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"Faith in the Fire: Lessons from Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego" - Your Weekly Calling

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07 Oct 2024
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In this episode of "Your Weekly Calling", Brad delves deep into the themes of faith, trust, and God's plan through the powerful story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Book of Daniel. These three young men, who were taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar, stood firm in their unwavering faith in God, even in the face of extreme adversity—refusing to bow down to the golden idol, knowing the fiery furnace awaited them.

Brad discusses:

  • The importance of trusting God when facing life’s challenges, even when His deliverance may not come in the way we expect.
  • Choosing the right friends who help strengthen and encourage our faith, just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did for each other.
  • God’s constant presence in our lives, even during difficult times when we might feel abandoned or overwhelmed.
  • Standing firm in your beliefs, regardless of the cost, and having the courage to do what’s right.
  • The reminder that God has a plan for each of us and knows what is best, even when it’s hard to see through the trials we face.
  • The idea that faith requires action—we are called to stand up for our beliefs, no matter the consequences.
  • God’s perfect timing and methods of deliverance, showing that He always has a greater plan, even if we don’t fully understand it at the time.

Through this story, Brad encourages listeners to hold fast to their faith, knowing that God is with them in the fire and that His plans for us are always good, even in the midst of trials.

Tune in to hear more insights and reflections on how we can live out our faith in challenging times, trusting in God's perfect plan for our lives.

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(upbeat music) - Hello, my name's Kamal Grant and this is You Don't Know What You Don't Know, the latest podcast on the Hope Cast Network, where I, Kamal Grant, go talk to leaders in the consumer package goods world because I need to know more things. I'm trying to launch a new brand called Magic Middle's and I want to get it on all the grocery store shelves. So I'm talking to leaders in the industry so I can learn from them so I can learn and let the world know. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - This is the Hope Cast Network. Stories and shows you actually want to listen to. (upbeat music) - My name is Brad and this is your weekly calling. I hope this upcoming week for you is going to be amazing. I'm excited about this week. I have some cool things happening personally for me this week, so I'm excited. But today I want us to go into the book of Daniel. When I say Daniel, a lot of you immediately go to the lion's den, which was a power move, right? You get in there, you trust God and he saves you from the lion's den. That's pretty amazing. But if you don't know about Daniel, Daniel was a prophet and the book of Daniel was written between 540, 530 BC, somewhere around in there. And the purpose was because King Nebuchadnezzar had conquered Judah and deported many of the inhabitants to Babylon. Daniel included, he served in the royal court of Nebuchadnezzar and Nebuchadnezzar was a bad dude. Let's not get this twirl here. This guy was not a good dude and several rulers were followed by Nebuchadnezzar. The book of Daniel records the actions, prophecies and the visions from the prophet Daniel. He was a prophet, he could see. Now, I want us to take a quick look at when he talks about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednekah. Now these guys, these homies, they were like, "You know what we're gonna put you in the furnace." They're like, "We don't wanna go in the furnace." Yeah, but they said, "We're gonna put you in the furnace." Nebuchadnezzar, "If you don't call me God," like the leader, you know what they said? Forget that, it's a cat. And I think that's what the kids say in it, it's a cat. They're like, "We're not doing that. We're not gonna do that." And you know what? When they got there, "If so be true, our God whom we serve," they said to him, "Our God whom we serve," in Daniel 3, 17, is able to deliver us with a burning, fiery furnace, and he would deliver us out of your hand, O King. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning, fiery, fiery furnace. Take a moment, they're looking at him in the eye and they're saying, "No, what?" "God's gonna save us, and if not, we know where we're going." Have you ever felt like that in life where you're up against a battle and you know you have to trust God? It's hard, it's hard. When you're staring, not paying your rent, or you're staring, losing your job, some of you listening right now have lost your job and you're sitting at home and you're like, "I'm gonna listen to, you know, weekly calling." God is there. When you face adversity, I want you to remember this verse tip. When you're asked to do something you don't think you should do. If you're young and impressionable, I tell my son all the time, you pick your friends now and they're gonna pick your future. Who do you hang out with? It's gonna decide how you get. But if you look at that and you remember Daniel 3.17, if this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from not having a job, paying this. God can walk alongside you. Doesn't mean he's gonna pay. You're not gonna wake up and have a check in your mailbox. Although, I would love that. Why do he's gonna be there with you? Think about that. When I travel, my wife is not with me, physically. But she's with me and my own. I miss her, I miss her dearly. God is with us all the time. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace. And he would deliver us out of your hand, O King. That's a false move to say it, deliver us out of your hand. You throw us in that furnace. You know why? 'Cause you are not gonna have dominion over me. That sin you have right now, that you're struggling with that addiction. God is gonna deliver you out of that hand. Because God is greater than that addiction. God is greater than the lust than the... Whatever you're struggling with as a man, or as a woman, God is greater. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abandaga. We should always stand for what we know is right. Email me at and tell me about it. We're used to it for something that was right. And it came in a lost, professionally, or personally. Whether God chooses to deliver us or not, he's always worthy of our trust. God knows what is best. Think about that. God knows what's best for you. And he's gonna honor those who serve, trust, and obey you. God has a plan. I talk about plans a lot on you. And his plan is down to every detail. My wife is more detail-oriented than I am. But God's even better than her. Don't tell her. No, you can't. God knows, and it's in control of our future. He knows every second's gonna happen in your future. You, yes, you listening in the car right now, he knows what your future's gonna be. You listening while you're in the shower, he knows what your future's gonna be. You listening at work? Trust me, I've had some pretty depressing situations at jobs. He will deliver you out of that. I have had very frustrating and sad situations where I've been like, I don't want to do this anymore. Just suck. God delivers. You just gotta keep trusting. Trusting in God. His delivery may not look like you planned it to look. What do you say? And we have to trust him. Just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did. They trusted God. And they said, I'm gonna read it one more time, 'cause I want you to repeat this after me when I read this repeat after me. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace. He will deliver us out of your hand. O king, he will deliver us out of your hand. Dear God, I pray for each one listening today for the ones that aren't, I pray for them too. I pray for myself as we all have to have faith and we all have to trust you Lord. I pray that times I want to lean into myself, I lean into you. God, thank you again for this platform. And I pray that we have the faith we need that when we see something not right, we stand and we go, no, this is not what God intended. My name is Brad and that was your weekly call. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]