Evening & Morning Shade Podcast

The Song of Psalms

Pastor James Shinkle, Sr.

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Evening and morning shade podcast with your host, Pastor James Shingle Senior. Good evening. This is evening and morning shade podcast James Shingle here. And it's so good to be with you all in this fine Tuesday. How has everyone been for the last seven days? It's just amazing how fast time goes by. And yet nevertheless time is very precious. We got to make the most of it, don't we? So I'm kind of going to talk to you all about tonight. I was kind of living here in the over different things. And my mind kind of comes to this conclusion that we need to talk a little bit about the book of songs. Let me tell you a little bit about the book of songs. Now the book of songs I believe and most theologians would say that is among the top five most important books. But not the most important book, but the book of songs is just full compact full of nuggets of spiritual treasure that faces life head on and issues of life and poverty and riches and tribulation and joys and shouting and trials and tribulations and war and peace covers almost every emotion that's known to mankind. And because that is, there's just something I'm telling you all. There's just something about the book of songs that just feeds your soul. I have a suggestion for you all tonight. If you would make it your practice to read a Psalm a day, there's 150 songs, right? And basically it was 365 days in a year. If you would read a Psalm a day, basically you're going to go to the entire book of songs twice a year. Now some of the songs like the 119th Psalm was the largest chapter in the Bible. You're going to break down to maybe five or six readings and three stanzas a piece. And there are several Psalms also that are fairly long and you might break them down to two or three days read. But basically, if you read the book of Psalms a day, you'll go through the entire book of Psalms twice a year. And I'm telling you right now that if you do that, your soul will be blessed. I want to talk to you all tonight about the Psalm of Psalms. You know what the Psalm of Psalms is? It's the first number of Psalms. And so many Christians already know, some of you all even probably know the first Psalm by heart. But the first Psalm sets up the entire 149 rest of the Psalms in the book of Psalms. It sets it up, it sets the tone for each and every one of the Psalms. In fact, do you know the Bible is a unity? The theme of the entire Bible is Jesus Christ. And every single book in the Bible is working step by step, inch by inch, to the inclusion about Jesus Christ is everywhere in the entire Scriptures. Now, because there's a unity in the Bible, there's also unity in the book of Psalms. That's why the book of Psalms is so important. So I want to tell you a little bit about the book of Psalms. We begin in that first Psalm. It's that the Psalm, it brings up that there's two kinds of people in the world. There's you and there's Gentile, and on up to modern times, there's the saved and the unsafe. There are two kinds of lifestyles, the saved lifestyle in the unsaved lifestyle, the wicked and the righteous. There's two, and there's two kinds of destinies. There's a heaven to win, there's a heaven to gain, and there's a hell to shun and a hell to go to. And so the Bible, the book of Psalm, this Psalm, first Psalm is very decisive and divides these three different elements to bring in the entire other 149th number of Psalms. So let's pray before we get into that. I'm kind of excited about getting into this Psalm tonight. So let's pray. Father, we come to you this night and we just think you cannot think enough. We had 10,000 tongues. We couldn't think you won't know. You're just a good God, Father. You've been so good to us. Father, you've been buried us and we've been to ourselves. And as you stand all alone, Lord God, in being good. Sometimes we don't appreciate it, or sometimes we don't recognize it. But Father, you're just a good God. The very fact that we're here, proof-putting that you're just a good God. And we thank you, Lord God. We get ready to go into our study today. We ask that your word, which is already sanctified, it's already anointed that you will take the word that's anointed from this preacher's mouth, from God's throne, okay, to your heart, Lord God, so that your word can be magnified in our heart so we can come out here just a little bit better serving you than what you have been. And Father, I pray tonight in a special way that comes to my mind. Pray for my nice money in a certain way, Lord God. Father, you know what we're talking about. We ask that you might move upon here, Lord God, just like anybody else, Lord God, because you're God the individual, you might touch her and keep Father, pray for Quentin tonight, my son, that you might keep and you might perform a miracle in his life. And sometimes Lord God, it keeps down to the last straw. And the last straw is exactly where you do what you do. Nobody can do you quite like Jesus. Father, we just pray that your word might go out. That it might uplift the saints, Lord God, might convict the sinner. That they may come to a saving knowledge, Lord God, have a desire and a heart to send there. What must I do to be saved? In Jesus' name, we pray and believe amen and amen. Now I'm going to decide, I'm going to recite to us all the new American Standard version of the Bible, the first Psalm. Man, you are familiar with it. And then from that, we're going to break it down. Maybe not every word in the first Psalm, but every important word in this first Psalm, so we can come out here with an understanding what God is trying to tell us tonight. The first Psalm, how blessed is a man who does not walk in the Council of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the sea of scornfuls, but his delight is in the law of the Lord. And then his law does he meditate day and night. He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which uses fruit in a season, and his leaf does not wither, and whatsoever he does, he's prosperous. The wicked are not sold, but they are like shafts, which drives away. Therefore, the wicked will not stand in judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous, for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will appear. Now that comes to the consummation of the first number Psalm. Let's begin. I like to focus on verse number one, where it tells us how blessed, but I want to break this down, because yes, the word B-L-E-S-S-E-D, you pronounce blessed, and certainly we've been blessed, but also B-L-E-S-S-E-D also uses as a noun the word blessed. B-L-E-S-S-E, remember that word B-L-E-S-S-E, because only God is really blessed. That means within God, within his person, contains all the virtue. Everything within his Godhead is just packed into his Godhood, the virtue that he has as God, and he's one of the kind, there's nothing else like God. And everybody else now, all God's children, well, I mean by God's children, his spiritual children, they have been born again. They are blessed because he's blessed. And if we are blessed enough today to call ourselves the child of God, which means we've been born again, I like you all just wave your hands. Wave your hands if you can say this to the test, but I know there's a lot of things I don't know, but one thing I do know, I know I've been born again. You're blessed indeed. You may not have a lot. You may not have a lot of money. You might be going through some stuff right now. You may not have everything your dreams have measured up to. You may not have met your expectations. You may be going through dry periods in your life. Sometimes we go up and sometimes we go down and sometimes the future is not. And I'm quite sure all of us, our lives have not come to a conclude way that we thought they would. Yet nevertheless, you and I have been blessed. Every time we take a breath, every time we suck it in, every time we get God's heartbeat in our bosom, every time we get the gleam in our eyes, Lord God, anytime that is, we got to understand you. We're blessed. We're blessed indeed. That's not even taken into consideration the word blessed itself. Do you not know that us in the west, such Christians in the west, why mean the fluent societies and left? When they hear, we hear the word blessed all the time. What are we talking about? Always comes and talks about, it's talking about money. Because I, hey, I know different than y'all. If I'm walking through Walmart to the parking lot in a hundred dollar deal, the breeze blows a hundred dollar bill down to my feet, you better be sure I'm going to go wake down. I'm going to pick up that hundred dollar bill. And what do you think the first words of my mouth is going to be? That's right. The Lord should bless me. Thank you, Jesus. Because I'm sure you're going to reach down and pick it up. But no, no, my brothers and sisters, that is far, that is, see Christians on the other side of the world, when they use this word, they're not thinking about money and vacations and things and possessions as being blessings. Because Ephesians 1, 3 tells us that we've already been blessed in heavenly places, our blessings are in relationship with Christ. That's why we're blessed y'all. And then when the scripture tells us here, if you follow this first song, it says how blessed is the man. We're just a blessed who does not walk in the council. In other words, the very fact that you're over all lifestyle is not a walk of being in the council of the wicked. Certainly, as a Christian, we still are in the influence of the world. The flesh and the devil are three arch enemies, just like anybody else. Every single ones are affected by the world, say the world, say the flesh, say the devil, we certainly are. And we must admit that these three arch enemies, we have to have a certain amount of respect for it, because we come to understand, you know, they are formal enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil. But the very fact that we recognize this as that we do not walk consistently, that means ordinarily under the council. Now the council, what does the scripture say? And the multitude of counselors, the safety of them. So we do need counselors, you know, we need Christian advisors, Christian friends who we can call up and ask them questions and call them up in the midnight, I'll call them up. We all need those things, okay? But when we're talking about counseling, okay, it does not matter. It does not matter, you all, we need to get this, okay? Sometimes, even if the majority time we're going to be in the minority. If 10 people believe something, okay, and that what they believe is not according to the word of God, is not in court of counsel, okay, if the 10 people believe that and you're the only one not, then you be the one that stands alone. If there's 99 people, okay, that are counseling you the way the world, the flesh, and the devil, then you be the one out of the hundred that don't do it. If a thousand, if that would be the case that you have to stand alone, although be 999 people, okay, have the counsel of the wicked, you be the one that stand alone under the counsel of the God. Because scripture says that bless is the one that does that. And so, and so when we take this, we just further on down in verse number one, it goes on to say, nor stand in the path of sinners. There's a certain, okay, the world, the flesh, and the devil have a hold and a grip on humanity on the world itself, okay. And because they do, because they do, it's hard to stand because the majority of time, we're always going to be in the minority. Now, the scripture is telling us that we, as a believer, we have to make stands. And sometimes, you know, you're going to be standing all alone. So it says how bless is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor stand in the path of sinners, in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat. Notice that word, "seat" is a scornful. Sometimes some translations use the word, might use the word "scolvers." There are the people that God is bringing to our understanding right here about sitting in the seat of the scornful. It's that generally speaking, okay, the wicked do not have respect for anything sacred. They do not have, they make a mockery of everything moral out of everything spiritual. They do not take anything serious. They, they have a disdain for the word of God. They have a disdain for godly people. Now, there are, there is a tolerance, in other words, we can go to church. They don't have no problem with us going to church. They don't have, they don't see us as a threat. But if, if, if, if, if we are not in their camp, okay, scripture tells us that, that, that those, that those that live godly in crisis will suffer persecution. They will not like, they will not respect you, okay? If you just play the line and you go to church and be a pretty much just an overall good guy, a good type person, you won't have too much problem with them. But once you become a person that, that, that shows them up, okay, you will suddenly, you'll find out that they will be a scolful and they will be scornful to you, not only to you, but to everything that you believe, to everything that you hold sacred, and something else I'd like to share. Now, I don't know how y'all are going to take this. I pray that you take it in the spirit that I'm giving it to you, okay? But I am irked to the 19th degree. And let me explain to you what I'm talking about. So many of these production comedies, these black Christian comedies, let me say it like this, okay? Yes. Is it better that black spirituality is dealt with in a positive way in medium than not at all? And it probably is better that they do that than they don't do it. I read, I grant is probably better. But in saying what I just said, they're not said at all, but I'm saying that there was just some things my brother and sister that God does not laugh at. And some of these movies, okay, some of these movies, okay, are breaking on the point of being absolutely blasphemous. There's just some things, there's just things that God does not joke about. He does not joke about spiritual things. He does not make a laugh at a party when God says things in scriptures. He does not that mean to somebody to be a joke at the party, okay? Because this comes from the wording. Some things, there is such a thing, y'all, is sacredness. There is such a thing as holiness, okay? And we take, when we take something that is holy and we use it in an unholy way, that is blasphemous. Now, I'm going to get on my bandwagon here for a little bit. I just, I had a look over it. I just had to do that. I want you to go on down here a little bit further. I'm not saying you have to agree with me. You can give me comments if you choose to. But I believe under the counsel of God that what I'm saying is absolutely true. Now, when he goes on and say verse number two, but this and all, this is the blessed man, okay? But here's the light. Get there, in that word, the light, the beautiful word. Just think of that. Say the word, the light, isn't that beautiful? The very fact that you delight, that's what makes you happy. There's just something about the light. It's the apple of your eye. It's your cinnamon and your peach cobble, okay? It's your nutmeg and the peach cobble, okay? It's your flavoring and your greens, okay? It's your delight. They delight themselves, okay? In the law, in other words, they're interested in spiritual things. It's not just an idea that you're going to church. It's not an idea. The Bible says this, but you're actually interested in spiritual things. Spiritual things are important to you. That's why it says here's the light. Are you interested in spiritual things? Are we just interested in looking good? Are we just interested in looking good on Sunday? Are we just interested in being the right place at the right time? Are we just interested in looking good in society? Are we just interested in because it's good for our business position when we go to church, or rather when we don't to church? But it's our delight is in the law of God, just with the fact that God says it, y'all. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus, look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free-checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. 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And in his law, remember now, this is the best man we're talking about. And in his law, does he meditate day and night? Isn't that something? Now there's three, there's three different approaches to the Scripture, okay? There's reading the Word of God. And you know what? It's just a wonderful thing to read the Word of God. And I would challenge you all the day, every single one of the Psalm of my week fours, to read the Word of God regularly. There's just something about the Scripture says, the entrance of your Word, bring a life. There's just something about reading the Word of God with your eyes, taking it down inside you. Now reading the Word of God alone, okay, certainly will not make you save. You know what, reading the Word of God alone will do? It will make you tolerable. It will make you civilized. It will not make you save. It will make you where you can get along with people. But the very idea that you're reading it, okay, the very fact that it's going down inside you, okay, is better than if you totally neglected altogether. And then there's studying. Now studying the Word of God, okay, is now all three of these different ways of read the Scripture are similar, yet they all have some amount and different, although they relate to one of them. Studying the Word of God is doing the same thing as reading, but now you're taking Scriptures. You're breaking them down. You're going to, of course, you're massing Scriptures with Scriptures to see if truth should be subsequently true all over the Bible, okay? Something's not true because it says something over here and disagrees with the five or six other places. There could be, should be, a consistency. When God says something, it's true all the way through the Bible. So that takes studying. That is the reason why we shouldn't, you should not stay in the shallow waters your entire Christian life. There are too many Christians who are just satisfied with the way they are without even having any desire to go out into the deep waters because you know what's out in the deep waters? Okay, the big fish. And so that takes study. Like any other, like any other discipline that we do, studying takes discipline to study ourselves, to make ourselves to prove as Timothy would say. And then the last one, so in my way of thinking, to a great extent, is to meditate. Now you know what, to meditate on the Word of God means, means you chew on it. You let it go down into your innermost beings. You make it, you take it down into your, take it down into your mind, goes down into your soul, goes down into your spirit, and you chew on this thing, okay? And what the Word, what the Word of God does, okay? It forms your character. And you are not, listen, to meditate upon the Word of God. And I tell people all the time, listen, I'm not the most brilliant person in the world. I'm not the highest I key in the world, but I challenge you. You know, this is, this is so wonderful about the Word of God, so you don't have to be that intelligent. But if you meditate, I mean, if you meditate, with the attitude that you know that you've been born again, you meditate upon the Word of God, saturation with the Word of God, and think about the Scripture. You know, God can take any person from any form of life, from any mental capability, to any, any occupation, to any economic situation that you be in. He could take that and you meditate upon the Word of God, and that will remake your character. So Scripture says, blessed is a man that meditates day, and we're talking about there that he's doing it consistently. Are you meditating on the Word of God consistently? And I would venture to, and I'm not judging anybody, but I just wonder, sometimes I wonder how many Christians in the local church, okay, from Sunday to Sunday, never, and I mean never, not one time during the week, ever pick up the Word of God to read it. Isn't that something, isn't that a nightmare upon us? And how we wonder, okay, if that's the case, how we, how we react to things, systems certain situations in our life, and we just react to it. How people treat us, we treat them the same way. Okay, not that's not the only, but part of the reason for this, is because we're not meditating, we're not letting the Word of God soak into the convict us, and you change our character. Now, we go down here, and it goes on, say, in verse number three, what is that person like? He will be like a tree. There's a tree planted itself. What question did that do it? It's saying by, he will be similar to a tree, and that tree is firmly planted by the streams of water. And what God is saying by, dear, the tree does not plant itself. But when God plants a tree, a person, okay, through the new birth, okay, what that tree is, that tree will begin to flourish because the water, see a tree that is close to a water source, costly has a sort of life vitality going into it. And it's just like the Word of God, okay, what that does is that gives us life, and any of us can go to church for two and a half, three, three and a half hours, and we can play a part. We can say the appropriate thing. God is good. He so is. Any good? He's all right. He's any good? All the time. They can do all this. And everybody's at church having a good time. There's nothing, there's nothing hard so much about doing that. In fact, I see the polite thing to do that, but nobody can impersonate fruit. You know, we either have it or you don't have it. Fruit cannot be impersonated. And the Scripture tells us right that the blessed man is a person whose fruit uses fruit in season because it's planted by the waters of life, and it produces fruit in a season. It produces fruit when it's appropriate. And you know also when it also produces fruit is that when it's under extreme pressure, trials and tribulation, depression, loneliness, okay, times when you got four or five or six things on your plate at the same time, produces fruit when you don't have any answers, okay. This fruit produces especially, especially at times like that. That's why it's talking about in his season, okay. When it's appropriate, when it's not appropriate, in good times and bad times, trials and tribulations, okay. Nobody's going to come out and ask. I certainly would never ask for more trials. No, I will never in any situations ask for more trials and tribulations that I already have. And yeah, in a very real and practical way, I'm telling you right now, God uses trials and tribulations, he uses them, he compacts them and uses them to mold our character and the type of people that he wants to be. Any good? Any alright? And then, okay, we're going to start contrast. Remember now, this song was written for the aspect of there's two kinds of people, okay. They're saved and the unsaved. Okay, now we're going to the other kind of people. There's two kinds of lifestyles. Okay, there's a right way and there's a wrong way. So now we're going to get, we're going to have a contrast with the song down here in verse four, makes it a distinct shift that we got to take knowledge of. What does it say down here in verse number four? But the wicked, the unsaved now y'all, anybody, who are the wicked? The wicked is not just a notorious, the evil people that we all know. Okay, the wicked is any person that is not safe, any person that is not mourning, any person that does not know God for the pardon of their sin are wicked and the eyes of God. No matter what, they may have a good reputation, they may be charismatic, they may be popular, they may be welded or they may have a lot of good things going for them. But as far as God is concerned, they're wicked because my brothers must say, God does make a difference between those, those are his. Maybe we don't, but God makes a difference between those that are his that belong to him and those are not. He says in verse number four, but the wicked are not so. But they are like the shaft. You know what the shaft, the shaft looks like the real thing, but it's not the real thing. And the wintering, wintering, a week in ancient times, okay, when they were harvesting the wheat, they would bring the wheat in and they would throw the wheat up into the air with a fan. Okay, and the shaft, the breeze would blow the, although it's the same color of the wheat, it would blow it away. And that would, the real wheat would fall into the, fall into the fan and put it into the harvest. Okay, so the shaft looks like the real thing, but it's not the real thing. See, God is making a distinction here. Okay, he's talking about just two kinds of people and just two kinds of lifestyle. So he's making a contrast here. So that we, and I tell you something else, my brother said, we should not always be so judgmental in the sense that this person, we know, say this person, we know is not safe, because we do not always know today. We just do not always know exactly to be that precise about, but generally speaking, we should know our own people. It is not hard at all, because I believe I'll be the scriptures teachers that God's people will know one another. Now, listen, but the wicked are not so, but they are like the shaft now. He's given an example, which is shaft, which the wind devises the way. And you know why it devises the way? It's because when it gets hard, when tribulation comes on, okay, and the pressure is on them, okay, when they got to stand out and the moment to do the crowd and be a witness, okay, when the days are difficult, when it's tiresome and they're lonely and they're depressed, okay, and all these different. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus, look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free-checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. Cards issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. member FDIC, subject to credit approval, offer subject to change, terms apply. 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But Judas said that he was a devil from the beginning, even though he was with them, even though they, the other 11 apostles could not, there was nothing about him as they observed him in the 12 that made them think he was any different than the other 11, okay? Because Judas was like the shaft, but he was never the real genuine thing because it goes on to say the shaft which the winds drive away. And you know what? At the end of the day, you know, the wind will tell us what we really are. When it's sunny out, when there's a light breeze, we pretty much stand, but you know, the wind, if the wind is strong enough, it will show us what we really are right down to our roots. And so they're wicked or not so, but they are like the shaft which the wind, in other words, there's no permanence to them. They're up and out, they're in, they're out, they're round about, consistently, okay? You might see them in church six, seven, eight weeks, all of a sudden they're gone for three months, then they might trickle back in church for four or five weeks, then they're gone for two months, okay? There's nothing consistency in their life stand. I tell you something else, in some of these people, there's not 15 cents of a difference. There's not 15 cents of a difference in the way they live their lives and the way that God the people and the way that church people lives their life, okay? There is no difference in the way they live their life, okay? And this should never be so among God's people. And so, I'm talking about the shaft now, which I just gave you the demonstration for, I'm talking about the shaft, okay? But the wicked are not so, but because they are like the shaft which the wind drives away. Therefore, the verse number five, the wicked will not stand in the judgment. So, a little about what I'm saying, a little bit of finishing. I meant to make comment on verse number three, which I don't know how I neglected that, but I certainly didn't. I guess I got a little bit carried away. But then verse number three, it makes this, it makes this, this few little words here, it muses this word and whatsoever he does shall prosper. What God is telling the, the best man like this is, is that generally speaking, it's got nothing to do with prosperity and money and having things and catalacts and having vacations. That prosperity here that is talking about here is a consistency. I'm like, generally speaking now, you're going to go hard times like anybody's trials and truth, but generally speaking, okay, a godly life, okay, is going to be more prosperous. And why is that? Because number one, you got God as your counselor, you got God's spirit in you, you're going to make wiser decisions. If you make wiser decisions, of course, you're going to have a little bit more money. If you make wiser decisions, you're going to make better choices in life, okay, and better choices are going to come to better outcomes. So, scripture is telling that whatever he does will prosper. Listen, y'all, the wicked are not like this because they are randomly, they will go off the assertions or whatever they feel in their own mind, what they feel they have to do. Then go on down here, okay, and verse number five, it says that the wicked will not stand in judgment. Now, listen, the wicked may have an appearance. Remember what I said about the wicked, okay, they may look good, okay, any person, that religious person, okay, any person that does not know God is not born again in the spirit, okay, is not God's children's spirits, okay, are considered wicked people. Now, I said that before, I needed to repeat it one more time, okay, but they will not stand because we can fool one another if we're really good at, but we can never fool the person of God because then right there, they will not stand, they will not stand in the judgment. In other words, we understand, we know that God knows all hearts, and yes, he does, so that's not the problem that we don't understand that. But, but God, the point of this, what God knows, see, so that's why as every single person that is sounding like we need to make sure, you know, that we have the right thing. Don't go on the persuasion, you know, that you had an experience 27 years ago, or 18 years ago, or 33 years ago, or six months ago, and that's what you base your salvation on. Do not make sure that you have the right genuine thing. Make sure that you will not be found among the wicked on the day of judgment. Therefore, the wicked will not stand in judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous, and what God wants us to understand here about the assembly of the righteous. Listen, Godly people should, we should take the majority of our, of course, we're going to have friends, we're going to have people that we get along with the other, not Christians at all, we should do that. Under no situation should we be uppity or standoffish, or think that we're big or holier thou than anybody. Y'all agree with that? But at the same time, okay, the majority of our close friends, the majority of our close relationship and associate should be Christian people. And the reason why that is, is because you think in the same way. See, we got the same Holy Ghost. So, we got our same objection, we got our same destiny. You're thinking process or somewhat similar, because you're not constantly consistently thinking about evil things. And so that being the case, sinners are not to be in the assembly of the righteous, okay? There's just, there's not, there's not a mix there. You cannot mix water and oil successfully in you. They just do not mix. So, the sinners and the assembly of the righteous, okay, will not mix. You not know them. If people died, unsaved people was to die and leave this world, you know, they wouldn't be happy with heaven. They'd be, they'd be, they'd be looking around saying, what y'all do up here for fun? They said, they're going and walking around over here and they're still here. They're, we're all in the nightlife areas up here in, up here in heaven. They, they, it would just not appeal to them. But the assembly of the righteous, okay, are people whose heart is fixed on God. And you think we're having a good time now and you think that we're enjoying God right now. That's just a taste, just a figure here of what it will be like someday when we really get to glory. And then as we get right down toward the end, we just got through it when that's North sinners and the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord knows, isn't there something? For the, aren't you glad the Lord knows? Now we might think, or we might think we know, but we don't know. But you know who does know? The Lord knows the way of the righteous. The way, listen, the way of the righteous is a consistency. Of course, we're not perfect. Okay. Uh, certainly I do not want you all in thinking any, any, I'm going to say just three times any, any, any way that I am a simple man. I fall short, not one day every day in my life of being what I should be. But I understand, okay, I'm not the only one like this. Do you fall short of every day of your life? You didn't have to answer that. You answered that secretly, you know, wave your hand if you know that that's true. And I know you know that that's true. But the thing of it is, what is your way? Is your way, a way of righteous that you long for it, you desire to rise. You long the worship God, you desire, you get your pleasure and you cannot praise God enough. You want to worship God, you want to give them your all. You just can, sometimes cannot praise God enough. Why is that? Because that's your way, that's your way of life. Okay. You consistently do it. You do it in the morning when you raise up, you do it the noon day hour, you do it the midnight hour when you go to bed, you get up during the night and use the restroom, you're praising God. Why is that? Because that's your way. And then as the song gets down to the conclusion, it makes a statement, but the way of the parish or the wicked, y'all, see, this is the contrast because even though there might be a line, we've all heard this story, you know, there's a thin line between love and hate by Martin Lawrence, where you know what? Sometimes there's a thin line between the righteous and the wicked. And sometimes that line, okay, is not always observable, but God knows that line. God knows that line. And because of that, the wicked will perish. Okay. At the end of the day, they're just like the chef. Okay. When it comes to end of their life, okay, and even before the end of the life, okay, there'll be certain situations in life that the wicked, they'll run into a blind alley where there are no answers, and they don't have a God to turn to. But that's not like we was, as a Christian people, we turn to, we know who to call on, don't we? When it's hard, and when we stub our toes, and when we get caught out, sometimes Christians get caught out of character. And sometimes we get extremely lonely. Sometimes you get depressed. Sometimes you get, you get, you feel so isolated. And sometimes there are times when you feel, you feel like God is a million miles away, isn't it? Yet in the midst of all that, you still know there's something in you that still calls upon the name of God. And what we have to do is no matter what the situation on our life is, understand that this, this is the consistency of the blessed man, that this first song, I challenge you tonight, why don't you, before you go to the night, read the first song and take them words and dissect them words and make this word personal to you. This pretty much is the end of our podcast with this Tuesday evening. I want to thank you all for setting in on the podcast and God willing. I'll see you all next Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Thank you and God bless you and have a good week. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's and get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary, VGW Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. 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