Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

Getting To Know The Lord's Prayer At A Deeper Level | Tray New

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06 Oct 2024
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Good day to you, this is Ronnie Allen. Delighted that you're with us today. Right here at Omega Church here in San Antonio, you can go to You can see the various social media platforms we use. Thank you for being with us today. We hope this message equips you to follow God's voice. We believe that if you're searching, today your search is over. Thanks for being with us and enjoy. Y'all know what 180 means, right? It means to turn away from what you're doing, what you were doing, that bad or whatever, going away from God and make a 180 and turn towards God. That's what I'm, not a 360. So many times we repent, we repent and we just do a 360 and we keep going and doing the same thing. 180 means to repent, to turn away. Amen, turn away and then turn towards God, hallelujah. So we opened up in Matthew chapter six on Wednesday. I'm just gonna kinda lay a foundation of what we talked about a little bit and then we're gonna keep going. I have a long ways to go. If I don't get through it all today, then we'll continue again on Wednesday and then we'll continue again on Sunday. But Jesus was talking to his disciples. This is a paraphrase. He was talking to his disciples about what it looks like or what it shouldn't look like whenever we give and whenever we pray. So in other words, he was just telling them, hey, don't draw attention to yourself. When you give, give humbly, you know, give graciously and you know, when your father, you do it in secret, then he's gonna reward you openly. In other words, don't take pride in your giving or in your praying, okay. In other words, he's saying, hey, go into your most secret place and pray, you know, close the door on all the outside circumstances. In other words, don't pray like the religious people pray. Okay, there was a instance in the Bible where a religious man was praying and he was praying and there was a sinner that was next to him in which that religious person didn't know that he was too. And he's taking pride in himself and he's praying this big, gorgeous prayer, big words and saying all the right things. And he says, I'm glad that I'm not like this guy over here. Okay. And so Jesus is telling me, hey, don't be like that guy and this guy that was humble, he knew that, you know, things weren't right in his life and he said, be gracious to me. I don't know, this is a prayer phrase 'cause I shouldn't look the scripture up. But basically he said, hey, be gracious to me and forgive me, you know, for I've sinned. He was being very humble about it. And so out of this conversation, his disciples must've realized that, hey, they didn't know how to pray. All that they had seen, they had seen the Pharisees, they had seen the Sadducees and how they gave and how they prayed the religious people. And then Jesus was telling them something completely opposite of what they had seen other than him. Okay, if they had been watching him closely the whole time, they would have figured out how to pray. But anyway, his disciples said, well, teach us to pray. And then y'all know that this is a prayer goes on to Matthew, I think it starts, let's see. Matthew chapter six starts at verse number eight. It says, so do not be like them praying for your father knows in heaven, you know, don't speak a lot of words. And then he says, pray in this way. And then this prayer is not actually a prayer that we're supposed to pray word for word all the time like a lot of other religions do. I'm not saying that it's wrong to, but what Jesus is saying, hey, I'm gonna give you a model prayer. In other words, I'm gonna give you a recipe for prayer and these are the ingredients that you need to add into the recipe. Okay, these are the ingredients. Yes, we can say that prayer word for word and everything be good. But they call it the Lord's Prayer. Well, it can't be the Lord's Prayer because the Lord never had any sin. Okay, he never had any transgressions. Okay, so this prayer is a model prayer for us to pray. And there are specific elements in this prayer that we should be adding, when we pray, we should be adding these elements into the way that we pray. And basically what Jesus is saying, if you'll add these elements of prayer and then it goes on to Matthew chapter six, verse number 33, he says, but seek ye first to kingdom. This was instruction on how to seek ye first, the kingdom of God. And he says, then for sure all of these other things that you're concerned about are gonna be added to you. Okay, yeah, you should shout amen right there. So the Lord tells us to pray all kinds of prayers. Can you pop up first Timothy chapter two verses one through four in the Passion translation? And then we're gonna get rolling on this. He says, most of all, I'm rotting to encourage to do what? To encourage us to do what? To pray with gratitude or thanksgiving, okay? Our prayers should always include thanksgiving. Pray for all men with all forms of prayers. And so we see here that there's all forms of prayers. There's prayers of petitions. There's prayers of intercession. There's all kinds of prayers that we can pray. Forms of prayers and requests as you intercede intercession with intense passion, okay? The Bible says that we should in verse number eight in that same chapter. It says for us to pray on every occasion. Do we have occasion to pray? Do we ever have an occasion not to pray? Never. So we should pray on every occasion. So everything that's going on in our life, in the country, in the world, everywhere we should be doing what? We should be praying. So everybody say, just pray. - Just pray. - In James 5, chapter 13 through 18, y'all don't have to pop it up, y'all just write it down. But it says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man of valest much, okay? So who's the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus in here? Raise your hand. Now come on, y'all been here, we've been doing this. Who's the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus in here? If you're born again, your hand should go right up. You can't get any more righteous than you are right now. You can't get any more righteous than whenever you gave your life to the Lord. You can't do anything. You can't pray more to be more righteous. You can't work enough. You can't do enough good deeds to get any more righteous right now than what you are already are right now, okay? You can't do it. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. How much you gotta pray to get more righteous? You're already righteous. But a righteous person prays, amen? Can you give all of your money away and be more righteous? No, you can't, but what does a righteous person do? They tithe and they give, they honor the Lord, they partner with God, all right? So the effectual fervent prayer of righteousness has much power, the amplifier has much power attached to it. Do you know that you have the backing of all of heaven on your behalf whenever you pray? All of heaven is backing us up whenever the righteous person opens up his mouth to pray. All of heaven. All of it, not just some of it, all of it. So the effectual fervent prayer of righteousness of valence has much power attached or accompanied with it. Why do we need to pray? Biblical prayer releases the reality of the king's domain into this world right where we're at right now. So whenever we pray, a believer prays, a biblical prayer, then it releases the kingdom of God into our situation right then. Is that good news? Amen. So it's our model prayer. So let's go to verse number Matthew chapter six, verse number, verse number nine. Jesus says this, he says, after this manner, therefore pray. Did he say to pray this exact prayer? No, he said after this manner. If y'all pop it up, it's in the King James. After this manner, pray ye our Father, which art in heaven, okay? So this indicates relationship. Now how do we come into a closer personal intimate relationship with our Creator, our Father who is in heaven by prayer, okay? How can we come into a more intimate relationship with him is by worship, okay? I believe you have not prayed until you have worshiped. Worship is the principal thing. What is going on in heaven right now? Worship is going on in heaven. That's the biggest activity that is happening in heaven. And so what we're doing here should resemble or it should shadow what is going on in heaven, right? And so that first verse there is a call for intimacy or an invitation to come close to him and to lock away with him. Okay? So that our Father means that we can have a relationship with him. As we draw near to him, we begin to see him for who he really is. So when we draw near to him in worship, then we begin to see him for who he really is. We see him that he is the King of Kings and he's the Lord of Lords. We see him, he begins to reveal himself as Creator. He begins to reveal himself that he'll supply all of our needs according to his riches and glory by Christ. He starts revealing him as our source, himself as our source. While worshiping, we become aware or awake to him. We are awakened to the all and the wonder of our Father. Okay? When you come in to close the door and you worship him for who he is, then we become awakened to the all and the wonder of God. The primary activity in heaven is worship and we are to participate in what's going on in heaven. So if it's going on in heaven, whatever those activities are, we are to participate it here on earth. Listen, the two main reasons that we pray so that we can come into a closer intimate relationship with our Father, all right? And then the second reason that we pray are the, you know, there's probably more reason, but these are kind of the two specific reasons that I want to hit on. And that is to release God's kingdom, his domain, his power and his authority into the earth, amen? And we're gonna find that out here as we go along today. Worship and adoration should be our number one priority. Y'all heard me say over and over again, a heart that is, God cannot resist a heart that is turned to adoration towards him. So whenever we pray, whenever we worship, whenever we pray, he comes, amen? They're about to say that say when I pray, God shows up. When I pray, the kingdom of God shows up. When I pray, the King's domain shows up. So that's his dominion. And let me tell you what, whenever his dominion and his power shows up on the scene, then everything else has to bow down. It has to leave. Yes. God's response to worship is an invasion of heaven into this realm, into our realm or his domain. Matthew chapter six, verse number 10, this is the second, the second part. So, our father who art in heaven hollowed be that name. Hollowed means reverence, it means honor. And so what does the honor in reverence mean? It means to hold in very high regard, to hold in very high esteem. So whenever we come before God, we worship him and we honor him. Amen, is he worthy of all of our honor and all of our praise? Yes, he is. All right, verse number 10. It says, your kingdom come. You're about to say, Lord, your kingdom come. So it says, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. This is why we pray. This is the focus of our prayer, is for God's kingdom to show up, right here in the nasty, now and now. When the kingdom of God shows up, the kingdom of darkness must flee. Amen? Darkness has to flee whenever the kingdom of light shows up. How are we supposed to pray? So if it exists in heaven, then this is what we're supposed to pray. Amen? Faith, listen, faith grabs hold of the reality of what heaven has to offer. Faith, listen this, faith grabs hold of the reality of what heaven really is, or who heaven really is. Our example is Jesus in everything. So that if it exists in heaven, it is to be on earth. Is that right? So if it exists in heaven, then it should be existing on earth. The problem is, is that believers have been weak in their prayer. They haven't realized how much prayer is available to them. They don't know that whenever they're the righteousness of God and Christ, that they have much power available, that all of heaven is there to back them up. Because if we did know that, we would be praying different. Because so much of our prayer now is whining and complaining. That's not prayer at all. Prayer is more today on this side of the cross about declaring, about decreeing, and about thinking. Why are we thanking him? Because he has already paid for it. He's already made it all available. And so we're just thanking him for something that he already paid for. And that is how we receive the kingdom of God. Amen? I'm trying to go, I'm trying to go real fast 'cause I'm trying to, I wanna get through this today. Hallelujah. So faith grabs hold of this reality and refuses to let go. What does it refuse to let go? It refuses to let go of the promises of God. How are we gonna know the promises of God? We gotta get in his word. How are we gonna know what the will of God is? We gotta get in his word. If we're praying prayers like God, if it be your will, we're just letting the enemy know that we don't know what the will of God is. There's so many religious people now because they don't wanna seem prideful when actually in their prideful, they're being prideful, is that they pray, well God, if it be your will to set the captives free, that sounds like that's an oxymoron. He said he's already come to set the captives free. Is that right? And so what do we do? We say, if it be your will, we don't know what the will of God is for our life. His word is our will. I mean, it's his will, okay? This is good stuff. Hallelujah. So faith grabs hold of this reality and won't let go of it. Let's go to Matthew chapter 16. I wanna read this out of the Amplified. Verse number 13 in the, yeah, let's read out of the Amplified. Oh, now when Jesus went into the region of Sister I Philippi, he asked his disciples, who do people say that the Son of Man is? And so he's asking his disciples, hey, who do people say that I am, okay? And then verse number 14, and the answered is that some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah and still others say Jeremiah are just one of the prophets. But then he asked him this, or he said unto him, but who do you say that I am? Simon Peter replied, he said, you are the Christ, the Messiah, the anointed one, the son of the living God, all right? So Simon Peter, he said, I don't know if we really realize how big of a revelation that this was for Peter to say this. And it's a question that we need to answer in our life also. Because the Bible says that without faith, it's impossible to please God, and whoever comes to him must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of, he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, okay? So the revelation that Peter received right here is that he is everything that he would ever need. Amen? That he's the Messiah, that he's Christ, he's anointed one and his anointed. Not only that, he recognized him as the healer. He recognized him as the great physician. He recognized him as the one who's gonna supply all of his needs according to his riches and glory by Christ, he's because we must believe that he is right now in the moment, everything that will ever need in this life. And also in the life to come, he is. So this is the revelation that I believe that Peter received from the Lord, that hey, this is my son in whom I am well pleased, okay? That means that in order to say that, then he must know that he was with him in the beginning when he created all things. And that without him, nothing was created. And everything was created by him and for him. So this just makes it, I believe that we got to dig a little deeper into that, like what did Peter really have a revelation of? And it was a revelation that he is. Woo, thank you Jesus. For my verse number 15, he said to him, "But who do you say I am?" Simon and Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Then Jesus answered him and he said, "Bless, happy, spiritually secure. Favourite by God are you, Simon and Son of Jonah, because flesh and blood, mortal man did not reveal this to you, but my father, who is in heaven." So who's going to reveal to us who Jesus is? Yeah. And I say to you that you are Peter and on this rock, I will build my church. So we've heard Pastor say over and over and over again that he didn't build the church on Peter because you know, Peter, he denied Jesus. So it's not on Peter, but it's on this rock of revelation that Peter grabbed a hold of and he refused to let go. Okay. So here it is. So how are we gonna bring heaven to earth is by grabbing a hold of the revelation of who Jesus is. And he is everything that we'll ever need. He's everything that I've ever wanted and he should be everything that you need and everything that you've ever wanted. Because if you've got Jesus, I heard a testimony today. If you've got Jesus and you've got everything that you need. Why? Because he said he's gonna supply all of your needs according to your riches, according to his riches, in glory by Christ Jesus. So he said, "I say unto you that you are Peter and on this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell will not overpower it preventing the resurrection of the Christ." So, in other words, the gates of hell are not going to prevail against the revelation that you have as a believer, amen? But it's up to us to put it, to put it to work. Verse number 19. "I will give you the keys." Keys mean authority. So, keys authority of the kingdom of heaven. The kings domain, his rule, his power, and his authority. Those who, if you're gonna get it to, those who have this revelation of who Jesus is, y'all getting this, and whatever you bind, forbid declare to be improper or unlawful on earth, will have already been bound in heaven and whatever you lose permit declare a lawful on earth will have already been loosed in heaven. And so, we have this revelation of who Jesus is and who he is to us, that he's our provider, he's our savior, he's our healer, he's our deliverer, he heals our brother. I mean, the list could go on and on and on. And so, if it doesn't exist in heaven, then it shouldn't exist in our life, right? And so, he gives us the power to lose heaven into the situations that we're living in. There's no sickness in heaven, right? And so, we can lose health and healing into our life. There's no addiction in heaven. You're not bound by drugs or alcohol or pornography. There's none of that kind of stuff in heaven, all right? So, we lose deliverance and we lose the power of God into those situations in our life. And whenever the king shows up, whenever his domain shows up in the situation, those situations have got to leave, they've got to go, they can't stay. Sin, doubt, unbelief, sickness, addiction cannot stand in the presence of God. In fact, whenever, it's not this case all the time, but whenever people come to altar calls and they're repenting of sin and stuff like that, that's the reason why some people fall out because it cannot stand in the presence of God. It's got to go in the name of Jesus. And likewise, if it's existing here and it doesn't exist in heaven, then we are to bind it, okay? So, he's given us the keys to the kingdom to be able to loose and to bind and to be able to bind and to loose. You have all power and all authority over all the works of the enemy. And so, whenever we pray, we're gonna have a fresh revelation, a new revelation, and whenever, and you can go on, you need to do your own study on this, that whenever we pray, your kingdom come. That's what we're praying, his domain come right here, right now, on earth. And your will be done right here, right now, okay? So, it's not just repeating the prayer. Verse number 11, it says, "Give us this day our daily bread." Give us this day our daily bread, that's verse number 11. So, what is this saying? This is saying that he is our absolute source of abundant supply. He is my source of supply. This is what you're saying whenever you say, whenever you pray, "Give us this day our daily bread." Philippians 4.19 says, "And my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." And so, as we're praying, give us this day our daily bread, then these scriptures of him being our source are gonna start popping up in our prayer life. And what are we gonna do? We're gonna declare them, we're gonna decree them, we're gonna say, "God, I thank you for being my source of supply. I thank you, Lord God, that you supply all of my needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Amen, you don't look at your lack, you don't look at your insufficiency, you say, "No, I bind that lack in that insufficiency in the name of Jesus." And finally, God, I thank you that you lose your power because it's your power and your blessing that gives me the power to get wealth. It's wise so that you can establish your covenant upon the earth, amen. And so, you can go on and on about that. Always pray when you pray this, add the scripture to it, amen, because listen, God's word has the power within itself to make itself come to pass. You don't have to pray some kind of magic prayer and pray everything just right. Our job is to pray the word of God. And when we pray the word of God, it has the power in itself, the seed of God's word has the power to make itself very much free. Amen, the more you pray the word, the more you'll believe it. John 10th, says that the thief cometh not but to kill, to steal and destroy. Does that stuff exist in heaven? No, it doesn't. So he said, "But Jesus came that you might have life and have it in abundance." Okay, that doesn't sound like you lack, does it to you? No, he said he'll do exceeding abundantly more than you could ever ask or think. He also said that, that ear has not heard and I has not seen how good God is gonna be towards you. Amen? And so, he's so much greater than our small-minded mentality. We gotta expand the paradigm of our thinking and start and get a different perception or get a God perception of who God really is. Don't forget that it's Lord your God that for us, he that gives you the power to get well. Matthew 633 says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and then all of these things will be added unto you." Okay, so we see here that he is our source of no supply. He says, "Don't be worried about the birds of the, the birds don't worry about what they're gonna eat, so you shouldn't worry about what you're gonna eat. Does he not supply all of these things?" And it says, "When you seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness," that means his way of doing things and then all of these things will be added unto you. I still believe that the circumstances that are going on in the world right now is going to pull the believers into a new level of trust. Okay? I'm not saying that you're gonna lack. I'm just saying that the circumstances that are going on in the world. I'm not talking about what's going on in heaven. There's no lack in heaven. And we're citizens of that kingdom. We live here, we live here in this world, okay? We live in this world system, but we're citizens of heaven. That's where we're drawing, that's where our source of supply comes from. So this world is not our home, it's our assignment. Are y'all getting that? This world is our assignment, what's our assignment? To bring heaven to earth, to expose darkness, to cast out devils, to heal the sick. Amen? Whoo, that's good. Hallelujah. So we seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And then all these things will be added unto us. So in other words, in other words, give us this day, our daily bread. Verse number 12, it says, and forgive us our debtors as we forgive, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Jesus is our example. As he was hanging on the cross and they were beating him and they were nailing him to the cross, what did he say? He said, Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do. Okay? Mark 11, Mark 11, 24 through 25, it says, when you stand praying, do what? Believe that you're received and forgive. When you stand praying, forgive. Don't let forgiveness, unforgiveness get in your heart and keep you from receiving what God has for you. Amen? Hebrews 12, Hebrews 12 verses 14 through 15. It says, pursue peace and don't fall short of the grace of God so that no root of bitterness brings up and causes trouble that causes trouble. And by bitter, this many are defiled. And so when you walk in unforgiveness, it can cause a root of bitterness to come up. And this morning, I looked up what the word, I kind of knew what the word defiled meant, but here's what it means. It means violate or to spoil. It means to violate or to spoil, like maybe a woman being violated. Or maybe like an enemy, whenever they would go in and conquer somebody, then they would take the spoils. And so many of us are allowing unforgiveness to rule in our hearts. We're allowing what somebody else done to us, to rule in our hearts. And that opens up a door for the enemy to come in. And the Bible says to defile us what means to violate us. You say, well, you don't know what they did to me. There is no reason. The Bible says it said to pursue peace with all men. Pursue peace, there is no reason for us to hold on to unforgiveness and allow a root of bitterness to come up on the inside of us and allow the enemy to come in and to basically, can I say this, to basically rape us? It's a steal from us. But we have revelation now of who God is and who he is for me and who he is in the world. We have this revelation that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. So he says, hey, forgive, don't hold on to that root of bitterness. Let it go, I know. You've been betrayed. People have done you wrong. But guess what, you've done somebody wrong too. You've been the cause of a root of bitterness in somebody's life. So we don't allow unforgiveness to come in and settle in. And that way, it leaves an open door for the enemy to come in and steal from us and to violate us. So that's the reason why he says, he says, "And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." Verse number 13 says this. It says, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." And really that should be translated, deliver us from the evil one, okay? There is no temptation and there is no sin in heaven. James 1, 13 says this. Let's go over to James. It's after Hebrews, I finally figured that out. Thank you, Jesus, Hallelujah. I said Hebrews and so my mind just went right to Hebrews. How many of you are gonna look at the Lord's model prayer in a different way? Doesn't it help to kind of just like bring it out and just kind of lay a foundation of what it really means to pray the Lord's prayer? So it's not reciting some kind of prayer. There's actually power that is attached to it. And we get a revelation of what it really means for thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. And come on. James 1 verse 13 says, "Let no man say when he is tempted, "I am tempted of God. "For God cannot be tempted with evil "neither tympathy any man. "But every man is tempted when he is drawn away "of his own lust or entice." So in other words, when we're tempted, that's because that's already in our flesh. It's in our fallen human nature, okay? So God is not tempting us to do evil. All right, whenever you say, you say, "Well, God led me to do that." No, he didn't. That's the devil. The devil led you to do that, okay? The devil caused you because it was already in your flesh to look at that sight that you shouldn't have been looking at. All right, that was the devil. And the Bible says to flee the very appearance of evil. So we know that there's no temptation or sin in heaven. That's why he tells us. Lead is not into temptation. And I'm gonna tell you what this prayer really means in just a little bit. But deliver us from the evil one. So he's saying deliver us, Lord God. That's why he came. He came to deliver us from all the works of the enemy or to destroy all the works of the enemy. The Bible says to submit to God and resist the devil. So it's in our submission yielding everything to God, surrendering to God that we're gonna be able to resist anything or everything that the enemy brings up against us. Amen? It's in that submission. When I gave my life to the Lord, it doesn't mean that I started doing everything right. But I made a decision that I was gonna submit to him. I was gonna submit to his ways in the way his ways of doing things. And I wasn't gonna lean to my own understanding. I was gonna submit to him. And whenever we do that, it gives us the power to resist the devil. The Bible says to flee the very appearance of evil. And now let's go to First Thessalonians. I gotta hurry. And we're gonna finish this in Jesus name. Y'all believe it? I'll tell you what, can you just bring it up on, can y'all bring it up First Thessalonians chapter five verses 16 through 24 on the screen? That way y'all, everybody can see it. Verse number 16, what does it say? - Rejoice. - Rejoice ever more. So what are we doing? We're rejoicing. How long? Forever more. Verse number 17, pray without ceasing. So are we supposed to stop praying? No, he wants men to pray on every occasion. Every occasion, you say, well, do I have to stop and pray? No, you can walk and pray, you can work and pray, you can drive and pray, you can pray all the time. I can go through all out the day. I can turn my attention towards God, that's praying. One form of worship is the work that you do. God gives you gifts and he gives you talents. He says everything that you do as unto me. That's a form of worship, that's a form of prayer. That's why we, whenever we're doing stuff, we wanna make sure that we're doing it in excellence. Amen? In everything, give what? Not for everything, but in everything, give things. For this is the will of God and Christ Jesus, so it's the will of God. For us to give things in everything, not for everything, but in everything. Quench not the spirit. So don't cut the flow of the Holy Ghost off. Whenever we're praying, pray in the spirit. If you don't pray in the spirit, you can be praying in the spirit before you leave here today, okay? Despise not prophesying, so don't despise prophesy. You know the best prophesy you can get is right out of the word of God, okay? You don't have to have somebody lay hands on you and say, "Thus saith the Lord." But I promise you, if somebody lays hands on you and says, "Thus saith the Lord," and it doesn't line up with the word of God, just discount it. Even if it's me, even if it's pastors, even it's Nita, whoever it is, if it doesn't line up with the word of God, just discount it, okay? Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good. Verse number 22, abstain from all appearance of evil. So abstain from it, that means to draw away from it, that means to stay away from it. Don't even go close to it. How do you abstain from it? You submit to God, you submit to Him, in His ways, and then the devil will flee from you. So that's how you abstain, you hold it, oh, river. And the very God of peace will do what? Sanctify you holy and I pray God, your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved. Blame this into the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Verse number 24. Faithful is He that called you. God's faithful, who also listened to this, who also, well, what? He will do it. Not that He might do it, he will do it. Amen, this prayer, it can be kind of confusing when it says lead us not into temptation. And it kind of seems like that it's God is the one who could lead us into temptation, but it's not. We know that by James 1.13. This prayer, and I got this quote from Bill Johnson, Pastor Bill Johnson, and I believe it's the truth. He said this prayer is actually a request for God not to promote us beyond what our character can handle. Don't need to write that down. This prayer is actually a request for God not to promote us beyond what our character can handle. Our gifts and talents may be ready for more responsibility. They may be ready, we may be gifted, we may be anointed, we are getting this, maybe anointed, but maybe our character isn't ready for that. Okay. You say, I'm ready to do this, I'm ready to do that. Yes, you're gifting in your calling, and your talents may be ready for the responsibility, but what's gonna happen if that authority and that responsibility comes upon you and you don't have a foundation and you're not able to flee the very appearance of evil, you see, notoriety brings with it a lot of influence, and with a lot of influence could come a lot of temptation, because influence, notoriety is gonna bring more finances and then, but if your character's not able to handle the finances or the fame that comes along with it, then what, you're gonna fall, okay? So that's really what this prayer is about is actually a request for God not to promote us beyond what our character can handle. The Bible says he's not gonna give you anything that he's not gonna give you the power to handle, okay? And then the last part of this prayer, and then we're finishing up. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. So what is this saying? It's his to give, but when's he gonna give it? He already did. He already did, when every hunk on that cross, and he said, it is finished, that's what it meant. He's given us the keys to the kingdom and whatever we bind on earth would be bound in heaven, there's already bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth has already been loosed in heaven. Amen? All right, shall we get anything? Hallelujah, thank you Jesus. Thank you Father, we bless your name Jesus. Glory to God, hallelujah. Okay, yeah, Mr. Richard, I didn't know if you were here or not. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus. Hallelujah, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God. Hallelujah, let's pray, let's pray over some things. Why don't y'all stand up and let's pray and let's declare? I believe we've really taken care of some kingdom business. This morning, y'all sense that? All the way from the beginning to right now, I believe that we've declared on earth what is happening in heaven. There's a few things that I believe the Lord wants us to, baby, you wanna come up and maybe, and I'll put you on spot, but maybe. Just come help me. There is a hurricane or a storm in the Gulf, and it is on course right now. It's on course in Florida. Florida was just hit, okay? I believe this is a definitely attack from the enemy. And I'm gonna be honest with you, I was tied up in Honduras, and I heard a little bit of whenever Hilleen was coming, and you know, since I was kind of out of the picture, and I really didn't have any skin in the game, I thought. I had to repent of not rebuking that storm. But there's a storm in the Gulf now, and we have skin in the game. Mackenzie, our oldest daughter is in Orlando, or no, well, it's actually a papa. So we didn't know anything what was going on till, but last night, or this morning. But I believe as a nation and as a body of Christ, we need to stand against that storm, and that it's not gonna do what they said it's gonna do, that in fact, it's gonna dissipate in the name of Jesus. And so, I mean, with a storm name like Milton, or if your name's Milton, I'm not, anybody named Milton in here? No, Milton's? Okay. With a name like Milton, he can't be too tough, I don't think. I'm just saying, I'm being funny. So, father in the name of Jesus, we come against this storm right now, in the name of Jesus, that's named Milton. You said everything that is named will bow down to the name of Jesus. So, Milton, you bow down to the name of Jesus, and you dissipate right now. I speak to the atmospheric pressure. I tell you to go away, or whatever the pressure needs to be to calm you down. In the name of Jesus, I speak to the atmosphere. That the atmospheric conditions are not suitable for you to grow, but to dissipate right now. In the name of Jesus, we speak to the very root cause of it, we command you to go, we curse you now, in the mighty name of Jesus, you must go away. In Jesus, you'll cause no harm in the name of Jesus. And we believe that we receive that. You've given us all power, Lord Jesus, over all authority, over all the powers of darkness, and the works of the enemy, you've given us that power. And so we release that power now in the name of Jesus, and we call it done, in Jesus' name. Amen, hallelujah. One more thing, no, no, no, there's plenty, huh? Yeah, there's a few things. Is this okay with y'all? Because the Lord's teaching us to pray, okay? The United States is not standing with Israel like they should, or I should say this administration is not. In fact, I think I heard this, right? I believe Harris is for a two-state solution. And if there is a two-state solution, they're gonna annihilate Israel. In fact, they're holding, they're giving credence to the terrorist organizations, the UN is, as if they're a nation, and they're not. Okay? And so we need to pray for the peace of Israel and that America, or this administration, will stand with Israel. Gotta stand with them. Listen, America first, Israel second. Everybody else is on for them to try now, like they don't need our money, all right? Israel and us, all right? Y'all agree with that? All right, thank you, Drew, you wanna? - Right now, Father God, we lift up Israel, Lord God. We just thank you, Father God. They have wisdom and insight, Father God. We just thank you, Father God. You said if we exalt Israel, Lord God. Lord, we just thank you, Father God, that you're gonna take care of them. We plead the blood of Jesus over the state of Israel, Lord God. We thank you, Father God, for the President, Lord God. We just thank you, Father God. What the devil meant to destroy Israel and the name of Jesus, we bind you, and we just speak protection, Lord God, over every person, Lord God. Every Father God, every person that's fighting, Lord God. We just speak protection, Father God. Israel's yours, Lord God, and we stand in faith and agreement as America, Lord God. And we just thank you, Father God, for a hedge of protection. We declare so 91 over them, Father God. In the name of Jesus, we think that you give them insight. We rebuke the spirit of terrorism in the name of Jesus. Any gang, anything, Father God, that's trying to destroy, we just bind that enemy in the name of Jesus, and we declare, Father God, victory, Lord God, and we just declare peace, Lord God, in the name of Jesus. And we just thank you, Father God. Lord Jesus, right now, Lord God, that, what the enemy meant to take out Israel, we just bind you in the name of Jesus, and we declare it. We declare victory, Father God, and we declare peace in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. We declare it. Right now in the name of Jesus, we just thank you that the flow of finances is cut off. To Iran, right now in the name of Jesus, that funding that is enabling them to finance terrorism. I thank you that that flow is cut off right now in the name of Jesus, and Father God, I just thank you, that you give Israel, you give the leaders there, you give them knowledge, wisdom, and insight, that they know what the enemy's gonna do before they even think about it, in the name of Jesus, and we just declare it done right now, in Jesus' name. Lord God, right now, we lift up all those that were affected by Helene in the name of Jesus. We thank you, Father God. The Houston Angels, Lord God, to them, Father God, where there's been lack, Father God, where they haven't had help, we just thank you, Father God, the Houston Angels, Lord God, where there's been water, Father God, where they need your peace, Lord God, you haven't forgotten them, and we just declare right now in the name of Jesus, supernatural peace, Lord God, in the name of Jesus, supernatural supplies, in the name of Jesus, and we declare it, Father God, in the name of Jesus, we just, right now we speak over America in the name of Jesus, and we declare this nation is turning for God, in the name of Jesus, and we declare it by the blood of Jesus, we declare it, right now, revival is here, in the name of Jesus, and we declare that church is gonna stand up, no, the church is standing up in the name of Jesus, and we declare, Father God, we will have victory in the name of Jesus, we're not gonna turn back, we're not gonna get, we're not gonna get lazy, Father God, but we're gonna stand, Father God, because you're coming soon, and we're prepared, we're gonna be a glorious church, a church full of victory in the name of Jesus, and we declare it right now, what the enemy meant to destroy this nation, and the name of Jesus, we as believers are gonna take authority, the God given authority that you've given us, and we're declaring victory, victory, victory in the name of Jesus, we declare in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, thank you Lord, thank you, Jesus. - Thank you Lord, Father, we pray over this upcoming election, we come against every attempt of the enemy that to try to cheat, to try to steal, to try to kill, steal, and destroy, find that spirit right now in the name of Jesus, and Father God, I thank you for Holy Ghost conviction on your body, the Church of Jesus Christ, I thank you for Holy Ghost conviction to get out in the mobs and vote in the name of Jesus, and that they're gonna vote righteous, because you said that when the righteous rule, the people rejoice, and Father, I just thank you for your heads of protection around all our leaders, Lord God, around President Trump, and everybody who's around him, I thank you for a heads of protection around him, and over Biden and Harris, we thank you for your protection over them also, you said to pray for all of those that are in leadership so that we could lead a quiet and a peaceable life, so yes, we do pray for them in the name of Jesus, but if they will not submit to your ways, we thank you that you're gonna replace them with righteous leadership in the name of Jesus. You said for us, listen, you said for us, Lord, you got to abstain from the very appearance of evil, and that means to push away, to do away with, and not join in with that. So we're not gonna join in with that evil in the name of Jesus, and we thank you, Father, that you're gonna be doing something new, and it's gonna be great. - We, right now, Lord, we lift up every family that's represented here today, every marriage, Father, God, in the name of Jesus, every covenant marriage, in the name of Jesus, every child, every family member, Lord, God, we just plead the blood of our family, we plead the blood of our head to protection, Father, God, around us, Lord, God, every situation that the enemy has tried to destroy us, we're just gonna be victorious in the name of Jesus. You said that, Lord, that you will cause us to triumph in every situation, we rebuke the spirit of sickness, diabetes in the name of Jesus, any heart, use any health issues in the name of Jesus, we declare victory in the name of Jesus, we just thank you, Father, for your healing power, sweeping over this room right now in the name of Jesus, that we're from the top of our head to the soles of our feet, side to side, in every working part, Father, God, and the name of Jesus, we declare victory in our finances in the name of Jesus, we declare victory in our homes, Father, God, we're calling the particles back home in the name of Jesus, you're coming home in the name of Jesus, we declare strong family serving you, Lord, God, and we just thank you, Father, God, we thank you for strong marriages in the name of Jesus, we thank you, Father, God, for helping our bodies, Lord, God, peace, we declare a song 91, Father, God, when you tell us to go, we go, when you tell us to go, we don't go, Father, God, we hear your voice and we're quick to obey in the name of Jesus, we're quick to obey in the name of Jesus, we lift up every pregnant, every pregnant mom, Father, God, in the name of Jesus, anyone that's contemplating abortion in the name of Jesus, we just thank you for your supernaturally showing them that baby and that woman, we just declare, we play the blood over every baby in the name of Jesus, we declare victory in the name of Jesus, we declare, Father, God, right now, your head to protection around our children, Lord, God, where the enemy was trying to destroy the next generation, we, as believers, stand in the God for the next generation and that we declare that we will have victory in the name of Jesus, we declare it in the name of Jesus, I just keep getting victory, victory, victory in the name of Jesus in every situation and the name of Jesus, we declare it. - Thank you, Jesus, hallelujah. So take, take situations that are going on in your life that are not lining up with the kingdom and pray like this, pray like this, amen, husbands, come on, let's pray in Jesus name, hallelujah, hallelujah. - And the best part, the best part is when you don't know what to pray, you just start praying in tongues, you just start praying in the, and the Holy Spirit will just reveal things to you. - I mean, honestly, we could stay here probably all day, just praying, praying over y'all, pray over situations, but y'all gotta take, take, come on, let's take what we got today. Maybe if it wasn't, we weren't articulate in speech, they'd catch it in the spirit, amen. The anointing of God is here and where the anointing is at, that means that burdens be removed, amen, yolks be destroyed in the name of Jesus. That's what I like about that song. No ceiling, what is it, no ceiling power? Tear off the roof, there is no limit that we put on the king's domain, it's the lid that we put on it with our thinking, tear off the roof, come on, lower me down, amen, hallelujah. If you need prayer, if you need prayer for anything, we'll be here after service and we'll pray with you. I believe that there's some people that are needing some breakthrough maybe in careers or jobs or something like that. Finances, we can, we wanna pray and stand in agreement with you on that if you need healing in your body. If you wanna give your light, listen, this is the most important thing, you wanna give your life to Jesus, you wanna surrender to God, you wanna surrender to His ways, you wanna flee the very appearance of evil, you want the devil to flee from you, we'll pray with you to receive Jesus. Don't leave here, don't leave here today without knowing that you know that you know that Jesus is your Lord and you're saving, that you've received Him, that you've received what He's paid for, amen, hallelujah. Oh, oh, one more thing, I wanna encourage you, we haven't received an offering for the victims and for the Hilleen, okay, a lot of times we do that. But I wanna encourage you to go to Samaritan's Purse, you can sow seed there. The government's not helping them, okay? You can sow seed there or with Dutch sheets, go to Dutch sheets website, you can sow seed there, probably with KCM, their disaster relief, you can do that there also. So those are just a few that I would say, hey, they're gonna get the finances there. Samaritan's Purse with Franklin Graham, Dutch sheets, does passionate, you know, does Dutch sheets live in North Carolina, is already maybe, yeah, I think. So he's from over there, over there somewhere and he's been, if you listen to his, I'll encourage you, listen to his giving 15 in the mornings, but he's doing something, huh? Oh yeah, don't forget, star 18, radio is still, it's still going, pastor's on, he's on at 10 o'clock in the morning and then victory channel is on at seven in the evening, okay? All right, we love y'all. Y'all are blessed, y'all are blessed coming in and you're blessed going out in Jesus' name. Love y'all. (soft music) (soft music) (soft music) (soft music) - Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to say thank you for all those who give and support this ministry. I pray that you've been blessed and challenged by the podcast today. For more information on how to give, you can visit Thank you for believing in our mission. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]