The Missing Link

Int 885 with Cullen Mcdonald a Canadian Freedom Fighter arrested many times

Brief Background - I joined the Freedom Movement early, in March of 2020. Being someone who was injured by childhood vac cina tions and having spent most my adult life healing and unlearning everything I was ever taught, I knew before the plandemic even started what was coming.

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Shortly after attending the first protests in Toronto I realized that my mission was to wake as many people up as possible and grow the movement. I got organized with other prominent freedom fighters and co-founded the groups Glorious & Free, Hugs Over Masks and eventually Stand4THEE.

As a result of my influence and attendance at protests across the greater Toronto area I received several provincial mandate tickets between later 2020 and early 2021. For whatever reason in the spring of 2021 the Niagara Regional Police Police and the Crown decided to escalate the provincial fines that everyone else was receiving into to criminal charges for who they believed were the "organizers".

In the spring of 2021 I was arrested and charged criminally twice with "Common Nuisance" and given release conditions that prevented me from being within 50m of amplified sound in the province of Ontario. I later tested these bail conditions in Toronto at a public vac cine clinic and was arrested and charged criminally a third time for breach of a release condition.

I self represented in court with the help of a few people such as Dave Freedom and I was found not guilty on my first charge of Common Nuisance but was found guilty in the second trial by what I would describe as politically motivated judge. I am now facing 3 seperate Superior Court Appeals where I am appealing the guilty verdict and the crown is both appealing my aqquital as well as the sentencing of my guilty verdict, claiming that jail time is required to set an example for the public.

Latest Video by Dave Freedom -

Aqquital Ruling -

Guilty Ruling -

Legacy Media BS -

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Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
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Brief Background - I joined the Freedom Movement early, in March of 2020. Being someone who was injured by childhood vac cina tions and having spent most my adult life healing and unlearning everything I was ever taught, I knew before the plandemic even started what was coming.

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Shortly after attending the first protests in Toronto I realized that my mission was to wake as many people up as possible and grow the movement. I got organized with other prominent freedom fighters and co-founded the groups Glorious & Free, Hugs Over Masks and eventually Stand4THEE.

As a result of my influence and attendance at protests across the greater Toronto area I received several provincial mandate tickets between later 2020 and early 2021. For whatever reason in the spring of 2021 the Niagara Regional Police Police and the Crown decided to escalate the provincial fines that everyone else was receiving into to criminal charges for who they believed were the "organizers".

In the spring of 2021 I was arrested and charged criminally twice with "Common Nuisance" and given release conditions that prevented me from being within 50m of amplified sound in the province of Ontario. I later tested these bail conditions in Toronto at a public vac cine clinic and was arrested and charged criminally a third time for breach of a release condition.

I self represented in court with the help of a few people such as Dave Freedom and I was found not guilty on my first charge of Common Nuisance but was found guilty in the second trial by what I would describe as politically motivated judge. I am now facing 3 seperate Superior Court Appeals where I am appealing the guilty verdict and the crown is both appealing my aqquital as well as the sentencing of my guilty verdict, claiming that jail time is required to set an example for the public.

Latest Video by Dave Freedom -

Aqquital Ruling -

Guilty Ruling -

Legacy Media BS -

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Telegram Interviews:

Telegram Chat Group:

Bitchute - The Missing Link Jesse(Love Inspiring New Knowledge)

The Missing Link support is welcome at, in Canada by etransfer to, or by sending stars and/or subscribing to our monthly Facebook Page.

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(dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (intense music) - Everyone has something to share. And I other wisdom, story, or logic. And it's clearly amazing to hear all the different missing links discovered by people, unique to their own journeys. And then how they have come to discover them. Together we can help to build a bigger picture for a better future for a brighter tomorrow. Let's stand in the head and let's remove the bales and let's create a new world together. Are you that missing link? Join Jesse Hale on the missing link talk show as he helps to unveil the mystery through the unique wisdom and story of others. (dramatic music) - Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome everybody here back to the missing link. Today we're excited to talk with someone that joined the freedom movement in March of 2020. And he's been gone to many different rallies and protests and he got arrested and he was told he can't broadcast or be a part of any of these things. And he still went and got arrested again. So he's here to share his story. He's a Canadian freedom fighter that's been arrested many times for what he believes in. And again, he's here to share his story. Welcome to the missing link live. So Colin McDonald, how are you doing today brother? - Thank you very much, Jesse, I appreciate it. Thank you for having me on. - You're very, very welcome. So why don't you start off with telling us about yourself and your journey a little bit about your background, your education, what part of the world you grew up in, what part of the world you're in. Now if you'd like disclosing that information, a little bit about just you before you got into the freedom or 2020 and then get into sharing a little bit about what has gone on with you, what's happened, the arrests and I think you got off one and find on the other one or whatever it is you wanted to share with our audience here today, especially if they don't know your story and they're hearing you hear for the first time. - Absolutely, yeah, thank you very much. I guess to start at the end, what I'm going to be discussing is my superior court appeals that are coming up next week on Friday, October 11th. And they stem from the charges I received as part of my involvement with the freedom movement, as you said. So a little bit about myself. I'm from Niagara region, I was born and raised there in Niagara Ontario. Honestly, before the pandemic, as we like to say, I was just a regular guy that I was very into health and fitness, alternative health, alternative medicine. I liked helping people with autoimmune disorders and alternative treatments to some of the illnesses that, you know, plague our world. So before COVID, that's what I did. That's what I like to do. And I very much look forward to getting back to doing that once the criminal trials that I'm up against right now are over. So I'm currently living in Mexico. I left Canada on July 1st, 2021, after being criminally charged and arrested three times. The first time it came from a protest in Niagara Falls, Ontario. So at that time, I guess I joined the movement early on right at the beginning because I knew what was coming already. And so I joined the movement very quickly and I helped start, I co-founded quite a few of the groups in the freedom movement. And up until sort of spring, early 2021, it was all fine. We protested every single week for 52 weeks straight. We never had, you know, I mean, aside from some of the COVID tickets that they started giving out, we didn't have really any trouble with police and being arrested and criminally charged until sort of late 2020, early 2021. So at that time, they decided to escalate things a little bit. And instead of charging us provincially with the Emergency Management Civil Protection Act in Ontario, or the Reopening Ontario Act, they decided to start criminally charging people who they thought were influencers or organizers of these protests. So I got due to my influence, I guess you could say, I got targeted, I believe, by the police and the crown prosecutors as, I guess, a person's of interest. And what happened was I was invited to attend a protest in Niagara Falls, April 2021. I attended, I spoke, you know, I gave a speech and I was subsequently arrested and criminally charged with common nuisance. Common nuisance is a federal, obviously a criminal charge in Canada. And it essentially is that I endangered the lives or safety of the public. And so at the early, early stages, that was the criminal charge they went with and they charged quite a few people in the greater Toronto area at that time. So I was arrested and I was giving release conditions that initially prevented me from possessing a microphone or a megaphone or anything that could amplify my voice. So, and, you know, bail conditions or release conditions are supposed to protect you, the person and the public from whatever it was, the criminal act. And, you know, if they allege that it was my physical presence that endangered the public, then why did they restrict my ability to amplify my message, my voice, you know? And so I initially couldn't possess a microphone. Two weeks later, I was invited to another protest, a small protest in St. Catherine's, Ontario. Again, I attended, I spoke, I couldn't use a microphone so I just yelled what I wanted to say. And again, two days later, I was arrested in my driveway given more release conditions that now prevented me from being within 50 meters of amplified sound in the province of Ontario. A couple of weeks later, I went to a vaccine pop-up clinic held by Toronto Public Health and I was arrested and criminally charged the third time because I was too close to someone else's microphone or megaphone that was a surprise to me and that was, I think, June, 2021. So after, at that time, after receiving three criminal charges being prevented, basically, essentially, through release conditions, I couldn't attend any more protests, which were my lifeline. They were like everything to me at that time after 60, 70 weeks of lockdowns, like you guys remember how it was. That was it for me. I honestly, at that time, I was, I mean, I think their plan was to break me and I feel they did accomplish that because at the time, I was understandably, you know, very distraught, very depressed, very angry. And I made the decision to leave Canada. The plan was to only get away for six months sort of get my head back together and of course, then the vaccine passports rolled out and the rest is history. So I've been fighting these criminal charges myself. I've been self-representing since the beginning. I had two criminal trials. The breach of bail that I got at the vaccine cleanup, I ended up getting it dismissed, but the two trials were for the two common nuisance charges. So they were held in Niagara. I was acquitted on the first charge of common nuisance by an honest judge who looked at the facts impartially and he saw that I didn't have the men's ray or act this ray, the guilty mind or the guilty act of what the crown was alleging and that the crown couldn't prove his case. The second judge, which was just two weeks later after the first trial, saw things differently. His, I mean, the rulings are made public. They're on candidly and I can even get them to you if you wanted to share them with your viewers. You could really see the difference in these two judges just in their rulings in the way that they looked at the case despite the fact that the evidence and the situation was identical for both protests. And the one I was found guilty at, the second judge, he, although the fact it was about a quarter the size of the first protest, he found me guilty. And it was of his belief that, you know, not only was I guilty and I deserve a jail time, if it wasn't for the fact that they had the organizer who was a co-occuse, if it wasn't for the fact that he took a deal that I was part of a package that allowed him to plead guilty to other previous charges of the act, if it wasn't for that, the judge said that I would be going to jail. And the crown in his appeals is arguing that someone who does what I did, which was attend a peaceful assembly and speak, deserves to spend six to 12 months in jail. So that's what I'm up against in my appeals. I'm appealing the guilty verdict. The crown is appealing my acquittal and the crown is also appealing the sentencing of my guilty verdict, which was the $4,000 fine in a criminal record. Again, the crown is arguing that I deserve to go to jail for that. So this is very important and we'll probably get into that maybe a little bit later as to why this is important, why in my case, you need to know about at home. And I'm sort of on a public awareness campaign right now to tell as many people as possible what's going on to me and what this means to you at home. I think that kind of sums it up. - So what you're saying is in a free and democratic country as Canada's supposed to be, you're not allowed to speak. - Well, yeah, well, you can say anything you want as long as you agree with the government. You know, that's what we're up against. This was peaceful assembly in descent of the government's policies. And that apparently is not, even though it's the cornerstone of one of the only principles of a free and democratic society, that's what they want to prevent. - What does the right to peaceful assembly mean to you? - Well, I mean, it's like I just said, peaceful assembly is, I mean, if you go back in history, that is what our democracy was built upon. That's what democracy is built upon. It's having an opinion, having a view and being able to express it. And even if that view isn't popular and this is what I wish some of the people who disagree with me and disagree with us, would understand is that my right to peacefully protest, my right to freedom of speech is the same as your right. And if you start taking away my right, that takes away your right to say whatever you want to say, to protest whatever you want to protest, you know what I mean? And so to me, I think it's a fundamental and very like structural component of our society that we need to protect. Even if it's letting people who you don't agree with, do it. - Do you think Canada is a free and or democratic country? - I think currently we're in a very, very, very serious place and that statement is becoming less and less true. I believe that we were once and we can be again. But right now, those fundamental pillars are at attack. - What does totalitarianism, totalitarian government, like what does that mean to you and what does that look like? - Yeah, I mean, just look at the way that Justin Trudeau handled the pandemic. And if you want a description of what a totalitarian regime mindset is, that is it. It is that you will do, and really when it gets into you, not just you will do what we say, but you will believe what we believe. You will fall in line, lockstep with whatever it is that we say is the truth. That's totalitarianism to me. It's the absolute removal of anything but the mainstream narrative or whatever they decide, you know? - Do you think the Canadian people as a whole may be under some kind of a spell? - I do, I do, I do. I felt that way, during, at some point early in the pandemic, I just woke up one day and I was looking around at the world, you know, back when people would run on the street to get off the sidewalk. And I looked around and I was just like, what happened? It was like it happened overnight, like they were just under a spell. And a lot of us have theories as to why that is, you know, the programming of the mainstream media and their little three word hypnotism, stay inside, wear your mask, you know, all those things they repeated. I think that has a lot to do with maybe the sort of mass hypnosis that we saw and are continuing to see. - Do you think in any way that, you know, the stuff that happened in 2020 on may have been pre-planned? - Oh, absolutely, absolutely, without a doubt. I mean, the writing was on the wall, even just in the short time before that. I could see it just through the lens of like health and alternative health and what they were doing with like vaccine campaigns just before COVID had started. I already saw that something was coming. And of course, there's people who had nailed it long before it ever started, but I do think that it was planned. - I was just listening to the American vice president debate and the one donkey, all donkeys, so pardon me, if I call them donkeys, the one donkey was saying, well, this is, you know, the rights for a woman to choose. It's my body, my choice. Why don't you think that that applied to, you know, my body, my choice when it comes to getting things injected into you, that that was not the script. And the other donkey didn't even bring it up. How could you say this when your party essentially didn't care about body choice when it came to these insane injections? - Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, it's a fallacy to assume they ever cared about anyone's life to begin with. You know, with either one of the movements you're kind of referring to here, they don't care about human life. And these are politics, these are donkeys that, you know, put on a show for votes. And all they care about is what's going to get them to vote. They don't care about us. And they don't care about human life. - So it sounds like what you're saying is, is to the powers that be to the governments that all lives don't matter. It's more like no lives matter. Like, is this basically what you think the government, you know, has showed the people? - Absolutely. - Yes. - Yeah. - And where do you think, 'cause isn't the government supposed to be by the people for the people, representation? Government, they're supposed to represent us. Do you think that there's some kind of feeling of the people when this is the type of representation? Basically, we get what we ask for it. If we allow them to be tyrannical and nobody stands up or says anything, then we're just basically asking for this slavery. - I agree to a large degree, because I mean, we've spent a lot of time ourselves in our own, you know, lives spending time thinking about like what the solution is. And I truly feel like, because even if you think about what Klaus Schwab has said, you know, we've infiltrated the cabinets and we have captured these young leaders that he calls them, you know, ministers in like Trudeau and others. So they're admitting that's how they did it. That's how they infiltrated and co-opted or took over our country. We have to do the same thing. So, and that goes for everything from school boards to, you know, municipalities, provincial to federal. If we want things to change, we have to be the ones to get in there and do it. So I think to a large degree, we are responsible. Now, what's happened, happened, right? We can't cry over spilled milk, but if we want to look forward at a plan to the future, that's got to be the solution, you know, in my opinion anyways. - There's someone here, Zane in Canada on our rumble channel says, yeah, exactly, but this makes Colin's case different. There was no federal act at the time. So why is he being charged federally for breaking a provincial act? And was there even a provincial act at the time? Like, like how do you, why do you feel that they escalated this federally and criminally when basically you were just exercising your right to peaceful assembly? - So yeah, so that stems from the sort of, yeah, in my case, the situation there was, so I was charged under the provincial legislation several times between late 2020, early 2021. So those are the $880 tickets, you know, we called it the 880 Club. And a lot of people got a lot of them. Basically, if you went to any protest and they could nab you, they gave you an 880 ticket. So those are the provincial tickets that they were by, through the legislation that they had enacted, which is the Reopening Ontario Act under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. That's how they were legally supposed to treat and deal with this so-called problem, which they described these protests as gatherings. So they, under the acts, and at the time when I was arrested, it was a stay at home order. So they had provisions within those acts to how to deal with infractions of the bylaws. And in my case, as Zane pointed out in his comment there, they escalated what should have been a provincial ticket into a criminal charge for the purpose of basically, and they admit this in my disclosure. They very clearly say it in black and white. I was charged with this provincial bylaw on this date, and on this date, and despite this, I continued to do this protesting question, and therefore I was charged criminally, right? So they admit it. It's a stream of logic where they say that despite the fact that I had been charged provincially, I continued to go to another protest where I should have been charged provincially. And because I went to this protest, now I'm a criminal, right? So that's an escalation of what should be properly in the purview of the province. It's supposed to be a provincial ticket, and they escalated to a federal ticket. Why? Because with a federal charge and arrest, you can give someone release conditions, and you can impose on them these release conditions that prevent them from doing whatever it is that you're trying to stop. So they didn't want me to protest because the protest violated the bylaw. So in order to stop me from protesting and violating the bylaw, they criminally charged me so I couldn't go to the protest, thereby enforcing the bylaw, right? So they use the federal, the criminal code of Canada to enforce a bylaw, which has proven case law that we're gonna, obviously, it's one of my main arguments in my appeals in R versus Sharma, 1993, where the Supreme Court of Canada declared that they cannot do that. And that has been referenced many times, north of 200 times, in other cases, and it's been upheld. So that is one of my strongest arguments. What they did right there, legally speaking, was not proper. - Now, do you think that a lot of what they did to you was trying to set an example to make people afraid to protest that if they were able to do this to you, it may discourage others from wanting to peacefully assemble and protest some of the insane things that the government was doing? - Yeah, absolutely. And I think in the beginning, of course, I suspected that, but they never flat-outset it. And that was until my trial at Commence and the Crown was giving his verbal submissions, which the judge echoed in his sentencing when I was found guilty, is that, no, the reason why I deserve to go to jail, the reason why I apparently need to spend six months in jail, it's not to punish me for what I did. It's to deter you at home from ever doing what I did. And the Crown admitted it. He flat-out said it, that that is why I need to go to jail. It's to send a message, a clear message to anyone at home, that if you ever dare protest against the government, this is what you could face. And furthermore, and I think this is the more alarming part for your viewers that I think really needs to be understood, is that this can be my case law, our versus McDonald, can be used in so many different ways. The implications are our massive, because it's an alleged violation of a by-law that had to do with public safety. Now that falls to same legal level as a provincial. So any provincial or municipal law that aims to protect the public, and that can go anywhere, that can go climate, so climate emergency stuff, future pandemic type stuff, 15-minute cities where we have to stay in our bubble because it's for the greater good. Whenever you violate any one of those types of things, my case could be used to criminalize that act. Wherever public safety is of concern, because there doesn't need to be a victim, no one needs to be hurt. All the crown has so far needed to prove is that there's a possibility of risk, a potential for risk, which applies so broadly, it's so vague, and that's why my case, because when we talk about, you know, and anything they're working on right now, tomorrow we're gonna talk about it, the bill, 263, the pandemic preparedness bill, that, how would you enforce that criminally? Well, you use R versus McDonald, right? Any violation of any act from here on out that that has to do with public safety, my case law could be used if we don't win these appeals could be used to criminalize any of those alleged violations. We have here J.J. from our Facebook says, bylaws are not laws and so-called laws and our statutes, so what do you know the difference between legal and lawful? Yeah, I mean, when it comes to, so if this is sort of the thing, if there's a provincial mandate that explicitly removes or actually, it just says you have to stay inside forever, and you can't go get groceries, you can't go get your work, you can't leave your house, is that, now it might be a provincial statute, it might be essentially a bylaw, but is it lawful? No, because it goes against our fundamental rights, our highest rights, our supreme rights that were given to us from God, not from the government. So if there's a bylaw that violates your supreme human rights, then then it's not lawful, it can't be, right? And that's the way the legal system is supposed to see it as well, is that these higher rights are supposed to be obviously held to a higher standard. You can't just remove someone's right to life, liberty, and security of the person because of whatever they come up with. Yeah. Like if they made a law or a statute or a code and said, you're not allowed to breathe anymore. Like, you know, how far do you think that would go and how many people do you think would maybe try to obey their insane laws and maybe try to stop breathing if that's something that was passed down? Like, would you see, like, where do you see that type of insane type of law going? I think we just witnessed that. I think that the arbitrary masking of healthy people was exactly that and people did buy along with it. And again, that in itself, you know, restricting your breathing, just because a by-law says that, you know, you have to restrict your breathing, doesn't make it lawful, command, exactly. But that's the problem is that too many people, you know, were complacent and compliant just because they wanted to get by and take the easy route, you know, I think that's how we got to where we are now. - What do you know about natural law? - Not a whole lot. I know, well, quite a few people who've gotten into it. I mean, there's, I know there's a lot of different avenues from within that concept, but I don't know that much about it. - How about common law? - Yeah, that's sort of safe. I mean, common law is used in courts. And I think there's a debate or maybe multiple views on what common law means. For me, I understand common law as case law, case precedent and how it can be applied to situations like mine. I only mentioned our versus Sharma. To me, that's common law, but I know that people have a broader view of what common law means to. - Yesterday, we just had an interview with Claudette who has been fighting, you know, the court system and she's been railroaded by lawyers and judges and she's not even able to be heard by the courts. And apparently the lawyers that she contacted and paid money to was actually in conflict of interest because they knew the judge or knew the people and then he passed it on to his partner and they fleeced her for all this money and they never introduced any of her evidence and all this. So we know that the legal system is definitely corrupted. The lawyers are liars or paid liars, you know, but they're allegiances to the crowd and not to their clients. So is this, you know, you knowing some of this stuff? Is that why you decided to go by, you know, representing yourself? - Yeah, yes, to a large degree, we saw it during the pandemic. I mean, just with the nurses and doctors and the healthcare system that there was, you know, directives that were given to them that they had to follow and if they didn't, they would have lost their licenses. And then they wouldn't have been able to feed their kids or keep the nice house and car that they worked so hard to get. So they did whatever they were told. And the same thing applies in the judicial system and the legal system is that although the lawyers are supposed to be, you know, representing their clients, they work for the system, right? And if they want to keep their bar licensed and if they want to continue practicing law and be in good standings with their colleagues, which they see every day, they will fall in line. And we saw a number of stories, just as you just described, happened to many people. And I'm sure there are good lawyers out there. And, you know, just like there are good doctors and a lot of them don't have their licenses or they quit because of what just happened. But they're, they're, again, the system in entirety, they're sort of limited to what they can say, what they can argue. And we had arguments in my trials that a lawyer wouldn't be comfortable even making. Again, just because they don't want to rock the boat. So it was that, it was sort of this, you know, David and Goliath type of concept that we wanted to. I'm gonna self-represent and I'm also gonna show people that you can self-represent too because I'm no one special, you know, I'm not, by any means, I was never educated in law. I was never interested in law. But you take it piece by piece, you can learn what you need to learn as you go. And you can do it too. And we can all do it. And I think collectively that's, again, how we push back because we just spoke about all the scenarios where, you know, our rights can be violated. But then what do you do about it, right? It's that next step of, okay, we gotta take them to court. We gotta fight these fines, fight these tickets. How are we gonna do that? You go with the lawyers, you end up taking a plea deal. And plea deals are great because they get you off and then you can move on with your light. But when you're looking at it from a big picture point of view, every plea deal that people have taken, it's basically like, you know, you're, you have to-- - Emission of guilt. - Emission of guilt means what you're saying is you did wrong. And you're asking, begging the courts for your forgiveness when really, if you didn't do anything wrong, that's, you know, losing your not sack and, you know, copping out because you should be standing up to this tyranny in order for this tyranny to stop not just taking a sweet deal. - Exactly, exactly. And there's, again, there's a number of reasons why people take deals, plea deals, and I completely understand, right? I'm in no place to speak negatively about anyone who's taken a plea deal because every situation is different and sometimes it is in your best interest. But my point was that the lawyers often will go that route and they will influence their clients or motivate them to take these plea deals. And again, that's not, for me, that's not why I did what I did. I didn't protest so I could plead guilty to a by-law. I don't believe the by-laws were valid, but I was charged criminally. So now here we are, you know what I mean? - Now, what's your thoughts when they say with these courts, you know, the only true winners are the lawyers and the court system and, you know, the plaintiff and defendants are really the losers, no matter what kind of law we're talking about. - Yeah, I agree with that because I mean, that kind of kind of aligns with the processes, the punishment, and because I saw someone in the chat, you know, I think it was Zane again there saying innocent, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? The unfortunate thing is, as soon as you're charged, regardless of your innocent or if you're guilty, you get dragged through the mud. And as I have for now three and a half years, oh, just over three years of this malicious prosecution, criminal prosecution, pretending of protests and speaking. And so what have I paid, right? Think about the mental health anguish, losses, both, you know, financial. Now I have a criminal record, so I'm having a hard time getting a job. Think about it, it's destroyed my life, right? So I've already paid and I was found, I was found innocent on the first one, guilty on the second one. Now I'm going again to superior court, all for speaking at a peaceful protest, not harming a soul. So I've already paid the price. And I think that is what really that concept comes from because it's sickening. When you get into the judicial system and you start to see the delays and the adjournments and the adjournments, and you have to wait eight hours every time I self-wrap. They have to wait eight hours at a pretrial just to be heard for 30 seconds. And then, oh yeah, it's going over to next month and you do it again. And lawyers get paid big money to do this. And you can do it at home yourself. Now it's your time, but at least you're not paying the lawyers and paying the system, right? - Yeah, that makes sense. So what is some kind of, like what is some advice that you can give people that are looking to self-represent on some of the things that you may have learned or how they could help themselves, for many experience that you could share with someone that may be facing some kind of legal trouble? - You're gonna need help, you're gonna need a team. So it's very hard to do it by yourself. I mean, I know some people who have, and they're, to me, that just blows my mind. So my first suggestion and recommendation would be to connect with people who can help you. There are groups, still active groups within the movement, like the group Stand For Thee. And people like Dave Freedom, my friend who's helped me this entire way, he was charged with common nuisance in Toronto. So that's what kind of got him into it. But again, he's just a regular guy. But without having someone like him, by my side, to bounce ideas off of, to get advice from, to talk to, it would have been very difficult. And it is, I mean, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for anyone. It's stressful and it's, you know, drains you. But when you have a support system, it makes it possible. - Now, the people that are doing these things to you hide behind, you know, the government, hide behind their position of authority or whatever it is. But they're still just people, like the people who arrested you and charged you, the prosecutor, the judge. Is there any thoughts on maybe trying to hold them liable personally, financially? Put them all, separate a $10 million, $50 million lawsuit and name all of these people who have caused you this stress, has caused you these things. Because if people started being held accountable for their shitty behavior, then they're less likely to do that shitty behavior if financially they may be impacted by, you know, the actions that they take hiding behind the beast, the government system that, you know, allows them to terrorize people for, in your case, just speaking out with what you believed in. - Yes, yeah, without saying too much that I don't want to share, I agree with what you just said, 100%. - Okay, well, we'll move on from there. So how has this impacted you mentally, emotionally, physically, financially? Like, what has been the repercussions of not like the four years, but of you speaking up, standing out, you know, trying to stop what you believed in, and how has that impacted you, the repercussions of being criminally charged, of being forced out of Canada? Like, how has that, you know, how has that made you, like, impacted you, you know, for this last, I guess it's been three years since you've been first charged? - Yeah, yeah, immensely. You know, when I left Canada, I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. I had some panic attacks, sort of like, I've had anxiety and anxiety attacks my whole life, which were, I had never experienced since I really got into like health and understanding the root cause of a lot of these things. I healed and I had never experienced any of this until July, 2021, right before I left. And since then, yeah, it's, for me, I would describe it as, I think for everyone, you know, COVID was just like this shitty dark cloud over us, you know? And for everyone, I feel like the cloud kind of drifted away, and now we're all kind of back to life. Not things are not normal. There is no, that new normal that we were sold is, is, I guess, the new normal, 'cause things are weird, people are weird, the world is weird since COVID. But for me, I feel like that dark cloud has just been always at my heels. And I haven't, I haven't moved on, you know? And I think that just getting through this will be a huge weight off my shoulders. And it's not about, I mean, the money, yeah. They've destroyed my reputation. If you Google my name now, if you Google my name, all you're gonna see is articles and articles from mainstream media outlets, you know, posting lies. And unfortunately, that's forever, that's permanent. I can never undo what's already been done. It's cost me financially, you know, pretty significantly, but mentally, immensely, immensely. It's been the hardest three years of my life, being away from my family back when I wanted to see them. And I just, and I couldn't because of the vaccine mandates. All of the preparation for every, I mean, now, every time I receive an email, I get anxiety in my chest. Every, and it's just happened, as a matter of what the email is on my personal email inbox. As soon as I see an email notification, I automatically assume it's the crown, and it's some new thing, some new appeal, or some new issue. And it's, I do have a lot that I'll eventually need to work on because it has affected me immensely. - And you're in Mexico, I believe that you said, you know, earlier, and you know, Mexico can be really nice, but do you feel almost like you're in prison, that you've been forced kind of out of your country, that you're serving some kind of an exile, or jail sentence, that do you feel like this is kind of been almost like torture to be forced kind of out, just because you wanted to speak up, and just because you wanted to, you know, rally some people together to stand up against, you know, things that you thought was tyrannical. - Yeah, absolutely. I feel like, you know, I want to go back home, but I feel at the same time that the home that I left is no longer there. And that's, it's not a physical thing, I can move back to Canada right now, but I've set up a life here in Mexico, and I mean, I just look at the future of Canada, and what, if nothing changes, if we continue on the path we're on, what it's gonna be like in 10, 15, 20 years, I just, I'm thinking about myself and my future, and you know, here in Mexico, it's possible for me to buy a home, which I don't have, I currently rent, and you know, I wanna actually make a plan for my life, and I don't see that being possible in Canada anymore. My whole life I did, I love Canada, I love Canadians, and I love every part of our country, but that I feel like it's being taken away from us, you know? That's the hardest part too, it's, yeah, not feeling like I have a home to go back to. - So, feeling that you don't have a home to go back to is that mean you're gonna try to build a home there in Mexico or look for a different place in the world where, you know, they may be more welcoming and accepting of you and the freedoms that you want to live with. - Yeah, absolutely, yeah, that's our grand plan here. Ideally, you know, depending on how the world goes and how everything goes, I'd love to buy property here in Mexico and get my whole family down here. And I'm not to say, I'm not trying to say that Mexico is some safe haven. We have very serious concerns here too. There's no running away from this. I just want to live in a place where cash is king and you can sort of pay through your freedom and, you know, pay to live the life that you want to live. And that's one of the benefits of Mexico, I find, is that unlike Canada, where the corruption is all up here and then the rest of us all have to just be subjected to it, here in Mexico, the corruption is sort of evenly distributed so you can navigate life a lot more easily here. And I mean, I live in paradise, right? So I used to vacation to Mexico every year for one week to, you know, live in paradise. So why not? At this point in my life, again, I want to buy a house and I want to find out, you know, what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. And it only makes sense to do it somewhere like Mexico for me. - JJ says, look at Panama. I've heard Panama is, you know, and relatively affordable as well because I was just in Mexico in October for my 50th bidet on last October and things aren't inexpensive there anymore. Things are expensive. Even the trinkets on the stride of the streets, like everything's expensive, like Mexico used to be cheap. And Mexico is no longer cheap like it used to be. So, you know, I'm sure there's other places, maybe like Panama or other places, is that something that, you know, might you might consider or, you know, is Mexico, you think, where you're going to put your roots? - No, that's totally up in the air. My partner and I were discussing this. So yeah, we're not necessarily tied to where we are. Actually here in Playa del Carmen, like it's too hot. It's relentlessly hot. So we're even considering higher and more northern in Mexico, just as a chain of scenery, you know, but yeah, who knows, wherever the world takes us. - Yeah, Santos Bonacci, who we've had on the show, he lives in more northern Mexico. I'm a little bit higher altitude and I don't think it's those extreme temperatures. And I think maybe that's kind of like, I love the heat, I could live in the heat all year round, but not everybody's like that. You know, some people, you know, have me to take a little bit of break from the heat. When I lived in Cancun, I thoroughly enjoyed it there. - Yeah. Now your first court proceeding for protesting for a right to peaceful assembly, you got off on. And now their crown is appealing you getting off. So you're having to do that court over again. And then the second one that you got found guilty, you're appealing. So are you able to do these things from Mexico or do now court dates and things? Like can you do them over Skype or Zoom or do you actually have to fly back every time one of these court proceedings take place? - I've had to fly back a bunch. The first trial was I was able to do on Zoom. And the second one I had to do in person. So I had to go back for that and the appeals. So all the appeals that we discussed are gonna be heard together on one day, that is next week, October 11th. And so it's just the verbal submission. So it's not a whole trial. We've already made our written arguments or fact them. So they've been submitted to the judge already. So it's just our verbal submissions, basically like a review of our appeal and the appeals are on the facts of the case, right? Of the trial. So it's not a very lengthy process. So I'm going back for that one, but that was by choice. I did have the option to do this on Zoom, the appeals, but myself and my team here, we agreed that some things that are better done in person, when you can look people in the eyes and properly express how you're feeling in person, not behind a screen. Because I think that's a, it has benefits for some of the small stuff, but I think for the meaningful in-person trials, it's good to be in person. - Does that also open you up then? If you are found guilty for them immediately arresting you and putting you in prison? - Yep, yep. For the appeals, or for the trials, yes, it did, specifically when I got sentenced. But for the appeals, from what I understand, the judge takes a couple of weeks to bake their ruling. So the appeals is a little bit longer of a process. So it wouldn't be on that day. - So am I hearing you correctly that it's, you're got off on one charge and the crown appealed it. You got convicted on another charge, you're appealing it. Now, one judge is going to look at both cases and rule both at the same time. Does that seem like that potentially could be in your favor or detriment? Or is there no thoughts on that? - Yeah, I don't want to get into much into the details but legally speaking, my arguments for my appeal are very strong and we have included in our factors arguments that just can't be denied. They're based on fact and law. So generally speaking with a normal judicial process, when there is a decision made at the same level of court an earlier one, we would call that case precedent. So the first judge made the first ruling and that was that I was found not guilty. So the second judge had an obligation, although not, he was not legally bound to the previous decision. He should have considered it thoroughly and he dismissed it in his ruling. And again, your viewers can read the ruling, it's public. Basically disagreeing from a perspective of his opinion and not in fact or law. So legally speaking, the appeals, I'm in a very, very strong place to win them and get everything that I'm seeking. So that's sort of the silver lining for your viewers too is that it's not all doom and gloom. We have very strong arguments and it should go in our way. But again, sometimes things are out of our control and there's players involved that we have no control over. So we'll just see what happens. - When it goes against the agenda, anything can potentially happen and whether it's right or wrong or you have the evidence or no evidence like yesterday, she had all the evidence to prove her innocence and they wouldn't even accept or listen or take any of it in. And even her lawyers didn't even submit the evidence in order for it to be heard. So she got railroaded by her lawyers. She got railroaded by the judge not wanting to hear it. So anything can happen, especially when it could be something like you said that could set precedent, set case law for any future people that are going through this. - Yeah, and I mean, I don't want to say too much but any decision that's made at this level can be appealed again, right? It can go to the Ontario Port of Appeals. So there is another level above this regardless of what the verdict is. So that's a real possibility too. Both for myself and for the crown, unfortunately. So we'll see. - Do you think that the chances of how high if it does go in your favor that the crown will appeal it and vice versa if it goes against you? Is that something that you would be doing is continuing on the fight and appealing it? - Well, of course, yeah, of course. Yeah, we wouldn't go left unchecked. Not at this point, right? You don't fight for three years just to stop when you get one bad call or one bad judgment. And if the crown doesn't, I pray to God he doesn't. But again, I'm being maliciously prosecuted, criminally prosecuted for attending a peaceful assembly. The facts would go before a judge. And eventually, like we discussed earlier, eventually justice will be served for what's happened to me. You know what I mean? Again, I don't want to say too much but if he appeals it again, despite being acquitted once, despite having my appeals dropped again, that's the definition of malicious prosecution, which is something that I can see well, so we'll see. - Most people throughout life obviously have, you know, made mistakes, haven't done the right thing. Maybe, you know, did some grave errors that they regret throughout their life. But just think of throughout this, even going to this first peaceful assembly or protest or anything, do you feel in your heart that you've done anything wrong? - No, no, not at all. - So that's a good place to be in and is that why you're so firm on going all the way to this? Because you truly believe that you never did, you never endangered anyone, you never tried to hurt anybody. There was no malice or intention of you trying to bring, you know, loss, injury, or harm to anyone. - Right, and the fact is in the opposite is true. And I think that's something, hypocrisy is something that I've had to deal with in the past three years because it triggers me. I really hate when something is said and the opposite is true. And, you know, to say that I had intentionally tried to harm or endanger the public when my sole purpose was the opposite, was that I was there to protect the public from what I know to be harmful and protect the children. I think that's something that to me, it's just, it's really important. I have a bunch of nephews and nieces that will inherit this country. And I look at it from a point of view that they're gonna be looking back one day and saying, you know, what the hell happened? How did this happen? They're gonna hear about how it used to be and then look at the way Canada is in 40 years. And they're gonna say, why didn't anyone do anything? You know, why didn't anyone try and stop this? That's why I did what I did. That's why I continue to do what I'm doing now. Because like, I don't know, I guess I'm a humanitarian, maybe I'm, you know, just because I'm empathic. I literally, I feel for what's coming. I'm afraid of what's coming and what the kids are gonna say in 40, 50 years from now. And like, what the hell happened? How did you guys let, how did you guys let this happen? You know, that's what motivated me then. And still to this day. - Do you feel like you've been targeted or bullied by the government and or justice or legal system? - Yep, yep. I mean, bullied, I don't know if I'm targeted. Yeah, bullied is I guess kind of a word that can be taken in a bunch of different ways. I believe I was targeted because of my influence, specifically because of what I was saying and how I was saying it. I wasn't one of these people that were more radical and encouraging anything. I was promoting the law and how to fight the tickets and fines and educating people on the law. And I think and doing it in a way that was peaceful, you know, in every one of my messages when I ended a live video, I would say, peace, love and positivity, let's change the world. And I think it was that that got me targeted. It was the message I had and how I was delivering it. They saw as a threat to what they wanted to do, right? At any point, did you ever, like, threaten anyone? Did you ever, like, you know, share that you may be violent towards anyone? Like, did this, any of this reason why you were targeted because, you know, someone maybe thought that you may be a threat to them physically? - No, yeah, no, there was anyone who knows me knows that I'm the most loving person. And, you know, that's how I present myself. I'm always smiling. I try to be an example all the time. And especially when I'm in public and if I'm representing a group, I would never hurt a fly. And so, of course, I never threatened anyone. I never encouraged anything remotely radical. And again, for that reason, I have to leave I was targeted. Now, at any point, did you feel threatened? Did you feel like, you know, some harm may become to you because of you standing up, you know, to the big bad bully? - I mean, yeah, I did. I had some targeted attacks from certain individuals. They were basically like a doxxing campaign and they were trying to get me fired for my job calling my customers, calling my boss, posting stickers on, not stickers, posters with my name and where I worked and making all these allegations of me harming the children at protests. And so there was, I mean, I was never feared physically. Of course, I just, you never know what these people will do. And it sort of had a very like antifa controlled plan type vibe behind it. So whoever was doing it, they were really going out of their way to try to ruin my life, but they didn't do anything. It never amounted to anything. Fortunately, all the people, my bosses and my customers, they knew what kind of a person I was already, right? So you could lie about someone all you want, but it's their actions and how they've been that ultimately people will go by. - Now, did you ever become aware of who may have been doing these things? Was it just radical wing nuts? Was it some targeted controlled ops? Was it like a bots? Was it agents? Who do you think may have been able to get your information, get your work, get like, was this all public knowledge that it was easy to search or did somehow someone have to have some kind of insight information to be able to get your address or work or things like that to be able to docs you in that way? - No, yeah. It was all public information and I wouldn't give them any credit. It could have been just a nobody that got out of their basement after spending a year and a half in isolation that went out to the world to show their message. I don't know who it was. They didn't do anything very tactful. So I never found out who it was. We sent a cease and desist to the email that was behind it, but it was just a fake email and I never got into tracking IP addresses or anything. So they just stopped once they got bored and I'm sure they went on to the next person right after, right? Now, have you since then been the subject of any targets? Do you find a lot of support? Do you find a lot of hate? Like, where do you see? Like, there's obviously been a progression the first year or two years, 2020, 2021, and even 2022 was kind of insane for a lot of people. Like, for me, my life changed very little except for seeing all these people all got all these breathing inhibitors all over their face. I went where I wanted, didn't put the thing on, didn't get bothered anywhere I went. I went to the rallies, I hugged people. I like, my life changed very little, but for a lot of people, it was pretty intense. And during that time, did you find that, since then, like some of it's eased up the hate or have you found a lot of support? Have you been called controlled off because of this? Like, have you been, you know, 'cause it seems like that's one of the biggest, you know, douchebaggery words is, you know, people calling anybody that's speaking out in any way if they don't align for some way. That's the easiest douchebag cop out is to call somebody controlled off. - Yeah, no, I haven't faced very much of that. Again, I think my reputation precedes me. And I mean, of course, there's been people, you know, undoubtedly, I don't pay attention to it because that's just, I'm, I got way more important things to deal with. But no, I've gotten really good support. We've been able to garner a lot of public interests on my appeals coming up. And everyone's been very supportive. Everyone has been, you know, overwhelmingly supportive. And we are asking people, we haven't covered this yet, but we're asking people in the Niagara area or in that area if they can make it to attend the appeals. The appeals are on October 11th. They're gonna be at the appeals start at 11 a.m. But we're asking people to come beforehand at 10 a.m. Well in Ontario courthouse, you can Google it. I forget the address, 102, something east, something. And that would be a peaceful assembly. Again, to show the court of public opinion is not on their side with these charges, with these appeals. And that's a very important message that we need to send. And it seems like we're gonna have quite proud already. So, and of course, anyone who can make it, you're invited. - And remember to reiterate that the peaceful assembly 'cause you don't want them to Donald Trump you and have somebody to instigate and all of a sudden, look, you incited these people to come. And next thing you know, January 6th all over again. - Yeah, fortunately the freedom movement are, even though we're a little boisterous and a little bit crazy, the reason why we never had any of that is 'cause we police ourselves, we control ourselves. And I still have faith and trust in everyone who attends will be peaceful. Of course, we're gonna be there controlling ourselves and making sure that doesn't nothing happens that's remotely distracting. The important thing on that day is the appeals and the verdict that will come from it. So, and of course, everyone who's gonna be there knows that and anyone who is not behaving will be dealt with, probably by us before anyone else. - Kirk Reese who's been on our show numerous times says the truth will eventually come out, never give up. What does that make you feel when you hear that? - Amen brother, and the same for you Kirk, the same for you man. - Yeah, yep, the truth will, I mean, I'm reminded of that quote in the Bible, you know, that darkness will never win over life, that life will always win, and truth will always win. It may take some time, but yeah, we gotta have hope. And like Kirk said there, never give up. - Do you think it's important that, you know, people know that there are people up like yourself that are standing up for their rights that aren't just taking the easy way out, that, you know, are actually standing up to this tyranny, because if you are brave, do you think it helps inspires others to be brave as well? - I certainly hope so, yep. And that's not coming from an egotistical point of view. I just, I want that for everyone. That's what we were all begging for during the pandemic was the fact that if we could hit mass, critical mass, where we have the court of public opinion on our side, we can direct policy. Politicians will do whatever the people say. If they want to get voted, they'll do what we say. We have to start all saying the same thing, right? We have to start actually saying it. And that means stepping out of your shell, getting uncomfortable and saying it at whatever capacity you can, you know? - During this process, have they ever tried to give you a sweet deal to plead guilty? Like, was that part of the thing, just like to shut you up, to get over, to move this on? Have they ever, you know, basically offered, you know, if you pled guilty, you would have nothing or this or that, like, was that ever an option that was presented to you? - Yep, I was offered a plea deal. And normally what we've seen in other cases is they start with, so in my case, it was they offered $1,000 per ticket, $2,000, plead guilty to the provincial fines. It all goes away, right? Slap on the wrist, go on with your life. But that pissed me off. And again, they banked on me being, at least one of these people that had enough going on in their life where they, you know, they were thinking, oh, I can't take this to court because I have my kids or I have my, you know, my business or whatever it was, there's some many reasons why people took videos. But with me, I was just like, no, you shouldn't have charged me criminally then. If you're saying that if you give me an offer that I plead guilty to the provincial fines, you should have fined me with the provincial fines. You find me, you criminally charged me. So that in itself just pissed me off. And I went, I responded to the crown, essentially telling him, no, that we are going to trial. And that is that. And he never responded again with any other offers, any other, because other people have been, you know, they started a thousand and then they go 500, then they go 200, and then they go, okay, just make a donation to a charity. And then, okay, just make a $1 donation to any charity. This will go away, right? That's normally what we've seen is they do that. They continue offering plea deals. But with me, I basically, I gave them a hard no, right at the beginning, and we went to trial. - Now, I'm not sure if you have any kids or anything, but do you think that the way that you are responding to this will hopefully one day that people can look up to that, like, you know, if you had kids you're on your own that they would say, hey, my dad did the right thing and stood up to this tyranny and stuck with what he believed in. - I mean, I hope so. But again, yeah, it gets way more, when you start thinking about having responsibility for other people, my perspective would totally change too, right? So I'm not trying to stand up here like I'm some hero, because if I had kids, which I don't, but if I did, they would be my number one priority. And I wouldn't do anything that even if I say, risking losing my job, I wouldn't do anything that would risk their lives and their safety and security. So although I wish that everyone could stand up, I totally understand why some people haven't, you know, or they've taken plea deals, for example, because if I was in their shoes, I would probably do the same thing. But God chooses certain people for certain battles, and maybe that's why I'm here, right? - That's amazing. And so basically what you're saying is that if you had different situation or circumstances, you know, you could have been down dealing with this in different ways, but because of your circumstances now, you feel this is the best course of action to take against the tyrannical government. - Yep, yeah, they picked the wrong one. They picked the wrong one. - Yeah, good for you. What other message did you wanna like share? Like, you know, is there other parts of this story that maybe we didn't get into that you wanted to talk about? - No, just, I mean, the biggest thing as we sort of touched on is public awareness, and the fact that people need to hear about my case, and what, and again, just to reiterate that point for your viewers, that I was charged criminally for allegedly violating a bylaw that had to do with public safety. If the crown gets what they want, what they're asking for in these appeals, if I lose my appeals, then there will be case law that could be used to criminalize anyone who violates any provincial or municipal bylaw that has anything to do with public safety. So the ramifications of that are massive. And again, if you or your children or anyone ever decides in the future to dissent or show public dissent or disagree with the government, then you could be found criminally charged with Arvers McDonald. So this is very important. What everyone needs to do is share this. And I think that's the call to action here. Share this live stream, share this video, share my story, go on my profile. You'll see a five minute video for my friend Dave Freedom that explains it. Share it far and wide. Because of course, no mainstream media is talking about this. Nobody in even the alternative media, like we have in Canada, seem to be very reluctant to touch my story for whatever reason. But this really does apply to so many different things that we're gonna see become more and more, we're gonna see more in our lives in the near future, right? So it's very important that people share this because public awareness is our best weapon at this war. People need to hear about it, they need to know what it means to them, why it's happening. And then if you feel like you disagree with this, there's a public awareness letter that the group Stanford has put together. I can share it with you, Jesse. I also have it on my Facebook profile. And you can email the courts and tell them that you do not agree with what they're doing. And again, you can do this for my case or you can do this for any case, any bill that you disagree with if you send it to the appropriate people. Public awareness, like I said, is our best tool and people need to know what's going on because if it can happen to me, it can happen to you. - No, we have Gary and Laura said, wonderful man, JJ. And that was from a rumble. JJ from our Facebook says post links to follow this amazing man. When I asked you for any links that you wanted to share promote, there was a latest video by Freedom Dave. There was acquittal ruling, a guilty ruling and legacy media BS that you shared. You didn't send any links or anything where people can see or follow you. How can they do that? I don't know if you want to put anything in private chat that I can put into the platforms of ways that people could follow you if they wanted to continue on seeing the results of what's going on with you. - Yeah, the ICA, you're posting there. I could try to get that for you now or what you could do is put it in the, I don't know if you can add it to the description of the video afterwards, if that's possible, but I could try to get it done. - Yeah, do you see on the right hand side, it says private chat? - Yep, let me just grab my phone. - That sends it just to me. And then I can share it because you can share it, but unless you have less you're allowed, some of the profiles won't see at links and all that kind of stuff. So they're just best way to get it to all the profiles if you stick anything into a private chat there. So are you mostly just on Facebook then or are you on other social media platforms? - I'm on mostly Facebook for this type of stuff. I'm on Instagram too, and I just started using Twitter. I can try to get that too for you. Twitter, I'll start using more because I see it as probably the best platform for this type of content, for engaging with it anyways. - Yeah, we're live on Twitter right now and we've got 38 people watching live on Twitter right now. So, we've got around 100 people watching live with us right now. So, there's a lot of people that all the best to you, 100% share the stories that can save Canada or the Western world. Now, what about you were saying, is there anywhere that you'd like people to mail like an address you'd like them to, you said something about just me mailing the court and say, "Look, you let him go, free Colin McDonald." Like, is there some kind of message people can share somewhere that could help you out in any way if they felt the need to? - Yeah, absolutely. What it is, it's a template. So, it's a Google document that the group Stanford Deep put together. And it basically has a template of the email should you choose to use it, but then also all the emails that you can send the contacts you can email it to. So, it's got everything all in one document to make it easier. But then, of course, they can edit it, change it, add their own feelings, their own opinions and thoughts. The main thing here is just to show that the people, the court of public opinion, again, does not agree with what's happening here. Because it's your money. It's spent hundreds of thousands of dollars criminally prosecuting me for three years. I can't tell you how many hours has been spent. And not only in the trials, but in the disclosure. I'm talking 300 page documents with cyber crime reports and an unbelievable amount of time and money spent on me for peacefully protesting, for attending a peaceful assembly. Yeah, it's just crazy. And again, if you don't agree with that, it's your right to express yourself, right? - I know that you, go ahead. - I'm just looking for that now. So you can please go ahead. - Okay, so I know you said that you feel you did nothing wrong. You were just peaceful, you know, using your right to peacefully protest, to peacefully assemble, all of that kind of stuff. Do you feel that, you know, through this process, and I know you were charged criminally, but do you feel like they were trying to make you out to be some kind of gang leader or criminal, like conspirator or, you know, against the government? Like, have they been trying to paint you out in a lot more, you know, worse way than, you know, you feel was necessary for, you know, what it all transpired throughout this? - No, they've been, other than the fact that in both of my charges, both of my cases, I was falsely identified as the organizer of the protest. They made a massive mistake there, whether intentionally or just out of incompetence. I don't know why, but they said that I was the organizer. They were also influenced by a bylaw officer who should have been, she should have been a witness in my first trial, but she wasn't. Anyway, she was essentially my accuser. And I've often wondered if she told the police, the Niagara Regional Police, that I was the organizer and that's what they went off of, but that shouldn't matter. They really shouldn't. Even if I was the organizer, it shouldn't matter. And the organizer wouldn't have been a criminal or criminally charged either, right? So that's the only mischaracterization they've done is by saying that I organized. And also the group that I was involved, they said that the group that I was involved with at the time organized this protest. And it was a separate groups protest. I was a participant. It was no more lockdowns, Niagara. And which was, you know, again, I don't know if it was malicious intent or just incompetence, but other than that, they've been very fair with my characterization or my representation of how they've been treating me. Even the legacy media, they have been pretty fair. You know, not very slanderous and too inflammatory. - Well, JJ says she's following you now on Twitter. So you got a new follower there. So that's always a bonus. What message do you have for, you know, the people of Canada and for the people of the world? We've got a very international audience here about, you know, all of this that, you know, is it's gone on for you. - I don't know. I think just, I saw recently there was a restaurant that without papers, pizza. And I saw the gentleman do his, after his court case, I think he had his charges dropped. I don't know the details, but he just said, you know, you got to have hope, you got to keep up hope and don't give up hope. And I think that's really important for all of us right now because like we've discussed, this world is a weird place. And it can get overwhelming when you just, I mean, look at where we are. We're on the brink of the next world war, apparently. And it can get overwhelming. And I think just whatever it is for you, you know, it might be God, it might be your spiritual side, whatever it is that you can connect to that higher power, connect with that and don't give up hope because they're banking on that, you know, they're banking on us being brought down with all this shit, excuse my language, but you know what? This negativity and fear mongering and war mongering and division and hate and everything that separates us. That's what they're trying to separate us. So just never lose hope. And just whatever it is that gives you strength, tap into that and keep fighting. - And it's Mexico been a lot more welcoming to you than you maybe would have thought. - It's just been great. I love Mexico, I love Mexicans. They really keeping themselves and they value things that are important to me. You know, they value family. They don't get in other people's business. They just, you know, they're very pleasant. They say hello, good morning, good afternoon. And that's it. And it's just, you know, I love it for that. It's just everyone does their own thing. They worry about their own lives. And that's, for me, that's great. - They're good at minding their own business. - Yeah, that's how it should be, you know? I think the way it used to be. You just live your life, go to work, take care of your family. Do what you like to do on the weekends, you know? - How do you compare the Mexican government compared to the Canadian government from what you've seen, you know, in the last three years of your exile? - I can't really say much because I don't know. I haven't had enough. I mean, I haven't had any interaction with them. I have no idea about what the Mexican government does or has done. I just haven't had time or any interest in getting involved with that. I've been focusing on my own stuff, you know? - Cool, man. Is there anything else that you wanted to share before we wrap this up here today? 'Cause I know you wanted to get on here before your court date. Like, do you wanna tell people if they're in the Niagara area to come and support peacefully come and protest there? Did you want people to email you or anybody else in, you know, your behalf? Like, what's the, what do you want to tell everybody? - Yeah, as we've discussed, those call to actions are, yeah, connect with me, absolutely. You've shared the links. If you're in the Niagara region or you can get there on the 11th next Friday, 10 a.m., please join us peacefully, respectfully. Show the crown and the judges what we're all about, what we stand for. And again, if you can't make it or if you feel compelled, feel free to send the public interest letter. All of those will be in the chat as I understand. And if you need any of those, if you can't find them, reach out to me. I respond to all my messages. So I appreciate it. I thank all of you. And again, keep up that message of hope and please share this video because I really, really would appreciate it. - Awesome. Well, thank you so much for, you know, continuing to have your balls and, you know, standing up to this tyranny. It seems like a lot of people lost them. A lot of people, maybe never add them the way it seems over the last, you know, three, four years. But it's always nice to meet someone that, you know, believes in standing up for what they believe in. And, you know, you could have taken the easy way out, but, you know, you are risking even jail time by standing up for what you believe in. And I think that that's very commendable and honorable for, you know, us to all, you know, see and witness that there are still good people out there that will stand out for what they believe in. So thank you on behalf of everyone here listening live and on, I will on replay. - Thank you. And thank you, brother. Thank you for having this opportunity and giving me this platform because that's so important. And not everyone was willing to do that. And I think that just as important as my message is, it's having people like you to help me spread it. So thank you. - You're very welcome. You are not alone. Very happy you stood up from Kirk. And I believe he's the one who introduced us. - Could have been. I'm not sure he could have been. I'm not sure he could. He's constantly, you did her view this guy. He's like all constantly sharing people 'cause he's in the thick of things and he's really wanting to get his message out. So really commend him and anybody else that is standing up. So knowledge is power. The more knowledge we all have collectively, the less power they have over us. May the source be with you and protection around you during this pivotal time in history. Thanks again for doing the right thing, for standing up, for being a good man and for sharing your story here on The Missing Link Live. - Thank you. God bless, guys. - God bless. For one love, one heart, one life. Namaste, everyone. And if they ever ask you to put on a breathing inhibitor again, Cullen, you know what to say. No mask, okay. No mask, okay. - That's right. - Thanks, everyone. Thanks, Cullen. We'll see you tomorrow. We've got Boyd Anderson coming back, everything for the fourth time tomorrow at noon Eastern. He scored the five fastest goals in hockey history in Canada. He was on line mates with Lanny McDonald and Tom Lysiak. Because of his number, the Illuminati tried to bring them in in 2005 and share about the gold heist and Bitcoin and the fake alien invasion that they planned for 2025. So he wrote a book about it and he got a lot of information collecting, a lot of dots with a lot of big players and he's always fascinating to listen to. So we'll have him tomorrow back at noon Eastern Standard Time. So y'all have a good afternoon, good weekend, good day wherever you are in the world. We'll see you next time we see you back here on The Missing Link Live. Thanks again, Cullen. We'll see you. Bye now. - Thank you, Jesse. Thanks, guys. [ Silence ]