Evening & Morning Shade Podcast

Why Do We Praise Our God

Pastor James Shinkle, Sr.

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Open your free I Heart app and search Amazing Wildlife and start listening. ♪ Evening in the morning ♪ ♪ Shame ♪ ♪ Evening and morning shade podcast ♪ ♪ With your host, Pastor James Shinkle Senior ♪ - Hello, this is evening and morning shade podcast. James Shinkle here with another podcast. And how was your last week up to this Tuesday night? I'd like to talk to y'all just for a little bit, if I might, for about five or six minutes. Something that really had been come out, and that was Dr. Tony Evans. Now since the story was broke four or five weeks ago, I think that everybody in the Christian community kind of had a response, it was kind of, to some extent, knocked back by the announcement. Because let's face it, our religious leaders have a great effect on us. And I recall Dr. Evans, I would tell you up in the top, for almost to the point of idolized, I would say. I have a Tony Evans study Bible, Tony Evans commentary. There's four or five of them. Dr. John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Bodie Bockum, and there's several other ones also, but those kind of the main ones. And of course, there's some deviation in all of them. You're never going to agree 100% on anybody that comes with a certain persuasion. But by and large, we have to understand that our religious leaders do have an effect on. And that's one of the reasons why those in the religious community never want to fail one another. Because we do have an effect on one another. And I do not, in any situation whatsoever, want to be a stumbling block to anybody. We should all feel that way. Now, when the story broke, like I said, about five weeks ago, or approximately about that time, and Tony Evans pretty much just made the statement, he said, "I'm announcing that I am setting myself down "as the senior pastor of Oak Grove Fellowship "in town in Dallas, and it was because, "over the issue of sin, which went on several years ago." Now, the word several can mean two or more, right? So that I decided to put myself under the discipline of the elders of the church for restoration and repentance. And he pretty much left it at that. And so I have watched maybe six or seven different spins over the next week or so. All I wanted to hear, to get all the information I could, to the point I'm satisfied that I want to hear no more whatsoever about what comes out until something new has developed, even comment on it. But what I gotta say about the situation, or Dr. Tony Evans, is that the way that he did it is exactly the way it's supposed to be done. Now, let me ask you a question. Would you say it's better to set yourself down or to be set down by the church? What would you say the better? Was pretty obvious that it's better to set yourself down, right? And so that's exactly what he did. And so I just believe that we ought to take him at face value. Now, the question goes out. She talked, Oak Grove Christian Fellowship has approximately 11,000 church membership. And Tony Evans himself has a worldwide audience that depending on him or the regular basis of over 100,000 people over the world. So the question goes, how much are these people entitled to know? For one thing, what he calls himself a pastor or religious leader is supposed to be above reproach. And that's a mighty high standard. Yet nevertheless, that's the standard that the word the guy puts in front of us, that our leader needs to be that way. So, and could look what I want to say this year. And this leads us to, in a local level. And I know we're supposed to pray for our pastors and I'm sure that you do to some extent, but I'm not stressed as even more at this time, okay? See, the devil cannot, see God can be everywhere at the same time. But Satan can't. So he has ambacity, he has other demons to do his work. And what we gotta understand is, we come to pastors, our pastors for counsel, they do not come to us. We in this case, we got to make an extra effort to pray for them, y'all, on the local level. Because pastors go through the same thing that we do. They still have to deal with the world, the flesh and the devil. And at the same time, they really, really do need our prayers. So I just encourage all the body of Christ in the city period that they do that, all right? I wanna talk to you if I may or might, for this Bible state, it came on to my mind about this thought. Have you ever wondered, why do we praise our God? I mean, why do we praise our God in the first place? Oh, there has to be a reason, right? And Psalm 109 verse one is our text. And it reads out of this Psalm 9 one, I will praise the Lord. And that is our text. And, okay, why do we praise our Lord? We praise Him because it's due Him. If we would go to Luke 14, 40, this month, this season, would tell us, but Jesus answered, if these become silent, these stones will cry out. In other words, God has shown that even the stones in the inanimate object, an object has no intelligent or has no life in itself. He's making an analogy. If these stones, sometimes, y'all, sometimes people do not realize that they're in the presence of God. Sometimes they do not understand the significance of God in their life. And if that is the case, okay, every breath we get, every heartbeat we get, okay, every thought we get in our minds comes from God. And we just do praise that we praise Him just because it's God for no other reason than that. And then we praise Him as Creator. I believe if we go to Revelations 4/11, praise at this time, praise Him as Creator and Redeemer, worthy of you, O Lord, our God, to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things. Do you not know that all creation has a Creator? And whether they even know it or not, the most hardened atheists are agnostic in the world, whoever they might be, okay? Oh God, praise as their Creator. Especially in the Old Testament, the Old Testament stresses, okay, the importance is God is Creator. You know, once you settle in your own mind, Genesis 1/1 says what? In the beginning God created the heaven. Once you establish that in your own mind, that God is Creator, so many things that the Bible says just falls in place. Once you settle that issue in your own mind, God is the Creator, okay? That is due under His name. And then also as Redeemer. If you would, go with me to Psalm 1072 says, let the Redeemer, the Lord, say so. Those that know God as a personal Savior have a relationship with Him, okay? It should never, never ashamed to say they belong to God, okay? And there are so many situations in our life where we almost are mute, aren't we? When it comes when you're around people and yet the Scripture says that we are the Savior. Never, y'all, never be ashamed to know the own by God. And because of that, not only that, but we need to praise God collectively. If you go to Peter 2.9 tells us this season, but you knows how Peter is talking, he's talking to the church, but you as a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holding nation, okay? Collect as an individual, we praise God, but you know what? The body of Christ, the local church need to praise God. And you know what? We go to the church on Sunday, generally speaking, don't we? Or whenever we assemble together, the words of the Lord. That should be just a time of joy, that should be just a time of a special relationship where we do business with God, that the whole community surrounding the church should know that. They should understand, they should feel the very presence in that local neighborhood, okay, that there's something special going on in the local church. And why is that? Because the church is, listen, there's power in God as an individual, but there's even more power in God collectively. And then there's the way we ought to be doing. Isn't that true, isn't that true collectively? Has not God done wonderful things in your life? If you would go right back to the same scripture, it says in Peter 2.9, "Who have called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." Isn't that word marvelous a wonderful word? Just saying, marvelous light. You were once shrouded in darkness. You had, there was nothing around you whatsoever, okay? But you were in darkness, okay? And that marvelous day, when God saved you and called you out. And you know what? It's just not a good thing. It's a wonderful thing to be surrounded in such marvelous light as this. So you know what? Has he not done wonderful things for us? Of course he has. And then the next one is God, we praise God because God desires our prayers, our praise, if you go to Psalm 22.3, we tell you this. And Psalm 22 tells us, "You are a throne upon the praises of Israel," okay? God, you are a throne upon the praises. God desires, God loves the praises of his people. God just loves to hear the praises of his people. There's just something about God, the person of God that praises turns him on. Now, you know what? We might not be able to do a lot of things, isn't that correct? Can you do all things? It's pretty obvious that we can't. But you know one thing that we can do? We can praise God. We can praise God with the best of them, can we? Just because he is, just because he called us out of darkness, just because he's wonderful, just because he saved you, just because you gave you one more breath, just because you gave you one more day, one more opportunity to repent, one more opportunity to say thank you Jesus, one more opportunity to start over, one more opportunity to accept forgiveness, one more opportunity to forgiveness, one more time to start over. That alone gives us a desire and need to understand that God desires our prayers, our praises. And then, you know what else falls at? And that is that praise is where it begins. Everything starts and you know what? It ends at praise. If we would go to Psalm 31, 41, it reads like this, "Our praise the Lord at all times," y'all, listen to this, "His praises shall continually be in mouth." Isn't that something? We will praise the Lord at all times. Are all situations good? No, they're not. Are all times the best? No, they're not. But God is calling His people to praise Him at all times, the best of times, and to work the worst of times. His praise shall continue. In other words, we would praise all to be consistent. It's not based on the season, the situation we find ourselves in, but it's based on just an itinerant design on our hearts to praise God. In spite of the same, when you wake up this morning, what do you do? You praise Him. When you lay down a night, what do you do? You praise Him. What do you do in the midnight day? You praise Him. What do you do in the noon time out? You praise Him. But there's just something about praise, y'all. Not only does it excite God, you know, but it's infectious. Praise infectious. We can go to church, we can be in situations where it's very stagnant, and then you start praising God. Okay, and little by little, you see, the atmosphere began to change, the atmosphere began to fall back, because God adorns around the praises of His people. And then do you not know that knowing praise starts and ends with praise, but praise should be spontaneous. If you was going to Luke 17, 15, which reasons this, now one of them, who's talking about the Samaritan now, when he saw, he saw, he understood that he'd been healed. He turned back, what did he turn back for, because he didn't have to do that. But he turned back 'cause he was compelled. He compelled and he fell on his face, glorifying God with a loud voice. Now isn't that our place before God? Hasn't God been good to us? When God answers those impossible situations, and when you do so, saying that far beyond the absolute, the ordinary, even for our little things, okay, are added to be one of praise in God. It has to be sponsored, you know, one thing I just really hate to see in church, you know, and I know that people that do it, deacons, and they mean well by it. And they'll tell the congregation something like, I don't know how y'all can just sit there like a lump on the log, why don't you just praise Him? But you cannot do, you cannot work the Holy Ghost and anybody to save your life. It has to be spontaneous. Now you at home, okay, you may not come and desire to praise God necessarily on this particular time at church. But there's times y'all, you might be at home, you might be outside, you might be at work, you might be enjoying yourself. There might be just a certain situation when you just overwhelmed about the goodness of God and you cannot help but pray. It has to be a spontaneous thing, okay? Okay, and don't let nobody put you into a bag, okay? They make you feel guilty because you don't conduct praise in God in a situation that maybe is called for it. Because that does not necessarily mean that the way you are and does not necessarily mean that you're not gonna praise God. But it has to be a natural thing to you. It has to be an explosive thing to you. It has to be a time when you just cannot help but praise the God. And then you know praise should be universal. I don't even have to go to the scripture. Psalm 156, Psalm 156 tells it, that all that have breath, praise the Lord, okay? Praise the Lord, it ends with that doxology. Praise the God should be universal. If you're the most hardened person in the world, okay? They owe God praise. If they owe God praise, how much more did the redeemed of the Lord cannot help but praise God? Don't you just wanna praise them? Don't you just wanna praise them now? And then the end with this devotion. You know praise will be personal, do you know that? In our text, I will praise the Lord but the end with this with my whole heart. You know, it's not good enough, okay? That the church praises God. That the community praises God, okay? That the church has a whole praises God, you know? But I gotta praise God for myself. You know, there's just nothing better in life, I believe in life. It's when the Saint of God recognizes where they are, the Lord God, this point in their life and they praise God. So listen, I'm gonna take you out as a challenge to the church, okay? And that is the praise, I recognize that when you praise God, you're doing exactly what God wants to do. All day ends our Bible study for the day. May God bless you and Lord, I'll see you all next Tuesday night. Hicking and lonely climbing Mount McKinley, so to entertain myself, I go to At ChumbaCasino, I can play hundreds of online casino style games for free. 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