The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

398 | Torah Portions 52: Seventy Elohim; Angel Agents; Moses Speech Impediment; YAH Hides

Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

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05 Oct 2024
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Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

Chabbat Shalom everybody and this is it. We finally made it after one entire year. This is the end. We're finishing the tour portions for the year and of course next week we will roll them back again. So thank you everybody in advance. For those of you who've been here with me since the beginning and probably way beyond that. I mean some of you have been around for several years and of course all praise to YAH and love who I have with me tonight, Pamela. Pamela and I are in the center kind of the middle right now of Sukkot. We are finishing the fall feast. Some of you depending on what calendar you're on you haven't even begun yet. I think well actually no. I think maybe some of you are on Yum Tarua today or this weekend. Not really sure but everyone's on different calendars. So whatever day you guys are on, you know, Chabbat Shalom and glad you guys can be here right now. That being said, Pamela, you've been on, this is, I feel like this is a big accomplishment for the both of us. Really you way more because I can say we here because I want everybody to know that this last year as I have read through the tour portions through the paleo. If you're not aware, Pamela was translating this at a supernatural, superhuman, superhero pace and it was too much, it was a shocker for me. I think halfway through this, I finally figured it out. It was probably, we were probably in Leviticus and I realized that you were actually writing it all by hand on paper and then of course you would translate it over a 21st century style afterwards and but anyways, you got it done. Here we are. This is a big accomplishment for both of us tonight and so yeah, so you're experiencing sick oats in a very literal way and before we get going tonight, I think everybody would love to hear your story and where you're at and yeah, take it away. Well, if you, if everyone knows this, you know, of course it's just brown paling behind me. It is a new setting for me, really, truly, you know, I'm calmernackling in a different place now. Some of you may or may not know that my grandson I had been living in and not the best circumstances, the place that we were living in, it was, it was not good and I had been praying about it. I think, you know, our own Rebecca Google, she'd been praying with me and she was like, Pam, you need to get out of there, Pam, you need to get out of there and so we had been praying about it and, you know, there's that thing, you know, where to go, that was one of the big things, where should I go, you know, y'all wish I'd go. And then how to go, you know, because when you move, if anyone who has moved before, you know how it costs, well, on young Kapoor, Day of Atonement, actually the Day of Covering is what I was actually doing. On the Day of Covering, I was doing my fast and I was trying to observe the feast and I got a call, I got a call and I got a call from my housing place, a housing authority and said that I had been approved that I got an apartment and so I'm like, you know, you know, pray y'all that I got in this apartment. And so I was just ecstatic and it wasn't, I don't, I wasn't very long after that, that I got a text from Noah, he said, we had a very generous donation to come in and we're going to be able to give you, do you mind me saying how much, you know, Day. Yeah, please do. Yeah, that's fine. He said we were given a sizable donation, we're going to be able to give you $2,500. And I literally, I was like a Victorian maiden, you know, you know, I literally, you know, it's just like that kind of a moment and to see, I mean, y'all was, he was working just like that. It was like, I got the call from, from the place that I had an apartment, no one gives me a call saying, I mean, a texting, we're going to give you this. And so I was, I like three days later, I was, I was gone, I was out of that place that had been and into the new place. And with it, I was able to rent a moving van, I was able to get electric service, put over, I was able to pay, you know, the deposits and the rent for the new place and household essentials, food, that kind of thing. So if you could understand, you know, the movement of y'all, I mean, it wasn't me, it wasn't about me. It's about the generosity of the tech community, it was about how quickly y'all moved and you what was amazing, I was, I was on the waiting list, I was not supposed to be next. I was not supposed to be next. So the lady was actually in the office signing the papers, signing the lease papers and she gets up and walks out and leaves. And so I get the next apartment and the apartment that I got is right beside my oldest daughter, we're just like right next door to one another. And so it's like, it was like miracle after miracle after miracle and so I just wanted to share with you, you know, that it was because of your kindness that I was able to get out of the situation that we were in and get into a better situation. And it's been rough, you know, when I determined to, when I realized I couldn't work full time and translate, I had to make a choice, was I going to keep teaching at a job I didn't believe in or was I going to leave and I lost everything, I lost almost everything. Was I going to do that, was I going to do what the Ruok was moving me to do? And no one said this has been the Ruok, this is, this is, this is not me, if it hadn't been me, it would have been somebody else, because this is the work of the Ruok. And I know it because it was just like unbelievable. And so I just, I wanted to share with you these miracles, this miracle that has happened to me, the gift he gave me in terms of he let me, you know, be the hand, you know, that was writing the stuff down and, and the miracle of how he, he moved me out of a terrible situation into where I'm at now and I'm sorry, I haven't got it set up as nicely as I want to, but that, that will come hopefully. And I can already, I think we already have better reception is what I'm thinking. So, yeah, and, and Pamela was from, she was, I guess, being a little kind there about her former situation, what she is now, so I won't give any details that she didn't give, but it, I'm so glad she's out of the former situation. And when she mentioned the $2,500, it is, it is my goal and I want to be real transparent with everybody because we support Rebecca and we're trying to support Pamela. My goal is to, to give her, to live off of, to translate the Bible $2,500 a month, which as many of you know is like nothing, right? In this day and age. I mean, you know, that's what, if I can get her, you know, say $30,000 a year, right? Over 12 months. This is the first year of the first month that we were able to do that. There's been months where I gave her, I think, 2200, there was months where I gave her 1,200. Last month, I gave her 200. This was the first month, so praise you all, that we were able to get her up to there. And of course, I'm hoping, you know, when you guys buy her books, of course, that will go above and beyond that as well and she gets the, she gets profit for that. And I have not put it on the community too because, you know, the first of every paycheck goes to pay for Rebecca every single month and she gets it before my own family does. But I haven't put it on the community to say, you know, this is what we have to do every month, but I have put it out there, guys, like, let's give above and beyond and let's support Rebecca. And if you got, I'm sorry, Pamela, if you see, I'm mixing you, it's like my own children, you know, like, you know, you go through, like, my time I get to, even sometimes my own daughter with Ripka, I'll go like, air are, you know, Riv, you know, I go through, like, all the different syllables and stuff. So the vowels and consonants, but anyways, yeah, that's my desire, guys. I want to build it. If she has been a blessing to you with the payload Hebrew translations and she's going to continue doing this, y'all willing, please, guys, you know, just support this ministry and enough sit on that and let's go ahead and get right into this tonight. So here we are week 52 and this is going to be the final week. I'm combining two tour portions together. Really they shouldn't be split up because this is all the song of Moses right here. And you guys are in for a treat, of course, because keep on seeing Rebecca tonight. Pamela, Ms. Pamela here is going to translate it, read it for you guys. So please take it away. All right. This is from Deborah Ion and this is from his twelfth speech. This is the twelfth speech of Michelle, and Michelle, I said a word in order in the ears of all that gathered assembly of Yashirel as all as the words of this song until they were finished. So this is a song he was commissioned to write, "prick up your ears, how should I am? And I will speak instruction. And here understand obey, and to the declaration of my mouth, for my speech shall drop down like rain. My speech shall flow like the dew, like showers upon the tindergraf, like a downpour upon the greener, for I will call out the name of Yaha'u'llah. Come, ascribe magnificence unto our alahayah. The rock, his work is perfect, whole, sound complete, for all his ways are just. He isn't all a faithfulness. And without iniquity. He is honest, upright, and correct. They have acted corruptly against him. Their stain is not of his son. Theirs is a perverse and deceitful generation, a revelation of Yaha'u'llah. You have repaid him thusly, O people foolish and not wise. Is he not your father? Has he not acquired you, fashioned you, and set you upright? Remember the days of ancient time, stand apart. In the years, generations circling after generations, inquire of your father, and he will proclaim openly in your bearded ones. They will declare unto you. Al-Yau, taking the nations as possession, in his separating the sons of Adam, he set in place the boundaries of the people, according to the tally of the sons of Yah'u'llah. For the portion of Yaha'u'llah is his people. Yah'u'llah is the measuring line of his inheritance. He found him in a land, a wilderness, in a formless waste, a howling desolation. He turned him around, he caused him to understand. He gave him intelligence. He kept watch over him, like the middle of his eye. Like an eagle aroused his his abode, trembling, brooding over his young. He expands his wings, he takes him, he lifts him upon his pinyon, Yaha'u'llah alone guided him, and without any foreign awe with him. He caused him to be carried upon the high places of Allah, that he might eat the fruit of the fields. He caused him to suckle honey from a rock, and oil from the flinty stone, cheese of cattle, and milk of the flock, and ramsons of Bishan. When he guts with fatness of kidneys, of wheat, and of the blood of grapes, you will drink wine. Yachar'al has grown fat, and has trampled about, kicking, you've grown fat, you've grown thick with fat, you're covered. He has forsaken Allah'u'llah, who fashioned him, and has foolishly treated with contempt the rock of his Yashawloth. He caused him to burn with jealousy, with abominations he provoked his displeasure. He sacrificed himself unto demons, not unto Allah'u'llah, but unto whom they may not, newly come up, whom your fathers never feared. And he declared, 'I will hide myself from them, I will observe what shall be their latter in.' They are a perverse generation, children who have no faithfulness in them. They have incited me to jealousy, with that which is not all, have provoked me with anger with their transitory vanities. And I will incite them to jealousy, with that which is not a people, with a foolish nation, I will provoke them to anger, for fire is kindled in my anger. And you will be set on fire, as far as the lowest shown. You will consume our odds and her produce, and you will scorch the foundations of the mountains. I will scrape together over them calamities. I will bring a full end of my arrows upon them. I have exhausted with hunger, and I have battled with plague and pestilence, bitter poison, and the teeth of beasts, I will send forth against them with burning poison of the creepers of the dust. They will be breathed by the sword from outside, and from the inner chambers, dread, both the young warriors, in addition, the Vasula, the suckling babe, and with a grey-haired man. I have declared I will scatter them as a wind, I will remove from among men the remembrance of them, unless I had turned aside the vexation of an enemy, lest his adversary estranged himself, lest they should declare his hand rises. His hand raises, and Yaha'u'llah of the Everland has not fashioned all of them. For they are a nation wandering lost, devoid of purpose, and there is a lack of intelligence in them. If only he were wise, if only he prudently understood this, he would perceive their latter end. How can one pursue a thousand, and two put to flight, ten thousand, conditionally, if their rock had not settled them? Yaha'u'llah'ah shut them up. For not like our rock is their rock, and our enemies are judges, for from the vina shaddam is their vine, and from the field of Amaraha, their grapes are bunches of poison. It yields to them a poisonous plant of grapes, the burning poison of dragons is their wine, and the head of virulent vipers. Is this not stored up with me, sealed up in my treasury? To me our vengeance and retribution unto the proper time. You shall cause to fall down their foot, for the day of calamity approaches and you hastily make ready upon them. For yaha'u'llah'ah will judge his people, and over his servants he will lament, for he observes their hand has departed in his failed shut up and forsaken, and he will ask, where is there alahayah, the rock to whom they took refuge? He consumed the fatness of his sacrifices, he drank their drink offering, can he rise up and help you? Will he exist over you for protection? Not now, that I am he, and there lacks any other alahayah with me. I, I slay, and I will make alive, I have smitten, and I will heal, and there lacks any who can deliver from my hand, for I lift up my hand toward Hoshamayim, and I declare I exist. For as far as the eye can see or perceive to the edge of the horizon and beyond, conditionally should I sharpen my sword of lightning and should my hand cease hold upon judgment, I will turn back, taking vengeance upon my enemies, and giving recompense unto my haters. My arrows I have made drunk from blood, and my sword you will consume flesh, from the blood of the mortally wounded and from the head of the captives, of the commander of the enemy. O nations, vibrate the voice, shop for joy with him, he will take vengeance for the blood of his turban, and he will turn back the vengeance of his adversaries. He has made a covering atonement over his land, over his people. Mashaafah finishes his admonition, and Mashaafah came, and he said a word in order, as all the lyrics of the song, and the ears of the people, he and Hoshah, and Mashaafah made at the end of the speeches, as all the instructions toward YAH Shra'el, and he declared toward them, "Fix your heart upon all the Deborahaeum, which I again testify against you this day, which you shall commandeth your sons to guard, to fashion, as all the instructions of this Torah. This speech is not only by raising the view, for he who is your life, and upon this depart, you will prolong your days upon the Red Earth, which you pass over us, the YAHshad on, there to possess her." And YAH Hoshah, the Ever Living, said a word in order toward al-Mashaafah, in the bone of the day, to declare, a sin toward the Mount of the Abra'el, unto Mount Naboo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against the face of YAH Ta'el, and observe the land of Canulai, which I have given unto the sons of YAH Shra'el for an inheritance, and died upon the mountain, where you sinned there, and be gathered toward your people, just as a har on your brother died upon Mount Har, and was gathered toward his people, because you acted unfaithfully against me, in the midst of the sons of YAH Shra'el, by the water of the Marayabaha kudash, in the wilderness of Don, because you did not regard me, it set apart, in the midst of the sons of YAH Shra'el. But from over against that place, you will observe the land, but you will not go there toward that land, which I have given unto the sons of YAH Shra'el. The Barakah, the Barakah of Masha'a, this is the Barakah of Masha'a, wherewith Masha'a, the man of Ha'alaha YAH did Barak at the sons of YAH Shra'el to the face of his death, and he declared, "YAH Ha'alaha, the everlasting, has come from Sayyad, and has sprung forth from Shayah unto them, shining forth from Mount Fa'ar on, and he arrived with a myriad of the set-apart ones, in his right hand a fiery commandment for them, holy loving the people, all his set-apart, or in your hand, and they lie down at your foot, each he will lift up from your precept. Masha'a has commanded unto us a Torah, the inheritance of the gathered assemblies of YAH Shra'el, and he existed malak in YAH Shra'el, in the gathered together of the heads of the people, uniting the tribes of YAH Shra'el. Ra'aluban shall exist, and shall not die, and all of his males shall exist, not a few. And this is for YAH Haudah, and he declared here, for YAH Haudah, the voice of YAH Haudah, and you will bring him toward his people. His hands shall be sufficient for him, and you will exist a helper from his enemy. He declared of La'uiah, your Samaya and your Uriah are for the pious men, whom you will prove at Masha'a, and you do contend with over the water of Maria Baha, who is declared of his father and of his mother. I have not observed him, and at his brother's he did not reckon us, and his son Yimina, or he guarded your speech, and he kept watch over your barrier. He has taught your judgment unto YAH Akuban, and he has placed incense into your nose, and whole ascending offerings upon your altar, but I, O YAH Haha, his integrity. And you will graciously accept the labor of his hand, smite the loins of those rising up against him, and from his haters, removing them that they rise not. Of Banu Yaman, declare, "He will be beloved of YAH Haha, he will settle down to dwell and safety beside him, covering over him all the days, and between his shoulders he shall dwell." YAH's soft declare, "From the barakas of YAH Haha is his hand, from the precious things of Shamayam, from the dew, and from the deep places that lie beneath, and from the precious things in the fruit of Shamash, and from the precious things produced by YAH Hayam, and from the head of ancient mountain, and from the precious things of the perpetual hills, and from the precious things of a rot in her fullness, and the delight of him who dwells in the thorny bush, you will bring these upon the head of YAH Haha, and upon the crown of the head of the Naziah of his brothers, the ornament of his splendor is the first in Heaven's ox, and his horns are the horns of Rayam, with them he will push the people. He will smite the extremities of a rats, and they are the mere thousands of Yifrayam, and they are the thousands of men of Shah. And of Zeb, Zebayulan, he declared, "Rejoice Zebayulan, and you're going forth, and Yashash Khar in your tent." He is called out there the people of the mountain. He has sacrificed the sacrifice and the righteousness. For the abundance of the sea he has suckled in the hidden treasures concealed by the sand. And of God declare, "But elk from the enlarging of God, like a lion he lies down, and tears and pieces the arm with the top of the head." He chooses the first for himself, but there is the portion, the carved out panels, and the heads of the people arrived. He has fashioned the righteousness of Yaha'u'llaha and his judgments with Yashar'u. And of Dan, he declared, "Dan is a lion's wilt," and he shall leap forth violently from Habashan. And of Naftriya, he declared, "O Naftriya, satisfied, delighted and made full with the Barakah of Yaha'u'llaha, you will take possession, seaward, and southward." And of Ashar, he declared, "But elk, with offspring, Ashar was this, graciously accept his brothers, and his foot shall be immersed in oil. Iron and brass are your shoes, and as your days, so shall be your rest." There is none like the all of Yashar, who rides Shamayam in your aid, and in the firmament in his splendor, "O Ha'Yah is of ancient time a refuge, and from beneath are the everlasting arms, and he will cast out the enemy from before your face, and he will declare destroy. And Yashar'u'll shall settle down to dwell, secure and separate. The eye of Yah'u'll shall be toward a land of corn and new wine. Additionally, his Shamayam shall drop down the dew, "Happier you, Yashar'u, who is likened to you, are people delivered by Yah'ah Waha, the shield of your help, and who is the sword of your splendor. Your enemies shall fail for you, and you shall travel down their high places." The death of Mashallah. Mashallah ascended from the dry desert regions of Malvah toward Mount Nubah, to the head of Fisargah, which is over against the face of Yah'ah Waha, the Everliving, showed him all the land of Galyad as far as dawn, and all Nastariah, and the land of Afarayam and Manu Shah, and all the land of Yahouda, as far as the sea of the Akarayum and the Nagaab, and the circular valley of Yarekah, the city of the palm trees as far as Yah'ah, and Yah'ah Waha, the Everliving, declared toward him, "This is the land which I solemnly pour into Abaraham, and to Yashar, and to Yaku, to say, and to your seed I will give her. You will observe her with your eyes, but you will not pass over there." Soon by an ancient transcriber, and he died there, Mashallah, serving of Yah'ah Waha, the Everliving, in the land of Mawb, upon the mouth of Yah'ah Waha, and he buried him in a valley in the land of Mawb, from the front of Bayath Fayyar, but no man knows his burial sites until this day, and Mashallah was a son of 120 years in his depth. His eye was not failing in strength, and his vigor had not been taken away, and the sons of Yashar, were wet for Mashallah in the dry, arid regions of Mawb, for 30 days, and they completed the days of weeping and mourning for Mashallah, and Yah'ah Waha, son of Nuh, was full of Ru'ah Ha'hamah, from Mashallah has supported his hands upon him, and the sons of Yashar, heard, and were obedient toward him, just as Yah'ah Waha, the Everliving, had commanded as Mashallah, and there has not risen up a prophet again in Yashar, like Mashallah, who knew Yah'ah Waha faces to faces, for all the signs and the splendid days, which Yah'ah Waha, the Everliving, sent him forth to fashion in Ratsmasarayam, unto Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all his lands, and of all the strong hand, and there is a great terror, which Mashallah fashions in the eyes of all Yasharah. It thus ends the Brahyam. That ends the reading of the Torah portions. That was beautiful. You know, I didn't ask before you came on. I don't even know if you have notes or not tonight. I appreciate you coming on a reading and finishing these Torah portions. I am going to put you on the spot here, so apologies, and you can think about this. You don't have to answer this right now. But I would be curious, like, you know, being that, see, I just basically read your translation, and I presented it this last year, and I came up with some, you know, there were some things that the Spirit really spoke to me on. But can you think back on some realizations you had through this process, that something that, you know, maybe it could be anything, it could be something that really changed your thinking about things, you know, something that really stuck out to you. Something that changed your, the way you look at the rest of the Bible, or your relationship with YAH. Does anything stand up out to you? Well, there's been so much, you don't realize, when you get into it to this extent, how much it does change, you know, language changes you, because we are, you know, we perceive our world through language, and seeing how they viewed the world, how they viewed the world, and how the world was presented by them, to us, you know, these many thousands of years later. That has been a major impact on the way I see things, and think things, and how much I realize that I'm, I'm walking into, to reality, you know, the, the physical and the spiritual realm at the same time. Another thing that has really stood out to me, especially, you know, some of the things that you brought out, you know, just because I translated it, does it mean that, that, that the rule of isn't going, you know, that there won't be some things that other people say that I didn't see. It's kind of like, you know, you can't see the forest or the trees. And there's been a lot of times that, that you have brought out things that, you know, I didn't know this, and there've been other things like, when we've had discussions in the discord group, you know, the, the pre, the pre tour portions, you know, fellowship, that people have brought out stuff and I'm like, you know, I never saw it, but yeah, that, what you're seeing is right, you know, that's true. And so, it's like, we're all necessary for the, put the piece pieces together, do that? Maybe that I didn't, Lisa, that maybe that I'm, that they, that might be missing them on, was it missing you, no, I don't know, Simeon should have been mentioned, I'll have to go back and look, because I'm working off my, this might not, this might not be the last copy that we did. She said she's reading from the LXX, the Septuagint, so she was just curious. Oh, I have to look, I'll have to look that up, Lisa, thank you for bringing that out. I'll just, I'll give before I go into this, you know, and as you are reading through this tonight, just once again, to tell everybody that I'm just listening to, I was studying this this week, and I'm listening to Pamela read it right now, and just going, wow, that's a great line, that's a great line, that's a great line, and there's so much that I can't possibly cover tonight, and this is why when we roll it back next week, I'm just going to take my sweet time going through the Bible, I'm in no rush, like, I'm just, whether it takes three years to get through the Torah or 10 or 20 years, I don't know, I'm just going to, you know, take my time going through it. And, but I will say this, this last, you know, I was pre, this year when you, when you basically presents the Torah portions, and you're, you're, you're in a different position, you're trying to study it to present it. Now I had gone through the Torah portions at least five cycles before this, and those were all very impactful, but this one really was probably, aside from the very first Torah, is, you know, the first time you always remember that, and it's always so special, you crossed into the spiritual new kind of plateau or paradigm, but this one was otherwise the most impactful for me, and I think the biggest thing I took away from this was the total misdirection that is constantly thrown out there about how the Torah is done away with, that's just this, you know, because of the temple being done away with, and it's just, it's, it becomes more and more of an empty, shallow arguments with no legs, no bearing, it's all an illusion, and when you really digging into this and going, no, this is the face of the Ahua, this is his very character, this is who he is, and an understanding that there are, you guys have heard me say this a lot, that there is the letter of the law, and then there's the spirit of the law, and, and I hear Christians coming at me all the time going, oh the, the Torah, that's the letter, you keep the letter of the law, but that, the letter of the law has been done away with, I keep the spirit of the law, and then I'm just like, seriously, like, you serious, because like the spirit is like, it's like, this is the circumcised heart, this is, this is full, like, you know, like, I don't know, just, this is the Torah of the max, basically, you know, when you're, when you're playing a video game, this is the legendary, they don't realize that the spirit of law is a legendary level, it's not just the regular mainstream level of playing the video, you know, it's a video game, this is legend. Yeah, and so, just to give everyone a, just a very practical, well, maybe some people might see this is too practical, but just a obvious example is, is people are like, well, no, you can't bring a sacrifice to the temple anymore, so your whole system's done away with, and as I pointed out that, you know, digging into like the, the fire itself, how the priest, how God lit this fire, and the priest had to kindle this fire, they had to keep this fire going, and you know what happens to Aaron's two sons, they did a big naughty, and they brought in a strange fire, and they were just torched right there, and this is what YAH is saying, he's like, I don't want any other spirit coming into this, be, I'll be at the, the Python spirit, or the Kundalini spirit, or whatever spirits, it could be the, the bales, you know, bale, or the Jezebel spirit, whatever spirit you want to dig up, I don't want any of those spirits, there's only one spirit, it's what Christianity knows is the Holy Spirit, or the, the, the Ruak of Yahwah, or you could say, chokma, wisdom, and this is the spirit, and you are to kindle this, you do not like this on your own, you are the priest, you kindle this, and rather than going to the actual altar in Jerusalem and putting a goats on there, you are to actually put yourself as an offering onto that fire, and this is what Messiah says, you know, you are to pick up your cross and follow Him, you are to die every day and be a living sacrifice, and that is Torah on a spiritual level, and that has really impacted me this, this last year, so with that, let's just, and please pamma jump in any time, let's just start digging through this oral, so I'll never get through this tonight, let's talk about, because this really impacted me this week, the, the eloquence speech of, of Moses, of Mashahah, and, and this is, I mean, this is a beautiful, beautiful weight in the Torah, can it end any more beautiful panel, I mean, he's like singing the song, like he's, he's going out, he's dying, he's going off to die, and he sings this song for the ages, and hopefully if we have time tonight, I want to end it on Psalm 90, which is a psalm of Moses, and you're going to, now that we've been through Deuteronomy, that you're going to read that and go, wow, I see these things that are consistent, that were on Moses' mind, well, so he, it says right here, Deuteronomy 32, it says, and Mashahah has said he word and order in, in the ears of all the gatherers, simply of Yashirel, the words of his song, until they were finished, so he is now going from mumble lips, and being like, well, let's, let's look here, I'm going to skip, I'm going to come right back to this, but he says this in, in Exodus chapter 4, then Mosheh said to Yahwah, please, Adonater, please, Yahwah, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in times past nor since you have spoken to your servant, for I am slow of speech and slow of time, and Yahwah has said to him, who has made man's mouth, or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing a blind? Is it not I, Yahwah? Now then go, and I, even I will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to say. Now, I never really, I never really got that, you know how you just read something hundreds and hundreds of times, and this is repeated constantly in ministries, where someone says, I'll be your errand, right, I will, you know, I'll be the words of your mouth, and I've had people say that to me in the past, you know, when I ran ministries, I had one guy who was in a great partnership with him, he's like, I'll be your errand, right? And he was, but this isn't what YAH wants for him, he doesn't want him to have an err, he wants to, he says, I'm going to put the words in your mouth, but then Moses protests, and he says the anger of Yahwah burned against Mosheh, and he said, is there not your, is there not your brother Aaron the, oh, he says this first, but he said, I was like wondering where this went, but he said, please, Yahwah, now send the message by whomever you will. So he's like, just give it to, I don't want this job, you have it to someone else, and then the anger of Yahwah burned against Mosheh, and he said, is there not your brother Aaron the Levite, I know that he speaks fluently, and moreover, bold, he is coming out to meet you, when he sees you, he will be glad in heart, you are to speak to him and put the words in his mouth, and I, even I, will be with your mouth and his mouth, and I will teach you what you are to do. So you see this constantly throughout where Yahwah is like, okay, I want you to do something and they're like, and he's like, okay, fine, you know, I almost feel like Aaron is like plan B here, it's not really, not that he didn't want Aaron as a high priest, but he wanted Mosheh to be able to go and speak, and he understood full well that he was mumble lips, right? He had some sort of problem with his speech, God didn't care, he's like, I'm going to put the words in your mouth, and so we see how hesitant he is, but then look at how the Torah ends, his brother Aaron is dead, his brother can no longer speak for him, and so he goes from someone who is totally apprehensive, who doesn't want to go to Egypt, who doesn't want to confront Pharaoh, he doesn't want to confront Israel to, you know, sing in the song in front of them at the inn, and that never really hit me until recently, so let's go over here and look at this story in in Jasher, the beginnings of Mosheh speech impediment and the angel of Yah, now it says this, and in the third year from the birth of Moses, Pharaoh was sitting at a banquet when the queen's name is Alper Anith, the queen, was sitting at his right and bathea at his left, and the lad Moses was lying upon her bosom and Balaam the son of Bior with his two sons, and all the princes of the kingdom were sitting at a table in the king's presence, and remember now in the past I've talked about how Balaam is kind of like Mosheh's duality, and the lad stretched forth his hand upon the king's head and took the crown from the king's head and placed it on his own head, uh oh, because when the king, when the king and the princess saw the work which the boy had done, the king and princes were terrified, and one to his neighbor expressed astonishment, now keep in mind they knew he was a Hebrew, they had just slaughtered off, they were trying to, slaughtered off a lot of Hebrews, and that's a whole different story right there, of course he's, he saves in the basket, and they're like, okay clearly this little boy, he's a Hebrew, this is exactly why we wanted to kill all the Hebrews, because look at what they're going to do, they're going to, he's going to come and usurp your throne, he wants your crown, uh, for himself, so let's just skip ahead here, and we see that, uh, Balaam actually comes, well let's see, uh, and Balaam sits the king sort of verse 20 here, let us more recall for all the judges of Egypt than the wise men thereof, and let us know what the judgment of death is due to this boy, as now did say, and then we will slay him, so of course Balaam wants to kill Moses from the very beginning, being his, uh, his, kind of the dark to his light, duality, and Pharaoh's sent and called for all the wise men of Egypt and they came before the king, and this is what I really want, as a side note, I kind of got carried down this trail, but we are in a little hexion here, and I wanted everyone paid attention to this, I'm not going to get too political with you tonight hopefully, but, uh, and an angel of Yahawah came among them, and he was like one of the wise men of Egypt, so they, they just think, they don't know this is an angel from Yah, that he came down from heaven, and I understand the idea of, uh, uh, you know, a messenger, I think that in this context it is specifically talking about an actual divine being from heaven, so, uh, this is what they do, they basically, the, the angel, let's see, the angel actually has the idea, he's like, all right, this is why he says the first 24, the angel who seemed like one of the wise men of Pharaoh answered and said his follows before all the wise men of Egypt and before the kings and princes, if it pleased the king with the king's sin for men who shall bring before him an onyx stone and a coalifier and place them before the child, and if the child shall stretch forth his hand and take the onyx stone, then shall we know that with wisdom has the youth done all that he has done and we must slay him, but at least stretch forth his hand upon the coal, then shall we know that it was not with knowledge that he did this thing he shall live, and the thing seemed good in the eyes of the king, the princes, so the king dead according to the word of the angel of Yahuwah, and the king ordered the onyx stone and the coal to be brought in place before Moses, and they placed the boy before them in the lad and devoured to stretch forth his hand to the onyx stone, but the angel of Yahuwah had took his hand and placed it upon the coal, and the coal became extinguished in his hand, and he lifted it up and put it into his mouth and burned part of his lips and part of his tongue, and he became heavy in mouth and tongue, and when the king and princes saw this, they knew that Moses had not acted with wisdom and taking off the crown from the king's head, so this is the origin story of why he has this handicap, and so you see right here it's a work go ahead, Pamela. I was just going to say regarding that, in the song of Mashallah, he says, you know, y'all speaking, he says, I have smitten and I will heal, maybe he meant to heal Mashallah's tongue if Mashallah had not said, send it by somebody else, I don't want this message, he might have healed him, healed his, the burn or whatever was wrong with this, this tongue. He said, I smite and I will heal, so he could have done it. Right. Yeah, and this is this is exactly what I want to cover right now because, you know, we could kind of take this in different directions, but one of the ways one of the things I was looking at here in Exodus 4 is that you can see my note here that Moses did not believe that in his heart, or maybe just his willpower, I don't know, but he did not believe that YAH could make his speech impeniment beautiful. Well, we see right here, YAHushah Amashiach that he heals a mute man. This comes from Mark chapter 7, and he left the region of Tyre and came through city into the Sea of Galilee within the region of Decapolis, and they brought to him one who was deaf and had difficulty speaking, and they begged him to lay his hand on him, and YAHushah took him aside from the crowd by himself and put his hands in his ears, and after spitting, he touched his tongue with the saliva, and looking up to the heaven with deep sigh, he said to him, "What is this?" If hatha, that is, be opened, and the ears were open, and the impeniment of his tongue was removed, and he began speaking plainly, and he gave them orders not to tell anyone, but the more he ordered them. Now, wait, this is, I got the wrong one, oops, there was supposed to be one of a mute man, so this one here is, oh yeah, he had difficulty speaking, there he is, so one who was deaf and had difficulty speaking, okay, and he gave them orders not to tell anyone, but the more he ordered them, the more widely they continued to proclaim it, so on and so forth, go ahead, Pamela, you wanted to say something. Yeah, I was just going to, you know, when it came to the incident with Balaam and the donkey, or ass, and you know, he opened up the animal's mouth, the word behemoths, or behamoths, a conch from the word beham, which means shut, shut ones, or mute ones, and so the animals around us, the beasts around us, their mouths were shut, and there's some, some people say that they were shut, on the day that humanity was sent, that the speech of the animals were shut, they could no longer speak with us, and so he opened the mouth of the, I can't remember the donkey or ass, but he opened the animal's mouth, and so as you can clearly see, the mute man is no one with mute, and so Mashaha could have been healed. Yeah, yeah, and, and so here's where I want to go with this, is that all of us have handicaps in life, there are, it could be a mental handicap too, something that is holding us back, I've had, I've had, because here at the Expect Cosmology, one of my visions was to hand the microphones a lot of different people, and I've had a very difficult time doing that, I have all these people coming up to me with these brilliant ideas, things like that, and they're like, yeah, I can't go in front of people and talk to them about it, I'm, you know, they won't say they're afraid, but you know, they're too afraid to do it, I think, I think people are on a, like a natural level more afraid of speaking publicly than dying, so let's see what this says right here, if a man, this goes from the book of wisdom, all right, if a man has any talent and fails to develop it, he is unworthy of the gift and in due course must make an accounting. The man who does not continually expand the horizon of his life becomes stagnant within himself, the man who does not study and learn places himself on the level of the, he places himself on the level of the dumb beast, though even dumb beast learned, and that comes from the book of wisdom chapter 12. So, you know, how do you get a guy, a shepherd guy in the wilderness doesn't want to make any public speeches, you know, as a recluse, doesn't want to talk to anybody, to the point that he is leading all these people and singing in front of them this beautiful poetry that he has written himself, how do you get to that point? You know, I've given this example a few times, but back in the day, Sarah and I, Sarah my wife, we used to watch the Olympics a lot. Now, I've never been a sports guy, I'm not into team sports, I'm not coming down on anybody who is, all right, you know, if someone just really likes sports. One of the attractions I think I had to the Olympics is because it's, you see these people, they're not really competing against anybody but themselves, and that's a big attraction for me because I am very, very competitive against nobody but myself. I just compete against myself constantly. So, you see these guys skiing down the mountains, they're skiing for their life, they're like, they're racing against the clock against the seconds, but they're just, they're trying to do their very best they've ever done. And so you're watching in this moment as people have been training their entire lives and this is their moment. They've got like three minutes, you know, on the clock to take their sum up their entire life, right? And it occurred to us about maybe, I don't know, eight, ten years ago, the last time we actually watched the Olympics, we were watching, I can't even remember if she was a gymnast or swimmer at this point. I just, I don't even remember the performance. I just remember her speech afterwards and she won all these gold medals and the, she's being interviewed and the interview is actually a little surprised and she's like, because she was just assuming that she was the best at what she did. And the, the competitors, she stopped the interviewer and said, no, I was actually never the best at what I did. I was never the best. She's like, what are you talking about? She's like, the only difference between the only reason I'm standing up on that podium is not because I was the best. It's big. There were always better people in the class of me, but none of them stuck around. They always, they all gave up and just they, when I just was in at the longest and I just kept going at it and going at it and going at it and here I am. And just that's, you know, something to think about for everyone out there. If you feel that y'all is calling yourself, you do something and you feel inadequate, he will, he will heal those inadequacies. I mean, just, I mean, you can just go back to my older videos and like, you know, I turn on the live and I'm like a deer in front of headlights and it was just awful. And, you know, he's, he's working on all of us. All right. So here's something that YHushah says about the parable of the talents. You guys know this here. But I'll read this really quickly. For it's the king of heaven will be like a man going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one, he gave five talents to another two to another one to each according to his ability. And then he went away. And of course, you know, the spirit of jealousy comes in for the person with one talent and he's looking at the person with the five. And he's like, why don't I get the five, right? And we, you know, this is where like, I'm really big on like, you know, keeping in our own lane and competing against ourselves, right? We're not competing against anybody else. We're taking whatever talents we've been given and saying, how can I, you know, multiply this? He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. And he who had received the one talent with and dug and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. Now, after a long time, the master of those servants came in several accounts with them. And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more saying, master, you delivered to me five talents here. I have made five talents more. And as master system, well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a little. I will set you over much intern to the joy of your master. And he also who had the two talents came forward saying, master, you delivered to me two talents here. I have made two talents more. And as master said, so when well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over little, I will set you over much instant. You should the joy of your master. Those are the words I want to hear. I want to hear well done, good and faithful servant. I just, those are the words I am spending my whole life hoping to hear. He who had received the one talent came forward saying, master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. So I was afraid and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours, but his master answered them. You wicked and slothful servant. You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed. Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers and it might come I should have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents for to everyone who has will more be given and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away and cast the worth of servant into the outer darkness in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of Matthew 25. Now, I want to talk a little bit about this angel. This is kind of going off a little bit from the discussion tonight. This really stuck to me. So here you have in the court of Pharaoh, you have an actual, I put on the title tonight, Angel Agents or Agent Angels or whatever. You actually have an agents of Yaha'waha. You can call him an angel in heaven or just a man. Whatever you decide on, he is an agents from the Most High. He's coming in into the court of Pharaoh and nobody knows who he is. He's completely headed. They think he's one of them and he's actually working for the cause of the Most High. And my mind has, my entire worldview has completely been reshaped recently in just understanding the way the world works. So without going into all that history, we, you guys know that, like he's listening right now, you guys know that I'm friends with John Q and he has the word Q in his name for QAnon. And I am not in a non, I am not with QAnon, I'm not associated with them. But if you talk to me several years ago, I'd be like, oh, it's all a deception, it's all a sigh off, all this kind of stuff. It's everything is a script, everything is this stage, don't believe any of it. And it's taken me a long time to come back around and go, no, actually, even though there are wicked governments out there, you actually have good people in the government at all different levels. If we are saying that Satan has his agents, well, y'all has his agents too. And they're all through there. And the tension that we have to live in on this earth is the wheat living with the tears. And that's just the tension. And we, we're not going to always know who the wheat and the tears are. And so this is what it says in the book of the luminaries 1238. This impacted me so much. Remember this a couple of years ago, this is one of the passages that started turning my thinking into going, wow, maybe, maybe there are wicked people out there who really do have our demise plans. But maybe there's good people there as well who are actually infiltrating. All right. So this is the way it says, this is Messiah speaking here. If an evil king be guarded by a thousand good men, should these be slain to kill the king? Hmm. Is it not best to first take the good men away from service with the king, bringing them into your own ranks? Those who serve evil, though powerful and widely are cowards and hide behind the arms of better men. Therefore, by killing the brave men, are you not adding evil to evil? No. First, bring the good and brave men to your side and then let events happen as they will. That's a really interesting passage there. Now, let's look at the opposite here. Let's compare that with 1 Samuel 22. And this is Saul and he wants to kill anybody who aided David. And then a him-alek answered the king. This would be King Saul and said, and who among all your servants is as faithful as David, the king's own son-in-law, who is commander of your bodyguard and is honored in your house? Did I just begin to inquire of Allahaykum for him today? Far be it from me. Do not let the king impute anything against his servant or against any of the household of my father because your servant knows nothing at all of this whole affair. But the king said, you shall certainly die a him-alek, you and all your father's household. And the king said to the guards who were attending him, turn around and put the priests of Yahweh to death because their hand also was with David and because they knew that he was fleeing and did not inform me. But the servants of the king were unwilling to reach out with their hands to attack the priest of Yahweh. All right. Here's a passage from 2 Peter 2. And so, okay, let's just read this up. So, for if Allahaykum did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell, or you could say, I don't know if that would be shielded, Tartarus, not really sure, but whatever I'm going off with the NASB here, cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, held for judgment, and did not spare the ancient world but protected Noah, preacher of righteousness with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly. And if he condemned the cities of Sodom Gomorrah, which we actually saw tonight, it was in Deuteronomy, two destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example of what is coming for the ungodly. If he rescued righteous lot, he was oppressed by the perverted conduct of unscrupulous people, for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day, happy day, by their law of those deeds. Then, Yahweh knows how to rescue the godly from a trial. So, you see here that this actually lines up with what we read in the book of the illuminators, that before you destroy the wicked, you actually have to remove the righteous from the equation. And I'm kind of just curious, if we are seeing something unfold on the world stage that was intended as a script, you know, that was intended in a direction to eliminate us, really, by 2030 and all these terrible things we saw. And I've come to the conclusion that actually Yah has not abandoned us. He has not abandoned us. We are not left here alone to the devices, the enemy, that he has the full ability to turn their plot against them and flip it on their heads and let us not forget. One of the things that we do not put into the human dynamic, actually the satanic in that we call the government satanic and, you know, at the FBI breaking down my door any second, but we call the elite so, you know, satanic and they are, but then we leave out the satanic element. What is it? It's pride, guys. What brought about Satan's fall? Pride. And what does pride do? It blinds them. Pride has the ability to darken someone's vision so that you could be standing right, you could be standing in the presence pretty much of Yah. And he could be surrounded by light and he's darkness to you. Like you're like, you're just like, how in the world did I ever believe this guy? How did I ever believe him? How did I ever believe his Bible? We have seen this in real time, at least I have, I know Pamela has, I know many of you have, and it's a terrible thing. What if we are in a scenario, we are seeing the elite so proud and haughty and they really think they're going to win and we might see a situation where we begin to topple in front of us. They basically fall into the very pit of their own design. Something to think about. All right. Getting back really quickly to Moses and the words of his mouth, I won't be doing it on me 18 here. Well, actually says this here, I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them everything that I command him and we see this beautiful passage here in Psalm 19. Some of you might remember this from a song in the 90s. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, YAHwahah, my rock and my redeemer." And of course, this is should be our prayer, right? That the words for mouth and the meditations of our heart are acceptable. Who transforms us? Who circumcises our heart? It's YAHwahah. When he circumcises our heart, you know, what flows from it? That's what we want. He can transform us just as he did with Mosheh. All right. Something I want to, did you have anything you wanted to add to that pam like before I move on? No. I was enjoying all that you were saying. All right. Well, we see, you know, I talked about last week how it's interesting that Mosheh lived 120 years and Job got a double portion. He lived 240. Really interesting. So I want to go over this again. Now, you know, you can divide up, you can go 40 times 3, right? 40, 40, 40. And a lot of people will move that into Mosheh's life. Actually, when you read the book of Joshua, it doesn't exactly work like 40, 40. I think it was, he was like around 18 when he killed the guy and he fled. And then he was the king in Ethiopia for like 40 years, which would make him like 52, no like 58 or something like that. And then, you know, he was imprisoned by Jathro for 10 years, whatever, but it all adds up, you know, to the final 40 years with, with Israel. But something I was thinking about was the four seasons. Now you can go, you know, there are obviously you can go through. I was like, why did I three times work? Like, you got three months per, you know, between the, the spring equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices. And so this is something that I wrote in my paper, The Mystery of the Maple. I'm just going to read this to you guys real quick that the year is cyclical rather than linear and represents the life of man. As you go through the four seasons, the health of the soul, as well as the coil of cosmology itself with its many resets. And need I mention the oral morals. So with the spring equinox, that's when the year begins, we are granted new life from the cold, dark death of winter. The seed of the kingdom are planted in the souls of our infancy, encouraging us to grow. Summer is a season which bask in the greenery of spiritual insight, as well as youth. Autumn encourages the gnosis of wisdom by which the bridge between our father and the heavenly and our own material plan can be understood in light of our fading youth. Whereas with winter, we come closer to letting go of the material body entering the realm of the invisible Ruoc. And this is where we find Moses right now, he's in the winter of his life. This is what it says in the book of wisdom chapter 12, "Do not fear the onset of old age. For though to be, for though to the undeveloped spirit, it may be the bleak of winter of life. To the developed spirit, it is the harvesting time. Old age is bodily preparation for departure to rebirth. It is the approach to the threshold of a new life." And notice there that they specifically tied in old age with winter on the cycle. And then getting back into Hildegard, you guys know I love to quote from her, this is what she says, "The soul reveals her capabilities according to the capabilities of the body. So that in childhood, she brings forth simplicity and youth strength. And in the fullness of age, when all the veins of the human being are full, she brings forth her greatness, strength, and wisdom. In the same way a tree in its first growth brings forth tender shoots, and this would be the spring, goes on into bare fruits, and that would be summer, and finally ripens that fruit to the fullness of utility to the harvest. But afterwards, in old age, when this is when the tree has lost all its leaves, when a human beings bones and veins and crying to weakness, then the soul reveals gentler strengths as though tired of human knowledge in the same way at the onset of winter time. The sap of the tree withdraws from the leaves and branches as the tree begins to incline towards old age. And for Hildegard, she's really big on greening. She would say that she actually, my grandmother used to say this, my grandmother used to say that God's color is green, or green is God's color. And Hildegard is really big on greening. Greening was showing that the presence, the all-encompassing presence of the Ruaw kapadash of wisdom, and that our bodies have a greening effect, and that when she's talking about the sap leaving the trees now, it is we are withering up and we are dying, all part of the process. So this is coming from the legends of the Jews, and of course, if you guys aren't picking up tonight, the theme tonight is death, the death of Moses, right? The end of his life, the end of our Torah portions, and then we will start to cycle again anew with the spring. But see, this is why the Torah portions really need to start with the spring equinoxed. Legends of the Jews, Volume 1 says, "But the goodness of God has ordained that in every Nissan," and that's, of course, the spring equinox, "at the time of the spring equinox, the seraphim shall approach the world of spirits and intimidate them so that they fear to do harm to men." Now, I will warn you that sometimes when you read legends of the Jews, you're like, "What in the world are they talking about?" That's usually my first, I have read the legends of the Jews so many times, and that's still my first reaction. I'm like, "Oh, come on, what are you talking about here?" But actually, when you just stop to ponder every little aspect of this, you're like, "Wow, they're really onto something here." Anyway, so at the spring equinoxed, the seraphim shall approach the world of spirits and intimidate them so that they fear to do harm to men. Why? Well, there's something here about the birth of spirits. There's something going on there with infancy and guarding angels and so on and so forth. Again, if God and his goodness had not given protection to the weak because the trees, the right, all the growth is weak in the spring, the tame animals would have been exterminated, I guess, long ago by the wild animals in Tamuz. I know we're dealing with Babylonian monthdays here. In Tamuz, at the time of the summer solstice, so second phase of our life, when the strength of behemoths or behemoths is at its height, he roars so loud that all the animals here, and for a whole year they are afraid and timid, and their acts become less ferocious than their nature is. Of course, in the mystery of the maple and others, I talked about how in the green man, check out how the millennial kingdom was represented by summertime. It was the strength of man when he's in his full vigor, it is the kingdom at its peak, when everything is in full green. So you see this here with behemoths as full strength as well. Again, in Tishri, at the time of the autumn equinox, the great bird ziz flaps his wings and utters his cry, so that the birds of prey, the eagles and the vultures blench, and they fear to swoop down upon the others and annihilate them in their greed. And again, were it not for the goodness of God? Of course, what's happening in autumn, right? Everything is falling down, everything is giving way. And again, were it not for the goodness of God, the vast number of big fish had quickly put him into the little ones. But at the time of the winter solstice, in the month of Tibets, the sea grows restless, for the Leviathan spouts up water and the big fish become uneasy. They restrain their appetite and the little ones escape their repacity. Why is the Leviathan represented by winter? Well, death, I've gone through that before. You go into his mouth, you go into the abyss. And so the vipence is stirred up. You're dying, right? It's winter time. You're going to feel. So some interesting stuff there. All right, let's talk about the many names of Moses. I was going to do something kind of a little bit biographical today on Moses. So you're getting a little bit of that. I'm not going to go too far into this. But I find this really fascinating because no, maybe Pamela, you can show where maybe you can either agree or show where the common knowledge on this is wrong is is Mosheh or Mashaha? Is it a Hebrew name or not? Because because what I'm looking at a lot of people are saying that we can look at the Bible and all these different names and go, okay, this is a Hebrew name. This is a Hebrew name. This is a Hebrew name. But what I was digging up is that people are saying, well, we really don't know what Mosheh means. We have theories on what it means, but it's not a typical Hebrew name to the point that I don't think there were many Hebrews at all afterwards, or we call it Moses or Mashaha. Would you agree, disagree? Well, his name comes from the word Mosh, which means to pluck, to pluck out. And so you could actually see in his name the meme is the water. So it's actually showing how he actually that she actually plucked him out of the water. He was drawn out of the water. He was plucked out. So I think it's a Hebrew name, but you know, a lot of people don't understand that the Semitic languages, there was a lot of stuff, a lot of languages came out of paleo Hebrew. And that includes the Phoenician language, the Greek language, the Assyrian language, all these languages came out of the paleo Hebrew. Of course, I think that the paleo is the language of heaven. And so all these other languages came out of, and they borrowed from it heavily, and then unfortunately, of course, during the time of the captivity during Daniel's time, there was corruption. And then we get the the modern that borrows from the Assyrian language. So yeah, it's a Hebrew name, in my opinion. Okay. All right, fair enough. And so I've quoted from this every so often in Joshua chapter 68 about Moses, because, you know, a lot of times when we look at biblical people, and we're like, okay, we see nobody in the annals, the annals of history with the same name, this person must be fiction. Now, one of my theories that I put forward is that I'm pretty convinced that Nimrod was never actually called Nimrod. Like, I always envision that scene in Back to the Future Three, when Marty sees mad dog tan, he's like, you're mad dog. And he's like, mad dog, nobody calls me that name, you know, then they, they string him up on a rope because of that, that Nimrod went by many different names, but not Nimrod, that says exclusive biblical name. Well, look at all the different names that Moses had here. So, and at the end of two years, when the child grew up, she, she, this is, she brought him to the daughter Pharaoh, and he was unto her as a son. And she, her name is Bathia, called his name, Moshe, essentially, that her name is Bath. But she said, because I drew him out of the water. And Amram, his father called his name Habar, where he said, so, so we got Moshe is the name that the woman who drew him out of the water, that's the name that she gave him. But then there's Habar for, oh, no, his father, Amram, calls him Habar. So, you would think that that's what we call him, right? That's what his actual Hebrew father named him. But he said, it was for him that he associated with his woman whom he had turned away. And Yokeved, his mother, called his name Yokethil, because she said, I have hope to him to El Shaddai and Elohim restored him unto me. And Maryam, his sister, called them Yerid. But she descended after him to the river to know what his end would be. And Aaron, his brother, called his name Avizanuk, I can see like they had some, you know, handshake, like little, like bissings. I obviously said, no, you know, whenever he sees them or something, you know, he goes into the temple, he's like, hey, Avizanuk saying, my father left my mother and returned to her on his account. And Kohat, the father of Amram, called his name Abigdor, because this is getting really confusing. Every single family member can't decide what's going on, because on his account did Elohim repair the breach on the house of Yaakov. And then their nurse called him Aviz Soko. And then all of Yash real called his name Shima Yahu. So I don't know what at what point in history they stopped calling him Shima Yahu. And they started calling him Mashaha or Moshay. Shima Yahu means the name of Yah, from named by Yah. So, so yeah, that's pretty cool. Well, you know, I don't know about, you know, we have different names in our life. You know, that's one of the things when, you know, people get so very angry about the name of Yhala, about the pronunciations, or the name of Messiah. And it gets so very angry, but they don't realize, I mean, just in our reading tonight, Joshua, he had two different names. He was Hosea in Joshua. The English that we know of. So in this passage that we just read, he had two different names. And the related names, they're basically just nuances. Does that make sense? New answers are the same. And that's what it is with Messiah's name, whether it's Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshiyahu, all these are the same name. They're the same name. So I've, and I've, I've stated this many times, you know, I don't consider myself a sacred nameer. I don't know if his name is, you know, Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshiyahu. If I were in the first century, you know, did they call him Yaisus, you know, Yaisus Christos, you know, in the first century? I don't know, I wasn't there. I'm accused of being a sacred nameer a lot. I think because, you know, when you say Yeshua or Yeshua, that's the typical name, title, sacred nameer, is attached to people who say that. Though I actually think there's way more sacred nameers for Jesus Christ, way more, especially when you get to the KJV camp, and they will project onto me that I'm the sacred nameer when, in fact, they are the sacred nameer. And it's like, it's, no, it's Jesus Christ and nothing else. And so, and I've stated before, and this is one of the things that probably, you know, there's a few things I've said along the way through the years that you never know what's going to get you in trouble. This is one of the things that has got me in hot water is when I said publicly about nine months ago, I was on another podcast and I said that, you know, saying Jesus Christ makes me uncomfortable. And I was given the reason being, but people just took that audio clip and they just ran with it, you know, and, and, and the reason being, of course, you know, they would say like, oh, you know, that, you know, he's, he's demon possessed because, you know, he, he can't take the name Jesus Christ. And it's like, actually, no, actually, I can say that it doesn't bother me, but I'm watching you guys having a very, you guys can't say Yeshua or whatever. You can't say that, like, that is causing you guys to spin your heads. But the reason why is, is that Jesus Christ, of course, the name Jesus is only 500 years old. It's what I would call a little season name. I don't have any problems with the name other than the fact that it's identified, you know, there's, there's a lot of baggage that's attached to different names, the different, whatever. It could be a tie, like, I don't know, like something like Hebrew roots or whatever. And for me, you know, he is the lawless, Torah-less Greek God. And when you say Jesus, you are typically people who say that are like, yeah, the Torah has been done away with. Jesus has freed me from that law. But when you say Yeshua or Yeshua or Yeshua or Yeshua or whatever, people know in their heads, they're like, oh, this is the Hebrew. This is the Hebrew Messiah. This is the one who, who read Moses. This is like, this is the first century guy. And they know what you're talking about, and it makes them uncomfortable. All right. I was going to go through this thing here on that, that my, my, so one thing you notice here in the names of Moses, it does not say what Pharaoh called him. It says what all the other people call them. And so the question is, what did Pharaoh call him? They purposely don't say. And I actually have theorized that he is actually his father, Pharaoh, his father would be a minute. How do you pronounce this? A minute heads the third. And you can, this is what he would, this is what he would look like. And these are different busts of him around the world, which would make him the fourth, and he was the fourth. So just give you guys really quickly why I suspect that he is a very good contender that Moses was a minimum heads the fourth. And I can't outright prove this. This is from my, the many lives of Nimrod Paper. But he was the, so the third, this would be his father, his adoptive father, was the sixth Pharaoh of the 12th dynasty. He had no son. And he did have a biological daughter, which is interesting because his daughter is actually the one that raised Moshe. Her name was Sobik Nefiru. While a minute pets the third and the princess still lives, a minute pet the fourth, which would be Moshe, was not only adopted, but co-rained with Pharaoh for nine years over upper and lower Egypt. Did Sobik Nefiru, the daughter, raise him? It seems plausible. For whatever reason, the fourth suddenly disappeared from history. No burial to him to speak of, not even his ancestry is recorded. And when the third died, his daughter filled in where the fourth was intended to rule. So that's interesting. He was raised a rule. He never ruled. The daughter took over. This would be Moshe's adoptive mother. Her reign lasted only 44 to eight years and then she too died. And here's where it gets fascinating because Egypt's wealth and power reached its peak in the 12th dynasty under a minute pets the third. Without an error, his kingdom began to fall apart. And 40 years after the fourth's mysterious absence, Nefiru Hotep suffered his kings to even greater losses. This would be the pharaoh in the Exodus story if this theory works out. His military was apparently decimated. And we'll just chalk that one up to the Red Sea crossing. We don't really know how his military was decimated. They just disappeared. The slave city of Cuhun was abandoned. That's interesting. I think we all know why. And once more, Nefiru Hotep's body was never found. And shortly after his death, Egypt was destabilized and overrun by Hijksos. And the Hijksos appear to be the biblical Amelikites, and their genealogy can be traced to Edom. So that's really interesting. All right, going to skip this job stuff. Oh, I did find this interesting that. Oh, no, I'll actually cover that later. Let's talk about this 70. And I think this is where we'll spend a lot of our time tonight. And so we see this famous passage right here, and they will declare it to you, Al Bion, and taking the nations as a possession and his suffering, the sons of Adam. He said in place, the boundaries of the people according to the tally of the sons of Yasharil. Feel free to comment anytime you want, Pamela. And I know that you wanted to, if you have saw maybe two in front of you, if you want to read that one, I'll get there in a few minutes. Let's definitely read that. So let's look at a couple different translations here. Here's the LXX, Deuteronomy 32.8. When the most high, or El Elion in the Hebrew, divided the nations when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of Elohim. And as people, Yaakov became the portion of Yawa, Yasharil was a line of his inheritance. Now, you know, in this here, there's kind of a big debate on what angels mean. Are we talking about actual physical human kings, or are there Elohim that are placed over these kings? Of course, that's my theory on that right there. And then we read this in the Targum. It says, "When the most high made allotment of the world into the nations, which proceeded from the sons of Noah, and the separation of the writings and languages of the children and men at the time of the division, he cast a lot among the 70 angels, the princes of the nations with whom is the revelation over see the city." Now, in the Arabic Targum, when they talk about angels, I mean, they're usually talking about spiritual entities here. I know that, you know, again, I know that they could be people. Genesis 46-27 also talks about, you know, what were these people that was divided up by? Well, we learned in Genesis chapter 46. And it says that when YAH COV and his family came into Egypt, that there were 70 in total. That comes from verse 27. But we know that the 70 existed before this. So even though that there is the number of Israel going to Egypt represents the number of these ruling angels, which is kind of interesting, too, because, you know, when Israel is in the wilderness, he's the promise to Abraham that they become like the stars, you see that there. So you see some connections between the ruling powers above, with the 70 or whether it's the stars. Genesis 11, 6-8 talks about the Tower of Babel and YAH was sent to the 70 angels which stand before him. So clearly in this context, this is not kings of the earth going up to heaven. These are the literal Elohim spiritual entities that stand before him. He says, come, we will descend and will their commingle their language that a man should not understand the speech of his neighbor. Who are these? I think these are the same as the Anunnaki. And the Sumerian text talked about the same incident that the Anunnaki actually got together to battle against Moloch. And, you know, they attacked them on all fronts. Eventually, though, Moloch actually overtakes the other Anunnaki, but that's a whole different story. And the word of Yahuwah was revealed against the city and with him, 70 angels having reference to 70 nations. So right there in the Targum, they're making that connection for you that these 70 angels who stand in heaven are over 70 nations. And again, going back to Jasher, there's the 70 steps. And the context of this is Yosef. He's in prison, Pharaoh has the dreams. Yosef goes before him and it says here, "And the throne upon which the king sat was covered with gold and silver and with onyx stones, and it had 70 steps." The idea was, is that it says here in verse 47, "And it was customary in those days in Egypt that no one should reign over them, but who understood to speak in these 70 languages?" And this could be why, too, that Pharaoh was seen as an avatar of the sun, that he would have been a god on the earth, obviously, or an avatar for the gods. I mean, if he is capable of speaking to 70 languages, there's something divine going on there. Whether he did or didn't, I don't really know. But in this story, miraculously, Joseph is able to speak all 70 languages and he's able to ascend all the way to the top, which just baffles everybody. Now, this is interesting in Enoch, even though there's 200 watchers, and when you go into Sumerian literature, they will talk about the 200 watchers, but the Anunaki, there were already like several hundred Anunaki on the earth by this time, but there was the 200 that transgressed. But it is interesting that it says in chapter 10 that YAH, he gives the instructions to bind them for 70 generations. So there's a connection there between the 70, because we see judgment of the number 40, but it's interesting that there's 70 for the judgment of them. All right, for lack of time, I'm not going to read this whole thing. I've read to this you guys before. This is in first Enoch, and this is when Yashiro is being divorced, they're being kicked out of the land, and Yahuwaha tells the 70 shepherds to take care of his sheep. He's removing the other flocks, and it says that, well, right here in verse 65, and it says that the other shepherds, after he's basically like, he's like, I don't, I am going to give you permission, you know, to who you can kill and who you can't. But if you hurt one hair on their head above what you're able, if you start mistreating them, I'm going to be taking down names, and you will be judged accordingly to how you treat the lost sheep of Israel. And it says that as soon as these sheep entered the pastures of these other shepherds, they began to slay and destroy more than they were bitten, and they delivered those sheep into the hands of lions, and lions and tigers eat them. And this, of course, goes against the complete heart of YAH, right? What is he care about? The widows, the orphans, you take care of them, and if you don't have a heart for them, then you don't have a heart for the, and clearly these shepherds did not have that same heart. So Psalm 82, did you have this in front of you? And I have it right here so I could, I could follow along and you could just read it. All right. So Psalm 82, Ms. Amor of Asaf, Alahayam, and I believe this is, of course, speaking of Alahayam the son. Alahayam has established himself in the gathered assembly of Al mighty one. In the midst of the Alahayam, he will rule, judge, litigate, and to what time will you govern iniquity and face the guilt of them, the criminals who are liable for punishment? He has lifted himself up. So Allah, vindicate the weak, the feeble, the low, those hanging by a thread, and the bereaved of father and rendered justice, that which is just and right, upright, snatched from danger, the feeble, the powerless, the one hanging by a thread, and the oppressed pluck him away from the hand of the wicked criminals, those liable to punishment. They have not acquired knowledge, neither do they understand it. They walk about in the place of darkness. He will cause to fall down all the foundations of a rock. And I, even I, have declared you are Alahayam and the sons of Al-Yalun, Aladdin, sure looks like Adam, you will be slain and like noble ones, he will fall down. Arise Alahayam, judge a rock, for you will acquire as an inheritance all the nations. And just as in the side that word, for he will fall down, it says it a couple of times, he will cause to fall down, and he will fall down, that is nefall. That's where we get to word nefalling. And so he will cause to fall down. So I can see it's giving us a little bit of a hint there. There's nefalling, which are the ones who fell away from their first estate. These who were on the council, and they betrayed him. They betrayed him. Pamela and I comment on this a lot, the word, the Nephilim word, because you guys will see it like people come on, they leave comments on YouTube and they're like, speak English. We live in America. We, you need to use English words, stop using these Hebrew words, you know. And then like, you follow their conversations and they start saying words like Satan, and, and Nephilim, and you're like, I'm just like, you just used a Hebrew word, you just did it, just now. Like you keep using it. Yeah, hallelujah, just for whatever reason, they don't realize what they're actually saying. Praise your. Yeah. So Psalm 82, that says the famous passage where there's the divine council, the, the, the, the Elohim, the Alohayam, they are brought before him. Of course, Yhushah Hamashiach or Yahuwah is one of them. And of course, Pamela and I are in agreement to Yahuwah is the son of Alohayam. And of course, he is also Alohayam. And, and of course, he inherits the nations. He was the one that, you know, follow the Torah. And he was very, very serious about, he's the one that brought Mosheh and the people into the land. And he's like, I'm going to live by this. And if you're coming to my land, you better too. And if you don't, you're going to be kicked out. It's the same thing with the divine council. If you do not lead the people as Yhushah, you will be removed. And so you've heard me say this many times before in the Gospel, Luke here, when the 70 apostles are sent out, the 70 emissaries, if, if that word apostle makes you uncomfortable, I, I'm of the opinion that the word apostle is not a, it is not originated with, with the Bible. It is not a first century invention of Christianity. You can see, you can go back with the philosophers, the Greeks, whatever the apostles is an emissary of the king. They, there are thousands upon thousands upon thousands of apostles and Greek culture. That being said, Messiah sends out the 70. And 72 by some accounts, but the 70 obviously is a reference to the 70 Elohim or Al-Wahayam, the 70 Anunnaki over humanity. And it's, it's a judgment, right? And I, I, when he says here, straight out of the language of Dabarim of Deuteronomy, that it's going to be worse than Sodom and Gomorrah for you on that day. And so they're supposed to declare the kingdom. And if people reject them, you know, you dust off the, that you shake the dust and you move on. And of course, I believe this judgment of it did happen with the, the institution of the millennial kingdom, the thousand year reign. And who knows, maybe some of these Al-Wahayam dead repent. I don't know. I don't know if they did or didn't. That maybe we'll all find out someday. But I think that this was basically YAHushad or Yeshua. He's, he's telling them, he's like, look, it's a message to these Anunnaki. He's like, look, I'm in charge now. I'm in hearing these nations. You messed up. You weren't interested. I'm taken over now. And in you could, you could still fall under this, you know, covenant. You could still agree to these terms. It's up to you now. It falls in your court, as if the ball wasn't already in the court. This is essentially here that Job and the 70 number. Now the LXX is an obvious one. You can see right there, LXX at somebody. That number keeps popping up. But after his affliction, he lived 170 years. Now, it was 240 in total. But I find that really interesting. Why did they throw the 70 in there according to the Septuagint? We see that the fates of the 70 happens in chapter 90 of Enoch. Actually, I guess I'm going to eat my own words here because it says, "And those 70 shepherds were judged and found guilty, and they were cast into the fiery abyss." I guess, yeah, I shouldn't laugh. I mean, but yeah, I guess all 70 didn't end well for them. So, wow, bummer. So just remember that next time you want to be in a position of authority and rule that it's, you know, I'm going to be doing a teaching here soon on the fiery abyss, and who goes into it, what happens, and is annihilationism a thing, is eternal torment a thing. I will say this, that I am, I'll give you guys a preview. I believe in annihilationism. I believe that there is a total death, a finality, that there is a death, that there is an extinguishing of the soul done. You can never come back. I mean, that's a terrible thought. I mean, that's what death is, right? Like that gone forever. But there's something to be said, though, about, and I'll be talking about soul sleep this next week too, the wicked go down to a type of kind of a condition of sleep as well, even though it's kind of a nightmarish, you know, troublesome, tormenting type of sleep. But these shepherds and the watchers and some of these top dog angelic creatures, there appears to be torment for them. I'm going to pull a passage after passage where it's like, yeah, it's, you know, they're rolling around and chains in fire and because they have led so many people. And, and so I kind of am suspect that even though I believe that human souls will be mortal and extinguish that, that satan, it may be an eternal thing for him. I think there is a case to be made for that that is can be online. But we'll see, we'll see what the texts have to say. Okay, for lack of time, I'm going to skip some of this. Let's keep moving on. All right, this is good. You'll like this, Pamela. Yeah, Waha hides himself. And it says right here in Davarim. And he declared, I will hide myself from them. I will observe what shall be their later end, for they are a perverse generation children who have no faithfulness in them. This is cyclical. It happens every so many centuries, really, or I don't know all the time, but he is, this is where I said that, you know, pride is, is a terrible thing. And he could literally darken our visions and hide from us. And he's like, yeah, I'm, you're not going to see me anymore. I'm gone. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of your abominations, I'm tired of your hypocrisy. And this is one of the things that everybody, I see a lot of new people coming here to talk more and more every month, every week, there's somebody like, I am brand new. I learned about the Torah three months ago. This is incredible. And I'm just a word of warning to everyone out there, because it is an incredible time. And they're in, yeah, as merciful to us. And he will, you know, he will hold us up, but you have to guard the commands. Because people who come closer to YAH, and they want, and they're like, I want to live according to his instructions and righteous living, I want to live a whole of your life. I want to follow that calling. If you don't follow through with it, it may not involve. And it may be worse for you in the end. I'm just throwing, I'm not trying to put any fear porn out there. But there, you got to be, if you're going to go out to battle, you better be putting on your armor and guarding against arrows. That just is kind of common sense. So we read a few other, a few places where we read this Isaiah 45. It says, truly, you are an Al-Ahamm who hides himself. Al-Ahamm of Yashirel, Yeshua. That's really interesting there. It says salvation in, I put in that Yeshua, but I actually think it's actually saying the actual Al-Ahamm of Yashirel. Yeshua is Yeshua, right? And they will be put to shame and even humiliated all of them. The manufacturers of idols will go away together in humiliation. And then here's one I quote from a lot. This is the Ode to Solomon, Ode's 42. And I am of the opinion that this is referring to, perhaps, sometime in the Millennial Kingdom. And this is Yashireh Hamashiach speaking here, and he says, "And I became useless to those who knew me not, because I shall hide myself from those who possess me not. And I will be with those who love me." And so he gets, he gets so tired of it all the time. I mean, Yashireh was tired of it all the time. He was tired of the whiny, bratty people who just, you know, wanted to recoil at the thought of being obedient to him and, you know, and say, "This is so burdensome. Why did you bring us out here?" All this stuff. He's like, "You know what? Whatever. Just you're not going to see me anymore. And I just, I'm going to spend time with those I love." And I pointed this out that, you know, it shifted. He went off somewhere else with the, with the set of part. Oh, this is interesting. Lois Sheol. I actually got out my, it's not an arms reach now. I actually got a Dante Pamela, and I, I haven't read him since college, but I plan to read him again. Dante's really interesting because he is a late Middle Ages guy. And the whole theme, he gets heavily criticized by modern, you know, Protestantism, probably modern Catholicism too. But, you know, the whole theme of his trilogy is pilgrimage. And I want to read him again with that in mind. And from what I've dug into him recently, like, there are some gems in there, some incredible stuff. So amongst all the criticism, I think I'm going to find some interesting stuff as well. But you put this in here, "My fire is kindled in my anger, and you will be set on fire as far as the lowest Sha'ul." And of course, it's, you know, Sha'ul, they're like, you know, like the famous Paul, like a covenant with Sha'ul. Same word. And that's, that's pretty intense. Like, he's like, "I will send you to the lowest Sha'ul." So when I talk about, when we dig into Genesis again, I'm going to be devoting one week to talking about fire. And I know there's not, in the actual text in, in Genesis 1, it doesn't talk about this, but look what it says in "Ligeons of the Jews" volume 1 right here. He said, "In the beginning, 2000 years before the heaven and the earth, seven things were created, the Torah, written with black fire and white fire, and lying in the lap of God, the divine throne, erected in heaven, which later would, was over the heads of the Hayat, paradise on the right side of God, hill on the left side. And there was a voice that cried out, "Return ye children and men." So the picture that's put up there is that, okay, there's the throne in heaven where, where Aloha'am sits. On one side is paradise, actually on the right side, over here, right side is paradise, left side is hell. Or, you know, say, Sha'ul or Gehenna. And, and people ask me, "Why would you do that?" Well, every king is, in my opinion, my, my, my response to this would be, every king is going to build a castle and, and you're in the, the blueprint, you're going to put the jail, you can put the dungeon, you're, you're knowing that people are going to transgress. And it's basically like choosing that the sheep and the goat, the weed and the tear, the left and the right, if you can come over here in paradise, or you can choose this over here. So in the very beginning, according to "Ligeons of the Jews," there was, there was fire. And I believe that the fire itself is eternal, the lake of fire. Of course, we know that Chihul one day will be thrown into it, Leviathan thrown into it, but that doesn't mean that the fire itself is extinguished. Now they also say this, "Hell has seven divisions. One beneath the other, they are called Chihul, Abaddon, Beer, Shahats, Tithat, Yawin, Chair, Mawit, Chair, Zalmawit, and Gehenna." Now, you know, this is, I'm reading for "Ligeons of the Jews." Everyone can take this with a grain of salt, but I know you guys enjoy, enjoy this. You know, the "Ligeons of the Jews" is like, uh, like readers digest, where they're basically taking all this different literature, extra biblical books, gesture, jubles, everything, even Talmudic stuff, or rabbinical literature, and they're just putting it together. And it's, it makes for great research, uh, to, you know, find where they're sourcing this from. Anyways, it requires 300 years to traverse the heights or the width or the depth of each division. And it would take 6,300 years to go over a tract of land equal and extent to the seven divisions. So this is pretty intense if Yawin has like, I was sent you to the lowest Sheol, like this is, you know, 6,600, 300 years to go over a tract of land equal and extent to the seven divisions. So this is pretty far down there. Each of the seven divisions in turn has seven subdivisions. And people thought Dante was intense. Each of the seven divisions in turn has seven subdivisions. And in each compartment, there are seven rivers of fire and seven of hail. Dante talks about this too. In fact, a lot of apocalyptic literature, they talk about how, uh, there's different, you know, there are, there is the hail side and the fire side. So again, take this, you know, it is what it is, right? And I, I feel like I haven't dug into this enough just based on people's criticism of it. But I, there are so many texts out here that talk about this. I mean, it's worth investigating in the very least the width of each one, uh, a thousand L's. It's depth 1000 and it's linked 300 and they flow one from the other and are supervised by 90,000 angels of destruction. There are besides in every compartment, 7,000 caves in every cave, there are 7,000 crevices and in every crevice, 7,000 scorpions. That's not very pleasant. Uh, every scorpion has 300 rings and in every ring, 7,000 pouches of venom, from which flow seven rivers are dilly poison. Now again, all of this, like everything they put in here has very symbolic meaning of one thing or another. And I, I'm not, I, you know, I, I didn't like, I wasn't like, hmm, I wonder what the 7,000 pouches of venom mean, but I'm, I'm sure there's, there's meaning to it. If a man, if a man handles it, he immediately bursts every limb is torn from his body. Okay, I'm not, that's game. Okay, we don't need to go. We don't need to actually literally visit it to know that there's a deep house. Uh, so corresponding to the seven heavens, which I want to do, uh, uh, probably in a few weeks when we talk about the firming, I'll be talking the seven ferments of heaven. God created seven earths, each separated from the next by five layers over the lowest earth. Uh, well, okay, so, so this is really interesting. So we're on the top layer. According to about Jewish tradition, there are six earths below us. And there is actually one right below us that actually has life in it. And this is like total hollow earth theory. Uh, but below that, there are others and going all the way down to the bottom, you finally get to, you know, you get into shiel and all that. So I'm just saving you guys time there for lack of time. Okay. With the remaining time, let's talk about this and Pamela, you'll, you'll like this, I think the Yahuwahaha Yahushua, Yahushua connection. So once again, I will reiterate, uh, for anyone who's come in late into this game for the newbies out there, the Pamela and I are in agreements. Pamela was the one that introduced me to this, um, concept, really, um, that, that Yahuwah, Yahweh, uh, Yahuwahaha, right? Everyone pronounces him differently, that he is literally the son of God, he is the son of Alahaim, and who is the son of God, but Jesus Christos Yashua, right? So when, when Yahuwahaha is, uh, incarnate, uh, he, he is literally the Lord, he is Yahuwahaha incarnate, right? And I, I noticed this here, this really stuck out to me. So I want to show you as, as further evidence how it is interchangeable between Yahuwahaha in the Old Testament and messianic passages that say the same thing. So Yahuwahaha, the other living, he comes from Sinai or Sayonuiah, and has sprung forth from Sha'ya unto them, shining forth from Mount Faron, and he arrived with the myriad of the set-apart ones in his right hand, a fiery commandment for them, holy loving the people, all his set-apart are in your hand. Now this is talking about something that did happen, that Yahuwahaha came with the myriad of his, of his set-apart ones, uh, and of course in his right hand, a fiery command. So let me, this is reading from the N-A-S-B, so you can kind of, kind of see how this is going to match up with, you know, so this is the same passage. This is the blessing with which Moses, the man of God, blessed the people of Israel before his death, and he said, Yahuwahaha came from Sinai and dawned from Sierra upon us, he shone forth from Mount Peron, he came from the ten thousands of holy ones. So think about that line, the ten thousands of holy ones, with flaming fired his right hand, yes, he loves his people, all his holy ones were in his hand, so they followed in your steps, receiving direction from you, when Moses commanded us a Torah as a possession for the assembly of Yaakov, thus Yahuwahaha became king in Jasharun, when the heads of the people were gathered, all the tribes of Israel together. All right, well, let's read Enoch chapter one. I'll read you the whole chapter here. Well actually, let's just skip right to verse three. "Concerning the elect, I said, and took up my parable concerning them, the holy great one will come forth from his dwelling, and the eternal Elohim will tread upon the earth even on Mount Sinai, and appear in the strength of his might from the heaven of heaven." So if I'm reading this right, this was fulfilled, the holy one, the great one, at Mount Sinai with Moses. "And all shall be smitten with fear, and the watchers shall quake, and great fear, and trembling shall seize them until the ends of the earth, and the high mountains shall be shaken, the high hills shall be made low, and shall melt like wax before the flame, and the earth shall be holy rinse and sunder, and all that is upon the earth shall perish, and there shall be judgment upon all men, but with the righteous he will make peace, or shalom." And this is, of course, the delivering of his Torah, "and will protect the elect, and mercy shall be upon them, and they shall all belong to Elohim, and they shall be prospered, and they shall be blessed, and he will help them all, and light shall appear unto them, and he will make special loam with them. And behold, he cometh with ten thousands of his holy ones, to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy all the enriches, and to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness, which they have unrighteously committed, and all the hard things which unrighteous sinners have spoken against him." Now, when I say it was fulfilled, this is partly fulfilled. Jude talks about the same passage as an event to come with Yehushun Hamashiach. It was also about these that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied, saying, "Behold, the Lord," or YAHawah, "comes with ten thousands of his holy ones, execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way." And of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him. So, right here you're seeing YAHushun Hamashiach, Yeshua interchangeable with YAHawah, an event that happened to Mount Sinai. You see, he was going to land on Mount Sinai. But there was also an event that was going to happen when he was going to come again with all his holy ones to execute judgment. So, boom, there it is. You know, why? YAHushun Hamashiach and YAHawah are suspiciously never seen in the same room at the same time. Isn't that interesting? One leaves, the other comes in, and he leaves and the other comes in. It's kind of mentioning how that works. And then, oh, yeah, I want to show you this from the Aramaic Targum. And I'm just seeing this kind of in new light now. And when they're talking about the word of Elohim, I really think, and I think, in Hebrew thinking, it's basically they're contrasting him from idols. Because they're saying, "Our God, our Elohim, our Allahi'am," is a word. It's a voice. But we do not see his image, right? We're not putting his image on anything. So, when the people of the house of Yasharul beheld the signs of manifestations, which the holy one, whose name be praised, so we're going to find out what his name is here, had done it to see a sup or the sea of reeds. This is the crossing of the Red Sea, and the power of his hand, the children of the captives answering Sid to the other come and let us set the crown of Majesty on the head of our Redeemer. They're Redeemer, right? They're Yeshua, their salvation. They recognize that Yahuwah has brought them across the Red Sea, and they want to crown him King. But who make it to pass over and pass it's not? Who changes and is not change? Who's is the crown of the kingdom, the king of kings in this world? Who's king of kings, guys? Yeshua is. Yeshua Hamashiach. Who's too is the kingdom in the world to come forever and ever. And whenever you see in Hebrew literature, whenever they talk about the world to come, it is always the Millennial Kingdom. I mean, it's kind of a little awkward to call up the world to come now if we believe that it has come. And if you call up the world that was, it's like, well, which world that was are you referring to, right? That's why the thousand-year reign of Millennial Kingdom is a better term now. But the world to come was always in reference to the Messianic age. For Pharaoh's horses with his chariots and horsemen went into the sea, and Yahuwah made the waters of the sea to return upon them. So they give his name there. Yahuwah is going to be king of kings in the world to come. There it is. Boom. Really interesting. And what else do we have here? Did you have anything you wanted to add? Oh, I can't. I cannot finish tonight without talking about this. This is so good. So you see two scenes here. This is Yosef meeting with his brothers. I'm guessing this is the Benjamin right here. I told you guys that I really, really, really like them. And here we see again Yahuwah at the Last Supper and, of course, the person here mysteriously looking a lot like a lady, but that's probably none of my business. So in Pamela's translation, she put this upon the head of Yosef and upon the crown of the head of the Naza Yar. Now this is Nazarite, Nazarene. Am I correct, Pamela? Close enough? Yes, no. It could have multiple meanings. He can be considered one who is separate, which says what a Nazarite is. But he was separated from his brothers. He was set apart from his brothers, as in y'all chose him from his brothers. And he's also that work can also mean crayon. So he was the crayon of his brothers. Well, now according to rabbinical tradition, Yosef actually did take in Nazarite vow, and he never drank wine until he was in the presence of his brothers. And this is what it says in Genesis 43, 34. Then they served him by himself and Yosef's brothers by themselves and the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves. So this is the scene he's finally reunited with his brothers. But this is really interesting here because the Egyptians are not Hebrews. They're not going. And if you can picture the scene, the reunion of all the brothers, and let's say this is a heavenly scene, and what do we see happening? The Egyptians could not eat bread with Hebrews for that is an abomination to the Egyptians. So they did not take part in this, right? They are off doing their own thing. They could have come. It appears according to this, the Egyptians could have come and sat with Yosef and his brothers, but they were like, no, this is to be a Hebrew. That's an abomination. Now they were seated before him from the first born according to the birthright to the youngest, according to his youth. And the men looked at one another in astonishment. So they're still not clear who Yosef is. Then he took portions to them from his own table. And Benjamin's portion was five times as much as any of theirs. And he says, so they drank freely with him. Now the KJV I put here, this says, and they drank and were married with him. So this is this is basically given this idea that they are intoxicated. They're having a good time. They're drinking wine. They're married and they're joyful. The idea that is put forward is that he ended his Naz right vow at this point. And this is the first time he has had wine since he has been separated from his brothers. The reason I want to talk about this, because look what happens in Mark 14. This is what we call the Last Supper, the famous meal. And as they were eating, he took bread. And after blessing, I broke it and gave it to them and said, take this is my body. He took it cup and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them and they all drink of it. And he sits on, this is my blood. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. Truly, I say to you, and here's what I want to pay attention to you. Truly, I say to you, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of Allahaykum. And so right there, it looks like YAHush is taking the Naz right vow. And the idea is he's not going to drink wine again until they're all brought into the kingdom together, which is a really exciting thought. Well, anything I could read this to in tonight, Hamil, was there anything you wanted to? Oh, yeah, I wanted to end on the prayer of Moses, actually. This is what I definitely wanted to end on. Before I do, was there anything you wanted to add anything? I missed out on a lot of stuff. I skipped the last stuff. Is there anything you want to talk about? Well, it's impossible considering the amount of texts that we had to work with tonight to touch upon everything. Because there was some deep stuff, some of the stuff he says, you know, that it's hard for people like that. I create, but I slay, but I make a lie. I smite that as I wound someone to heal them. And so it's hard for people to rectify their idea, the God they've created in their brain, to what Allahaykum really is. Beyond our understanding, because we can't see all the possibilities. That was one of the things I've been meditating on the Book of Matthew, because I've done some of the translation of it. And I've been studying the manuscript and looking at some of the things. And one verse, I think I've mentioned this to you, was he said, all power, but it's actually all powers is giving me in Shama'im and in and that word for powers is all the possibilities, all the over comings. And so all these powers, all these abilities, that was another possibility. So all the abilities, all the possibilities, all the over comings are given to Messiah. So we can see all outcomes. And so we might not understand why did he allow this? Why did this happen? Why did he allow this? We can't see the possibilities. So I guess that's one thing I want to bring out. Yeah, okay. Well, I mean, here's what I was going to do. I was going to just conclude our years Torah portions. Moshe is now dead and wanted to conclude with Psalm 90, which is attributed to Moshe. And I think that, I mean, for those of you who've gone through Deuteronomy, you read this and you're like, wow, this is clearly from the pen of Moses. And I was, I forgot to ask you earlier, because you've published Psalms, Volume 1, 2, and 3 from the paleo Hebrew. I think you're done with four, correct? I finished translating number four. It's often what we do on it. I have to type it up. That's and basically, you know, just to fine tune some of the stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I don't think you've published Psalm 90 yet, right? Because I know that Psalm 90, I translate it, but it's in the next group. If I have, it's in one of my, I've not even finished unpacking my stuff. So where or where could it be? But it's somewhere you're in the apartment. But that's okay. That's all right. So we don't, we can't end this on Hamlet's paleo translation of 90. So, but I'll read from here. And this is how we ended tonight. A prayer of Moses, the man of Aloha, this is what it says. Yeah, Hwaha. You have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were born, or you gave birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, you are Allahaykum. You turn mortals back into dust and say, "Return, you sons of mankind." For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or like a watch in the night. You have swept them away like a flood. They fall asleep. In the morning, they are like wrath to sprout anew. In the morning, it flourishes and sprout anew. Toward evening, it wilts and withers away. For we have been consumed by your anger, and we have been terrified by your wrath. You have placed our guilty deeds before you, our hidden sins in the light of your presence. For all our days have dwindled away in your fury. We have finished our years like a sigh. As for the days of our life that contain 70 years, or if due to strength 80 years, of course he lived to be 120 years, but yet their pride is only trouble and tragedy for it quickly passes and we disappear. Who understands the power of your anger and your fury according to the fear that is due you? So teach us to number our days that we present to you a heart of wisdom. Do return, YAHWAH, how long will it be, and be sorry for your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with your graciousness that we may sing for joy and rejoice all our days. Make us glad according to the days you have afflicted us, and the years we have seen evil. Let your work appear to your servants and your majesty to their children. May the kindness of YAHWAH, our Aloha'am, be upon us, and confirm for us the work of our hands. Yes, confirm the work of our hands. Psalm 90. That concludes it guys, rolling back the scroll. This is a field gray. I feel accomplished for both of us of Pamela. Thank you for being so on top of it and being a... It's been quite a journey. It's been quite a journey. There were times when I'm just like, you know, you talk about you feel very inadequate. I certainly have felt inadequate. Of course the enemy is, you know, attacking. Give up, quit. Who do you think you are? But, you know, by the strength of the rule, you know, I made it through. And by wisdom, you know, it's the work of wisdom, it's the work of understanding. It was her work, you know, and so I praise him. And I thank you too. No, you really took a chance. You really took a chance. You know, because a lot of people have attacked you with this over this time, you know, for using... Not just that you're using the Hebrew, but you're like, what does this even mean? You know, I've never heard this pronunciation before. What is this? And so, you know, they really attacked you. And I thank you, I thank you for believing in this, for believing in me. And I thank the tech community that they have been so receptive that there's so far, no pitchforks and torches. And so I praise you all, you know, it's been quite, as I say, quite a journey. All right. Well, with that, I've been a dew Shabbat Shalom, everybody. Have a great rest. And for those of you who are either beginning the fall feast, of course, Pamela and I are smack dab in the middle of the coat right now. And yeah, so just and enjoy your time, everybody. Love you guys. We'll do this again next week. See you then. See you next week in Genesis.