The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

397 | Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail | The Alabaster Jar; Joseph of Arimathea

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here we are again together all together again welcome everybody my name is Noel Joshua Hallie this is the unexpected cosmology please you know like and subscribe if you haven't before you guys know the drill leave a comment below how fun in the chat tonight I was gonna give this presentation a couple nights ago and what a week it's been a storm ripped through America nobody was talking about it and then it just came and of course I'm in South Carolina and we didn't get it that bad I mean it was it was one of the worst storms one of I would say top five in my life that I've ever been in and you know people all through America right now Pennsylvania and North Carolina places like that they got it really bad Tennessee so my heart goes out to them my thoughts my prayers and the internet was down here a couple nights ago and I was like you know not gonna find it it's gonna let it be so here we are now before we get into this tonight Mary Maglin and the Holy Grail this is gonna be a two-parter so I'm gonna be talking the first half about the woman and the alabaster jar and the second half is going to be Mary Maglin and Holy Grail they both go together so again a couple of things if you grew up in evangelical Christianity in the West there is a high likelihood that you are of the opinion just because it has been told to you so many times vocally by oral tradition that it must be true that Mary of Bethany and Mary Maglin are two different women and there's probably good reason as to why that happened is to mask I mean if Mary Maglin is the one that anointed him with the Nard it just changes the whole picture doesn't it and if you have a one-off with this Mary of Bethany lady you know it's like who is she and she did this and it kind of is what it is on on the flip though that there is as far as I'm concerned overwhelming evidence not just in Catholicism we could all just chalk it up to Catholicism but you have orthodoxy you have ancient literature called Gnostic if you want to go on all the way back ascribing Mary Maglin to the woman Mary of Bethany and being the one that gave the Nard cracked open the Nard with the alabaster jar as well as artwork itself the whole world of artwork there's just painting after painting after painting hundreds and hundreds of years old all showing the Mary Maglin at the cross had the alabaster jar so something to consider now secondly before I go into this tonight if you if this idea that that Messiah Jesus Christ I I prefer calling him Yeshua or Yahushah YAHushah Hamashiach by his Hebrew name now if this if it really bothers you this idea that he had a betrothed that he had a wife let me just say this you are free to your opinion totally free to your opinion and what I what I want to do the way I want to go at this tonight is I mean everybody knows that there is literature out there ancient literature which says that he had a you know a wife you know you go in the gospel of Phillips on this kind of stuff right we know that the ancients did hold this view whether they were correct or not what I want to do is go out it when I everybody knows it when I everybody knows I have stated this time again throughout my research and when I started the investigation of Mary Maglin Was she the betrothed Messiah I wanted to completely circumnavigate all the Holy Grail stuff I didn't read Dan Brown's book and it watched the movie I knew nothing about that stuff I just wanted to be completely detached from that and just look at scripture itself finally came time for me to start digging into this idea of the Holy Grail I knew I'd get there eventually and again without going to all these other books I decided to go to the original Arthurian mysteries you know read the original source material where they're talking where they're introducing the Holy Grail and I was just like holy cow I'm reading this stuff going oh my goodness it is so clear in my opinion it is so clear they're talking about Mary Maglin and a little bit more than that and so whether or not you the viewer believe that he had betrothed is let's just set that aside for the second and what I want to do is say did other people in history believe this and specifically did the Grail writers the people the very people who you could say invented the Grail myth the very people that are talking about the Grail did they believe that the Grail is referencing Mary Maglin why believe so so let's get right to it tonight I have a lot to cover I'm gonna start with Mary Maglin the woman and the alabaster jar Nard is only used on two separate instances in the entirety of Canon by Canon I'm talking about the 66 books I would include the Apocrypha there too and I checked the first shout out goes to Song of Songs or Song of Solomon song of Shaloma if you prefer which you can read about in my report Mary Mary Maglin and the song a Shaloma connection and I highly suggest you do because the second instance can be found in two of the four gospels mark in John and like Song of Songs the scene is a scandalous one well that suspect it's almost like they want you to cross reference or something but that's probably none of my business the incident also occurs in Matthew without ever mentioning the Nard same event though so I guess you could say there's three references John however is probably the most important now you if you're reading along you can see I put the Hebrew names here Yokanan Yokanan is the Hebrew name of John and you know I might go back and forth between their names tonight it's why I thought to pull the highlighter out on this one you see you shall see why in a little while well here is how Yokanan or John puts it he writes and when the when the Pharisees or the perishing desired him that he would eat with them I should say one of the perishing and he went unto the Pharisees house and sat down to eat or to meet and behold a woman in the city which was a sinner which he knew that Yohushas sat to eat in the Pharisees house brought an alabaster box of ointment and stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with tears and wipe them with the hairs of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment now when the Pharisee which had bit in him saw it he spoke with himself saying this man if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner of woman this is that touches him where she is a sinner oops I read from Luke rather than Yokanan how embarrassing of me we should try this again the mix of happens sometimes what I just quoted from is a completely different story or is it the story is told completely out of order from the feet anointing story in other gospels and this fact has been long noted but if we pay heed to certain details then we shall certainly come to find that they are indeed the same story only the distracted or untrained eye will come to any other conclusion Yohushas is eating a meal at the table when a woman in that city enters the room to anoints his feet with a precious ointment from an alabaster box using her hair we are repeatedly reminded that she was a sinner what sins did she commit we are not told it is only the Pharisee who calls her out on her transgressions without ever naming them how convenient for me that beckons the question did this woman transgress the oral law of the of the Pharisees which is to say the Talmud that the oral law became the Tal mood or the written Torah of Moshe of Moses those are two completely different laws and I get Christians coming and telling me all the time they even they confuse them they most Christians unfortunately can't tell the difference between the Talmud and the Torah I talked to so many it and they don't even know what the Talmud is they think kosher like the very word kosher is Torah it's not well I should say in the sense of you know like cheeseburgers or something like that right which is kosher that's not even in the Torah so the Talmud disobeying the Talmud is not a sin we're as transgressing the Torah is a sin but an aspiring member of the Pharisee would not be able to tell the difference the house belongs to a certain perishim a Pharisee his name is Simon the Jar Maker you know we haven't read that far yet but in in a line or two he will be identified and there is much in the course of this investigation which can be gleaned from him the context simply isn't given by Dr. Luke the historian here the reason why Simon invited Yahushah over is because Elizer that would be Lazarus had only days earlier been raised from the dead so too was the dead man invited but why so Lazarus is at the table too I thought the Pharisees and Yahushah were at odds with each other and and in fact the resurrection of Elizer was the turning point in their relationship in so much that the Pharisees knew they needed to do something about Yahushah before other started rising from the grave the dead man was a celebrity in a major driving forces to why the crucifixion of Yahushah was pushed forward and so Simon the Jar Maker sounds terribly out of place while the formerly dead man Elizer was was seated at his table eating with Yahushah also the woman was a sister but we haven't gotten that far into the facts quite yet meaning the woman the cracked open the alabaster jar getting back to Luke's account of things is what he says and Yahushah answering said into them Simon I have something to say into you and he said Rabbi say on pause you see there he is Simon the Pharisee so continuing there was a certain creditor which had two debtors the one owed five hundred pence and the other fifty and when they had nothing to pay he frankly forgave them both tell me therefore which of them will love him most and Simon answered and said I suppose that he to whom he forgave the most and he said into him you have rightly judged and he turned to the woman and said it's a Simon see see this woman I entered your house you gave me no water for my feet but she washed my feet with tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head you gave me no kiss but this woman since the time I came in has not ceased to kiss my feet my head with oil you did not anoint but this woman has anointed my feet with ointment wherefore I say into you her sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much but to whom littles were given the same loves little and he said into her your sins are forgiven and they that sat to eat with him began to say within themselves who is this that forgives sins also and he said to the woman your faith has saved you go in peace now as quick commentary here I'm not gonna go down this path but the reason why it's that the reason why it was such a big deal that he was forgiving sins is because you know what I'm not gonna go down the path tonight because that that's gonna distract from all the things I want to talk about nevertheless it was controversial that he was able to forgive sins and I was gonna take you down a Torah path I won't do it I asked the question regarding transgressing the law of the law which law heaven or man right which law we talking Talmud or Torah because the woman is Miriam you shall see for yourself in a little while Yohushah and Miriam are already recorded in the other gospels is having an important counter together before this little episode you would never get the sense from Luke's account but Miriam comes across as perfectly respectable regardless Yohushah doesn't deny she is a woman who has sinned a plant he telling us the Torah of Mosheh has been transgressed rather than the Talmud did you follow that so Yohushah is admitting yes she has transgressed meaning she's transgressed the Torah he's not concerned about the Talmud he even turns to her and says your sins are forgiven so her reputation was true then she was a sinner why didn't he forgive her days or weeks or even months earlier he did the argument Yohushah is giving is a circular one the proof is in the pudding the woman was showing a great display of love because her great many sins had already been forgiven and not the other way around whatever these transgressions were and we are not sure told they had already happened in an earlier moment in the narrative reputations are a fingerprints and a gripe and Simon the Pharisee simply had a negligible time in forgetting well here's a hint though Simon was siding with his Pharisee contemporaries her rapist you can skip ahead to a Mary Magdal and the adulterous if you don't believe me I have a whole section on that and that also goes into songs and songs as well and mirrors it with Solomon's beloved being sexually abused by his soldiers or the people within his gates why was the women weeping according to Luke one might defer the context to want to sorrow and repentance but again Yohushah has already stated that her response was one of love due to her already being forgiven when telling her your sins are forgiven he may in fact have been lifting her up for his audience because look at the response the Pharisees were not willing that Yohushah should forgive her aside from the fact that they were against Yohushah forgiving anyone because outside of the office of high priest forgiving for intentional sin was blasphemy you see and that that's the common they want to talk about earlier there's intentional and unintentional sin but that's a whole different Bible study right there the idea is is that if you in in the Torah if you intentionally send there's no sacrifice for that that I can find you there's the Day of Atonement which is the holy state of the year we just celebrated that in our household last week but outside of the Day of Atonement and the High Priest sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat which is what Yohushah Hamashiach our High Priest did there's no forgiveness for intentional sins and she committed an intentional sin you can only bring a sacrifice if it's an unintentional sin so this is why in their minds you're like what right do you have to forgive this is blasphemy you cannot forgive for this these intentional sins for this reason probably others they did not feel she was worthy to wash his feet with that ointment from the alabaster jar using her hair Yohushah's message to Simon is even more perplexing Simon did not wash his feet with his hair and tears as the woman had what sort of dude would do that serious question that's an extremely sensual action don't you think truth and plain sight though we are asked repeatedly by the church to deny it don't tell me this was the Middle East and they that they didn't sexualize everything like we do today quite contrarily have you ever been to the Middle East I have on multiplications and I'm not talking about the LGBTQ+ beaches at Tel Aviv either how about anywhere in the world before the 20th century let's start there a woman's unbound hair was reserved only for her husband yes that is precisely what everyone in the room was thinking well I'm sure Yohushah was just way ahead of the game in women's lib you know he's he's totally like 2024 you know you're was it so 2008 he's so you know whatever oh no he's so 2008 or so 2008 I think that's how it goes of course that's been Mandela affected so much so many times I can't even keep up with it anyways the anxious ongoing fight against you know toxic masculinity you know that that that's I guess Messiah right here nearly 2,000 years in fact and ahead of the game and only Maryam and Yohushah they're the only two that got it whereas the Pharisees and his Tomodine did not the boys down at seminary sure get it though that must be it ironically the hair mopping event has long implied that her former sins were of a sensual nature even though her current actions are deemed totally innocent does that make sense to you I'm having a difficult time keeping ahead of the Jones's on this one oh so I'm getting ahead of myself but Yohushah's criticism makes a whole lot more sense when we come to realize that Simon the Pharisee was Messiah's father-in-law the issue as I see it wasn't the statement being made between a rabbi and his betrothed know the issue concerned the woman in question she was a sinner an outcast from society who is this weeping woman's identity well Luke Luke gives a gives us a clue it happens a couple of chapters later when Yohushah enters the home of Martha and her sister Mariam now it came to pass as they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received them into her house and she had a sister called Mariam which also sat a Yohushah's feet and heard his word but Martha was cumbered about much serving and came to him and said Adonai do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone bid her therefore that she helped me and Yohushah answered and sent it unto her Martha Martha you are careful and troubled about many things but one thing is needful and Mariam has chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her that comes from Luke 10 38 to 41 and there it is the disputed passage among many housewives to date why did Martha get stuck with the apron and the dirty dishes we shan't name them but every Martha has a sister like Mariam and you know who I'm talking about ladies always getting out of the housework always stealing the hot the eye of the handsome land taking a while around the block on the back of the motorcycle while you're in the back room making things happen don't even get me started Martha's observation delivers the philosophical question of the ages well what happened what would have happened if Martha also had decided to sit down at Yohushah's feet the fog remains because the context is too taboo to be answered and Yohushah's words the part which Mariam has chosen would not be taken away from her and you know what that means the irony is that many have tried to take the roll away from her a roll a roll which she alone was called to and in return had chosen now I'm gonna just quickly say this like for and I might comment on this later but for everyone out there who's saying that this woman who came in and let her hair out and started mopping his body and nointing him with a sensual fragrance in front of everybody this was totally innocent it's like okay yeah let's let's have you do that try this with your pastor today from the whole church he's married by the way or you could be single you could we can go either scenario if we like but you know it's totally innocent let's just get a woman up there start just you know just undo your hair pull out these super central fragrances crack it open with the you know the bride price all this kind of stuff and start just anointing him with your hair let's see how well that goes down exactly it it like it can't be done so there's something else going on here there are those who will argue that Martha's sister and the weeping woman are two separate individuals and they're not I had taken the time to answer that question in another paper called Mary Mariam of Miggle or Mariam of Bethany so you can you can go to my website and I have you know I have a link to my website you can go to archives page you can dig up years and years and years worth of all these papers you can go they're an alphabetical or you can go look at it and read it meanwhile since we're presently gazing at the Bethany girl if I'm not mistaken the other woman to sit at the feet of Yuhusha was the weeping woman not a coincidence the woman is Mariam the sister of Eliaiser search your feelings you know to be true you still don't believe me though do you you're not going to read the article I toiled over are you so much demure well then stop doubting Thomas because Yokanan or John clears up any and all confusion when identifying her and here's what here's what he says in chapter 11 of the gospel of John now a searching man was sick named Eliaiser of Bethany the town of Mariam and her sister Martha it was that Mariam which annoys it at an eye with appointment and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Eliaiser was sick Mike drop boom there's only one woman who anointed Yuhusha with no hard wiping his feet with her hair stop saying there were two of them Yokanan offers us far more than than most would bargain for when giving up her name and yet it is only Luke it's his account which tells us Mariam washed his feet with her tears why was she crying you probably you probably already have that answer it's because she knew something which nobody else did and why is that before I answer do you recall who Yuhusha cried for here's a hint it's the shortest verse in biblical canon Jesus wept or Yuhusha wept I said Jesus wept because I don't maybe Yuhusha adding the extra a couple extra vowels and consonants there maybe elongated the verse so that there's a shorter one I don't really know whatever Jesus wept Yuhusha wept gospel of John 1135 even sourcing the book chapter and verse was longer than the actual passage in question who was he weeping for though you will have to read chapter 11 for yourself so that you can do your fact check fact checking while following along with the current of events by the way the accounts of Yuhusha raising Eliaiser from the dead occurs only in the gospel of John which is interesting now the reason being is that the gospel of John is a is a very different gospel than the three synoptic gospels and he tells you why at the end he gets his source from this disciple whom Yuhusha loved to it's not himself people say it's John somebody else and he's saying that this disciples the disciple whom he loved that this disciples testimony is true and this is why you get such a personal glance at this family Lazarus his two sisters Martha and Mary and their father it's from their perspective of course many people will say that Lazarus or Eliaiser is the disciple whom he loved might I point out that the people say that she's not the the disciple whom he loved does not appear until after Eliaiser is resurrected actually that's not true the disciple whom he loved does not appear until after Mary annoys his feet more specifically and from that from that moment on there is a disciple whom he loved from that moment when when she washed anointed his feet anyways when Yuhusha arrived at Beth and he came to find that Eliaiser was already lying in the grave for the matter of four days by that time many Yahudim had arrived to comfort his two sisters it was Martha who went to meet Yuhusha as soon as as word hit the street that Ad and I had arrived Maryam however stayed behind ever just ever stopped upon her why Yuhusha speaks to Martha about how he is the resurrection of the life and then calls for Maryam Martha then relays this message to Maryam secretly telling her the rabbi is coming calls for you as soon as she hears his request Maryam rises and then goes out to meet him we then read the following then Maryam was calm where Yuhusha was and saw him and she filled on his feet saying into him Ad and I if you had been here my brother had not died and when Yuhusha therefore saw her or I had here Maryam so you know who her is weeping and the Yuhudim also weeping which came with her he groaned in his ruach and was troubled and said where have you laid him they said in to him ad and I come and see and then you get right there verse 35 Yuhusha wept it was in seeing Maryam weep sure there were other Yuhudim already weeping but up to that point Yuhusha remained stoic it was a sight of Maryam which brought him to tears not the tomb of El Izer though I'm sure it was a complete package the only other instance when we read of Yuhusha crying is while entering Yerush Lai'im and Luke 1941 days later the reason is given to us Israel or Yashirel had already been handed a bill of divorce but now he was lamenting the divorce of Judah of Yuhuda to come via the coming destruction of Yerush Lai'im in 70 AD we again read that he wept tears when offering up prayers and petitions to the one who could save him from death according to Hebrews 5 7 through 9 assuming this is the occasion when he sweated blood tears are always over the issue of death as well as marriage it seems so again I will inquire why was Maryam crying when anointing him at the table no other account mentions her tears so it is worth asking hold that thought though I will bring it around full circle before we are through with this present exercise finally arriving at Yokanan's recounting of the Nard incident and here's what we read then Yuhusha six days before the Passover came to Bethany where El Izer was which had been dead whom he raised from the dead there they made him a supper and Martha served but El Izer was one of them that sat at the table with him so here we get a more clear or concise picture then took Maryam a pound of ointment of spike Nard very costly and anointed the feet of Yuhusha and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment then saved one of the Talmudim Judah Suscariot or Yuhuda Iscariot Simon's son which should betray him why was not this ointment sold for 300 pence and given to the poor you have to wonder if I mean I'm just kind of curious if if this is the same Simon who is I don't know I don't know if they have a second brother just just a thought why was this ointment why was not this ointment sold for 300 pence and given to the poor this he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the bag and bear what was put therein that comes from the gospel of John 1226 the scene plays out precisely the same way as a song a song saloma nearly again you're gonna have to kind of read my paper look at my past presentation on that it this is what happens a woman approaches mashiach while he reclines at the table surrounded by his entourage they're all there she then opens up a bottle of Nard and anoints him with it inciting a pleasant fragrance throughout the house I will once again remind you of how sensual an act it would be for a woman to unpin her hair and let it hang freely not to mention sobbing it on a man's body everyone keeps claiming this is a sexually innocent encounter that only a perverse mind would see it otherwise oh please remind me again why why I have never seen any such act attempted on the church pastor I told you I'll get to this later sure let's see a woman go through with it in front of the congregation let's just see you do it or at the dining room table surrounded by the elder board what if the pastor is married how about if he is single and his thoughts are prone to wander with the anatomy of his skin or how about if somebody else's wife did it oops there it is it is sensual only those wishful thinkers who avoid the elephant in the room could deny it you will tell me that YAHushah is the son of Allahayam or the son of God but he was but what's he manner wasn't he it's starting to hit the fan isn't he can't have it both ways did not hostile dared attempt him and if women are allowed to clean his body with their hair then why are they immune now I want to point out here if you don't know what I'm talking about song songs it's the same scene Solomon has his beloved walk into the room he's there dining he's got his whole entourage right there and it's the fulfillment of the betrolo she comes in cracks open the bottle the nard that's the second reference in all of canon and she says tonight she announces everyone tonight you are going to be laying between my breasts okay that that's the other reference so you get a cross reference right there this is what they're declaring now keep in mind this is his last week on the earth he's coming into Jerusalem to be declared king he's got his queen it's go time he's coming in with his kingdom assumedly of course we know according to Daniel he gets it gets cut off we are not told how shalomah's root uh retinue responded nor are we informed of everyone's reaction with YAHushah and Mariam here at least in this account it is only Judas Iscariot who has a problem with the unfolding scene the Y is obvious he is only interested in the money her money obviously and she was actually we read in Luke that he had uh two supporters of his ministry and Mary Magdalene was one of them she came into a lot of money probably through her father Simon the lepers or Simon the jar maker and uh was uh distributing it to his ministry obviously Judas Iscariot has no interest in YAHushah's kingdom none at all there's only enthusiasm as his own believe it or not I have found a fascinating connection between Judas Iscariot and the financial dealings of Mariam she was his finance here one thing at a time though we shall have to save that for another incident I do talk about I believe in my my book Mary Magdalene and this you know this is a report from there if a profound announcement has just been made that the heir to David Stone has declared his queen then the mind of Judas Iscariot can apparently only maneuver to one place his own personal inheritance is shrinking financially speaking and it is interesting that it is this scene where Judas Iscariot shows his true colors I mean he won't betray him for another few days but it's just interesting that it's this scene where where it happens and here's how the scene plays out in Mark and being in Bethany and the house is Simon the jar maker so there you see instead of Simon the leper he's Simon the jar maker and again he's a jar maker right and what does she do she cracks up in an alabaster jar as he sat to eat there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spike gnard very precious and she broke the box and poured it on his head and there were some that had indignation within themselves and said why was this waste that the ointment made for it might have been sold for more than 300 pence and have been given to the poor and they murmured against her now in this version of the story the woman is never identified as a sister of Elie Isor we know it is the same occasion because the the pasha or the Passover is nearly upon them and Yahusha is in Bethany their assignment again connecting us back to the woman in Lucas or Luke rather than anointing the feet of Yahusha with her hair as we saw in yokanan the woman cracks open the gnard and anoints his head no hair so which is it then his head or his feet hair or no hair she anointed both you figure it might have been slightly more awkward to dry his head with her hair perhaps she started with his head and then finish up with his feet i don't know i wasn't there it you know this is one of the things i do love about the bible is that particularly in the in the gospels when you have these four different accounts and they they're not they don't line up perfectly and that's because if you get you get 12 15 20 people in the same room and you tell them especially 20 30 years later uh to all write a story about this this week in your life and go back and you imagine right now uh 20 happened 23 24 years ago if i were to tell you all to go and write a story about 9/11 you know what happened that week and you're trying to think that like oh gosh it was a very traumatic week but you're trying to think back on it all and um and you know even even if you get the details correct you're going to have these different witnesses in the same room and they're going to be looking at from different perspective they're going to see different things you know one of them doesn't really put the emphasis on who it is it's protesting either Simon of the father or uh Judas Iscariot that we like oh just some people in the crowd were you know protesting right like they're just different emphasis on everything the other difference with yokanon is that mark identifies more than one person who did not respond in kind but this time not even yahuda or Judas Iscariot is identified as i just mentioned therefore if you're going to tell me that the potential patrol that's being downplayed by the rider then so is yahush is very betrayer just as assuredly as yahush is short parable is not given to Simon not even yokanon cared to mention who the other murmurs were for yokanon only Judas Iscariot was on his mind that recollection will become even more enlightening when we stop to appreciate that meriam of mido was yahush is finantier and that she also provided the witness testimony for john's or yokanon's bizorah his gospel now that's my theory like i am very willing to be wrong on that but when you look at the whole gospel of john the whole like the arch narrative it's all about um it's all about marriage the betrolal you know adultery forgiveness coming through to the end it's very unlike the other gospels the third or i guess you could say fourth and final witness is matthew wherein he states the following now when yahush was in bathany in the house as Simon the jar maker there came unto him a woman having an alabaster box a very precious ointment and poured it on his head as he sat to eat but when his town would eat this would be his disciples sought they had indignation saying to what purpose is this waste for this ointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor it comes from matthew 26 again we are told as Simon the Pharisee and jar maker's house in Bethany everyone seems intent on identifying the host of this episode here the nard is no one mentioned nor is the woman identified she simply anoints the head of yahushah with a precious ointment rather than drying his feet with her hair oh so the Talmedean plural are troubled by this action implying a great deal many beyond his betrayer still the same story though you will tell me i am taking all of this out of context when in fact yahushah explains precisely what is happening in the following verses which i have suspiciously left out of the narrative and you have also dutifully noted that fact no i am simply cross-referencing mariam and the nard and the song the song's incidents the bible's like poetry in that it rhymes since when has cross-referencing one parallel event with another even been a crime in sunny school maybe but this is not your father's bible study man i really wish maybe i should have started tonight it was only a few pages maybe i should have started tonight with the uh song the song's incident just so that nobody out there has lost i recommend everybody give it a read though cross-referencing sure hasn't let me down yet in my career as a research and writer i was saving yahushah's response until now for a reason this is what he told his disciples in john veneyohushah said let her alone against the day of me burying has she kept this for the poor always he had with you but may he have not oh but me he have not always that's the gospel of john chapter 12 ellie iser was risen from the dead i would imagine a resurrection event such as what had just occurred would cost anyone to relish joyfully at his return from the grave especially his sister ellie iser had become a witness to yahushah's dealings in the kingdom come and now we know why mariam was crying yahushah had earlier cried over mariam mariam having lost her brother and mariam in turn was mourning for the loss of messiah of yahushah and in front of his disciples ellie iser in the rest here is how mafu assessed the situation he said when yahushah understood it he said into them why trouble ye the woman for she has wrought a good work upon me for ye have the poor always with you but me he have not always for in that she has poured this ointment on my body she did it for my burial amen i say unto you wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world there shall also this that this woman has done be told for a memorial of her hmm mariam performed her deed for his burial you can go ahead and check that box now you will argue and tell me her deed cancels out any claim that a betrola was being enacted based upon his explanation no it doesn't cross-referencing aside what you need to be asking yourself is how mariam was so certain that he was going to die in the first place and in the next few days as to incite such a performance is this nobody else got it but mariam apparently imagine how many ways that could have gone wrong be smothered messiah with nard in front of his disciples in front of her brother ellie iser probably in front of marthe unless she was doing the dishes in the back and at least one member of the Pharisees the last of whom belonged to a group which were actively seeking his murder and of course one of them is her father the the only cross-reference any of them had at this point was song of songs philomas lover opened up the nard in order that she that the king might recline in her breast later that evening whereas mariam was pronouncing her widowhood her betrothed was about to be taken from her notice what follows you who should tell us a group where so ever his bizora shall be preached in the whole world what the woman has done would be told for memorial for her it is mariam as well as her action which is the memorial he was lifting her up as his queen in the coming kingdom and in front of everyone her boldness was seeing to imply that his anointing was either pre-arranged to be a private conversations or that she made the move out of throbbing sorrow knowing that she was about to lose him the man who would be crowned king did not excuse her this wasn't a get behind the satan moment you know get behind me woman stop causing me to lust you know with your sensuality i that's what everyone else was claiming right i will be told yahush's proclamation that her action will be a memorial of her wherever the gospel is preached as a false prophecy if indeed the world doesn't recognize her as his betrothed no it simply means that either fail to see it or refuse to her action has been recorded in all four canonical gospels yahush's use that opportunity to to memorialize her for the ages whether someone chooses to recognize her actions as a memorial for is up to them now i i slipped up a little earlier it happens in an investigation such as this one you will recall that i spent so much time at the dinner party of simon the jar maker attempting to identify maryam of miguel as a woman with the alabaster jar that i didn't even think to interview the host simon he was her father how did i possibly miss that one and here i thought the puzzle was complete or as complete as it would ever be but no and actually goes i'm not gonna even you know i want to get to the holy grail tonight i'm not even going to cover all that went on um with uh maryam and her and her family and why she's in this predicament but it is a story of course of israel and adulterous judea hands i really believe that now i really believe that maryam is the same way hosea was told to go take a um a woman uh that was running off um maryam was far less than then what hosea had to put up with it just put it that way anyway i thought the puzzle was complete or as complete as it ever would be but no the maryam story arc arch takes on an entirely new perspective when that little nugget of information is known do recall how the dinner party takes place immediately following iliyzer's vacancy from the tomb now the reason you're going to see soon why i am going through all of this in alabaster jar because if you don't understand this important elements that marymagnolin is the sister of lazarus uh and martha and their father the three of them their father is simon the jar maker if you don't understand that you're going to be lost through the the holy grail and this is why a lot of people will read the holy grail stuff and you know that they're going to miss out on some stuff anyways do recall how the dinner party takes place immediately following iliyzer's vacancy from the tomb i had speculated earlier that simon invited iliyzer over because he wanted to see what a resurrected person look like in person perhaps ask him a few questions about the afterlife whether the hilliness were right about the eternal spirit and was the parable of lazarus the rich man an accurate depiction of abraham's bosom who really knows it didn't even cross my mind that the party was thrown as a as a gift of gratitude to a man who brought his son back to life it makes sense otherwise simon was a Pharisee and would have been at total odds with yahusha now he was probably at odds with the other Pharisees after this too and review luke mentions a Pharisee map view and mark identify him as simon whereas the yokan honor john is the one who mentions iliyzer by name all four bizor accounts assume one lodging at Bethany simon and iliyzer lived in the same household and guess who wasn't invited to the party the woman with the alabaster jar revisiting the luke account this is what we read now when the Pharisee which had bitten him saw it he spoke with himself saying this man if he were in profit would have known who and what matter of woman this is that touches him for she is a sinner marym of mignal was not welcome at the party because simon the Pharisee had deemed it so an outcast from her own family she was probably lingering around outside with the dogs remember when yahusha arrived at iliyzer's wailing procession asked yourself why martha was among the mourners whereas her sister wasn't she wasn't there at the tomb and she still stayed behind when she knew he was there no marym was off on her own and already dead to some of them specifically her father she didn't have a head covering either it's why simon the Pharisee was off mumbling to himself somewhat hysterical that yahusha would put two and two together if he were truly a prophet well i'm not a prophet and rather slow at these things now again there uh what a lot more to go through which i'm not going to go through tonight is the connection with Ruth and boaz and the kinsman redeemer at his feet um and uh there's actually quite a few other things that won't be going over tonight a lot of connections here a lot of cross-referencing and clearly this woman is asking him to be her kinsman redeemer i have already covered the sexual connotations of the hair washing episode but then there is another facet to the story worth highlighting marym's lack of head covering was a telltale sign that she had no husband or protector except for yahusha that is immediately i will be told that yahusha would be breaking torah in taking marym to wife if her father was against the idea but i disagree he had already turned his daughter out in doing so he had forsaken any authority on what vows she might make before yahaha torah does have something to say about that and i'm about to show you this comes from chapter 30 of uh is this numbers that's yah numbers chapter 30 of numbers for just uh sake of time let me just read to you the highlighted part if a woman vows a vow into yahaha and bind herself by a bond being in her father's house and her youth and her father hears her vow and her bond where she has bound her soul and her father shall hold this piece at her then all her vows shall stand and every bond we're with she has bound her soul shall stand so let's say that she is living in her father's house and she's under her father's protection and she uh vows a vow until m aside to be his wife and he cries out like no no i'm not allowing that then she would have then he would yes then be breaking torah if he is still going against that he would have to honor her father and say you know what your father's not allowing this you have to honor your father as well but every vow of a widow and a purr that is divorce where would they have bound their souls shall stand against her let's see there should be another highlighted section in here um oh yeah these are the statutes which yahaha wahad commanded moshay between a man and his woman between the father and his daughter being yet in her youth in her father's house so there's a lot we can read here in numbers but the idea is that if she is no longer in her father's house if she is uh divorced if um let's see what are the other two again if she's divorced and uh she's a widow so on so forth speaking then make her own decisions in life and so if again if father turns her out because of sin it says you are no longer my daughter you no longer end of my care he can no longer then come back and say well i disagree with her vows now he's he's removed from the equation at this time she then has to make vows to take care of herself uh she can make vows with yahaha wahad that time the relationship between a woman her father and his role in either canceling out or accepting the vows his daughter has made with yahaha are given in great detail in numbers chapter 30 or uh bimid bimidbar assuming she has the hosts uh the i'm sorry assuming she has the hots for another boy and her father hears about it and puts his foot down the Torah offers them no rights in pursuing that relationship any further that is if her father says anything if she makes a vow and he holds his shalom saying nothing against the arrangement he is not allowed to take it back at a later hour she is in her full rights to move forward it says in her youth the general idea is that she would remain under the care and protection of her father until it was agreed upon that another man would take her in as a wife but then notice something else a father only has a say in his daughter's vows so long as she remains under his roof if he has turned her out or is no longer financially providing for her then he has lost all say on the matter of her vows if furthermore specifies the rights of a widow or a divorce woman they too can vow without their father's intervention seeing as how he has already released them at an earlier hour again now we're going to find in other books like the the book the nazareem and others that she actually ended up she did go off with a roman soldier we don't know why she said she chose love uh the the idea is perhaps that he raped her it would have been very common back then for a roman centurion regard to to rape a woman he found beautiful she could have been betrothed at that time to messiah and um if especially if the the the wedding scene in john is their patrol though which i highly suspected is he went off with her or she went off with him um he'd been uh according to the book of the nazareem had a wife back in Rome or Italy wherever he went and he left her now she's abandoned he went back he left his post or he was done on his post and he went back and now she was turned out she was had nowhere to go and it's his she became a tavern singer in Galilee um at that time so she had to take care of herself so revisiting so at that point obviously the patrola would be off so revisiting simon's reaction once again we read this now when the Pharisee which had been in him saw it he spoke with with himself saying this man if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner of woman this is it touches him for she is a sinner simon grumbled amongst himself in questioning yohush's character because if you stop to think about it yohusha accepting her put his moral judgment into question he did not protest at least i am under the impression that his uh that his protest was limited because the torah had no longer given him the authority to do so he was kind of off in the corner like you know mumbling right that's kind of the impression i get here and and yohusha he's like he doesn't have to answer to this maryam was pressed to make her own decision now all right now let me skip ahead just for a lack of time let's see just start here um because i'm not going to make a time i have so much to get to i'm looking at the time going oh my goodness so hold on i just i just thought it's something uh simon was referred to as a jar maker in mark 14-3 yes a jar maker are you connecting the pieces now maryam offered yohusha the nard from her alabaster jar and there is a connection if ever i've heard one the scripture writers are offering various clues but i have been slow in taking the bait for all i know simon had given his two daughters a jar as an offering to their future husband and maryam kept hers despite being turned out simon knew exactly what was happening when she brought that thing into the room and cracked it open oh no you don't and now for the reason why i wanted to revisit the woman with the alabaster jar i have stumbled upon another book during the course of my investigation into everything biblical which not only identifies maryam of mingle as the woman with the alabaster jar but gives clarifying detail as to why she landed in her predicament this comes from the book of the illuminators we sell this in our store uh chapter 23 it says this when yohusha spent the days in yorish laime the nights were spent on the slopes of mount alab and the how many built shelters close to a place where there was an oil press i want you to pay attention to that we will revisit that however one day at even tai yohusha went to the house of simon the pier where some women who were followers of his were living though the disciples were giving food little was said to them for they being strangers the people in the house were suspicious and simon lay on a cushion across from yohusha so we find ourselves in the house of simon again though he is given the name simon the pier rather than simon the leper isn't that interesting telling us that he has been restored to good standing within the religious community and it's so awesome and there's just all these different books i mean this is this is the book of the nazarene book of the illuminators completely detached from the other gospels often britain this comes from of course joseph arimathea was responsible for this book and so it's just so cool to see these connections the same could be said regarding his once dead son i suppose not his daughter though the texan forms us that he had daughters plural though if we're being technical it says there were women who were followers of yohusha living with them which is the same thing one of those daughters was left outside have you ever visited gash rill during the lunar month of nissan there were some warm days but overall it is crisp it's crisp and the nights get cold so continuing this is what it says and after the at etin we're talking together a woman came from a house nearby she was veiled and carried in alabaster jar now this woman was mariam a vigil so there you see you see right there boom there it is you have a text that is actually agreeing with all the you want to call it man-made traditions if you want it agrees with everything that they are correct all the artists everyone that the woman with alabaster jar is mariam magnum magnum whose father had been a merchant but he disowned her there it is boom he disowned her for she had lived with a centurion serving in the army of rome this is why he had no authority over her now when he returned to his lawful wife mariam had kept herself by singing the taverns of gallily book the aluminors 23 3 do i get more to this the woman unsealed the jar and poured a sweet scented oil over the head of yohusha seeing which some of those present were indignant saying what a waste when this could have been sold for a lot of money which would have benefited the poor yohusha said leave her alone there is little points in being angry with her when all she has done is to honor me you can help the poor whenever you like but i will not be here much longer than turning to mariam magnum or mariam of mingle he said why do you pay me this honor for the cost to you must have been great and someone said the price was easily obtained so this is like somebody is swiping her in the room we don't know if this is julis iscariot we don't know if this is her father but it's somebody he's like it's it's basically saying that you know they're calling her a loose woman if she was able to get this money now keep in mind this is the woman who is giving to his ministry in supporting him mariam said to yohusha sire i am she whom you saw in apnias for when women reviled me i came to you and said forgive my sins when you asked where and i had sin i said by loving while on wed thereupon you said that of itself is no wrong uh wrongdoing and demonstrates greater love than that of many who say the price of my love is marriage you said i gave the greatest form of love any woman can give for being virgin i what went to my love without the security of marriage seeking in no way to bind the man and yohusha said with this man you did no wrong and though your love was unblessed in the eyes of men providing you love truly it was pure and sanctified in the side of elahim the man however is not without sin in this manner and will surely be called to a proper accounting and though since leaving him you have done wrong he bears his portion of the guilt you chose freely not to be a woman reserved for marriage a choice you could rightly make only should you now seek marriage saying though i love you too now i have my price would you be doing wrong this being committed against elahim love and your husband um nazareth we've got a problem marion claimed she was told by messiah on an earlier occasion that she had committed no sin in handing her virginity over to a man outside of wedlock yohusha then responds that she's right she had done no wrong huh that cannot be we have already read the part about her father turning her out there is no way he consented to his daughter bedding with a roman centurion outside of wedlock that right there is a breaking of the torah i mean this is a this is a daughter of israel here the only situation where i can see this working is in his demanding the bride price be paid soon as he found out about their sexual relationship let's keep bringing oh no this is comes from exes 22 16 and if a man entices a maid that is not atrode and lie with her he shall surely endow her to be his woman if her father utterly refuses to give her unto him he shall pay money according to the dowry ofversions is this what happened marion may have given her heart to a man with the expectation that she become his woman according to exes 22 16 we're dealing with the case of lust and hormones and two consensing adults entangled in the world of polygamy rather than prostitution her father would have then demanded a bride price now he's demanding it from a roman centurion and so and should he still refuse to hand her over a two lover boy he could still demand payment according to the dowry of virgins not that a cocky roman centurion need a oblige the torah that's not his law he's a gentile he's not in the covenant with yahuwaha he was under the law of season whatever other covenant ilihim rather than moshay it seems to me that a payment of some sort was offered I base this upon yahuwaha's evaluation he said no wrong had been committed initially yes there was a transgression but that had to do with the centurion ditching his woman rather than taking then his taking her in he would have he would be held accountable for his recklessness but now what about marion she had already been turned out by two men her father being the other one what is uh what is a little lonesome girl to do in a man's world well according to yahuwaha she had committed further wrongs in the years between the roman centurion and him sounds like there may have been other men in the equation difficult to tell though going into this i probably should have told you that tax has its problems everybody i have so far spoken with has agreed that this passage right here from the book the Nazarene and this one alone though none other found in the whole of the book really seems to contradict with what we find in the Torah or so it appears to on the surface i'm not so certain of that though i may be wrong and i'm most willing to be at the very least a case has been attempted on my part clarification if you will the Torah doesn't explicitly outlaw sex before marriage but that doesn't mean it approves of it nor is yahuwaha attributing this sort of behavior to a holy lifestyle full uh feel free to pull out the the magnum and drill bullets into my rectification process it just seems to me that we need to demand the tax has been tampered with whenever something comes along the changes are thinking i actually think that that that there in the book the Nazarene gets so much clarification what happened with Mary Magdalene it just makes sense it just connects all the pieces assuming the objectives are correct and the scribes have had their way with this one it is indeed not ironic then that Mary Mary Magdal alone receives this sort of treatment something to think about again though i am holding out that what we are given is legitimate the wildly misunderstood and can be further expanded upon in other areas i intend to do that when uh dipping into the gnostic texts um i won't be doing that tonight so let's continue with the book of the illuminators chapter 23 verse 10 it says maryam said sire i have been a sinner but have not send this last year nor shall i again should i love once more i will now i will not now claim the rights of marriage which i once repudiated which really interesting she talked about the last year um we can go into a lot into that about the tool of status or was Messiah's ministry just one year you know where she cleaned their entire ministry only should you now seek marriage saying though i love you too now i have my price would you be doing wrong this being committed against Elohim love and your husband but shiak isn't saying marriage is no longer missable for her read it carefully maryam is hoping to rectify her past situation therefore yahush is clarifying that she has forsaken the bride price to demand one is to commit wrong against her husband say that again her husband she is seeking out a husband which husband are we talking about it can't be the Roman centurion or any of the other other's potential uh bachelors because she's never been married before the husband she speaks of is the one whom she hopes to marry remember she was a virgin the Roman centurion came in probably raped her she chose love she went off with him it all derailed she's never been married why are they even having this conversation maryam's sister is there her brother leis there is most search only accounted for her father is probably gasping for breath or clutching his heart on the other side of the table fighting off the urge to go into cardiac arrest the ever busy martha might even be holding out a paper bag so that they he can hyperventilate into it you know the ever the ever helpful martha the entire scenario is going down in the very four walls and roof which he was no longer welcome under i might as well snap the picture and then frame it for you mariam of megal has cracked open a bottle of nard she then anointed yahush's feet with her hair in front of his entourage and her family and now they're having the love and marriage announcement for all to hear they're talking about it like engagement why are you still fighting this is it really so difficult to fathom that you who should would take a woman now getting back to maryam's response verse 10 we read this instead of making you flip back to the paper um i'll write out for you here maryam said sire i have been a sinner but have not sent this last year nor shall i again but i love once more i will not now claim the right to marriage which i once repudiated and yahush said love is a blending of rua koth and not a union of flesh well to those who love compounds discord in the place where love is fulfilled if things can found you read the books of wisdom she confesses to having sin with the roman centurion and potentially with any number of others but it hasn't happened at any time during the last year mm-hmm year are you reading this that's the length of the patrol the between a bride and her groomsmen she has reserved her heart for yahush and has arrived to make that back known she's been pure for him another thing she has done is to be to clear her name the entire adultry episode in the street was perpetrated by the temple crew so i mean just to go off this text alone this is what i'm seeing happen i i think that the the gospel of john uh notes their uh betroll them we then see her cast down in the street the it's funny i've had several people on youtube come and tell me today that messiah did not teach the torah because he should have stoned the woman well first of all that's not true because they didn't follow through with the torah there was no man standing there none whatsoever that should have been the both of them and so right there it's it's it's imbalanced you can't go through with it it's like no bring me the guy oh no guy well then i i'm gonna claim her innocence but of course in this case he actually points that he writes in the sand right the dirt he actually points out all those people all those people that hauled her in uh they had done that to her they had done something very wrong to her and they were accusing her of what they had committed and this goes into song songs as well all right so let me just give some of this just for lack of time rose will be here all night thank you everybody i'm almost done with this section then we can get into the holy grail so this is odd i can't find the intel which i'm prepared to give you anywhere else in the intel net i checked but it's simply not there that or it's submerged in the whereabouts of the neighborhood that my own paper is about to be buried in but i found can be attributed to another one of my reconnaissance missions you're welcome oftentimes these discoveries happen on the intel net but like i said i couldn't find it there this one happened by total accent while turning the pages of dusty old books in mostly forgotten shelves it involves simon the leper and because it involves simon the leper it also implicates mariam of mid goal since i have already established that she was his daughter excited yet you should be attack on the garden of gazemini and we have another piece of the puzzle now this comes from joseph of vermithia and this is what i told you so we're going into holy grail territory now from from here on out and uh joseph vermithia was one of the first books ever written on the holy grail back during the quote-unquote dark ages and this is what it says then all those who jutas had informed gathered at the house of simon the leper and when the disciples realized this they were filled with fear and once the house was full and jus was sure that they had upper hand he stepped forward and kissed jesus all right so what happens here is that they have the last suburb they cross over the brook kydron they go up to uh Mount Mount of olives, garden gazemini and they go into Bethany to the house of simon the leper and when he's actually betrayed it actually happens at the house of simon the leper so the garden of gazemini is their wedge into the empty spaces for those of you who appreciate the skillset needed in reading between the lines as i do in the canonical gospels we are told that yahusha was betrayed in the garden of gazemini whereas here it happens in the house of simon the leper seriously are we to believe the writer of joseph of ermithia never read the bible for himself i mean supposing he didn't own a copy of the good book himself you think he could check one out from the library get his sources there's fact straight on this assuming the library card wasn't too expensive to acquire and they're very least asked a local parish priest for research purposes like you know where was he betrayed that good to get your facts right right contrary none of this is an accident the writer of joseph of ermithia is embedded in betting clues regarding the holy grail and he's seeing if we're paying attention he's saying the garden of gazemini and the house is simon the leper are the same thing i will ask you to stop and think about the implications now before you do recall what we've already read in the book of the illuminators quick review and it says uh and i told you to take a mental know this when you who should spent the days in yurushlam the nights were spent on the slopes of mount olive and the talmini built shelters close to a place where there was an oil press however one day even told you who should went to the house of simon the pier where some women who were followers of his were living yahushan is in his disciples had built shelters on the slopes of the amount of olives specifically near to a place where there was an oil press that's all gazemini means it's a Hebrew word meaning oil press all right so they were camping in garnagasimini the shelters being spoken of line up with the night of his betrayal remember how none of the disciples were capable of staying awake their actions were recorded in matthew 26 and mark 14 and look at how close it was to sign in the pierce house a hop and a skip before spilling this out in black and white terms here's another passage of scripture to consider and this comes from gospel of john chapter 18 and when yahushan had spoken these words he went forth with his disciples over the brook uh kedron where there was a garden into which he entered in his disciples and yahuda oh uh judas who betrayed him knew the place where yahusha oftentimes resorted uh a tither with his disciples with his tambadim the story of the bible begins in a garden and then climaxes in a garden hasta hasta tamb tah hold on you know drink a copy hasta tans attempt to destroy adam's inheritance was a resounding success in the adam and chakwaha or adamaneve in that they were cast out of paradise thanks in part to the intervention of the serpent yahusho resurrected from the dead in a garden of all places thereby prompting the mile marker in his story when the set apart could begin entering the garden of paradise again but here in yokanan yahuda plays a part of the serpent or maybe he's possessed by him and allowing hasta tans to possess him he entered a garden so that he might overthrow his kingdom which again remember hasta tans actually possesses a serpent in the Eden story and where we have we seen this before i can think of at least one notable source worth rehearsing um this is the revelation of mochay so i won't go through all this again for lack of time but this is where the serpent is possessed by states and to go in and into the garden adam and chakwaha or adamaneve each tended to their portion of the garden and i will ultimately ask you to think in the same terms of yahusho and marion isn't it interesting that the devil was incapable of entering the garden on his own that's fascinating he had already been given the boots in the bum and could not return without the aid of an avatar the serpent was a hymn rather than a her which is how biology works in the serpent's seed equation well i have a serpent though i could answer that question but i'd rather have hildegard do it for you this is what she's hildegard says the medieval mystic in misgivius book one vision two eight she says because he understood that the serpent more than any other animal resembled him and was eager to accomplish by its deceitfulness where he could not openly in his own form so the serpent was a reptile like him most likely being a you know seraphine reptilian though the serpent was also reptilian in nature and a character flaw which he who'd happen to hold as well uh you know who to mean Judas iscariot regarding his handing himself over over to hasta time we've already seen the turning point it was when yahusha and marion declared their marriage in the home of simon the leper/pier in the garden of gazimini belonged to dah dah dah marion with mingle yahusha's financier and though no longer under daddy's care it appears as though all was restored on the night when the serpents entered now what i want to talk about here is a lot of people are insinuating that this tomb right here i've been to this tomb it's it's it's phenomenal it's a rich man's tomb maybe you are insinuating that this really is uh joseph of erimithia's tomb where they buried messiah that could be i don't know i wasn't there now the story has it that marry his mother was buried here so let's just get into this really quickly an interesting side note to the discussion is the church of the holy the church of the seppuk not the holy seppuk are but church of the seppuk are of st mariam though it is also known as the tomb of the holy virgin mariam it can be found at the garden of gazimini and much like the title implies the eastern orthodox church claims it's the burial place of mariam the mother of messiah you know a man named bella bellar mingle begati a fransiskian friar i know excavated the site in 1972 and discovered evidence of a cemetery dating to the first century and is not fascinating apparently his findings have not been subjected to peer review and i won't hold my breath but clearly the church is old it dates back to the time of the crusaders millennial kingdom territory and the architecture is a match with the church of the holy seppuk are why is any of this important the question which nobody seems interested to answer is why mariam the mother of yahusha would be buried at gazimini to begin with how much money did the family of a carpenter have exactly i have visited the church in decades past and feel another return trip is needed so that i that i can inquire all that i desire to know from a resident priest when taking tabs of the important moments in a mother's life sweating blood receiving a kiss from the betrayer and not to mention keefa chopping off an ear doesn't scream burial place for mommy exactly perhaps i'm going about this all wrong and his mother simply chose to cherish the place which her son found solitude in but then why mariam was buried here rather than joseph of rama's garden is a q and a far exceeding everyone's pay grade apparently now again a lot of you out there going to be like what but jose you know jose's garden is a garden of gazimini actually i don't agree with that that my research is not i know that there has been people who have of kansas occlusion that's not mine maybe i'm wrong maybe they're right i actually do think that um the church of the holy seppuk are uh it's a millennial kingdom structure and i believe that uh i think that that is actually even even though the catholic church actually it's not the catholic church it's Ethiopian the orthodox they all claim it they all claim uh space they're the um armenians as well they all have like a kind of title to that place and i think it probably is the actual tomb which would make it the garden of joseph or mithia which means his garden no longer exists my personal thought in the matter is that again joseph's garden was already used for sabbath meetings when mariam died that tomb would remain empty so they weren't bearing anybody else in there if she was buried at the garden of gazimini the most logical deduction to make is that it to belong to a family meaning that again he's he's a poor carpenter's family how in the world are the affording a tomb like that well i think it's because it's Simon the leper's tomb all right i think it's Lazarus's uh would have been Lazarus's tomb interestingly enough not the one he was buried in i think the one in Bethany it is legit but um it was his i think it was in a size tomb i think he inherited it one final thought before closing for the for the day and then we're going to turn into the the next piece there are eight olive trees growing in the garden of gazimini today which are dated some nine hundred years old a 2012 study found that three of those trees originate from 1092 1166 and 1198 respectively according to carbon dating i know right carbon dating well furthermore dna test showed that the trees were originally planted from the same parent tree telling us that they were most likely sprouts receiving for uh reviving from older roots the same roots which survive the destruction of yurushlam in 78d by the Romans it is my personal opinion that the inhabitants of the millennial kingdom tended to the garden which yuhusham maryam inherited all right let's start over here mary maglem and the holy grail hold on something hold on some toilet paper or something here we go stop beating around the bush and finally get to it is what everyone's been telling me since day one of this investigation and this is what everybody wants to know if maryam of mingle is the betrothed mashiach as you suggest meaning as i suggest then one of the holy grail and where their children involved is all anyone seems concerned about whenever i think to invoke her name as if there is a loaded gun pressed to my head by the inquisitors and my answer depends upon it you can see i was really looking forward to writing this paper well as i've been stating from the get-go i had never seen ron howards the vincey cove movie nor read the dan brown book which it was based upon or any of the other books associated with it uh that dan brown bases book upon and have furthermore steer clear of the the holy bloodline research department as a whole wanting my own scriptural inquiries to be unbiased if that is even still humanly possible in the world we live in to be unbiased this quest of discovery was my own so for for clarity the holy grail topic is one which i've been trying to avoid for years now great long while the far more pressing question one which i've satisfactory answered in my own mind was whether or not yohushah amashiach had a woman all indications say yes he did you know her name and may i ask what is the purpose of marriage to become one in flash of course and what is one flesh an idiom for but the fruit of sexual intercourse children that's what i i believe one flesh is you know they shall become one flesh that your your your children is your one flesh coming together right your little creators task with making these pre-existent spirits that already you know were created in the very beginning but you are now the spirit is made in yah's image but now the flesh is made in your image that's really neat how that works indeed the topic before us is a meaty one not intended for the milk drinkers of the world or the faint apart i'm assuming if you made it this far then you're hopefully not the faint apart let's just say i i i have read a book or two along the way and discovered some things and in fact hold my readership rather recently that i have stumbled upon information which for the first time in my professional career i did not feel comfortable putting forward i i think i was saying that like i published this last march so we're in uh this is october third as of this publication i so i published this like six months ago and even like six or seven months before that i'm like i don't want to i don't want to write this but eventually i did and then it took me like another happy year to actually present it tonight what i have what i have to say really should be restricted for the few on a need to know basis fyi i'm still somewhat oblivious as to what the holy grail crowd is dating okay just you know and i think that is a good thing because it means my research and my conclusions are my own and it is and it is this the holy grail is the bloodline of messiah ironically my discovery came while studying for the final exam of the seven thousand-year timeline deception which you would think has nothing to do with marym of mingle but this is after all the kingdom verse one thing leads to another and every piece of the puzzle connects to the greater whole supposing you dipped your toes into my timeline thesis and you will recall that five thirty six was the year of the fire reset uh the fire reset excuse me with five thirty seven being the fall of camelot that's actually a meaty paper in and of itself because it happens to include my spin-off research on the rod of yahua and excalibur the short of it is that the rod which yahua created the world with pasti moshay continuing all the way down the line to yahua hamashiyok and medieval artwork will testify that he entered shiole and rescued his captives and then resurrected from the dead all while clutching the rod that same rod was then carried by joseph arama to britain where it awaited the return of the king anyways that's the short of it my interest in the grail materialized through joseph arama a.k.a. joseph of ermathea what happened is i decided to revisit my college days by tapping into the artherian mysteries or artherian literature seeking clues and here we are the grail legend apparently finds his creative cornerstone with the poetic french romance first of all the story of the grail and i say apparently because we're going with the official narrative and you know it's suspect well it was written by the mysterious it's named as christian day toys in the 12th century so they say and though all grail legends are said to descend from his well of inspiration his work was strangely left unfinished so isn't that interesting he never published it it was he didn't even finish it it was it was unfinished unpublished and yet from this mystery source they tell us that all the grail legends come from i guess that's hope for some of you writers out there who will never get your your dream project out of who knows who knows what will come with that perhaps i will have more to say on him later because it was robert the baron who supposedly picked up the pieces of Troy's manuscript pinning the first artherian trilogy the joseph day erimathea which i quoted from a few minutes ago merlin and personal and i actually quoted a lot from merlin when uh talking about uh cam lot in 537 fyi read all three while sitting on lord of sand's last winter which i'm getting ready to return there in a couple weeks and just about fell off my beach blanket when reading the following this is what it said then jesus spoke other words to joseph which i dare not tell you nor could i even if i wanted to if i did not have the high book in which they are written and that is the creed of the great mystery of the grail and i beg all those who hear this tale to ask me no more about it at this point in god's name for i should have to lie and from lies you may be sure they would gain nothing that comes from joseph a verimathea astonishingly that is how the grail legend begins with a mysterious writer who claims he is in the know regarding the grail but cannot tell you what it is and would in fact have to lie to you by creed of press to pucker up and tell i mean why not just like if it's just a cup like what it's like oh hey everybody there was a there was a grail a cup that cup had blood in it right and he's like no no no i'm telling you that's not really what it is it's a it's a grail with blood and if that's not what it is but don't ask me because i'm gonna have to lie to you because i i'm in the know on what it is but i i cannot unless if you are initiated you can't know so unless you are in the boys club which i am not and most likely you're not either who knows i mean i don't know who's listening to this right now it's his way of saying you'll have to read between the lines on any and probably all details surrounding the grail or else confuse the meaning entirely you see what i'm saying he's saying look i i'm going to try to insinuate and hint at what it is but you're going to have to kind of you're going to have to read it beyond this exoteric it's just a cup or else you're not going to get it and good thing i received my honorary PhD in line reading or reading between the lines of it's more of an honorary PhD allow me to be your tour guide it's not a cup the holy grail happens to be the disciple who reclined against michiaak at the last supper the disciple whom he loved and moving forward and i have a whole thing on that where even there are uh there are textual scholars out there who look at the gospel of john and they actually believe that that one passage where the the disciple whom he loved and mary maglin are in the same scene they feel like somebody actually switched to line there and you know to cover it up so moving forward robert de boron's narrative will make a whole lot more sense if we swap out every mention of the cup for mary maglin for example then the jew seized them and lit them away and pilot stayed and called for water and washed his hands and said that just as his hands were clean so was he clean of responsibility for the man's death there they're upon the jew had taken the vessel from simon's house came to pilot and gave it to him pilot took it and kept it safe so again brit mary maglin is that because by the way i've already written an entire line for line commentary on bizore key for the gospel of peter a.k.a the gospel of peter where and i make a solid case for pilots innocence and the Pharisees the Pharisees murdered you who should not the Romans i will also quickly direct you to well what we just looked at earlier tonight mary maglin and alabaster jar because in my latest latest update i include a section on robert de boron's insistent that simon the jar maker was the owner of the garden of this simon why is that significant because simon the jar maker was the father of iliizer martha and marion another odd tidbit is that the virgin maryon was buried there too in simon lepers plot of land and so now we see that an unidentified yohoot snatched the grail or slash cross it out mary maglin from her daddy's house at the same moment that yohush was taking captive and it makes total sense okay think about this who had a problem with the nardins and it was judas iscariot and so when they came for yohusha they came for his bride too telling us that yohush's captors were obsessed with tracking down the cup which he happened to drink from at the passover meal and before the jews kept the passover by the way so they didn't care about this they're not like oh this is the new the cup is the new cup and nobody's thinking that way and before when a simon servants gave it a rinse in the dishwasher makes no sense whatsoever why would they do that they wouldn't gee i wonder if pilot was interested in his fork and spoon too and the plate heat from and what about what about the dinner plate obviously it was the son of god the son of allahayam which they came for and also his queen it's why pilot was sure to keep yohusha's woman safe as soon as she was handed over to him keep in mind the pilot was a friend but joseph of vermithia all right so and i i'm of the opinion that joseph of the vermithia was either yohusha's great uncle or i kind of lean towards his grandfather he was actually the virgin mary's father um and he would have taken him under his wing after his father joseph had died and he's friends with uh paunchy's pilot so paunchy's pilot sees mary maglin who is the patroder the wife of his good friends uh grandson and he's like okay this guy is innocent i'm definitely going i see what they're doing to him to the son of god like oh my goodness i'm definitely keeping her safe i'm not going to let anything happen to her at that time when our lord was upon the earth most of the land of judea was answerable to roam the roman's held sway over the region where our lord dwelt and the governor's name is pilot this pilot had in his service a soldier named joseph of vermithia who followed joseph's christ in many places and loved him deeply in his heart but dared not show it for fear of the other jews for our lord had many enemies and adversary set against them that a two comes from joseph vermithia hold on a second here i need some more coffee or else i'm not going to make it tonight hope you guys are all doing well i know some of you're going to have to kind of come come and go with this as well because of because of the length and finish it later but um it should be more than another hour i don't think so joseph uh joseph of vermithia is a soldier according to this text serving under pilot which is the same thing is saying he's not related to yahusha hama shiat in robert debar boron's narrative and isn't that strange fascinating is more like it everyone knows the joseph was related to yahusha especially the french and the british and so it's even they they make a big deal about this the british especially and so even in their own and these grail accounts suddenly he's not most claiming to be again a great uncle though i'm now depending that he's the father of mary in the virgin which would then make him a yahusha's grandfather some of you will immediately discredit this book debaron on his oversight as though he has fumbled with the ball but how we've already forgotten he has already told us he's warned us that a detour to would be camouflaged or else risk full disclosure give it some time in a little while you will see why debaron made a necessary swap to yoseph's relations to tell this tale have that not been the case then all would be revealed so reading on he says and he gave the vessel to joseph who received it with great joy yohusha hama shiat was presently being tortured by the yahudim and about to be hung from across and yet yoseph was overjoyed to receive a dinner cup oh gee thanks i guess wait let's try this again yohusha hama shiat was presently being tortured by the yahudim and about to be hung from across which is why yoseph was overjoyed to receive mariam of mcdoll into his care yoseph then takes the vessel or cross it out scratch that yoseph then takes mariam to the foot of the cross protected by a roman edict unlike previous attempts to sexually molesia housh's betrothed nobody could lawfully lay a hand upon her for now because remember now joseph verimathy is also given the body of machea like pilot comes in and goes oh by the way jose you can't have his body my edict roman law i'm giving it to joseph verim uh joseph so now joseph gets the bride and the groom he gets both of them one living one dead of course if this had been an actual roman crucifixion by law he could not have done that he would have been breaking the law uh if his body would have remained the property of the state from that point forward so he actually he gave him to joseph in order to uh you know kind of stick it to his murders you will again need to refer to my uh gospel appear bizoriki for commentary as i wish as i have shown the stink the yahoo ding made when pilot handed the body of yosha over to the care of yoseph rather than harrod had roamed again actually crucified yohusha then pilot wouldn't have released his body to anyone not even his relations especially his relations he was a criminal according to roman law but again roman law did not crucify harrod's boys wanted to do worse things to him pilot knew it and joseph knew it which is why the two of them work together remember when i went through the the only begots and daughter of elihin that the very controversial paper which i now believe is the daughter of zion which is talked about the daughter of zion talked about and i actually think that that's mary mary maglin i highly suspect that the daughter's line is mary maglin and i had stated if they did this to the son of god imagine what they would do to his daughter you see what i'm saying and this is how sticky the situation was on this night so in turn the yahoo ding had yosha thrown into prison as an act of revenge and that much is documented in the gospel in the edemus and then we see this again through all the uh the the holy grail literature says the same thing robert de boron has yosha thrown into prison as well which makes absolutely no sense if he were a roman soldier but i digress see this is what i'm saying you can't the jews can't just have a roman soldier like oh you know we're so upset you got his body by roman law by edict of posh despite we're gonna throw you and jotney can't do that and this is why you you can't take everything they're saying they're telling you straight up you can't take all this at face value in the uh the artherian grail legends it's all they're masked for a purpose so is he a really a roman soldier no he's not really a roman soldier clearly uh so here's just some uh show you the artwork here of mary maglin um and at the foot of the cross and again constantly you see a alabaster jar in a lot of these i probably should have shown more in the artwork of an alabaster jar just making the connection and then he remembered his vessel and and thought the drops of blood that were falling would be better in the vessel than elsewhere so he placed it beneath christ wounds and blood from the wounds in his hands and his feet drift into the vessel talking about the grail i have a question for the class it is in regard to art you also have collected the blood which flowed from shiok's wounds into mariam you see i scratched out the vessel there because we're supposed to be doing that in this exercise tonight who was constantly shown at the foot of the cross kneeling down in the splash zone but mary maglin you're beginning to get the idea and our lord took hold of the precious vessel with the most holy blood that joseph had gathered from his precious body when he washed him when joseph saw the vessel and knew it as the one that he had hidden in his house unknown by any man on earth but he he was filled with the love of christ in search and faith and he went down on his knees and cried for mercy saying lord am i worthy to keep such a holy thing as this vessel and of course who runs off to Britain with mary maglin but joseph of verimaphia right now the present scene right here this is not at the foot of the cross so if you're a little confused which has happened the present scene is in prison this is when he's thrown in joseph is tossed into solitary confinement at the hands of the yahudim and somebody swallows the key he's not coming out of this place the dungeon is actually described as a tower a middoll another clue there is no chance and shiole that he's ever getting out and tell yahusha visit him and look what happens yahusha takes hold of the precious vessel know of maryam of middoll containing with within her his blood joseph had already hidden her away in his home though here he is tasked with becoming her caretaker and why wouldn't he be we know that joseph of rama or joseph verimaphia was yahusha's caretaker after the death of his father joseph but then even before getting into the present grille research i had already shown you his role as maryam's caretaker in another place and this would be a paper right here you can you could link to where joseph of verimaphia comes into this joseph and maryam split from yahuda soon afterpilot's death taking siblings ili iser and martha with them they cast off in a ship without sails and landed in southern france the rest uh as i so often say is his story uh yah willing i'm actually going to be visiting the cave of mary megalin this next year that is on my bucket list and i hope to do it um and uh so yeah so anyways it was once pilot was removed from power um and apparently he quote can you see my bunny ears he committed to he was suicided in switzerland and that's what the axe chapter 29 states that would be the the lost chapter of axe that he was suicided there in switzerland and once that happens uh the control he he held was lost and that's when the when it all started going bad for christianity and you know they started getting persecuted and stuff conscious pilot wasn't there to protect them anymore um and joseph took maryam and martha and lazarus and a couple other people and they they set sail or i should say in a ship without sails ended up in france there's more to the story much more we are only just now getting started it ultimately involves merlin arthur in the night to the round table as well as a quest for the grille and a mysterious figure known as the fissure king michiaq fashion the round table by the way according according to this tale i'm just telling you what this says okay i'm not saying he actually fashioned the round table but you never really know before arriving at those romances the narrative surrounding joseph of rama's handing off of the grail to a successor is long and dare i say drab in part so i'm not going to go through the whole thing goes on for pages and pages and i will give you the short of it so joseph confers with the grail regarding what to do an angel reminds him that he has a sister and i think you pronounce how do you pronounce her name uh in it integers and she had married a man named brawn and together they have twelve sons which is really interesting many have pointed out the similarities between brawn and bran the blessed in the welsh prose stories though i have yet to read of anyone who has yet to make the brawn and robert d boron connection ha ha ha it's literally in his name anyways the son of energy s and bran who declares he has no desire to marry will be declared the leader of the twelve indicating that the grail will ultimately be passed down through him now keep in mind this is joseph of arimathea's relations he has a sister his sister is married his sister has 12 sons these would be um you know cousins to messiah right and not knowing of the contest the 12th son alan lee gross declared declares to his father brawn that he would rather be played alive than take a watch when joseph heard of this he saw an audience with alan and commanded him to keep the laws of that when all is said i'm i'm not sure we're sure where robert d boron is pulling his genealogy from not sure if anyone is lol it seems all invented i don't really know as i admitted earlier making joseph a roman soldier under pilot rather than joseph's uh patriarch was clever camouflage by which the truth might be hidden in plain sight if joseph of arimathea was joseph's great uncle then i can see a scenario which would involve enegius as a great aunt the grail keepers this is what's important what you need to know the grail keepers were all family they could only be family you it you had to be in the blood of joseph of arimathea to be a grail keeper and this is why they cleverly in these tales they mask him to not be descent uh a relative of yohusham shiaka or else all would be given away you know what i'm saying in the likely situation that he was his grandfather though we know he had at least two daughters named mariam mariam shalomi and mariam the mother and quick explanation mariam was dedicated to the temple's a young girl which is why joseph named his next daughter mariam so he actually he he gave his first daughter away the virgin mariam and he had a second daughter named her mariam um i cover those basics and mariam of big dolle and the mandala there is also mariam of kleofus to consider another possible sister making the mariams a trio some people think that there were three mariam sisters mariam of kleofus was the mother of yakov and joseph whereas mariam shalomi was the mother of the sons of zebidi yakov and yokanan i'm just wondering and so just to show your messiah's entire entourage they were all related to him pretty much almost every single one of them and i'm just wondering if the if the grail is being passed down to any any one of them it's not like tradition doesn't have yokanan the virgin being the same writer of the gospel of john and mariam shalomi's son taking mariam the mother of yohusha in his zone hopefully this is not too wordy for you because there's a lot of inner relations going on here and there's much to entangle though again the knot is purposely tied the short of it is that bran joseph's brother or joseph's brother-in-law the very character who happens to share a name with the mysterious writer is revealed as the rich fissure king you probably all heard of the fissure king and he's the guardian of the grail and this is what we read as soon as the fissure king has the vessel and grace bestowed upon him he must journey westward wherever his heart leads him and when he comes to rest then he must await the coming of his son's son and when the time is right to do so pass on to him the vessel and the grace that he will have received from you so the westward destination is revealed to be france not overlooking the obvious britain whales and the whereabouts it is there that bran the rich fissure king must await the coming of his son's son the grail successor remember allenly gross and his refusal to take a woman mm-hmm allenly gross has a son and when it should like to know his name his name is percival you guys all know percival so skipping forward a hundred or so pages in this very long tale and something like five hundred years percival arrives in arthur's court precisely when the grail quest is officiated thereby embodying the uh arctic um arcticle fool who in the alchemical symbolism of the turret begins a new cycle the end of camelot is at hand of course it ends in 537 so begins the great undertaking spanning a multitude of cyclical seasons perhaps even decades this grail quest goes on and on and on if you've ever seen any of the like the grail movies like they start out young men and they have like long-grade beers at the end they're all like dying and stuff they all have their stories though deep boron is only concerned with percival's part in the story making so after wandering from many moons seeking adventure percival stumbles upon the castle of allenly gross his father allen is dead his mother is dead only his sister survives his sister takes percival to meet one of brawns 12 surviving sons who is now living as a hermit and then this is what he says dear nephew said the hermit know this once when we were seated together it's separate we heard the voice of the holy spirit commanding us to go to far off lands in the west and it commanded my father brawn to come to these parts toward the setting sun and said that to allenly gross a gross would be born an heir who would have the grail in his keeping and that the fisher king could not die until you had been to his court and when he had done so he would be healed and would bestow his grace and the vessel upon you and you would be the lord of the blood of our lord jesus christ and that comes from percival which is the third book in the trilogy after you are are you telling me that the blood of mashiach is still sloshing around in a cup half a millennium after his crucifixion and that's what so desperately needs to be guarded good to know none of simon the leper servants through the cup into the rinse cycle before joseph could get his hands on it i guess if there is any actual blood needing preserved it's it's what can be found on the mercy seat thanks in part to yahushah our high priest but you don't hear any of the grail storyteller is talking about that nor is there any indication that the arc of the covenant is being hinted at one of the criticisms i will surely receive from the arthurian fanboys is that there are many different versions of the fisher king and not all agree and that may be so but there are common elements that run through each and every one of them and of course i have chosen one of the earliest stories officially speaking no need for misdirection the most prominent has just been highlighted in every noted story the fisher king is wounded in the groin alternatively he is wounded in the side or the five by some descriptions which is a gentleman gentleman scholar's way of symbolically saying the same thing okay this guy can't reproduce the very air you have to be a relative and the very air to the grail has an injury in his private area where now he cannot reproduce well that's both odd and fascinating at the same time knowing that the grail began with mary magdalene and presumably continued through a child hence the blood or is it safe to save the bloodline by this point in our relationship the grail's protector is impotent another clue not your typical obelisk is it the fact that the rich fisher king would no longer be functioning when his grandson appears to claim custodianship of christ blood may imply that the death of allen lee groves was the cause of his wound because the grail keepers could only ever be a descendant of joseph of arimathea you see it also entails the beginning of a new cycle a reset if you will i'll go ahead and say it as some of you may already be thinking when i'm thinking personals receiving of the grail isn't simply a changing of the guard it happens to coincide with the death of camalot and the beginning of the millennial kingdom according to my seven thousand year timeline deception thesis and again my my thesis is that the millennial kingdom was a physical manifestation from the five hundreds to about the the whereabouts of fifteen hundred put in slightly different terms can it be said that the arrival of percival represented for the artherian riders riding centuries later and in the most coded and esoteric terms the announcement of an error from the king and his queen some of you will kick and scream going full toddler on me at the mere suggestion but that is the grail legend for you in a nutshell with my own added millennial kingdom investigation tacked onto it obviously so yahusha came to earth the rules of king he took a woman their union was fruitful and the line exists the holy grail there's a reason why i kept mom on the subject it's not for everyone and if that's you then i'm okay with you're not being okay with it if you're okay with me being okay with it look i'm not trying to convince anyone that our controllers covered up a holy bloodline in our current short season of deception really i'm not and actually i don't think the bloodline exists just you know even if i happen to suspect it's true all of it though i do have my doubts what i am attempting to do here is show you that the artherian romances make the most contextual sense when we comprehend an actual bloodline in the grail and the guardian to the grill rather than dna from the scene of a crime there's so much going on in the grail romances that i cannot possibly cover every detail nor will i even attempt it and in failing to do so i'm undoubtedly committing a disservice for example the fisher king was given the title because he quite literally fished while bodies of water have been potent symbols of death and the unconscious since time immemorial fishing is the appropriate symbol of dipping down into one's unconscious with the fish representing the unconscious of the higher self and think about how narcissist could never get past his own reflection right you it was surface level and and he was supposed to go deeper and he did it and of course when he you know fell in with deeper he actually died since water brings life the creatures living beneath its glassy surface can be said to symbolize fertility birth and rebirth thereby contrasting the fisher king's wound even further remember the fisher king has the wound in his groin can't reproduce there's a he's he's he's hoping for this air to show up perhaps because his son is dead and he has to wait for his grants and first of all to show up perhaps the art theory and writers were attempting to tell us of the time for gods in which can now only be discovered in our dreams did i also mention that the fisher king's castle core connect is invisible that right there is a discussion needing its own paper um especially it's this realm in britain that uh first of all had to ride around for years and years i mean it shouldn't take you more than you know i don't know what a week to ride around britain took him years and years and years so he finally found this uh invisible castle there was right there in front of him the whole time kind of a fascinating thought the mystery behind the fish might be easy explained in my best compass this paper and that one i showed you the miraculous catch of 153 fish in the gospel of john and its identification not only with the ick fees fish and millennial kingdom architecture but the feminine divine in the age of high seas perhaps more importantly though i spoke of it under my breath the magdalene is written in in greek right there uh bearing the numbers eight plus forty plus one plus three plus four plus one plus thirty plus eight plus fifty plus eight all of which equals 153 many claim brawn became the fish hurricane because he fish while awaiting the healing of his wound but that doesn't appear to be the case at all no brawn became the fish or king when mariam of magdalene the child was handed to him but then did you know that the lance of longinus takes equal billing with the grill when percival finally arrives to the castle of the fish or king he sees a procession involving both items a grill and then the lance they're equally important to the narrative and so this is what we read right here at last he came to his senses and said sire you should know that allen lee gross your son sire was my father when the fish are king heard this his elation redoubled and he said dear grandson i'm very glad you come and with that he knelt down a gift thanks to our lord then he took percival by the hand and led him before the vessel and said dear grandson this is the lance with which longinus struck christ on the cross and this vessel called the grail holds the blood of that joseph gathered as it flowed from his wounds to the earth so now he's re-gathering his grandson right and he's kind of taking him through this ceremony this explanation of their their family history i have a closing statement which i aim to make immediately thereafter though before i do there is one more quote which needs to be written down so after the fish or king's pronouncement to percival that the lance of longinus and the grail were the items before him the voice of the holy spirit enters the room and then look at what immediately follows it says and brawn did as it had instructed and taught percival the sacred words that joseph had taught him which i cannot and must not tell you so there's something to do with this feminine and masculine the lance and the cup and the blood coming together that's uh that relates to his grandson who there of course all related joseph and erithia the he cannot the writer cannot tell you why not i thought it was just a cup and a lance right what's the big deal and it appears as though robert d boron doesn't want his reader to forget that the lance and the grail cannot be taking exclusively at face value the lance is a phallic symbol whereas the grail is feminine they work hand in hand or should i say boy part meets girl part plug and socket electricity oh fine how about i just spill out the birds and the bees for you know that i am not trying to be vulgar at all when telling you the lance penetrated the grail and filled it with the very blood which then required protection and completely exoteric in material terms where was mary magdalene again when long jenis thrust his lance into michiax dye time and again she is suspiciously shown directly beneath them not a coincidence make no mistake yuhusho is truly crucified okay i i i can't speak for all the other researchers out there i do not identify with them i believe he was crucified he resurrected from the dead on the third day his body did not see decay he went down a shield brought up the reservoir brought up the this he resurrected the spirits up into paradise and that an actual lance appears to side nobody is denying that fact certainly not me i am ultimately speaking of an earlier hour my suggestion being that the night immediately following maryon's breaking open of the alabaster jar when stating she received the blood michiax the second atom thereby becoming the grail but i digress first of all so i i do think i do think people ask me this question a lot a lot i do think that the the the alabaster jar moment that night that it appears that they officiated their marriage all right i can also take you through artwork too where it it does appear to show mary magdalene was pregnant at the cross so again you have actual you can argue this and say i don't like that but there are artists out there who were depicting this hundreds of years ago and apparently to become an artist in the enlightenment you all had to be in the know apparently like they all like went to some school and when they got their diplomas they're like oh by the way when you paint a picture of the crucifixion make sure mary magdalene is pregnant you know apparently only they knew about it nobody else did the the point being is that you know our past has been scrub and it wasn't just artists who knew first of all received the grail into his care living there after an invisible castle totally inaccessible by more mortals which is totally badass the quest was over a worthy successor was discovered hamillot lost its power arthur killed morgerid at the battle camlin and then he himself was carted off to ablon with excalibur finding its home among the fishes the dark age was initiated plumbing came to an end nobody bathed and everyone lived among mounds of poo you know the drill nothing else to possibly see i'm sure the end well sir gala had also had a part to play in this being a grail finder and all after pushing the publish button on the first leg of my rapport i was mostly just waiting around for the pitchfork and torch committee you can see that this is an update right here they have wise enough to their ways it seems i don't have the pitchfork committee coming around like they used to uh having never shown face but then there are also the ai bots posing as arthurian experts and i'm sure they'll show up in under this video they usually do and they they too you know it's like weird you do like this study on something that like all the sudden you have these people you've never heard from before and they just show up and it's like who like that's whatever there's just an expert on you know what you're talking about anyways um they too never showed up the ai bots although i was half expecting them to and what is going on is the media taking everyone out on a walk or something it must be an election year i guess i'll just be speaking to myself then and whoever's listening to this and that one reader who cares about the mysteries as i do yes i'm speaking to you welcome thank you for being here tonight the reason for my not including galahad and the earlier leg of the reports i just talked about percival is that i was only concerned with robert de boron's arthurian trilogy bookended by joseph the airmithia in percival not even crescend a choice whom robert de boron base's work upon about to mention galahad well galahad hadn't been invented yet that is if we're going by the textbook timeline you know the drill by now officially galahad first appears in the 13th century old french arthurian epic known as lancelock braille cycle though it is also more popularly known as the volgate cycle and here is the best part arthur authorship is unknown isn't that a gas how is it that all these like amazing books like we don't know who the authors are they just you know they they took years of their life to write this poetic masterpiece you know confessing all this stuff and i got a bug in here and they just don't even want stamp the name to it and of course sure thomas malareese lay more today arthur featured uh galahad prominently so let's get right into his genealogy galahad fictional or not because that's what any of this really comes down to doesn't it galahad was a grail keeper though it isn't his father who's biologically traced to joseph of arimathea this time around it is his mother technically lance lot is said to be a direct descendant from uh nasiin not seen along with uh more drains were two of joseph's earliest converts in judea together they traveled to britain in hopes of keeping the grail safe so lance lot is not relate he is not related to the holy bloodline but he does come from descendants who were the earliest disciples of mashiach or really of joseph arimathea and judea and they traveled with them all met boed out to keep mary magdalene safe uh or the bloodline so i guess you could say lance lot was a spiritual descendant galah and this is why lance lot can never be a grail keeper he wasn't actually uh biological galahad's mother though she went by many names a laying elizabeth and and i guess a mites or mighty i don't know how pronounced that being three of them more often than not she was simply identified as the grail maiden and while these lance these uh arthur tales and will it surprise you to learn that she was the daughter of the fisher king hmm so lance lot's got with the fisher king's daughter and they had galahad together when he wasn't of course off having a fair with author uh arthur's wife if you're keeping track that would make percival and galahad cousins the arthurian romances are never short of scandal and galahad's conception doesn't disappoint you may recall how uther pin dragon employed merlin services disguising himself as gourlois so as to rape gourlois's wife tentacle thereby conceiving arthur it was the opposite this time around and laine actually rapes lance lot repeatedly not just like over and over again she raped him so voraciously that lance lot was quite literally driven into madness so yeah uh imagine that if you're curious how the birds and the bees works in reverse elaine disguised herself as queen guinevere and of course lance i was lance lot was only interested in being true to arthur's wife and nobody else whom he was secretly committing adultery with how very nice and noble of him so she knew this and she's like well if i disguise myself as queen guinevere and then of course they have intercourse over and over again once he finds out about it he's so distraught that he actually had intercourse with a non-married woman uh that was disguised as a married woman that he actually went mad the slightly longer explanation is that morgan lathe was so jealous of elaine's beauty that she magically trapped her in a boiling bath her rescue came by way of lance lot whom elaine immediately fell in love with and the part where lance lot refused to sleep with any woman uh bugged guinevere you already know about elaine then went to the sorceress dom brucein for help and rather than whipping up a magical concoction the sorceress offered lance lot wine who'd have guessed that would have worked she also gave elaine a magical ring resembling one of guinevere's in order to trick lance lot and that boys and girls is how babies are born actually her daddy the fisher king comes into some versions of the story as well his willing participation really should be highlighted because obviously copulation plays into the grail narrative lance lot was selected for seed but he was too love struck and blind in his duties to use his peripheral vision and participate even though so he's so lance lot is supposed to be a protector of the grail and he's chosen to be included within the seat of the grail but you know he's totally blinded by his adulterous love for guinevere and it's why king pellies by some variations enlisted the help of dame brucein hoping to fulfill the prophecy of the grail night who would surpass lance lot so they they lance lots of greatest night in the kingdom they need someone to surpass them and the person they want to surpass them they want to be in the grail family and of course that's like a galahad so upon learning that he'd been duped on the morning after after a full night of this lance lot drew his source west to slay his enchant his enchantress where she lay because how dare you be unmarried and how if in a course with me but then having learned that they conceived a son together elaine was immediately forgiven the hope apparently was that lance lot would agree to marriage after a child was secured he did no such thing choosing to ride off towards camelot ashamed of what he'd done eventually elaine found the lance lot in her garden insane to the membrane and she brought him to the grail which was shown to him through a veil thereby curt curing him the two then decided to go off to the aisle of joy where they lived together for several years as husband and why but what of galahad so the lance lot does end up marrying this woman eventually so galahad was born and placed in the care of a paternal great aunt and abbess at a nunnery and anyways there is a galahad conception story that you've always wondered about have you checked out galahad's coat of arms as of late it contains a white shield with a vermilion cross and that's templer baby it also happens to be a top i talked about that a lot the vermilion cross however was given to the night's templer by Pope Eugene the third as textbook history goes what do you suppose the grail writers are attempting to tell us well for starters many suspect the grail writers derive from the uh sister cn's a mystical medieval order and branch of the benedictine monks though there are regions apparently derived from the influence of benard of clear i guess you uh clear ball clear vu or an art of clear vu i checked benard was a co-founder of the templers so i have covered the templers in a couple of papers in the past i'm sorry this is worthy for everyone's either just you know it's kind of hard going through there's so many details to these artherian tales so many different players and events so speaking of the templers i have covered them in the past namely the friday the thirteenth hoax and the shrouded turn though it is odd that i have yet to detail their rise to fame maybe i'll have to do that i'm thinking one concise read needs to be put together but not today well once again the short of it is the bald one the first the first christian king of jews them died in uh eleven eighteen this is official history it is then said that his cousin is successful on the second was approached by nine french knights who volunteered the services as mercenaries for the protection of pilgrims in the holy land they were immediately given lodging on the temple mount which as i've already shown in the temple mount hoax was really for antonia rather than the mount zion not the city of david why the templers would protect the dome of the rock a muslim holy site is never explained to us but whatever read that paper and of course you know i'm of the opinion now that it was did not start out well i was the opinion then but that it was not muslim it became muslim and the dome of the rock matches no islamic architecture that we have anywhere in the world um and um i'm of a very different opinion now and you know why the christians never destroy it so on and so forth when they actually told you some um all right anyways we are told the dome is the oldest surviving mosque and yet the mohamedans never modeled anything else upon it and why is that it wasn't built by the architects of islam anyways the nine knights were paid to maintain the temple mount for nine years until 1128 when they were quite suddenly elevated to the status of a holy order by pope uh honor honor rias the second declaring them to be an army of god the thought of course is that they discovered something of great importance underneath Solomon's temple or i mean for antonia was it the gulp secret lost teachings of jesus christ oh dear that's what a lot of people say now it's like come on really like oh yeah they have they have the the secret lost teachings of jesus christ under the temple mount yeah that makes a lot of sense nine middle-aged dudes were apparently able to blackmail the catholic church with their knowledge and so i'm like can you imagine that today actually having some document that you actually are able to blackmail the catholic church like no like that's not the way it actually like no i'm sorry no that's the way people frame this stone i just i just don't see it i don't i don't buy it that these nine nights were able to black they had a truth so despairing to the christian church that they were able to blackmail like i said i'm of the opinion that in the the middle ages everybody knew the messiah had a betrothed that changed later and so i'm of the opinion that their entire origin story as well as their demise come to us by the way of war propaganda free masonry can declare it's lineage from the templars all they want i don't care they can make up their own stories i really don't care when in fact they are the inheritors and everything they hold in their bosom is controlled opposition so i'm not really interested in who the freemasons claim they come from now you totally know it would be a crime to snub in the anodones in the last crusade in a report such as this one i'm getting i'm close to the young guys thank you everyone for your patience for those who held on there most of you have looks like lucas and spielberg decided to circumnavigate the templars part of the grail legend entirely or so it seems by involving nights of the first crusade rather than a second or a third and the first crusade lasted from ten ninety six to ten ninety nine some two decades before the nights uh... would arrive in juslam bummer the typical preterous position is that the millennial kingdom was a spiritual one which lasted from seventy or seventy two a_d_ until ten seventy two though i've i've uh those are the people who say that it was a literal thousand years i've met many preterous too say that even the thousand number is metaphorical it's ongoing or maybe it lasted forty years or forty days or whatever anyways preterous will say there was a spiritual kingdom whereby satan was released afterwards and the crusades were a sure thing so and you know i i get it on the official timeline right if the if if satan was bound around seventy to seventy two a_d_ he's released around ten seventy two a_d_ what does he do he goes and starts war he starts the crusades i get it it's not the chronology i'm going with but for all those of you who refuse my seventh year thousand year timeline deception thesis in favor of the preters position don't claim i've never given you a helping hand you're welcome now even presser john has a part to play in the grail legend i did a a report on two or three months ago and why doesn't anybody tell me these things if you don't have the faintest clue who presser john is and i don't know what to tell you you're going to have to read the legend presser john for yourself it's a long report just like this one like two two and a half hours to read through it there's a lot there a lot of layers it's a very interesting story and why i decided to mention him here is because he makes an appearance in indiana jones last crusade and why doesn't anybody tell me these things and probably because he enters and exits the scene so quickly that hardly anyone have the opportunity to notice even in the 40 years since its release he believed it's been almost that long he can be seen when dr henry jones senior thumbs through his grail diary in the german zeppelin thereby giving us fascinating figure in the grail legend in case there is any doubt dr jones is reading from an actual grail diary a prop which has been reproduced for nostalgia connoisseurs and it contains the following word so so they actually did interesting enough they never bring them up in the movie they do show presser john in the grail diary though and it says what better place than this spiritual no man's land between this world and the next that's fascinating and a slight remove from reality but still historically tested to for the earthly home the grail sometimes called lapis it's sillis which has been interpreted as the wish for paradise it is precisely here that wolf wolf ram places it by inference if not in actuality by making the eventual guardian of the grail presser john said to be 562 years old the true and proper home of the grail is paradise the perfect realm of the spirit where the priest king john its last guardian reigns benignly from his castle within the garden of earthly delights comes from the grail death diary now presser john into his days as a guardian of the holy grail and in paradise of all places i know i'm quoting from a movie prop but you stuck it out this long hang with me a little longer the source derives from wolf ram and wolf ram would be a reference to the 13th century poet and night wolf ram varn ishenbach author of the chivalric romantic poem first of all and i checked the set uh decorators were precisely correct wolf ram did include presser john is one of the few grail caretakers and do you know what that means he too was a direct descendant of joseph of verimathea not only that but if presser john's part in the narrative is a correct one than the grail or rather the holy family of messiah ended up precisely where i suspected them to end up the hidden wilderness the blessed realm beyond dying lands which is why i said earlier that and i'm going to show you here for the conclusion in the last ten minutes or so that uh i the the the holy blood or the blood of the grail that right the descendants that the holy family uh the guardians of the grail they all went to paradise they all left um i think maybe at the end of the mornio kingdom they're gone i don't think they're on the earth anymore at least not in any official capacity so the reason i brought it up the last crusade is because the story involves three fictional brothers and if you recall there can only be three three grail keepers at any given time the three laid seas to alex alex alex it's getting late guys alex and drata for an entire year and in the spoiled city they discovered clues which led them to the location of the grail which then remain under the protection of one brother for nearly a thousand years wink wink whereas the other two decided to write on dying as mortals they are clearly based upon the three grail keepers first of all and gala had you already know about and there was another which i have yet to mention the last so we have so the three grail keepers other than the fish or king we have first of all gala had and now we have sir boars and i checked his genealogy is a bit foggy though i think it is safe to say he is related to one grillkeeper or another as evidence boars was most notably a cousin of lance a lot also all three of them personal gala had and boars were virgins and remember now there were three nights in the last crusade there are three grail keepers in history uh aside from the fisher king and it seems that virginity is always a prerequisite of being a grillkeeper though in the case of the fisher king he had his own troubles down there after many adventures gala had along with his two companions first of all and boars managed to find themselves in the mystical city of corbineck which you may recall belongs to the fisher king and i really do want to do a whole thing sometime on just the invisible ditties uh castles things like that that they talk about at the end of the millennial kingdom in later versions his son ili eyes are is still present which may be another clue seeing as how maryum of maygo had a brother who was raised from the dead and his name was ili eyes are the three all nights are then tasked with taking the grail to serus yet another mystical city which cannot be found on any map today and there's a lot of uh you know these books talking about the city of serus in earlier renditions serus was an island near to egypt which joseph of ermithy and presumably mary magdalene stopped that in route to france in britain that's interesting the vogue at grail cycle places serus on the road from joselim to the yurfates and babylon which is especially interesting since muslims were said to be called the sera scenes during the crusades like the city serus you see what i'm saying and they're just there's something going on here that's not adding up after arriving in serus and then remaining there for an entire year cycle gala hat is visited by joseph of ermithia who has arrived to close shop on the grail story depending upon the telling gala hat is either physically taken to paradise or his mortal body is left behind and buried in in a grave with personal sister who soon thereafter joins them and then we read the following as soon as he had said this gala had knelt before the table and moments later he fell face down upon the flagstone floor his soul had already left his body it was born away by angels rejoicing and praising our lord and no sooner had gala had passed away than a great one to recur the two companions clearly saw a hand descending from heaven though they did not see the body of belong to and it clasped both the holy vessel and the lance and carried them away to heaven and no man since however bold has ever dared claim claim that he has seen the holy grail so now you know what i was going out there that the the bloodlines gone it was taken and i think this is a metaphor for the immoleo kingdom i think that they were there they were helping rule they were you know some of the kings and priests that was really long uh yuhush amish yak they were taken away the last of them i realized now that no direct quotes have been given and in my latest update but the none but this one how very unlike my usual dictation style i was kind of all over the place though i think i kept my balance in the walk and turn in and uh in my walk and turn test no need for a DUI when i was writing this there is no shortage of information out there and i figured you can source the information for yourself all right so everything i you know you can fact check me on everything i was talking about tonight and so well finally we have before us a quote from the quest of the holy grail 13th century french text once again author unknown incredible it's a familiar trend who are these people that wrote this stuff i source it for one simple and straightforward reason it describes the last known whereabouts of the grail actually it's as i've already stated the grail and the lance are equally important being the male and the female components people talk about the grail they always forget about the lance they both ended up in sarah's a city which cannot be found on a map but then they ascended to heaven with gala had a direct assentance i believe of mary magdalene yes i just said it and i'm not taking it back come to your own conclusion we're all adults here that all the fuss was over a wooden cup rather than the living blood of mashiach that's fine by me if you think all the fuss was over a cup that he drank from i mean how many cups that he drank from in his lifetime i'm not here to convince you of an actual messianic lineage a case however can be made that it's what the grail writers were getting at okay so before any attacks oh look what Noel's saying no no Noel's just pointing out what they what they advocated all right and i'm leaving up to you as an adult to take the information come to your own conclusion such are my present efforts seeing as how the dark ages were invented i'm of the opinion of the opinion that the Arthurian romances arrived two or three centuries maybe later than is claimed but that is just my opinion and you are free to yours so they say that they arrived in 11th 12th 13th century i'm saying maybe they arrived couple centuries later and what pray tell was ultimate aim of their narrative i think you know i've been practically screaming into your ear this entire time the kingdom of mashiach along with the lands in the vessel and the blood being passed between them are all three bound together and though the kingdom of mashiach manifested upon the earth for a millennium according to my investigation and my thesis my conclusion it has since come and gone materially speaking though the kingdom is still within us and it still exists in the blessed land to this day the hidden wilderness and it has returned to the place of its origin perhaps that is why it is said that the grail like the kingdom it represents can only be found within good night everybody