Celebrate Cultivate

Do You Have Rescue and Reset Rhythms?

Kaileen shares her favorite rhythms for when life feels overwhelming or in need of a refresh. Tune in for actionable tips for creating your own supportive routines. Plus, get an update on her back pain journey and how reconnecting with her body has played a key role in her healing.

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03 Oct 2024
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Kaileen shares her favorite rhythms for when life feels overwhelming or in need of a refresh. Tune in for actionable tips for creating your own supportive routines. Plus, get an update on her back pain journey and how reconnecting with her body has played a key role in her healing.

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[MUSIC] This year, I've been working with a professor at Syracuse University to bring intuition to her class on imagination, creative problem solving, and entrepreneurship. We recorded a Q&A and one of my favorite questions that she asked was, what are your rescue and reset rhythms? Now, you might already have some in place or you might be wondering what exactly are rescue and reset rhythms. In this episode, I'll share mine along with ideas for you to explore, to support yourself when life gets chaotic or when you feel like you need to re-align. Welcome to episode 182 of Celebrate Cultivate. I'm your host and intuition coach, Kayleen Elise Seuss. Before we get into all that, a few personal updates to share. Now that October is officially here, I am so excited for everything that's here right now and all that lies ahead in the calendar for October. There's a lot going on for me, travel-wise. I'm going to London next week. I can't believe it and then at the end of the month, I'm actually going to New York to go speak at the class in Syracuse. So I'm so excited for that. My husband and son are going out of town one weekend for a chess tournament for my son and at the end of the month, we have Halloween, which always feels like a big family event. So we've already got our Halloween costumes in motion because I knew it was going to be a really busy month, so I tried to get ahead on that. And the kids are begging us to get the whole house decorated for Halloween, which it isn't really my favorite holiday to decorate for. I'm much more of a Christmas girl, but the kids are excited. So we'll definitely be getting some things up soon. Another thing that's been going on for me in the last few weeks is just a deepening of this ongoing journey I've had in reconnecting to my body. I am currently enrolled in a 10-week long class on conscious eating. And it's a perfect example of one of those things that I see it happening a lot for my clients, where you feel like you should be able to do something by yourself, but it is a million times better when you get help. Like, I'm an intuition coach. I definitely should be able to eat intuitively and listen to my body and move intuitively in all of these things, right? Like, that's what my mind tells me. But in reality, it is way better when I have support when I recognize that I need support to just kind of get me in a direction that feels really good and aligned. So it's not that you always need support with something, but if you are struggling in an area of your life, it can be really, really helpful to have somebody hold your hand and walk you through the process of learning how to connect, of learning how to listen. And it's so much of what I do, like what my new coach is doing for me, is what I do for my clients, but it is really hard to do it for yourself. And I recognize that. And I have so many clients who have the same certification that I have and have been through the same training that I have. And they love working with me. And I don't judge them at all for not being able to do it on their own. They could do it on their own. But it is so much better to have somebody walking alongside you. So I've been working on that and slowly but surely exercising again and really starting to heal that connection with my body that I feel like has been disconnected over many, many years through being a collegiate athlete and then having three babies and taking lots of time off from working out or eating in a way that feels good and healthy with me. So I'm excited about this new program I'm doing with her. And I'm also just really excited to feel better in my body and empowered to make those intuitive decisions with this new practice that I'm trying. So let's get into rescue and reset rhythms, what they are, why we need them, all of it. So first, what are rescue rhythms? You can take a moment to define that for yourself. And if you've listened to this podcast for any length of time, you know that that's one of my favorite things to recommend is to really take a moment to decide what things mean to you before you listen to somebody else's definition, right? Even the dictionary's definition of something doesn't necessarily mean that you can't have a different way of looking at it. So my offer to you is that rescue rhythms are go-to practices when life feels chaotic or overwhelming or when you need a lifeline. So when you need that rescue feeling, there's short, effective actions that help you ground yourself and move through moments of stress or discomfort. And there's a million different times when you might want to use a rescue rhythm. As you're listening to this, you gather the inspiration that you need to apply it to your life. Maybe you need rescue rhythms on the first day of your period, right, like when you just feel physically, however you feel on that first day of your period for me, it's like, you know, it's just like heavy and tired and just a little like, I need to rest. Or if you have been solo parenting for many days, or you're a single parent, and you're just like at the end of your line of... At the end of your bag of tricks, you know, if you're at the end of your rope, that may be a time to use a rescue rhythm. If you've been dealing with family stress or family drama or physical pain that's kind of wearing you down, basically any time when you feel like you need to save yourself or get a breath, that is a time to go to a rescue rhythm. If you have one minute, just one minute, a few different things that you could do is literally just set a timer on your phone for one minute to close your eyes and breathe. And not try to think, not try to stop thinking, not try to do anything, but just breathe for a minute with your eyes closed, not doing anything. That can be really grounding and really powerful. And at the end of that minute, you can breathe and ask your inner voice, "What do I need?" You know you hear that from me over and over and over again because even just asking that question is going to get you clarity on just the one next thing to do. It's not gonna give you like all of the answers to all of your problems at once, but just ask, "What do I need?" And then play with acting upon the wisdom that you receive. If you have eight minutes, then you can journal with your intuition. So, I have a free class that's inner voice journaling, walking you through exactly what to do in this eight minute session, but essentially what you can do is just set a timer for eight minutes, pull out your journal right from your inner voice, whatever it is that you need to hear from your intuition, or you can go back and forth and ask questions from your mind to your intuition. And sometimes we just need a good old fashioned brain dump. So, don't think for a second that I'm telling you to never journal from your mind either. Sometimes journaling for eight minutes from the mind is exactly what you need. And if you get the intuitive knowing that that is what you need, then trust it. Another thing you can do in that eight minutes is you can journal from a different vantage point. So you can journal from your inner child, or you can journal from your inner elder. So you can write from the perspective of you at nine years old or 11 years old, or maybe 89 or 66. So just pick a time on your personal timeline and channel the wisdom from that place and see how it applies to you now. If you have 10 minutes, then do a guided meditation. I have a whole collection of meditations called the meditation collection that you can purchase now. And right now there's six guided meditations in there, but I'm always adding to them. And I don't charge you when I add them. So the cheaper you can purchase that, the better. So get in now whenever you're listening to this, buy the meditation collection and it will continue to grow over time and just add to the value for you. And then if you have an hour, book a session with me for that deeper guidance, that deeper rescue. So we'll spend an hour going into your inner tuition, getting anything, any wisdom, any guidance from your inner voice, but also releasing any emotions that are safe and ready to be released. Because sometimes when we're in a need of rescue rhythms, what we really need is a good cry and really to feel the feelings that are coming up that are safe and ready to be released. Again, releasing emotions is something that you can do on your own for sure, but it is easier. Honestly, it's way easier to do it with someone sitting next to you because it's like doing push-ups. For example, you might know that doing push-ups is a good thing for you to do and you might know that you can do 10 push-ups. But if you're in the middle of doing five push-ups and then you hear the laundry ding, then you just get up and stop and go work on the laundry and then you never finish your 10. But if you were working with a private personal trainer and doing 10 push-ups, you'll finish them because they're standing next to you. And the same thing is true with emotional release or listening to your intuition. When I'm on the other side of that Zoom, supporting you and standing there with you, it's easier to stay in that frequency and it's easier to do what you came to do. And finally, my other favorite top rescue rhythm, whenever you can, just go to bed early. Sleep really can work wonders on your emotions, on your physical body. And when you are going to sleep, you can even infuse the intention of the sleep being restorative, the sleep being that rescue that you need, really letting it be, the sleep that you need to feel better when you wake up refreshed and resolved in the morning and then just put yourself to bed. That is always been one of my favorite strategies. When it's been available, there's been times where, like while my back was injured, I couldn't sleep at all, I was in so much pain and then I've had three kids. So of course, there's been lots of times where sleep wasn't the rescue rhythm of choice because sleep wasn't available to me. But when it is, that is always one of my favorites to try. Okay, so next, what are reset rhythms? Reset rhythms are helpful when you need a change in energy, a vibe shift after you've finished a season or you finished a project or when you've reached a milestone and you want to reassess or realign or reset, here are my top reset rhythms and some of them you might already be doing as well. So it's just good to check in with yourself as you listen to this and be like, oh yeah, I do that. That must be one of my reset rhythms or ooh, I like the idea of that, I'm gonna give it a try. Or maybe I say something and you don't do it, but you kind of hate it. And so that clarity helps you know what exactly would be a good reset rhythm for you. Number one is clear the clutter or clear the decks. So cleaning your desk, decluttering your pantry, archiving old documents or files on your computer, refreshing your closet, just doing something to really like clear space can be so restorative and resetting to your emotions, but also to your mind and to your physical space. Next one is refreshing your vision board or revisiting your rituals. So clearing out the energy of things and the autumn of ritual bundle that I have right now available for purchase is full of ideas and inspiration for refreshing and revisiting the energetic side of things that support your systems, the rituals, the journal prompts, the meditations, all of these different things are a way for you to make space beyond clutter, but just really kind of tuning into what exactly you want as you're resetting, like what is it that you want in the future while also reflecting on what has just happened. And then doing intentional resets with your intentions. So thinking about setting new intentions, anything in your life or any areas of your life that have been feeling stale, you can breathe more intention into it. This can be for physical places like in your desk area, let's say you clear your desk and then you make a new vision board. The last step to this is then to set an intention for when you work at your desk, you feel inspired that time goes by perfectly. You don't feel too rushed, but you also don't feel like you have an abundance of time, you have the right amount of time for what you want to get done. So you can play with the intentions that you set and you can do this in any area of your life, right? You could do it in your kitchen pantry, you could do it in your car, you could do it in your exercise space, wherever it is that you are needing a reset, you can clear out the clutter, you can bring in the energy that you wanna bring and then you can set an intention. One of the things to notice and pay attention to when you are looking at rescue and reset rhythms is that if something is feeling out of control, you might feel the urge to over control. Just know that this is perfectly normal, it's perfectly natural and pay attention. Notice that if you're doing this, you have the perfect resource inside of you to make sure that you're staying in alignment and that is your intuition. Your intuition is always going to be steady and stable even if it's directing you towards something that's really new and surprising to your mind, it's never going to make these big sweeping changes in one direction or another the way that our mind does. So our minds have a tendency to wanna do everything or do nothing, write that. All or nothing, black and white approach to life is very mindy, whereas the intuition is a lot more stable, steady, gentle, open and expectation-less, right? So anytime you notice that a really strong grip on expectations or outcomes, you can be pretty sure that you're trying to over control and then all you need to do is find a time and space to reconnect your intuition and find out what would be most supportive, what do I need to do, what can I release control on and let it go from there. So now that you've got your rescue rhythms and your reset rhythms, the other thing I want to mention is that there's going to be a lot of repetition. Repetition is necessary, it is natural, life is cyclical and there's gonna be times, seasons in your life, seasons in nature where you're in the middle of flow and everything's going along really smoothly. There's gonna be times when you need rescue and other times when you need reset and just knowing that that is going to come, not being fearful of it because now you know what to do, like you can handle these times, you have the resources and you have the rituals and strategies in place. And I'm not even saying like sit down and answer all of these questions to plan out your rescue and reset rhythms. This is more like being aware of it and knowing where you are, what are you in need of right now? And as that repetition comes, welcoming it, being open to it as opposed to resisting it or being frustrated by it. So if you are looking at your life and feeling like, oh my gosh, like every time I am feeling out of sorts, it's because I'm forgetting to journal or whatever, just know that life has many phases. There's the lunar phases, the days of the week, the seasons, even your own personal energy waves are cyclical. So you don't have to worry about patterns repeating because you are going to, with each cycle, iterate, change, improve and eventually, potentially, some things that keep coming up for you may not come up for you forever. That's the other thing, the mind is always like so freaked out and frustrated by is like, is it gonna be like this forever? And no, it won't be because things are cyclical and you won't be in a rescue or a reset or a repeat forever. You just won't. Another final note of caution on this is not to overload yourself with extra to-dos. So trust that what feels aligned is enough, simplify your rhythms and let them serve you instead of creating extra stress, right? So just don't let it get out of hand because if you're in need of a rescue or if you're in need of a reset, you are not in need of a bunch of extra things on your shoulders and a bunch of extra things on your plate, you just aren't. Again, if you haven't checked out an autumn of ritual, it is a beautiful resource that is available to you to help you embrace the cycle of ball that has arrived, help you set intentions, help you connect within with a guided meditation and journal prompts, there's even a bonus vision board, circle for you to watch that will inspire you to create a vision board that's connected to your intuition for the season. So there's a lot of goodness in that and it's only $22. So you're really getting a lot of resources for a small investment to really help you have a season that's full of intention, intuition and magic. Now, I promised a little update on my back pain journey. So it's been almost six months since I shared the episode about my back injury and my healing journey I'll link to that in the show notes. If you'd like to give it a listen or revisit it but just a quick recap, my back started hurting really badly last fall and for a while it was a really, really significant struggle. I could not walk at one point very comfortably. I was always okay sitting but even just walking from the car to an appointment was excruciating. I couldn't walk my kids to school, I couldn't walk around target. It was really, really bad. Eventually what helped fix it wasn't any special thing. It was time and a little bit of modern medicine and really getting the rest that my body needed. So it was different than what I was expecting and if you listen to the episode then you'll know that I was trying to heal a chronic back pain problem with my mind and my emotions and it wasn't actually a chronic problem. It was an acute problem so I had a herniated disc and it's the second time I've had a herniated disc. I had surgery before about 10 years ago. So really scary, not that fun and really no resolution other than time. So now I'm feeling much, much better. I'm sore on occasion but it's not anything that's intense and I've really been feeling much better in my body but the hardest part has been getting back to working out and again, reconnecting with my body in a way that feels healthy and safe and sustainable. And so I'm very much still working on that but this conversation around rescue and reset rhythms really relates to my whole back pain, back injury story because when I was in terrible, terrible pain all I needed was the rescue, right? And now that I'm on the other side of that I'm really relying on some of those reset rhythms and one that for me I noticed this morning as I was getting up was like, okay, I really want to start working out again. I'm having a hard time making the time. There's so many other things that I want to be doing in the day so that is something I'm working on but even just setting out my workout clothes the night before so that I'm in workout clothes the next day has been like one of my little baby reset rhythms that I'm using to be sure that I'm prepared to work out when it's time to work out. Other times that you might find yourself desiring a rescue or reset rhythm could be after periods of travel, after stressful or emotionally draining situations in work or family anytime that you're feeling off in any way and wanting to reconnect with yourself. If you are looking for deeper support then an hour of intuition is totally a perfect thing for you because you're going to get that personal guidance that you want from your inner voice and we can even ask questions about what are the best rescue and reset rhythms for you from your intuition. Now a few questions that you might be having that I want to talk through is like, what rhythms should you use if you don't have a lot of time? Now, even just thinking that question fully we all have the same amount of time but we're all trying to get different things done in that same amount of time and it takes us a different amount of time to get things done. So there's a lot of variables. That's why at the beginning of the episode I was sharing rhythms that are really bite-sized, one minute rhythms because oftentimes we will give more time to something if it is feeling good and it is working well but the idea that something could take like an hour when we think we only have a few minutes will make us not try it at all. So if that resonates with you, my suggestion is to really think about what would be the smallest action that you can take to have a rescue, to have a reset? And then another question that you might have is how do I know when I need a rescue or how do I know when I need a reset? And really a lot of these ideas could be interchangeable for either. So it isn't about getting this perfect or knowing like, oh, I'm definitely doing a reset rhythm when I really need a rescue rhythm, right? Like, you're not, it doesn't have to be perfect. You're not being graded. No one cares, really? So what matters is that it is doing something for you. When I think about it, I can get a little confused between the two. Ultimately, the things that are going to feel like a rescue rhythm are the things that are really soothing and supportive and grounding. So if you are needing those energies, then your rescue rhythms should be aligned with that. And then the reset is like, okay, I'm ready to reboot my computer. I'm ready to reboot my system. I need to clear things off and get started again. So they are, rescue is like a calming energy and the reset is like a activating energy. And so things might get picked up, dust might get kicked up, you know, but at the same time that reset is going to give you a full satisfaction cycle of like getting things out of your house and starting fresh, that is what the reset rhythm is. So depending on what kind of energy you're getting pulled to, that is how you recognize which one you need. And then finally, one last question you might be asking is how can I make sure these rhythms don't turn into over control or perfectionism? And if you're listening to this and you're asking that question, you're already trying to be like a perfect student and avoid perfectionism, part of it is part of the process, right? Is like swinging on the pendulum and realizing like, oh, I overdid it again. I'm adding things to my to-do list when I was trying to make my life easier. And the second you recognize it, that's when you drop it. That's when you stop. That's when you take a deep breath and you reconnect your intuition and reconnect yourself and decide what you need to do versus what was just something that you had to put on a to-do list so that it wasn't in your mind anymore. And sometimes I will write things out, like I'm telling myself to do these things and then I will immediately cross them off or put them on a different day because I know I'm trying to overload myself out of a desire to control something that doesn't need to be controlled. And so if you recognize that in yourself, just adjust and keep going and acknowledge that there's gonna be times when you try to over-control and you are trying to be perfectionist and you don't need to be. And the second you notice, that's when you drop it and then you keep going. All right, so throughout this episode, I have mentioned an autumn of ritual. Like I said, it's just $22 if you want to refocus on yourself, reconnect to yourself and to the season. That is going to be perfect for you. And then if you want to get clear guidance from within on what rhythms will best support you, book an hour of intuition. And I'm also now offering packages. I've mentioned this in a few episodes back that it was something we were bringing to the website and bringing to you. It is now live. You can sign up for a season of intuition to receive four coaching sessions at a discount. You also get Voxer access to me for 12 weeks through those sessions and you can use them to support you in any way as you're navigating your season, that you're in the challenges that you're facing, anything at all that you're craving in our voice guidance on, I will be there to support you. Thank you so much for tuning in. I hope this conversation on rescue and reset rhythms inspired you to explore your own. Be sure to check out the links in the show notes for today's episode. Just open up your podcast app, tap on the episode and you'll find everything right there, including links to an autumn of ritual, an hour of intuition and more resources to support you this season. And remember, if you enjoyed this episode, subscribe so that you never miss another episode. And if you loved what you heard today, leave me a quick review. It means the world to me and it really does help new listeners find the show. I'll be back again soon with another episode. Until then, I hope you have a beautiful day and that you were able to bring some rescue, reset and repeat rhythms to your everyday life. Talk to you soon. Bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]