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The Floor episode 2 Recap with Megan Nyback - Reality Check with Heidi and Brad

Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
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On this episode of "Reality Check with Heidi and Brad and Claire they welcome Megan Nyback from "The Floor" Season 2 who's still currently playing the game. They talk about cleaning supplies, crazy hair and Las Vegas. Claire and Megan talk about how they met each other at a Comedy Central Roast and as always They bring you the best recap of the most entertaining show on Fox.

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(upbeat music) - Hello, everyone. My name is Ashley, our post-time back, and I am thrilled to announce my new podcast on the Hopecast Network, Locks of Laughs, where I will be chatting with comedians, restaurant tours, and everyone in the entertainment industry about comedy, duh, pop culture, and of course, a little bit of food. You can follow lots of Laughs on Instagram, @locksoflaughspodcast, and Locks of Laughs will be available on Spotify, iTunes, anywhere you listen to podcasts. So like, follow, subscribe, and I cannot wait to know-ish with me. (upbeat music) - This is the Hopecast Network. Stories and shows you actually wanna listen to. - My name is Brad and I'm with Heidi. You know who Heidi is, and this is, I wanna say this is reality check, Heidi, but this is really the unofficial official floor recap with our good friend, Claire. - Hello. - We'll be joining us. Hey, Claire, how you doing? Yeah, she's dropping the deuces right now. I mean, peace sign is not deuces. - Yeah. - This is a podcast, we're not weird. And we have, Claire, I'm gonna let you introduce our guests and let the audience know who it is. - I have the most amazing for season two, contestant, Megan Nyback, who is defending Las Vegas. She owned her battle in Halloween costumes last week. We talked about it on the podcast. We are so glad to have you. Thank you so much, Megan, for joining us. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - So excited. - You're gonna love Vegas. I love Claire and I am so grateful to know her and so grateful to be here. - Yes. Listen, so last week, we covered the first episode. So, and Megan, before we go into this episode, the episode for this week, which is episode two, we wanna chat real quick about last week because you won the duel with costumes of Halloween costumes, is that right? And we talked a lot about that last week 'cause that was one of my favorites. So, how was that experience for you during week? - Listen, I was petrified. No, and love Austin Powers. I don't know why in my head studied. I had studied all the classic horror films 'cause I thought, oh, those will probably be costumes and I didn't really grow up with those. And so, I had Michael Myers in my head and all I could think when Austin Powers came up was Mike Myers and I was like, no. I'm getting Michael Myers to Mike Myers tipping my tongue, which is why I didn't pass for like an eternity. - And then I vomited it out at the last second thing. Goodness, fun, but super scary. And I excited for everyone to eventually see how it plays out. I'm excited to be defending Las Vegas. I love Las Vegas. - Yes, you know, Mike Myers, you were so close with that because he plays Austin Powers too and you were thinking scary, but you could have gotten that. He has Austin Powers. - And I was-- - You should have been thinking, yeah, baby, yeah. - Yeah, I looked at my 11 year old. This is before I knew you were coming home and I said, how does this lady not know Austin Powers? - All right, it was, I think it was the fear and I totally blanked and I was even more scared because I was like, Dean, I know Rob is in this. How embarrassing is this that he's in front of him? - You have literally the young number two. - Yeah. - Like standing behind you, essentially. So like, oh my gosh, I, yeah, I was screaming at my teeth but that was a great duel. - It was, it really was. - Thank you. - How old is Rob Blow? - He is 60. - He is 60. I know he was born March 17th, 1964 because he's 10 days older than my dad. - Wow, that dude looks good for 60. - I hope I looked that good when I'm 60, man. I'm telling you. - Oh, there's something called money and fame that kind of helps me. (indistinct) - He's not worried about the power bill. He's not like, are we gonna, we're not gonna afford the power this month? - My favorite thing is you're not ugly, you're just poor. - Yeah. - Like, ugh. - You're not ugly, you're just poor. - I want to bring something maybe a question for Claire or Megan, right? And Brad, please tell me if you noticed this too. At the beginning of the episode this week, they gave us a little bit of like an interview to some of them. I don't know if you noticed, there were a couple of people making comments. Did we? Season one, I don't remember that from season one. - I feel, you know, I was talking to my mom earlier 'cause my mom is also like a floor fanatic, but she was like the camaraderie. It's just so much more apparent in seasons two. Which makes me sad because we had it also. They just didn't showcase it. So like, I'm really glad that we're getting kind of an insight to who they are. And Megan, I'm actually excited to ask you if people I like are as nice and as cool as they seem. - Can you say that though, I mean? - You can play the fifth. So I can-- - You can't play the fifth. - Because genuinely everyone was so kind and like, we had said for broken records. Like every day we were like, wow, they did such a fantastic job. I mean, season one as well, we fell in love with everyone and Claire obviously is fantastic. But they did such a fantastic job encapsulating so many different, even like ages, personalities, all anyone you would see in America, I feel like has a pretty good representation on that show. And everyone was so kind. Each person I would sit next to on the breaks, I'd be like, wow, you're really stellar. There was not a bad personality there. Everyone was so, so kind. At least who I got to chat with. Yeah, I enjoyed every second of it and I'm excited. I was really shocked honestly at the end of episode one when they showed and she getting emotional. And I think we were all surprised. We didn't know they were going to break that fourth wall. It'd be really interesting to see how the season plays out. I didn't know they were going to show that. - And there's, I got to say, the guy from Minnesota, the cleaning products dude. - Ryan. - Oh, okay. - He's in it. - Yeah. - He's a little cocky. I was, I got to say, I was glad to see him get beat. I'm a little humbled by him. - I'm getting jealous. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she brought up nice people and I have to address the elf in the room, man. I was like, he has a little fool himself. He thinks, you know, it's cleaning products. And I didn't, well, we get to clean him. So I can't bear by one layer or another. Wait, what'd you say? - I said I didn't get to chat with him, unfortunately. I can't, I can't positive, but I know it definitely, it was an exciting duel. And Julia and I was really excited to see her. - Well, we'll get to the cleaning products 'cause if you listen, if listeners listen to last week, they know we had a discussion about what cleaning products would look like. So I cannot wait to have this discussion when we get there, but Heidi, get us back on the, get us back on the chat here. - So let's start with episode two, right? They start with Angie, who is, I think she's an English professor or something along those lines. And it's quite interesting that they give her the opportunity to go first. And they bring up how she, depending on how many times she wins in a row, I believe two of them, she can get the five second advantage there. So the first one was Angie and Will, and they had acronyms. So what are your thoughts on that first one? - Okay, I thought Will got the bad end of the stick because there were a couple in there that I was like, you have to think so quickly. Like Ram? I don't know. - I think this one is an easy one for my husband. My husband knew them all. - Did they know? - I actually ran and then Vin, I mean, vehicle identification number, I got that. But like, what was the other one zipped through me off? I fell through me off, yeah. The category, and then as I was watching it play, I was like, ooh, there are some that I was way too cocky. I'm only humbled with a couple of those in the category. I was not zippy. - RSVP, I would have lost on, 'cause she was like, what's wrong? What's wrong? - What's he going to play? - That's like, oh my God. - Wait, have you ever seen bridesmaids? - Me? - Yeah. - Yeah, did they do that in bridesmaids? - You know, when they do the, when she's opening up the invitations, it responds to steeple play. - Yay! - I came with, okay, when I think of bridesmaids, Claire, I think of Maya Rudolph taking a dump in the road. - Oh God, the deuce. - Yeah, dropping the deuce, like Claire was flashing the deuce when she was dropping deuces when we got along. She, that's what Maya Rudolph was doing. - Hey, that's good. - That person, I thought he was, I'm with Megan though. I thought he was easy, and then all of a sudden we got zipped, and I'm like, what is that? I don't know, so yeah, zone, I was just guessing, but definitely that was one that threw me up. But the rest were pretty common. My 50-year-old daughter knew most of them, right? 'Cause they were all like, they used them like every day, right? - The TFW, that always, I always think it's that face when? Oh, yeah, 'cause everyone's like, you know, whatever. (laughing) Anyway. - Let's move on. - So Angie won that one. So, and they gave her the choice, do you wanna go back or do you wanna stick with it, right? Because she would get the advantage if she wins to win a row. And she selected a guy named Izzy, and the category was baked goods. And he thought on that one. - Wait, can I ask a question? Angie's the lady that cried in the last episode, right? - Yeah, professor. - If she's the one that thinks every young man on the show looks like her nephew. - Yes. - Who must be the most common-faced guy in the world. Like, I mean, everybody looks like, you know, that guy looks like my nephew. - I don't know. - She sees me with Izzy, with a guy in the book. I'll get baked, baked, baked. - Oh gosh, I can't say baked goods. - She's very maternal. We all call her mama, Angie, 'cause she definitely did, you know, adopt that role on the floor. I felt like I protected kind of next to her. I mean, every time she had to choose, I was petrified, but I felt a little bit, you know, protected, 'cause I had, you know, someone called me from the center. You didn't know you were gonna be the niece. - Like, oh my gosh. - Honestly, now I know. - What if she looked at you, Megan, and was like, this lady reminds me of my really crappy daughter law. - One guy. - She's like, crap. - I really loved Angie. And honestly, that baked goods category. I was-- - It was hard. - It was hard. - Oh, it was hard. But I wrote in my notes, which are deleted from my phone right now. I cannot find my notes. I'm frustrated 'cause I sit in the notes. The dude was too skinny to be an expert on the baked goods. Let's be real. Like, I have a gut 'cause I know baked goods. - I like to-- - McConnoisseur. - McConnoisseur. - The pizza ingredient guy. He was spotted by pizza. I was like, how do you feel that? Like, I get it. - He looked like a pizza expert. I wouldn't wanna challenge him. I'd be like, you look like a guy that eats pizza in the basement. - Well, and if he had a suggestion on what to order for pizza, I would take it and be like, that's pretty good. My dad says that all the time. And guess what? The guy knows pizza. He really does. - Yeah, yeah. - Meghan, you know what annoys me is when I go to a restaurant and I pull this move all the time, I'm like, hey, what would you order to the waitress? 'Cause I don't wanna be the guy ordering the randos thing that never gets, we got a guy ordering the fish. Nobody ever orders that. And then the waitress goes, I don't know. I don't eat much here. That annoys me. Just to make it up. - God sign. - You see, I get a burger. It's a bad sign. I'm like, okay, you're not really selling yourself. And Heidi, we forgot. We need to address the elf in the room. How does Claire and Meghan know each other? We haven't even figured that out yet. - I know, it's a good point. But don't give us any spoilers if there's any, but definitely tell us. - No spoilers. We met six years ago. - Yeah. - Yeah, and it was six. - Were you in the same show together before? - Oh, were you in that bus show? Wait, that's what you were on, Claire, right? No, you were on the ABC show with Jessie Palmer. - Yeah, yes, I was. But no, we were not on the same show. - Okay. - And I'll let Meghan. - Okay, I'll keep the scene. - Yeah. - So I go with my spouse and we are gonna be seat fillers at the Comedy Central Roast of Alec Baldwin. I love a roast. We're in line. And then behind us, we heard this girl as her scaring ticket. And she said something along the way. I can't remember. It was like, oh, I got these yesterday. I got these a couple days ago. And she said, yeah, I'm from Texas. I just, I'm flight out as soon as I got the tickets. And like our heads whipped around and we were like, who are you? We want to be friends. It was spontaneous. A person with Claire, had you bought him? Were you really being in Texas at the time, right? - Yeah. - Okay. Yeah. So you had gotten these tickets by chance. You had like the ticket lottery and then just bought plane tickets and come to LA on a whim for the roast. And we were like, and so we became internet friend and then talk about butterfly effect. I saw Claire was on the floor and I was like, what's this show all about? Watch the season one religiously with my spouse. And she had kept saying, well, you should do the show. You'd be so good at this because I love shouting at my TV and playing along. And I was like, you know what? This one feels fun. I love all game shows, but this felt very, I don't know. I like the visual element. I like that there's some love and some chance involved. And then it all worked out. So I'm really grateful that we were there on that fateful day with Alec Baldwin. - It was so crazy too because I was with my boyfriend at the time who his name was Grant. And he was no longer my boyfriend, but I am married to another Grant. So now Megan, it's time for you to meet him. - Yes, I'm dying to Oklahoma, I think you and me. - I was a lot of that sincerely. - But I'm glad because the way Claire led the story, I thought she would say he's no longer with us, but she's like, he's no longer my boyfriend. - Yeah, I love that. - She's no longer with us. - Megan, just so you know a little insider information, I'm trying to get Claire to get Heidi now on the floor because I want to go up against Heidi and see if I can beat her. - Okay. - Well, I got to pick wisely what areas of knowledge I have that. I cannot go with these. Actually, we have TV shows on this one, right? Like sitcoms. - Yes, sitcoms. Oh, I would have crushed it. - I was pretty good at that one. - That's right, my Ali, but the movie ones, I was like, that's not, I'm going to have been bad at that one. The holiday movies, so I jumped 20 steps forward, but it's- - I want to take the survivor fire queen down. That's my goal. - That's a great question to ask everyone. What would your categories be? - All right, Brad, what are you going with? - I would go with sitcoms because for action movies or Christmas movies, I feel like I could have beaten that author. I don't know if he really has written any books. I'd be like, I could beat him tonight. I was getting there, man. I was auditioning this. I would do something real, real easy to know. I wouldn't do, what's that one guy guy that he brags about? Like, Helen, what is it? - You want the periodic table? - I would not do periodic table. I would be there. - Yeah, I love that. I love periodic table. It's finite. Like, you have to, it's not crazy. Like, there's a certain amount of things that you know and I had to like, fell out of periodic table, like, to graduate. - Yeah. - So, I was like, that guy would be going down, but I say that he probably would beat me. 'Cause every time I say that, I lose, just like in my fantasy football league. Anytime I say it, going down, I always lose. - Yeah, I'm 0 and 4. - Let me bring it back real quick. - Yes, sorry. - But we talked about baked goods, which we all agreed, I think, that it was a very hard one. It was interesting how they put, like, little flags inside the baked goods in your little head. 'Cause it's so hard that you have to know where they're from. - They, Megan, they should have had a brownie with a flag with 420 on it. Then, hey, people would know exactly. It's a baked brownie. That's something to say. - I'm a great person. I would have loved to see that make an appearance. - That would have been hilarious. - Actually, when she won that one, 'cause she got the advantage, Megan Claire, do you think that advantage will help her? Megan, I know you know the answer to that, but if you didn't know the outcome, do you think those five seconds will make a difference for Angie in the future? You know, it's so hard to say. I think the fact that it's her category that she has, 'cause she still has her original category, that's huge. And like we talked about, even with the periodic table, you have these, like, even if it is like a finite category, 'cause I thought about that too, but then I was like, dang, I know Keelan's been studying this a ton, and there's only so much energy and time you can give to each of the hundred categories when you're studying. We feel the same way with Angie, you know, that plus it's her original category. She's the top one, and I think she's shown us that, you know, there's more to meet the eye, then that's the eye with that first stocks one, the way that went down. - Yeah, I do have a question about the time boost since this is like where she gets it. Megan, we use in one did not have a time boost. But whenever you're about to go up to play, the little bit behind the scenes knowledge, they tell you what the game is going to be like. So, you know, if it's going to be a visual or if it's going to be reading, like, so, you know, words or pictures, do you have to choose if you use your time boost before you know what kind of game you're playing? - Oh, that's a good question. - It's such a good question to be honest. I'm sorry, I don't recall, it's all such a blur, and I'm trying to think about when you had to, like, commit to using the time. I would imagine it's when you're up there kind of bantering with Rob, and he asks you real time, right? Which I would think so, but like, honestly, on TV show locations, the one where I got my, you know what, what? I didn't think it was going to be the way that it was, so I wouldn't have used the time boost anyway, so I still would have gotten free. - Well, that's the thing, yeah. I was never talking about this, and we were saying, she was like, well, obviously, you would just use the time boost in your very next duel, right? Like, you don't want to get eliminated and go home, but I was like, I don't know. If you feel so good about it, you could save it for a harder one if you're playing the long game, but to your point, Claire, there were so many duels where I, like, categories I saw where I was like, "Ooh, I'm not touching that." And then as it went down, I was like, "Oh, I could have done that." And then vice correct, the categories where I was like, "Easy peasy." Even the Taylor Swift songs, I thought I was pretty good, but when I was seeing those blank spaces, and I would be like, "Mm, oh, okay, that's what it is." They were too fast, but Nina was, I mean, not so difficult for us, but-- - She was incredible. - Yeah. - She was so impressed by that one. - Yeah, that was good, which I think is the next duel, right? That we're talking about? - So we had pizza, so we then, after the late goes, we had pizza, which we talked about, and the two people were Cyrene and Landis, and Landis was very strong at that one, although I felt that one was pretty common and easy. - Yeah. - Like nothing too obscure of that one. - I wanted Landis because he lives in Oklahoma, apparently. - Oh, wait, wait, wait. - Yeah, does he? - Yeah. - I would have gotten to talk to him. I've heard nothing but wonderful things. You should definitely meet up with Landis sometime. He's like a stand-up guy. Yeah. - Which one was Landis? Which one was Landis? - Pizza guy. - I liked Pizza guy, you know? I'd like that one when he's a good dude. - Yeah. - And he inherited blockbuster movies right up your alley. - Oh my gosh. Megan, I have a mind of useless knowledge. I'm just saying, like it's useless knowledge. I provide nothing to society but my useless knowledge brain. Are we on the, are we on the Taylor Swift dinner? Are we there yet? - Well, so that's the next one. - Yeah, okay. - After that, he went back to the floor, and then we had Nina and Monica, and I wrote down, wow. That one was epic. The back and forth and Nina was so important. She was sharp and quick and witty, and I love everything about her. I love her and both. So that, I said, wow. Now, I was totally impressed by that one. Whoa, whoa, whoa. - I wanna say that I would have pooped him. I would have done what Claire did with the deuces if I had to go up against Taylor Swift songs. I know nothing about Taylor Swift. I would have gotten none right. She would have literally humiliated me on national television. It would have been awful, but I can't think, and I wrote my notes that are deleted now. Claire, would you do your hair like her for the show? - You know, I love expression through hair because it grows back, but green is just not my color. So like maybe the style, but like a way different color, like pink. - Ooh, what about you, Megan? Would you style your hair like that to come back on the floor recap show with us so we can see it? - You know, I have such a stupid attachment with my hair. I always have like nine times out of 10 after a haircut. I'll be like, "Oh, you just don't feel like myself." But I love, I think Mina rocks it so well from day one. And I was like, "Oh, she's so cool." I'd be to Mina. I just might. Season three, season four. Yeah, I'd come back. - Gosh, that would be so awesome. And we don't need, I mean, we're sitting here talking to Megan. We don't know if she won this or not. So, I mean, if she did, she could come, I want you to shave your head if you did. And I want you to come on here with that green hair and the rocket out for us. - Right, this isn't fear factor. It's the floor. - We can make this fear factor floor edition. We can't do that. - That's true. - We could have Joe Rogan with Rob Lowe. - That would be. - We're going to be watching and count how many songs they have. - I hate to interrupt what you're doing now, but something very important I need to let you know about. When you purchase serious coffee beans, we want you to try to enjoy each brew for two reasons. Number one, because you're a part of something bigger, making a positive impact around the world. And number two, because we did not compromise on the quality of coffee, you're drinking some of the best coffee in the world. A hundred percent of profits are donated to nonprofits that are fighting injustice facing humans around the world. Well, that's powerful. Generous is best known for specialty coffee, but the heartbeat of generous is their hope to use for profit business for good. In 2024, generous is hoping to provide coffee to churches around the US to spread a message within congregations that churches care about people, even down to the coffee they are serving and the people they enjoy. I apologize for that extremely long run on sentence. If you have interest in hearing more about generous coffee, please reach out to their founder, Ben Higgins at Thank you and back to our scheduled podcast. Okay, I know I just interrupted a great conversation, but my name is Brad and you may be listening to me or any of the other talent we have on this network at Hopecast. We want to thank you for listening, but also we want you to like and subscribe to the show you're listening to. So when you're done listening, go on the iTunes or the Spotify and leave a great review if you like it and follow the show on Instagram and any other platforms that it's on. I think we're on TikTok, so follow us on TikTok. But make sure you leave us a review. We love good reviews here at the Hopecast Network. Now, I guess I'll let you get back to your show. (upbeat music) - Actually, God, because it was a lot. - Y'all know my God. - I feel like I'm going, right? - And Mina was so fallen and confident. - Oh, she won. - And I felt bad for Monica because she was not ready for it, if you will. - No, I'm not ready for it. - You know, but like anytime I see someone who, like first off, you can just tell that Mina is a confident person. Like, I would be terrified to challenge her in anything. - Yeah. - But I just-- - I don't work. - She had accessories, which she still has, right? And she was like, "I'm going back there, I'm confident." It's the way she said it was so powerful, Claire. So it was one of those where I'm with you. It's like, would I really want to challenge her? - That was shaking at all, but I do want to point out something that she did before the duel. And it's a problem that I have with Angie. Love her, but I have a problem with it. Stop talking before the timer goes. Like, I don't need you to talk to me. Please be quiet. - Maybe that's strategy. - But that is, 'cause I wrote on my notes that are deleted now, I wrote, she ticked it flexed. She ticked it flexed on that young lady. - Yeah. - She was like, "I went to this concert." - And that lady was like, "Oh my gosh, it's a luggage." - I did not hear that in real time, and I was so excited to see this duel. This was one of my favorite of the, 'cause on the floor, we were just losing our minds. I kind of loved that she like, Ben was like, "I got," I think she said floor seats row 13, which is like Taylor Swift's lucky number. And I was like, "Oh shit, I missed that in real time." I did not, I guess we didn't like hear it on the mics on the floor when that was happening, but she was just an assassin. She, I mean, our minds were blunt, and I think the camera pans, 'cause that's the part where it pans to me, and I'm just like, 'cause that's, I was speechless. We were not a, it was an incredible duel. - Y'all are being, y'all are giving her way to me. Here's the thing, if she had sitcoms, movies, I would look her in the eye and I would beat her, and then y'all would be like, "Brad Stone Cold." That's what you'd say. - No, I think, you know, right? It's the best part of the floor. Freedom of choice. - Yeah, but it is, I will. - Whichever direction you're going, but you never know if that one step is going to be the end of your road, where in Heidi terms, you're snuffed out. - Yeah, yes. - You're gonna leave. - Yes. - Anyway, so what was next one? - That next one. - Ben, next one was professions, and I thought that one was very easy. At least for me, I was like, - Yes, you. - I think I knew every single one of them. We got Keelan and Sage, and all I wrote here was like, "Easy." Any thoughts on that one? - I felt so bad for Sage on dentist, because like, it's so, people forget on the floor that you don't just actually have to look at the person. They're AI-generated pictures, right? You don't have to look at the person, you have to look at the uniform in the background. And so, she just couldn't see the thing, - The background. - That you'd bring in. I was like, but she looked like she was like in a school uniform, so I was like, "This chick knows all the professions?" - Oh, you can't afford that. - I don't like an attractive school uniform. - She's got a whole Barbie. She's done it all. - Yeah. - Yeah. - She's not done. - Yeah. - She thought about how they called her Barbie. - Yeah. One of the girls Emily and the audience said, "Well, she's game show Barbie." - I think she's a Barbie. - She's a lot of Barbie. - But I agree. - You have a pretty big hair. - She was beautiful. - Yeah. - Yeah, gorgeous. - You're right though, Claire. You do have to kind of like look around at the context and not same with like, I don't know, burgers and cookies. Like, sometimes you take a second. - I don't want this. - Megan's bringing back last week on me then. Megan, come on now. That looked like a burger, right? - A list then. - I, yeah. It was a burger, but I don't know. When you have that adrenaline going and you're just, you're stomachs like. - Yeah. - I totally get that, but it makes a lot of sense why he thought when he was bounty and then bounty was nothing. So, you know, I do. - Yeah. Why? - I forgot some of that. It was good to make sure which was sitcoms and this one went south, okay? This is Julianne and I believe her name was Heather. And oh my God. It was, it got up and started screaming at my TV. - Yeah. - This happened in my season two within a game's duel and it was so stressful. So Megan, how did it feel being in the audience? Like, 'cause you can't say anything. - Yeah. - I mean, I guess you, I wonder what would happen if you did say something, but you know too. - No, yeah, what if you did? - They don't want you to interfere. And they're actually the floor, they're definitely like tourists. They want it to be like an authentic game and there was no, like we're not allowed to be loud and like, interrupt or anything. This one was so painful 'cause they both, Heather so much and they both are stellar women. And I thought there was actually a really beautiful moment in between the two of them where I think Julianne said like, it's you, it's you. And I was like, oh my gosh, I love that. Themanship, you know. It was hard and it produced one of my favorite moments in the episode though, where Julianne skipped on the TV show, Blackish and then it cuts to Trenton and the audience. And like, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. - Oh, I, I, mm. - Which I also was like, who's not, no, I love Blackish. I think it's a hysterical show. But, um, and in "30 Rock", like... - I love Blackish. - Well, it's interesting. - I gotta say Megan and Claire and Heidi, when I was watching this, this was probably the worst duel I've ever seen on the floor by a mile. And when they finished, I told my son, I was like, she won that but she didn't deserve it. And I thought they both, I thought the first time that one girl was stroking out. I thought she had stroked because she just was like, - I, I, you know, sometimes I think you're just so in your head and you, you think it's the other person. And Claire, did that happen last season as well? - My gosh, yes. It was like, it was just brutal. Like, yeah. - Because you forget after you say past. - Yeah. - But it still-- - No, it hurts. - It hurts. - The thing is the woman. - It's the woman. - Like, for Julie Ann, I feel terrible for her because I love Lucy. Come on. Like, I just was screaming. - Oh my gosh. - And it would, it got to be so dang close because she was going win by a landslide. - Yeah. - And then it got so close. But let's talk about the fact that she won by a hair. - Yeah, yeah. - Literally, like a few seconds. And then was like, I feel in the heat, let's do it again. And then took on products. - I know. - I feel like, whoa girl? You almost just got-- Can we kiss on this? You almost just got your boobie beat. - Yeah. (laughing) - No, she has like, you know, you know what's on steel because I was like-- - One in-- - That's just steel, yes. - Yeah, exactly. - I was, you know, I was, the adrenaline's going, and I'm like, oh, I just need a second to breathe. But she totally was like, nope, bring it on. I mean, it paid off, obviously. - It paid off. - But she reminded me of, of Daryl Hannah, an older Daryl Hannah, who's an actress in Splash. Y'all remember Daryl Hannah? - Mm-hmm. - She reminded me of her. - They're too young. Clara Megan, I'm too young. - Hey Heidi, back to you. Me and you remember Daryl Hannah, right? She does look like Daryl Hannah. And she even talks a little bit like her. I thought, I mean, they both just stared at each other. My son says, I think they didn't realize it was their turn. That's what he said that, and I'm like, I guess, it was still embarrassing. - It's, you like it? 'Cause then I'm just thinking of another moment, and when Julianne does the same thing, which was such a coincidence, you know, when she like kind of blinks and I was like, oh my gosh, it's me. I think Heather says, it's okay, I did that. - I'm just, I'm, oh my gosh. - Oh my gosh. - When she said that, when she said that, when she was like, it's okay, I did that too. I was like, girl, you're not gonna have to answer, like pick it up. This is, do you want the money or not? - Yeah. - Julianne, Julianne was so sad. Something went at the beginning. She's like, I'm the reader, yada yada. When she's trying to pick who's she's going against, it's like, don't say those things. Like there's, maybe she's speaking to them. - I don't know. - That's true. - It's kind of those where it's like, do you really want to say that if it's true? - Oh. - I think like, yes, you want to win, but also you don't want to like talk a big game and then embarrass yourself on national television. - Oh my gosh, yes, Megan. That is, Megan, I am 25 and I knew what I love Lucy was. Like she is 60 and she should know I love Lucy. I was like, Lucy, I love Lucy. - I do think that was just the moment where she thought it was Heather's turn and then she was like, push it. - Like, I don't miss people. - And they show Rob being like, so when they show him for a quick moment in his mouth, his jaw is dropping. - Oh yeah. (laughing) - I don't know how yah. Okay, it's, Megan, how do you let me say Megan? I don't think they've cut to you yet for funny facial reaction. 'Cause I wanted to, that's the, everyone has the, you know what I'm saying? Like, what would be your reaction? What can I look forward to seeing? - They had, I think, a split second in episode one, a split second in episode two. Both of them, like total John the floor double chin, like, really just dumbfounded. And I had one of the people come up to me afterwards and be like, hey posture. 'Cause like, I'm gonna watch this whole season back and be like, dang, I need to lift my, my skin 'cause this whole time I'm just like, jaw on the ground. I was really caught out in the game and I'm excited to watch it back. 'Cause there's so many moments I forgot where I'm like, oh, that is how it went down. - But that's how you remember people because there's one black guy that's really dressed, really sharp with glasses. They show him all the time going, mm-hmm. And I'm like, this guy's cool, man. Like, I can't wait to see him actually get a challenge going. He's dressed-- - Does it make you face it? - Yeah, the faces are how you get remembered on there. - Yeah, in my mind. - True, that's true. - Yeah, Claire got remembered 'cause she worked on toilets, she's still toilets. That's in my mind. - Yeah, well, and then, you know-- - Even though she doesn't. - A little, also behind the scenes tidbit for you guys, you won't really see reactions from the first, or like the middle front people because the camera that's filming the duel is right in front of them. - Ah, cool. - You won't see any of them. So, like, people ask why they didn't see my reactions, and it's because literally the camera was like right here in front of me, facing the duel. - Okay, so yeah, you probably won't see Kielen, he's like right up there, but you're right. It was shows in the center because I like attention and it would have been nice to see my reactions. - What would your face have been, Claire? Let's do it right now. - We cut to you, I just beat somebody, and I really laid the gauntlet. What's your face? - Honestly, I was like super serious. I'd be like, I look around at everyone else's reactions, but if I was like going for that catty girl, like, you know, persona, I'd be like-- - Meghan? - I mean, everyone can see her. We're gonna have to post this moment. - Yeah, we will post. - Yeah. - Meghan, after we watch season two today, my son and I went back to episode seven of season one. - Okay. - And we watched Claire take on shoes and Claire gets up there and Rob was nice and there she goes, I'm a retired pageant queen. I better know shoes. That's what she said. And my son goes, what's a pageant queen? - Someone who wears dresses and gets judged. That's a good way to say it, right? - You know what? - No. - And Claire, I think, do you think that your pageant background influence like your wittiness and your ability to kind of improv up there with Rob and in the floor? Because-- - Yeah, gotta be honest. - Yeah. One hundred P, like, I teach banter. - Yeah. - Like to my pageant, my pageant clients, like I better be good at it. - Yeah. - Well, spoiler alert, she's gonna do some banter on movie torture and other podcasts on the network, so we can't wait for that. - All right. - Yeah, she's gonna bring her, I'll make banter. Anyway, hi. - What's the next one? - Get us back on track. - Last one, very last one is the holiday movie which was kind of cool to see someone who's been in the movies and then when his movie came up, everyone was kind of like, you hear the noise in the background. So, Megan, how was that reaction? You that you were on the floor during that moment? - I didn't even do that. These people, there's so many, like, a lot of people. I, like, just show all my cards. I'm not much serious enough because I learned so many fun facts in the moment about people who are like, what the heck? I had no idea he was in that movie. I've seen that movie on a hundred times. So, that was very excited. And yes, we were all very excited for him. When his movie was shown very, I don't know, meta. - Yeah, Megan, do you think it clear this is for you too? - I feel like if I was a producer, 'cause there was a sum, there were some times on the episode where I think I wrote some of my notes. One guy had to repeat himself twice. Even though he said it right the first time, but it cost him two seconds at least. - Yeah, at least. Acronyms, yes, acronyms, I know we're going back, but I want to bring this up. I feel like the floor can stack it. Like, if I'm producing the floor and I won't hidey to keep going on, you just start showing really hard ones to the other one. Could that be done? I feel like it could be, right? - So, I don't think so, 'cause I think you've known show laws. - Mm-hmm. - Like we, when we were briefed in orientation, like, they were very adamant in like, we do not wanna, and like, I have to say, like, each decision was each contestants. That was my experience. It was as fair as it possibly could be. And of course you have, you know, it's a big L.E.L.R. and L.E.D. screens, and like, things will happen. Of course, you know, technology sometimes, or like, the judgments, like, these things happen, but it has to be somewhat fair, 'cause I think they have laws against that. Do you agree, Claire? - Yeah, it's, so it's a debt. So it's just, I mean, if I got one correct, the next one would go to, say, Brad, we're competing against Chuck, we'd go to you, but if I passed, the one that was gonna go to you would still go to me. - Okay, that makes me, I mean, I like the force. I don't wanna think it's bad. But you know, that guy did repeat himself twice tonight, and I felt bad for him. - Yeah, you know, I felt that too. - Yeah. - I was wondering if the producers caught that, like, while they were watching it today, and thought that could get us in trouble. - Yeah, 'cause four got lost at least two seconds, right, Claire? - Mm-hmm, yeah. - Yeah. - Anyway, Heidi, sorry. - It's an interesting question though, because I was in a completely different reality TV show, but I think the integrity of the game shows, if somehow there are ways to lose that integrity, it loses a lot of your audience. So I truly think most of the shows have to have that integrity behind the scenes in order to keep everyone engaged, and people to want to participate too, right? So I feel like it's hard to kind of be too biased on it, 'cause then your audience will catch on to that with those things, you know? - Mm-hmm. I have to agree, I love reality TV, and like, I think my bubble was burst a while back when I learned about like, how stripped and somewhat like the housewives shows are, you know? - Oh, thank God. - I mean, if you went in, like, not knowing, and I was honestly very surprised at how fair and like, how much of an effort they put into making things really organic, and like, watching the show play out, however it's meant to play out, and that's kind of why I love the floor. Like, it really does feel like, it's kind of, of course, their skill. A lot of love too, you know? - So that was the last duel that we talked about for the floor. One thing we talked last week about this as well is we do not like the previews as much, because it gives us a little too much on what's happening. And I do like maybe a slight comment here and there, but they show, they're showing way too much in those previews. Do you have any thoughts on that, Megan? - Okay, this sucks because I'm the worst type of person where I'll Google the plot of a movie before I go see it. I love spoilers, like, no, like, I'm gonna enjoy it more if I know what's coming up, which I know is so terrible. - Think about that, you're right. They do show quite a bit. Like, you'll see who battles who, I'm also kind of a goldfish where I forget if I weren't on the show, I think I would forget how the duel go down. You know, just based on a few seconds flip, but that makes sense. Yeah, I didn't think about that, but there's definitely, you know, they're pretty long previews and you get a good peek at the duels that are to come. - Yeah, it was an amazing, amazing to have you here. We cannot wait to watch your next one, 'cause we'll be cheering for you. Oh God, Fred, thank you. - We're definitely rooting for you, Megan, and I'm hoping you win this thing. I mean, I am, I hope you do, but let's talk about who, you know, Claire has a task for you, so the listeners are listening right now. We want to pitch to you who we want to have on the show. - Yes. - So Claire, go, who do you want? - I would love to talk to Mina, okay, or Angie. Those are my like top two at the moment. - Okay. - I mean, you're my top one. - Yeah, you're like number one. - Yep. - Some of those are my favorites. - I want it to be to be here, but no, I can definitely reach out to Mina and to Angie. I'm sure they would love a little chat with you. - I won't, I won't pizza guy. I won't pizza guy. - Yes. - Yeah, I won't Santa Claus. - Okay. - I won't Santa Claus on here, 'cause we could talk a couple things with him. - Landist and Eric. - Yeah. - Yeah, and I might want the periodic table guy just because he's so confident on the periodic tables. - All right. - Yeah, I would. - But what they don't know is when they come on here, they're now tasked with bringing the next one home. - I love that. - It's like, I'm really told to me. - It's like, yeah, you gotta figure it out. I mean, it's a, I won't rob Lowe. Can you make that happen? - Oh, my good friend, my good friend Rob for sure. - You got Brad Lowe, but you don't have Rob Lowe. So, hey, I'm here. (laughing) - Warner Fun. - All right, we're done with the episode, Brad, Claire, anything else you would like to close with? - No. - Wednesdays at eight, right? - Yes. (indistinct) - Yes. Wednesdays on Fox AM at nine, eight central or at seven. What did you just say, eight on the coast? - Oh, eight, nine on the coast, eight central, right? - Yes. - Yes. Yes. Okay. - Yes. Is that all the work? Is it central? - I think so. - I don't, I'm confused at this point. I'm in central. Yeah. - Yeah. - You're two hours behind. - So, anyway. (laughing) - Tune in on Wednesdays on Fox and cheer on our girl Megan and she's defending Las Vegas. We're so excited for you. And thank you so much for joining with us. Like, it's so nice to be able to talk to someone else that's had this experience and we're just gonna be cheering you on. Thank you. - Yeah. - So grateful. - And if you won't, we will be recording every Thursday night at nine, central time. - Come on back. - So have your friends join us. You can be in the audience and ask questions. And we'll, and the guests will answer them, not us or Claire. Claire can answer them. She's been there. - I would love that. Thank you all so much for having me. People Las Vegas. (laughing) - Thank you Megan and we will see, we will be back next week. We're Claire for Heidi. My name is Brad. That's Megan. Catch you later. - All right guys. Thank you everyone. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]