Evening & Morning Shade Podcast

The Technique of The Devil

Pastor James Shinkle, Sr.

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Evening and morning shay podcasts with your host, Pastor James Shingle Senior. Good evening. This is the evening and morning shay podcast, James Shingle here. How has your week been? It just seems like the other day we've heard last Tuesday evening and we're back here again with another Bible study. And so I trust that you all have been doing fine. I'd like to talk to you all a little bit to see if I might. Something that came to my interest in that. And that is the thing we call the technique of the devil. Do you know the devil has a technique? Even though it's Christian, obviously we're going to study God, right? We're going to search out the things of God. But you know, even so doing that, you know we should do the same amount of time and interest and desire to check out the techniques of the devil. And the reason for that is when you know how the devil operates, you're more apt to see him coming when he comes and also have a strategy against him. Now, does that sound reasonable? Since we believe that we have a foreign identity, there is no question about the devil is formidable. Okay? And we have to have respect for the devil in the sense that he's no way to play with. And once you understand that, we've got to have a technique in which we can combat him with. I'd like to you all, and this goes from our text from the fourth chapter of Matthew, which is really the main text that Jesus went through in his ministry. It's also mentioned in the very briefly in the gospel of Mark. But in the fourth chapter of Matthew, begin at verse number one, Jesus were led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. You all hear that? You know, now, Matthew tells that Jesus was led up, but Mark uses the term Jesus was driven up. He was compelled to. Okay. And now what's going on here is the spirit led Jesus into the wilderness for the exact purpose to be tempted with the devil. Now, if that's the case, if that is the case, if Jesus had to be tempted, what does this say about you and I? If he was the foremost example, now, y'all, okay, he back to scripture says that he was tempted in our ways as we are yet without sin. So what gives us even the remotest possibility that that's not going to happen is or in our own strength that we'll be able to defeat the devil on our own. We just certainly aren't going to be able to do it. And also, let's just know that that Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to let us know that if Jesus was starting out as public ministry, okay, if he was not going to have victory over the devil, when you started this public ministry, how in the world was he going to have victory over him when it really got hard, when it really got difficult, when the pressure was really on him three years later, just like you and I were tempted all season said in our life. Okay. But do you know temptation is not going to be easier, y'all? And I'll tell you something else. I don't know about y'all, but isn't it true that the older you grow and the more you grow in God, and you experience the grace of God, that temptation tags right along with you. So that is one of the reasons why we need to pray for one another, because we're all don't matter what we're dressed like, how we control ourselves yet the devil is certainly always always on our trail. And tonight I want to talk to y'all a little bit about you know the devil is lurking in the weeds. I didn't have to go to scripture right here. Genesis three one tells us that no, go Genesis three one said now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. That's all the further we need to go in that and that the devil is here was he was Eve, my neural business. Sometimes don't we just mind our own business? We're not trying to do anything wrong. We're pretty much in a condition of that we're going to buy our business and all of a sudden, okay, here comes the devil. Okay. Doing what he does. And we got to understand this that the devil has 6,000 years of practice doing what he does. He knows exactly how to attack every single individual. Just let's just know that because he is what he is, the devil is lurking in the weeds. Okay. He comes when you expect him. He comes when you don't expect him. He comes the opportune times in our life. He comes when he comes when you're lonely, never been lonely. He comes when you feel sorry for yourself. Isn't it true that every now and then coming out? Isn't it true? We feel sorry for ourselves to our shame. You know what they did I'm not being treated right. They don't understand me. They take me for granted. You know, I'm not getting my proper aca place that I should get. There are times when you get depressed. You ever been depressed? There are times when we get discouraged. Everyone discouraged. There's times when you're alone. Okay. All of these are occasions, opportunity where the devil loses. Okay. The calm looking in the weeds. Okay. To do what he does. So we got. So what we got to do is always be aware when we're ever in these situations. Now I just mentioned in some of the situations that I didn't mention. Okay. He can come to you at your highest point. He can come to you when you're spiritually successful. When you have mountain top experiences. When you rest on your own laurels. When you rest on your success of the past. Or he can come to you in just the opposite way. He can come to at your good points. Many times as Christians we have some points that are very noble and very good. But that doesn't mean that if we let our guard down, he can't come on those points. And then also obviously we have some bad points. I'm quite sure when you admit that there's some points that you do know that maybe other people know or maybe they don't know. But at the same time, they are your bad points and he can also come in those ways. So we have to guard ourselves in all those ways because the devil, okay, is a form. You always remember that now. Never, never, never underestimate the devil. And then if you would go when we're talking about the technique of the devil, we got to have we got to have a knowledge of his technique. Let's go to Ephesians 612 if you would take a few minutes. You find it when we go to the book of Ephesians. Are you following me? Are you looking for the book? The book of Ephesians, the sixth chapter, begin at the 12th verse. Now you know this particular portion of the book of Ephesians is about spiritual warfare. And we'll be talking again from the same chapter in a few minutes down the line. But notice what it says here in this 12th verse. Then our struggle. Okay, you hear that? It's not against flesh and blood. Okay, it's not against flesh and blood because we understand, we understand this that we have, we, we understand okay, that, that our battle is not against flesh and blood. As bad as they treat you, okay, some people can be so arrogant, can't they? They can be so un, they can just be so outrageous. They can, people can approach you in ways that make no sense at all. Sometimes people can be just matter how, how, with a monstrosity, just a matter how sinful they are. It doesn't so much matter the attitude that they bring forth to you. Okay, but we got to understand we always got to look behind no matter how bad that they look. And they certainly look bad. Okay, that there's a devil behind that. And we got to have knowledge of that. And why, why is that necessary for us to have now? So that when people come like this, okay, we don't even, we don't cause them to be the blame because we recognize there's a devil behind them causing them to be just the way they are. Would you agree with that? And then also not only now, it's important that we understand the devil is lurking in the weeds. We need to have knowledge, knowledge of his techniques. And then also that we need to know we need to have the technique explained. If you would, we go the first epistle of John chapter two, first 16, first epistle of John, go find not the gospel of John. Now the epistle John. You hear my paces Russian? First John chapter two, verse 16, reads as follow, for all that is in the world. You hear that? All that is in the world. The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the post for pride of life is not from the Father but is from the world. Let us know that, is that the technique exposed is that when the devil comes with us, he's going to come with us in one of those three ways. Okay. He tempted, he tempted even the garden. Okay. Eve saw that the, that the fruit was desirable to the eyes to look at. Okay. It was desirable to make one wise. And I'm just a believer. You don't necessarily have to believe this that I believe although they were sinned us and they were sinned us, they were not perfect. So because they were not perfect that her eyes she couldn't even imagine. You know what that if I eat this fruit, that will help our relationship between me and my husband be a little bit better. And because of this, the technique is exposed to us. So as Christians, we need to understand this y'all. When the devil comes this, he always comes this and one of these three things, the pride of life, the lust of the eyes or the pride of life. And then if you would, go with me down if you would to technique number one. Let's go back to the gospel according to Matthew chapter four. Are you going to follow me? Let's go to the fourth chapter of Matthew. Let's go down if we would to that third verse. Okay. Let's go down to that verse and attempt at the king and said to him, if you are son of God, command that these stones become bread. But he answered him, said is written. Here's the thing. Okay. Technique number one is Satan came to Jesus. I just weaker his point. Okay. He was hungry. 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This also brings into consideration that she Jesus had fasted 40 days and 40 nights. Now, there's value in fasting. Nowhere in the Bible does it say how much we should fast, how we should fast, and I'm not very good at this. You know, I'm a person that just loves the and this fasting has never been my strong point. But I can tell you that fasting is valuable. Whenever you come across a situation where you have to make a very difficult decision and sometimes when God wants you to do, there's a fine line. And sometimes there's risk involved. Either thing that you do, there's a risk involved and that might not turn out right. And because it's not always clear cut, sometimes when it's very difficult, we need to fast along with our brain. Okay. And then the value of a fast, y'all, the value of the fast is not while you're fasting. The value of a fast is once you break the fast. And how do I know that? Because soon as Jesus had already fasted 40 days and 40 nights, that's when the tempter came to him to do what he does. And one of his names, many other names about the devil, and he's a tempter. Can he do it? Won't he do it? And then once you technique number one, and then technique number two, let's go down to verses five and seven in that same chapter Matthew. We're going to see here about he first on the way that he does things. Verses five through seven. Then the devil took him up on the holy city and had him stand on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, if you are the son of God, throw yourself down for what is written, he shall command his angels commanding you. On their hands, they will bear you up so that you will not strike your foot against the stone. So what you're saying right there is that the devil took him up on the city, okay, to stand on the pinnacle of the temple, okay, to see if he could get Jesus, okay, to come under his command. Because he knew that if he could get Jesus, okay, right here, okay, to do something he wanted him to do, he knew that later on three years later, about three years later, he could get him to do something else that he wanted him to do. And so we got to understand that is sometimes Satan will attack himself to our pride. And then we'll go down to technique number three, Matthew four versus eight through eleven. Just go down just a few verses further. Matthew four versus eight through eleven and reach like this. Then the devil, the same devil came, took him up to a very high mountain, showed them all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. The god Satan is called the god of this world. Satan y'all has a lot to offer us, doesn't he? And that's one of the dangers of the world. You don't want to appear at the world too long. But he took Jesus up on a high mountain and he showed them, he showed them all the glory y'all. The world has to offer us and y'all we every single day, most of us will agree that the world is too much in us and the world is too much in the church. When you agree with that, okay, we will come to that concluded that is true. Yet how did what do we do about this? So he takes him up on the high mountain, showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory. And he said to him, all things I will give you if you fall down and worship me. She the desire of Satan has always been y'all, has always been that we worship him as God. And of course as Christians, okay, that's not even the negotiable for us. There's no situation in the world that we would ever deliberately worship Satan over God. And yet, and yet my brothers, okay, whenever we choose to succumb to temptation, isn't that what we do? Isn't that what we do? We may not come out and say that, but that's exactly what we do. We choose Satan over God. And then, and then I believe as we get down here toward the end, we've got to understand this here is that we have to be prepared. Let's go back to that 6th chapter of Ephesians again, which is the main scripture in the New Testament about spiritual warfare. I know we've been there many times in your life. Most churches are very strong on this on this particular section of scripture. The 6th chapter of Ephesians, going back down to verse number 11, we on verse number 12 before. If he's 6 11 tells us to put on the full armor of God, now listen to this, so that you will be able here that word able to stand firm. Now that that word able is so crucial in here because yes, we may have desire. Okay, we can stand firm. We desire to stand firm. We have a mind to stand firm, but we're not able to stand firm. And so, when we're talking about when we were talking about the techniques of the devil, okay, you have to put those whole armor God so that we'll be able, we'll be able to stand against the techniques of the devil. And we can see him coming when he's on the way. And you know, my brothers and some of us have been Christians so long that when we look at certain situations, we know that they ain't nothing but the devil. Isn't that right? And that's good that we have this. And then I believe in getting down close to the last scripture I want to share with you. We're actually those two verses here. What is God's technique? Now we read so much about Satan's techniques, but what about God? Some may go to 1 Corinthians chapter 10, verse 13, if you would remember. 1 Corinthians, we're almost ready to do it for our study. 1 Corinthians, are you following Corinthians with me? I hear your page of the lesson. 1 Corinthians chapter 10, let's go on down to verse number 13 and records as this. No temptation, you hear that? It's overtaken you, but says it's calm in the man. In other words, there's no temptation that any of us have ever had. And we've had some temptation some stronger than others and some very violently. But it's not no temptation that somebody else hasn't had the same one, if not more violently. But such is calm in the man, but God is faithful. See, that's the key. God is faithful. We're not always faithful, aren't we? But you know what? God is faithful. God cannot be anything but faithful. So that being the case who will not allow us to be tempted. Now this is not talking about, you know, that God cannot allow things to come on to us. God will allow us things to come on us. That's too hard for us, okay, to bury. And once that happens, so that we will lean on Him. But now this scripture is not talking about this. This scripture is talking about temptation. God is not allowed that no temptation beyond what you're able, but with temptation will provide a way to escape, so also that you will be able to endure it. So this is telling us, although we know that we sin, we cannot use any excuse. There is no excuse to sin. There are certain situations in our life that we know that we're going to, in fact, we can sin not even knowingly. We can sin ignorantly, we can be an unconsciously that we are sinning. But knowingly, there's no reason in the world that a Christian has to sin. Don't let anybody tell you that you have to do it. If you get in yourself situations that you can't handle, you're in the wrong place of the wrong time, you feel the atmosphere change, your situations that you cannot control, then you get yourself out of that situation. You made an excuse. See you all later, you all have a good night. God love you all and get out of there, okay, because God will provide a way that would have to endure the situation. And then also I want you to look for our final scripture tonight, although this the stuff that we've been talking about, the technique of devil, we've been doing this, all these minutes talked about this, haven't we? But now I want you to go the first, this is kind of the whole cake of them all. First John chapter four verse four, you're looking for first John, not the gospel John, but first John, are you looking? I know you're looking, I can tell you're looking, I can hear the pages rushing in. First John chapter four, verse number four, you got it? Are you with me? It reads like this, you are, you are from God, little children. Notice how John always relates. See, John the apostle, okay, was erratically changed when he was a young man, Jesus served in him and his brother as the sons of thunder, because they were not at all, you could say, a meek type individuals, they were not at all like that. And when God saved you, he radically changes our personalities. So, so what he's telling here in this fourth verse, in this fourth verse, is that he calls them little children, you have overcome them, but greater is he is in you than he that is in the world. Now we spend all these minutes, last several minutes talking about the technique of Satan, it's proper and right that we do this, so we can see a Satan coming when you come. But I want you to all understand this, although Satan is the formidable enemy of our soul, to let you know that the same God is in everyone, that's the Holy Spirit, greater is the Holy Spirit in us than he is in the world. We always got to remember that, that God is greater than Satan, and although we have to have respect for Satan, okay, we do never take Satan on the pedestal in the sense that that we are afraid to see, don't ever be afraid of Satan, okay. Jesus did not allow any demons to be intimidated him, and you and I should not do that either. So that completes our study for this particular two-seat evening, so God will, let's let's say I'm in prayer. Father, I come here the night, it's very good, we shut down this particular Bible study, that that you will use this message Lord God, to touch your people Lord God, so that we will understand the technique of the devil, what he's trying to do, and that we'll have the understanding of the scriptural abilities Lord God to stop the devil in his tracks, that you'll get the honor and glory in our life Lord God, and we can get the victory in Jesus name. Amen and amen, but God won't, I'll see you all next Tuesday night. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking, we've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just gonna circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that, it's just these cash prizes add up quick, so I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. 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