Apostolic Lighthouse
The Laodicea Spirit - Pastor John Burgess (Friday Night Anniversary Service)
Jesus. Praise God. Amen. I'm thankful the Lord has moved in this place, and that some have gotten what they need in this house. And as we were worshiping God, praying, people were seeking for the Holy Ghost. I really felt like if the elder asked me to say anything, I would just maybe testify. I did not certainly feel to continue in the direction that I had originally planned. But during this altar service, I did feel a burden of the Lord come on me, and I want to say thank God for these that were praying. And they're not the only ones in here that needed to pray, but they were praying. I think the Lord fulfilling this lady with the Holy Ghost. Amen. God is so good. It's the greatest thing you will ever have is the Holy Ghost. That's what Jesus came to this earth to do, was to open the door so that we could have His Spirit living inside of us. That is what we're here for. Amen. That's what we're here for. Oh, yes. If not, God could just take us on. And it's very rare that we shout until we don't have preaching. That just hardly doesn't happen around home. But if people get to seek in the Holy Ghost in the altar, that's what we were praying for anyway. We'll shut everything down to pray with somebody in the altar. Even in an anniversary service. Amen. I'll let you be seated. This is not a long thing that I'm going to preach tonight. I know the hour. Of course, it's about the same time it was last night, so we're not running too far behind. But I also know an altar service takes it out of folks. You're putting passion into this. And you should always pour yourself out in an altar service. So anyway, though, the elder wants me to preach. There were plenty of you that weren't up here praying in the altar, so you can help me preach. You ought to have some energy left. And if you don't, just sit there. I'll preach to you. And I am so thankful to be here. I love this church. I love this family brother and sister Samson. And I've been knowing them a long time. I can't remember exactly how many years, but I was in Memphis at the time that I met them. And I've really gotten to know Brother Caleb Samson as a man. I knew him as a young man, but I appreciate the spirit that he and his wife have, the way they pour themselves into this church, and you're blessed. You're so blessed. And this church knows it. And tonight is a night that I know you were going to honor your pastor. I know there were things that he bypassed. Church, I would we'll find to play somewhere before we close this out, because you should. And I'll turn it back to you. And I don't want to be long, but I really felt the Lord put this in my heart, so I'll do my best. And I'm so glad to see all of you. When I first went to Tennessee, I was in a place where there were just very few that I knew. And a lot of the people I had known were going the wrong direction. And I met a lot of new friends when I was pastored in Memphis. First place I went, I think Brother Rosen was your place. And Brother Hare sent me up there. And man, y'all would blow that air horn and we'd have church. That's good church. Amen. We don't, we, you still blow that air horn. Maybe it's your wife I need to preach to tonight then. I knew, I knew that there was a reason I was preaching tonight. So no, I'm teasing. But we had, we had fun when we had church, but we had good church. I was so glad to meet a lot of people. I met a man that has became my friend, but he's going on to be with the Lord, Brother Larry Taylor. And long in those areas, then I moved out to Colorado. I don't get to see all y'all as much as I used to. I hear people come out there elk hunting, but I don't ever see them. They might be afraid they'd have to take me, but you rest assured you won't have to take me. 325 milligrams of aspirin, I'm staying where the fire is. My blood's thin. And even though I live out there, I don't, I don't like the cold. So and now I'm 60. I don't have to prove that I'm a man by going hunting. I've killed more quail than anybody here since now, Brother triplets dead. So I've had my share. And at 60, I'm liable to say most anything. Brother Johnson, where I, I took his church, he's, when he turned 60, he said, I'm gonna say some things. He said, when I turned 70, I'm gonna tell some things. He just turned 80. I said, Elder, now that you've turned 80, what are you gonna do now? He said, I'm gonna start naming names. So I'm not old enough to name names tonight. And I'm not old enough to tell anything, but I am old enough to say a few things. And I want to tell you that we are, we got to hold on to this old-time Pentecost. We got to hold on to what was given to us in our heritage. We're not, in most places, the church across the tracks. That's not always a good thing. My father has been preaching 75 years, and yes, he still preaches. He's 98 years old, and don't ask me what you start doing at 90, but he's doing ever bit of it. But he, he, he evangelized seven nights a week, week after week after week. He owned one suit and two shirts. And my mother washed those shirts by hand every day. I forget the stuff she said she had to use. They caught my, seems like she said varisol. That may or may not be right. To clean the suit, and that's how they traveled. Wouldn't know RVs or anything like that. They went, his pastor got a burden for a town and said, ask him, said, would you come go with me? Let's go, let's go have a tent revival. That church needs a town. They went, they found an abandoned old house. No water, no electricity, no plumbing. That's where they lived while they held a tent revival until there was a church built there, and they could bring a pastor in. That's our heritage. That's our heritage. When I was a kid, I grew up in the apostolic Bible Belt. There were churches everywhere, but there were no big rich churches. Let me, let me tell you, when you get to heaven, and this includes every preacher, every pastor, everybody, when you get to heaven, the Lord said, this will be your commendation from him. Well done, thou good. Now if Jesus is right, there is none good. No not one, none but God. So if he calls you good, he's meaning you're full of the Holy Ghost. That's what's good inside of you. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. God's only measure of success besides you being full of the Holy Ghost is faithful. I'm gonna tell you, there's men that have pastored all across this land, little communities, little places. They might have had small churches, might have had 10 people, 50 people, whatever. Let me tell you, they are as successful as anybody because they faithfully freaks the word. Held on to this truth. I know we're living in a different day, but God has not changed how he describes success. Success is faithful to this book. Faithful to pray. Faithful to see people fill with the Holy Ghost. Faithful to love the house of God. We're not in a competition with the world. We're not in a competition with denominational Christianity. We're not in a competition even among ourselves. Amen. We may count how many we got because we want to keep up before losing or gaining souls. I remember when I was a kid, I'm sorry, I'm not even preaching what I was gonna preach, but I can remember going through a deal when I was a teenager. They would come by and flip your tie over to see what brand it was. Y'all ought to remember that. Some of you anyway pull your coat open to see what brand to coach you had. You know why they did that because we never had had any stuff like that, and people were just starting to experience a little bit of financial ability to do that, and it started dividing between the have ties and have not ties. Because that is natural. That's humanity. It's easy to start measuring ourselves among ourselves by what the world calls success. I want to tell you that's not in this book. Not one measure of human success is the way you measure kingdom success. The world tells you that if a man labors faithfully in a place that's only yielded a half a dozen souls, he's a fool. He ought to pack up and go to greener pastures. I'm telling you God says no. I think him for his faithfulness. Hallelujah. Amen. Well there's a little bit of preaching this service here yet, and I do want to tell you what I felt the Lord stir me up about. And I was praying, and they got me on medication that keeps my heart from racing and all that stuff, and so I have to kind of pump myself up to really push. If I don't, I'm just ready to go sit down sometimes, and sometimes I have to feel past that to judge whether it's just me. I hadn't moved around enough, or if it's the Lord putting a burden on me, but I began to pray, and I began to feel God stir in me. I didn't know if there was going to be success in this altar, whether somebody was going to pray through or not, but I was feeling the struggle. It's not easy to pray your way through to the Holy Ghost these days. If you walk away from God, it's not easy for a backslider to get back. You've got to be absolutely determined. You've got to pray. You've got to be ready to repent with all that's within you, because I'm telling you the devil knows he's got a short time to work, and he's going to fight tooth and toenail until he he is never going to give up trying to take you to hell. Amen. I'm telling you that when you get people in the altar, it's work to get them in the altar. It's work to get people prayed through to the Holy Ghost, and it's double work to keep them saved. Why? Because of the day and the hour we live in. I hear pastors say all the time, we're in a day like no other. I hear pastors say that it's so hard to hold on to people because the world, the family, people are saying things. They don't care. They're warring and fighting against people being saved. Places where there's been great success in souls. Brother Cleave Lambeth said not too long ago, and he used an analogy, but he said, you know, we're not cutting big timber anymore. It's digging them out one at a time. It's not as you can feel it tightening up, and it's getting harder. It's because of the forces of this world, but it's because of spirits, spirits that are worming their way in to churches. The Lord told John, he said, I want you to write to the Laodiceans, and he said, I want you to tell them, I know your works. I know that you are neither hot nor cold. I would that you were hot or cold, but because you're lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. He said, because thou sayest, I am rich, I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. That was Laodicea. I grew up here in preachers preach about the Laodicean spirit that's gonna come on churches in the last days, and I would hear times they would think, oh we're there, but not like we are today. Don't cringe or draw up or not hear me out. I'm not saying we're just like them, but I'm saying we're living in their day. We do have to contend with the fact that we're rich. He said, we're not rich, the Waltons are rich. No, we're not comparing ourselves to the Waltons. We're not comparing ourselves to Elon Musk or Bill Gates or any of those people. Think about where you came from. Think about what your grandparents were in the church. Think about what your parents had to go through. Let me tell you, we're rich. We're increased with goods. We got toys. We got all kinds of things to occupy our mind. Say not me. Let me tell you, if you got a smartphone in your pocket, you've got a key to that all the entertainment the world has to offer. You don't have to go to Broadway in New York. You don't have to go to Hollywood or go down to the movie, to the cinema or whatever. You got it right there. Everything you want. Not only that, you got every help you need. You got every tool you need that you don't even have to buy anymore. You got access to knowledge, like people never dreamed of, that it would have taken a college education to have that kind of knowledge at your fingertips and all you got to do now is type in a question. You got it. We are in a different world. Therefore, we are susceptible to the Laodicean spirit. The Laodicean spirit says I don't need anything. I don't have to be at church this week. I don't have to be there on Sunday night. I don't have to go to the prayer room every day. I don't have to fast. I don't have to study my Bible. I don't have to keep my guard up. I don't need anything. Leave me alone, preacher. I enjoy life just like it is. But the Laodicean spirit tells you that you can you can exchange the holy things of God for things that you can conjure up. You don't have to have God to have a move of God. You don't have to have that kind of sacrifice or praying to have something that's emotional, something that's exciting, something in churches or not even realizing it. But they haven't needed God in a long time. They haven't had to pray. They haven't had to lay awake at night. They haven't and and all across. Let me tell you, I'm not pointing fingers at one church versus another. We fight it where we are. You fight it where you are. It is doing its best to come upon us. Oh, yes, it is. You ask yourself the question. Do I pray like the old timers pray? How many of you have sacrificed like the old timer sacrificed? Oh, yeah, I know we like to talk about the elders. I know we like to talk about those that built the churches that we enjoy. But just be honest, do you pray like they prayed? Do you believe in God like they believed in God? Are you faithful like they were faithful? Have you endured what they have endured? I know I can't stand here and say that. I realize God, we've been kind of slipping by on less for a while. Where is this thing headed? I'm telling you, it's not going to get easier to stay tapped in and tuned in. Preachers, you hear me? You're going to have to get a determination that we're not going to lose this. We're going to have to hold on to it with everything that's within us. Oh, yes, amen. I know, I know we can look down our nose at those that built the churches that we worship in. And I'm not talking about the buildings that we have today. I'm talking about the churches, the foundation, praying people through, doing what they did to build the kingdom of God. But we are, listen, you hear me. If the Bible is right, we are fighting a battle that's not going to let up. Oh, yeah, the Bible does say that he's going to have to shorten the days, except the very elect would not be saved. Oh, yeah, listen, I'm not a doom and gloom person. We're having people pray through, having revival. I'm positive all the time. But I also know we're living in the day that Laodicea is descending, it's moving in, it's doing its best to shut the church of the living God down. It's coming to every city that it can come to. We really are living in the day. Brother verbal being prophesied about this when he said, we will see the day when we will have to go back into cities that once had great churches and re-avangelized them as though they never had a church there. We are seeing those days. Oh, yes, we are. But I want to take a little different angle tonight. Because let me tell you one message, I can't push Laodicea back. One service, we're not going to win the battle against Laodicea. Pastors, we're going to fight it all the way to the end. And there's a lot of places that's losing it already. But I want to preach to some others for just a few minutes. I want to preach to you who've been playing games with God. I want to preach to some of you that are here tonight and yet your heart is really not in this. You're kind of hanging on by the fringes, around the fringes. I want to preach to some that you're sitting out there not sure you're really going to push and try to be saved or not. I'm going to preach to some that needed to be in this altar, but you weren't. And I want to I want to ask you the question. Do you really want to be lost in Laodicea? You got you got sense enough to be here tonight and know there's a heaven in hell. You know that if you don't if you don't live for God, you're going to hell. You know that if you don't repent of your sins and pray through to the power of the Holy Ghost, you're not going to make it. You just you're just too used to saying, "Preacher, give me a little bit more time." If it's hard to live for God now, what do you think you're going to do in the time of Laodicea? You're probably only still here because of the prayers of your grandparents or maybe your parents. Where will you be when nobody comes to the church to pray anymore? Where do you think you're going to wind up when we can't hardly get folks to Sunday morning church, much less to come by every day to pray? You think you're going to be safer then? You think you're gonna find your way to an altar then? I'm gonna tell you it's hard enough to get down here right now. I wouldn't plan on waiting until everybody's got the Laodicea in spirit on us. And the devil's got it figured out friend. He knows he never won any battles by sending us to the lions or sending us to the to the stake to be burned. He's figured out, "No, I'm gonna let them have it good. I'm gonna let them have prosperity." Then they'll stop praying. Then they'll tell the preacher, "Don't stir me up." Then they'll say, "We don't want to hear that old-fashioned preaching anymore. What's your chances then?" Oh, hallelujah. This sister, they got the Holy Ghost right here. I'm gonna tell you people get it the same way. There's some that don't like people praying around them. They won't ever get the Holy Ghost. I'm gonna tell you the way it works. Oh, yeah. It can be a messy deal. People get all around. We're praying. We're trying our best. Come on, come on. Why is it? Because we know if you don't get this, you're going to hell. We know if you don't get this, you're not gonna make it. We want to see you. We'll pray with you as long as you'll pray. What's your chances when nobody's interested in praying anymore? You say, "We'll never get there. We're halfway there now." There's folks in here that this was a hindrance, this ultra-service, going to let you get me supper tonight. Oh, yeah. I know it's not your service. It's this local church's service in a sense. The day I can sit in a service and not care that a sinner's seeking the Holy Ghost, that I can visit instead of pray, is a day laying to see us already got a hook in my jaw. Already coming on me. What's the chances? Some of you got lost loved ones tonight. Some of you have family members that are right now out there on drugs. What's their chances if you stop praying? What's their chances if laying to see us comes on you? What's their chances if you can go to church and not get stirred up? You start looking at your clock and seeing, "Oh, is the preacher gonna be a little long tonight? I'm gonna tell you your loved ones out there don't have a chance if you let lay and see or get a hold of you. The greatest chance they've got is when you get to church, I'm gonna have church like they knew about way back in the day because when my loved one walks in that back door, I want them to feel conviction. I want them to see somebody pray in somebody ready to pray with them. I don't want my lost loved ones to be lost in Laodicea. I got family. I've got loved ones that are backsliders. Live in a town that doesn't even have a church I would remotely recommend. They're already living in the town of Laodicea. Nobody's staying up late at night to pray for the lost in their city. Nobody's out knocking doors. Nobody's out praying God. When I go to the grocery store today, help me find a hungry soul. Let me run across somebody. I'm gonna tell you, "Are you still praying for that loved one, Brother Burgess?" Yes, but I'm telling you, the scenario is already unfolding. They are living in a city where there is no check against the spirits of that city. Hey, I believe that. I believe the church is the one who hinders the spirit of Antichrist. Oh, that's what the Bible tells. When the one who hinders is taken out of the way, then the man of sin is going to be revealed. Who is the hindering one? There's only one hindering force and that's the power of the Holy Ghost. It's the church of the living God. Hallelujah, let me tell you, if it's Laodicea in your city, then the spirits are rubbing rampant in your city. They're binding up backsliders left and right. I can't help that city. God didn't send me to that city that I'm thinking about, but I think about my city. God, there are backsliders in my city. God, there are lost people in my city. I don't want to see them go to hell. His church becomes just another social gathering for me. God, am I a little too tired to put into it like I used to put it into. Let me tell you, I can't give up. Oh, I can't stop praying. I can't stop preaching. I don't know. They telling me that preaching's killing me. I don't know. I've had five bypasses, and sometimes I don't even feel like getting out of bed and going, but I want to tell you, I'm going to do this until I die. If I drop dead, I don't care. I want to be faithful. There are people in my city. I don't want to see go to hell. I'm still stirred up everywhere I go. Who might be in this service tonight that needs God? What's going on around them? Is it prayer or gossip? Is it prayer or frustration over the preacher taking too long? Who might be sitting on your pew? God, I don't want my pew to be laying to see. Oh, no. Oh, no. Somebody looks around saying, what's that God doing up there? I want them to look at me and say, well, I don't know what he's doing, but I'm going to tell you this person beside me is into it. They are loving what's going on right here. Oh, hallelujah. When we get to sing in, when we get to worship in, when we get to shouting, it's easy to just look around and say, well, that's what they do, but I'm just a little different. Did God save you or did he not? Did he pull you up out of sin or did he not? Did he rescue you from hell or did he not? If he did, I'm telling you, I don't care what your personality is. You ought to clap your hands to God. You ought to shout to God. You ought to pray. You ought to be playful. Somebody said beside you, they need to know, hey, I don't know what's going on, but it's real. If you were waiting on something to come down to this altar earlier in this service, let me tell you, it's not going to get any better than what's pulling on you right now. This Bible is right. It's going to get more scarce to find. It's going to get harder to find. Oh, I'm going to wait when I start seeing certain signs of the end time I'm going to get in here. Oh, are you? Oh, are you? I believe I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe this church will be a lighthouse till Jesus comes. But you don't have any guarantees. You don't have any guarantees, spirits are attacking everywhere, trying to dry up altars. It can happen anytime. I have been, even in the church I'm pastoring right now, we've gone through seasons where the enemy wars against us so much it locks down the altar. It's so hard for people to even come, so hard for people to pray through that can happen any moment. What's your soul going to do if that happens when you come? If you come and there's a move of God, don't pass it up. Don't miss an opportunity. Oh, Hallelujah. I'm telling you, we are in the end times. You cannot afford to pass up one invitation. You can't afford to pass up one altar call because what are you going to do if you go home and wind up still lost when Leia de Silla descends on your town. You don't have any promises and it's coming to too many places. It's coming to too many churches, too many services. We're warring against it. It creeps in and stifles things even in churches that will fight it off. But we're fighting battles. We didn't fight 50 years ago, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, fighting battles to just keep a move of God, keep conviction. You hear me? We're seeing a disappearance of conviction. We're seeing a clamor from the pew. Give us preachers that'll tell us about how to get our miracle. You tell you the miracle you need is conviction, grip in your heart, pulling you down to an altar until you repent and pray through. But there's too many people that don't want that anymore. If you find it, if you find it like it was here tonight, you better take advantage and run because I'm telling you the door is closing. The door is closing. It's closing on conviction preachers. I'm telling you, they make fun of them. They've made fun of them until they've disappeared. Yeah, those car wreck evangelists until they, until people got embarrassed to get up and try to have conviction, grip of service. I want to tell you, that's the days I was born again. I'm not ashamed of the days when a man would stand up there and do anything he could to get your attention and stir you up. He might not have had some kind of fancy message. He might not have been an orator, but I'm going to tell you, he might scare you in this altar, but I can promise you when you got up full of the Holy Ghost, you were thankful for whatever happened to get you in this altar. Oh, yes. Stir us up, preacher. Don't preach conviction. Don't make us feel so heavy. Don't make us feel like we're leaving here with dread hanging over our head. I'll tell you this, if you don't have a preacher willing to stand and tell you when God speaks and when God is saying, don't walk out this door. You are getting your last chance. God, give us men that will still obey the Holy Ghost and give us churches that will pray that down and say, we've got to have it. I don't want to be lost and lay in the sea. I don't want to lay in the sea of the sin on my community. I've got loved ones that need to be saved. Jesus said, I want you to write to that city. Tell them I'm ready to spew them out of my mouth. Why? Because I'm looking down at that city and I'm seeing sinners walk down the street. I'm seeing them walk toward their next vice or their sin. And as they walk past the gatherings of my church, my church is so rich. My church is so increased with goods. My church feels like it doesn't need anything. There's no prayer coming up for that soul walking down the street. There is nobody trying to travail and call out their names. Nobody's out there trying to flag down a sinner. Hey, hey, you got to hear about what we've got. Oh, yeah, I would not want to be a sinner and lay in the sea. God, if I'm a sinner, let me wind up in Philadelphia. Let me wind up in Smyrna. Let me wind up in anywhere but lay in the sea. Don't let me wind up where nobody cares. Don't let me wind up where they're self-satisfied, gather to pat each other on the back. And they don't care about a sinner. If you'd have been a sinner in that town, what chance would you have? What chance would you have? Oh, you would long to be where Paul preached. You'd long to be where John preached. Just don't let me live in lea to see. I wonder if sinners are praying that tonight. God, don't let me live in this community. Nobody's praying for me. Nobody's checking on me. Nobody cares. God, I wish I'd have been born in a different family. I'm struggling. I'm backslid. I'm lost. I don't have the strength to break out of my vices and my family doesn't even care. They don't even pray for me. They don't even reach out to me. God, please don't ever let that be said. But it's going to be said again in a lea to see us somewhere. Don't let it be said about my church. Don't let it be said about me. God, oh God, I got to carry a burden. I've got to reach for somebody. I got to pray. And I'm preaching to you tonight. You are in an assembly tonight. You are in a place where people are praying for you. You missed an opportunity earlier. And if you can't be saved in a place like tonight, where will you be saved? Where will you find anybody willing to pray? Where will you ever see preachers gather willing to lay hands on you hungry to see you get the holy ghost? If you can't be saved tonight, can you ever be saved? It's what you need to ask yourself. It's what you need to reach for tonight. And I know we've already had altar service. I know that really I only intended to be up here for just a few minutes. But I'm going to tell you, I'm not geared to just sit down and close the service. Let me tell you, we never end a service without an altar service somewhere in that church service. And we've already had one here. But you know what? If you want the holy ghost, there's people that'd be willing to go to a classroom with you and pray till you get the holy ghost. You're in a place where you can be saved. If you can't be saved in a place like this, you won't ever find a place to be saved. If you can't be, if you can't respond to a move of God like's in this house tonight, you'll never find what you're looking for. Because this is God reaching for you. He's been reaching for you all service. Oh, hallelujah. He's reached for you consistently and constantly since we came in here. But if you're waiting on God to do something special for you, He's doing it right now. He's reaching for you right now. Oh, hallelujah. I won't somebody to pray. Now, we're not going to have just a formal altar service for the sake of doing it. But I'm telling you, if God's talking to your heart, if you're realizing God, I may be getting one of my last chances. I can't walk out of here, Lord. I can't walk out of here. I won't be saved. Oh, hallelujah. We're still praying with you. We're not finished praying with somebody that's hungry. Oh, hallelujah, Jesus. We're not interested in going through the motions, but I'm telling you, God would save you. Oh, hallelujah, Jesus. Hallelujah. What about it? Saint of God. What about it? Preacher. Has the encroaching world. Has the pressure of the enemy pushed you down so far to your tired of fighting. Oh, it's going to get worse, but you got to make up in your mind tonight. God, my town can't ever be a lay in a sea. God, my city can't ever be a lay in a sea. I know we may not be many in a place where there's so much sin, but God, if there's breath in my body, I'll still be pleading the blood. I'll still be travailing for somebody. I'll still be faithful to the house of God. Preacher, you got to say, I'm going to preach it. I'm going to preach it if nobody wants it. I'm going to preach it if I don't get an amen, but I will not give in to a lay in a sea of spirit. Oh, hallelujah. Let's stand. I'm sorry. I don't know how to preach any other way than to try to stir somebody. I don't know how many messages I have left in my life. I don't know how many years, but I can't let one service go by without trying to stir somebody. We got to hold on to this. It's all we got to. All we have is a move of God. All we have is the truth. God, we got to stay in this with all of our strength. We can't give in to the spirit of the age. God, we've got to be apostolic to the trumpet sounds. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Somebody pray right now. Somebody call on God right now. Somebody make a pledge to God right now. Somebody's got to get stirred. Oh God, this local church is where I'm preaching right now. Hey church, look where God has brought you to. Look at the testimony you have. Look at this beautiful building. You got things you never had. God didn't bring you to this place for you to relax. He didn't bring you to this place to rest on your laurels. And think about what you've done. Hey, there's still a future for this church. Oh brother Samson, there's still a future. It's got to stay the same way. Oh God, I thank God for brother Caleb's answer. I appreciate his passion. Why? Because it's going to take that. We can't let spirits take over. We got to who's going to ride with this man, these men, as they preach the truth. Is there anybody hungry to have an old fashioned move of God? Every service. Oh hallelujah. Somebody pray. Somebody pray. Somebody pray. Somebody pray. Somebody talk to God. Oh hallelujah. Hallelujah. Look at these precious kids down here praying. The devil wants to drag them out and waste their life. Oh is there anybody that'll pray? Is there anybody that'll seek God? Is there anybody that'll square their shoulders and say not on my watch? I'm not going to lose one single year. Statistics tell you 80% of these kids on this front row will be lost. That's what statistics say. And it's what lay in the sea. I want you to give in too. But I can't think of a single child. I want to lose. I'm telling you the Holy Ghost says you don't have to give in. The Holy Ghost says you don't have to lose anybody. You just pray. You just pray. You put up a wall and get some spirits. Come on this altar's open. Somebody needs to pray. Somebody needs to call on God. You can't get the Holy Ghost tonight. You can't recommit to God tonight. When will you ever do it? When will you ever do it? When will you ever have an atmosphere that you can do this? Come on church everybody, don't just pray. Pray where you are running down. You let God stir you. You didn't just come to honor the senses. Don't sit back there. Just feel like your body being present. All you need. You're a part of God's kingdom. You need to help us pray tonight. You need to help reach for a soul right now. Come on. Make a commitment to never give up a soul.