Evening & Morning Shade Podcast

The Attitude of Giving

Pastor James Shinkle, Sr.

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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This is the Evening and Morning Shave podcast, James Shinkle here, and it's a beautiful evening. How is your evening been so far? Time goes so fast. It's just amazing it's been seven days since we've been a last time, last since the evening. I'd like to talk to you all a little bit tonight about, but from the subject of the attitude of giving. Giving is such a thing. We have an attitude about a lot of things in life, and we have to have to understand that as a Christian, we have a lot of perceptions in our life, a lot of different things with our culture, what we've embraced in, what we've always believed, what we always thought. But as a Christian, we have to come to an understanding that sometimes we have to change our attitudes. We might have been sincere, but if our attitudes are not in line with the word the word that God teaches, we need to change our attitudes. And over the years, I've changed my attitudes about a lot of things because I come to understand, okay, the attitudes do not play as God. So I just thought it would be good and be wise for us to have a short study on this thing about the attitude and giving. And to not want to go with subject, our text will take from the book of Acts, the 20th chapter, verse number 30, which I'm going to be reading this out of the New American Standard Version, which is my main study by what I use. This is Acts 2035. Remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ that He Himself said is more blessed to give than to receive. These were the words of Jesus Himself. And it's just not our natural way of doing things, it's to give. We've been programmed all our life, plus for our own nature itself, okay, that giving does not come easy. But prayerfully and hopefully at the end of this broadcast, we'll come out here with a little bit better desire and a vision from God's Word, how we can please God a little bit more in this particular. Let us pray. Father, we just come to your night and we just thank you, not only for this day and our being, we thank you for our existence, we thank you for our breath, we thank you for our heartbeat, we thank you for a portion of our health and strength. Father, we don't want to take things for granted. As we get ready to go into your Word, we understand if your Word is the original soul food and that Father, you will prick your Word into our hearts that we can come out of here, Lord God, just a little bit better and a little bit greater understanding of your Word, Lord God, that you can get the honor and glory in our life. In Jesus' name, we pray and believe and we all say amen. Now based on our text, we're talking about the attitude and giving. Okay, first of all, we need to have, we have the same attitude. If you can go with Philippians 2.5, Philippians 2.5. I've got my man Andrei Morris, my nephew, who is really the spontaneous combustion of this particular podcast and because he's a, he's professional, what he does, he's always trying to push me to make the podcast more, more, more attractive and more, it would just look better and so little things as I develop, because this is about the fifth week now, that I can be a little bit more effective in the way that I bring it to you. So if you go to me, Philippians 2.5, as I flip through the pages here. Now this is a very familiar scripture that you've been in church very long, you come in the, you come in the contact with this scripture. This Christ have the two, Philippians 2.5 says have this attitude in your show, which was also in Christ Jesus. Have the same attitude that he had. Okay, he had an attitude, although he was, though he, he was God, he humbled himself as a man and that's given us the impetus right now as a believer in Christ. Do we need to have that same attitude? Attitude is something that can change and we know we've all, we've all had attitudes in our life. Sometimes we wake up, we're a bad attitude. Sometimes we have attitudes, people have done certain things to us and caused us to have an attitude. But let us agree today that we are the same attitude to Christ because Christ, Jesus is our model. Okay, not a biblical, not Paul or perhaps Moses or Abraham or Silas, but Jesus is the model that we want to be like, what the police are in all our kinds of ways. And then, if you go with me to Proverbs 11, chapter of Proverbs verse number 24, Proverbs 11, 24. Basically, give me some time here as I rush through the pages. Proverbs 11, 24, reads as follows. There is one who scatters and yet increases all the more and there is one who withholds that is partly just they do and yet results only in one. Okay, this proverb is telling us that there's a certain person because of their attitude, okay, because they're greedy and they have a way about them that they don't want to let go anything that's in their grasp. Okay, those type of people have a tendency to lose even that which they do have. But on the other hand, people that don't have a lot, but they still have an attitude of sharing and giving, always making opportunities, you know, they can give something to somebody else, always seem to have ample amount enough in their life. And so, this is telling us so much about attitude. God, I need to tell you something most. As a believer, there's nothing another person can do to you. We need to get this. We need to get this down to our spirit, man. There's nothing that a person can do to us, okay, that our attitude cannot handle. Life is not fair. People are not always going to treat us right. Things are not always going to go our way because nobody said, Scripture does not say that life is fair. But if we have the correct attitude, okay, attitude means everything. And then I want you to go down about that same thing by having the same attitude that God is our example. If you would, Michael, to John 360, well, you all know that by Howard Christ. Why don't you just quote this with me, okay, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe of Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. That word in there gave comes right out, right out, right out of the midst of that verse. God is a giver. God gave His best. God didn't give His leftovers. He didn't give over what He didn't need, but He gave the front part. He gave His best. So that lets us know. And then knowing that, we need to understand, y'all, that from the creation in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. We need to understand this, y'all, okay, that God did not need us. We need God. And the very fact that we're here, okay, let's just know that God is a giver. And God was under God, is under no God. The God that we serve is under no legitimate reason that He has to save us. God did not have to save us. And yet God, because He's a giver, okay, God was perfectly within His own realm. God was not lonely. He was not lacking anything within His own nature. He didn't need anything. God did not need us. And yet God's a giver. And the very fact that we call our so saved today, if we are, okay, that lets us know that God's a giver, because God gave us of His grace. And His grace was no strings attached. You and I did nothing whatsoever, okay, to require or deserve God's grace. And that lets us know that if God is a giver, you all hear this? It is a God's a giver. How much more should people of God even be so much more a giver? In the same way, I want you to also go with this scripture, 10th chapter of John verse number 28. Now I know of you all somewhere familiar with this scripture. Go over to the 10th chapter of John verse number 28. Some of the duties pages. 1st number 28. Jesus's speaker said, I give unto them eternal life. Hear that? He gave unto them eternal life. And they shall never perish. Okay, this thing that we call salvation is not dependent on us. It is dependent on what God did. He stepped out and he gave his sheep eternal life. As we know anything at all about the nature of sheep, we know that sheep are not by the very nature overly smart. And didn't that just like us? And that's why we need a shepherd to keep us going straight and narrow. Because if he didn't do that, if he did not do it, every single one of it by our own nature would go off to the side. So we got to always to keep this in our forefront that God is our main example. And then go on to the next one. I want to talk a little bit about tonight that giving as a principle. You know, giving yourself needs to be a principle. Go with me word to Galatians 6-7. Galatians 6-7. Galatians 6-7 reads as follows. Excuse me, I'm in Ephesians. Oh, yeah, here it is. Yeah, here it is. Verse number seven, do not be deceived. God is not so mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, this also shall we reap. Okay, I know we've heard this countless times in our life, but that's a spiritual principle that works whether you're saved or you're not saved. Okay, be not deceived whatsoever a man sows, also so we reap. So that'd be in the case. Okay, giving should be a principle that not only do we believe that we practice, that we give ourselves over to it. So giving should be as a principle and also giving as a practice. If you wouldn't go to 2 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7-8. 2 Corinthians chapter 9 verses 7-8. Chapter 9, do y'all follow me? Are you finding nine in your Bible? Verses 7 and 8. Now we're talking about here, we are talking about here giving as a practice. Each one, each one you must do, just to see a purpose in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful forgiver. And God is able to make all grace abound to us so that always having all sufficiency and everything that you may have abundance for every good deed as is written. But now this scripture is not for the purpose of this podcast and I want to talk about purpose of tithing one way or the other for the purpose of this podcast. But just let us know here that God is telling us that God loves a cheerful giver. Listen to that. God loves it. God loves a saint that first of all is redeemed and gives all the goodness, all the desire of their heart just to give all the pure excitement of giving because it pleases God. This also we need to understand is that we love because God loves, we give because God's a giver. We're faithful because God is faithful. We try to be good because God is good. We try to be holy because God is holy. Everything that we do as a Christian is to be like God. Of course, we're never going to get to the perfection of God. Yet that should be our desire to be as much as God as we possibly could be. And then, if you were going to Scripture, we've talked about, we all have the same attitude. We talked about God as our supreme example. We have talked about giving as a principle, a practice. And now I want to talk to you all about this here. What's the result of giving? If you wouldn't have told me the book of Philippians, Paul's letter to the Philippians, the fourth chapter, verse 11. We had a little bit in Philippians earlier, didn't we? The fourth chapter of Philippians, are you looking for it? Verse number 11, it reads as follow down in this 11 verse, "Not that I speak from want, for I have learned." You understand this? Paul learned this. He did not get this overnight. And you are not going to get things overnight. Sanctification is a process. It takes years. It takes toils. It takes falling down sometime. It takes rising up to develop this thing that we call a saint. And he says, "Not that I should speak from want, for I have learned in all ways to be content." That's all we need to know right there is that word content. Giving, okay, we cannot base our giving on what we have left or we can't base our giving on what we don't have. We have to learn to live within our contentment. There's a scripture. I believe it's in the 30th chapter of Philippians. I could be wrong paraphrasing this. But the writer writes, he asks the Lord. He asks the Lord. The one thing, give him, Lord God, that he don't give him too much. I'm paraphrasing this. Don't give him too little. So I will forget about you because we got to understand this, you know, that the result of giving is just that we learn to be content. My brother said we learn to be content. And that's the secret to happiness is contentness. And then on down to this last person I want to share with you all tonight. Is that the giving of opportunity? If you would go with Galatians 6-10. Galatians 6-10. Are you looking for it? Find it? Six. Go down to verse number 10. You find it? Okay, I found it. The scripture is telling you found it. The scripture is telling us this here. And that so then, while we have opportunity, that means when we have, whenever we get this chance, because this chance will not come again. We might get other chances, right? But we won't get this chance. So whenever you have an opportunity, let us do good to all people when you have the opportunity to do good. But especially all, you see that word especially, especially to those of the household of faith. My brothers and sisters, we should bend over backwards, literally, trying to be good to one another. And why is that? Not only to be like God, but listen, we have so many things in common. They're believers. Sometimes we don't see the same thing the same way. Of course we don't. We have there's some personalities that don't necessarily jive of other personalities. We got different spiritual growth ratios. The scripture tells us the weak carry the infirmities, the strong carry the infirmities of the weak. That being the case, okay, we have to have this attitude of being good to believers. And if we're good to believers, okay, we're pleasing God, because out of everything that we're talking about, okay, one thing we do have in common, y'all, we all have in common this, we all have the same Holy Ghost. And we all have that same desire. And to some extent, we also have a spiritual understanding about spiritual things. So that being the case, coming out of this, this study tonight, we want to come out here having an attitude that we understand, you know, that our life, our life in Christ is a little bit better when we get this understanding about giving. And so that being completion of this particular study, may God bless you. I'll see you all next week. Lord, won't on next Tuesday night, God willing, take care of yourself. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group void prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply. Ever wonder what makes Panda so special? Join us on Amazing Wildlife to find out. Giant pandas and their habitat are unique and beautiful and extraordinary representation of the natural world. And if you get that opportunity to sit and watch a Panda eat bamboo, you will be mesmerized. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on America's number one podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search Amazing Wildlife and start listening.