The Missing Link

Int 884 with Joe Gulesserian about Ai Mass Unemployment UBI and End Days Democracy

Artificial Intelligence Mass Unemployment- UBI and The End Days Democracy.

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Take a Fascinating Tour of this brave new world with the tumultuous Promise of Artificial Intelligence that will lead to Mass unemployment and usher in Universal Basic Income- Central Bank Digital Currencies and Monopoly trillion dollar Corporations. Tyranny will be dressed as equity and the Plebians will love it as this will be the exact ticket our collective Western leaders are looking for as they custom fit us in an invisible noose.

Joe Gulesserian takes us on a breath-taking thought-provoking roadmap to the end days of Democracy and reveals the future of tomorrow.

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Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
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Artificial Intelligence Mass Unemployment- UBI and The End Days Democracy.

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Take a Fascinating Tour of this brave new world with the tumultuous Promise of Artificial Intelligence that will lead to Mass unemployment and usher in Universal Basic Income- Central Bank Digital Currencies and Monopoly trillion dollar Corporations. Tyranny will be dressed as equity and the Plebians will love it as this will be the exact ticket our collective Western leaders are looking for as they custom fit us in an invisible noose.

Joe Gulesserian takes us on a breath-taking thought-provoking roadmap to the end days of Democracy and reveals the future of tomorrow.

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(dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Everyone has something to share and I other wisdom, story or logic. And it's clearly amazing to hear all the different missing links discovered by people unique to their own journeys. And then how they have come to discover them. Together we can help to build a bigger picture for a better future for a brighter tomorrow. Let's stand in the head and let's remove the veils and let's create a new world together. And argue that missing link. Join Jesse Hale on the Missing Link talk show as he helps to unveil the mystery through the unique wisdom and story of others. (dramatic music) - Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome everybody here back to the Missing Link. Today we're excited to talk with someone who's going to be sharing his views of this brave new world with a tumultuous promise of artificial intelligence that will lead to mass unemployment and usher in universal basic income, central bank digital currencies and monopoly trillion dollar corporations. Welcome to the Missing Link, Joe Guisarian. How are you doing today, brother? - Very good, very good, Jesse. Thanks for having me on your show. And looking forward to it, yeah. - Awesome. Well, why don't you start off with telling us about yourself and your journey, a little bit about your background, your education, what part of the world you grew up in, what part of the world you're in. Now, if you like disclosing that information, what got you knowing about this brave new world or CBDCs or, you know, BRICS, all these fascinating topics that we're trying to bring light to. You know, maybe you can share with our audience, you know, what part of the world you grew up and what part of the world you grew up in. Now, if you like disclosing that information, anything about your journey that you want to share with our audience here today, especially if they may be hearing you here for the first time. - Sure, in a very succinct way. By my first trade is I'm a tool maker, machine builders, what I know. My original trajectory was I went and did undergraduate engineering and math. And I left that, I didn't want to proceed any further. So I learned how to program industrial robots way back about, oh geez, 3, 400 years ago, you know. And so from then I ended up in the health and beauty care industry. Then when I got into my 30s, I did my MBA. I worked as a professor of corporate finance. I taught statistics and postgraduate marketing. You can't get fired from doing that. That was only two years. So I said, hey, let me do something that, you know, I really miss being on the edge of the diving board. For the last 30 years of my life, I've maybe worked for someone in two and a half, three years from my whole life. And that was when I was living in the States. I'm Canadian, I currently live in Canada. So everybody in the States is very safe. Now I'm in Canada, nobody's under any danger, okay? So basically I've designed health and beauty care brands. That's what I've done most of my life. My passion is to write some books. And the second book I wrote that I'll kind of mention is called The Practical Anime on Economics. It is a 500 page book. It is a central guide for understanding the past, the present, the future in a very empirical way of going back to how Romans drove themselves out of business, so on and so forth. But it'll just change your complete views on the world. And I'm currently getting ready. Hopefully in December, they're under editing is to have my new book called The Gorilla Guide for Entrepreneurs. So yeah, that's how I came to where I am now. - So I'm in Canada. What kind of danger am I in you being here? - Well, first of all, just look at my last name. This is that, I didn't know you were in Canada. I thought you were in the States. - No, I'm in Calgary and my girlfriend's in Edmonton. So I'm between the two cities a lot. - Oh, okay. Well, it's not that bad. Like we usually start with letting the air out of the guys' tires, right? And then we kind of build it up from there and there. But you'll be okay, right? And you know, I asked my wife, and we'll get serious here in a moment. I asked my wife, I go, if I ended up in jail, would you come bail me out or visit me? And you know what she said, Jesse? Depends what she did. (laughs) - Well, I guess honesty is a good policy. - Yeah, yeah. So if we hang around, I'll take a few hundred extra dollars with us just in case you've got to get bailed out. But I just think to see if you're having some time. But we're all good, we're safe. Everybody's healthy, you're looking fine. And yeah, and I prepared some notes and so forth and did some research to be on your lovely show. And it's very well organized, yeah. - Well, thank you. So what did you want to get into? What do you think is pressing? What do you think our audience here today, you know, needs to hear about? And we got our first question, I guess, before we start. Does this guest know a lot about the Armenian genocide? - I'm not deeply knowledgeable about the Armenian genocide. I don't know the years when it happens and some of the other areas there. But I'm not really, I would not consider myself historical accurate authority on that. I think that happened in 1915 during the fall of the Ottoman Empire. So the answer is I don't have a good answer for you. - Okay, so well, you gave me a list of five scary and interesting topics. - Okay. - And one is bricks, explain why bricks was formed and why it is a threat to the US dollar hegemony. - Okay, so that story really goes back to in the 1990s when the Soviet Empire, you can call it collapsed, if you will. And we went into this world where we had one superpower named the United States. And we thought it was a new age and new beginning, global peace, fair play, all those things. It didn't turn out that way. I think why bricks really, really has propensity and need to really explain it. When you start getting your treasury bills seized, when you start getting your bank accounts seized, when you can no longer move money on the Swiss system. In the Swiss system, it's basically the system that you need to move US dollars from let's say the US to China, US to Russia, US to Canada, so on and so forth. So when you cut the Russians off, especially off the Swiss system and seized $300 billion of their assets, well, the American dollars, the de facto currency of the world, right? And this is the de facto reserve currency of the world. So when you're doing things like that, someone like Putin might go to CJJ paying in China and say, "What happened?" He goes, "I just got stripped for 300 billion." He goes, "You're kidding. I've got maybe one and a half, two trillion dollars of US dollars and/or treasuries." Probably more than that. What if I don't tell the official line? What if they stiff me? What if they seize our money? What kind of sanctions are they going to put on it? They go, "Okay." And the Saudis trade in US dollars and they have the petrol dollar. And the Saudis, these companies, like it may be Brazil, some of the other countries, even Argentina, some of the African countries, some of the even Eastern European countries, want to get into BRICS, turn around and say, "Look, it's okay if we don't agree with the US and I'm not vilifying any country here. That's fine." But you know, you have the reserve currency, the world, business is business, now you're using your weaponizing the US dollar for your foreign policy. That's what created BRICS. So in other words, they can now trade with the RMB, that's the Chinese currency. And they can buy oil with it off the Russians and/or the Saudis. And you go, "What am I going to do with Chinese currency?" Well, you can send it back to China and exchange it for gold. Don't explain that, right? So would that exchange essentially just be, if they're buying oil, wouldn't they just... Like why wouldn't they just ship the gold? Like why would they be doing it trading in Chinese currency and then they got to trade the Chinese currency for gold? Why wouldn't they just trade the oil for gold if that's essentially what they're going to do with it? - That's a very good question. And now you've got me formulating answers on the goal. And I do have an answer, I think, for you that makes sense to adjust the area. The answer to that is, let's say I have $2 billion of RMB in my bank account in Russia, okay? And you're going, "Yeah, I just want to trade it off for gold." No, I need to buy consumer goods off you. And we can use that RMB to buy consumer goods off you. So they need the cash, right? But what is cash? Cash is just, I don't want to say it's not an asset. Cash is a vehicle used to attain assets. May it be consumable assets like cell phones, what have you. You might want to be buying, for example, Lenovo, laptops, so on and so forth from China. They'll accept their RMB currency. The name of the game though, is to have a common currency between these countries. And the name of the game is, it's not just the money, Jesse. They are now creating a common market. And this common market, and possibly, not right away, I'm not saying the US dollar is finished in the next year, or two, or three, or four. But in the US, I think the political class has got to the point where they're just not trusted anymore by foreign countries. We're not living in an age of the policy. So it's basically just carry the stick, that is basically diplomacy these days. So what I'm saying, I think, is that these countries now can have a fair bit of autonomy away from the US dollar. And US dollar, by the way, is being printed, and printed, and printed. And if it was not the defacto currency of the world, it would completely collapse. It's basically the US-- basically, the US is a Ponzi scheme. The treasury itself is a Ponzi scheme, is what it is. It's a treasury, passing off as a government, but underneath it's really a Ponzi scheme. So yeah, they want their own autonomy. You're just seizing money, and really leveraging, and using the big stick. And so autonomy for your currency, A, and autonomy for your trade zone. And once you lose the reserve currency of the world, the Romans found out, and certainly the British Empire found out, once you lose your currency of the world, you lose empire. There you go. Now, maybe we can talk a little bit about currency, because wasn't it supposed to be asset backed? Like, there was a gold standard. You would have enough currency that you could actually trade it for the gold, and then I think you mentioned something important. They just started printing money and printing money, which if they don't have the assets to back up that currency, then it does get devalued. So your dollar no longer is worth anything if there's no asset to actually back up that currency, especially if people are not using it or trading it for oil anymore. Sure. The history of the US dollar to keep it short and sweet really starts at 1944 in Bretton Woods. And there's three products that came out of Bretton Woods. That was the gold standard, which eludes what you're saying. Hard money, money backed by gold. What came out of Bretton Woods then was the International Monetary Fund. People don't know this. The International Monetary Fund was not designed. And it's in my book on the practical MBA in economics. It was not designed to bail out countries. It was designed to maintain liquidity and to maintain a 1 and 1/2 or 2% bracket between the US dollar, the British pound of France, the Swiss Franc, and so on and so forth, and the Italian Lira, and so on and so forth. And the third product that came out of there was a general agreement of trades and tariffs, which you know as the WTO today. But I'm going to focus on gold. Back then, in 1944-45, the US had 60% of the world's GDP, 80% of the world's gold. I mean, they were these super power economically speaking and otherwise. So what they did is if I printed $1,000, I would need $400 of gold. So government was constrained. If you can't print money, it was constrained. So by 1971-- and you've got to remember, the Second World War, as well as the Korean War, as well as the Vietnam War, was financed by bonds. People bought bonds. So 1971, Richard Nixon took the US dollar off gold, saying that's what actually happened is the Americans, the Europeans, suspected, were printing money without the gold backing it up. So when the Europeans start to say we want our gold, the Americans didn't necessarily have it, it's a complex equation. I'm not going to go in there. President Nixon at the time blamed speculation. Bottom line is this. In 1971, I believe that April Nixon took the US dollar off gold. Now you have more money for propaganda, wars, and I can print more money to bribe you with money borrowed your name. In other words, that's the world we listen. So you've got more for propaganda, more for wars, and just printing money, because you're in Canada. You know what to do. You basically selection time. I start doing the rendition of Santa Claus, right? Where's the money come from? Joe Six Pack doesn't care. You know, the government checks are coming in. The beer is flowing, you know, the party's on, the bubble is flowing, so on and so forth. And eventually, that's what's happened there. That's where we are now. And, you know, just to keep your mind busy, you have to have enough people in believing that, you know, yes, democracy's going to finally have my voice. Good luck, thank you. Buy that stuff in the call me in the morning, let me know how you do, yeah. - When they had, you know, assets that were backing the currency, like, you know, you just mentioned gold and then they took that off. Did the people become the assets now? Did the slavery, is that the whole, you know, way that people got sucked into the slavery by these massive debts? And now the only way to pay it off is by the currency of the people. - Can you clarify what you mean by currency with people? - I'm just not sure, so I want to answer it. - By people's work, like people became now those assets that, you know, the only way to pay it back, the only way to be able to print this money is to have each and every single slave, each and every single person, citizen, slave, whatever you want to call it. I think they're, you know, a unanimous, everyone in the one in the same. But now that's how they can guarantee these loans to get paid off because how can they print off these billions and trillions of dollars with nothing backing it unless the people became that asset and that slavery is the reason, you know, they could actually get away with that, is that look, the slaves will actually pay this back, no matter how crazy we spend this money. The short answer is yes. And that's the name of the game. So you hit it, spot on to do stuff like that. So what you do is you're going to hear people espousing ideas like, you know, I worked all my life, I paid my taxes. Why am I not getting a fair share? I'm going to give you an idea of what slavery means in Canada, right? I was looking up the US tax rates very deeply 'cause I was not sure if you're in the US during Canada. But this is what I'll say. I'm going to give you two scenarios here. This is not conspiracy. This is, I did all the calculations in my book, okay? Let's say you're making 70 or 65,000 a year, right? And you're not going to take over the world in Canada at 65,000 a year. You're at about a 36, 37% tax bracket. Then you're paying approximately, you're in Canada, 13% HSP in the province of Ontario. I can't speak for Alberta and Calgary where you are. - Not in the lower. - No, there is no. We just have the GST. - Yeah, you're right. So I think that's 5%. So if you're paying in Ontario, 13%, you're at 37%, you're at 50%. Then there's hidden taxes on, you know, gasoline, carbon, carbon taxes. You're at least minimum conservative estimate, Jessie. You're giving 50, 55% of your money to government. Look, Al Capone will be too shameful to do this, okay? Lucky Luciano would not do this. Meyer Lansky would not do this. The nastiest dictators in the history of the world would not do this. The, you know, King Charles in the ancient days when he got hung or even Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI would do this. So basically Canadians are fine. I've got the parties. I've had people right in front of me saying, oh, I don't mind paying taxes, you know? So at that point, they're, you know, what am I gonna say, right? You know, my open view is so if you're in a coma, I mean, what am I gonna do? I can't, I can't resuscitate you. So we have become so dependent on government, you've become nice and docile, right? And, you know, every three, four years, we're allowed out of our homes and we can go vote because, you know, as you know, your voice counts when you vote, right? And, you know, and, and, and, and if you believe in that, we can go back to the fictional sexual library, talk about Huckleberry Finn, Santa Claus, Alice in Wonderland. So yeah, that's how you've made them nice and docile and, and it's a phenomenal addiction to an invisible drug that most people don't even know they're at. I'm gonna give you a second scenario. Let's talk about housing for a second, which just for a moment, I'm gonna use the housing. I bought a house for a million dollars just now. And I paid it off over 15 to 18 years, okay? I paid it off and it cost me $1 million of interest. That's $2 million I paid for the house. Okay, that's not the part that's gonna aggravate you. For you to make $2 million over 17 or 18 years, 20 years to pay for your house, you need to make gross profit of $3.4 million to $3.5 million. So in essence, that $1 million house cost you $3.5 million. But most people, they don't talk about that. I go to the grocery store. Sometimes I buy ready-made fruits, they're cut up, what have you, because they're already ready-made. We're paying tax on that. When I was young, when HST, when I was younger and HST came out, it was just going to be on cars and gadgets. They now started to slowly bring it in on certain types of food. I buy vitamins, right? 'Cause you know, when I was a kid, I watched Popeye and so on and so forth, right? And I'm sure Batman takes vitamins as well. I buy vitamins, it's really good for your health. That's my view. And there's a fair bit of evidence to support it. And I'm paying taxes on it. But I'm not paying taxes on pharmaceuticals that will do very little for your health, except if you might be on blood pressure to the rest of your life, you know? Or, you know. So that was my speech there. - Yeah, we can talk about how nefarious the pharmaceutical is. We can talk about how nefarious the banking is and all that. But that's kind of where I wanted to maybe head this next question. And I believe it was in the 80s or in the 70s, Canada lent out its own money to its citizens. And, you know, I think it was Pierre Elliot Trudeau that signed us in with this World Bank. And, you know, now they started printing the money, you know? And we no longer had control of that. We had very little debt before Trudeau came into office, the debt. And now we have, look at the size of the debt that we have. It was completely selling out Canada to these bankers, these world bankers, by us no longer controlling that money. And one more step to that question I wanted to add was, you know, isn't usually supposed to be illegal? Like, isn't this at one point? They weren't even allowed to charge interest on loans. And look how crazy the banking industry has gotten by, you know, charging interest where now every single country is indebted to every country. Canada owes US, US owes Canada and China and France and owes Canada and everybody's indebted to each other. Like this, it really this whole, like you said, I think you said earlier, Ponzi scheme seems quite insane that this interest now has taken over all of the banking industry. When at one point it was supposed to be illegal. I'm not sure if I've read where interest has ever been illegal, because what they did have interest rates in the turn of the, at the beginning of the last century, I'm sorry. 14 or 1500. So usury is scriptures and usury is supposed to. There's, you're never supposed to charge any interest on loans. And what they did was they used the Jewish people, which are supposed to, God's chosen people to ones to be able to say, oh, well, if the Jewish people can charge interest, guess what? It should be okay because they're the chosen ones and that's how, you know, they started charging interest on every, and I think it was the 14 or 1500s when this came about. - I know this much in Islam, they can't start, they can't charge interest rates at this point, but they get around it in different ways. You know, in Islamic banking, they've got some system, right? They do that. I think as far as interest is concerned, I'm gonna kind of move a little bit on this and just come up to you and just go back to what we mean and the damaged, I'm gonna talk about all the damage interest does. And it's true that common taxation is the extortion, it's basically confiscation by any other means. So I'm gonna go back to the deficit. I'm gonna work on the U.S. deficit for a moment because this is the one that I really studied hard. We're at about 35 trillion accumulated. I'm not gonna get into legacy costs so on and so forth. Here's what I'm gonna tell you, 35 billion in a whole, 22% of all revenue that the U.S. federal government brings in 21 to 22% right now is going towards the interest on the debt. Does that scare you? And, you know, you've seen the two candidates. I've never seen any of them being asked a real hard, hard question. What's your cash flow turnaround plan? To, you know, to stop paraphetically, we do not see the avail. And the fruition of the industrious, the industrious is a broad term I use for people who actually work, who take pride in their work, they go out and work, you know, they're trying to build their families up in the community around them. So about 21 to 22% of money coming in to the U.S. federal government is interest alone. So there you go. The U.S. federal government brings in about $5.4 trillion a year. They borrowed another $2 trillion a year. In this current administration, after four years, you're talking $10 trillion of interest. Not interest, pardon me, you government debt. So in answering your question somewhat, just kind of elaborating it on a little bit there, Jesse, they're 10 trillion a whole. What do you have to show for it? Go to China. I go there. I do business in China. And, you know, I can show, I can send you a video where their whole, I think it's, if I pronounce it, Shenzhen port, where I use that port affair, but it's all automated. There's nobody there, maybe two people. It's all done in a computer room. It's all done by AI. It's all done by automation. And you saw with the strike in the United States, they're trying to retard that automation a little bit. I'm not going to take sides there. But show me the $10 trillion. Show me one infrastructure that they built with the 10 trillion. Show me one great university that started saying, you know what, come on in for free. I'll teach you STEM subjects, right? Show me one. Did you build better airports? Did you build better railroads? Did you build so on and so forth? So that's where that takes you. It takes you to government addiction. And we are living in a neo totalitarian state. And, you know, I looked up the word totalitarian about eight months a year ago. I knew the word, I used it loosely. It doesn't matter if you're suffering under communist totalitarianism or free market totalitarianism. The word means total control. And if you, I don't want to vilify everybody in government because there's some really decent folks that go in there and they mean well. But you're dealing primarily with control freaks. They like to control. They like to control. I'll give you an example. Let's say if we have an election candidate next year and Pierre turns around and says, I want to reduce taxation by 75%, give your money back. And I'm going to reduce my services as well by about 50%. So you could spend your money freely as you like. You know, it's Canadian to reduce. You would get a vote at a lemonade stand if you pulled a stunt like that. They're better. They're better, you know, nice and docile, you know, because, you know, once you have large government, you know, they take the burdens of freedom off you, right? To the most people, freedoms of burden. To most people, people equate freedom with democracy. The two have nothing to do with each other, you know? Not my view anyway. You got me reeling pretty good here, Jesse. I know a whole bunch of stuff here. You got me good. You got me going good. Yeah. - That's my job here. So obviously I'm doing it well. And, you know, to take it even further, you know, with what you said about that 10 trillion, you know, is Flint, Michigan, do they even have clean water yet? And, you know, with all that money that they're taking in, do they, are they even providing, you know, clean water? Are they providing, you know, people in poverty, you know, a way out of poverty? Are they helping their citizens at all with that 10 trillion in that infrastructure? And if you can't even give your own people clean water, then what is, you know, what are they doing except feeding, like a beast that they are off the people? - They're not, first of all, you know, we get to a stage in life and, you know, in 2021, when I was 20, 25, even 29, I thought government was generally always a force for good. So in answering your question, they're not there to help you. That's what they're there to do. They're there to collect your fraudulent taxation scheme, have your wars, and we're in two of them right now, it seems, and looking for the third, 'cause remember in Ocean in 1984, there's always a new boogie man, I believe, right? I read 1984 again about a year and a half ago. I could read it again such, I don't read a lot of fictional books. I liked it more than Brave New World, that's just me, but some people like Brave New World more. - They are non-fiction though, but they are both are non-fiction, even though they might be deemed as fiction. - Correct, I can't argue. It was originally supposed to be fiction that's massedized into non-fiction, I agree. But a really, really good book like that, and, you know, we're going off the wars. Now, listen, if you had a sound money system, you couldn't even have wars. - Right? - Because, you know, the First World War was gonna end all wars, right? Let me know how you did. You're all scam wars when diplomacy breaks down, wars occur, and, you know, and you get yourself worked into a ladder, and it's always the poor fighting the wars for the rich. That's human history, but going back to government, going to Flint, Michigan, they're not there to solve that. You gotta remember, look, I've worked in trades, I've worked in factories, I walk factories that make some of my products. I know what goes on here, right? I'm not somebody who's never balanced the books on a lemonade stand, right? Now, can you tell me how many of those people in business could even coordinate the activities required during the day, not business, but in politics, could coordinate the activities required to govern or manage a crosswalk for a couple of hours each afternoon, once, twice a week? You know, no chance, that's what you're getting. If you think in government, you're getting the crème de la crème people. No, they're not there for that. They are primarily as edits turned into now, living off the avails of those who produced. And I think it was Richard Cantillion, I think that's who said the French-Irish economist turned around and said, you know, entrepreneurs produce people work for stable wages. But he said, there's nothing that government produces. They're not negative on the economy. But most people, like I said, I gave you the example. Cut back some services. I'll give you your money back. I'm gonna get out of your pockets. And you know what, if you did something like this, and you know, Mr. Jessie was running for prime minister or president or king of the world, whatever you prefer, you know, you can start as prime minister, then you can take over the world, right? Oh my, he's taking away services. You're a fascist, you're a Nazi. You're, you know, the whole kitchen cupboard will be thrown at you. This is bad. You're inhumane, right? You hate this stat. This stat, they throw the whole kitchen sink at you. Because, you know, in the brave new world, you know, they love living on their invisible heroine. They're good. We're gonna let them out. Like I said earlier, every three, four years, they come out and vote. They'll be happy. We'll send them back in, right? And they should be, yeah, there you go. - Well, they wouldn't say that after my first day in office because I've fired the entire government, including myself. And, you know, and so then I would make everybody write a letter saying why their position is important and how the people benefit from that position of them being paid by the government. And people would get to decide whether or not, you know, their position had any value to continue on being funded by the government. That would be my first day in office. I'd fire everybody. - But, Jesse, you're giving me logic and reason when I want to live in an oasis of emotion. How can I tell you? Yeah, logic, listen, logic and reason, you've not applied, Jesse. I'm sorry. That's blasphemous, it's heresy. Okay. So I'm okay in my oasis of what I think is true. And yeah, yeah, I agree. I think somewhere, if I detect you correctly, you've got a libertarian mind, but, you know, I can take a libertarian stance on things, but, you know, you can correct me. I don't know you that well, you know? - More of volunteerism, but I don't like labels. I think all these labels is what's caused all the divide between the people. You know, I think we got to get back to people with their own sovereign rights and the government's got to piss off. And, you know, like, so this is, you know, I think that it's totally, you know, overreach that where people are afraid of their own property, afraid of their own things being taken or seized because they didn't pay some tax or this and that. That's a sick society when you have to fear the government. The government should be afraid of the people and it's vice versa in this sadistic, you know, the way that we're living right now. - Yes, I think we're not living in an era. And, Jess, if I could say this, of Marcus Aurelius, you know, the last, probably the last great woman, Emperor. I don't know if you've read meditations that that was, that was almost 2000 years ago, but you're not looking at someone who actually walks in and says, I want to do some good things. Look, I guess government plays some role. But, you know, I'll give you just an idea. Just, you know, I'm thinking as if we run. If we said government can not exceed constitutional, we more than one and a half or 2% of GDP, then we got something interesting there, right? But basically, may it be in Washington, may it be in Ottawa, especially may it be in London. And it's basically a crime syndicate posing to the government. - And to step one step further, all elected officials will only be getting minimum wage. You'll see that minimum wage increase rather quickly. - You're really, you're good. I got to bring the wooden hammer down. It's really good, I like it. This is good, but I don't think my neighbors are gonna vote for you. I hear words on my street like, oh, I need my security, you know? You're right, I agree with you. But that's what you're gonna attract there. And that's what you have there. And, you know, we saw, look, you can see the West is declining. You don't need to be a quantum physics professor to figure this out. You can also see if you study very carefully when we had the, whatever you wanna call that thing in 2020, I'll save my words so you don't get kicks off YouTube. But that particular health emergency, we'll just leave it like that. You saw that, I think you probably heard that, what do they say? You saw the collective weakness of how people are so weak that they really, you know, they were crawling in their shoebox and hiding under their blankets. The only time they came out is to go to classical Walmart, just to get a new whole blanket so they can shiver under there while they get their brains gassed by it either on them. Either and or specifically the, pardon me, the MSM. - Let's talk a little bit more about, you know, this war, you said, the World War I was the war to end wars. And didn't it be at one point in time that the government with the different branches were supposed to, you know, spread out power so no one position would be too powerful and you know, tyrannical like it is right now. But there was also another check in balance to the government is what I think you mentioned before that they had to issue these bonds. So they were called like the war bonds. So if the government wanted to do these things where they wanted to do things and need more money, they had to issue the bonds. And if the people bought the bonds, that was like people showing support for whatever it is that narrative was. But when the Federal Reserve came in, you know, in 1913, they stopped that. Now they allowed the government just to keep spending money without the people being that check in balance that held the government accountable for this frivolous spending. - Okay. I'm having a little bit of a technical difficulty here. I've lost you visually, but I hear you for whatever reason I've lost you visually. - Okay, we see you and we hear you just fine, so. - Okay, all right, that's fine. And I'll fix that up a bit later. But so in terms of, yes, you're right. Back then we have to finance these wars by debt. But I'll give you, like in my book I go through it, I actually did a 22-minute documentary on, you got me all over the place here, but that's good on artificial intelligence in the future of propaganda. We had the, in the United States, if you didn't go along, the U.S. had no business in the First World War, absolutely no business. Woodrow Wilson ran on isolationism. And he eventually, if you will, after he went through isolationism, he dragged the country into the war, he brought out propagandists, like I think it's Edward Brneisti, who became later, he did commercials on Madison Avenue and for television and print ads. Brneisti, his uncle was sigmund Freud incidentally. Anyways, what they did is they got the journalists together and they got the whole cabal together. And this is nothing new in the last 10, 20 years. This is the we're talking 1914. They came up with the Sedation Act. They would stigmatize you, you would get charged criminally if you did not go along with the narrative. The narrative is, the act is as bad, or Germany and whoever was fighting within this bad, and the Western allies were good. And that's the narrative. And I'm talking about the First World War. And the First World War, of course, I just read a book by A.J.P. Taylor written in '63 on the origins of the First World War, a Second World War, pardon me. That was basically the offset to prepare the Second World War. I've kind of lost you there, but I'll find you back in again. - Yeah, we still hear you. And if you can still hear me, we can still see you and hear you, it's just fine on our end. So that must be just something on, oh. - Yeah, I see it again now. - Okay. There we go. Is that better? - Yeah, I see it now. Okay, now I see it again. All right, there we go. - Okay, awesome. So, am I hearing you correctly that after the First World War around that time, they created an act that if anybody challenged the official narrative, that they could medically kidnap them and give them these injections or whatever it is, that for not going along or challenging the official narrative, is that what you were saying by this act? - Yeah, I don't know if they could give you injections. I'm not going to challenge that. I'm not going to speak to that because I don't know enough about that. But what I do know is they had the Anti-Sidation Act in other words, you were a traitor. It was like the first form of test-driving McCarthyism, if you will, right? In the 1950s, in fact, I've got a note on it here for you to allow me for a second. I do have a note on this, but it's the Sedation Act. - Well, I guess the reason why I said Sedation Act, Sedation to me is being able to sedate you. And so if you challenge that, that's where I-- - No, no, no, no, no, okay, okay. - No, I probably pronounced it wrong. But I will be specific with you. I had a note on it earlier when I was researching for your show. Snitches were sent to the Department of Justice. Is the Sedation Act and the Sedation Act of 1918 and the Espionage Act of 1917. So basically, you would go on Washington's blacklist. We're talking 1917-18. You're a cook, that's it. You're gonna get criminally charged. Your career is gonna go down the drain. And what's interesting is they also had what they call four-minute men. They would be like lawyers or doctors or people, you know, outstanding citizens of your community. They would give four-minute speeches at a time, okay? To justify the merit of going through the First World War, which was a horrific war. But it was the First World War. And in my book, I talked about basically how the US started building their empire by putting together economic strategies and lending systems to Britain, Italy, and Germany and many of these other countries. They basically, the money that Britain owed the Americans was at a higher interest rate and with the Italians, the Belgians, and the French were getting money for. And as a result of that, it helped diminish the British stirred in pounds. And then because really, the only thing standing in the way of American empire was the British. That was it. And so that was an area of intergovernmental debt. And I go into a pretty deep dive in my book about that. And you know, I'm not gonna quote an ivory interest rate 'cause there's a few of them out there. But that's how they did it. The treaties of Versailles, what would we be probably repeating myself? That set the foundation for the Second World War. And I'll just say one thing, I'm trying to recollect off my book. It's a 520 page book. John Maynard Keynes, and Tunisianists, and so forth. John Maynard Keynes turned around yesterday and he was with, I believe Lloyd George Prime, Mr. Lloyd George. They were in Germany after the First World War as the inflation was starting to build up. He turned around and he said, he wrote an essay called "The Consequences of Peace." He urged the Prime Minister. He says, "We cannot choke Germans off like this." Financially, we know they took a lot of their industry. They took a lot of their coalmined. And who is specifically vengeful were the French and the Belgians specifically. And you choked off their industries. And eventually, I'm not gonna go into the whole story. It led to mass inflation, money printing, where you bring barrels of money to buy loaf and bread in Germany. So that really gave rise to the Second World War. And that's the historical fact. And that part of the First World War, we were not taught in high school. Many were, for whatever reason. Why do you, oh, go ahead. One more reason government needs to print money. So what do we do, propaganda for wars, bribing you with your own money. And the fourth one is they need to keep, in order to sustain their tyranny, they need to monopoly on what passes off as education. I mean, if your kids are going to high school, especially in this state, good luck. I mean, good luck. I'm not sure it's much better here, but, you know, go ahead, you're gonna ask me something. - Well, home education is increased, and especially in this last four years, by like a thousand percent. So that's huge, because people are no longer putting themselves into these free mason indoctrination camps, they call schools. And I think that children are so much better for it, you know? Does technology sucking them in? Is there a lot of challenges not, you know, having your children in the state run system? Certainly is with the way technology has gotten and, you know, and sucking them in in different ways. But I think it's still a lot better than the indoctrination camps. You know, these work slave camps, these, you know, teaching them to obey the system and not be these, you know, free thinking, radical, sovereign, you know, souls that I think that we were meant to be here. - I agree that we were meant to be, we're probably meant to be innately freedom seeking people. But a lot of them, it's probably frustrating for you too. You meet people, you might have a friendship network or you go to a party. And some people are so protected with safety nets that again, freedom is blasphemous to them. They can't, and when you come at them with this type of concepts, they go back to their sanctuaries, if you will. But yeah, I think you're right on that. - Yeah. - We had something interesting from Diego Garcia who we've had here on the missing link a bunch of times and he made an interesting comment. He said, Hegel said, "War is progress and peace is stagnation." And hence now we have these endless wars, you know, that keep people, you know, in basically servitude to feed the beast that wants to continue to fight these wars all over the world. - Exactly. The one that's going on with Ukraine and Russia, I will comment on that one. The other one I'm not gonna comment on, but the one on Russia and Ukraine, I don't agree to any of these wars, but just to know that that's where I stand, this can't. The idea is to seize Russia and ask us, you know, let's all save the speech about freedom, democracy, get over the fact that Putin has 80% approval rating in Russia, okay? In my family, I don't have 80% approval rating, nevermind in my country, you kidding? I'm not sure my wife would give me that, okay? So he's got 80% approval rating in Russia. He's got the fourth or fifth highest gold reserve in the world. He's got the lowest debt to GDP at 21% in the world. Generally, inflation is under control. The stores are stock. You can walk the streets of Moscow I have friend to, being there and they've learned Russian, you can go out, you can eat off the floors in the subway. Women, children, gentlemen are safe out there. Taxation is much lower than in the West. What else do I need? And I'm gonna go back to your idea of when we're talking about freedom and small government. The first time I went to Dubai was maybe nine years ago. I went there on business, right? Ten years ago, I went to a trade show. And, you know, I grew up, you know, democracy, freedom. The West, you know, we've got the vision of the annoyance that we know everything. The rest of the world is, no, no, no, no. We know everything. And then all of a sudden, my wife helped me. We set up at the trade show and she goes, okay, so I'm gonna kind of hang out a little bit. I'm gonna go do my thing and you guys, you boys kind of look after your booth or whatever. And first of all, she can go on the subway. No one's gonna touch her. Second of all, you can walk the streets there at four in the morning. Nobody will dare touch you. Nobody will touch your daughter, your grandmother, your wife, your mother. Nobody will touch them. And by the way, there's no tax in the country. And you can't vote, but at least the sheets that run, you know, there's 12, 13 sheets that run to show these cats, right? Okay, so I don't get a chance to vote, but what they do is, is basically, if there's any uprising, you have the Emirates there, the original Arabs there. They just mail them checks and everybody goes away. 'Cause, you know, if you, if you get me mad, and then the next thing you know, I get a $20,000 check from Jesse's government. Oh, you know, I'm putting away my Mott Loffcock pails. I'm not gonna riot. I don't wanna do that. But, but I'm being facetious here. In essence, I'm not saying it's an ideal society's utopia. No tax, I can walk the streets. I can do my business. I'm good. Yeah, I don't, I don't need to go. I don't, you know, and at least with, with Kings. I'm not saying I'm a monarchist, with Kings and Queens or even the Sheik. No, they get out of the line. You can hang them. What do you do if you're democratic and you elect the politicians? - They give them bonuses. - Yeah, yeah. - They, they, they, they, they, they give, they give them jobs in the pharmaceutical companies or in the energy companies. They, they, they, they do this type of thing. I'm not sure if you know much about Tunisia, but I met a bunch of guys from Tunisia and what he was saying is how safe it is in their country. And he said for, for tourists, for foreigners to come into the country that they actually made it a law that you cannot be physically aggressive to any tourist because 90% of their economy is tourist based. And so if tourists were afraid to come there, then that would kill their economy. So you can go up to a Tunisian, in Tunisian, spit on them or slap them in the face and they're not allowed to aggress on you because they'll be held responsible. And how Tunisian, that's what the Tunisian guys are telling me. He was like, that's why it's so safe for tourists because of, you know, these laws to protect their economy because tourism is their number one bread and butter. - Yeah, that's a very good comment. And, and I don't, you know, I had a second party who did business in Tunisia and even in Libya and I believe in Algeria as well 'cause I've exported to some of these countries that I know Algeria have. I think a lot of this comes. I kind of reflect on it at night, you know. You know, at nighttime I kind of do my reflections when I'm watching Hulk Hogan in the rematch against King Kong Bundy 'cause, you know, I've got to watch it. It was real, it's not real. But anyways, but in all seriousness, I reflect upon it and I go, I gave you two examples and you gave me a third one where you don't cost people, where you don't beat them up on the street. There's that sense of community, right? Decency. And I think an advanced civilization would not be committing crime upon each other. So when I grew up a couple of thousand years ago, I was a newspaper delivery boy. I delivered for the star, the Globe and Mail and so forth. And when I grew up, you put money into the box and it was open, it was the honor system, right? And things were pretty safe. I think when you have a society that says that we're an advanced civilization, prerequisite is safe. It's just out of your moral fiber, you know? Just out of character, right? I don't think in all seriousness, you and I can go out there and start, you know, robbing little old ladies with their purses or trying to roll somebody or carjack. This is outside the tenets of civilization. And we're crumbling. In any history I've read, I'm not a professional historian and, you know, I've taught, but I taught in college and accounting school. In any history I've read, I've never seen an empire fall so quickly like the West, specifically the United States. Well, Canada's not an empire, but it's part of the Western world. People are not buying our ideals anymore. - Well, it's all solved by design and it's also look at the terror that they've caused. The West has caused the rest of the world. It's terrorizing the world who wants to align with that type of brutality, you know, and that's, I think, people are, you know, waking up to that. Joey Sixtheim says, "Can you talk about Nissara, Jissara?" And we'll do that in a second. I'm not sure if you know much about that, but I will ask you. But I wanted to kind of finish off with the bricks. Now, with this bricks economy where, you know, you talked about that, you know, they would buy and sell oil or whatever it is on their own currency, China currency, is there, you know, potentially going to be a bricks currency where they all trade in, you know, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, all the other countries that have now signed on to bricks, are they looking into creating their own one world currency, one currency which they can trade with each other? Or do you see this bricks as just losing the American dollar need to trade and just trading in their own currencies like how you first, your first example had said? - You mentioned the word of global currency. The first person who proposed that was John Maynard Keys during Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, 1944. And he called it the Bancor, B-A-N-C-O-R, okay? So in answering your question, if you're talking about a one currency for bricks against the rest of the world on US dollar and Euro, I think it's not easy to do. You need to have a gold back, India doesn't want any of that. The Russians are fine, the Chinese are fine, some other countries are fine. The, but I don't want to come up and say that the bricks currency is the holy grail. What do you do with countries where Ethiopia is involved and they don't have a powerful currency, strong currency, your Argentina, I'm coming up with some of them. So if you can back it with a combination of gold and Bitcoin, Bitcoin's not going away, not now, not in our lifetimes. If you can back it with gold and/or Bitcoin and then you could have a stable sound currency, and I'll give you another idea, I thought about it. This is really advanced stuff. If you can also back it based on the 10 tenants of increased industrial productivity of these bricks countries, then let's say if I'm producing 3% more a year, I can perhaps use my productivity as a tentative backing up currency, that's one method to use it, to use if you like, yeah, that could happen, sure. Well, the reason why I asked that is because they're obviously using the Bible as a playbook, whether you believe it or not, whether you think it's God's word or not, it seems like the world powers are wanting these things to come true with these endless wars and pestilence and countries turning on Israel. It seems like everything that they're doing, they want these scriptures to come true. And part of that is a one-world government, one-world currency. And I'm wondering, people think that, hey, this bricks is gonna be great because no longer the insane US tyranny is they're gonna stop this US tyranny and look at this is great, the West is gonna fall, but essentially could this bricks come in as that one-world government, that one-world currency, if everybody chooses to now join on board because the West is destroyed. America has to join on bricks. Could that essentially open the door to this one-world currency, one-world government is kind of the way I wanted to tailor that question. - Okay, so that's a fair question. I don't think the Americans with joined bricks that have no reason to because it's at, it's basically it's gonna defy their currency. Again, the American currency is not gonna go away. Now, I understand your one-world government. I have a couple of issues that might impede that. First of all, you'll still have world tribalism, right? You're seeing tribalism in all these multicultural countries, right? So, and you'll see it like, you know, I have family from Africa and even in certain countries, three, four tribes can't necessarily get away, cannot necessarily get along with each other. Even if you go global, what are you gonna do about tribalism? I know what you're saying. Even if you go global, Jesse, what are you gonna do about tribalism? So that might not work. Will bricks be the holy grail? No, but they wanna get released from basically the Western powers. They wanna get released. The political classes out of control, it's a courtocracy. The corporations donate to the political class and they facilitate what they need. You've got crony capitalism. Look, I've always defended free markets, but it becomes really difficult right now with what we see. It becomes difficult. So if I got a kid and they're marked as Leninists or socialists, you know, the argument diluting a bit, they'll point, point, point, point corporations and basically Silicon Valley is technology, but you take the deal off and it's nothing more than them, they're thugs. They're nothing, like, they're basically, you know Elon Musk blew out 171 FBI agents out of Twitter when he took it over. They're all over the media. They, the media is basically getting their script from government and they're getting their script by the intelligence agency. That's not a conspiracy. You can see them like, I won't get into the bias of the politics, but I'll tell you one thing. When, look, everybody knew that, you know, the current president had some type of dementia or, or, you know, slow down in this mental capacity, would just call it that. Like anybody who could, you know, chew bubble gum and tie their shoelaces in one day could figure it out, but after the debate, he got smoked pretty hard and all of a sudden, did you see ABC, CBS, NBC? I only watched it on YouTube, right? And did you see them all writing up, reading off the same script? They're all reading off the same script. And, you know, it's completely outrageous. I hate to see the, I, you know, I hate to see America the way they are right now. And I hate to see Canada the way they are. So it's gonna be a tough go. And I know that I hear stuff about Musk. He wears the white hat, then he wears the black hat, but he is with SpaceX. He does provide intelligence for the U.S. administration, for the United States and all the spy agencies. He is not using his satellite in Ukraine, because the Russians typically told them we're gonna blow them out of the sky, isn't it? They're gonna, no, blow them out of the sky. He got the message, but so yeah, he is tithing with the intelligence agencies. You know, I don't know where the angels are, but I think, you know, your readers would be wise. It's a nice afternoon read and a nice beautiful read to read Marcus Aurelius Square. He was the emperor of Rome. He says, I'm no better than my people, my citizen read. Like he was really like really down to earth. Decent, decent, he's a great unheralded philosopher, I guess. He practiced what he preached. Gonna ask you a question. I gotta ask you a question. - Sure. - Okay. - Okay, just gonna ask. Where did you think of John F. Kennedy? Was he a force for a good? Was he the last US president that said, you know what, I got some ideas. At least this nephew wants to keep them out of wars, but I don't know what you think of him. As a, it's not a true question, just a surprise question. - So I think the only two presidents that I've ever known or read about, obviously, Ken, John F. Kennedy was before my time, but the things that I've heard him say, is Kennedy and Trump are the only two that actually did good things for the government and the people. You can think what you want to Trump and do, you know, Jesuit trained and all these. He didn't pardon Julius Sange. He didn't lock up Hillary. He came out with this Operation Warp Speed, all these kind of crazy shit, but the only two presidents that I've seen that had ever, you know, talked about the fake media, talked about secret societies, talked about, you know, these things that were maybe actually for the people, those are the only two that I've ever read about in history that were benefiting the actually American people. - Sure. One of the things about Trump, you know, taking all the politics aside is, the stab, the political class or the corporacy, the issue deal and intelligence agencies is, he's not reading off the script enough. You got to read off the script, right? So, one after another. And if the other person who's running against them Kamala, she will read off the script, right? But he doesn't read off the script. I don't know if you know this in Canada's before my time, but he wrote a piece essay and he gave it to Khrushchev. But people don't realize, I grew up in the Cold War, you know, Russia bad, Canada good, there's no other way. Soviet bad, but now I look back at it and, you know, I read sometimes the Russian papers like RT. I got to tell you, they, I think we believed our propaganda more than they believed theirs during the Soviet time, right? But, you know, they questioned it a bit, you know? But RT, which you can read sometimes short articles, they would never have the gumption to produce the type of propaganda you see by Western media outlets. They're actually pretty balanced. They're pretty balanced articles. Like, you know, they don't vilify, they're not, you know, throwing, you know, feminist ideas. Every time I open up MSN on my computer, you know, Donald Trump has health problems. You know, you know, Donald Trump has a blow up doll or something like that that walked out on him, something like that out here, right? So, I thought you'd like that one. But if you listen to RFK who joined the Trump wagon, he turned around and he says, I believe in what my uncle, John F. Kennedy did. Believe it and he goes, I don't, don't think people look up to us if we never got into wars. They look up to us as a beacon of hope. He goes, that's why I believe it's in America. But anyways, going back to John F. Kennedy just for a moment, when he wrote his essay on peace, Khrushchev was so enamored with it that he broadcasted all of her tasks all over the radio stations and the Soviet Union. And after the Cuban Missile Crisis, they got along pretty good. And to keep a missile crisis, when Khrushchev pulled that one up and he was one of those guys he could get sometimes, it was not proven for him to do that, right? But generally speaking, he was not a nasty, nasty person. He was actually, I didn't know this. He was a reformer, but all I could remember was videotapes of Khrushchev smashing his shoes in the United Nations table there to accentuate his point. But I remember going well back the kitchen debate between Khrushchev and pardon me and Vice President Nixon. Another president, I found quite interesting, goes to President Harding, but I'll move it just before Kennedy was he was a former general. That was Eisenhower. And if you got an ex-general who, and he reluctantly wanted to become president, they pushed him into it. He, if you've seen war, if you've seen how horrific it is, I've had, I know people who've gone through it, the damage, they're usually very peaceful people. They want nothing more to do with it. It's terrible, terrible, terrible thing. When the policy breaks down, this is what you get. When the policy breaks down, you get war. And, you know, it's very good for what you do and a lot of other sites do. And I see Douglas McGregor on his, you know, when he's interviewed on various shows, Colonel Douglas McGregor. And he just talks about all these wars that are preventative and he goes against the official narrative. But, there you go. Yeah, in that area there. That was a pretty good spin, you took me out of there. The, the thing about, you know, the wars, you know, not obviously, you know, that will shall not kill. We shouldn't be killing people. We shouldn't be taking over their resources. We shouldn't be trying to implement our democracy and, you know, other places and freedom to terrorize them, to kill them, to bring freedom to their country. You know, it's like all that stuff is insane. But the worst part of it is that you're taking the strong men who want to stand up to the bully, stand up to tyranny, stand up to dark forces to protect their countries. And now you emasculate them, you take away their balls, you take away, you know, start injecting them with all these crazy concoctions and make them into subservient slaves, non-thinkers anymore. And then when they come back, you know, you get what you get, all the suicides insane, drug addicts, all these kinds of things, because, you know, you're taking people that had good intentions to want to, you know, protect their families. And then now you've turned them into monsters and, you know, something that way from truly what they are, not only with doing killings and things and then, you know, treating them like shit and then injecting them with all kinds of weird-ass stuff that they put into them, I can't imagine what, you know, these people that wanted to do the right thing feel after coming out of the military, after experiencing all of that. - Terrible, I've seen people damaged after military, even if they're not on the front line, just terrible, terrible things. I know that my father absolutely insisted that I never go into the military. And he was, you know, he served, but reluctantly. It was the 1970s. I was a kid. My dad was technically very gifted, so he got a green card very quickly in the U.S. And it was a lot of stories to tell us, 'cause it's in my new book. When he got the green card, 'cause he knew how to, my dad worked on the '69 moon project. He made parts of the cyber and five for the first man on the moon. And my quasi-uncle actually made the reflectors that brought back the first pictures from the moon. Don't go there. - So we actually believe we went there? - Yeah, I met in the other armstrong. You're 100%, yeah. I debate you. And then you can see the camera. You actually can take the Chinese. All the flags are there still. But I'm not gonna go there with you. We can agree to the good. But, you know, you're trying to coordinate these 5,000 physicists, mathematicians, artisians, but that's okay. That was not the point of the story. The point was we Vietnam was in the background. It was the early '70s, mid '70s. Vietnam's in the background. And my dad got a great, great position in Boston, Massachusetts. Making great bucks after three, four months. My dad says, "You know what, I like America. "We never knew when this Vietnam war's gonna end "in other five years, 10 years, 15 years, "because my son's not wearing any of your forms. "For any country in this world, we're going black. "We're gone, boom." I was starting to come, you know, a few years, I would have come of five, six, seven years later. I would have come of the H to be of military draft, right? But a lot of innocent people died in that war. And he didn't want me to have nothing to do with what he goes. He wants discipline, I'll give you that at home. I'm not gonna let you join an army and get whacked. 'Cause all these ones are avoidable liquid. What do you, you know, personally, you know, if we ever war with whatever country, what do I have against Russian people? What did I ever have against German people? What did I ever have against Chinese people? What did they ever do to me? Right? They didn't. - There's more similarities than differences between the people, it's just these insane people that need to not have strong men that are willing to question their authority. You know, they need to suck them through the military system so they don't have people that will oppose their own tyranny. - Yeah, and you're, just like you, probably like me and just like your viewers, you're frustrated by the lack of apathy, if that's the right word. And what I mean, Jess is, you probably heard this so your viewers might or might not have, they go, good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times. Bad times create strong men and strong men create good times. And you're dealing with some very weak men in this society. And I'm not, and women too, but weak men. And you're seeing it. And you saw it during your, we'll call it your medical incident 'cause I don't wanna get you knocked out of YouTube there. You saw it, right, some people actually stood up and went to Ottawa. And as you know, when you conflicted the government's official narrative, and it was all the ones in the parliament, they were wearing masks, they look ridiculous, okay? They look ridiculous. You know, anyways, they're all singing the same song, you know, you know, your jab for freedom. We won't go there. And all of a sudden, I never knew that people who question the narratives are Nazis. Now I know, see, the question and narrative, you gotta be a fascist or a nat, or you're just a bad person, right? And these are some decent folks. And I think what frustrated me the most when I saw that incident on TV, it's my taxpayer money. There's kids out there bouncing around on, you know, whatever, they've got little bouncy balls or whatever, they have little blow up things, their children were playing on it. And these people that came to the protest for harmless, and with our tax dollars, you had snipers up on the roof of the parliament. That upset me, right? If you took those dollars away, you know, maybe they can go buy a GI Joe's debt instead of sitting there with snipers up on the top of the parliament. That was, that really bothered me. Otherwise I'm flying now. But you saw people react that they're, they're bad. Oh, we're upsetting the citizens of Ottawa. Well, we're paying for all those, it's a government town, we're paying for all these people, again, who live off the fruition of the industrious. Cut the taxes, which you can't. If you live off gold, if you live off Bitcoin, you can choke them off, right? - But anyway. - And, you know, but the whole thing is, was that, you know, what we saw was projection. So we're hearing the government call these people Nazis and fascists and things, as acting, as Nazis and fascists. So they tell, you know, on themselves, when they start projecting onto others, the exact behavior that they're, you know, perpetrating against the people. - Yeah, and the government political class, they're fascists, right? They are fascists themselves, what they've done. They're in out of control, like I said, a neo totalitarian state is what we're living on, living with right now. You can believe what you want to believe, but we're living in a neo totalitarian state. And it can come, you know, just anyways, I went on a show, I don't think they'll have me back on, I went on a guy that was running for office. And I said, give me an example of large government coinciding with freedom. I can't think of one, maybe you can, but I could, you could, maybe you can, I don't know. Why not? We need, Jesse, I'll say, I got an affinity moment, we need larger government. I want government to be 90% of GDP. I changed my mind, thank God, you know. (laughing) - So, I just got emailed by the government, they're sending you a $300,000 check to hold their line, you know, all of a sudden. - Is that how fast things can change? - It can change, listen, let's not morale, let's not let morals get in the way of money here, you understand? - I am not for sale, they could offer me $100 million, and I'm not for sale. I think this is the reason why I've been here, is to speak up and to stand up when many, and most people won't. And so, this is not a popular position. This hasn't been, I've been doing this for 30 plus years. And, you know, so, I'm turning 51, you know, in a couple weeks, so, I'm not a young, I've been at this for a while, and, you know, I know that this is my purpose, so, this is what will just continue pushing me forward, as long as I have breath here, until we finally find that true freedom, you know, that true, you know, till the cages come down, I'm looking for utopia, so I'm more of a utopianist. You wanna wonder what I was, if I was to label myself something? - Yeah. - I'm a utopianist, and so, that's the, you know, the area that I'll keep going, until we find that heaven on earth, the abundance that everybody truly deserves, by being born into this place, not the exact opposite, like we have today. - That's a very good position to take. Did you wanna talk about, let me see, what's another one, I'll do some off the top of my head here. What about the accusations of price gouging, and the history of, well, just a quick one minute one, and the history of price formation by government, when they start interfering in the markets, but... - Are you talking about like manufactured scarcity? - Yeah, true, well, governments have done that, Harding did that under the weed act in the United States, and things that as well, FDR under the Industrial Recovery Act, which is a disaster, I'm not gonna go deep into that, but I had something in my mind about what Trump said. He said, and you wanna talk about bringing down inflation, if you believe the official inflation numbers, that's fine, but I don't believe the CPI, I think it's goose, and so's the job numbers that came up this morning. There's a site through your viewers, if they're interested, they can go to shadow statistics, and I believe John Williams runs it. He was a pretty old guy now, but he was working under the Reagan administration. He measures inflation, as they did in the 1980s, not the way they do now. But in talking about what Trump proposed, is imagine I'm working 40 hours, I'm in a skilled trade talking houses, good luck. They built houses around where I live, right? And good luck finding trades people. I'm working 40 hours, and now I wanna support my family and work overtime in other 15 or 20 hours. Why should you be paying taxes on your X to 20 hours? Tell me, and I'm not gonna go into the moral argument to that. If you give me that extra 15 hours a week, I can work in trades, may it be in setting up CNC machines, or it may be setting robotics, or in the building trade, what have you, drywall, or so on and so forth. That money, with lower taxes, will allow the most skilled people to work, and you will have less shortages of labor in the skilled areas, and that will play a big role upon your inflation. Inflation generally is monetary, it's money printing, is what causes it. But when my dad opened up his personal machine company, when he opened it up, it's just a small place. My dad was just a regular technical guy, right? He didn't even finish high school, but he had a great technical mind. When you opened that up, we literally had a battalion of artisans, engineers, technologists. We had factory after factory, we built the Aero Airplane in this country, a lot of people forget that. So when you lose your manufacturing, maybe clean manufacturing, I'm going to a robotics company next week, or the week and a half later, a factory that's to run on all robots, when you lose your manufacturing base, you lose your industriousness, you lose your, you basically, you lose your inventiveness, not your being industrious, you lose your inventiveness. And this is one of the reasons that can bring empires down. You lose your inventiveness. You start going to school, taking waste of time, courses, living in your mama's basement till you're 105 years old, so on and so forth. But anyways, that was my rant. - Now, do you think that with that technology and with that automation that the human slaves are becoming less and less needed? So, hence why Americans, which were supposedly, the freest and hold on to that freedom, hold on to that guns are being systematically poisoned the most, products that are being sold, the exact same company, the exact same product, they sell fruit loops in Canada that's made with carrots to color. And in the United States, it's red 40 and poisons. In Gatorade and USA's made with chemicals and poisons where they're using in Germany carrot juice is the exact same company, the exact same product, the exact same thing with one healthy ingredients and Americans, they are decimating the Americans and their health like no other right now. - You're right. And a lot of the European countries don't allow certain American imports that I'm talking about food. And I've read a fair bit about food. I read Robert Kennedy's book, "The Real Dr. Anthony Fauci", by the way, so, you can see, and you know, my wife used to work at a, she was a manager at a vitamin manufacturing company. So, the American food system is basically for all kinds of purposes for the most part poisons. We refined foods and so what we're talking about. I'm not gonna go into a big speech about that, but my argument is this. You got, you know, kissing the downtrodden areas and not even the downtrodden areas. You're drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola and you're taking your gargantuan amount of sugars there. You can't focus. You could be 18 years old and not get true 'cause I taught statistics. You could probably get through a grade four math class, grade three math class. When you have refined foods, when you're getting gas-plated all day by TikTok, miktok, YouTube, YouTube, whatever you're getting gas-plated by, all these things here are breaking your concentration. So, I think going back to the foods, those foods, drinking too much coffee, overindulging and things like that. All those things, I believe, Jesse, turn around and destroy your ability to concentrate, to get through and get yourself a good education and study. That's why you have educational issues in the United States. You need to be focused. So, I know that before I came on the show, even myself, I didn't want to drink like I should've, but I didn't know what you're really like, but now I do. I should've got two drugs of coffee, you met Matt, right? Every time I talk to him, he talks politics with me. And I go, "Matt, I'm ready. I drank my two drugs of coffee." But in seriousness, the food affects your mental state. When I did my MBA, I remember my wife, you know, I'd eat tea wheeze and nice. So, I was gonna write a four-hour examination and we're gonna be scared, in fact, a lot scared. And when I, that's why I discovered good, healthy foods, right? And the American system, their food system, is, is. It leads to aggression. You know what I mean? Like eating processed foods, and I'm not taking a run at Americans 'cause I have a lot of friends there. And here, too, the processed foods, it just leads to all that aggression. You know, the coffees. You know, if you, if I sat there and whacked out like a big sort of root beer or whatever, an A and W or Coca-Cola, like I gotta be bouncing off the walls. I hope I'm not, but anyway. - I think you're already bouncing off the walls. You don't need the root beer. - Oh, that's gonna be on my best behavior today, you know? (both laughing) - The decline of empire and the neo-totalitarian civilization of the West passing off as freedom. Why is the American empire falling before our very eyes? I think we've kind of got into that a little bit. - I think we went through it a fair bit, right? You're declined in manufacturing. You're declined in inventiveness. Your universities are not producing what needs to be produced. You now have a migrant crisis. Remember, economically speaking, it's not just the quantity, but the quality of your labor force dictates your competitive stature between the country. Your competitive architecture is the quality of your labor force. But I think we've gone through that. We can skip that one because, and that's just something, I'm not trying to elude you by the way, or to your viewers. - You know, we've given all the reasons. The decline of manufacturing, money printing, the lack of morality, right? You don't have to be religious or non-religious or religious to be moral. The fictitious wars, the gaslighting, the lack of productivity. I'll give you an example about manufacturing, and this is probably, I think it's true. When you're dealing with young men, 18, 19, 20, 21, what manufacturing did was, gave them a sense of purpose. They became industrious. They became, wow, I'm gonna rebuild that car. I'm gonna rebuild this particular machine. It gave them that purpose. Right now, unfortunately, a lot of them are losing their purpose. So we have in Toronto, primarily because the IT sector, eight percent unemployment. But I think, yeah, so when you lose purpose, all these things happen. We're living in a dystopian society. I mean, I can't argue with you. I know that you promote that stuff. It's a dystopian society. But yeah, other questions. I hope I've answered that because I think the question you asked me, Jesse, we've kind of gone through it during this conversation. You can see we built up. But yeah, more on the effects of artificial intelligence, that part I can tell you. - Well, that way says, why are we even letting them make the processed foods and when they had the baby formula shortage and how we hear about these manufacturing processing plants being burnt and how we hear about these chicken places going down and all that. I got a different take on things when I heard about the baby formula shortage. I'm like, that's amazing. They're gonna stop feeding that crap that genetically modified soy, similac and all this poison. You mean mothers got to start going and grabbing a banana and mashing it up and actually giving real food to their children. I think of that was a good thing when these processing plants, these food processing plants are getting burnt. You mean the poison plants that are processing the food and poisoning the people are, oh, they're too conspiracy people. Oh, there's gonna be food shortages, but there's gonna be less poison and maybe people can look to getting more real food. So I kind of looked at it as a little bit of a different take and I was wondering when you heard about those different things, how did that make you feel? - Well, there was a show where Tucker Carlson interviewed this physician who said she's a top in her class at Stanford. She's a head and neck surgeon. I can send it to you separately. I won't go through it here. And I'm gonna answer your question. First of all, you're giving people, you're giving children jabs and during their first 12 to 24 hours of their lives. I think it's a high... - Epititis, there's vitamin K and hepatitis are the two ones that the kids are getting within the first 24 hours. - Yeah, it's ridiculous, but going back to your refined foods, right? You wanna go back to your refined foods. Why are we one of your viewers and why are they allowing them? 'Cause it's too addictive to it. They're fine, it's cheap, it keeps them fed. But ask your question again, I'll answer properly. - I'm just wondering what you felt when you heard about manufacturing plants going down, baby food shortages, chicken plants, being burnt and all these type of things. What was your initial reaction to hearing that stuff going on? - Okay, well, it could have been planned, but I don't have enough knowledge, but I'm just gonna answer that question, and I'm not trying to steer away from the answer. I'll answer that question. If you believe in refined foods as being civil and progressive, why did you go look at YouTube videos of the 1960s and 1950s and even mid-1960s and even later, look at the physical condition of those people in Canada and the United States compared to now. You ever seen kids, they're walking, they're only 10 years old, nine years old, they're walking, hunchback, they're sitting there on their phones all day on the computer, so they're not that I'm not on the computer so far a bit, I shouldn't talk. But they don't look healthy, they've been helicoptered by their parents, they don't look healthy, Jesse, and it's not just only the jabs, it's the food, like little kids had, very few kids had a pot belly when I was growing up, you know, we had a couple that, you know, were maybe obese there, or I'm not knocking it that way, but today when you see adults, especially kids, all that refined foods, you need, you know when you have sugar in you, you need more sugar, and you get even hungry and hungry, I drop sugar, like, I get it in fruits, but I'd say I dropped to the boat three, two and a half months ago, I like dark chocolate, but you know, I have a amount then, I'm not sanctimonious about it, but like between 10 pounds gone, you know, but yeah, they do look chubbier, just go look at the videos, look at even, you know, look at how they're dressed, it was so, you know, you need some structure to your society, but that, I answer your question about the baby food, I had the good fortune that my dad, in my first six months, a year of life, always had carrot juice, grounded, fresh, brought in, and that's what I had, but that's another story, so health wise, yeah, I'm on your team there, they're eating poison, you're in Canada too, but I would say, not as bad as the US, yeah. - Now, next one is, I haven't heard this, but kabbalah to cross, kabbalah, kabbalah to tamasi, in your book, The Practical MBA on Economics, you claim we are living in a society you call, the kabbalah to takrasi, I can't even, I can't even say it. - Oh, I have to. - Members, and who are its members, and what do we mean, and then, is this just another conspiracy theory? - Well, no, this one's not a conspiracy theory, you know, you like, I don't really like conspiracy theories, but this was at the end of my book, and it was the kabbalah tokrasi itself, and there's a lot of new outstanding members, originally I had eight or nine, but the kabbalah tokrasi is, and you're seeing it all come together, you know, I think we agree, it's factfully verifiable, you can check it on Twitter, you can check it on YouTube, there was FBI agents inside Twitter, and they're in the media as well, but if you look at the, I'll give you an example, you know, I talked for a while, I think I learned more than my students, but I'm not gonna go into academia deep, well, maybe another time, another show, but in academia, the cohesion between the official script and the gas lighting in academia, you know, 'cause I'm not intelligent enough to know who to vote for, so Taylor Swift needs to tell me, because I'm just not that bright, and we're not, like, I mean, we're, you know, we're just peons after all, we're just plebeians, okay? So Hollywood, academia, the mainstream media, the three-letter spook agencies, Wall Street, the central banks, the plebeians, the plebeians are the ones that are just going, ooh, and wah, you know, the corporations, Silicon Valley, and their surveillance is basically, you're seeing it there, the Hunter Laptop story, which was true, apparently, so on and so forth, everything during the medical emergency, you know, there's some very prominent doctors that were warning people saying that better not take these experimental things, and Dr. Peter McCloud, who I believe is the most published doctor in the United States, was taking down off YouTube for this one. Now you can talk about it, and Dr. Campbell in Britain, he talks about it a fair bit, so I'll go there in a moment. The Silicon Valley surveillance, who is recently, really, all these ones that you see have government and/or intelligence agencies in them, the world economic form, which you're aware of, and I see if it's plush swap, might be your favorite there, Jesse, the World Health Organization. You know, Tadros is the president of the World Health Organization, and he comes from the, not from Eritrea, he comes from the Tigrida pride of Ethiopia, and why I know this country is I have family from that part of the world, okay? And what he did is Tadros, the head of the World Health Organization, this is factual, with health food and medicine when he was Minister of Health in Ethiopia, from the Ameri. The Ameri are the majority tribe in Ethiopia. This won't go, by the way, Tadros was appointed and brought in by Bill Gates. So I won't stick on that. Of course, government, and I know you like government, even more than I like government, the censorship, ship industrial complex, the military industrial complex, as you know, we're fighting for freedom. Big pharma passing off drugs with healthcare. Hollywood, and I've even created it just for you. If you want to send it to you, I've got a kabbalatocracy application form. And in fact, if you want to join the kabbalatocracy, we have a rigorous process. I've decided to join because the pay is good. It's got good benefits, good dental, good health care. Did you want to dare ask me about what's on the kabbalatocracy application form, or I don't know if you want to even ask me? - Yeah, what do you have to agree to? - Yeah, well, there's two or three questions. We asked, it's a fair survey. We look at it to, do you believe the story of Tenokio should be rewritten and canceled as he was a tragic victim of an alternative truth? And then we have other ones. The other ones, do you believe that it's normal to have a compulsive lying disorder? And are you comfortable lying in front of audiences? Yes or no? Do you have some of these questions? Have you graduated from a woke university? Do you have a compulsive lying disorder and are proud of it? Do you believe that we should take our intellectual, you should take our moral and intellectual cues from the high freest of Hollywood and entertainment industry? As you're the only ones with the intellectual rigor to adjudicate morality and reason. Anyways, it's a 20 page question here. I can send it to you. You can apply, the pay is good. We'll give you a script to read off. You can, I said, cut up the kabbal autocracy, but now with the benefits and the pick, you know, yeah, I want to create it now myself. I gave you all the members of the kabbal autocracy, but obviously the application form is tongue in cheek, okay? Apparently, they're looking for recruiting of psychopaths. So the ones that pass or the ones that'll pass that recruitment form will be ones that they could say, "Yeah, this is a perfect psychopath to join the gang." Correct, correct. And you know, they need recruits, right? And yeah, exactly, so I have to say, but getting back to the serious portion of it, but you know, when you put Hollywood together and you know, people are enamored, "Oh, oh, you know, I saw Rihanna and Taylor Swift." And you know, when you see 325,000 children missing in America, and if you've read, oh, there's so many names here, but I'll go to the book One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb, okay, she's a brilliant writer. Well, they're missing and you start really studying some of these psychopaths in Hollywood. And in Washington and many other places that have used children, we just leave it like that. That's part of the kabbal autocracy. And Hollywood covers it up. Government, the money printing. Listen, when Powell gets on there and he says, "Well, we're going to print more money, "or we have two mandates, stable pricing, "which basically means inflation and unemployment." Well, how are you going to touch unemployment when we have what they call, in economics, they call it, there's different types of unemployment, but structural unemployment. The jobs are there, the skills aren't. You can reduce interest rates all you want or increase them, it's not going to make any difference. So, if you believe the Fed is a good force, continue believing it. But some of those other, like academia, have you seen some of these courses I taught? And I couldn't teach now, you know, I'd have to put the right flag on, you know, where my, you know, the deal. Let's say if you taught courses, and I understand you want to do a degree in business, that's fine, or some of the other courses, you study sociology or psychology or whatever, or even if you're studying business, they make you take each one of those departments or like a Mufioso, they're protected. I have, are you got profs in there, professors, and you've got a very staff, your secretaries, your administrators, et cetera, et cetera, in there. So, you know that you are teaching these courses that have no ability to create employment for any of these poor young students, but you're protected. So, when you're teaching, let's say sociology, I'm not against that, and I love philosophy, I love history. When you're teaching some of these, there's a lot of wool courses, like, you know, butterfly mating habits in the Brazilian jungle. The university gets $1,200 a course for that, from the government. In some cases, 600 to 1,200. It's basically, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's racketeering. It's racketeering is what it is. If I had to go back to school all over again, I would probably go to Google University and take algorithms and data management for 10 months, rigorous, one shot, no filling courses. Then I'd probably take another, probably take another 10 months at a private college of social media. That's it, then I'm good. In fact, if you apply for Google today, you don't need a degree. It's not gonna help, there's kids in the basement that can outcode the graduate engineers, you know? They're just like brilliant at it. You know, there's, you know, a lot of the young people are really brilliant. And today's generation's ed, the ones that are industrious and really awake, and I see some of them, they're gonna cream up the rest of their generation. It's gonna lead to a lot of inequity, because some of them are just like on the ball. And they're gonna eat them alive when I was scoring up, at least 50, 60% of us were on the ball, right? But now some of the kids may be 5, 10%, but those 5 to 10% quite brilliant. But those are all the, some of the members of the Cabal Autocracy, you know, may it be Wall Street, Black Rock, printing money in United States. It's not just them. There's a couple of companies that buy, they buy like 2,000 homes in a development at a time. When you buy 2,000 homes in development, you drive up the price of homes. And then you're using them as rental. So this is all the Cabal Autocracy. I wrote a whole chapter on it in my book. It's the only part of the book that was like, you know, gets a bit conspiracy. But these, these institutes are all working together. And, and listen, I mean, there is some people that still watch, you know, MSM news. And, you know, my condolences to them. But pretty soon, the people are so old that are watching MSM, they're only going to be able to broadcast in the cemetery by the tombstones. That's about it. - The nursing homes, it's going to be the nursing home, mainstream nursing home media. - Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is, but they're all in on it. You know, and they're a nasty bunch. And, yeah, it's getting pretty nasty right now. And Silicon Valley. I mean, those are the members of the Cabal Autocracy. - Yeah. - Now, with the emergence of this technology that we talked about, the automation, the robots, you're seeing places in China that doesn't even need any workers because it's all automated, artificial intelligence. You know, soon there's even in the trades they're going to be able to build and paint and install toilets and all these kinds of things with the emergence of this technology. And, you know, they can't just flat out genocide to everybody that they don't need. They're slowly poisoning people. They're doing things to eliminate the workforce, but, you know, is a universal basic income inevitable when it comes to, you know, the job market being very slim, you know, once automation takes away most of those jobs. - Yeah. Well, I've got a scenario of how it'll play out in my opinion. You've got, this could lead to 40% unemployment. There's a big difference with AI and people go, well, you know, during the Industrial Revolution, it actually created more jobs. Look, I'm going to go the upside of AI. A lot of generation zetters or even myself when I read my latest, what my latest book, I would ask AI certain questions instead of doing 25 searches. It can augmentate your productivity, but who's going to get hurt here are lawyers. You can turn it around and do a defense. - Yay, that's a good one. So that's not a good argument. - So a lot of it will hurt specifically junior lawyers, not necessarily if you're a very able lawyer that can do it, you know, go to trial, may as to be civil or criminal, but accountants will be hurt. Mathematicians will be hurt. This is the key thing to remember with AI compared to the first, second, and third Industrial Revolution. It's not just replacing machinery. It's competing against your human mind, the amalgamation of the human mind and AI, and you know, I haven't watched enough sideboards and movies, but they're starting to look realistic now in some aspects. But so that's why it's such a threat. My prediction is 40% unemployment. I'll give examples of food processing areas, McDonald's, you're already seeing it now. You saw it with a longshoreman, right? You know, they're going to lose their jobs eventually, and the next generation should not get into that if you're asking me. So here's what's going to happen. I mean, I kind of know this. You're going to get artificial intelligence. You're going to get 40% unemployment. You're going to get universal basic income so you can have stability. You're going to get, after that, even more hostility with your plebeians, and then after that, you will probably be on to BDCs, the central bank digital currencies, and then this will eventually fall into your 15-minute cities, and of course your carbon credits, which are now on the futures markets, you can buy carbon credits. So once I've got you on universal basic income, I will increase it when it comes to election in time. You'll vote for me. That's all. Something like what we're doing now, and once I get you, you probably have people on here who have talked about CBG's central bank digital currencies. If that's there, it's coming along, then I will create artificial demands for widgets and gadgets and so on and so forth. Where I can tell you, well, we need to sell more cereal this month, so you can only buy cereal, right? And next month, we need to sell more cell phones so I can send you more apps so you can listen to your more propaganda. So with basically artificial intelligence, you're going to get massive, massive unemployment, but in the youth, they'll probably use it to augmentate their work. I mean, I've got a whole area if you like that. I just wrote about some of the areas where AI will affect employment. I'm not going to go through a rigorous list, but it's going to be driving retail sales. You're always seeing with them, especially logistics and warehousing, computer mathematical operations, it's getting really good at coding. It's going to get a lot better. Office admin, I talked about lawyers, but I'm going to give you another picture here. What about education? In this case, lack of it. Let's say you got Johnny Rockett's at school and he's nine years, 10 years old, comes home and goes, you know what, Pa, I'm going to tell you something. I don't need to teach her and I don't need you because I've got an avatar that can teach you with a 200, 250 IQ, okay? And I know you give me this advice. I really like that, but when it comes to, I'll give you an example of an avatar. Now, the teachers will turn around. We still need people to teach us not AI. I'll give you an example. I remember when I took calculus in my first calculus class in high school. We had to take it, like, you know, we didn't have the world classes back then in 1705. But anyways, I'll give you an example. Let's say I'm having trouble with understanding basic calculus. I could ask that avatar and go, can you give me a reason why we should even study calculus and they'll give you the reason? Can you be some, can you show me how to do calculus? Show me where I can use it. Nice and simple, nice and slow, so I understand it. And I can start really helping a lot of people like that. They'll put a lot of teaching profession out of business. I mean, especially in high school and middle school, they've got nice flat pensions. And again, it's public, right? So the question is why will they need people then? Why will they need, you know, teachers to teach these things? If people, their slaves are no longer necessary, all these great things that will replace all these jobs, but, you know, why would they actually need people if, you know, this technology can replace, you know, virtually everyone? - Well, that's a good question. And the answer to that is they will live in hostility and they're 15 minute cities and they'll be happy because they're gonna be, they're gonna be vigilant. What do they call it? Evangelist of carbon credits. So they'll keep them there. Well, you can kill them all, that's one. They can try and kill them all slowly, but surely. But I think what you're alluding to is if we get God-like AI knowledge, they might turn around and say the biggest detriment to peace in the world are humans. And, you know, we don't mean to do this, but we're gonna have to kill y'all. - Terminator, Terminator style, the beginning of the Terminator. I actually had a dream about a really prophetic dream a year and a half ago. And there was a whole bunch of us that were like, they're resistance and we were fighting this AI God named Seth and it was like so crazy realistic. It was like the beginning of the Terminator, but it was all, it wasn't dark. It was like still light out. So that was like the big difference. There was still a sun and it was still light, but it was very real and the AI God was named Seth, S-E-T-H that we were fighting against. - Yeah, that's down the road. That can happen. It's very, very hard. I hope it supports for good and the scary part is, well, we need regulations to listen. Like I think I went on the show, it was the government official too. He was running for office, that's all I'll say. He says, well, we're gonna need regulations for artificial intelligence, you know, and government's gotta move in. I go, why doesn't government person regulate themselves? They're acting like a bunch of thugs. Never, who are you gonna put in charge of regulating AI? Silicon Valley? The government? The FBI, O-D-R-C-M-P? Who? Batman? Yeah, maybe I don't know. Batman appears in my book too. Because Bruce Wayne was sitting on the board of governors to the central bank and he was a money printer. He was not benevolent. Bruce Wayne was on the take and I don't know how we got into this and I kind of watched Batman when I was a kid, I had to watch something, right? And I was trying hard to grow up. But in all seriousness though, who's gonna be in charge of the regulations if it is? Because I watched Lex Friedman interview this MIT professor and then there's one in University of Toronto called Hudson. Did I pronounce that name right? He's originally from England and he sounded the alarm bell. But Lex Friedman had this guy and he was picking his brain for an hour and a half, two hours. He was like an AI, like he was an AI with, you know? And they're scared, they're scared. But right now it's doing some interesting stuff. It doesn't write good books and parts of the AI are a little bit woke, you know? - Well, fascinating that you say that because apparently OpenAI AI that was created or funded by Elon Musk, he wanted to have an OpenAI source because he wanted it to be open. And apparently he put that out, but the people now that are controlling the board of governors on OpenAI are of the wokest of, you know? So they're actually programming in this wokism into the artificial intelligence. So when it comes out, you ask it a question. It's a woke AI answer that's coming out apparent instead of something that's real. And it's because of the people that are on the board of that OpenAI that are actually molding it to what they want it molded into instead of something free and open. - Exactly. And some of that's coming from Wall Street, which takes us back to the kabbalotocracy and all the interreaction between Hollywood, Wall Street, academia, central banks, so on and so far. But yeah, I think you're correct there. So it's gonna be very tumultuous times, the emergence of AI we're seeing in our weaponry systems now. And the other thing is, you know, they're using this word misinformation. I never knew what the word disinformation meant. So about six months ago, I looked it up like that same thing. You're got as double the gas lighted. So can you, you know, they go, we need to center this, ask people to censor. Can you give me an example? It's not aimed at you, but it's people you might meet at a dinner party. I get invited to some. I've got kicked out of a couple, you know, but you have friends and all that. That's okay, it doesn't matter. But give me an example where censorship and freedom coexist together. I need an example or just one, maybe, you know, where and, you know, maybe in the original series of the FBI, so on and so forth. But seriously, that's what really happened. And yeah, I assume and we got, we can do some really nice stuff. And but we've got a little bit of a third bit of savagery in us as well. And yeah, don't know what to say. Now, when it comes to this digital currency, so obviously a lot of talk on it, a lot of people want to resist it, want to people think that that's the last step to this full tyranny. But it seems like they're making things more expensive, they're squeezing people, making it harder for people to eat houses is more expensive, rent is more expensive, food is more expensive. So the old Hegelian dialect, problem, reaction, solution, they create the problem by making it so expensive for people to even put food on their table. So to elicit re-reaction. And if they come out and give everybody $32,000 on this CBDC card, you know, how many people are gonna take that when they're having a hard time putting food on their table. And then, you know, now they can start feeding their families. Do you think that that could possibly be a way that they're gonna implement, you know, these CBDCs? And then a follow up to that is if they do give everybody $32,000, would that devalue that $32,000 would now, it start to like, if everybody just got a free $32,000, you know, to put them on this, you know, universal basic income or whatever, would that mean that that $32,000 will no longer hold the same value and everything will go even, you know, more expensive afterwards? - Okay, so you're asking me a question, you're saying, well, what's gonna happen to the currency value? They're still gonna have to print digital currency, you know, for the sake of argument, sir. - Okay, yeah. - So you're basically asking, you got 40%, okay, Joe, you're exaggerating, 30% unemployment. We've got up to 27, 26 in the Great Depression. Okay, so what's gonna happen is this, I didn't talk about your trillion dollar corporations, we're talking Microsoft, Google, you know the gang, back in the old days, GM, Toyota, I mean, so I'm not gonna come too much after the car company. So what I do, and you know, grocery chains, in my neighborhood, we have a couple of really nice, smaller Italian ones that, you know, really nice fresh food, but you know, you got the law laws, you got the Kroger's, you got all these other chains, okay? Well, what you do with the trillion dollar corporations is you give them monopoly profits, quasi-monopoly profits, meaning I'm government, because remember, I donated to your cause, I gave your campaign what, 30, 40 million bucks, you gotta sing my tunes. Otherwise, you know, we're gonna get people on roofs to kind of kind of aim at you. Anyways, that seriously, what will happen is the trillion dollar corporations will wipe out the smaller companies, there'll be some left, okay? So what I do is I am the politician, I took money from the trillion dollar corporations that they're my donors, I point that to them and say, these are the greedy corporations, and we're gonna tax these large corporations. So the corporations go, yeah, you could tax me higher by 8% but my profits have increased by 19% so I don't care, no problem, and we'll play the game, you understand? So they will wipe out the smaller and middle, some middle-sized companies will be left, and that's where you're gonna get your extra tax base, you take that tax base to give Joe six tax, they're $32,000 US or Canadian a year, we're gonna go to $32,000 because that was a good amount there to keep the plebeians off the streets, okay? And so you, I think about possibly here that the answer is we will have our tax base to higher taxation of corporations, they will offset it by making higher profits, they will wipe out the tenants of price formation and free market. Now, you're not gonna wipe out every small business, just like in my industry, there's industries that Procter and Gamble or Microsoft or Google or even chat, open AI are not interested in, we'll feed them the scraps. So, you know, Bob and Jill turn around and build a small company, they start building it into a larger company and the Cabalotocracy, lift them up and see see, we have an example of Bob and Jill, look what they built up from scratch, they joined the aristocracy as well. So I see the trillion dollar corporations pulling this plant off, getting to CBDC, you're right, I'll cut you off through if you don't follow the line. For example, I heard that Jesse that you turned around and on Amazon, you ordered a book from Alex Jones, we can't have none of that. So your CBDC to behavior modification has to come down to $28,000. Now, if you order another book from Huxley, we've got to bring that down to $24,000. And these social media credits and the social media system there that China does, they bold their technology from Silicon Valley and the surveillance technology, no one's better if they're violence than the British, they got all their CATD, their cameras everywhere you go. And that's what they will do. So if you don't follow the line, they'll put election time, they'll give you a little bit more money, but they will turn around on these people with the anointed vision and I'm quoting Thomas Sullo, the American professor there, they will turn around and say, "Well, we have to sell more hairspray this year, this month." Or this month, we need to sell more computer screens to stimulate the economy. And you can only have, I'll give you extra CBDC, but I'll program it that you've got to buy computer screens or laptops with it. I don't need a laptop, I need some, no, no, no, no, no, no, you got your mini-scolics. Now I also heard, Jesse, that you came off your island where I put you in those 15-minute cities where your compatriots turned around and said, "Look, I'm virtuous, I'm saving the environment, the carbon, shmarbon, okay, that's fine." I heard that you actually visited your grandmother or your sister and you took a hundred kilometer trip. So your mind is coming down to 26,000. By the way, the aristocracy, or I might even bring it down to $21,000 CBDC. By the way, the aristocracy, as you're sitting there feeling virtuous about you saving the environment to the reduction of carbon, is flying over your cities to over them with carbon credits. And we know one who likes to fly around a lot, probably your favorite there. I know you like him, come on, come on, come on Jesse, tell him you like him, what a leader he is, you know? - Yeah, absolutely, definitely not one of my favorites. So I do want to get into the carbon scam, the carbon tax scam, but there was just wanted to answer, you know, Joey six times early was asking about the Nisara, Jisara. And we have here Sleeping Giant 111 feels, maybe he really believes in the Q movement. He says, "As national is going forward, we will be entitled to royalties from our resource revenues." Kind of that universal basic income are going to come from royalties, royalties from whatever. Have you heard of Nisara, Jisara? Have you heard of, you know, the balancing of things, all the stuff that was stolen is going to come back to the people and everybody's going to get this income. And every, you know, the balance is going to be restored back to the Republic. Any thoughts on that? And have you heard of Nisara, Jisara, you know, helping to make that happen? - I've never heard of Nisara. So I can't give you a good answer for that. And you know, you're, you're, it's interesting, I'll write that down. Maybe you can message me later. And I will read up on that and find out more, but it's very interesting. But, you know, the balance of power, how long can we even keep it? You know, we're just, you know, the savage, the tragedy inside the human psyche is just, you know, out of the school. But no, I can't answer that question because I honestly can't give you a good answer 'cause I don't know. - Okay, carbon tax scams. So apparently human beings are only responsible for 11% of carbon emissions, you know, around the earth. Canada is only responsible for 1.5% of that 11% yet where the second highest taxed carbon scammed, carbon scam tax behind France is number one. We've got trillions of trees which actually make us carbon, you know, we consume more carbon than we actually put out. So the whole Canada carbon scam tax is a big scam because we're actually consuming more carbon than we're actually putting out. And yet other places like China and India who are putting out some of the most carbon are, you know, taxing their citizens zero and putting any restrictions onto this carbon. So what's your thoughts on this carbon scam? - Well, if you look up your futures markets and for your viewers not to marry with them, that's where you can buy, they're selling carbon credits on the futures markets based on demand and supply. So what you'll do, look, I have people around me who believe that we should have carbon credits that have some people argue that say it's ridiculous. So what it is is they're selling it on the options in the futures markets in South America right now. So you can buy carbon credit futures and the price is fluctuating depending on where the futures market is. So what they're gonna do is I think some of the big Wall Street banks are behind it as well. They're basically turning around and financializing the carbon credit, okay? So that's gonna be used as a further vehicle just like you know, and many of your viewers know, it's gonna be used, financialized and used as a vehicle for more oppressive taxation, right? Like look, first of all, you know, I'm not gonna go into the carbon theory. I think you'd like to be decent. I don't want plastics in the ocean. I don't want to litter all over the street. I want to recycle as much as possible. And I'm gonna give you a business experience. This is hands-on business experience 'cause that's what I do is I run a company, right? You know, I try. But the issue with the carbon is like I mentioned, it will financialize it. You'll sit there in your virtuous bubble as the planes fly by, it's a scam. But I'm gonna give you, like, I'm against pollution. Personally, I don't like, I don't throw stuff on the street. The only thing I'll throw in the garden is an apple, but that's organic. I manufacture shampoos, I manufacture body watches. We had 150,000 bottles come in. Our inspector excluded 25,000 bottles. What was the problem with the bottles? He was a brand new fresh PET plastics. I know PET, I know this stuff. It's not stuff I just read about. And they go, well, the bottles wrinkled a little bit. It's not able to label property. I go, okay, we can't label it. We've got to reject this. So I trimmed around and I phoned four recycling companies, 25,000 bottles, like a boat, maybe. Oh, I don't know, a third of a truck. Okay, big tractor trailer. I go, I will give it to you for 100 bucks or free or buy me a copy, you can have it. I phoned three or four companies that aren't recycling. Not one of them will take it or free. Not one. That's not a conspiracy. I got the record of the emails. And after a while, they did what basically gen zetters do in other ones, if you're under 35, they don't return emails, right? They go back to TikTok, as you know, they get a getting TikTok there because they're giving advice for foreign policy assessments or they're on the phone with NASA or something like that. But no, and seriously, I could give it away. I want to tell you another thing about PET bottles. It's because you need carbon to make it. The problem with PET bottles is that these were not recycled. These are brand new in the box. The bridge in plastic is about 40% the cost of the recycled plastic. And it's not clear. Like if you look at this bottle, it's relatively supposed to be clear. Or even if you look at these bottles, they're supposed to be clear, right? They're supposed to be clear. They're not clear. If your bottles aren't clear, you can't mark them on the shelf. They look terrible, right? You want your shirt to look good. You don't want it, or whatever you buy that requires plastic. And going back to when I was going up, you've got to remember, I made my money when I was a kid going into garbage bins. It's in my book, I had an Irish partner, another kid. We'd jump in, they were just kids, right? And we grew up in a rental community. We'd go in the bins, pull out the beer bottles, pull out the milk bottles, pull out pop bottles, all glass recyclable. They'd wash them down. They'd use them over and over and over again. It was all there. And then sometime in the 1980s, late '70s, I remember seeing plastic jug bottles so the plastic industry took over there. I'm not demonizing plastic or any other industry necessarily. We had glass shampoo bottles. That's all gone. It was all there. So, yeah. There you go, that was a long speech. Could you not just send them to the person that manufactured to melt it down and just remake it into bottles? No, 'cause that's a different process to melt down. It's done with what they call PET plastics. They're done with blow molding, right? So, the blow molder, what he does is in the blow molding company, you know that you've got those tiny plastic balls. There's like, you buy a huge Gaylord bulk, these balls, and you pour them in. His job is not to melt. His job is to take these tiny plastic balls, heat them up and they go through their mold injection systems, and then they create plastic bottles, right? And ask any of the political leaders to talk about that because they've never been in a plant. They have no tooling experience. They have no business experience, right? I don't know, where have they been? Maybe in McDonald's, Dairy Queen, you know, they know maybe how slurpies made, that's about it, you know? But we know how to mix slurpies, too. But seriously, that kind of stuff really helped me from my experience and work and just being around trades. You know I've been around trades a lot. You know, when I was growing up and I started learning a fair bit, but that was my experience. That's a good question you ask. It's a different process to melt bottles. It's companies who do that. They would take it for free, Jesse. I hate to say it. I'm not saying we should throw it in. No, we've got blue bins picking up at our house. I'm wondering, where are they putting this stuff? I don't know. That's the other thing. So that was my next question that I was going to ask you is, I've heard some people that have followed some of these recycling trucks and wanted to figure out what was actually going on and the stuff that you're putting into the recycling because we put our green stuff in our green bin, our blue stuff in our blue bin, and our garbage. I like doing that. I like that hopefully it's making some kind of a difference in people who are like it doesn't. It all just ends up in the dump and it's a big scam. And with that, explain why they wouldn't take it if it ends up going into the dump anyways. - Quite possibly, quite possibly. It could explain that they probably don't have a good market for it. They're not able to sell it. They might have been overstocked because what are they doing with all these plastics? They've got to resell them, right? So you can only resell them perhaps to industries that don't need what we call contact clarity. In other words, a bottle that has complete contact clarity where the bottle is transparent. Some industries, you don't need that transparency. Maybe they can recycle it and sell it there. But maybe they're overstocked in those segments of those industries. I would have to do a lot of research, but I phone three, four companies. They chatted a couple of them, two, three of them. They were nice. They didn't want to play ball. I'm not asking for any money. - Do you still have it? - Oh, we did something different with them. We didn't dump them. By the way, if I wanted to throw them in the garbage, it was about $2,300. - That's too expensive. - And that's the weight. Is it the weight? - Yeah, they've got to go to a dump, pick up to bring the trucks in, pick it up. Maybe they've got to pay extra money for dumping plastic bottles into a dump. And that's not what we did. We found the way to work around it a bit, and I'm not going to get into the technical details. But that was just a hands-on experience. - Right, that's up, when I went to send them out for recycling, that's not the answer I wanted. And I couldn't handle, I couldn't morally handle myself dumping them. And I'm not saying I'm a tree hugger, but I do have a respect for the environment. I just want the government to have nothing to do with it. Look, if the government can demonstrate to me that they can run a lemonade span, reasonably successfully, better than seven-year-old kids for two hours, then we can move on and give them escalation of other tasks they could perform, right? Like, you know, maybe being a greeter at the front of Walmart or something like that, you know? And then from there, they can kind of go on, you know? And I'm not being nice to them. - Right here, Savage ESA 2015. My niece works for waste management. It all goes to the dump. Nothing is recycled. This is coming from someone inside. And this isn't the first time I've heard this. I've heard this from numerous different people that have actually followed trucks and things like that. And it all just, they charge people for their recycling. The government takes their recycling fees, which it all just goes straight to the dump. And people think that they're doing good by splitting it all up when it all goes to the same shit. Anyways. - Yeah, you know, it's hurtful when I hear that. I'm an industry, right? But it's hurtful, right? You know, I think, you know, we're innately, unless we're complete psychopaths. For the most part, you know, I like to think, you know, we have a sense of, you know, morality, that sense of, you know, there's something goes off in your mind and says, I don't think that's a very good thing to do, right? I don't think it's good to hurt the environmental, you know, punch somebody on the street or something like that. I don't think that's a good thing to do. And I had a bit of guilt. We did find the work around it. We found someone who could have used it for another purpose, you know? - Some people are using that stuff for fuels. So they're taking plastics and things and what they're doing is they're burning it, using it as a fuel. So then recycling it away where they can get energy out of it. The reason why I asked if you still had it is because my girlfriend and I are planning to do a skincare product like a lotion. And I was just wondering if you still had those bottles, you know, because, you know, that would be one way for us to, you know, maybe, you know, package. I'm still, it's in the beginning phases. You know, we've created a really good product and we don't know how to get it to market yet. So I was just wondering, that's the reason why I asked if you still had it. - Well, what you should do is after the show, we'll have a quick chat and I can set you up to a couple, you know, we'll talk about it because I know where to get all this kind of stuff and who to get it made with and you'll get a skincare line and so on and so forth. I, the products I make are generally more like Henry Ford. I make them, I make them very affordable. That's where the market, I mean, I make them very affordable, right? And my hairspray makes hair listen and my shampoos work at a affordable price. So I'm not like Obama, he only gave you hope. I give you hope and change, okay? But there you go. - Is there anything that we didn't chat about here today that you wanted to share before we wrap this up? - No, everything's cool. Contact me last, you're off the air here. Well, I'll have a chat if you like, but I think we went to a fair bit. You really worked me over there. I kind of felt like I was in the ring corner there, you know, and the bad guys in wrestling, who are the bad guys? Did you watch wrestling or it's just me? - Yeah, you're the dragon, steamboat. And you know, he was, he was one of my favorites. Macho Ren, man Randy Savage. - I like him. - Yeah, his relationship was nice and healthy with Mr. Elizabeth. And, and I liked the villains because that made it so good. I remember the time I was at to make fleece gardens when, I gotta tell you, this has got nothing to do with it. I remember King Kong Bundy splashed Andre the giant and they just carried his carcass. - Sure, I'd rather make fleece gardens back in. - I loved it and big jumps that helped him. It was good. I don't know how we got into that. I'm supposed to be much more intellectual than that, but I'm getting sineers and weirs from the other side of the office there. But it was really good. And, and, you know, to see all those kids crying, you know that their heroes' carcasses getting carried out of the gardens. But, miraculously, 15 minutes later, Andre the giant was good doing an interview, you know? Anyway, it was good. Sorry about that. - Well, no problem. So one thing we like to do is obviously we like to help promote anyone who comes on to the show with their links, with their books. I know we have some links here for your Amazon, for your book. And if there's any way we can get a signed copy of one of your books, we'd appreciate that. I don't know if we can somehow make that happen, but we try to get that from everybody we get on. But I didn't see anything about your, your hair care or your shampoos. I didn't get any links. Did you want to, you know, talk about that, help promote that if you want any more buying your product? No. - No, that's okay. No, it's, they'll find, they'll figure it out. Yeah, my products are in some of the big discount stores here in Canada. But no, I'm not going to promote that. But you've got pretty well my links, I think, you know, on Twitter and Amazon and so forth. - You know, my book is, the classical ambient in economics is just, it's essential reading because it's really a great guide. And you read that and it just, integrates history with economics and the presence and it gives you prognosis of future. By the way, in my book, when I published it two years ago, I said, you need to take positions in gold, Bitcoin and oil. And I'm no guru, right? I just, but all those commodities took off very, very well. And that was the last chapter, I think it was called The Future of Tomorrow. But somehow, the more research I did, thousands of pages, I couldn't help but write a chapter on the Cabalotocracy, but there you go. Well, I was not my best behavior today, I think. - All right, you were good. Yeah, it was a great meeting you. This is the first time meeting you and I'm glad that Matt was able to link this up and make this happen. So thanks again for coming and just sharing your thoughts on how you see the world. - Thanks a lot. It was really fun talking to you and I thank your viewers as well for watching and we can kind of take it from there. I was just reading the notes there by, does Joe use his own products? - Well, yeah, I saw that. I saw that. - He's being funny 'cause you got a haircare shampoo and I think that that was kind of, kind of, he was trying to try to be. - No, that's the reason to, which you will get into. That's really cool. But anyways, that was really good. I think, are these comments, I guess, coming up on Rumble, right? Or on Rumble? - So, we've got comments from Facebook, comments from Rumble and comments on YouTube. I don't think I have to put this on private on YouTube. We've had already six channels deleted because of medical misinformation, us talking about the injections and things like that. And we're not giving anybody any medical advice. You do your own research and figure that stuff on your own, which is just two people talking about what we see going on in the world and it's just a conversation, not giving anybody advice. You decide whatever you wanna decide, you take away, whatever you wanna take away from this conversation. So, you'll be able to go to Facebook, you'll be able to go to Rumble and you'll be able to go to YouTube and actually see comments respond to them afterwards if you have the time and choose to do that. - Cool, cool. We had a lot of fun. It was lots to show and being with you today, Jesse was lots of the spills, thrills and chills. And it was a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun with you and it really worked me over, but I'll recover. I'll get over it there and we'll take life from there. Yeah, thank you. - Sounds good. You're very welcome. Go get a massage check. Go get a massage or something, you know, and go relax and sedate something. Maybe meditate or something. - I love it, that's good, that'll help. Take care, we'll talk to you later. Thanks a lot, Joe. May the source be with you and protection around you during this pivotal time in history. Knowledge is power, the more knowledge we all have collectively, the less power they have over us for one love, one heart, one life. Namaste everyone. And if they ever ask you to put on a breathing inhibitor again, Joe, you know what to say. No masque. Okay, thanks everyone. Thanks, Joe. Bye everyone. We'll see you next time. We've got another missing link starting in 30 minutes. We've got a Canadian activist and he's coming on. Colin McDonald to share his story has been arrested many, many times over this last three, four years. And he's gonna share what's been going on with him, the courts, the fines and all of that kind of stuff. So we'll see you again. Great show and worthy knowledge. Thanks, you're welcome, Kiwi. Thanks, hit the like button. Say no, say no masque because we don't wear no masque. Okay, bye everyone. We'll see you in a half an hour or any time. We see you next time. We see you back here on the missing link. Have a wonderful day. Bye everyone.