Big Daily Blend

Let's Celebrate the Fall Season!

Celebrate the Fall Season with this Big Blend Radio party covering fall travel and events, food and drink, music, and family traditions.

Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
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Celebrate the Fall Season with this episode of Big Blend Radio's BIG DAILY BLEND Show that features a lively discussion on food, beer and wine, travel and events, family tradtions, and more.

- JOHNNY SCHAEFER – Award-winning singer/songwriter and cohost of the Big Daily Blend show every 1st Sunday. See: 
- WARD HEINRICHS – San Diego employment attorney. See: 
- TIFFANY BERTRAM – Co-owner of Tiffany’s Bed & Breakfast near Hot Springs, Arkansas. See: 
- LISA EVANS – Travel writer and author of "100 Things To Do in Coastal Mississippi Before You Die." See: 
- JO CLARK – Travel writer and photographer. See: and 
- CLIFFORD GARSTANG – Editor, writer, and author. See: 
- DIANE DOBRY – Food, wine, and travel writer. See:,, 

- Johnn Schaefer's Halloween Song "Who Put The Ghosts There?" on YouTube: 
- Big Blend Radio's "Hello October" Music Playlist on Spotify: 
- Jo Clark's Halloween Candy & Wine Pairing article: 

Welcome to Big Blend radio where we celebrate variety and how it adds spice to quality of life Welcome everybody, you know our first Sunday of every month on our big daily blend show Which is all about holidays and observances features the award-winning singer songwriter Johnny Shafer You can keep up with him at here and Johnny wanted to celebrate fall because it's fall y'all And I'm allowed to say fall y'all because I am in the south right now Nancy and I are in Ponta vidra, Florida as we record this today and have an error even in a day or two here And Johnny welcome back to the show. How is beautiful Pasadena Is other hot here at the moment But hello everyone I'm really anxious to get to know some of the guests I haven't had the privilege of being on a show with before and then to talk with some of you that I have talked with before and I was just writing my newsletter and if you can indulge me I thought it might be a really nice introduction to today's show because I'm the first paragraph. I kind of talk about All things fall, so can I read that real quick? Yes, please do okay, so Hello good friends fall is coming back around and it brings with it a cornucopia of events and scents and sites and tastes October for me is fall colors and marching in Friday night half-time shows at football games It's the World Series and getting out my sweaters and sipping soup and Since our CPA puts us on extension. It's finishing up last year's taxes. It's Halloween and harvest festivals It's October beer fest. It's settling into new school years That some people refer to fall as a time when old things die, but the plants and trees don't actually die, right? It's a period of pruning and shedding and preparation for a long rest Followed by a burst of growth and renewal in the spring. I Love that Johnny and everyone should sign up for Johnny's newsletter. Just got to give you a plug on that I'll go to hear Johnny come and do that and no cuz he's always sharing new music and is always a always heartfelt newsletter, too On the plants so when you know right now And if you think about all those fall colors that we all like to go in experience, right? When the leaves drop They are it's like the tree itself is saying okay goodbye to our friends the leaves are saying hey I'm gonna go down. I'm sacrificing for you so that the energy doesn't need to be used You know, we know you're going into winter and I'm gonna just you know go and play mulch I'm gonna go into the other side of the energy bracket I'm gonna go be mulch so that you have you know Comfort and warmth and that way you don't have to extend all the way to my leaf For energy extra food and stores is when you know in winter there is none So isn't that cool how a plant like actually takes care of itself that way and how nature does it too with you know Natural pruning by animals. Sorry. You just inspired my animal spirit. I don't know But hey, why not you know, I love that I love that well, let's bring our guests on the show Okay, all right. So you're in Pasadena. So I think we better stay in California So we're gonna go south and then we're gonna go, you know different places across the country as we always do We've got Ward Heinrich's back on this show Ward is on big blend radio every fourth Wednesday talking about California employment law and It is an awesome show. I never knew law could be so much fun and sometimes he does legally segments with us So he can tell us about all these different legal terms that all of us go when we see fine print Oh, I think we know what that means We don't want to know but then there's like really cool court cases that happen that you sit and watch like glued to the screen And then all these terms come up and then you're like dang. I really wish I understood this even Google's not helping So he's really good at that And he's a really good attorney because if you go to his website, you'll see it's called best employment attorney San Diego Dot com. So we're going to San Diego our old stomping grounds of where we even started our magazine So welcome back Ward Heinrich. How are you? I? am doing very well. We're having a heat spell and It's just good to get outside But maybe not during the middle of the day because it's supposed to get up to the 90s in the next couple days but there is the ball essence starting to set in as much as it does in South Southern, California and You know, I at least later or maybe even now if you'd like talk a little bit about Oktoberfest Because that is a fall tradition within the Heinrichs household Well, listen to that last name now. Did this did this inspire you making craft beer? Because you're a home brewer. So I mean did going to Oktoberfest or is it is beer always been a revered substance in the Heinrich family That's a different question yet. No, my grandfather drank loved beer a bunch of my uncles do too Some of them have brewed their own and then I started yeah, I have the same love of beer I do like beer a lot. I just don't drink it as much because of all the carbs, you know I got this carb thing going on now, so we don't drink as much as we used to but I did I have brewed it this many times and and have enjoyed it and in fact Sometimes you can get a crazy brew that costs a lot out on the market and and make it a lot cheaper and almost as good Well, hey, there you go. So San Diego the Oktoberfestings because San Diego is a big beer County it's like one of the I think it is the largest county in in California and I remember even as our band We would we'd play that some of the events. I think in Encinitas. We did the October Street Fair Yeah, we did our bandplate there like 20 something years ago. Anyway, I'm still 21, but also I remember going to La Mesa and I don't think we did El Cajon, which is the what is the most important? Oktoberfest for folks going to San Diego or living in San Diego Mesa's really well known and it's very large. Yeah, and I've been a few times. It's They they block off most of the streets in La Mesa and have this giant event And so I would say it's the largest one in San Diego But I do like the Oklahoma one better because it's done by the German American Society and they actually bring bands from Germany over here to play And they also have just a lot of traditional German And and and Oktoberfest things out there You can buy mugs a lot of people are in leader hoes in and I forget the name of the dresses But you see the women in those dresses. So I feel like it's a little more authentic, but not as big Hmm. Have you been to Germany to an Oktoberfest? I've been to Germany, but not to Oktoberfest I was a little late for Oktoberfest last time I went Hmm. Well, you know what in Oktoberfest actually started in Bavaria in September, and it's actually quite a romantic story It is a very cool story about Oktoberfest But first ward we're going to Arkansas. Have you been to Arkansas? Have I? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I've been through Arkansas certainly well next time you go You're gonna want to stop here because we got Tiffany Bertram on the show She is the co-owner of Tiffany's bed and breakfast just outside Hot Springs, which has it It's the only brewery in a national park. See, so this is important. That's why I had to tag you guys together on the show It is it is oh listen, you know Priscilla pink sock monkey went there by the way Tiffany's bed and breakfast calm everyone you got to go and apparently you know Arkansas can get a little You know warm in the summer, but fall Y'all I do believe you get some fall colors out there Tiffany. Welcome back. How are you? Thank? Thank you I'm good. Yes, we get fall colors. They happen a lot later than the Northeast or anywhere else obviously, but In the October early November we will be anxiously awaiting the colors to change Okay, so do you guys well? That's cool. Do you celebrate you know the fact that you have a brewery in a national park? During october fest season Yes, there are two or three october fest Parties that happen in hot in and around Hot Springs And we've got a whole lot of other festivals Happening to in the next couple months So everybody be aware and hot springs is cool because it is an actual town within a national park But it is part of the national park, right? So the beer the brewery just you know, especially for a ward on the show This is a brewery that uses water from the actual hot springs, right the thermal water and then they have to correct down They are the all as you said the only brewery in a national park the only one in the world to use thermal water to brew their beer And they are actually located in one of the historic bath houses on bathhouse row Oh, see there it is bathhouse row You can go and soak and then have a beer and I remember having a really good flight of beer and getting a beer Like I don't know the name now right off, but it was like a bitter beer like Tart almost Ward what would that be like a tart yellowy beer? I know it's their orangey yellow and all that but like it was like Almost like they put lemonade in it. It was good refreshing Yeah, I should forget explaining that but it was good. It was something brand new that I've never had but I'm very very tart What what would be a tart beer? Ward, you know, like just off a Sometimes there can be a little tart It's light Now if you mean like heavy hops, which is bitter So I'm not sure if you mean the same thing, but if you have a heavy hot beer, it's more bitter Yeah, that's it's more of that kind of bitter. It was different. It was good. It was really good like an IPA. Maybe Yeah, some of the best IPAs come out of San Diego You know, we've got to give a shout out to Stone Brewery, right from stone brewing Well, thanks for doing that and San Diego's been the brew pub capital of the world for about 20 years now You know some people might try to challenge it today, but certainly in the last You know in the late 90s and early 2000s. We were we had multiple openings of brew pups. I Got to give a shout out to our friends in Asheville going through a lot of mess, right? It's beer City, USA Right the day before the hurricane. Well actually not the day We were recording their Asheville show adventures in the Asheville show with a Ciceroan I did not know a Ciceroan existed it is basically the same as a Samoye for wine is a Ciceroan for beer and he really gave us a good education Cliff Morrie from Ed brew or brew ed. Excuse me brew - Ed and I didn't know a Ciceroan existed word Did you like know that her Samoye's of beer and he's like heading up all this beer education? Not just in Asheville, which is coming back to life people were working on it not us on everything But like there's we're working on whatever we can give you information on we will But as fall happens, this is their time of year, you know season wise, but the breweries some of the breweries They're still there. They're coming back. So I just want to give a shout out Well, we talk about beer that they are closed for maybe a couple months as most people are out there and still getting supplies in and all of that, but they are all working to Come back. So when they are ready, please support our breweries and our tourism friends in the southeast U.S. That includes Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia also Of course, North Carolina and Florida, so I'm so please support them as they come back All right, so speaking of the Southeast we've got to go over to Lisa Evans and coastal, Mississippi And I think they kind of get a little cooler out there But you can you're not going to be as hot, but it's going to be super nice You can go to writer Lisa comm and Lisa is also the author of not only a travel writer But the author of a hundred things to do in coastal, Mississippi before you die So maybe one of those things is going to the beach in the fall. Welcome back Lisa. How are you? Good. How are you? Good. Good. So fall in coastal, Mississippi is going to the beach one of the things to do Well, yeah, of course, it's a lot nicer Obviously to walk on the beach when there's not a hundred and twenty percent humidity with the with the breeze coming off But really and what and when we're talking about festivals the one I'm going to rush on today in coastal, Mississippi is for fall where we talk cruise in the coast and Cruise in the coast is actually starting this weekend Like there's actually cars if any of you are classic car lovers This is basically America's largest black party and I can't tell you how many words they've won But our traffic and our tourism is about to swell for the next week it held every year. This is I think year number 28 and Last year for 2023 they had over 10,000 cars actually registered So think classic cars 57 58 Rolls Royces Model T's right up to any type of Corvette. I've seen Ferraris I mean they have some great cars that come through here. So we generally get like I Say a bajillion, but there's a lot of people on the coast for the next week. So It's a it's a great festival any car any car enthusiasts will like it's wonderful and when I when I am I'm literally like a block from the beach So I can just walk down sit in the median and they literally do just cruise highway 90 And it's you see some of the coolest cars Well, I love the cars I mean that's and it's just to go and look at them and the fact that they're not just trashed You know and recycled like they're being worked on it's an art form I do have to ask you do you have breweries in coastal, Mississippi that people should know about or are we looking at more? The bushwhacker kind of cocktails. No, that's well, you yeah, you can get a good bushwhacker, but yeah There are some local breweries here Now Mississippi is one of those kind of funky states a little bit that you you can only sell what the state approves As far as but we do have some local breweries. I know they're chandelier brewing over in Gulfport and I'm trying to think there's a couple other local breweries. We don't have a lot of them But we do have some local breweries. Yes Okay, cool. Cool. Well, I'm gonna go up to South Carolina on this journey I mean we really are like back on the big blend radio bus, right and picking up Joe Clark in South Carolina She's at the great strand area of Myrtle Beach and she's a travel writer photographer Also has a podcast with us that we host an air every second Sunday at 7 p.m. Eastern time Where she takes us around everywhere because as she says Joe goes everywhere the name of her podcast and also You can keep up with her have glass will travel dot com and also recipes travel culture dot com She's just come back from upstate new york And so I know she's had a lot of wine, but um, I just want to ask her if she ever Vears off into the world of beer. Welcome back. Joe. How are you? I'm great. I'm glad to be home for a few weeks and Glad I I was able to dodge that storm and so were you so i'm glad that we are safe um Yeah, dear off. I do a little bit of beer tasting. I've I learned um in one of my counties actually I wrote um for natural north florida for a couple of years Uh, shout out to those areas lost Lost a lot of places that I knew and loved in three different counties down there that where the storm came ashore Um, and my yacken valley wineries are are checking in with me I emailed and asked that they let me know that they're okay if they're open what can we do? Do I need to be posting and telling everybody or wine these places aren't open, but they're shipping So they're getting back to me with information on what we can do Uh as wine drinkers to help support our wineries Um, but yeah, beer um, I learned how How high my bitters level those I didn't know there was one Usually you go to tastings for beer and they tell you the alcohol content But I went to one family that had the bitters level listed And apparently my level is about a 32 if it gets much above that I don't like it if it's below that i'm perfectly happy and we'll order a blast So it was very thing. Yeah Okay, so you and I need to hang out on this bitter thing with the beer because like that yeah, it was it was really interesting and And in uh the finger lakes. I did a beer tasting up there And there are let's see there's hops and what else What are the what are the two main things they make beer from hops and Yeah, what you're the brewer We hadn't uh, it's really malted barley is what they call it Mall okay. I like malt because see I like malt in a milkshake. I like malted milkshakes So it didn't really surprise me that I like malt beer You know, I'm not so crazy about the hoppy beer. So I am I'm happier with malt than I am with hoppy Okay, well, we're we're gonna lead into a piece of knee went formation I love it. I gotta chime in on this because I'm a multi beer guy too. No, I do like some hoppy beers But have you ever tried chamein joe clark It's the best. Oh, yeah, you gotta find it's pretty expensive. It's uh trappest A monk broom from belgium, but if you add it in my beer, you're gonna love it Hmm. I'll have to watch for that. I like a malted beer Where do you feel? I'm gonna be in belgium. I'm gonna be in belgium in a week. I'm gonna check that out Oh, see there you go. Donnie bring some back for us. Johnny. That's cool. Go to brewery You know the where the monk's actually through it. That would be amazing boy. That would be I just wrote it down Yeah, no, that's exciting that you're doing that and to me I mean beer and fall always goes well and I know a lot of breweries actually like do seasonal brews, you know, like they'll use peaches or you know They'll do like a pumpkin-y spice kind of, you know brew and I don't know try at all It's the fun part about fall is the food the drink changes the events It's it's about people coming together, you know, I love that and I want to go up to cliff garsting Cliff is an amazing author editor writer go to clifford garsting calm And uh, you know, he just came back from ireland. So we need a beer report. I mean did the Guinness thing happen Um, you know, let's go. Let's talk about ireland first cliff. Welcome back Thank you very much. Um, yeah, the Guinness thing did happen. I went to The Guinness storehouse, uh, which is kind of like disneyland for beer drinkers. It's right. It's uh It's an amazing facility, but it's really uh highly programmed and and you follow a path That leads you through the world of beer beer. Anyway, and uh, so it was a lot of fun and of course Uh in the storehouse you end up on the top floor, which has a beautiful view of Dublin and your drinking Guinness even though it was 10 o'clock in the morning. I was drinking my my Guinness Well, you sound like you travel like Nancy and I do Yeah, but 10 in the morning. Why not? We'll try it out. So in ireland, are they serving other beer other than Guinness? Absolutely and I don't I don't really love Guinness. In fact, I don't really even like Guinness But I went to a lot of pubs and I I decided I wouldn't order Wine in these pubs even though they had it available, but I discovered that I really love Smithics, which is a red ale and uh, so that's what I kept ordering at all these pubs really good stuff Okay, so ward. What's the red ale about? Is that going on the malted side because I think I've had like amber bock or something like that before Is that like that's a red, isn't it? Um, and is that still barley or is it malted? Amber amber and red are different Um and red does tend to be a little malty or than a mini bears and amber I Would say that's slightly malted. I mean certainly not an IPA. It's not bitter like that So it's on the multi side. I would call it But red I love reds and it is a multi or beer than many So everyone ward is our sister Roan of today's podcast I guess I know I mean You do all that work and brewing it. I mean, it's just I think you know home brewing All my friends that are home brewers are like they all You go in their restroom and their bathtub is not for them apparently it's for the beer and that's that if you know I can't tell you how many people's garages And bathrooms second bathrooms third bathrooms are a beer facility and I totally respect that But it's I think it's fascinating and having those different colors now cliff. Aren't you going away again and to more beer? centric fun I am I'm headed to Germany in November, so I'll I'll miss all the octoberfest fun last year I was in Germany for October, but I was in the eastern part and I I was really after the end of of octoberfest, but this time and I'm going to lightsig Germany and Dresden and I'm sure I will be consuming beer Uh, I would think so I would think now johnny are you going to Germany on this trip? No, uh, we're gonna go to Prague and uh we age and Brussels and Belgium and then we're heading over to Edinburgh in Scotland So yeah, I won't be there this time No, no, no, that's well, you know, you've got to do what you got to do as you travel. It's like you can't do everything You know, so it's all good. It's all good Uh, so let's let's keep going. We're going to go up over to upstate new york to diane And then we're going to move on to a little bit more festivals and everything because that's you know, but this turned into a beer thing And I don't know how that happened, but why not it's fall y'all Uh, so we're going to go up to diane dobery who's a food wine and travel writer You can keep up with her at getting hungry Dot com discovery days with a z discovery days dot com and hungarian aquarium dot com So do you see these words called hungarian and hungry? Yeah, uh, so she loves hungry. She lived in hungry She's written extensively about hungry. She knows hungarian wines I don't know about the beer side and that way we can we could close out the beer discussion But I don't know if it'll ever end on this podcast ever. Um, but welcome back diane. How are you? Um, I'm doing well. I I was wrapped up in a sweater Which is a nice change from I just moved up back up here from florida I used to live where I am now in about 10 12 years ago So i'm just getting used to the fall colors and the the cold air Chilli air to me. It's cold to them. It's like oh comfortable So That's wild while the rest of us are like in heatwave, you know, that's a whole It's a little warmer for us. I don't know if cliff are you feeling cold up there in in virginia? It's so nice right now mid 70s. It's fantastic Oh wow. Okay Yeah, I think we're a warmer joe south carolina. What's what's it like like 80s Been 80s always in this coming week. I think it's gonna drop down to or chilli 77 This is funny and diane diane's wearing a sweater. I can't even imagine a sweater right now But then like when we went through ice storms earlier this year. I'm like listen. I need an igloo I need I don't know. I would jump jump into a fire. There's moments where you just like i'm going in You know who wants something so diane Beer like any any to anything to add to this beer conversation. I don't know about upstate New York beer, but I do actually well I live in scohari county, which is next to Otsego county Otsego is where cooperstown is and the most popular brewery there is omigong o mme g-a-n-g But I as i'm listening to all the beer stories because i'm not a beer drinker But I seem to be surrounded by beer. I wrote about it when I lived in florida. I wrote about home brewers My great grandfather made beer in the basement I dated a guy up here when I was up here 12 years ago who made beer But I also went to germany and belgium on a Fulbright and And we would get these giant pilsner glasses filled with beer And I could only drink about like an inch and it felt like I drank the whole thing But when you said lemon 80 flavor, I was thinking of rattler Which was kind of like a fruit almost like for a lighter beer for people who weren't beer drinkers I think they add kind of a lemony flavor to it And then I was in well I was in belgium and people kept saying belgium beer was the best um Hungry is getting into the breweries, but um I was in munic and that's pretty much all everybody was drinking was was beer Ah, see that's interesting. That's interesting. So up being upstate new york You've got to be like enjoying like you've got to have Agriculture around you right pumpkins. Do you have any festivals that we should know about where you are It's like every weekend is like we just before in august at the end of august was the last of the um county Fairs there were state fair county fairs And then I I had to I went on the um tours with um ifdwa, which is like to Central and eat and western new york Um, but when I came back home, it was like, okay, we have some harvest festivals and antique festivals And this sunday i'm going to a festival that's just christmas ornaments Which is what I was looking at at the antiques festival this weekend and then we have the america 250 things happening um with all the historic Events that led up to and throughout the uh revolutionary war So, but I just also stopped at a farm stand that had tons of pumpkins and all these giant broccoli's and um Tomatoes get in the last of the tomatoes to make some sauce and some hongarian uh foods Uh, lecho. I don't know if you know lecho, but um, it's making some of that Which is tomatoes onions and um cubanelle peppers or hunk like light hungarion peppers and put that over um Well, there's the noodles that they have I put it over rice because I don't have the patience to to make the noodles Or dumpling I think like the paprika and all the the spices of hunkarian food is is Just like yes, bring it. Give it to me It's in my it's in my blood literally so like bring it That's cool. That's cool. Like I love the farms because I can go and get some fresh eggs I can get fresh chickens or you know, I want to make soup and there's just so much to to do here There's harvest festivals and everything just weekly. Um, I don't know when they'll stop probably once the snow comes, but Maybe not even then. Oh, are there wines that are specific to fall The wine you kind of think of yes wine different kinds of wine that you you know think of for fall Um, well one of the things is that I had imported hunkarian wine to the us And it was pretty popular in upstate new york when I did that So I kind of go generally to the hunkarian wines like um, there are some darker wines, which actually uh, take frongos is one of the Popular hunkarian wines, but you can get lemburger and we had at the Finger lakes. We had a lemburger wine from a new york winery And uh, washington state has lemburger wines and those are not going to be confused with the cheese Not a lemburger This lemburger is really good Who cut the cheese The grape is the famous take frongos and then um, but I I do like to have some nice like more spicy white wines in new york and And of course new york has the dry reasons that I like a lot of people like the sweeter wines, but I like your eyes See we've done beer and wine johnny. You're you're going full spectrum. Aren't you you're going for the whole thing? I like this. I like this What happens for you johnny like up in pasadena? I know what's what's great about your areas like you're heading towards the rose bowl All of that's the role the rose parade not just the rose bowl But isn't that like does your city start to like get ready because It it's going to happen soon and in a couple months. It's going to happen, right? So do yeah, it's all hands on deck And the you have a tournament of roses committee works here around pretty much as soon as one stops, you know when ends and they already start on the next one and they have ambassadors that go and meet with like the high school bands that they've invited and they you know they Reach out to them and help them with fundraising and your appearances on local tv stations there and stuff like that and then they Uh, we're going to start seeing them putting up the The stands I live right off color on the boulevard, but you can actually watch the rose parade from our bedroom window. So You can so Go go start. Well, usually it's it's I want to say it sometime in November that these are putting up the stands all over all over the city On the on the they get lots and then some of the businesses put them up in their parking lots And they sell those seats and you know, it's extra income for the you know for the businesses that that do that and um, then they have the you know the tournament of roses pageant so the Um, or you know, they're going to start advertising that and local girls compete for that and And then we have right by passing is to be college and so sometimes you hear the the band, you know Marching around practicing for the for their participation in the parade. So yeah, definitely Takes into high gear and and you see you know, see references to it all over all over town That's cool. Now, uh, we'll talk about halloween as we close the show off today But um, I want to go to ward because we talked about october fest, but I you know, you've got like julian in the back country I know you and I love julian nancy and I used to live there We we love and miss julian, but fall is a good time to go up there and you can see fall colors Are you are you planning to go up into the mountains of san diego? Yes, i'm thinking about doing something in november I I think i've told you before I bought an rv trailer and a new truck And so i've i've made plans to go around the country and visit various places doing that And one of them is going up to julian or that area Of course, the fall has the apple festival julians Renowned for its apples and they have great apple pie and just a lot of fun up there. So yeah, certainly i'm going to go up there I love it. I love it and quia mecca right you're going to go do that Tell everybody about this epic hike because this is something to do in the fall It's beautiful hiking weather right up up in the mountains and it's also in san diego The best time to go out. Well From now all the way through spring right through february march I would say is a perfect time to go to anse breako desert state park. Do you do that too? Anse burego Recently, uh, I think the last time I went was like four years ago In late February or early march when there was a fantastic bloom And that's always a lot of fun and you're right that the weather is very comfortable that time of year out in the desert Um, so yeah, you want to go to the desert that time of year versus in the summer where it's pretty oppressive um Yeah, so but there are Many other things to do of course in san diego and one of them you mentioned was the hiking Yeah, the hiking's better in in the fall winter and spring because of the temperatures Uh, and I think you're referring to uh castle rock, which is I excuse me. Um, so yeah, so sorry That's a pretty epic hike though, man. That's a one. It's epic. It's cool. Uh, my Middle daughter did it with me in august and we did it early because it was going to get hot Um, but it was beautiful you get up to the top and you can see all the way out to the ocean. It's pretty cool Uh, man, that's awesome. So, um, in in the season of change Are you gearing up for your end of year run up of all the new laws for next year? I know we shouldn't talk about law and all these changes, but he's in california and california has like law changes all the time And um, and then new york follows suit washington state or whatever. They're all three of you those three states like you guys Are Like changing all the time. Um, should we be getting prepared for new things in california in employment law? You sure should I am going to a seminar about the new laws that have passed Um, the governor has signed a bunch of laws usually september october is when he signs all the laws That have been passed by the legislature And there's a slate of new ones for employment and i'm going to go to seminar and see what they have to say about all that Well, we know we'll be catching up with ward on that. Uh, speaking of law cliff garcing was also an attorney, right? And so um cliff are you you you did more international law, right? I know you were based in chicago, illinois area at the beginning but More international so did you have to keep up with international law changes? Well, um sort of i mean international law is Kind of a misnomer Most of the international contracts that i worked on Both in the states and when i was working overseas We're governed by new york law mostly So it's it was more of a new york law, uh issue Um, but when i worked at the world bank, we had our own law so That's what made stuff up and and did our own thing so So that was Not a problem. Wow. Wow and ward we're always going federal versus state, right? So that's a little different You know when you think about that, we'll just have our own laws. Okay Sounds like texas You know just do our own thing, you know, you know, why not? Hey, why not cliff? What's going on in virginia for fall? So there is so much going on festival wise Um, it's almost hard to keep track of last weekend Here in my small town of stanton, virginia, we had a queen city mischief and magic festival Which so the first year they did it, which was like 10 years ago It was called the harry potter festival, but you know the trademark people at warner brothers or whoever it is Didn't care for that so they had to change the name of it, but it's still sort of a fantasy and which is in warlocks kind of Thing and usually they tend to 15,000 people descend on this small town for the weekend and do all kinds of Weird stuff. So that was last weekend But now I really wanted to mention this is also book festival season around here And i'm part of an organizing group that is doing a small festival for the first first year in this town We're calling it the queen city word fest and we'll have some panel discussions and also A book fair basically where a lot of local authors will be able to Show off their books to the public and that's going to be a lot of fun I'm also involved in tell everybody the date and website or where can they find the information? That's october 19th and the website is actually a facebook page And it's called queen city word fest Okay, that's fantastic and it is national book month right october's national book month And uh, we're gonna have a happy hour show coming up on just um in october It's gonna be the third friday. Oh, I'm gonna mess it up and it's not right in front of me But we do have a happy hour show coming up Uh just with books authors and book lovers. So everyone uh, you know that the books themselves will actually show up on the happy hour I'm just kidding the authors will be on there. Um, we have poets We have so many awesome people coming for that But I love that you brought that up. Um, and you you had another event cliff that you wanted to mention Uh, yeah, I'm I'm moderating a panel with some pretty amazing writers Uh at a festival in northern, virginia Called fall for the book. So it's every fall and it is at george mason university Uh, that is uh, the week of october 14th and um Yeah, that's gonna be great. So there are events every day at george mason university and the that's in false church Virginia and there are other venues around that area also. So uh, people can go to I think it's what it's called And uh check that out I like that. I like that. That's a good good name and everyone the happy hour is october 18th at 7 pm eastern time I wasn't too far off there. Um, I love that you're talking about books. I'm going to go over to tiffany Bertram over at tiffany's been in breakfast. I know she has to run because you know, she's got guests checking in It's almost three o'clock her time as we're recording this but tiffany cliff I think you'll find this interesting tiffany is working to put a library in her community right tiffany We are we are um Trying to build one without Raising taxes in the community. So it's quite the challenge but something that our little town desperately needs That's amazing to me. That's great. Yeah, that's hard work. That's hard work to do Is there anything that all of us on the outside of your area can help with uh Send money Okay, so everyone tiffany's been in and just call her from that website and she'll send she wants money. Okay, that's good All right, so i'll connect you to the website. It's it's it's not us. It's a community effort Um, our friends of the library are the ones raising The money for it. Um and it is a tax deductible Contribution if anybody is so inclined See there you go. I love that. I love that so tiffany Uh, give us a rundown real quick of what's happening in Uh hot springs area for people with festivals you mentioned a few but I know that there's a lot going on But what should be on our radar? What should be on your radar number one is the hot springs documentary film festival It's the oldest documentary film festival in north america Uh runs from october 18th to the 26th It's all documentary film festival documentary films Um, it is a an oscar nominating festival so One or more of the films that are shown here Will be nominated for an oscar uh On halloween we have bridge street live bridge street is the shortest working street in america And it's also the spot for the world's shortest st patrick's day parade but um on halloween it will turn into a block party with um a live band costume Contest and all kinds of fun stuff We've got a renaissance fair happening november's second and third Um, we've got a mountain bike festival called good run that um, we'll go November 8th and 9th Uh, the next weekend is the spa running festival, which is a 10k race Uh through hot springs national park And then garden gardens, which is a botanical gardens on a peninsula of lake hamilton right in hot springs um starts their holiday lights on november 23rd and that will run until um new year's eve and it is i've seen holiday lights in other places and it's it's truly one of the biggest and most Wonderful ones that i've been to I love it Yes, and we can attest to it nancy and I love love love staying there We stay there every year and there's how many acres 60 acres on your property that you can hike Um, and even two different kinds of forest on the property. There's deer there's owls There's just oh my gosh. You guys have like one of the most amazing places bald eagles Right, it's just amazing. So people should stay there. Um before you go at tefney I want to tell you that I looked at the menu on superior bathhouse brewery And I found what it was that I liked it's a big dill pickle sour And it is a like a superior bathhouse brewery everyone light bodied kettle sour with a prominent dill flavor Tastes like biting into a pickle. So there you go ward. It's a sour. It's a pickle sour beer So I don't know and and I just want to tell you this is a very cool thing for fall We're talking about october fess. They actually have the ruben fries The french fries or nachos topped with corn beef sauerkraut and a pepper blend with Swiss cheese A thousand island dressing and spring training beer cheese Everybody that sounds good to me for fall y'all um Yeah Their food is just as amazing as their beer And it's a fun atmosphere. So check that out everyone tiffany's bed and breakfast calm. Thank you so much tiffany Um quick. Thank you. Are you doing banana bread this fall for everybody the banana bread? I've already made I've already made some Okay, it's a very important thing. Thank you And brownies at check-in Oh, we love the brownies and please tell bob that nancy and i say oy I will do that. All right, let the world of explaining that. But anyway, thank you Happy fall Thank you All right, so you know getting on about food and all of this good stuff I mean, this is amazing. So ward that would be a sour beer, right? If it's a sour, that's an actual beer Yeah, there are there are sour beers And I made one by accident It my beer tank overflowed and I plugged it back up and a lot of bacteria got in and it ended up being a sour So there you go All right. Well, there you go. No and you could you could still drink it with the bacteria or not. Oh, yeah As sure you can you can you know As long as you don't visit my visiting the doctor. Everyone's while you're fine. Oh my gosh. I think that's funny Lisa what's happening? That's just weird pickle beer. Come on. Actually. I've had another pickle beer too in Erie, Pennsylvania And they also made beer that almost takes 100 percent like cocktails and they just got into this interesting Brewery fermenting distilling that like a it's a whole other thing and babe Ruth went to their brewery because it was it's inside a train depot Um, this was one of the most fun breweries. I've ever been to Nancy and I sat there and tasted food in the beer and we got like That's where we got this incredible education on octoberfest and You know, and then they also made their own soda there, which was very cool It's in uh, Erie, Pennsylvania, which is Pennsylvania does good stuff. I like Pennsylvania Joe. Did you go to Pennsylvania when you were on the trip with the international food when travel riders Did you get to go to pencil? You did New York mostly. Yeah, this this trip. I was all in New York all finger lakes. Um, I've been to york In Pennsylvania on a press trip before and of course, you know I've been to Gettysburg and done the articles and research there So yeah, I've been to been to Pennsylvania How did you did your ears burn yesterday? We just recorded an interview about Gettysburg with, uh, mary grace Kauffman. She is on our show on Tuesday everybody. She's on just never Gettysburg. Yeah, now did Diane did you meet joe when you guys went to new upstate new york for this event? I'm just gonna ask you both I did see her at the different, um talks and, um, tastings and stuff, but she was at the table I think I said hi a few times They don't give us time to visit It's like you come in and sit down and shut up and listen to a speaker And then you rush off to some other event and then you rush back and sit down and shut up and listen to a speaker and it's like But I will you know a couple hours to sit and have a glass of wine and just chat with people But we're on a schedule man. They keep you hopping Ah, that's what happens. That what happens. Yeah, so, uh, lisa did you didn't go right? You didn't go to the iftwell one the the conference No No, I wasn't able to go and and and again pretty much everywhere that they went in New York I'd already been so it was okay, you know, it's you know I live there for all my life except for the last 12 13 years. So, um, yeah I I've I've been doing most of the places in New York that they were going so And then I was just I had other things going on. So What what's going on in coastal, mrs Sippy that we need to know about for a fall you talk about the car show anything else that we need to know and as we go And we need to talk about halloween because I know johnny's got a song that's been viral for the last couple years Um halloween song. We got to talk about that. We've got I know we've got some music playlists going out there from before So we're going to link those into the episode notes too, but um, what's happening in coastal, mrs Sippy Well pretty much for a fall that that generally Crews on the coast and the car auction are pretty much the the given for fall Um, we have a lot of craft shows that take place, you know Getting ready for christmas that type of thing. Um, we've got an arts festival that happens On the coast. Um, really big arts festival that um, it's called uh welter anderson who is a local artist So they've named the festival after him really if you're into hey handmade Art and it's that you can find some really cool stuff there Um, let's see. We have a festival for and then again christmas, you know, there's all kinds of christmas things that go on I know it's hard to believe that christmas is technically fall, but I guess it is Halloween's of course you got the cemetery tours and cool and we have a ghost boat ride that you can take so I mean, it's pretty much Um, you know other than the snow and and whatnot for the fall leaves or whatever They they may do the aquarium always has some really cool Um Uh, what do I want to say deck decor and whatnot, you know celebrating whatever whether it be halloween or whether it be cruising or whether it be Getting ready for christmas. So they you know, we do a pretty good job down here of of all the above Um, and before I forget about it. I want I want to do a shout out for johnnie. He was talking about the pasadena rose parade Um, I saw just a couple of days ago that visit, mrs. Sippy is going to have a Float in the rose parade this year called called the birthplace of america's music So we tie into the music too. It's gonna be It's going to pay tribute to bb king and elvis because of course they're both uh, mrs. Sippy boys and just you know, um, they had they sent out like a A sketch of what the the float will look like and it looks like it's going to be pretty cool It's got bb king and the blues on one side Elvis on the other and then in the middle. It's got like the crossroads from Um park stale and it just it looks like it's going to be really cool. So I thought that was really neat So I'll be definitely watching the rose parade this year. I want to see that Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. I've been a petal pusher in the past where you the ego and the They have these warehouses and all the floats are there and thousands of people go and volunteer to Paste the petals onto the onto the floats and and uh, so I might I usually These days. I just kind of go in towards some of the warehouses I might even see your your that float there when when I check it out. So I'll look for it Yeah, that was really cool to first. I mean they may have had them in previous parades But I just they were posing it on social media and whatever And I just thought that was really cool that they they're they're gonna have the The flow celebrating music from from here. That's awesome you know Louisiana did it the last couple years and I mean, it's amazing. They bring musicians on so I hope they put musicians on the float Uh, mani wilson was on their float a couple years back man and look how big she blew up as a country artist, right? It's amazing And um, so they've been doing that and then they did macy's parade. They're like, you know, so I think I don't know There might be a little competition in your way there. I'm just saying Yeah I mean the the big one. I mean, we've got a couple of of local blues artists I'm hoping that they can get one of them and and have those that would be kind of cool I think it is. You know, we're we're gonna do a we're good Lisa you you nancy and i're gonna plan this show on like the mississippi blues trail I want to ask for ward. Do you have an rv spot somewhere for him? Because ward come on. Do you like the blues? Come on. You got to go to mississippi Yeah, a lot of the blues. Yeah, I used to follow blues bands in san diego all the time back in my younger days I don't follow bands as much as I used to but yeah, I would love to come out. That would be very cool Yeah, go to ground zero. We've got we've got one here on the coast and one up in clarksdale and they're the coolest places going Uh, see that's it. Now. What about joe? What's going on in your neck of the woods or the beach? I should say you still got woods out there. You got the woods in the beach. Um You know what? Yeah Do you have events and do you have you have a a rv spot for ward? Well, the state parks and then there's probably 10 different trailer Rv type parks for visitors. Uh, there's always room for a for a trailer Um But for festivals, we've got the break fest next weekend, which I will miss because I will be in california at the harvest festival Uh in sanoma Um, that's we have the wakama Indian tribe has a powwow in november. We have um Coming up spring made pier and um the civics center both have crafts festivals. We have the dickens festival Um, we have shrimp festival seafood festivals and uh, the loris bog off. Um, we just have tons of food festivals Um, um, you know, it give us southerner an excuse and we'll throw a festival I know I know it's what I love about the south. It's like, you know Anything has happened. You know, I was walking down the street fell down. All right. Let's have a party You know, it's like whatever it is. Let's have a party. Is that is it that way up in your area cliff? Do you guys party like that in virginia? There are all kinds of music festivals and parties and yeah Absolutely Well, I mean, he's got the statler brother started in his backyard God, that's true. That's that's really true. Right? Yeah, and and they're off spring Are also performing. So they've actually started to get pretty big Oh, and then you got johnny here singer songwriter now johnny, um You know, I've got to give a shout out to you for your latest music your latest song Um, you want to tell everybody that it's really kicking butt, isn't it? And it needs to because it's a great message Um, you want to tell everybody about that so that they support this I know it's not necessarily fall related and we can get to your halloween song Um, tell us about both of them, but the one that's out right now When it's your kid Yeah, when it kind of came about From me scrolling on instagram and tiktok and seeing young people Complaining about the world that you know, i'm a legend or she's leaving to them 62 and uh, I I I can understand why and I wanted to write a song that sort of A knowledge to their frustration and maybe held up a mirror to some of the people in in older generations That maybe aren't doing what we could be To help with some of these things and so the song Uh is about that and we uh submitted to a bunch of film festivals and they're just now starting to You know, pick the you know, the official selections and that and so far we're two for two We're in the rome international movie awards and then uh, we just got put on to um The hour pride art and shorts festival, which is a online all month on roku and apple tv and um Amazon fire tv and lots of other places and and i've got two videos on there actually the When when it's your kid and uh, don't you dare that uh, the song for gala turners audiobook Both of those videos are in that festival and then we're currently number one number 13 on the ldbtq music chart And uh, then the new chart comes off this weekend, so we'll see if we went up or not um and uh You know, there it's kind of just steadily keeps Getting attention and it's it's a slow burn, but uh, it's a really important message And so i'm grateful that you know people are responding to it and this is Also, you know joey stuckey and i are both starting her grammy voting today. Uh, the next couple weeks uh, the grammy um, you know members Everybody submits their songs and you can go online and listen and i love this fun because The next couple weeks i'm getting here so much amazing music by my peers And it gives me a chance to kind of you know, find new music and and then you know, i vote for the ones that i think are uh Are exceptional and so and i've got i when it's your kid, we submitted that in a few categories And um some of the tracks i worked on with bolus and manchester Are nominated or i mean I am nominated. Uh, so, um, you know, it's going to be a lot of fun and uh, you know, i'm mixing myself and all that music And then in half the ina here we've got, um, you know, music festivals there Wisconsin gardens art has a big pumpkin festival in that with with lots of lights and All all kinds of amazing pumpkin displays and that's always a lot of fun And and then of course we've got the dia dales moritas festivals or you know, some different celebration So many, you know, a lot of hispanic It's really great to Just, uh, get him dive into latino culture and if he saw the movie coco it kind of touches on that but it film it more. It's just I love create Don't send the food and art and everything so the dia dales moritas Uh, is it more for me than than the regular halloween? Yeah, the dia dales And that's the same like in tuson, arizona that the festival there is amazing I mean, we've done it where we've got all dressed up and painted up on our faces And you go in and you you actually you go in a burning ceremony with someone who has Passed and you get to burn them. It's not it's not it's like an effigy. It's not a um, it's not negative It's like releasing them to the gods and in the spirits and it and it does feel good You know, we we've walked out of parade and do it and it's a celebration of life. Um, not celebration of death It's a celebration of life, which is so beautiful and I'd love to be in mexico at a at a point for that Um, we will cover halloween in a bit here for your song johnny But, um, I know diane has to go and what we're going to do is go around the room here and I want to hear your perfect day Your perfect fall day in your neighborhood So people can learn a little bit more about it even more about your destinations because I think every community is a destination Even if it doesn't, you know, think it's you know about visitors or travelers There's just let's learn about the places we are in so, uh, let's start with you diane. Uh, is your perfect fall day, um for you Well, where where i'm living now the the colors are getting brighter and brighter in the trees and uh, you know just walking around and um or riding a bicycle Is great to just be have a chance to enjoy the cool crisp air and the the beautiful um The beautiful trees but even driving but I I'd prefer when someone else is driving so I can look around and take photos Um, and there are there's a lot of places to hike. There are a lot of um farm stands to go to so I enjoy doing that Um in upstate new york There's there's other things to do in new york city, but you know, I think Um, and I just want to just put in a quick pitch if you're going to go to the new york city parade For thanksgiving now's the time to get your hotel room By central park in the 70s and 80s because they do the balloon blowing up the night before So that's that's the best it's time to get your rooms now Mm. That's a good point. That's a good point. So all right. So favorite food your ultimate favorite food that you're going to have That day like come on favorite favorite fall food No, um I like apple pie Honestly, it's a nice hot apple pie Very cool. I and you also miss mentioned uh, we're talking to johnnie Can you tell him about what you were mentioning in our notes? Um About the belgian Yeah, the belgian. Oh, why oh, there's a wine festival at the end of october in belgian and there's going to be a Hungarian wineries there and it's called q wine Um in belgian, but I think there's a specific Town that it's in and I can probably email you if you're interested in if you're going to be there at the end of october But a lot of agarian wineries will be there. I have it I have a i have a facebook page called thirsty for hungry And I I put all the wine news for the hungarian wine news on that Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you and happy fall Thank you. You too. I got to get going. I have an appointment. Yeah That's it fucking nice to chat. Take care. Yeah. Thank you. Bye. Thank you Lisa evans. I before she runs out your perfect fall day Um, I would have to say a nice hot cup of coffee and take a stroll down to the beach Um, the fall winter beach is is beautiful And and keep in mind here Um anything below 50 gets we consider cold So now is the time when it's starting to come down days are in the 70s and 80s and nights are in the 50s and 60s So that's perfect. You get up in the morning nice nice cool or weather Um, the beaches, you know, we don't have a lot of tourists after this week Uh, the tourists will kind of you know go back and it'll be nice and nice and quiet and peaceful walk in the beach Awesome. Thank you so much. Good to hear from you as always. So I want to move on over to thanks to everybody Have a good one Thank you. Take care and everyone everyone's website links are in the episode notes So check that out and we've got a music playlist and all kinds of good things in there too Um, I want to go over to cliff. Um up in virginia your perfect fall day Well, my perfect day would be split into two parts because I live out in the country um And I love walking the country roads Around my area lots of farm animals and wildlife and trees and the creek that runs through my property And and also for a couple of miles. You need a direction. It's just wonderful to Enjoy the fresh air and and get a little exercise walking in the country But The town of stanton is an amazingly beautiful little city population 25,000, but it's got this victorian architecture in downtown Uh because it's such an old Settlement and the main street is really beautiful with lots of shops and restaurants and bars and breweries and and wine bars, and so I love to go down town and walk around Especially on the weekend because they've started closing off the main street from friday night through sunday night And the restaurants put up tables and chairs out in the street So it's great people watching and sipping wines and um munching on food. It's great It sounds good to me. I'm I'm we're going to have to come back up your way, man I'm telling you joe. What's your perfect fall day? I mean, this is I think you guys on the east coast have some good stuff going on We do and i'm sitting here thinking I need to go home to stanton You know, I graduate I graduated from mary ball and so stanton's my old stomping grounds. So But my perfect day short of going back to stanton would be yoga on the beach in the morning and a nice walk On the beach, um I'm beach centric, you know, it doesn't take a lot put a big smile on my face put me on the beach and give me wine Um, of course now we're talking halloween. So I got to have my wine and halloween candy pairings, you know, I wrote I wrote the article on that last year. It's on my recipes travel culture Oh, we're gonna have to link that in the episode notes But the neat thing is And everybody thought that was so strange and I said, well, you know, I am Um, but next week in sonoma one of my events is a wine and halloween candy pairing tasting. I love it I do too and I can't wait to get there and say I already wrote the article on this y'all are behind I just had corn candy and salted peanuts mixed together And it's like a payday bar and i'm going to tell you it's the best thing on the planet. Oh, it's good. Oh, it's good That was a resling a semi semi sweet resling Mm-hmm. It is naughty, but nice And I didn't I mean that's we learned that from Georgia. So I don't know man I'm telling you there are things out there that we should all have and we're allowed to have that, you know that halloween experience of Being naughty for a night, you know, come on we can be naughty for a night But I like that. I mean it sounds like you're gonna have a good time I mean listen sonoma is one of the best places on the planet. I'm so excited you're going there. I can't wait to hear about it Um, it's beautiful and it's it's it's a good time a year to go Um, I got to go up, you know keeping on the coastal theme ward in san diego ward Uh, what is your day a perfect day fall day for you? Well, I would say it's going into the mountains and when you go to the mountains The elevation changes about a mile and so it's about 500 feet above sea level There's a couple of peaks that are higher than that So you actually do get a real strong fall flavor and they even get snow in the winter So it's not like where I live right now in san diego county and so you do get that fall chill And you have julian which we've mentioned before where you can get a great slice of apple pie And what I would do before that though before visiting julian getting the apple pie and going wine tasting And they do have a brew pub up there as well Uh, I would go to le kuyamaka and fish for the morning See if I can get me some trout and maybe cook that For dinner after I get home from julian Listen, you got to go there first thing in the morning my friend bobby morgan is the cook there And the chef he's he got to go say hi to him on le kuyamaka the restaurant there I love that restaurant. Let's go. Yeah, he he posts morning photos I wake up every day while no because it depending on where I am if it's if I'm you know He's he's he's like me. He we like to catch the sunrise And he posts sunrise photos When it's winter when it's spring summer fall You see sunrises over le kuyamaka on his facebook page and it's just it Always takes me home from living there. You know, so um, it's just amazing But if you go there you got to go say hi to bobby. He does know how to cook. He really is a good chef He's a good chef and i'm from germis on the hill and in winola. Oh Now that's a special meal. Yeah, yeah, that's special good food farm to table amazing Amazing and they got a lot of farm stuff a lot of farm activities Um, it's just grown over the years and changed and for the better but johnny, um For you your perfect fall day I would say a couple years ago park run. I went up to oak glen in the san branita mountain It's apple country and it's really it's got that old, you know frontier town kind of flavor and uh really interesting restaurants and shops and and All things apples and especially that time of year, you know at this time of year You know great apple fritters and apple pie and all kinds of stuff So, uh that would in they have a little petting view there and they've got this whole uh museum and lots of fun stuff. So I think uh Maybe heading up there in the daytime and then coming back down and and going either to an october fest like in the evening or You know it's more to festival or something like that would be like a later, you know a cap off a day like that Nice drive. It's a nice drive. It's beautiful. Oh, yeah, it really is. It really is. Yes. Oh Good friend who lived up there. It's beautiful absolutely beautiful. Mm-hmm anytime of year too. Um, Johnny Tell everybody about your halloween song because it's good. It's epic what happened, right? So this you hit the algorithms and and music is kick butt and people win after you want it too. It's a good story You're like the war of the gods going on with your halloween song Fisher did yeah, it was completely unexpected a couple years ago. I I had written this song that I originally intended to be Um more of like a jazz ballad and at some point. I would still want to record it that way Uh, it's about kind of the ghost in our head and how they got there So it's called hoop with the ghost there and then I thought actually this I had just worked with Uh, chris vino, uh who does a lot of eating electronic dance music remixes in human mix You can't hide the light and my song you take the way and so I got with him and I said hey I got this following and it might be fun to kind of find to make a halloween dance tracking because love it So he we put it together pretty fast And then the pocko only have like a week or so and he worked with an animator I think it was in spain and they made this delightful video of these dancing monsters and we put it up like five days before halloween two years ago and For some reason the algorithm just fell in love with it and we got two million views in like four and a half days And we didn't spend a penny on promotion It just went crazy And um, it was kind of funny because the algorithm was really feeding it to people and then there were some people That weren't too happy about So they were like what is it doing on my feet? But but then we got you know, I got lots of followers from that that people that still follow me to stay and It was a lot of fun. And then you know, it got put on some halloween Playlists by I think better homes and gardens did a halloween song playlist and they put it on there and different things like that so It's always fun every year to revisit that my friend wendy mckenzie used to do voices for the groovy goonies and archie's and uh, she does amazing like Cackling and stuff like that So she made all of the the sounds that you hear that were they were all done by windy And she teaches at the groundlings her husband gary, uh Austin who passed away actually found at the groundlings in la that and he was um uh one of the initial founders of saturday and i live and uh, so she's very intel all that and she did an amazing job with all the voices So it was just a really fun thing. I never been able to duplicate that but it was a lot of fun You know, and it's and it's always a fun thing when it comes around at halloween again I love it. I love it halloween rocks. Thank you all for joining us. Johnny is always so much fun with you every first Sunday here on the big daily blend show on big blend radio Uh keep up with johnny at here ward good to hear your voice and Excited for fall in san diego. Um, we're hoping to get out there We we never know but it won't be october maybe maybe november Hoping for that. Um, but definitely we'll be back on our old stomping grounds in uh the next six to eight months I know that sounds crazy, but um, who knows may align You know, we're gonna we're gonna have to go to have a brewski together, right? We're gonna have to have we're gonna have to do a beer Centric thing right so you can give us some beer education And then I can just enjoy drinking it. Is that okay? We'll do that. It sounds like fun Uh, everyone best employment attorney san and watch out for wards next Employment attorney san diego podcast right where he's gonna tell us what are all these new laws coming in to san diego and california And sometimes the laws are just for san diego and not california or federal who knows It's always interesting. So thanks for joining us and also again joe clark is always here Every second sunday on bigland radio with joe goes everywhere It's a great podcast and you can keep up with her at have glass will and recipes travel her next podcast Is all about her adventures in upstate new york and then i'm thinking joe we're gonna have to hear about what happens in sanoma I'm thinking the same thing. I was going to say that's probably going to be my next podcast because you gotta hear about my halloween candy I'm I'm in i'm in Cliff garcing is going off to germany. So we're gonna have to catch up with him as soon as he gets home But go to clifford fall is a good time to curl up with a good book And if you don't get into his books and understand or like love them like us We may have to track you down And I don't know what's going to happen to you once we do. I'm just saying right cliff your books are good Thank you for joining us again All right, so everyone. Thank you so much. Take care and we will talk to you again. Thanks all Happy fall Happy fall y'all Bye. Bye You Thank you for listening to big blend radio keep up with our shows at big blend radio calm [MUSIC PLAYING]