Evening & Morning Shade Podcast

When Our Uncommonness Brings Us Together

Pastor James Shinkle, Sr.

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Open your free iHeart app and search Amazing Wildlife and start listening. ♪ Evening in morning shade ♪ ♪ Evening in morning shade podcast ♪ ♪ We're Pastor James Sinkle. ♪ Good evening. Welcome to the Evening in Morning shade podcast. How has your week been? It's amazing how time seems to go by. It just seems like it was two days ago that with him, we find ourselves back here and again. But I just have to tell you that God is good. I'm recording this on Wednesday morning, the 22nd, all of it. Now you will see in this podcast on Tuesday, even at the 28th at 7 o'clock. So, I'm just glad to be with everybody out here this morning. And this is our fourth Tuesday of the month and every fourth Tuesday we're going to be talking about when dreams come true about ethnic healing. So, I'm going to talk to you. I got a scripture in mind for us today. It's been guys that kind of been kind of working on me. I want to share with you all. And this is out of the third chapter of Romans, verses 9 to 16. I want to talk to you about this theme when our commonness brings us together. When our uncommonness brings us together. And I want to take special emphasis on that word "uncommonness" because "uncommonness" seems to be a catch word that the devil uses, okay? They bring disorganization, they bring disunity among the body of Christ. And the champion in this podcast is so we can identify, just make the corrections, so this will no longer be a part of the way we conduct and don't even want to do this anymore in our lives. So, as we begin today, we're going to understand here that the idea about sinfulness is a matter of fact, as far as the personal guide. We're going to bring this back later on in the podcast in our scripture that everybody's familiar with John 3 16, of course, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who said would believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Yet, not nearly as common with the verses 17 and 18 was just important because 17 tells us he that believe is not condemned, but he that believe is not condemned already. So, all a person has to be, okay, is to not have, not have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, okay? It's already been condemned. Now, Jesus said, "I have not come to condemn the world because he already knows us." He reads this like a book, we may have a lot of sophistication, we may look smooth, we may have an excellent reputation, we may have a certain amount of charisma the way we handle ourselves in public, and we may look good, okay? But all of that, okay, does not impress God when I older because he knows what all humanity is. And see, that's what we need to really understand when we approach the scriptures. We approach the scriptures in a way that God sees it and not the way that we see it. As we go on to here, I want to tell you, before we even get into the scriptures, I want to tell you all that, originally, if you go back to that third chapter of Genesis, even before that in the second chapter, tell us that God saw, okay, that's not good for man to be alone. Now, I don't know about you all, I may have said this in the past, but I don't think I'm in my best when I'm alone, I really don't. My mind pays strictly, I get maybe temptations that would not normally get when I'm around people, when I'm busy, a lot of negative thoughts go through my mind. It's not the case with you. So, there's just something about being alone that is not really what we need over a long period. Sometimes we need to be alone as far as to meditate and to pray, get away by ourselves. But as a general, as a matter of fact, it's not good for us to be alone for, because you all heard the term that idleness is a devil's workshop. So, when the Lord said it's not good that man be alone, and then after the creation, when he made man and made woman, you'll find right at the beginning of that third chapter of Genesis that the serpent approached Eve. Now, there's a certain amount of difference of opinion about what goes on, those first three verses of the third chapter of Genesis, that perhaps because it doesn't come right out and say. And I'm not saying you have to believe where I'm going to tell you now, because there's no evidence to prove this or disprove it one way or the other. That when the serpent approached Eve, she had a bite of the forbidden fruit. And then she saw that she didn't fall over, it didn't have no ill effects to it, and then she took it and pushed away to her husband with her, and then they partake of it together. And what we find out here is this is when we're division. Now, remember we're talking about uncommonness now, okay? That's a special word that I want to bring out in this podcast, that when uncommonness brings us together, okay, so that Satan's attempt, okay, was to bring division with a mankind, and that's exactly what he did, because when he brought Eve by herself and spoke to her and tempted her, okay, then she had an influence over her husband, and the result is the fall of the human race. And then we go down a little bit further on, and what we're trying to talk about here is that then division causes us to point fingers, doesn't it? Isn't that true of us today? Is this just the nature of human beings to be like this, okay? The woman blamed the man blamed the woman, and the woman blamed the serpent, and that isn't just a common commonality of all mankind. Rather than take responsibility for what they do, they always blame somebody else. It's the other people. It's these people, you see. It's these people, that's the problem, okay? It's my family member, okay? My family member is no good, he's always caused, and that may be true. There may be a primary person in your family that does cause more problems in the family. That could be true, but it doesn't take away from the idea that we ourselves in the family have also a part to play in the problem. But human nature being that what it is, what division has called us, that we refuse to take accountability for our own self and point our fingers to somebody else. Isn't that something else? But Christians should be aware of these things, because this is what the devil is doing. And then, I want to take this down just a little bit farther as we see this progress, because now we're bringing in this idea about the uncommon. Do not forget, because this is important. Again, I want to bring this about division. When division takes place, even in the church, Satan attempts to bring division in the church, doesn't he? And we know this, okay, by practical experience. But division, okay, okay, okay. Differences, I'm going to take within different this thing we call differences. Because human beings, okay, with our sinful nature, okay? We put a spotlight on our differences rather than our commonality. Isn't that true? Okay, let's just take the, as God made an example in creation. He made all the flowers and all the trees. Just look at the flowers, you know, how one flower is so different from another. How one flower has a different fragrance from another flower. One flower has a different color, a blend of colors from another one. Some flowers are by very nature more delicate than other flowers, okay? Some flowers have almost no defense mechanism within their formation whatsoever, while other flowers do, okay? And you just take that on about in the creation itself. How God differs. He makes one star different from another, one planet different from another. And just look at the animal, the animal creation of life, okay? How one animal is extremely small, another animal is gigantic. Another animal is extremely fast, another animal is slow. Another animal is strong, another animal is very weak. Another animal is very aggressive, another animal is very timid. Another animal has more intelligence, maybe more conniving than another animal. Another animal has natural defenses, another animal has almost no defenses at all, okay? Some animals are ugly, some are smart. Some animals are meant to live outdoors, some animals are not. Some animals are meant to be at, another animals are not meant to be. So, we see the diversity, okay, that God had made within nature. Well, how about human beings? Remember, now, the reason I'm talking about this is we have a propensity, okay, to focus on our differences, on our differences, okay? And that causes division, for instance, okay? And up within our families, we have this idea by pointing fingers that how different we are, how different they are seeing between African-Americans and Caucasians. Well, there's supposed to be differences. My president said we got to learn to think biblically, okay? I know I had a lot of views as I was growing up, and even after I got saved over the years, but I had to learn through God's Word that I had to begin to change my views, not based on the way my culture or my subculture or the way my country or the way my family or the way I was raised, formed my views on those, but formed my views on what the Bible says. And that means we have to change some of our views. Sometimes it might hurt, but my brother said we would not always write the way that we thought. You know what prejudice is? Prejudice, because I believe in the doctrine of total depravity, is because that prejudice is that you have a bias against the facts about another person. And every single human being, y'all, every single human being is prejudiced to some extent. Yes, I am prejudiced. You are prejudiced. Even people that are lovely people, God-fearing people, people that are kind and considerate. There are people that are willing to go out of the way, they help other people, more than other people are willing to help themselves. There are people that will apologize when they have no reason to apologize. There are people that are good-natured, and they're giving, and they want, and they have full of compassion. Even those people, even those people, still have prejudices. And prejudice, my brother and sister, is sin. Okay, now, the reason why I'm telling you this is to take a look at our... We're talking about the uncomminess of all human beings, okay? Yes, don't you know there's a difference between African Americans and Carl Gases? You know there's differences, don't you? Don't you know there's differences, okay? From, say, Hungarians to Germans. There's differences, okay, between Italians and Polish. There are differences between Mexicans and Portuguese. There are differences, okay, between Africans, okay, and South Americans. Those are differences, but differences, my brothers and my sisters, doesn't necessarily mean equality. Listen, just because, just because, okay, a person is extremely athletic. What I mean by that, maybe two or three levels over somebody, or four levels over somebody that's not athletic at all, doesn't mean that they're better than the person that's not athletic. And just because, say, a person has an IQ that's two or three levels above, a person who has a lower IQ, doesn't mean that they're better. But see, what the devil does, he uses these things to isolate, so that we put our minds on focus on those things. You hear me now? Over in what God wants us to think about and that is our calmness. This comes into our scripture. I'm going to go to the third chapter of Romans. I'm going to be part of a scripture, a text. Now, in reading this text, actually, there's a very similar scripture in the fourth chapter of Psalms, which I like even better. But for the purposes of this podcast, the Book of Romans is talking about the fourfold doctrines of condemnation, of condemnation, of justification, of sanctification, and glorification. This year is talking about the condemnation of all men. I'm going to read this to you. This is what God says from his view. Not from our viewpoint now, okay? And our viewpoint, people are no worse than anybody else, okay? Therefore, I'm justified. But that's not what God said. This is what he says in the third chapter of the Book of Romans. It's under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. There's none righteous, not even one. There is none who understands. There's none that seeks for God. All have turned aside together and have become useless. There is none who does good. There is not one. Now, this is what God says. As you look down from heaven, he didn't see one, not one that sought God. Because when a person gets saved, I know we hear the terminology. I found the Lord and when I found the Lord. No, you did not find the Lord. The Lord found you. Because he came to seeking the saved after the lost. And we were all alike. And then, okay, this is what God wants us to see. As I get around toward the end of this podcast. And just here is that, obviously, everybody's sounding my voice. Know somebody that's worse than you are. So many are a lot worse than you are. We have in life that we give them titles like Low Lives and Poor White Trader Trash. And Low Life People. That's what we call them. But as far as God is concerned, we all cloaked in this self-right as far as God is concerned. Okay, this is where, this is where my title came into what God wants us to see today. It's when our uncomness brings us all together. My brothers and sisters, okay, we have to come to the understanding that if you're not saved, God has won two classes of people. Those were His people that saved and those that are not. And the very fact, the very fact that we're not as bad as somebody or some of these people has got to talk about in no way justifies the poor God. Until we come to the understanding that we're a hot mess. Until we come to know the fact that the sun does not rise and fall in us, we'll never call out the God. We'll never call out the God to have mercy on our minds. We'll never call out the God to save me. And as long as we've got something else to hold on to that I'm not as bad as somebody else. And in conclusion, listen, we should all be proud. You know, it's an honor. We call it an African American. You should be proud of your history. You should be proud of your ethnicity. In fact, I believe, see, I've changed my position. I may have said this on an earlier broadcast. I don't know if I have or not. And for years, I thought there was white, black, red, and yellow. But as God began to show me that as far as when the scripture talks about race, there's only one race, y'all. There's only one race, and that's the human race. Now, there's many ethnicities, but there's only one race. And that's unless you want to talk about running the race. If you want to talk about running the race, then there's a different kind of race. But other than that, all human beings are of one kind. Now, in conclusion, this is what I want you to see before we get away from this particular podcast. And that is this here, that be proud of who you are, be proud to be an African American. Listen, be proud to be a Polish American. Be proud to be a Hungarian American. Be proud to be a Filipino here in American. Be proud to be a Mexican American. Be proud of your ethnic. Have your part. Have your national parties, you know, where you bring your cultural dishes and your food. And these things, there's nothing wrong with being proud about who you are as far as your nation is concerned. But under no circumstances, before you are, before you are an African American, what are you? You're a Christian. And that trumps the very fact that you're identity with Christ. I only read you this, and then we'll be through. In Galatians, the third chapter, verse number 28, there's a very short scripture here that talks about our unity and our completeness in Christ. And Galatians, the third chapter of the book of Galatians, we're going to go down here to verse number 28. This is what the God says on, Paul says on the inspiration of Holy Spirit. There is need of June agreed. There is need of slave nor free man. There is need of male nor female. For you are one in Christ. And what Paul is talking about there, as far as our completeness in Christ, there is no difference. So before we consider ourselves an African American, consider yourself an African American. But before you dance, consider yourself a Christian who happens to be an African American. And this pretty much completes what I believe God wants to tell us this particular day. And God bless you all, and God will, and I'll see you all next Tuesday night. You all have a wonderful week. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash, and Lucky Land is where people go every day to get lucky. At Lucky Land, you can play over a hundred casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary, VGW Group, point where prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Ever wonder what makes Panda so special? Join us on Amazing Wildlife to find out. Giant pandas and their habitat are unique and beautiful and extraordinary representation of the natural world. And if you get that opportunity to sit and watch a Panda eat bamboo, you will be mesmerized. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on America's #1 podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search "Amazing Wildlife" and start listening!