Evening & Morning Shade Podcast

Talk About The Assassination of Donald Trump

Pastor James Shinkle, Sr.

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Evening and morning shade podcast with your host, Pastor James Shingle Senior. This is the evening and morning shade podcast, James Shingle here. I hope you're having a wonderful evening. I want to talk to you if I may ever might. I want to talk to you about something that's been on my heart really the last several days. And that's the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Because whenever you see situations that people just cannot understand, whenever that happens, people are looking around for reasons why. I noticed that in the crowd after the assassination, people were saying, what's wrong with America? What is wrong with this country? Something is wrong with America. Now, people have a tendency. Would y'all say that there's something wrong with America? I think most of y'all would agree that there's something wrong with this country. Now, they don't know what it is. They can't quite put their finger on it, but they know there's something wrong. Okay. And the purpose of this podcast is to show y'all and the Christian community is that what is wrong with America, okay? And that is there's a spiritual problem with America. And that's what this podcast, the purpose of this podcast, but I want to show y'all this season. Now, what I want to start off with is that America is not the election nation. I love my country to death. Red, white, and blue is running through my veins. I don't want to live anywhere but America. I love my country. I'm a patriot. But I want y'all and America, like all countries in the world have flaws. There's no such thing as a country, okay? That does not have flaws. There's no such thing as a country that does not do wrong things. There never has been, okay? Because people, as a Christian, we got to know that people are depraved. We got to know that. And we got to take that and consider. So it shouldn't surprise any country when they do things. But what we have to look at tonight, I believe, to bring out, I believe what God wants us against tonight is to understand that the nation Israel is not that Israel is that people are Jews or any better than any other people in the world. They're not. They're just as sinful as any other people in the world, okay? Yeah, those are the people that God chose. God chose for his own reasons, not because of them, okay? But inspired them. He chose to work with those people to bring forth the Messiah. And his own counsel and his own reasons. Now, we got to understand something. The exaltation, y'all, does not come from the east or the west or the north. But God who puts it down one and raises up another. Exaltation comes for God. Now, listen, there's nothing new under the psyche. Ecclesiastes 1, 9 tells us that which now, now is was once before. The only thing is, we weren't here. But it gets repackaged under another, another day, it comes rolling back, right back around. The Satan always uses the same strategy, the world, flesh and the devil. He's successful at it. And all our temptations are one of those three different things. And so that being, I'm going to show you a little bit about the assassination, okay? Okay, these are the attempted assassinations in the history of America. Now, follow this now. And he may surprise you because it surprised me. I did not know there was this many. Franklin Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford twice, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and George C. Wallace, who also ran for president. Now, these were all the assassinations that were successful. Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, John F. Kennedy, and his brother, who was running for president, Robert F. Kennedy. So, let's get down to what the problem is. What is wrong with this country? Okay. So here's our scripture for today. I don't know if I told you or not, but we do have a scripture that I'm going to reference. Do you know that the scripture tells us that the wicked will be, will be turned into hell and all nations that forget God. I got to read that again. The wicked will be turned into hell and all nations that forget God. Now, you know, if I was president, if I was president, you know, I would have that up on a plaque in front of my door going in the law office. Now, you know how long I would be president after that? They say, get rid of this of this religious fanatic, okay? Because the very fact that that that scripture, okay, that scripture tells us that this is just the way it is, that the wicked will be turned into hell and all, even all nations that forget God. Now, let's go on from there, okay? You follow me so far? Okay, this is what we're going to see. I want to take a chance into the book of Romans, the first chapter of the book of Romans, and we're going to go down, we're going to manate the 26 verse, but the 26 verses referring to what it says from the verses one down through verse number 25. I want you to listen to this now. For this reason, God gave them over. Now, when God gives a people or an individual over what he's saying there, he's just letting them do what they want to do. He will not restrain at some point. Okay, at some point, God will not restrain evil. He'll just let people do what they want to do to degrading passions. For the women exchange the natural function for that which is unnatural and yours is kind of unique that it would use the women before it does the men. And in the same way also, the man, listen to this, burned in their natural function of the women and burned in their own desire toward one another. Men with committing indecent acts and receiving in their own person do penalty for all their sins. Then goes on in verse 28, for this reason, God gave them over to depraved mind to do those things which were not convenient. Okay, now. See, the process happened here. Now, I'm not saying because I'll have the authority to say this or I'll have the right to say this. But I can, this week, the book of Romans is laying out this laying out the process about how nations fall. And this is following the blueprint. I'm not saying that on June 26, 2015, I'm not saying that again. Okay. But I can tell you this, on June 26, 2015, when same same sex marriage when the Supreme Court ruled that men can worry men and women can marry women. Okay, that from that time on, there's been a direct drop off. And when from right after that, the transgenderism, what does transgenderism have anything to do with same-sex marriage? Does that anything do with it? Does it? But what happens is, is that the bottom drops off. And once God gives a people over to what they want to do, once God, see, we've been held by God's grace. And that's the only reason why we men what we are to do. But once a people deliberately turn away, see, the United States of America was always a Judea-Christian nation. Okay, even before George Washington was born, okay, America was although the colonies was a Judea-Christian court during the Civil War, during slavery, during the First World War, the Second World War, okay, the culture itself was saturated in Judea-Christian thought, okay. But something has happened. Something has happened in the last 10 years. And you know, America is no longer America is no longer a Judea-Christian. It's in the culture is no more Judea-Christian. Now, there's probably more Christians in America than there are anywhere, but the effect of the culture itself, okay, is anti-bob, anti-Christian. Now, and then the next thing coming down the line, okay, is it's going from bad to worse. And if you know this, there's no repentance on the agenda. It's going from bad to worse, and there's no repentance, and there's no repentance. They have no desire to stop doing anything. It's going on from bad to worse to bad. In other words, God's just letting us do what we want to do. And when man does what they want to do, without God holding them up by the grace, they're going to go down to the mud still every single time. Now, in Israel, 2 Chronicles 36 verses 15-16, the people cried out. They saw that things were falling apart in Israel, and they did. They cried out to God. God sent the prophets. They wouldn't listen to them. God sent the greatest teachers. They wouldn't listen to the tuckings of the Holy Spirit. And they cried out, it tells on the tellers, and they cried out, but there was no remedy. There was no remedy. My brothers, my sisters, we don't have any answers. The politicians don't, they don't know what they're doing. They don't have no answers. And the reason they don't have no answers is because God has abandoned this country. That's what Romans 1 is, the process telling us what has happened. Now, here's what we need to do. If we as a people, okay, there's different views based on this about can we turn around? Is it too late? Have we passed a place of no return? And I don't actually know if it has or not, but I can tell you this much. As a people, I'm talking, this has to be the people of God. This is not, doesn't that be a donation? It does have anything to do with the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. It has nothing to do with any of that. This has to be a spiritual movement. The people of God, now we know that, if you're a Christian, you know you believe in grace of some kind. You may have different ways you describe it, but you believe in grace in some time. Okay, what we need to do as a people, okay, now we know that we've all sinned and fell short of the glory of God. We know that and we know that we're far from perfect. But one thing that we need to do, and that's not too much to ask for, wouldn't you say the people of God should be what they say they are? And because the people of God need to be what they say to do, it's time for the church to be the church. May God bless you and have a good choosing. God bless. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved, we are gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you lucky. Thank you for free at LuckyLand No purchase necessary. BGW Graboid were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Ever wonder what makes pandas so special? Join us on Amazing Wildlife to find out. 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