about these movies as is and then we can wrap up the show but there's a lot of fun guys I was out of a lot of yeah I have the list so listeners can take care and check out all the films they want to but with all that said that's gonna do it for this bonus special for out now with Aaron Abe you can find everything I do my personal suicide pays the code is eat that sub stack dot com everything I do ends up over there I am the editor in chief that we live entertainment from a movie reviews I have blue and criterian views that lies so blue and I'm on all the socials at Aaron's ps4 Jimmy oh what's our view work if you'll find more of your work well if you're in the LA area this Saturday this coming Saturday you can see my acting you can see me in the foot of the bed we're playing at the Hollywood horror horror fest okay and yeah it's a it's really exciting we got a seven o'clock hour we're featured on the right before the feature I'm real stoked so if you want to come out if you're in in the area I know it's a podcast it's not like you know a little different but you know if you're in LA area it'd be come on out it would be a lot of fun very cool yeah and of Joel course Joe blow and you know all those other things that I do Jeff our buckle work to be able to find more of you online yeah so go over to film seizure calm every Wednesday we got a new episode of film seizure with me and my co-host Jason and Chuck every Monday at film seizure calm I also do my solo show monster Mondays I always find three things I like about monster maybe no matter how good or bad it is and then I have my blog B movie anima calm new reviews every Friday morning mostly of the bad variety so a little bit of fun there but yeah go go check that stuff out man I also have I host movies with B movie anima the series find out at that site also or you can go over to if you have a Roku get other worlds TV every Saturday night at 6 there's an episode very good Brandon Peters we're gonna be a lot more of you know the Brandon Peters show it's the Brandon Peters show dot com on the socials at Brandon for KOHD current episode is behind the making of Paramount presents bringing out the dead with Justin beam from Reverend Entertainment and I'm talking to him about his process in getting that to release which dates back to 2020 when he got the green light to start making that so he's got some fun Nicholas Kajum Martin Scorsese and Paul Schrader stories and then I believe that that's probably already out when this drops and then next on Monday finally the poorly described movies the game live from days of the dead which Jeff might know some of the attendees that partake yep I'm a big fan of listening to the poorly described movie game and yelling at my iPod while I do so it's great it's a fun and all the year and all of the days of the dead one because we we walk people to like the wrong thing and it works it's it's pretty fun very good you can find all the other episodes about now and anyone iTunes I'd even Spotify and Stitcher feel for the emails that I'm not pockets email com or and all the socials Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and all that it's some form of at out now and just more podcast Jimmy Jeff Brandon thank you all for joining me this evening and thank you yeah thank you this was good time yeah for sure next week we have our theme was going to be misleading horror horror films where there's posters or expectations that you might have led you to leave something different than what they actually got there's a probably a more succinct way for me to phrase that can I will certainly discover it by the time that episode drops but that is the theme that we're working with as we're through the entire month with fun bonus specials so until then until next time so long and goodbye yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. [MUSIC PLAYING] (gentle music)